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Source? & Stupid Questions thread Anonymous 04/30/2021 (Fri) 02:45:44 Id: 64872c No. 13322 >>21288 >>21617
First try using https://iqdb.org/ or https://saucenao.com/ before asking for sources of pics. >This thread is for: - asking the source of a pic or comic - asking about the current status of an artist - asking for higher res versions of a pic or comic - making on topic questions that don't belong in the meta thread - containing standalone source?/more of this? threads in a single place - answering/spoonfeeding any of the above >This thread is 'not for: - making drawing requests, use the drawfag thread for that - requesting edits of any kind, use the appropriate edit threads for that - questions about the board and its staff, use the meta thread for it - containing pesudo-request threads (threads with a single image and nothing else), they need to be treated independently
Edited last time by Lincoln on 06/24/2021 (Thu) 00:59:33.
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does anyone know who this artist is? please I have searched with no luck
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Pigeon, also called 'I am Groot' in some places. https://mega.nz/file/IlsmXYrC#2by0KmZZfOuYTSSY0k3QlpBpFVfjkz9AqfGF1GkAcCI
>>6852 So, all Koreans like him have basically gone into hiding and/or are heavily censoring their work since the nation-wide ban on porn got reinforced last April? I feel really bad for them. This kind of matriarchal, repressive society is the perfect breeding ground for all kinds of horrible fetishes. (Can't deny certain parallels to DeviantArt.) I keep seeing Korean artists drawing women getting beaten up or drugged or both. There must be a lot of hate growing in that kind of environment. So sad since they're all fantastic artists, often with a background in animation. If only Korea could have developed to become more like Japan (minus the ridiculous censoring).
>>6881 I personally believe it’s the ultra-religious people that’s doing this, if they are seen as allowing this, which many of these religious people are against. Then the politician would lose those votes. It’s not matriarchal but instead politicians being seen as the “good guys” against the “bad guys” to appease these religious people.
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if you know where this comes from, please reply with a source or artist
>>8113 Name: Family Secret 1 + Family Secret Extras 1 Artist : Fufan here's a link : https://imhentai.com/gallery/537806/
>>6852 can you please gib some links? because I have searched for him and I just cant find any account, I have tried pretty much anything, his art is awesome and wanna see more
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Source with link to artist profile pls?
>>9593 Artist is ta777371. Link to this pic: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/74610718
>>9594 THANK YOU
>>9253 I too am waiting with you
>>11844 He never shares stuff on the internet. Only through various DMs (if you're close) I don't know his discord account, but I know someone who does.
>>6795 Love his Vanellope stuff. To think this kind of art is being hidden away. Sad. Thank you to >>6852 for sharing this treasure.
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somebody give me imformation of them!
Moved some source request threads (>>6795 >>8113 >>9593 >>13320) to this one in order to clean the catalog a bit and to make easy to see the answers provided in them.
Anyone know alternatives to SankakuComplex since it blocks so much of its content behind account creation?
>>14935 Gelbooru for general anime/hentai pics. Needs to tick a checkbox in the options page to display loli and shota porn, and doesn't allow toddlercon or realistic 3D loli/shota OC. TBIB for general anime/hentai pics. Allows loli, shota and toddlercon. Uploads are done automatically by bots that scrape other sites. ATFBooru for loli and shota pics. Mostly western-focused, but anime-like pics are allowed as well. Toddlercon is allowed, but realistic 3D loli/shota OC not. Lolibooru. Loli-only, although shotas are allowed if they're in presence of a loli. Allows toddlercon, and used to allow realistic 3D loli/shota OC until recently (files uploaded before the change won't be removed, tho).
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If anyone can help me find the artist to these pic all I know from a anon on half chan is he as a baraag account thank in advance if you find it for me
>>15142 I am like 95% positive the artist is Homunculus100_ (yes, the underscore is there) on twitter. Dude also did another great loli story between a slutty looking loli and nerdy guy
>>15148 Sure looks similar. Hope it was what anon wanted. The twitter leads to a dropbox with a fairly large amount of content. Thanks anon.
(579.62 KB 599x800 ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone can help with this?
