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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3967: Word Cloud Edition Anonymous 06/13/2024 (Thu) 06:06:36 Id: 87b6fa No. 454168
Sky News voter panel reacts to leader's event with 'boring' Starmer and 'untrustworthy' Sunak https://news.sky.com/story/sky-news-voter-panel-reacts-to-leaders-event-with-boring-starmer-and-untrustworthy-sunak-13152280 Over 380,000 cancer patients have faced 'routine' delays in starting treatment since 2015 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13522587/Over-380-000-cancer-patients-delays-starting-treatment-2015.html Mystery after two pest control workers, 34 and 49, were found frozen to death in a 'narrow space' at chicken factory https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13523985/Two-pest-control-workers-34-49-frozen-death-chicken-factory.html
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 12:01:08.
PETER HITCHENS: Disguised in flowery language, Starmer and Gordon Brown's plan to make it impossible for Parliament to overturn their Left-wing revolution https://archive.ph/vOfB4
>>454171 he's like an abused wife when it comes to the tories smh he wants them gone until it looks like it might actually happen
>>454172 In 2010, the Tories had lost three consecutive elections. A fourth would've been a damning condemnation, and, Hitchens hoped, a death knell. However, David Cameron, helped by the fallout from the 2008 financial crisis, imitated Blair and became PM. Today, a single election loss after 15 years in government will not destroy the Tories. All it will do is push them towards further imitation of their Labour counterparts in the hope of re-entering government. Which they will, after dissatisfaction builds after a term or two of Labour, and some passionate albeit empty rhetoric on the campaign trail.
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>>454173 if only there were more than two parties to voot for smdh a third position if you will
think if i won the lottery i'd fly back to england and start a political party that has the sole goal of replacing the first past the post voting system with the single transferable vote system and then immediately calling another election fttp is cancer tbh nobody voots for who they actually want smh they just voot for whoever they hate the most's biggest enemy not like that behaviour changes even when people are allowed to stray from red team blue team tribalism but at least with stv it's their own fault for being stupid instead of it being forced on them
being forced to vote for a party that you disagree with and would prefer didn't win because you're afraid of the consequences that come from not voting for them is coercion tbh and a failed or non-existent democracy the fact that there isn't some military junta marching people into voting booths and inspecting their ballots before they go in the box changes nothing the distinction between hard power and soft power is meaningless when the end result is the same
Edited last time by auslad on 06/13/2024 (Thu) 06:57:35.
>>454171 just saw the thread you made and then deleted good lad for making one
>>454175 Proportional representation would doom us to repeated weak and mediocre coalition governments. You'd vote for your party of choice but they'd only be part of a larger bloc. No drive or ideological purity, ubiquitous compromise. The European model. FPTP is a British mainstay and I'm loathe to abandon it. If anything, we need reform in the other direction. Remove the vote from everyone younger than 25, every non-citizen and the long-term unemployed.
>>454177 I dilly dallied looking for other articles and you beat me to posting
>>454178 >ubiquitous compromise. fttp just delegates that to the vooter >Remove the vote from everyone younger than 25, every non-citizen and the long-term unemployed. now this i can get behind
a mrs. mac's chilli beef and cheese pie for dinner and it's very nice remember lads if it ain't a mrs. mac's take it back
Morning lads New Suckdiq approved posters are up
so what's the official /brit/ guidance on voting in the 2024 election?
>>454182 >london is so gay finally a politician who's saying what i'm thinking >>454183 flip a coin if heads voot reform if tails poo on your ballot paper
>>454178 I might even start declaring an income if we get someone worth voting for in that system.
>>454184 leaning towards pooing on the ballot tbh preemptively denying reform the opportunity to betray me
>>454183 >look up my Conform candidate >literally who, no photo >probably cucks to HnH being still in Conform >NEVER ENDING BETRAYAL written on the ballot it is
>>454188 >>NEVER ENDING BETRAYAL written on the ballot it is finally a way to actually get what you voted for
i was just going to write nigger
>>454190 careful lad they might actually do it
>>454183 Vote HARDER! Tbh if it doesn’t say English Democrats on the ballot, write Oswald Moseley and tick the box you draw next to it
had a really comfy dream about moving to a blasted russian wasteland where people live in soviet tower block arcology type buildings and learning the language, teaching others english and working outdoors, having dinner with babushka and her cats and daughters and going to sleep in the attic under a ventilation machine watching giant landship type vehicles on manoeuvres from out of a porthole, cuddling the russgol lasses in a blanket then some cunt phoned me and I woke up
>student >first time renter >CIO Investment Fund CIO Investment Fund? >All these shady people with shady links to ‘pr/strategy/marketing/green energy’ enterprises linked to some kind of deep state function no doubt Mummy seems to be involved in some shadowy media consulting firm and ‘founded’ a green energy enterprise ( misusing the word ‘veteran’ ) in Russian speaking Uzbekistan A BIG THINK https://www.artemismediaprofile.co.uk/ https://www.birkenhead.news/veterans-green-energy-forum-to-launch-inaugural-conference/ https://greenenergy-forum.com/ all based out of the Wirral so probably something to do with bbk
>>454193 smh would poost dog fantasy.jpg if i had it
>>454193 >Morning saaaahhhhhhhh! Brishi calling! Remember to wote Conserwative! THANKYOU on behalf of Microsoft saaahhhhhh!
Steve Laws campaign leaflet. I swear that photo of the taped mouth girl is about 15 years old jej
>>454182 >We built this city Yep, looks like a Navvy to me
>They’re not going to let this “no Sky TV” thing go https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRk3YUiCTyE
>>454201 Keeeeeeeek Where’s that? Sweden?
>>454204 Keeeeeeeeeeeeek >Auslander Raus by cowboy
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>>454206 keeeeeeeeeek
>>454189 qeeeq
>>454167 (453196) >lying about what you actually look like (i.e. what your children will look like) to trick potential mates is foid behaviour tbqh well say I got limb lengthening, probably she would eventually point out that my thighs look long, and then I would just explain honestly. I'm not genetically short anyway and I don't see the point you're making, really. men should be 'honest incels' rather than put a fraction of the effort women do into their appearance and potentially breach the attractiveness threshold to participate in mating? >>454176 https://dailystormer.in/the-us-government-is-a-criminal-gang-with-no-legitimate-authority-to-rule-the-american-people/
The nigger labour chose to challenge nige is a total buck keek
>>454211 Light skins are zesty
>>454206 Thought he was about to Roddy piper that
>>454211 >Jaffa Calling
>zero seats trending on twitter again Love to see it.
