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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3716: Platty Joobs Edition Anonymous 06/02/2022 (Thu) 05:46:17 Id: 4a6155 No. 262575 >>262581
The nickname for the Jubilee dividing Britain: Social media row breaks out over 'Platty Joobs' - so do you love it or hate it? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10875817/The-nickname-Jubilee-dividing-Britain-Social-media-row-breaks-Platty-Joobs.html ​'Platty Joobs' overtakes the Platinum Jubilee as trend goes viral https://www.gbnews.uk/news/platty-joobs-overtakes-the-platinum-jubilee-as-trend-goes-viral/308089 ​'Platty Joobs' splits country as new Platinum Jubilee name does not impress everyone https://www.scottishdailyexpress.co.uk/news/weird-news/platty-joobs-splits-country-new-27115075
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>>262577 >wikifeet >>262578 smorning lad
>>262579 there's also boobpedia
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>>262575 (OP) Luv Greggs me
>>262580 based >>262581 want to go to greggs one day tbh
Autistic boy denied Thorpe Park access pass because 'he wasn't disabled enough', raging mum claims https://www.gbnews.uk/news/autistic-boy-denied-thorpe-park-access-pass-because-he-wasnt-disabled-enough-raging-mum-claims/308382 fess up lads which one of you was this
>>262583 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek literally me 30 years ago
>>262585 there's so much chemistry between these two- they're basically the same person, only one is male and the other female, and they presumably copulate regularly
>>262584 keeeksmh poor lad >>262585 looks like a pretty standard selection tbh there's a bakery up by my dad's house that used to do a really really nice pie tbh steak and bacon with an egg on top then a slice of tomato and then finally covered with cheese with no crust on top was fantastic but they don't make it any more smdh
thorpe park was a weird water park built in an old qaurry that wasn't really worth going to for a long time but then it became a theme park with rollercoasters and it was a trend to go there
>>262588 weird how lad?
>>262589 well, it's weird that an australian would know about it for one
>>262590 i'm english lad i lived in dorset until about twelve or so always used to see ads on tv for thorpe park and alton towers
>lived in dorset errrrm
>>262593 where
>>262594 bradford abbas
If one is conscientious, it's not too hard to put together a meaningful and interesting life. Finding fulfillment is indeed more difficult, but that's part of the goal of the meaningful component. The really significant difficulty is in watching normalfags constantly shirking the responsibilities which they ought to be honouring. So much indulgence, so very little self-sacrifice. As if truth means nothing and everything in their world is based on their interactions with others. How many minutes of reinforcing, 'validating' interactions with others does one need in a week? Is it wise to develop such interest in the various props with which one uses to entertain oneself? The normong chronically, positively answers in the easiest way possible to such questions, there is no element of putting aside his pleasures in order to fulfill the available and entirely indispensable duty of advancing the truth. So those who mix in easy lies will rise for a time as a compromise, the NPCs who choose the easiest way will be dominated by them, but not for ever, because, after a time, the purer elements will rise up carried by those loyal to them. These last will surpass all others, ushering a final, golden age. The path ahead is not obvious though it remains visible if only somewhat dimly.
>>262585 I'll be honest Greggs is mediocre at best
>>262596 tbh >>262597 the fate of all franchise chains smh
>If one is conscientious, it's not too hard to put together a meaningful and interesting life. Finding fulfillment is indeed more difficult, but that's part of the goal of the mea..... good post lad, enjoy philosophy myself too *drives lotus carlton to thorpe park to engage wogs*
>>262596 It's easy to be a saint in isolation, and it's easy to be a sinner in a crowd. Social activity is not generally of a hedonistic nature, it is meaningful in the sharing of joy and ideas, it's just more tiring for some of us. Lies can be justified by the insecure not wanting to divulge the details of their personal lives on a whim. Sincere honesty even at risk of insult is commendable but difficult for those lacking in confidence.
Matthew 7:3 1-4 Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
so stunning so brave
So that Depp-Heard trial is over and I was reading through the summary on Wiki. Seems so obvious that all these mental disorders (and manifestations of the same) are just modern equivalents of enchantments and rituals performed by the wizards of psychology or psychiatry. Each side tried to "win" the reverse prize of most victimised with its array of such magic. What a joke, one doesn't expect much from actors but this was exceptionally pathetic.
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>>262600 depends on the crowd tbh moral people can keep each other moral while isolated people sin through lack of accountability >>262603 symptom of the modern age tbh it's all victim worship slightly less offensive in a courtroom since the objective is to find out who did wrong and who was wronged but still smh at the theatrics necessary when it should be based on facts only
in a better society johnny depp could have simply beaten amber heard and that would be the end of it
>>262603 In modernity it is deeply attractive to be diagnosed with a mental disorder, for one's flaws then become somewhat beyond personal control. It was not me, but a disease of the mind. Responsibility for self is abdicated in favour of becoming openly weak and pitiable, less than a full man.
>>262595 cringe..
>>262600 The bad lies are the ones that people tell about the society which is in bad shape, but they are pretending otherwise to keep the party going. Personal truths or lies arent nearly as significant.
>>262610 nah just kiddin thats probably the best part of dorshit
>>262609 fair enough
shlap women with an open hand
slapping women is cringe punching on the other hand...
smh all this victim worship is just another satanic inversion >>262611 thanks lad where are you? >>262613 tbh could have all been avoided with some disciplining
>>262605 Yes. Actors have a penchant for drama and technology is to blame for the way it's amplified.
>>262613 I learned this at a young age. I was on a bouncy castle and kicked a lass right in the fud tbh. She keeled over and sobbed and said nothing to me again, thank God.
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watching an educational video about the dangers of pressure differentials whilst diving
had a wank
>>262620 as per, filter this flag cunt
>>262619 Pressure differentials are no joke. When I was younger I dove in a fairly deep area too fast, had a terrible skull crushing pain, got a nosebleed and almost lost consciousness
>>262620 smh >>262622 wew how deep did you go?
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*summons wessie*
>>262623 idk probably only 15m or so that time, just went too fast
>>262619 Read that as driving tbh, and had a vision of nutjob auslads driving in the outback in rocket cars.
Actually I was young, 15m is probably too high. More like 8m or so
I remember getting near the bottom of the deep end when I was a lad and not liking it tbh.
>>262626 yeah that's an extra one and a half atmospheres of pressure tbh suddenly going that deep probably isn't great >>262627 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek if only >>262628 still almost an extra atmosphere of pressure tbh water gets heavy fast
>>262629 remember almost drowning twice when i was young smh
>>262632 justice is a popularity contest tbh you can be dead to rights guilty but if the court of popular opinion finds you innocent you've got a good chance of getting away with things it's only impartial when nobody cares about it
>>262632 there's probably some truth to that
>>262635 based good lad
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>>262638 ugly slag
>>262637 based
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>>262641 lol..
wish i was a supervillain
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thanks for reminding me about that lass just downloaded her onlyfans vids for free hehe
>>262643 tbh just want to fire a moon laser at israel and every major western city
ok, no more wanking today..
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>>262647 set a limit at once per day >>262648 >shitty ragecomic "meme" this must be b*ns
>>262648 Except the w*man always sides with the Jew even if you try to explain why modernity is cancer and she should be based and trad and also loathe and distrust red sea pedestrians.
