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Furry loli/cub Anonymous 05/07/2020 (Thu) 19:10:15 Id: 0a7288 No. 78 >>10791 >>26419 >>31559
Post your animal girls here.
is shota cub allowed in this thread or is it just for girls?
(578.22 KB 1280x1280 029811aa60959838.png)

(428.09 KB 1280x1280 9006647d60595093.png)

(596.05 KB 1280x1280 b0c2de0d99bdb638.png)

(147.68 KB 396x396 dottydog.jpg)

(530.81 KB 1214x1349 ed4e4cc1859dfe98.png)

Sucks that the Get-Along Gang aren't more well-known in terms of porn. They got some adorable furries.
(7.54 MB 2965x3057 1307062_James_helensplat.png)

(6.21 MB 4063x4111 1307070_James_helendraft3.png)

(2.00 MB 1912x2493 1305644_James_helendraft.png)

(3.68 MB 2935x3517 1305649_James_jbdraft.png)

(660.21 KB 796x1000 1088557_johnbrittish_full.gif)

>>488 Have any of merenhor's uncensored stuff?
(600.42 KB 761x701 574301236453.png)

(457.33 KB 575x690 231478065423.png)

(642.93 KB 836x682 12307654234.png)

(493.13 KB 693x616 23487709654.png)

(727.19 KB 539x792 1237054635.png)

I'll avoid dumping huge amounts of Li Li for now
(980.49 KB 712x1000 57535640_p0.png)

(677.96 KB 800x1136 58394589_p0.jpg)

(1.14 MB 1200x1200 73463610_p0.png)

(753.24 KB 1685x3495 7-years-old Fox Girl Naked.png)

(306.01 KB 550x400 editfoxgrl.png)

(223.78 KB 625x1110 peticion_2.jpg)

(577.18 KB 826x742 Butt.png)

7 year old fox girl
(406.90 KB 1063x1874 Portia Demwiddy Rule 34.jpg)

(412.07 KB 857x1071 Portia Demwiddy Shower.jpg)

(768.67 KB 695x697 Panties Portia.jpg)

(1.14 MB 1500x2000 Portia Panties.jpg)

(141.12 KB 333x737 Maria Pappas Panties.jpg)

(203.42 KB 1500x1500 Sexy Amber.jpg)

(165.22 KB 900x600 bune ohmahrie.png)

(1.59 MB 1500x1500 AmberNaked.png)

Amber (Camp Lazlo)
(3.91 MB 2512x2052 52370443_P0.jpg)

(332.56 KB 1206x1120 spoiled.png)

(20.72 KB 606x400 The Fingering.png)

(466.42 KB 2066x2012 biglittlejoy.png)

>>503 Furry loli needs more cheetah girls.
>>543 Alright. Posting my color delivery
(176.11 KB 942x817 bunnyfuck.png)

(252.87 KB 1077x969 goatloli.png)

Working on a comic that's a mix of humans and furry, loli and shota. It's a long way off, but I figure this would be an OK place to post some of the concept work.
furnut makes me blow like a supernova again. there's 2 more versions of this picture but the 15mb limit stops me from uploading them
(127.84 KB 1200x852 1589653381784.png)

(203.35 KB 1200x1200 1588718525891.png)

(451.45 KB 972x1300 1586835786974.png)

(291.21 KB 1200x993 1584725449766.png)

(6.45 MB 3541x5016 3135843_Launny_sue07.png)

(472.72 KB 798x1133 79501602_p1.png)

(5.13 MB 3541x5016 3135841_Launny_harem09.png)

(159.25 KB 815x1200 EKBnve_VAAA1FDL.jpeg)

(100.50 KB 904x1600 tmp_10899.jpg)

(702.87 KB 857x663 tmp_10899.png)

(174.36 KB 1280x914 tmp_10899.jpg)

(675.25 KB 630x882 tmp_10899.png)

(47.28 KB 505x900 tmp_10899.jpg)

(258.47 KB 903x1000 296416.jpg)

(1.03 MB 1200x984 691189.png)

(820.11 KB 1003x1400 677861.png)

