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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3678: BIG Flange Edition Anonymous 04/03/2022 (Sun) 12:31:59 Id: e911a8 No. 232179 >>232181 >>232182 >>232183 >>232214
fuck links
>>232179 (OP) Powerful aura.
>>232179 (OP) I hope there are tangs in heaven instead of niggers, lads.
>>232179 (OP) goodlad if a bit lazy tbh wonder why they have those massive flaps, probably an effect of runaway female selection selecting for traits not conducive to survival
>>232182 No niggers in Valhalla, just sayin’
>>232184 How were you planning to die in battle?
>>232185 daftyism There are other gods that can take you in. Freya takes half the weapon-dead to her own hall, not just Odin.
really, lads
>>232182 tbh >>232183 no news worth putting links to tbh russo-ukrainian war, prince andrew's a nonce, and jk rowling got another death threat >232187 >There are other gods filtered
>>232184 based >>232189 fair enough lad
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i want one
>imagine getting to heaven only to find it’s a multicultural “paradise” run by Jews
>>232191 It looks like it'd give you tumors on the back of your head.
>>232192 wouldn't be heaven if it was shite though
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flangelets fuck off
>>232194 >a non-shite multicultural paradise run by Jews
>bagannonces are back
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>>232197 its because the newbrit nonces have lost all their spinoff bongos so their returning here
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Strongest norse god vs weakest and oldest christian woman
>>232203 keeeeeek good dog picture tbh
>>232207 >>232208 smh sexpats are cringe
>>232208 Is he rich or something? Why would anyone be with him?
>>232211 Big non cripppled dick
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Men are at work
>>232179 (OP) good lad
>>232215 what was that loony history channel which was reading procopious?
>>232216 not familiar to me had to stop following a lot of them because they do something cringe or soy
six people dead in sacramento shooting
>>232217 Still can't get over that video Sandrhoman did recently where he took 5 minutes out to advertise ball-shaving
>>232218 some of the vids of the usa looks like ph smh
>the sultan first sent in his christian troops in a massive wave, but giustiniani's men beat them bloody, and the second wave turned back toward the ottoman lines, where the muslim troops barred their way it's just good business
and you just know "barred their way" is code for "shot at them until they turned around and resumed the attack"
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Caption video 1: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 The work of the Russian army aviation on enemy tanks in Kamenka, Izyum Front. Now Kamenka is already ours. In the video, the work of the ATGM "Whirlwind". Caption video 2: 🇺🇦❗The Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to mine fields, preventing civilians from carrying out sowing Caption video 3: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 100 tons of food from Chechnya were delivered to the residents of Mariupol from the districts of the city liberated from the Nazis Caption video 4: 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡4 drones fly over Odessa Presumably Russian Orlans. >🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡This morning, high-precision sea and air-based missiles destroyed an oil refinery and 3 fuel and lubricant storage facilities in the Odessa region, from which fuel was supplied to the APU group in the Nikolaev direction - Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Caption video 5: 🇷🇺🇺🇦❗“Don’t say that I didn’t fight, I’m on the front lines,” a Ukrainian “video blogger” with a chevron of a neo-Nazi battalion on his sleeve declares to the camera, after which a rapid denazification takes place live.
KEEEK he just comes right out and says it shortly afterwards >stationary in no mans land between the siege lines, mehmed ordered his cannons to open fire on his christian troops god I hate pisslamics
>>232224 smh >>232226 tbh irredeemable scum barring very very few exceptions
>>232218 Putting the panic in hispanic
woke at 2, better than yesterdays 4 but still, covfefe then sunday sninner soon.
when a groomee lawyer lady forces her midlife crisis on you from great distance by the power of good screen
>>232229 smh lad been doing that too lately
>>232230 great, this lad again
>>232231 enjoying the unemployment arc tbh, shame wessie is doing retard toil so much lately that he hardly posts, we could've been entering a golden age of neets posting all day on brit smh, I'm neet for the next 3 weeks too.
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>>232233 based
>>232226 tbh I dont pity mudsharts who come to the west and end up having their daughters turn into whores and sons turn into troons
>30 year old women referring to themselves as "young" and "girl"
>>232233 brit/ became mostly toil boys about 3 years ago
>>232236 it's feminism i guess
>>232240 embarrassing
I want to commit violent genocide against non-whites.
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Just want 2019 back
now 1999 that was a good year
Wish I lived in 2055 after the mass genocide of anti-whites
>>232244 2020 for me tbh >no vaxxoom >no masks >empty streets it was paradise >>232245 tbh >>232246 tbh tbh
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tfw no 1995 lego gf
>>232236 where?
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1 bag of crisps, 20 chocolate pieces, 4 pork chops, 2 ice creams. Feel bloated but I want that pizza dopamine smh
>lego ice planet >lego rock raiders
lawyer told me she was young today, despite saying she was getting old in the same conversation and previous conversations, it's literally just her mood isn't it
>>232253 ice planet was my favourite I has everything apart from the base. the modular spaceship was the best lego set of all time imo
>>232254 She's having an internal battle between her biologicall reality and globohomo lies
>>232252 lad no don't do it >>232255 tbh pvre kino
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women are fucking useless tbh they don't even have kids anymore, what's their purpose? just to use up resources? truly, john lennon had no idea how right he was when he said woman is the nigger of the world
>>232253 guess it's time to play and finish lego rock raiders
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>>232255 you're showing your age a bit, but yeah, the alpha team ice sets slightly later were god tier too. also exo force and bionicle
>>232258 >truly, john lennon had no idea how right he was when he said woman is the nigger of the world I was change the lyrics in my head to "niggers are the bitch race of the world"
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Russian Su-35 got shot down over Kharkov oblast.
>>232254 *beats you up*
I just had a box of random lego pieces and made my own shit tbh, preferred action man. Had a doctor x and a gang green but my cousin popped him
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Oops haha I accidentally put your lego boba fett in my pocket while visiting you hahah
>>232258 tbh >>232262 the ghost of kiev strikes again
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only non star wars lego I had was indiana jones and some generic police sets that people bought me, also some bionicles
>>232269 Remember when you made a lego dildo but it broke off in your bum lad?
>>232265 a miserable pile of contradictions
want to eat but i already ate two meals today smh
>>232272 dog cum isn't a meal.
>passive aggressively asks you if you dinner since they are "making theirs" when they really don't want to make you anything but will pretend otherwise anyway fine I'll just starve out of spite you selfish cow
>>232258 >just to use up resources Lad you are beginning to sound anti-capitalist !
>>232274 Look over your post before posting, retard
>>232240 you reap what you sow dumb cunt
>>232243 At least Azog prevented a few bearded nonces from entering Jannah.
>>232191 you need a huge IR illuminator
>>232276 who tf do you think you are talking shartin you vile cunt
>>232279 it didnt say they were IR ones, but the box includes IR filters for vehicle lights so you're probably right
>>232218 ay caramaba!
>>232280 luv this picture tbh
>>232277 Keek. Just found a based autist coomer spic lads twitter where he was only replying to latina onlythots with screencaps of their private stuff to piss them off at the 'theft' and sharing so other coomers wouldn't need to pay.
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>>232278 It's Rubizhne, not Mariupol. The Churgs and Cossacks are wrecking the Ukies there.
>>232285 keeeeeeeeeeek devilishly dirty lad
>>232264 very good lad, for lego ice planet was the vague mysterious cool thing that older kids and rich kids had whereas mummy got me the one lego kit of the guy with the racecar fuel truck and I just combined it with random other legos and made my own stuff. also GI joes was my favorite
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Tbh I always wanted one of those lego robots you were supposed to be able to program from your computer
>>232266 smh this one lad from my school became a drunk and part of alcoholics anonymmymous/anominus is they have to apologize for all the evils they have done in life. he came to my mummies house and apologized to me for stealing my micro machine skull base in like 1998 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>232293 >micro machine skull base kino
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>>232282 gen one NV needed external IR illuminators unless they were the xboxhueg starlight scopes used in Veetnaaam
Worst part is he knows I stole his boba fett, just like my brother knows I fucked his pikachu, just too pussy to do anything about it
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>>232291 perfection >>232292 tbh that shite looked cool but it was only for millionaires smdh >>232293 keeeeeeeeek
>>232295 always thought that hat was cool tbh
>>232297 >just like my brother knows I fucked his pikachu, Kek i forgot about that. The infamous pikachugape
>the fat norge dysgenic freak groomer poof is also a lego stealer bad things come in packages, had someone steal my lego figures too tbh
>>232294 smh he stole the cannon missile off the top because he had lost his one. >keeeeeeeeeek biker mice from mars this one rich jew kid at our school had all the cool toys and he brought his biker mice from mars toy to school and we threw it on the roof of the school because we liked street sharks and he cried keeeeeeeeeeek
>>232294 also don't ever press the red trashcan lad it blows up the skull
>>232301 i remember one time at school this fat guy who stank of piss once gave me a bunch of his slizer wheel thingies, just cool circles of plastic in various interesting colours, some trans orange then like a week later he claimed i stole them and the teacher forced me to give them back and i cried like a bitch fat people are just bad people tbh
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Germans are so autistic.
