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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3732: Brooke Shields Edition Anonymous 06/25/2022 (Sat) 22:38:42 Id: e7e69a No. 275142 >>275149 >>275177 >>275292
Edited last time by auslad on 06/28/2022 (Tue) 01:34:21.
Yummy, yummy, yummy I want cunny in my tummy
>Shields was 14 years of age when she appeared in the film.
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blue lagoon film night?
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>>275153 giving you the OP (you) since OP is a nonce
so many seething leftoids out rn just seething impotently that BASED nigger blew them the fuck out
>>275159 I'd watch out for your local churches tbh
The real based part will be if they overturn gay marriage
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This shen bapiro sound dangerous
zamn them lil niggas got btfo
>> 275158 very based and (you)pilled, epic sir
yikes I meant >>275158
pubic hair
>275142 Revealed armpit
public hair
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>>275172 >hampster just lays there and crys smh
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>>275146 (274331) at the end of the day lad, the normies will have the children. They're the only group large enough to continue the race anyway. The fight for radicals isn't homesteading it's a commitment to racialism. that's our calling in the eternal struggle -- don't let coomers and simps dictate the nature of this movement. Remember Hitler (PBUH) didn't breed of the flesh but he bred of the spirit (us)
>>275175 good post lad
>>275159 are you winning son?
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>>275159 theyre saying shit like theyll ban racemixing even tho he has a white wife
>>275175 >at the end of the day lad, the normies will have the children. they aren't though, have you looked at the birth rate, its a meme that dissidents like us don't, didn't or shouldn't have children, your view is basically retarded lysenkoism, wanting a wife isn't simping you demoralising subversive bongo shill, and hitler always had a gf, he didn't have children because he was the fucking dictator of a country.
>>275175 hitler didnt breed and he lost
fertility rates have been plummeting since covid btw, its so over.
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if you actually managed to have a family of 4 nowadays, your bairns are basically guaranteed to have it good and probably turn into the next boomers
>2 days til the first census results
antifa failing hard
>>275191 what's the best stream for riot kino? isthe happening cancelled?
>>275189 >>275190 These statistics will be released on 28 June 2022 11:00am
>>275192 there's been no riots so far tbh
>>275188 I'm praying my daughter will live beyond 2100.
>>275194 I guess the ngo funding just isn't there this time.
>this lad pretending he has a daughter fuck off
>>275197 fuck yourself
>>275198 sickening
>>275198 wtf? no wonder they have world's lowest fertility rate. what a feminist hell it should be like this: >extramarital sex banned >mandatory arranged marriage at 16
>My message to Boris Johnson: The only way to stay in No 10 is to REALLY get Brexit done, writes NIGEL FARAGE https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-10953005/To-Boris-Johnson-way-stay-No-10-REALLY-Brexit-writes-NIGEL-FARAGE.html
>>275198 >Prior to 2020 the age of consent in South Korea was 13
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>>275175 retard the future belongs to the elites (the class for whom the cult of gaynigger worship is what catholicism was to the medieval nobility) and their shitskin mutt slaves the masterrace does it again! I wonder what sort of impossible new geometries they'll manage to twist their children's genitals into; a new frontier for the aryan's mathematical genuis! hope u guys got what you wanted
>>275204 It would be interesting to see this data for the UK
>>275204 are you some seething shitskin or something? in anycase that chart just shows the Steinerian hypothesis that being middle class is the worst position to be in in the west.
a whiff of antisemitism tbh
>>275191 What if they're all at home finally impregnating their gfs like they've been waiting to do?
>>275201 >you get married off to a munter well enjoy your new life lad and your spastic bairns gg kek
>>275209 looksmatches of similar phenotype would be arranged. you would only be married to a munter if you were incel vulgaris phenotype
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>>275204 *saves the white race*
>>275207 she looks better blonde
>>275212 all it will take is a wave of fabricated sex abuse scandals and state-sanctioned bluehair anarkiddy deathsquads will do to the amish what'll make Waco seem like a birthday candle in comparison
>>275215 thats how they got rid of all the mormon fundamentalists.
>>275214 wrong, the amish have no electricity so all that propaganda is meaningless KEEEEEK, also they are not overtly political so the state doesn't really view them as a threat atm
>>275216 yeah they totally "got rid" of them lad thats why they are still a massive religious group in shartica
>>275215 why don't you become amish then? apparently they'll take eligible men as basically sperm donors if you go to their colony to buy eggs or whatever and they like the look of you. supposedly you get to coom in the amish girl but they cover her face so it's a form of weird religious sex just for procreation
>>275218 the FLDS had an entire town of a couple thousand of just their members then their leadership got raided by the feds just for marrying children and the population halfed and now its run by a lesbian libtard.
Update on the oslo habbening Oslo shooting: Norway attack being treated as Islamist terrorism, police say https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-61933817
>>275215 they are absolute sitting ducks, preserved only by the capricious mercy of ZOG >>275218 tbh the mormons are probably the only ones with a real chance
>>275219 this is spic I literally live like 30 miles from amish people and this is complete shite
>>275219 i've heard hasidics in london do that
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>this is spic also i didn't just make that up, it's known lore about these sects, but i'll grant it to you there's a good probability someone else made it up in the days of yore and it just became some sort of sexual fantasy mythology much like le holocaust
imagine being a dago.
