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GamerGate Radio

I Fucking Love Science...as long as it agrees with my political POV Veteran Leader 07/12/2016 (Tue) 16:05:55 Id: 800048 No. 325776 [Reply]
How the fuck is this absolute nonsense still showing up in my newsfeed? They actually link to a Gawker article explaining what GamerGate is. "Although women now make up almost half of all video game players, the gaming community remains, in some ways, hostile toward women. For example, the GamerGate controversy, which began in 2014 and involved a harassment campaign against prominent female gamers, journalists and designers, reflected a longstanding undercurrent of misogyny and sexism in the community. In some cases, those who challenged the sexism found themselves threatened with rape or death." http://www.iflscience.com/technology/debunking-one-of-the-biggest-stereotypes-about-women-in-the-gaming-community/
I guess I've seen it discussed so much in other places I forgot to link it here. This article has been utterly eviscerated by the shitty research done on two shit games, and trying to equate faked profile info to real world identities. Also, nobody considers levelling in an MMO a proof of skill. It's really embarrassing for them.

Nintendo goes SJW, link is male but "Gender Neutral" Gawker Media's Creditor 06/19/2016 (Sun) 17:17:40 Id: 790d8f No. 325241 [Reply]
Although Link is Male in the new game, the creators made him look adrogynous and "gender neutral" to appeal to more people. “During the development of Twilight Princess, I went a different route and created a version of Link that was more masculine,” he said. “But after Twilight Princess I went back to the drawing board and decided Link should be a more gender-neutral character. Hence I created the version of Link that you see in Breath of the Wild. As far as gender goes, Link is definitely a male, but I wanted to create a character where anybody would be able to relate to the character. So that’s why I think the rumor went around that Link could be a female. Because maybe the users were able to relate in that way.” - Eiji Aonuma, series producer I suspect the feminazis pressured Nintendo to do this. mynintendonews.com/2016/06/18/link-is-gender-neutral-in-the-legend-of-zelda-breath-of-the-wild/ miketendo64.com/2016/06/18/aonuma-says-gender-neutral-link/
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So, is Linkle in Musou Zelda also gender neutral?
>>325251 It's hard to imagine a time when an A-list celebrity could get away with stuff like that and still retain their career. Now you sneeze the wrong way and you're blacklisted.
It's not gay if it's an elf.

The Perils of Pornophobia - 1995 Veteran Leader 07/11/2016 (Mon) 22:02:35 Id: 7322d7 No. 325741 [Reply]

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"you should do what he says" Veteran Leader 07/09/2016 (Sat) 03:21:49 Id: 6ea19d No. 325684 [Reply]
anyone know where I can find that stupid old aggro comic where the stick figure is holding a gun and the other figure is saying something like "i'm not with him, but you should do what he says"? I feel like triggering some tumblrinas.
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>>325689 Don't listen to these retards. >>325686 >>325696 Here's the comic, have fun. The last panel is an edit, by the way. The best part is their shitty strawman applies perfectly to them; just replace the gunman with game journos/msm and the guy asking for money with scamkeesian et al.
>>325712 Fuck that noise. Being anti-bullying means you can't just arbitrarily redefine the word to not include bullying people you disagree with. News flash! People on the internet are hypocrites and disagree with you! If you can't fucking handle that, stick to lurking. If you go around starting shit, you're a bully, full-stop. You can't be pro-bullies and expect GG to support you, or GG is just going to turn into AGGros.
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>>325686 I wish to see the convention where this act was passed as far as i know bullying aint a grounded law,and even if it was there's really no way for us to stop it effectively takes place mostly on twatter. Fuck we couldn't even stop idiots from derailing Torrential downpour with lets "bully" Allison Rapp and get her fired from Nintendo >>325712 Saved good find

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George Takei criticises gay Sulu in new Star Trek film Veteran Leader 07/08/2016 (Fri) 19:06:10 Id: fcec0d No. 325677 [Reply]
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-36744328 > "I'm delighted that there's a gay character," said Takei, a strong supporter of LGBT rights. > "Unfortunately, it's a twisting of Gene's creation, to which he put in so much thought. I think it's really unfortunate." I'm fairly sure Takei has been criticised here before, but at least he seems to understand that rewriting established characters to make them token minorities is gay.
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Ugh, George, stop being gay wrong! It's literally $CURRENT_YEAR!
>>325679 >not-games to games ratio Is this the new "don't talk about ecelebs / things I don't like" autistic revoltfag whining?
>Straight writer disagrees with gay actor about how to portray/include a gay character correctly This is the current year.

