/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

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ABDL Video #04 Baby 05/28/2024 (Tue) 13:47:11 No. 37359
Old thread isn't bumping anymore: >> 33125
(435.94 KB 1280x720 MOONSHINE_20240922_3_new.mp4)

>>41892 >makes bullshit statements about observable phenomena >can't handle being called out >thinks meme is get out of jail free card from accountability Ahh, a tale as old as time.
(109.20 KB 619x900 YOU WILL NEVER.jpg)

>>41895 You understand nobody likes you, right?
>>41895 >>41890 >>41875 >>41861 Every fucking time I come on this board you're shitting the place up complaining. Either die in a fire or shut the fuck up, nobody cares about your personal crusade.
>>41898 >>41899 Take it up with the mods then faggot.
>>41892 >wah wah why don't you just accept what i'm saying at face value and don't think critically
>>41898 Literally not even samefag lmao ur mad tho 🤣
>>41899 No? You mad bruh?
I'm sure you all talk about things really important but can't we go back to just posting fucking video link?
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>>41914 Honest question, why is it that you wait until the argument is pretty much lost to cry about getting back to the thread topic instead of saying something mid-argument?
>>41922 Buddy, not everything’s about you. Some of us just want to share videos and fap without wading through your endless monologue. I clicked expecting content, not your latest rant. Give it a rest.
>>41925 Lmao, wasn't even making it about me, butthurt much?
>>41925 You can't even fathom the fact that multiple people are memeing on you right now. You got caught thinking I was samefagging when I'm not. It's just that your opinion is trash and people hate you. Period. Walk away. You're cooked retard.
can you retards shut the FUCK up no one gives a shit about anything you're talking about this is a DIAPER FETISH FORUM if you're not talking about diapers GO THE FUCK SOMEWHERE ELSE. where do people get their content these days? when i was young i couldn't access paysites and dreamed of the day i'd have a credit card and be able to, now the traditional paysites kind of suck. frdiapergirls and abdreams are okay, ukdiapergirls and diapergal have kind of gone downhille, adultbabyxxx has been bad for a decade now. seems like specific JFF models are the way to go, but it feels like a huge lack of variety for the price of one subscription. unless it's a channel with content i LOVE, it just isn't worth it. channels i like: -charmingdiapers -mommyandbabyd -theabdaycare -mavieabdl basically, they either need to have GOOD diaper sex/fucking videos, or have really really thick disposables. it's amazing how hard it is to find either of those things now.
>>41348 Still interested in this… maybe someone has some in his Folders
>>41944 I understand what ya mean. No one makes diaper sex videos!! Like trying to find a fucking needle in a hay stack…but I Will say I love Sophiexlittle and princessofpees content, they have some hot ass videos
>>41964 CatABDL has some diaper sex videos, and her stuff gets leaked on Thisvid, dp-vids, and OmoOrg all the time.
>>41944 I've yet to see any theabdaycare stuff leak. I'd like a sample before I consider giving them 20 dollars
How to see the links please?
>>41989 checksum
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>>41911 >emoji on an imageboard
>>41989 Base{Commodore, Nintendo, x86_**}
>>41708 Yes, I do here YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlpwYkdVdk5rMWFSbFJLUTBFalNEZEpaa1oyYzNaR1preGFSVXR2VVhCWGVVOXZhV2h3T0dkR00xWnZTM1ppUjFvd1JGZ3RaR1ZaWnc=
>>41989 Jesus fucking christ, there aren't that many types on encoding in the world and this is among the most common ones.
>>42001 Do you have access to the videos Journalist in diaper part 1 and part 2?
Oh, does somebody have some Spanking diaper videos. Like the ones of Mommy Sarah Spanks. If someone can post please.
not sure if anyone will know what im talking about but im looking for an older video of two japanese women and one is dressed as a baby with a bonnet and breastfeeds from the other woman
>>42029 I'm looming for DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO Maybe you have this one ?
>>42059 Should be in the folder now YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOHlRbmRITTBKRVVTTm5SemQxTlhwRWRrcEpTM2RGYkVSZmRHeEtYMnRu
>>42060 Thanks for all your uploads, you are a hero! Do you have the "bad flatmate" part 1 and 2 videos?
>>42094 In the Folder
>>42094 you can find all their videos on omorashi btw
I'm trying to locate a video with about following script: - young lady is shown in her hotel room with her clean Tena Slip Maxi diaper under her skirt - she goes to a concert - she comes back from consert and back to hotel room - her completely soaked Tena Slip Maxi is shown - she lays down on bed and her diaper is opened, revealing booster diaper which is also completely soaked - she gets clean diaper and they go on, continue the night I know I have that video on my collections somewhere, but I have no idea how to search it. Does someone recognize, who the model was? Or pointer to some website, which has that video, so I can then search it from my collection using the video duplicate search.
>>42258 sounds like a onemoretime99 video
>>42264 You were right, thank you :) Here are my (few) Onemoretime99 videos: YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WldkaExtNTZMMlp2YkdSbGNpOTVTVTU2TTBvMlV5TlhkMEYxZWpKS2IzVTBNV0k0YTJwa2RYbGlaRmxC Does someone have more?
>>42308 Do you have DIAPERED SUITCASE, DIAPERED PLUMBER, Shopping Toys in diaper or Charlotte and Lucy diapered in music? Also, I have a bunch of videos here. Id be more then happy to upload something that you dont have!

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