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GamerGate Radio

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BACKUP FUCKING EVERYTHING! Acid Man 03/10/2016 (Thu) 06:05:35 Id: 48cd8e No. 318649 [Reply] [Last]
ARCHIVE.IS MAY BE COMPROMISED, OR NEARLY COMPROMISED. >All 8chan archive links were pulled off the site for a few hours today. >During that time, we exposed a severe vulnerability in relying on Archive.is. >The cited reason for the pulldown of the site was archived pages containing CP keep showing up. >After much arguing and drama, the 8chan archives were reinstated. BUT WE DON'T KNOW HOW LONG THAT WILL BE THE CASE! http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=07149261893554013542 Contains a small script I wrote that will download a local copy of all the /v/ #GG thread archives. Use it to download your own backup copy. I want to do something similar for /gamergate/ and GGHQ, for Deepfreeze links, and Wiki citations. We can worry about hosting later. If we lose Archive.is, we lose everything. Help in this Herculean effort would be incredibly appreciated!
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>>319761 Using the good ol' GamerGate boogeyman could be done, even though there are outer outs possible for governments to block the service: The "right to be forgotten", which allows someone to request that search engines remove links to pages deemed private, even if the pages themselves remain on the internet, this is in practice in the EU and Argentina since 2006. Surely, archive.is isn't a search engine, but I'm also (and probably legitimately) concerned about the slippery slope. The "digital millennium copyright act", which tilts strongly in favor of copyright holders could be become an issue since there's a push the revise the way copyright works on the Internet (everything and anything you publish should be protected by a copyright, either from you, the service you use or other private registration services).
you need some kind of trusted broker still that's the point of an archive. You can't tamper with it. A flat file under your control on your local host can be tampered with compromising it's trustability.

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#OperationMoe Veteran Leader 09/08/2016 (Thu) 10:18:00 Id: 82c450 No. 327745 [Reply]
The Mary Sue published an(other) article attacking anime fans and now anime fans are fighting back with #OperationMoe on Twitter. Join in, shitlords! Article: http://archive.is/9ciSi Tag: https://twitter.com/hashtag/OperationMoe
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>>328221 I'm amazed that the Mary Sue actually wrote something positive about violent video games. And about the First Amendment.
>>328229 They do that to draw clicks. The outlier isn't the trend.
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Meanwhile on Patreon: 'Anime Feminist is a site started by a collaboration of writers from academia, the industry and grassroots fandom for reviews, interviews, and discussion on anime and manga through a feminist lens.' https://archive.fo/s7y25

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Memoirs of Vivian James:The Reseaching Veteran Leader 08/07/2016 (Sun) 23:39:37 Id: 44cd1d No. 326296 [Reply]
https://sealion.club/resources/Vivian_James_-_The_Politics_of_GamerGate.pdf Some "Researchers" decided to research Vivian James as a study of those gosh darn grumpygribbers. Its about as well informed and written by a high schooler trying to finish his project before morning after he spent all day playing overwatch
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people approving of a lecturer dissing TB in a classroom https://twitter.com/GennaBain/status/704313143594385409 https://archive.is/tYq9K Sutoripy Maku Sutoripuworthu of Brisbane, Australia Rowan Kaiser Patrick Kolan Mark Duval Jenn Frank Rami Ismail Izzy Gramp Denis Farr Christopher Paul Sawula Leigh Alexander Katherine Cross Tom Apperley ← that name sounds familiar Thomas Bowker James Pinnell

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That is one old ass tweet son >>326313 Whenever i hear the word male feminist i instantly think a forever alone neckbeard who thinks clinging to women will somehow land him with his dick in their vagina or sexual predators wanting access to the hen house by befriending the hens and having the hens invite him into the house Finished reading the pdf I wish everyone who used a # outside of twatter should be dragged out into the street and shot
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https://www.academia.edu/28733074/Vivian_James_The_Identity_Politics_of_Gamergate_s_Avatar >15 pages I need a place to dump this for easy locating in case anyone wants to see how many research papers can be written about a fictional girl,because shes just that special.