>>15478 Heikatsu, here's a link to the pixiv post https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/74547064
whats the old western look a like loli comic called? where they are nudist i remember drawn like a old childrens book
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>>15478 Are you talking about these? Artist is Tonkato, and you can find all of the pics at https://exhentai.org/g/1151211/c78bbbf66d/
>>15485 Thanks
>>15148 >>15142 That's not Homie's art. artist is vampireWINE on twitter: https://twitter.com/vampireWlNE Not sure where he posts on baraag if he does (the pic anon posted isn't on his twitter) but perhaps anon could send them a message.
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Anyone has more?
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I am a dirty Coomer, please tell me more about these and where I can find full size/unspoilered versions.
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Does anyone know who is character is this from?
Can you have Full Image Please?
Please I want full image.
(10.48 MB 858x644 IMG_5162.MP4)

anyone know who made this?
>>18302 Ohnarev
(1006.71 KB 533x299 20211122_085706.gif)

What is full image?
>>18288 Not sure this a box you want opened, mate. But, i guess, like 1408, the only way to learn that some doors are closed for a reason is to open it yourself.
>>19074 Thanks for checking up, I got them full res just by contacting the "owner" of the OC. The faces are good imo but the anatomy below the collar bones is unacceptable, So I never posted them in this thread (in the shows thread this oc is banned so I didn't post them there either) Also, 1408???
(26.98 MB 960x540 160654753532.mp4)

Can someone link me to the animator page pls?
>>19308 Just search kawaiidetectiveenthusiast and you will find all their places https://www.kawaiidetective.com/
I've seen this full pic but I can't remember who the artist is?
Anyone know where is this from or who is the author?
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>>21025 Mangamaster
>>21036 God bless you, anon
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Higher res/uncensored pls
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High res/Uncensored please
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>>21056 Woah, thaks anon.
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Full pic please
>>21098 i think they should all be on here https://kemono.party/fanbox/user/18450398
>>21129 It usually censored.
>>21129 Thank you anon
Exact thread I need atm. Can anyone tell me what happened to the Wasted1234 hmv's can't seem to find them anymore.
High res please
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Higher res/uncensored pls
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>>13322 (OP) don't you have a space with all the images you used for the banners? I want this Lisa
can someone give me the source on this picture? i swear to god i know this artist signature but i cant for the life of me remember it. im just trying to tag the picture.
Requesting the other variation pics of LViolet's Tentacle Farm CG
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>>13322 (OP) Source for her?
>>21616 thanks linc
>>21617 I asked Lincoln ages ago. He said it was a literal modified screencap of some thing like pic related but he never made it bigger than the banner itself.
Higher res pls
>>21738 literally read the first sentence of OP
>>21776 Literally did that before posting on this thread. I'm not even looking for the source, just the higher resolution of the pic.
(1.93 MB 960x540 1638995600216.webm)

Sauce on this?
source on this banner?
>>6910 >It’s not matriarchal but instead politicians being seen as the “good guys” against the “bad guys” to appease these religious people. Look up the Daughters of Megalia sometime.
>>21793 Artist is Fuziemon, you can get a color version here: https://fuziemon.booth.pm/items/2845630 The bad news: it's a shota, not a loli.
>>22081 Thank you for that. Yeah was pretty certain it was shota but I check delicious more often. Basically just being lazy
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Higher res/uncensored pls
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Anyone know the source of this?
>>22753 The Loud House.
>>22754 Yes but who's the artist and what site was it originally posted?
Does anyone know where I can find a rip or a torrent or some way to access Mion Orz newer stuff? I’ve been trying to find a way to get through the paywall since the sites he’s on won’t take my cards, but to no avail.
Whatever happened to the loli artist CopyNinja?
Who is AllThe Fallen? What's the story behind them?
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Source? The only clue i have of this vid/gif is that i downloaded from baraag in May 12, 2021 but i could not find from what artist was downloaded
>>24476 not entirely sure, but it definitely looks like DVDchan’s style
>>24777 Man, waste of digits. Anyway, does anyone have Bananaof327/COOP_327's stuff before he purged his baraag (Korean artist)? He may have also done this before, so if you have stuff from the hypothetical first time, and also content he removed from his twitter or blog (which are still active; his comic is interesting and is worth checking out), that would be great, thanks.
