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GamerGate Radio

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Airplay 2 is cancelled Veteran Leader of GamerGate 04/02/2016 (Sat) 20:26:27 Id: 5d83f6 No. 321005 [Reply]
http://www.gamejournalism.net/apps/blog/show/43897846-airplay-2-update-17 https://archive.is/pjyjt >It is with deep regret for us to announce that AirPlay 2 is canceled. >Due to situations beyond our control, we have had no choice, but to make this decision. >The initial venue that we had, was forced to cancel the planing of Sunday events, which unfortunately meant that AirPlay 2 had to be canceled. >We have been forced to look for a venue that could hold AirPlay 2 at the last minute, however many of the venues that we looked at would charge us more for a last minute booking, or would not meet certain requirements to help run the event. >The next logical step would be to push AirPlay 2 back to another time, but we have already used funds to purchase airplane tickets and cannot get refunds on them. We have also bought equipment that was either on sale, or a floor-model, which also means we cannot return them. >We have reached out to Gofundme to attempt to refund the money that people have donated. They are canceling the last check to refund some of the donors.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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>>321053 True. When GG started I thought the media would at least learn how to handle news and report on the other side of things. NYS, female devs, female gamers speaking up should have shown that they were wrong. But it's profitable to lie. Trump, as detestable as I find him, proves that the media doubles down and never retracts. They would rather throw shit at the wall and hope something sticks. Fuck the media, burning it down is the answer.
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Personally, I'm done with expecting ethical changes from corrupt outlets. It's been two years, shitters aren't changing or getting run out of outlets anymore and we were only tangentially any part of Gawker crashing and burning after Hulk took the spotlight(and he deserved it honestly, big ups to Terry). I'm glad we saved a few folks like Ian Michael Chingchong, but the hope for journalism is over. Now I just want to Dig-Dug on any SJW in sight and Alison Rapp them because they ALL have hypocritical skeletons in their closets, and exposing them is just easier and more productive. Sorry if I'm not all ethics and "the bigger man" about it, I just want all these normies and SJWs out of my videogames sometime in the next decade. [frog-angst intensifies]

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Torrential Downpour Thread the 2nd: "Fire Emblem Fates: Pickeman Edition" Leader of GamerGate 02/23/2016 (Tue) 01:29:29 Id: 11f739 No. 317200 [Reply] [Last]
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Why unsticky?
Any of you chumps got the picture of the "into the trash it goes" reference in the game? Fuckin forget where I saw it.

Cucks Name-Dropping GamerGate on Ghostbusters Reviews Veteran Leader 07/14/2016 (Thu) 06:21:46 Id: cc98bd No. 325802 [Reply]
So now we got cuck reviewers name-dropping GamerGate compare to the Ghostbusters 2016 reboot, or Fembusters for short. Brianna Wu even made a Daily Dot article about "GamerGate's worst nightmare" and it's mostly about himself bitching.
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>325945 They will talk about anything thesedays, i saw the poster at the local cinemas and vaguely considered seeing it then i remembered i can just pirate the thing and watch it from the comfort of my own home. Is it one of those its so bad its good movies?
>>326000 No it's so bad it's bad. It's not repulsive bad it's just so lackluster and boring. It's not even something where you can just get drunk and watch.
Bumping. We're getting slid.