Trooping the Colour on BBC 1
>>262651 are they going to whip out a nonce flag like they did at the proms
>>262652 Likely not, but Obama is on talking about her for some reason
without her make up on she reminds me of someone but i cant figure out who this is going to bug me all day smh
Irish guards walking their doggy now
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>>262649 good memi map tbh it's unironically mostly correct explain how the centre point of evropa is budapest and not vienna though (not accusatory tbh please explain)
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The soldiers have all arrived now
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>>262658 telegraph livestream is just showing the horse guards standing around smh
>This is the state of anti polface memes also, why do they call it chud?
>>262659 Pembs pls go.
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>>262657 >explain how the centre point of evropa is budapest and not vienna though it doesn't necessarily mean the center point, that's just where the center of their divide is. in Hungary makes sense because Hungary is a very heterogeneous country, I don't think 'Hungarians' have a distinct look to them. some look Aryan, some look Slav, some look gypsy... modern Germany is the center of Europe imo
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>>262660 They have like three hours of soldiers talking about being a member of a household division before they actually start the banter
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I've been told I stare at people. I don't care.
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Cute tbh
>>262661 because we live underground and eat people lad >>262663 yeah that's true tbh austria and hungary are closely linked anyway plus the sheer number of languages spoken in austria-hungary was ridiculous smh it really was the centre where everything came together >modern Germany is the center of Europe imo tbh wish it wasn't though smh a bit too far north-west for my tastes >>262666 keeeeeeeeek ai has gotten scarily good tbqh
sex sex pussy pussy
>>262670 >tbh wish it wasn't though smh a bit too far north-west for my tastes eh I guess Czechia is the actual center and I'm just biased. did another one of those map-line-things with Prague and it did seem more on point remember when Blumpf did a cringe speech in Poland, he said "Poland is the geographical center of Europe" and all of the Poles were cooming their pants. imagine that, the American President coming to Poland and praising them as central- not eastern- Europeans. it's the Polish dream come true
My head is sore tbh
>>262672 yikes...
Deez niggaz got DRIP!
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>>262668 choon that >>262673 >Czechia is the actual center politically irrelevant though >Blumpf did a cringe speech in Poland, he said "Poland is the geographical center of Europe" and all of the Poles were cooming their pants keeeeeeek tell the people what they want to hear luv poles who stay in poland tbh they're decent >>262674 smh rip lad
>>262678 My neighbours are Poles who fuck off to their house over there all the time
>>262679 they should stay there
someone link the trooping when they actually do the marching up and down the square and play some choons tbh
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>>262681 I think it's about to begin, the horsies are marching to salute are majesty
>>262681 tbh too much standing around smh this is the 21st century get to the point immediately or i will switch to a different tab
always feels a bit dishonest referring to someone as his or her "majesty" who isn't eight feet tall and radiating some powerful unearthly aura tbh i will come out and say it: the queen is quite ordinary
>>262685 cringe take tbh
>>262686 she could at least wear some shining golden pauldrons and carry a flaming sword or something
the monarchy has mountains of wealth but they are dedicating none of it towards being seen as larger-than-life figures smh this is why republican sentiment is growing
>less than 3000 total lads involved including the bandsmen and cavalry etc all a bit pitiful really smh that's like two minutes of a russian march past >>262685 liz windsor shouldn't be a queen tbh implicated with the globalniggers, epstein, longest "reigning" monarch yet has done absolutely nothing to protect britain etc etc
>>262689 err lad, the people coming here are her subjects just as much as you :^)
some good choons at least
Tbh I am raging a little inside that wagies are on holiday because of this sham. They are intruding on my neetdom.
>>262689 tbh i hate her and her family honestly her lack of care sours my view of monarchy as a whole but i try not to think about it literal fucking spineless zogslave smh would gladly behead her myself put are tilly on the throne >all a bit pitiful really smh that's like two minutes of a russian march past smdh
>>262692 just remind them that they have to go back to toil and you don't
all of that empty space that should be full of soldiers londonistan should be shut down so they can all march around the BIG roads and put on a day long show
I'm reaching new levels of hatred for East Asian Americans. They are such obnoxious cunts. Jewish Americans are less cuntish.
>>262695 lol where the fuck are they?
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>>262632 Probably true in general but using Weinstein and Depp as your examples is retarded.
my ideal form of government is sovereign citizen style micro-monarchies forming LOCAL confederacies as voluntary nation-states because everybody is a 120+ iq human being who understands the consequences of their actions and how it affects everybody around themselves obviously that isn't possible in the real world and "people" need to be corralled like cattle and have all forms of danger or self-harm safely put out of reach i hate them so much >>262696 good lad you should hate all mixed-race "people" >Jewish Americans are less cuntish. bad lad smh don't grade evils none of them are human >>262698 tbh
>>262697 Horse Guards Parade, Macclesfield St, London
>>262700 i mean the soldiers keek
should clarify that not everybody is a king perhaps one out of every hundred or thousand small enough that everyone's voice can be heard but with the cream of the crop at the top
>>262701 non-existent because we "can't afford" a proper army
>>262701 >>262703 cut funding to the nhs for 24 hours and hire a mercenary army big enough to mog the entire continent
>>262703 was looking at the forces tv yt channel vids the other day and theres so many fucking shills in their wanting war with russia delusional
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>>262699 >micro-monarchies Speaking of which, I got fascinated by Lesotho recently, interesting that they and Swaziland kept their monarchies and continue to exist.
>>262707 looks comfy tbh ngl
for me it's a minarchy and elective monarchy with a tripartite government consisting of a king for military duties (defence of the land), a PM type for national civil duties (infrastructure) and a guy with a really big hat, maybe an archbishop or high drvid to do the religious and cultural guidelines stuff they only handle the BIG things and everything else is done for and by LOCALs
also everyone is armed, no exceptions and any furriner that breaks the law does slave labour until they pay off their debt to society and then they are kicked out
the governments only purpose should be to assign wives (minimum of 3) to NEETs
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>Nazi's burn their enemies into ash >Their enemy is the ASHkeNAZI Jews Come the fuck on
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>>262710 >also everyone is armed, no exceptions uh based
>>262698 why? they were both headline stories in the media for months. what other examples would you use? the Weinstein case is an extreme example- the claim was that him and the whore had a relationship for years, having consensual sex many times, but that one time in the middle of that, Weinstein raped the girl. she didn't complain about it at the time, only years later, and continued having consensual sex with him during those years. he was found guilty and sentenced to over 20 years prison with that as precedent, basically any man that is or has been in a relationship with a woman can be accused of rape without evidence (despite many consensual sexual encounters before and after the rape) and sent to prison for decades. the actual facts of the case are beyond absurd, and ultimately Weinstein was convicted for being a disgusting, fat slob. the jury was shown a picture of his naked body meanwhile in the Depp case, Depp is accused of domestic violence in the post-Weinstein "believe all women" climate, and somehow manages to get Heard found guilty on all counts of defamation for lying about him being an abuser. defamation is very difficult to prove, particularly in the US where restrictions on speech are taboo unless they launder the censorship using the tyranno-libertarian "private company" loophole. this was only possible because Depp is a very charismatic person that is well-liked, whereas Heard is a psychotic bed-pooper that even many feminists will gladly throw under the bus you seem to be missing the point
>>262707 honestly pretty based doesn't matter how small your territory is tbh if you can keep yourself self-sufficient enough and self-contained enough you can survive any furrin occupation simply by saying "let me rule them for you" eventually it ends and you become independent again simply because bigger things break apart faster than smaller things >>262709 >>262710 yeah i'm thinking that's based >>262711 polygamy is cringe lad if you have three wives your children only have ⅓ a father they'd basically be raised by a single mother (which we all know is a death sentence)
>so sloppy they can't even stand in a straight line any more
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Jubilee? More like JEWbilee
>>262716 the west has fallen... >>262717 but what if they're sons?
just saw a pothole filled with a puddle of water on the parade ground too the utter state
>>262718 keeeeek how will they ever recover >>262720 smh it's over they're fucking done
BRVTVNNVA has fallen...