(13.50 MB 854x480 tmp_21217.webm)

(4.92 MB 1280x720 tmp_21217.webm)

(2.75 MB 1280x720 tmp_21217.webm)

>>947 Who is that last one?
>>951 Series called Lizzie>>951
(370.25 KB 700x1242 51ee26e759131b7f_u18chan.png)

(238.23 KB 834x1081 1590043404098.jpeg)

(165.66 KB 1028x972 dc73bb4441b11b3b_u18chan.png)

(626.96 KB 1974x2198 d127298a75d8ed2daaa9f33c056ecdb9.jpg)

Does anyone have FTR/Musso's old artwork?
>>678 Shut up. I’m ALSO working on a project involving a world with humans and furries coexisting—both Standard size (that physically age like normal humans) and Toy size (which basically stay physically Loli/shota-sized long after they turn 10yo). Great stuff, my dude.
What species/kinks do you guys wish had more of? I personally wish there were more tiger and cheetah lolis.
>>1017 Ah, mine's going to be rather dark and violent, so I doubt there will be any overlap. Yours sounds fun though. Size difference is great.
Open vaginas.

(100.25 KB 582x758 0015.jpg)

(141.82 KB 695x900 0018.jpg)

(1.08 MB 2000x2000 62210772_p0.png)

(857.61 KB 847x1200 44902384_p0.png)

(1.42 MB 1693x1840 73537980_p0.png)

>>1123 god i love flaky
(706.58 KB 1920x1694 1590320800584.png)

(695.92 KB 1920x1694 1590291625029.png)

>>225 Yes, but no gay shit or straight shota.
>>1262 Unless it's with a cub girl.
Anyone have any tiger loli pics?
>>951 thats disney's "lizzie green". >>959 was it ever turned into a full show or is it still a collection of short animations?
>>1123 >that anais holy shit whats her IQ, 400?
(160.08 KB 956x1050 06e865aa98ead84e.jpg)

(85.70 KB 956x1050 10_sept._2017_DirKjjaVsAA8g7C.jpg)

(138.16 KB 956x1050 64915bb0b4e5534d.jpg)

(161.33 KB 800x848 1d8f270e1f6c3da2.jpg)

(151.41 KB 800x848 d7fb2f922f39c3f3.jpg)

(730.86 KB 1334x1334 3121030_Polygon5_blooey.png)

(774.44 KB 1334x1334 3121031_Polygon5_blaays.png)

>>1344 are those first 3 by sanae? i dont remember seeing them on his inkbunny >>1348 bluey is such a great show everyone should watch it
(147.63 KB 828x864 52eb06a9eccf2fdd.jpg)

(119.98 KB 828x864 5ac6dfb9ccf85549.jpg)

(124.41 KB 828x864 80ae155f2ef8cbdc.jpg)

(201.58 KB 1116x1064 954e49b8c8b94405.jpg)

(163.20 KB 1068x1022 9236c506e4a62800.jpg)

>>1359 Yeah, it's Sanae. Some of them are from Baraag or Pawoo
>>1376 got a link to his baraag and pawoo?
(280.57 KB 640x940 1590652254703.jpg)

(3.89 MB 1400x2600 3145632_DansLittleFurs_ivanna.png)

(900.98 KB 781x1200 76161927_p0.png)

>>1378 thanks i love how you dont need accounts to view mature content on those sites it really threw me for a loop when e621 blocked cub content from people with no account
(68.68 KB 698x676 Manafox_mf_054_u18chan.png)

(89.68 KB 732x698 Manafox_mf_002_u18chan.png)

(347.97 KB 965x1470 Manafox_a19_u18chan.png)

(128.86 KB 920x955 Manafox_mf_053_u18chan.png)

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(74.70 KB 621x743 Manafox_mf_094_u18chan.png)

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(91.31 KB 1300x1200 Manafox_mf_16012904a_u18chan.png)

(228.55 KB 1300x1200 Manafox_mf_16031106b_u18chan.png)

(292.82 KB 1300x1200 Manafox_mf_16031101a_u18chan.png)