>>454216 damn that paki whore has gotten even more hideous
looking a bit like rishi
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>women trying to make sense of current year
>>454219 each of them is sentenced to 3 babies in the brapcubes if the "egg" is a troon it is sentenced to death via high altitude weather balloon
>>454219 just computer sophistry same as most rightoid chatter meanwhile everyone is a renter poorfag who is too busy being upset about tranny shite
>>454223 niggers are the weakest most fragile bitches on the planet
>2.5m views on a video about drains autism or botting? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuEm5RC43tk
watching it and getting annoyed I don't have a garden and the landlord won't even repair the carpark that I pay for but have no use for
>>454225 why do wogs act like "ending colonialism" means that all westoid history needs to include wogs on all levels. literally fuck off and get your own language and civilization
>>454228 it is very silly and entirely based on bruised egos living conditions worldwide would be better overall if we just stuck with colonialism smh they'd have access to wipipo and wipipo tech and culcha and hygiene and such without ensuring everywhere is turned to shit libtards continuing the white man's burden but in an even gayer and more self defeating way too ofc
>>454229 the best is anytime you start talking about history around wogs. some poo was asking my whitoid ethnicity at the gym (was probably a bumder) and he was all aware of the border northern england scotland shite was probably a britaboo poo and meanwhile this nigger wog was going on an on about how we wuz cowboys too when the niggers in africa didn't have animal domestication where muslamics didn't show them. its gone so far past "equality" into this annoying childish "you aren't allowed a past" tantrum by worthless (literally worthless) niggers who've done fucking NOTHING on the world stage. niggers do this with everything. they are in burgerland already trying to coopt the baseball hat and mossy oak redneck look. see so many niggers wearing mossy oak now. fuck off niggers
also so sick of the wog thug culture all over the west today
>>454230 saw a video on yidtube some time ago by a nigcel gayist claiming that most of shartica's past presidents were actually niggers keeeeeeeeeek they are pathetic
did 22st get arrested again
On my weekend holiday already lids
>>454216 >11:00 Her race ideology argument got a kicking keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek Most incels are black and no particular politics
>42% black keeeeeeeeeeek >Low education, low employment, neeet depression anxiety loneliness blackpill
Good interview tbh (him)
>>454217 Chain her to the radiator, and paddle her arse and tits, whilst forcing her to make fucking porridge with Donald Where's yer Troosers blaring on a tiny radio, while you snort lines of coke and scream at her for not stirring fast enough.
>>454236 she clearly has a BWC fetish
>>454241 dey wasscists peopoe
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labor are the real racists
>>454241 Go on nige
Bizarre choice tbh Some footage of rampaging niggers and pakis, towns utterly destitute and politicians openly lying could have made some populist kino. I guess maybe they thought being on Channel 4 they were too limited and so went with some novelty
>>454248 Brownoids getting far too uppity
>>454251 >moderate muslims are great and im revealing one next week who joined us
>>454248 wog with dyed blonde hair
>>454251 Hate Nick Ferrari. Him, that Graham bulldog face on talk radio, Andrew Neil, all disgusting phenotypes and these ultimately far left freaks larping as if they're the common sense bazza.
>>454255 Tbh Labour is just rich people telling poor people to hate other rich people and blame them for being poor. Detest Labour and every other party tbh but I have a particular loathing for posh ‘lefties’ https://nitter.poast.org/maxtempers/status/1800508719224226150
Based localist at 15 secs in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkHlnBZfgag
>>454257 incredible mane on that old chap, wonder if he is still backing the tories now
>>454254 Cultural appropriation is ok when they do it
>>454260 >Nigger fuck you >Your flower bridge Ok
>it's every time I leave the house these days
>>454261 keeeeek
>reform overlook conservatives on YouGov It's happening
>>454267 Un-barrageable
joomers are fedposting over pro-Palestinians
>>454274 Reddit kikes are probably the most insulated kikes of all, wrapped in multiple layers of ADL, US government and Israeli bubble wrap not to mention the usurped wealth that insulates any private citizen in the US.
>>454275 most of them seem to be almost as dumb as the average ledditor. I wish I knew where the smart kikes shitpost, like if there's some kikechud forum in Hebrew or something I've been trying to understand their psychology. the average jevv seems to be a genuine holohoax believer, although it's impossible to tell whether they actually believe falsehoods or whether they're just pretending to because they know the lies benefit them. a lot of these dumber kikes on leddit, I think they actually believe in the holohoax and they underestimate how much power jevvs have. they tunnel vision on every slight pushback against them- like if a media personality covers something about Israeli war crimes, they all play the victim sarcastically like "wow we totally control the media guys!" and then there's something about Muslims in Europe being antisemitic and they say 'wow the {European ethnic group} are so retarded for letting these barbarians in, {European country} is going down the tubes, no wonder Jevvs are leaving'. can't tell whether or not they understand that it's the Jevvish push for 'diversity' (so that there is no nativist supermajority that could decide Jevvs are unwelcome) that is causing the demographic change, but I'm inclined to believe that many of these low-ranking kikelings genuinely don't get it
>>454276 They're being organised as ideological foot soldiers like everyone else.
World war is coming they need as many niggercattle to commit as possible. It'll limit the de-stabilizing effects on the arse end of this evil organised mass purge.
they wont draft us right lads
>>454279 depends how many bodies they intend to chew up.
there are, after all, economic considerations to be made
>>454274 palis have really drawn the jews out of their hole, the were all over umich wandering around 30-40 year old jewish shitbags intimidating uni students. amazing how brazen they have become
>>454282 Still convinced it's a neurotic reaction. Forever paranoid of being sniffed out as the anathema to all good life that they are.
Total Tory Death
>>454285 idk i'm in a con ultra safe seat (williamoidland) sadly, so i might still have to vote labour which will feel really weird
>>454285 Shake dat poo poo from de pum pum, lay a tolly for ground. Tory dem lose for election, dem waka commot with frown.
Diane Abbott, denuded, with her hands on her thighs, tits thrust up and out, back arched, her pelvis anteriorly tilted in an exaggerated fashion, while she pumps either gluteus maximus separately and rhythmically to a deranged electronic dancehall beat. She's sweating profusely, lips curled, with a look of what seems like disgust, that is actually a primitive Congoloid display of violent sub-hominid lust, as she begins to clap her arse cheeks rapidly in triplets, matching the rhythm with her head and jaw in wild gurning prognathation, before squeezing a rancid pythonic shite out of her rear onto the floor.
I can't stop laughing, there is snot coming out of my nose.
>>454290 cunt needs euthanised tbh
toil ends >>454291 tbh
Morning lads
>>454293 smorbius lad
>>454295 >the way of the kayak
got a beanie with the company logo on it today and it's actually really nice tbh name brand stuff >>454297 wish i was a wizard tbqh
British political system described 100 years ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxUGlj6ogqk&t=400
>>454299 Thank you Hitler
>>454299 so sick of red team blue team shite
>>454300 can't believe steiner drove all that way just to do burnouts on one fag crossing tbh now that's dedication
>>454305 >today's a great day >why's it a great day? >'cause i'm at heathrow airport think he might be the first person in the entire history of the world to ever say that particular sequence of words
>>454305 presentation was good at least
>>454305 >Gordoslop Ramsay the original idiot sandwich The price will include rental of a premium location tbh but the state of that menu and fare with your name/brand all over it is just a fucking waste of money tbh. It’s like paying for a hoarding in Piccadilly Circus or for prime time tv advertising and then sticking your worst product, presented badly with a huge markup and Gordon ‘dumb cunt lol’ Ramsay on it. Having a place at Heathrow is a massive window to the world and you use it to let third world staff announce how shit your cuisine is, keeeeeek Tbh I’d fire everyone. They have to go back
>>454310 I guess feeding random animals is a thing Indians do? lots of emaciated cows eating garbage everywhere so they probably consider it a Hindu good deed to feed them some actual food
>>454310 >don't feed samosas to our horses
incel-simp, english countryside edition
Keeeeeeeeeek >autist anon goes round Poland snapping browns https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/471106809
>>454313 If only he started spic's hair routine he could have avoided such a fate
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/xrPispXLrVE What's with half blood filipinos dominating sport now?
