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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #4003: Plan Trustin Edition Anonymous 11/13/2024 (Wed) 22:14:10 Id: 6dd109 No. 484457
Another lazy I'll do it edition with a fresh loot.
born anew into the nothingness
Hey Steinzog
>>484463 4 years of cope incoming. and they will all act as if it has never happened before.
>>484463 he said rest your sweet head cupcake men are at work
state of rightoids still getting duped from the hyped sold by those grifting, and making good money from the scam to this day.
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The adventures of carrot man continue.
>>484471 I like how all those examples are works of fiction.
>>484471 >watch the sound of music
>>484470 well, they've found their man to sell the army to young White lads again.
>>484474 >Zogbot record..check >Fundamentalist Christian Israel firster..check >Jerusalem Cross tat..check >Deus Vult tats..check Yeah, looks like Iran’s a go
>>484475 disgusting
>>484476 Truly a fucking abomination who should hide himself away from the sight of God and man
>>484475 Deserves a couple of these dropped on his head.
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/sS5TOsjnKyk *revs motor anytime spic tries to start talking*
>>484478 keeeeeeek i hope trump lets him stay around and just smell random people and do retarded gaffs
>>484475 yeah this is why I cba to care about votard shite
biden heel turn is kino
>>484486 F I miss him lads
>new episode of Shetland >ywn ken the feeling of stirring Tosh's backdoor porridge with your hard wooden spurtle
>>484488 More like Shitland
trump tariffs are going to BTFO of most dieseltards so much I feel bad for the lads. i wish I was richfag enough to run a cummins as a daily driver. I wish I could cummins swap a ford transit
>>484484 only retards or people making money from it give a shit about vooting.
Fresh keet live on his new book https://x.com/i/spaces/1BdxYERzZnoxX
Infowars was auctioned off today. behind closed doors no less. keeeek. what even is this?
>>484493 smh the globalist have won
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>this is the hot new thing with the video brainrot normies
>>484495 pajeets did it better.
>>484495 *runs her over in cummins*
>ywn be as good of a dancer as rodrigo smdh
>>484468 keeeeeeeeeeeek very good lad >>484501 norn iron is safe from the globalist zogpiggies for another day
>>484475 completely unsurprising.
>>484500 good lad
Pettifogging milksop and lickspittle in action a national and international embarrassment
>>484468 PEETUH, tha rape carrot is heah! Holy shit Louise it's the rape carrot!
Apparently Drumpfenstein is going to send bounty hunters after the trannies if they use the woman's toilet or do public drag shows to liquidate them with high calibre handguns. based tbh
They should re-build the third temple. I'm up for the apocalyptic bants tbh.
>>484498 this is milky tbh
>>484512 morn lad.
>>484513 hullo la
Morning lads
Then all of a sudden….small moustache man
>>484516 All I'll say on this is being on a chan I've seen some footage when it comes to sexual degeneracy but all the same I don't think any anon thinks it would ever be socially acceptable beyond the boundries of online anonymity to even remotely touch on.
>New Zealand parliament debates a bill that to make all ‘New Zealanders’ equal >Māoris….IT’S HAKA TIEM! >speaker suppressing a counter-racism following declaration of war on wypipo
>>484515 morbing lad >>484516 smh why are lasses such unrepentant coomers?
By the look of her, she's built for being put in a pen and bred. She'd probs love nothing less.
>>484519 keek, it's such a farce trying to get savages to participate in civilisation, they literally just get up and start flinging poo around and pouring tea over their heads
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>>484523 >>484522 insufferable gibberish
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>unironic trumptards and muskmongs actually exist
>>484522 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek at that film and that accurate description tbh smh
>>484526 Want to see Democrats do a haka tbh
Where’s steiner? Practising his dancing?
>>484529 absolutely brainlet take trying to say rare earth elements have any impact on energy security at all tbh as if the technologies that they're used in aren't still getting their leccy from fossil fuels can very easily believe that the war is all about expensive dirt thoughever also very tired of seeing that cringe phrase "illegal war" yet again as if there has ever been a legal war
>>484532 Exactly the war is about many things not just one thing they’re also mainly fought to stimulate economies and have other side benefits like genociding a few undesirables for occupying valuable land or just because they are not needed whether deserved or not
>>484532 I just find it patently rediculious that we've stopped using russian oil or gas in any meaningful measure. I've always thougth the whole green inititive was about strategic resources and geo-politics.However I'm still not convinced we could develop renewables that could actually provide the necessary output that Europe would need. More than anything it might just be a scramble for the reasources nations will need for advanced semi conductors for the new AI boom everyone seems to be predicting.
>>484534 wonder what her farts smell like tbh
>>484536 >high degree of confidence >trust us goy
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/OWYSpQnUHT0 Toil done and over until Saturday
>>484540 Only used to this kind of fake hysteria from women tbh
Traitors. Everywhere
Designed a new windmill lads. Easy to make and we can have mega farms of them all over England them and their fuel are 100% biodegradable. What do you think?
Want Dorset, BBK back
Welcome to your homeless pod! https://nitter.poast.org/ActivePatriotUK/status/1857005812100534314 Would happily turn these into prisons for the greedy elites tbh then would see how well they float in the Gulf of Aden
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*grooms you
Outright told some self identifying lezzers today that lezzers don't exist because they all want a cock at some point/now and then and they agreed keeeeeek. >>484470 >>484475 Psychotic wew. >>484516 >>484517 >>484520 Tbh. >>484551 *murders you to death in self defence for breaking the NAP by being a pale pajeet subhuman*
>>484553 White people really are the most comparitively benevolent people on earth. Smh feel a bit sorry for the exceptions in east asia that have more empathy.
