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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3972: Election day Edition Anonymous 07/04/2024 (Thu) 12:44:03 Id: 92994d No. 457883
Millions head to the polls to vote in UK general election https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/cn09xn9je7lt inb4 nothing happens
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 12:02:53.
>>457870 Well we’d better import another ten million bums then last lot didn’t add to the economy obviously More is less
Not voting for her m8 she’s dead. Is this some kind of trick Branden?
>>457873 He LIES!
>>457856 Of all the defamatory statements against smee, suggesting I would support the C*nservative party is the most egregious.
Voot Refoorm
(1.79 MB 640x640 doot.mp4)

>>457893 based beyond belief.
Worried about Labour super majority. guess i'll have to vote tories.
>>457896 There's no extra power in a 'super majority'. Voot Reform.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mx3fAJKhI_U Voted Lib Dem, the official opposition
>>457897 I was only doing the bit and joking, lad. Fortunately.
>>457898 Vooted Green. 🌳
Vooted yer ma
might just roll a die to see whether I voote nigger tory heritage party, nigger elf tory party or drop trou and do a diarrhoea slurry shit on top of the ballot and the floor of the polling station tbh
>>457902 >drop trou and do a diarrhoea slurry shit on top of the ballot and the floor of the polling station tbh ahh yes, the good old indian vooting method.
>>457903 probably would be taken as a voote for tories tbf libdem propaganda that keeps getting pushed through my door despite my not being on the register/rolls and should only be getting one party communication max from each candidate insists that poonak's lot are only 1% behind them here either way it's looking libtarded as usual
any lads put on a cheeky bet for the results?
https://youtu.be/scLwQXpxaSA Lads do u reckon there are some high functioning autistic lads who basically got stockholm syndromed into stating that they're autistic to normies and playing it up whilst not actuallly realising that they could just pretend to be normie?
>>457906 can't imagine the return will be very good if you're betting on labour winning
>>457908 he should bet on lib dems becoming the 2nd party
>>457907 probably true tbh I maintain that life was better for autists before the acceptance "movement" and endless coddling and shite
>>457908 theres all kinds of bets lad
>>457910 if there were actual benefits associated it with it, i would be out and proud lad, would u?
>>457912 I already am in other ways tbh, hard to avoid noticeable difficulties with being a deafo bosslady treated me like a typical retard on first starting keeek she still does sometimes, she got the idea that she needs to speak slowly, loudly, and at a lower tone than normal for me to be able to hear somehow
>>457914 Keeek some neuros are cunts tbh lol
>>457916 >his name https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFO94ruQjyA >high test autist theory is true >ultra tists turn into neanderthals https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTkF8tomobA
>>457917 keeek sounds like bumbum
>>457917 She has a 6ft5 autismmaxed little brother so I believe it
Come on Green Gang
We need an ecofascist Green-Reform coalition government
if tory party get destroyed, and then labour do a poo first term, will lib dems and reform really grow in their defeat lads? or will tories just surge back?
>>457917 >that zoom shot when theoden slowly begins to ride forward
>>457913 >goes home troons out instead
>>457916 Bitter then huh Kiwi accint
>>457917 Gonna speak like that to everyone from now on. Give them the full bbk
Lads Labour have won a landslide victory
>paki asked me where the polling station is and I pointed him in the wrong direction Devilish.
>>457929 Lad. India is the RIGHT direction
https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/inwardempirepodcast/episodes/2024-06-27T13_39_43-07_00 @ HEY STEINER!!!!!!!!! the demise of '60s idealism encapsulated by Baby Boomer Jerry Rubin.
>>457928 probably true tbh god I hate niggercattle even if cuntservatives disappear it's STILL left zog right zog after a century labour are obviously shite so why the fuck don't they vote for any indie or small party regardless of chances of winning really don't care to think much on polishits any more, it's more about ensuring personal survival now, as the decay and rot sets in ever deeper
trying to get back into dwarf fortress but the new update enshittified things, the new keyboard and mouse UI is somehow worse and less efficient than the old keyboard only one, all tile and graphics sets are broken due to new file format (except for the purpose built paid product which makes me think it was done on purpose) and you can't have square tiles any more, QoL features were actually removed or buried even further into submenues and you can still effectively near-instantly win the game by building some walls and a drawbridge haven't spotted any troon or fag dwarves yet but i'm sure they're there
poo globes
A state which permits its institutions to be mocked in this way is destined to die. https://youtu.be/YwnacH0VNhQ
All night erection livestream with Sarcoon of ACK-lads https://nitter.poast.org/lotuseaters_com/status/1806316448500895944 > Morgoth on at midnight
>>457936 ginger bint looks like a Northern Independence Party plant tbh
>>457933 isn't Rimworld just better and has a million mods, plus there's that RimPY program that makes it easy to install and update them?
>could bins be Count Binface??????????? atlastitrulysee!.jpg
>>457937 True. She looks like a nip especially with those slanty eyes
>>457938 maybe if you pirate it, DF is free and also has thngs rimworld doesn't (like z-levels especially) I gave up on rimworld after the creator turned into a massive jew, bought it early on while it was a standalone drm free download and things got progressively shittier from there, the move to steam, and now multiple barebones "expansion packs" each costing more than what I would pay for a much better full game
>>457941 so just pirate it and use RimPY for mods, it's as easy as Steam but free
embarked ton evil wilderness this morning to test things and it was pretty kino reading through an exhaustively detailed actions list for a fight between a dwarf and an undead hyena or something, it doesn't just have "dwarf grappled hyen'as left eyelid and tore it off in a spray of gore" now but also other descriptive / narrative things such as what the dwarf is feeling as he crushes hyena's left testicle with a pickaxe >>457942 I also don't like rimworld's difficulty scaling thing which means that if you play optimally and don't suffer losses then you eventually are just playing tower defence against successive waves of hundreds of retards at a time still better fortress defence than DF tbf
me? minecraft hobbit village.
Vote Tory
Well said Nigel Faggotrage! Luv the pink jacket! https://nitter.poast.org/addicted2newz/status/1808758894593798645
>>457929 very good lad >>457933 yeah toady the mong alienated his autistic backbone by appealing to normalfaggots and ruined the goom
>>457950 Holy shit that was an execution.
>>457950 What's the source on this?
High boomer turnout, Tories might win reported
what a fucking farce held back in the line to let a retarded obese nigger go first and cast his vote despite needing three tries before he could even tell the vootemasters his name then as I left the exit was blocked by a family of seven male jeets coming in to voote
>>457954 wood unironically make semi-audible keeking noises if true
also some cunt with a yellow rosette on while doing official-looking things voote voluntards are forbidden for displaying politicial affiliation while working the polls surely
>>457958 May well have bean a candidate
and you didn't even assinate him. NA wood knot be proud.
>>457960 sadly I didn't stock up on brapmunition before entering the vooting hall s,mh
big man joe (the welsh one) gives us are vooting orders https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7EVtbbyj9A
I hope your festival day was great lasses. Voted Tory and now I'm off for din dins.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTqJvAYd-f8 >(3:40) Peter refuses to vote because Labours majority is too high in his constituency that it's pointless >(4:30) Tells people to vote even if opinion polls predict a Labour majority, and calls people who don't vote retards Smh he's so contrarian he's arguing with what he said a minute ago.
>>457964 and he and the rest of the older generations will cling to life and keep vooting the status quo in until demographic collapse is complete
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJu1uByw3xw Maybe Joe's last video on church street. Hopefully there will be some footage of him on stage when Liverpool Wavertree announce.
exit polls show my knob has grown 2 extra inches since voting Reform. And I'm now at a more respectable 3 inches.