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Zoe Quinn's Shirt Leader 06/25/2016 (Sat) 05:50:18 Id: bd2c79 No. 325444 [Reply]
Did you hear the latest news? Zoe Quinn is selling her official "I'm The Best Graphic Designer" shirt. And she's really proud of that shitty shirt. https://www.topatoco.com/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=TO&Product_Code=ZQ-THEBEST&Category_Code=ZQ
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So they're rolling out the new cult robes for summer?
Did she spend her crybux on some new tits or did she just push some of her fat rolls up into her bra?
>>325606 Yeah, if it weren't for the tattoo, I wouldn't believe it was her either.

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"CRASH OVERRIDE" memoir has changed publishers 90 days before release Veteran Leader 06/30/2016 (Thu) 15:40:52 Id: 286a02 No. 325557 [Reply]
From Simon & Schuster, a large relevant publisher who wrote her a fat advance check, down to PublicAffairs, a social studies/feminist publisher. Weirder still, they directly publish European globalist and generally reviled jew George Soros, their web front page points to The Economist, a weekly business publication basically owned directly by the Rothschilds. You can't make this shit up if you tried. On a more mundane level, the reasons for switching publishers can be numerous and complicated. Here's a few plebbitor's takes of switching book publishers on non-related titles: >It will depend on who owns the copyright. If they own it, the new publisher will have to buy the IP rights from them, which might make it difficult to first find a publisher who is interested. If you own the IP rights, and they don't have a contractual right of first refusal, then you can shop it around to anyone or self-publish it. >My book contract has a non-competition clause to prevent me from publishing a similar work with a different publisher that would hurt their sales. But I have a termination clause once sales decline too low. >But if they're not interested in the book, you could ask them to revert all rights to you. Odds are preorders are so low/interest so bad despite the Amy Pascal movie deal, that Simon & Schuster are washing their hands of the whole affair and Chelsea is calling in jewish favors to make sure the book is published with a smaller on-demand run so it's less embarrassing when it releases and no one reads it publicly in all the right places.
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I don't think the pre-orders being low is why it was changed, so much as I would bet legal flat out REFUSED to clear the book. Especially after Zoe barely escaped with her life after her attempts to illegally silence her ex were laughed out of court.
>>325609 If legal don't clear it and you predict decent sales, you rewrite. Low or at least middling sales predictions are highly likely.
>>325621 Pretty much the only potential customers for the book are either her small army of ZQDF white knights or various other virtue-signalling Social Justice Parasites spite-buying it to piss off "those goobergrapers"; although not many, due to the vile nature Social Justice and the Crab Bucket theory.

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Nintendo v. Delusions Veteran Leader 07/03/2016 (Sun) 23:48:29 Id: ea1f8e No. 325630 [Reply]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2g_h_cKjt0 Opinions on what LW1 had to say about Nintendo's joke in Paper Mario
Nintendo wanted no part in Socjus nonsense so soon after rapp.

