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Address rampant anorectal violence & misinformation! NOW! Anonymous 07/10/2021 (Sat) 08:03:04 Id: 000000 No. 9993
Blatantly injurious erotic anoreceptive violence—behavior involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is rampant worldwide, facilitated by widespread (willful) ignorance, apathy, and misinformation. It is impossible for resultant anorectal injuries and serious/chronic/permanent health consequences to be uncommon due to anorectal fragility relating to anatomy and neuromuscular physiology [References: Anorectal Risks 1-3]. Hence, when more than one person is involved such violence should constitute a severe crime for any penetrative person. Pornography featuring that violence can have numerous effects on some viewers: inspiring them to emulate what they see, even using coercion; conditioning them to be aroused by suffering; and contributing to development of related mental pathology: sexual sadism disorder, sexual masochism disorder, and perhaps even psychopathy for younger individuals [References: Trends & Associations]. People with those inclinations are having a field day with such violence and spreading disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is promoting societal decadence. This is happening because the vast majority of humanity likely will never place a high value upon the good health of at least someone else's anus; too many people do not wish to think seriously about anorectal matters even though the anus is one of our most important body parts. Erotic anoreceptive activities therefore must be universally discouraged, and perpetrators of anorectal violence against another person—at least and especially ones who inspire countless others—must face justice by any means necessary. Justice has not been served in far too many cases, and it may be out of governments' hands after too much time has passed. People within governments worldwide who are or were in a position to dispense justice yet failed must be held accountable as well.
Reminder that OP is a fag who sticks dildos up his ass, and didn't think this would cause issues
[Citation fucking needed] >The Thread
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>mfw citation shown
>>9993 >>10007 >>10008 thank you for your service, anal ambassador
Wait a second, is this entire thread dedicated to talking about OP NOT being smart enough to realize that you don't stick stuff up your popper?
>>9993 > People with those inclinations are having a field day with such violence and spreading disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is promoting societal decadence. New "decadence" paste: Rampant anorectal violence is a major problem. It is perhaps one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence today. Rationale: • Several generations now have grown up masturbating to, demanding more of, and sometimes even emulating violent behavior that should easily be considered severely criminal. Perpetrators of anorectal violence against one or more others, most especially the serial offenders inspiring countless viewers, going unpunished for their violent crimes is a serious problem. Those violent criminals need to be punished severely and shown to be — by ANY means necessary. • Widespread ignorance (most especially _willful_ ignorance) and apathy about the anus—along with anorectal anatomy, physiology, and health—are enabling people with (self-)destructive tendencies both to have a field day with such violence and to effectively spread disinformation. Again, that unrestrained hedonism is contributing to societal decay, probably very significantly. Because so many people just don't wish to think about, much less seriously discuss anorectal matters, rampant anorectal violence "flies under the radar;" people would rather focus on some other kind of erotic abuse which may not even be anywhere near as dangerous. • Given the widespread ignorance about what an anus is even supposed to look like, it's often the preferred target of people who like to disfigure body parts. It doesn't help that—despite being one of our most important body parts—the anus typically is not valued very highly, and it commonly is denigrated and intentionally abused (treated in a harmful/injurious manner). That abuse is tolerated, or at least ignored, by far too many people. The vast majority of humanity may never care much at least about another person's anus, meaning that discouraging erotic anoreceptive activities entirely is likely to be the only effective solution.
>>9993 Updated variant of my Anatomy & Trauma summary ("atsummary") with an additional paragraph ("atfsummary;" changes were made to the second paragraph to keep the paste's length at <= 2000 bytes): The human anus when closed at rest should resemble an anteroposterior slit surrounded by shallow, semi-symmetrical, radial perianal skin folds. Healthy perianal skin commonly has a different, typically darker, color due to physiologic hyperpigmentation. Anorectal trauma can result in persistent, externally-visible changes to the anus and its surroundings. Potential consequences include the anal orifice shrinking or becoming or misshapen due to constricting scar tissue formation, the perianal skin folds disappearing due to underlying anal sphincter damage, and one or more lumps appearing (e.g. an anal skin tag, prolapsed internal hemorrhoid, or thrombosed/diseased external hemorrhoid). If the perianal skin folds remain, pruritus and/or cutaneous thickening may result in exaggerated skin folds. [References for paragraphs 1 and 2: Anatomy & Trauma] A [strong] sexual fetish must be satisfied for sexual arousal, and a fetishist with partialism obsesses usually over a non-sexual body part[1]. A human anus resembling the anatomical ideal at rest has symmetrical features; symmetry is one aspect that humans consider when evaluating beauty[2]. Partly due to common prejudices against and denigration of the anus along with rampant, anus-mutilating erotic anorectal violence, developing an aesthetic anus fetish is highly unusual; and _accepting_ it, even moreso. This fetish does indeed seem to be very rare: otherwise that violence would have strong opposition. Some malicious people (such as sexual sadists and sadistic psychopaths) pretend to have such a fetish—and will even praise a clearly damaged/diseased anus typically without being challenged—because doing so facilitates and perpetuates anorectal violence. 1. "The DSM diagnostic criteria for fetishism." Archives of Sexual Behavior. 2010 Apr; 39(2): 357-62. PMID 19795202. doi:10.1007/s10508-009-9558-7. 2. "Symmetry, beauty and evolution." Nature. 1994 Nov 10; 372(6502): 169-72. PMID 7969448. doi:10.1038/372169a0.
>>10268 > shrinking or becoming or misshapen Figures that I spot that thinko after posting it here. Oh well; it'll be fixed for future posts.
>>10081 That has been updated as well. I'm done with it for now: Rampant anorectal violence is perhaps one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence today. Rationale: • Due to its ubiquity in pornography, several generations have grown up masturbating to, demanding more of, and engaging in violent behavior that should easily be considered severely criminal when more than one person is involved. Perpetrators of such violence against one or more others going unpunished is a serious problem; those who inspired countless viewers should be punished severely AND SHOWN TO BE. Unfortunately, in many cases this may be out of governments' hands due to the passage of time, relocation, etc. Therefore dispensing justice by ANY means necessary without government involvement is the only realistic solution in far too many cases. • Widespread ignorance—especially _willful_ ignorance—and apathy about anorectal anatomy, physiology, and health are enabling people with (self-)destructive tendencies to have a field day with such violence and to effectively spread disinformation. Again, that unrestrained hedonism is contributing to societal decay, probably very significantly. Since so many people don't wish to think about, much less seriously discuss anorectal matters, rampant anorectal violence "flies under the radar;" people would rather focus on some other kind of erotic abuse which may not even be anywhere near as dangerous. • Given the widespread ignorance about what an anus is supposed to look like, it's often the preferred target of people who like to disfigure body parts. Although the anus is one of our most important body parts, typically it is not valued very highly, and it commonly is denigrated and intentionally abused (treated in a harmful/injurious manner). That abuse is tolerated, or at least ignored, by far too many people. The vast majority of humanity may never care much at least about another person's anus, meaning that discouraging erotic anoreceptive activities entirely is likely to be the only viable solution.
>>9993 The pussy is just the perfect place to shove your dick into tho. Why would anyone but fags and muslim women who want to remain """"virgin"""" think of it?
>>10353 > The pussy is just the perfect place to shove your dick into tho. The healthy vagina of an aroused young woman is indeed a very suitable penis receptacle. > Why would anyone but fags and muslim women who want to remain """"virgin"""" think of it? There are numerous reasons. That should be obvious from reading through sources quoted in Trends & Associations. Some of those reasons are peer pressure, people being inspired by and seeking to emulate what they see in pornography, and (self-)destructive inclinations. Popularity and FOMO probably are contributing factors as well.
>>10353 I don't like it, but I've had girls ask for it for two reasons. Both are stupid. >1: they weren't on birth control and were afraid of getting pregnant, but knowing I'd be disappointed if I couldn't cum inside them (and probably just wanting the cum inside them at all costs), they asked me to just switch holes before I came. >2: I was once with a girl that claimed she was a ftm tranny, despite not putting in an ounce of effort to the disguise, and dressing very feminine. She said she felt "dysphoria" when she felt her pussy, so she asked me to fuck her in the ass instead. I obliged, but after a while she got too horny to pretend she didn't just want it in her pussy, and asked me to switch holes. I'm pretty sure that wouldn't be very hygienic for her, but not my problem. That's how hard it was for her to deny that she would really just prefer it in her vagina. Then she asked me to switch back to her ass before I came, because she wasn't on birth control. There is also one reason I can imagine a straight man liking it. Specifically because he knows it doesn't actually feel good for the girl, because he knows it is actually painful for her, and he has that fetish. Also some girls might be into receiving pain too. Personally though, I still don't like it, and wouldn't do it except for the fact that the girls asked for it specifically. As you mentioned, the vagina is literally the perfect place, and nothing else can replace it.
These matters still need to be addressed. Lately I've been gathering more examples of rampant m/disinformation; perhaps I'll post some of my collection here soon. >Reddit /r/painal Other subreddits which obviously violate Reddit's policy* regarding violent content yet strangely still [as of 2021/08/12] persist despite that: /r/Pain /r/Roughanal /r/DegradingHoles * "Do not post content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual (including oneself) or a group of people" https://www.reddithelp(Please use archive.today)/hc/en-us/articles/360043513151 [accessed 2021/08/12]
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>>10895 ... Aaand I forgot the image.
>>10895 Concerning widespread misinformation*, below are some examples. There may be more such examples in the referenced articles as well. All of the articles should be present on archive.is and web.archive(Please use archive.today) hxxps://badgirlsbible(Please use archive.today)/is-anal-sex-safe (2020/11/20) > Typically, people run into trouble with anal sex when they don’t listen to their body’s cues. We’re specifically talking about pain, which lets you know whether you’re doing anal sex safely. hxxps://www.cosmopolitan(Please use archive.today)/sex-love/news/a17749/anal-sex-misconceptions/ (2020/08/18) > There isn’t enough clear evidence from doctors and researchers that fecal incontinence is a true long-term risk of anal sex, says King. hxxps://www.plannedparenthood(Please use archive.today)/learn/teens/ask-experts/can-anal-sex-have-any-long-term-effects-on-my-body-ive-heard-that-it-can-cause-anal-leakage-later-in-life-and-anal-prolapse-is-this-true (2020/04/24) > Anal sex is perfectly healthy and safe in both the long and short term. hxxps://squirrelmunk(Please use archive.today)/2017/10/13/so-you-wanna-get-your-butt-fucked/ (This is an article promoting anal stretching, which is not a good idea. It also contains misinformation.) > You need to be able to feel pain. That’s how you know when something’s wrong. hxxps://goop(Please use archive.today)/wellness/sexual-health/reality-check-anal-sex/ (2017/03/23; updated 2020/01/06) > Q: Does the popularity of anal in porn reflect reality in both homosexual and heterosexual couples? A: No. hxxps://www.vice(Please use archive.today)/en/article/xdw4q4/does-anal-sex-do-longterm-damage (2016/11/17) > Significant physical trauma due to anal eroticism is rare [...] there isn't really any evidence that anal sex is likely to damage the anus.​ hxxps://www.vice(Please use archive.today)/en_ca/read/everything-you-ever-wanted-to-know-about-anal-sex (2016/08/18) > [Question] Is there a downside to only doing anal? [Answer] [...] there's not really a downside to doing it all the time. > [Question] Can you do it too much and stretch it out? [Answer] [...] There's a myth that you can stretch the anus, it doesn't work that way. It's actually relaxing the anus. [...] In fact, a lot of people say anal sex is a great way to prevent hemmoroids [sic] because the area is much more relaxed. hxxps://www.elitedaily(Please use archive.today)/dating/anal-sex-beginners/1445771 (2016/04/06) > When having anal sex for the first time, he needs to start slowly as he is entering your anus. He can speed up later * Disinformation is also a possibility — intent is the differentiating factor.
>>10895 Concerning widespread misinformation*, below are some examples. https://archive.today/l0yR2 (2020/11/20) > Typically, people run into trouble with anal sex when they don’t listen to their body’s cues. We’re specifically talking about pain, which lets you know whether you’re doing anal sex safely. https://archive.today/6IwGP (2020/08/18) > There isn’t enough clear evidence from doctors and researchers that fecal incontinence is a true long-term risk of anal sex, says King. https://archive.today/uzkgQ (2020/04/24) > Anal sex is perfectly healthy and safe in both the long and short term. https://archive.today/5OnuL (This is an article promoting anal stretching, which is not a good idea. It also contains misinformation.) > You need to be able to feel pain. That’s how you know when something’s wrong. https://archive.today/sbe4p (2017/03/23; updated 2020/01/06) > Q: Does the popularity of anal in porn reflect reality in both homosexual and heterosexual couples? A: No. https://archive.today/ghPsb (2016/11/17) > Significant physical trauma due to anal eroticism is rare [...] there isn't really any evidence that anal sex is likely to damage the anus.​ https://archive.today/7uf7g (2016/08/18) > [Question] Is there a downside to only doing anal? [Answer] [...] there's not really a downside to doing it all the time. > [Question] Can you do it too much and stretch it out? [Answer] [...] There's a myth that you can stretch the anus, it doesn't work that way. It's actually relaxing the anus. [...] In fact, a lot of people say anal sex is a great way to prevent hemmoroids [sic] because the area is much more relaxed. https://archive.today/Jm42t (2016/04/06) > When having anal sex for the first time, he needs to start slowly as he is entering your anus. He can speed up later * Disinformation is also a possibility — intent is the differentiating factor.
> Reminder that OP is a fag who sticks dildos up his ass, and didn't think this would cause issues Speaking of bullshit... That's a red herring, false statement, and at least an implicit ad hominem. 1. Ultimately this is not about me. 2. Even if that claim were true, it wouldn't alter the factuality of anything I posted — much less the factuality of information from others (or an accurate statement/summary supported by such).
Moving on... > Anal sex is perfectly healthy and safe in both the long and short term. The article then goes on to contradict that claim in subsequent sentences. Anyway: "The mucosa [lining the anorectum above the dentate line] is a delicate tissue that can be damaged by such relatively benign action as oral cathartics [laxatives], enemas, or hard stools. Thus endoscopic examination and anal sex are likely to cause some degree of trauma. With trauma the secreted layer of mucin is depleted, as are the tall columnar cells of the crypts, and blood cells proliferate. Damage may consist of congestion and hemorrhage in the lamina propria, and may sometimes include detached epithelium and inflammatory cell infiltration." Abreu M, Anton P, Coombs R, Cortina G, Palefsky J. Anatomy, Physiology, Immunology of the Anorectal Mucosa. In: Creating a research and development agenda for rectal microbicides that protect against HIV infection. Report from the workshop: Baltimore, MD, June 7-8, 2001. American Foundation for AIDS Research. Available from: https://archive.today/3N3wk "Frequent anal eroticism is associated with anorectal pain, ulcers or fissures, rectal prolapse or leakage, and [diseased] hemorrhoids." Primary Care in Obstetrics and Gynecology: A Handbook for Clinicians (2008) - Page 408 "Proctologic complications of anal intercourse include allergic reactions to anal lubricants, prolapsed hemorrhoids, anal fistulas, and fissures. Rectosigmoid tears may result from fist, forearm, and foreign body penetration of the bowel." "Sexually transmitted diseases and traumatic problems in homosexual men." Annals of Internal Medicine. 1980 Jun; 92(6): 805-8. doi:10.7326/0003-4819-92-6-805. (PMID 6992680) [PubMed text inconsistency]
> Typically, people run into trouble with anal sex when they don’t listen to their body’s cues. We’re specifically talking about pain, which lets you know whether you’re doing anal sex safely. > You need to be able to feel pain. That’s how you know when something’s wrong. > When having anal sex for the first time, he needs to start slowly as he is entering your anus. He can speed up later ~2cm beyond the anal opening at the pectinate/dentate line, the epithelium transitions from stratified squamous (anoderm) to a simple columnar mucosal lining in part of the narrow surgical anal canal, continuing along the rectum. That lining is very fragile and easily damaged especially if its mucus barrier is removed by an enema or otherwise impaired. Furthermore, some enemas and lubricants can inflame the lining and even cause it to slough off entirely. Injury to that lining alone elicits no pain sensations due to a lack of somatic innervation, so resultant problems may remain undetected absent one or more obvious symptoms. > There isn’t enough clear evidence from doctors and researchers that fecal incontinence is a true long-term risk of anal sex, says King. See the text in the OP image supported by Prolapse & Incontinence. > https://archive.today/5OnuL (This is an article promoting anal stretching, which is not a good idea. It also contains misinformation.) "Any break in the ring of the internal sphincter is abnormal, and easily recognized on endosonography. Examination of patients after lateral internal anal sphincterotomy has confirmed that sonographic defects correspond to the site of surgical division. After anal dilatation or stretch procedures there may be multiple defects or fragmentation of the sphincter. A number of studies have confirmed a fall in resting pressure with internal sphincter disruption." ... "Endosonography has made a contribution to the prevention of incontinence by showing exactly what procedures are associated with sphincter damage. Manual dilatation of the anus during anaesthesia is comparatively uncontrolled, and the internal sphincter may be damaged in more than half the patients undergoing such stretch procedures. In 32 consecutive cases sphincter defects were found in 65% with some degree of anal incontinence in 12.5%." "Anal endosonography in faecal incontinence." Gut. 1995 Jul; 37(1): 4-6. PMC1382758. doi:10.1136/gut.37.1.4. "Manual dilatation of the anus is falling out of favour as a procedure. Incontinence may be seen in around one-quarter of patients. Endo-anal ultrasound demonstrates sphincter defects in a substantial number of patients, with fragmentation of the IAS being the most common abnormality." "Towards Safer Treatments for Benign Anorectal Disease: The Pharmacological Manipulation of the Internal Anal Sphincter." Annals of The Royal College of Surgeons of England. 2007 September; 89(6): 574-579. PMC2121247. doi:10.1308/003588407x205576.
> Q: Does the popularity of anal in porn reflect reality in both homosexual and heterosexual couples? A: No. > Significant physical trauma due to anal eroticism is rare See Trends & Associations. > there isn't really any evidence that anal sex is likely to damage the anus.​ See Anorectal Risks 1-3 and Anatomy & Trauma. > [Question] Is there a downside to only doing anal? [Answer] [...] there's not really a downside to doing it all the time. From an old post of mine elsewhere: The human anus and rectum are anatomically and physiologically very unsuited for girthy, vigorous receptive activities. Anal insanity isn't some sort of test of endurance -- the anorectal region already goes through plenty of "endurance testing" throughout a person's lifetime with processes relating to defecation (and anorectal health problems tend to arise with age, possibly influenced by additional variables such as diet). Anoreceptive idiocy only compounds that. > [Question] Can you do it too much and stretch it out? [Answer] [...] There's a myth that you can stretch the anus, it doesn't work that way. It's actually relaxing the anus. [...] In fact, a lot of people say anal sex is a great way to prevent hemmoroids because the area is much more relaxed. "Increased pressure and shearing [frictional sliding] force in the anal canal may lead to severe changes in topography with detachment of the hemorrhoids from the internal sphincter and fibromuscular network resulting in bleeding, itching, pain and disordered anorectal function, even [fecal] incontinence." "Hemorrhoidectomy: indications and risks." European Journal of Medical Research. 2004 Jan 26; 9(1): 18-36. PMID 14766336. "The functional anal canal is approximately 4 cm in length (from the anal verge to distal rectum). The dentate line, approximately 2 cm above the anal verge, is a major anatomic point when considering the physiology and physiopathology of HD [hemorrhoidal disease] since, distal to the dentate line, the anal canal is lined with squamous epithelium covering the external hemorrhoidal plexus that is innervated by the somatic nervous system and highly sensitive to pain. Internal hemorrhoids are located proximal to the dentate line, where the anal canal is lined with columnar epithelium as in the rectum. This tissue lacks sensitivity due to its innervation by the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, primarily distinguishing only fullness and pressure. There are typically 3 major anal cushions above the dentate line (right anterior, right posterior, and left lateral) often with some minor accessory cushions between them." "Portuguese Society of Gastroenterology Consensus on the Diagnosis and Management of Hemorrhoidal Disease." GE - Portuguese Journal of Gastroenterology. 2020 Feb; 27(2): 90-102. PMC7113592. doi:10.1159/000502260.
>>9993 > Reminder that OP is a fag who sticks dildos up his ass, and didn't think this would cause issues That bullshit introduced by some malicious (hopefully only) board mod/owner or perhaps (hopefully not) global mod/admin remains despite repeated global reports. Considering that I am fighting against rampant misinformation and disinformation, I very strongly object to having the latter added to a post of mine by some malicious person who should not even be in a position to do something like that in the first place. That personal attack also may constitute at least three logical fallacies: a red herring (ultimately this is not about me), at least an implicit ad hominem argument, and a straw man argument (attacking a fabrication). I do not intend to post anything more in this thread while that disinformation remains. However, I will continue to watch it for a while and may respond if anyone else posts in it. I also will add this site to my shitlist, removing it from my bookmarks and perhaps deciding at some point(s) in the future to "dump and run" on this and/or some other board(s) here. "Treat others how you wish to be treated:" If people treat me badly, then I am not opposed to treating them likewise in return. (This is not my first bad experience on this board either; a thread of mine was deleted months ago.)
At least you left Lainchan alone, with this fucking nonsense.
>>11263 > you From the post immediately preceding yours: ultimately this is not about me From the OP image: A red herring logical fallacy is a tangential topic introduced as a distraction. One _very_ common example is trying to create an irrelevant discussion about a messenger/claimant (often by introducing alleged personal attributes or asking about unstated opinions). > this fucking nonsense Also from the OP image: A refutation with one or more vague, sweeping claims for which no proof is provided [...] The burden of proof rests on the claimant, so offering constructive criticism is a good idea: clear and specific, with citations if applicable. >>11064 > See the text in the OP image supported by Prolapse & Incontinence. On my todo list for that: Cover the possibility of shearing (and pulling/traction on one or more nerves in the region) potentially causing neuropathy and associated fecal incontinence. The first source below already is present in P&I; eventually I may add more as well. "Perineal nerve injury due to stretching is caused by excessive traction [pulling] on the distal motor branches of the pudendal nerve that innervate the perineum and anus. These injuries can occur in a number of morbid conditions (prolapsus, anorectal dyschezia, pelvic surgery) and induce denervation of the pelvic floor that very probably modifies the resistance of the sphincters. Stretch injuries should be considered when discussing physiotherapy or surgery for urinary incontinence. Diagnosis can be established by electrophysiologic studies of the perineum, particularly by measurements of distal pudendal nerve motor latencies. The authors report a series of sixty patients with stretch-induced neuropathy." "[Perineal neuropathy due to stretching and urinary incontinence. Physiopathology, diagnosis and therapeutic implications]." Annales d'Urologie (Paris). 1990; 24(6): 463-6. PMID 2176777. "Fifty percent of patients with rectal intussusception, in addition to the usual symptoms associated with obstructed defecation—evacuatory difficulty, a feeling of incomplete emptying, pelvic pain and pressure, and rectal bleeding—will complain of fecal incontinence. Possible mechanisms for this include an occult defect of the external anal sphincter or a traction pudendal neuropathy resulting from long-standing, excessive straining to defecate. An overflow incontinence-type mechanism, where distension of the lower rectum by the intussusceptum activates the rectoanal inhibitory reflex resulting in relaxation of the internal anal sphincter, has also been proposed." "Treatment of Obstructed Defecation." Clinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery. 2012 Mar; 25(1): 24-33. PMC3348733. doi:10.1055/s-0032-1301756. "Most patients with rectal prolapse have some degree of incontinence and reduced rectal capacity. Fecal incontinence accompanying rectal prolapse may be due to sphincter dilatation by the prolapse, weakness of the pelvic floor, or pudendal neuropathy caused by chronic traction of the nerves." "Delorme's operation plus sphincteroplasty for complete rectal prolapse associated with traumatic fecal incontinence." The Journal of Biomedical Research. 2015 Jul; 29(4): 326-331. PMC4547382. doi:10.7555/JBR.29.20140080.
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>>10032 >watch yer ass It's a great philosophy, really.
>>11250 > That bullshit introduced [in that thread's original post] by some malicious (hopefully only) board mod/owner or perhaps (hopefully not) global mod/admin remains despite repeated global reports. Considering that I am fighting against rampant misinformation and disinformation, I very strongly object to having the latter added to a post of mine by some malicious person who should not even be in a position to do something like that in the first place. That personal attack also may constitute at least three logical fallacies: a red herring (ultimately this is not about me), at least an implicit ad hominem argument, and a straw man argument (attacking a fabrication). > I do not intend to post anything more in this thread while that disinformation remains. However, I will continue to watch it for a while and may respond if anyone else posts in it. I also will add this site to my shitlist, removing it from my bookmarks and perhaps deciding at some point(s) in the future to "dump and run" on this and/or some other board(s) here. This is the first such "dump and run" thread. Enjoy. Expect more, perhaps also on other boards, if it is censored or otherwise screwed with.
>>11966 >The original post of the new thread was merged with the old thread. That counts as being "screwed with." Thank you for giving me an excuse to escalate. Is the old thread bumplocked/anchored as well? It's time to find out.
OP here. This is my last intentional post in this thread. I fully expect the malicious, smearing POS admin / global mod / board owner|mod to merge more threads of mine into this one (and/or censor material/threads that I post). That's fine: I will simply keep on posting new threads and ignore this one. Furthermore, I will embrace full-on "dump and run" mode and escalate (meaning I will ignore any replies and advocate for violent justice, including assassination of corrupt politicians who failed to rein in an out-of-control pornography industry over which they either 1) in the past had, or 2) in the present still have, jurisdiction).
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Blatantly injurious erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is rampant worldwide, facilitated by widespread (willful) ignorance, apathy, and misinformation. It is impossible for resultant anorectal injuries and serious/chronic/permanent health consequences to be uncommon due to anorectal fragility relating to anatomy and neuromuscular physiology [References: Anorectal Risks 1-3]. That is why perpetration of such violence against one or more others should be considered severely criminal behavior. Pornography featuring that violence can have numerous effects on some viewers: inspiring them to emulate what they see, even using coercion; conditioning them to be aroused by suffering; and contributing to development of related mental pathology: sexual sadism disorder, sexual masochism disorder, and perhaps even psychopathy for younger individuals [References: Trends & Associations]. People with those inclinations are having a field day with such violence and spreading disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is promoting societal decadence. This is happening because the vast majority of humanity likely never will place a high value upon the good health of at least someone else's anus; too many people do not wish to think seriously about anorectal matters despite the fact that the anus is one of our most important body parts. Erotic anoreceptive activities therefore must be universally discouraged, and perpetrators of anorectal violence against another person—at least and especially ones who inspire countless others—must face justice by any means necessary. Criminal justice has not been served in far too many cases, and it may be out of governments' hands after too much time has passed. People worldwide who are or were in a government position with jurisdiction to uphold that justice yet failed must be held accountable as well.
These people, among many others, need to die: • Rocco Siffredi, plus many more violent criminals like him who perpetrated brutal anorectal violence against many others • John Stagliano, along with many other criminals like him involved in Evil Angel and similar companies worldwide (LegalPorno springs to mind): anyone doing one or more of aiding and abetting violent criminals, profiting from their crimes, and directing their actions • Kamala Harris, California's Attorney General for many years: Did she do _anything whatsoever_ to rein in California's out-of-control pornography industry? It doesn't seem so. • Xavier Becerra, another former California AG (now heading the U.S. DHHS, which oversees the NIH, despite having no public health nor medical background); Gavin Newsom, California's current governor; and Jerry Brown, California's former governor: See above. • Anyone who was involved in the 2008 obscenity prosecution idiocy against Evil Angel, which just made things worse — and I wouldn't put it past the likes of the George W. Bush administration to have desired such an effect. Who in the FBI was involved? Who was involved at higher levels, up to and possibly including Bush & Cheney? They all need to die. • Stephanie Dunn (California & Maine), one administrator of AdultDVDTalk (username "Janitor," formerly "Steph"): aiding and abetting violent criminals and their crimes (and likely profiting from them as well) • "Flash," a 'moderator' of AdultDVDTalk: image related
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>Reddit /r/painal Other subreddits which obviously violate Reddit's policy* regarding violent content yet strangely still [as of 2021/09/29] persist despite that: /r/Pain /r/Roughanal /r/DegradingHoles * "Do not post content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual (including oneself) or a group of people" https://www.reddithelp(Please use archive.today)/hc/en-us/articles/360043513151 [accessed 2021/09/29] As I pointed out elsewhere: > https://www.reddithelp(Please use archive.today)/hc/en-us/articles/360043513151 Here is a recent addition: "Note that health misinformation, namely falsifiable health information that encourages or poses a significant risk of physical harm to the reader, also violates the Rule." New material continues to appear on /r/sex that is suitable for inclusion in "reddit bullshit & omission." Somehow I very strongly doubt we'll see many (or even ANY) bans of people on that subreddit for spreading health misinformation/disinformation — at least and especially where anorectal matters are concerned… https://old.reddit(Please use archive.today)/search?sort=new&q=anal+subreddit:sex
>>12075 i watched a lot of Rocco Siffredi cinematographic masterpieces. Why should he die?
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• Blatantly injurious erotic anorectal violence—involving a combination of rapid thrusting, a girthy penis/object, and a prolonged duration—is rampant worldwide. It is impossible for resultant anal and rectal injuries and serious/chronic/permanent health consequences to be uncommon due to anorectal fragility relating to anatomy and neuromuscular physiology. • Widespread (willful) ignorance, apathy, misinformation, and disinformation are facilitating rampant anorectal violence. • People with (self-)destructive inclinations, some affiliated with pornography companies, are having a field day with anorectal violence and spreading disinformation. • Watching violent pornography can have numerous effects on some viewers (including inspiring them to the point of emulation, even using coercion). • Pornography is being used as a substitute for sexual education in some cases. • There are, or most certainly should be, criminal implications for people who perpetrate anorectal violence against one or more others. Furthermore, various factors on their own or combined can in some regions (and anywhere else definitely should) invalidate consent from a legal perspective; these include the possibility or actual result of serious injury, use of a strong mind-altering drug, and the presence of a significant mental disorder such as a severe case of sexual masochism disorder.
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Here are most of the compilation images.
>>12730 Man, that's some crazy information you've shared OP. I always thought that anal sex was just a nasty fetish, I had no idea that there were such dire physical consequences
>>12730 Merged
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Blatantly injurious erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is rampant worldwide, facilitated by widespread (willful) ignorance, apathy, and misinformation. It is impossible for resultant anorectal injuries and serious/chronic/permanent health consequences to be uncommon due to anorectal fragility relating to anatomy and neuromuscular physiology [References: Anorectal Risks 1-3]. That is why perpetration of such violence against one or more others should be considered severely criminal behavior. Pornography featuring that violence can have numerous effects on some viewers: inspiring them to emulate what they see, even using coercion; conditioning them to be aroused by suffering; and contributing to development of related mental pathology: sexual sadism disorder, sexual masochism disorder, and perhaps even psychopathy for younger individuals [References: Trends & Associations]. People with those inclinations are having a field day with such violence and spreading disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is promoting societal decadence. This is happening because the vast majority of humanity likely never will place a high value upon the good health of at least another person's anus; too many people do not wish to think seriously about anorectal matters despite the fact that the anus is one of our most important body parts. Erotic anoreceptive activities therefore must be universally discouraged, and perpetrators of anorectal violence against another person—at least and especially ones who inspire countless others—must face justice by any means necessary. Criminal justice has not been served in far too many cases, and it may be out of governments' hands after too much time has passed. People worldwide who are or were in a government position with jurisdiction to uphold that justice yet failed must be held accountable as well.
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Traumatic risks of human anoreceptive activities include inflammation; abrasion and tearing; muscle and connective tissue damage; and colorectal perforation. Sequelae may arise, such as hemorrhage/hematoma, hemorrhoidal disease, ulceration, bacterial infection followed by abscess / fistula / life-threatening systemic sepsis, rectal prolapse, fecal incontinence, anal skin tag (remnant of external hemorrhoidal thrombosis, scar tissue from a healed tear, or a sentinel tag for a chronic anal fissure), and anatomic stenosis (narrowing due to constricting scar tissue). One instance of trauma can lead to multiple complications. Cumulative damage and preexisting conditions are concerns too. ~2cm beyond the anal opening at the pectinate/dentate line, the epithelium transitions from stratified squamous (anoderm) to simple columnar in part of the narrow surgical anal canal, continuous with the rectum. This very fragile mucosal lining is easily damaged especially if its mucus barrier is removed by an enema or otherwise impaired. Furthermore, some enemas and lubricants can inflame the lining and even cause it to slough off. Since injury to anorectal mucosa alone is painless due to a lack of somatic innervation, resultant problems may remain undetected with no obvious symptom(s). Neuromuscular physiology as well contributes to anorectal fragility particularly for girthy and vigorous insertions, which are objectively foolish and very likely to be significantly injurious. The involuntary internal anal sphincter relaxes with rectal distension. The puborectalis and external sphincter completely relax when a person bears down, causing hemorrhoidal cushions to engorge and become more susceptible to injury by shear (frictional sliding) force. The internal hemorrhoidal cushions also lack somatic innervation.
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• Strong, repeated shear (frictional sliding) force in the anal canal is likely to permanently damage supporting tissue of the internal hemorrhoidal cushions at the least, leading to internal hemorrhoidal prolapse (progressively worsening with cumulative damage from repeated trauma). Damage to one or more of the internal hemorrhoidal cushions elicits no pain sensation due to their lack of somatic innervation. As healthy internal and external anal cushions help to maintain fecal continence with a watertight seal, anal canal deformation due to their disease or removal can result in fecal incontinence (FI). Furthermore, pulling or traction on nerves in the anorectal region can potentially lead to neuropathy and associated FI. • Internal rectal prolapse (IRP), aka rectal intussusception, is a common finding among asymptomatic individuals. Strong, repeated shear force in the rectum probably does contribute to development of full-thickness external rectal prolapse (aka procidentia) particularly when IRP is present. Internal hemorrhoidal prolapse—among other conditions—also may contribute to rectal prolapse development. FI can be a consequence of rectal prolapse as well. • Stretching the anal canal with girthy insertions is likely to disrupt or fragment one or both anal sphincter muscles, possibly without pain as the internal anal sphincter muscle also lacks somatic innervation. Such damage results in permanent muscle weakening and is associated with FI especially with a damaged or dysfunctional puborectalis muscle. Stretching the anal canal repeatedly with insertions of progressively increasing circumference may cause cumulative muscle damage. • Trauma—including anoreceptive trauma—can instigate development of numerous other anorectal conditions that may lead to FI, such as a fistula. Additionally, surgical treatment for anorectal conditions can contribute to development of FI. [Medical references: Prolapse & Incontinence]
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The human anus when closed at rest should resemble an anteroposterior slit surrounded by shallow, semi-symmetrical, radial perianal skin folds. Healthy perianal skin commonly has a different, typically darker, color due to physiologic hyperpigmentation. Anorectal trauma can result in persistent, externally-visible changes to the anus and its surroundings. Potential consequences include the anal orifice shrinking or becoming misshapen due to constricting scar tissue formation, the perianal skin folds disappearing due to underlying anal sphincter damage, and one or more lumps appearing (e.g. an anal skin tag, prolapsed internal hemorrhoid, or thrombosed/diseased external hemorrhoid). If the perianal skin folds remain, pruritus and/or cutaneous thickening may result in exaggerated skin folds. [Medical references for paragraphs 1 and 2: Anatomy & Trauma] A (strong) sexual fetish must be satisfied for sexual arousal, and a fetishist with partialism obsesses usually over a non-sexual body part[1]. A human anus resembling the anatomical ideal at rest has symmetrical features; symmetry is one aspect that humans consider when evaluating beauty[2]. Partly due to common prejudices against and denigration of the anus along with rampant, anus-mutilating erotic anorectal violence, developing an aesthetic anus fetish is highly unusual; and _accepting_ it, even moreso. This fetish does indeed seem to be very rare: otherwise that violence would have strong opposition. Some malicious people (such as sexual sadists and sadistic psychopaths) pretend to have such a fetish—and will even praise a clearly damaged/diseased anus typically without being challenged—because doing so facilitates and perpetuates anorectal violence. 1. "The DSM diagnostic criteria for fetishism." Archives of Sexual Behavior. 2010 Apr; 39(2): 357-62. PMID 19795202. doi:10.1007/s10508-009-9558-7. 2. "Symmetry, beauty and evolution." Nature. 1994 Nov 10; 372(6502): 169-72. PMID 7969448. doi:10.1038/372169a0.
