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GamerGate Radio

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Depression Quest in Polygon's Top 500 Greatest Games Of All Times Lich Lord of GamerGate 12/05/2017 (Tue) 07:06:50 Id: f4819a No. 331417 [Reply]
Did anyone check out Polygon's Top 500 Greatest Games Of All Times? They added Depression Quest in the list. That's not all. They also added Gone Home in the list too, and it's ranked higher than Chrono Trigger and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time! What the fuck was Polygon thinking?! Did Zoe Quinn had some Five Guys Burgers And Fries at Polygon headquarters or something?? https://www.red*dit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/7hjx5d/polygon_lists_depression_quest_as_one_of_the_500/
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Gone Home arguably created the modern "Walking Simulator" genre, which should earn it a place on that list. Depression Quest launched GamerGate, ruined the reputation of the far-left, made "SJW" a household slur, exposed their fuckery for all to see, pushed an entire generation of gamers to the right, and helped Donald Trump get elected President. It's one of the most influential games of all time.
>>331421 you'd have a point here if it were a list of "the 500 most influential games of all time" but that's not what the list is, it's "the 500 BEST games of all time" and they rated Depression Quest higher than the original Ninja Gaiden, F-Zero, Star Fox 64, and the original Alone in the Dark! oh but it gets worse. they rated Gone Home, the fucking WALKING SIMULATOR at 31 in a BEST GAMES OF ALL TIME LIST! they rated it higher than Chrono Trigger, FF7, Goldeneye, Half-Life 1, Shadow of the Colossus, Smash Bros. Melee, the original Donkey Kong, Super Mario World and Street Fighter 2. Let that sink in for a minute.

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OP Highroller: Removing Actual Gambling From VideoGames. Lich Lord of GamerGate 10/07/2017 (Sat) 21:08:06 Id: ed30ff No. 331196 [Reply]
An idea sparked from a /v/ thread. OP name is pre-emptive as the plan isn't even formed, but the goal and idea is. The thread OP: ALL MOBILESHIT, ALL SOCIALSHIT, ALL PAY2WIN, ALL FREEMIUM, ALL LOOTBOXES, GONE FOREVER This is a brilliant idea, 99% of the cancer infecting the medium has been bankrolled by racketeers pretending to be game developers, using armies of disinterested normalfags as a battering ram into every platform, funded off the slaughter of lobotomized whales. In addition, it could create a public furor against anything else that vaguely smacked of it, such as DLC, Greenlight vaporware, and $1 appstore shovelware. If the flames of a good old fashioned moral panic could be fanned up, especially in today's political environment, games might be saved in one fell swoop. >Let's all be honest here, microtransactions, lootboxes, and keys are all super scummy and also skirt the line of being actual gambling by hanging on the very edge. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDVQr6gNqdA >And judging by the slot machine style of how these cases usually are… I think there is something that can be said about them literally skirting these laws by inches. This isn't the only video like this, there are literally thousands like this and you can actually see these people get so hyped up during the rolling of the meter… it's literally the same look a person has going to a actual slot machine. >Frankly, I think it is quite obvious that regulations against these type of things is going to happen really damn soon once any form of attention is thrown at them from any form of political body. >So, how do we get the attention to finally end this blight upon gaming? >Well. I actually do see many options in order to actually kill microtransactions once and for all. 2 I will name here as they seem to be the very best options. >Force the ESRB to start rating any game with microtransaction/gambling mechanics as a automatic AO rating. As gambling is an actual real life thing of which only adults can use. I believe it is now important that we petition the ESRB to protect our children from these games by forcefully having any and all games with these elements be classified as AO only. AO only being an actual kiss of death for any and all video games it touches. It will prevent a huge swath of them on consoles and thus the game developers and publishers will be forced to patch them out if they want to keep selling the game. Also yes, I heavily recommend using the 'think of the children' type argument for this, might as well use the weapon they constantly use on us. >Email/mail/talk to any and all political bodies about this issue in the gaming industry and how it is preying upon and literally giving birth to a new generation of gambling addicts and that video game companies are willfully responsible for it. This idea would actively piss off the entire game development and publisher community into fighting against it. But this would actually force a damn good limelight upon these issues and make them even more well known and people would go against them more by the day. Also a lot of the older congressmen absolutely despise video games so we might as well use that hatred to our actual benefit for once. >The main most goal in all of this is to get these mechanics known to the whole world using news organizations. If we can get Talk Show hosts to talk about how messed up it is, we win, flat out. There will be nothing left to defend microtransactions whatsoever as public knowledge of them will come with a very swift hammer. >Again though, here is the main point I wish to ask. Should the gaming community do this and finally put an end to a invasive and actually greedy practice? What do you guys think? https://www.red*dit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/74dzlb/legitimate_question_here_should_gamers_actually/

