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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3728: Comfy Vibes Only Edition Anonymous 06/19/2022 (Sun) 15:04:17 Id: fdab26 No. 271857 >>271859 >>272460
Natural England has block thousands of homes from being built https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/06/19/ban-new-rural-homes-avoid-influx-walkers-defies-logic/ Men-only gym raising thousands to combat male suicide epidemic https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/inside-men-only-gym-raising-27270518 Rwanda's Anglican leader slams Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby for wading into the row over UK's asylum plan https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10931023/Rwandas-Anglican-leader-slams-Archbishop-Canterbury-Justin-Welby.html
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>>271857 (OP) good lad
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comfy lad
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Rwanda is fake and manufactured, the intent is clearly to sway public opinion back to Labour for 2025, stopping anyone right of the conservatives achieving anything and continuing to decrease the white population of Britain.
>>271862 tbh it's all shite
>Rwanda's Anglican leader slams Archbishop of Canterbury
>>271864 unironically love african headlines tbh there's something honest about them
Also be weary of this PR coming out of the North East, it's cheaper land and they plan to redevelop Gateshead into some weird techie / entertainment centre. Looks like white flight and an influx of money from the South. That gym has some high grade social media presence for the low attention they pull in, they've only just appeared 2019. Ofc suicide rates in NE would be worse after covid + low wages, grifting on roidheads won't change that.
>>271866 >That gym has some high grade social media presence for the low attention they pull in, tbh bit weird
>271867 >filtered on >(1) Impressive.
>>271869 >how's that secular rationalism going for ya
>>271869 We live in a circus and the clowns are feeding the elephants.
>>271871 >>271872 >maybe he is mentally ill? >says the redditor going schizo over him holding up a piece of paper
>>271868 Really hate that culture, seems to have been an influx of Irish or something, they all have that same gypsie haircut. Guess we're getting the JRE experience treatment.
>>271873 it reminds me of when st. gabriel of georgia burnt a giant lenin banner and the crowd started beating on him to show they were good boys who hated wrongthink
>>271869 absolute based tbh >>271874 probably just propaganda tbh bought and paid for >>271875 smh what a good lad
>>271876 Seems to be former Royal Marines, glowies realised they can't run WW3 on Russia without men so they've paid people to pivot on the gender politics. Looks exactly like Army adds without the branding.
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>>271877 >joins up and enjoys the camaraderie and support >sits back and watches nato collapse without ever signing up for the armed forces thanks for the brotherhood lads but i'll be rooting for the other team
>>271878 tbh, they want to pull the influencer trick it should be something like Hungary, but that would cause it all to collapse anyway.
>>271879 tbh it's already to late for them to play based
how many lads from /brit would u sacrifice for racial victory?
>>271881 one wessex is worth 20 lads sacrificed tbh
Almost Monday Again
>>271882 Is that because of his weight?
>>271881 guaranteed victory or just the hope of victory? wouldn't risk any of you here on a gamble tbh but if it was a sure thing i'd sacrifice all of you and myself too >>271883 time to do it all over again
>Dude bro, time to catch some waves before Azov show up again man.
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>>271888 much to think about
Sunday pint with the lads
It was me. I was Hitler.
>GB News constantly having nonce Peter Thatchell on
>>271862 I thought it was a ploy to foster public support for withdrawal from the European Convention on Human Rights, but I suppose that's too hopeful would require the government to be far more competent and anti illegal immigration than it is
>>271893 >Peter Thatchell >All those twinks they have as presenters Activates the almonds
All the female presenters are mudsharks or wogs as well.
>>271896 yep, what a joke
>>271893 Why? What's the angle? Don't watch it myself.
Victoria 3 gameplay trailer. >>271898 No idea, he was just on talking about Ukraine then that somehow went on to trannies in sports
Also, wtf phenotype is this of one of the presenters?
Another thing, I fucking hate when niggas call things the "great British x" it's just fucking cringe.
>>271901 >niggas >cringe found the zoomer
you're not wrong though
>>271899 >20 seconds in >Revolutionary France in the 1800s >Random wogs everywhere DROPPED WITHOUT PICKING UP
>>271899 So they just accept on a literal open peado and self described subversive marxist who hates marriages and people raising their own kids because he's now saying maybe making people bake the cake is a bit too far?
>>271901 what about bloody bonkers british niggers drinking tea and baking a cake.
>Liberal Right wing politics is just fags seething at the mess they made Shocked.
>>271900 Could be a qaudroon tbph.
>>271902 not bussin' yo. >>271904 Yeah I played the leaked beta, it's not even great in gameplay. I love autistic economy management shite but it's HOI4 tier bargaining
>>271909 decaying civilisations lose their ability to make great works of art, even in the games industry
wish i could raise doggerland from the sea and only invite based lads tbh
one thing thats sure about this country destroying itself is it has a tiny amount of people willing to fight for it.
>>271912 smorbternoon lad >>271913 tbh large class of luvvies making everything worse and then wondering why things aren't as good as they used to be
wogs wont fight because they were taught that the government is institutionally racist whites wont fight because the government keeps shitting on them
>>271915 wogs are weak. I had the misfortune to enter coon town and all I could think of is how I could batter the entire nigger community
>>271916 I could leather every paki in england without breaking a sweat
>>271916 they get destroyed unless they have a massive numbers advantage or get handheld by higher iq races
>>271915 tbh the age of recruiting is over they're done tbh
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take the chinky pill it will save are race
>>271920 it will doom are race
>>271918 its remarkable how bad they are at organised violence. looking at videos or reading about old race riots and a group of men with sticks would beat like 100 niggers to death easily.
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hot fitties in thumbnails for shit trance mix videos, tbh lads
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>>271923 that's how they get you lad
>>271913 I sure as fuck wouldn't fight for this country under any of the existing elected politicians. Not against Russia or China, even by proxy, without a damn good rational reason in our national interest that I can get behind. We have a volunteer army, unlike other nations, and even if we didn't we're mostly irrelevant in terms of land power anyway what with being an island.
>>271924 He's caught in a fap Cum won't come out 'Cause Dorset's wanking too much baby!
>>271920 already have, tbh
can't find the kino webm of domestic terrorist cheems bleeding out by the side if a jeep listening to glory glory hallelujah smh could have sworn i had it saved as yellow dafty nigga.webm but apparently not smh somebody poost it please >>271926 tbh unless there was a very good reason i would take the prison time over getting called up for the draft tbh zog can fight their own wars
depression doesn't go away until about 4pm these days. returns consistently and thoroughly upon waking on the morrow
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>>271931 yours goes away?
>>271932 it's better in winter weirdly with the darker evenings, for some reason being at the end of the day makes you numb to it
>>271931 Start lifting you BAFOON
>>271933 based tbh luv winter
terrible posting styles
>>271936 Stop lashing out at us. We just want to love you. To caress you. To PROTECT you.
shut up bbk
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*recoils* i've been found out!
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Elite swimming BANS transgender athletes from women's races and wins praise from Sharon Davies for 'standing up for fair sport' after competitors including Lia Thomas smashed a host of records https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10932093/Swimming-set-sport-create-category-allow-transgender-athletes-compete.html >'I do not want any athlete to be told they cannot compete at the highest level,' Al-Musallam told a congress of his organisation today. >'I will set up a working group to set up an open category at our meets. When will they just fuck off? You're either a man or a woman. No inbetween. No crossing the line.
