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Anonymous 07/24/2024 (Wed) 23:42:37 No. 40686 [Reply]
16 TERABYTES AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Someone should get the bodycam footage. https://archive.md/AHJr4
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A Hasbro toy designer is also under investigation for chomo behavior going back years. Hasbro only hires liberals now. I wonder how they will spin that when the news catches it?
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>>40748 A lot of child entertainers tend to fall into pedophilic circles while retards keep praising them for bringing progressive propaganda to shackle the gentile. God forbid if you joke about Elmo's puppeteer getting hard over a real life shota, faggot creepers got it already hard after acting like overgrown toddlers on their parades.
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>>40692 >have 600 images of sado-CP found on hard drive >get away with it like it's a bunch of overdue bus tickets LOL >>40748 >I want to violate the laws of the majority of states because the inherited cultural traditions of Europe make me feel icky despite the majority of high profile pedophiles going after Democrat supportings >I think Michael Jackson was a pedophile >I'm mostly leftist LOL

Anonymous 08/05/2021 (Thu) 19:50:57 No. 16356 [Reply] [Last]
Hey /co/, have you heard of Jellystone? It's a fun Hanna-Barbera show with lots of slapstick. So far only half of S1 has released, but there's lots of favorites, Top Cat, Yogi, Huckleberry Hound, Jabberjaw. If you miss slapstick I say give it a shot.
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>>40615 >/pol/ No, jewtube grifters like the Quarterpounder do that.
>>40620 >well you see he's not one of us because... um... I say so OK? Nah he's a typical Trump's Deranged Supporter who can't grasp reality.
>>40622 Has he ever named the jew? Has he vocally supported Israel (I'm sure he has) Then he's not /pol/

Things That Got Shows Cancelled Anonymous 04/06/2022 (Wed) 01:35:57 No. 24756 [Reply] [Last] >>40591 >>40602
Either by low toy sales, certain scenes or the creators being an absolute pest. What other reasons, other than low viewership, has a show been cancelled?
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>>24756 Not sure of this counts, because only 1 cartoon was his original creation and the rest of his resume was just serving coffee to the talented crew members: https://archive.is/cHcmJ >Kyle Carroza the oh-so called cartoonist with a bright future arrested for owning Democrat activism >Creator of Mighty Magiswords, Cartoon Network's only interactive cartoon app that nobody gave a shit His artstyle was just regurgitating whatever John K's had been shitting out and when someone pointed that out, he fucking purged his DeviantArt page. So Mighty Magiswords is buried under 20 feet or more, no reboots, no continuation, no nothing.
>>24756 damn, I didn't actually expect it to happen but I opened 8chan today and I had a feeling reggie would be here so I clicked cuz fck it why not I doubt she'd actually be on here cuz her show was cancelled like 4-8 years ago and hardly anyone even watched it when it aired but no she's actually here if that doesn't prove she's my waifu then idk what does she was calling out to me, I know it ;-; (I know the post was like 3 months ago but I don't come here often so fck it it still counts >_<)
MLP FIM was a success from day 1 but, Hasbro being a bunch of dumb assholes, went "but target demographics" & ignored it, tanking the toys, tanking the show, running Lauren Faust off, etc. It's like handing someone a printing press to make authentic $100 bills & they set it on fire the second they touch it. TF Animated was also ignored because MUH BAYFORMERS. The only 2 decent Hasbro cartoons(well OK FIM went to shit midway in season 2) & they fucked up both. I don't understand how this company is still in business.

EARTHWORM IS BACK, kinda....... Anonymous 11/21/2021 (Sun) 01:53:27 No. 20315 [Reply]
>The project hails from Interplay Entertainment Corp., which owns the rights to the “Earthworm Jim” games. Interplay has partnered with APA to bring the project to television. >The series will also bring in new characters as they navigate the galaxy, where each planet is home to a race of anthropomorphic animals. Jim’s ultimate quest is to find his true home among the stars: a near-mythical planet called Earth. <Interplay would also confirm that Doug TenNapel is not apart of the show. >TenNapel would also respond to a Twitter user who stated, “Ok I watched the trailer and it’s so far off character that it feels like a Disney Star Wars sequels crisis. I’m expecting they’ll just call your comics non canon even though they are in fact the ONLY canon. Worse, that EWJ4 game looked like a flash game from 2002. No soul.” >He responded, “Yes, I’m still doing the comics! Just focusing on NFTs now…” https://archive.md/37yLh https://archive.md/kcGNF
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>>40471 >Pizza Tower's woke creator is more successful than TenNapasshole will ever be. And ghenkhis khan was more successful then every modern liberal politician. Your point?
>>40472 Damn, nearly forgot that show existed. Over here in the states I always ended up catching it on one of those weird 200-something channels, like Nick2 or something. Was it ever just a mainline Nickelodeon cartoon in other parts of the world, or did I just completely miss it on TV as a kid?
>>40601 It came and went without a fanfare, along side with Family X, it became the other animated cartoon by TenNapel. Has anyone read the comic it was supposed to be based on?