>>262711 Yes, we should be breeding, it should be our job to breed.
>>262721 victorians wouldn't have stood for this they'd have had squaddies filling everything in weeks beforehand and they'd keep the height restrictions on certain units corporal midget here might even be a fucking woman
>>262725 now this is kino
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wonder what Steiner has to say about these based Aryan Spics goosestepping in stahlhelms
no wait I saw a woman in the ranks never mind
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>>262724 tbh tbh tbh no fucking standards any more the parade ground is a shambles smh and the lines of men are like a mexican wave smdh marching on a parade ground is an entirely different beast from real soldiering smh the boast of parades is from the example of uniform discipline we all know crafty bastards of all shapes and sizes are needed in war but the advantage is being able to field both (and we all know which one looks better) they're supposed to be a uniform mass smh not like there's a shortage of competent 6' soldiers they could grab just lazy except it's not even laziness smh we all know it's deliberate sabotage >>262725 >>262727 >>262729 aaaaauuughhhhh the west has fallen
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>>262732 good lads tbh don't mind women and wogs in certain military jobs but they have to be properly segregated
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>>262732 >perfectly synchronised steps
>>262730 still can't figure out if un homme qui dort is intentionally similar to un homme qui dorset or if that's just a coincidence
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>>262735 its the name of the film...
>>262736 you can't claim to speak on the behalf of the director lad maybe he made it just for you maybe the fillum was always un homme qui dor(se)t we may never know
>>262733 yeah I assume they would be treating the wounded in field hospitals or something, and they just give them rifles for the parade. unpozzed free Juche nation would know better than to throw wombs into battle >>262734 this video of the chinese is the most impressive of all. they even create crazy optical illusions with the white uniforms blending together. and the lasses look peng with the short skirts and high boots out of all the potential happenings that could happen, the absolute best timeline is one where the USA goes to war with China and gets utterly BTFO
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>can't even keep the broadcast up
>>262738 >lasses (imperium) look peng. That's all the main characters other than Wessex, Steiner and 22 imperium pilled now.
starting to think wews is a bit of a narcissist ngl
>>262743 >starting
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>>262712 Holy shit lad you cracked the code
>helicopters fucking around while the parade is on and buzzing over the music etc >they couldn't even do a proper no fly zone >there is going to be a fly past anyway later
broken britain
>random cunt breaks formation and walks into the middle of the road to take some photo shoot pics of the horse guards for fucks sake
>>262742 cannot stop fucking laughing at this
>>262741 smh I have spanish flu, not yellow fever. women goose stepping for their anti-NWO country is the most flattering possible light, watch the video and you will see what I mean the russian chicks look good too
>>262742 Nigel said up the RA, so that means Ireland must be givernee by the EU Impeccable logic
well not really goose stepping that was just the chileans but you get the idea, marching
>>262752 kino wonder how many got sent to ukraine smh
>>262738 >that absolute uniformity with everybody's legs moving in total synchronicity >that bit where they march with bayonets forwards and none of them show even the slightest trace of fear because they all know every man behind them will be marching at the exact same pace so there's no danger >the lasses wearing pink with the white berets don't get me wrong lads i hate the chinks but i'm starting to love the chinks >>262742 which one's the ra lads i honestly don't pay much attention to ireland at all
>>262752 Some cute central Asians in there for u lad. >>262756 Steiner has also shown weakness for imperium in the past.
Are you the Terry Berry who wrote "Review of Afrotropical Cryptopimpla Taschenberg. Academia always sends me these emails
>>262742 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek taigs btfo
>>262757 many have tbh they're a powerful foe it is natural to desire the strong horse
>>262745 Well yeah, i used to think he was wise and humble, but I think that was just an act He’s actually self obsessed and arrogant
>>262762 It's just a general term for irish republicanism
Matthew 25:32 reminder that jesus loves wignats
>>262762 the RA is short for Rangers, whose support mainly comes from prods
Do IRA supporters actually say “up the rah” like Nige did? I’ve never heard that before
>>262762 I think its an abbreviation of “IRA”, which is itself an abbreviation A prank caller shortened it to “RA” to trick are nig in to saying it
>irish culture >jayhawking >hoolihan >boo-galoo,etc. >names like crimnal literally all just by-words for cut throat raiders and thieves
>>262768 t. irish
>>262764 the Bible talks constantly about God dividing the nations and giving them distinct traits, that's why the ultimate battles in medieval times were between a coalition of allied Christian nations vs 1 or 2 monolithic Muslim blob states
>>262763 >>262765 see now i'm confused smh when i see 'RA i immediately fill in the blank with the most famous *RA organisation which is the IRA but then if the RA is prot that means they're on the other side so who the fuck is it? >>262764 based tbh always knew he did luv are jesus tbh ngl >>262767 smh
>>262770 >diaspora >conquers 2 entire continents and slaughters hundreds of millions of shitskins >builds Sydney chicago and other metropolises >normal irish >complain about muh oppression CHOOSE THE UPWARD PATH
>>262773 Dorset was muddying the waters I suspect. Up the RA is quite a common phrase.
>>262773 Yes, "Up the RA" is a chant for the Scottish football club called The Rangers in Glasgow, RA being short for Rangers, and many of their supporters are Protestants in Glasgow and Northern Ireland, they have a rivalry with Celtic who are Taigs
>>262773 It looks like “up the ra” is an expression some irish nationalists use, but most people - including are nig - don’t know of it https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/tv-radio-web/up-the-ra-nigel-farage-duped-into-using-republican-slogan-in-birthday-video-message-1.4698180
I’m glad we can all agree Dorshit is a little annoying cunt tbh
Nige thought it was the Royal Academy.
cannons about to go boom
Starting to understand why a lot of the auditors and nonce hunters on youtube come from the south west.
>>262783 yeah? whats the reason?
>>262784 They’re looking for (You)
i am not a nonce, objectively, unlike 22st
>>262786 > i am not a nonce That’s what all the nonces say
>>262788 This is ng the saddest obsession I've seen on here.
>>262789 *shrugs*
sick of this malarkey https://poal.me/rltuei please lads the ireland situation is very confusing to me >>262788 cor not a fan of the tattoos though >>262791 tbh lad
she is sexier with the tats
>six whole cannons firing one at a time oo err don't break the bank liz
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>>262788 wtf she looks so much like AndreaWhisperingASMR, one of my favorite Spanish ASMR chicks >>262792 "up the 'ra" sounds like a pro-IRA slogan to me, and Nigel saying it like that comes off as mocking Irish nationalists as terroristic savages. not gonna vote on the poal so put +1 in that camp
they look nothing alike she is a pure celtic goddess not a filthy wop
>face blindness yet another piece of evidence for spictism
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>>262795 aaaauughh it's so ambiguous
>>262798 lad can you not tell i was joking keeeeeeek
keeeek they look so disgusted and shocked the one day of the year where they have to look upon the mutt masses of the crapital city
>>262796 she's a tattooed onlyfans whore, Andrea is a Visigothic-Celtiberian princess >>262797 there are differences obviously but there is definitely a lot of resemblance. similar hair color/style, skin tone, eyes, face shape, mouth
asmr freaks are worse than onlyfans lasses
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>>262799 sorry for trusting you lad i'll never do it again
>red arrows brapping the french flag in the sky
checked her instagram and she's actually doing some footposting. enough instances that I don't think it's incidental
congratulations, your posts are worse than mine
hand still hurts smh really messed it up tbh got little bruises all over my knuckles but my hand hurts whenever i pick up anything heavier than a mug of tea might have sprained something smh >>262804 it's 1066 all over again smdh man the flak cannons lad >>262805 duh she's obviously baiting coomers
Why did that Serbia holiday lad cancel his Serbia holiday?