>>484553 chines for sure are basically a race of sociopaths. Japanese are probably the ones closer to the 50% mark because of interbreeding with the Yaomen(?) race which were proto h'wites. yes that is my weeb cope. not sure about the other parts but wouldn't surprise me if places like Korea and de nam were also soulless bug men.
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can't believe he got the invite proud of you lad
>>484556 based if true
>>484556 he should question wews on why he still doesn't have a trad gf
wews did say he was thinking of making this millenniyule about himself
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incredible line up this year
>>484560 woes would enjoy his ministrations smh
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>>484560 Keeeek
Based buttock sitters
Based. He just got Nigerian citizenship! Why is he waving a British flag though?
>Law society gazette full of strike off notices relating to bame lawyers and then gems like this Lawyers covering for each other
>>484566 The oldest fucking monoploy in this country are the institutional law firms.
>>484568 Look if he can't life his own body weight on one arm he's objectively a fat orangutan.
>>484564 Cocky cunts, Muslim fucking lawyers generally filth making money off immigrant criminal representation.
Hmmmm >Did Dutch Jews start the Great Fire of London? https://karlradl14.substack.com/p/did-dutch-jews-start-the-great-fire > The idea that 'it just happened' is quite frankly absurd for much the same reason as stating that we shouldn't seek to theorize who Jack the Ripper was
>>484526 america is this horrific fusion of based and cringe at the same time. I hate this shithole >>484553 99999.99 percent better than shitskins in everyway.
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>dude im heckin superior to asian people because of le victorian era angus mcbride pic/ german idealism philosophy >meanwhile our countries are completely conquered by 'jeets and other types of shitskins who are like 10000000 times more gay and shit than asian people
>my sonnenrad tramp stamp makes me sigma
>>484575 very good lad
Hey steiner!
keeeeeeeeek i knew that image would get him
where's wessie?
>>484582 he's in a better place now
>>484575 thanks, lad. needed this.
>>484585 Can't say I've ever wanted to see Boy George play Lara Croft tbh.
A toast to another online hate crime.
>>484587 good lad
>>484588 tbh. good lass.
>>484592 Based glowniggers for a change.
>>484592 >he's done 'em Suppose I'll be ceasing up the ra posts indefinitely now
>>484593 MI5 are really sending out texts? surely not
>>484590 Nice democracy you got there, buddy.
>>484579 self important maybe.
>>484576 get off the racial grading system lad. They'll all treat you the same if you're subjegated.
>>484595 why would this surprise you at this stage? >>484588 Solomon was an Assyrian as well. Their entire history is fucking fake, they're literally a sub-dimensional parasitic infection transmigrating from ethnic corpse to corpse. >>484585 at least it isn't Waller-Bridges herself
Can Kang Zion Don pardon Alegs and make frogs not gay again?
>>484602 god damned right it does.
>>484601 keeek. chinaman trying to diffuse the situation but the old lass is winding stone island up.
>>484605 jews race replacement shite BTFO
I still hate all mexicans and spanish speakers on principle just out of ancestral respect for my transplanted english forefathers that used to scalp shipwrecked spanish sailors that washed up on shore in boston colony
they already have like an entire continent south of the rio grande. fuck off from gringoland and let us do our own thing
>>484608 tbh they don't belong in our colonies
>>484608 Would laugh if the Mexicans cartel style them
>>484605 >I'm hald mexican okay what is your other half? and why don't you identify with that?
>>484611 Also this tbh >no dolphin toothed grin gingga gf
>>484611 her name is probably something like emilia johnson and she is just doing basic white woman shite like OMG im .003 percent african wow feels so good to be ethnic in this african dreads
>>484609 tbh latinos can also get fucked they all make a thing out of fucking over gringos who visit yet they expect the handouts and redcarpet when they have a perfectly good continent to live in
Identity as an american export is now treated like a trend or thin veneer of what a person actually is without any deeper understanding, because uiltimately like most in the west it's dictated by the shite you consume like sports ball and music and sharing the superficials of a fucking language over the edifices.
I'm watching yellow stone right now and taylor johnsons prepencity for poor noble savage shite can really be insufferable. Like for fuck sake they hunted horses to extinction on that fucking continent and we literally reintroduced them.
>>484613 Ana Sala or something I think. She’s a Tik Thot
>>484616 I'm sorry lad I shouldn't get on my high horse when a brighton university prof came up with the cheddar man construct.
>>484620 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>484618 >She’s a Tik Thot Explains alot even her clearly high European ancestory.
>>484617 yeah modern liberals/progs can only make trash cultural artifacts. every single 'western' since the 1950s has always been pure shite full of retarded shoe in niggers and dumb ass "spiritual" chug shite. when most of the plains chugs were the flea bitten hasbeen remnants of their respective races. their society in north america had already declined even before us westoids showed up. they had a massive collapse around the 1200s and their centralized states in north america dissipated and really only the cherokee (most likely mixed with proto contact welsh colonists/bronze age doggerlander whitoids) and great lakes chugs had any semblance of a civilization. living in a stone age skin hut and riding stolen spanish horses without even stirupps is not really impressive. and the hollywood kikes act like american cavalrymen and european cavalrymen weren't 10x more skilled. ulysses grant was a master horseman and rode a horse up a gangplank underfire from rebels at full speed.
>>484620 he wants them to live around gringos but when gringos come to beanerland its like its a crime
>>484618 keeek thats even worse thats like some suburban muttoid upper middle class slag name. probably descended from spanish slave owners
>>484623 wasn't there an entire utah cannibal tribe of indians that gets forgetton about? I really need to look that shit up but what I remember is that they literally collapsed by eating every other human population around them and couldn't deal with living in a desert. So much for living off the land I guess.
>Israelis in France draped in Israeli flags are ‘we the jews of France’ >Arab and Nafri France fans are ‘Middle East migrants’ t. fratboy summer jew
>>484627 No such thing as a double eligence their all just alliegned with their own.
