hey all,
done with the update.
- Updated sd-scripts and LyCORIS
- added the weighted captions arguments as well as support for the new DyLoRA.
- added support for XTI in the form of a popup script. It's not entirely tested beyond making sure it actually passes arguments correctly to the training scripts as well as making assumptions about what arguments are required. It is *very* rudimentary in comparison to the main scripts, doesn't have a majority of the features the normal scripts have, but at least it has json saving and loading. Since I have no idea how to train TI or XTI, I'm going to need some feedback from people who *do* so I can fix any bugs that might exist
I did make a popup for XTI, but I have no clue how to train them, so hopefully I didn't omit anything crucial. I didn't do any real testing to make sure it works, just testing to make sure the args gets passed correctly. so I'm gonna need some feedback so I can fix bugs.
I did do testing for everything, but I may have missed something while testing, so please tell me if things are broken so I can fix them asap.
Thanks all for using my scripts, I enjoy working on them, and knowing so many people use them keeps me motivated.