>>24779 As a matter of fact, yes, I do have a backup of his original nsfw twitter - at some point before it was deleted, it's probably missing things but it's something. I didn't even realize he had a baraag, I just assumed that when he deleted his twitter that that was the end of it, otherwise I would have backed up the baraag too. Moral of the story: if in doubt, gallery-dl it. coop_soggy (2018-2022): https://anonfiles.com/j0me53c3ya/coop_soggy_zip 327Coop (2018-2020): https://anonfiles.com/z2Y447c2y4/327Coop_zip
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Source of this. I cant find the video only image
>>26867 Thank you so much
booru.allthefallen.moe/posts/406759 ik the artist but can't find them
Requesting sauce on this Nanako drawing. Saucenao gives nothing.
>>27874 lool i thought someone would never upload my work on a site like this. i'm the author, i don't know if i'm allowed to post my socials(?) but since i'm the author and you want the sauce: https://www.pixiv.me/robeshiri https://www.baraag.net/MR_R and for the caption, I won't say anything, just something funny that came to my mind since, well, they're lolis, and things like "bro is 30,000 years old" or "all the characters are +18" is crap that no one buy. so yeah, thanks for liking mi art i guess
>>27885 this is the kind of people you don't waste your time and energy arguing with, just let him throw his little fit. Nice art by the way. i started following you.
Please remain on topic. Discussion of pedophilia is not allowed on this board.
>>27910 The user making the flame posts knows it very well, since he's been doing it for the last few hours. In fact the problems on this board are cause by a very small number of users (like that anti-hitler schizo), which is why i don't understand why the moderation isn't harsher on recurring offenders.
>>27914 there is no way for moderators to be harsher than deleting the offending post by design. do you really think this site would have anyone using it at all if it was just as difficult to post anonymously here as it is on 4chan? so long as you have unrestricted anonymous posting you'll never have any more power over your users than simply deleting what they've posted after they post it.
>>27947 As long as all the pedos fuck off I don't care They aren't welcome here
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does anyone know who this is?
>>28148 It almost looks like Mantis-X, but not quite.
>>28149 i at least know it's not matis-x. someone else
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>>15485 M-more please
Anyone know the artist of this? I think I got this from a drawthread but I can't find it anymore.
>>28387 donito french/belgian comic from didier conrad [5 tomes] (a close friend translated the page for me)
>>28529i just noticed thats the translated page already... - here's the original
>>28531 Thanks! I beginning to wonder if I got them from Pixiv.
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Orangebox made a Lisa Simpson drawing once referring to salty milk you know what I'm talking about. Can't find it on Paheal anymore, probably removed last year after 15+ years of it being up there. Someone help me please.
>Paheal Use the panda pal... And save the stuff on USB or HHD or at least on SSD's you never know when the mods will decide to purge shit because russia or reasons
>>28546 You can usually find it posted on 4chan. They use to start threads with that pic, go ask, someone will have it for sure.
>>28565 But why 4chan if I can be on 8chan?
Now that stable diffusion has been released, have any of you tried to get it to make loli? Preferably in a drawn style so it doesn't get banned.
>>28568 Because in 4chan people actually post it and here no one's posting it, whether they have it or not.
>>28573 Maybe it's the wrong board for requests, I don't know... I kind of don't like 4chan.
>>28589 What the hell I couldn't find it there... looked for both the artist and Lisa. Must've missed it some how... thanks!
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Anybody got a clue where this artist might be currently or if their other stuff is online still?
>>28791 I checked in on them, and it seems they're just kinda moving away from a public presence or possibly rebranding away from degen stuff. I saved a good amount of their art, I like
Question: Does the artist GR have previously taken commissions?
>>28791 Artist is poppidael, had a Baraag but it doesn't exist anymore.