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Logically-fallacious diversionary tactics: • A red herring is a tangential topic introduced as a distraction. Trying to create an unrelated discussion about a messenger or claimant (e.g. by introducing alleged personal attributes or asking about unstated opinions) is one _very_ common example. • An ad hominem logical fallacy involves arguing or implying that at least one supposed attribute of a messenger or source somehow affects the validity of one or more claims presented when any such characteristic is completely irrelevant — and this is nonsensical for cases in which information originates from others. (Sometimes such characteristics can be relevant: For example, it may be appropriate to question someone's honesty when she makes a claim about herself or her own experiences. However, the anecdotal evidence logical fallacy could be a better angle.) • Misrepresentation—introducing a distorted version of something presented—is another form of red herring. Attacking a fabrication as a means to suggest refutal of what was actually presented constitutes a straw man logical fallacy. (A refutation featuring one or more vague, sweeping claims with no proof provided may be related. The burden of proof rests on the claimant, so offering constructive criticism is a good idea.) It is suggestive of a nefarious agenda and/or psychopathy to purposely and repeatedly try to divert attention away from anorectal anatomy and physiology, rampant anorectal violence, associated traumatic risks, and an epidemic of ignorance and misinformation. These topics, along with the voluminous amount of information from others, are so much more important than anything about one lone person trying to draw attention to them. Certainly pornography industries would be foolish not to take full advantage of psychopaths as deceitful and manipulative "psyop" agents when some pornography companies already utilize them for perpetration of violence against one or more others.
As of 2021/11/22 and for far too many years prior, several related English Wikipedia articles have had major & inexcusable flaws, including these: • The article about the human anus has an image of a human female's anus and perineum that probably were damaged by some kind of major trauma. Biological human females beyond developmental stages in the womb should lack an obvious perineal raphe (seamlike union/ridge) in the anogenital region between the anus and the vagina; the bulbospongiosus muscle is separated in them and does not form a persistent, externally-visible midline raphe as it may in biological males [References: Anatomy & Trauma]. Furthermore, the article about the perineal raphe claims otherwise with no support from any cited source. • The article about simple columnar epithelium explains nothing about its fragility and (at least in the anorectal region) lack of somatic innervation. The article about anal sex ... • lacks even one _scientific_ opposing perspective, giving readers without exposure to balanced sources the impression that opposition is limited to irrational religious positions. One such scientific perspective: The human anorectum is very unsuited for many all-too-common receptive activities due to the region's anatomy and physiology. The single short-term benefit, _potential_ pleasure, is greatly outweighed by the many short- and long-term health risks to a receptive person. [Rationale: Anorectal Risks 1-3] • fails to mention the normalization of injurious anorectal violence in pornography featuring real people. • does not account for the ambiguity of the term "hemorrhoid," which can refer to pathology or normal anatomy. • contains a logically-fallacious appeal to nature: "natural" is not necessarily good or desirable, nor is "unnatural" necessarily the inverse. Those flaws contribute to rampant anorectal violence and misinformation facilitating it.
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OP IS A FAGGOT WHO LIKES PENIS IN HIS ASSHOLE, AND WON'T STOP SPAMMING THIS SHIT EVERYWHERE He's even hitting small, obscure chans on Tor with this shit. It's either a bot, or someone with MAXIMUM AUTISM. (or someone else reposting it because they think "HURRRRR DURRRRR, IT FUNNY COPYPASTA") Either way, his parents failed, by not beating enough.
>>12998 Why do you think I keep merging the threads?
>>13006 How about deleting the threads and banning the spam entirely.
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>>13007 That wouldn't solve anything as the guy is posting from Tor, so all he would really need to do is just reset his ID continue posting it. So, honestly, it takes the same amount of effort to delete his posts as it would to merge the threads. However, merging does have the advantage that we can eternally laugh at the fag for being so retarded in the first place.
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Logically-fallacious diversionary tactics: • A red herring is a tangential topic introduced as a distraction. Trying to create an unrelated discussion about a messenger or claimant (e.g. by introducing alleged personal attributes or asking about unstated opinions) is one _very_ common example. • An ad hominem logical fallacy involves arguing or implying that at least one supposed attribute of a messenger or source somehow affects the validity of one or more claims presented when any such characteristic is completely irrelevant — and this is nonsensical for cases in which information originates from others. (Sometimes such characteristics can be relevant: For example, it may be appropriate to question someone's honesty when she makes a claim about herself or her own experiences. However, the anecdotal evidence logical fallacy could be a better angle.) • Misrepresentation—introducing a distorted version of something presented—is another form of red herring. Attacking a fabrication as a means to suggest refutal of what was actually presented constitutes a straw man logical fallacy. (A refutation featuring one or more vague, sweeping claims with no proof provided may be related. The burden of proof rests on the claimant, so offering constructive criticism is a good idea.) It is suggestive of a nefarious agenda and/or psychopathy to purposely and repeatedly try to divert attention away from anorectal anatomy and physiology, rampant anorectal violence, associated traumatic risks, and an epidemic of ignorance and misinformation. These topics, along with the voluminous amount of information from others, are so much more important than anything about one lone person trying to draw attention to them. Certainly pornography industries would be foolish not to take full advantage of psychopaths as deceitful and manipulative "psyop" agents when some pornography companies already utilize them for perpetration of violence against one or more others. cb3b5c6f3b9128a85fa94f5ffc55ee18
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Logically-fallacious diversionary tactics: • A red herring is a tangential topic introduced as a distraction. Trying to create an unrelated discussion about a messenger or claimant (e.g. by introducing alleged personal attributes or asking about unstated opinions) is one _very_ common example. • An ad hominem logical fallacy involves arguing or implying that at least one supposed attribute of a messenger or source somehow affects the validity of one or more claims presented when any such characteristic is completely irrelevant — and this is nonsensical for cases in which information originates from others. (Sometimes such characteristics can be relevant: For example, it may be appropriate to question someone's honesty when she makes a claim about herself or her own experiences. However, the anecdotal evidence logical fallacy could be a better angle.) • Misrepresentation—introducing a distorted version of something presented—is another form of red herring. Attacking a fabrication as a means to suggest refutal of what was actually presented constitutes a straw man logical fallacy. (A refutation featuring one or more vague, sweeping claims with no proof provided may be related. The burden of proof rests on the claimant, so offering constructive criticism is a good idea.) It is suggestive of a nefarious agenda and/or psychopathy to purposely and repeatedly try to divert attention away from anorectal anatomy and physiology, rampant anorectal violence, associated traumatic risks, and an epidemic of ignorance and misinformation. These topics, along with the voluminous amount of information from others, are so much more important than anything about one lone person trying to draw attention to them. Certainly pornography industries would be foolish not to take full advantage of psychopaths as deceitful and manipulative "psyop" agents when some pornography companies already utilize them for perpetration of violence against one or more others. df3a37ffd09f7f4490a267d56df7b9bd
>>13094 I could swear we already have this thread...
>>13095 Please review commentary in that thread to understand why I am no longer posting in it. See also: >>>/site/4460
>>13096 >Actually complaining on /site/ about this Well, now we know that it's autism that's driving this retard.
>>13096 Yeah that's kinda gay bro, I mean this is /pol/ You gotta expect a certain amount of fucking with you to occur, especially if you just straight up broadcast the fact that you have no sense of humor. Lighten up a little.
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(The following has been included in every variant of TAKE ACTION for quite some time now. It's posted as text for emphasis. Note that this was posted as a new thread; the 8chan.moe /pol/ board owner, based on past experiences, ignores what was written below and tries to merge new threads of mine into an old thread in which that board owner modified the original post with disinformation about me.) Logically-fallacious diversionary tactics: • A red herring is a tangential topic introduced intentionally as a distraction or inadvertently. Trying to create an unrelated discussion about a messenger or claimant (e.g. by introducing alleged personal attributes or asking about unstated opinions) is one _very_ common example. • An ad hominem logical fallacy involves arguing or implying that some supposed attribute(s) of a messenger or source somehow affects the validity of one or more claims presented when any such characteristic is completely irrelevant — and this is nonsensical for cases in which information originates from others. (Sometimes such characteristics can be relevant: For example, it may be appropriate to question someone's honesty when she makes a claim about herself or her own experiences. However, a better idea may be to mention the anecdotal evidence logical fallacy, i.e. favoring some personal anecdote(s) over evidence based on science and logic.) • Misrepresentation—introducing a distorted version of something—is another means of creating a diversion. Attacking a fabrication in order to suggest refutal of what was actually presented constitutes a straw man logical fallacy. (A refutation featuring one or more vague, sweeping claims without proof may be related. The burden of proof rests on the claimant.) It is suggestive of a nefarious agenda and/or psychopathy to purposely and repeatedly try to draw attention away from anorectal anatomy and physiology, rampant anorectal violence, associated traumatic risks, and an epidemic of ignorance and misinformation. These topics, plus the voluminous amount of information from others, are far more important than anything about a lone person trying to raise awareness of them. It is very likely that pornography industries utilize psychopaths as deceitful and manipulative "psyop" agents when some pornography companies already make use of them for perpetration of violence against one or more others.
Maybe its a good thing that porn-stars should suffer and be degraded. It should be more extreme and pay less. Wanna be a star? Take three nigger dicks in your asshole, get pissed on, and we'll give you a coupon for denny's. I agree with all the facts you present, but you are basically defending pornography and trash women. Sex and violence is evolved among fast life history strategists (i.e. sub-humans). Being receptive to violent sex is promotion of "barbarian males" that will conquer other tribes. Submission to violence = survival of species. (this is were rape fantasy comes from) These women don't deserve status or sympathy because their genetics lead to primitive polygamous high rape societies full of violent retards (like islam). Also, I'm willing to bet jews are going to turn against billie eilish after recent statements condenming porn.
>>13317 Merged
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>>13317 > the 8chan.moe /pol/ board owner, based on past experiences, ignores what was written below and tries to merge new threads of mine into an old thread in which that board owner modified the original post with disinformation about me. Well, I see that that abuse of power continues, and for now so shall my creation of new threads. Anyway: >>13323 > Maybe its a good thing that porn-stars should suffer and be degraded. You're welcome to your own opinion. Whether pornstars deserve suffering or not, though, plenty of people do get ideas from pornography and try to or actually do emulate what is in it, even using coercion. In fact, pornography is serving as a substitute for sexual education in many cases (especially among younger people). You might want to consider that. > It should be more extreme and pay less. There are various criminal legal concepts that may apply when significant injury to one or more others is a potential or actual result. It could also be argued that they _should_ apply—most especially where for-profit pornography is concerned—worldwide, retroactively, without limitation, and with severe punishment of perpetrators of that violence for reasons covered by both the "justice" paste (top of TAv3) and the "decadence" paste (top of TAv7). > you are basically defending pornography and trash women 1. Once again, ultimately this is not about me. 2. You are putting words into my mouth and then attacking straw men: (a) Nowhere was pornography defended. It was pointed out that there are problems both with pornography production and with pornography consumption. (b) Nowhere in what I posted were women "trashed" by me. I may have my own thoughts about them, but those are completely irrelevant. Furthermore, there are some male victims as well, especially among the homosexual/bisexual crowd. > Submission to violence = survival of species. (this is were rape fantasy comes from) There might be something to that when submission could mean survival rather than death. As noted by a study* quoted in Trends & Associations: "Sexual masochism disorder is considered the most prevalent paraphilia among women." * "Is There a Relationship Between Borderline Personality Disorder and Sexual Masochism in Women?" Archives of Sexual Behavior. 2017 Apr; 46(3): 747-754. PMID 27600835. doi:10.1007/s10508-016-0834-z.
This takes some serious dedication. I respect you, OP.
OP IS A HOMOSEXUAL WHO SHOVES LARGE OBJECTS UP HIS RECTUM >13335 No one cares. Suggestions: Take it to /b/ Take it to /x/ Take you meds. Shizopost elsewhere, faggot. OP IS A HOMOSEXUAL WHO SHOVES LARGE OBJECTS UP HIS RECTUM
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New Year's Resolution #1: Be much, much noisier. New Year's Resolution #2: Be much, much more disruptive. Here's a preview below. > Due to its ubiquity in pornography, several generations now have grown up masturbating to, demanding more of, and seeking to emulate violent behavior that should easily be considered severely criminal when more than one person is involved. Perpetrators of such violence against one or more others going unpunished is a major problem, as is incriminating evidence being sold for profit. Those perpetrators are rewarded, encouraged, and celebrated when they should instead face justice and be condemned. Why is this shit allowed to continue? Kids shoot up schools, killing innocents. We need to have "porn shootings;" if someone wants to throw their life away, they could at least try to take out the trash while doing so. Governments worldwide could use some "housecleaning" as well. Anyway, to reiterate... Logically-fallacious diversionary tactics: • A red herring is a tangential topic introduced intentionally as a distraction or inadvertently. Trying to create an unrelated discussion about a messenger or claimant (e.g. by introducing alleged personal attributes or asking about unstated opinions) is one _very_ common example. • An ad hominem logical fallacy involves arguing or implying that some supposed attribute(s) of a messenger or source somehow affects the validity of one or more claims presented when any such characteristic is completely irrelevant — and this is nonsensical for cases in which information originates from others. (Sometimes such characteristics can be relevant: For example, it may be appropriate to question someone's honesty when she makes a claim about herself or her own experiences. However, a better idea may be to mention the anecdotal evidence logical fallacy, i.e. favoring some personal anecdote(s) over evidence based on science and logic.) • Misrepresentation—introducing a distorted version of something—is another means of creating a diversion. Attacking a fabrication in order to suggest refutal of what was actually presented constitutes a straw man logical fallacy. (A refutation featuring one or more vague, sweeping claims without proof may be related. The burden of proof rests on the claimant.) It is suggestive of a nefarious agenda and/or psychopathy to purposely and repeatedly try to draw attention away from anorectal anatomy and physiology, rampant anorectal violence, associated traumatic risks, and an epidemic of ignorance and misinformation. These topics, plus the voluminous amount of information from others, are far more important than anything about a lone person trying to raise awareness of them. It is very likely that pornography industries utilize psychopaths as deceitful and manipulative "psyop" agents when some pornography companies already make use of them for perpetration of violence against one or more others.
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Yet again for emphasis — Logically-fallacious diversionary tactics: • A red herring is a tangential topic introduced intentionally as a distraction or inadvertently. Trying to create an unrelated discussion about a messenger or claimant (e.g. by introducing alleged personal attributes or asking about unstated opinions) is one _very_ common example. • An ad hominem logical fallacy involves arguing or implying that some supposed attribute(s) of a messenger or source somehow affects the validity of one or more claims presented when any such characteristic is completely irrelevant — and this is nonsensical for cases in which information originates from others. (Sometimes such characteristics can be relevant: For example, it may be appropriate to question someone's honesty when she makes a claim about herself or her own experiences. However, a better idea may be to mention the anecdotal evidence logical fallacy, i.e. favoring some personal anecdote(s) over evidence based on science and logic.) • Misrepresentation—introducing a distorted version of something—is another means of creating a diversion. Attacking a fabrication in order to suggest refutal of what was actually presented constitutes a straw man logical fallacy. (A refutation featuring one or more vague, sweeping claims without proof may be related. The burden of proof rests on the claimant.) It is suggestive of a nefarious agenda and/or psychopathy to purposely and repeatedly try to draw attention away from anorectal anatomy and physiology, rampant anorectal violence, associated traumatic risks, and an epidemic of ignorance and misinformation. These topics, plus the voluminous amount of information from others, are far more important than anything about a lone person trying to raise awareness of them. It is very likely that pornography industries utilize psychopaths as deceitful and manipulative "psyop" agents when some pornography companies already make use of them for perpetration of violence against one or more others.
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A new revision of the references compilation should be finished soon. >>13354 > New Year's Resolution #1: Be much, much noisier. > New Year's Resolution #2: Be much, much more disruptive. Here's a preview below. Also, I probably will drop the "shortjustice" paste that's currently included in TA variants 1 & 2. That's the "justice" paste without the third paragraph calling for justice by any means necessary, holding current and former government officials accountable for failing to serve justice when they are or were in a position to do so, etc. Due in part to that failure realistically there will be no true justice without bloodshed; that's just a fact of life at this point when in some cases we're talking about violent crimes committed DECADES ago by serially violent criminals such as Rocco Siffredi. Thanks to the internet greatly facilitating the spread of pornography (among many other things such as misinformation and disinformation), such crimes continue to inspire many people to this day. I shall update the hit list paste as well. Currently it says "These people, among many others, need to die." Technically we all need to die; no human lives forever as yet. So, here is what the new wording may be: "These people, among many others, must be killed for justice to be served."
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>>12075 > These people, among many others, need to die: > • Rocco Siffredi, plus many more violent criminals like him who perpetrated brutal anorectal violence against many others > • John Stagliano, along with many other criminals like him involved in Evil Angel and similar companies worldwide (LegalPorno springs to mind): anyone doing one or more of aiding and abetting violent criminals, profiting from their crimes, and directing their actions > • Kamala Harris, California's Attorney General for many years: Did she do _anything whatsoever_ to rein in California's out-of-control pornography industry? It doesn't seem so. > • Xavier Becerra, another former California AG (now heading the U.S. DHHS, which oversees the NIH, despite having no public health nor medical background); Gavin Newsom, California's current governor; and Jerry Brown, California's former governor: See above. > • Anyone who was involved in the 2008 obscenity prosecution idiocy against Evil Angel, which just made things worse — and I wouldn't put it past the likes of the George W. Bush administration to have desired such an effect. Who in the FBI was involved? Who was involved at higher levels, up to and possibly including Bush & Cheney? They all need to die. > • Stephanie Dunn (California & Maine), one administrator of AdultDVDTalk (username "Janitor," formerly "Steph"): aiding and abetting violent criminals and their crimes (and likely profiting from them as well) While I'm no Trump fan, Jan 6th would be a very fitting day for assassination of Gavin Newsom, Kamala Harris, Xavier Becerra, and plenty of other politicians in bed with Hollywood (and by extension California's pornography industry) such as Joe Biden. Far too many people are masturbating to, taking lessons from, and even emulating incriminating evidence of violent crimes. Why does it seem as if very few care about this? A great number of people should be up in arms about it. They should be addressing these matters seriously and effectively. So, where is the action?
>>13462 > While I'm no Trump fan, Jan 6th would be a very fitting day for assassination of Gavin Newsom, Kamala Harris, Xavier Becerra, and plenty of other politicians in bed with Hollywood (and by extension California's pornography industry) such as Joe Biden. To be clear, I'm not sure that Becerra has or had Hollywood connections. The others most certainly did in the past and probably still do.
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Address rampant anorectal violence along with factors facilitating it. NOW!
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Get going already. Blatantly injurious erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is rampant worldwide, facilitated by widespread (willful) ignorance, apathy, and misinformation. It is impossible for resultant anorectal injuries and serious/chronic/permanent health consequences to be uncommon due to anorectal fragility relating to anatomy and neuromuscular physiology [References: Anorectal Risks 1-3]. That is why perpetration of such violence against one or more others should be considered severely criminal behavior. Pornography featuring that violence can have numerous effects on some viewers: inspiring them to emulate what they see, even using coercion; conditioning them to be aroused by suffering; and contributing to development of related mental pathology: sexual sadism disorder, sexual masochism disorder, and perhaps even psychopathy for younger individuals [References: Trends & Associations]. People with those inclinations are having a field day with such violence and spreading disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is promoting societal decadence. This is happening because the vast majority of humanity likely never will place a high value upon the good health of at least someone else's anus; too many people do not wish to think seriously about anorectal matters despite the fact that the anus is one of our most important body parts. Erotic anoreceptive activities therefore must be universally discouraged, and perpetrators of anorectal violence against another person—at least and especially ones who inspire countless others—must face justice by any means necessary. Criminal justice has not been served in far too many cases, and it may be out of governments' hands after too much time has passed. People worldwide who are or were in a government position with jurisdiction to uphold that justice yet failed must be held accountable as well.
>>13600 You know the BO is just gonna fuck with you again. Why not post this on one of the gay boards? >>>/cb/
>>13601 > Why not post this on one of the gay boards? You, or anyone else for that matter, are welcome to do so. Anyone could take some or all of that information from others I've dug up and use it how ever they wish or post it where ever they wish. Posted elsewhere recently: $ unzip -l "/tmp/TAKE ACTION v7.png" Archive: /tmp/TAKE ACTION v7.png warning [/tmp/TAKE ACTION v7.png]: 600064 extra bytes at beginning or within zipfile (attempting to process anyway) Length Date Time Name ——— ———- —– —- 249344 1980-01-01 00:00 TAKE ACTION v7+refs.txt ——— ——- 249344 1 file $ bc <<< "600064 / 512" 1172.00000000000000000000 $ dd skip=1172 if="/tmp/TAKE ACTION v7.png" of="/tmp/TAKE ACTION v7+refs.zip" > 1980 I use a metadata scrubbing program.
>>13600 wasn't there some homo who did a blog about this? I thought I had it bookmarked, but when I went looking for it to post on some Twitter thread I had no luck.
>>13608 He's been doing this for months. Pick ANY post.
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I can not emphasize the text below strongly enough. Logically-fallacious diversionary tactics: • A red herring is a tangential topic introduced intentionally as a distraction or inadvertently. Trying to create an unrelated discussion about a messenger or claimant (e.g. by introducing alleged personal attributes or asking about unstated opinions) is one _very_ common example. • An ad hominem logical fallacy involves arguing or implying that some supposed attribute(s) of a messenger or source somehow affects the validity of one or more claims presented when any such characteristic is completely irrelevant — and this is nonsensical for cases in which information originates from others. (Sometimes such characteristics can be relevant: For example, it may be appropriate to question someone's honesty when she makes a claim about herself or her own experiences. However, a better idea may be to mention the anecdotal evidence logical fallacy, i.e. favoring some personal anecdote(s) over evidence based on science and logic.) • Misrepresentation—introducing a distorted version of something—is another means of creating a diversion. Attacking a fabrication in order to suggest refutal of what was actually presented constitutes a straw man logical fallacy. (A refutation featuring one or more vague, sweeping claims without proof may be related. The burden of proof rests on the claimant.) It is suggestive of a nefarious agenda and/or psychopathy to purposely and repeatedly try to draw attention away from anorectal anatomy and physiology, rampant anorectal violence, associated traumatic risks, and an epidemic of ignorance and misinformation. These topics, plus the voluminous amount of information from others, are far more important than anything about a lone person trying to raise awareness of them. It is very likely that pornography industries utilize psychopaths as deceitful and manipulative "psyop" agents when some pornography companies already make use of them for perpetration of violence against one or more others.
What I don't get, is the assumption that any of us are having sex.
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Blatantly injurious erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is rampant worldwide, facilitated by widespread [willful] ignorance, apathy, and misinformation. It is impossible for resultant anorectal injuries and serious/chronic/permanent health consequences to be uncommon due to anorectal fragility relating to anatomy and neuromuscular physiology [References: Anorectal Risks 1-3]. That is why perpetration of such violence against one or more others should be considered severely criminal behavior. Pornography featuring that violence can have numerous effects on some viewers: inspiring them to emulate what they see, even using coercion; conditioning them to be aroused by suffering; and contributing to development of related mental pathology: sexual sadism disorder, sexual masochism disorder, and perhaps even psychopathy for younger individuals [References: Trends & Associations]. People with those inclinations are having a field day with such violence and spreading disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is promoting societal decadence. This is happening because the vast majority of humanity likely never will place a high value upon the good health of at least someone else's anus; too many people do not wish to think seriously about anorectal matters despite the fact that the anus is one of our most important body parts. Erotic anoreceptive activities therefore must be universally discouraged, and perpetrators of anorectal violence against another person—at least and especially ones who inspire countless others—must face justice by any means necessary. Criminal justice has not been served in far too many cases, and it may be out of governments' hands after too much time has passed. People worldwide who are or were in a government position with jurisdiction to uphold that justice yet failed must be held accountable as well.
>>13719 I mean are you hoping the BO gets bored one day and just forgets to fuck with you. I mean you know he's gonna do it. Why do you do this? What compulsion do you act under which demands you talk about butt sex every day for like 6 months.
>>13720 > you hoping the BO gets bored one day and just forgets to fuck with you. You do realize it just takes that press of a button to merge a thread or wipe his entire post history, right?
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>>13736 Board owner, you fucking retard, you're just as responsible as the faggot who keeps posting these threads. Stop playing with him. Stop humoring him. DELETE THESE THREADS ON-SIGHT, EVERY TIME. Stop giving this faggot an outlet for his schizophrenia, or his shit is going to be on the front fucking page FOREVER. HE WILL NEVER STOP BUMPING THIS THREAD TO THE FRONT PAGE; IT'S ONLY GOING AWAY IF IT GETS DELETED, EVERY TIME IT'S POSTED.
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Back to the first page along with the usual reminder for emphasis: Logically-fallacious diversionary tactics: • A red herring is a tangential topic introduced intentionally as a distraction or inadvertently. Trying to create an unrelated discussion about a messenger or claimant (e.g. by introducing alleged personal attributes or asking about unstated opinions) is one _very_ common example. • An ad hominem logical fallacy involves arguing or implying that some supposed attribute(s) of a messenger or source somehow affects the validity of one or more claims presented when any such characteristic is completely irrelevant — and this is nonsensical for cases in which information originates from others. (Sometimes such characteristics can be relevant: For example, it may be appropriate to question someone's honesty when she makes a claim about herself or her own experiences. However, a better idea may be to mention the anecdotal evidence logical fallacy, i.e. favoring some personal anecdote(s) over evidence based on science and logic.) • Misrepresentation—introducing a distorted version of something—is another means of creating a diversion. Attacking a fabrication in order to suggest refutal of what was actually presented constitutes a straw man logical fallacy. (A refutation featuring one or more vague, sweeping claims without proof may be related. The burden of proof rests on the claimant.) It is suggestive of a nefarious agenda and/or psychopathy to purposely and repeatedly try to draw attention away from anorectal anatomy and physiology, rampant anorectal violence, associated traumatic risks, and an epidemic of ignorance and misinformation. These topics, plus the voluminous amount of information from others, are far more important than anything about a lone person trying to raise awareness of them. It is very likely that pornography industries utilize psychopaths as deceitful and manipulative "psyop" agents when some pornography companies already make use of them for perpetration of violence against one or more others.
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>The board owner is still merging every new thread of mine into the old thread with disinformation added to the OP, which is now bumplocked as well. Well then, it looks like I'll be posting a new thread much more often. Perhaps I'll become even more disruptive too. We shall see.
>>13820 > the old thread with disinformation added to the OP, which is now bumplocked as well Erm, I may have spoken too soon; I am not certain that the old thread is bumplocked. The BO may have just decided to merge my new thread into it without bumping it. Whether it's bumplocked is not something I'll be testing, as I posted this in the past: "In that thread I stated I would no longer voluntarily post in it while the disinformation remains."
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I need to rework this "vj" violent justice paste, but for now it'll suffice. ("Great bodily injury" is defined in some regions relating to recklessness / criminal negligence.) Statutes of limitations may apply in some locales that have applicable laws, meaning criminal prosecution by governments is no longer possible after so much time has passed; some perpetrators of significant* anorectal violence against one or more others might relocate as well. Of course, such violent perpetrators—particularly ones who inspire countless others—MUST NOT escape justice in _any_ case (especially in the absence of ESSENTIAL laws). Sometimes justice must originate from other sources by any means necessary when governments fail — and governments might be part of the problem due to bribery/lobbying/corruption. In other words, as people and governments worldwide continue failing year after year (or even decade after decade) to take serious and effective action to address rampant anorectal violence, the larger the number grows of perpetrators of significant* anorectal violence against one or more others who can no longer be criminally prosecuted by a government in some locales. Day by day, more and more of such criminals can be severely punished only by violent justice (meaning bloody slaughter, to put it bluntly: justice by _any_ means necessary) — especially when considering relocation. * "Significant" in this case means an activity posing a risk of and/or resulting in great bodily injury (GBI) or death.
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As of 2022/02/02 several related English Wikipedia articles for many years have had major & inexcusable flaws. Among them: • The "human anus" article has an image of a human female's anus and perineum that probably were damaged by some kind of major trauma. Biological human females normally lack an evident midline perineal raphe, or seamlike union/ridge, in the anogenital region; as the bulbospongiosus muscle is separated in them, embryologically it does not promote formation of an obvious, raised seam as it may in biological males [References: Anatomy & Trauma]. Furthermore, the "perineal raphe" article suggests otherwise involving fusion of urogenital folds, which normally doesn't occur in biological females[1]. • The "simple columnar epithelium" article explains neither its fragility nor (at least in the anorectal region) absence of somatic innervation. The "anal sex" article ... • lacks neutrality by giving the impression that opposition is limited to irrational religious positions. It doesn't present even one _scientific_ opposing perspective, such as this: The human anorectum is very unsuited for many common receptive activities due to the region's anatomy and physiology. The single short-term benefit, _potential_ pleasure, is greatly outweighed by the many short- and long-term health risks to a receptive person. • fails to mention the normalization of injurious anorectal violence in pornography featuring real people. • does not disambiguate the term "hemorrhoid," which can refer to pathology or normal anatomy. Anoreceptive activity can both cause hemorrhoidal disease and worsen an existing case. • contains a logically-fallacious appeal to nature: "natural" is not necessarily good or desirable, nor is "unnatural" necessarily the inverse. Those flaws have been contributing for far too long to rampant anorectal violence along with misinformation facilitating it. 1. Clinical Anatomy. 2013 Jan; 26(1): 134-52. doi:10.1002/ca.22177. (PMID 23169570)
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These people, among many others, must be killed for justice to be served: • Rocco Siffredi, plus many more violent criminals like him who perpetrated brutal anorectal violence against many others • John Stagliano, along with many other criminals like him involved in Evil Angel and similar companies worldwide (LegalPorno springs to mind): anyone doing one or more of aiding and abetting violent criminals, profiting from their crimes, and directing their actions • Kamala Harris, California's Attorney General for many years: Did she do _anything whatsoever_ to rein in California's out-of-control pornography industry? It doesn't seem so. • Xavier Becerra, another former California AG (now heading the U.S. DHHS, which oversees the NIH, despite having no public health nor medical background); Gavin Newsom, California's current governor; and Jerry Brown, California's former governor: See above. • Anyone who was involved in the 2008 obscenity prosecution idiocy against Evil Angel, which just made things worse — and I wouldn't put it past the likes of the George W. Bush administration to have desired such an effect. Who in the FBI was involved? Who was involved at higher levels, up to and possibly including Bush & Cheney? They all need to die. • Stephanie Dunn (California & Maine), one administrator of AdultDVDTalk (username "Janitor," formerly "Steph"): aiding and abetting violent criminals and their crimes (and likely profiting from them as well) • "Flash," a 'moderator' of AdultDVDTalk: image related
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Somebody seems very intent on keeping this material out of people's thoughts (or at least off of the first page) on /pol/ despite the topical relevance...
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Erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is both rampant and one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence today: • Due to its ubiquity in pornography, several generations now have grown up masturbating to, demanding more of, and seeking to emulate violent behavior that should easily be considered severely criminal when more than one person is involved. Perpetrators of such violence against one or more others going unpunished is a major problem, as is incriminating evidence being sold for profit. Those perpetrators are rewarded, encouraged, and celebrated when they should instead face justice and be condemned. • Widespread apathy, (often willful) ignorance, and misinformation about anorectal anatomy, physiology, and health are enabling people with (self-)destructive tendencies to have a field day with such violence and to effectively spread disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is contributing very significantly to societal decay. Far too many people don't wish to think about nor seriously discuss anorectal matters, so rampant anorectal violence and its consequences "fly under the radar;" people would rather focus on some other kind of erotic violence which may be far less dangerous. • Widespread ignorance of what a human anus is even supposed to look like makes it an easy target for people who like to mutilate body parts. Although the anus is one of our most important body parts, typically it is very under-valued. It commonly is denigrated and intentionally harmed, a situation that is tolerated—or at least ignored—by far too many people. As the vast majority of humanity likely never will care much at least about another person's anus, discouraging anoreceptive activities entirely is the only realistic solution. Rampant anorectal violence is caused by and in turn contributes back to societal decadence; this is known as a positive feedback loop.
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At some point many people will have to acknowledge that significantly girthy and vigorous anoreceptive activities are objectively foolish for health reasons. I expect there will be bloodshed before that happens. Since many people are making money and/or satisfying (self-)destructive inclinations from rampant anorectal abuse, it will not stop until external forces intervene. I very strongly doubt governments will be the forces doing so at first. Sexual sadists and sadistic psychopaths in particular must be shown that anorectal abuse of others will result in dire consequences, meaning death (since many of them probably do have a basic desire for self-preservation). Abusive criminals—along with other criminals aiding and abetting in a commercial setting such as directors, producers, and executives who facilitate and benefit from violent crimes—need to be killed very obviously and publicly. Pornography industries worldwide must be forcibly culled to dissuade future would-be criminals.
(678.43 KB 1225x3314 TAKE ACTION v3.png)

Erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is rampant and one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence today: • Due to its ubiquity in pornography, several generations now have grown up masturbating to, demanding more of, and seeking to emulate violent behavior that should easily be considered severely criminal when more than one person is involved. Perpetrators of such violence against one or more others going unpunished is a major problem, as is incriminating evidence being sold for profit. Those perpetrators are rewarded, encouraged, and celebrated when they should instead face justice and be condemned. • Widespread apathy, (often willful) ignorance, and misinformation about anorectal anatomy, physiology, and health are enabling people with (self-)destructive tendencies to have a field day with such violence and to effectively spread disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is contributing very significantly to societal decay. Far too many people don't wish to think about nor seriously discuss anorectal matters, so rampant anorectal violence and its consequences "fly under the radar;" people would rather focus on some other kind of erotic violence which may be far less dangerous. • Widespread ignorance of what a human anus is even supposed to look like makes it an easy target for people who like to mutilate body parts. Although the anus is one of our most important body parts, typically it is very under-valued. It commonly is denigrated and intentionally harmed, a situation that is tolerated—or at least ignored—by far too many people. As the vast majority of humanity likely never will care much at least about another person's anus, discouraging anoreceptive activities entirely is the only realistic solution. Rampant anorectal violence is caused by and in turn contributes back to societal decadence; this is called a positive feedback loop.
(571.71 KB 1225x2693 TAKE ACTION v5.png)