(160.16 KB 1300x1200 Manafox_mf_16030701a_u18chan.png)

(339.87 KB 1300x1200 Manafox_mf_16030402b_u18chan.png)

(132.02 KB 1300x1200 Manafox_mf_16030402a_u18chan.png)

(526.42 KB 976x1722 Manafox_mf_17013000a_u18chan.png)

(692.35 KB 2550x2250 Manafox_mf_17012401a_u18chan.png)

(696.34 KB 1724x1670 Manafox_mf_17011400a_u18chan.png)

(567.13 KB 1710x1570 Manafox_mf_17022600a_u18chan.png)

(245.20 KB 1191x1992 Manafox_mf_17020402a_u18chan.png)

(476.75 KB 1506x1360 Manafox_mf_17041001a_u18chan.png)

(396.62 KB 2166x1050 Manafox_mf_17041000a_u18chan.png)

(342.87 KB 1206x1424 Manafox_mf_17041801a_u18chan.png)

(447.72 KB 1038x1784 Manafox_mf_17030200a_u18chan.png)

(655.37 KB 1653x1765 Manafox_mf_17022603a_u18chan.png)

That's all i have of manafox.
(1.68 MB 2519x2215 Stranger Danger[1].png)

(1.23 MB 1458x2286 Stranger Danger 2.png)

(7.05 MB 3123x2247 Playtime in the Pool.png)

(4.68 MB 2565x2649 Hard Worker[0].png)

(481.61 KB 256x320 Tentacled.gif)

>>1557 >>1558 Didn't mean to double post.
(3.22 MB 3541x5016 2805252_Launny_harempage06.png)

(3.41 MB 3541x5016 2805247_Launny_harempage07.png)

(3.16 MB 3541x5016 3092283_Launny_harem08.png)

(5.13 MB 3541x5016 3135841_Launny_harem09.png)

(5.05 MB 3541x5016 3139313_Launny_harem10a.png)

Does anybody have any or know where to find furry loli zip or torrent files?
(322.97 KB 1050x1400 3169706_VermelhaTan_03.png)

(307.35 KB 1050x1400 3169684_VermelhaTan_01.png)

(332.83 KB 1050x1400 3169705_VermelhaTan_02.png)

(176.75 KB 1049x1561 bda54b82d6d21cbe.jpeg)

(920.75 KB 1801x3000 fd49b59be23a0eb6a426d92157cf4c41.png)

(396.18 KB 2048x2002 EaoVZf2U8AADi3u.jpeg)

(7.35 MB 3000x4000 3168665_PSI_wtfdream.png)

(91.17 KB 1167x878 1592273255180.jpg)

(122.84 KB 800x800 1182595133609.jpg)

(76.34 KB 500x618 1125174072044_Arriba08.jpg)

(211.49 KB 1050x1050 1206248601.maverick_maverick13.jpg)

(49.29 KB 459x450 1119751177013_OP_204.jpg)

(556.74 KB 1000x1294 1165338625200fab7f1fe98f0daa94ea.png)

>>1348 A followup has been made.
(754.47 KB 1280x1120 EcZXfTYWsAEYpYW.mp4)

(1.48 MB 1280x1280 ニコ 騎乗位1-1.png)

(1.48 MB 1280x1280 ニコ 騎乗位1-2.png)

(1.58 MB 1280x1280 ニコ 騎乗位1-3.png)

(150.79 KB 1141x1229 EcU8fEfWoAAARb6.jpeg)

(191.03 KB 1284x1185 EcU9IavXgAMOdrj.jpeg)

(152.87 KB 1023x1258 EcU8NtJXsAIUInU.jpeg)

(281.15 KB 1854x1452 EcU9PA4XQAIGpCX.png)

What animal is this girl?
(1.63 MB 1240x1754 3173997_Polygon5_ns_3.png)

(2.68 MB 1770x1200 3175849_LegoP_legop3_09.png)

(541.81 KB 1400x1925 3201344_bunkunilla_nakais.png)

(837.10 KB 1800x1800 3201301_Aggie_practice.png)

(542.18 KB 4500x3175 83027269_p1.png)

(149.07 KB 1533x957 1594509537729.jpg)

(1.75 MB 1334x1032 83003936_p0.jpg)

I'm bumping this thread.