I am saying that I literally live like one village over from an amish community and they are basically just protestants who kept the original concepts of protestantism and everything else is just lies by the jews and outsiders
amish men can sire bastards among the "english" womenfolk though I lived with an amish bastard at uni and he was sort of the black sheep of the community
thought amish were only in utah tbh but what do i know
>>275230 thats mormons you have them confused I bet mormons do the phenotype harvesting they are obsessed with geneology. amish are in the midwest primarily
maybe the ngo libtard deep state will pick a random cop on nigger murder to initiate race riots in response to this. i mean there's probably an nigger cop incident every day they could use they just dont.
amish are transplanted dutch anabaptists which came to america to escape napoleonic wars, mormons are anglo saxon cultists who followed Bringham young to utah after the mormon war in the midwest
>>275233 you're right i was confused about that. what about mennonites? they're the german ones?
>>275234 yeah mennonites are like german prots that are less extreme about tech than amish, they also have large communities in ukraine and russia I believe
amish and mennonites shave their mustaches to show they are pacifists because of the prussian mustache in the 19th century
the bruderhof in the UK are also german descended but they died off in germany so they only existed here for a while until moving to the rest of the anglosphere recently.
>>275235 >they also have large communities in ukraine and russia they used to: they were one of the communities most heavily targeted as kulaks by the reds, the ones who managed to bug out beforehand fled to north america
>>275237 those are like hutterites? smh freaking prots
>>275238 smh yeah forgot solzhenitsyn talked about that
>hutterites smwn (shaking my weary noggin) i completely forgot about them, too many of these groups to make sense of
>>275239 they were started by a german guy who was inspired by the hutterites but they're not ethnically hutterite. they're almost all english converts now. they have a few communities in kent and sussex.
>>275242 based saxons bleaching the swarthy germans keeeek they look like amish midwestoids
>ywn have your own kino comfy mini ethnoculture that no ones ever heard of
>>275244 iktf so hard
>>275221 Cheers lad
all I want is to be a messiah to a cult and design kino communes for my follwers to build.
>>275181 >they aren't though, have you looked at the birth rate, its a meme that dissidents like us don't, didn't or shouldn't have children, your view is basically retarded lysenkoism, wanting a wife isn't simping you demoralising subversive bongo shill, and hitler always had a gf, he didn't have children because he was the fucking dictator of a country. Dissidents can't effect the birth rate, you're retarded. Also, I'm not saying don't have children, but children as our focus is retarded and makes no difference to our society or struggle. That's what you don't get. Again it comes back to cowardice, you want the path of least resistance -- you want a nationalism without demands or consequence so you retreat into safer waters. Having children is good, but it's not and has never been praxis. Direct action is the only course, and yes we'll face prosecution and humiliation, but outside of those pursuits eveything else is cope and and a hiding place. We need to be pushing racialism in the face of modernity at all times, that's praxis. I've seen too many people who think that breeding or building a house in a woods is some kind of real nationalism, it's not. You're just ensuring that your kids go last. >>275204 >the future belongs to the elites and their shitskin mutt slaves You're not white.
>>275248 If any turn in the ethos of our civilization comes it will be from a disaffected scion of the dominant class not ur comic book street-thuggery
>>275248 what direct actions are you talking about? like instead of just fedposting about things that will never happen and just get retards arrested what realistic actions do you think we should all be taking?
>>275250 agg nonce grand ideas no practical praxis
>>275249 >If any turn in the ethos of our civilization comes it will be from a disaffected scion of the dominant class not ur comic book street-thuggery Jesus Christ was nobody and he brought empires to their knees >>275250 >what direct actions are you talking about? like instead of just fedposting about things that will never happen and just get retards arrested what realistic actions do you think we should all be taking? Join PA and help them build regional chapters just like the National Front did in France. Take a chance that something will work.
threads become a little dull ngl (no good lulz)
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>>275253 go back to norw(g)ay you fat gay cunt
>tfw unbanned https://www.urzas.ai/
>tfw board full of wizards
calicucks out of water soon lads. la nina cooled the pacific too much and it stopped raining completely keeek
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if you want something, you take it if that lass refuses to clean your meat flute with her mouth, you chain her to radiator and beat her till she does. consent is for batty boys
>>275252 That's not how the Front National in France was formed though. It was started as a proposition, an electoral broad coalition formed by various already established far-right movements (Occident, Action Francais and Groupe Union Défense) with the goal of being the united electoral ticket for the right. It was modelled off the Italian post-war Fascist party the MSI (they started the flame logo thing) who achieved electoral success as the united-right in Italy. The Front National was a reaction after De Gaulle failed to hold Algeria leading to the electoral collapse of mainstream right wing parties and the lefts electoral ascent under Valéry Giscard d'Estaing and then Mitterrand. It's just not comparable to where we are now and the country we live in, especially since PA failed to register as a political party and the fact that the Tories remain in power.