Blatantly injurious erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is rampant worldwide, facilitated by widespread (willful) ignorance, apathy, and misinformation. It is impossible for resultant anorectal injuries and serious/chronic/permanent health consequences to be uncommon due to anorectal fragility relating to anatomy and neuromuscular physiology [References: Anorectal Risks 1-3]. That is why perpetration of such violence against one or more others should be considered severely criminal behavior. Pornography featuring that violence can have numerous effects on some viewers: inspiring them to emulate what they see, even using coercion; conditioning them to be aroused by suffering; and contributing to development of related mental pathology: sexual sadism disorder, sexual masochism disorder, and perhaps even psychopathy for younger individuals [References: Trends & Associations]. People with those inclinations are having a field day with such violence and spreading disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is promoting societal decadence. This is happening because the vast majority of humanity likely never will place a high value upon the good health of someone else's anus at least; too many people do not wish to think seriously about anorectal matters despite the fact that the anus is one of our most important body parts. Erotic anoreceptive activities therefore must be universally discouraged, and perpetrators of anorectal violence against another person—at least and especially ones who inspire countless others—must face justice by any means necessary. Criminal justice has not been served in far too many cases, and it may be out of governments' hands after too much time has passed. People worldwide who are or were in a government position with jurisdiction to uphold that justice yet failed must be held accountable as well.
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(105.90 KB 1046x1068 anal insanity 2015.gif)