>>457965 keeeeeek
>>457966 the state fears Joey Owens
>>457929 Good lad.
>>457971 The depressing part is the guy didn't even speak English. >"What? ...... Polling station?"
>>457972 There was a paki lass working at mine. Surreal how that was just normal to everybody. Course it's moral principles of enlightenment and not that the state would throw you in prison for even raising how absurd it is that a fucking racial alien is given the task of making sure there's no impropriety in an election.
>>457974 Morgoth on at midnight?
>>457973 All too true, lad. All too true.
I've just realised that the BBC didn't even mention Galloway's Workers Party of Britain in their election coverage of the various parties and their leaders. Too esoteric I guess, not enough candidates.
Never mind, they did, you just have to look for it. Wasn't shown on the page listing parties I was looking at
Galloway went full retard over Starmer's 'they have to go back to their origin country' comment the other day. he literally went down the 'immigrants make the football team you cheer on successful' route.
>>457979 smh you make shartmer sound based i assume he was trying to placate old working class labour in a speech or something when he made that comment?
>>457977 Most people struggle to remember their name. I always refer to them as "Galloway's party" because no one knows "WPB". Probably because their candidates are a bit shit.
I'm going to kidnap holly Willoughby lads
Alright lads, rate my dating profile tagline thing: "I just need someone to comb the poo out of my fur x" I am wearing a bear costume in the profile.
>>457983 romantic.
>credible threat to holly willoughby's breasts just made quick get a close protection detail on them stat
hope holly willoughby isn't actually an old munter tbh don't know anything about her really just saw the opportunity for a coomer joke
>soyzoomers did a better meetup than the /brit/ pub episode not a high bar to clear but nice to see the chudlets getting OUT THERE and DOING SOMETHING even if it is honking as clownworld burns https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvr4qW7KPpg
>>457980 Of course. General election Starmer has said a few based things including "stop the boats" and "smash the gangs" but that's just because he wants to hoover up disaffected Tories. Same way he supported Corbyn and nationalisation and then denied it after he won leadership. He's a grifter.
Reformdem what are we thinking?
Exit Poll: AB 410 - CON 131 - LIBDEM 61 - REFORM 13 - SNP 10 - PLAID 4 - GREEN 2 - OTHER 19
>tories 131
BBC prediction
https://poal.me/tmau0s Polls closed Who did you go for lads?
>Voting Green Really?
gonna put a tenner on reform gets more than 13. shy voter effect
>>457997 I doubt they'll get more than 10
>>457998 reform rapists are closing in on your position
>>457997 >Still falling for this meme
ZERO SEATS bros.... did we get too cocky?
>5 more years of le red tie blue tie
>>457990 Impressed by Reform getting thirteen seats tbh
>>458003 >>5 more years of le red tie blue tie just 5 years? you're more optimistic than I
>>458005 twelve up on ukip isn't it? maybe by 2064 the 95% nigger population will finally be able to voote in a based actually conservative government!
>>458004 UKIP and the Brexit party were predicted to win seats in the past and fell miserably short of expectations.
>>458007 Not in exit polls.
guess there's enough geriatric dementia patients with jamaican carers to keep the tories on life support for the next ten years.
snp wiped out lmao
The best case scenario now is that Labour starts infighting massively over pseudo-Tory blarite shite vs socialism. I think we'll see another election within three years which gives time for Reform to grow while PA hopefully gets off the ground if mong nosely can perform basic actions.
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might just go to bed
>>458012 blairitechads will just spank sissy socialists into place
Gutted that Tories got more than 100 seats.
>>458012 >while PA hopefully gets off the ground
these lotus eaters are boring
*chuckles* Reform? yeah sure that'll save us, why dont you get behind the Kill All Pakis And Rape Wessie party and really stick it to them?
>>458018 just mute it while sargon and the sargonites are on
you leave Wessie out of this
>>458020 >why dont you get behind the Kill All Pakis And Rape Wessie party they couldn't figure out the EC form to get registered, clearly they are being sabotaged.
>>458023 the system is afraid, KAPARW is rising
how far on the nothingburger scale are we lads? complete nothingburger or perma 2011 boomer era retirement home a historical time traveling economic zone tier?
>>458025 the latter
wessica is out there clapping booty meat on cable street
>>458012 Starmer has purged everyone lad.
>>458025 2011 was actually less of a nothingburger and a more positive political climate because london was burning and wogs were rioting in the streets
ie people were getting a taste of what it's like when the gibs dry up and there are savages in your country
the personification of 21st century electoral politics is a facebook profile pic of a boomer karen with a covid mask and sunglasses on commenting on how they are worried about their pension from their 4th home
hopefully farage chimps the fuck out in parliament from now on
>>458032 ISN'T IT FUNNY?
the sargonites are a charisma and entertainment vacuum
anyway anyone doing anything interesting this weekend
>Shego predicted 30 UKIP seats in 2015 10 years and they're still not even close.
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>>458037 Shego was a mega mong who kick started the SA dictatorship
>>458034 >white
>>458039 that fucking old guy is literally never wrong tbh
i haven't posted in weeks because i cant figure out the captchas
Its over
>>458045 im 1/34256th gallowayan and this hits home
>>458034 He's a Marxist and his wife and children are Jews
>>458047 still white
>>458045 Not unexpected. He won the byelection because Labour disavowed their candidate
>>458044 keep reloading lad you can do it we belieive in you
>>458047 imagine thinking that a goyim would get anywhere near the levers of power in the royal court of the jewish shadow nobility lass
>>458048 Yeah, so are Blair and Cameron
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>Just saw the exit poll lads
>>458012 There absolutely will be infighting
just got in from toil, is the happening cancelled?
>>458055 No, it happened to a greater extent than expected
>>458045 Back on the Kremlin payroll for him.
Not so long ago an SNP - Labour coalition was a possibility, but since Sturgeon was investigated and resigned, they're a severely weakened party.
>>458059 Just wait. As soon as there's another byelection in an area with a significant moslem population, he'll stand for election again.
>the sargonites are still droning on
>>458062 is Sargon doing an election stream?
>>458062 i'm starting to come to terms with the fact i like them, and perhaps i am ok with being a lootisoid
>>457990 >LAB 410 I think it's time to go undercover lads smh
when do actual results come in?
>>458059 much like that orange fool of a president...
>>458065 I'm GB Newsing it mysnelf https://youtu.be/A052pIEj8Ns
First time i've even watched Lotus Eaters. it's alright I suppose, was expecting worse.
>>458067 A fair amount will be in tomorrow morning, but we won't get the full results until after midday
they had the nazi jock dog lad on earlier i was hoping he would stay on
No point in staying up. We all know where this is going. I'll be interested to see the results tomorrow in my own constituency of course, along with whether Farage and Corbyn get elected and how many former cabinet ministers (Jeremy Hunt) lose their seats.
Peter Hitchens really voted Conservative? keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. what a fraud.
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>>458068 >I'll be your shill but my chinky wife has to come too
well i voted tinnies this afternoon and i'm certainly enjoying that decision
>>458076 wahey
i voted for britain's most tattooed woman
"zero seats?"
He was Energy Secretary under Gordon Brown, and now, after 14 years, he finally returns to government... as Energy Secretary again. If I were Ed I'd be pretty disappointed. He was Leader of the Opposition for 5 years and is one of the few Labour candidates that've previously served in government, yet he doesn't even get one of the Great Offices of State.