>>275263 its la
>>275262 decent music post and cosy pic, i like sad music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXxNTWboTEI
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riots were WAY better under trump, i'm pretty sure he let them get bad to bring the left into view. biden's letting the police suppress them i reckon
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>Brooke Shields & Hebephilia Edition
>>275270 that lad was me in my reddit phase
>>275270 logic trapped him
>>275248 you are just a faggot glownigger
>>275270 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK this is how lefties should've been treated in this country
idiots on twitter talking like bitcoin is a savings account and not a currency. hopeless
>>275275 trying to think up a post or gimmick for you lad, not being sarcastic, it is the duty of lads here to entertain all the other lads. it's how /brit/ works, i don't have much of a brain and i'm always first to admit this but imma have a go at posting something *thinks*
>>275277 >just wait, i'll get you a reply, as i'm obliged to do. just hang on, i've got to think of it first lmfao. it's okay, lad. that's enough. had a good laugh
i love you autists
>>275278 >>275279 good lad, pressure was getting to me there. should be a bit more posting on a saturday night though tbh
>>275277 blessed post lad
schmorn, not slept yet
lads skip to 27 minutes i promise you it's funny
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>The US Army has been forced to drop its minimum educational requirement
>>275283 stav left he cumtown podcast yesterday
>>275285 was that the guy making the funny retard joke? i don't know anything about cumtown, i only know mde
>>275284 there was an education requirement for being in the international orc legion?
>>275287 Yeah, you needed a high school diploma/GED to be enlisted. If the Shartistani armed forces are bad now, it's going to get worse, obviously.
>Ukies getting WP'd
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>>275290 rare and shitty reaction image here
>>275142 (OP) excellent thread edition https://youtu.be/F9ToCCpALKM
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Rare and shitty filtered
>>275293 this is a good reaction pic. i just seethe about le john travolta shot.jpg which always gets posted. think that's madlad who posts it
>>275294 you only seethe because you were too autistic to understand what it was trying to convey
>watching Back to 1942 >the Japanese are portrayed as being more humane than the KMT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGvRUVSjK5o
>they released footage of Andrew Hill being captured in Nikolaev Oblast
>Anyonethatcallsforpraxisisaglownigger-niggers ITT >>275254 Why even reply to that post? it's a filter on sight from me tbh. >>275248 I need to join PA soon yeah.
>>275198 I think their aging system is different to ours because they count womb life I think
>>275299 But life begins at birtherino? And only if the mummy birthing person and doctor don't decide to post abort the clump of cells within 30 minutes after it's first breath.
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What did Vladimir Lenin mean by this?
>>275219 >>275223 >>275226 >this is spic nah, it was not. rent free, steinoid
good morning chaps
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sneed lads procroostinated too much on my bennies shite and got booted off smh living off my savings again while i call them and get back on it
>(1) bringing up early posts already forgotten and moved on from
>Beast in the East! Panicking Putin 'calls up OBESE 20st retired general, 67, to lead forces in Ukraine'
>>275306 keeeeek smh disgraceful tbh but not like he can't give orders tbh will have to wait and see how he fares before deciding how much to make fun of him
>>275306 "I've conquered all the Ukieeeees, I'm never gonna stop."
>>275308 keeeeeeeek
>>275309 never kissed any of them tbh wouldn't know
>>275309 >bankers and lawyers worst keeeeeek >>275311 >neets ignored from the list unranked smh
>>275309 gf back in high school always complained that I "ate her face" smh
>>275311 >>275312 >>275313 learn to kiss tbh
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>>275314 already know how lad i'm just a bit too choosy smh never kissed any of that short list of professions
>>275314 I just let the women control the kiss tbh
wish i could go back to college tbh
>>275318 you can
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>>275319 oh no, please don't bomb london! please!
>>275319 so close and yet so far at least he's got the geographic location right tbh
>>275320 yeah all those hot sexy 16 college girls cor
>>275323 what are adult learners?
>>275324 most students are 16/17 mong
>>275324 >>275325 exactly smh think lad think rooster in the henhouse
>>275325 you can still join the education and should not be discriminated
>>275327 ye when i was a cute 16yo twink there were a few people in their 30s in my classes
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>>275319 >tfw it will never happen
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>>275319 wtf I love Putin now
>>275319 based and celto-brythonic pilled
had a dream I had a slavic wife lads and she was giving me a hug and then I woke up
>>275335 >and then I woke up sorry to hear that lad smh my condolences
>>275336 we are reaching the stage where politics in the west will be divided along ethnic lines, tbh
>>275336 baste
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can't wait to be in the 1488th michigan volunteers and create the new republic
love that trump is just standing behind to cause seething of leftoids
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keeeeek she even said hitler was right about somethings lmao based midwestoid mummy
>>275340 don't worry lad brigham young junior will be looking for recruits soon
>>275342 shes cute
>>275344 based and not listening to women when they talk pilled
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wish women would wear skirts that go down to their ankles more often tbh
>>275348 yeah they look better
>>275349 saw a chinky lass wearing an ankle length skirt once but it was some weird gangsta streetwear smh don't really understand how they've made long skirts into rebellious clothing but i hope to see more of it by which i mean i hope to see less of lasses legs >>275350 tbh
dropping those sneaky under skirt shits
>>275352 keeeek smdh
>tfw phone manafacturers are really awful right now
>no milk for my covfefe
Niggas be trippin'
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https://www.theguardian.com/news/2017/nov/24/how-the-sandwich-consumed-britain >"That's cool," he said. "That's on point. That's on trend." I hate these people so fucking much
>>275358 >seven fifty an hour sign me up tbh
>>275358 completely talentless people tbh
>>275361 all brown "people" need to be killed
Even if u're talentless, to be made to made sandwiches by some pscyhopath is too much
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>Putin gave Batka nukes
shnight lads
>>275366 have u ever stayed up till steiner went to sleep lad?
>>275367 yes lad i've done 48 hour days before there's really no benefit
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>>275369 pray for us lad
>>275369 Gdańsk, Poland
>>275371 GCHQ?