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CRASH OVERRIDE NETWORK has confirmed staffer outed as sexual harrasser Veteran Leader 08/08/2016 (Mon) 19:00:42 Id: bb8fdb No. 326318 [Reply]
THEY JUST KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT >loosely create organization for helping people fix holes in their online profiles out of fellow goons trying to earn back their 10 bux >said goons are thirsty virgins and use position of power to beg for chat sex and dirty talk >pretend it didn't happen and "NOT ALL SJWs" Crash Override Network and Robert Marmolejo: How an Online Abuse Helpline May Have Enabled Sexual Harassment https://medium.com/@mombot/crash-override-network-and-robert-marmolejo-how-an-online-abuse-helpline-may-have-enabled-sexual-1436a36c7cc8#.7pjq2q7ui The “Zoe Post” was a lengthy journal entry detailing the relationship between Zoe Quinn and Eron Gjoni, uploaded to the internet by Gjoni after he discovered that Quinn had engaged in multiple affairs. In this journal entry, Zoe Quinn was implicated in performing sexual favors in exchange for positive coverage of her indie video game title Depression Quest. For gamers, this was a confirmation of what they had suspected for years: there is a very real problem with journalistic corruption in the video game industry. This event precipitated the heated, years-long cultural and political debate known as #GamerGate, a controversy that has seen threats exchanged, friendships destroyed and the cultural landscape of an entire hobby irreversibly altered. Because the blog post detailing Zoe’s affairs became Ground Zero for #GamerGate, Zoe became the target of much scrutiny and verbal abuse from gamers who saw her as the embodiment of unfair games media practices. Zoe, for her part, sought to utilize this experience as a “woman dealing with online harassment”. She created Crash Override Network(CON), an online support group for victims of wide-scale internet abuse. The CON website describes itself as “a crisis helpline, advocacy group and resource center for people who are experiencing online abuse”. However, recent events cast a pall over everything which Zoe Quinn and Crash Override Network have achieved in the wake of #GamerGate. Many video game journalists, indie game developers and anonymous internet posters provided moral and financial support for Zoe Quinn during her ensuing legal battle with Eron Gjoni. Invariably, many of these people were vocally against #GamerGate, which they saw as an organized harassment campaign which Gjoni had baited into attacking Quinn. Using private chatrooms to communicate, they formed a community which eventually came to be called “anti-#GamerGate”. It was from this community that Quinn recruited staff for her Crash Override Network.
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>>326318 >Many video game journalists, indie game developers and anonymous internet posters provided moral and financial support for Zoe Quinn during her ensuing legal battle with Eron Gjoni. Invariably, many of these people were vocally against #GamerGate, which they saw as an organized harassment campaign which Gjoni had baited into attacking Quinn. Using private chatrooms to communicate, they formed a community which eventually came to be called “anti-#GamerGate”. Isn't it funny how a bunch of powerless anons publicly talking about SJW fuckery are a "conspiracy", but actual industry professionals, with actual privilege and power, plotting in secret, isn't a conspiracy? Isn't it funny how the "anti-sexist" anti-Gamer side has turned out to have dozens of actual sex offenders, while the supposedly "sexist" pro-Gamer side is composed of actual victims of doxxing and harassment? >>326383 The only sin he admits to is doxxing people who were following someone he disliked. Which is SJW SOP, so seeing him renounce that is a good start, tho just a drop in the bucket. >>326410 >How BADLY do you have to hate yourself to talk like that? You can bet that hanging around SJWs, he's constantly being told what a horrible person he is simply for being born male. Endless abuse like that takes a toll on the psyche.
Kicking this.

Did the Washington Post Lie About The Michelle Fields Incident? Leader of GamerGate 03/11/2016 (Fri) 17:51:40 Id: d7f1d4 No. 318780 [Reply]
New Jim >inb4 this has nothing to do with gg It's about a journalist potentially lying to get a story.
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>>318987 >>318989 >Not Found
We already know the media are a bunch of lazy faggots that don't do research. We could probably make fake statements and "evidence" against Trump or GG, and you can bet your ass most media would publish it without checking. I'd actually like to see it, because Trump would fight back against such lies and he is in position to expose them for the lying shit they are.