(144.09 KB 1120x870 anal insanity 20190115.gif)

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(228.02 KB 1138x1192 reddit.gif)

Erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is both rampant and one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence today: • Due to its ubiquity in pornography, several generations now have grown up masturbating to, demanding more of, and seeking to emulate violent behavior that should easily be considered severely criminal when more than one person is involved. Perpetrators of such violence against one or more others going unpunished is a major problem, as is incriminating evidence being sold for profit. Those perpetrators are rewarded, encouraged, and celebrated when they should instead face justice and be condemned. • Widespread apathy, (often willful) ignorance, and misinformation about anorectal anatomy, physiology, and health are enabling people with (self-)destructive tendencies to have a field day with such violence and to effectively spread disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is contributing very significantly to societal decay. Far too many people don't wish to think about nor seriously discuss anorectal matters, so rampant anorectal violence and its consequences "fly under the radar;" they would rather focus on some other kind of erotic violence which may be far less dangerous. • Widespread ignorance of what a human anus is even supposed to look like makes it an easy target for people who like to mutilate body parts. Although the anus is one of our most important body parts, typically it is very under-valued. It commonly is denigrated and intentionally harmed, a situation that is tolerated—or at least ignored—by far too many people. As the vast majority of humanity likely never will care much at least about another person's anus, discouraging anoreceptive activities entirely is the only realistic solution. Rampant anorectal violence is caused by and in turn contributes back to societal decadence; this is called a positive feedback loop.
>>13924 Never change butt guy.
(671.44 KB 1225x3291 TAKE ACTION v7.png)

Blatantly injurious erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is rampant worldwide, facilitated by widespread (willful) ignorance, apathy, and misinformation. It is impossible for resultant anorectal injuries and serious/chronic/permanent health consequences to be uncommon due to anorectal fragility relating to anatomy and neuromuscular physiology [References: Anorectal Risks 1-3]. That is why perpetration of such violence against one or more others should be considered severely criminal behavior. Pornography featuring such violence can have numerous effects on some viewers: inspiring them to emulate what they see, even using coercion; conditioning them to be aroused by suffering; and contributing to development of related mental pathology: sexual sadism disorder, sexual masochism disorder, and perhaps even psychopathy for younger individuals [References: Trends & Associations]. People with those inclinations are having a field day with such violence and spreading disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is promoting societal decadence. This is happening because the vast majority of humanity likely never will place a high value upon the good health of at least someone else's anus; too many people do not wish to think seriously about anorectal matters despite the fact that the anus is one of our most important body parts. Erotic anoreceptive activities therefore must be universally discouraged, and perpetrators of anorectal violence against another person—at least and especially ones who inspire countless others—must face justice by any means necessary. Criminal justice has not been served in far too many cases, and it may be out of governments' hands after too much time has passed. People worldwide who are or were in a government position with jurisdiction to uphold that justice yet failed must be held accountable as well.
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(144.09 KB 1120x870 anal insanity 20190115.gif)

(248.01 KB 1313x1359 criminal justice.gif)

(33.09 KB 802x466 flash post doctoring.gif)

(228.02 KB 1138x1192 reddit.gif)

These people, among many others, must be slaughtered for justice to be served: • Rocco Siffredi, plus many more violent criminals like him who perpetrated brutal anorectal violence against many others — and inspired countless viewers • John Stagliano, along with many other criminals like him involved in Evil Angel and similar companies worldwide (LegalPorno springs to mind): anyone doing one or more of aiding and abetting violent criminals, profiting from their crimes, and directing their actions • Kamala Harris, California's Attorney General for many years: Did she do _anything whatsoever_ to rein in California's out-of-control pornography industry? It doesn't seem so. • Xavier Becerra, another former California AG (now heading the U.S. DHHS, which oversees the NIH, despite having no public health nor medical background); Gavin Newsom, California's current governor; and Jerry Brown, California's former governor: See above. • Anyone who was involved in the 2008 obscenity prosecution idiocy against Evil Angel, which only made things worse — and I wouldn't put it past the likes of the George W. Bush administration to have desired such an effect. Who in the FBI was involved? Who was involved at higher levels, up to and possibly including Bush and Cheney? They all must be killed. • Stephanie Dunn (California & Maine), one administrator of AdultDVDTalk (username "Janitor," formerly "Steph"): aiding and abetting violent criminals and their crimes — and likely profiting from them as well • "Flash," a 'moderator' of AdultDVDTalk: image related
>Reddit /r/painal Other subreddits which obviously violate Reddit's policy* regarding violent content yet strangely still [as of 2022/02/15] persist despite that: /r/Pain /r/Roughanal /r/DegradingHoles * "Do not post content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual (including oneself) or a group of people" https://web.archive(Please use archive.today)/web/20220112233813/https://www.reddithelp(Please use archive.today)/hc/en-us/articles/360043513151 >www.reddithelp(Please use archive.today)/hc/en-us/articles/36004351315 Notable addition made in September of 2021: "Note that health misinformation, namely falsifiable health information that encourages or poses a significant risk of physical harm to the reader, also violates the Rule."
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(1.43 MB 2560x4096 anatomy & trauma.gif)

(1.37 MB 2560x4096 anorectal risks 2.gif)

(1.52 MB 2560x4096 prolapse & incontinence.gif)

(1.63 MB 2560x4096 trends & associations.gif)

Blatantly injurious erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is rampant worldwide, facilitated by widespread (willful) ignorance, apathy, and misinformation. It is impossible for resultant anorectal injuries and serious/chronic/permanent health consequences to be uncommon due to anorectal fragility relating to anatomy and neuromuscular physiology [References: Anorectal Risks 1-3]. That is why perpetration of such violence against one or more others should be considered severely criminal behavior. Pornography featuring that violence can have numerous effects on some viewers: inspiring them to emulate what they see, even using coercion; conditioning them to be aroused by suffering; and contributing to development of related mental pathology: sexual sadism disorder, sexual masochism disorder, and perhaps even psychopathy for younger individuals [References: Trends & Associations]. People with those inclinations are having a field day with such violence and spreading disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is promoting societal decadence. This is happening because the vast majority of humanity probably never will place a high value upon the good health of at least someone else's anus; too many people do not wish to think seriously about anorectal matters despite the fact that the anus is one of our most important body parts. Erotic anoreceptive activities therefore must be universally discouraged, and perpetrators of anorectal violence against another person—at least and especially ones who inspire countless others—must face justice by any means necessary. Criminal justice has not been served in far too many cases, and it may be out of governments' hands after too much time has passed. People worldwide who are or were in a government position with jurisdiction to uphold that justice yet failed must be held accountable as well.
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Blatantly injurious erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is rampant worldwide, facilitated by widespread (willful) ignorance, apathy, and misinformation. It is impossible for resultant anorectal injuries and serious/chronic/permanent health consequences to be uncommon due to anorectal fragility relating to anatomy and neuromuscular physiology [References: Anorectal Risks 1-3]. That's why perpetration of such violence against one or more others should be considered severely criminal behavior. Pornography featuring that violence can have numerous effects on some viewers: inspiring them to emulate what they see, even using coercion; conditioning them to be aroused by suffering; and contributing to development of related mental pathology: sexual sadism disorder, sexual masochism disorder, and perhaps even psychopathy for younger individuals [References: Trends & Associations]. People with those inclinations are having a field day with such violence and spreading disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is promoting societal decadence. This is happening because the vast majority of humanity likely never will place a high value upon the good health of at least someone else's anus; too many people do not wish to think seriously about anorectal matters despite the fact that the anus is one of our most important body parts. Erotic anoreceptive activities therefore must be universally discouraged, and perpetrators of anorectal violence against another person—at least and especially ones who inspire countless others—must face justice by any means necessary. Criminal justice has not been served in far too many cases, and it may be out of governments' hands after too much time has passed. People worldwide who are or were in a government position with jurisdiction to uphold that justice yet failed must be held accountable as well.
(678.43 KB 1225x3314 TAKE ACTION v3.png)

Erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is both rampant and one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence today: • Due to its ubiquity in pornography, several generations now have grown up masturbating to, demanding more of, and seeking to emulate violent behavior that should easily be considered severely criminal when more than one person is involved. Perpetrators of such violence against one or more others going unpunished is a major problem, as is incriminating evidence being sold for profit. Those perpetrators are rewarded, encouraged, and celebrated when they should instead face justice and be condemned. • Widespread apathy, (often willful) ignorance, and misinformation about anorectal anatomy, physiology, and health are enabling people with (self-)destructive tendencies to have a field day with such violence and to effectively spread disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is contributing very significantly to societal decay. Far too many people don't wish to think about nor seriously discuss anorectal matters, so rampant anorectal violence and its consequences "fly under the radar;" people would rather focus on some other kind of erotic violence which may be far less dangerous. • Widespread ignorance of what a human anus is even supposed to look like makes it an easy target for people who like to mutilate body parts. Although the anus is one of our most important body parts, typically it is very under-valued. It commonly is denigrated and intentionally harmed, a situation that is tolerated—or at least ignored—by far too many people. As the vast majority of humanity likely never will care much at least about another person's anus, discouraging anoreceptive activities entirely is the only realistic solution. Rampant anorectal violence is caused by and in turn contributes back to societal decadence. This is called a positive feedback loop.
(671.44 KB 1225x3291 TAKE ACTION v7.png)

Blatantly injurious erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is rampant worldwide, facilitated by widespread (willful) ignorance, apathy, and misinformation. It is impossible for resultant anorectal injuries and serious/chronic/permanent health consequences to be uncommon due to anorectal fragility relating to anatomy and neuromuscular physiology [References: Anorectal Risks 1-3]. That is why perpetration of such violence against one or more others should be considered severely criminal behavior. Pornography featuring that violence can have numerous effects on some viewers: inspiring them to emulate what they see, even using coercion; conditioning them to be aroused by suffering; and contributing to development of related mental pathology: sexual sadism disorder, sexual masochism disorder, and perhaps even psychopathy for younger individuals [References: Trends & Associations]. People with those inclinations are having a field day with such violence and spreading disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is promoting societal decadence. This is happening because the vast majority of humanity likely never will place a high value upon the good health of at least someone else's anus. Too many people do not wish to think seriously about anorectal matters despite the fact that the anus is one of our most important body parts. Erotic anoreceptive activities therefore must be universally discouraged, and perpetrators of anorectal violence against another person—at least and especially ones who inspire countless others—must face justice by any means necessary. Criminal justice has not been served in far too many cases, and it may be out of governments' hands after too much time has passed. People worldwide who are or were in a government position with jurisdiction to uphold that justice yet failed must be held accountable as well.
(679.48 KB 1225x3337 TAKE ACTION v6.png)

Blatantly injurious erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is rampant worldwide, being facilitated by widespread (willful) ignorance, apathy, and misinformation. It is impossible for resultant anorectal injuries and serious/chronic/permanent health consequences to be uncommon due to anorectal fragility relating to anatomy and neuromuscular physiology [References: Anorectal Risks 1-3]. That is why perpetration of such violence against one or more others should be considered severely criminal behavior. Pornography featuring that violence can have numerous effects on some viewers: inspiring them to emulate what they see, even using coercion; conditioning them to be aroused by suffering; and contributing to development of related mental pathology: sexual sadism disorder, sexual masochism disorder, and perhaps even psychopathy for younger individuals [References: Trends & Associations]. People with those inclinations are having a field day with such violence and spreading disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is promoting societal decadence. This is happening because the vast majority of humanity likely never will place a high value upon the good health of at least someone else's anus; too many people do not wish to think seriously about anorectal matters despite the fact that the anus is one of our most important body parts. Erotic anoreceptive activities therefore must be universally discouraged, and perpetrators of anorectal violence against another person—at least and especially ones who inspire countless others—must face justice by any means necessary. Criminal justice has not been served in far too many cases, and it may be out of governments' hands after too much time has passed. People worldwide who are or were in a government position with jurisdiction to uphold that justice yet failed must be held accountable as well.
Soon I may start posting the hit list every time, and also I may add people involved with Wikipedia and Reddit to it.
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These people, among many others, must be killed (ideally in a fitting manner, e.g. rectal impalement) for justice to be served: • Rocco Siffredi, plus many more violent criminals like him who perpetrated brutal anorectal violence against many others — and inspired countless viewers • John Stagliano, along with many other criminals like him involved in Evil Angel and similar companies worldwide (LegalPorno springs to mind): anyone doing one or more of aiding and abetting violent criminals, profiting from their crimes, and directing their actions • Kamala Harris, California's Attorney General for many years: Did she do _anything whatsoever_ to rein in California's out-of-control pornography industry? It doesn't seem so. • Xavier Becerra, another former California AG (now heading the U.S. DHHS, which oversees the NIH, despite having no public health nor medical background); Gavin Newsom, California's current governor; and Jerry Brown, California's former governor: See above. • Anyone who was involved in the 2008 obscenity prosecution idiocy against Evil Angel, which only made things worse — and I wouldn't put it past the likes of the George W. Bush administration to have desired such an effect. Who in the FBI was involved? Who was involved at higher levels, up to and possibly including Bush and Cheney? They all must be killed. • Stephanie Dunn (California & Maine), one administrator of AdultDVDTalk (username "Janitor," formerly "Steph"): aiding and abetting violent criminals and their crimes — and likely profiting from them as well
>Reddit /r/painal Other subreddits which obviously violate Reddit's policy* regarding violent content yet strangely still [as of 2022/03/03] persist despite that: /r/Pain /r/Roughanal /r/analfisting /r/DegradingHoles * "Do not post content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual (including oneself) or a group of people" https://web.archive(Please use archive.today)/web/20220215004534/https://www.reddithelp(Please use archive.today)/hc/en-us/articles/360043513151 Notable addition made in September of 2021: "Note that health misinformation, namely falsifiable health information that encourages or poses a significant risk of physical harm to the reader, also violates the Rule."
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(105.90 KB 1046x1068 anal insanity 2015.gif)

(144.09 KB 1120x870 anal insanity 20190115.gif)

(248.01 KB 1313x1359 criminal justice.gif)

(228.02 KB 1138x1192 reddit.gif)

These people, among many others, must be assassinated for justice to be served: • Rocco Siffredi, plus many more violent criminals like him who perpetrated brutal anorectal violence against many others — and inspired countless viewers • John Stagliano, along with many other criminals like him involved in Evil Angel and similar companies worldwide (LegalPorno springs to mind): anyone doing one or more of aiding and abetting violent criminals, profiting from their crimes, and directing their actions • Kamala Harris, California's Attorney General for many years: Did she do _anything whatsoever_ to rein in California's out-of-control pornography industry? It doesn't seem so. • Xavier Becerra, another former California AG (now heading the U.S. DHHS, which oversees the NIH, despite having no public health nor medical background); Gavin Newsom, California's current governor; and Jerry Brown, California's former governor: See above. • Anyone who was involved in the 2008 obscenity prosecution idiocy against Evil Angel, which only made things worse — and I wouldn't put it past the likes of the George W. Bush administration to have desired such an effect. Who in the FBI was involved? Who was involved at higher levels, up to and possibly including Bush and Cheney? They all must be killed. • Stephanie Dunn (California & Maine), one administrator of AdultDVDTalk (username "Janitor," formerly "Steph"): aiding and abetting violent criminals and their crimes — and likely profiting from them as well • "Flash," a 'moderator' of AdultDVDTalk: image related
(667.47 KB 1546x3523 biden & harris corruption.gif)

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(1.10 MB 1453x3981 reddit bullshit & omission.gif)

>Reddit /r/painal Other subreddits which obviously violate Reddit's policy* regarding violent content yet strangely still [as of this post] persist despite that: /r/Pain /r/Roughanal /r/analfisting /r/DegradingHoles * "Do not post content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual (including oneself) or a group of people" https://web.archive(Please use archive.today)/web/20220215004534/https://www.reddithelp(Please use archive.today)/hc/en-us/articles/360043513151 Notable addition made in September of 2021: "Note that health misinformation, namely falsifiable health information that encourages or poses a significant risk of physical harm to the reader, also violates the Rule."
(105.90 KB 1046x1068 anal insanity 2015.gif)

(144.09 KB 1120x870 anal insanity 20190115.gif)

(1.34 MB 2560x4096 anorectal risks 1.gif)

(228.02 KB 1138x1192 reddit.gif)

(1.63 MB 2560x4096 trends & associations.gif)

Blatantly injurious erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is rampant worldwide, facilitated by widespread (willful) ignorance, apathy, and misinformation. It is impossible for resultant anorectal injuries and serious/chronic/permanent health consequences to be uncommon due to anorectal fragility relating to anatomy and neuromuscular physiology [References: Anorectal Risks 1-3]. That is why perpetration of such violence against one or more others should be considered severely criminal behavior. Pornography featuring that violence can have numerous effects on some viewers: inspiring them to emulate what they see, even using coercion; conditioning them to be aroused by suffering; and contributing to development of related mental pathology: sexual sadism disorder, sexual masochism disorder, and perhaps even psychopathy for younger individuals [References: Trends & Associations]. People with those inclinations are having a field day with such violence and spreading disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is promoting societal decadence. This is happening because the vast majority of humanity likely never will place a high value upon the good health of at least someone else's anus; too many people do not wish to think seriously about anorectal matters despite the fact that the anus is one of our most important body parts. Erotic anoreceptive activities therefore must be universally discouraged, and perpetrators of anorectal violence against another person—at least and especially ones who inspire countless others—must face justice by any means necessary. Criminal justice has not been served in far too many cases, and it may be out of governments' hands after too much time has passed. People worldwide who are or were in a government position with jurisdiction to uphold that justice yet failed must be held accountable as well. 9525fd93a3b1a1a21770eced8d746918 (mcookie is being used because I no longer want to bother with a new minor adjustment every time.)
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(1.10 MB 1453x3981 reddit bullshit & omission.gif)

>Reddit /r/painal Other subreddits which obviously violate Reddit's policy* regarding violent content yet strangely still [as of 2022/03/03] persist despite that: /r/Pain /r/Roughanal /r/analfisting /r/DegradingHoles * "Do not post content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual (including oneself) or a group of people" https://web.archive(Please use archive.today)/web/20220215004534/https://www.reddithelp(Please use archive.today)/hc/en-us/articles/360043513151 Notable addition made in September of 2021: "Note that health misinformation, namely falsifiable health information that encourages or poses a significant risk of physical harm to the reader, also violates the Rule." 7279b71b3732cd27037693a141ef8387
(1.37 MB 2560x4096 anorectal risks 2.gif)

Traumatic risks of human anoreceptive activities include inflammation; abrasion and tearing; muscle and connective tissue damage; and colorectal perforation. Sequelae may arise, such as hemorrhage/hematoma, hemorrhoidal disease, ulceration, bacterial infection followed by abscess / fistula / life-threatening systemic sepsis, rectal prolapse, fecal incontinence, anal skin tag (remnant of external hemorrhoidal thrombosis, scar tissue from a healed tear, or a sentinel tag for a chronic anal fissure), and anatomic stenosis (narrowing due to constricting scar tissue). One instance of trauma can lead to multiple complications. Cumulative damage and preexisting conditions are concerns too. ~2cm beyond the anal opening at the pectinate/dentate line, the epithelium transitions from stratified squamous (anoderm) to simple columnar in part of the narrow surgical anal canal, continuous with the rectum. This very fragile mucosal lining is easily damaged especially if its mucus barrier is removed by an enema or otherwise impaired. Furthermore, some enemas and lubricants can inflame the lining and even cause it to slough off. Since injury to anorectal mucosa alone is painless due to a lack of somatic innervation, resultant problems may remain undetected with no obvious symptom(s). Neuromuscular physiology also contributes to anorectal fragility particularly for girthy and vigorous insertions, which are objectively foolish and very likely to be significantly injurious. The involuntary internal anal sphincter relaxes with rectal distension. The puborectalis and external sphincter completely relax when a person bears down, causing hemorrhoidal cushions to engorge and become more susceptible to injury by shear (frictional sliding) force. The internal hemorrhoidal cushions lack somatic innervation as well. e2d9cd28bb82d7a59e099a6bde2e89ff
(1.46 MB 2560x4096 anorectal risks 3.gif)

(1.52 MB 2560x4096 prolapse & incontinence.gif)

• Strong, repeated shear (frictional sliding) force in the anal canal is likely to permanently damage supporting tissue of the internal hemorrhoidal cushions at the least, leading to internal hemorrhoidal prolapse (progressively worsening with cumulative damage from repeated trauma). Damage to one or more of the internal hemorrhoidal cushions elicits no pain sensation due to their lack of somatic innervation. As healthy internal and external anal cushions help to maintain fecal continence with a watertight seal, anal canal deformation due to their disease or removal can result in fecal incontinence (FI). Furthermore, pulling or traction on nerves in the anorectal region can potentially lead to neuropathy and associated FI. • Internal rectal prolapse (IRP), aka rectal intussusception, is a common finding among asymptomatic individuals. Strong, repeated shear force in the rectum probably does contribute to development of full-thickness external rectal prolapse (aka procidentia) particularly when IRP is present. Internal hemorrhoidal prolapse—among other conditions—also may contribute to rectal prolapse development. FI can be a consequence of rectal prolapse as well. • Stretching the anal canal with girthy insertions is likely to disrupt or fragment one or both anal sphincter muscles, possibly without pain as the internal anal sphincter muscle also lacks somatic innervation. Such damage results in permanent muscle weakening and is associated with FI especially with a damaged or dysfunctional puborectalis muscle. Stretching the anal canal repeatedly with insertions of progressively increasing circumference may cause cumulative muscle damage. • Trauma—including anoreceptive trauma—can instigate development of numerous other anorectal conditions that may lead to FI, such as a fistula. Additionally, surgical treatment for anorectal conditions can contribute to development of FI. 551f9507473f387d6ee6d58348135c92
(1.43 MB 2560x4096 anatomy & trauma.gif)

As of 2022/03/03 several related English Wikipedia articles for many years have had major & inexcusable flaws. Among them: • The "human anus" article has an image of a human female's anus and perineum that probably were damaged by some kind of major trauma. Biological human females normally lack an evident midline perineal raphe, or seamlike union/ridge, in the anogenital region; as the bulbospongiosus muscle is separated in them, embryologically it does not promote formation of an obvious, raised seam as it may in biological males [References: Anatomy & Trauma]. Furthermore, the "perineal raphe" article suggests otherwise involving fusion of urogenital folds, which normally doesn't occur in biological females[1]. • The "simple columnar epithelium" article explains neither its fragility nor (at least in the anorectal region) absence of somatic innervation. The "anal sex" article ... • lacks neutrality by giving the impression that opposition is limited to irrational religious positions. It doesn't present even one _scientific_ opposing perspective, such as this: The human anorectum is very unsuited for many common receptive activities due to the region's anatomy and physiology. The single short-term benefit, _potential_ pleasure, is greatly outweighed by the many short- and long-term health risks to a receptive person. • fails to mention the normalization of injurious anorectal violence in pornography featuring real people. • does not disambiguate the term "hemorrhoid," which can refer to pathology or normal anatomy. Anoreceptive activity can both cause hemorrhoidal disease and worsen an existing case. • contains a logically-fallacious appeal to nature: "natural" is not necessarily good or desirable, nor is "unnatural" necessarily the inverse. Those flaws have been contributing for far too long to rampant anorectal violence along with misinformation facilitating it. 1. Clinical Anatomy. 2013 Jan; 26(1): 134-52. doi:10.1002/ca.22177. (PMID 23169570) 2ae54a0edae3ad0e8791774e8e0df06a
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Erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is both rampant and one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence today: • Due to its ubiquity in pornography, several generations now have grown up masturbating to, demanding more of, and seeking to emulate violent behavior that should easily be considered severely criminal when more than one person is involved. Perpetrators of such violence against one or more others going unpunished is a major problem, as is incriminating evidence being sold for profit. Those perpetrators are rewarded, encouraged, and celebrated when they should instead face justice and be condemned. • Widespread apathy, (often willful) ignorance, and misinformation about anorectal anatomy, physiology, and health are enabling people with (self-)destructive tendencies to have a field day with such violence and to effectively spread disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is contributing very significantly to societal decay. Far too many people don't wish to think about nor seriously discuss anorectal matters, so rampant anorectal violence and its consequences "fly under the radar;" people would rather focus on some other kind of erotic violence which may be far less dangerous. • Widespread ignorance of what a human anus is even supposed to look like makes it an easy target for people who like to mutilate body parts. Although the anus is one of our most important body parts, typically it is very under-valued. It commonly is denigrated and intentionally harmed, a situation that is tolerated—or at least ignored—by far too many people. As the vast majority of humanity likely never will care much at least about another person's anus, discouraging anoreceptive activities entirely is the only realistic solution. Rampant anorectal violence is caused by and in turn contributes back to societal decadence; this is called a positive feedback loop.
(727.43 KB 1225x3314 TAKE ACTION v3.gif)

Erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is both rampant and one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence today: • Due to its ubiquity in pornography, several generations now have grown up masturbating to, demanding more of, and seeking to emulate violent behavior that should easily be considered severely criminal when more than one person is involved. Perpetrators of such violence against one or more others going unpunished is a major problem, as is incriminating evidence being sold for profit. Those perpetrators are rewarded, encouraged, and celebrated when they should instead face justice and be condemned. • Widespread apathy, (often willful) ignorance, and misinformation about anorectal anatomy, physiology, and health are enabling people with (self-)destructive tendencies to have a field day with such violence and to effectively spread disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is contributing very significantly to societal decay. Far too many people don't wish to think about nor seriously discuss anorectal matters, so rampant anorectal violence and its consequences "fly under the radar;" people would rather focus on some other kind of erotic violence which may be far less dangerous. • Widespread ignorance of what a human anus is even supposed to look like makes it an easy target for people who like to mutilate body parts. Although the anus is one of our most important body parts, typically it is very under-valued. It commonly is denigrated and intentionally harmed, a situation that is tolerated—or at least ignored—by far too many people. As the vast majority of humanity likely never will care much at least about another person's anus, discouraging anoreceptive activities entirely is the only realistic solution. Rampant anorectal violence is caused by and in turn contributes back to societal decadence; this is called a positive feedback loop. 0ab4f8ece1932dcca5da171f3d4a1166
(678.43 KB 1225x3314 TAKE ACTION v3.png)

Erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is both rampant and one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence today: • Due to its ubiquity in pornography, several generations now have grown up masturbating to, demanding more of, and seeking to emulate violent behavior that should easily be considered severely criminal when more than one person is involved. Perpetrators of such violence against one or more others going unpunished is a major problem, as is incriminating evidence being sold for profit. Those perpetrators are rewarded, encouraged, and celebrated when they should instead face justice and be condemned. • Widespread apathy, (often willful) ignorance, and misinformation about anorectal anatomy, physiology, and health are enabling people with (self-)destructive tendencies to have a field day with such violence and to effectively spread disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is contributing very significantly to societal decay. Far too many people don't wish to think about nor seriously discuss anorectal matters, so rampant anorectal violence and its consequences "fly under the radar;" people would rather focus on some other kind of erotic violence which may be far less dangerous. • Widespread ignorance of what a human anus is even supposed to look like makes it an easy target for people who like to mutilate body parts. Although the anus is one of our most important body parts, typically it is very under-valued. It commonly is denigrated and intentionally harmed, a situation that is tolerated—or at least ignored—by far too many people. As the vast majority of humanity likely never will care much at least about another person's anus, discouraging anoreceptive activities entirely is the only realistic solution. Rampant anorectal violence is caused by, and in turn contributes back to, societal decadence; this is called a positive feedback loop.
>>14414 I like the way you just kept posting these until the BO went and cried in a corner and now your allowed to have 20 threads. Very impressive anon. Lesson learned.
>>14415 >and now your allowed to have 20 threads. What are you talking about? Each of his posts get's merged to the original thread.
>>14416 Yeah I'm being sarcastic. I mean just telling him to kys isnt working. So Now I'm trying something new. Way to blow up my spot by opening your mouth before you knew what the play was.
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(228.02 KB 1138x1192 reddit.gif)

The Reddit/painal paste has been updated, with the last paragraph being a substantial addition. The /r/pain subreddit was banned due to being unmoderated; the others still remain. >Reddit /r/painal Other subreddits which obviously violate Reddit's policy* regarding violent content yet strangely still [as of 2022/03/27] persist despite that: /r/Roughanal /r/DegradingHoles /r/analfisting * "Do not post content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual (including oneself) or a group of people" https://web.archive(Please use archive.today)/web/20220307012549/https://www.reddithelp(Please use archive.today)/hc/en-us/articles/360043513151 (Notable addition made in September of 2021: "Note that health misinformation, namely falsifiable health information that encourages or poses a significant risk of physical harm to the reader, also violates the Rule.") The subreddits mentioned above—among others—encourage, glorify, and possibly even incite some violent erotic behaviors that should easily be considered severely criminal everywhere (at the very least for potentially lethal outcomes/sequelae). Should not people involved with Reddit at high levels be held accountable for this and more, perhaps by any means necessary (especially when these obviously-policy-violating subreddits have existed and been pointed out as such at least by myself FOR MANY YEARS)?
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>the BO refraining from merging my new thread into the bumplocked old one with the disinformation (s)he added to the OP was only transitory I'm not sure whether I should be pleased or displeased about that. In any case: onwards. Fucking address these issues already, people. Will I have to do this for another 15+ years?! (I probably won't be. Chances are I'll decide to throw my life away long before 15 years from now. If people don't fancy the thought of mass slaughter—or at least an attempt at it—in the name of justice, then get out there and do something effective and non-violent.)
(727.43 KB 1225x3314 TAKE ACTION v3.gif)

Erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is both prevalent and one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence today: • Due to its ubiquity in pornography, several generations now have grown up masturbating to, demanding more of, and seeking to emulate violent behavior that should easily be considered severely criminal when more than one person is involved. Perpetrators of such violence against one or more others going unpunished is a major problem, as is incriminating evidence being sold for profit. Those perpetrators are rewarded, encouraged, and celebrated when they should instead face justice and be condemned. • Widespread apathy, (often willful) ignorance, and misinformation about anorectal anatomy, physiology, and health are enabling people with (self-)destructive tendencies to have a field day with such violence and to effectively spread disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is contributing very significantly to societal decay. Far too many people don't wish to think about nor seriously discuss anorectal matters, so rampant anorectal violence and its consequences "fly under the radar;" people would rather focus on some other kind of erotic violence which may be far less dangerous. • Widespread ignorance of what a human anus is even supposed to look like makes it an easy target for people who like to mutilate body parts. Although the anus is one of our most important body parts, typically it is very under-valued. It commonly is denigrated and intentionally harmed, a situation that is tolerated—or at least ignored—by far too many people. As the vast majority of humanity likely never will care much at least about another person's anus, discouraging anoreceptive activities entirely is the only realistic solution. Rampant anorectal violence is caused by and in turn contributes back to societal decadence; this is called a positive feedback loop.
(678.43 KB 1225x3314 TAKE ACTION v3.png)

Erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is both far too common and one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence today: • Due to its ubiquity in pornography, several generations now have grown up masturbating to, demanding more of, and seeking to emulate violent behavior that should easily be considered severely criminal when more than one person is involved. Perpetrators of such violence against one or more others going unpunished is a major problem, as is incriminating evidence being sold for profit. Those perpetrators are rewarded, encouraged, and celebrated when they should instead face justice and be condemned. • Widespread apathy, (often willful) ignorance, and misinformation about anorectal anatomy, physiology, and health are enabling people with (self-)destructive tendencies to have a field day with such violence and to effectively spread disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is contributing very significantly to societal decay. Far too many people don't wish to think about nor seriously discuss anorectal matters, so rampant anorectal violence and its consequences "fly under the radar;" people would rather focus on some other kind of erotic violence which may be far less dangerous. • Widespread ignorance of what a human anus is even supposed to look like makes it an easy target for people who like to mutilate body parts. Although the anus is one of our most important body parts, typically it is very under-valued. It commonly is denigrated and intentionally harmed, a situation that is tolerated—or at least ignored—by far too many people. As the vast majority of humanity likely never will care much at least about another person's anus, discouraging anoreceptive activities entirely is the only realistic solution. Rampant anorectal violence is caused by and in turn contributes back to societal decadence; this is called a positive feedback loop.
(727.43 KB 1225x3314 TAKE ACTION v3.gif)

Erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is both very common and one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence today: • Due to its ubiquity in pornography, several generations now have grown up masturbating to, demanding more of, and seeking to emulate violent behavior that should easily be considered severely criminal when more than one person is involved. Perpetrators of such violence against one or more others going unpunished is a major problem, as is incriminating evidence being sold for profit. Those perpetrators are rewarded, encouraged, and celebrated when they should instead face justice and be condemned. • Widespread apathy, (often willful) ignorance, and misinformation about anorectal anatomy, physiology, and health are enabling people with (self-)destructive tendencies to have a field day with such violence and to effectively spread disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is contributing very significantly to societal decay. Far too many people don't wish to think about nor seriously discuss anorectal matters, so rampant anorectal violence and its consequences "fly under the radar;" people would rather focus on some other kind of erotic violence which may be far less dangerous. • Widespread ignorance of what a human anus is even supposed to look like makes it an easy target for people who like to mutilate body parts. Although the anus is one of our most important body parts, typically it is very under-valued. It commonly is denigrated and intentionally harmed, a situation that is tolerated—or at least ignored—by far too many people. As the vast majority of humanity likely never will care much at least about another person's anus, discouraging anoreceptive activities entirely is the only realistic solution. Rampant anorectal violence is caused by and in turn contributes back to societal decadence; this is called a positive feedback loop.
>>12075 >biden & harris corruption.pdf >hit list Some of those people should be together in one place tomorrow, including Becerra. It'd be a good time for a "globohomo" house cleaning. Just sayin'. "Former President Barack Obama will return to the White House on Tuesday for the first time since he left office to promote the Affordable Care Act in an event alongside President Joe Biden, a White House official said." "The celebration of the 2010 health care overhaul will be their first joint appearance since they attended events commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks at Ground Zero in New York last fall, the official said." "Vice President Kamala Harris will join them in delivering remarks about the expansion of health care benefits under the law, as well as Biden’s efforts to further reduce health care costs and expand access to care, the official added." "Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra and other members of the Cabinet, which includes a number of people who served in the Obama administration, are also expected to attend." https://archive.today/Ap9Hj Yahoo! News: Obama to return to White House to celebrate health care reform (2022/04/03) https://archive.today/6aYnc The Blaze: Internet reactions to photos of Obama's supposed 'scaled back' birthday bash boasting massive tents for celebrities: 'Do you feel like a peasant yet?' (2021/08/07)
>nothing ever happens, and nobody fucking does anything year after year Sigh.
(720.44 KB 1225x3291 TAKE ACTION v7.gif)

Blatantly injurious erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is rampant worldwide, facilitated by widespread (willful) ignorance, apathy, and misinformation. It is impossible for resultant anorectal injuries and serious/chronic/permanent health consequences to be uncommon due to anorectal fragility relating to anatomy and neuromuscular physiology [References: Anorectal Risks 1-3]. That is why perpetration of such violence against one or more others should be considered severely criminal behavior. Pornography featuring that violence can have numerous effects on some viewers: inspiring them to emulate what they see, even using coercion; conditioning them to be aroused by suffering; and contributing to development of related mental pathology: sexual sadism disorder, sexual masochism disorder, and perhaps even psychopathy for younger individuals [References: Trends & Associations]. People with those inclinations are having a field day with such violence and spreading disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is promoting societal decadence.
$ unzip -l "TAKE ACTION v7.gif" Archive: TAKE ACTION v7.gif warning [TAKE ACTION v7.gif]: 650240 extra bytes at beginning or within zipfile (attempting to process anyway) Length Date Time Name --------- ---------- ----- ---- 249917 1980-01-01 00:00 TAKE ACTION v7+refs.txt --------- ------- 249917 1 file $ dd bs=512 skip="$((650240/512))" if="TAKE ACTION v7.gif" of="TAKE ACTION v7+refs.zip"
>>14951 > 1980 I try to scrub the metadata from files that I wish to distribute anonymously.
(727.43 KB 1225x3314 TAKE ACTION v3.gif)

Blatantly injurious erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is rampant worldwide, facilitated by widespread (willful) ignorance, apathy, and misinformation. It is le impossible for resultant anorectal injuries and serious/chronic/permanent health consequences to be uncommon due to anorectal fragility relating to anatomy and neuromuscular physiology [References: Anorectal Risks 1-3]. That is why perpetration of such violence against one or more others should be considered severely criminal behavior. Pornography featuring that violence can have numerous effects on some viewers: inspiring them to emulate what they see, even using coercion; conditioning them to be aroused by suffering; and contributing to development of related mental pathology: sexual sadism disorder, sexual masochism disorder, and perhaps even psychopathy for younger individuals [References: Trends & Associations]. People with those inclinations are having a field day with such violence and spreading disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is promoting societal decadence. This is happening because the vast majority of humanity likely never will place a high value upon the good health of at least someone else's anus; too many people do not wish to think seriously about anorectal matters despite the fact that the anus is one of our most important body parts. Erotic anoreceptive activities therefore must be universally discouraged, and perpetrators of anorectal violence against another person—at least and especially ones who inspire countless others—must face justice by any means necessary. Criminal justice has not been served in far too many cases, and it may be out of governments' hands after too much time has passed. People worldwide who are or were in a government position with jurisdiction to uphold that justice yet failed must be held accountable as well.
Yeah, I know, I should have posted the "decadence" paste instead of duplicating one already included in the image. I'm getting tired of doing this, so I'll stop doing so at least here for now. I can only hope the BO learned something from all of this (I doubt that very much though).
(613.71 KB 1225x2693 TAKE ACTION v5.gif)

As of 2022/04/20 relevant English Wikipedia articles for many years have had utterly inexcusable flaws. Among them: • The "human anus" article depicts a human female's anus and perineum that probably were damaged by some kind of major trauma. Biological human females normally lack an evident midline perineal raphe, or seamlike union/ridge, in the anogenital region; as the bulbospongiosus muscle is separated in them, embryologically it does not promote formation of an obvious, raised seam as it may in biological males [References: Anatomy & Trauma]. Furthermore, the "perineal raphe" article suggests otherwise involving fusion of urogenital folds, which normally doesn't occur in biological females[1]. • The "simple columnar epithelium" article explains neither its fragility nor (at least in the anorectal region) absence of somatic innervation. The "anal sex" article ... • lacks neutrality; it gives the impression that opposition is limited to irrational religious positions by omitting any _scientific_ opposing perspective, e.g.: The human anorectum is very unsuited for many common receptive activities due to the region's anatomy and physiology. The single short-term benefit, _potential_ pleasure, is greatly outweighed by the many short- and long-term health risks to a receptive person. • fails to mention the normalization of injurious anorectal violence in pornography featuring real people. • does not disambiguate "hemorrhoid(s)," which can refer to pathology or normal anatomy. Anoreceptive activity can both cause hemorrhoidal disease and worsen an existing case. • contains a logically-fallacious appeal to nature: "natural" is not necessarily good or desirable. For far too long those have been contributing to rampant anorectal violence along with misinformation facilitating it, and call into question both the factuality and the impartiality of everything on the site. 1. Clinical Anatomy. 2013 Jan; 26(1): 134-52. doi:10.1002/ca.22177. (PMID 23169570)
(671.45 KB 1225x3291 TAKE ACTION v7.png)