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>>232305 always have been tbh but what did they do this time? >>232307 had forgotten about those things tbh
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>>232309 always wanted one of those tbh my next door neighbour had that set >>232310 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>232306 >all single mothers
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tbh lads
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>>232306 >nigger bhola >sultana beggum >doesn't even fucking speak english
>>232313 nice cock
>>232313 good lad that was the one I had and some fag stole the spinny drill thing
>>232306 >not a single white person in the entire fucking video literally slipping into third world conditions like those vids on yt of indian charities feeding masses of people with slop and everything being used communally, I'd rather nuclear Armageddon than this.
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This was kino back in the day as well
peak lego here tbh
>>232315 never played lego racers tbh had to make do with the shitty racing minigame in lego island >>232319 >I'd rather nuclear Armageddon than this. yeah smh
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Caption video 1: Meanwhile, volunteers from Georgia burn the Russian flag in the liberated Gostomel Caption video 2: ⚡️ Bellator welterweight champion Yaroslav Amosov (26-0) has been defending Ukraine from Russian invaders with weapons in his hands for the second month. The MMA fighter returned to the liberated Irpen, where he took his championship belt. Yaroslav went down to the cellar, from where he took the Bellator title. Caption video 3: Belarusians in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to destroy Russian invaders
>>232321 smh quit lego right before this
>over month in >boomer Ukies still think they can BLM westoid the Russians >ywn never mag dump boomers trying to kill you with a .22 https://files.catbox.moe/908adn.mp4
lego is cringe
>>232304 Obese maybe, but not just fat. Fat on a person helps to neutralise toxins resulting from an industrialised environment; fat is beautiful now. People who are thin have noticeable negative effects to their mental health, especially with increased anxiety. This is due to the toxins hitting their nervous system more directly.
>232327 >(1)
fat people are cringe
(1) pointer outers are cringe
>>232315 good lad used to make the most autistic looking car
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>>232331 ITT - genuinely sympathetic bad guys
>>232328 >Fat on a person helps to neutralise toxins no, fat stores toxins, which is why if an animal is fed bad food it's the fat which will contain anti nutrients >People who are thin have noticeable negative effects to their mental health yeah, fat fucks are well known for being in control of themselves emotionally
"Cringers" who keep coming back for more, are cringe
af6c26 is cringe
Everything is cringe posters, are in fact cringe.
>>232335 No. Fat is beautiful now Sorry to have upset you
b9e7e2 is cringe
>>232313 Why does this look like the kind of vehicle the BUM BUM KING might drive around in?
>makes dinner for herself and smugly sits there eating it while I starve
>>232309 based I had that one mighty max was kino too
>>232331 didn't even know there was a hellboy 2 smh enjoyed the first one though >>232343 do a rancid brap and ruin her appetite
>>232345 wew lad I haven't thought about those in a long time I was too young to really get any of those but I remember seeing them at the store when I would run to the toy section and make mummy mad
>>232344 >that solitary innocuous bin Little did they know then how powerful he would later become …
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>>232348 Yeah. It must have been before his official design given that it isn't coloured correctly
>>232350 are recycling bins our blue tbh, what colour scheme are your bins in YOUr area!?
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>>232349 can't believe bins is fucking dead smh rip
>>232351 green with lids that signify which type of garbagerino is supposed to be in them
>>232353 >garbagerino >garbage lad . . .
>>232355 trasherino...
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Are bins are each a different colour for it's different purpose. Green for grass. Blue for recycling. Purple for normal rubbish tbh >>232356 Rubbusherino lad smh so yankified
>>232359 *hoovers your face* You really have your own bin for.. grass?
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>>232358 nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
>>232360 yeah, they're charging £40 a year for it now smh fucking council taking are compost ingredients and making us pay for it
>>232359 >purple
Translation >During the night, we were eavesdropping on the pigdogs' radiochatter. One of them said "I'd like to mow down a ukrainian cunt and fuck her while she's warm". This stirred up some excitement. After the fight, he was one of the survivors. Not for long. They're not human. It's a shame only us Ukrainians understand it. >The tweet got some shine. I'll give details soon. >They were 8, we were 6. Our entire unit heard that convo. >The fight lasted 30 seconds. Our boys quickly dispatched them and got 2 pows. One of them we recognized by voice. He said it was a joke. >Our boys said I had a moral right as a woman to kill the degenerate. They offered him to fight me and to let him go if he wins. Gave him a knife to even the odds >He agreed and died a minute later. I killed a man with a knife for the first time. It's scary. But I don't regret it
>>232364 >middle class femal tattoos *puts her in a bin and stomps the bin until there is no more screams*
>>232365 literal subhumans they are not white
>>232365 any chance we could get a bit of a break from the constant flood of depraved slavic violence lad?
>>232364 cor sexy
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Lovely bit of Ukie SPG cook off
I love him lads
>>232372 based
>>232365 probably didn't happen tbh, women love larping about this kind of thing
>>232374 keek just like battle of berkeley nazi scalp hunter cunt
normies b like warcrimes are okay when we do it
>>232365 Absolute bullshit tbh Should have ended with “and everybody clapped”
>>232376 what started the trend in the 70s?
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>unwelcome reminder just about everything is an unwelcome reminder to women of their limited useful lifespan
>>232377 next stop: getting them to admit that ethnic cleansing is okay when we do it
>>232379 likely feminism and more women entering the workforce, but don't take my word for it
>>232382 I take your word for it
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The latest Russian war crime narrative is already going to be memory hole'd with lads just laying around and Azog ordering civvie killing on cameras. Absolute retard niggers.
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>>232383 goodlad
>ukrainians just making up rollercoaster tier lies about the russians
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>a breeder's spawn is having fun outside
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DNR Tanks hitting entrenched Ukies.
>>232306 >single mother on benefits in foodbank >doesnt speak english THEN WHY THE FUCK IS SHE HERE?
Fresh armoured train.
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>ywn ride the comfy Z train
>>232380 Based ads tbh. >>232389 H'what? What even is this take?
Looks like Russia have lost the war lads, Daily Mail called it I was just too much of a chud to understand
>>232394 will us chud bros ever stop being wrong
>>232391 slavland looks alot like the shitwest tbf
theme song for russian hackers
I love grey sky and brown earth environment
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>>232399 bugbros tried to get get active last week but they all got rekt by some frozey frosts. lots of dead spiderbros who were trying to get an early start outside rn
Lions.. below I have listed my current crypto holdings. I have put these in order from my largest holdings to the lowest. VERY MANY people have asked me about this so, here you are… #1. Bitcoin #2. Ethereum #3. Bitcoin Cash #4 XRP #5 Dogecoin #6 Litecoin #7 DASH
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still waiting for someone to tell me where the money comes from
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>>232403 For me it's goat trees
Ukies have started banning westoid journalists covering the war.
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>>232406 source
>>232408 Robert Chalmers.
little fucking FAGGOTS
100% office foid phenotype
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Fresh and rare Russian naval infantry in Mariupol. Also the kino SVDS in use. https://files.catbox.moe/1qo8gk.mp4
>>232374 >>232375 >>232378 >>232369 >>232368 they think they are in a fucking movie lmao
>German food prices are expected to increase between 20% to 50% due to gas shortages and inflation
>>232414 will lidls prices here go up too?
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>>232415 Best start buying local lad, please tell you haven't been eating German food the whole time.
>JUST IN - Germany: Grocery giant #Aldi is raising prices on 400 products by up to 30% starting tomorrow and expects other discounters like Lidl, Edeka, and Rewe to follow suit.
>>232415 and aldi
>>232416 local grocers and butchers are boojie as fuck way too expensive smh I guess once the price of everything else goes up far enough they might be the better option smh >>232418 AUGH
>>232395 >>232399 >crusius is to be mocked Reminder that this board is not intended as a playground for childish jesuits or their even more retarded minions
Fresh Graham Phillips. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDcbxO8uGA4
fuck off schizo you ugly mutt
>>232418 >>232419 Pretty sure it's easy to buy local in Aldi, Lidl not so much.
>>232412 I wonder if there are any Russians who would prefer to siege the city instead of sending units into it. Siege is considered too brutal these days, so either way that won't happen.
>>232422 Cry harder heretic
>>232424 >too brutal yeah except they just went through and murdered a bunch of civvies in cold blood there's plenty worse than a siege tbh
still can't persuade my parents to get chickens, the world is crumbling around them and they simply do fuck all about it
>232426 >yeah except they just went through and murdered a bunch of civvies in cold blood
>Ruskies leave Bucha in on the 28th >3rd April "Look at all these dead civvies the Russians killed smh"
what do you lads reckon schizo looks like?