>>458075 Galloway only goes for moslem women. She's Indonesian, so not the lowest on the asian totem pole, but certainly not high enough to be called a chink.
>>458080 wasn't tough enuss
>>458079 I guarantee you the whole zero seats thing was funded and organised by Labour
Not even 14 years. 15 years.
>>458083 it wasn't but ok, also it was just a meme, don't need funding for a meme
>>458081 They may have totem poles but the Indonesians I've seen are very chinky lad. She's basically his Yoko Ono.
>>458085 It does if you pay people to create and post said memes
back before my boomers sold and moved out of their bungalow and paid full purchase price to move into a flat in an "independent living" home which will be repossessed on their death in order to deny any chance of my ever owning property, they lived next door to the local conservative MP's mummy and she had a mega seethe fit when grandad put up his lib dem sign keeek bet he's going to live another five years for the next shartlection now it looks like libtardems are winning here >>458085 tens of billions of taxpayer monies are spent on analysing and deploying "memes" and other ways of influencing the population by the bureaucrat state and their nudge units
First call in Sunderland and Reform came second with 11,000 votes to Labour 18,000
>>458083 >I guarantee you the whole zero seats thing was funded and organised by Labour Yeah, I've been saying this for months now Neema Parvini, aka Academic Agent - who originated the slogan - has all the signs of being a Leftist saboteur, posing as a fake right wing academic
>>458074 https://twitter.com/ClarkeMicah/status/1808830776781263144 Peter is just helping them win to spite them lad.
>>458092 >helping them win but they lost?
>>458093 He's not very good at it.
>>458090 But Pakidemic Agent voted Reform, lad.
ok I'm done, Wess and the 100 IQ conspiritards are out tonight.
>>458097 so he claims
Time to tune in to channel 4
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/TxNhMAUNdkk wessica needs to get a rape trailer in flyover america
>>458098 >>458091 but you are wessie
>>458102 the fuck is even going on?
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skinwalker alert
Reform have beat the Tories in another seat. Something significant might be unironically happening here lads.
>>458107 it's happening after all?
>>458109 finally, the tories are going to be replaced by the tories
>>458034 Calling it now, Labour will replace Starmer with an unelected brown man within 2 years.
>>458109 Perhaps. >>458110 Retard. It doesn't matter what Reform really are. It matters what people think they are. We are witnessing the radicalisation of the white population and we'll see it go harder with the red zogs in power.
Tories, are you okay? So, Tories, are you okay? Are you okay, Tories? Tories, are you okay? So, Tories, are you okay? Are you okay, Tories? Tories, are you okay? So, Tories, are you okay? Are you okay, Tories? You've been hit by You've been reformed by a Nigger Elf ACK!
>>458115 okay this is epic big chungus sends his regards
>>458100 They both look like heroin addicts
>>458115 Happy pog day
struggling to get the tinnies down tonight
Anyone know how the twitter Tory Boys are taking it?
have any constituencies declared yet?
>>458119 why lad?
My penis has been declared as massively tumescent.
>>458119 I'll help you. let's goooooo
>>458121 Two, Sunderland South & Blyth and Ashington. Labour retain both.
>>458121 2 have come in according to GBNews Blithe and Ashington
>>458125 >>458126 only two hours after polls closed smh either a very small turnout or the results were predetermined
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>>458127 We should do are own Jan 6th and end up in prison
any chance of a manatee tonight?
>>458130 good attempt lad well done anyway
>>458115 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Are you ready for 5 years of pure hell lads?
>>458133 I have faith we will persist after building up tolerance with decades of slightly less but still fairly pure hell beforehand
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>>458134 >>458135 >>458136 whatever happens, we will always have each other
good night niggers tinnies tomorrow to celebrate continued slow decline
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rumble player fucking sucks
nadine dorris being even more repulsive than rory stewart on channel 4
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Labour hold Sunderland Central and gain Swindon South
>>458143 our political system is so fucking stupid
>Dehenna Davison would tbh
>>458146 from an outside observer it appears to be the most overtly open puppet show of all westoid democrasharts where its just nothingburger after nothingburger
>>458149 fuck, he became an ogre.
>>458151 think yours is still worse on that front tbh, our elite are just more competent at maintaining hegemony
>>458150 KEEEK not seen that before how it falls over and goes rigid like a frightened goat >>458152 woesgres are like onions.... they smell and they make you cry
>>458150 peak 2020 was those blm girls who got run over at full speed by car thieves
I love my IP buddy
>>458138 >slow decline >slow
>>458156 keeeek didn't notice that you're in the walls aren't you
haven't slept since three or four hours on wednesday night tbh, don't feel the need either might be having some sort of multi-day panic attack again smh special snowflake subconcious fucking me over and toil on the weekend
>rory stewart "we are shedding voters to the centre left"
>>458160 he is right tbf if refooorm do get some seats then the nation has gone slightly to the right from where his cunts put us at
will jacob rees mong be losing his seat?
>>458160 rodent jew on suicide watch
>>458162 likely
still firmly in the loonie left territory albeit not centre left death by sewage tank for all MPs in any case tbh >>458162 hope so farage is sufficiently philosemetic and supercivic enough that he should have switched to refoorm smh low iq inherited wealth mong
remember when proud boys took over washington DC and stomped out all the leftists and wogs god that was some of the best kino ever then trump fucked it all up by being a bitch ass nigga
>>458159 iktf, but i do it to myself with tinnies
>>458166 are they all victims of jannie sixx now or did they go to ground and are waiting until the first drop of blood hits the soil of the great nation to rise up and name six types of breakfast cereal in the face of their oppressors? >>458167 at least that one has an easy solution tbf
>>458166 it's mad how sharts still support dumpf especially after his idiotic promise to give nearly every jeet citizenship
>>458169 i want trump to win just to rev up my boomer dad. i literally don't care about politics at all
smh i miss the 2010s era of open daftyism
>>458171 tbh, it's amazing how hard the number he's done on boomoids is ten years later, my grandad is 88, dying of arse cancer (prolonging life and suffering as much as possible with expensive treatments), cannot remember what he had for breakfast, can barely walk (but still insists on being independent) and can still bring up that orange man bad >>458172 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEbE3fGfF-o >paintball guns should have escalated smh until we have actual warring factions with death and violence it's all performative luxury belief hobbyist stuff (unless serious things did go down idk can't watch video atm) >>458173 tbh tbh
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek the wessoid at the end arguing with the devout Christian
>>458173 cville was the last implicit stand of white identity in burgerica
>that one lad at cville bantering the oathcucks
what happened with the blood tribe supervillain and minion lads, did they buy a private volcano island already or get shut down
>>458178 minions memes are some of my favourite. never actually seen the film though
>>458177 you talking about Azzmador? he passed away the other week. https://old.bitchute.com/video/1r3R97BoYSFL/
>>458180 no it was a chudlet and he said "at least I have the constitution on my side while I am surrounded by niggers"
>>458181 keek yeah that's a good line
170 MAJEWRITY! Clampdown on freeze peach Clampdown on online stuff More migrants More NGOs More taxes
>>458180 wonder where those cuckservatives are today
>>458186 he always riles up the pooskins
POONAK will keep his seat
didn't know this until now, it seems that george washington was a cuck who married a single mother, raised his wife's kids and never had any of his own
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Total reform victory
>>458192 a mild keek tbh better than being a coddler I suppose
shame yom kippur and helmers aren't here to see this
Finally Nigger Elf has been elected.