>>262807 well if youre going to be like this look up a lass called cherryapricots and tell me what you think about her feet
>>262809 lack of adventurous spirit
>>262808 >duh she's obviously baiting coomers I'm surprised, she doesn't come off that way in the ASMR videos. wasn't expecting a bikini butt vid under the guise of some poolside necklace inspection >>262810 this is all I could find conveniently, looks nice. but you'd have to spoonfeed me any more, I should have cleaned my teeth and went to bed an hour ago. you're on the onlyfans thots now hmm, somebody discovered https://forum.thotsbay.com/ ?
>>262812 would you suck on them toes, lad?
>>262813 can't really see 'em, but sure, girl is cute, soles are nice, like the rosy heels gotta go teeth
>Dorshit ruining the thread with thot posting Should be banned ngl
>>262816 you can just... filter me
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>this thread
>>262742 Isn't it an inversion of up the IRA, i.e. up the Royal Army? Don't think the ' is neccesery. In fact, don't think I've ever heard taig dafties call the IRA "the RA".
>royal army
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>>262820 Confirm or deny my asoooomptions you bully nigger.
a lot of you lads are proper fucking stupid
>>262812 >I'm surprised she's a woman
>>262819 Taigs say up "up the 'RA" all the time lad, it means IRA. Nigel was clearly indulging in a spot of tongue in cheek banter.
Big fat arses FARTING
It's really not surprising that the cosmopolitan crowd out of dublin would want to destroy that line of thinking as fast as possible. God forbid the Irish realise they spent 500 years resisting external rule just to accept another gang actively replacing them.
>>262828 from what I've seen it's mostly Nigerians.
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>>262818 >this thread Since Dorshit wrecked it
>>262833 you think this is me wreckign the thread? i can be 10 times worse
>>262825 >Nigel was clearly indulging in a spot of tongue in cheek banter. He was tricked in to saying it, not knowing what it meant
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>>262836 ᴛʙʜ ᴛʙʜ
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Did anyone post the other video of the incel in america pepper spraying thots?
>>262839 Terrible, the suffering we men must put up with
>go to tardtoil appointment as directed to by email and text >office closed fucking lazy email senders can't even be bothered to stop their automated routines
>>262843 Off to groom some seamonkeys?
>>262845 Vietnam is entirely free for the unvaxxed lad
It hurts when I squeal
>>262772 very inspiring indeed. one must always remember how, in the absolute immenseness of the cosmos, it is only here that there is a planet, where there is life, and among that life, there is only one people who have the potential for greatness, and we number among that people, in a time where greatness is needed more than ever
>>262848 based
I'd like to teach the world to poo and post some feed and sneed
i am called aaron the noble
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>got an interview for a job that pays 75-90k, fully wfh and equity I'm going to nail it boys
>>262852 what's the job lass?
>>262853 devops eng for a medium sized company
lost a full tinny whilst i was doing my laundry smdh put it down somewhere and now i can't find it reward offered: one (You) and you don't even have to retvrn the tinny just want to know it's doing okay tbh it's a big world out there smh lot of unscrupulous people >>262842 reminded me i still have the bennies thing i was supposed to do yesterday >>262852 hope you get it lad you deserve success
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>>262855 you put it down next to your bed while you were scooping up clothes
>relatives are over great that's not tiresome at all
buttocks of glass see through ass squeamish gas
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>>262742 >Nigel what exactly did you mean when you said "Happy birthday to Sneed and a merry sussy chungus amogus"? >You don't have a clue do you?
>>262855 Cheers mate, best of luck to you as well.
>>262856 had a look around and it's nowhere to be found did find the last two slices of tonight's pizza that i forgot about though so thanks lad >>262857 smh rip lad >>262860 thanks lad
poor lost tinny
>>262862 lest we forget
what was that term for people secretly living in homes unnoticed by the occupiers and stealing their groceries etc
>>262864 gnomes or boggarts
>>262864 filipinos
>>262864 NEETs
video game idea: you are a mostly-full tinny with newly-gained sapience in a world where magic has suddenly awakened and alcohol gives magic powers the half-cut mage mafia are coming for you to either devour your power or eliminate the competition small focussed open world in the style of postal 2 >>262864 me i'm in your walls it's nothing personal lad it's just business drop more crumbs though if you would a man's gotta eat
>>262864 It's called sleep walking obese person
>>262864 Borrowers
Do you understand me now? This wasn't a 80% scudded can which had been used as an ashtray. This was a just-opened tinny. It is somewhere in this building still frothing and I. Will. Find it.
>>262872 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>that time neeson admitted to kicking the shit out of a random wog on daytime tv and nothing happened to him
>>262875 he's immune because he's qui gon jin and also publicly anti-gun luv him in fillums, 'ate him as a person
>>262875 Apparently he was a teacher at one point and battered a student who pulled a knoif on him Also, I think the nog raped his sister?
Well Hallo there Steiner
I hate
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>som yanks pronounce wimbledon and wimbletin
>>262881 honestly they need to stop trying to say words
>>262883 w*men need less self-esteem tbh they need to be told that they're ugly and they need to be told often
>>262883 They need to be executed like animals.
I wish I was like 22st tbh
>>262886 t. 22st
i scream when i shit
>bbk having a schizophrenic episode >forgetting to hop IPs to talk to himself
>>262889 It's ok, we're all supportive of each other.
is the platty joob still happening? the queen finished patting herself on the back for doing fuck all yet?
>>262891 yea, probably, big neeetdo
>>262891 breaking her coronation oath epic style
>>262839 Like in that korean film parasite? That’s a real thing?
>>262895 act like hoe get treated like a hoe.
considering a 3rd strawberry cornetto
>>262897 good weather for ice cream tbh
considering a 4th strawberry cornetto
>>262899 keeeek exercise some self restraint wessie. Supposed to be nice and sunny tomorrow too, save it for then
considering a 5th strawberry cornetto
>>262901 reminding me of my 99 flake box binges
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5 strawberry cornettos = 110g of sugar
considering the fact that all the cornettos I've been considering are in the freezer uneaten
>>262904 very convenient lad... not sus at all...
>>262903 good thing I definitely didn't eat 600 calories of cornettos in the space of half an hour then
FRESH MORGOTH What Is To Be Done? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojMFyqoBdWA
It's like a car crash in slow motion you can't help but watch him gorge himself in both horror and morbid curiosity.