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>>232432 >can you trust a nurse whose husband sells cofins? smart lads tbh I bet most westoids would fail this one
>>232432 the state of Northern Rhodesia
my penis be growing niggers be glowing lambooboo
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>chad goat climbs mountains and trees >virgin sheep dies from fart gas building up if it falls and rolls on it's back, because it can't get up again >cuckstianity demonises the goat, tells you to be like the dumb sheep
putin ay bongolio
>>232426 Those slayings probably weren't supposed to happen though.
>232437 >braindamage: the post
>Orban won the general election despite pissing off all the other Roman Catholic Slavs in their special club over Ukraine
404: Argument not found.
>>232441 is he based again? thought he did something to make us not like him tbh
Do normal people freak out or have a vocal crisis when their life isn't going to financial expectation around their mid 30s?
404: Argument not found.
>>232443 He's a slimeball but better than most in Europe
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>no u Pathetic.
>>232443 His FM accused Ukraine of trying in interfere with the election, and he refuses the pick a side which obviously is the wrong side for EU/NATO.
404:Argument still not found
Oh wait, I forgot autismos have trouble with non-literal statements- sorry for bullying your disability lad
Oh, it's just schizo schizoooming incoherently.
>>232152 (231370) keeeke, i hope this is real. my favourite arc
stop calling everyone schizo tbh it devalues it when the actual schizo turns up
>posts anti-Christian nonce-sense >claims others are schizbot
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No, you are a worse schizo than the poster known as schizo, Shigella Anus. I made an observation that goats while similar looking, are much more impressive animals than sheep, and noted that goats are these days associated with the demonic, yet this was not always so. You proceed to suggest brain damage, yet you give no argument against the observation. And now begins the tedious "you're a nonce because I just made it up" tactic. Yawn. I'd rather discuss what it is about "femboys" that makes you sexually excited?
>>232453 But he has actual schizophrenia, unlike schizolad, who is a good lad just venting weirdly now and then.
You insulted Christ and Christianity. Clearly, people can scroll up and see your post you fool. You used the term "cuckstianity" and said it teaches us to be sheep (which is incorrect). Now you call me SA in the midst of your blatant lies and poofery.
>pro-schizo YIKES!
Bored might post a dead ukie super cut.
>disability bennies review >masses of paperwork >only this time I don't have a councilmummy to do it for me AUGH lads they're going to stop my bennies and I also just found out the disabled retard allowance is actually a significant part of my income and current expenses already take up almost the whole lot
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>disability benis
>>232460 Guess you won't be able to stay fat anymore
>>232463 will go straight from obese underclass retard to holocoaster enjoyer smh it's that severe
>muh tone policing is his only 'argument' Lighten up, my melanin enriched Saved TM friend.
>Literal retard tier responses Can 84f672 be anymore cringe.
>>232460 yikes, just write nigger on the papers and wipe your bum on them tbh
have to say i miss my bennies after finding toil
Greetings, m'lads. In the gym tomorrow. Did my full routine last time and going to do it again tomorrow on light-ish weights still. Have to resist the urge to start increasing the weight just now. Also, I've entered battle with that half cast lad my cousin is going out with. Told him to split up with her because it's disgusting keek. Night, m'lads x
>>232469 Doing light weights etc. because I've been out with an injury for months smh x
>>232469 good lad nini
>>232469 Good lad. Hoping my cousin just likes the nigger music because it's trendy.
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>Ukies still using ARMA 3
>>232474 seems legit
Is dungeon synth just new runescape music
>>232476 Did I say something wrong? It's not like runescape music!
>The US Navy scraping the whole Freedom class of ships less than 10 years old with the newest in class being less then 24 months old >The US Navy also are scrapping a bunch of US Marine ships including their command and control ships
>>232427 iktf, quails is better for urbanoidics tbf you can literally quail farm in a garage and it will be less obvious to hungry folks
I sense 41%ers do the off, please
>>232218 Different angle, longer. Also found something on one of those killed, it's something that makes the situation lighter. https://youtube.com/channel/UC6po_7oglQ_t1oUboY-KoIw https://www.facebook.com/IndigenousAmerican/
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>>232484 Who is net credit?
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>>232487 reddittastic
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what a couple of britnats could do to her
>>232489 It's a potato with a nigger nose
>>232490 More for me
>>232487 >Spanish >baganism smh
Bagans are just atheists that got fed up of being called 'neckbeards'. Such a cope.
>shakespeare kino on bbc 4 >all wog cast
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Russians are hitting Odessa and Nikolaev atm.
>>232495 how can they see what they are aiming at at night
>>232496 There are this things called drones and they have IR and thermal optics that can see in the dark.
Grendel Greta looks like a troll from Scandinavian legends.
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le indiscriminate bombings of civillians face
>papers now describing the west as "the allies" like its ww2
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>>232501 >people talking about joining the EU because of what happened in Ukraine yeah that makes sense
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>>232502 Lad what if Russia invades us we need the EU to protect us from that
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>Chechen special forces in Ukraine
>>232505 what's with those huge box mags
Do the Russians have any Chechen forces that aren't special?
>>232501 As opposed to the "Axis" Tbh according to rimworld theory, Russia China and India are a centre, i.e. an axis. Light thickens
>>232505 The Cheches are in Ukraine?
>>232507 Maybe the ones not wearing red berets in the video
>>232506 are you just pretending to be a brainlet >>232509 have you been asleep the last month
>>232506 Chain fed weapons to optimise suppressing fire
Press C to congrats Orban for his victory today.
>>232511 lads acting like mongs tonight
>>232511 oh I thought it was still February when that video was already posted here.
>argies still fucking seething on the 40th anniversary KEEEEEEEEEEK cry more you fucking chugs, the bbc even had some spic correspondent make a mini doc where its just argies saying the islands are there, our political class are traitors but luckily there is oil there so we can count on their greed to never give the islands up >>232513 A TOAST, TO ORBAN
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>>232517 unironically not looking good for putler wtf is this accurate
>>232518 they withdrew from north of Kiev to focus on the southeast. they are encircling the bulk of Ukrainian forces in the east and will liquify them. once that is complete, the eastern/southern half of the Ukraine should fall quickly it may not look impressive in terms of map-painting and they may not have captured many cities, but what we aren't seeing is how much of the Ukrainian military is being destroyed. that is their priority, and a more sound strategy than diving headfirst into the attrition meatgrinder of capturing cities where they have cheap rocket launchers pointing out of every window
>>232518 Zelensky is fucked.
Zelensky holds all the bananas
He's a Jew with no money.
redditers are going mental over PUTING DICK SUCKING AUTHORITARIAN ORBLER winning the election lmfao https://old.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/tvk1h2/hungarys_authoritarian_leader_viktor_orban/
>oh for peeps sake
>>232519 Also the Ukies lost all the fuel and lube for both the Odessa/Nikolaev and Donbass counter offensives.
>>232437 Think you might have stumbled across something important here lad… Lords is my shepherd… lamb of god… all this herd like symbolism Cuckstianity is literally the religion for the sheeple
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Russians retreating, They will go out with a whimper and declare they won. Thanos(Putler) underestimated the Captain Ukraine(Zelensky) once again.
lot of filtering tonight
>>232522 nah Kolomoisky's gonna hook him up with a big mansion in Israel for his dedication to Jewry
had a look on /pol/ these people are psyoped beyond belief tbh, unhinged, its 90% pro ukraine shite, like a reddit thread.
https://twitter.com/FirstSquawk/status/1510659056943321091?s=20&t=25EkGGP9Ga19tOQpAu6m9A I have reason to believe this will finally set the milk price free. Germany raising prices across the board by 20-50%. Expect to see extreme milk volatility / loss leadership status being abandoned unequivocally. Reminder that Milk's "loss leader" status is as influential as the US Dollar "reserve" status. They simply cannot kick the can down the road any further on the milk scam that has persisted since we went off the milk standard in 1994.