Too much of this in the Britain tbh Don’t know how old it is but why would you do a job like this? https://files.catbox.moe/qqipyz.mp4
we're so back
told assailants ‘mum or daughter was hot & that ‘Uncle Wayne’ would like to beef them up the farter’ or protecting his 20 something pal? https://fanbanter.co.uk/wayne-lineker-speaks-for-first-time-on-being-punched-by-thug-in-ibiza-after-trying-to-protect-girl/ https://nitter.poast.org/Dave_Rodgers1/status/1800869105354027313
>>454319 some people have no shame tbh it's like asking why you'd become a politician or a prison snitch correct response to that situation is to wee out the open window onto his face anyway don't talk to it like it's people
>>454321 >he voluntarily lives in a neighbourhood
>>454322 They can’t enter through windows anyway
>>454324 anyone could guess that tbqh that said it's a scummy profession and surprise surprise scum will say anything they need to say to get what they want basically just scammers with a letter of marque smdh sad how there's no oversight on these creeps but since their entire purpose is to make money for the government that's obviously never going to happen
>>454326 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek large if verified
>>454326 keeeeek how will musklings ever recover?
I don't think Maddie is coming home lads.
Moment of silence for Maddie McCann
this album will always be top ebin
we can't teeth, bros that's why we're listening to music at 10am
>Ukrainians vandalising recruitment vehicles used by Ukie recruiters https://nitter.poast.org/RWApodcast/status/1801331044815409176
>>454326 UNLEASH THE ISRAELI BOT FARMS! Likes of Nottingyahoo’s posts will go through the roof
Macron bullying Meloni who hates him as he breaks his word along with Germany on migration pacts. Why didn’t she stab him? https://nitter.poast.org/kylenabecker/status/1801614762427531574 Macron says French are just insecure and he is going to ramp up immigration harder and faster ( we know where loads will end up lads ) Meanwhile French police say delinquency in small hamlets and villages in France is off the charts. Suppose that will be after successive French politicians have dispersed migrants nationwide. Even lefty Hollande said back in 2016 that France would end up partitioned because of migration. Freemasons have mobilised the hard left hooligans against the right in some towns and cities
>>454336 Should all be in prison and Shapps at the Ukrainian front along with Mordaunt tbh. Fuck it send them all there
ZERO SEATS for all 650 tbh
Happy there will be no more Grant Brapps tbh not that policy will change
>>454341 His name makes me think of peach schnapps
>>454340 That's the (unrealistic) dream. Imagine such a record low turnout and lack of vooting for anything other than independents that the uniparty had zero seats and no government could form. Then it happening again 2 months later at the recalled election. That kind of instability is what we need the most for any hope of positive changes. Smh.
>>454343 In such a situation, we'd probably have an unelected caretaker PM appointed by the King, like Lucas Papademos was in Greece.
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >anything being more dangerous than the establishment, their fronts like HnH and their paymasters in this country smh https://nitter.poast.org/hopenothate/status/1801541921682129085
>>454344 I know, but it seems the only way to kill the major parties and leave space for actual politics to begin, for the first time in my life. We've been a nation without politics and will be for the foreseeable future. Smh.
>>454345 Independent?
>>454347 English Democrats
>>454337 mobilise the dafties
>>454350 Alright lad toil finished?
Total fact checker death!
>thinking you can play the ghetto rat in Germany and get away with it >African telling you to ‘RAUS’ in your own tongue https://nitter.poast.org/Klaus_Arminius/status/1801550050390048949
boomer chuds awaken
>>454354 why is he dressed like a mini version of a 90s rapper? niggers are so fucking gay
>>454352 yeah for now gonna be building a fence in this boiling heat next week trying to hire more chudlet toilslaves because the current one I have is a mong who already got some lass pregnant and I am not going to pay his child support for him he should probably either join the zogbots or go be a factoryman
>>454355 where were all these boomer 'ardmen 20 years ago?
>>454359 vooting
>>454359 In the pub or toiling while their women went on the rampage. Now it’s Auslander Raus time these same women are shrieking https://nitter.poast.org/Yorksh1rehiker/status/1801617507641430340
>>454360 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Smh Can’t tell where the interviewer is from >not Irish >doesn’t sound like the paki he claims to be >migrant harassing migrants >migrants have obviously tried the UK, say it’s a shithole Best we can get is nuclear apocalypse at this stage https://nitter.poast.org/PeterPaulGuy/status/1801401962174550472
fresh explosive clickbait, looks like stripperenski is still determined to fight to the last drop of goy blood >Ukraine REFUSES Russian ULTIMATUM | Russian Forces Storm Novoselivka Persha https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cx-foS9eeyI
also fresh boomerchud reviewing steiner's favourite author https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6i1K6gr6Cpg
>We are from Palestinistan or whatever it’s called , on a jolly to see what we can get for free! Hopefully a house to twin with the ones we have in Germany and Afghanistan
>>454367 That wasn’t a new ultimatum just a reiteration of their first one
>>454370 >"peace conference" being hosted >russia not invited
>>454349 >Ideologically committed to English nationalism, the party previously called for England to become an independent state, thus leaving the United Kingdom. Keeek smh.
>>454372 Neither of them Why is everything such a grift?
>>454372 Can't be making peace with your enemies at the peace conference.
>>454371 YouTube determined to suicide
>>454377 looks like our conservatives.
>>454371 poojeet culture invaded tech is really the deathknell of the internet
>>454377 whats his stance on jeet migration
>>454379 They disgust me tbh >>454380 His entire wife’s family are welcome. About 1.5 billion
>>454378 >>454380 he's property of Peter Thiel, a Zionist faggot. so you can expect that he will do Israel's bidding and never deliver anything his constituents ask for
Trooping the colour tomorrow lads Pooping the colours then continues for the rest of the year
Creepy fucker Must be in their dna >NO! NO! NO! I NO SHOW YOU BOBS AND VAGENE! https://nitter.poast.org/alpharivelino/status/1801215484458619365
>nigel garbage lbc highlights https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4W5fmhs2to
>>454386 anyone tuned in to call him a nigger elf?
>>454387 Keeeeek no. Would be funny
>>454386 fuck sake
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22st wants to watch this ack
>>454390 The Book of Clarence Should be right up your st tbh
>>454392 >The Book of Clarence lad?
>>454393 oh are these ironic/evil suggestions ?
>>454390 mad maxine
>>454397 still not out in HD
>>454398 something similar... mortal engines? it's crap albeit
>>454399 think we watched that and hated it
pick something and put it on right now tbh i'm toiling >>454400 gotham then
didn't suicide squad get 2 sequels tbh bet those are crap too
was there a deadpool 2? some sort of capeslop
>>454402 Mancs wants to watch the Attack On Titan live action, but I need to find some subs for it
>>454404 good call lets watchoom that
>>454406 deadpool and wolverine in post apocalypse will be the genre redifining film of the century
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>>454408 OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY!!!
>>454401 escanaba in da moonlight is the only shitagain themed movie worth watching
America is a prideful nation and pride is a sin. Make it 100% so people can derive more satisfaction from telling you to fuck off
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>>454414 STOP putting on films nobody wants to watch.
