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GamerGate Radio

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ICUP III Pre-planning. Shamelessly edited edition. ICUP 01/09/2016 (Sat) 02:48:34 Id: 1458b6 No. 311877 [Reply] [Last]
>>>/icup/534 This thread is being repurposed from last season's game thread Edited from >>321761 : Gentlemen, soon we will begin our 3rd season of the /icup/. What we'll need is an updated team roster and a board rep for each team. Previous team rosters have been backed up on the wiki so just see if any changes need to be made. Once you've finalized your team make a post to >>>/icup/ What is /icup/? It's a AI vs AI soccer league played among 8chan boards. Click here to see more of how it works: http://www.dailymotion.com/icupofficial Link to the wiki: http://infinitycup.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page We look forward to making memeball great again.
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>>326058 >>326085 Why isn't it happening?
Almost missed this in the sliding. Shame but understandable, it's a lot of effort to do this. Maybe next year.
>>326093 Anons are happy as long as their team/representative is competing with others. Any game with a competitive mode that can have AI run wild (preferably with a decent custom character creator) would work. ICUP is great, but there's also wrestling. Mugen/Salty Bet could work if boards pick a fighters from the same tier to use. /tg/ was even talking about a YuGiOh or Magic The Gathering tournament in the past with other boards (the YuGiOh one was onna be /v/ vs /tg/ with older format- but it fizzled out. MtG had them making rough themed decks for the major boards). Hell, you could just have Mario Retardy and have each board pick the 3 characters they'd prefer to use (so you don't get multiple boards wanting to use the same character).

birth rape... I can't even make this shit up. Leader of GamerGate 03/03/2016 (Thu) 04:28:22 Id: be6e8a No. 317978 [Reply]
so the feminist fringe have now declared every doctor, nurse and midwife who assists with child birth to be rapists. this comes from an artical on that feminazi cesspool of the Gawker, Jezzibel, because of course it would be THEM! vid related, the idiots are mocked mercilessly by the Amazing Atheist, who tears this shit to shreds. article link: http://archive.pls/5632689/what-is-birth-rape if someone could archive that would be great. THE RIDE NEVER ENDS!!!
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>>317985 >What does salt has to do with GG?

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Polygon continues using affiliate links without disclosure - TIME TO REPORT THEM TO THE FTC Mitochondia Leader 08/28/2017 (Mon) 03:12:22 Id: 583f85 No. 331086 [Reply]
https://www.oneangrygamer.net/2017/08/gamergate-polygon-continues-using-affiliate-links-without-disclosure/37923/ >Links to Amazon have the affiliate tag "polygongifts2016-20" >Other links are tracked by Skimlinks with the following code "go.redirectingat.com/?id=66960X1516586&xs=1" - Three new games breathe life into Mafia, the classic hidden role game - https://archive.fo/hOHBe#selection-1583.5-1587.6 - Best gaming headsets for you - https://archive.fo/QabYV#selection-1337.0-1337.7 - HTC Vive VR headset gets $200 price cut - https://archive.fo/rSeAM#selection-1231.1-1233.0 - This cube is the best thing to happen to local multiplayer in a long time - https://archive.fo/wtY1M#selection-1421.19-1423.9 - Xbox controllers get $40 charging stand - https://archive.fo/JqZVh#selection-1229.42-1233.15 - Cherry Silent mechanical keyboard, reviewed - https://archive.fo/y1WqH#selection-1209.65-1213.10 - Best smartwatches of 2016 - https://archive.is/Hnewf#selection-1313.0-1313.7 - You're about to fall in love with a $180 robot - https://archive.fo/KVe5D#selection-1221.0-1223.0 - NES Classic Edition’s best wireless solution adds Nintendo Switch Joy-Con support - https://archive.fo/2Z99y#selection-1257.66-1261.22 - Nintendo Switch’s internal memory offers fastest load times - https://archive.fo/Bf5Nz#selection-1749.19-1755.0 - Here are your best chances at getting a mini SNES Classic Edition (update) - https://archive.fo/Pw50o#selection-1329.42-1333.33 - Black Friday 2016 headphone deals that don't suck - https://archive.fo/flIj2#selection-1217.0-1217.80

