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Favorite (non lewd) feature Flaynlover 07/18/2020 (Sat) 07:45:33 No. 70271
What is your favorite non-sexual feature your wife/husband has? That thing you really love that makes them look adorable, stylish, or just extra unique? For me, a big part of Flayn's appeal is per pointy ears. Since they're normally hidden by her voluminous hair, I find it extra endearing whenever she gets to show them off. Speaking of her hair, it's another feature of hers that I love, particularly the shape and color. Her hairstyle makes her look poofy and thus extra huggable!
for me its arcueid smile, and her sense of style. her smile is pure and genuine, and it shines like moonlight. her sense of style as well i find very cute as well, because while modest in dress she gives off such a zest for life that your not bothered by the fact you cant see any skin.
Either her smirk or her abs. Her smirk just radiates her self-confidence that I love so much. What's strange about her abs is that some official art by the same artists sometimes shows her with abs, while some doesn't, it's not very consistent. Her somewhat messy hair is pretty nice too and helps to distinguish her from many of the other Sabers in Fate.
One feature I like about Flandre is obviously her unique wings. I find her crystals to be both vibrantly colorful and elegant at the same time. I also really like her beautiful red eyes. Her side ponytail is also super cute. And last but not least, her cute vampire fangs! The whole being greater than the sum of its parts, I feel all her features combine into a magnificent beauty!
The first thing that comes to mind is her beautiful blue eyes. I can't help but stare into them whenever I'm watching her talking. I also like her hair, I like both the style and colour.
His hair. It’s so thick and fluffy and beautiful~ whether silver or black, it’s my favorite thing without a doubt. And obviously the pretty woof ears. ;)
To me the most important feature from Yang is her hair, from the series alone she's really touchy about her hair. As time goes by, I had a tendency to nuzzle into her messy hair when we cuddle.
Like many others in here; I find lots of appeal on Kisaragi's hair. Brown hair has always been one of the more appealing hair colors to me; and she's also often portrayed with a variety of hairstyles; all of which I really like. Her big, brown eyes make for some really cute expressions too. However, no talk about the appeal of Kisaragi could be done without mentioning her glasses. They're of the round, "so big you wonder how they even work" type; which is something you don't really see in anime as much anymore, and also kind of like her signature accessory that distinguishes her from so much similar characters.
Her eyes. They're quite a rare and striking color and were the first thing that really captured me. A lot of fan artists go straight green or blue so I appreciate when they get the color right.

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