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From Honkius: twitter.com/Maximus_Honkmus/status/935315172855398400 https://archive.is/c1Wj5 <Oh no. The government is planning on putting in regulations. What do we do? <Implement a think tank to influence policy makers in the government <Make an SRO to go after gaming companies that "hurt" the public image of gaming > Notice how it doesn't mention removing loot boxes. Can't find the original article on Gamasutra. I did find a similar press release on their own website: https://archive.is/VRpHP Seems like the NCGP (National Committee for Games Policy) are shaping up to be another lobbying body to protect EA and the like, but they're making big promises about protecting developers with stuff like supporting whistleblowers. https://archive.is/moVkf (Homepage) From their own information page: https://archive.is/KGREy > What is the NCGP? > The National Committee for Games Policy is the world’s first public policy think tank associated with the video games and interactive entertainment industry. The NCGP is part of a larger movement dealing specifically with laws pertaining to video games. The objective of the NCGP is to help government policy regarding video games develop appropriately with guidance and input from industry leaders. The NCGP is not a traditional special interest group, since we have no stated position on any issue, and instead seek to collate the information provided by the public and games professionals into a unified political position. We take the stance of adopting the opinions and views of our industry expert members and evidence found through our research efforts. The NCGP is independently funded and does not receive grants from the federal government or donations from any political parties. Individual members of the NCGP, however, are free to associate with whatever special interest groups or political parties they wish. > The ITK > The first action of the NCGP is its creation; a privately funded think tank known as the ITK. The work of the NCGP ITK is to represent itself as a group of consummate professionals from every part of the video game community. We seek to represent the entire industry, and as such will not release opinions on differences within the industry except as they relate to public policy. Members names will only be released if they give permission, and their writing reflects their own opinions. The NCGP will never take a position on policy; we will give policy makers the information the information they need to make informed decision. Our political connections will get this information to them.

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>>331196 You want to start a moral panic to encourage the government to censor video games? WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?
>>331196 Also, FFS, use some line breaks occasionally!

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Sexual Harrasment Database Lich Lord of GamerGate 10/18/2017 (Wed) 20:36:24 Id: bfcfb0 No. 331250 [Reply]
The purpose of this thread: Catalog all cases of anti-GG/SJW/"virtuous" companies/marxist pushers and those who talk down to us about being immoral who have skeletons in their closet. Main focus is aGG and game related companies. With how sexual assault has been under more scrutiny, this could escalate until those really high up in important industries can get fucked. If you fix corruption in gaming, it can happen in other industries by laying the ground work and have the general public more informed to not tolerate it in other fields. Not to mention more sexual assault can be reported as more progress is made. There is a delicate balance with false accusations however. Only post 1 accusation per post. If it turns out it is fake- then it makes it easier to delete
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>>331254 Matt Hickey, Former Gizmodo Journalist Pleads Guilty To Reduced Rape Charges > https://archive.is/LCQmF It should be noted there are circumstances someone will admit to guilt when they did not do it. However from a legal POV, we no longer need to say "allegedly" when discussing Matt Hickey.
Not sure if this counts. Former NeoGaf Mod Amir0x Pleads Guilty To Child Pornography https://archive.is/zKSpv > Former NeoGaf moderator and anti-#GamerGate critic, Christopher John Goldberg, has pled guilty to a single count of child pornography. Readers of One Angry Gamer tipped us off to the updated docket and court summaries, which reveal the current status of Goldberg’s impending sentencing, as well as the fact that he has put in a guilty plea to one of the many charges of accessing child pornography.
>>331371 >He wouldn't take "no" for an answer! >I didn't say "no", I just made up excuses! Which is it?