This is a long shot, but I remember a really old hentai that might have been on myhentaicomics, it was about a boy in Ancient Greece who had sex with his mom... there was a bit of dialogue that was something like "all my classmates said they wished my dad died so they could replace him, now I know what they meant". Does anyone find this familiar?
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Can anyone identify the artist? Full pic would be great, but the artist alone would be great. The style tells me is Korean.
>>30473 mangamaster
>>30491 Style is close, but Mangamaster does the eyes quite different. Also the pic is not quite any of the ones released in public sites.
>>30501 sorry then, only know so many korean artist of the top of my head, and i don't think it was lakilolom or narcoloco, so... anyhow at least i found from where she is a character of https://thecodex.fandom.com/wiki/Hazel_(Seconds) best of luck with the pic source
Anyone has the content of this artist? I want to see the artworks they published but it seems some of them takes time to do. Here is the link: https://oliviabee.fanbox.cc
>>31231 The reason of why the head image of the thread isn't nsfw is because the artist is still a beginner in art and doesn't made too much suggestive content and the only placd they upload is on their fanbox.
>>31231 I wanted to update kemono but fanbox just seems to keep refusing my card for some reason. Sorry fren.
>>31440 Does he have one already there? Can’t find he’s talking about deleting nsfw on new years behind the highest tier
>>31638 Checked and its content isn't available yet on kemono, if that's what you meant. Btw, anyone interesed in putting their fanbox content on kemono please?
Well, at least we've these nsfw fanarts of her and her friends: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/103887298
Really hope someone preserves them.
>>31638 >>31639 no i mean creating a page on kemono but like i said fanbox doesn't want to accept my visa, just throws me an error over and over guess you can't buy outside of japan but yeah the artist deletes nsfw stuff over time or posts them for limited time only like there was christmas stuff that was deleted on 25th so only suggestive stuff can be archived since the other is gone forever
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>>31659 It’s worked for me previously but it was PayPal. I think he said he’s purging the nsfw new years
>>31231 So she’s a Brazilian flutist Vtuber who lewds herself? I’m not complaining.
>>31671 I would try with paypal on the 1st but the artist created a bunch of new tiers for up to 3k yen and I think deleted the actual nsfw posts so I don't think I will.
>>31692 Actually it seems like they're gonna delete it on the 1st so it's still up. But I just tried with paypal and it still got rejected, so I guess that's a bust. Unless there's some prepaid service that works with fanbox I can't help.
>>31698 If we can't upload their content on Kemono, maybe we could upload their nsfw tier content and suggestive ones here before they deletes it on new year.
Does anyone remember the name of a visual novel where you play as a shota and can do different routes to fuck your loli sister, mother, and aunt?
>>31778 insexual awakening maybe? idk that matches the description of a LOT of games
>>31810 Yeah that was it, thanks
The fanbox got finally leaked: https://kemono.party/fanbox/user/40024293. They doesn't do nsfw art too bad honestly. It's well done in some parts. Also i noticed that they possibly has done nsfw of their Olivia before they started a fanbox. These r18 arts of her on Paheal are very similar of what they does actually: https://rule34.paheal.net/post/list/DC_2019/1
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Gonna upload the nsfw content here just in case. >>31962 Looks like the fanbox link on Kemono redirects to me to the search page. Will share again the link for testing: https://kemono.party/fanbox/user/40024293

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>>31968 Now with some erotic ones
>>31975 Ok, that should be all. Hope this works somehow
>>31964 Hallelujah. The .psd is included on kemono is there way to remove the censor lines on the cock with that?
The guys a genius, the .psd files have the censorship as layers
Even has Easter eggs!
>>32056 The dude has the ability to produce good porn. Why he doesn't like to do more of it?
>>32061 I think he’s trying to be a legit vtuber/digital mascot for some reason. Probably get cancelled quick, but I don’t see how Twitter n shit wouldn’t find it already if it popped off at all
Moar leaks please? Kemono hasn't updated it for a while.
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Source of this banner?