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Sneedvening lids.
>>271943 Sneedvening, m'lord
night lads >>271941 the only evidence i accept any more is anecdotal evidence tbh >>271943 sneed lad
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lad don't
sorry lads, low bloos sugar smg
night for real lads
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>>271949 No, delete pee pee janny
just put him in the filter tbh
look at that nigger's micropenis hahaha
>>271949 nos da x
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vile creature
10kg boobs you say.. let's go higher
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>>271955 it would be mildly hot if they were real and not attached to a tatted up horror show tbh
Here's some real content; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O32LlsdIXck
>>271959 yikes, looks a bit too boring for me. thank you though!
>>271959 Very interesting tbqhwyl would listen if I had the energy right now.
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Think I'm improving somewhat with GIMP.
troontifa vs terfwaffen in bristol rn https://twitter.com/Tr00peRR/status/1538581939149541378
>>271963 >you are dinosaurs >your ideas have failed >get in the sea Twitter fags irl. Glad their phenotypes were hidden by the masks and glasses. Such dysgenic beings, no doubt.
>>271962 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>271963 These are the people we used to batter when we were in NA keeek
>>271964 where did the antifa thing of "get in the sea" come from? what are they referring to? I remember their banner saying this in dover
mummy le pen won the biggest share of seats the FNs ever got (89)
>>271966 what was it like in NA? did you guys just go to protests and beat trannies up?
>>271968 How many fookin' elections are there, she just lost the main one.
>>271969 they got btfo regularly, pretty embarrassing ngl
>>271967 There was a leftoid twitter account that was mildly funny, immortalised because some MP kvetched that 'get in the sea' was a death threat and shut it down. Think that was it's only gimmick. Telling everyone to get in the sea. It's a nog to them still thinking they are le rebels against the system and a veiled threat to the terf mummies, because they know the original misinterpretation is tied to the phrase.
>it's a nog Keeek nod*.
we should kidnap an antifag and drown him in the sea for a lark
>>271968 came here to post this. Very good news considering they typically do shit in legislative elections. It means naughtyboyism is entrenching deeper in France in preparation for the civil war. >>271969 We'd meet up every Saturday to box and have a drink, once a month or so we'd do a march until the police started informing the unions who would bus thugs in. We moved on to mainly flash demonstrations because you don't need to inform the police for this and started doing food drives etc. in the days before the ban. We won every incident of violence that occurred which is probably one of the reasons we were banned. Eventually any antifa started shitting themselves if we were around keek
>>271974 Yeah, as long as you don't take it too seriously, drowning a load of them for a bit of banter is wholesome fun tbh.
Still seeing Ukraine flags about. Think it's like Christmas decorations where some people just can't be arsed to take them down.
when it comes to political violence 99% of it is just research. its what the mafia does just find someone learn where they live and work and then you will eventually find a moment where you can pop or beat them without consequence or giving them a chance to fight back. its something antifa falls back on when they lose the streets like in Sweden or UK during the 80s. "Red Action" was a group that solely did this because they admitted they lost the ability to fight on the streets in the 80s and 90s. rightoids should pick it up.
>No I won't back down
>No I won't back down https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlSYabmJuzM
pot roast meat and veg with peas and tatoes and yorkies followed by bakewell tarts and watching the man with the golden gun and it was very nice
well don't go all silent on me
>>271982 toadfish...
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Don't get on my bad side mate
>>271985 jews all scraping as much grift out of it as they can smh
they're onto us lads
>>271984 >he's got the ozzie nose and all keeek
>>271954 bags of plastic stuffed under your skin do not count as "boobs". implants annoy me so much, they look horrible and they're so common it seems possible for women to grow their breasts naturally by manipulating their hormones- balanced+high estrogen+progesterone, and low testosterone >estrogen - Pueraria mirifica >progesterone - progesterone cream (more effective) or vitex (safer) >lower test - saw palmetto in most cases they just need progesterone cream, since estrogen dominance is common
can't wait for terminal libsharts to become Q tier and dissect the messages of every single frog on twitter to find the hidden I.N.C.E.L terrorist code language tbh >spic filtered
hello frens
>>271991 >24 seconds
>>271990 we know spig i agree, implants are horrible and should be banned tbh
>>271978 good idea lad >>271991 keeek tbh there are leftoids on twatter who think daft nick really is a templar mastermind
>>271995 keeeeeeeek I remember that thread, it was the most schizophrenic nonsense based on him not understanding the name
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i need yahudi rape fuel supply me
>>271995 >Qanon Eliminator keeeeeek they should battle to the death in the colosseum two schizos enter one schizo leaves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbQy-0SzshA
>>271968 >never got It's Really National these days
>>272000 Think I might bleach my hair blonde for White Boy Summer: Ken Edition
>>272002 getting on the gosling grindset for the release next year
>>272003 >>272002 how can barbie be incelkino when it's literally about a chad smh I think gosling took the role to stab incels in the back
>>272004 maybe it'll be about barbie shitting on him and leaving him.
>>272003 That's alright. If I bleach it and it falls out I've got a year to recover.
>>272004 he's inspiring us to be better
think about it lads in Drive he was trying to be a real human being in 2049 he's not a real human being in Barbie he's a plastic form of a real human being
Funny that the most relateable Ryan Gosling film is rarely brought up on these imageboards
Ho Chi Minh was a Nationalist that saw the moment Communism had as a force against American Imperialism. So jumped on it. tbh. He was also a good lad, that enjoyed a flavoursome smoke.
beautiful sunset rn lads
>>272010 assumed that is just a haha funny stinky incels type film rather than kino tbh
>>272011 all 3 of those would jail them for being fags
>>272016 Probably, they gave him odd facial hair also otherwise he'd still be too handsome.
>>272011 Where is this?
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>>272011 they literally always look the same. the round glasses. the weak, frail vegan physiques. the round autism glasses
>>272018 the dickie-spic-benjamin raymond solo stache is kino lad what are you talking about not really keksmh
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god damn I want to feed a girl boob growth supplements so bad
>>272020 could knock the whole crowd of them out with just one rancid fart tbh
wonder if ben is making cool prison art in his cell rn or if he is being brutalised by mudslimes smh
>>272023 >could knock the whole crowd of them out with just one rancid fart tbh Least we know why they wear the face bandanas now
>>272025 keeek it's protection against their own fould vegan eruptions
>>272022 same tbh but i doubt any of them really work >>272023 >>272025 tbh keeeeek seeing them motivates me to be even more of a rwbb tbh, i at least have the height for it
>>272011 remarkable how antifa can only get like 20-50 people on the streets nowadays.
follow a lot of youtube fitness influencer-deboonker types and keep seeing shredded wogs on steroids need to keep those in mind tbh, couldn't ever let myself be wogmogged
>>272027 >i doubt any of them really work go to breast.is, there are some impressive before/afters. it's a real thing but it seems like flat chested women struggle to make progress because they have low hormone sensitivity. women with good-sized tits to begin with fare much better
>>272003 is this going to be kino? how can you know so soon?
>>272031 it's just obvious
Know an Italian girl with big tits that has started exercising a lot. Interested to see what her tits look like if she's doing chest exercises. Can't see it being a positive.