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>Women from ethnic minority or deprived backgrounds are more likely to get STI trichomonas vaginalis (TV) than others.
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>>275375 the patriarchy did this
aspiring rapper lil stabby just got shanked up https://files.catbox.moe/8mkm0h.mp4
>>275377 throw all that brown dogshit in the channel
keeeeeek pashtuns doing gun comparison videos with their latest gear
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>It's the child's body they're dismembering. Or do their bodies have four legs, four arms, and two hearts now? I know some people have a lot of difficulty even defining a woman at present but I didn't realise things were that bad! >Not one person who has offered me insults has offered anything short of an argument, though, so nice one for the attempt.
>>275381 I'm BTFOing faggots in my local newspaper, it's been glorious
They're live
Getting 1:2 likes and dislikes on the Daily Mail though in general
wanking wanking willy spanking
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Well lads, the Solstice is done and gone, and Glasto will soon be over. And we've got a hebe thread too. Bonus. Thank fuck this is almost over for another year. It's been great though, admittedly. Brexit goes on too. Now what? See you next year when we do this all over again I suppose.
sunday, as it were
I keep a journal tbh
tfw no animals of farthing wood remake with gay animals
>>275386 I don't get the joke tbh.
>>275374 Will kek if they kill her. Brazen nonce cabalists.
>>275309 love kisses, me
>>275393 is that a churka
might get into painting miniatures tbh
>>275394 Some kind
>>275395 figurines?
>>275395 do military vehicle models, warhammer are jews
>>275397 >>275398 Yeah, was thinking historical miniatures but I'm not sure which period. Might do Napoleonic because there is a huge variety and shit
>>275399 i find miniature modelling to be more interesting
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something like this
barbie movie zeitgeist working overtime
I feel like I'm about to pass out
>>275404 I would tbh
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Greta filling out nicely into the sturdy iron age wife phenotype
>flyes fucking on me smh mocking the incel
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day 9 nobooze over and ive had half a bottle of vodka
volcel chadcel wincel
>>275380 Hysterical wahmens need a good slap and a shag
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dorshit needs an intervention tbh
>>275414 the sleep paralysis demons will scare him straight
>>275414 What is even happening in the Dorshit arc right now tbh?
>>275416 standard bipolar narcissism
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dorset is the main protagonist of this board
& with that you're both filtered.
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nooo dont heckin filterino meee1 1111!!!1
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This Roe V Wade thing has been great >arguing with faggots in the local newspaper >some instantly going hysterical and calling me names >some having a meltdown and attacking me with off topic shite after one counter Re-affirms how shallow a lot of globalists' opinions are, they can't stand up to scrutiny at all.
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>>275423 Tbh it makes a traditionalist kind of feel like a king, just look at these theatrics.
4chud is so bad now. like I bet 50% of all posts are bots by this point.
What if the artist was secretly are guy, would not be surprised with how cringe it is
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You lads ready for a fresh week of toil? I know i'm not Have a good one
>>275424 keeeeeeek "what about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!??" It's fucking pathetic. They do everything to scurry about and produce irrelevant arguments. >>275427 No toil for me, the jews are waiting on a DBS check, gotta bully them tomorrow. Night lad x
Off to bed to, gotta lift in the moring Lift, Laugh, Sneed x
>>275405 Found you
who wouldn't breed Greta tbh God I love her
>>275427 me neither really, but it helps that I have people I care about to keep my mind off shitty work. Night lad.
>>275433 >policeman being nice to the stressed out negro smh wholesome
this literally looks like something out of fallout holyshit lmfao https://twitter.com/BNNBreaking/status/1541157105255972865
>>275436 bizarre how people act as if animal life is higher than human life. people saying they deserved it probably the same people who will 'adopt' a dog in place of a child
really don't want to be alive anymore haha
a significant amount of bulls need to die, you need very few breeding bulls and they need to be ones you want. either you kill them in a factory farm or have a little fun with it.
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>>275404 she looks like she hasnt showered in weeks
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Sneedvening lids.
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almost shed her human skin there for a second
>>275448 >tfw she morphs into a horse and vores you
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>>275448 literal demon tbh
>>275448 >ban baby murder >they turn into actual demons
smh russian poo lad btfo
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>>275371 it's called Danzig you cuck, no p*le should have ever set foot within 100 miles of the Baltic coastline. frankly, they should get a one-way ticket to Siberia >>275404 >>275406 not at all lad, she looks 12 and 40 simultaneously
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/royal-family/2022/06/26/prince-charles-slave-trade-history-should-taught-widely-holocaust/ >Prince Charles: Slave trade history should be taught as widely as the Holocaust this cunts going to be awful
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>>275458 Look at that slav attempting civic duty
>>275457 Oy vey!
>>275457 antisemitic tbh
>>275457 wasn't Israel claiming the rights to a bunch of sunken slave gold a while back
>>275463 Ron Watkins didn't create 'Q', some other guy did, I forgot his name. Ron took over 'Q', he is Q 2.0
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>>275466 white women are so kino when they aren't fat and retarded
>no hillbilly psycho gf
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>>275472 it's so weird when a woman is interested in a male that isn't 99th percentile uberchad
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>>275472 god shes cute would love to pin her down and rape her till she shuts up tbh
where's are wessie gone
Where has the B.O.N.D gone now that 16ch is down? >>275481 Maybe he's preoccupied with something.
