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GamerGate Radio

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Cyber Civil Rights Initiative digging thread Veteran Leader 09/26/2016 (Mon) 22:40:43 Id: f4c558 No. 328224 [Reply]
From the /v/ general The Cyber Civil Rights Initiative tweeted > We need to be working on changing the cultural perception of what is criminal behavior and what is not. https://archive.is/HP8VZ The Cyber Civil Rights Initiative is an organization founded by Dr. Holly Jacobs that aims to bring awareness to and reduce the occurrence of harassment on the Internet. Our first campaign is End Revenge Porn, which sheds light on the issue of revenge porn (and other forms of non-consensual pornography) and advocates for state and federal laws to criminalize it. For more information regarding CCRI please contact Natalie Webb [emails removed] For legislative information contact Mary Anne Franks [law.miami.edu] For victim outreach contact Anisha Vora [endrevengeporn.org] Annmarie Chiarini may be contacted at […] http://www.cybercivilrights.org/press_releases https://archive.is/NHOUU Danielle Keats-Citron … serves on the advisory boards of the Future of Privacy, Without My Consent, Cyber Civil Rights (CCRI) and Teach Privacy. http://www.daniellecitron.com/about.html https://archive.is/kUkU2

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The attack on Section 230 From Neal Rauhauser's logs: @B3nRaching3r #GamerGate & workalikes are at an inflection point; something is going to get done policy wise. Maybe CDA Sec 230 repeal. Thu Jan 22 00:45:22 +0000 2015 Noah Berlatsky attacks Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act Article: https://archive.is/tyMHH Author's twitter: https://archive.is/SqpHC Law Prof Writing Revenge Porn Legislation Wants To Upend Safe Harbors On The Internet 'For The Children' Mary Anne Franks, a law professor at the University of Miami… https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20131126/09514225380/law-prof-writing-revenge-porn-legislation-wants-to-upend-safe-harbors-internet-children.shtml https://archive.is/XD9HR "We're going back and forth and actually writing the law with them," said Franks, a board member of the Cyber Civil Rights Initiative, which was founded by "revenge porn" victim Holly Jacobs. http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2013/11/21/new-federal-legislation-could-take-a-nip-out-of-revenge-porn https://archive.is/ZcCT7 Lawprof Danielle Citron joins the fray in Blackman's comments, adding their "Eugene Volokh approves" spin. Not even Josh Blackman is buying that crap:

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Waifu/Cancer Thread Ironwood 09/21/2016 (Wed) 22:52:35 Id: eeb753 No. 328146 [Reply]
ok who is best Waifu and why is it evie from paladins Proof:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYpdrxoT8Jk
Penny from Stardew Valley. She's a nice girl and she makes me pancakes.

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Extra Credits. Leader of GamerGate 02/10/2016 (Wed) 19:29:06 Id: 6fd38f No. 315747 [Reply]
Give me evidence on why they're shit. Found out a friend of mine watched them. Told him they were SJW's wouldn't believe me.
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I was wondering why the other GGers/furryers were telling me that Extra Credits are SJW, since I wouldn't know that by watching their YT vids. Now I'm seeing more evidence.
>>328182 Oops, I meant GGRevolters. Not furries.

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BASED GABEN BLOWS OUT INDIE DEVS! Veteran Leader 09/15/2016 (Thu) 02:11:46 Id: 1d8227 No. 327995 [Reply]
=Indie devs BLOWN THE F*** OUT!= Archive: http://archive.is/ZE5KY "Under the previous system, Steam customer reviews came from two sources. On one hand, you had reviews from customers who had purchased the game on the platform. On the other hand you had users who had obtained CD-keys for the game. There are plenty of legitimate ways to obtain a key, for example, from the developer for backing the game on Kickstarter, or as part of a Humble Bundle. But the fact is that there exists a black-to-grey market where keys are given out for the purposes of manipulating reviews." And here is the salt… "Some developers have also pointed out that they see more harm coming from fraudulent reviews on the players side. Generally users are more motivated to leave negative reviews than positive ones, with a silent majority of happy players often just getting on with playing the game and not taking the time to leave feedback . Negative review bombing from players can come from personal grudges, but also, as was the case with this year's Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear expansion, be motivated by bigotry or culture-war controversy." So… Negative reviews are the fault of the GamerGoobers… I am so diamond right now, I'm disrupting the world economy.
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>>328070 This. Anyone who brings up DRM bullshit are SJW Indie Devs who got BTFOed, or their shill bots. We're in a target rich environment now. Everyplace in the internet is now a battleground for Gamergate. Even places where we had at one time conceded ground.
>>328004 Damn right. DRM and SJWs have a common goal, which is the control what you can play on your own computer.
>>328170 We got a slider over here.