(972.46 KB 723x850 EUR8y6KXsAMQMz5.png)

(913.45 KB 723x850 EUR8z5XX0AAHfeg.png)

(2.50 MB 3000x3000 SophieCheerleader2.png)

(330.82 KB 1248x1400 coletteblowdry.png)

(2.75 MB 2500x2100 3228873_Gi0_com_cubs.png)

(276.34 KB 771x1000 3227393_k0yangi_ibrushthewolf.png)

(686.49 KB 1701x2188 3228386_Orinn_rebecca_und_hannah.png)

(139.39 KB 662x746 83342096_p0.png)

(169.93 KB 714x1034 c49d09fa42786d73.jpg)

(114.90 KB 757x822 1494282350026.png)

(196.28 KB 560x646 1546707823693.png)

Sorry didn't mean to post 3 times. 8chan said no connection.
>>5665 he deleted all of his shit again
(420.42 KB 1596x1737 3149372_Aggie_dook_red.png)

(178.25 KB 1022x1593 3149397_Aggie_alex.png)

666th picture in the thread.
godamn furry bastards
(401.42 KB 1681x1392 1598145380187.jpg)

(113.06 KB 600x837 EePsJsRVoAAsVj2.jpeg)

(261.24 KB 960x1707 3bac7af1c0e2cf84.png)

(109.98 KB 1335x1571 EgPOnr_U4AITsgN.jpeg)

(922.46 KB 904x1306 1598769921392.png)

(913.76 KB 2894x4093 EI93x3cUwAAMZqi.jpg)

(919.38 KB 2894x4093 EI9ml3aUUAEXIWf.jpg)

(1.29 MB 2894x4093 EGpzjJaVAAEoLwi.jpg)

(568.90 KB 2894x4093 ECXDhRQUcAACvWz.jpg)

(781.63 KB 2894x4093 ECmBJvJX4AAwkU0.jpg)

(627.17 KB 2650x2000 comm_cubscouts.png)

(305.66 KB 1274x1500 comm_pandaloli.png)

(765.62 KB 2650x2000 comm_judyvoyeur.png)

>>7749 >alright mister you're going to get a blowjob and buy some cookies or someones name is going on a government list
(8.51 KB 233x216 images (48).jpeg)

The title says it all
Also feel free to make edit or drawing request of olivia or any character you favor
Thats all
Please use the furry threads: >>78 (OP) (78) >>828 (828)
(2.25 MB 2695x3869 88160200_p2.png)

(2.21 MB 2695x3869 88160200_p3.png)

>>910 >#3 Aogami can do some good shit at times. And rubbing little girls is "good shit". Don't stick it in, will end in tears. >>2611 Ecmajor's cub material is rare. Have 1 more. >>11650 Girls tribbing (or trying to) has to be the hottest thing ever. Oh, and thanks to the Manafox poster.
>>11738 I would love if ECMajor were more active on InkBunny, but they post every now and then. https://inkbunny.net/gallery/Unicorn/1/1fecbeb5e0
>>11764 Colored of that last one +Lilotte ( https://inkbunny.net/gallery/Lilotte/1/ef3922bd2e ) They have been drawing a metric fuck ton of amazing Judy Hopps stuff lately fyi.
(82.60 KB 1000x742 post-image-20654967.jpeg)

(1.47 MB 894x894 76447558_p0.png)

(83.39 KB 1000x742 post-image-20654963.jpeg)

(222.75 KB 1090x1370 88191927_p0.jpg)

(187.82 KB 1280x1528 87936409_p0.jpg)

'Cubs are love, cubs are life' - Shrek, 2013
(1.42 MB 1417x1850 436530_20190701110206_0.jpg)

Anybody have any tiger loli pics?
(169.35 KB 975x759 1983679.png)

(101.25 KB 684x516 1989045.png)

(91.00 KB 801x710 1997482.png)

(166.92 KB 975x759 1983680.png)