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>>275468 Imagine telling an e-celeb that he "used [you] for content". At least he hasn't abused you for content!
Albin Julius of Der Blutharsch died ;_;
he was also behind The Moon lay Hidden Beneath a Cloud https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cd9QK6DSNA
>CAPE TOWN, June 26 (Reuters) - South African authorities are investigating the deaths of at least 22 young people found inside a popular tavern in the coastal town of East London, provincial health officials and the presidency said on Sunday. >State broadcaster SABC reported the deaths resulted from a possible stampede, but was scant on details as the exact cause of death remained unknown. >"We are talking 22 bodies right now," Manana said, adding that toxicology tests were part of the examination. https://youtu.be/ie9lzmIT_8I
>>275488 homemade alcohol gone wrong probably.
>>275488 got a habbening bump when I read the headline about dead bodies in an "east london" nightclub earlier before realising it was in south africa
I've been to the year 3000 Not much has changed, but they lived underwater And your great-great-great-granddaughter...
>>275447 would batter all of those leftoids >>275469 tbh
>>275490 Yeah, it follows the Oslo shooting at a night club called London as well, very strange coincidence >>275486 That's quite a unique album. Sorry to hear about the musician.
kino thread subject shoot heroin & niggers
>>275485 That's shit, he was talented. Love Der Blutharsch also tbh. Hail Victory tbh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c28CrvheXbg&t=1612s
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reminder that in the future america will be polface incel heaven and roasties can only seethe
how do I stop playing videogames I have so many books I want to read but never get around to it
>>275498 stop playing video games start reading a book
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>>275498 Try replacing it with something besides reading. I think we both know that reading is significantly more taxing than playing a gayme, you can't just will yourself into a higher level of disciplined behaviour so directly. Your habituation won't allow it. At this point try replacing your playtime with anything else to break your reliance, reading can come later.
the throne
>>275499 you're a silly boy >>275500 that's not a bad idea but i do already kind of read sometimes games are just too much fun tbhsmh, this wouldn't be a problem if I had a good job
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wouldn't need viddygames if i could just go around slaughtering browns tbh
>LONDON, June 22 (Reuters) - Britain will begin legislating on Wednesday for a new Bill of Rights to give the government the power to ignore rulings from the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), which last week blocked ministers' plans to send migrants to Rwanda. The story continues on Wednesday
Last Wednesday
the american empire has fallen
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>>275508 jesus grim
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>bill of rights leaving room for the death penalty >>275505 >>275506
>>275511 >because of stress or poor diet according to what? that's extremely bad. missing periods = fertility problems
>didn't get any sleep again >have a whole day of shagging madlads mum and sister ahead of me ngmi
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It's Monday, Toilman https://youtu.be/mrw5frHOkYM
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The LNR are saying Maryana Bezuhla (Ukie commander of the Severodonetsk front and US State dept. apparatchik) is now trapped in Lisichansk by Russian forces.
Fresh driving video to go in the collection.
any lads remember this memi?
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Lithuania. President of the country Gitanas Nauseda decided not to make concessions to Russia on the issue of transit to the Kaliningrad region.
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>>275524 good lad
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>>275510 inb4 >it still blocks the deportation of refugees >it enables death squads for autists who download the anarchists cookbook, under 2a and 2c
Canada has less than half the population of Iran, for comparison
>>275526 it's guaranteed smh clown world >>275527 they know their customers can pay more so they make them pay more it's just good business
>>275527 >there are Arab countries that pay their population merely to exist with oil money >meanwhile in "rich countries"
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Horse pills are cool now
>scream and start crying >no mummy to come and pick me up
Shaved for the first time since at least April.
>>275534 poor lad smh haven't shaved in years tbh
>leddit sharts itself over the possibility of anything less than total baby genocide >leddit femcels remark, "I'm too ugly to rape anyway, get fucked Stacy" >leddit femcel forum mods crack down to defend the sacred Moloch sacrifice
>>275514 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >guy on the far left crossing his arms and hiding behind the tard
>>275537 that webm is a painting lad so many little gems to find
>>275536 >only hot women get raped so they have it coming
>Had a dream I was playing a war game with an aircraft career >Screen splits and Hitler's portrait appears in the centre of my screen and generic admiral in the other >"Admiral, I've found it. The sea of pussy. It's being guarded by a fleet of American aircraft carries!" >"Good job Admiral Hitler! No go get that pussy!" >My ship takes off like a speed boat and I start bombing the American aircraft carriers (partly lego partly real) >I personally take off on a flying suitcase and start bombing a runway with hundreds of Americans of different races running away but still laughing and smiling while I blow their fucking airbase up What's wrong with me lads? Have I finally gone fucking mental?
>>275540 keeeeeeek no lad you're finally seeing the truth
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>>275542 baste
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>All these based things happening under Biden Democratchads..
>>275545 >Taliban victory in Afghanistan >anti-vaxx trucker blockades >Russian victory in the Ukraine >western economic collapse >Roe vs. Wade struck down
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>Lad referring to me as "m'Lord" on the Liverpool Echo Which one of you is bluetillidie?
if you want to peruse through ENDLESS low IQ vaginal seething https://old.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/ oh man
>>275536 Apex keek. >tfw no ugly femcel gf
>>275552 a faggot and a turk
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join the satanic temple, fellow shiksas
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>We meet Rosemary lying on the floor of her house, sobbing. Heartbroken. The doorbell rings. It's a Pizza Delivery Guy. Rosemary can't stop crying. She wants love, but it never works out. Fortunately for Rosemary, this Pizza Delivery Guy has the answer: forget about love and focus on wild random sex for once in her life. We cut to a fun slut-training montage where Pizza Delivery Guy teaches Rosemary his skanky ways and Rosemary learns to sexually liberate herself. Rosemary thinks she's mastered slut life, but her new skills are put to the test when she meets Ned.
