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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3618: Propah strong one annah propah safe one Edition Anonymous 01/18/2022 (Tue) 21:51:15 Id: 81c7a4 No. 187046
>Nobody warned me drinks event was against rules - Boris Johnson https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-60039868 >Jailed 'Brighton cat killer' Steven Bouquet dies in hospitalgovernment says https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-sussex-60042950 >Texas synagogue siege: Teens held in UK released without chargevaccine rollout https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-60042491
>>187721 Anarchism is most usually considered a leftist movement, it's anti-hierarchical But most normgroids don't know that, they just think "anarchist" means "scary stuff", like "far right" and "terrorism"
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>>187726 the norf already has all the culcher it needs bloody suvvern poofter
>>187730 based (((reuben)))
>>187727 yeah it's le spooky word on le edgy book so the press can trick soyim into thinking it's literally hitler despite just being a secondary school chemistry textbook you don't need edgy daftie books to do any of this shit
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keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaased!!!!!
>>187720 it's legal for them to sell it to you but illegal to own
So lads would Starmer getting in be good or bad? Dont really give a shit either way, but the labour party has undertaken a major Americanisation when it comes to race-politics and have published some insane uni tier plans about eliminating micro-aggressions and creating institutions to staff with anti-white activists.
i think it would be up to judge or jury. if you can be painted as a shite wing extremist then it's pretty much over
>>187736 What do I care, at this point let the country go full-on California-level insane and destroy itself
>>187738 Just because something's bad doesnt mean its going to collapse. Look at Brazil.
>>187735 is it though? is this literally an illega to own book they are selling?
>>187736 We'd be fucked even harder than we are now by red zog. we're utterly fucking buggered
Vote Labour in Radicalise the Tory boys Whole thing kicks off.
>>187739 I'll just take the apathypill then

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Sneedvening, lids. >>187740 Yes, UK courts are that schizo.
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only stalin can save us
>go to bed not stressed thinking about tomorrow's toil smh this is what they took from us
>>187711 whats she doing here like whats her job. i dont get it so i cant seethe at this.
>>187718 A few did for owning Inspire magazine and the like. Men in their 20s from islamist families and in many cases that went on to be terrorists. Much infringement on oppressed muslims. Smh. t. hoomin rights lawyers that ignore this kind of thing happening to 'dafties' as SA would put it
>>187744 romans did a numba
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EcjWd-O4jI Light headedness and sleep deprivation for supper
Is it just me or is twitter shit outside of a few schizoposters since the wignats left?
>>187744 And then you got the lowercase letters from Roman cursive + Biblical manuscript handwriting
>>187751 Don't know lad, the cunts don't get my clicks
>>187753 It's just people repeating the same reactionary talking points, but without the radical goblin hate. It just seems defanged tbh. I feel restless.
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too early
>>187756 not using that thread tbh
>>187750 literally only ate pork scratchings and pork shoulder scraps yesterday.
Yeah I think he should try again
>>187756 make a new one

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