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>New subplot: Russians claims Ukrainians are framing them for executed civilians in the Bucha suburb of Kiev. A pro-Russian analyst says he has proof the Ukrainian army did the killings! ⚡️🇷🇺Russian Defence Ministry denies accusations of Kiev regime of allegedly killing civilians in Bucha, Kiev Region   ❗️All the photos and videos published by the Kiev regime allegedly testifying to some "crimes" committed by Russian servicemen in Bucha, Kiev region are just another provocation. ▫️During the time that the town has been under the control of the Russian armed forces, not a single local resident has suffered from any violent action. Russian servicemen have delivered and distributed 452 tonnes of humanitarian aid to civilians in Kiev Region. ▫️For as long as the town was under the control of the Russian armed forces and even then, up to now, locals in Bucha were moving freely around the town and using cellular phones. ❗️The exits from Bucha were not blocked. All local residents were free to leave the town in northern direction, including to the Republic of Belarus. At the same time, the southern outskirts of the city, including residential areas, were shelled round the clock by Ukrainian troops with large-calibre artillery, tanks and multiple launch rocket systems. ❗️We would like to emphasise that all Russian units withdrew completely from Bucha as early as March 30, the day after the Russia-Ukraine face-to-face round of talks in Turkey. ▫️Moreover, on March 31, the mayor of Bucha, Anatoliy Fedoruk, confirmed in a video message that there were no Russian servicemen in the town, but he did not even mention any locals shot in the streets with their hands tied. ▫️It is not surprising, therefore, that all the so-called "evidence of crimes" in Bucha did not emerge until the fourth day, when the Security Service of Ukraine and representatives of Ukrainian media arrived in the town. ▫️It is of particular worry that all the bodies of the people whose images have been published by the Kiev regime are not stiffened after at least four days, have no typical cadaver stains, and the wounds contain unconsumed blood. ❗️All this confirms conclusively that the photos and video footage from Bucha are another production by the Kiev regime for the Western media, as was the case in Mariupol with the maternity hospital, as well as in other cities. #MoD #Russia #Ukraine @mod_russia_en
>>232533 KC is the same. pretty demoralizing how imageboards are supposed to be the cutting edge, and yet so many of these people believe the same retarded shit as any NPC. not surprising when it's Eastern Europeans with a stick up their ass about Russia, but when it's Germans and Brits and such, it's a bit depressing
>232534 is this lad a schizo or what, FUCK OFF
>>232538 imageboards today are just reddit without the account creation
>>232532 He owned the largest oil refineries in the Ukraine, they ceased to exist about 48 hours. The ones needed for the Ukraine to counter attack.
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>>232539 Just seems like your average milk expert to me
>>232541 >>232538 seems imageboard are not immune to tranny janny syndrome, you get banned just like you do on most places tbh, we need a freechan type site where real dissident shite voices can regroup and steer imageboard culture away from the new crop of retarded zoomers and soycucks from reddit
Yeah, gas is needed for the dairy industry. It was in the last thread.
>>232545 the KC mods are pro-Russia, it's just the userbase that is majority Zelenskyite, and that's due in part to there being so many Eastern Europeans, particularly Poles
Poles seem to be going for title of most world wars started.
they even made an accouncement recently that they want to crack down on the pro-west npc shit to preserve the board a place for free expression for non-standard ideas. people were chimping out saying they got crypto donation from Russia and blah blah blah
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A basic informative graph for anybody unaware of the milk suppression regime.
>>232548 yeah at least Serbs have been cool in recent years. Polish butthurt is an existential threat to world peace
>>232543 Found any new work or are you just gooming on the laptop?
>>232547 they should all be banned
Just want to deport all the pole slags back to warsaw with their little niglets.
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10679993/Ethnic-minority-pupils-happier-bullied-white-teens-Government-report-claims.html >ETHNIC minority pupils are ‘happier and bullied less than white teens’, Government report claims
>>232555 Because there's more of them than us in city schools.
>>232555 This country is so fucking sick. I've had enough of it.
>>232552 no just gooming until my neck problem is gone idk if it will go away think my rotator cuff is fucked as well from boomer toiling and good screen slouch combo. still waiting for the gym toil mummy boss to reply to smee. they literally wanted like 6 references for some shitty gym helper job.
>gooming until my neck problem is gone >gooming >neck baka
>>232559 >they literally wanted like 6 references for some shitty gym helper job. What a fucking farce.
jesus idk how shit i'd feel if i damaged my body by toiling. seems like even zoomsters have fucked up backs nowadays. bloody untermensch the lot of them
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>>232545 Most posters are attempting to mimic the 2016 US election but for the free advertisement potential for their chosen agenda. Seems as if people will never use imageboards as intended again and not attempt to manipulate them via secondary forum groups. 4chan basically has a metagame now.
>>232562 >seems like even zoomsters have fucked up backs nowadays Is that from all the fortnite dancing?
>>232561 They need something to fill their emails with.
>>232555 weird how racist retards already knew this
>>232567 I'll send you a neck pillow.
>>232568 yeah I have my cpu ontop of my dresser on a stack of books so its my height
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I had no idea office chairs where so expensive. I was looking on amazon earlier and the cheapest was like £90.
>>232563 this place is an exception it seems
>>232573 Because there's no one to really influence here.
>Because there's no one to really influence here.
>>232578 I could have a quarter of a billion in the bank and I'd still call that expensive for an office chair.
>232578 fuck off william
>>232579 So we seize office space and they cut our gas supply?
>>232582 we only get 5% of gas from russia
i side with the william, £90 isn't much. even a pint of milk costs the better part of £90 now, unless you're in some northern gulag
>>232583 Are you sure we aren't buying from nations that buy from Russia?
>>232578 I got a pretty expensive one free and it's breaking apart after 2 years.
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>>232588 good lad
>>232586 good lad
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>>232555 >>232566 Tbh the future doesn't look so grim when one's race isn't being wiped out and replaced
ukroid incel mocked by Muscovite Natashas
>sad piano music
>>232595 Who is Cheryl Bloss, and did you mean to post that pic of her?
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>>232599 lmfao
>>232598 >Who is Cheryl Bloss some heavy-boobed Russian thot >did you mean to post that pic of her? yes
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>thots making fun of incels Reeeeeee I want to k- >Russian thots making fun of Ukie incels Based booba subbie subbie your onlyfhans babooobshka lovely lovely boobies fuck hohols haha.
>>232603 Unblock smee
>>232606 i want a plain jane like this with nice feet
>>232441 Not a Romanist-Catholic
>>232610 >take that putin! fucking kek, theres no limit to how bad the npcs will let their lives become if it means they get to have that smug feeling of self-righteousness.
>ethnically vague looking redhead
>>232612 to each their own i guess lad, not my cup of tea
>>232612 *takes her for a drive in my truck*
>>232613 probably american ashkenazi
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>the state of Steiner's Jewdar
any woman with a beaky nose and chinkey eyes I assume is a jew because my people look like pic related
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perfer this phenotype
>>232618 can't believe a race of people evolved to not have any defense against the sun, surely it was sunny in ireland and scotland at least sometimes? did they bury themselves into the bogs when the sun came out like they did when the romans came?
>>232618 Lesbian?
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>>232619 get fucked you wog cunt
>>232622 alri paddy
>BREAKING: Germany's Defence Minister says the EU must discuss banning Russian gas in light of the Bucha Massacre
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>near izyum
lads what's bitcoin doing? feel like it's been 45k forever now. is it really going to 100k or has it pumped out?
>>232624 >the Bucha Massacre oh please
the fuck is rumbles problem, they added views then took them away again, FUCK OFF

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>>232628 It's the latest from the war zone. Russia called a UN Council of Security, for tomorrow. Each warring nation blames the other. Caption video 1: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 A captured soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, tells how, under drugs, he fired at the residential areas of Mariupol on the orders of the GUR. “I understood that I was shooting at civilians, but I was on drugs ... I had to follow orders” Caption video 2: #Russia #Ukraine 🇷🇺🇺🇦: A fairly interesting video released by #Ukrainian Combatants after capturing a vehicle belonging to #Russian Forces. UA combatants seem to be armed with an RPG-22 'Netto' single-use AT weapon, Fort-221 carbine (copy of IWI CTAR-21) and an AK-74 rifle. Images 2-3: Bucha 🇺🇦⚡
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Caption image 1: Bucha 🇺🇦⚡ Caption images 2-4: #Russia #Ukraine 🇷🇺🇺🇦: #Russian Forces fired rockets towards #Ukrainian positions in #Izyum, #Kharkiv (#Kharkov). Photos from the Russian positions show 200mm M0.1.01.04M thermobaric rockets fired from TOS-1A "Solntsepyok" MLRS.
>made 45 mins worth of incel rants zero fags watched it because of hol hol gorespammers making /shit/ into /holhol/pol
>>232633 i watched them all lad
>>232634 really the computer only shows 0 views, also I think they deleted all my old videos prior to incel rant 43
>>232635 I noticed that as well I think rumble just isn't counting views on small channels again the site is shite. the wall shart segment reminded me of terrys old shop videos
>>232636 yeah rumble is complete trash compared to jewtube its such an awful interface
>>232637 Videos only have a viewcount when you're searching for them from the search tool and newer videos don't seem to appear in the search function for at least 48hrs after they're uploaded.
it deleted all the videos of a year ago like the butt matrix. fucking shit site just purges videos with low viewcounts so you can't archive shit there
yeah its deleted like a solid year of videos
>>232640 you don't have them backed up?