>>275555 (checked) >We believe in human rights for all Except the unborn.
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>>275557 was just pondering about how they're always going on about "muh wymyn muh wymyn" but half the babies that get aborted are female and they don't give a damn about those women
although I wouldn't be surprised if male babies are more likely to be aborted tbh
>>275560 based >>275563 god i hate women
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>1989 smh still remember the mk3 fiesta full of four star
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>>275559 Better analogy would be you wake up in a dark tanker with an oxygen mask and then a pair of giant metal pincers crushes your skull and tears your head off, or worse the tank starts filling with acid and you die in horrible agony, and you don't really know why it's happening but you still feel the pain.
>>275568 remember that whole soyim argument about how "you wouldn't eat meat if you saw how it was made"? wonder how they would react if you clockwork orange'd footage of how abortions are done into their fucking eyeballs
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>b*sexual ex gf reposting leftoid pro-baby murder pastas
>>275570 smh lasses always banging on about cases where it's medically necessary as if the overwhelming majority of abortions are done so that whores can keep being whores >>275571 can't believe 8chan is dying yet again smh it's over
>>275570 Becky's baby will die anyway, likely in the womb without inducement. Susan shouldn't heap atrocity upon atrocity. The child did nothing wrong. If she doesn't want the child give it to a family who want to adopt. Theresa's case isn't an "abortion". One of them is dying anyway, the choice to make is obvious. I'm not sure this is a common problem. Cathy's 11-year old body could get pregnant, thus it can sustain the child. Same advice as for Susan. Do not heap sin upon sin. Melissa should have the child and give it up for adoption. There is nothing wrong with being poor, either. Would this slag also support Melissa killing her living children? After all, being poor is worse than death. Brittany can give her child to a family who can't conceive. She shouldn't have been engaging in the reproductive act anyway if this description of her is accurate. Emily Emily has put her own selfishness above the lives of others. She should adopt Brittany's child. Jessica should not blame an innocent child because the child's father smacked her around. If she doesn't want it, Emily is in the market for a baby. Vanessa is another person who should consider adoption rather than killing large numbers of her own children. Hey Jessica, I found someone who'll want your child! Hold the head crushing tongs! Lindsey should have waited until marriage. She now has to live with the consequences of her actions (how crazy a notion). I hear Vanessa is in the market for a child though, I imagine she'd love it just the same and she won't have to kill her kids. Courtney's case is the same as the other medical cases. Either both will die or just the child. Even the RC Church would advise that it's permissable to kill one rather than two in this case.
stunning and brave
>>275570 >jennacparris Looks like I'm gonna do a bit of what we call trolling!
getting pretty sick of seeing foids constantly bring up the handmaid's tale tbh it's like a stuck record >>275574 tbh
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>her comments are turned off I keek!
>>275579 BBK in 10 years.
>>275560 is the woman included?
the whole argument about babies having thoughts or feelings is irrelevant because baby-murderers absolutely support abortion even beyond the point where a baby develops those things they dont give a shit they would support post-birth babymurdering they know it's a human life they don't care
>>275584 The arguments isn't made to persuade child-killers, it's made to persuade fence sitters
>closet racism
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>>275590 >wants to mask around me for a couple days
>>275592 erm just normal things for couples inkwell
>London descending into complete fucking chaos
how do i go about buying a tv? i only use a monitor so i have no idea what to look for.
>>275594 wew >>275595 just get whatever tbh they're all functionally the same
>>275595 Unless you're buying for boomoid/normgroids just get a monitor for yourself tbh
>JUST IN - USAF F-35 fighter jets took off from the Czech Republic to the Black Sea, leaving transponders on for Moscow to see. >F-35s I'm sure the Russians are shitting themselves.
>>275596 >>275597 It has to be a wall mounted TV. What are "apps" on TV? Do they matter?
>>275599 >planes fall out of the sky >blame russia
>>275600 >What are "apps" on TV? Do they matter? useless bloatware tbh
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>they are cucking and are staying in NATO airspace
>>275602 >>275602 I don't even know how to use them apps.
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>>275605 abomination tbh
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>>275609 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
why dont my parents want me to be successful
probably given up on you now you just lie around drinking all day
last night was the first time i drnak in 9 days you prick
>>275600 outside channe/streaming apps its adware/bloatware like auslad said, windows 10 spreading to tv smh
>tfw phones have to be 6.5 inches now
Bigger than Dorset's dick
>comment "it was me, and I will strike again!" on a local news story about some hate crime or other (didn't read the sharticle) now I'm getting dogpiled by faggots
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>>275590 That’s nothing
my bum is wide
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Mog Zedong. Also Hitler's high score is a Jewish lie and not real.
