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GamerGate Radio

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vroom vroom Leader of GamerGate 02/20/2016 (Sat) 03:09:37 Id: 835da8 No. 316940 [Reply]
WE INTERRUPT THE DOWNPOUR TO ANNOUNCE THE NEW GG WIKI IS OPEN FOR TESTING These past few days you might remember shenanigans about shell access and cellphones. Well I managed to ghetto-rig a way to fix the images so it's all good now. Now's the part where you test drive it. http://thisisvideogames.com/gamergatewiki/ Insert your favorite memes, share some dolphin literotica, whatever, so long as it's legal. I encourage you unbearable faggots to go and try to break the site or otherwise try to find some security flaw. Some notes: - I'm currently looking for an automated way to rotate the featured article. If you know how, please share. - Despite my efforts, I couldn't apply short URLs nor an appropriate 404 page (currently it redirects to my main site). - Barring some 6 or 7 pics missing, which I already accounted for, the wiki should initially be identical to the one at gamergatewiki.com - Requires registration in a rather quixotic attempt to keep shills away. IT WILL BE NUKED BEFORE THE DOMAIN REDIRECT IS CHANGED
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>>317779 gg.me also hosted a great deal of original content, essays, and evidence outside of the wiki. All of that was lost when it was shut down.
>>317779 >The replacement GG wiki was locked out so no one could edit it. I actually wasn't aware of that. You mean gamergatewiki.com right? Maybe I should get off my ass and start editing again already.

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Moving Forward Acid Man 01/30/2016 (Sat) 10:28:09 Id: 18767d No. 314553 [Reply] [Last]
With the failure of NEXT and the reassertion of 8chan in its current form, as well as the recent repairs to the vichan software (the site now runs more like it did at the beginning, with much fewer errors) its time for the board to look forward to the future again. Several projects were put on hiatus when the Next migration was announced and the site errors began to accumulate. Digging Generals. Digger training. #GG interviews. Event nights. Recap and update streams. Daily goals and OPERATIONS. These things are going to come back to the forefront of the board and off the back burner. We have a cause to fight for and a war to win. We've taken our licks, but like any good raid team we have long ago learned to come back from the occasional wipe - stronger and more resolved. You anons have stuck with this board through good times and bad, through shills, through board wars, through pointless and petty drama of every demoralizing stripe. I'm still just a faggot, but I'm proud of and indebted to every last one of you.

Message too long. Click here to view full text.

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>>318042 The reputation won't change. People generally stopped giving a shit about PR a long time ago.
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>>318042 Ben Kuchera still has a job. I'm in it til that changes. That said, #GG has segued off into localization issues lately, but we're still having an impact. Remember. A GamerGates poison kills slowly. After the bite.

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sjws in boardgames Leader of GamerGate 03/03/2016 (Thu) 02:42:12 Id: 882c0e No. 317967 [Reply]
anons, sharing this from my feed. so we got /v, /a, and /co in this… but something in /tg might be brewing. i already replied with a standard retort but i don't really have the arsenal handy. needless to say there are many others who also didn't agree. tips on how to properly troll the everliving hell out of them and sound classy as fuck doing it? i'm no regular here, but like any one of you, i am also bound by the burden that we all share… i also love laughing at all the shit sjws do
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If they're bitching about board games, just show them Kingdom Death and they will die if a brain hemorrhage.
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>>317969 >8/tg/… Cucked… You didn't visit shit.