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HAPPY AMERICA DAY Anonymous 07/04/2024 (Thu) 13:24:02 No. 40458 [Reply] >>40527 >>40532
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The few Americans who aren’t mutts are anglos.
>>40458 Also Kamen America confirmed(?) to get an anime: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=tZpoDv4Bgvo
>>40458 Americans themselves hate the States and say that it's the root of all evil now

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Animaniacs Reboot Anonymous 10/12/2020 (Mon) 19:49:06 No. 6017 [Reply] [Last]
A trailer just popped up this week. How does it look so far? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mh_vASjvYQE
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>>20614 It's bad but I would that nondescript hippie lady with the large milkers.
>>40467 One of the fucking animators made a self insert into the Yakko Amakko episode, she looked a stereotypical tumblrina who vaguely remembers WB4Kids but gets hard when reminiscing it.
>>20614 Chink loli is cute at least.

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Anonymous 11/13/2022 (Sun) 01:45:24 No. 30422 [Reply] >>40460
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>>40445 Yeah, Mark and Acid advertised on Twitter and cuckchan so now the number of rapefugees to OG 8chan posters is like 100 to 1 and the ones who should be posting here don't because having to deal with niggercattle is just so tiresome.
>>40455 Including cuckchannel, alt-chans and "alternative" sites in general

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Anonymous 02/12/2024 (Mon) 16:41:09 No. 38663 [Reply] >>40454
lol comics
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>>39234 There is a good chance that you will live to regret that wish
I liked Godkiller

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Rescue Heroes (1999) Anonymous 01/23/2023 (Mon) 04:51:55 No. 31754 [Reply]
Tired of derailing another thread I create my own to discuss this show. It exists. We gonna watch this shit and you will like it anon, or I will yell at you.
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>>40385 You have now been reminded
>>40386 Guess I'm watching episode 3 tonight then. God I hope it gets better.
>>40387 It's a show for literal pre-schoolers based on a franchise of, if I recall, non-posable toys (because those would be harder for preschoolers to break). I know we're on a board for comics and cartoons and they're all for kids, but it seems like most of what people like here isn't the stuff that's made for literal preschoolers.

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Anonymous 06/26/2024 (Wed) 21:51:24 No. 40362 [Reply] >>40374 >>40375
Give me some good movie recommendations that are actually worth my time. Name at least one good movie that you can think of off the top of your head.
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Wolfwalkers or Song of the Sea. Some of the most beautiful animation I've ever seen.
>>40362 It is not a movie, it is a series but I recommend it, it has one season and 8 episodes. (not is Squid Game)
>>40362 > Name at least one good movie that you can think of off the top of your head. You know what? I cannot think of one good movie to come out in the past decade. No interest in any of them.