KEEEEK nigger pushed white women so white knight knocks him out and then the girl comes back to stomp on his bollocks until he wakes up https://old.reddit.com/r/BrutalBeatdowns/comments/vftaz1/man_pushes_woman_away_from_him_gets_chased_by_her/
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>>272036 >braunstein
>>272034 keeeek. Of course it's White slags helping the bonobo up.
>>272038 >2016
>>272037 the shit-sniffinf goblin race
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me when i see a nigger or an antifaggot
>>272039 They don't want the police to come and get anyone (everyone) in trouble probably.
>>272042 Imagine the protein farts. Antifa would need to up their face mask game.
>>271862 >muh Labour >after 12 years of Toryreich and millions of immigrants
>>272034 >white knight punching a nigger for touching a white woman is based though. hate those disgusting slags that went to pick him up, "don't touch him!" "stop recording!" ffs
race war between algerians and blacks in Lyon rn https://twitter.com/DamienRieu/status/1538623518539120643
as I said before blacks are bad at organised violence.
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>>272044 like smoking out a hive of bees hitler himself famously killed millions of jews in "gas chambers" whereby german bodybuilders fed nothing but eggs 24/7 would pump out a constant stream of noxious fumes from their mighty rear ends
niggers running into the arms of police to escape lynching in lyon https://twitter.com/ActuelleReal/status/1538628274376654850
>>272047 >>272051 metropolitan france is such a shithole jesus fucking christ
>>271920 Is that really David Amess? He was the one that Brass Eyed got to talk shit about cake?
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want to emigrate tbh
>>272036 We should raid Mumsnet again to spread trans awareness
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>>272054 been considering australia ngl despite how totalitarian the government is theres much more land available and that just seems like a really crucial thing to me
>>272057 come to argentina with me
I'd immigrate to a greek island, one where tourists dont go and the average age is 60 and nobody speaks english.
>>272011 Wtf were they chanting? Couldn’t make any sense of it
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>>272054 >>272058 come to southern New England, plenty of gingers
>>272058 lad... argies would lynch us...
>>272060 ho ho ho chi minh, che guevara, stalin
>>272062 no they wont most of them dont even give a shit >>272061 how about I filter you instead? :^)
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>>272054 tbh, been getting these feels more recently, want to learn a few languages that be a vagabond about europe tbh
if i were to leave for anywhere it would be south korea i think
>>272065 >pool wasn't closed
>>272068 keeeeeeeeek
>>272067 imperium
>>272067 seems like an overcrowded hellscape tbh, would prefer japan or maybe china if they weren't doing the whole lockdown thing, wouldn't go for the bargain bin though in sea they are too low cast for smee tbh
>Seoul I thought Orientals didn't have one? Check mate.
>>272058 I’ll go with you lad
I don't think so, lad.
yeah i was joking about korea, maybe burma though? it's a much bigger country than you think and i could live just far enough away from the coast that i don't get killed by cyclones but high enough up in the mountains to enjoy the climate, i.e. not in the coastal delta
>>272073 something odd about her
>>272077 >literally having a civil war rn
>>272078 >something odd about her Yeah, my cock isn't in her mouth.
>>272078 shes a gook
Anyone here actually dated a far east asian? Bet there is.
>>272082 bet theres a guy in his 40s or 50s here who has a SEA wife
never dated anyone actually
If you get a girlfriend, get one that runs up to you when you meet her. Don't get a miserable cunt.
>>272087 wew that would be amazing
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Trust me lads. If you get a gf that has a smile on her face and runs up to you when you see her, you've won. And don't be a bellend like me and throw it away.
>>272090 poor lad smh
t. Essex
I don't think the 'women genuinely caring about man' thing is real, it's just a fantasy and you're setting yourself up for disappointment if you believe in it relationship is basically, the man entertains the woman and provides for her materially, and in return she gives him access to her body
>tfw defeating satan
you live in a basement
Here we go, weird incel spic lecturing on anything.
>>272095 yeah, and you live on the ground floor and wank at women gardening through the blinds
Not even English.
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No, I live on the 2nd floor, and the blinds were wide open when I masturbated. I have had sex with a girl, and kissed 4.
>>272099 I've kissed 4 as well tbh, my first kiss was at 13 like a normoid
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I don't think you can claim to be a normoid, lad.
i simply dont care about women tbh
>>272101 I'm not saying that, I just said 'like a normoid'
>>272103 meh, kinda same, but I want to make love to a whore once again
>>272105 you've enough for a prostitute
>>272106 not found any i like
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also it was me that set you up with the girl you copulated with, lest we forget
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so you cucked yourself
Maybe you should set me up with more lasses you know.
2 weeks nofap tbh, I feel nothing.
>>272111 Testosterone do rise at some point, albeit briefly.
>>272112 if I remember my bro science correctly it peaks after 7 days then declines
>>272113 then it goes back up, then down, then up
>Who's in charge, me or the devil?
>>272113 Lad, you haven't even looked at a dumbbell in your life
>>272110 I’ll set you up, lad
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I only care about Italian women tbh. And how well they can nosh me off.
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>>272116 I lift bottles filled with sand sometimes
>>272121 Why do you have bottles filled with sand?
>>272114 > then it goes back up, then down, then up
>>272122 cheapter than weights
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>>272121 How many grains can you lift ?
>>272109 nah I'm on another continent and I'm not interested in are Sperg in that way tbh >>272121 my chest is gettin' big, I bet if I hugged a girl she'd smosh her soft girl tits into my hard man 'tits' to feel the pectoral muscle. even my mother commented that my chest is looking beefier
>can afford Steam VR >holds shekels for adjustable dumbbells. Vintage Wessex
>>272128 >adjustable dumbbells cheaper to get loadable dumbbells and some plates
>>272126 they're some kind of slightly larger french bottle, compared to a 2 pint milk bottle don't know the maffs to actually figure out the weight but they are for repetitions of course
Interested to know how often you actually use them. Probably covered in cobwebs.
>only women that even see his body is his mum keeek
>>272132 well I moved them across the room recently so the cobwebs are gone generally go through cycles of a short week or so self improvement arc followed by months of crippling depression apathy etc
>>272134 Put some Half-Life OST on and get lifting or whatever puts you in the mood lad.
just lose weight ffs
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>>272136 We're still going to be saying this in another 5 years.
>>272138 he'll be dead in another 5 years
>>272137 I thought Pierce Brosnan was in Twister
>>272139 >he'll be dead in another 5 years Well that's something at least.
>>272134 >a short week or so self improvement arc followed by months of crippling depression apathy etc
haven't done exercise in 9 months tbh been trying to force myself to start again recently but theres no will power, I'm 4 days into my diet though and its going well
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Mary could cure wessie if he went to Lourdes
>>272143 What's your diet?
>>272143 just do it..?
>>272146 why don't you just get a gf? you aren't even fit either tbh.
>>272147 i've exercised 4 times this week lass
>>272145 just generally healthy stuff but its mostly measuring calories, cba with keto so its just no sweeties and less carbs all in 1 big meal a day.
>>272151 literally me
>sigh wonder what the TRS network has on offer this evening.
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>>272148 Good lad.
>>272113 terrible bro science, the reason it goes down after 7 days is because the testosterone receptors have become more sensitive to testosterone and the excess amount in the bloodstream becomes unnecessary. you still get all the effects of high T after a week and onwards. retard
>>272154 which continent are you on?
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>>272154 hope you're willing to pay the monke his dues
>>272157 >>272159 If there's Britlads with something better I'll listen to that.
