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GamerGate Radio

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trunscumfobik sanik Leader of GamerGate 02/18/2016 (Thu) 15:31:27 Id: 0ee05f No. 316733 [Reply]
kweer-ymtercecs-jinjer-jenie-fuckin-punjenjer-fuidkadonoutroxfulur sanik gotta tu fest https://twitter.com/sonic_hedgehog/status/699781763346800640
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>>316792 >This whole thread.
>Sanic is part of GG now

Those who move the world Leader of GamerGate 02/14/2016 (Sun) 12:51:10 Id: ddd9c4 No. 316268 [Reply]
>>316237 I'm intrigued leaders Someone really powerful is pushing this SJW, "feminist", "movements" With a mixture of corruption, censorship and questioning is bad They are even moving the UN in order to ensure this is worldwide Is too evident to ignore, why aren't we talking about this?
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>>316909 Vid related.
>>316488 Social media unfortunately is needed to have people noticing this stuff But is not all that is there to do: Mails the sponsors and the complaints to websites Creation of new ideas and strategies Creation of new content Spreading the content, news and strategies To post in "neutral" sites shit that is happening, without the GG flag to avoid being censored at least for a while >>316564 >we achieve nothing by taking the responsible of the discourse if the megaphones that are repeating are in auto-pilot. Things in auto mode, tends to just fall faster But If their income is not natural, once is disrupted they will be forced to change >but that goes beyond the scope of the 'Ethics' meme In a sense that is the point, to grow further

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GGBlocker 1.3.3 Released Leader of GamerGate 02/20/2016 (Sat) 17:12:08 Id: f6b63f No. 316991 [Reply]
Chrome Web Store link:https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ggblocker/aabmoedabiliejlieonfephdoncnailk tl;dr: Switches to archive.is, adds filter importing/exporting and deletion, improves archive.is with helpful buttons. Has jokes. Changes =Version 1.3.3 Patch= Removed 4chan.org from default filter list. Tweaked tool button sizes to compensate for users running resolutions < 1080p. IT'S CURRENT_YEAR FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE! ===Version 1.3.2 Update=== Switched default archive url to archive.is. All archive.is pages now have a "Fetch Fresher Page" link. Added the ability to delete filters. (finally). Added basic update message functionality. Added Tool Section inside of "Edit Filters". Added tool for deleting all filters. Added tool for exporting list of filters. Added tool for importing list of filters. Added tool for reseting filter list to default.

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>>317069 >it free Of course. >>317088 >caring about stars The only reason I released another version was because archive.today shat itself.
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Cute icon

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Putting together a team of programmers to help create the tool to make shadowbanning expensive HistoryOfGamerHatred 02/20/2016 (Sat) 09:27:02 Id: eecffc No. 316960 [Reply]
I've received overwhelming support for this analysis of Twitter's shadowbanning apparatus, not just in the form of accolades, but in offering to program the tool to counter this apparatus. (https://www.red*dit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/46bptk/yes_yes_everyone_here_is_a_moral_paragon_who_isnt/) If you know JavaScript, SQL, sentiment analysis, Bayesian filters, natural language generation, Twitter API, devops, deployment, cloud services, or git, please private message me on Reddit via https://www.red*dit.com/user/HistoryOfGamerHatred/ with a throwaway email (via GuerillaMail https://www.guerrillamail.com/) Don't reply to this post with your email. In fact, if anyone puts their email here, I won't be inviting you to the project. Don't be publically associated with this. We have a repository setup with coding guidelines, a proposal of the tech stack, organized issues and milestones, and a high-level review of the strategy. I will be reviewing your Reddit post history to vet you before allowing you access. Thanks again!
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Shadowbanning might be what ends up killing the internet.
>>317009 >You know even by announcing this here you'd be letting them know about this and they'll start a counter-strategy In theory, we could do nothing, and Anita and Chelsea would take this op at face value as if it were ongoing and active. That's the beauty of chan culture, we;re hiding in plain sight and these fucks can't tell what's real and what isn't. I doubt the visit anything but this, revolt, and baph, and wouldn't begin to understand how to parse 8diamonds.

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GJN interview with Eron. Leader of GamerGate 02/21/2016 (Sun) 17:43:28 Id: c85513 No. 317059 [Reply]
The interview will start at noon EST today (Feb 21), so in about 15 minutes from when this post goes up. GJN stands for Game Journalism Network and is run by Aaron Pabon, the guy organizing AirPlay2. Here's the link: https://youtu.be/frFlhnckyFY
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>>317186 The alternative is leaving dead air. He's in a position where he has to be very careful about what he says, so it's kind of understandable.
>>317186 Legal issues. If you got to think a lot about what you can and cannot say, you will say a lot of 'uh'. I also think most people say that many 'uh' in an interview. But on TV and in most places, you cut out those moments because they don't add a lot of interest. And the majority of people actually getting interviewed are generally public spokespeople, which are trained to avoid 'uh's and usually know most of the questions they will have to answer.

