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Ruu Comic by RuuGiaRuu Baby 07/30/2023 (Sun) 03:56:28 No. 28223
I have been giving updates on U18Chan of this comic every so often when a particular website has uploads of this comic until recently. I know if I was to post all the pages of the comic here, it'll reach the bump limit, so I'll post the link to where I've been uploading them then someone can upload new pages here once they release. https://u18chan.com/board/u18chan/gore/topic/2196901#2196901
In the U18Chan thread, it left off on page 175. I believe the comic has now 6-7 new pages by now.
Garbage from King Garbage of the Garbage Dynasty!
So excited to see that lil bratty lion happily hypno sissified.
A quick bump to see if someone would give updates on the comic.
>>28335 Golden Rule of Internet Engagement: If someone needs to click a link to another page to look at what you want them to see - they won't! Dump the comic in this thread if you want people to give a shit. Expect no more effort out of anyone else than you yourself put in. Common sense. Common courtesy.
>>28373 I would, but that would mean posting 175 pages of a comic that I've already posted elsewhere.
>>28376 > that would mean posting 175 pages of a comic You mean that thing that could have already been done by now?
>>28392 Stop bitching, if you wanna read it, click the link you big baby.
>>28394 Different person. Shit dawg, I ain't clickin' that.
Why tf was it posted on the gore board?
the panda is too cute... hopefully someone has the rest thanks for dump anon
>>28392 >that thing that could have already been done by now? *Many time over
Yeah honestly I hate furries, but this right here is the exception, the panda is super cute
>>28552 Some people have guilty pleasures
What makes this a fine guilty pleasure is that the comic doesn't forget that it's pure smut. Stuff is happening with the intention of getting to diaper content, the characters are cute, and the ABDL content is good.
>caught on to kemono so now new pages are only through linking patreon to his website. lame as fuck, no wonder this new thread didn't go anywhere
>>28835 Just save the pages manually from the website, or use the snipping tool if you're paranoid.
Would someone be so kind as to check Ruu's website with their Patreon linked with it and get the pages for this comic.. please?
>>28911 Well.. not all pages but the ones from 175 onward?
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>>28914 >>28915 Thank you so much!
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Oh wow, two posts in a row on the patreon giving out to subscribers for having difficulty with his anti-piracy steps.
>>28223 u18chan link is down furries can't into technology
>>29449 Do you also have the non furry comics as well? From omocomics?
>>29503 Good the more people complain, the more he realize just how bullshit his "anti-piracy" is. HE HAS 876 PEOPLE THAT WILLING TO PAY TO SEE HIS CONTENT! why does he so paranoid of losing his fans? Didn't he know that the more he tried to hide and secure his stuff, the more people are going to pirate it. This is INTERNET once it gets posted online, its going to spread like a wildfire! Making his content hard to access just causing more people to lose interest with this bullshit. >>29517 Anybody know a website that similar to u18? Been down for days now
>>29526 He's not going back. The website does nothing but provide a more intuitive UI than patreon. You can still rip images, so idk what's the deal.
>>29524 Maybe next month
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>>29602 Page was already posted here >>29449
>>29602 This comic has gone on way too long
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>>29605 sry wrong pic
>>29619 Thank you! Appreciate you posting new pages!
>U-18 chan is down okay now someone post the full thing
>>28223 Can we have both his other comics too? The academy and the new short series too.
>>29698 They have already been posted on this board. Stellavia academy right here https://8chan.moe/abdl/res/29622.html#29622 ABDL'S Wildest Dreams 4 here https://8chan.moe/abdl/res/27930.html#27930
>>29693 Hey, U18 Chan is back up. If you wish to view the first ~130 something pages, you're able to do so now.
I believe there is already another page or 2 out on his Patreon.
Anyone at all got the new pages? It’s been over a month and we’re up to page 192
>>31099 Well boy oh boy do i have "Good" news for you and thoses in the Stella academy and wildest dream
>>32063 was any reason given?
>>32132 It's obviously money
He's changed his mind since Subscribestar was more than happy to pick up the ABDL audience and are approving people left and right. https://twitter.com/Pandaruuyo/status/1730999716849307959
>>32141 we are so back
Once again calling out into the void asking if anyone has the pages past 185 and would be willing to share them
>>32992 No I'm not willing to share them , broke. Ur poor. What will u do. Beg for it again.
>>32992 dont worry about >>33005 here you go its not 186 but 196
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>>29619 Pages 186-190
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>>34238 191-195
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>>34239 196-201 That is all for now
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Final image didn't send in the last message This is 201
Forgot to add spoilers for the images that show soiling within clothes (no visible scat). Apologies for that
Hey, anyone got an update for this comic? It's almost been 2 months now.
Hey does anyone have the non furry comics from Omocomics? There is some leaked in Kemonoparty if interested https://kemono.su/patreon/user/64300431?o=200
>>35623 2 months and still no money man?
Anyone at all able to post the new pages here or update the discord on kemono?

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