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GamerGate Radio

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EDTech and GG Anonymous 05/08/2017 (Mon) 22:10:30 Id: b10257 No. 330571 [Reply]
https://archive.is/e5lhU Anyone investigating EdTech? I find it scary that some, like the Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, a Google Charmain, and such are on to this thing.

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GG Wiki Editing Anonymous 06/02/2017 (Fri) 22:30:29 Id: d68c62 No. 330680 [Reply]
I figure that the wiki needs a spot, so I can get the proper input while I am editing and updating the wiki. Plus, get my questions answered.

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OP FAR-FLAG Leader 05/30/2017 (Tue) 18:43:30 Id: 43ba6f No. 330646 [Reply]
Mombot has found a targeted media blitz centred around a suspicious petition regarding the upcoming game Far Cry 5. The articles found thus far all appear to have dropped within a five hour window of each other, as listed here: https://ghostbin.com/paste/rvdm3 Upon some prodding around, Mombot has got into contact with a couple of journos, and an editor behind a few of the articles. He has admitted he found the petition himself, which was posted in a then-Public, now suspiciously Private Facebook group, which the average person, read: us, cannot access. Even more suspicious, it appears to be modded/admin'd by several high ranking people with the journo and games industry itself WE MAY HAVE A SMALLER GJP ON OUR HANDS Step 1: Timeline http://archive.is/JHdKN We know it was first posted on 25th May. It was posted at least once on Reddit on 27th May. https://archive.fo/3qTAb But it only picked up steam today (30th May). Smaller blogs ran it: https://ghostbin.com/paste/rvdm3

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>>330667 Daft question- how big is Far Cry/Ubisoft in Europe? Big enough so (if IGN did it) they'd pull this for those nations, but not for the US?
>>330668 I don't think they are bigger than their US counterparts. I don't know why none of the usual suspects (aside from descucktoid) reported on it. I wonder if there's something more to it, like they knew it was a false flag done by IGN or even Ubisoft itself and decided to play it safe letting the smaller sites run with it
Okay, I'll put this Operation in the GG wiki.

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" THE BOX ANONYMOUS MESSAGING SYSTEM RIP 08/16/2016 (Tue) 19:02:57 Id: ba266e No. 326698 [Reply]
Exchange messages without javascript, cookies or registration! No need to create an account or remember a password - just save your secret link to check messages and share your public link with your friends.
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add me on ricochet ricochet:zldae3jrim6vkqsw need someone to talk to about bitcoin, etc and more ;)
> Learn to not easy-modo the internet and proxy up faggot. I have zero skills, teach me oh master. Aren't most proxies honeypots? Especially the free ones and especially the ones that you pay for. That's the rumor. And anything going across intl boundaries is getting vacuumed up by Echelon which can link your decrypted traffic to your IP-VPN connection by packet timestamps. Let's turn this into a general bunker tech thread. If 8chan, Rizon, Voat, and KiA all went down tomorrow, where do we go? How do we build a new resilient communications system?
Looks vaguely interesting, but no link and an essentially google-proof name make this thread useless.

A Brief History of GamerGate's Battle With the CBC Lunar Archivist 04/28/2017 (Fri) 02:43:46 Id: 2170f2 No. 330519 [Reply]
Hey /gamergatehq/! Long time no see. :) The following information is a duplicate of a Reddit thread I created a while back for archival purposes, which is a complete list of media released by the CBC which are either about GamerGate or contain individuals misrepresenting, slandering, libeling, or defaming us: CBC Report 1: "Women talking video games online risk abuse, threats" by John Bowman (October 1, 2014) http://www.cbc.ca/newsblogs/yourcommunity/2014/10/women-talking-video-games.html Duration: 4 minutes 9 seconds CBC Report 2: "Jesse Wente: GamerGate" by Matt Galloway (October 8, 2014) http://www.cbc.ca/metromorning/columnists/2014/10/08/jesse-wente-gamergate/ Duration: 5 minutes 56 seconds CBC Report 3: "#StopGamerGate2014 hashtag suggests internet is growing tired of GamerGate" by Lauren O'Neil (October 15, 2014) http://www.cbc.ca/newsblogs/yourcommunity/2014/10/stopgamergate2014-the-internet-has-had-enough-of-gamergate.html Duration: N/A (text article) CBC Report 4: "Technology column - GamerGate" by Matt Connolly and Dana DiTomaso (October 20, 2014)