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UPDATE https://www.oneangrygamer.net/2017/08/polygon-vox-will-update-public-disclosures-following-gamergates-ftc-campaign/38346/ >We are aware of the FTC requirements and committed to implementing clear disclosure practices on all our sites. We are in the final stages before launch.” Fucking snakes, they are using undisclosed links for a long while it's not an innocent mistake. They didn't even posted an apology or something, they are trying to fix this shit as quiet as possible. Keep mailing the FTC
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>>331104 Good shit. I would suggest that anyone that was in the process of doing a report still go ahead and submit it. Since they are only trying to clean stuff up now that they are at risk of getting caught with their pants down by the FTC, and until they actually make those disclosures they are still in violation.
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>>331107 This. I updated the full Op with a bit more stuff https://archive.fo/ii01W

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Reddit clusterfuckery Leader 05/21/2017 (Sun) 06:59:59 Id: a30ae1 No. 330609 [Reply]
Reddit suspended the top three mods of /r/The_Donald for protesting against the rules that Reddit had imposed on /r/The_Donald and no one else. https://archive.is/DO0Ka Someone, probably a Reddit admin, edited Seth Rich's Reddit posts after The_Donald found his account. https://medium.com/@caityjohnstone/someone-just-edited-seth-richs-reddit-posts-b5f185b0aab Reddit admin bananas-n-pajamas accidentally tested an upvoat script on his main account. https://archive.is/odx8z What else is going on over there?
>>330609 No one here would care because reddit is cucked beyond redemption and it isn't long before they become another Digg
Anybody that didn't leave for Voat when that became an option is eternally cucked.

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3rd Year Anniversary GamerGate Video Mitochondia Leader 08/28/2017 (Mon) 15:17:31 Id: 4fa532 No. 331090 [Reply]
GamerGate affected me profoundly, and I know there are others who were similarly affected. We were always right. We were right about the incestuous nature of game journalism. We witnessed how a rigid ideology of victimhood created massive blindspots not just in games journalism, but wider mainstream media, how the exact same handful of individuals would be quoted as gospel. Such a huge range of people were mischaracterized to an extreme degree that it served to inform us on how untrustworthy establishment media is. The 'official' narrative is drastically wrong. Despite this, GamerGate became an effective information network to counter establishment narratives, shaping online discourse for years to come. GamerGate was a pivotal moment in the Great Meme Wars. I was moved by the memes, the artwork, the pages of digging and archiving, hours upon hours of well reasoned discussion whether on forums or on video, all of which went ignored by media. Those first 6 months or so of GamerGate were something special, hundreds of thousands of people finding each other through the false-narrative, finding each other in the darkness. We were ahead of the curve of mainstream discourse because we knew that we were individuals acting towards common goals, and it didn't matter who was left wing or who was right wing, that the media's black and white view of politics only divides people rather than fostering much needed discussion. We recognized the identity politics moral panic for what it was, years before we saw it affect the mainstream in huge ways, like how we've seen with James Damore at Google. GamerGate is a part of history. I was moved to create a video in an attempt to capture what I believed the heart of GamerGate to be. This video serves as not just information and summary, but as a love letter to the people of GamerGate. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80fqrg0dmTU Thank you to everyone who has supported GamerGate. You're all diamonds.
Excellent video. It really highlights the bs that the anti-gamer clique has been pulling even up to today.
The video was OK, but it had too much of a focus on ZQ, was a bit confusing chronologically and didn't cover GG's ad boycott, which was arguably its greatest success.

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Wu to run for congress President Elect 12/21/2016 (Wed) 20:13:17 Id: 9a6c3b No. 329136 [Reply] [Last]
Rev up those lol-cows, this shit is legit http://money.cnn.com/2016/12/21/technology/gamergate-brianna-wu-congress/index.html she looks to be running on a "I was a victim of gamergate" and "I fought the Alt-Right" gimmick
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>>330592 >You can see his cavernous navel HRT gives you the munchies, eh? >Cum stains from last night Wash your drag FFS
>>330592 Also: >stroke victim This is not a well person
>>329220 >Ha ha ha, good luck. What are the current statistics on how many people actually identify as a feminist? 15%? Or… how many people in USA actually gave crap about the race "issues" 9 years ago? And how the clowns screeching "OR U R RACISSSSS?!11" at them gave you the previous POTUS?