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>Here's the thing
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>just let me do the bit
https://vimeo.com/720438427?embedded=true&source=video_title&owner=2595668 KEEEEEEEEEEEEK never actually saw the video can't believe footy mongs actually chanted in unison calling hungary racist, fucking STATE, football needs to be banned.
>>272162 Here's the thing, children without fathers fucking suck.
>>272164 It was Bulgaria too a few years back I think. Or was that Hungary again then too?
State of these two from back when
>>272148 Post physique lad, ahow us your gains
>>272168 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>Not only are they racist dad, but they're misogynist too
>>272169 you think you're 'ard?
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>>272168 Are they jews?
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>>272173 disgusting whore
yeah youre gay we know
found another pic of martin
>>272162 so instead of fixing the problems in society that lead to fatherless children we should just make those with fathers suffer as well
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>>272180 keeeek
could go for a liquorice pipe tbh they look like rather kino sweeties
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>liquorice >contains neither liquor nor rice
>>272182 Think you've had enough sweeties to last a lifetime, sugar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vBGOrI6yBk
feel like im going to die if i dont poo rn
A lot of lads fantasise about shitting themselves to death on here.
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Thats all folks
>>272190 >close enough no such thing. do better
Is it Bongo drama? Nobody cares because you are all benders.
>>272195 > you are all benders. This is the kind of thing a bender would say as a cope
>>272195 this tbh dorse is alright though
>>272196 >he outed himself.
>>272199 Yeah you outed yourself
>>272180 keeeek
I've done him.
>>272203 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>272203 good lad
>Russia stops shipment of Kazakh oil after Tokayev's statements at the SPIEF, while Kazakhstan blocks 1,700 wagons with Russian coal on its territory, https://twitter.com/Flash43191300/status/1538627316028416005 its fucking happening kazakhstan has fallen
>>272206 Remembering that they had a failed western coup attempt in January
Nice gratitude. Fucking gook.
>>272207 turns out it worked I guess. atleast it scared them into neutrality.
Should've let him get hung from a lamppost then gone in.
will russia try and take half of kazakhstan then?russia's going to be so BIG should take tajikistan and korea too
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>>272213 Well let's see that fiery minge ffs.
>>272214 tango and haggis supper on the cards
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>>272053 as well as noel edmonds and rolf harris
Pub game machines are too kino.
Remember a pub that had Golden Tee too
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>>272217 theyre called fruitys lad
yeah slot machine, not quiz games or Golden Tee
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too william to understand fruit machines tbh
>>272206 russia is going to vore up all the fake and gay churka republics if zioniggers keep fucking with rusha
just remembered Kentaro Miura died over a year. Feel sad again.
cordial hits so good rn
Well that's it. I'm drunk
night lads.
>>272227 night
Feel like pure shit, just want Castizo Mexicans back.
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Hideous. She always looked shit without filters though.
>>272233 Hell Yeah
>>272233 actual mass sharting or jus niggas bussin?
>>272235 multiple shot including a cop rn
>>272149 problem with OMAD is that your body can only absorb so much protein at a time- only have so much room in your stomach as well, and some micronutrients can only be absorbed so much at a time as well (zinc, calcium, magnesium for example; too much calcium can interfere with zinc absorption since your body absorbs them in the same way and calcium is in much larger quantities than zinc). two meals within a 6 hour interval is better >>272206 >>272211 every settlement in Kazakhstan was build by Russians, they are the true indigeneous people of the territory, the Kazakhs were nomads that lived in yurts. if Kazakhstan will not unconditionally submit to Russia, then Russia should take Akmolinsk, Alma-Ata, and Guryev at least . main thing to take from Uzbekistan is Tashkent
smorning lads >>272233 no idea what juneteenth is tbh keek hearing about it everywhere these days
>>272238 some nigger larp holiday, end of slavery or something
>>272238 national nigger day
>>272239 >end of slavery or something Slabery never ended. Still keeping a brother down
>>272231 latinas are a meme
anyone have the dorset leave me alone video
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>>272244 yeah lad
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>>272243 if they're mostly spanish then they can be hot, it's the indio untermensch genes that turn them into bloat goblins you can see it clearly in this example. on the left you have a mostly indio ugly goblin, in the middle a mestizo that's still generally ugly but improved, and then on the right you have a relatively light-skinned thicc hottie because there is less amerindian taint
literally all those shitskins look like transvestite spic drywallers
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Can't imagine being a connoisseur of female wogs tbh. Furthermore, fetishes in general make a man come across as essentially useless because decadence itself is a huge part of what's causing societal decline. I guess beholding someone display such corruption of character is in a way useful, but only indirectly: it serves as a reminder against complacency.
>>272253 >Can't imagine being a connoisseur of female wogs tbh mischaracterization, considering what I said was essentially 'the whiter the better'
>>272255 To your credit there haven't been ASMR videos from Iberia shared here lately. But yes, that photograph of basically undressed spicniggers that you just happened to have on hand is the kind of thing that earns such a reputation.
>>272245 kek, who makes these?
>>272251 i miss being a salaryman
>>272257 no idea who made that one tbh
>>272158 >barred from teaching for 2 years >not put on a sex offenders register and doing time Female nonce privellege strikes again.
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>>272261 Link?
>>272261 keeeeeeek
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>>272265 keeking at the gulag one tbh
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>>272267 Toll paid for in head. Wew.
>>272261 >>272265 What the fuck these are great >>272246 >in the middle a mestizo that's still generally ugly but improved That one in the middle looks like a tranny lad. One on the right makes me want to breed
just bought a new phone, smh, i hate the process of selection
>>272271 new phones are so shite these days tbh packed full of useless non-features but none of them let you plug in an sd card any more smh
>>272272 yea, went for a redmi note 10 pro but wanted a samsung se 20 fe but then started freaking out about post photo processing/saturation
indians love phone comparison
>>272273 >post photo processing/saturation
>>272275 I like all the data mining they get you with on apps that come with the phone.
