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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Going Bananas edition Anonymous 03/13/2022 (Sun) 15:06:11 Id: bb8e7f No. 152321
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >Former Gawker Media properties G/O Media of staff from Kotaku, Gizmodo, Jalopnik, Jezebel, Lifehacker and The Root have gone on strike. https://archive.ph/pyYJg >MS buys Actiblizz https://archive.ph/Lc4Em >Sony buys Bungie for $3.6 Billion https://archive.fo/7BE4T >Sony Vice President of Playstation Network George Cacioppo exposed for trying to have sex with a 15 year old minors through Grindr App via chatlogs from "People Vs Predators" Group: https://archive.md/SlG30 >Archives Prove IGN Executive Review Editor Dan Stapleton Lied When Claiming Outlet Would Not Report On Sony Exec Pedophile Allegations Because They Don’t Cover “General Crime”: https://boundingintocomics.com/2021/12/07/archives-prove-ign-executive-review-editor-lied-when-claiming-outlet-would-not-report-on-sony-exec-pedophile-allegations-because-they-dont-cover-general-crime/ - https://archive.md/uuDNE https://archive.md/O7wma >Aforementioned People Vs Preds Groups also caught Senior Account Manager for Nvidia Todd Wiseman for allegedly trying to meet with a 15 year old boy for sex. https://archive.md/xMz2f >Nathan Grayson leaves Kotaku to join the Washington Post's "Launcher" section https://archive.is/9hqq0 >Five Nights at Frieddy's developer Scott Cawthon retires after SJWs and game journalists attack him for donating to Republican politicians https://archive.fo/wCpMC https://archive.fo/Fe8Ey >Quinton Flynn Replaced as Kael’thas Voice Actor in WoW; Despite Judge Ruling Sexual Misconduct Allegations Came from Obsessive Stalker https://nichegamer.com/2021/04/19/quinton-flynn-replaced-as-kaelthas-voice-actor-in-wow-despite-judge-ruling-sexual-misconduct-allegations-came-from-obsessive-stalker/ - https://archive.is/Dj5a5 >A petition to deplatform once cancelled game "Six Days In Fallujah" started by Hala Alsalman receives game industry developer and figure support; gets stealthily updated https://archive.is/h6Da1 https://archive.is/eSpno CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF - Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids: https://archive.fo/U3GLa - Confirms censorship was deliberate: https://archive.fo/XgAgP - No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case: https://archive.fo/37DhK - Marvelous partner starts petition against policy: https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo • Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. • Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well: http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546 B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc.
[Expand Post]http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): • Use https://archive.today to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags • Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 • Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htmSTOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics • https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds • https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: • The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb • #GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page • History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ • View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: • GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb • Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: •Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP Wiki is currently offline >How Can I Help? >>>/gamergatehq/ • All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations • OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L • An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
>>153097 Oh, THAT explains why I didn't get that raise at work. Putin used the FSB to create a social media account tied to me, and then had one of his cronies link it to my boss. Thanks Putin!
>>153094 i cant find the comic i wanted to and it was a struggle to find this one but basically yeah the biden administration puts a stranglehold on the things that could give us cheaper fuel like fracking because were NIMBY as fuck
>>153100 Ben Garrison and the way he portrays Trump tells me all about how he feels for the man. It's sexual.
>>153100 The funny thing is that the U. S. was already oil independent by 2014, back under Ohnigger, which only further shows how much the politics have changed.
>>153100 >>153102 Or, the baizuo are getting their revenge against the American people because "It was her turn", and are punishing the populace for elect an egotistical reality show host over "We need to break the glass ceiling". Basically <This wouldn't be happening if you voted for the people you were suppose to.
>>153100 >>153102 >>153101 Speaking of Biden. A small funny reminder America lost more vehicles in Afghanistan during Biden pull than the Russians and Ukrainians during their still ongoing war.
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>>153100 Rookie numbers
>>153105 looks like a normal day in the desert if you ask me
>>153085 4chan apparently
>>153106 Almost ready for a Mad Max setting
>>152920 >no source >G4 pony when Hasbro is shilling the new G5 >message in English despite being for Russians >artifacts out of the ass of the pic, showing that it has been shared through multiple social networks I call this post and its owner bullshit. >>152935 Because the murritard and bong governments have been looking for an excuse to cut Russia and China from their globohomo economy for decades, and this regional conflict is the best one they could find. Also there's the possibility that the Russian claim about Ukraine having American biolabs with dangerous bioweapons is true, hence why western politicians are so worried about Russia not being "cancelled" fast enough. but who knows. >>152942 Russia doesn't own gorillions in American external debt, manufactures most of the things America and EU buy, nor has billionaire investments in a lot of western companies. China, which literally is where the first merchants came from 5000 years ago, has been outjewing western Jews for decades by playing the long-long-long game, and the things you described are proof of it. >>153089 Thanks, I hate everything about it, specially the unnecessarily fat noses and hips. Fuck western "artists".