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Sandy Beaches: Feminist Game Critic of the Mary Sue Leader of GamerGate 03/02/2016 (Wed) 21:13:26 Id: 0128e4 No. 317945 [Reply]
So if you haven't heard, some beardy guy (actually an ex-game journo in Australie fired over GG) posed as a 'feminist games critic' girl named Sandy Beaches and got 2 articles posted on the Mary Sue to further shit on their already shaky credibility. Despite this shit people still read this shit, their links are shared over the internet and yes it can and has been cited by wikipedia. TBs comments: https://sli.mg/m4HnJz American McGhee's based takedown of this cancer: https://sli.mg/m4HnJz His confessions: https://medium.com/listen-to-my-story/what-i-learned-as-feminist-critic-sandy-beaches-f1ee45a7e0aa#.cr1qvvhj1 His 'Sandy Beaches' articles: https://archive.is/H4cEK https://archive.is/WB05J
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>>318022 Thing is now they are aware of the tactic and are probably going to want full background checks. Which is GOOD because Background Checks cost $$$. Then again it also gives them Dox for harassment as well…
>>318022 Your dubs confirm this is a good idea. Maybe if we could put some of the articles under pseudo-profound bullshit we could start an incredible epidemic of Sokal Affairs. >>318179 >Thing is now they are aware of the tactic and are probably going to want full background checks. But what about the safety of the poor female writers? Are they going to force them to give their public info? I already see the headlines: News site gives no shit about the safety of women

Anita speaking at CSUN Leader of GamerGate 03/03/2016 (Thu) 03:10:48 Id: 0f6173 No. 317972 [Reply]
God-fucking Dammit, she's going to my school. http://www.csun.edu/womens-research-resource-center/events/ill-make-man-out-you-redefining-strong-female-characters >Anita's work focuses on deconstructing the stereotypes and tropes associated with women in popular culture as well as highlighting issues surrounding the targeted harassment of women in online and gaming spaces. Anita earned her bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies at CSUN and her Master’s degree in Social and Political Thought at York University. In 2012 she was targeted by an online harassment campaign following her launch of a Kickstarter project to fund the Tropes vs. Women in Video Games series. Well, /gg/, who wants to see what she has to say?
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>>318112 Probably a student group. Odds are this came out of your student life fee.
>>317981 Someone's been reading Alinsky. How ironic that feminism has now become the establishment, and as such their own anti-establishment tactics work just as well against them.

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Shoutouts to Snark & Tim Leader of GamerGate 02/22/2016 (Mon) 01:38:29 Id: 8b6527 No. 317099 [Reply]
I just recently found out these two are included in the special thanks in this game FIREWATCH its a walking simulator in case you were wondering what kind of game it is. Now this brings up an important question would you still play a game even if the people who made the game look up to someone like Anita or Tim?would you instantly look at it with disgust even if they played no role whatsoever in the development and were merely added there to the credits as a Shout-out?
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>>317746 Underwhelming half finished snoozefest of a game. Thanks for the review Anon

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Agent Scully/Vivian James Leader of GamerGate 02/28/2016 (Sun) 03:05:43 Id: cd699e No. 317662 [Reply]
In light of SJWs turning against X-Files and Agent Dana Scully (who spent the new season going full red pill), can someone toss together some Agent Scully/Gillian Anderson as Vivian James photoshops?
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>>318171 The FBI is a GamerGate operation.
>>318221 IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW Thanks, based FBI.

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game people used to link Leader of GamerGate 02/19/2016 (Fri) 12:20:53 Id: 074579 No. 316866 [Reply]
what was that 3d game that looked like omikron or deus ex hr or something where everyone had feminist hair and were talking about marxist shit? saw it linked a lot in '15
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>>318327 The problem is I looked at The Longest Journey a bit and it doesn't seem like what I'm talking about. I think it was a different game.
The only thing I can think off is "Read Only Memories", but that's in no way a 3d game.

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SJW Survival Kit Leader of GamerGate 03/06/2016 (Sun) 18:43:07 Id: d1c808 No. 318312 [Reply]
SJW Survival Kit >Air horn - for silencing the sexists >Phone - for calling bomb threats to prevent terrorist meetups >Bottle of piss - for dousing the flames of the patriarchy
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>>318473 >trust the jew >ever
>>318312 That's about right We need an anti sjw survival kit now