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Thanks, Anon, this will come in handy since I regularly update and add to the GG wiki.
>At present, the CBC Ombudsman is basically stonewalling the Canadian government's complaint process by not only failing to respond to both of the aforementioned requests but not even acknowledging that they received the complaints at all. Ezra Levant may be interested. Of course I tried pitching Sun News on GG and other things at the time and they ignored it. Very interesting. Suspect that this DIGRA stuff is linked in with it and they have other interests they want to protect. t. the guy scoping Silverstring Media through the BC government
>>330565 No problem! Maybe we can add information about how to file complaints as well somewhere. >>330582 Any suggestions on contacting him? Should I try Twitter? Also, I called the CRTC this week. They're going to get back to me after discussing how to proceed. As I said previously, this kind of situation is rare, if not completely unprecedented.

Zoe Quinn coming out of the closet President Elect 01/13/2017 (Fri) 21:43:43 Id: e44129 No. 329523 [Reply]
Did you read her latest Tumblr post about her coming out of the closet? Archive link is below. https://archive.is/DimDb
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>>329523 >all these various socjus Fat Acceptance media tricks over the years to appear thinner >all of them being deployed 1000% in this photo >it's still barely enough to contain it. 50/50 shot of whether the belt ripped or the pants exploded Tetsuo-style 10 seconds after the snap.
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Will there be a GamerGate Round 2? This video is worth watching. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agQ0PWXb6-U
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>>330375 >June 2011 >Toronto Fuuuck. I was still living there at the time.

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We're being slid. Leader 05/05/2017 (Fri) 20:09:19 Id: aa1d50 No. 330556 [Reply]
"Juggalos" are necroing old threads, trying to hide something. Where's Acid to ban these fucking clowns?
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>>330556 >trying to hide something Like there's anything to hide - there's been about 12 posts in the last month. At least it means the old threads are back up - April was 404 month.
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Sorry, I was helping a friend out as his job after I got off work. Looks like the raid coincided with QuQu shitposting about me on Twitter, so it was probably one of the usual retards. A mod got to it before I did. Remember to bump any especially good threads that got slid.
Threads are gone. Surprised anyone really bothers trying to slide anymore.

Gamergate is a conservative echo chamber? Leader 05/03/2017 (Wed) 22:13:32 Id: 3c3067 No. 330535 [Reply]
http://slatestarcodex.com/2017/05/01/neutral-vs-conservative-the-eternal-struggle/ >I’m desperately trying to avoid the Nerd Culture Wars, which have somehow managed to be even worse than the Regular Culture Wars, but even I’ve heard about GamerGate and the Sad Puppies. These were originally movements to fight a perceived liberal bias in regular gaming/sci-fi. They of course failed, and now they’re their own little separate conservative spaces practicing conservative video game commentary/sci-fi writing.
>echo chamber You're thinking of NeoGAF.