>>484626 yeah I think they ate whitoids but then the mormons killed them or something
is this it?
>>484627 you only have to see how they behaved towards Spain recently for how they are when a country doesn't completely bend over. Mask off moment, many such cases recently with them.
France, US, UK. They will wave these flags no problem.
>>484631 All I remmeber was that one of the first finds and last diposited artifacts on the site before it was abandoned was a shit that consisted of almost entirely human protein before the area was abandoned. As if to tip off future explorers to the nature of the civilization they were rediscovering.
>>484633 They’ve attacked every country that doesn’t kowtow to them and have small jewish populations with renewed vigour now they think Trump will back them to the hilt
>>484633 They're basically alien in their thinking full stop, you can see it in how they revel in a defeated foe. No idea of an honoured enemy that conducted himself with valour and grace right up till the end. Just abject sadism and repugnent glee in others suffering.
>this jeet larping as a Brit jeets truly try and claim to be descendants of Britons when here unlike nogs who at least Kang from Africa
>>484637 Reminds me of The Apprentice film about Donald Trump and the relationship with his mentor Roy Cohn. It's this exact mindset he instilled in him. win at all costs, regardless. Morality is just a construct.
>>484638 It's just rage bait, they take the fundamental disconnect of not having a direct shared experience as a way of turning one half on the other. I doubt a majority of my own family would support a prosecution, as left leaning as they are, against this lad if they knew the context.
>>484638 keeeek is that Tommeh's mate or another one?
>>484638 yeah its really disturbing how jeets self insert as british and will lecture americans about the happenings of what is going on in the UK as if most white americans aren't at least part british diaspora
>>484639 Ah the concept of power structures and the need to manipulate them as an absolute. Very jewish and post modern in origin.
>>484642 Founder effect lad. You will always have a better claim to being anglo diaspora that any fucking coolie.
>>484641 Tommeh’s bff
>>484644 its just annoying how they act like they have the inside scoop on what is going on in great shitain when most white lasses in shartica worship the royal family and watch outlander and british TV drama shite "because of the accents" and then jeets act like we are just some random fauna that also speaks english.
>>484645 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>484639 This was a good rant on Trump and his dads links with jews tbh just a bit long but goes through that gay Cohn and Trump families links with jewish gangsters, casinos, bailouts and money laundering https://odysee.com/@Blackpilled:b/trumpandjews:c
>>484647 Then ignore them. Like I said previously they graze on the most superfical extensions of identity that we as Europeans collectively formed in the last 200 years. Just tell them they're all immigrants that have no stake here beyond 80 years and collectively in the empire (which remind them was an anglo empire that used them ) for the last 150. Like we shipped them round as coolies and shop keeper because we didn't trust africans to run anything beyond a tribal slave trade and then we outlawed that.
Did de lads already watch it for film night?
>>484651 If it was AI generated by an account on twitter it would be called an antisemetic attack.
>>484647 I have unironically and unfortunately had to have dealings with brownoids in other countries, ones with British passports who 200% fail to recognise me as English and have said shit to me like “Your British is very good saaar! I can confirm and redeem Saar because I am a British from. Britain actually from Wembley saar!” Maybe without the saar iykwim but definitely with the rapey jeet accents
>>484654 Sounds like your fault for being part of that cosmoplitan elite lad
right night lads.
>However UKraine IS a nation and so is Gayflag. EDUCATE YOURSELF! t. himbher/his/who republican faggot
>>484645 they get literally spooked by spooks, understandable tbh >>484659 the low-bouge and cognitively/racially merchant should be liquidated >>484660 so should these cunts tbh
>>484659 keeeeeeeek republicucks just can't help being dysgenic benders
>>484660 that lad who said chuds should start arming chugs against the jeet menace was right
>Maguirestein >Hiding behind Irish surnames with your slightly straightened jewfro Doesn’t work, will never work shapeshifter
>>484663 This would be a good video to show them tbh whilst handing over some tomahawks
>jeeted Got to be the most polluted chosen race on earth tbh no wonder they want the same for everyone else they’re perpetually seething
>>484666 wew. what a catch.
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god damn the boomers forever for literally sleepwalking western civ into this nightmare
>>484670 They still have time to exit their care homes and hang all the politicians and civil servants and business ‘leaders’ I mean there’s loads of them isn’t there so odds in their favour are overwhelming
>>484672 and why would they do that lad? they just need to stall for time for a bit longer and they'll be able to shuffle off without facing any consequences at all
>>484666 Sex strike from women, pretty irreliventr tho?
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>>484675 >women continue to sexually terrorise low status men while still fucking chads since they have the impulse control of a nigger. no changes
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Hola senior Steiner!
>man who killed boxing as a sport returns to fight man raping its corpse
In my new utopian project all users will be shot and rolled into ditches.
sorry tiktok users
>>484680 no shame in casting a wide net lad better safe than sorry
Thots btfo.
BREAKING: Joe Biden has died
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>>484685 big if true >>484686 far too many wogs in that room
>>484674 I was being ironic lad
>>484675 >>484676 They can ‘terrorize’ away tbh. Have no use for them and ‘le sex’. They only have power if you give it to them
>>484682 Keeeek Where does he get all these costumes
SMH you can tell these victorians were just 19th century reddit fags soyjaking over a phongraph
Based ni993r
Might turn up to the next PA event dressed like this.
Keeeeeeeeeeek HnH prick book launch event got cancelled https://nitter.poast.org/JoeMulhall_/status/1857430698350543243
Elon is going to obliterate Keir Niggers head with an ion cannon
Keeeeeek but smh all these furriners
>>484695 Tl;dw >Nigerian culture is inferior, even they think so >Nigeria is shit >they probably wouldn't be able to stay without benefits >they are uncaring to natives and want them arrested for disrespect (while disrespecting us by being here) >even the ones with degrees aren't productive Nice seethbait.