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ITT: Tropes that won't fucking die! Anonymous 05/20/2021 (Thu) 00:18:51 No. 13110 [Reply] [Last]
I am so absolutely fucking sick of "Superman but evil" being the newest cape trend. It's bad enough comic writers can't write cohesive comics. But now every piece of media has to be this cynical bullshit. I HATE IT! There's plenty PLENTY to criticize about capeshit comics but it's just so frustrating that deconstruction has become the new norm.
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>>40295 >Why does no one ever do this? A few reasons I can think of. It restricts the writers in what they can make an episode about. Due to the show eternally taking place in the 1990's, they cannot make any references or direct simularities to events, people, content that has been made since 2000. So any "recent" jokes about Batman would be in regards to the Batnipples instead of Baneposting. Only two Jurassic Park movies exist. There never was a nigger president. The WTC towers never fell. The only game console that can connect to the internet is the Sega Dreamcast. VHS tapes were still in widespread use. You get the idea. It doesn't matter if Springfield is the only place that exists in the 1990's because that still requires an entirely different mindset compared to literally everywhere else. They probably could keep up the charade for the first decade of the Aughts, but you'd end up getting farther and farther removed from the original material to where writing about the 1990's in the 2010's would feel almost alien. Not to mention that you then encounter the problem of not trying to repeat the same story that you already did years ago. Another reason is that people tend to have some sort of "pride" over living in the 2020's compared to 30 years ago despite the fact that very little has quite honestly changed. Drop someone from the 1990's into the 2020's and they wouldn't be that impressed with modern tech. Yes, we have toys like the smartphone, but they would just see it as the natural evolution of the PDA. Yes, you can instantly buy something from anywhere in the world and have it shipped directly to your front door, but Apple was already heavily advertising the internet and e-commerce with the iMac back in 1998. Yes, they would be blown away by how amazingly "real" computers can generate graphics, but they still lack the quality of practical effects and video games are an even more of a hollow shell. So the one hand is that you have people who have increasingly little attachement to the original work as people eternally change, and the other is a spiralling depression that society really hasn't evolved over the past 30 years.
>>40249 >>has to backpedal & retcon backstories to a later era to make up for it The smart thing to do is just not acknowledge it and let the audience just roll with it. If I watch The Simpsons and I see that Bart was a baby when the finale of MASH was airing, I can understand that Bart is ten years old and the episode took place (with its framing device) in 1993, so when they flashed back to ten years ago it was 1983. An episode from a year later takes place in 1994, and I can accept that characters haven't aged a year just because a year has passed for me. This isn't hard to grasp, and it takes a very particular form of autism to be autistic enough to be bothered by it but not autistic enough to not be able to figure it out. Also, I find it funny that people bring it up in reference to The Simpsons. I get it, because The Simpsons is popular, but it's also a show where the story doesn't matter very much. You don't have to worry about the fact that Grampa fought in WWI, then WWII, then WWII but he was only a baby who lied about his age, because it's just occasional jokes now and then. It would be a lot worse if it was a show that expected you to follow continuity. Like they did the episode in like 2009 where they flash back to the '90s, before Bart was born, and yes it's silly, but I don't see why people had to get up in arms about it. Good episode? No. But it's not hard to wrap your head around what they were doing. On the other hand, you have comics where characters have backstories intricately tied with WWII, and they do expect you to actually appreciate that and think about it a lot. I appreciate that by the '90s they did actually start killing off a lot of the Justice Society and All-Star Squadron guys (really this started in the '70s and '80s), even if mostly the less popular ones. But then they tried to pull magic sci-fi shit to keep the popular ones alive. Then they had Alan Scott come out of the closet when he was literally 100 years old, in-universe. So yeah, would have been better to let him die back with Madame Fatale or whatever. Also it's even more fucked since they wanted others like Superman and Batman to still be young, but then that's a whole thing particular to DC being retarded. >>40270 >>Simpsons has gone on for so long that Homer has been retconned into being born at the time Bart would have been when the series first aired. If Bart was 10 when the first Simpsons short aired in 1987, then he'd be born in 1977. Homer's age has actually increased over time, he has technically aged, but he's always been in his 30s. Let's say he's 40 now (I haven't watched in over ten years, so maybe he's aged more, not that I want to count the new episodes). That would mean he was born in 1984. Current Homer was born at least 7 years after original Bart. >>40295 Nobody does that because it's too autistic. You think it's simpler, but it's not. The simplest thing is to just not acknowledge it, or if you do ever acknowledge it, only rarely and jokingly. When you're dealing with a sitcom, especially a cartoon one that rarely relies on continuity, that makes sense. Drawing attention to small details, even in attempts to fix them, can often make things worse than just ignoring them. To go back to my Justice Society example, what's really simpler? Alan Scott being de-aged by his magic ring, and by being trapped in alternate dimensions for millennia, and by fighting time travellers like Per Degaton, all to try to keep it "making sense" that he fought in WWII, or is it simpler just to have Superman, who started fighting crime "about 15 years ago" relative to whenever the current story takes place? Drawing attention to it makes it a lot more confusing in most cases.

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>>40299 >>40299 >Only two Jurassic Park movies exist. >There never was a nigger president. >The WTC towers never fell. >The only game console that can connect to the internet is the Sega Dreamcast. >VHS tapes were still in widespread use. God how I want to go back.

Euro Comics - Repost Anonymous 04/28/2020 (Tue) 00:16:44 No. 310 [Reply] [Last]
Other than 2000AD and Asterix, what are some of the other good comics put out from across the ponds. Burger here with a real interest in reading some.
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>>26817 Start writing, get an artist to collab with and then start working on it.
/ac/ has been storytiming Les Sisters >>>ac/35487 translated into taco. Is there anyone that has an english translation? Preferably a fan translation.