>>232641 yeah I have them on my computer I am honestly done with rumble might have to port all this shit over onto odysee once I have some toilbux coming in and can bother getting those stupid cryptocoins for unlocking an account
its clearly just some shitty half assed boomer website for bots to use to spam videos onto youtube for money because there is basically zero UA to allow you to see your content or why it was removed (probably some auto bot removal of shit)
>>232643 smh lad, can you link the recent rants? i think i was toiling when you gifted us them lad
>>232642 You can get some lbc from watching a video and maybe making a comment, it's not very expensive though and I think one coin can cover a fair amount of uploads. https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/library-credits/ https://odysee.com/$/rewards/verify?redirect=/$/rewards?
>>232645 >low status males getting turned into gore piles sad stuff i hate it, the elderly should unironically be the ones sent to war
Lads whenever I get the opportunity, I'm usually casually racist towards Indians wherever I see them online. I'll dm them or just put something in general chat, either calling them a curry muncher, tell them how bad India is, or I'll just say "Pakistan Zindabad" to wind them up. Afew of them take the bait and chimp out which is funny but then some of them reply "All can be good or bad sirs" "or I'll pray for you" "pls be kind sirs". I'm not even memeing but it's the best response, I just feel bad afterwards. Maybe I should stop it.
>>232648 based tbh, indians are pretty nice when you meet the good ones, i just don't understand why they're so money driven to the point they'll leave their motherland to be a shopkeeper in a grim motorway service station 50 degrees north of the equator. very odd to me, i'd sooner be homeless in india tbh
Subtitles >Interview with Kostya, Donbass militia https://files.catbox.moe/x7hubm.mp4 >Russian Special Forces thanks for the support https://files.catbox.moe/fk71jc.mp4 >Interview of Chechen fighters near Mariupol. https://files.catbox.moe/v0lg4b.mp4 >Chaos in Moschun outside of Kiev as Ukrainians fire on their own https://files.catbox.moe/l3h1gj.mp4 >Third Generation Warfare: an interview with father and son https://files.catbox.moe/l6yxja.webm >First POW video released by LNR. https://files.catbox.moe/kgd0pn.mp4 >Second POW video released by LNR. https://files.catbox.moe/9xtqx2.mp4 >Reporter Poddubny reacting to torture videos. https://files.catbox.moe/atloig.mp4 >An interview with a dagi sergeant that had half his face shorn off in an RPG explosion. https://files.catbox.moe/anqwb6.mp4 >Militia member with a PPS-43, he reflects on how symbolic it is, calls it going on a walk with grandpa. https://files.catbox.moe/lfj6g5.mp4 ▶Chechen adventures in Ukraine https://files.catbox.moe/v52d1h.MP4 https://files.catbox.moe/b9h1ha.MP4 https://files.catbox.moe/ie36q5.mp4 https://files.catbox.moe/06sgok.MP4 https://files.catbox.moe/p02i5z.MP4
>>232650 >catbox.moe did they purge all the Russia stuff or no? what happened with that? I can't see it on the blog page
>>232651 Oh I didn't even know about the blog until just now, sorry.
thread derailed by boring ukraine filtered posts again
>>232652 can you link it though? is it real? I can't find it on their website, most recent blog post appears to be January
>>232654 If "it" is some kind of Russian stuff that might be purged, and it was on the blog page, but I didn't know about the blog until you just now told me, then how could I verify its existence or link it? I hate to get scientific, but if you're somewhat less than neurotypical, could you say so which would make me feel not so much like I'm wasting my time?
>Interviews: Russian soldier (Mar 2nd); Donbass militia soldier (Translated by Russian dude) https://files.catbox.moe/gjesmf.mp4 https://files.catbox.moe/j0z5qc.mp4 >Interview with Lara Logan: "We are lying about Ukraine on an epic scale" https://files.catbox.moe/zou8mw.webm >Ukie civilian claims Azov executes civilians fleeing Mariupol https://files.catbox.moe/5f3dkz.mp4
>>232655 no need to be rude. this is what I'm talking about-somebody posted this here, and at the time, catbox.moe was down, so it seemed real. but if you go here https://blog.catbox.moe/ I don't see any new blog since January, so maybe this image is fake and the site was just down?
6 days of toil
>>232658 sorry it's like this lad, did you just get up?
>derail a thread with a topic so hot that it has had two simultaneous non-stop generals at 4chan since it started a month ago Homo, go home >232657 Filtered
>>232660 >Filtered why? why won't you answer my question you fucker? I just want to know whether or not catbox.moe is compromised as a file host
>>232075 (231370) I could write so much about this, but you'd not be interested.
>>232628 >>232630 >>232631 Images of corpses can be staged, and are, in all conflicts. Therefore, they are meaningless, unless there are GOOD affidavits accompanying them (lmao like that's happening).
>>232662 i might be, i do notice that i seem to be able to tolerate walking long distances more than most people. there was a guy that went to afghanistan during the mujahadeen soviet war period i think and he remarked on how the afghans could cover huge distances at high speed and only needed to eat a small piece of bread each day. walking long distances is based
>>232604 where is this from?
>>232659 Yea, heavy rain
>>232666 you toiling outside nigga? or are you an officecuck. thank fuck i can be neet on a day like today
>>232664 The first thing is that sidewalks aren't even consistent in the cities. Like randomly BAM, walk/bike in some tall grass for blocks. Yes, you will get a flat, congratulations, you'll never try to bike to work again. Homeless - walking Niggers - public transport Wiggers - bumming rides Rednecks and greater - cars/pickups Upper-middle-class - add frequent commercial air travel Rich - add drivers & pilots Each level requires knowledge that's just not written down anywhere, and is debilitating to learn on your own. Like the walking, that requires knowing the hobo trails. Air travel is a massive PITA unless you do it often enough to know where to go. driving in cities involves knowledge of which roads don't suck, and when, and how to get in the right lanes to even get on the right roads in time, and then there are forks in the road that come up FAST (because nobody drives the speed limit, except where everyone knows to drive the speed limit, because there are cops there). Class is everywhere in America. It's in everything.
>>232667 Inside but there's a walked commute
>>232669 what's it all for eh?
>>232670 He works at Langley, obvs
so sick of the schizo
You know how to finish your worldly care.
>>232432 that last one is actually pretty clever tbh
when do dayfags start posting usually? probably about 11 i would guess
>>232675 im just contemplatively wandering around the house rn tbh
T430 i5 8GB for £45, is it a good price?
>>232675 about 8 am lad
>>232678 idk about computers but seems like a steal to me tbh
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>>232680 >>232681 cheers, wish me luck
>>232678 yeah that's decent tbh
>>232683 thanks
>>232685 seems likely at this point tbh
>>232685 wouldn't be surprised tbh might not be though smh no real way to get the truth of the situation
>Scores of single, middle-aged British men are sponsoring young Ukrainian women to live with them in the UK https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10682063/Sex-predator-fears-women-refugees.html >the whistleblower, who works for a council in the Midlands, said she fears the scheme could become 'a completely assisted exploitation exercise' <she They are raging that incels get a pussy
>>232685 >it took five days after the Russians left for them to find a gorillion bodies such an obvious false flag
>>232686 >>232688 It's very hard to tell, but it is not beyond the realms of possibility.
>>232690 thanks for pointing that out
> Lord Harrington, the minister in charge of the Ukrainian refugee scheme, said the Government's emergency routes will soon bring in 15,000 evacuees a week to the UK.
>>232689 what an atrocious headline lmao
>>232695 >"I do fear for those poor female refugees, I hope they are not put at risk, perhaps they could all stay with me instead"
>>232689 ofc they have no issue with the ukrainian thots escaping to sleep with italians whilst all the men die though
fucking hate women
a new week a new set of pointless NEET torture office meetings >>232633 still saving them tbh got lots of shit to do before comfy sneething times try using odysee instead of rumble tbh that should get around the deletions smh I wanted to transcribe the old stuff into some incelarticles
>>232699 get a wfh job
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The real treat of this war has been Indian news.
>>232701 based poo
>>232701 10/10 based pajeet
>>232701 based
<LBC >Brexit Opportunities Minister Jacob Rees-Mogg takes your calls from 9am today. https://media-ssl.musicradio.com/LBCUK?isLoggedIn=false
>>232706 Someone call in and oy vey at the promised truly global Britain not being delivered and how boomers are lacking in fillipino bum wipers as we speak.
tranny calling LBC ranting about "women"
just want a pajeet gf is this so much to ask
>>232709 no, there are tons of those to go around desperate for bwc, met a few myself
>There is evidence of civvies being hostage at Azovstal Then carpet bomb it then with Tu-95s then ffs.
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>>232709 >>232710 I hear she loves the BWC. >>232713 Seemed a bit psycho before this correction. Keek.
>>232715 cheers lad
>>232714 >ywn fuck her and call her a dirty paki at at climax
>>232714 i believe this is an east pakistani, not a based pajeeta
>>232709 easy lad they are crazy in bed
>>232718 thought she was a bangladeshoid?