>>484693 posh wankers.
>>484704 Fuck it let the kikes usher in the end of the planet. If they fail it'll be open season on them till the end of time.
>>484705 Tbh look at this cute symbol of hope in west Russia.
fucking state of this gubbermint
>>484698 >Billy Bragg >James O'Brien Oh well tough fucking shit, clearly nothing of value has been lost.
Fresh lootnig.
>tear down horrid old local theatre for regeneration >build basically the exact same ugly thing again but with a few extra rooms and less parking >doubles up as a cinema >basically all the kino films are restricted to members aged 65+ and those accompanying them, also half the price of normal tickets for said members what the fuck is wrong with this generation
can't stop thinking how good a handjob of this lass would be, lads.
>>484709 >Chow Lee Ben Lee Ass Tow This post is @Gookposter
>>484711 Two tugs and your cock and balls would be ripped forever off your body
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>>484711 Would >>484712 Nope
>>484534 My dream girl
>>484711 Wouldn't even, tbphwy.
>>484716 Crazy eyes
Interesting to see who overtly backs HnH spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) tbh
>>484718 Very common nowadays Looks like this east euro gay was a bit jealous of his bfs not wonky eyes
Me to the white race.
Epstein nonce is sweating again
>>484723 Bicycle stick fucking far right.png
>>484725 Tbh Can never blame themselves
>>484728 Two state solution has been dead for a while. Certainly could never be achieved with Netanyahu in power.
AI Israeli bot account promising civil war on the streets of Europe. They’re always shilling for this. No leader in Europe to stand up to their not so veiled threats is there
>>484729 Only if someone in Israel takes him out and even then not hopeful. They need a 24/7 enemy or shekels stop rolling in peace isn’t and never has been on the agenda with this lot tbh
>Fester Dame of the British Empire calling for genocide on Israeli bot account >no dual loyalty Should be thrown head first through the walls of the House of Lords tbh
Proof jeets love playing in poo he couldn’t get any further up their arses if he was kicked up there by an elephant. Interestingly enough the backers that invested in his first business were Israelis another stunning 2+2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPmieeuW0Ls
If pandarin ter minorritys is a fing, why doant Laber panda ter ‘omeland an’ PA? Two tear queer tha’s why! t. Big Baz
Oi /brit/! Do poosting!
will hoomeland and PA settle their differences
>>484739 It’s time to get around the shegotiating table
Mortal Kombat later
>>484742 hope the old nigger wins
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>>484555 >Japanese are probably the ones closer to the 50% mark because of interbreeding with the Yaomen(?) race which were proto h'wites. yes that is my weeb cope. the indigenous Japanese are the Ainu, and they interbred with the Yayoi (Korean) invaders. the result is the modern Yamato race, a Yayoi/Ainu hybrid. the Japanese phenotype varies from Jomon, who have more Ainu blood, to Yayoi, who have less >>484614 they care about their own ethnic group but then white people do the same and they get mad. typical >>484711 I don't like Polynesians
>It’s important for people to realise that the NHS has a legal duty to provide the appropriate health care for people while their asylum claims are being processed Fucking wew i hate these people so fucking much i am going insane https://www.trafford.gov.uk/residents/news/articles/2024/20241114-Statement-from-Tom-Ross-Leader-of-Trafford-Council.aspx
>>484739 Refoorm will save us once are Rupert kicks out Nigger Elf and the paki
Spare some films, mi'lords?
Then all of a sudden Hitler Weimar must have been worse than now tbh https://www.wikiart.org/en/otto-dix/metropolis
>>484748 i think bins succumbed to aids
>>484749 the losing abos should have done the haka
>>484751 >low-info schizos Really bad take. Keith has always been terrible on conspiracy, especially on vaccines. Ironically he's the low info punter in this situation. If you're having kneejerk tinfoil hat memi reactions to this stuff now in 2024, you're not a serious person. RFK was wrong about the Ashkenazi/Chinese thing, (it was the Ashkenazi and Amish that had like 1% of their population (or something) who had a low-susceptibility to covid due to some low expression regarding ACE2 receptors). The more important take was that it seemed like it had been engineered to get maximal cover over Caucasian and Gook nations for the rollout of programmes. RFK has been fairly successful at fucking up government and suing companies, to be fair to him, but he says psyop-tier stuff occasionally. Whereas Keek still shills the RNA vaccines still unironically other agenda 2030 stuff like rewilding. This might be the reason he was let back on to Twitter first out of all the anti-semite nationalists who were banned and them pushed heavily, because he's a deep plant of sorts, and he's fairly polite/presentable.
I cannot trust any of these people whatsoever, twitter is a fucking sewer of retards, grifters, and shills.
>>484751 >A virus spawned in a Wuhan lab with the help of Charles Lieber and other prominent Jewish minds just happens to overwhelmingly target non-Ashkenazi and non-Chinese individuals That 1/64th kike admixture explains why I literally never got shanghai shivers and with no science needle. Wew smh.
>you're anti-white and anti-civilisation if you think the public space-science psyop organisation faked something >you're anti-white and anti-civilisation if you think there are issues with pharmaceutical science and medicine who reads these cognitive peasants?
coronavirus is not real the mRNA vaccines are depopulation bioweapons Apollo missions are fake, man has never walked the moon
so sick of all these gen xoids patting themselves on the back for VOOOTING like we are in some shitty movie with superheroes. so many people have absolutely no idea how deeply in crisis the west is right now and how baked in all these changes are. some tariff shite isn't gonna magically bring back the factories we have like 4th gen shitskins in shartica now our military is full of them, our police and legal system is full of them.
>>484759 shut the fuck up
>>484749 do abbos roll up on opps with boomerangs?