>>272276 phones come with pre-installed bloatware too now? smh
>>272277 yeah it's what makes the phones "smart"
>>272127 post physique spic
>have shower >get dry >sweat so much I feel I just got out the shower again >what's that trickling noise? >it's me >no I've not pissed myself >I'm melting >begin seeping into keyboard as I type this post >goodbye forever, lads >remember to alwa
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>>272281 rip lad
>>272245 keeeeeeeeeek the best thing to come out of the bbk/Dorset battles
>>272281 goodbye, sweet prince
>>272256 >To your credit there haven't been ASMR videos from Iberia shared here lately there's a bit of a backlog, I've been listening to women complain about eating disorders instead. why that became my recent special interest, I have no idea... I want to watch a video of a girl with bulimia purging but it doesn't seem like one exists on the internet. bulimia is so stupid, they gorge themselves with junk food then shove their fingers down their throat and puke in the toilet, and if they do it too much then their stomach ruptures and they die. at the very least it wrecks their teeth and throat from all the stomach acid, that stuff is meant to break down chunks of meat ffs. it's different from anorexia, which is starving themselves to be extremely skinny, bulimics are typically normal weight and it's like food addiction. they realize they can get the dopamine hit from pounding down a whole pan of brownies and then barf it up so they don't get fat, it's like a 'cheat code' that makes them 'better' than others. once that cat's out of the bag, it's difficult to stop, I guess. I don't see how it would be worth the unpleasantness of vomiting and the cost of food, but women have a sugar tooth and they get used to it. some of them shoplift for food to binge and purge >>272270 they're all female, some colombian whores. the one on the right is the good one, yes, looks like a thiccer version of some hot mexican chick I met in a sweatshop >>272280 I don't have any suitable camera or whatever for doing that, and it's not a good idea rly. but it's good that I'm making progress, from increasing the weight mainly. I'm hungry right now, I should go to bed but I wanna eat
>>272285 >vomiting videos theres plenty of jap porn involving that tbh >I don't have any suitable camera or whatever for doing that doubt
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>Ukraine just attacked a Russian oil rig in the Black Sea >In Syria, a Russian KA-52 forced an American convoy to return to base. >German Producer Price Index surged to 33.6%
still using my nokia 8800 15 years later
>>272286 >theres plenty of jap porn involving that tbh I don't want it to be porno though, I just want to see how a mentally ill woman that's addicted to binging on junk food makes herself vomit on demand regularly, it's a morbid curiousity about the female world. I've never vomited intentionally and I've strongly disliked every occasion in which I have vomited, it's just weird apparently in the 2000's there were 'pro-ana/pro-mia' meetups where all of these bone-thin girls would meet up and go to all-you-can-eat buffets and stuff their faces and yak in the bathroom until they got kicked out. nuts >doubt the only camera is on a goyphone, and it'd be stupid to post a picture taken on such a device on an imageboard. if I wanted to post photographs I'd have to buy a cheap camera specifically for that purpose
>>272287 things are getting interesting tbh >>272288 based
>>272287 What's your read on the Kazakhstan situation. I know Kazakhstan has a policy of not recognising break way states but they seem rather angry about their ability to sell oil being damaged by the ongoing conflict. Everything else in the media seems to trying to convince people in the west that Russia is on the verge of collapse or about to be invaded by China.
>>272291 >or about to be invaded by China. lot of pro-Jewkraine posters on KC have been saying that for months too. it's impotent seething, the Russian-Chinese partnership only grows. why would there be conflict between them when they have a common destabilizing, aggressve threat, the USA, and Russia has raw materials and energy while China has the world's largest manufacturing base. they're like peanut butter and jelly. and people say monumentally retarded shit like "China wants to reclaim Qing Dynasty borders" or whatever when in reality they just want to do Belt and Road and develop
The RN in France increased it's share of seats in the Legislative Assembly by 11 times.
>>272292 Yeah that was my thinking. It's not even like the west can really sanction China either without completely crippling the global economy while China could probably survive a collapse in western demand for their goods in an economic downturn.
>>272291 The NED has a presence in Kazakhstan and is trying to stir shit, by pumping up fake news that undermines Russia-Kazakh relations.
>>272293 jupiter btfo
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The real news is Lithuania cutting off trains to and from Kaliningrad Oblast and the control of the Suwalki gap
>>272297 Was it at anyone's request? Taking Kaliningrad is vital to naval control of the Baltic sea.
>>272298 Lithuania just did it out of the blue, the Charge d'Affaires of Lithuania was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry in Moscow about an hour ago.
really seeing the "empire delusion" on full display in regards to ukraine tbh fuckign hate this country
>>272299 I still think NATO is trying to quietly mobilise.
>>272302 What a load of tripe, they might as well admit we're all being economically integrated into the nwo.
>>272301 Russia can only be beaten in a naval war, or nuclear first strike. In a ground war it would smash NATO like a baby dashed on the curb.
>>272302 what a twat tbh
>>272303 >>272305 the entire thing should be ignored even before reading the headline >The New Statesman
>>272304 I think it really depends on how much build up nato can achieve and how wide a front they can open up. Nato could potentially win it would just be pyrrhic in the sense it will completely destabilise all the nato victors.
>>272307 Too many women, wogs and spics to win in Russia's backyard.
dont think nato could replace any losses, especially heavy equipment, plus ammo tbh
tbh NATO equipment is meant to make money for contractors and corporations, not wars.
>>272308 Yeah they'd go back to conscription pretty quick and probably have to boot all the political officers fast. >>272309 It's more about getting access to materials and primary industries. That's why so much of nato is built around defending shipping lanes. I think the big kicker is the two biggest producers of refined materials like steel, copper etc are now China and Russia.
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the only GAYTO countries where people are willing to fight Russia are Poland and the Balts. and their militaries are shit compared to the Ukraine, who is getting rekt by artillery 10:1
>>272312 Yeah that was the other big overstep, I don't think the vast vast majority of nato members would accept conscription for an offensive war against Russia. I don't think most would even modilise to defend turkey.
Germany really had the militarism beaten out of them.
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>>272314 thank fuck tbh
>>272315 They just fuck Europe up with economic power instead now.
>>272313 and if they put Yank boots on the ground, the media and social media would have to do an extreme cover-up of casualties because the American public is hypersensitive about military casualties due to the military-worship bullshit from the Iraq era. there are currently ~150 dead Ukrainian soldiers per day, they are grabbing guys from gas stations that are just trying to fill up their tank and hauling them off to boot camp. basically one month death toll for the Ukraine war is the entire Iraq War death toll which people were whining about for a decade
>>272317 >~150 dead Ukrainian soldiers per day, At least 300-500 KIA 700-1000 WIA per day/
>>272318 I heard 150 dead 800 wounded
>>272319 200.000 are in a caldron with 100% Russian fire coverage from arty.
It must look like 1918 over there.
>>272320 hmm I guess you're right >On June 18, 400 AFU members were killed and 38 military vehicles were destroyed by Russian forces, according to the Russian MOD it was Arestovich that said 100-200/800-1000 and that was a few weeks ago now https://southfront.org/military-situation-in-ukraine-on-june-19-2022-map-update/ also 38 vehicles... you look at these aid packages and it's like, 20 tanks, that's one day lmao....
>>272320 >200.000 We have a continental now?
Why are Russia taking so long to do anything?
>>272324 same reason as always >In the current configuration of the frontline, any withdrawal of pro-Kyiv units from the town will become a disaster because they will need to move along areas controlled by the Russians under permanent artillery fire. Therefore, Kyiv troops prefer to hide in residential areas where they can use civilians as human shields. https://southfront.org/war-in-ukraine-day-117-preliminary-results-of-june/
>>272325 I like the sounds of Porket.
>>272325 >Shote, not mentioned
>the porn ads on 4chan Has anyone ever been remotely aroused by that shit?
>>272326 So they're cutting off supply lines and absorbing Ukraine's ammunition etc. before moving in?
>>272325 retvrn to tradition
>>272330 They're basically grinding Ukie manpower down from what I've seen.
>>272332 Yeah I've heard a few people say similar. Russia will be soaking up NATO materials too. I imagine it would be to their advantage to do that.
>UK beating Russia in a ground war Delusional.
>>272335 >>272334 crimea 2.0 but even worse and even more britons dead for nothing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIZtPghkEq0
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>>272335 >>272334 >>272336 I hope it's just like the defence secretary mouthing off without meaning it. Suppose if you've already shot the country in it's foot diplomatically with what could've been an ally, making empty threats costs you nothing. As soon as the army really does get sent there, we know it'll lead to conscripts. At that point it's the duty of every britnat to unironically murder Blormphis Blormphson outside minecraft and even install commie Corbyn if that was the only way to avoid 800,000 britlads going through a meatgrinder.