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HEY STEINER... be quiet
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>paedo spiral background
>>275542 https://www.yelp.com/biz/jenny-rose-luxury-hair-mayfield-heights-5?start=60 reviews are hilarious. brings me back to /pol/s good old days
>>275631 kek she is a based rustbelt midwestoid lass who lives in the redpilled suburbs of ohios nigger shithole cleveland
Going to Turkiye on Wednesday lads
>>275632 has the stereotypical chad boyfriends too KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
>>275633 see you there m8
I'm not ghosts
>>275636 this arguement is so shit because american men already have zero body autonomy from birth when all our benises get mutilated so foids can have face cream
why are the protests in LA so violent?
>>275636 they are such babies
All I do is sleep lads, can't stop sleeping
But, for every hero, there is a villain. Smh, who's the villain of /Brit?
>>275643 Cuc/k/
>>275636 also why does this bitch even care? 1) she is too old to get pregnant 2) nobody is gonna rape that shit
>>275645 based brazil
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anglosphere is gonna become the christian dominion
Foids actually controlled him quite quick
maynard? more like retard
i mean raytard
>>275648 God I hope so
sneed running down your legs sneed running out of eggs
Baby boomers? More like Gravy troomers!
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU7JpgUNUdapn8d8b0zMg3g Any other alt history youtubers like this?
>>275512 yep I wonder how long they'll be able to mask the complete drop in fertility.
A poo in a jar. It won't get far.
Can you shit it? No I can't Can you shit it? No I can't
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Favourite non-Earth planet in are solar system? For me it's Neptune
>>275648 not tired of winning
>>275636 And died on her face
https://www.unz.com/ejones/the-end-of-roe-v-wade/ >in america there are two catagories of existence as either a fetus (with no rights) or a jewish feminist (containing all social power)
>>275649 Overpowerered with stench of minge Easy
Because of Roe v. Wade, the concept of equality before the law was eliminated from our judicial system, to be replaced by a two-tiered system, in which you fit into one of two categories. Everyone was now either a fetus, in which case he had no rights whatsoever, or he was a feminist, in which case he had Jewish privilege and was above the law. So, the demonstrators who showed up at Charlottesville thinking that the had First Amendment rights to assembly and free speech, as well as the Trump supporters who showed up at the Capitol on January 6 fell into the category of fetus, which meant that they had no rights at all. Antifa, on the other hand, and Jane’s Revenge, which went on a spree of burning down churches and prolife centers after Alito’s brief was leaked, had Jewish privilege and were above the law, as was Roberta Kaplan, the “chubby lesbian kike” who enriched herself by waging lawfare against the hapless white boys from Charlottesville. Attorney General Merrick Garland has clearly internalized this Roe-based distinction and has turned the Justice Department into the American version of the CHEKA, which is now waging war on the American people, just as the Jews at the original CHEKA waged war against the Russian people after the Bolshevik coup d’etat of 1917. I love him so much lads
>>275645 everything is so primitive but in a completely bad way just like tattoos, piercings etc even the type of things people put on the walls in their house like all of those "african" statues/face masks shite fucking vile
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>>275670 Ironic . . . he could conquer all the chippies . . . but he couldn't conquer death.
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>>275571 >some kind of gibberish after the word BUGS.
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>>275670 So that's where he's buggered off to?
>>275673 a shiter less cool normalfag version of chan/britspeak tbh
>even reddit is against her
>>275639 Because a civil war is being incited
>>275676 keeeeeeek
>>275677 >southern israelite why are they such mongs lads? dixie niggers are the biggest larpers
remember when southmongs larped about how they were gonna do something when the virginia governor cucked their gun laws hard?
Jesus wouldn't have tried that shit in southern israel
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>>275681 yeah cyrus should have tried to invade southern judea
>>275680 you live in fucking michigan
>>275684 you mean the only state that has had any anti government militia activity in shartica in the past 70 years
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terry nichols --deckerville michigan timothy mcveigh --deckerville michigan flint anti integration bombings hutaree glowniggers shitagain militia (probably glowniggers) mummy gretchen plot (confirmed glowniggers) militia takes over government captiol 2020 >southkeks -1979 greensboro massacre literally nothing after that
Who will be the Marcus Aurelius of the modern West?
>>275684 You live in Dorset . . .
Steiner, is Detroit the Eltham of America?
6fe3ed is either a bot or a schizo
>feel like having a wank >firmly tell satan to fuck off out loud >it works wew
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>>275694 We are not schizophrenic
>>275694 its bbk
>>275693 chin got blown the fuck out by old school detroit factorymen which niggers just emulated with their faggot gangster shit. old school boomermen and vietnam soldiers cruising the town in their union issue GTOs in sunglasses looking for swarthoids and foreigners to beat up. kino era for midwest
>>275697 its bbk
eltham looks way more kino than shittroit which is just a hasbeen french fortress which evolved into a trading hub because of its strategic location
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Phoned up the jews and they're gonna call me back re:DBS check. I'll fuck them up if they don't give me a job. I'll shit in their mouths. I'll take them to court. I SIGNED THE FUCKING CONTRACT!
>>275677 Enfuriating
>>275685 What about southerm Mizzour-I-A??? a very openly racist place tbh, especially the Ozarks
>>275705 missouri is geographically in the midwest but its more culturally "Mississippian" but its certainly not part of the old south despite larps
>Whosville whore made a Sam Hyde pilled song H'wew.
>>275702 capo mike laying down the law on his underlings?