Gamergate Wiki Editing MikiSayaka33 08/26/2016 (Fri) 21:29:10 Id: d6c325 No. 327054 [Reply]
Hi, I'm MikiSayaka33 and new to contributing to the Gamergate wiki. I'm just posting to find the higher up guys who contribute to the wiki. Also, to let them know that one of the pages has been vandalized! It's the OP: Olive Branch page http://archive.is/ni2y6 The worst thing is that guy who did the vandalism is still there and may attack the other pages (There's only so much an under rank contributor can do).
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I just dug through twelve archives of the /v/ general to find data's package. https://files.catbox.moe/vtstab.zip Quote: > code/dotgenerator.py also includes a search engine. If you give it a word to search for, it will print the data segments containing that word instead of creating a graph file. This will be useful for anybody working on the wiki and any diggers because we may have already dug whatever you are looking into. It works, sorta. You need to be comfortable using a command line and text files, and you will need to do a lot of work to pick out the usable pieces and buff it up to be wiki quality. Preparation: 1. Open data's zip file in a new directory 2. Install python Usage: 1. python code/dotgenerator.py "search term" > search_result.txt 2. open search_result.txt and read through it
There is a Gamergate Research dump on Voat. https://voat.co/v/ictory/2261029 https://archive.is/XpLWN The contents within them need to be added to the Wiki.

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Happy Anniversary #GamerGate! Acid Man 08/27/2017 (Sun) 20:47:07 Id: 398472 No. 331080 [Reply]
It's the Third Birthday! Today is August 28th, which is the day that this and the previous GG boards have traditionally celebrated the birthday of #GG. August 27th was the day Adam Baldwin first coined the hashtag itself, but it was the following day that consensus was reached on /v/ to formally adopt the tag and take up the #GG mantle to spread word of our cause. What was a Twitter tag created to point attention at a scandal became a banner under which gamers and free speech advocates from all over the global Internet rallied to stick up for our hobby in the face of a hostile media and a nearly equally hostile world. They said we wouldn't last a month. We did. They said we wouldn't last through Christmas. We did. They said we wouldn't last through Destiny. We laughed our asses off. They said we wouldn't last a year. We did. They said we wouldn't last two years. We did. They said we were dead. Then we got the blame for electing Donald Trump! It's been a hell of a ride. I never imagined, when I stepped into the Burgers and Fries threads on /v/ in 2014, that things would wind up like this. Multiple warfront, mainstream media getting involved, a civil war within #GG and winding up a board owner myself. That we'd be in an episode of Law and Order. Now today we have books being written about us, and hitpiece headlines are still coming out on a weekly basis. We just wanted to play videogames!

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>>331190 >Gawker still lives Gawker itself is dead, and Nick Denton is unemployed. Frankly, that's more than I ever expected. There's nothing you can realistically do about the other blogs, because they got bought by a billion-dollar company that can give them (((funding))) until the end of time. Even then, those blogs may eventually die if their users stop using the blog.
In 2018 Politicians,movies stars and journalists are pedos and rapists Western gaming dies in microtransactions and lootboxes Eastern games rise even more Idiots on twatter or wherever still mutter gamergate in hushed tones the eternal vigilance still continues Gamergate gets blamed for causing (Insert event here)
Newfag here, I dunno where else to post this. I ended up semi-ragequitting from the internet during the leadup to GG becoming a thing because if I didn't I was going to have a fucking nervous breakdown, because of that while GG was going on I was only semi-aware of it and never really knew what it was, I only saw the hashtag being thrown around by SJWs on Twitter and some forum threads that I avoided. I only really found out what it actually was when the whole thing blew over and I feel really regretful that I never got to take part in it and join the fight for them delicious e t h i c s I really want to be able to look back on GG and be able to say I was a part of it. Is there still any way I can contribute or has the whole movement pretty much lost its steam?