>>262908 keekesmh almost time to put a pineapple ham and anchovies pizza in the oven
>>262896 but thats not what the meme is about lol >>262906 keek
>>262910 whatever hoe
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>>262913 desperately wishing to live on a tropical island with an orangutan and no net access
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FRESH MORGOTH no tengo dinnero https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sy2MqQ_uNIY
>>262915 keek lad
Midwhich Cuckoos remade with black cast Ironically, the story is about an alien race implanting their offspring England to take it over
>>262919 Good lad
>all that anti monarchy posting earlier >lads not knowing what up the RA means
>>262922 You can respect the institution of monarchy whilst realising the current royals are crap tbh
>>262903 So THAT'S what I need to be eating, damn.
what if there are moose philosophers, but they can't share their knowledge and insights because they can't talk
>>262919 good lad been awake since midnight last night and i think i fell asleep in my chair for a few hours smdh need to do shite today tbh not fall asleep being awake for 27 hours isn't an excuse >>262922 the current crop are degenerate traitors lad the monarchy needs to be refreshed >>lads not knowing what up the RA means >lads not telling me what it means spill the fucking beans then lass don't act like a smug cunt
>>262923 the excuse of loads of anti monarchists at everytime in history tbh
how can someone be british and not know what up the ra means, they even made a song about it
i will ask my northern irish ex gf what up the ra means
>>262928 throughout my entire life nobody has ever ever spoken about the ireland situation lad it's been some dirty little secret that i've had to find out about by myself people just don't talk about it i didn't even find out that eire was independent until i was in my twenties was a shock i'll tell you that
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>>262930 >i didn't even find out that eire was independent until i was in my twenties
>>262926 Its literally just pro IRA slang tbh whenever we say "up the X" or "uppa X" over here it means we support X tbh
>>262931 smh really really really want to pin this one on ignorance tbh hope he's not some coward who thinks that an independent ireland is a desirable situation >>262932 nobody every fucking told me lad how was i supposed to know? the idea of an independent ireland was as ludicrous to me as an independent wales or scotland of course they aren't because they just aren't tbh it's natural >>262933 yeah i know that now
>262933 >over here
>united kingdom >kingdom isn't united wtf >>262935 it's okay to be irish lad they're nice people
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>>262935 It's me tbh
>"hello yes I'd like to be put through to the taigfinder general, yes I believe theres one in the thread right now"
>>262937 good lad >>262938 keeeeeeeeek
>>262938 any nationality but anglo posting on /brit/
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up the ra confirmed for pro-taig sentiment
it's settled, then are nige is in fact an irish nationalist
Obnoxoius Oriental American foid
>>262943 is this just more seethebait from some comfy officejob female bragging about how easy her life is won't watch it
>>262941 smh wonder why dorset kept lying to me tbh will have to have stern words with that lad >>262942 natural evolution from his chungus days tbh
>>262927 They were right, then
>>262938 Get him lad
>>262943 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK its like foid teaching methods just being extended to real life "Teehee heres this special acronym we've made up you follow this and you can be a barbie lawyer just like me", women turning the entire world into their little playground.
Fuck the Windsors tbqhwy
>>262948 foids should be lobotomised at birth and divvied out according to basedness
>>262949 reminder that the head of global freemasonry is the duke of kent as well
anti monarchists are poofs tbh, what do you expect him to do be le based fashy prince, the monarchy would be dead by the next day
>>262952 > what do you expect him to do be le based fashy prince, the monarchy would be dead by the next day Why should we stand for monarchy on principle, when the monarch himself has no principles? That’s just stupid
>>262952 tbh tbf
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>check the thread >this thread
>>262952 maybe the monarchy is already dead then
>>262952 >anti-monarchists are poofs Actually poofs love the monarchy, especially gay icon little georgie windsor
>>262954 >when the monarch himself has no principles? just ignoring the part where I said they'd be removed in a day if they did anything, the monarchy represent 1000 years of british history and duty, to be against them is to be a liberal faggot who wants some elected head of state like a president, such a shite gay system, the monarchy itself existing stands as a symbol against liberalism by virtue of succession being based on blood and the divine right to rule.
>Tory Boys itt getting a hardon for the royal event
>>262949 tbh and fuck charles specifically tbh in interviews from decades ago he's candidly spoken that he knows exactly what's happening and he happily adds to it >>262952 he could do nothing society is for gone enough that even just not speaking in support of globohomo can be a revolutionary act he prefers to take the easy way out though to ensure that there'll still be a throne for himself when he's 102 ruling over a niggerfied hellscape isn't an issue as long as he rules hope he dies of something embarrassing >>262954 tbqh it's a two-way agreement
>saxe-coburg-gothas >divine right to rule britain
>>262959 > they'd be removed in a day if they did anything That’s the point lad, he stands for NOTHING except globohomo and white replacement
Amazing how all the arguments from leftists against the monarchy are identical to the ones from so called britnats, its embarrassing.
>>262963 all european monarchies are awful afaik, even the local ones >spanish monarch stops a fascist coup >romanian and italians kings overthrow fascists so jews can take power
>262965 I just told you what he stood for, stupid mutt.
>>262963 tbh the real monarchy died with harold godwinson
If you don't support the monarchy you are a leftist revolutionary.
tard having a fit again >THE monarchy there is more than one britlads seem to be pro monarchy but not obvious traitor cunt windsors
>Being the daughter of a Scottish aristocrat, she regarded herself as a Scot, though her mother was English and she was herself born in England. Consequently, our Queen, being her daughter, is more British, or Anglo-Scottish than any reigning monarch for centuries.
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>>262959 > monarchy represent 1000 years of british history and duty Yes, and they have neglected their duty to the British people, in favour of pure self preservation, hence are owed no allegiance and respect except by faggots like you
>>262966 >>262970 >nooooooooo when the monarchy tells you to get replaced by niggers you're supposed to cheer and wave flags no thanks lass
>>262959 >>262968 > just told you what he stood for Yes, nothing
>>262971 yeah why don't we just make the wessies the royal family, fucking retard
filtered tbh, obviously arguing in bad faith, the lot of you are just a bunch of childish nihilists
>based lads take power but keep the monarchy >the next gen of royals are based >suddenly the argument is flipped thats how retarded you lot are that you don't get this
>>262971 >britlads seem to be pro monarchy but not obvious traitor cunt windsors Exactly this tbh, but Tory Boy ed7421 thinks we should stay loyal to them even though they are not loyal to us
WW2 was a mistake, but given the chance I would've fought for George VI anyway.
i'm pro monarchy but there hasn't been a legitimate monarch on the throne in 955 years 7 months and 21 days just show me a descendant of king harold who hasn't been tainted by continental genetics and i'll support him
anti monarchy me and don't care
for me it's elective monarchy for the king of my tripartite fantasy government tbh his kids get a better chance to continue his line's rule by virtue of being the reigning family but if they are shit then other people can replace them without abolishing the system or starting a massive pointless civil war, becoming republicucks and letting jews back into the country
whole point of monarchy is that its eternal and based on blood and divine right to rule, if you simply act like a child and say "nuh uh me want different royals me no like you" then you are a mong and are undermining the whole concept of monarchy in the first place, time to grow up brit.