Anyone got his paywall stuff? Used to be able to find it but all the sources I’ve used in the past have either stopped or only post public stuff now. Kemono gets updated but it’s useless because they send a newsletter link instead of posting. Been waiting awhile this is my last resort, no idea why it’s so difficult to find
He makes them public a month later
>>32272 Yeah, I’m looking for now
>>32335 Danke. Funny your source site is one that bans loli though.
(3.26 MB 1280x720 Sequence 01.mp4)

Anyone know the authors of this one? At first glance I thought it was Studiofow, but finding single scenes of them is a pain.
>>32438 >/2dblacked/ Anon, that's 3D.
>>32437 Ew. Niggers.
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trying to find an animation with sound i saw looked like sfm/3d loli girl with glasses who looked like cassie drake (pic related) gets fucked in an empty classroom by an adult man on what i think was the teachers desk. was a longish duration. at the start you can hear the school bell ring i tried searching lolibooru for things like sound glasses school but i didnt see it there
Sauce? I fucken love me some minigirls.
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>>32974 Pretty sure that's Aurora from the graphic novel Beautiful Darkness
>>32978 Danke.
>>32978 Seriously a fucked story.
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Anyone know if "pettan" (pics related, it's some of their art) is anywhere else other than in drawthreads in 4cuck's /b/?
>>33062 I'm also interested in knowing. Never heard of 'Pettan' before reading this, but his flat chested girl here looks custom made to my tastes with terrifying precision. I absolutely hate 4kike, which is full or normies with shit taste in everything. Would be a shame that Pettan dwell there. Do you have anymore of his work?
(85.08 KB 596x529 1676573121275316.png)

>>33111 Here's the only other image i have that they made. > I absolutely hate 4kike, which is full or normies with shit taste in everything. Same. This point is proven since they seem to have a hate-boner against pettan
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>>33111 >normie Normalfag spotted.
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Does anyone have TripleVexx's stuff uncensored?
Some guy is at his girlfriend's house and is sleeping in a room by himself for some reason. Suddenly he notices the friend's sister crawled under his blanket and starts sucking his dick or whatever. Then she starts putting it in her pussy. All of a sudden his actual girlfriend comes in to give him a good night's kiss. While he's kissing her, he creampies his girlfriend's sister hiding under the blanket. Before the girlfriend leaves the room he asks here "Does your sister ever act weird?" or something and she just says "No, she's just a normal girl." or whatever. I read this years ago but I'm into this kinda "cheaters hiding their misdeeds" stories and would like to find it again. Anyone knows what the name/author of this doujinshi is? Pic unrelated.
I have been looking everyone for the artist of these pictures, but can't seem to find them anywhere. I got them from Paheal, but it wasn't tagged. The uploader didn't respond when asked.
>>33140 Check sad panda
>>36899 Alright, thanks a lot. I managed to find it there and track down the source to this board. Unfortunately it's still anonymous so I won't be able to track down the artist unless I manage to find him here somewhere.
Trying to find who the artist is of a Virt-A-Mate video. The video is a bit over 10 minutes long and about 800mb. The image attached is one screencap from the video.
>>32908 bump for help
(1.43 MB 524x800 1692453050665.webm)

>>37680 Hummingbird. I think
>>37682 >>37682 >Hummingbird Game?
>>37682 Ah fuck forgot to say thx. Thank you anon.
>>37699 The girl is the main character from Beautiful Darkness, if that helps. This is fanart obviously. >>37700 Where does one go to obtain said game?
>>37704 >Where does one go to obtain said game? This thread talked about it >>32091
I am looking for more image sets like this one: https://hoono-yurumu.fanbox.cc/posts/3194459 https://e-hentai.org/g/2213125/077e8a2d27/ Does anyone know of any? Preferably on a bed and with enough unique images that I could easily splice images together to create new ones? Alternatively, if there is a name for large image sets like this, what is it? It would also help to be able to search on my own.
Anyone know where to find all of Pettankon's stuff? I've checked gelbooru, rule34.xxx, rule34.us, rule34.paheal.net, allthefallen, Pixiv, Baraag, and Pawoo. I know there's larger version of some of these Hat Kid images I have, so I know there's more. His Pixiv l found though Saucenao is gone, and the Baraag account I found was suspended.