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Article Archive Database Lich Lord of GamerGate 11/08/2017 (Wed) 00:20:10 Id: 49a46d No. 331339 [Reply]
While GG Wiki is rebuilding, and after what happened with Tech Raptor (https://archive.is/AxZEs)- I think it's important we get our most crucial info saved to prevent being memory hole'd. And this might just help the wiki building guys to boot. 1. Find GG articles that cover GG honestly. 2. Archive them. Use more than just Archive.is (WaybackMachine, and a few others) (If they are videos on youtube, download them. Search for how, or shove "ss" in the front of the url. I.e. ssyoutube.com/blah) 3. Post them here (if you can. Some videos might be too big, look into video conversion). 4. Download the archive (we can't bank on Archive.is being up forever). IMO priority order should be: - Honest GG coverage (OneAngryGamer, NicheGamer, Mombot's work, etc). - Study of SJW, and how to beat them/lessen their reach. - Evidence of SJW doing what they do best. - Evidence of Journalist lack of ethics, professionalism, and attacking their own demographic (this is done by DeepFreeze for gaming websites, hence it's so low- however major MSM should still be archived.)
GG Wiki is back! http://thisisvideogames.com/gamergatewiki/index.php?title=Main_Page Make sure to archive all articles mentioned here if there not already And if an article isn't on here, archive it and add it.
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https://twitter.com/OneAngryGamerHD/status/930689037320556545 Polygon And Vox Implore Reddit To Ban Kotaku In Action https://www.oneangrygamer.net/2017/11/polygon-vox-implore-reddit-ban-kotaku-action/44227/ https://archive.is/Xm4HH Unlikely to materialize- but if you have content on KiA you need, Archive Everything!!

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OP: ESRBusted President Elect 01/02/2017 (Mon) 00:34:01 Id: 5e4278 No. 329225 [Reply] [Last]
(Source on first image: https://archive.is/GQXVf#selection-333.54-333.58) The ESRB has been at the center of the censorship in vidya in recent years. Everyone scrambles for a T Rating, yet getting that rating is inconsistent. Not to mention the ESRB is charging an arm and a leg for it. Most stores refuse to sell anything without an ESRB rating, but small indies get away with it. If the ESRB got bigger, it could become mandatory (as in, all vidya media must have an ESRB rating- no matter how small the studio). The ESRB is almost there already, but after a few generations, you could have the ESRB refusing to classify some titles for being crass and inappropriate for all. And who should decide what is inappropriate for all in the future? Goal Either we drag the ESRB's reputation through the mud (too expensive, doesn't do it's job properly, is outdated as a guide to parents and consumers, does not assist the industry in a process that is almost needed), or they change their ways and/or costs. Big companies would want the ESRB cheaper (but probably want to keep it around so the Mature label can be used in advertising), smaller companies would want the ESRB cheaper, and the (good) consumers would want the ESRB to have less power. Those who want to use the ESRB as a deterrent for "problematic" games get shafted when it loses it's teeth, and bad parents have to admit they never did the research in an age of youtube instead of blaming devs. Methodology Basic spreading & digging. No major/decent dev is gonna reject the ESRB until it's reputation is reduced, and any backlash is minimal. So, under a new hashtag (ESRBusted) we showcase the worst of the ESRB: - Expense. - Anti-Developer practices. - Inconsistent Ratings (as well as possible signs of bias- against Japanese games or "problematic" themes, etc). Infographs, and digging into the above for more ammo.