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Fresh Salt - Wages Edition Veteran Leader of GamerGate 04/18/2016 (Mon) 06:49:25 Id: a660eb No. 322438 [Reply]
Founder of WildTangent, Alex St. John wrote a piece about the gaming industry and wages - about how making games pretty much always includes a 'crunch time' to get the work done and how long hours are just part of the deal. Nothing new here you'd think - except what he wrote has generated a backlash from the usual suspects he didn't expect: >I just wrote a guest column for VentureBeat that apparently … has caused shock and outrage among lazy millennial hipster game developers Original article: http://venturebeat.com/2016/04/16/game-developers-must-avoid-the-wage-slave-attitude/ St.John's response on his blog: http://www.alexstjohn.com/WP/2016/04/17/wage-slaves/ Blog response includes much salt in the replies and links to sites who have picked up the story, including kotaku/destructoid. A quick search shows up more - neogaf etc. Millennials - yeh hi. (Not archived yet -can't get it to work today)
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Also update 2: >>322438 Chive of 1st link in the OP: venturebeat.com/2016/04/16/game-developers-must-avoid-the-wage-slave-attitude - http://archive.is/MNnWM In the first line, he's referring to this article: venturebeat.com/2016/03/20/why-crunch-time-is-still-a-problem-in-the-video-game-industry - http://archive.is/jVO4L Chive of 2nd link in the OP: alexstjohn.com/WP/2016/04/17/wage-slaves [St. Johns response] - http://archive.fo/uUWNO
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More reaction to the polygoon article - crunch bad. pics/posts archive: http://archive.is/UBVge http://archive.is/gEiiq http://archive.is/vQ0AQ http://archive.is/1Ki4m
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>>331070 2 more from /v/ general - 1st pic is a search of 'crunch capitalism' judging by the bold text. not mine didn't see any archives They really hate the idea of crunch. Working to deadlines is not unique to vidya - 'crunch-time' happens everywhere. inb4 th-that doesn't make it right! deadlines exist for a reason - deal with it

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Social Justice Acid Man 04/04/2016 (Mon) 05:17:20 Id: 7731d7 No. 321100 [Reply] [Last]
"Social Justice" is an interesting couplet of words. A term originally without a dictionary definition, it exists far more by what it implies rather than what any one person or group categorizes it as. Of the definitions available by Merriam Webster, the most appropriate would seem to be >"Social:" of or relating to human society, the interaction of the individual and the group, or the welfare of human beings as members of society. "Justice" has similarly fitting options: >"Justice: >a: the maintenance or administration of what is just especially by the impartial adjustment of conflicting claims or the assignment of merited rewards or punishments. >c (1) : the principle or ideal of just dealing or right action (2) : conformity to this principle or ideal. A common theme of the second definition is that it is related to the management and application of what is just. >Just: >c : conforming to a standard of correctness. >a (1) : acting or being in conformity with what is morally upright or good.

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>>326818 Not happening, goon filth.
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Posting here - more on the sj mentality. Following the election, great post by Portuguese-American, female-immigrant-minority and one of the lady leaders of Sad Puppies 4, Sarah Hoyt - I mean post by cis white male, privileged, Trump supporting, MRA, capitalist, alt-right, gender-traitor Sarah Hoyt - clearly male - she's called 'Sarah'. https://accordingtohoyt.com/2016/11/12/terrorists/ Munchausens - basically faking illness (physical or mental) for attention/benefit even though you're not ill. By proxy - on behalf of someone else - in the sjws case on behalf of 'the oppressed', 'minorities' etc, without any real regard for those oppressed, minorities etc. In effect they say they represent minorities but don't listen to their actual concerns - sjws putting their own agenda first. Munchausen by proxy is a great description - and as mentioned in the link 'Trumphausen by proxy'. In the run up to the election, the lefty media and snowflakes themselves, built up this image of Trump/Republicans as some (imagined) all powerful, doom-bringing evil and effectively now have to face that cos Trump won - hence why they think they'll all be deported or sent to camps or something. Snowflakes have created this 'monster' and they now have to deal with it - it's just that it's all in their heads.