Youtube and Google under assault from the MSM Leader 04/08/2017 (Sat) 20:13:45 Id: 5e6791 No. 330458 [Reply]
With the abject fucking failure by the MSM to make any real, meaningful impact on big youtubers like PewDiePie, it looks like they are extending their smear campaign to YouTube via slamming Google, to an evidently much greater effect. While I have my reservations about defending Google, this is a case where they have not done anything wrong. They simply have the scale to put MSM out of business within the next few generations. While I don't think they will succeed in killing YouTube, they may use this event to leverage quite a bit of control over who is and isnt allowed to have video monetization, or even further control on what videos are allowed to show up on youtube. I think this is worth a counter-operation. Question is, what can we do?.
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>>330487 actually I'm was/from the_donald and a bernout we'd just all universally love to see Acid get dropped in same for ultimately derailing everything, thx. (I got nuked off of KIA from getting into it with node over Hirsi Ali, it turns out his waifu is from Tunisia so he'll always attack anti-muslim anyones without question) I just studied the language of /pol/ enough to fake it good. May've gone a bit overboard on the keyphrases though. Reading the screencap it sounds a little more Markov than I'd like. Point being though the hate is universal., even around T_D and lpol. (who would've thought our mods were equally shit, I was expecting deranged hippies not underageb& trannies, but boy does a lot of spin since the election end make sense now, and why they started pushing out authentic activist types) Some of the qs were authentic, though, like skinheads really did spawn from Marley-an reggae, so I was trying to fish that one anon for what his side of history sounded like. I was interested in finding out if he was one of the early ones and what sparked the change, but he didn't return before 404. By virtue of both groups of skinnies being anti-outsider it's extremely hard to find concrete info. The non-SJ/feminist leftie anons are trying to build a timeline to the corporatisation of punk, but of course by nature of the genre very little is actually 'down' anywhere, it's all in peoples' heads or floating around in a few odd 2000s and before forum posts here and there. Due to that nebulous nature, Jamaican and UK skinheads both claim to be 'the first.' Bernouts disengaged by the hundreds of thousands after the 8th, being able to show a timeline of corp-friendly SJs entering particularly large subcultures might shake off their depression and get them back into the thick of things before 2020/4. (gaming is very obviously CIA related though, the scan at http://imgur.com/JMG2hh7 exposes that one really well) (I really would've liked to get DisNod going again though. WSJ can handle losing subs because their primary income is on the business side with stocks and market advice and the like, their leading the charge was probably 100% intentional to prevent another Gawker/Vox situation. So getting FB/YT anime fans off of just WSJ focus is vital) Beardo hate is also universal, we just refer to them differently, and usually imply they have CIA (spook) connections. (overwhelming possibility of being true with SA-descent like Ezra Klein and the clique being a sort of long-game cooption, all these nobodies having such easy and familiar ties to big corporate news has always been a big red flag.) I also had no idea anyone even came here anymore, I only thought to check because of the /sudo/ thread and goons trying to take over and shut down small boards (like mlp) falsely pretending to be the owners. Interesting they didn't target here. Almost like they're trying to build a specific narrative… (that is, I believe they're trying to demolish below the top 100 and possibly work their way up that chain to make the whole site look like it is/actually lean more towards the right, possibly to create an eternal 4/8 fracture and make it live up to the 'more extreme than 4chan' perception. There's also still a ban on most boards mentioning 8 anywhere over there. One key to dispelling this narrative among normies would be to point out the David Kalac murder incident happened almost a month after the NS/1488 pollacks and GGers were thrown out.) >>330471 Now that part I wasn't aware of. AT&T and CNN I mean. We all know why someone else owns Yahoo now.
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>>330482 >asshole consulting I like this man's oysters. also thanks for that, did not know Amazon was doing similar, I guess this means the other big distros' affiliate programs aren't working out, or are being intentionally underreported to ensure they don't work out (I use an alibaba one) I wonder if Robyn found this page because she was very quick to get direct sponsorship, while "serious" YTers are still bawling and throwing tantrums. (on top of that one of her primary sponsors is leaping onto a bit of a bubble of its own, akibento is an anime-specific loot crate, so I hope she's still looking around for more.) Also I suspect Jimling was aware of this coming, if not through his own intuition then informed of it, hence his departure from Escapist well ahead of everyone else and early $10k follower buildup. It's clear movieblob had no fucking clue though. I hope this spells the end of that guy. oh hey, that bit about teachers…. I wonder if there's a way to force that bubble to burst, utilising youtube and patreon together for "alternate educational" channels I wonder if anyone remembers my teacher salary digs from last year pre-primary. So many parts of Cali have an average salary of around $170,000 for teachers. A couple of areas that sound gated community-ish are up to $400k which is just pure insanity.
from /v/ https://archive.is/Ojhe7 Advertisers Are Still Boycotting YouTube Over Offensive Videos https://tech.slashdot.org/story/17/04/30/0610213/advertisers-are-still-boycotting-youtube-over-offensive-videos#comments Giants are fighting and we don't know why, but lots of innocents are getting hurt. * Pastebin of Hit Pieces on YouTubers https://pastebin.com/DqdtR7dD * Paul Joseph Watson: "YouTube demonetizes my video about the London attack https://twitter.com/PrisonPlanet/status/845012915807797249 * Youtube shuts down account that posted video on alliance between the Western left and Islamic right https://twitter.com/GKJoe/status/847923254392221697 * Sye Ten Atheist Gets Channel Taken Down!! WTF?? https://voat.co/v/KotakuInAction/1778899 * Flashgitz: YouTube demonetized Racist Mario and removed its thumbnail. So we made a new one to better fit with their policies. https://twitter.com/FlashgitzAnims/status/856230077562048512 We need to find out who these advertisers are, what they are thinking, who they are taking advice from, etc., etc. The youtuber "ACG" / Karak says that he hears about some leaked info: YT is on "step 2 of 5" of bringing changes (demonetization, flagging videos, etc). In another podcast episode Karak refrains from answering more about this question "because of NDAs he has signed", but was willing to add that big changes from YT are still coming, and won't be good.