Youtube is doing some REALLY shady shit. Leader of GamerGate 01/29/2016 (Fri) 09:34:07 Id: d9f768 No. 314396 [Reply] [Last]
Ok so I go to youtube today and find out that vid related is happening. I don't know what the fuck is going on over there but apparently several youtube partners have suddenly had nearly all of their features, including monetization, revoked seemingly over a DMCA strike. Not only this, but YT is throwing up all sorts of red tape on the affected users for no goddamn reason. I smell bureaucratic bullshit, what about you?
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>>318683 That's some pretty shady shit!
>take a 'job' that can deny payment at any time they want to and for no reason >deny payment >partners get pissy if you're dumb enough to make yourself dependant on charity from Google then you deserve everything you get don't like that arrangement? walk away see how long it is before google begs you to come back

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Abused ignorants Leader of GamerGate 03/11/2016 (Fri) 04:04:01 Id: 2dc974 No. 318744 [Reply]
My subject is this: The manosphere (anti-feminism, MRA, PUA, TRP) is the establishment? A new form of totalitarianism? One that has a lot of power to start considering a threat? I found funny how during gamergate many of these humans believed they where fighting against censorship, but they where the only ones who censor the opponents of the movement! I feel like I don't have any freedom in imageboards (and, again, feminism never take away my freedom, they did it), I know it sound something big, but here's the thing; If I post that I read Chomsky, they atack me, if I made a comment on a left-wing site that has not relation with this movement, they come and spam it. Almost every thing that has some relation to non-manosphere ideas, they come and censor everything. If this movement continues to grow, what would happen in 5, 10 years? Would there be any non-fascist space around? Every tenet they fight for; they are the ones who created it, or they practice it, but the opponent doesn't. I once read I fake post, saying something like "CIA could create feminism"…the funny thing to this, is that the US government has only created counter-movements against the left; Contra in latin america? Gaddafi? Iraq war? They are doing it in front of us: http://www.appliedmemeticsllc.com/ I want to start being paranoid and conspiracist; the same thing applied at the inverse: how do we know the new right movement was created because of the fear that the left was gaining momentum? Look at the "fathers" of this movement…if this is not in relation with the government…the quantity of money they make out of ads…probably millions per year; enough to think about their intentions.
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>>318744 I have a feeling you get attacked for being a retard. Doesn't matter who is in charge, that will never change.
>>318744 >they where the only ones who censor the opponents of the movement! >I feel like I don't have any freedom in imageboards (and, again, feminism never take away my freedom, they did it), I know it sound something big, but here's the thing; If I post that I read Chomsky, they atack me >they atack me >implying attacks by other users can be compared to buzzfeed/verge/gawker editors outright ERASING comments that disprove them, point out their mistakes or ask for sources >implying gamergate wasn't actively censored in most major sites like reddit, with admins with proven connections to fraudsters like zoe deleting any threads about the evidence against her Sage for bait thread, but it had to be said OP is a fucking idiot who would cry her ass off over a parking ticket thinking the officer is somehow oppressing her because she can't drive for shit

SJWs throw a bottle of piss on Lauren Southern Leader of GamerGate 03/06/2016 (Sun) 06:52:02 Id: 1ba074 No. 318246 [Reply] [Last]
SJWs throw a bottle of piss on Lauren Southern wasn't this person making fun of white genocide a month or two ago? its fun seeing cuckservatives and cultural marxists eat each other up
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>>318340 > Someone insulted her for being Jewish > she turns around and triggers them I see nothing wrong with putting shit stirring trolls into hysterics over muh buzzwords >>318347 >tfw I've wanted to do Ibin peppe's schtick for years >tfw he did it better than I could imagine

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Shufflegate in Paper Mario Gawker Media's Creditor 06/16/2016 (Thu) 04:58:34 Id: 8a1bb9 No. 325121 [Reply] [Last]
I just found this today. The new Paper Mario game has a mini game that references GamerGate and Five Guys. Your thoughts?
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>>325346 >Sonic Twitter saying "It's better than nothing." Even Mighty No. 9 is way better than the fucking faggotry Sega/SonicTeam churns out that they claim are "Sonic" games. Fuck on outta this galaxy, Sega. Fucking give NiGHTS a new goddamn game for the 20th anniversary.
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>>326453 >being so pleb you don't know that a shitposting twitter account isn't the real Sonic Team / Sega AM2
>>326453 Are you lost? /v/ is several blocks over there→