>>484742 nigger versus jew, I vote nigger. but also I don't care
>>484726 why do they wrap their arms up like they are some kind of BDSM warlock?
>>484755 tbh >>484760 shut your mouth libtard. dumpf is gonna fix everything
>>484761 if you disagree with any of that then you are wrong >>484763 allegedly the nigger is invincible, the strongest punchers can punch him in the face repeatedly and it doesn't phase him because his 50 IQ chimp brain has already been pulverized to mush. so he just lets you punch him in the face until you get tired, then beats you up
nvm I'm thinking of that other nigger Mayweather >>484767 Creed sucks, listen to something good maybe...
Japanese girls doing fighting game damage/defeat poses https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECv0gtQbytE
>>484770 delete that before steiner sees it
>>484771 a little bit of the good stuff never hurt anybody
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why did our race become so retarded
>>484774 the 'Greatest Generation' 'Allies' fought for Jewish world domination and white genocide. they killed based Germans, went home, had kids, and taught them that nationalism is bad. this generation became the Baby Boomers, who worship Jews and were seduced by liberalism. they were promised unlimited pussy back in the 1960's, that was the carrot on the stick basically we had two consecutive cursed generations and that was so damaging we might never recover from it. if boomers were like, 'fuck you Dad, Hitler was awesome, they're talking about desegregating niggers now and it's all your fault you filthy Jew-lover', then none of this would have happened. Boomers were trash, just like their parents in Germany, where the Greatest Generation truly was the greatest generation, the best of them were basically all killed off. so they only had one 'bad generation', the boomers, who were raised on Denazification propaganda and became essentially the same as boomers in allied countries as a result
>>484775 tbh but also fuck jerries
for me its the jameson raid
>>484776 >fuck jerries why? I don't see any good reason for this, it seems performative
boomers and gen x, how did they fall for this shite for so long, even as a boy before the internet was in common use I still hated niggers
>>484779 I remember being a kid in elementary school, seeing a nigger for the first time. I could tell he was dumb as shit, he was using the school pizza as a spoon to shovel a puddle of ketchup into his mouth. couldn't make sense of it at the time but I definitely felt a sense of 'wtf this thing does not belong here with us'. didn't get that for the couple Asians since at least their skin is relatively fair and they are civilized enough
>>484773 niggersluts are pathetic
>>484776 that's spic lad
>>484783 good lad
blud thought he cooked 💀
mummy gretchen will also probably ban self defense with guns and then also use the michigan guard to block trumpf from hurting the innocent defenseless spics
>>484787 choon that
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>go out for friend's birthday drinks >gay couple she invited immediately start talking about fisting and prolapses
>>484792 Not on tbh, that's a bit rude. Not to mention totally foul. You should have said that you'd prolapse their faces with your fist if they didn't shut up.
>>484792 >we are gooks, wogs, muslims, rentboy jews (and we're gay) >we've gassed many many more of jews than you (and we're gay)
Did Tyson lose yet?
no idea
It will be like this probably https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTOHnBDyhTg
mike tyson is probably getting zesty with p diddle
>>484798 gay nigger sex is on your mind more than even p diddy's. I know it's the yank coming out, but have a word with yourself.
can already tell this will be a gooning day. miss my willpower
>>484802 STOP not having willpower
>>484804 >choco mint zest >steiner gets erect lmao
>>484773 >>484782 Tbh. Spitting facts but then oh no he used the magic bad nono word. *cries into fried chicken*
enjoyed a quite nice dunkel
despairing again about how we used to be a real country with actual industry computers and vehicles and more but no longer
>>484773 >Avi jewish name >Rachlin jewish name >uses nigger word in hearing >refuses to back down >says he is a grouper and follower of Nick the Spic >has his own page on https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Avi_Alexander_Rachlin A big think
>Rev Dr. Kang Emperor These ni993rs and their titles
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Why even have a justice system at this point lads
>>484811 >Why even have a justice system at this point lads to administer anarcho-tyranny tbh
>>484811 >justice system burgers?
>>484814 fedussy is everywhere lads, and it's got me scared tbh. My best mate might encourage me to do a terrorism.
>>484813 burgers are the best tbh
>>484814 keeeeeeeeeek he's such a mentaller
>>484808 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Braaap >Bradley Smith (born 1 July 1987) is an Australian entrepreneur and former motocross rider, who founded the motocross brand “Braaap” >The first Braaap store opened in Launceston in 2005 with additional Tasmanian stores in Hobart and Devonport. Another store of his opened in Frankston, Victoria.[5] >Braaap motorcycles were manufactured in China. The motorcycles were assembled locally in Braaap stores.[6]
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WHAT FILM TONIGHT LADS??? >reply to this post with suggestions
>>484820 What about @THIS? Megalopolis (2023)
>>484820 or @THIS? Saturday Night Live (2024)
How about we didn’t want or need any of them Dave? https://nitter.poast.org/lucaajwatson/status/1857493152145273332
https://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/24726881.oxford-trainee-teacher-shared-baby-rape-clips-walks-free/ >An Oxford trainee teacher who shared over 1,000 videos of newborn babies being raped has walked free. >This was because the judge said he was not a direct danger to the public after Chouffot admitted 14 counts of making, possessing and distributing child abuse images. >Chouffot was made subject to a Sexual Harm Prevention Order while he must also now do 30 rehab sessions as well as 180 hours of unpaid work. >In addition, the 26-year-old must also sign the sex offenders register for ten years. holy fucking wew just end this country for fuck's sake
went on a day out with the boomers and there was a hideous aged balding troon in a shop and granny was so shortsighted she called it >her and "young lady" and it had a visible and audible euphoric reaction and I nearly vomited >>484751 >Why does Netanyahu had a covid syringe mounted on his desk like a trophy? wew >>484820 last of that vampire slop then burtonslop (mars attacks etc)
>>484825 >last of that vampire slop then burtonslop (mars attacks etc) how far did we get with the Underworld series?