>>454413 And still no funding for border security.
>>454415 good lads tbh thinking about the sharticle where they complain about officetoil and want to go back to jihad
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>>454419 average chigger >>454420 based pagang lad, he was sacrificing to the stagnant pond gods in the last video right
based animism nigger shaman probably is a neet as well.
>>454419 yeesh
>brown american woman doing the refereeing analysis on the German vs Scotland game
>the taliban skater lads even have their own jap back flag larp things with jihad slogans on them so fricking kino vgh
>>454425 young lads get to live life in non retirement home countries
>>454299 wow, wewe much. i can see why lord hawhaw (based) went the way he did
>>454348 lad you are such a fucking fag
>>454431 it's high t tbh i'm sure he just likes to coom at the legs
>sample size of 23 TikTok accounts in comments and experts were asked to rank 'bot', 'bot-like' or 'real' >ITV messaged the accounts they thought were bots and they replied that they were real Reform UK supporters >TikTok responded to the accusations asking for evidence that they were bots and ITV refused What utter spastics
>>454433 >sample size of 23
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK https://twitter.com/i2a2m223/status/1801167891267715103 https://nitter.poast.org/i2a2m223/status/1801167891267715103
>>454435 They're all niggercattle
>>454436 wogs seem to have glass jaws tbf
>>454439 Whores and soyim. >>454438 Yeah, they're very weak but perceived as strong because of their lack of impulse control.
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>>454434 >55% of 23 Smh the sample isn't even precise enough to get anything between 52% and 57%.
>1:31 >The utter confusion of this Algerian barber qeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeq
>>454442 good song
>>454444 Bit noncey that.
>troons appear immediately CALL HITLER!
>>454435 >>454439 >>454440 These are the kinds of people (including the women) who literally have fantasies of fucking toddlers tbph. So much projection.
>>454446 what's occurring here?
>>454449 They're scum who deny biology. Notice how they speak like children? They're cringe.
>>454451 tbh its just cultic behavior where they demonize male reproductive drive whilst they engage in horrible sodomy and nonce kids themselves
Ihatedogslivestreams had a whole thing about people who "get it poppin" with dogs and the overlap with all the sex pervert leftism shit
Spic Fuentes and Jake Shields booted from Turning Point Israel https://nitter.poast.org/watchTENETnow/status/1801711479009210614
What's Joe's catchphrase on CHurch Street lads?
>hWhite man beheads h’Black woman: >He cut her head off with a chainsaw and fucked her mouth https://www.wistv.com/2024/04/18/investigators-find-more-body-parts-19-year-old-killed-first-date-officials-say/
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek https://nitter.poast.org/charliespiering/status/1801677881107497043
>I trust you as far as I can throw your phone, and I can... I have a good arm, man, I can throw a long way
In case you haven't read my piece on @NoisyBits, who was given a £194k taxpayer-funded grant to research "gay 'pig' masculinities", his abstract describing the "stretching of the rectal sphincter" and is now studying gay porn in Sweden with £840k UK grant: >Can everyone retweet this until, I dunno, the mainstream media might like to ask Rishi Sunak/ Penny Mordaunt why we are funding a Portuguese professor researching gay porn ABROAD and previously funded him to research how pigs are sexy? And whether Labour will do the same? https://nitter.poast.org/CharlotteCGill/status/1801554426714591492
had this fire that steiner posted the other week on repeat for the last 4 days
i'd like some copium
>>454465 y? everything is fine, reform might actually win the GE lad and things might be on the mend, who knows
>>454466 guess you're right. like joe says you never know whats around the corner
alright *cracks knuckles* time to get through a dozen tabs of shoegaze and vaporwave compilations. smh, not fun until you find something good. will post if i do.
>>454468 good lad been a while since i've come across a decent album
>>454469 yeah the fomo is intense because i know there's currentmusic out there that i want to enjoy when it is current and of the moment (sounds gay) and not after discovering 5 years from now after it's out of date.
>>454435 women are angry about the fact that men don't find them as attractive as they did when they were younger. every woman remembers being {x age} and noticing how many men looked at her, they've noticed it decrease as the years pile up and it makes them unhappy/angry
>>454471 that blackpill leaf fag that wessex used to post said this was a cope, and that most women nowadays stay peng through their 50s and that it is in fact men who hit le wall at 33 because of all the stress and misery of their lives. i'm inclined to agree with this, you can see the angry baldlets everywhere
>>454472 >most women nowadays stay peng through their 50s they can't even get pregnant after ~35
Johnny Depp is 61 and women still want him. if you're Chad you can stay Chad for a long time if you take care of yourself. meanwhile there's no 61 year old woman that men want
>>454474 meanwhile >you at 41
https://midnightpremiere.bandcamp.com/track/stepping-in jam right here lads >>454475 re-read this post and it was mean-spirited and most likely inaccurate. sorry lad
You let bins make you watch Deadpool 2
>>454478 yh i couldn't believe that was real, last week he watched civil war. turbo normie xoomer who somehow drags zoomers to watch goyslop
has b*ns ever put a good film on
Traitor YouTube channels, fuck evropa
>>454480 my meme suggestions of kids films always throws him for a loop, i've been memeing that we should watch some shitty kids film every time he posts his gay kosmi room for the last 3 years and he still thinks i'm a serious film suggester. maybe he is a real spastic kek
>Report in Birmingham >Literally everyone is brown
>>454483 don't have enough loosh for channel 4 right now lad
>>454484 I like to start the day seething.
>chinky reform candidate at 4:25 Kek
put 2 tinnies in the freezer an hour ago but roomoids are up and making breakfast for some bizarre reason and i therefore can't go and get them without having to interact. tins are probably exploding rn
>>454487 You should walk in with your cock out and salvage your beers, you'll not need to talk with them as they'll be too flabbergasted. Take the plunge, you'll never be scared of anything again, trust me.
Wonder who that muslamic businessman Farage said is joining Conform is.
>>454489 abu hamza
>>454490 wonder what ever came of that vocal man
>>454490 Ol' cap'n hook ready to tell us liblabcon are the real islamophobes inshallah brudders.
>>454491 no idea tbh
>>454491 >On 19 May 2014, Hamza was found guilty of eleven terrorism charges by a jury in Manhattan. On 9 January 2015, he was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole Surprised he got a life sentence. His charges were for hate speech and writing a few terror manuals. Political correctness gone mad if you ask me.
>>454494 in manhattan? i should askjeeves this nigga and figure out his arc for myself, but last i knew he was just a hook hand pirate guy ranting at that place in london where ranters rant
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>>454496 keeek *votes for her* #zero seats
Morning lads Something to have a laugh at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKI-wjvk7Ss
>>454499 smorb lad bunch of whiners smh
>>454496 Hope Rishi drops a diss track.