(364.30 KB 1000x1000 1986617.png)

(1.00 MB 2550x2100 derth.png)

>>12570 Why Elinor, we wear underwear so we could take them off for someone special, as a present.
(62.46 KB 1024x682 1619491611786m.jpg)

>>13291 >#1 Oh my...
I'm bumping this thread

(48.51 KB 800x539 igu7liublniuhl.jpg)

(84.96 KB 800x725 hcjrtfgjhctggjh.jpg)

(346.16 KB 1118x848 tyctgvjhcjkyv.png)

(48.41 KB 500x400 ctykvcyukvkuy.gif)

(955.65 KB 2408x2421 U2ZBhex.png)

>>14319 Last one is so beautiful.
(141.33 KB 1000x929 michiyoshi cream stickz.jpeg)

(3.00 MB 1377x1257 michiyoshi cream stickz.png)

(2.38 MB 992x1403 michiyoshi cream bed.png)

(3.85 MB 1240x1754 michiyoshi cream tails cum.png)

(116.54 KB 968x1024 1624227326490m.jpg)

(426.07 KB 1200x1200 1624165932880.png)

(133.30 KB 1024x829 1624227599513m.jpg)

(1.65 MB 3508x3104 1624275407374.jpg)

Some new-ish goodness.
(114.61 KB 950x1381 E68Mpj4WQAIF9bk.jpeg)

(80.20 KB 683x1024 1627091430953m.jpg)

(78.22 KB 1024x683 1627101085731m.jpg)

(116.54 KB 968x1024 1627085320692m.jpg)

(70.26 KB 1024x855 1627091711380m.jpg)

(121.04 KB 711x703 20210730_105830.jpg)

Could someone please post the pic here its on c966s fan box and sadly there's alot of us who are unable to get into fambox :'( please post the full photo here please and thank you
>>15944 look, it's only a dollar a month. You do it.
(90.83 KB 1024x954 1625628797977m.jpg)

Pretty good stuff so far. Any artist worth recommending? I don't really have much cub related stuff.
Tried to and i failed
>>15944 Also my credit card is declined
>>15951 Well, you're out of luck. No one's gonna do it.
I was trying to be nice and the way you just treated me I don't think I want to live anymore :'(
>>15956 How old are you?
>>15957 I take it you're not very familiar with autistic traits
>please pay for my stuff >pay for it yourself >why bully I'm autistic I don't want to live anymore If people telling you to get a job is bullying, then perhaps you SHOULD kill yourself.
The artists' names were conveniently included in the filename, in case anyone wants to know who did.
(137.32 KB 991x926 E7oBBCaUYAY77HO.jpeg)

(267.29 KB 674x1584 a33accaf4ab55a8f.png)

(202.65 KB 1200x851 1627698309010.png)

(98.77 KB 724x1023 E7oBBCLVIAElAwE.jpeg)

(776.98 KB 627x932 1627756680197.png)

I've noticed that I've contributed to 80% to 90% of this thread.
>>16022 Little girls getting wet is super hot. Just shows they are enjoying the stimulation.
>>16028 Cub girls are underrated.

(33.52 KB 360x480 E7yemKIUYAYsn3U.jpeg)

(216.25 KB 1536x2048 E7yelQcVIAgvd-F.jpeg)

(71.14 KB 931x1024 1627866124860m.jpg)

(7.19 MB 2150x3035 91593278_p0.png)

(52.43 KB 569x1024 1627098525133m.jpg)

(795.49 KB 2600x3200 1627056161020.png)

(80.20 KB 683x1024 1627091430953m.jpg)

(102.74 KB 760x1024 1627028122808m.jpg)

(70.26 KB 1024x855 1627091711380m.jpg)

(477.46 KB 1509x1848 1630374642041.png)

(181.98 KB 1500x2000 E-Du6L6UcAMq-dW.jpeg)

(78.30 KB 265x440 1630329755513.png)

(2.60 MB 1136x1440 ffba1c002c5fca85.png)

(2.60 MB 1136x1440 4373f04d5729d99c.png)