Faggotrage has won Clacton
>>458200 can't wait for him to ask Starmer what he plans to do for the Sikh community at pmq's
didn't we know he was going to win already? seems kind of obvious
are there vooter turnout figures yet? someone said it's the lowest ever earlier I think do we have it in percentage of population?
>>458203 i've seen them say 58,which would be down about 10 percent from the last election
>>458204 disappointing that vooters aren't in the minority by now smh wonder how much of that 58% are wogs who shouldn't be vooting here anyway
>>458205 judging by labour losing that Leicester seat to a muh gaza independent i'd say quite a few
>>458206 on the bright side parliament may become that much more insufferable for the governiggers if they have to share the hall with more typical examples of foreigners than the fellow travellers who usually float to the top of the silage pit dianne abbott notwithstanding
imagine trying to do their "by how much do we globalise britain and sell off pieces of the corpse today" speeches and shit with interruptions from baboon negresses and ackbars shrieking and shouting about their pet causes every other minute
>>458208 > interruptions from baboon negresses and ackbars shrieking and shouting about their pet causes every other minute Keeeeeeeeek that just makes me think of those zulu war cries you could hear when Harry got married
>>458209 what's that sound..? like a.... like a welfare line... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qydHIjL7iMg
Parliament is going to get bamed HARD and the tories that are not wets will probably cross the floor to Deform
>>458212 interesting times ahead then in the chinese sense
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>>458214 now, of course, like the rest of the five hundred thousand plus of Hong Kong, he is British
>>458213 Indeed
Tories are going to be led by Nigerian Bad Enoch
Can’t wait until she twerks in Starmers face on the dispatch box
i still believe in brexit :)
hope you lads are enjoying this as much as I am fucking waited years for this moment biggest thing to happen since 2016
douglas cuckswell GET FUCKED
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Cumshottes husband narrowly wins his seat but it looks like she’s wet for another
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crashing the conservative party with no survivors
poost the nog dick one
fucking magic moment lads
I always wanted to visit South Africa. Now I don’t have to
up the reform lads 3 seats should be enough to get one in every wednesday at PMQs surely God i cant wait for kier shwarma to get bodied by reform on a regular basis
>this boomoid on lootiseaters rn
Prime Minister of the Jewnited Kangdom Queer Charmer
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>SNP 4 (-20)
comfy summer night lads
>>458236 which poster are you lad? you seem like an original
>>458238 its lovely to be back on such an electric evening and a magic morning
A prime example of the ethnic vote Poor Joe beaten by a Mo
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>actually having to do constituency work ohh errr im not sure about that guv
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>the brexit referendum was 8 years ago
>>458223 bit rude lad smh him and farge aren't so different, they both love a heaping of civicry >>458234 >Dead last >0.3% the AGENTS of CULTURAL CHANGE got to him smh not even the superscouse fairies could save are joe >>458242 yeah keeek assuming nigger elf will just milk it for all it's worth and leave things in roughly the same worse state the area would be in under any other uniparty candidate
>>458246 does this guy still interview scumbag mercenaries for ukraine?
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>>458249 >dougie cuckers warmed Claccers up for Nidgers he had his uses but he had the charisma of a damp rag and the appearance of a low grade bank clerk in parliament did old Cuckswell
>>458250 if we had 1000 lindybeiges we'd've won the 2nd Crimea War by 2023
>>458253 keeeeek
tell me where is steiner for i much desire to speak with him
>>458256 some energy that
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>SNP 4 (-24)
Yvette cooper is coming for everyone lads Home Secretary wants to refugees welcome us big time
>>458261 >tories mind broken into becoming le far right terrorists
>>458262 >>458261 *menacingly advances*
a toast to the electoral oblivion of the SNP and the tories
I only wish S.A. had lived long enough to see this moment ;_;
pouring one out for the boys right now >coo/k/ >SA >helmersbelt i forget the rest
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>>458265 Ignonimous death chocked to death on a brown cock in the Templars
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This loser keeps winning!
Lib dems almost there lad, soon the official opposition, labour about to win.
Rishi will continue on as conservative leader lids
>>458276 From his seat in California
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>rishi sunak conceedes defeat
Bad Enoch will be the new Tory leader
>>458279 i wish it was 0 seats NEVER NEVER NEVER want to see another tory cunt ever again
send that paki bindi headed coolie CUNT back to bombay
>a kentish man comes up to essex to start a revolt against the feudal system its 1381 all over again
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>>458288 is that bins? same age, innit
the best thing about nigel is that he could just be your dad or your uncle. bloke's a normie. glad he finally got into parliament with maximum memetic potential i hope he tears them to shreds
>>458289 >>458288 the old boomer? i'm not up to that point yet
Steve Laws btfo Dover votes for MOAR migrants Based
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they tried to kill him
>>458292 presumably they let the migrants temporarily held there vote and then they fuck off to enshittify other parts of the country, allowing the liberal scum to continue their evil delusions
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Corr imagine r hitchen's piping hot take
>>458296 BASED english democrats
>>458296 only a little better than joe's smh at least he got out there and did something and the ED really are based
>>458297 >It’s so over I have incarcerated myself
>>458297 I don't save such filth but this pic makes me keek remembering the (bbk?) edit with him holding a bbc
>>458299 Look on the upside he gained 0.4% of the vote as a first time candidate and helped to defeat the tories
trying for a bit of shuteye I expect to be awakened by the sounds of Dream hit single Things Can Only Get Better being blasted out across the land as infinite niggers rush the beaches and red blood pours forth from all government institutions as a sign of things to come >>458302 tbh tbh
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>>458304 i thought rocknrolla was a good film, despite it sounding incredibly cringe it was decent
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek Only one borough in London so far for the tories RED LONDON
Maybe four sorry lads
Labour just won
>>458305 anything by guy richie is usually pukka i really like this actor too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oszWbYoBJb0 >>458306 >>458308 >my area has turned labour fucking grim lads still GET IN NIGEL UP THE REFORM GET FUCKED TORY SCUM
Independent ethnics are going to become a real threat in the next election tbh Good. Burn it all
I didnt even vote because I think democracy is evil and especially a democracy that lets women and imbeciles vote but good show for the house of commons. at least 1 reform MP is a godsend
>>458309 tbh, all his films are really comfy and enjoyable. i watched another one recently but can't rtemember what it was called, but despite it being a bit pozzed and having a gang of blacks who robbed grow ops and lots of drill music it was still somehow good
>>458310 give it 10 or 20 years and we will be killing the ones that hate britan. we will see bloodshed and victory. God be praised.
>>458313 because the ones that hate britain will attack us first i hasten to add. it is inevitable.
Rees Mogg has lost his seat.
>>458312 his sherlock holmes film is decent the gentlemen lock stock snatch all great but if you dont like scummy gangster films you wont like those films, but if you do then you'll have to admit theyre the best of their genre hands down
>>458315 he nailed his colours to the mast. fuck him and fuck the tories. they lied to us and fucked us for 14 years and corrupted our land. death to them.
i mean the fucking tory COWARDS took 4 years trying to undo brexit. then they didnt even get our fisheries back. death to the tories.
Jacob Rees Mogged
>>458317 absolutely
sorry for rambling but honestly i was thinking earlier 4 years to implement a referendum what the fuck? and blatantly trying to overturn it as well. scum. fuck em, deserve it all but worse >>458321 innit. fuck em
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woden be praised so fucking proud of east anglia + essex electing reform you know you can always trust the east for the truest saxons sorry wessex. but you're all carrot crunching hippies
>>458324 thanks, lad.