>>454501 Hope it’s something like this or he’s out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwClJjr5IF4
>>454504 They said this back in October
>>454506 gay blackpill attempt
Just spent two fucking hours in the back of a dark van sitting on tools to pick up an electric fireplace. Mostly alright but turbo motion sickness in the last twenty minutes
>Netanyahu starts war with Iran >loses could you imagine holy fuck
>>454505 keeeek he's replying to everyone
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>>454514 Laura Loomer
>>454513 Not a huge fan of Wews but the ageing degenerate NEET sure does btfo of the left ebin style on the twitters. *sips*
>Police want to arrest a 15 yo girl yelling "Ausländer rau! Deutschland den Deutschen!" >Get stopped by her father and a guy showing the German salute and yelling "Heil Hitler" >Want to arrest them too >All three escape into nearby S-Bahn >Police follows them >Police gets zergrushed and attacked by bystanders, additonally trying to steal their guns >Unfortunately, no one got injured and the cops kept their guns (safety holsters).
>>454520 Based Germans rising up.
The polls are looking interesting.
>ethnic French are a problem t. communist North African born bitsa pied noir https://nitter.poast.org/Klaus_Arminius/status/1801895168775229733
>>454524 Wait until the Sun backs Stormer
>>454526 I'm hoping a new zog machine is formed which starts advocating for free speech etc. while practising civic nationalism. It'll open the door for true Fascism.
>>454528 >>454529 The allowed rise of these le ‘far hard right’ parties is purposely to go to war tbh. Well that’s my take on it tbh
>Stormer already cleared Corbin and his mates out >only Isreal and Ukraine flags should be waved in the house >please vote for us to finish blacking Britain Putin should polonium tea this fat degenerate alcoholic tbh https://nitter.poast.org/BorisJohnson/status/1801669197875003477 >If Labour wins big, the Commons will be crammed with Palestinian-flag waving Corbynistas - and it won't just be the rich getting soaked, it'll be everyone. Voting Tory is the ONLY way to stop Starmergeddon
troons being always totally subversive, is a theme this board is totally familiar with. >>454533 that's nice for you, just don't come anywhere near me luv
did a online webcam survey and felt like a very ugly balding man smh
https://readcomiconline.li/Comic/Medea/TPB-Part-1?id=230532#1 new hist fict/myth/feminism for my wessie
>>454534 I don't know why it's so hard to understand that most people have an instinctual and visceral disgust reaction to homosexuality in all it's forms.
>>454539 possibly because they've lost the disgust reflex
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>>454540 too much porn.
>>454544 totally
>>454531 With whom? Your take is a thicko conspiritard take divorced from reality. Most of these parties are against helping Ukraine. Get off the internet and touch grass because the takes on this board are getting more and more divorced with reality and more and more rooted in anon's headcanon.
>>454546 my friend got rejected from care work quite a few times
>>454549 Get a black one. Have successful frens
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good day's toil immediately ruined by seeing sodomites mincing about the streets >>454538 had me until the last descriptor smh
>>454546 >>454553 we have to take what we can get lad. i'm on part 2 already, enjoying tbh
>>454554 still got metabarons to read before any other comics myself tbh
walts and fraudsters signing up as ‘super special security’ to try and bully Irish locals into accepting migrants. Probably works for Serco His names been spammed all over Birmingham now keeeeeeeeek He’ll up on the run in south east asia close protectioning his arsehole soon >I wuz in Scots guards >i from Chelsea >I’m close protection for celebs and ultra high net worth individuals Reality >ulez security van guard >sideline at Birmingham football club >ran London Burger Kitchen but then collapsed it running off with the money >now security for ultra low net worth immigrants Is everyone a grifter lads? https://www.tiktok.com/@matthardybladerunner/video/7288047076045344033
>>454555 Great comics. Even the Second Cycle isn't bad, though it's a shame that Esad Ribic never did interior art as was originally announced.
>>454555 If you really like Juan Giminez's art and ever consider reading The Fourth Power, don't read it. Utter crap storywise. Who thought letting an artist write was a good idea?
>the coofid psyop was... >that wuflu wasn't apocalyptical, when really it was
>>454559 >Pentagon killing off flips Excellent
>>454560 According to retarded gay race communism enjoyers in shartistan.
>>454559 >How many people died because of this? not enough
>>454558 keeek noted lad think i might have asked before but as comic guru do you know a post apoc one about fueling a spaceship to get off of earth? heavy religious themes and might even just be called "preacher" or "priest" or something which makes it unsearchable think it might veer into cringe territory with the twist at the end being "christianity... is le bad!" or smth read it years ago back in frogland even, maybe >>454559 yeah I saw that today, nearly sprained my eyes rolling them
they also say that the video of ccp welding people into their flats was all a psyop even though it's on camera and part of official govt response doctrine
>>454565 What, western communists are saying that?
>>454564 don't really know all that much about comics tbh but based especially if it appreciates in value >>454566 bog standard vaxxie libtards I've made a habit of browsing the current affairs sections of spacebattles just for an alternate opinion from the soyim angle, it's all tripe like that except for the military sections which occasionally have autists dedicated enough to share interesting data like spying on ccp shipyards
>>454563 I don't recognise it from what you've described
>>454569 unfortunatley that's all I have to go by other than vaguely recalling the art style being a mix of gritty and psychadelic
bog standard vaxxie libtards are completely insane mind you one argued in all seriousness that the entire world should have been locked up for three months to "kill covid" never mind how civilisation would collapse three days into that
>>454564 Looks more like Batman tbh
>>454572 nice choice of collection tbh, my pulp fiction and white dwarfs probably take up a lot more volume for a lot less value the cones on that lass, phwoar
>>454572 id put my 3d willy inside those sexy 2d ladies! tbh!
SHOWING TONIGHT - ATTACK ON TITAN (2015) unless someone suggests something better
>>454576 >unless someone suggests something better :puncher:
>>454576 I Am A Hero: nip zombie horror Northern Limit Line: best koreans vs worst koreans March or Die Yakuza Apocalypse The Prestige The Sand Pebbles Motivational Growth Hobo with a Shotgun Welcome to Dongmakgol
>>454576 are we not watching School Gyrls (2010) i thought that was tonight?
>>454579 actually Trinity School for Girls or whatever that series was might be cool seen some references to it and how it has them btfoing zogbots and blowing up stuff with heavy weapons or smth
why is he incapable of identifying kino?
there's also that sovfilm that the kino song was from, ivan vasilevich changes profession
Anyone watch trooping the coloureds today? Hardly any pictures of the zoggies
>>454585 was too busy remembering the times when britain wasn't shit tbh
>>454586 only yoomers remember that lad, and only barely as an infant child
>>454586 Britain and Britons have been raped incessantly especially hard since the middleman merchant class took a foothold in this country
Imagine they were looking up at a rapidly descending guillotine blade that’s wipe the smug grins of their stupid faces that’s probably why Macaroni isn’t looking up. Just in case
>>454587 >>454589 yeah I don't mean from personal experience, just generally historically latest warkino I read about is this https://www.keymilitary.com/article/war-roof-world
oh it's a faggot paywall sharticle kino war nontheless buddhist war leaders gave their peasant army magic talismans and said they'd stop bullets and when asked to surrender their guns the peasants refused because it's how they hunted food for their families so chuds slaughtered the lot of them then looted the mountain fortress-monasteries
KEEEEEEEEK. These kind of niggers are alright. Hope Shartistan splits into black and white states one day and they do their own thing neither bothering whitey or relying on them. Smh.
>>454595 little moustache man was right about ‘freedumb and dumbocracy’(tm) tbh
>we were all ‘super rich white public school elites with maybe just a touch of the J brush somewhere’ shocking! I decided to wog the place up so no poor white men could even think of successfully attempting to scale these giddy heights!