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Christfags hating on Pokemon Go like the 90s Veteran Leader 07/13/2016 (Wed) 13:01:39 Id: 08330c No. 325795 [Reply]
https://youtu.be/rADlx1mrgIg?t=52m They believe Pokemon Go is the government agenda to desecrate churches with demons known as Pokemon. They even quote the p4rgaming fake interview about Tajiri talking about creating Pokemon because he hates Christians… Christians are almost like SJWs >kek >they are literal demonic cyber digital demons >failure to understand gyms >portals to demonic spirit realms >pokemon go used in churches to catch demons They call the cops on this kid playing pokemon go around a church. Pokemon has caught the eye of normies again so that means its back to the glory days of 90s popularity?
It's probably just one church m8. Right now Westboro is using jigglypuff as a mascot and is trolling people who are against them on Go, and the pope in the 90s approved of pokemon as well. Don't just listen and believe because it sounds like it fits your biases, anon. Get actual proof and statistics.
More proof, as if we needed it, that SJWs and religious fundies are two sides of the same counterfeit coin.
>>325795 It's just retarded Christfag paranoia like it was back in the 1990s. Just fuckin' laugh at them for being the fucking ass-backwards fucktards they are.

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Vidya gaem angle on Ghostbusters 2016 movie fiasco Veteran Leader 08/02/2016 (Tue) 18:26:17 Id: 069ed5 No. 326228 [Reply]
The developers of the official Ghostbusters video game have gone bankrupt just three days after the game was released, it has been revealed. Fireforge Games, the development studio behind the video game, filed for chapter 7 bankruptcy with debts of up to $12 million, Kotaku has revealed. The company, which was founded in Irvine in 2011, had failed to establish itself properly in the video game industry and had not produced a high profile multi-platform game before. The game was reportedly developed in under 8 months and has received a dismal Metacritic score of just 31/100. The game’s lack of success might have been somewhat inevitable considering the failure of the Ghostbusters remake on which it is based, with the film opening to empty theatres across the US and official merchandise being placed on sale racks before the film was even released. Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos’s criticism of the film for its social justice narrative also led to a Twitter spat with actress Leslie Jones which resulted in him being permanently banned from the platform, known for its disdain of conservative media. http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2016/08/01/ghostbusters-video-game-developers-file-for-bankruptcy-3-days-after-games-release/
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>>326229 Remember that "journalist" who sent pedobutts a picture of his daughter in support of it after it was exposed for being a creepy pedo? He just wrote tl;dr article for Houston Press ignoring all this, saying that since this shit made $150m gross receipts, it technically made a profit and is therefore a box office success you shitlords.
>>326248 Keep sharing it. Share it with people who like a laugh. Share it with people who don't know what feminism is. Share it with people who are curious what feminism is. The more normalfags that go "oh, social justice was like the Ghostbusters film?" the better. Even if they don't mean it with malice, the SJW will try to defend it and fail, setting off red flags for normal fags. Never be silent.
>>326253 I've seen that article getting reposted all over Facebook, and people who call out it's obvious BS being derided as spoilsports. Which I guess is better then being accused of being misogynist.

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Bayonetta is in Smash Leader 12/15/2015 (Tue) 23:46:32 Id: 6bacae No. 309513 [Reply] [Last]
Bayonetta is going to be a DLC in Super Smash Bros. While this is pretty awesome news, get ready to hear how this is also a "major victory for feminism." Much like Undertale, it seems that the SJW'sw ant to claim Bayonetta as their own and this is a major win against us sexist gamers. Just wanted to give everyone a little heads up
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>>310437 Doom 64 was pretty different from other versions of Doom, if I recall. It's more like a spinoff.
https://youtu.be/E1xIkPAcoYY?t=3s A good advice from Bayonetta to Anita Sarkeesian.

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