OP #TheKekOffensive post some pepes Veteran Leader 09/20/2016 (Tue) 01:19:40 Id: a44d41 No. 328100 [Reply]
Gawker is dead. Kotaku is in limbo. Polygon, the Mary Sue, Vice, and even the Guardian are sinking. Every gaming journalism site has an ethics policy and disclosure has become standard industry practice, and we have GG-friendly alternate, ethical, gaming sites which are small but growing. The LWs are fucking off to parasitize other places ( >>327987) Shit's not perfect, but if you expect perfection in life you'll live dissapointed… GamerGate Won It would've been fine to wind things down and become a watchdog and kind of move on… …until some dumb faggot from cuckchan yelled a nasty meme at some poor sick old lady which triggered her and as a result: THE ENTIRE LEFT HAS DECLARED WAR ON THE INTERNET, FUN, THOUGHT-CRIMES, AND GAMERGATE

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The media is helping dig the grave of both candidates especially Hillary why talk about herpolices when you can fearmonger about meme frogs instead
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http://archive.is/Ocb0K And the final nail on the coffin has been hammered in. The dragon is slain and the warriors loot the corpse for treasure
>>328144 He's from Murdoch's News Corp. I guess that's the least worst we can hope for. They're sensationalist, but they're the least left-wing major mainstream media outlet out there.

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#StopEnslavingSaudiWomen - Twitter crushes a women's rights campaign Veteran Leader 09/22/2016 (Thu) 02:54:04 Id: d9208b No. 328149 [Reply]
Twitter suspended several accounts involved in the #StopEnslavingSaudiWomen campaign. Here is what we know. The Campaign The hashtag was promoted in the Jerusalem Post as a campaign to repeal Saudi male guardianship laws. http://www.jpost.com/Middle-East/Calls-to-end-Saudi-male-guardianship-sweeping-social-media-467096 https://archive.is/cfGMf @thatminds describes the group as "humanists, activists, and enlightening accounts" who are "activists against Sharia law and radical Islam" https://archive.is/dH8JG Isaac Cohen produces the Jihad Complex podcast and comments on Islamist terrorism. https://soundcloud.com/jihadcomplex Who was suspended Initial reports:

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The @SafeMov account is back. No further info.
>>328149 As if we needed any more proof that SJWs and MIDF work hand in hand.

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Why are SJW-Lites such top-tier waifus? Veteran Leader 09/19/2016 (Mon) 00:22:56 Id: c55cd6 No. 328077 [Reply]
I want to stroke Goddess Nicole's perfect SJW-Lite hair. I want to stare into her SJW-Lite eyes and kiss her SJW-Lite cheeks. I want us to lie in bed reading bad fanfiction to each other while her SJW-Lite feet rub up against mine. I want to lick her SJW-Lite clit while she plays Overwatch, distracting her enough that she drops 3 ranks. But most of all, I want to hold hands with Goddess Nicole.
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>>328084 >What did Nicole do to merit the SJW-Lite title? Apparently, she was with a group of people who "plotted to end Gamergate!". By which I mean Ralph just kept shrieking that over and over again and whining "I was right you're all sell outs I was right!". She also encourages people not to thoughtlessly torture trannies "just cuz", which enrages some of GGs more… /po/-flavored members. But she also has huge, shapely feet, and that's fucking rad.
>>328077 >I want to lick her SJW-Lite clit while she plays Overwatch, distracting her enough that she drops 3 ranks. >Overwatch switched from the Season 1 format of numbered ranking to a bronze/gold/silver/platinum tiering system that does not derank you for any reason other than not playing for 7 days what did the shill mean by this?
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>>328077 Go home Nicole, you're drunk and nobody wants you, not even here.

coming through Veteran Leader 09/20/2016 (Tue) 21:28:36 Id: 04561a No. 328122 [Reply]
/b/ says hi :) 100 chars? That's a lot of Canadian cars. Or French tanks. Or maybe you meant carbonize. That might be it. I might have a picture of something carbonized but I am to lazy to search for it. You're lucky I'm willing to type all that shit for your board.