>>232720 yes east pakistan, smh at your history knowlege
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Prefer a Persian tbh
>>232722 good choice lad did you bang any?
>>232717 I would choke her with my forearm from behind until she passed out tbh.
>>232725 No, went to college with one. She was a massive dork.
>>232616 shes so cute i would wife her wish i had a cute udmurt redhead wife >>232618 lol i remember years ago she made a post against people saying her bf was a weak nerd soyboy and then later she dumped him keek wombyn
Her older sister was top shelf however and was already married to BWC.
>>232619 >that image Ceaser never conquered Britain though. Doubt he said that.
Are these two still around?
>>232731 phwoar
>>232618 >look her up >now an onlyfans whore with lots of tats keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>232732 she's on boomernews
with morality man
>>232730 england was conquered, they built a literal wall lad
>>232734 >rosary beads and st benedict medal as jewellery uhhh
>>232738 what race is this supposed to be? something very uncanny going on here tbh don't like it
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Might just move to some commie block in Lithuania near the Belarus border become a 30 something rape bastard amongst the ruins.
>>232738 feel sick looking at that picture
>>232741 they are privately educated granddaughters of the late industrialist and former Governor of the Bank of Scotland Sir Alistair Grant
>>232739 iirc the mum is half/full chilean or something
>>232738 These people make me sick.
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>>232743 so sick of furriners existing
>>232744 nothing
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>Lets go WTO
>>232738 Would love to just start talking pure schitzo to these people, and just being overly friendly to freak them out. I once followed a Jew around a pub most of the night telling how much I loved the Kabbalah and the Jews just to watch him sweat. Miss going to the pub.
>>232746 >he's not white latina pilled
>>232749 keeeeeeeek very good lad >>232750 latinas aren't white lad
>>232751 the white ones are lad
no, they are definitely not white
>>232751 They can be. Dr Mengele was a White Latina from Paraguay.
>>232754 >latina >tfw no mengele gf
thinkin about being a bit grotty tbh
would do all sorts of things if i knew for sure i would get away with it that's the reason we need God
>posted after midday wdtmbt

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>>232756 >23andme still says I've got an Albania cousin >see this
>>232761 earlier the mummer was rambling on something something about Dua Lipa and said she was a "pretty spanish girl" one time in the past she referred to an obvious mestiza with an obviously spanish surname as an "italian lady"
first call of the day at 11 later lads
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BMP-2 autocannon kino near Severodonetsk.
>>232760 smh if only >>232763 have fun lad
>>232736 About 90 years after Ceaser died...
>>232766 tbh, even then they didn't really get a good handle on the island for a long time
>>232767 Not coping that we didn't get conquered by meds, lad. Of course we did. Just not by Ceaser. His brief campaign in what's now England failed and no Romans returned until the better part of a century later.
bloody romans coming over ere building aqueducts
>>232759 you can get away with anything if you have a six pack and a car
*primes you for accepting your race's demise*
>>232764 cheers lad
>>232768 I know lad, but it wasn't a particularly quick or successful invasion. It didn't have to be, the cunts wanted are mines harder than Thatcher the Snatcher wanted to close them
>>232764 hang on, is it russian or ukie? afaik the ukies don't have much armour but i could be wrong
>>232774 It's a month on and you still can't tell the difference?
>well, i guess we got btfo by rome but your wrong about caesar being the one who did it
>>232775 lad... there's no watermark on the video, no markings visible on the vehicle, nothing to go off
>>232777 It's the camo and the cannon.
>>232778 OD green is not camo, unless you mean the branches in which case I haven't seen that specifically related to either side. stop being obtuse
let's be honest- the Anglo-Saxons, that's England. the English are a Germanic people, later tainted by the N*rmans. we should be true to our ancestors and speak Anglish, and worship Woden
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>bullying a protected group
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did you know that the saxons were so named because they all cariied seaxes? meaning that when a policeman tells you to bin that knoife, you can tell him to fuck off as it's your ancestral right
>>232785 >falklands war... TWO!!!
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>He needs a seax
falklands seems comfy tbh would love to know what it's like to live there knowing that your mere existence as an english speaker has caused decades of seethe
>>232788 needs some trees tbh
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>>232787 >le accomodating stuntman lets you counterattack and disarm him yeah nah, i'd rather have a knife than no knife, thanks though >>232789 it's like a southern hemisphere version of iceland tbh, just with more grass i guess
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CCTV caught a Russian Kh-59 missile before it hit in Nikolaev.
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*exits forests and walks towards you slowly across the ice*
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there probably aren't any niggers in the falklands
when he stabs at you, just grab his arm and break his arm with your other arm
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>>232793 >ywn colonise the Falklands with the lads and freeze to death after failure to sustain a subsistence diet smh
>>232793 unfortunately there are, the British military stations some of its niggers there
>>232776 Which was the point of my original post, as a cringe maymay claimed he did conquer us.
>>232793 >ywn go and live with your grandmas family on one of the camps smh
Also >Roman Emperor Julius Ceaser Definitely fake.
>an hour and a half of cover letter "discussion" based on a ten minute powerpoint amazing how officefoids do it
>>232801 it's hard work stretching out inane bullshit to last that long lad never let it be said that they don't do any work
>>232792 *shoots thee*
>>232802 bet she lived in wanky
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>wankie national park
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>US will seek Russia’s expulsion from UN Human Rights Council
>Boris Johnson ready to go beyond the types of military aid that the UK has already provided to Ukraine - UK prime minister's spokesperson
>>232701 sanctions against india when?
>>232808 ngl I want to buy those.
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>>232808 smh just start world war three already ffs
>>232810 buying cigs isnt a bad idea tbh if SHTF you'll want stuff like that to barter with
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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Hungarian_parliamentary_election >third party is hard line nationalist >got 6% based
Might join the Tory party and just vote for the furthest right stuff tbh
>>232817 why would you vote for centre-left policies?
>>232817 im sure that will stop the collapse of the nation
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>>232818 >>232819 What else can one do? Join retards like PA? They aren't even contesting elections.
you can forget about politics you mong
>>232822 im sure that will stop the collapse of the nation
it will you fucking melt politics is a dead end road demographics are everything, so have a family instead of pointless political shite
I see a lot of retarded takes on here but that one is special Dorshit Where is your family lad? They're importing thousands of niggers a year, a woman can have typically only one child a year. Hardly sensible now is it.
right, so don't have children then just be a complete moron
Who said don't have children? All I'm saying is that it's not a viable solution in the slightest. The reality is that British nationalists are lazy self-indulgent cowards. I include myself in this. We need to recognise our faults and build a new machine.
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it's pretty convenient how major political parties have no way to stop outsiders from changing the direction of the party tbh you can just join and make them do whatever you want
we'll do it lads we'll save the white race and we'll have wives and children and the foreigners will be removed the jews and the traitor elites thrown in prison and all we have to do is trust the plan no action required
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>>232827 >build a new machine You have no idea how right you are.
>>232603 I genuinely think they treat him like this on purpose to create a spectacle, then we are all talking about (((Tommy))) again for a while He’s just a punch bag for the leftists and elites at this point, while being politically useless to the right
>>232821 >They aren’t even contesting elections This guy still thinks voting is what matters
>>232834 It does to an extent. Simply having people in place for when incalculables appear to change history is the first step.
>>232835 None of the significant events in history happened because of votes. Democracy is merely a tool to placate and appease the masses, while their will is ignored. It’s political bread and circuses for NPCs. If voting changed anything they’d make it illegal
>The Vibrant Marketplace of the Moon Valley Kingdom
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Hairy Pervert and the Chamber of Piss Flaps
>>232836 tbh. voting is in place to preserve a sense that everything isn't just one massive charade where the people with real power bomb the jews' enemies for them whether the people want it or not
I propose that any mong who declares an intention to join, support, vote for, or in any way aid the Conservative party, should be permabanned. All in favour post aye.
think my headphones broke smh dropped them so many times everythings so quiet
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I have to lose 8st in 4 days
>>232844 drugs
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>>232840 <prevents you getting a peerage and then reports you for bullying
>>232846 Luciferian eyebrows
>>232844 speedrun getting a small gf and then dump her
>>232836 >None of the significant events in history happened because of votes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/March_1933_German_federal_election
>>232844 fasting and long walks
>>232849 literally fake
>>232846 looks like a nonce
>>232841 Why? The subversive shill dde898 called your perfectly reasonable post, that is in line with everything 8/brit/ has had consensus on, a "retarded take". He's obviously a newfag 4cuck masterjew tier mong and does not belong here.
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You see a war? I see an opportunity to improve my online brand.
>>232847 tbhsmh
>>232844 amputate a limb >>232847 >>232852 tbh
>>232854 >vocal fry voice: one day in my life as a typical Ukrainian refugee in Poland
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I read the report that found Bercow was a serial bully. Bercowitz would mimic people a lot to mock them. This bit was particularly funny about Lord Lisvane, the Commons clerk
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keeeek. She's at it again. This is 4 days after her brother died fighting.