I want to download PSD files from thew artist Akifn, but his page on kemono only have a text file with a "key" anyone knows where I could use this key? I really want his psd files if it's possible. https://kemono.party/fanbox/user/3231927/post/6621153
Anyone know what this is about on the ATF booru?
>>32908 bump
Anyone have this set or know where can I get it? I already tried on kemono.party and some other sites but no luck yet.
I remember watching videos from someone named badbelle some time ago, but I have no idea where to find their stuff anymore. Anyone have any ideas or links?
Someone can share some video tutorial to decensor images with black/white lines with photoshop? I'm tried searching in youtube but no luck.
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Does anyone have that drawing from TBrainrot/Terry of Adult Stan and child Wendy lying close together while Wendy tries to kiss him as he looks nervous? It was on her Baraag before her account got deleted. I used to have it but I deleted it by accident.
anyone know where this is from? couldn't find it, but it may be from a kodomo no jikan anthology/doujin thing
>>45642 Free caresister by Highware
>>45644 Thanks! I knew the style looked familiar! So, where can one read the whole thing, please?
>>45646 umm, I dunno, exhentai
>>31685 I think it's a guy. I remember changing the pit on one of his instructional videos, and it's a male voice.
Anyone have the .clip files of mangamaster (mangma11) 1030tier fanbox rewards? I really would love to have them, I tried searching everywhere from kemono to some less known sites but no luck
>>32908 bump for help
>>32908 >>37678 >>39733 >>52209 https://acgmhb.com/gif/425795.html Min 04:03 >Alice Williams from detroit become human ? Animator Maybe kawaiidetectiveenthusiast KDE Or maybe Scrwdgrl. Good luck.
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Is it just me or I felt confused whether it’s Lola’s hand or cute boob? This art belongs to ETN
Anyone have the 2019-2023 and 2024-2025 rewards of JhiaccioIArt (Jhiaccio.fanbox.cc) 800 jpy of reward? https://jhiaccio.fanbox.cc/posts/8426591 Reward Link for 2019 to most recent?
Anyone have all Maximilo animations with sound - sfx ? I like the style between good looking realistic and cartoon-anime with sound like asmr. I just found some from him with sound and it's look like there are much more animations from him.
>>52856 Or Emma Phillips with glasses I dont know the animator.
(8.43 MB 960x540 Begining.webm)

>>52890 Is this the beginning?
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I don't know if this is the right place but i tried over in the cake search and find thread with no luck so far therefore i'm trying here as well just in case. What i'm looking for is simply a functioning video upload of my attached image. The original upload on iwara.tv has 404'd and everything i've been able to find on my own so far just re-hosts the video using the original which means they also don't work. Any and all information is appreciated.
>>53021 Back in time i used mmd fans, its a very fast site (it's uses saved cache videos of iwara) but i'dont know if the site still exist. Anyway, maybe try use "similarsites" and search iwara and compare it or with other sites like mmd fans. Maybe there's one. Sorry anon.
>>52880 https://kemono.su/fanbox/user/41799706/post/8426591 i found some obscure french cartoons drawings
>>53021 https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/es/posts/zjrmkAGxWMD I don't know if links are allowed honestly :/ You need an account to see loli content, but the account is free for ever, albeit they limit you to browse 100 pages every 24 hr, which is pretty generous. on the search bar works as tags "the_sims_4 animated loli" each space between words is a concept.
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Does anyone have an archive of an artist called skullwomb's stuff? He had a meltie on Baraaq and nuked all of his works in 2022. I've tried searching other image boards but all the links are deprecated, the best I can find is this site but it's more than likely incomplete: https://hentaiera.com/gallery/1154671/
>>53058 On, i looked some french cartoons (matt's monsters, frankenstein's cat, les sisters, trolls of troy etc.) thank for visiting obscure cartoons from europe.
An artist known as cryptid taka / cryptidff recently deleted a bunch of their content. Deleted their baraag and had it taken off ATF. Found some on sankaku but wondering if anyone has the rest of their stuff
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I can't find where/who this picture is from, anyone have any idea?

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