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Japan’s record on women’s rights wants to ban violence against woman at videogames and cartoons. Leader of GamerGate 02/12/2016 (Fri) 12:57:41 Id: efe20f No. 316040 [Reply]
And It will be reviewed by United Nations. http://archive.is/Vc03q http://archive.is/k84w8 My english sucks but I think those images speaks enough for me. (Do you see that "ow.ly/YaCbm" on the tweet? It's an shortlink to a english document about this shit. It's kinda easy to lost it in middle of japanese text.) Also it's not only game related but cartoons as well. I would like to know how to spread this information to western cartoon community because who could guarantee this ban will stay only in Japan?
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>>316190 >get a load of this guy. There's a thread on >>>/a/ too, shill kun. >>316234 Japan already told the UN to fuck off. However. the UN will still keep going for the fictional womyn. http://ajw.asahi.com/article/behind_news/politics/AJ201602020058
>>316114 >overreacting before reading the complete post. Anon, i'm as much for freedom of speech as you. I might also not advocate personally to crazy internet personalities, but in both cases they have their right to have an opinion and express it. I'm pretty aware of what could come from censorship just based on convenience and public outrage ratter than good evidence and informed discussion. >>316133 > think the rape gangs in Europe are playing Rapelay or any other ero game? That's a really problematic question shitlord. Problematic=Good point

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Remember how SJWs pretended Wii U Link was a lady? Leader of GamerGate 02/05/2016 (Fri) 08:33:55 Id: aa06e6 No. 315259 [Reply]
Then it turned out he wasn't? Also: http://www.idigitaltimes.com/zelda-wii-u-news-dont-expect-play-linkle-zelda-wii-u-494181 I'm sure that led to triggering.
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>>315454 >Lumpenproletariat
>>315265 >…but what if Postmoderns in a nutshell.

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Teh Cuck? Veteran Leader 08/11/2016 (Thu) 01:34:41 Id: cfaf58 No. 326395 [Reply]
Could someone explain wtf is this? Is this Gawker suddenly realizing what all their editors are? https://twitter.com/Gawker/status/763470434549530624 http://archive.is/M2jcd
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Laughing my fucking head off i don't know if this is irony or reverse irony
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>>326450 I'm reminded of "The Bucket or Truth" comedy sketch; we were looking in the bucket since 2014… Gawker is burning, Denton is bankrupt, Polygon and Kotaku are no longer considered credible, Chelsea's (Zoe) CON harassment advocacy group has been revealed be a hive of harassing Doxxing sex-pests, Revolt shitposted itself to death then was revealed to be a goon OP, aGG is eating itself with goons turning on each other like socially-aware piranhas, Cisbusters flopped despite reviewer/review-aggregator manipulation shenanigans and the sequel has been scrapped, Suicide Squad was successful despite reviewer/review-aggregator manipulation shenanigans, One Man's Sky lol NEVER PREORDER, le goobergrapers are now consider ebin russian superhacking uber-boogiemen videogame Illuminati and dead for something GG admittedly had no involvement in which may potentially cost anti-videogame-Shillery the erection, and REDPILLS EVERYWHERE. They should have listened… tHEY COULD HAVE PREVENTED THIS… they were warned… THIS IS THE FUTURE THEY CHOSE… WHERE DID EVERYTHING GO SO RIGHT? [spoilerI just wanted to play videogames[/spoier]
Necrofag is back. Bumping.

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What's up with ''male power fantasies''? Leader of GamerGate 02/10/2016 (Wed) 10:41:55 Id: 0eab2f No. 315719 [Reply]
I noticed that for SJW outrages over games or other works like Dragon Crown with foxy ladies when somebody points when the men get exaggerated and/or idealized traits along with the women some SJW pulls the Male Power Fantasy card. Along with pulling junk like being big and strong helps with what the men do but having big boobs and/or showing more skin doesn't help what the women do (namely in a video that has some tank top wearing white knight pull that card). I've also seen junk like a comic (I don't remember who drew it, but I doubt it came from PA itself considering their stance on Dragon's Crown) that some SJW posted on BoingBoing.net where Gabe from Penny Arcade says he doesn't have a problem with how Dragon's Crown's Sorceress looks ('cause she's an attractive woman with super huge breasts) but would have a problem with the Fighter character showing more skin and having huge testicles (because apparently a man having super huge balls is the same as a woman having super huge boobs). Stuff like that and the Hawkeye Initiative that SJWs think they're clever for pulling out. Has anybody pointed asked if being super hot is a female power fantasy? And so characters like the Sorceress can get away with how they look thanks to that?
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By the way, look at every time they get their ideal character. It's almost always a Mary Sue. I started seeing people call this the "feminist power fantasy" and I think it's pretty befitting.
>>316337 Like Rey?