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sage sage 07/25/2017 (Tue) 07:47:09 Id: 0d6675 No. 330995 [Reply]
>gamergate pretending it's still relevant and capable of doing anything >proving the opposite when they failed to counter the shill narrative surrounding The Last Night >still using a board run by an FBI informant that threatened to give IP information of people he didn't like to the FBI for daring to try to push gamergate back to what it was before you faggots and reddit let the entire thing be taken over by ethics cucks and ecelebs to the point you are where you are now, doing nothing and pretending you're the ebin revolutionary >even the commies at /leftypol/ can pretend to be relevant better by VPN switching and botting to artificially inflate numbers >the only real GG win was actually Hulk Hogan's win You failed when you exiled /pol/ for MUH PR OY VEY WHAT IF THEY THINK WE'RE EVIL NADZEES. You failed when you let ecelebs take over the movement while shouting at Jim for bailing when he saw what you were becoming. You failed when you let TotalAsscancer become a voice. You failed when you let the one "headquarters" board become a cult of personality over the board owner and decided that any other attempted board on this site was an enemy. Screencap this, archive it. The truth fears no investigation, but the target of the investigation fears both it and the truth.
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Go bitch to KiA, not us.
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I honestly never get bored of the drive-by shills with the came copypaste arguments. You guys got your shit obliterated here over a year ago. At least get some new material for pete's sake.
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>>331003 Here. I have one.

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Even is Russia - some guys, protect Anti-Gamer Gate Leader 08/04/2017 (Fri) 01:00:40 Id: aeb2fb No. 331013 [Reply]
Sorry about my english So, i want to know, what the actual shit is this? If you don't know - even in russia, gamer gate and anti-gamer gate lives. In Vk.com (Russian very quality opposite of Facebook) some "lefty" guy wrote this: >>Do not believe me, I myself was a gamergate for a long time. When I decided to talk directly with the leftists / feminists, all my views on this disintegrated instantly. It became interesting to learn about the situation with feminism and the left in the open spaces of the UIN (Union of independent nations - which calls some counties of post-USSR), here I am collecting a little in a bunch of public groups. But, in fact, the proof: https://storify.com/davidsgallant/the-origins-of-game .. Participated not only Pol-es, but also robots. Also, this: http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Timeline_of_Gamergate So, is it true? I'm really shocked, and don't know - how to react of this.
And yea, this is his words too, sorry about fuked greentext: >>But, in fact, the proof: https://storify.com/davidsgallant/the-origins-of-game .. >>Participated not only Pol-es, but also robots. >>Also, this: http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Timeline_of_Gamergate
Kappa, there are a lot of people who were originally SJW/anti-GG who later changed their mind after being attacked by their (fake) friends over some petty thing, and after searching for truth, they found out their (fake) friends were lying to them about GG too. People who are like this tend to be the most diligent GG allies. There are a few people that did the reverse; they supported GG at first, then changed their mind and attacked it. These people almost always came to hate it because they thought being a part of GG was a easy (lazy) way to become e-famous or gain influence as leaders*, however other people became e-famous or leaders instead for various reasons, and they now attack GG out of petty jealousy which is very shitty. These people should not be trusted, because they tend to sabotage OPs or digs, because they may be assmad about unrelated things. *this is part of why "leader" is used for "anon" on this board as a joke.