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Proof Revolt used spambots to attack Torrential Downpour Veteran Leader 09/12/2016 (Mon) 15:57:32 Id: 08bfee No. 327886 [Reply]
Looks like @MEGATRON_1488 (CthuluGames), @WildGooseAbuse and @AgoristArtist were behind the spamming of #TorrentialDownpour. Many of the bots share the personalities of their creators/purchasers, and several of the bots link to what appears to be MEGATRON/CthuluGames's ebay store. And if you look, MEGATRON deleted nearly ten thousand tweets in the past month alone and scrubbed the bots twitter accounts as well. Even MEGATRON/CG's profile says "controller of many bots." It's possible they are all controlled by MEGATRON_1488 and he is trying to frame AgoristArtist and WildGooseAbuse. Keep the hell dig going and expose them. @MEGATRON_1488's Ebay Store: https://archive.is/sHUxd @MEGATRON_1488 (formerly "CthuluGames"): >https://twitter.com/WallOfWeirdness >https://twitter.com/CthulhuSentMe >https://twitter.com/BoardgameBlitz >http://archive.is/hOP3Z >https://twitter.com/FoodPicsForYou >https://twitter.com/Hi_Hi_Hi_There >https://twitter.com/MuchWowShibes @wildgooseabuse: https://twitter.com/goosejenner & https://twitter.com/goosejenner >https://twitter.com/GooseQuest >https://twitter.com/ChooChooseU

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>>327943 >you>you>you>you>you>you>you>you>you>you >look at me projecting But we're talking about me… sweety I want to hear about you. Don't worry, I tottally believ you're insincere and easive not-quiet-a-denial. I totally support you current live-stile and think you are beautiful, brave, and strong for coming out.
No wonder why KiA backlisted Ralph's site, says don't post his stuff unless ya archive it.
>>328083 Archiving sites in general is just good practice.

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Online News Association digging thread Veteran Leader 09/18/2016 (Sun) 19:10:21 Id: 632cba No. 328075 [Reply]
The Online News Association (ONA) held its 2016 conference yesterday where Rose Eveleth plugged the Crash Override Network at one of the sessions. http://archive.is/Pe6XY We have had a few people hop into their hashtags #ONA16 and #ONA16doxx to correct the record, but this is all over already so nothing more needs to be said. Rose Eveleth was involved in Shirtstorm, where the comet lander scientist Matt Taylor was forced to apologize for wearing a shirt that an artist lady friend of his had patterned after Barbarella, Queen Of Space and its many imitations. On Twitter she accused Taylor of making women feel unwelcome in science by wearing a woman-designed shirt featuring popular iconography of strong empowered women. https://archive.is/Xl9Zv We have a bonus censorship story where the Atlantic's moderators banned someone for saying the title of Eveleth's blog was just as offensive (if not more so) than Taylor's shirt. http://yro.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=6688465&cid=48780063 https://archive.is/kTRZe From >>>/v/10739201 > According to the responses, the #ONA16keynote was all about "diversity" in the SJW sense of demanding quotas and hating white people. This is really fucking influential, this is what they fed a room full of journalists. ONA might be worth digging into. Who ran it and who selected these panels? https://twitter.com/hashtag/ona16keynote?vertical=default&src=hash > > ONA showcased software put out by the Coral Project. https://archive.is/A1VLy That's in our digs as a joint project of Black Lives Matter and the Frankfurt School that sent another nutbar to the UN. Let's see those digs, and let's see if there is anything else in ONA that we should be concerned about.
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They had something called #digitalwomenleaders, Women's Leadership Accelerator, Women's Leadership Academy. This raises suspicions because in a business environment nobody should care what you have between your legs, and the racketeers attacking us always claim to be representing women and gays and other minorities. Nothing immediately looks wrong with it though. https://archive.is/iaLXr The ONA Women's Leadership Academy is a project of Poynter Institute. http://journalists.org/programs/womens-leadership-academy/ https://archive.is/p25HU Remember that we got a complete freezeout from Poynter. They would not talk to us. If anyone got so much as an acknowledgment, a "thanks we'll look into it" let alone a correction, let us know and I will be happy to be wrong about that. Financiers: * Knight Foundation * Ford Foundation * Craigslist Charitable Fund * Facebook * The McClatchy Company * Google * Wordpress