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#GamerGate Panel at Natsucon! Gawker Media's Creditor 06/17/2016 (Fri) 05:41:51 Id: fca8bd No. 325153 [Reply]
After speaking with the organizers of Natsucon in Collinsville, Illinois (just outside of Saint Louis), they have approved my GamerGate panel in it's entirety. Initially they were skeptical, but after seeing my panel at Arch Anime and the presentation I have planned, they fully supported the idea. I'll be running the panel with a co-panelist and while she is somewhat newer to the GamerGate discussion, she hopes to provide unique insight from a slightly more neutral perspective. I don't have the exact date or time that the panel will be held, but it will be at some point during the weekend of July 22nd through July 24th. I will announced the exact date and time at a later date, once the official schedule is out. If anyone wants to show up, tickets are available for pretty modest prices and there is a military discount for service members. Pre-registration tickets are available at a lower price until the end of June, though you can also purchase badges at the door. >Important Links! * My Previous Panel at Arch Anime: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CL4sJyEkZOE * Convention Website: http://natsucon.org/ * Ticket Purchasing: http://natsucon.org/register/ * Local Hotels: http://natsucon.org/information/hotel/ >GamerGate Saint Louis Group * Twitter: https://twitter.com/gamergatestl

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The panel will be on July 23rd at 10PM CST!

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#notatmytable Leader 06/22/2016 (Wed) 03:46:23 Id: 34fa27 No. 325352 [Reply]
https://twitter.com/hashtag/NotAtMyTable >"police your friends on our behalf" >this should go well http://theralphretort.com/16924-2/ I found this shit over on /tg/. it looks like SJWs are making their move on /tg/ territory and more games are being infected with their poison. it's time we help our brothers in arms as fellow gamers.
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>>325544 You can't help it, though. You might as well try to stop the tide from coming in by posting memes on Twitter. Won't make the future less brown or less queer.
>>325546 >You can't help it, though. With that image and dubs, yes, yes he can. With .40 caliber memes.
>>325558 Oh cute… we got a SJW bullbaiter.

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Barbie goes full retard? Gawker Media's Creditor 06/17/2016 (Fri) 05:44:42 Id: b8ecc3 No. 325154 [Reply]
I'm honestly wondering. I mean just look at it…the problem glasses. This has to be an inside joke or something.
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>>325161 Too thin.
LOL GaymerGay faggots getting salty trying to make Barbie great again
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>>325498 aww, did we trigger you special snowflake? are you gonna cry about your fee fees? get the fuck out of here and go back to ghazi, or tumblr or wherever you're from.

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One of "SEALDs" head member attack anime and other stuffs with "Sexual violence" bullshit. Gawker Media's Creditor 06/20/2016 (Mon) 02:38:00 Id: 42dbb6 No. 325256 [Reply]
>>325255 Basically he says anime and all right wing stuff is connected by sexual violence. This is not exactly games related stuff. But I think most of we knows anime is for japanese games what movies is for our western games. Maybe we need to be careful about them. Just in case of something. There are still nothing like femfreq in japan this does not mean there will be no femfreq-like group in Japan ever.
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>>325258 >anti american(americans gtfo from okinawa) fake isue for the japanese. IF america actually left Okinawa, it would accomplish nothing because the japanese don't give a fuck about Okinawa. It's like a tiny forgettable hokkaido to them, a rustic little afterthought that they really don't feel strongly about.
>>325276 Making reperations with either will basically give japanese the equivalent of "white mans burden" and would be stupid. The koreans are going to enter civil war at somepoint since north korea is growing faster and the men in the south are being treated as criminals by birth. And as for the chinese, they are money grubbing lunatics and would love the japanese population as extended slaves. They seem to be embracing the other side of "everything else is the problem, everything but me" that the neets had but in a more hostile form. I am not suprised that sjws would pop up, but going full socialist will only fuck things up even further.
>>325276 >wizard-chan rejects Hi Chelsea, why are you posting in this thread when it's not about you?

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DOWNPOURROUND 2 #FE Gawker Media's Creditor 06/12/2016 (Sun) 07:26:31 Id: d742c5 No. 324988 [Reply]
Its out june 24th faggots https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01CKGI0TO?pc_redir=T1 look at the questions they are already discussing censorship we need OC STAT
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>>324996 >>325002 I supported Obama over Clinton and McCain in 2008 because he was the only one of the three who wasn't advocating for video game censorship. He's been a lousy President in many ways, but he hasn't tried to censor vidya. I don't trust Trump to be pro-gamer, but I know Clinton is anti-gamer and has been for a long time. Has Donald said anything one way or the other about gaming? Given he's old and kinda reactionary, I fear he won't be that positive on it.
Now that the final game is out can someone tell me what other stuff got censored in it??