>>484826 just the last one to go, we stopped at Rise of the Lycans
>>484825 Have you not forewarned your nan of the dangers of these types with tales of Chris chan. 10ft distance at all times and never look them in the eye!
>>484824 judge is probably a nonce as well
>>484828 they don't have the capacity to remember anything long-term other than "orange man bad", "multiculturalism good and works" and "the climate change apocalypse is just ten years away" smh
presumably because that's all that is on TV all day
>>484820 >>484825 > >last of that vampire slop then burtonslop (mars attacks etc) @This
spicnigger btfo
>>484834 imagine how much better the internet could be if one could simply auto-rangeban and hide all IPs coming from brown countries
>>484822 Snl was a kikefest
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>>484838 Good to know there's a name for this feel.
>>484836 My firewall is set up like that tbh but you’re right turd worlders should be cut off on a global level giving it to them was a mistake
*soygasms* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCjNT9qGjh4
>>484840 I mean as in hiding eg the slop comments and uploads on sites like youtube etc total brownoid disassociation
>>484842 Yeah that would be great but…and now they have ai at their finger tips as well smh
>senpaku Great. Another psycho with form released onto the streets yet ‘cultural nationalists’ are the greatest threat to Britain
>>484827 what about the animated films?
>>484846 might as well keek that fucked leg
>>484844 I don't get it either.
any advice of booklice lads? they've infested my bookshelf
i don't want to go to prison for nazi book burning smdh
>>484847 I'll stick the last live action one on tonight I think
>>484818 guy looks like a dyke who cares what he thinks >>484838 I have a modicum of nostalgia for this period, mainly the music though, but I think I'm too autistic (or possibly sociopathic) to care. Millennial\Xillennials are too nostalgic for this era and it makes me cringe. What did you do you wee poof? Play shit games on newgrounds? Download nonce anipoo and lolicore breaks from DorkWire? Well done, I guess. Cry harder? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L69IotsrkiI
Gentlemen, it is my pleasure to announce I have finalised production of an astoundingly foetid bowl-filling bowel movement. At least an "Indian" on the manurological scale. Another fine days' travails concluded.
>>484857 congratulations lad
fresh blased ethot >blackrock is mass-buying national infrastructure or something too now comically dystopic times https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyPL-Khbtus
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/11/15/revealed-tory-plan-to-help-trump-block-chagos-handover/ >finally rid of a useless overseas territory >Drumpf and le Tories scheming to prevent it happening
>>484861 which one had the transplant?
>>484693 rather kino but could have done with much less bloat by the uploader
>>484861 This looks AI generated. It also looks like his transplant is getting worse, but still a whole load better than the melted atrocity he used to be. He had a double hand transplant as well.
>>484704 is this real though? >>484865 Spic is a fucking incel caricature who should get his face melted off in order to know true suffering. Because he has no idea. Maybe then he'd shut the fuck up and have a little bit humility.
omg I'm one inch under average height my life is over
>Being held hostage by gays and degenerates and little hats and bames and jeets https://www.pimlicojournal.co.uk/p/the-tory-lavender-mafia
>>484865 I think there should be arranged marriage at 16- you can keep coeducational primary schools, but separate secondary schools by sex. girls' 2-year secondary school would teach motherhood and domestic labor (cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc.) as primary subjects instead of math/science (which women don't need beyond primary school level, other than female reproductive health/biology, which would be part of motherhood class). then once graduated they would get married to a man of her father's choosing. post-secondary education strictly forbidden for women while what Afghanistan/Iraq have is arguably 'too far', it is far better than the present situation in the west. whine about emotionally-charged bullshit all you want, at least their survival is accounted for- the most basic of needs, which we are (((denied)))... >>484866 >>484867 I don't get it, why are you upset? and what do you mean humility? >don't get surgery to fix being short, just remain short and pretend to like it but it could be worth it to get the surgery so I don't see your argument. 'it might not be worth it'? yeah, obviously that's what you put on the other side of the scale when you're calculating an important life decision
Based jeet
why do niggers think that "civil rights" means they get to sit in judgement of other races as if anyone ever cared what a nigger thought about anything
Keeeeeeeeeek tbh but I don’t understand what she’s rabbiting on about tbh https://xcancel.com/Kaizerrev/status/1857363069917135137
>>484872 why is Keith defending vaccines though? that's retarded
>>484870 Your mediocre personality holds you back more than your height, and your over-focus on your purported biological inferiorities amplifies the deficit. You need to truly suffer in order to realise that you have the gift of life that cannot be sociopathically and disingenuously gamed in order to get mid women to like you. >>484872 A pair of cringe faggots arguing. Keek is a total fucking spastic. Still a funny comeback though.
>Arrested at home in front of his kids because he filmed a busker that assaulted him Fucking useless police
>>484876 >Your mediocre personality holds you back more than your height brainrot foidslop >You need to truly suffer in order to realise that you have the gift of life that cannot be sociopathically and disingenuously gamed in order to get mid women to like you. word salad
But misster Anon if I can take the surgery, I can trick the weemin. Shut up, they're going to leave you anyway because you're an insufferable person.
>>484879 >But misster Anon if I can take the surgery, I can trick the weemin. it's not tricking, it makes you taller, thus fixing the problem of her taking a split second glance at you and thinking, "he'd be cute, if he weren't too short". you're never going to be perceived as a high status male unless you are at least average height
>>484878 Bro you're an incel with no redeeming features, of course you're going to create and believe copes about being 3 inches saving your life rather than the fact you're an insufferable and unlikeable dork. It doesn't work like that. Most women cannot tell the difference between 5'10" and 6'.