>>272337 It would be a good time to get funding from Putin for certain deeds
anybody that's stupid enough to go to war with some anti-globohomo country, I don't care if they're drafted or not, fuck 'em nobody's fucking drafting me, I'm not getting involved in your stupid war, fuck the troops
>>272334 bad times ahead for the zogbots tbh >>272337 tbh >>272338 proven right yet again smh
I think I will take the jail time if they try to conscript me.
>>272340 tbh, hate the word "troops" as well it's sounds like a cringe attempt to use barrack room language
>>272344 reminds me of my socially awkward friend that would come over and play star wars battlefront and he was fixated on the word 'trooper'
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cannot believe we fought for the fucking ottomans
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>>272292 >they're like peanut butter and jelly A completely bizarre and revolting combination?
>>272348 I think the long term goal was to divide them amongst arse elves and not let the Russians take them. Also, Disraeli was an Ottoman apologist.
Love peanut butter and choccy spread me
I just do not like peanut butter.
>massive fuck off complicated NHS fuckery requiring hours on the phone and an enormous bill from the telecom company >find out it's all because the doctor I saw on the FOURTEENTH didn't bother sending a letter explaining what he wanted done and why for that entire week (three days in which he could have said "send this letter" to his secretary but didn't) and then went on holiday for this whole week >so all the different hospitals and GPs I've been phoning have no fucking clue why I wanted all this shit done and who asked me to arrange it originally, and aren't communicating to find out or even where I am so some asked me to come for appointments at hospitals 4 hours away god I hate the NHS
>>272354 luv peanut butter tbh >>272355 this is your punishment for not clapping
>>272351 it's junk food but it tastes good >>272353 >>272354 >>272356 almond better is better, since almonds are an actual nut with nutrition instead of an anti-nutrient legume
>>272356 >luv peanut butter tbh IT WAS INVENTED BY A BLACK MAN!! HOW DO YOU LIKE IT NOW RACIST!! *bbk's GW Carver webm*
>>272357 never tried almond butter smh >>272358 that was deboonked ages ago
>he eats almond "milk" based foods >he eats nut "milk"
>>272360 almonds are mammals
>>272360 I don't consume almond "milk", I consume 100% grass-fed milk (that is unfortunately ultra-pasteurized because that's all I can get for 100% grass-fed milk) I think it should be prohibited for them to use meat/dairy vocabulary for things that do not contain meat or dairy. "butter", "milk", "cream", etc. should be regulated terms that being said, 'almond butter' is just smashed almonds. high in vitamin E, nice snack in moderation
>>272362 >it should be prohibited for them to use meat/dairy vocabulary for things that do not contain meat or dairy. "butter", "milk", "cream", etc. should be regulated terms tbh
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>>272355 >GPs being shit Sounds about right, you have to keep phoning or emailing or whatever constantly or else they forget to do anything they said they'll do. I'm pretty sure they then start maliciously ignoring you to punish you for contacting them too often.
*remembers the activate almonds meme and its derivatives*
my rape drive is enriched with the all spirits of the imperial japanese army present at nanjing i am womens, and chinas, worst enemy
>>272364 sick of how doctors act like prima donna cunts these days smh
>>272365 almond activation is actually a real thing, if you soak them overnight the texture softens quite a bit and they become more enjoyable to eat. unactivated almonds are a bit too hard, I prefer pecans and walnuts
I thoughtit was a joke about activated charcoal.
>>272368 >not just pressing a I prefer my almonds with skin on and fresh tbh, enjoy me crunch. Nice when they get the marzipan taste after a while too >>272369 I think it came from fallout 4
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>>272369 >>272370 it came from this
>>272371 >Emu meatballs wtf Also what a faggy diet
>>272371 nostalgia moment >>272372 >he's never looked at the meat section in iceland ngmi tbh
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>>272370 >>not just pressing a >>272371 Can people really put in the cognitive effort needed to maintain a meal plan like this?
go big or go home
night lads >>272374 tbh seems a bit farfetched >>272375 keeeek based
>>272376 nini lad, gonna hit the hay myself as well >tfw australian sleep schedule
>>272334 god what a faggot he also signed this letter demanding more niggers and trannies in the army https://www.gov.uk/government/news/maximising-talent-through-diversity-and-inclusion
>>272379 Do we really only have >30,000 active service infantrymen ?
Tangerine for my, I shall make monke noises while I consume it!
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>>272348 we've always been friends with the ottomans, supporting the greek war of independence was the only time we werent until ww1 and that was solely because of romantic nationalists in the upper class who all read the classics being hellenophiles.
Oh no that sucks
Will the Ukraine war help or hinder attempts to reach net zero? | FT Rethink https://youtu.be/FANabPbXy8s
If a deaf man farts alone, does it make a sound?
we are determined to nigger and tranny up our armed forces because thats just how we bloody brits do it
>>272387 A civil war against this man. Could we win it?
Patrick Sanders is a GAY NONCE confirmed for bumming cadets.
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>>272302 If it's never actually done, surely you can't criticise it
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I bought some new jeans They fit just right
must have been at least 10 years since i wore jeans i look cool as fuck in them
>>272391 fall off my bike, worship the kikes https://youtu.be/fKJDAVvs_JA
>>272392 What kind are they? Skinny, straight, flared?
>>272396 straight? thats normal jeans right? im not a poofter bought some nice black shoes and some shorts as well tbh
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>>272398 based
>>272397 Lets see lad
watching videos of the brazilian carnival thing
Elon Musk has 8 children and one of them is called Saxon Musk.
elon musk
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I've had 0 children and accumulated no capital whatsoever
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>>272404 i would coom inside a sexy slag just to have kids tbh
elon musk
elon hitchens
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>>272045 My point is the intent to swing mass consensus back to Labour in allegiance with the Conservatives, you're re-framing it within the false dichotomy while trying to accuse of the same. Labour's been dead since 1997.
people actually be having committing voter fraud for Democrats for real, thats insane.
how do you even fit inside their tight little cunnies?
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Black Magick SS are so good https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmtZuKvdI2E
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>notes down 18 minutes 46 seconds for Dorset's wank time
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>His mood after the deed; despondent and ashamed. >More data points needed to see if there's any correlations. >Monday 20th June CY+11 AD. Lorekeeper's journal.
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>>272417 keek keep it up lad considering indulging in gluttonous behaviour myself and going shops
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>>272420 fake and lifeless eyes tbh
Gymnastics literally means 'activities done while naked'. Its prevalence is yet another sign of decadence.
>>272424 >the ancient Greeks were decadent Interesting proposal
>>272426 hello boy
>>272425 >triggered It's children mostly doing it now, where its description of prevalence gets much legitimacy. And yes, the ancient Greeks were not that decadent but they still were too much, eventually replacing their paganism with Biblical morality.
*not this decadent
Who was that antiquenonce who shagged toddlers in his swimming pool that historians say 'did no harm' to them? Greek or Roman.
>>272430 all of them
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>>272428 Who are you quoting?
>>272430 Emperor Tiberius. According to Suetonius he tricked them into sucking his cock by making them think they were sucking their mother's teet.
I think people cast doubt on Suetonius' testimony because he was trying to aggrandize the Flavian dynasty or something or other.