>>15947 Kekitopu has some good cream ones.
>>16915 I am definitely going to edit those unnecessarily long "saber"teeth out, they look ridiculous.
(560.26 KB 1400x1400 1631290486463.jpg)

(109.54 KB 1069x1702 E-29WP7VIAk2eDe.jpeg)

(306.23 KB 1603x2048 1631261993373.jpg)

(1.20 MB 3071x4104 1631297699305.png)

>>17202 >you can see what? Your cunny, my dear. The one that's drawn way to the left of where it should be.
You guys wouldn't believe how much I wanna fuck Elinor.
Have something good.
(244.06 KB 815x621 1636942574563.jpg)

(41.85 KB 479x1024 1636943822617m.jpg)

(279.04 KB 1400x1600 3805407_Canyon_sirbrownbear.png)

(104.68 KB 1024x796 1637118341983m.jpg)

(283.78 KB 985x2105 c0730a5b9f2c64cc.png)

Here's some dreamkeepers stuff.
>>19031 Nigga u gay
(88.31 KB 790x1024 1637389266775m.jpg)

(870.62 KB 1537x2000 1637323621477.png)

(1.66 MB 1721x2077 1637321611630.jpg)

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>>19046 Agreed. Male/Gay cub is overrated.
>>79 I want more annie
(107.55 KB 1280x720 E3-uKjmUcAUd9kG.jpeg)

(138.72 KB 1467x2048 E3x-b8uVoAILol2.jpeg)

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My gf as a werewolf
>>19011 Why does Zephyr look like me?
>>14689 >cream Ah, this little bitch. She's the one that gave me the pedo. Her mom is hot too, though. Wish there was more mom/daughter incest with her and Vanilla.
(282.59 KB 768x1088 misc cheetah 1.png)

>>15944 >>15956 >>15961 Looks more like that's his own account and he's trying to get people to pay him for his shitty draws, lol
(2.25 MB 2550x3000 loopu 1.png)

(2.24 MB 2550x3000 loopu 2.png)

>>2871 needed to color that sketch
>>21493 You edit images/take edit requests?
>>21494 depends but in general, sure, i do
(258.26 KB 462x1000 1643011945790.png)

(73.14 KB 621x800 1971569153.jpg)

>>21503 Well Please change the design of the basketball jersey. Jersey Reference: https://torako.wakarimasen.moe/file/torako/b/image/1643/09/1643096541989.jpg
(120.53 KB 857x1024 1643082800852m.jpg)

(99.82 KB 907x1024 1643083133463m.jpg)

(1.70 MB 2000x2829 66123704_p0.jpg)

(46.97 KB 703x1024 1643086360833m.jpg)

(4.08 MB 2471x3500 87486474_p0.png)

>>21494 There is a furry edit thread on here, but I'm pretty sure it's dead.
(1.27 MB 3000x3000 aoumlremes.png)

>>21507 excellent, thank you very much.
>>21509 yw pal
(100.24 KB 901x1024 1643854303595m.jpg)

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(7.49 MB 5642x3607 3904729_moordred_27sig-1.png)

Bumping for furry cake.
(115.81 KB 1024x1024 1643841579741m.jpg)

Anyone have anymore tiger (furry) lolis?
(662.19 KB 2200x1600 95572489_p1.png)

(1.94 MB 1440x1080 95572489_p0.png)

(288.57 KB 1022x1280 IMG_3389.JPG)

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(166.95 KB 1024x1280 IMG_3397.JPG)

(500.84 KB 1280x960 IMG_3396.PNG)

Does this still work? If not, I can drop them over in the furry nude edit thread and come back.
(754.81 KB 938x1868 Fox Loli in Arthur style 01.jpg)

(774.60 KB 954x1880 Fox Loli in Arthur style 02.jpg)

(438.30 KB 938x1868 OIP.jpg)

(470.32 KB 1267x1684 SG.jpg)

(80.09 KB 707x1024 1649816319478.jpg)