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Anita Sarkeesian is finally leaving gaming! Leader 04/29/2017 (Sat) 10:07:45 Id: 51c5ad No. 330529 [Reply]
It's finally happening! Anita Sarkeesian is finally leaving the gaming community to work on some Freq Show and politics about Donald Trump. https://twitter.com/mashable/status/857659646663962625

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Meta/Test Thread Acid Man 04/06/2017 (Thu) 05:08:36 Id: 1e63c4 No. 330449 [Reply]
Benis. Benis. One.. Two… Three…. Feel free to shitpost in this thread, ask about the downtime or site/board issues. We haven't had a meta thread in a while anyway.
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>>330462 >What imageboard software? >What should we use? I was going to say maybe ask over at /sudo, but /sudo is still under heavy shilling and shitposting right now. Maybe /tech, but similar shilling from last time I looked. Might have to wait a bit for /sudo to settle down, I'm not sure how valid the shitpost that is going around with how every tinyboard is still vulnerable to the same type of hack that took down 8ch on april 1.
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>other than the old megas + draw threads, which threads have been archived?
>>330449 This doesn't have anything to do with anything… But the thumbnail that image looks like a LARGE fountain pen is being inserted into Asuka's ass; spiderchan-style. It took a second of looking "Oh that's her SHOE" (sHOEoN aSS)

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Nerd Poker Leader 03/20/2017 (Mon) 19:58:42 Id: 3ad7d7 No. 330370 [Reply]
Clique involving people in the film, television, video game, comic book industries as well as several geek/nerd personalities. Has been around since the mid-2000s. Originally exposed by game journo Nick Monroe (@nickmon1112) on their twitter. https://twitter.com/nickmon1112/status/837872226741465088 https://twitter.com/nickmon1112/status/837869518374465536 An apt description comes from a 2009 press release for "House of Game" - http://files.shareholder.com/downloads/ABEA-4UREYL/0x0x402891/0C74635B-1068-4A85-8422-FB5EB2EF7242/DTSI_News_2009_5_22_General_Releases.pdf "Nerd Poker is a collective of creative individuals from the film, entertainment and game industries who all share a love for video games. Formed in 2006, Nerd Poker began as a group of friends who regularly played games on-line and shared an affinity for identifying progressive entertainment properties. The network has since cultivated a new and unique platform for creative projects, collaboration and business to take place between Hollywood and game creators. House of Game presented by Nerd Poker will be the first official showcase of its kind that will bring the leading professionals from both Hollywood and video game industries together. The founding members of Nerd Poker are Kevin Chang, Justin Marks, Ben Fritz and Derek Douglas, with partners Tom Ham, Zach Schiff-Abrams and Ford Gilmore." http://pastebin.com/VC4h6svC
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>>330370 That group in OPs pic is a lot more diverse than SJW cliques usually are.
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>>330372 >That's fucking Fart. He's known more for stealing other people's work and taking credit for it, and not fact-checking his info. You're salty that stealing other people's digs then taking credit for them is "your thing" and he's doing "your thing" better than you can do. Just get a hobby or something; move on with your life.
Who cares who "stole" what. The important thing is to verify the information and push it out. Has Nerd Poker been caught in any wrongdoing? Is there a problem with anyone in the group other than Fritz?