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Help American McGee's Sister Leader 12/04/2015 (Fri) 05:36:37 Id: 4856d2 No. 306919 [Reply] [Last]
Hey guys, American McGee is in real need of help. His sister has been missing since 11/10 and there is no trace of her. His family suspect foul play after he received Anti-GG threats that named her specifically. The police do not seem to be helping much. She is a mother of three and lives in the Dallas, TX area. If there are any Texas bros that can share this info or digg for info, I'm sure it would help a but. Futhermre, if there are anyone here with family or friends in law enforcement, please consider passing this plea for help to him.
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Can confirm that Mercy is alive and really good at sucking dick between sessions of Mario Kart.
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>>317229 >>317285 >I know, I'll post it again, that'll show 'em.

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WINNING but some concerns Leader of GamerGate 02/19/2016 (Fri) 03:47:37 Id: c6e933 No. 316830 [Reply]
https://archive.is/AVX7Z Specifically why is NPR shilling for John Flynt? Yeah I know, liberals, but here me out, there has to be more to this. There's also a bunch of other slightly more mainstream outlets butthurt about the court case like the Washington Examiner.
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>>316936 Trent Lott. That's why he's getting coverage. He used to fuck him back in the day.
>>317122 Massachusetts is a shithole. Worked down there last year. Nuts.

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Ruling today in Toronto social media "harassment" case Leader of GamerGate 01/22/2016 (Fri) 08:31:56 Id: 28819c No. 313324 [Reply] [Last]
https://archive.is/6SzmT >The outcome of what's believed to be the first criminal harassment case in Canada involving Twitter will help set the tone for how the courts and society navigate the nuances of online interaction, observers said Thursday. >A verdict is expected Friday in the Ontario Court of Justice trial of Gregory Alan Elliott, a Toronto man facing two charges of criminal harassment over his dealings with two local women's rights activists on Twitter. http://www.freedomoftweets.ca/ >If you live in Toronto, you've almost certainly seen Gregory Alan Elliott’s art. He is a prolific street artist and graphic designer known for producing motivational artwork. His work has been featured by the Toronto Star. >In November 2012, Elliott was arrested and charged with criminal harassment after arguing with several activists on Twitter. He didn't threaten or endanger anyone. All he did was argue. >As a result of his detention and trial, Greg has accumulated nearly one hundred thousand dollars in legal fees. He has been prohibited from using computers and the Internet and forced to leave his job. >Gregory Alan Elliott lives in Toronto with his four sons. He is currently awaiting the final verdict in his trial.
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>>317365 >literally >go die in a fire >sexist >actual >adorable Millennials aren't just scum, they're uncreative scum.
>>317380 I'd love to take this princess into a burn unit with her two kids crisped and see if she says that.

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Bioware hires racist developer Leader 12/28/2015 (Mon) 23:00:29 Id: ea9a1b No. 310872 [Reply] [Last]
Contact Information below Twitter: Bioware:https://twitter.com/bioware?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor EA: https://twitter.com/ea Contact Info: BioWare Montréal 200-3 Place Ville-Marie Montreal QC Canada H3B 2E3 Phone: 514-448-8800 Fax: 514-448-8846 Email: Email Inquiries contact@bioware.com

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>>317424 /leftypol/ pls

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Update! Leader of GamerGate 02/25/2016 (Thu) 06:19:18 Id: 13952e No. 317390 [Reply]
Hi guys, webcomic creator here. GamerGate helped me out a year ago winning a certain webcomic contest. But now I'm not allowed into the special indie comic clique any longer. Hahaha, no, but just wanted to give an update and say I'm doing fantastic, and I won this years awards! First place, and 3,000 Dollar price! So thank you for your help back in the day, I was really low at that point, and I really needed that confidence boost that you gave me, after I got fired.
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>>317479 >My comics are more popular than theirs combined, times 3, so nobody is really going to listen to them without concrete evidence of me harassing womyn, or fixing votes, which they can't get, because who the fuck does that. Only ones harassing people are SJW's. Good job, I remember when you showed up back in November/December 2014. You've come far. As long as you remember that you're not perfect you'll continue to go far. Just keep in mind your competitors mistakes when they thought they could replace talent & effort with connections & whining and avoid those same mistakes and you'll be on the path to great successes. Just stay in touch with your fans and your fans will carry you.
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>>317390 Don't be afraid to gouge furries for commission bucks if you blew all your wining money away on stuff you can't even remember what and why you spent it on.