OP: PaperFire - DiGRA counter ops. Veteran Leader 08/07/2016 (Sun) 23:50:03 Id: e0f4f2 No. 326297 [Reply]
Attempts to reveal DiGRA is incompetent, so that it is no longer the academic gate-keeper for the industry. - Gather all DiGRA papers (archives and PDFs lads). - Work on analyzing lies within papers (make pastebins then Medium articles) - Work on revealing COI with peer review. - Discredit hashtags DiGRA attempts to create
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>>326362 >digra is literally not funded by anything but membership fees. Based on Derek Smart's experiences in DiGRA, I seriously doubt their annual fees are enough to sustain such a far-reaching org. I'm guessing they have big sponsors in the background. Wasn't there a big company that isn't the Gates Foundation that's also connected to DiGRA, involving about Common Core stuff? Starts with a "U" in its initials… don't have my archives on hand right now, so I'm going by memory, Someone else might remember more. >>326441 Funny how the necrobumper didn't touch this thread.
>>326459 >Based on Derek Smart's experiences in DiGRA, I seriously doubt their annual fees are enough to sustain such a far-reaching org. I'm guessing they have big sponsors in the background. I'm pretty sure that Derek Smart had problems with GDA not Digra. Digra is not far-reaching at all.
spam again?

Hating on Bayonetta being in Smash now Leader of GamerGate 02/08/2016 (Mon) 10:32:04 Id: e731a4 No. 315480 [Reply]
We have come full circle. These Christian conservative puritans actually sound like SJWs now. Listen to the nonsense in this video and to think they have like 300k subs. I cannot distinguish christians=SJWs now they both sound the same and this video is proof. They both make the same arguments and feel the need to police what everyone plays. also >dislike bar removed >comments getting removed >phrases like "we have the moral high ground, we have already won this fight." Hold me GG.
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>>316211 The only Fire Emblem they've played is Awakening.
>These Christian conservative puritans actually sound like SJWs now You mean >SJWs sound the way Christian moralists have sounded for centuries

Sound familiar, #GamerGate? The "have you no decency?" moment for McCarthyist feminists has arrived Leader of GamerGate 02/14/2016 (Sun) 18:18:12 Id: c9c3f7 No. 316283 [Reply]
>A viral Australian video shows a conservative lawmaker in the country savagely taking down a progressive female opponent after she accuses him of “mansplaining.” > >Mitch Fifield, a member of the center-right Liberal Party, was debating Katy Gallagher, of the center-left Labor Party, during a committee hearing when Gallagher complained that he was engaging in “mansplaining.”
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>>316377 no, the way they sleep at night is by telling themselves that white males aren't human.
>>316385 You'd have a point except that IQ is normally distributed so the mean = median. So neither me nor Carlin are confusing anything.

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What is with SJWs and Samus Aran? Leader of GamerGate 02/14/2016 (Sun) 15:22:18 Id: b923eb No. 316272 [Reply]
1. Moviebob and Dobson defending Other M. 2. Samus' gym outfit being problematic and otherwise going on about how she's getting sexualized (even though her first game lets her run around in a bikini if you enter a certain code). 3. Samus getting called a tranny. 4. Whatever Saint Annita says.
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>>316683 >It's non-fucking-sensical! Not if you understand their mindset. They hate gamers. HATE them with a passion. Therefor anything the "ebil muh soggy knees gamerbrodudes" like is inherently evil. So anything they don't like is inherently good. Gamers didn't like Other M, so to the followers of the one true god Feminism, Other M is good just on the quality that's it's contrary to what gamers say. TL;DR They're massive fucking contrarians.
>>316683 I think it's a combination of fandom among gamers over Metroid in general and a bunch of people wanting to look "cool" liking a classic game series. The first creates the unwarranted hype and the latter just follows in their wake.