>>232859 dunno why but i find this hilarious
my chudbrothers... we've been thwarted
>>232858 >"leaders" of the nation >all midwit retard cunts who still behave as if theyre in their public school god I hate modernity
>>232858 anyone with a peerage deserves to be bullied >>232859 poor lass smh she seems really upset >>232863 tbh
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The champ is here
>>232859 Who is this?
>>232844 >need to lose 8st in 4 days Why?
>>232868 might be meeting a lasserino
>>232869 fasting and long walks fasting and long walks fasting and long walks
I've put on a lot of muscle, now I want to get shredded. Help me get that lean summer look lads.
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>>232874 What's the best fasting method so I don't become deflated?
>>232869 Is she expecting someone 8 stone lighter? and 18 years younger?
>>232875 keep yourself inflated like simba by constantly drinking water
>>232876 well a few stones lighter as I've had some bloatmaxing since the profile pics were taken
then again she lives by her own on bennies so once I am inside her house it's not like she can say no
oh its *him*
>>232875 just do a walk of like 30 minutes to an hour [or more if you have time] first thing, then only start eating afterwards low-heartrate cardio [which the only real form of which is walking] is the most effective way to burn fat as it doesn't raise cortisol levels, cortisol being a hormone that encourages fat storage doing so in a fasted state will mean your body will be burning fat instead of food energy. you won't lose muscle also drink water instead of literally anything else goodluck
>>232881 Thank you lad
>>232880 Your best friend...
>>232878 Can you post before and after pics?
>>232884 No I am embarrassed
don't even fucking say that you fat nonce we are NOT friends
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>>232886 Then why do you send me belly pics in discord DMs?
>>232887 how did you get this
>>232888 bongo dms...
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i did not send that to you you got that through someone else wonder what else you fucking have you creep
>>232881 How do you know so much about fasting and fitness fren?
>>232887 Post his numerous dick pics too
time for some filtering
*farts Dorset into pieces at France*
>>232891 >61acab
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i fucking despise him fat cunt
>>232881 > low-heartrate cardio [which the only real form of which is walking] is the most effective way to burn fat as it doesn't raise cortisol levels, cortisol being a hormone that encourages fat storage I thought most trainers recommend HIIT for fat burning these days too? Wouldn’t that spike cortisol though?
>>232899 So, when are you having kids lad? Aren't you going to save the white race?
>There were 196,862 applications for British citizenship in the year ending September 2021, 29% more than in the year ending September 2020. Just have kids lads, no need for a political machine or anything like that.
tbh 200,000 kids me
>>232902 Lad, we need those immigrants for after the native population starts dying off due to vaccine complications They’re here to help the economy
>>232903 based
>>232902 There is a need for a new machine. A new machine. It can not and will not come from within the Based Tories TM. Even the Labour party is a dead end road for most proper leftists. After Corbyn they'll never again democratise the leadership choice.
>>232903 Based and house spider pilled.
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Caption video 1: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Destruction of a Ukrainian tank near Chernihiv Caption video 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Fighting in Mariupol: Special forces from the Chechen Republic work in the industrial zone and destroy the enemy sniper Caption video 3: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Retreating from Volnovakha, Ukrainian militants from their positions in Valeryanovka tried to break the bridge, but destroyed their colleagues Caption video 4: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Pictures from Mariupol. The road near Metallurgov Avenue and Shevchenko Boulevard. Caption video 5: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Ukrainian Humvee destroyed
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>>232893 i'm panzie and i know everything >>232900 HIIT is good for fat burning in the long term, but it's called interval training for a reason. it spikes cortisol in only short doses, then the 'interval' rest periods prevent the cortisol exposure from being chronic, so you get the benefits of having a low resting heart rate and a fast metabolism without the detriments of bodily stress HIIT is like a passive fat burning thing in that after you do it it lets your body burn fat more easily the rest of the time, but fasted walking is an active way to burn fat
>>232909 >Ukrainian militants from their positions in Valeryanovka tried to break the bridge, but destroyed their colleagues whoops
>>232910 > HIIT is like a passive fat burning thing in that after you do it it lets your body burn fat more easily the rest of the time, but fasted walking is an active way to burn fat Very interesting, thanks lad
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https://files.catbox.moe/cioopo.mp4 🇷🇺🇺🇦⚡During the day, we receive video materials from different lines of contact. Fighters from the Chechen Republic, in turn, take the most active part on all fronts. Mariupol remains one of the hottest spots. In the industrial area of ​​the city, small pockets of resistance periodically flare up. Fortunately, with the efforts of Chechen fighters as well, any resistance is quickly suppressed. ⠀ Nationalists are still true to their principles. Out of hundreds of houses, they find the one where civilians are still hiding, and later they take up firing positions there. If they can't hold out properly, they instantly upgrade their wardrobe from camouflage to more mundane. As you can see in these shots, Natsiks do not always manage to change their style of clothing painlessly. ⠀ Most of Mariupol is under the control of the Russian armed forces. Caption image 1: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Soldiers of one of the assault units of the DPR in Mariupol. Caption images 2-3: 🇺🇦🐷 Ukrainian troll accounts share photo of a tortured girl from Gostomel but in reality the pics are from Mariupol Footage of a dead woman with traces of terrible torture and a swastika burned on her body was taken by American military journalist Patrick Lancaster on March 27 in the basement of a Mariupol school, where the base of one of the national battalions was previously located. Caption video 1: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation publishes new footage of the destruction of positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine https://files.catbox.moe/qygyjp.mp4 🇷🇺 Commander of the Central Military District awarded servicemen who distinguished themselves in a special operation in Ukraine Caption video 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Battle footage in the LPR troops are advancing on Severodonetsk
This war stuff is distracting the thread from the more important matters of bongo drama tbh
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stop being gay
>>232913 smh the ukrainian military really hates ukrainians
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Caption video 1: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 In the west of Mariupol, the troops of Russia and the DPR are fighting against the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the national battalion "Azov". Messages from a Telegram channel: 🇩🇪 Angela Merkel believes Germany's decision in 2008 not to support the idea of ​​Ukraine joining NATO was right 🇷🇺🇬🇧 The Russian Foreign Ministry reports that Britain has not agreed to the UN Security Council meeting on Bucha. It is quite clear that calls for an objective investigation from the UN Secretary General will be ignored. For exactly the same reasons that calls for an objective investigation into Eastern Ghouta and Khan Sheikhoun were ignored. Because if you start to dig all this seriously, it will turn out like with the “chemical attack in Douma”, when OPCW field experts who visited the site did not find signs of organizing an attack by the Assad government, after which the OPCW leadership, under pressure from the United States and Britain, was forced to put pressure on experts and edit the report. to hush up this story, where even before the investigation itself, the perpetrators were appointed. Of course, the story with Bucha, from which white threads stick out in all directions, all the more does not encourage "investigations". Therefore, with a probability of 99%, we will also not see independent autopsy results Caption video 2: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Aerial reconnaissance of "Azovstal" in Mariupol Caption video 3: 🇷🇺🇺🇦 Installation of the flag of the Russian Federation on the outskirts of the village of Nikolaevka.
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>>232914 >b*sexuality
Who, me?
>I hate b*sexuals so must love trannies
Trannies are by default b*sexuals. Autogynophilia requires b*sexualism.
Another day I'm reminded that we share this place with bumders.
>>232924 Tbh. 'Ate gayists of all kinds. But b*sexuals are the worst.
scones and cream with maybe some covfefe
bins spreading lies about me yet again, old faggot
>>232927 Stop sharing pics of your belly with lads on discord. Bit gay that.
lies and slander
How did the gayists get it then?
>woes yet again talking about making videos for half the stream but he never actually makes any
>>232930 i sent it it to women, who then sent it to him
take it to the bongo you poofs
>>232931 he's very busy lad
>no feed on the ground reporting by Woes in Odessawhy are people writing it with only 1 "s" now?
>>232934 want to force him to dig pits in the desert against his will
AND hes being a blackpilled faggot telling people the shite race is finished, FUCK HIM
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trust the plan
>Look I'm just not going to start making videos until I've got time and the stress of milleniyule has faded
>>232928 He used to post a dick pic every other day smh
>>232937 What did he say exactly?
>>232937 He’s not even streaming right now, where are you getting this from?
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>>232785 >war between Uk and argentina >just burn US flag as well because its a flag burning JUST
can we not
>>232944 filtered, useless mong >>232946 think america gave us satellite data or something
>>232947 When are you having kids lad? Spoken to gingerlass yet?