Tories 77 seats
>>458326 will they be under 100?
>>458325 Wes thu hal friend Anglekin rich to come
>>458327 Lol hopefully. How many seats are still being counted?
>>458327 Could be. They lost all their seats in wales
it's mad how four (4) reform seats are worth more than eighty (80) tory seats
>>458331 did they have seats in failes?
>173 Tory seats lost so far. In 124 of them, Reform came 2nd
>>458334 God willing people will realise the tories are a husk and they will let that ancient egyptian mummy crumble
Labour have only won by default. Grim as fuck.
>>458336 name a single labour policy that differs from the tory scum
Sturgeon got her porridge stirred good
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agMy9kuCXMQ >REF 4 (+4) Never before, has so much been owed by so few to so many etc. etc. churchill was a drunk
>>458337 What does that have to do with what I said? The implication was that it is not really a hard shift of the nation to Labour. Labour will be worse than the Tories, merely because they're better organised on fucking us over.
>>458340 >doesnt name a single labour policy that differs from tory it has to do with your post because the labour government will govern the same as the tories have done, except quite worse, and that is why the tories lost
>>458341 There are social justice and legal policies that are way worse, I just cannot remember them tbh, and I don't care to look them up. I agree with you though.
Labour aren't winning because there is a groundswell of support for them however, that is my main point, and it is correct.
>>458341 which is a good thing reform will become the legit opposition or else tories will amalgamate with reform either way tory death NOW >>458342 im genuinely sorry if i seemed offensive i was only trying to add to your post, this is a night of celebration and i wasnt trying to catch you out or anything its sad how shit both parties are and how few seats reform have won but at least the SNP got fucked
if labour had truly labour policies (e.g. mass nationalisation) then theydve not won hardly any votes (and jeremy corbyn wouldnt have got elected)
>>458344 No worries. Yeah I'm pretty pleased about the SNP getting fucked too. It's a shame she didn't lose her seat as well.
is it also an election in overseas territories? i remember with brexit gibraltar was the first result in
smh at these ethnic ‘japes’
>>458346 this is a god-tier election >rishi poosnatch >nicola "caravan" sturgeon >jezza "gaza" corbyn >george galloway >nigel farage >suella braverman >jeremy cunt >richard tice all elected LULZ
>>458350 I thought Galloway lost his seat?
I wanna pour one out for Jacobus Rhys Mogg but he's a tory
>>458351 oh shit did he? thats pretty unfair the bloke only just won it oh dear how sad never mind lol you're more up to speed than i am tbf
>Labour Frens of Israel did this t. Galloway
>>458354 petition to make it so that you dont need to be re-elected in a general election if you won a by-election in the preceeding 12 months that is to follow on from my petitions: >to ban all religions that arent christianity or helleno-germanic-celtic paganism >to forbid women from owning property and having a vote >to dismantle the NHS and put equivilent funds into the royal navy etc.
>>458355 Ban wogs from standing Ancestry must until at least 1200 must be proven
>>458357 id vote for it in a heartbeat
imagine the sex orgy in the labour HQ right now
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peter hitchers boiling up a sizzling cup of hot takes for tomorrow you betcher bottom penny
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>>458359 Imagine the ethnic smell
go back in time to 2014 when we were all on 4chan posting in brit/pol/ with southwales etc. and tell them then that nigel wont be an MP til 2024
>from 2014 EU elections to 2024 general elections i remain a virgin volcel bros can I get a W in the chat
>SNP 7 (-38) >REF 4 (+4)
Four constituencies just got exposed for being the most pure true loyal places on God's green earth
>reform have over half the seats as the scottish national party https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lm8spNEPxkY
>>458370 >>458371 poor effort all around
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Quo'd a Torie: >Who'se that there now taking the votes from me, taking the votes from me, taking the votes from me Who'se that there now taking the votes from me?! >Only meself says Nigel
Nigger Elf PM in 5 years. Milquetoast civicry will prevail!
>>458375 kek yeah, this nigga was our last hope
>>458202 I hate miserable posters like this. He was the favourite but it was a toss up.
Upthera now the largest Norniron party in Wussminster
>>458377 sorry, i'm just jaded. i remember being excited about brexit and never again
The Greens are the communists and reform are the NSDAP
>>458379 The rise of Reform is a direct consequence of Brexit. Electoral politics bubbles slowly lad.
>>458296 If not for Reform, the Tories would've won that seat.
>>458377 >>458202 he couldve lost if the people of clacton were easily cow-towed to liberal hippy moral sentiments lucky for us they're proper saxon salt of the earth
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>Lost to Independent Mohamed El Gadhy who got 524% more votes Keeeeeek.
virtually no change in the Labour vote outside of Scotland. (i.e. scarcely better than Corbyn last time), just need to submit the conservatives to reform leadership and then salvation can occur
what happened to paul nuttall? he was based
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>>458386 one of the many casualties of the Great Meme War (2015-2021) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkV4H4gqo10
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Here lies a meme warrior.
Smh a labour majority is terrible news tho, I guess what we need is for the Tories to be demoralised enough that we can smash them into submission to reform. Jeremy hunt winning his seat is an obstacle to this.
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>>458391 what a bunch of gay faggot niggers
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I always knew Nigel Farage would be King of Essex one day https://youtu.be/ntG50eXbBtc?t=33
GOALD allwaise beerleaf inn yore sole
>>458395 It was very close. Reform took a lot of the vote.
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>>458399 Harlow. Essex.
North cornwall including Wessie goes to the Liberal Democrats
>>458402 fucking hippies see if that were Norfolc or Essex it'd be reform
east coast exposing the west coast hard in this election
BELGIUM IS NOT A NATION core hardstyle psytrance [2024] [Free D/L]
missed all the election poosting smdh
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>>458407 Can't understand staying up until 5am for an election.
>>458409 i did it, feel like shit and now i'm going to be a neet day-dozer and /upallnight/ probably for the rest of summer
>Westminster and City of London is Labour for the first time ever The bameing has worked!
>>458409 Only ever done it for an erection before tbh Bich
>>458409 Now, try to understand staying up to 5am cuz ur an alcaholic whose avoiding doing revision for exams
>>458416 >this track came out 2 years before nigel farage won the 2014 EU election he has only as of the last 6 hours just been elected to the House of Commons
I've waited almost a fucking DECADE for this UP THE NIGE
>>458418 for what?
>>458419 For nigel farage to be in the house of commons
since 2014 basically
South Thanet has been avenged ESSEX > kent
>>458420 He looked like he didn't want to win. Probably wondering how he's going to sneak off to America.
>>458414 Exams? how old are u lad?
>>458424 did he, yeah? >>458425 >what are post-grad professional exams I'll tell you how old I am when you tell me what degree you hold.
You silly little plonkers.
>>458420 it is cathartic tbh despite it not really changing anything
>>458425 this confused me too, he's posting like an auld lad original poster (who is a bit drunk)
>>458428 AUSLAD God bless your cotten socks cobber how are ya these days I havent spoken to you since 2021
pretty sure it's SA
I don't mean to cause a stir guys, honestly. Just proud to see Nigel in parliament. He's a fucking boomer faggot for sure but come on, if you were on 4chan in 2014 /brit/ you wouldnt believe it would take 10 years to be made MP
And the only personalityfag here I want to talk to is Steiner, that son of Zeus
I'm not going to be back again for a long while dont worry yourselves
>>458430 hullo lad been a while
>>458431 >scythian arse >salty anus >spazmatic aromatic >simply autistic >secretly african >shaun attwood >sells avon >stinky armpit
>>458435 thoughts on nigel farage?