How many of you lads have seen actual Democrat activism?
don't really like this new bbk-schizo-gchq line of tactic tbh no such noncery or allusions to it should be on are moral board
PSYCHO GROUPIE COCAINE CRAZY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIWG4Xn6m0U
>>272436 Difficult not to have caught a glimpse living on the internet for over 20 years. Same with goreshit. And that's just normie social media occassional hazards.
>>272436 I get LibDem councillors at the door occasionally. Does that count?
oops, just ate an ice cream
>>272436 >>272440 tbh, especially on old 4chan and 8chan. Surprised how on top of it people are tbh they ban all porn with equal vigour
>>272443 *should ban
wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking wanking death
willy wank willy wank willy wank wank wank willy wank willy wank willy wank wank wank willy wank willy wank willy wank wank wank willy wank! willy wank wank wank! [To be sung to this tune: https://youtu.be/c7O91GDWGPU]
>>272447 This is how I imagine SA talking
Also, cringe humour.
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More footage of the VDV at the Battle of Antonov Airport as been released.
>>272450 did they get massacred to the last man as the ukies claimed though?
>>272451 No, otherwise they wouldn't been able to push on Bucha. And now the V column is in control of the Izyum direction of the Donbass caldron.
>>272451 An airborne commander was however sacked so I imagine the assault was a failure.
The Russians had some success there, until Arnie of Antonov showed up. They then went running with their tails between their legs.
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Also the lack of Ukraine banging on about the Gayto trained 4th Rapid Reaction Brigade, means that it was practically wiped out. Haven't heard anything about them since anyway.
>>272455 That or they're being held in reserve or Ukie opsec got better.
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>>272456 Haven't seen anything posted by them since May.
To The Last Ukrainian
>>271857 (OP) >Rwanda's Anglican leader slams Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby for wading into the row over UK's asylum plan Because Welby called it "ungodly" which is an insult to the Rwandan politicians who negotiated the reception. People like Welby are stuck in an outdated worldview in which Africans aren't ruling themselves.
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>>272450 thought the russians were carrying baseball bats for melee combat for a hot minute until I realised that's an e-tool
>>272460 >Tuesday 14 June 2022 saw Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s erstwhile “innovative approach”[2] to tackle illegal migration halted at the eleventh hour by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). 37 people were originally due to be on the inaugural Tuesday flight to Rwanda; however with previous legal challenges, this number was reduced to seven, before the flight itself was cancelled. >The question at this point is what next. If the UK was indeed to consider withdrawing from the ECHR, what would the impact be? It’s certainly a point that’s been raised before. Prior to the 2016 EU referendum, Dominic Raab and Theresa May for example raised the option of leaving the ECHR. This would involve the repeal of the Human Rights Act (HRA) 1998, which incorporates the ECHR into domestic law, and replacing it with a British Bill of Rights[17].
reccomendation Historie https://mangadex.org/title/fa3b04d5-399f-4c92-80b9-a43f413ea932/historie Historie takes place in ancient Greece and follows the life of Eumenes and his childhood, who would later in his life grow up to be the secretary and general to Alexander the Great.
disappointed that my bunnyhug is ruined got it for my birthday
>>272460 >slams I hate that "journalists" have such limited vocabulary. It's always "slams" or "hits back", neither of which would've even passed muster a decade ago. Stupid clickbait tosh. Retort? Respond? Reply? No, let's just use the same template for every headline because it sounds visceral and violent and people don't understand English beyond inane colloquialisms anymore.
>>272465 don't know what that is and it sounds gay tbh
>>272467 sweater with a single pocket at the front covered in grime that i can't get off
>>272469 dry cleaners maybe
Fresh jewmer lementing the lack of swedish thots flashing tits.
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In South Korea, the Seoul Joint Financial and Securities Crime Investigation Team had disclose that they are investigating Terra/Luna.
fucksake he's done us lads
>>272472 great now do dfinity
>>272473 You edited that, right?AI can't be this advanced.
>>272475 only the first sentence. everything blue and red is AI
>>272476 >everything blue and red Colour blind lad?
>>272466 Daily Fail tbh
>>272477 Yeah it looks green and orange to me
i wonder how long it would take to starve wessex to death
>>272480 Kek if it was a story about Crusius the ending would be different, everyone knows that why don't you
Nice, whoosh today.
went for a walk and sunbathed a bit fridge is full of about 10 chicken breasts, pork steaks and 4 beef steaks and all sorts of other stuff
hes done me again
>>272480 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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could hear mummy being passive aggressive on the phone about me buying so much food earlier keeeek
>>272473 He's right. Just wish I knew what actions to take which wouldn't result in getting v& forever for little to no gain. >>272475 I think it trauls for info from news articles/4chan posts/etc. I had it "write a story" where it just reproduced a comment section of people reacting to some unrelated news story.
>>272420 Doesn't do it for me at all tbh
Tube strike tomorrow. Fun fun fun
>>272492 city slickers btfo
>>272491 what about this
>>272493 Doesn't affect me but I feel bad for my friends that work in central London
>>272495 very wholesome lass.
2,200 calories today smh Tomorrow will be better.
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>>272499 that's right lad tomorrow you will eat MORE
>>272495 You have a very specific type which is just not my cup of tea I guess. Can kind of see the appeal
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ate a whole pack of cocktail sausages earlier, plus some rum n raisin chocolate, now im eating yorkshire puddings and 4 mexican style chicken thighs
>>272501 yes, what would you call that type? no idea where to find these lasses irl
ginger slags
>yes, what would you call that type? Sexually abused.
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Stale cake that a spider might have laid eggs in for supper
>>272505 phwoar thats my type
>>272503 Well it's just tattooed lasses with hair dyed red isn't it? Idk they probably smoke weed and go clubbing
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The slaggier the better tbh
>>272509 shes a natural ginger not seen any lasses like that clubbin tbh, just young retarded blondes
>>272507 extra protein
>>272514 stop copying me
>>272513 u like going 2 coyote ugly lad?
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>>272513 Clubbing is still a thing? Thought it was pretty much dead.
>>272520 yeovilpub.webm
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>>272517 horrid bar where lesbians dance on the table
>>272495 nasty monster
>>272520 i mean its not as big here as it used to be a few places shut down but its still a bit busy, pubs in town probably do better tho
>Video showing an unidentified black male sucker punching Louisville Democrat mayor Greg Fischer at a Juneteenth event on Saturday. https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1538953699082522626 lmao owned
>>272526 blacks doing the jobs whites won't do
>>272513 >young retarded blondes
>juneteenth is also fathers day
>>272528 they are all stuck up without a doubt absolute cunts
https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/athletics/61865789 "This is as it should be. We have always believed that biology trumps gender and we will continue to review our regulations in line with this. We will follow the science." Why are they trying to cancel trannies in sport?
>>272526 Oy Vey
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>>272531 both men and women were uniting against the tranny menace and it's more important to zog to keep those groups fighting eachother than it is to have trannies
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He's doing what Woes should be doing
>>272349 leave maisie alone
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>>272540 reddit
Lucky bastard. Some men pay for that.
>>272542 Sensationalism is the whole point, lad. That story is faker than the coronavirus. Dunno why the mong pooosted such pollution
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>>272458 Shit when did Sargon join the Ukrainian army?
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>>272547 >>272533 his accent is making me cringe so hard
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>The Russian strike fleet has lined up for a massive strike, the Russian Federation is preparing an attack "on decision-making centres in Kiev" in response to a strike on gas drilling rigs >It is reported that strike formations of Black Sea Fleet and Caspian Flotilla lined up in battle formations to deliver missile strikes on territory of Ukraine.