Blatantly injurious erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is rampant worldwide, facilitated by widespread (willful) ignorance, apathy, and misinformation. It is impossible for resultant anorectal injuries and serious/chronic/permanent health consequences to be uncommon due to anorectal fragility relating to anatomy & neuromuscular physiology [References: Anorectal Risks 1-3]. That is why perpetration of such violence against one or more others should be considered severely criminal behavior. Pornography featuring that violence can have numerous effects on some viewers: inspiring them to emulate what they see, even using coercion; conditioning them to be aroused by suffering; and contributing to development of related mental pathology: sexual sadism disorder, sexual masochism disorder, and perhaps even psychopathy for younger individuals [References: Trends & Associations]. People with those inclinations are having a field day with such violence and spreading disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is promoting societal decadence. This is happening because the vast majority of humanity likely never will place a high value upon the good health of at least someone else's anus; too many people do not wish to think seriously about anorectal matters despite the fact that the anus is one of our most important body parts. Erotic anoreceptive activities therefore must be universally discouraged, and perpetrators of anorectal violence against another person—at least and especially ones who inspire countless others—must face justice by any means necessary. Criminal justice has not been served in far too many cases, and it may be out of governments' hands after too much time has passed. People worldwide who are or were in a government position with jurisdiction to uphold that justice yet failed must be held accountable as well.
(727.44 KB 1225x3314 TAKE ACTION v3.gif)

Erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is both rampant and one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence today: • Due to its ubiquity in pornography, several generations now have grown up masturbating to, demanding more of, and seeking to emulate violent behavior that should easily be considered severely criminal when more than one person is involved. Perpetrators of such violence against one or more others going unpunished is a major problem, as is incriminating evidence being sold for profit. Those perpetrators are rewarded, encouraged, and celebrated when they should instead face justice and be condemned. • Widespread apathy, (often willful) ignorance, and misinformation about anorectal anatomy, physiology, and health are enabling people with (self-)destructive tendencies to have a field day with such violence and to effectively spread disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is contributing very significantly to societal decay. Far too many people don't wish to think about nor seriously discuss anorectal matters, so rampant anorectal violence and its consequences "fly under the radar;" people would rather focus on some other kind of erotic violence which may be far less dangerous. • Widespread ignorance of what a human anus is even supposed to look like makes it an easy target for people who like to mutilate body parts. Although the anus is one of our most important body parts, typically it is very under-valued. It commonly is denigrated and intentionally harmed, a situation that is tolerated—or at least ignored—by far too many people. As the vast majority of humanity likely never will care much at least about another person's anus, discouraging anoreceptive activities entirely is the only realistic solution. Rampant anorectal violence is caused by & in turn contributes back to societal decadence; this is called a positive feedback loop.
(678.44 KB 1225x3314 TAKE ACTION v3.png)

Erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is both rampant and one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence today: • Due to its ubiquity in pornography, several generations now have grown up masturbating to, demanding more of, and seeking to emulate violent behavior that should easily be considered severely criminal when more than one person is involved. Perpetrators of such violence against one or more others going unpunished is a major problem, as is incriminating evidence being sold for profit. Those perpetrators are rewarded, encouraged, and celebrated when they should instead face justice and be condemned. • Widespread apathy, (often willful) ignorance, and misinformation about anorectal anatomy, physiology, and health are enabling people with (self-)destructive tendencies to have a field day with such violence and to effectively spread disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is contributing very significantly to societal decay. Far too many people don't wish to think about nor seriously discuss anorectal matters, so rampant anorectal violence and its consequences "fly under the radar;" people would rather focus on some other kind of erotic violence which may be far less dangerous. • Widespread ignorance of what a human anus is even supposed to look like makes it an easy target for people who like to mutilate body parts. Although the anus is one of our most important body parts, typically it is very under-valued. It commonly is denigrated and intentionally harmed, a situation that is tolerated—or at least ignored—by far too many people. As the vast majority of humanity likely never will care much at least about another person's anus, discouraging anoreceptive activities entirely is the only realistic solution. Rampant anorectal violence is caused by—and in turn contributes back to—societal decadence: this is called a positive feedback loop.
(678.50 KB 1225x3337 TAKE ACTION v6.png)

Blatantly injurious erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is rampant worldwide, facilitated by widespread (willful) ignorance, apathy, and misinformation. It is impossible for resultant anorectal injuries and serious/chronic/permanent health consequences to be uncommon due to anorectal fragility relating to anatomy and neuromuscular physiology [References: Anorectal Risks 1-3]. That is why perpetration of such violence against one or more others should be considered severely criminal behavior. Pornography featuring that violence can have numerous effects on some viewers: inspiring them to emulate what they see, even using coercion; conditioning them to be aroused by suffering; and contributing to development of related mental pathology: sexual sadism disorder, sexual masochism disorder, and perhaps even psychopathy for younger individuals [References: Trends & Associations]. People with those inclinations are having a field day with such violence and spreading disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is promoting societal decadence. This is happening because the vast majority of humanity likely never will place a high value upon the good health of at least someone else's anus; too many people do not wish to think seriously about anorectal matters despite the fact that the anus is one of our most important body parts. Erotic anoreceptive activities therefore must be universally discouraged, and perpetrators of anorectal violence against another person—at least and especially ones who inspire countless others—must face justice by _any_ means necessary. Criminal justice has not been served in far too many cases, and it may be out of governments' hands after too much time has passed. People worldwide who are or were in a government position with jurisdiction to uphold that justice yet failed must be held accountable as well.
(678.50 KB 1225x3337 TAKE ACTION v6.png)

Pornography industries worldwide have normalized violent crime that has inspired generations. Blatantly injurious erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is rampant in pornography and far too common outside of it as well, facilitated by widespread (willful) ignorance, apathy, and misinformation. It is impossible for resultant anorectal injuries and serious/chronic/permanent health consequences to be uncommon due to anorectal fragility relating to anatomy and neuromuscular physiology [References: Anorectal Risks 1-3]. Violent pornography can have numerous effects on a substantial proportion of viewers. Those include inspiring them to emulate what they see, even using coercion; conditioning them to be aroused by suffering; and promoting development of related (self-)destructive mental pathologies including sexual sadism and sexual masochism disorders [References: Trends & Associations]. People with such inclinations are having a field day spreading disinformation and engaging particularly in anorectal violence, unrestrained hedonism contributing greatly to societal decadence. This is occurring because the vast majority of humanity likely never will highly value the good health of another person's anus at least; far too many people do not wish to think seriously about anorectal matters despite the anus being one of our most important body parts. Erotic anoreceptive activities should therefore be universally discouraged. Furthermore, perpetrators of anorectal violence against another person—especially those who inspire countless others—must face justice by any means necessary. Justice has not been served in far too many cases, and may be out of governments' hands after too much time has passed; people worldwide who were/are in a government position with jurisdiction to uphold it yet failed (e.g. past & present California politicians) also must be held accountable.
(678.50 KB 1225x3337 TAKE ACTION v6.png)

Pornography industries worldwide have normalized violent crime that has inspired generations. Blatantly injurious erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is rampant in pornography and far too common outside of it as well, facilitated by widespread (willful) ignorance, apathy, and misinformation. It is impossible for resultant anorectal injuries and serious/chronic/permanent health consequences to be uncommon due to anorectal fragility relating to anatomy and neuromuscular physiology [References: Anorectal Risks 1-3]. Violent pornography can have numerous effects on a substantial proportion of viewers. Those include inspiring them to emulate what they see, even using coercion; conditioning them to be aroused by suffering; and promoting development of related (self-)destructive mental pathologies including sexual sadism and sexual masochism disorders [References: Trends & Associations]. People with such inclinations are having a field day spreading disinformation and engaging particularly in anorectal violence: unrestrained hedonism contributing greatly to societal decadence. This is occurring because the vast majority of humanity likely never will highly value the good health of another person's anus at least; far too many people do not wish to think seriously about anorectal matters despite the anus being one of our most important body parts. Erotic anoreceptive activities should therefore be universally discouraged. Furthermore, perpetrators of anorectal violence against another person—especially those who inspire countless others—must face justice by any means necessary. Justice has not been served in far too many cases, and may be out of governments' hands after too much time has passed; people worldwide who were/are in a government position with jurisdiction to uphold it yet failed (e.g. past & present California politicians) also must be held accountable.
They should make more teen girl anal gangbang pornos.
You keep making them, and I'll keep merging them.
(682.48 KB 1234x3337 TAKE ACTION v3.png)

Erotic anorectal violence—anoreceptive activity involving a combination of rapid thrusting, considerable girth, and a prolonged duration—is both rampant and one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence today: • Due to its ubiquity in pornography, several generations now have grown up masturbating to, demanding more of, and seeking to emulate violent behavior that should easily be considered severely criminal when more than one person is involved. Perpetrators of this violence against one or more others going unpunished is a major problem, as is incriminating evidence being sold for profit. Those perpetrators are rewarded, encouraged, and celebrated when they should instead face justice and be condemned. • Widespread apathy, (often willful) ignorance, and misinformation about anorectal anatomy, physiology, and health are enabling people with (self-)destructive tendencies to have a field day with such violence and to effectively spread disinformation. That unrestrained hedonism is contributing greatly to societal decay. Far too many people neither wish to think about nor seriously discuss anorectal matters, so rampant anorectal violence and its consequences "fly under the radar;" people would much rather focus on some other (in many cases far less dangerous) kind of erotic abuse. • Widespread ignorance of what a human anus is even supposed to look like makes it an easy target for those who like to mutilate body parts. Although the anus is one of our most important body parts, typically it is very under-valued. It commonly is denigrated and intentionally harmed, a situation that is tolerated—or at least ignored—by far too many people. As the vast majority of humanity likely never will care much at least about another person's anus, discouraging anoreceptive activities entirely is the only realistic solution. Rampant anorectal violence is caused by—and in turn contributes back to—societal decadence; this is called a positive feedback loop.
(429.69 KB 1225x2210 JUSTICE REQUIRES ACTION.gif)

(276.48 KB 1313x1520 criminal justice.gif)

(228.02 KB 1138x1192 reddit.gif)

(1.89 MB 1390x6442 reddit bullshit & omission.gif)

>Reddit /r/painal Other subreddits which obviously violate Reddit's policy* regarding violent content yet strangely still [as of 2022/09/15] persist nonetheless: /r/Roughanal /r/DegradingHoles /r/analfisting * "Do not post content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual (including oneself) or a group of people" https://web.archive(Please use archive.today)/web/20220915045927/https://www.reddithelp(Please use archive.today)/hc/en-us/articles/360043513151 (Notable addition made in September of 2021: "Note that health misinformation, namely falsifiable health information that encourages or poses a significant risk of physical harm to the reader, also violates the Rule.") For far too many years now the subreddits mentioned above have been encouraging, glorifying, and inciting some violent behaviors—particularly anorectal violence—that should easily constitute severely criminal behavior when more than one person is involved (at the very least for potentially-lethal outcomes/sequelae). People at high levels of Reddit must be held accountable: not only for failing to uphold their own site's policies, but also for enabling the spread of violent crime along with dangerously false information facilitating it on subreddits such as /r/sex.
(429.69 KB 1225x2210 JUSTICE REQUIRES ACTION.gif)

(276.48 KB 1313x1520 criminal justice.gif)

(228.02 KB 1138x1192 reddit.gif)

(1.89 MB 1390x6442 reddit bullshit & omission.gif)

>Reddit /r/painal Other subreddits which obviously violate Reddit's policy* regarding violent content yet strangely still [as of 2022/09/15] persist nonetheless: /r/Roughanal /r/DegradingHoles /r/analfisting * "Do not post content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual (including oneself) or a group of people" hxxps://web.archive(Please use archive.today)/web/20220915045927/hxxps://www.reddithelp(Please use archive.today)/hc/en-us/articles/360043513151 (Notable addition made in September of 2021: "Note that health misinformation, namely falsifiable health information that encourages or poses a significant risk of physical harm to the reader, also violates the Rule.") For far too many years now the subreddits mentioned above have been encouraging, glorifying, and inciting some violent behaviors—particularly anorectal violence—that should easily constitute severely criminal behavior when more than one person is involved (at the very least for potentially-lethal outcomes/sequelae). People at high levels of Reddit must be held accountable: not only for failing to uphold their own site's policies, but also for enabling the spread of violent crime along with dangerously false information facilitating it on subreddits such as /r/sex.
(678.50 KB 1225x3337 TAKE ACTION v6.png)

When will justice be served?
(682.48 KB 1234x3337 TAKE ACTION v3.png)

The owner of this /pol/ board spreads disinformation and engages in censorship. To anyone else reading this, I strongly recommend going elsewhere.
>>16797 Source for the pic? And where do you suggest we go?
>>16798 The fags been spamming the same general image as a new thread for over a year, and doesn't like the fact that I made fun of him, once.
(678.51 KB 1232x3337 TAKE ACTION v6.png)

Generations of people have been, and continue to be, inspired by pervasive violence: namely anorectal violence. Many perpetrators of this violence against one or more others especially in public pornography have not faced severe criminal punishment despite both 1) the high likelihood of anorectal injury to a receptive person due to anorectal fragility, and 2) the significance and potential severity (even lethality) of resultant traumatic consequences. What should easily be considered incriminating evidence worldwide not only proliferates unchecked, but also serves as an example to be copied in far too many cases. This situation is both one of the greatest injustices and one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence in the modern era. Facilitating factors include prevalent (willful) ignorance, apathy, and misinformation about anorectal topics, which are enabling people with (self-)destructive tendencies to have a field day with anorectal violence and to spread disinformation quite effectively.
(570.73 KB 1225x2693 TAKE ACTION v5.png)

As of 2022/11/19 relevant English Wikipedia articles for many years have had major, inexcusable flaws. Among them: • The "human anus" and the "perineal raphe" articles both depict a female's anus and perineum probably damaged by some kind of major trauma. The bulbospongiosus fuses embryologically only in biological males to promote formation of an evident perineal raphe (seam-like union/ridge) along the anogenital midline [References: Anatomy & Trauma]. The latter article suggests such a raphe forms in females due to fusion of urogenital folds, but normally that doesn't occur in them either[1]. • The "simple columnar epithelium" article explains neither its fragility nor (at least in the anorectal region) absence of somatic innervation. The "anal sex" article ... • lacks neutrality; it gives the impression that opposition is limited to irrational religious positions by omitting any _scientific_ opposing perspective, e.g.: The human anorectum is very unsuited for many common receptive activities due to the region's anatomy and physiology. The single short-term benefit, _potential_ pleasure, is greatly outweighed by the many short- and long-term health risks to a receptive person. • fails to mention the normalization of injurious anorectal violence in pornography featuring real people. • does not disambiguate "hemorrhoid(s)," which can refer to pathology or normal anatomy. Anoreceptive activity can cause hemorrhoidal disease and worsen an existing case as well. • contains a logically-fallacious appeal to nature. Those contribute to rampant anorectal violence along with misinformation facilitating it. Their persistence for far too long calls into question the factuality and impartiality of everything on the site. 1. "Anatomy and physiology of the clitoris, vestibular bulbs, and labia minora with a review of the female orgasm and the prevention of female sexual dysfunction." Clinical Anatomy. 2013 Jan; 26(1): 134-52. doi:10.1002/ca.22177. (PMID 23169570)
(681.49 KB 1237x3314 TAKE ACTION v3.png)

Generations of people have been and continue to be inspired by pervasive violence: namely anorectal violence. Many perpetrators of this violence against one or more others especially in public pornography have not faced severe criminal punishment despite both 1) the high likelihood of anorectal injury to a receptive person due to anorectal fragility, and 2) the significance and potential severity (even lethality) of resultant traumatic consequences. What should easily be considered incriminating evidence worldwide not only proliferates unchecked, but also serves as an example to be copied in far too many cases. This situation is both one of the greatest injustices and one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence in the modern era. Facilitating factors include prevalent (willful) ignorance, apathy, and misinformation about anorectal topics, which are enabling people with (self-)destructive tendencies to have a field day with anorectal violence and to spread disinformation quite effectively.

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