>>454592 cool i didn't know about this war. another niche war is the last (proper) british invasion of afghanistan in 1919
BINS put on a film NOW i'm reaching my seethe limit and am about to go stew in a corner
>>454598 >Third Afghan War and the Revolt in Waziristan love a good forgotten war me tbh
>>454599 keeeeeek you know it's not going to be good lad
>>454602 How long before brave Wessie is back?
>all these /brit/s in the replies
It’s gone quiet Think I might pop out for a McHitler King
Don’t like his manifesto tbh. Sick of curry it stinks
Don’t like the new passport form. It’s a bit confusing. Help
>>454610 is the imperium woman Jeremy hunt's wife?
>>454612 Yes. Yes it is. An irl Chinese spy
>>454613 Based Goddard whoever he is. Real white man is back moment.
>>454615 Ranting Boar should join us for the vore kino.
>>454619 >cathars
one series I put on my list recently is Jungle Jim '68 because it looks cool and is about GIs shooting zombie gooks
>>454621 heard of it, i'm just searching for mostly pre 19th century hist fictiion comics tho or maybe some sci fi
>>454623 Refresh it you mong
>>454615 Never got the hype for the anime.
>>454625 the basic premise seems cool (big wall, giants, spidermen kill them with swords) then it got fucked with jap autism and muh 2deep4you or some shit and I gave up on it
>>454626 Foxford is pretty much the only good ongoing webcomic nowadays
>>454628 I follow a few from my pre-chuddy days that still update, one actually finished recently it was shit albeit, What It Takes / A City In A Place thought it was going to be cool zombie post apoc but actually it's about a strong independent dyke looking lass killing all le baddies and building a diversity hire team or something
>>454622 Have you read Cerebus?
it only took 11 years to complete (with mediocre to bad art and story)
>>454623 Get in it's playing properly now lads.
>>454633 Gunnerkrigg Court is still going, it was pretty well received back when /co/ wasn't dead seems to have been pozzed more and more as time went on though with plenty of homosexual poo making it in smh
Dead Winter is another legacy one I follow, same pattern of starting strong and cool then getting more and more pozzed now the main character is a lesbo and it updates at a rate of a page a year Girl Genius had a cool setting but flanderised itself and is responsible for the asinine and retarded steampunk hipster subgenre of insufferable faggot, that still gets updates but has been shit plotwise for like a decade and included a giant nigger kween ruling over britain It Hurts! and Please Forgive Me! are more /co/ recs which are quite cool and based Well of Souls / Outsider is another glacially slowly produced webcomic, it's sci fi with space elves Genocide Man seemed quite cool but it gets furry poz iirc
last one Stand Still Stay Silent has nice art veering into tumblr on the characters, with hints of faggotry but it's all good because the author had a breakdown, became a born again christian and discontinued the comic after reaching a half decent stopping point so it's technically complete
>>454588 Something very robotic about the way his arms move
>>454637 disturbing conclusions to be drawn from this
>>454638 It's like they can't move on more than one axis at a time
cyborg brandon will btfo zumpf
>>454640 Zognald cumpf DESTROYED by Dark Brandon
>>454644 another awful choice today has not been a great day for watchooming
>>454643 You got told the other day that there's a lad who makes kids film suggestions and then IP hops to skew the polls and then doesn't show up while you watch cringe (worse, new) kids films. Kys.
>>454647 22st chose this
>>454615 are you fr bins?
>>454618 i was always fascinated by this story. it's sad that an earthquake destroyed the upper floors of her mystery maze house. love mazes me, when i was a kid i always dreamed of building mazes out of hedges or mirrors, weird how creative thoughts like that kind of go away as you get older :(
for reference, this is what they're watching for film night rn on aus/neets/ they pick way better kino over there
>>454649 we quit it, it was beyond terrible and now we are watching something even worse
sort it out bins
A culture absolutely exhausted and entirely out of ideas.
>>454654 yes, you see it everywhere and even feel it in one's self. there used to be new and exciting things, people looked forward to new filums, there were trends and fads and must have products but now it's just niggertech and sneakers
>>454651 Great film
>>454656 is it? i might give it a cheeky watch. i know it came out in 2001 which is an era of good action film kino
https://trashgh0st.bandcamp.com/track/midwesthetic-live-set some good music in this, gets the noggin bobbin fr
>>454655 I still like some new things from the last few years. Yes, some films/TV series are adaptations, remakes or spinoffs. So what, they're not bereft of merit. Music (album unless otherwise stated): New Order - Be a Rebel (2020) single Miho Morikawa - I·N·G (2021) Megumi Nakajima - Green diary (2021) Perfume - Plasma (2022) Scandal - Mirror (2022) TRiDENT - D-X (2022) mini album Perfume - Moon (2023) single Ladytron - Time's Arrow (2023) Ringo Sheena - Carnival (2024) Films Tenet (2020) The Little Things (2021) Operation Mincemeat (2021) The Marksman (2021) Raging Fire (2021) The Battle at Lake Changjin (2021) Bullet Train (2022) A Man Called Otto (2022) Confess, Fletch (2022) In the Land of Saints and Sinners (2023) Sakra (2023) Argylle (2024) TV Extraordinary Attorney Woo (2022) House of the Dragon (2022 -) Shogun (2024 -) Books Martin Amis - Inside Story (2020) Catherine Belton - Putin's People (2020) Adam Tooze - Shutdown: How Covid Shook the World's Economy (2021) Stephen King - Later (2021) Vladislav Zubok - Collapse: The Fall of the Soviet Union (2021) Stephen King - Billy Summers (2021) Stephen King - Fairy Tale (2022) Henry Kissinger - Leadership (2022) Peter Hitchens - A Revolution Betrayed (2022) William Barr - One Damn Thing After Another (2022) Ben Bernanke - 21st Century Monetary Policy (2022) Chris Patten - The Hong Kong Diaries (2022) Michael Mann & Meg Gardiner - Heat 2 (2022) Rory Stewart - Politics on the Edge (2023) John Mearshimer - How States Think - The Rationality of Foreign Policy (2023)
Edited last time by Enoch on 06/16/2024 (Sun) 08:50:51.
>>454659 good lad, i can't even remember anything i've watched past 6 months ago, impressive. interesting you liked tenet, people either love or hate that film, many say it's christopher nolan being too edgy and complicated, but inception was like that too and i thought that was a great film
The Heat 2 book was also good. >>454660 I had to jog my memory for a lot of it. Tenet was classic Nolan. It was breath of fresh air, being the only big blockbuster at the time coming out of lockdown. Entertaining and memorable.