phaggot-ass /leftypol/tard gets butthurt over /our/ boy Sargon degenerate centrist 03/03/2017 (Fri) 18:38:31 Id: 692ce8 No. 330281 [Reply]
this guy >>1434664 is a pu$$boi. There's not much to say to this man besides "I hope you get your Steam key invalidated". Long live our Kekistani leader, King Carl Benjamin, 1st of his name. Press F to pay respects
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Praise be Kek's chosen sun.

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OP Nuke-a Laylee Leader 03/25/2017 (Sat) 02:00:03 Id: 139e1f No. 330391 [Reply]
OP Nuke-a Laylee ITT we discuss the means through which Kickstarter backers of Yooka Laylee can get a refund from Playtonic or Kickstarter. In light of Playtonic's less than stellar way of dealing with any issues that Jon Tron may or may not have raised outside of Playtonic's control, many kickstarter backers have been enquiring how to get their money back. Forums are being shut down and discussion is being quashed due to the consumer/backer backlash and funder's questions have either been ignored or simply ridiculed. This thread will be used a source from which information can be spread to the backers before it is too late. This thread will also be used to plan courses of action for such backers to take.
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>>330445 Yep. If there are burgers in clapistani that may benefit from an FTC thingamajigger. Great. If bongs in bongistani have a better chance using their bong laws, then of course do that.
For all britbongs, here is the site that should help you get refunds. https://www.gov.uk/complain-financial-service

another damn privacy-killing bill Leader 03/29/2017 (Wed) 03:43:52 Id: dcaec9 No. 330435 [Reply]
well boys and girls, here we go again, they're pushing through this year's edition of SOPA/TPP/Whateverthefuckkindofinternetrapingbill. https://archive.is/ZhGD7

Operation: #TakeBackADL Veteran Leader 09/29/2016 (Thu) 00:27:18 Id: 17e739 No. 328276 [Reply]
The Anti-Defamation League is attacking a cartoon frog because Hillary Clinton attacked it, so they are supporting her and using their reputation to back her up no matter how ridiculous it makes them look and how much it damages the ADL's brand. MEANWHILE Look through the ADL's online catalog of hate symbols and you may notice some very prominent absences where you should find groups that want to kill all the Jews. http://www.adl.org/combating-hate/hate-on-display/list-view.html https://archive.is/aFJcZ Where are the symbols of the Palestinians? Al-Qaeda? Hezbollah? Hamas? Their symbols are not in the database, but Pepe the Frog is? This is bullshit. The ADL is not doing its own fucking job for the one issue that it is supposed to exist for. They want to #TakeBackPepe? Let's #TakeBackADL. Fire up the golem. Bagel Lancers, assemble. We're going for a ride. Unlike GG this is a targeted operation so we have a list of demands. * Fire Jonathan Greenblatt * Fire Jinnie Spiegler and anyone else responsible for the ADL's absolute crap "educational" materials * List the Palestinians as a hate group BECAUSE THEY ARE ONE * List the Muslim Brotherhood as a hate group BECAUSE THEY ARE ONE

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Anti-Defamation League Denies Credentials to Jewish Journalist Adelle Nazarian because she writes for Breitbart http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2016/11/16/anti-defamation-league-denies-press-credentials-jewish-journalist/
A history lesson from 2002: "Few subjects have been falsified so thoroughly as the recent history of the West Bank and Gaza" http://www.tomgrossmedia.com/mideastdispatches/archives/000597.html https://archive.is/0Vm2c

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