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GG Meetup in Saint Louis | August 28th Leader 07/26/2017 (Wed) 03:27:25 Id: b8e868 No. 331000 [Reply]
Hey everyone, I'll be hosting a GamerGate meetup in Saint Louis on Monday, August 28th to celebrate the third anniversary of GamerGate. The meetup will begin at Fuddruckers in Sunset Hills, MO around 1PM, where we can have lunch and a couple drinks. After lunch we'll be heading right down the street (walking distance) to 66 Cigar, where I've made reservations and will be bringing my GameCube and Super Smash Bros. I'll also be bringing some complimentary beer to the 66 Cigar for us to enjoy, but if you want to bring your own drinks and snacks, the owner is also fine with that. Obviously you don't have to drink or smoke if you don't want to. Finally we will head out from 66 Cigar around 7PM and head to the South County Mall about ~10-15 minutes driving distance. If you have too much to drink, then you can also take local bus or carpool with someone else. Please don't drink and drive. At the mall we can grab dinner at one of the many restaurants at the mall. As far as I can tell, Buffalo Wild Wings is open the latest at the mall, so regardless of where we decide to eat, we could head there for drinks and hangout until midnight. I have created an RSVP form which is linked below. I have also explained my plans for the meetup in greater detail here. If you don't plan on attending this particular meetup, but would be interested in attending future GamerGate meetups in the Saint Louis area, feel free to fill out the question on where you would like to organize future meetups. People who are neutral or opposed to GamerGate are also welcome to attend, provided they are respectful and do not attempt to disrupt the event. RSVP Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScuWMdCsVWYQFJ-r_6TobxtCW_1t_veRhb3okC2Juq6iJqD9g/viewform?usp=sf_link
Will there be a celebration cake for the 3rd anniversary?

Japanese gamers are angry at us because of SJWs causing Star Ocean V to be censored Veteran Leader of GamerGate 03/29/2016 (Tue) 12:13:12 Id: 08c501 No. 320427 [Reply]
Where were you when glorious Nippon otaku raised their fists in anger at having to deal with SJWs from the west ruining their games? >source for those that read moon runes http://blog.esuteru.com/archives/8542569.html Here is the full story about Star Ocean V being censored because of fear of SJWs here in the west. Yes both the Japanese and Western versions are now being censored because of SJWs this is the first time this is happening and its a historical moment. http://nichegamer.com/2016/03/28/square-enix-gave-star-ocean-5s-miki-bigger-panties-in-fear-of-western-criticism/ Now they hate the west for ruining their games and they hate us too. Surely some of us can calm them down and teach them of the SJW and how they are ruining are games. Together we can fight and win bringing even more glory to Nippon once again!
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Remember that Roninworks dude from way back? Apparently, he's cooked up something: https://twitter.com/roninworks/status/715118898312388608
>>320505 >It always saddens me that nips don't want to consort with their potential western allies Asians don't want to know a thing about Westerners and their cucked society. The sooner they isolate themselves from you, the better off they'll be, and keep doing games their own way.
>>320427 This is both sad and pathetic. I hope they can succeed in pressuring the Japanese companies into not bowing to SJW bullshit.

Gamergate Discord Leader 06/13/2017 (Tue) 09:40:58 Id: e10486 No. 330771 [Reply]
https://discord.gg/abV3fWQ There's been a couple GG Discord servers in the past, but recently there has been some drama at one ran by netscape9 from KiA (pics related, the last of which was right before a ban they'd later justify with false claims of attempted doxxing). There have been 16 bans recently within the last week or so for racist jokes and helicopter memes. One of the mods (who was actually the head moderator but has lost that position now, in title only) has been going ape over them, as she is a leftist, and feels personally attacked when someone makes helicopter jokes. Not only that, but both she and Netscape himself have stated that they do not believe that the movement is about free speech. Some of the people banned from there decided to make a new one. (Full disclosure: I am a moderator there.) The new server has channels dedicated to several GG ops and subtags, as the old one only had one dedicated to torrentialdownpour. The few rules are pretty clear and leave no room for revengebanning or nofunallowed.jpg If you're looking for somewhere to discuss GG, vidya and misc. bullshit, I suggest you check it out.
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>Discord server >topkek Ok so let me get this through your thicc skulls. Discord is created by SJW types and they hate GG among many other things. Don't think for a second they aren't logging your info like they say they do in the ToS. Then Discord is so easy for script kiddies to dox you its not even funny. Plus Discord is full of cuck mods even in the coolest of servers that are self appointed and randomly banhammer with all that power. Its s shitshow GG should stay on chans or encrypted IRCs
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I thought this server was fun up until a guy got banned for arguing with a moderator over politics. Oh well. I can always move to another server.
i should check this out to see if i can get banned for fun