>the marchers walking behind with signs reminds me of postal 2
>>275710 last think a lib ever sees
Live Farage https://youtu.be/mDhz0TRkBbI
>>275713 post the farage car salesman memi
Hey monke, get funke
>>275712 Captain white race
>>275710 total white victory
>>275673 Wow, you're in a internuts subculture, how original.
hunter wallace at occidental dissent had a good point where he said that abortion as a eugenic movement of early racialists failed because abortion removes the bond of blood and promotes individualism. it was interesting but he kind of tried to back it up with using le demographics change which IMO has more to do with immigration act than abortion
>>275720 abortion is overblown tbh
banning abortion blows the sex havers out epicly and makes me happy
>>275721 tbh its not worth the moral cost to society because we can cope that a couple of niglets got flushed
>>275570 I'm pro-Shayniqua who ain't got da time oh da monny fo dis lil nigga
>mong foids complaining that the UK is next to ban muhbortion because the Toreeeee scum will get rid of the moomin rights act Even if they did, they're pro abortion, and pro mass migration so it won't lead to a deportationcaust. Fucking hate leftoid mongs lads.
census tomorrow
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been playing a lot of napoleon total war multiplayer wish i was a napoleonic general tbh
>>275728 Based, 39% to?
I'm thinking London is now 35% white British
>>275730 wtf are you talking about 39%?
>>275732 London was 39% white British last census
>>275731 urban "whites" don't count anyway
>>275734 >posting pornstars as an example at least try
Why are so many Australians making history podcasts? Is there nothing to do in Aus?
>>275733 no it wasnt
People also search for View 5+ more Eva Van Housen Eva Van Housen Nick Griffin Nick Griffin Millennial Woes Millennial Woes John Tyndall John Tyndall Lmao, Woes ranks up with John Tyndall
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>>275738 keeeeek
>>275734 Is she talking about a school shooting? Wonder if any daddies took her up and she honoured the offer.
Anyone want to watch a film?
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>>275734 what happened at oklahomoa?
>>275743 >you're a good kid, just understand im the only one saving the white race around here, capeesh?
>>275744 probably some mass sharting that everyone already forgot about because nobody cares
>>275747 I searched Oklahoma attack and all I found was the bombing from the 90s
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>>275741 >>275744 idk what she's referring to but I've had that webm saved for years
>>275750 phwoar
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comedy from back in the days when you could laugh at trannies and queers and wogs and women
i ate so much uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
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well don't go silent on me *does the woes smirk*
>>275755 >bri'ish "comedy"
>>275757 it's a bit shit tbh
Solomon Joel Cohen was a subversive little Israelite tbh.
turning this off it's shit anyone want to suggest a different film?
>>275760 the shitty tomb raider film with the flat chested dyke
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time to delete my youtube history
>>275765 what was it lad
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>>275766 try on hauls and workout videos
>>275766 that video on how to put condoms on I bet
>>275767 >>275768 keeek smh those 'try on haul' vids are uploaded by those thots for a reason anyway tbh its the intended purpose
might stream some try on hauls
>>275771 would be far better than the carry on films
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>>275772 >would be far better than the carry on films carry on films are classic lad we have to recconect with are culture and traditions
>>275774 >made by jews
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>>275775 >>made by jews just like christianity
haha it just got racist black face actor with bad accent
>embed >title >remove >filter by ID
>>275778 get fucked yoursel- oh wait, no girl will touch you.
>(1) >snarky anti incel post >filter ID
Terrible posts lately.
What's the best manga online read site?
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>>275789 Something on that dolphin's face
>>275790 Nowt wrong with a good leafy meal lad >>275791 tbh
>>275795 who's this hot goth badboy stud?
>>275795 lel wut
>>275795 5:18 - LMFAO
>>275796 >>275797 >>275798 get yourself some tactical soap!
>soyim seething that the most factual, accurate, and successful GPT is the one that is racist
>>275799 josh really isn't the greatest person to sponsor for soap
In Afghanistan today you have an ethnic group called Moghols who speak a Mongolic language and are genetically Mongolian. They're mostly holdovers from the Mongol conquest in 1221 but are mixed heavily with Persians and only number around 2,000. Hazara's are claimed to be descendants of Mongols but are in reality Turkics from the Timurid conquest in the 15th century who were later Persianised. Compare that to the Spanish Reconquista where Spain was mostly under Muslim rule for 700 years starting in 711 to 1492. After its completion there were zero foreign holdouts in Spain, the Berbers, Arabs and their African slaves were completely removed and made no measurable impact on the genetic makeup of Spaniards or Portuguese. There were never any communities that managed to remain. Why?
>>275802 because it all went into spic
Absolutely disgusted by this subhuman retard.
>>275802 because they were forcibly removed in the 1500s you mong
>>275805 My point being that I think Christianity is the best social technology for maintaining endogamy. In Islam it doesnt seem to be the case.
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Evening lids
>>275810 morning lad
>>275811 What will it be tonight?
>>275812 drinking and disintegration.
>>275813 Sounds good to me.
I knew they were swarthy in Wales but
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thinking about 22st https://youtu.be/IAn8jIkNiZc
>>275820 >thinking about 22st Pretty sure nobody else is.
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>>275765 https://freetubeapp.io/#download you can turn history off, no jewgle account, among many other benefits (no ads, build-in sponsorblock, store subscriptions/bookmarked videos locally, picture-in-picture, audio-only option) >>275784 just download on nyaa.si probably >>275807 shia islam kinda worked, look at the syrian alawites and lebanese
also look at the Buddhists in Thailand and Myanmar, successfully warded off brown moslems. Bhutan/Tibet also, warding poos

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