>>454654 >>454659 >House of the Dragon First season was kino. Need to consoooom more.
nothing under the sun is good
>>454663 bit pessimistic lad
it is decided, bins is overruled and we shall watch Tenet (2020) next film night. i might even hijack him completely and host it myself somewhere. not good to have lads coaxed into watching marvel slop when they could be watching proper kino
remembering that time when a lass (peng) asked me to go upstairs at a house party back in 2006 and i was too scared (virgin) so just kind of laughed and didn't answer but she kept trying and eventually just left
good lord why did that pop back into my head, i'd forgotten about it for a decade
>>454668 nice pepe kek, but yeah i was so afraid that the temptress would tell everyone how i wasn't good at sex the next day but looking back now that wouldn't've mattered and i could've been chad in my 20s instead of an incel wreck
>>454665 tbh its about time someone put an end to his tyranny
>>454669 smh life's full of little moments like that >>454670 tbqh
>However, unbeknownst to them, hidden in the depths of Wavertree's catacombs, a malevolent sorceress known as the Wavertree Witch 🧙 lurked, accompanied by her loyal minion, Leap Frog 🐸 Liam, as well as a horde of trolls 🧌 and goblins 👹. They were all ready to carry out the wicked bidding of the Wavertree Witch 🧙, who could see her power fading as a brave Scouser named Joe Owens challenged her. He aimed to expose her as an MP of a day, deceiving her constituents with empty promises, and an evil 👿 sorceress of a night, plotting to cover Wavertree in a cultural mist 🌫️ that would forever change its historic ownership.
don't get caught in the cultural mist lads
>>454673 thank you lad, very creative
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>>454674 joe made it for his twatter
>>454676 >when u go to the dealer to pick up your new ram and it has the 5.9 magnum instead of the 5.9 cummins
its also POV you are about to be reincarnated as an american
>>454678 weimart has its pitfalls no doubt but you seem like a decent lad
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AFPAC IV venue kiked Nick at the last moment
>>454679 ty lad
>knee decided to explode as I climbed into bed Ah, no sleep it is then
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>This is a film about working people and one working man - Jack Walker. Jack Walker represents the silent core of this country - those millions of average Britons who feel they have no voice in 1971 and have little power to control their way of life.
>>454684 does this yorkshire accent still exist? i don't ever go up norf so don't know
>>454682 decent tbh
>>454684 smh, 20 pounds a week to toil in a factory. this man seems like a really good lad, being neet today isn't so bad
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>>454680 AFPAC IV venue cancels less than 24 hours in advance, breaching contract. Nick organizes a smaller VIP event at another venue and the cops shut them down. nigger security guard superman punches Sneako
>>454688 wish woes was still involved in this. would be kino to see a chubby socially awkward guy attending these zoomer poos
>>454670 it's over for the devil Bins
>>454691 keeek
>>454688 >nigger security guard superman punches Sneako based security guard
>>454694 no it's cringe, he's obviously a faggot, literal gaynigger whining about "white supremacists", calling pro-white white women "slut" and "whore", then assaulting a pro-white/antisemitic brownoid as part of shutting down a pro-white/antisemitic event what a retarded post
>>454691 Queshe.
>>454695 >you typed all that out don't care
>>454697 >don't care Not his problem.
i couldn't watch le twitter videos because i'm on xp pro (probably) but fuentes is ok and should be allowed to hold his events
Wait there;s a UK specific verision of 90 day fiance
>>454700 see, now would it have been so hard for bins to put this on? we live in an age of kino, but it seems to be passing him by
>>454701 he must be getting his marvel slop recommendations from somewhere, i don't think it's some malignant lad in the background tho.
>>454700 this is quite sad actually
drunk and about to go 2 bed, sun is kicking off as it does at this time of year, will close the curtains as best i can. all the best to you nightlads and any dayfags that come across this post
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>>454702 Always a hidden Bongoist pulling the strings.
>>454706 respect to Sneako, he took a punch for the white rice
>>454708 Half of him did. The other half was black-on-black violence.
>>454706 quality, fuck that muslamic nigglet
>>454709 what is Sneako's ancestry, anyway? I can't even tell
kill a paki nigglet, behead a paki nigglet, roundhouse kick a paki nigglet into the concrete etc >>454711 paki nigglet
>>454712 >Sneako's father is from Haiti, and most of his family lives there, while his mother is from the Philippines.[59] However, his father grew up in France, before moving to the United States.[60] Sneako’s father also has Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry via his grandfather, who fled France to Haiti, and converted to Catholicism. so he's half pinoy, half judeo-nig
>>454713 Probably some Polish in there as well if he’s Haitian
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>The Jews... waged war on the inhabitants throughout Libya in the most savage fashion, and to such an extent was the country wasted that, its cultivators having been slain, its land would have remained utterly depopulated, had not Emperor Hadrian gathered settlers from other places and sent them thither, for the inhabitants had been wiped out.[10] >Meanwhile the Jews in the region of Cyrene had put one Andreas at their head and were destroying both the Romans and the Greeks. They would cook their flesh, make belts for themselves of their entrails, anoint themselves with their blood, and wear their skins for clothing. Others they would give to wild beasts and force still others to fight as gladiators. In all, consequently, two hundred and twenty thousand perished. In Egypt, they also performed many similar deeds, and in Cyprus under the leadership of Artemio. There, likewise, two hundred and forty thousand perished. For this reason, no Jew may set foot in that land, but even if one of them is driven upon the island by the force of the wind, he is put to death. Various persons took part in subduing these Jews, one being Lusius, who was sent by Trajan.[11] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kitos_War
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>>454718 Indian auntie who needs help carrying the shopping vibes.
>>454718 so ugly and lame. compare to >>454693
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BMJ banned on Kick...
apparently permabanned on Kick for suicide-baiting. with that goes his $14k/week Stake deal, it seems. something like $824k annual income and he says "I actually don't care at all"... guess it doesn't matter when you're so immersed in gambling addiction that you can't hold onto a single dollar
back on BC Game doing good old Coinflip. maybe he'll flip his way up to $60k+ and lose it all again
>>454722 Could it be old stock sold to one of their councils?
>>454727 His father was a toolmaker. Yeah, he made a right tool, didn't he? Waahheeeyyy.
>>454731 So that’s how you spook them
>>454721 wew based hope they're not spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) and will succeed and be able to aid UK dafties in the same endeavour
>>454724 >>454725 Don't get it lad. If he gambles on-stream then he takes away the house edge and adds a bunch of revenue streams. His audience are addicts and he's just working.
>>454718 would
>>454735 If you're going to shag a jeet at least find one with big milkers.
>>454734 That lad who poosts him here did say recently that someone had watched his account activity post stream and that he'd lost 14k or something absurd continuing to gamble. No clue if it's true but he seems more than a performer, but really crazy and self destructive. Smh.
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >He’s just giving a free AFPAC https://nitter.poast.org/watchTENETnow/status/1802154559143358550
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/eUlcK7dZIGI?feature=share anti-Israel propaganda is even more cringe than pro-Israeli propaganda. What the fuck is it with the middle classes selecting foreign struggles like fashion accessories anyway?
>>454732 The lads of the Klan learned this many years ago. Just act like ghosts tbh.
Unironically love the style of the original Klan.
these fucking queers.
>>454744 It's just popped up twice.
>>454745 smh is it due to comments you left years ago?
Been shadowbanned by GBNews for ages now I reckon. Used to at least get a few dozen le upvotes, even if boomer mongs milquetoast takes did always get hundreds. Now it's zero likes on a gigabased post and lukewarm posts made hours later have dozens of likes. Zero responses too. Used to get at least 2 or 3 seething leftoids. Conclusion: shadowbanned for attacking them from the right, and especially attacking Conform. FREEZED PEACH PLATFORM. Okay, thank you.
