/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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Punishment Thread Baby 11/17/2021 (Wed) 19:53:35 No. 7071
If I spanked your ass would you cry? Discussion for all things diapers and discipline. Or just a dump for punishment images.
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Guess it will be posting of babs getting their bunns beat
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Or with enemas
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Or pixilation
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Or autism
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Self-spanking is also fun
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It's not spanking, but I really love this diaper punishment sequence.
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Julay had a spanking thread too so dumping these from that thread.
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>>7083 Doesn't have to just be spanking. Diaper discipline stuff is just equally as good. Especially being made to use diapers. >>7111 Think it was 90% Barkyhito since they seem to do exclusively diapers and spanking. Really wish there was more spanking art of brats being spanked for using diapers.
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>>7115 Source on first pic? Looks very similar to back to her teens and stuck in her teens.
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Have a few comics.
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Bonus for "Grace" being overthrown.
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and thats it for being spanked for wetting diapers series.
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>>7404 >>7405 Very cute.
>>7406 Name of the artist plz ?
>>7499 eingyeo
>>7513 whos this pics artist?
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>>7076 It's underrated. I like to spank myself with a ruler sometimes
What is the relationship between having this subfetish as an adult and having been diapered and spanked growing up?
>>8112 Story?
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>>8112 >What is the relationship between having this subfetish as an adult and having been diapered and spanked growing up? For me, I don't think there is any connection. I got spanked occasionally when I was little, but only when I was really misbehaving. When I go to think of being spanked as a child when I type this, I'm really sort of neutral towards it. No sexual connections or anything seem to exist. >>8440 I imagine the switch has a sharper feel to it that would be nice~
>>8112 >>8449 Most kids these days have never had to endure a spanking. Shame honestly as maybe that is all that has gone wrong in this world.
>>8476 And I suppose you'll be the change you want to see in the world, anon?
>>8479 This is why the Taliban way is good. There needs to be more beatings to get people in diapers.
>>7071 It would be extremely painful.
>>8619 You're a big baby.
I've noticed a lack of abdl punishment artwork coming out lately or am I just looking in the wrong places?
Will find more stuff on animeotk most days but yeah, even that has been lacking.
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I think we need to get a few abdl Grace approved punishments listed from mild to extreme. Obviously butt breaking is one of them and the most extreme, but what about base spankings? Too vanilla or do they need a royal theme?
>>9433 Grace often uses a spanking machine on the worst criminals, turning their butts bright red and achy for days.
>>9530 Spanked for days on the machines or spanked so hard they can't sit for days?
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Needs more spankings round here.
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Remember Putting lolis in diapers is quicker than putting them in timeout
>>10343 Why not both?
>>10344 Putting them in timeout requires constant vigilance for follow up naughty behavior. They tend to wiggle and squirm out of the position almost naturally. Not even mentioning how much of that time spent is unproductive. Putting them in a diaper is an extra layer of humiliation but allows you to continue with your day to day tasks while they have an effective reminder strapped to their butts. They may fight and complain but usually the threatened embarrassment of flipping up their skirt to show what a baby they are is enough to keep them in line.
>>10347 That is true, but as everyone knows. Good parenting requier constant vigilance, so as to ensure proper behavior. So, i say use both.
>>10359 Putting them in the corner teaches them to pout. You want to let them get on with their business.
>>10396 I commissioned the Honey-sempai pictures like 5 years ago for $50. Glad to see people still share them around.
>>10479 I strongly disagree. If they starts to pout, you just spank them afterwards so as to teach them that pouting is wrong.
>>10518 But do you spank them over the diaper or take it down?
>>10522 Both, over the diaper when the first missbehaved. Then on their bare butt once again, when it is time for their diaper to get changed.
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>>10510 A lot of the best stuff seems older.
>>18678 Redmoda hasn't posted an update in months. They teased a lot of stuff but never finished it.
>>18680 Yeah they do tend to disappear for long periods of time, I still like the art though
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>>19038 Source on that artist?
>>19041 >He doesn't know how to search pixiv
>>19052 No actually, I don't. Care to elaborate?
>>19390 Load up a random image on pixiv anon then look at the url File ID is the reference to use
>>19388 Some of these seem prime material for some board-tan edits.
>>19392 The cornertime one could definitely be made to be Lila and the standing bent over one Grace perhaps
Cute barky picture I hadn't seen before
>>19038 >Bawling >Snot >Drool >Kicking feet Damn, this perfectly captures how much of a helpless, blubbering mess little ones become when getting a spanking like few other pictures do.
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>>8639 For you
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>>19927 I actually really love bobbyvenice's horrific nightmarefuel artwork.
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>>28996 Nice. Need more RM leaks
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Artist Name ? Ty so much !

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