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>>328075 > Let's see those digs United Nations Alliance of Civilizations conference on Tracking Hatred: An International Dialogue on Hate Speech in the Media http://ohpi.org.au/unaoc/ https://archive.is/trKyc Panelists: * Nihal Saad, Chief of Cabinet and Spokesperson, United Nations Alliance of Civilizations * Ms. Rosario Soraide, Project Officer, Freedom of Expression and Media Development Division, UNESCO * Dr. Andre Oboler (Australia), CEO, Online Hate Prevention Institute (OHPI) * Sydette Harry, Community Lead, Coral Project Sydette Harry, Katherine Cross, Akiba Solomon of Black Lives Matter, and Andrea James of Wikipedia were among a large number of speakers (about 170) at the 2014 Hampshire College conference on Civil Liberties and Public Policy https://web.archive.org/web/20140415052827/http://clpp.hampshire.edu/2014-conference-conference-program/speakers https://archive.is/azM5U

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>>328097 A lot of Bilderberg cointelpro in all of that.

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/ggrevolt/ confirmed /leftypol/ shill board Leader 11/29/2015 (Sun) 07:51:20 Id: 7c552e No. 303406 [Reply] [Last]
Confirmed by the BOARD OWNER >tl;dr if I hadn't been involved, there's a good chance /ggrevolt/ wouldn't exist. everyone there is on an official /leftypol/ board. >>>/leftypol/450317 https://archive.is/fb21b Remember kids, uncle /pol/ is always right
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Fuck pepe
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>>327994 You would if you could, you sick fuck.
The D&C has really done some damage here.

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Let's have some Fun: If Gamergate was Lord of the Rings Veteran Leader 09/16/2016 (Fri) 21:47:20 Id: 8da732 No. 328045 [Reply]
Thread Title. If figures within Gamergate were characters in Lord of the Rings, who would they be? (I've got one picked out already, as you can see. Another one would be Theoden at Pelennor Fields = TotalBiscuit)

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GNU / FSF libreboot "trans" accusation already on wikipedia Veteran Leader 09/16/2016 (Fri) 18:43:28 Id: f1e63b No. 328038 [Reply]
Wow that was fast. Almost like it's a coordinated push https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Libreboot&action=history
There's an ongoing discussion in >>>/tech/652464

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Revolution 60 Thread Veteran Leader 09/11/2016 (Sun) 01:30:22 Id: ca3c2f No. 327807 [Reply]
Let's talk about Brianna Wu's 'game' he release on Steam a few days ago. It's horrible and people are getting refunds.
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this Lets Play is doing well on the Community Hub on Steam
>>327807 Is it true that Brianna Wu quit the video game business?
>>328018 that would be news to me. Late 2015 their twitter was filled with vague hopefulness about getting angel investors re: "emotional" games for VR.

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How hard could 8 figures-ing The Mary Sue could be? Veteran Leader 09/08/2016 (Thu) 01:27:44 Id: a0d84d No. 327734 [Reply]
Archive: http://archive.is/K4VCK Okay, this is some click-bait level desperation. This reads like Gawker-grade bullshit. This whole thing is a class-A SJW reach into a fandom. The SJWs have been nibbling around /a/'s neck of the woods for a bit, as they've been more busy with those icky gamers. Now they're taking the gloves off. My opinion? When will they learn this cherry-picked shit don't work anymore.
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>>327981 She makes a good point, tho. And that has nothing to do with anime.
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>>328006 >She makes a good point, tho. No she doesn't, why would Snowden ever discuss Manning at any length? Snowden has big enough problems of his own. >And that has nothing to do with anime. You're right, why are you talking about anime?
>>328007 >No she doesn't, why would Snowden ever discuss Manning at any length? Snowden has big enough problems of his own. That's like saying that gamers shouldn't care about SJWs trying to censor anime because we have enough problems with SJWs trying to censor video games. >You're right, why are you talking about anime? Did you not read OP's post or something?

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Can't post schenanigans (Technical Meta) Veteran Leader 09/12/2016 (Mon) 23:55:59 Id: 217195 No. 327930 [Reply]
Am I the only one getting this error: {"readyState":0,"status":0,"statusText":"error"} When trying to post in stickied threads here?
Just tested. Could post in CON. Couldn't post in Separate board meta thread- despite posting in it before.
>>327930 Your post will come through eventually when Alarcrity finally gets to write. Yeah, the errotext is kinda wrong. If that is not the case, go to >>>/sudo/ . There is a sticky about that very issue.
>>327939 The sticky is about Captchas, should I still post in it?

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