would rather a presidential system than an "elective monarchy" fucking KEEEEEEEEEEK state of republicucks
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> ed7421 has switched IPs
maybe a based weeaboo version of bloodline and also elective monarchy where there's the main lads are hereditary monarchs but whenever there's a shit one on the throne they can just be confined to a palace somewhere and wheeled out for ceremonial occasions while the shogun type elective king does the actual ruling
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>>262982 >i'm pro monarchy but there hasn't been a legitimate monarch on the throne in 955 years 7 months and 21 days now that's trad
>>262982 this tbh
pro monarchy simply because bins is against it tbh
>>262984 tbh >>262985 if you actually believed that you would denounce the current royals as illegitimate see >>262982 >>262986 >would rather be a republicuck than a monarchist fucking KEEEEEEEEEK state of monarchists t. you >>262988 tbh and the shogun is /brit/
oh its bins I've been arguing against, KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK thought it might be spic tbh but considering how low IQ these posts are it makes sense, the subversive poof is anti monarchy colour me shocked
>>262992 if godwinson wanted to be king he should have won, he had no more right to rule than william
>>262993 keeeeek smh
sometimes the line blurs so much I can't tell whether it's madlad or agnonce who's arguing something
for the pvre monarchy lad, what is the solution to having evil and/or incompetent monarchs if you can't swap them out? historically it fucked britain up because parliamentniggers just got power power
>>262994 if might makes right then the public is right in their republicanism simply because the crown in powerless to stop them
> the public is right
>>262997 you manage them until the next one comes along
>>262999 read what i'm actually saying lad
>>263000 but then they can't manage the lower governing body and it becomes corrupt and just as evil and incompetent and with more power because there is no big boy to tell them no
>>263001 its a more brainlet argument than what bins has been saying, makes zero sense, the public mostly support the monarchy for a start
>>263002 based
>>263003 who exactly is making up this lower governing body in your fantasy, whos is the pm, none of what you are saying makes sense
>>263006 it's not a fantasy lad it's britain right now an incompetent inactive monarchy has allowed parliament to become too powerful and evil neither check nor balance is working for either
tbh might is right has always been what is you can argue online about what the best system is all you want or who has the right, but what human history is actually made up of and who *actually* gets to rule has always been determined by might makes right one way or another doesn't matter who thinks he has the right if he doesnt have the ability to claim that right
>its a one lad talking about an ideal scenario vs the other lads arguing as is everytime >>263007 >an incompetent inactive monarchy has allowed parliament to there was a civil war over this lad ffs the monarchy has been powerless for hundreds of years, they didn't "let" parliament do anything they were forced
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Hey Steiner.
>>263009 so the monarchy is simultaneously toothless but uses what it does have for evil purposes smh
>>263010 whys it always the ugliest munters who want abortion rights the most
>>263008 tbh tomorrow belongs to whoever shows up don't always like it but it's the stone cold truth questions of legitimacy are purely academic
>>263012 they are just virtue signalling, also its possible charles simply fell for the climate change meme and cares for the environment, stop the 1D thinking
<literally a member of the league of supervillains >he's an innocent goodlad LEAVE CHARLEY ALONE lad...
thinking about that based scene where btfos parliament in king charles iii again tbh
pretty sure someone made a webm of it because the youtube upload is fucked by copyshite
>all this autistic infighting *clears throat* spic fuentes
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>>263017 tbh it's pvre kino >>263018 yes lad that was me
>>263020 verygoodlad >the way the PM says "democratic, british way of life" keeeke it's so realistic is makes me sneethe
wish the soundtrack could be isolated, the chant is extremely kino too
>>263021 tbh they accidentally made it too based because in their minds nobody would ever stand with le evil dictator who btfos parliament really funny how they went shut it down mode after the film was out and they saw people fixating on the only good scene
>>263020 god I wish that were real
let's put this to bed and enjoy the bank holiday
>>263025 tbh no matter the stance on monarchy everyone can agree that all MPs should be brutally murdered in creative and slow ways
>>262601 Is that in reply to my poost? If so it reminds me of the certain mediocrity I was warned of >>262928 Why would anyone when their immediate sucessors have so clearly failed at nationalism? >>262952 Yes, and secessionist movements under a monarch are not any less viable than under a prime minister, president or whatever it is republics have. In fact they are likely easier to succeed because all involved are more used to seeing a very visible head of state demarcating such boundaries.
another day saving the white race on brit, time for some pringles
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>>263029 yes it was a reply to you lad, sorry I don't intentionally deny (You)s
>>263033 unironically what indians actually believe in tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G25jZgqim5s
>>263033 terrible advice tbh. If I went back to that I'd be thinking of suicide every waking moment. Much better to do things that you love and take pride in being competent at what you do.
>>263035 don't worry lad, this advice is for poos who naturally act this way anyway. why bother building a toilet when there's a perfectly good street?
>>263030 based >>263035 heh yeah that's vastly more preferable when it's possible
>>263035 This, I'm autistic and crippled in the work place essentially but I take pride in that I've been on more holidays than the average boomer will ever do by the age of 31.
>>263035 I like the idea of trying to live a self contained life, not necessarily a self svfficient one, but that would be extremely kino, but a life with hobbies and projects that are all unplugged for the modern botnet hellscape I baked a cake yesterday
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>>263030 did you know the pringles man is a depiction of Gene Wolfe, who wrote book of the new sun? it's a series about a man who is a torturer and fucks lots of girls but then in the sequels he goes on to basically save the white race by bringing forth a literal new sun to a dying earth, saving humanity from a slow but certain destruction
>>263035 >and take pride in being competent at what you do.
>>263038 Nice, that's really cool. I'd love to go on more holidays, especially abroad, but an aversion to any significant spending on something I can't resell and a lack of language skills amongst other things prevent me >>263039 >baked a cake what kind?
>>263043 cinnamon loaf, meant to be a fruit cake but didn't have any dried fruit
>263038 > but I take pride in that I've been on more holidays than the average boomer will ever do by the age of 31. hate cunts like this tbh, literally 30yo boomer
>>263045 keeeek
>>263040 kind of based ngl >>263041 vgh, based...
>>263044 sounds yummy, never tried it
me? I've been making some absolutely heinously foul braps
no sweeties again and too grotty to go to shops
>>263050 probbaly closed for queen's day
wish i could go back to the early 2000s and live through it all over again tbh truly the most kino era of human history >>263050 keeeeek smh 'ate it when that happens tbh
>>263052 probably the last time in history anything great was created tbh
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Northman qualifies as ethnokino
>>263054 keeeeeeeeek not even hiding it any more tbh >>263056 but vikangs are furriners
>>263057 amleth was some sort of jute which we're probably descended from tbh
>US population has grown by 99 million since 1980
>>263058 based might watch it then
>>262788 shit tier oneetus tbf
>>263032 Per the Bible, is not a man supposed to judge righteously? I can only assume that I'm meant to be the one portrayed as a hypocrite, because this argumentation against the upset righteous, is actually a common one.
>>263061 tbh but not like he can help it though smh he has a type
>>263050 Nothing wrong with bathing in evening, if it's been 40 min. past your meal at least
>>263060 lad, if you haven't watched it already at this point... well you still have a chance to.
>>263064 whats this meme about not going into water after eating i've never understood?
>>263062 I omitted the hypocrite part. Was just saying we all have our flaws is all
>to maintain neutrality during ww2 switzerland declared they would defend their airspace and shoot down any non-swiss military planes >arrogant shartican zogbots flew over the country anyway and some got shot down >cohencidentally they later on "accidentally" bombed swiss towns several times
>>263066 According to spiritual science, eating creates particles of negativity that need to be cleansed and basically settled-down during the period after the meal. If one bathes too soon then he is expanding and rubbing those overly-energetic/lethargy-inducing particles all over himself which will cause problems (albeit minor ones).
>>263069 sounds like america was the based one there ngl. swiss were being coward cunts and not backing up germany
>>263071 they're not exactly eternal allies of the germans tbf switzerland only exists because of HRE fuckery and peasant rebellions and stuff after all
>>263071 shart cope, america are the world terror
>>263070 I mean, water is full of negative ions and literally absorbs 'bad particles', and this is real physics I'm talking about here but alright
just realised how prissy that reply sounded sorry lad thanks for explaining okthankyou
>>263066 As I understand it, you are more vulnerable to vomiting after having recently eaten, and being face down hoizontally whilst swimming, making head movements you wouldn't normally make so soon after eating, can exacerbate this.