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>>232949 spoke to her a couple of years ago
>>232948 didn't shartica sort of stay in the background and keep other spic countries from joining and cockblock USSR?
got the gym toil job so now I can start grooming via personal training stuff with mummies and thots. still hope my pinched nerve neck thing is fixed before neo-boomer bossman wants me to be one of his scaffolders
>>232951 *stick your nose in my arse crack and farts disgustingly* sniff up, useless boy
*asserts dominance*
>>232956 god i wish that was me
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>>232935 based
>>232801 the idea of writing a cover letter for some shite minimum wage job is absurd >>232815 that cnn appearance was from 3 years ago >>232817 >>232821 are you 17 or something you brainlet william
>>232958 >Is it to your liking lord woes? >You know what kadyrov I've getting really sick of your shit just FUCK OFF
>>232958 >ahh yes yes mr. kadyrov, the white race legions will be at your disposal after I finish having them march in my latest video >when will that be? >you know I am still recovering from milleniyule so I am just too stressed out right now
>>232953 based >>232958 keeeeeeeeek
>fresh Woes-C drops >kino greentext follows Based
>>232953 smh shartica seems so much easier to get a job in, here for a job like that there'd be 50 other applicants and you'd need to do a full cv/cover letter with references n shit and you'd still get rejected, also the pay would be minimum and non negotiable
>>232941 he stopped when i posted mine, keeeeeek
>>232964 yeah it seems like it, I doubt you would even have to be a citizen to boomer toil here
>>232966 rules don't apply to darkies here tbh
Alright, bullying of race mixing cousin continues. Now they're saying I don't have morals and I haven't even mentioned anything wayssis yet. Just called him monkey boy. Told her to break up with him and told her he's cheating. Any good shouts I can use lads? Kinda stuck after I asked them to split and he said no smh
keep seething when I read about historical people who died young because I expect them to be without children but then I see they all got married and had children in their early 20s because that was normal in any other time but now, also recently learned that 70% of yank babies are not breastfed, and that most uk mothers don't breastfeed beyond 8 weeks because its obvious too much like hard work for the lazy cows, think mummy breastfed me for 9 months or something, still turned out like an autist though but still.
>>232968 Send her studies proving microchimerism is real. Also threaten him with violence
>>232968 Thus ro dah, is a pretty good shout
>>232968 theres no way around it lad hes being a cheeky little cunt probably so smug with himself creaming your flesh and blood you need to kick his cunt in and harass both of them until they break up, the honour of the shite race is at stake here
>>232969 women today are a complete and utter meme
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>>232968 >Just called him monkey boy. very good lad
you need to beat him up to assert dominance but find out where he hangs out and beat him up while wearing a covid mask
you've already done enough to get years in jail if he chooses to show those messages to the bigboys anyway so you may aswell kick his cunt in
>>232969 It's because they can't drink while they're doing it.
>>232970 >>232972 >>232975 Would like to do violence but they live in London, it'd mean learning an alien area, being caught on camera going down and back, then also having the trouble that I would be the main suspect. I can't threaten on instagram without there being evidence that they could link back to me. Might just type "N" at him while gas lighting them both that the other is cheating. >>232974 thanks lad, might constantly harrass them mildly until they snap
>>232978 > it'd mean learning an alien area, being caught on camera going down and back its better the further away they are, much harder to track you on cctv if you don't bring your phone
>not cutting off contact cringe
>>232968 > haven't even mentioned anything wayssis yet. Just called him monkey boy.
this lad just doesn't get it, hes already in for a penny but refuses to go in for a pound, would rather not hear about it if hes going to be a pussy larper tbh
She loves the attention and drama, probably why she decided to date a nog.
challenge him to a dubplate soundclash
can you call the police on him and say he is a terrorist?
>ywn swat Woes
>woes is now david davising himself by answering the same superchat twice in a row and completely ignoring the livechat telling him he already did answer it when he asks them e celebs are such mongs honestly
>>232969 doesn't help that most baby foods are full of poison like sugar and seed oils society is so dysgenic now, people who nature decided shouldn't reproduce are still able to via fertility clinics, cesarian sections, and baby formula >>232978 well besides that you should also show her pics of white woman black man relationships, before and after if yuou want to go the cheating route you could set up some fake text messages with someone or something you could screenshot and send to her, but its doubtful if it would be believable or persuasive enough >>232985 worth thinking about tbh
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inb4 he beats up monkey boy, gets arrested and the police go through his phone for evidence which leads them here he gets 15 years for hyper-racism and we all get watched
>>232990 We aren't already being watched?
>>232990 >implying we're not already watched
>>232991 >>232992 Well if we are they'd just be waiting for an excuse to arrest him, and that'd be their excuse
if you havent been arrested by now, youre probably a spy
>>232988 >people who nature decided shouldn't reproduce are still able to via fertility clinics, cesarian sections, and baby formula it's all so shite
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>>232993 They could just raid BBK on a pretense and still find enough to arrest him.
>thinking anybody is watching somewhere this obscure and secret this is unironically a super secret club
>>232997 find it a bit sus he hasnt already tbh
>>232998 I bet you HnH could find this place in about half an hour.
Can smell shigellas presence in here, with how vague the terror laws are in this country they could arrest everyone ITT.
>>233000 how and why, 4britpol takes all the heat
>>233001 Prove that any of my posts weren't satire, for the singular and pure purposes for entertainment. >>233002 4chud is twitter now. This is a place they come to gauge the effects of the propaganda disseminated.
>>232987 I thought he streamed on Telegram now?
>>233003 >Prove that any of my posts weren't satire, for the singular and pure purposes for entertainment. mong has no idea how the laws work in this country >This is a place they come to gauge the effects of the propaganda disseminated. doubt anybody even knows of the existence of this place
had enough
>>233003 tbh thought this place was an improv comedy club smh
>>233004 yeah and? fucking idiot
>>233005 >mong has no idea how the laws work in this country If it's open to interpretation I just have to argue it should be interpreted my way.
I have never once tried to incite hatred.
wondering if being fat and not working out and just sitting all day has an effect on me
>>233013 good luck lad.
>>233013 have fun lad
>>233012 this but also smoking.
>another foodbank story on the news >all the families interviewed are foreign feel like I'm banging my head against a wall
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>this level of entitlement and sheer selfishness boo hoo, no one cares, give your baby the nutrition it needs, hole
>>233020 >raising children is a chore I don't want to do.
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>>233019 >Letsu go Karaoke
>have child >dont raise it properly just like mummy
>>233020 people like that should be given a hysterectomy tbh
>>233008 >yeah, and so you are making shit up, he’s not even streaming right now
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>He said, I've been to the year 3000 >Not much has changed but they lived underwater
Please give me a britnat society(one after we have purged the undesirable britnats)
>>233028 so no one here gets to see it?
>>233029 What are you talking about? I'd be proud to stand with a lof of the lads here
>>233026 You’re watching an old one then Literally David Davis posting this whole damn time Fucking useless idiot ||he’s live streaming this sneevening||
going to bed
>>233020 when farm animals do this they are culled. its a defect
its actually a miracle the male suicide rate isn't closer to 99% tbh, given everything men face these days
>>233036 I think it's a sliding gradient depending on your perceived worth, looks, job, collective social status, etc.
>>233034 Remember not to accidentally have a wank
>>233034 ni la
>>233037 yeah, but it's not linear it becomes exponentially better, but you have to pass the top 85% of men in all those categories to really see any real results i'm not even a blackpiller but damn if it isnt crushing to think about even so
>>233033 thats not what david davising is you fucking mong
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Here's the thing
>>233041 Yes it is
>>233038 thanks lad I'll remember.
>>233040 Yeah but I imagine the top 10% of men had their pick of the litter like this always, they were just required to be more discrete about it or pay for it properly. Being a mistress was big business for hundreds of years. It certainly has become worse ten fold under liberalism and with the advent of the internet, especially under the internet.
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>>233046 oh god no
>>233046 Yes, I’m a bongo gayist Deal with it, Faggot
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The highways of death, full of Ukie equipment are back. >Kyiv-Zhytomyr highway
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thinking about boobs tbh
>More than 200 Marines of the Armed Forces of Ukraine surrendered in Mariupol
mandem's gonna breed the whole gang
A Ka-52 night sorties and Su-25s hitting shit.
>>233055 That was the KLF under a different name
Imagine asking this and not immediately realising you're supposed to BREED
>>233057 The Ukies must fucking hate nights at this point.
>>233059 wow epic indoctrinating 12 year olds with nihilism
>>233061 tbh cunts
>the Russians are finding French uniforms in Mariupol KEEEEK
>>233063 big if true
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>>233065 >rusfag appears to be wearing US polatec waffle baselayer shit as well
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At this the Russians are basically fighting the French at this point Mariupol. And the French can't do anything about it. KEK
learn to read & write before poosting please
>>233069 Funny how Macron was meeting with Putin pretending he was the only EU leader trying to attain peace with Russia. Going to be another Trudeau moment if he still wins after all this stuff blowing up in his face.
>>232917 >3th video <playing with the selector

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