>>24360 >giving Ms Sparkly Blanket 5 small human toes
>>24395 whats up with cub artists and spamming "alts".
Is it me or has inkbunny been posting nothing but shota (more so than usual) lately? Furry shota is criminally overrated IMO.
>>24442 How about you ask them? No cub artists here, just cub appreciators (at least ATM)
A sliding scale of wholesome (naked children about to do WHAT on the bed?) to naughty.
made an edit of pulp's work last year, funny how he started doing porn since then
>>24897 good stuff, post more of his works please
>>24898 This is the stuff he has so far but he's been active and posting cute art of these girls for years.
(889.78 KB 1200x1400 creamtherabbit1_comm.gif)

>>25065 Cute!
>>25181 >>25180 >>25170 all of these are so good.
(183.47 KB 920x1070 4016184_deelendi_sophie_c.png)

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(1.31 MB 1534x2000 1653383777280.png)

(1.30 MB 2048x2048 93843424_p4.png)

More cubs
Someone has access to the full "Aria and Hymn's Coronavirus Tips"? https://totallyjustgoodfriends.com/products/corona
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(727.33 KB 772x1200 burnies.png)

(580.83 KB 1250x1000 bodyone23.png)

>>78 (OP) some of my own.
(1.66 MB 1500x1422 cinthya (2).png)

(909.75 KB 1000x1409 doublegirl2.png)

(967.20 KB 1000x1409 doublegirl.png)

(1.63 MB 1500x1422 cinthya (1).png)

>>26377 I love that guy's stuff, even if there isn't much.
>>27033 >2 and 3 Cute AND sexy! Also, have some content.
>>27511 thats an Xbox with a sony dualshock 3 controller, that for some reason has a giant triangle button. im getting upset just by looking at it.
So do cubfags like it because its anthro or because it's a kid
(1.51 MB 2121x2500 Pirates!.png)

>>28226 We need more of them.
(772.22 KB 1001x2071 22f39ba0526b87a6.png)

(1.37 MB 1561x1328 3c90b545771209cb.png)

>>28462 does that second one have more pages?
>>28468 no,t he artist only share that page
>>30620 These 4 are just cute on a whole another level.
New one from Tchaikovsky2.
(601.69 KB 1967x1054 d3b6a4c586633939.png)

Who's ready for Year of the Bunny next year?
>>31524 Let's hope the artists aren't retarded with it like they were this year. I mean cub artists drew lolis dressed as tigers instead of tiger cubs.
>>31549 That is such a nitpick.
>>31553 Don't care, it was still retarded.
>>78 (OP) How i fucking hate that fucking image. It represents all the things i despise and loath of furries
>>31559 There are worse things to hate out there, worse drawn too.
>>32127 >>32126 Who drew the bunny? I like her.
>>32423 Thank you.
>>32426 >>32423 Waned to thank you again, their work is godly. SO cute!!!
>>32429 you are welcome
>>32428 >#3 >that grinding Instant boner.
If there is anyone around here who works with animations and GIFs. please go to Color/Modify Thread #2 where I have a Request for an animated GIF thanks since now. >>31762 (22988)
>>32505 >the first one God DAMN.........
>>32660 Who did the last one?
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(862.25 KB 920x1533 4302265_Battler_haley_antsy.png)

>2000+ furry loli pics nice
Think it's time to make a new thread
(314.15 KB 1656x1382 FnZ9PUdaMAAmpB9.jpeg)

(167.40 KB 560x510 4321207_JinTheCatfox_fmsyuqa.gif)

(37.16 KB 514x685 3651865_Musso_bunnysketch1.jpg)

(151.86 KB 1844x2048 FnU9qlNaMAEmDq6.jpeg)

>>32673 I mean, furries argue that there's not enough female cub porn for it to have its own thread. Top kek, how wrong they are.
>>32674 I mean it takes forever to load
>>32674 #1 is a steaming hot idea. >>32675 A few seconds is not forever.
>>32674 Speaking of, they did just make a board on here specifcally for cub, /cub/. Think that's a good place to continue this thread, if anywhere
we're getting pretty close to the ends here; almost at 550
It’s just about time for a new thread!
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Looks like we're hitting the bump limit. Time for a new thread!

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