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Media/Journos drop ethics and declare Hillary "winner" of Democratic primary Veteran Leader of GamerGate 06/07/2016 (Tue) 09:03:41 Id: ec0059 No. 324791 [Reply]
So Hillary just fucking launched her first nuke of the campaign: on the eve of the California primary, which if Sanders wins, would bring him to spitting distance of Hillary and effectively force her to a super-tight first vote ballot she may not win, Hillary had her media cronies outright call her the "winner" of the Democratic primary, via shady as shit math involving the super-delegates. The backlash hit fast and furious, forcing some to amend things to make it "presumed" winner. But they are still pushing hard that Hillary has it won outright. And why would they do that? They want to derail the California primary and basically scare off Sanders voters by way of tricking them into thinking their vote doesn't matter and that Hillary has "won" and that the primary is "over". I'd say this reeks of the "Gamers Are Dead" article dropping scheme.
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>>324822 Now we know why communist countries are bloodbaths.
>>324825 I lost faith when he let his speech get hijacked by BLM protestors that may or may not have been backed by Shillary.
>>325418 Google "Black Hillary experiments 1988 -sex"

Niche Gamer is in 1st, follow by Tech Raptor in 2nd.
>>325361 Thanks muh faggoy!

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Game Sense Game Census Leader 06/21/2016 (Tue) 21:15:18 Id: 4073c6 No. 325332 [Reply]
Hey everyone. We've officially launched the Game Census. It's awards and rankings based on your votes, reviews, and posts. There are several categories, and we're planning on adding more as more reviews keep coming in. What is Game Sense? Game Sense is a gamer review site that's designed to do more with reviews. It also aims to take reviews and posts and make them more readable, and more like a traditional gaming site as opposed to a traditional user review site. The goal is to allow gamers to create their own alternative media by writing reviews, posting, and voting. We have some neat ideas planned for the future to push the site closer to our vision, and those features will roll out the more Game Sense continues to grow. How does it work? We invented our own ranking algorithms that are far more flexible and powerful than typical up and down votes or generic 1 to 5 star rankings. It allows us to get more information out of reviews as well as to get much more meaningful scores and information. The math and algorithms have even been looked over by some well educated people, including a PhD in Physics, and they all got thumbs up. What's the Game Census? The Game Census is Game Sense using the advanced features it has to categorize games based on gamer input. It allows for categories to be created for game rankings. Currently, we have rankings set up for select platforms as well as for 2015 and $currentYear. More platforms will be added once they get reviews Game Sense isn't even three months old yet. So if you want to see a platform that doesn't have a Game Census added, just write some reviews and it'll manually be added. Game Sense takes all your votes, posts, and reviews and calculates both score and ranking and determines where the game should be ranked. Why? Most of you suspect most gaming awards are rigged or games are chosen to win based on sketchy reasons. Game Census is completely transparent, you can directly see the reviews, posts, and votes of the winners and losers. So you instantly know why games are ranked or placed where they are. This is an award and ranking platform designed entirely around gamer input. Older systems are opened up as well. One of the goals is to make sure that gamers not familiar with older gaming systems like NES, SNES, Genesis, etc have a database of which games are good and which are bad. The Game Census for the older platforms functions as a list of gamer recommended games. It's similar to those /v/ recommends graphics I see passed around, but it's interactive. The rankings depend on gamer input, and people interested in those games can go to the page for that game and get all the information they need.

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>>325342 Oh noes! Competition for clickbait sites that are in the pocket of socjus! They must be stopped!
Thanks guys for the support, I appreciate it. Everything you guys do to help is a big help and I appreciate it. I've been running sites on and off for a long time, I know you guys are helping a lot, I appreciate it a lot. Things like #FE having awful writing and localization and still getting 9s is what we want to stop.
Why limit yourselves to twitter, when social media is a lot more than that hellscape?

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