>>263068 Yeah, well some of us have few enough problems that we eventually grow into enough confidence that we want to see the more grevious errors round about reduced. Not everyone is at the same level of sanctification, otherwise there would be no authorised leadership. In all too many cases, Christian mediocrity leads right into Jacobinism, as per the mechanism demonstrated here, speaking as a Messianic
>born just a few years too late to be a teenage edgelord during the 2000s smfh it's not fair tbh i never got the chance to be cool and edgy and wear all black and listen to linkin park and mcr and system of a down and be dark and brooding on gaia online and play maplestory
Plus it's easier for your body to process food when you're upright and gravity helps to keep it down
>>263073 tbh the best is how most of the subversion of rusha is by shartica but they blame it more on UK and france because they are ameriboos for some reason
>>263080 >for some reason
feeling blackpilled about women but whitepilled about my purpose today
>>263082 good lad
>>263078 Linkin Park was my go to music for most of my teen years tbh. https://youtu.be/ysSxxIqKNN0
>>263084 based
>>263075 It's OK. I like to talk about this kind of thing since I learned about it not too long ago and have found it quite conducive to natural patterns of life--I could probably go on for a while.
>beacon lighting on sky news earlier >its a bunch of young white children on a mountain with a beacon behind them whitepilled again
Someone questioning me on it made me go back to source material, making me realise that there was a detail I didn't explain as well as I could have. That's probably enough for now though
>>263033 Awful self destruct advice
>>263087 i thought that was supposed to be happening at 10pm? >>263089 like I said lad, it's not advice intended for white people, but the way of life of the pajeet
>nigger singing some shite outside the palace
>>263084 My sixth form gf got me to listen and enjoy it. I occasionally still listen to them.
Dammit auslad you've revived my inner 13 year old https://youtu.be/LYU-8IFcDPw
strange posters tonight
>>263095 For me it's With You or High Voltage
>263094 >sixth form gf
>>263094 Nice. Haven't listened to them in a while but really love their music
>>263097 High Voltage never did it for me tbh. I like With You though.
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>school age nostalgia
>>263100 Fair play >>263101 Didn't you enjoy school? >263098 >Denying me a (You)
>>263033 We do too much now to start with tbh, 33% of jobs are made up wank according to that one yt video/podcast I consoomed at some point. >263102 Who the fuck enjoyed school? Are you a troon or something?
hs was quite literally the worst time of my life thus far
has dorshit started constructing his chapel yet? come on lad we need jobs
enjoying the cool refreshing taste of cold filtered tap in a glass bottle
>>263011 i just can't figure out this reaction image, i don't know the emotion it's supposed to convey
>263107 I hate you.
>>263109 pain, lad. John Travolta has just been shot.
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>>263112 kinda looks like he's laffin tbh
>>263114 Dagos are poor actors. The elites have been shoving them in to appease the Jesuit administration
>>263110 Have sex, touch grass
>>263111 getting smaller brained as i get older too
>>263117 when do they get sent to jewkraine?
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day 3 nofap
>263119 cunts like you belong in mass-graves
night night. no more sneething
this is a personal attack against 22st https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7M24KrqhBw
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>>263116 >dago seethe Alright, I take it back, you people are in fact really excellent acto- no wait I can't , just found this picture proving case in point
this is a personal attack against polface https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9SlaMhgpGc
>>262993 >thought it might be spic tbh nah I was 1627d1 'til I went to bed
>chav cunt music getting even louder now
>>263131 blast some caramelldansen at them lad
>>263131 let them have their fun lad, you were young once too
>>263133 I'm the youngest here mong, its not fun its chav cunts being anti social scum, they are unemployed late 20s wasters
>>263134 anyway isn't it queen night or something? maybe they are just patriot lads
I hope the midnight manatee is on time…
>>263137 they do it multiple times a week
one of my biggest regrets is not being a chav when i was young. millennials were and extremely lame generation. i never had any fun
fuck's sake I hate this country more than anything
just woke up and my head is still in pain ffs >>263061 not my oneetus >>263063 yes i definitely have a type
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>peepeepoopoo: the colours of the wogs
>news saying support for monarchy has dropped 10% over the last 10 years funnily enough that is also the % of the native population that has declined
Cant remember if I was supposed to be at toil today
3 sausage rolls and a glass of water while watching some foreign kino
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Most auspicious
>>263147 for supper?
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so fucking funny to see the police hastily dragging people about whilst the boys in big fluffy hats act like nothing is happening keeeeek
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>ear nose and throat doctor randomly sends me another 500 dollar bill for shit from november that I already sent to a "payment management" company so I can paycuck 20 dollar a month payments on my bill
almost 5k for a fucking sinus infection
>>263157 >"you're welcome"
>President Biden is delivering remarks on gun violence from the White House in the wake of several mass shootings. https://twitter.com/CNN/status/1532505500843229185
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>>263159 moron labia
>>263141 >spics sent to spain More accurate would be sending them to Siberia, but there is a certain poetry.
>>263159 >ach laddy, you weel wear th' mask!
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chicken hot pot in the oven for breakfast
>South Korea's total fertility rate: 0.8 >Hong Kong's total fertility rate: 0.9 >Macau's total fertility rate: 0.9 >Taiwan's total fertility rate: 1.0 >Singapore's total fertility rate: 1.1 >China's total fertility rate: 1.3 >Japan's total fertility rate: 1.3 >Thailand's total fertility rate: 1.4 >Malaysia's total fertility rate: 1.8 >Brunei's total fertility rate: 1.9 >North Korea's total fertility rate: 1.9 >Bhutan's total fertility rate: 1.9 the east has.... fallen
morning lads forgot to sleep and started watching venture bros instead smh 33 hours awake
>>263152 >green shirt and green jumper "Is fuath liom an sasnach!" Good candidate for deportation, tbqh
>>263166 not surprised s. korea has the worst, it's been a feminist hell for ages
>>263166 Crusius showed little regard for Asiatic mestizos, what makes you think he cares for their mainland cousins, cretinous loony.
>>263170 tbh south gook women are a nightmare plague >>263171 barely even feel tired tbh
>>263166 did you know maccau was a portuguese colony until 1999, much later than many would expect. i believe it was portugal's last except maybe for east timor, which was a recent colony too but can't remember when it broke away
>>263170 south korea is objectively the worst asian country
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Got a cold and sore throat even though it's Summer
>>263175 tbh there's just something extra soulless about them >>263176 rip lad
>>263176 lol lad you too? weird huh >>263174 portugals empire was quite interesting, like how brazil didnt even break away violently either, just autistic monarch stuff
Was reading how the Korean population in China's Autonomous Prefecture Yanbian has the lowest birth rate of all of China's regions. The Korean race is dying bros....
>>263177 >>263178 Never seem to catch it in the Winter, sometimes in Autumn but mostly when it's hot smh
>>263181 always had a theory that people get colds when the weather changes tbh not when it's cold autumn and spring tbh not winter
>>263180 tbh good riddance
India's TFR recently dropped below replacement level with Muslims at 2.2 and Hindus at 1.8.
>>263182 probably true tbh
>>263184 about time tbh india's full whole world's full smh
>Lake Chad used to be Lake Mega-Chad thousands of years ago
>>263176 Probably monkey pox
>>263187 based
god he's so smart for using current demographic trends to predict future ones.
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dont like this video tbh the river that he shows in west africa is clearly the Niger river but he's claiming it's a river that disappeared and everyones lapping it up
>>263191 >Bright Insight lots of retards like that these days even if it was a river that disappeared that wouldnt exactly be a revelation, its fucking africa after all, place is a desert
>>263192 seasonal rivers are a revelation faggot, don't know what you're on about.