Meet the SJW/Correct thhe Record Liar Ruining Snoops Veteran Leader 10/10/2016 (Mon) 01:59:37 Id: 9cda45 No. 328385 [Reply]
Meet Kim LaCapria, a SJW and Correct the Record Cult member who has scorched earth Snoops by shoving onto their website a never ending series of white knight pieces that "debunk" every Hillary scandal that has hit, including what is quite clear in the Wikileaks from the email and private Wall Street speeches. And by "debunk", I mean she's been spewing dog shit that basically amounts to her saying "Hillary can do no wrong! Nothing to see here!!!" level lies and propaganda…… Worse, she doesn't even fucking HIDE the fact that she's a biased bitch…. Bitch needs to be stopped, as she's almost singlehandedly ruined Snoops
Isn't Snopes a leftist Soros-funded company, though? No surprise SJWs are allowed to rampage unchecked.
Collect evidence. Get some examples to show people that there is a problem. Send it to her managers and if they don't respond after a few weeks then you have additional ammo against the site. Try taking this to /pol/ or /politics/ which are more active boards. Do you have evidence that she is a member of CTR?

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Brianna Wu on SyFy Leader of GamerGate 02/26/2016 (Fri) 10:49:14 Id: 704669 No. 317506 [Reply] [Last]
Mark your calendars: SyFy will be reenacting her harrowing story on how she survived online harassment on their new show - The Internet Ruined My Life
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>>317506 I just donated 200$ to Brianna Wu's patreon and there is nothing you can do about it. Fuck you, misogynists.
A bit surprise that she didn't demand that her "surviving online harassment" isn't put in a channel, like Investigation Discovery. Then again "TIRML" is perfect for the syfy channel, since it's fictional anyhow.
>>328370 >Fuck you, money. Fixed that for you, necroposter. Welcome to the community, if you are in fact new

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Isn't Kotaku supposed to be dead? Veteran Leader 10/05/2016 (Wed) 23:12:59 Id: 04fdf4 No. 328343 [Reply]
Archive: http://archive.is/8RmuJ SJWs defend horrible designs for starter Pokemon So let me get this straight, you get 15 people on Twatter and FB losing their shit who may be SJWs virtue signalling for fakemedia to screenshot and post up for their narrative, but come on… That and Kotaku, weren't you supposed to be DEAD?
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Looks like popplio's evo line can't catch a break. First, I heard that people hated it, since it's oshawott 2.0. Now this. Ya know, I was asking "Gawker, weren't ya suppose to be dead?" When Gizmodo made that hit piece about the Oculas guy and his girlfriend.
>>328375 I mean according to those people, it's oshawott 2.0 (Don't know how I feel about that, since he's my first poke and others are hoping popplio was the Arceus sent miracle to correct oshawot's errors).
I really don't give a shit. It's manufactured hatred. And they will claim it's because people are "transphobic" since it's illegal to just not like how something looks in Hillary's America.

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Oculus, Palmer and Nikki Veteran Leader 09/26/2016 (Mon) 05:13:38 Id: d720f0 No. 328213 [Reply]
Quick history, Nikki Moxxi dressed up as Vivian once, and has been a vocal supporter of Trump. Word got out that her boyfriend, Palmer Luckey was funding some Trump initiative. Hitpieces ensued, you know the drill. http://archive.is/KQwm4 "Reporter" going along with Ghazi goons. https://archive.is/G0qlo @DMJReports https://twitter.com/TheLOTDreport/status/779997213804138496 Gizmodo hitpiece https://archive.is/Smxjk Email campaign for new Gawker/Gizmodo owner.

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He has no degree,training of experience of any kind jesus H christ are they scrapping the bottom the pond for staff since no one with a brain wants their shitty name tainting their article.
>>328363 I actually met luckey back in the day before he was famous I honestly never would have guessed he was pro-GG, where was he 2 years ago? given his contacts in facebook he could have been able to shift the smear campaign the msm was running against us
>>328367 Just to clarify it was before oculus even existed but I met him because I was also doing some development in VR and saw what he was doing at the time

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Structural Conflicts of Interest Veteran Leader 10/02/2016 (Sun) 10:37:42 Id: 2ef232 No. 328316 [Reply]
Watch this first (not embedding because you can't include timecode on embed): https://youtu.be/S91iJXdfoRA?t=1h14m15s Now why didn't we ever get FAIR on our side?
We tried to get them on our side, but didn't get a response.
Try again?
>>328316 We didn't because /pol/ wanted blood.