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ESRB Rating Cost for Indies is Too Damn High twitter.com/JessConditt/status/930123611062464512 https://archive.is/U7LJY https://archive.is/a4pYJ > In September, the board announced a new tier for rating digital-to-physical games, allowing any title with a development budget of $1 million or less to be rated as a boxed product for $3,000, rather than the standard submission price of more than $10,000. With this change, all three console manufacturers made it a requirement for every game to pay this fee and carry an ESRB rating – even physical launches of digital titles. > "Obtaining ESRB assigned age and content ratings has always been voluntary," an ESRB spokesperson tells Engadget. "That said, many US retailers, including most major chains, have policies to only stock or sell games that carry an ESRB rating, and console manufacturers have typically required games that are published on their systems to be rated by ESRB." > In this case, "voluntary" is a complicated term. Developers aren't legally required to slap an ESRB rating on their games, but without one, they're shut out of the mainstream marketplace. > "There's no nice way to put it; they basically have a monopoly," Douglas Bogart, co-founder of Limited Run Games, says about the ESRB. "There's no one above them. You have to follow their rules. Your business basically lives or dies by their whim, which is really scary, in my opinion." > The new mandate is a hurdle for Limited Run, which attempts to cover production fees for all of the indie games they box up, taking a portion of the profits afterward. Since Limited Run sells the physical editions through their own storefront, they've historically not needed to secure additional ESRB ratings or pay any fees. Now, Limited Run and the developers they work with are required to pay at least $3,000 to the ESRB if they want to get physical. > "We can't just sign any game we want any more solely based on whether we liked it or not," Bogart says. "It needs to have a broader appeal so it can sell more units. Basically, this killed off small-run indie games. Video games have a high cost as it is and then adding that ESRB fee on top of it, pretty much makes it unfeasible." > Some indie developers hit it big with a sub-$1 million game, and for them, the new tier is a great discount. However, for many small developers, $3,000 is an insurmountable barrier. "That's a whole month's salary for some developers, or funding for their next game," Bogart says. "Some of these people are literally living meal-to-meal."
>>331372 > Limited Run co-founder Josh Fairhurst adds, "The physical release that we're putting out could be the difference between them living another day as game developers or closing up shop and going back to something else. I think that what we're doing in terms of making them money is really important." And then there's the necessary Long Form rating process itself, which can add months to a boxed edition's release schedule. > "It takes considerably longer now to get a game through the entire process to market, and it also hurts the developer on how much money they're getting," Bogart says. "It's delayed a lot of our stuff, which, as a business, hurts." > For AAA and mid-size publishers, the new, discounted rate for digital-to-physical games is a net positive – if they publish a game that cost less than $1 million to make, they get to save a few thousand dollars in rating fees. Small indies, however, are now on the hook for at least $3,000 if they want to release a physical product through a service like Limited Run, iam8bit or Special Reserve Games. > It's not surprising the new rules favor large publishers over small ones, considering the ESRB's reliance on the multi-billion-dollar AAA gaming market. > The ESA oversees the ESRB. All three major console manufacturers are on the board, and all three agreed to mandate the new digital-to-physical rating tier this September. "They just made it harder for us smaller publishers," Bogart says. "In some cases, you're going to see the small publishers probably shrink and go back to digital-only, which is what we were trying to prevent." > The ESRB has streamlined the rating process for indie developers over the years – in 2011, it rolled out a free, automatic rating system for digital games; it's still free today. Plus, the ESRB and ESA have invested heavily in the International Age Rating Coalition, which offers free ratings from authorities across the globe. And for midsize or super-successful small studios, the new fee is a real value, implemented "to accommodate publishers of digital games with a small development budget who didn't initially anticipate releasing their game in a physical form at retail," as the ESRB puts it. Still, the mandate puts specialty publishers, who tend to work with smaller indie games, in a difficult situation. > If the ESRB is going to impose a fee on digital-to-physical games, Bogart would like to see it based on the number of discs a publisher will actually produce. Limited Run generally only presses 2,000 or 3,000 copies of a single game, while AAA publishers will press – and sell – hundreds of thousands. For a major publisher, $3,000 or even $14,000 represents just a sliver of a game's development costs. For Limited Run, the fee raises its costs 20 percent to 100 percent, Bogart says. > "Having to pay for a rating hurts us significantly more than the bigger publishers," he says. "This might have been seen as a win for a lot of the bigger publishers, but for us that do smaller runs, they're not taking into consideration how many copies we're printing. And the fee itself is what hurts us." > Technically, there are no laws forcing publishers, developers or small-batch distributors to have their games rated. Technically, ESRB ratings are part of a voluntary system. But, practically, the ESRB has the power to dramatically disrupt gaming's small-batch industry. > "If the ESRB doesn't let us get through the process of getting a game rated or it's too expensive, that's a release we have to cancel," Bogart says. "That's potential money we lost for the company and for the developer. If that keeps happening or we keep getting fees from the ESRB for whatever the violations are, they can take us out pretty quickly."
>>331372 >>331373 Starting up a game's studio with no saftey-net is dumb. But, indies shouldn't be raked over the coals as hard as this. How can you justify £3000 to see if a game is appropriate for kids or not, when a 30 min conversation with an honest dev would suffice?