>>458434 why won't you keep posting? where else do you post. i don't like the idea of lads leaving for long periods
Is we getting total paki death?
>>458438 We'll ive been permabanned from 4chan, which is a dying shithole website, and I find myself wandering many imageboards like a Jew. And I had to come back while Nigel Farage achieved something he ought to have got in 2015 if FPTP wasnt such a PAKI NIGGER CUNT of an electoral system
>>458437 will always have a soft spot for him on account of brexit and the good old days but honestly he's a bit too civic smh
>>458391 Did they ever "scuse" him?
I've been out spreading the /brit/ gospel, because we ran out of things to say to each other. /brit/ solved politics and religion. simple as. everyone else is the idiot.
>The term Tory was an insult that entered English politics during the Exclusion Bill crisis of 1678–1681, which derived from the Middle Irish word tóraidhe (modern Irish: tóraí) meaning outlaw or robber
>>458439 false alarm lad go back to bed >>458440 >FPTP >a PAKI NIGGER CUNT of an electoral system tbh >>458444 >everyone else is the idiot. tbqh
From what I understand /brit/ is a syncreatic Christo-Hellenic/Germanic/Celtic believing Bronze-pilled lawful good anglophile ideology which is objectively the greatest
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHepApAxk9s Does he read the board? I just talked about this the other week
>>457936 this girl still not impregnated then
>>458446 As ever you put it into finer words than I could ever muster. tbh. tbqh, even.
>tfw chilling on a summer morning with my Bronze-pilled lawful good Christo-Germano-Celto-Hellenic bros with pink nipples and blue eyes because R nige got elected
>>458445 as true now as it ever was tbh not many things remain constant for three and a half centuries >>458448 /brit/ is upstream of many things tbh
>>458452 >/brit/ is upstream of many things tbh very much true i am convinced brexit only occured, and therefore trump only won, because of 4chan 2015 /brit/ meme energy
>>458451 it's nice to have a victory every once in a while
If Brexit didnt happen in summer 2016, thus giving the Septic Tanks something to rival, then Trump wouldnt have been elected. Simple as. And Deus Pater only gave us victory in 2016 becuase the europeans were smug soyfags. God hates soy cucks.
>>458453 >>458455 probably true tbh
>>458456 brexit was only 52 vs 48 per cent trump was similar memes are magic
And what sweet summer days we enjoy with Nigel in the House of Commons
>>458412 Every fucking time a paki seems okay, he's scum. Makes me want to throw Ben Habib in a pit full of alligators.
>>458455 Trump also had insane luck. Comey, Weiner, DNC leaks. There were so many wildcards that election.
>>458460 Deus Pater pre-ordains all The most logical explanation for existence is that God made us for his own private joke and whatever seems the most interesting/funny outcome is the most likely
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>>458461 I've been coping recently that all the evil and injustice and clownery of our times makes us lucky, for it should fill us with glorious purpose and righteous anger.
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if covid taught me anything it is that God doesnt give a fuck about most people the very fact your reading this means you probably didnt take the vaccine
What do you think Keir has planned for us lads?
>>458466 BAME quota systems, borrowing, CGT the same as income tax, unlimited immigration, Israel support, maybe a wealth tax, SWJ stuff
>>458462 had forgotten about lilt tbh used to love that stuff
Ohhh jacob rees-mogg got moooogged
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/CZxf4J-cURA >tfw Sir Nigel of Thanet becomes Speaker of the House of Lords and ends up having King William V executed and brings about a based Hughenot republic
I for one would fight for a Prime Minister who was English against the monarchy if the cause was just i.e. common law rights, and the appropriation of alien property in our realm
>>458472 That is to say I'd fight for Nigel if he said the King is a traitor and that we must take all the wealth owned by niggers and pakis and use that wealth for our poor KINSMEN
And that is a true saxon position on politics
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In appendum Fuck the tories and fuck the monarchy
>>458475 Tbh tbh tbf tbh
WHERE IS STEINER >>458476 I must needs speak of that sage, Steiner of the land of the polar vortex
>>458467 Bit terrified of what he's going to do with his majority. 177 more seats than every other party put together.
anyways, its banter to have 4 reform MPs and hopefully they can help make normies realise that theyve spent decades voting for vampires who want to destroy britain and dont give a fuck about our ancient land and its ecology, the national debt, or the racial purity of the land
>>458479 errrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmm lemme guess i think.... he might.. just.. FUCK MY COUNTRY UP FAM as in JUST FUCK my country up
>>458479 Imagine what Angela Raynor is going to do to Sargon of Ack lad.
>>458482 Wot, his 3 inch pocket rocket versus her "ginger growler" that has eaten more african and indian snakes than any of us had hot dinners?
>>458479 Anything you rightly fear from labour, the cons would do it with another majority for another 5 years. Even if we end up with MAID (mass murder) Rishi supports that too.
>>458473 tbh >>458480 >normies >realise
>>458466 Forced sterilisation by way of troonectomies
>>458485 Good auslad... sweet auslad... I hope you never "tbh" my posts because they are so dire... and yet I know your learned ratification of the same is only testament to two things: 1. Your prescient foresight of dangers to come 2. the inevitable dangers that we are doomed to launch headfirst towards
>>458469 Yeah. Smugly poncing around like a Lord in the 19th century isn’t going to win you many accolades. He’d have got away with it if he’d been an effective remotely nationalist parliamentarian doing sterling constituency work Guarantee that photo of him lounging on the benches did him no favours at all. Gimp
>>458487 keeeeeeeeek
>>458469 Good. Fuck that Tory loyalist.
>>458484 red zog and blue zog are one and the same the only reason why there's any enmity between them at all is because they're both competing for the same job everything else is fiction created in the mind of the vooter >>458488 tbh a larp like that doesn't go down well when people are doing it tough and their voices are not being heard
God I wish I could breed
>Indian snake >African snake >Anglo 3 inch pocket rocket WHAT IS THIS CUCKOLDRY!
>>458492 many such cases
Meeting a sow in 2 weeks. Hope I have the super cum of my brother
>Hope I have the super cum of my brother What did he mean by this?
>>458495 martin your brother is younger than u
>>458492 Just go full dindu lad impregnate as many as you can and then away into the night before the first alimony bills arrive
>>458496 My brother has super cum(quote from his doctor)
my doctor which was sexy 10 years ago is now old and wrinkly and still childless smh why do these people even live
>>458501 like sand through the hourglass so are the peng lasses whomst we briefly interact with
Tories 120 seats, 3 left to call
>>458347 a vlog wog is going to be sitting in parliament and disrupting affairs for views?
WE ARE SO BACK Told you lads meme magic would do it
Labour says they will build a new parallel ‘Migration’ tunnel to the Channel Tunnel to make dangerous crossings safer
>>458506 >Please saaar Farage can you sign my spansor document saaaaar please Befar I am departed saaaar! I want stand far reframe party next election saaaaar
>SNP -38 wew looks like a whole lot of cancer got btfo last night
>>458503 keeeeeeeeeeeeek based beating criminals with sticks is an official jeet police policy tbh mst be in his blood >>458507 absurd enough that it could be real tbh
>>458509 you love to see it
>>458510 I love the wog behind the camera negotiating for his release the whole video. NOOOO LET HIM GO.