>>153109 >Also there's the possibility that the Russian claim about Ukraine having American biolabs with dangerous bioweapons is true nigga obongo built them, and they sure as hell weren't making spider-silk yeast on their wuhan branch
>>153100 >>153095 Guess it's time to dust off the old bicycle and live like the Amish then. >>153097 >bad Orange Man >Manchurian Candidate While (((Trump))) was indeed a puppet a Russian one he isn't. Think more in terms of our two (((Greatest Alleys))) Saudi Arabia and Israel instead.
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>>153109 >to cut Russia and China from their globohomo economy for decades Another proof about globalists being retards >send every manufacturing process to China >force Russia and China to cooperate with their NATO gay ops >all the other countries that got shat on will congregate together And I told that there would be a parallel economy with China, Russia, India, Middle East, South East Asia, and it's currently being made https://archive.ph/OHi5M https://twitter.com/NinaByzantina/status/1503416339247112199 https://archive.ph/fwQGQ https://kapital.kz/finance/103768/yeaes-i-knr-razrabotayut-proyekt-mezhdunarodnoy-finsistemy.html There's a few other articles about Saudi Arabia inviting China about economic talks, India testing their banks processing Ruble transfer, etc. It's too late for globalists, they lost, and they should give up.
>>153111 I'm buying a mid-priced escooter because I can carry it in stores, niggers would steal the bike and slash the catalytic off here.
>>153109 The nose I can understand but why the hips?
>>153113 do you need a drivers license for that kinda thing?
>>153089 imagine being this much of a turbo homosexual, i could beat both you and your non existant dad up for posting this.
>>153116 >i could beat both you and. beat them... with your dick?
>>153112 China, Russia and whoever decides to join them are running out of time. Now that it was shown that it's possible to cut a major power (Russia) from the (((financial system))) with relative it's just a matter of time before they try to do the same and worse to minor countries that don't align with their ideals, slowly leaving China alone until it too can be cut and left bleeding. >>153114 Because that amount of fat is simply disgusting to look at, specially in the second pic. The fourth pic is the only one with a relatively sane hip size.
>>153117 >onanist instantly resorts to lascivious retorts This is why you will never achieve to shit
>>153115 Nope, pic related is treated as a bicycle in my city. Can't ride on sidewalks, and probably a limit to the speed you're allowed to get on it. A motor on a bicycle is a way better deal if you're going longer distances though, since you can get the acceleration going yourself and put bigger batteries. You can probably get rid of the speed limiter too if you're in buttfuck nowhere. I think even a small gasoline motor is legal on a bike. You only need a drivers license for a moped, which are just motorcycles with a 35 mph cap and engine/battery size requirements. Anything higher needs a motorcycle license on top of a drivers license.
>>153119 >achieve amount*
>>153120 thanks for the info. >>153119 >>153121 just taking the piss, mate. nothing to get hot and bothered about.
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>>153120 Christ I hate those things, because they're mostly driven by retard soys who go as fast as they can on the sidewalk and have no regard for the people walking in front of them. Whenever I go out during rush hour, I'm paranoid as shit and keep looking over my shoulder just to be sure one of those faggots isn't coming to run me down.
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>>153123 I'm trying to make a banner out of that gif, but there's so much going at the same time that I don't know which parts use as a focus. Any opinion about these test banners?
>>153124 Yeah, sidewalks are treated as the bike lane in most cities due to poor bike infrastructure, even mine doesn't strictly enforce it for bicycles as long as you aren't going full speed into a crowd of people.
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>>153075 First pic made me remember pic related
>>153124 Never experienced such a thing as I live on the countryside. Citycucks can get fucked.
>>153127 I want what they have.
>>153129 Back pain?
>>153130 I have that already. Clearly they've quite limber.
>4th pic Well, now I see why she was summoned as the Rider class.
>>153132 >>153123 Isn't it great that Russia has bread now? And Tigers? And soon Ukraine? I'm not a paid Russian operative or anything, haha. Uh... NEW THREAD TOVARISCH!: >>554762 >>554762 >>554762 >>554762 >>554762 >>554762
>>153125 I like test4. The glare from the lamp is a distraction in the others.

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