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Anita $arkeesian Wants to be Human Again Veteran Leader 09/28/2016 (Wed) 13:10:37 Id: 511473 No. 328268 [Reply]
Anita Sarkeesian on Life After Gamergate: ‘I Want to Be a Human Again’ http://archive.is/kDKyE It's just another 'Blame GamerGate' article. This time she wants to be a human again.
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>>328309 I think Jon already did that several times, until the falling out.
>>328308 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_prbnabl3A I take appliances and furniture way seriously when they say, uh, sing that they want to be human again rather than her saying that.
What's this? $arkeesian received the Digital Media Award at the Women’s Media Center Awards last week. Her fellow honorees included Samantha Bee, Joy Reid, Regina K. Scully, and Salma Hayek, and the event was hosted by Sally Field. http://femfreq.tumblr.com/post/151301156855/anita-was-honored-and-humbled-to-share-the-stage

SJWs taken over Wizards of the Coast/Magic: the Gathering Veteran Leader 09/14/2016 (Wed) 19:57:01 Id: dfeb6e No. 327982 [Reply] [Last]
Thread created for the (reasonable) overlap of video game enthusiasts who also commonly engage in cardflopping and dicechucking, and "our usual suspects" infecting a parallel industry >Chris Kluwe chosen as brand representative at PAX >getting a Hasbro representative on plebbit to denounce a fan channel that's been making videos promoting product for free for four years the guy could use support and awareness(positive attention) and /tg/ nerds could use our experience in dealing with the narrative spin as they get bullied in the coming months MTGHeadQuarters https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIIeZClsD9f0KlRsT1CBpDw
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>>328295 And what I'm asking for is hard numbers… something WotC has kept suspiciously under wraps.
>>328058 >Changing the art to make it friendly to younger audiences >Desexualizing creatures as much as possible >Claiming to call for AD&D fags It's small now, yes, but it's a foothold, and they'll use it to fuck up shit further down the road.
>>328300 >WotC, actual numbers… >Never released the full disclosure for D&D edition wars >But we sold good niggas! We sold best and all projections were gold! Now let's conveniently ignore all the things and go back to the old fans! They are never going to release shit because they're still experimenting to see just how much they can get away with. Magic is just the most adequate place for it because they have a large captive audience willing to buy anything related to it.

We misogynists now Leader 11/11/2015 (Wed) 13:49:37 Id: a2b0ab No. 297511 [Reply] [Last]
>37 Types of Anti-Feminists >the Gamergater Everyday Feminism rehashes old comic to provide 37 strawmen (including, once again, infantizing women by declaring any women opposed to feminists to be "good girl" or "anti-women") and manages to name drop GamerGate out of nowhere. https://archive.is/JztKL They're going to be pushing this everywhere they can. Their narrative is slipping, so now they have to lump all their enemies together.
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>>297844 >erasure
>>297976 That's the witch from his children's book. Which is actually pretty good. The sequel is even better. Worth a read if you like graphic novels.
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The Pope says "Fear-mongering Journos are terrorists" Veteran Leader 09/25/2016 (Sun) 14:22:46 Id: 42eb14 No. 328201 [Reply]
EVEN GOD IS ON OUR SIDE!!! So The Pope made a statement saying that "journalism based on fear-mongering, gossip is form of 'terrorism'" so by that definition every single SJW journo is a terrorist in the eyes of The Pope. It feels pretty damn good to hear this. http://archive.is/6O7uE the archive.
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>>328296 Francis is a colossal SJW sent by Satan to destroy the Catholic faith from within. Noob.
>>328296 Don't bite on >>328279 and >>328304 's bait. They're just assmad /pol/acks that can't accept the fact that a liberal isn't regressive.
>>328306 I'm a classical liberal you fucking queer. Kill yourself.