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Fundraising To Do Anonymous 11/12/2017 (Sun) 18:26:48 Id: b123c9 No. 331366 [Reply]
These are the groups and sites we need to donate to… The Honey Badger Brigade https://www.feedthebadger.com/projects/infiltrating-alberta-civil-court-disguised-as-ourselves/ The Badgers have a court case against the Mary Sue and their political allies, who want to turn nerd conventions into an identity politics gladiator area. Encyclopedia Dramatica Link: https://www.wesearchr.com/bounties/encyclopedia-dramatica-legal-defense-fund https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Main_Page A patent troll is trying to take down AE. So AE needs help. Archive.is http://archive.fo/ Since we're screw if this goes. I heard they aren't receiving enough donations.

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OPERATION: Trans Pacific Shitstorm Leader 07/31/2015 (Fri) 02:21:23 Id: f70a52 No. 240737 [Reply] [Last]
The TPP is coming people This deal has been in the shadows for months, but we have one clean shot to kill it for good. The Bill does have a 60-public reading period where criticisms have a chance to flourish against the bill. Our mission: WE MUST OVERREACT IMMEDIATELY We've only scrapped the surface of how much of our shit this can kill (online downloads, mods, chans, doujiins, cosplay,…list goes on) on top of corporations being able to sue governments more liberally. This is SOPA and PIPA back and worse than it's ever been. Fight the good fight, email your senators, post on social media, trend a hashtag, don't let a single politcian think they can keep their chair touching this
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IT CAME BACK https://archive.is/sx1dc https://archive.is/fP7OH They claim no dates are confirmed and they need to re-draft the text- but you know how sneaky these bastards are. Everything from before still applies. Hiding draconic punishment by banning whole families from using the internet under pretext of copyright law in the deal. Making ISPs capable of more monitoring than the NSA is in the deal. Ignoring environmental and worker laws as they see fit is in the deal. A nation's own laws mean nothing, and TPP overriding them is still in the deal. Them making every attempt to keep it out of the public eye as much as possible is still in the deal. Them making the document itself as hard to get a complete copy of is still in the deal. Them keeping the document secret for YEARS after it has passed is still in the deal. Because the TPP has never been about trade, and all of the above is the true goal. Much of the redpilling material from last-time still applies (albeit, they're gonna carry on without the US). But we do have new tools: - Trump is antiTPP. Even if he does nothing, his fan base might whip it up since he hates it.