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>spicnigger continuing with effortposting his bizarre retardation
>>484880 t. johnny cope
>>484881 >the fact you're an insufferable and unlikeable dork that's not true though because when I do leave the house, women show interest in me. so it would follow logically that if I improve myself that that would increase
then that*
>when I do leave the house aka: never
>>484886 yeah that's the point, it's rare and even so it still happens. it's not like I leave the house every day and then 1% of the time there's a receptive foid, it's like I rarely leave the house and sometimes when I do there is one so the percentage is much higher than 1% that's my point.
>>484884 >I just need to be a little bit taller so they will talk to me a bit more, despite them already talking to me rather than >oh they're talking to me, I should take an interest in talking back to them and have fun pls staaahp ur mental
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>tfw you remember spic mistaking a girl sitting down in his vicinity as a come on >tfw you remember spic mistaking a girl not washing her hair for a sign of mad infatuation with him >tfw you remember that spic's "ideal white woman" is a literal blacked.com pornstar who got c-list famous for fucking England sportsball ngubus >tfw he tried to wriggle out of that last one by retconning her to another page 3 slag with black football boyfriends
>>484877 Boomer cop thot and brainlet state thug tbh. Need booting off the white cliffs as welll tbh
>>484889 >tfw you remember spic mistaking a girl sitting down in his vicinity as a come on I was sitting in an appointment waiting room and almost all of the chairs are empty and this gook girl enters the room and sits down right next to me. how can you explain this scenario other than that her thought process was something like <oooh rook at that yummy cumskin boy, rets sit next to him maybe he ret me do sucky sucky rong time >tfw you remember spic mistaking a girl not washing her hair for a sign of mad infatuation with him we were nonverbally flirting for months (she was Latina and did not speak English). one day she had greasy hair and rescheduled her lunch because she was so mortified by me seeing it. if I could go back in time I would have given her a flower the next time I saw her >the last two >'s you're the one retconning the situation. I posted an ENGLISH girl with large breasts and YOU have been insisting that she is a coalburner, which as far as I am aware there is not even any evidence for. you are mentally ill. plus you posted some other whore that I have never even heard of and you are trying to rewrite history by saying that it's that other whore instead of the one I posted
>his response is yet more deranged wordsalad >I posted an ENGLISH girl yeah and I described exactly which ones you smoothbrained mong
>leg lengthening >not shoe lengthening
Spic is the main reason we have filters.
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>>484895 this is the thot in question- Beth Lily / Bethany Lily April. I posted something like this and said something like, 'this girl is attractive', which is obviously true. the watermark in the side is 'Pinup Files' which as I understand is a softcore modeling thing, not pornography you have been falsely claiming that it was some other whore, that isn't even attractive. and also mischaracterizing the situation
>spicnigger now deepdiving various online pornography wikis only to discover that his beloved whores are indeed whores and that he's still going to have to lie to himself and spam wordsalad
>swarthoid lusts after blond woman typical and filtered
He’s getting deported to Africa
>>484900 I'm not deepdiving anything, I'm making posts in between loading Civ saves. last time this subject came up, I tried to find the thot on Boobpedia to confirm that she has only done softcore, but it doesn't seem that she has an article. just double checked and yeah can't find >>484901 blondes are attractive but I'm not crazy about them like you're suggesting. if I have 'a thing' at all, it's for women that are LESS white than me... like I want to dominate brown women and tease them about how badly they want to be racially upgraded by my Aryan sperm. that's more exciting than 'oh whoop dee fucking doo time to settle down with some Stacy and be responsible and have a family and all that'... like eventually I'll have to do that but it's not hedonistically appealing white women are for giving birth, brown women are for having sex. that's my new mantra
>>484902 Sleeeeeek spic posting from Rwanda might finally have interesting things to say. >Ulgoonda wiggled her bum at me today, but Mabepis is 3 inches taller so I've no chance. The cannibalism has started, but the locals are very accepting of mestizo culture so it hasn't created any friction. The witch doctor has promised he'll break my shins for $500.
HE JUST NEVER KNOWS WHEN TO STOP jfc lad learn to cut your losses and move on
>>484906 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>484906 >The witch doctor has promised he'll break my shins for $500 lmao
>not cleaving his skull in two
>>484905 Steiner is more into zesty muscular black men in chaps bearing a wet lisp from sucking too much dick, so I wouldn't pay attention, he's just overcompensating because he lusts over bbc.
>racially upgraded to a half-Moortuguese manlet and half-semitised bucktooth pirate spakker
>>484912 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek I think tbbk has some photos of said black men
forgot that spic thinks he's huwhite tbh mind boggling
>won’t say it >didn’t leak it cuck and grift
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>>484918 Farage gets the rope
>>484890 >Scots holy shit.
>>484924 Ikr. Fuck these people this all comes from RICU >Call the new browns Scottish/Welsh/English double down on it anyone who dissents we will call a cultural nationalist and put on a watch list
>>484920 god please give all huwhite women migraines that last for a hundred years
Too many words Just boot them all https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqG6lFdudR0
Should call new Scots 'haggis' so the nigger is implied.
>>484928 tbh just march them into the sea at bayonet-point
okay this is epic >Some terrorist killed himself in 2 bomb attacks against the Brazilian Supreme Court, but hours before doing this, posted this of himself on TikTok 😭😭 https://nitter.poast.org/real_lord_miles/status/1857424443846299889#m
>he blew himself up >dressed as the joker >nobody knows his motivations >he appeared to be a centrist radical extremist centrism has arrived keek
alternatively >He was obviously far-right oriented, as most of southerners (especially old people from Santa Catarina) are. He had brazilian flags all over his social media pictures. Currently, supreme court is alledgedly taking biased actions against right oriented people and parties. retard commenter though so may not be accurate
ROCK AGAINST RACISM! Apparently Yusoff is a name huge in Malaysia
>>484930 Haggers
>>484936 >first one >manxlad
oof Nigger Elf is done https://nitter.poast.org/simon__roberts/status/1857948067703468355 >muh based muslims 34 mins in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8nhUR46ZqE
Honestly I would turn him into a dinghy wog and point him in the direction of France. You can never get the French surrender monkey gene out of him
>>484937 weird outer party cringe
Inhuman geology is ironically arguably more human than normal geology.