>>458512 he dindu nuffin smh he just wanted to borrow some cigarettes
it does seem like psychic forces have made politics more boring and taken hope away since 2016
although credit where it's due he did stop the robber from going back for seconds then again i'm sure that was more motivated by the knowledge that he'd get his shit kicked in a second time than anything else
>>458514 they got scared and turned up the vril suppression field even higher
>>458517 Hope he cries like Theresa May.
>>458518 So do I
Tories still got 15% of the vote here despite the candidate being a paki parachuted in last minute after the tory MP resigned because of a scandal. Day of the pillow when
Rumour of resignation speech
>>458518 tbh tbh >>458520 still boggles my mind how they can be the way they are tbh long accepted it as their true nature but it still just seems so ridiculous
Tories at 121 seats
>he will go down in history as the least successful prime minister in the ballot box
Can they make it the 122 committee?
>>458522 Where’s the lie?
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>wake up to Tories and SNP utterly BTFO >Are Nige an MP >letter just came in the post saying HMRC owes me nearly £1k
Le sorry man
>his legacy >least successful PM ever Another win for India! >Truss first ex PM to lose her seat Keeeeeek
>>458526 impossible lad he wasn't even vooted in
I am sorry The neck on this cunt
why is she dressed like a WW1 battleship?
>>458530 things will only get better >>458535 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>The shame on her face Beatings for Rishi Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
gchq mentioned they're on to us
>one of the most remarkable things about Britain is how unremarkable it is Ain't that the truth
>tolerance >the british way
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>our union strengthened >DUP lost almost half their seats last night
>>458541 >More prosperous than 2010
>>458541 don't forget how things are safer too lad
>>458541 Time to send some Afrikaner refugees there to strengthen the paramilitaries and protestant stock
>full of emotion He looked like he couldn't give a shit.
>led britain's most successful political party to its worst ever loss of seats the legacy of the first bame pm everybody one for the history books
HOTD time
>>458544 Afrikaners are already in Ireland building houses for migrants lad. They are not the people they were
>>458546 naturally lad he's a former prime minister he'll fall arse first into some cushy sinecure as thanks for some favour he did he's already set for life and if he's ever short on cash he can do a bit of public speaking doesn't matter that he doesn't have an ounce of charisma since nobody even pays attention to that shite anyway >>458549 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>458551 Short on cash? Lad he’s married to the daughter of the Infosys billionaire I think Sunak’s net worth is £775 million or something without her and her dad’s money
They’re going on like a royal has died
>>458553 Always creeps me out how they talk about the king like they're describing the personality of their dog.
>>458552 How much of that wealth is actual money in the bank though lad and how much of it is just debt economy meme currency
>>458552 well then no wonder he doesn't give a shit he had his fun and now he can move on sooner than he would have liked but he'll get over it >>458553 tbh just embarrassing
Time for anthropomorphising the family of nonce reptiles.
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not that I'm arguing that Sunak doesn't have a shitload of liquid funds, mind, just a ponderence
>>458556 People like that don’t have debt meme money that’s just for us. Lots will be hard assets because he’s a jeet and if there was to be a shortfall they’ll just get it back by manipulating the markets and squeezing the taxpayer via various means Keeeeeeeek They keep speaking like King Cuck is going to have him executed in public HE SHOULD
We've just heard the ceremonial long shart on the outgoing PM
>>how brutal british politics can be >lose an election for some particular office >no longer hold that office wait what the fuck this is so brutal how could you do this to me smh and they're getting a lot of mileage out of the word "tapestry" as well i understand that they need to pad out what can be summed up in a single sentence to fill a full day of broadcasting but still
>>458560 tbqh >>458562 breathtaking this is truly a historic occasion
Historic truly emotional incredible
oh my god a door and a staircase truly these mythical figures live in a completely different world to us muck-dwelling peasants in are shanties and lean-tos
Apart from perhaps Epstein there is no such a deep confidential relationship with the royal family.
>Jim Allister took Ian Paisley Jr's seat KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK how long until he brings up the EU/Smokey Bacon flavour Tayto in the commons
>>458563 I think they mean in comparison to America where the loser hangs around for months.
any history lads in the thread who know when the last time was that a monarch and a pm actually gave the slightest shit about each other beyond the mandatory amount of communication that comes with each station?
>he was eating them at the fucking announcement
>Driving around in German cars
>>458567 keeeeeksmh >>458569 yeah probably tbh everything is america until proven otherwise >>458572 finally a politician who's going to fight for the things i care about
mister and misses sunak, as it were
>Rishi Sunak’s body now departs the palace in the German made hearse with blacked out windows
>>458577 if only would prefer if he was publicly pulled apart by the arms and legs by a team of four lotus esprits thoughever
Indian twitter is lit
>corbyn picked up ten point something voots >starmer picked up nine point something voots >what does that tell us it tells us that first past the post is a shite system that is deliberately rigged to enforce a two party system you either voot for the incumbent party or you voot against them by vooting for the other big party that opposes them a voot for anybody else is basically a voot for the party that you hate the most so don't even try
>>458579 keeeeeeeek not sure what lpa is but i fully endorse repatriating rishi to india and making him work seventy hour weeks
>>458580 Yeah it is really easy to game. Starmer won't fix it either. We're heading for crisis.
hearing that sky news lass talking whilst looking at another tab just makes me think of that lass from the it crowd tbh anybody else hear it?
>>458582 of course he won't fix it leave it as is and he has a coin flip chance to be re-elected change it and he could easily be out on his arse as a disgruntled public puts some unknown nobody party in power the whole establishment is built on the fact that you can just continually ignore what the public wants and either you get re-elected or your opposite colour teammate gets elected and continues what you started while pretending to oppose you to placate the niggercattle
of course i can speak from experience that releasing the public from the obligation to voot for one of the big two still isn't enough to break them out of red team blue team shite they're just mentally broken tbh they're already free but it doesn't matter because they're their own prison wardens please imagine that every time i refer to the general public as niggercattle i do so with the utmost contempt and vitriol they are literally livestock that have been taught to speak and wear clothes
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So close.
>>458586 >almost losing to this mohammedan mong keeeeek
Powerful image
>>458588 this says a lot about society
>>458537 pajeets are shallow af, there is absolutely the whole English thing of accepting defeat gracefully translates to their poo brains
>>458588 deserved tbh
>>458584 This tbh
>>458590 >there is absolutely the whole English thing of accepting defeat gracefully translates to their poo brains good morning sir?
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>>458465 >if covid taught me anything it is that God doesnt give a fuck about most people that's right lad, he only cares about his chosen ones
>>458593 looks like I missed some words There is absolutely NO WAY the whole English things of accepting defeat gracefully translates to their poo brains That's what I meant
>>458594 jews aren't chosen lad the old lot gave it up and the current lot never were we're his chosen tbh he just gives his funniest battles to his silliest clowns >>458595 it's okay lad i believe that you're probably huwhite
so what's the results? looking like refart only got 4 seats
clearly there is only one solution
Was George Galloway scammed lads? >Rochdale poor >Galloway beaten by mongoloid looking establishment journalist Paul Waugh >Paul Waugh >political editor of HuffPost UK >editor of PoliticsHome >deputy political editor of The Independent and London Evening Standard. >presenter of the Week in Westminster for the BBC Or >was he defeated because >he went for the ethnic vote >he promised to tackle grooming gangs but started going on about Cyril Smith once elected >spent too much time on his radio/tv stuff What happened? Why was this journalist activist elected? What changed?