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Shit we can still use for the second round. Do not claim the old contract is the new contract, it is just likely to contain the same stuff: >>240737 >>240738 >>241044 >>241236 >>241251 >>241415 >>241418 >>241422 >>241423 >>241427 >>241454 >>242072 >>243436 >>243735 >>243842 >>244800 >>245509 >>253895 >>256722 >>263292 >>263489 >>267661 >>269445 >>273547 >>278649 >>278723 >>279991 >>280052 >>280547 >>281152 >>281919 >>282105 >>282106 >>282280 >>282332 >>283188 >>283209 >>283896 >>284800 >>284957 >>287904 >>288443 >>289259 >>289587 >>291579 >>291698 >>292005 >>294607 >>294730 >>295484 >>295546 >>295939 >>295941 >>295992 >>297372 >>298866 >>300511 >>301552 >>302933 >>303120 >>308793 >>309168 >>309400 >>309408 >>310497 >>311334 >>311457 >>312416 >>314131 >>315587 >>317494 >>318224 >>320672 >>322856 >>324713 >>328595 >>328603 >>328668 >>328726 MODS WE NEED A STICKY
>>331361 Yeah no thanks that's great. Glad I tried to avoid making a fucklong post. Acid help.

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Twitch DisNod Target Lich Lord of GamerGate 11/11/2017 (Sat) 03:41:00 Id: feb930 No. 331348 [Reply]
Webm related. In Theory It could help clean up a decent chunk of a gaming community, by getting rid of a large group looking to get a free ride off beta males, and subvert the community. That gets a few more people on GG's side as we try to make services and the like about games for gamers. The admins follow the camwhores- so we've got more soyboys and potential "male allies" who are bound to get pissed their spank-bank got shut down. Yet, complaining about it would make them look bad, and get more eyes on the camwhores, proving Twitch can't do shit, and isn't advertiser friendly. Twitch is also owned by Youtube/Google IIRC. So you're taking money out of their pocket. Finally, Twitch banned "problematic" games in the past (not even porn games), and having a pseudo-monopoly on streaming isn't good for anyone. In Practice "GamerGate chases off Camwhores women off Twitch!" writes itself. We should never not do something out of fear of backlash (they'll pin fake shit to us, so why not)- but if it's not an essential target, we could drop it for more important things. Of course, each individual can do whatever Ops they see fit. If you approve- find people who sponsor or advertise through Twitch- and let them know the admins are fine with nip-slips and softcore porn as long as they can see it as well.
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>>331348 (OP) I hardly ever go to Twitch but holy shit! I browsed through the live list and easily found some cam whores. One of them was using a binaural microphone and whisper flirting while rubbing the microphone ears and licking her lips. Another one was dancing for tips and talking about dumb shit unrelated to games.
>>331350 Yes, you're right. Amazon sniped them at the last second: https://archive.is/swJY4 Not that Amazon is without sin. > Helping remove negative reviews from Hillary and Quin's books > Taking money from some anti-Islam song/book and giving it to a pro "refugee" charity >Amazon tracking data being sold IIRC, or some shit like that > The CEO being pro Hillary IIRC > And an advert where a christian/catholic priest and an muslim imam chat & have a laugh like all imams are kind and sweet. To be honest, it could be owned by a blank slate- fucking up the worst of the website is nice as a show of power, plus forces SJW to rush to the defense of actual whores going against the sites TOS. Twitch isn't being ethical. >>331352 Work out how to record it. If they keep past broadcasts up, even better since you can just email companies that.
Fair analysis from an anon in a GG thread: > I'm sorry, but I can't see what this is going to achieve beyond inconveniencing a couple of camwhores and feeding the general "Get the lewds off the internet" institutional zeitgeist. > This is a bad op. Not because it might give us bad PR, but because it doesn't actually help us in any conceivable way. > We don't want to feed the "advertiser friendly" lobby more than actually necessary.