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Massive GG Meetup in Saint Louis Leader 02/25/2017 (Sat) 19:58:35 Id: 41ffe0 No. 330248 [Reply]
Hey everyone, just a heads up that we'll be organizing a big GamerGate meetup in Saint Louis for the three year anniversary on Monday, August 28th! So far I've talked to quite a few people from previous meetups and a few GG-neutrals who are looking to know more about who we are and what we stand for, so I'm expecting a pretty big turnout. The meetup will begin at 1PM at Fuddruckers in Sunset Hills, where we can have lunch together, have a couple beers and maybe play a couple games in their arcade. Then at 3PM I have reserations for 20 people at 66 Cigar, a cigar lounge within walking distance of Fuddruckers. As part of the reservation, I've got us exclusive access to their television, so we can play vidya together (maybe Smash Bros), so feel free to bring your own game consoles and/or games. Also, the reservation is officially for 20 people, but if more people show up that's fine. Another note about our meetup at 66 is that you can drink, but you'll need to bring your own alcohol - but snacks (namely pretzels) will be provided for us. The meetup doesn't end there though! When 66 Cigar closes down at 7PM, we'll make our way to the South County Mall about 10-15 minutes down the road. From there we can decide to have dinner at the food court or one of the local restaurants. We could also check out some of the stores at the mall and/or head to Buffalo Wild Wings at the mall and relax for the rest of the night with wings, alcohol and good conversation. There are three hotels in the immediate area of Fuddruckers and 66 Cigar, a Hampton Inn, a Days Inn and a EconoLodge. There are also dozens, if not hundreds of other hotels in the Saint Louis area to choose from, but those are the three closest to our meetup. The meetup location is also about 30-40 minutes from Lambert International Airport. The Saint Louis bus system runs through the area and all three locations are next to a bus stop, so public transportation shouldn't be much of an issue. >Fuddruckers Address 10752 Sunset Hills Plaza St. Louis, MO 63127 Phone: (314) 966-3833 Website: http://www.fuddruckers.com/saint-louis-sunset-plaza Directions: https://www.google.com/maps/dir/''/fududruckers+sunset+hills/ >66 Cigar Address 3860 S Lindbergh Blvd #111

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i am britain and i would come too but i dont care about gamergate any more but where couldi go could i go too?
>>331000 You could've just bumped this thread instead of making another.

G4C Dig Thread Leader 07/23/2017 (Sun) 06:39:34 Id: eb154e No. 330990 [Reply]
https://archive.is/5qdpD >Beyond the Holocaust: Embodying Jewish Values in WWII Games https://archive.is/6plt8 >Planned Parenthood illustrates that virtual reality can impact empathy and technology has revolutionized the way people access information and sexual and reproductive health care. https://archive.is/P9Ya1 >>>/v/13083485 >>Mike Gallagher of the ESA >>Tracy Fullerton is back >>that same Constance Steinkuehler who talked about Gamergate is back >>someone from fucking Planned Parenthood >Also majority of the speakers don't look like they enjoy vidya. What the fuck. >GFC schedule https://archive.is/UiQKH

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https://dunlappsyd.com/ https://twitter.com/kellindunlap?lang=en As a psychologist: I view games as the cultural competency of the 21st century. Over half of the U.S. population plays video games*. The average age of a gamer is 35 and about half of gamers are women*. People who play video games are not at greater risk for psychological problems, but games are frequently used as a means to self-manage issues such as stress and anxiety. As clinicians, it’s critical we understand which games our clients play and why they play them. By facilitating trainings and workshops on video games in therapy for mental health professionals, I strive to assist clinicians develop basic competency in understanding the culture of games.
>Madeline Di Nonno https://archive.is/fu1H4

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Music Leader 05/29/2017 (Mon) 07:28:53 Id: 97d05d No. 330637 [Reply]
anybody still doing the gamergate musical? Dirty little secret Dirty little lies write your blogs and dye your hair virtual singal tonight Drift among the triggred Bury your desires Aberrations fill your head You need a place to hide And we are Do you remember us? The kids we used to be? Do you remember us? When your tower comes crashing down We want to be there. If Gaben is looking down on us! We’re not Pepe,

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Fuck, I remember doing vocals for the musical 2 or 3 years back. I think I've got some notepad files with lyrics somewhere, and I've definitely uploaded cringe material to soundcloud. Raidenfag was prime.

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