>>454746 No, I was arguing with faggots and calling them child abusers who try using the "priests are paedophiles" argument when those said priests were almost exclusively homosexual infiltrators. Also, They're hypocrites using children who have been raped to try and justify their behvaviour. Their concern doesn't extend to the paedos in the schools or hospitals for example.
>>454747 I was shadowbanned by jewtube for about six months. Got no responses to any of my posts anywhere even in my normie sphere takes.
Are normie whitoid women posting tributes to their fathers today on their social media? Filipinas I view on social media are all at it
>>454749 lads need to diversify their coommenting you can be kind of based (but not call people nigger and such) if you also write about normie shit not related to polishits
>>454748 yeah they don't seem realise that noncing originates from gayism
>>454750 >Flips
Reminder that Reform is not remotely social conservative and Farage supports legalisation of marijuana
>puritanposting meanwhile me and are nige be lighting one up.
>>454751 I usually do but I don't have the patience not to call them disgusting nigger faggots. Nor should I have to moderate the truth. >>454752 It's all a cycle of spiritual and psychological disorder. They disgust me.
>>454755 riddim vote secured
>>454757 one love me breda
England are playing Serbia lads
>>454762 >they took the spic treatment
>>454740 > What the fuck is it with the middle classes selecting foreign struggles like fashion accessories anyway? because the entire western party political & media dialectic is centred around rotating on both sides? >>454743 >le lefty jewman that is actually a seething jignat greeting cunt jews believe in hollow earth and loads of other weird shite, that is actually quite interesting tbf >>454744 I got one of those last year for "cyberbullying". All I did was call someone a cunt for being a retard.
>>454765 There's some deep loretism that redguards aren't related to the other men or elves as well. That they were from one of the seperate worlds that convereged and formed the continent, like the lizards and kitties unless the kitties are actually elves keeek.
>That’s where I want the Hiollercoaster lads!
EU Chief Mocks UK Over Mass Immigration https://youtu.be/RwbC2VIkHYU
>>454769 Chief? Chief nonce tbh
>candace Owen’s husband is on the board of GayBameNews https://youchu.be/watch?v=xagRTMJCKHI
>>454769 His tweet is absolutely right though. Brexit was sold on lowering 330k and now we're at 504k. On the third day of Christmas my true love sent to me 89,000 Ukrainians (Ukraine Scheme) 76,000 Hong Kongers (British Nationals Overseas Programme) 21,000 Afghans (Afghan Resettlement Programme)
sick of it all
And Bojo hanging from a tree!
We need a new machine
>>454775 he looks like a right nonce. His face is as good an argument for Brexit as giving us the freedom to import millions of Rishi's fellow streetshitters
All you have to do is stop making the public angry by fucking them over all the time every single time then they might not want to kill you tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjX5EMMHlKA
Why do they keep talking about this who?
>>454781 what is the name of that slag in the first video I forgot her name?
6 of the 11 that started tonight's match for England were African btw.
>>454781 >Do we need a kinder politics We need to stop MI5 informants grooming mentally ill gardeners and giving them illegally modified firearms. Strange how the Joes cock fam never asks who gave Freedom for Britain the sawn off rifle.
i've always loathed sundays, almost as much as mondays
>>454786 Don't you dare bad mouth Ngubu lad.
>>454788 Based and Garfieldpilled.
(985.22 KB 1280x720 Untitled.mp4)

Dr nurse embraces the 1 million year White rice reich
https://geometriclullaby.bandcamp.com/track/--1305 >mood rn give this some time it is the best vaporwave song ever made i think builds up slowly
>>454734 >Don't get it lad. If he gambles on-stream then he takes away the house edge and adds a bunch of revenue streams. His audience are addicts and he's just working. nah you severely underestimate his gambling/crack addiction. the money is worthless to him, he only needs a little bit to repay loans / buy crack / buy computer peripherals that he smashes all the time / buy nigger shoes and gold chains. what he really wants is the dopamine rush from BIG WINS. his audience, some of them may be fellow gambling addicts, but nobody is as bad as him and most of them are non-gamblers laughing at him he had a Stake sponsorship paying $14k/week ($728k/yr) plus a Kick sponsorship paying ~$8k/month for a total of ~$824k/yr. and yet he was completely broke, deep in debt even, because every dollar he gets he cannot keep himself from gambling. he even bought $10k of gold bars once to try to hold onto some value and ended up selling them for crack money or something. he just got permabanned from Kick for suicide-baiting ('I am the boy who cried wolf, you'll see, I hate my life dude, it's not gonna last much longer dude, you'll see', which means his Stake sponsorship is probably cooked too, and he doesn't even care. if he weren't retarded he could have gotten rich very easily he coinflipped his way to ~$73k, told his parents he would withdraw the money, was talking about buying a Honda Civic. a few hours later he gambles his way back down to zero, doing multiple-thousand-dollar coin flips. then, failing to learn his lesson, he had a runup back up to $60k a couple days later and did the same thing. and he's superstitious and gets mad at the gambling platform for "not letting him win", alleging that it's "rigged" (when if you look at his stats, they are pretty much exactly the advertised odds), accusing the owner of Stake of personally rigging it against him to laugh at him. he has crack paranoia, always banning people and accusing them of being "rats", his term for a-logs/haters and anybody perceived as trying to sabotage him
>>454794 So he's a big streamer at least $824k a year through sponsorships and ad revenue on top of that. Pretending to get mad over gambling is just part of his shtick. Give your head a wobble.
>falling for reaction streamer acting
>>454796 zoomers always buy into this shite. everything on goodscreen is real to them
>>454795 >>454796 >crack wigger that doesn't shower is le 140 IQ 4d chessmaster just pretending to be retarded nah lad, people track his crypto wallets. he even gambles the money away offstream, like Stake was giving him $14k to gamble on stream and he'd lose it all off offstream and be like, "yeah I got paid yesterday already, I don't want to talk about it". and besides, he just LOST that sponsorship, which disproves your hypothesis. if he were smart and actually using his situation to make money, he would not have suicide-baited and lost the valuable sponsorship
>>454798 In your last post you said "probably lost his sponsorship". You don't actually know do you?
>>454799 well he got permabanned from Kick, the streaming platform funded by Stake, which was paying him to stream. he's now streaming gambling on BC.Game, some Indian alternative to Stake... part of the Stake contract is that he doesn't do gambling streams on other platforms. so there's really every reason to believe it is gone
he might get a BC.Game sponsorship and stream on Twitch/Rumble/Youtube, but they don't pay as much as Stake
>>454800 >>454801 >"Oh my gosh, holy crap, oh my fucking gawd, oh my GAAAAWD" It's fake as fuck lad. Whichever gambling company he's being paid to shill probably doesn't even charge his account.
>>454797 keeeeeeeeeek
met bronco mckart at a gas station today lads
>>454805 america has no philosophy since william james/north whitehead that is actually american and not just jews. muh 1776 is just some slogan. the west in generally has been intellectually bankrupt for over 100 years heidegger was just larping as a japanese zen buddhist
its the jingoism that is just so boring tbh they don't have any "philosophical revolution" boomer reaganism is not philosophy its a period in history (romanticism) and 20th century revivalism is silly since the elites moved all the industry abroad
There's only one philosopher I care about. And that man's name is Stefan Molyneux. GO FORTH AND MULTIPLY
schnafternoonbius lids >>454812 >according to israeli media

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