>>263193 Very upset that Scambo Hide was not involved,
>fresh >19 hours ago >2 new vids since Keep up zoomer. It's jewmer boomer summer.
>Man's starts shooting a shotgun in public >ST (67) shooting at Blackz (17) >video
chicken hot pot is ready cor woof phwoar lovely
>>263197 >2018 Kek isn't this from years ago
>>263084 i love breaking the habit as a song and then the rest are just pretty ok songs it's insane how a meh band could make such a world heritage song
>>263193 you have to watch this fella at 1.75x
>>263196 Fug. Why is he so prolific?
Thank you intelligence services.
going to have another can of soup >>263199 no lad 2018 was yesterday today is the 1st of jan 2019
>>263203 >>263204 Tbh keek.
Reminder the only way out is to buy a water purifier, establish a cult around said purifier and then start a political party around that same purifier.
>>263207 nah, the primary solution is to build a weapons manufacturing company with which to arm a militia, the water purifier is secondary
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>>263020 kind of just wanted it to be ED209 hammering on the door and just blasting them all into hamburger when they opened the door.
>>263209 would fix a lot of problems tbh
>>263205 (You)
>still no land bridge to transnistria
>>263208 I will lead my cult to claiming your factory in the name of my purifier.
>>263214 Is unpurified water really so bad?
>>263215 No if you enjoy dysentery.
>>263214 good luck doing that without any weapons, of which we have lots [and also tanks and pepper spray] [also I use Diplomacy on you and let you join our weapon cult in exchange for more water purification power]
>>263217 Good luck doing any of that without drinking water and only heavy metal poisoning to keep you company.[ I gain weapons and soldiers from the multitudes of other people needing water over thier weapons.]
finished kino, still here tbh.
>>263218 lad didn't you read I said we already have our own water purification system also those other people who need your services need someone to supply their weapons in the first place, which in this country would deffo be MEEE :3
water purification would not be that hard to set up meaning that it would be hard to make people dependent on you weapons on the other hand require £millions worth of R&D and specialised skillsets so to have a weapons cult in a cucked country would be to have an automatic monopoly on force, which the state's power is already predicated on btw
He already fears the purifier cult.
>>263223 filtered
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>>263216 Bacteria is beneficial
Yes imagine a specialised industry surviving over water in a complete break down. I will be selling you saltpeter before the fourth month.
unfunny cunts being unfunny cunts ITT
madlad being mad ITT
>>263226 So is dysentery.
>>263229 no you're shitposting schizoid bullshit about water purifiers, fuck off lad
>>263231 Keep hopping retard
>>263230 You just implied it wasn't
Spic in Texas broke into the Dallas museum and destroys millions of dollars worth of Greek and Native American artefacts >He broke into a display case and smashed a 6th century B.C. Greek amphora and a Greek pot dating to 450 B.C. Police say those two items alone were worth about $5 million. Also smashed were a bowl from 6th century B.C., worth about $100,000, and a ceramic Caddo effigy bottle valued at about $10,000. https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/man-smash-ancient-museum-dallas-17216170.php
>What Happened to This Small Village Told to Accept 1500 'Refugees'? Didn't realise the locals had been protesting this tbh, this is where dafties should be getting involved to stoke tensions like the BNP did in oldham in 01
>>263236 artefacts aren't safe in weimart
>>263236 why are those artefacts even there anyway, also what a shite article, doesn't even show any pics
>>263103 >Who the fuck enjoyed school? I did, it was great being surrounded by so many people your age so you can find a group of friends, was so easy to get a gf too. adult life sucks in comparison, you're all atomized and it's impossible to meet people, everybody is all weird, hard to find a mate, more responsibility, less free time, just sucks overall >>263166 yeahhh that's quite something huh, only mud races continue to breed. China will probably have clone vats before it becomes a serious problem but everybody else is fucked >>263174 >east timor 2002 I think >>263187 see le ebin map >>263213 Russia is using ultra-high-K:D-space-marines tactics now, so it takes forever to gain any ground >>263239 >why are those artefacts even there anyway it's a museum... it's not like every ancient Egyptian artifact is in Egypt, museums collect whatever they can. and it is a major liability, there were leftist arsonists that set the biggest museum in Brazil on fire and a lot of priceless artifacts were destroyed
>>263240 I meant why was it in america you stupid prick
>>263241 why are there Greek and Egyptian and Chinese artifacts in museums in London and Paris? I did answer that- "museums collect whatever they can"
>>263242 because we discovered, deciphered and preserved them, we are superior.
>had a look at lake chad on google >saw this
>>263244 keeeek
>>263240 independence from portugal in 1975, independence from indonesia in 2002
wish i could go somewhere like afghanistan
>>263247 so do we
>>263248 would it be difficult? i want to make videos
>>263250 pashtuns have culturally-enforced hospitality. if you were to go to afghanistan and be polite and respectful, people will give you free food and shelter and will not accept money even if you beg them to take it
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ah.. i wasnt going to wank today.. but..
>>263252 you must be joking
Is this about eating box? Cuz that's disgusting and the fast track to women disrespecting you. Nothing signaIs more powerfully to a woman's primal instincts that a male is unfit for reproduction than him risking the health of his face and mouth to lap upon her beef. It's a huge thrill for her, sure, but not because of any clitoral stimulation. Her "ohs" and "ahs" are entirely derived by amazement at the male's silly self sacrifice. Completely deluded, the box eater will munch away confident that he is a supreme lover, when the woman is secretly aghast at the implications of where he's putting his tongue. She's had that part of herself bored and excavated by many colors of cunt conquerors until she lost count. So many suitors have emptied themselves inside that box, smacking victoriously her vulvar filets with their slick protuberant phalluses afterwards. And here is her blessed self-avowed "pussy eater," breaking a sweat trying to lick that same battered clam meat. He even thinks those the prickly sensations in his mouth are from his muscular exertion, but the box eater has just ingested the top STDs of all 37 countries visited by that writhing, smiling woman, and those itching sensations in his throat are microscopically shown to be the conquest of his nerve tissue by her minge's army of misandrist microbes. Destroying his cells outright, the box's pox overwrites the beta's genome, rendering him more reproductive for the Papilloma species than his own. Don't be a goof and lick cloven meat.
>>263248 where the fuk are you boys
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>>263247 Rory Stewart's book on his travels on foot throughout Afghanistan seems pretty cool, will probably give it a read soon
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>>263256 >rory stewart who #readyforrory here
Nicest bloody people I've ever met. Truly warm and hospitable
>>263254 tbh it's for fanooks. Oral is still sodomy, it's undignified.
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>mum using kitchenware as an ashtray now
ah, the eternal city
>>263264 is that a giant dragon dildo
Leftists should be violently destroyed when you think of how destructive these cunts are.
>>263267 >(1) >fed530 >splitting the community with claims of good lads being spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) Yikes.
>>263237 PA did get involved and the locals supported them until the journojews turned up and started saying "you wouldn't want to be RACIST would you?" and suddenly the locals all defaulted to their boomer-xoomer retard herdnigger programming and the protests dried up and everyone is just scared and waiting inside their homes looking out from behind their curtains trying to spot evil RACISTS
Promiscuity is an abomination.
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period of waiting is over it is time to act and do something grand
>youtube shoving a pride month notice onto people every time they open the front page >the logo was changed to play a globohomopropaganda "art" style clip of faggotry being done >literally impossible to avoid if using yidtube at all
>>263276 youtube-dl + mpv
>hovering over the logo gives the popup "celebrate pride month" just ordering us around smh FUCK OFF

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