>>458600 this waugh cunt looks like a right shifty bastard and probably manages the grooming gangs and partakes himself or something
>>458600 yeah that's pretty weird tbh this sus nobody beat the charismatic George Galloway, who literally only just gained his seat? Doesn't make sense. Have the pakis forgotten about Gaza so quickly?
>>458598 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek luv this one tbh a /brit/ classic >>458599 just choose the door with belief written on it tbh it's not hard
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I really wish journalists would stop calling the Tories "big beasts". I don't know where this meme came from but its fucking gay.
>>458605 >I really wish journalists would stop calling the Tories "big beasts". I don't know where this meme came from but its fucking gay. It goes back to the 1997 election where Michael Portillo - who was a big name in the Tory party and believed to be a potential next leader - lost his seat unexpectedly to Labour, and had to leave in shame he never really got his political mojo back, and just became a tv presenter
>>458600 rule number one of getting a place in the establishment is that you don't question what's happening to all those children the fact that he didn't win is enough for him to win my respect tbh despite any other differences
>>458606 That doesn't explain why he's a BIG BEAST.
>>458608 >>458609 >Michael Portillo’s election defeat in 1997, unseated on a swing of 17.4 percentage points shortly after 3am on 2 May that year, has become synonymous with the shock moment that a major political big beast loses their seat. But following a landslide victory for Labour in the 2024 general election, the “Portillo moments” started coming thick and fast. Who are the major figures who have lost their seats in the 2024 general election?
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>>458611 cannonball run
>>458612 I put that on and nobody turned up, even you so no
>>458611 Dark Waters (2019)
>>458611 three amigos
>>458613 >even you lad i'm on literally the opposite side of the planet i'm allowed to suggest good fillums to watch without the expectation of being awake to watch them on night shift this coming week anyway so i expect to see some kino assuming schedules match up
>>458617 I'm not putting on a film nobody will turn up for lad simple as
>>458618 >I'm not putting on a film nobody will turn up for lad pull the other one it's got bells on
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>he must be drunk
>Basildon South and East Thurrock and Inverness,Ross and Skye still undeclared What’s going on in these two constituencies? Wtf?
>>458617 Are you addicted to the pokies lad? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2BtY-z8XuY Australia has the highest gambling losses on a per-capita basis and 48% of Aussie men gamble once a week.
>>458620 of course i'm drunk sherlock it's friday night and i've been working all week >>458622 no lad those machines will suck out your soul and leave you an empty husk who does nothing more than toil to get more money to put in the machine
it's sad honestly
>>458622 Well there’s fuck all to do out there tbh
>>458623 it's literally ogre
Things can only get better
>>458628 Soon Ack is out and now we get the Daily Starmer
Wew looks like all the casinos are owned by Dutch jews probably so they are laundering their drug monies through Straya and ruining the people without regard. Looks like they’ve received warnings though All these casinos seem to be registered in Dutch colonies
>>458631 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek They learned merchanting from the merchants and then booted them out in our direction smh They still have a lot there probably because it’s a haven for all kinds of nefarious things tbh. I read the EU were calling them a narcostate
>>458632 just jealous their prozzies and drugs are cheaper than at brussels I suppose
>>458634 KEEEEKACK it's funny because it's true
night lads shall momentarily forget about the cares of the huwhite rice and play parasite eve 2 (yet again) a bonne nuit my lads good night
>>458636 night lad loved the parasite eve gooms when I was young
>>458636 znila have fun
Starmers speech >used the word ‘Reset’ - “our country needs a bigger reset, a rediscovery of who we are” >no matter how fierce the storms of history one of the great strengths of this nation has always been the ability to will navigate away to calmer waters Ominous Comrade Yvette Cooper is also head of the NKVD Home Secretary smh
>>458639 >reset yeah we're definitely going to be bollock busted by globalshite wef agenda 2030 faggotry to the max
>>458641 Tbh Slyly feeding the new lingo in there
>>458588 keeeek fuck that mong boomer trying to act like there should be decorum, their generation did away with all that shite but then they grab onto power like a crackhead and won't fuck off
>>458647 keeeek
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Cor, the new Education Secretary is attractive
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZnRIt8Fq054 reminder that eating boars is implicitly celtoid northern european behavior and there are several heroic poems about warriors fighting duels over who gets to eat the best piece of pig.
>gen xer >oh my god I wish we could just go back in time 20 years to when I could act like a nihilistic degenerate but at least it was okay when i did it, when zoomers do it its the end of society
>>458650 here's hoping the retarded marxist libshit she will no doubt be pushing creates even more chuddies of more extreme varieties >>458652 got to have some special suvvern frog boar salami when I went down there once, it was extremely delicious perhaps ecotards here could be convinced to reintroduce boars as they would also help the deagriculturalising agenda by rooting up all the fields
>>458650 Fat cunt
>>458653 tbh being increasingly annoyed with xoomer takes on telegram and yidtube acting like they weren't part of the problem
>>458654 >writing about himself in the third person
>>458659 keeeek it's brave lucas writing on joe's behalf
>read the words "fat cunt" >immediately start thinking about fat cunts incel hypercoomeristic leaning hitting hard today better play some more dying light poo as more surrogate job activity instead
>>458658 yeah they are awful they all have the TV main character syndrome as well and say shite like "we have to elect trump its like we are at helms deep and its the final stand of the republic' and other shit. but if some lad advocates for actual social reform like tax cuts for young married couples who have kids or something they call you a nazi
>David Lammy new UK foreign secretary
>in 2019 Corbyn got 10.26 million votes and lost the election >in 2024 Starmer got 9.6 million votes and won the election system is fucked up lads
>>458664 working as intended, goy
>>458667 >bunch of westoid names including prominent deranged libtards not confident about this one tbh put on hard boiled instead
>>458668 lets just get this one watched and move on to whatever else afterwards we are going to have to watch this at some point since it's a requirement
>>458669 why is it a requirement?
>>458670 as posters on chan sites it's necessary
>>458667 Suzume looks more interesting
>>458667 No it's not.
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JULY POONAK OUT STARMER IN is it gonna be lads?
>>458639 Cooper is one of the most vocal for even more political persecution. PA definitely getting the full NA trreatment now. Just like if the tories were given another 5 years.
>>458663 Well he is foreign so they got that part right
>>458671 Gemma Chan?
farage getting heckled by leftoids screaming that he "WANTS TO PRIVATISE AR EN AITCH ESS AN HES RACIST" at his conference earlier, he's in for a rude awakening when he gets the daft nick treatment from the elites tbh, seems obvious that the lefties are going with the en aitch ess an raycis shite as the line of attack combined with the sort of guerilla tactics we've seen before.
>>458680 any videos of this? one thing is for certain, Labour will do *nothing* to quell the excesses of Left Wing extremism in the next 5 years, in fact they will be fuelling it
>>458680 I'm coooooping that he'll out maneuver all of it because Starmer et al are much less competent than the Dark Lord.
>>458682 He will say something like he's representing arguably the third biggest party in the country
NEXT >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683 >>458683
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>>458680 You're making it sound a bit like Farage is still an unknown figure. I'd argue that he's achieved Bojo status and is so well known that it's hard to throw mud without sounding desperate. Now that he's in parliament people will just see him as another politician.
>>458642 Does she work for an NGO by any chance?
>>458611 Wristcutters: A Love Story 2006, great fillum
>>458447 That's a bit much to fit on a campaign poster.

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