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Hey. This is the furry board. We'll see how this goes, alright? Sister-Wives of /fur/: 【Comfy】|【Vidya B】|【Fast】|【404- RIP】

Sexy Sexy Bears Toshiaki 06/28/2021 (Mon) 02:40:53 No. 3180
There's enough bear stuff out there that I think much like rabbits we can afford to let them have their own thread. Now barafags I understand that you may want to fill a Bear thread up with your homolust but I implore you to try to keep the sex ratio close to 50/50.
>>9549 New fetish unlocked: Bear girls wearing white tube socks
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Redbull me on bears.
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>>9778 would love to see her spreading that chubby bear cub pussy. :3
>>9778 >bottomless bear girls More?
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Barely bear but completely bare. Not enough bear s-cubs in this thread so we'll have to take what we can get.
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(16.85 MB 3405x3840 FNsapp2.png)

>furry + pubes + cub + bear
Bear Cub Pussies
Bear Cub Pussies
Bear Girlies
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Bear Girlies
Bear Cub Pussies
Bear Cub Pussies
>>10290 >Not enough s/cub bears Yes there is, you're just too lazy to post them.
>>10509 I honestly haven't really be able to find very much.
>>10517 Lurk more
Lots of girls wearing bear print panties, but why no bears wearing girl print panties?
>>10794 Because girls were out of print.

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