Anonymous 04/22/2022 (Fri) 14:46:04 No. 25340 [Reply] >>40188
What terrible comics/cartoons do you think aspiring creators should draw practical lessons from?
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>>25340 You get mediocre comics whose purpose is to be ragebait: https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=eG4K1kU5PAM Bear in mind the protagonists are the typical dyke stereotypes from tumblr scissoring each other, until the author made the unforgivable visual gag: >Crossdressing faggots who get called out that they will never be real women All the spergs from TikTok were fuming because the comic's logic drew its limits on how progressive can it get. Now the other way on how to cause outrage is with coming out with something like this: https://invidious.flokinet.to/watch?v=tpn-_Pd9vfw >Faggots fucking each other, bringing other faggots to make a mantrain, etc >Blond being corny and the goth guy acting like Kim Pime from Scott Pilgrim What's the outrage you may ask? <They're acting like faggy stereotypes with internet slangs Why the fuck are these scenegirls with their white knights crying about it? They wanted more inclusivity just to cater their sodomy fetishes, corporations saw a potential on that and now they're throwing fits like toddlers tossing away their dishes.
>>25347 >having a planned out story, being consistent with characterization, have actual permanence of progression, & don't have a build up of something important just to blue ball your readers last minute. Most of these problems only exist in the Big 2, and only because of the "revolving door of writers" system. You do not hear of this anywhere else, even shitty leftist indies are perfectly linear. Why act like this is a pitfall to avoid when no other companies do it?
Super Sonico is an example of how to take trash like Jem make it not suck.

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ITT: What if SWAT Kats had the writing quality of BTAS? Anonymous 03/31/2024 (Sun) 00:49:13 No. 39194 [Reply]
Batman: The Animated Series and SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron. Two cartoons that first ran in the 90's, both about vigilantes, but only one has been critically lauded for its storytelling (you have one guess as to which one). With that said, what do you think SWAT Kats would have been like if its storytelling had had the caliber of that of BTAS? Here's my thoughts >Better characterization, particularly from the villains >More cohesive world-building; the settings in SWAT Kats were all over the place >More logical plots/stories What do you think?
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>>39211 >>39209 Ted probably jerked off to her in secret if anything.
>>39238 I requested this legendary image.
>>40186 God bless you and your money anon!

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Fred perry gold digger archive Anonymous 06/06/2024 (Thu) 07:52:42 No. 40131 [Reply]
Since the creator of gold digger getting close to the end of the series forever I've been trying go archive every comic But I'm still missing quite a few that apparently not been archived like Gold Digger Tech Manual 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9 Here what i currently have so far: https://archive.org/details/gold-digger-peebo-tales/ Let's finish this collection to the end
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>>40133 Well at4w accidentally got me aware of the comic series A American manga series that basically mix of drams and parody with furry anthos and busty women so i did digging I found there 4 volumes 0-3 Which we are currently on 3 and maybe last volume I found much of vol 0 to 3 thanks to piratebay archive.org But due to the fanbase being so underground People aren't really archived the comics that aren't in print nor easily available digital Fred himself had a website where you could download all of vol 1 but site died I found interview saying issues 500 will be the official ending So I want all 500 of vol 3 plus the side issues saved for when it ends Their Kickstarters for vol 1 and bundle (brick) comics of old but is still missing some issues and the prices are getting heavy Recently i paid £100 for the deluxe edition of gold digger the movie (based on one the vol 3 comic) Which no one else has pirate or archive which i was lucky to own and extract everything But can't find any of the cd rom comics as they are getting pricy and hard to tell if they are in high copy of the scans

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The guy seems to be rather active on SadPanda lately. This was just uploaded today: https://e-hentai.org/g/2942942/15431b9354/ And the comments have a link to his most active channels: https://www.patreon.com/bootydoc https://www.furaffinity.net/user/fredgdperry/
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Fred Perry is my favorite nig

ITT: "Never knew he already died" Anonymous 06/19/2022 (Sun) 03:15:16 No. 26933 [Reply] >>40137
So Duckman's creator died around June 14th this year: Everett Peck.
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>>35466 Fuck that, those threads die like 3 posts in. It's better to have dedicated threads to cover it all
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Now my Jewish incest fantasy will never come true.
>>26933 Billie Eilish

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