GAWKER IS DOWN Veteran Leader 08/18/2016 (Thu) 19:37:26 Id: 6bdd5d No. 326761 [Reply]
GAWKER IS DOWN I REPEAT, GAWKER IS DOWN https://archive.is/Cvvvf >After nearly fourteen years of operation, Gawker.com will be shutting down next week. The decision to close Gawker comes days after Univision successfully bid $135 million for Gawker Media’s six other websites, and four months after the Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel revealed his clandestine legal campaign against the company. >Nick Denton, the company’s outgoing CEO, informed current staffers of the site’s fate on Thursday afternoon, just hours before a bankruptcy court in Manhattan will decide whether to approve Univision’s bid for Gawker Media’s other assets. The near-term plans for Gawker.com’s coverage, as well as the site’s archives, have not yet been finalized. Sure feels good man.
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https://archive.is/zWLHt I originally wanted to post the entire thing but this article is too damn long. Tl;dr Despite what burnouts,revoltards and shills say The email campaigns did have a tremendous effect on gawker and helped contribute to the collapse that would take place 2 years later Who knew something as simple as sending an email can bring down a media corporation
>>326823 Gawker 2: Electric Boogaloo?
>>326789 nothing to do with the topic at hand.

Meetup: cucked to the point of truth-aversion Veteran Leader 09/29/2016 (Thu) 06:52:34 Id: 6a4a90 No. 328281 [Reply]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqoRzNhrTnQ&t=14m13s >..and if were to just let our algorithm infer whatever it wanted, it might very well infer that women are less likely to be interested in tech meetups [mumbling about representation] from a certain point of view that is a factual truth about our data, but that is not a truth that we are gonna allow our algorithms to learn.

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It's that time again, Primagen. Acid Man 09/27/2016 (Tue) 04:27:13 Id: 840cd8 No. 328238 [Reply]
LIST OF KOTAKU ADVERTISERS - UPDATED 9-26-2016 Direct Advertisers Quip Electric Toothbrushes https://www.getquip.com/help#contactus Inkkas Sneakers http://www.inkkas.com/pages/contact support@inkkas.com US Cellular

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And here's a bonus. LIST OF The Daily Beast's ADVERTISERS - UPDATED 9-27-2016 Direct Advertisers Reservebar.com support@reservebar.com (855) 588-1277 National Geographic Channel (New show "Killing Reagan") channel.nationalgeographic.com John Campbell SVP, Global Partnerships & U.S. Publisher, National Geographic & NationalGeographic.com +1 212 822 7445 john.campbell@natgeo.com Kimberly Connaghan VP, Global Partnerships & Publisher, National Geographic Traveler & Kids +1 212 822 7431 kimberly.connaghan@natgeo.com

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/gamergatehq/ Meta Thread - Maybe the Most Important Ever Acid Man 09/11/2016 (Sun) 07:22:19 Id: 422c52 No. 327817 [Reply] [Last]
YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE! YOUR INPUT IS NEEDED! Greetings anons. Its been a while since we bothered with a board meta thread, and this is the first one in approximately five? months I think. You know the reason why. Until the recent CON leaks and GG anniversary got people interested, our board was so slow we were actually clear off the first page of the board list more than 80% of the time. During that time, the staff never left, and kept an eye on the board for the usual antics of bump spammers and CP bots, but its pretty undeniable that we have gone a long time without much steam. And that is partly why we're here in this thread. A very long time ago when this board was first made, I made an exposition to anons about the board's purpose. This was done in an effort to bolster trust in the rather shaken users of /gamergate/ who had just lost their second board to a corrupt admin and his troll friends. A major part of this exposition was a promise: That if a more suitable alt board ever arose and the majority of the community wanted to move, I would close my board and move with them to avoid splitting the GG community. That time may be coming, and every one of you has a say in it. The situation: A person who was once a mod candidate for GGHQ is launching a new #GG hub board on 8chan soon. I spoke with them several days ago and dropped a little preliminary information on /v/ about it. More details have been made available to me, and it looks like this is actually going to happen. Why this is important: There has been no shortage of wannabe #GG boards. From /gamergatehb/ to revolt and many in between, a cavalcade of alt boards has rotted on the vine while we held our own for a year and a half. Despite this, the meme of "cuckhq" spread across 8chan and Twitter, and its not an exaggeration to say that our board's bad reputation keeps a lot of anons out. This factor is, I believe, in no small part responsible for how slow we have been in recent months.

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>>328204 >Nor was this a war against SJWs, it was an exposure of corrupt journalists And that's why this board is below 1 PPH now.
>>328239 And it's a shill tactic to call it shills vs shills.
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>>328263 >dial out the noise Focus on that bit instead.

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