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What happened to @ShuluuMoo? Leader of GamerGate 02/21/2016 (Sun) 18:57:21 Id: 5b3e40 No. 317063 [Reply]
What happened to best girl GG? She was probably the best one in the trinity that went for that Huffingtonpost interview. Bharaj and Young are still around but where did ShuluuMoo go? Did SJWs harass her and dox her so she deleted her accounts and stuff?
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>>317311 pic source?
>>317591 Risa Yoshiki (吉木 りさ)

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Twitter Shadowbanning is real. Leader of GamerGate 02/17/2016 (Wed) 01:26:42 Id: 8161fb No. 316600 [Reply] [Last]
http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2016/02/16/exclusive-twitter-shadowbanning-is-real-say-inside-sources/ We need to make a new operation and make this trend. Maybe as a parallel operation to Torrential Downpour.
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https://archive.is/sAYcn dailykos is claiming Twitter censored an anti-hillary hash tag while having ties to the Clinton campaign.
>>317568 Ok so we attack from as many angles as possible ?

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#OpLicenselessTweeter and #BanMeNow Leader of GamerGate 02/18/2016 (Thu) 00:57:45 Id: 1c4221 No. 316679 [Reply]
in light of the recent revelation that twitter is now stealth banning people I now propose that on Friday the 26th 6:00 est, we engage #OpLicencelessTweeter. #OpLicencelessTweeter is discuses in more detail in this post and replies. >>316655 the general gist of it is that on that on that day on that time we all post derogatory(not edgy, you know the difference) yet truthful comments in the tag #BanMeNow in an attempt to deliberately get our account shadow banned so that we can red-pill normies who will find sympathy for the guys trying to stand up to twitters unreasonableness, make twitter mods and report button shills overwhelmed with the shear numbers of problematic tweets, make twitter mods responsible for deleting the accounts of 6 million ex-paying customers (essentially quickening their ride to bankruptcy) in a shoah of epic proportions and get the point across to twitter that their cyber violence will not be tolerated.
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its time.
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Why not use this opportunity to shill GNU Social as an alternative?

boosting morale with CRINGE! Leader of GamerGate 02/24/2016 (Wed) 04:40:39 Id: e17530 No. 317298 [Reply]
so I came across this cringe vid on youtube and it got me thinking. we need a good morale thread to remind us of what kind of idiocy we're fighting against. so here we go, ITT: post any cringe videos of SJWs and corrupt journos you can find and let's point and laugh at their idiocy to boost morale. this can be anything from instant karma to cringey behavior caught on camera and anything else cringe worthy. I'll start us off with an SJW getting arrested for trying to pull her Tumblr logic with a cop trying to do his job.
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>>317526 Bump. We need more morale threads.
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>Major Nelson: This is Evan. She is one of the young ladies… >Evan: No, I use they pronouns. >Major Nelson: Pardon me? >Evan: I use they pronouns. >Major Nelson: They prounouns? OK. So Evan is one of the folks who worked on this game. Sheee, she's a game developer… Continues to ignore retarded pronoun bullshit, lol!

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insulting Anita offends pro-GG? Leader of GamerGate 02/09/2016 (Tue) 23:21:56 Id: a85bcf No. 315662 [Reply]
Why does this image offend you so much, for simply calling out Anita for being the piece of hatemongering, fascist trash she really is?
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>>317608 >>317458 Anita wants governments and corporations to be in complete control of the lives of ordinary people. That was one of the main pillars of fascism. So its not surprising people are saying she is a fascist. Most of these SJWs are.
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>>317632 Kinda hard to imagine someone being on the chans who hasn't heard of one of the swarmfags favorite heroes.

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BUTTHURT FROM KLEPEK AND MYERS Leader of GamerGate 02/27/2016 (Sat) 05:36:48 Id: 5d4349 No. 317587 [Reply]
LOL Klepek and Meyers reactions over the Nichegamer article on Nintendo localizing Pokemon Sun and Moon themselves http://nichegamer.com/2016/02/rest-easy-the-pokemon-company-is-localizing-pokemon-sun-and-moon/ http://archive.is/mMB1H Meyers still going on ranting he's receiving harassment. Cuckadoodle doo.
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>>317849 Pretty much. This is the world you SJW fucks wanted; rejoice, because now you get to live in it.
>nichegamer just informs that pokemon is likely receiving a decent translation from it's company >w-w-what is this? is this the new normal? people actually caring about a recent string of godawful shitty translations >nichegamer is "trash" because I don't really have a sound argument as to why and I'm just angry >makes comparisons to infowars and conspiracy theories and makes himself his own cringe Cuck-a-doodle-doo. I sometimes wish I knew how to market to betas like them. If I could just sell them a translated book or product and tell them I injected it with some good feminist SJW morality, it looks like they'd lap it up.

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