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Megaphone wants moneys plox Leader of GamerGate 02/05/2016 (Fri) 22:12:26 Id: b6656e No. 315302 [Reply]
So apparently leigh "I hate nigg-I mean hood men" alexander got drunk enough to think she can make $30k or more off kickstarter by just printing the shitty spam she passes as articles into a book that will probably never be delivered What's funny is how the ghazifags got into the shittkickstarters subplebbit to defend this shit and brigade any naysayers into getting their comments collapsed: https://www.red*dit.com/r/shittykickstarters/comments/445ipu/30000_for_a_print_book_containing/
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>$45,689 pledged of $30,000 goal >14 days to go The laundering and donation bux continue to swirl…
>>315302 >So apparently leigh "I hate nigg-I mean hood men" alexander got drunk enough to think she can make $30k or more off kickstarter by just printing the shitty spam she passes as articles into a book that will probably never be delivered So? Let her be. Freedom of expression is a marvelous thing, specially when it delivers walking redpills like Anita. Of course, anons are free to take the bait, try to stop it from happening, and give free news to left wing looney sites to report. Is a lost cause for a book that will sell only to the ones that already believe whatever the topic is. Please anons, try to be less salty. These people will stay here and there doing their business as long as they have a userbase that allows them. By attacking the public figures you are making martyrs when is not worth it. Focus on the narrative and see how this is just a kickstarter for a niche book and fools getting separated from their money. The articles are already online anyway. I would worry more about the sites that make that possible. So, how is that Twitter thread going?

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Anybody here see this joke of an article from Boingboing back in 2015? Leader of GamerGate 02/10/2016 (Wed) 18:19:16 Id: d114d1 No. 315740 [Reply]
https://archive.is/nAb8F >#gamessowhite we can play with 718 diverse pokemon but one diverse trainer is too much. >#gamessowhite that "historical accuracy there were no black people in Europe but dragons oh yeah totally" is an excuse gamedevs give >#GamesSoWhite I am getting more hatred for wanting more skin colours in a fantasy game than I did writing about the death penalty. >#GamesSoWhite including a character that isn't white and isn't a stereotype - that's "unrealistic/disingenuous/pushing an agenda/propaganda" I wonder if anybody pointed out to the SJW that Pokemon started in a fantastic version of Japan's Kanto region.
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>>316631 I bet its from tumblr.
>>316538 Women complain for the sake of complaing anon. Let them whine. Any constructive suggestions will be dismissed as 'mansplaining' anyway. Some people just like to complain to get attention.

Adam Ruins Everything - Why People Think Video Games Are Just for Boys Leader 12/02/2015 (Wed) 21:53:36 Id: cf4385 No. 305933 [Reply] [Last]
The bs starts around t=2:40. It is good till then, explains why games were marketed to boys for a long period of time.
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>>316654 Yeah, spiracy (the man who did the video in post #316156) called out how the video had the black boy say strawman junk like women having no place in gaming.
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>>316885 And did this lying SJW fuck just claim that Nintendo has only ever advertised to boys? When the wii was specifically marketed to old ladies? Not that the millennial scum who make up his audience remember those commercials from 10 years ago. And pretending that Roberta Williams, who famously said that she has never experienced sexism in the video games industry, is a strong independent woman who don't need no man? Is implicitly on his side and proves him right? The same woman whose very existence refutes so many SJW myths about vidya? Vox Day was right about one thing for sure: SJWs always lie.

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