>>272548 What is the solution to such disorders, beatings.
>>272551 They've been talking about it for a long time. COMMENCE
The oil rig attacks were this morning.
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>attack on decision-making centres in Kiev Been hearing this for months
>>272556 advanced jew jitsu to make the cattle think that zelenski is also "doing his part" and "in just as much danger as you" maybe, like churchill in london
>>272555 That's milquetoast racism.
>>272556 Because they do it every time Ukies attack Russian civvies and when the Moskva went down.
It's the third time now. Last time they took out the whole Kiev electric grid.
>>272560 Hope they take it all out
>>272558 They are jokes, lad.
>>272464 Remember once I was searching up some important historic event / period and the anime came up first.
>>272562 then it was a bad joke.
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>>272563 >when God curses your legacy like
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>See a Toad in the Hole vid on YouTube >Americans saying they can't wait to try it with syrup
>>272567 is ron unz one of the good jews lad?
>>272420 fake redheads are even more pleb tier than fake blondes
>>272564 OK yank
>>272569 jews can be good jews in the oven lad
>>272571 more milquetoast racism
>>272570 tbh sperg is a fake redhead
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Don't think my mid-west cousin wife is a fake redhead.
>>272574 is she a fake satanist too?
>>272576 pretty much think she says shes a pagan but probably doesnt believe in anything
>>272577 >think she says shes a pagan but probably doesnt believe in anything this is the correct belief
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>272573 > >Actual 56 percenter crying about "waycism"
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>>272575 I wish she was my cousin
>>272579 I see you missed the joke.
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oh, wait, is it *him*?
>>272583 probably.
>dispossed majority book is nearly £100 on jewazon buy it goy you want to save the white race don't you
>>272582 there should be cultural paganism and paganism should be the state religion. not necessarily because of a sincere belief by those with power, but to entice the masses into desireable behaviors. you do need religion because the interests of the individual contrast with the interests of the collective
>>272586 Yeah how much do you want to bet it's a niché publishing house that owns the publishing rights that also happens to be a subsidiary of some massive kiked publishing house.
*Filter ID*
been buying peach iced tea every time I go to lidls smh the sugar content wouldn't matter in the south
>>272585 Source?
>>272591 I bet it's Brazil.
a woman i met before looked at me today and i wasnt sure what kind of expression she was trying to convey
>>272586 gonna ask mummy for it for birthday tbh
>>272585 >security guard saves his own life Such a good reaction it made it look like a suicide
the zoglads did first aid course last week and explained about arterial spray are blood pumps at such high pressure it takes 4 minutes or less to die and it's like a hose like in the vid based impassive mildly psychopathic combat medic towelhead popping lad teaching this stuff to one boomer, one hambeast and one fat incel keeeksmh >>272596 make an audiobook for I.N.C.E.L lad it's on the unz site linked at the end of the article but I couldn't find a pdf download and jewnz decided to reproduce the text in the entirety on his website where it will vanish as soon as it is taken down by glowies
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No sea cow tonight lads bossman demands an earlier start
>>272600 it's okay lad you are called to a higher purpose (getting bossman his third home)
>>272599 he's just telling you how quickly he will kill you tbh
>>272599 yeah I think unless you can get immediate support you are gonna bleed out from that bleeding
>>272602 >>272603 probably no way for that nig to survive even if he wasn't a retard and prioritised dindunuffining the guard since it was in his neck I think can't tourniquet that
>>272603 tbh mad how some people can survive being stabbed like 20 times because it doesnt hit a major artery or anything but youre fucked instantly if something gets you in the right place

zoglad didn't even bother asking if we wanted to do practical cpr tests etc because the boomer is genuinely too retarded to follow basic instructions good working class lad though and the hambeast would die from trying to get on her knees smh
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>tfw kinda stopped giving a shit about the world and just want to succeed on the personal level Not sure I'm keen on my new found apathy
>>272608 it's how all the cattle live tbf and they are happier for it
>>272609 tbh until it hits them personally.
>>272608 good lad I am the same way tbh its all going to shit and the normalfags have encased us incels in their matrix and we are just along for the ride. enjoying my new cool truck lasses actually look at me driving my truck now and talking to lasses at gym toil. its clear the economy is going off a cliff as well so enjoy it while we can
>>272608 tbh i just want to breed and live in a country that isnt going deep in the shit
for me it's stockpiling olive pate because it lasts for over 2 years in the cupboard and makes me do awful black and green poos which will be weaponised against the cattle hordes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shCCdcPpoKU
cant you just get a diet that doesnt give you awful shits?
>>272614 where's the fun in that?
have sex incel
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>>272609 Yeah I get that, it just feels a shame that we'll never do anything to reverse our people's course. >>272611 I'm good on money, whatever happens I'm sorted. Been very lucky with my career. >>272612 I want more than just a wife, kids and money. But I just enjoy the now these days, thoughts of greater things rarely enter my head.
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First coffee of the day, time to watch videos of lads fixing cars.
trying to remember something about the power of freakish sex-less manchildren and how they are closer to the divine but can't recall what schizo philosopher thought this possibly relates to how some ancient cultures and tribalniggers have "third genders" of shamanlads who renounce all corrupted earthly ties or something okay thankyou >>272619 goodlad
>>272620 >we'll never do anything to reverse our people's course. we are like romans in 5th century italy
What's that book on banks that got banned?
>>272623 But this is so much worse, our people are destined for annihilation. There is no hope for the future, no way to create great new empires and glories. It's not just the end of our nation but the very end of our species. It’s madness we let this happen.
>species dumb retard actual number of whites isnt going down, but % is
>>272627 Since when did we have a white replacement rate of >2.1? Or are you talking about Eurotrash coming here?
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>0f0b7f u deserve genetic degeneration like the evolution machine in super mario bros movie but with your trife dna mong
>>272622 Lad all of catholic and orthodox christian philosphers have said that, if not explicitly then very much in essence. They even value perpetual virginity in men--it's how they recruit for the monastery, by saying Jesus was a good example of this, etc. not that Jesus was sent for a special mission but that his virginity is a good example for everyone who could maintain it.
>>272632 yeah I'm thinking of something other than that though occultic schizoism or some non-religious reasoning idk ,too vague
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>>272585 Is it normal to have this sort of video make one feel sick to their stomach? Really puts one off the idea of being in a war. God knows where you'll get hit, and what agony / body horror you have to endure in your last moments. I suppose conditioning and higher test / adrenaline drains that fear.
>>272636 If that was a war I'm sure a medic could help before you bled out
think if you get shot through the carotid artery and lose 4 pints of blood in 30 seconds you're gonna struggle
>>272636 sounds like you're not properly dehumanised to face the bloodshed lad good tbh a bit of innocence is rare in these circles
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The transcendent 7 that is a 10.
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>says dorshit
i want to beat her up
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>the utter state of Dorshit's taste in women
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>tfw 24 months no sex
>>272645 12 months for me, think I'll just commit sudoku at this point
>>272627 the actual number doesn't matter, only the percent does >>272636 >Is it normal to have this sort of video make one feel sick to their stomach? that's the definition of normal. only if you've played gory video games and watched similar videos over the years will watching something like that have little to no effect on you
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they are beautiful i love them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgFdRw3ul44
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>>272637 uhh lad...
>>272645 its over

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