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Getting ready to avoid appropriation of GamerGate by new audiences Val 11/14/2016 (Mon) 22:31:51 Id: a29c8c No. 328750 [Reply]
>all these people blaming trump on gamergate in articles everywhere >breitbart getting a top-spot in trump's government, very likely Milo will somehow mention us GET FUCKING READY Gamergate autocompletes again on twitter, which means that the very second trump or any of his very close advisors starts even MENTIONING us, you have be ready as shitIF IT HAPPENS YOU HAVE TO MAKE GAMERGATE TREND AGAIN WITH VIDEOS, GRAPHICS AND SCREENCAPS TO TEACH EVERYONE WHAT IT IS ABOUT, JUST LIKE THE GOOD OL' DAYS >Get your GG folder ready anon, you will possibly need it VERY soon The purpose of this thread is to gather and plan ahead the very high possibility that Gamergate becomes an actual, heavy, present matter in the soon-to-be American government, and to ensure it doesn't get turned into another loud and ridiculous shouting match. Collections of facts, screencaps, graphics, videos, etc. are necessary for easy and quick sharing. Statistics about political affiliations of the GG population, wikis, history articles, anti-gamergate exactions, etc. will always be useful. The point isn't "PR". The media is at an all-time low in terms of trust from the general population, which implies people will seek information and knowledge from social media first and foremost; spreading gamergate's victories, goals and supports will ensure we get fresh blood, sure, but also that it isn't driven away from its actual purpose. For example, here's a list of important outlets which have openly supported Gamergate : - Wikileaks - the SPJ - the FTC… A list of developers : - Mark Kern

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>>328877 >Using drybones-chan's "ethicscucks" unironically >still being an assmad a/GGR/o >shameful waste of dubs May kek smite you
>>331298 So how long until the Trump family are officially outed as GamerGaters?

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help me with sources! its-a-me 10/25/2017 (Wed) 16:47:36 Id: e9c010 No. 331291 [Reply]
hello gamers! I am an Italian guy, doing its final university paper on GamerGate. n order to complete this task, I need every source possible on the controversy, and I ask you for those, since you clearly know more than me on the issue. Can you help me? Thanks! p.s. pic unrelated
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Stop playing Western vidya. Lich Lord of GamerGate 11/01/2017 (Wed) 14:46:59 Id: 5c0e71 No. 331305 [Reply]
>Western games repeatedly shove in Niggers and other muds regardless of how appropriate it is >Western gaming shoves in stronk womyn >Capcom, maybe the most cucked Japanese vidya company tries to be even more like the West >The Lefties in Western gaming repeatedly show they scorn White Menand the West despite taking advantage of their accomplishments Stop playing them.
With NeoGaf imploding and not having influence that it used to have, it'll stop or slow down the stronk womyn, Mary Sues, stupidity, and cucky-ness in Western games. We have based Poland.

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Anita Sarkeesian: "I Survived GamerGate" Lich Lord of GamerGate 11/01/2017 (Wed) 06:49:08 Id: 0d1d00 No. 331304 [Reply]
Did she really "survived" GamerGate? Or is she saying all this crap for more victim bucks and more attention?

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Operation :Around The World (Persona 5) Leader 04/22/2017 (Sat) 02:06:40 Id: 2911e1 No. 330500 [Reply]
Here is the thread to keep a detailed list of anything and everything relating to the attack on Persona 5 from the media for it's translation meanwhile pass on games released last year (2016) that received censorship left and right.
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>>330517 We all would. You have to wonder who would disagree…
>>330505 check out the slider.
Anyone got the polls about the localization?

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CON Leaks - Combing for info. Veteran Leader 08/27/2016 (Sat) 03:25:14 Id: 501a1f No. 327075 [Reply] [Last]
The whole damn thing: http://pastebin.com/AvLCEYmc Don't assume anything will stay up. Not even the archives. Download it onto your own machine as .txt files. The password on the Mega doesn't work, but you can still get it from each pastebin/archive. Alternative download: FULL LOGS http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=00225189621021751293 Password: is7X8ThzzMC7CL2VtAvd So, the leak is subdivided into what they've done/said. It fits into one or more of these categories:

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>>328808 But the game is going to suck, right?
>>328814 It involves Chucky and Zooey. Sucking is a given.
An early draft of the book was leaked in August, think it was posted in another thread before: https://archive.fo/YFft5 There have been some minor leaks before and after that. Turns out not only did Chelsea have them working on CON, they also worked on the book. They did it all for free. Chelsea kept promising salaries, compensation, housing, and health care to keep them working, and they never got a dime. https://storify.com/SecretGamerGrrl/how-the-public-faces-of-anti-abuse-nearly-killed-a https://trashoverride.tumblr.com

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