>>484943 The jews have completely destroyed western academics and philosophy
has god emperor trump saved the vvest yet?
>>484940 Xpcarlyle is based and correct, boomers all have this yellow streak in them like they just woke up from a drug organization and are like yeah well I know all the money is gone and the house is full of niggers and the roof is falling in what do you want me to do
>>484946 There is only ONE solution and it will come to pass. It has to
where are all the niggers and shitskins paying omage to the white men who died so that shitskins could have rights? oh thats right they don't give a fuck about western civilization
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>>484940 Farage: we mustn't alienate Islam Islam: KILL THE INFIDEL!!!
the midwest used to be so mf based
completely insane to see these types of demographics in chicago like neighborhoods full of blond people wew lad that wasn't even that long ago >lads beating up niggers and kikes over passing out anti white shite
>fit young racist boomer slags in short jeans yelling fuck niggers why did I have to be born in this time period
>redditfag at 24 mins
POV: spicposter goes outside
kinda peebacked ngl
I can't stand this cunt.
>>484961 you can't stand WHAT cunt?
The trope of the precocious mixling must be nipped in the bud. Always.
>>484953 Not his problem
Ayckshually how about the cunt of montecristo?
>>484963 These bleachers should have been executed on the spot tbh
I’ve always been right about Nigger Elf and SA always wrong. Farage has only ever been out for himself filthy spy ABSOLUTE SPINELESS TRAITOROUS FRENCH CUUUNNNNT!
>>484966 Dumas has good stories but his prose just fucking drones on and on and on. >>484967 tbh. Dumas apparantly had loads of niglets too.
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>>484968 The fallen spirit of Helmer is turning in his rotten grave
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>on the last Harry Potter audiobook >there's literally a character called Xenophilius Lovegood
>>484957 Is venom out? Even she hated joker 2.
>>484973 oh Venom Last Dance (2024) isn't out in HD yet actually
Man I forgot just how shite JK Rowling is at long-term storytelling & world building. Half-blood Prince was a copout but Deathly Hallows is just flat out retarded.
>>484949 almost entirely based comments keek >>484957 still need to finish the vampslop
>>484975 Yeah, Harry Potter is just a children's book with a nice British boarding school world but with magic. The writing itself isn't that great. Are you listening to the Stephen Fry audiobook version?
>>484975 it can always be worse lad if you want real shite read the fanfiction "harry potter and the methods of rationality" pure soyience worshipping redditor faggotry and the writer is nowadays trying to be a big name in transhumanism technocracy or some shit
Harry Potter and the delicious cunnies!
. . . said 22st . . .
Whatever became of SA?
>>484981 Died from an anal prolapse.
>>484981 he's hiding from us on twatter
>>484977 Yeah, don't like him usually but can't deny that he narrates them really well. First 4 books were good imo but then it falls apart when she starts trying to "prove herself" and make it all "grown up". Nothing that happens after the Order of the Phoenix is introduced makes any sense at all unless everyone besides Harry, Dumbledore, Snape and Voldemort are actual retards. >>484978 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek link it lad
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weird to think how I defeated both Helmer and SA
>>484976 >still need to finish the vampslop I barely even followed the last one it was so bad you sure lad?
Need more vaxxies to drop dead tbh
>>484987 mh maybe not mars attacks if there are lads around to watch it?
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>>484986 >122 chapters
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>>484989 I still kind of think we should finish the vamp slop sunk cost fallacy and all that
>>484991 >he just wants to see more shiny leathered up vamplass arse well okay then
>>484992 did you see the Lotus Sneaters talk about Pompei just?
>>484993 no I don't watch carl of swindon and the toryboys callum's travelogues and shitter is my limit
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>>484986 >middle name is Shlomo
fresh Hogland Poopy Kenny Smith Interview The Pulse. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRF37qTvW2E
>>484995 yeah keeek it really shows too iirc there is plenty of listen and believe, muh holocoaster, jew exceptionalism stuff which sharts on his attempt at being seen as a "rationalist"
>>484986 >Eliezer Shlomo Yudkowsky >Yudkowsky is an autodidact and did not attend high school or college.He was raised as a Modern Orthodox Jew, but does not identify religiously as a Jew
>>484998 just trust me bro rationality means letting jews run your country and genocide you by importing millions of browns because it's the rational thing to do
>>484999 Sensible Rationalism
Disgusting anti white. We don’t give a fuck what you think is wrong stupid grabbler https://xcancel.com/KeithWoodsYT/status/1858152754302033993
>Ban everything I don’t like
>>485003 Get them greys gone
I'm going to buy an air rifle and start taking the cunts out.
>>485008 aren't they under firearms licensing now or something certainly can't go down local park and just start shooting at greyniggers smh I have suggested it to eco types a few times already
>>485002 when did he say this?
>>485017 saw that earlier but didn't repoost it here because >cromwell
>>485009 No. Even if they were who gives a shit. Fuck the police. I own this city!
>>485013 Penis size has zero correlation with height, ironically.
>>485019 yeah what a vile wog
>>485013 auslad can you ban this lad, he spams cuck shit and ragebait all day, he's almost certainly a shitshit. thank you.
>485023 >>485004 Stfu low effort bait and low effort posts. This place exists because of posters at >3 you don’t even register fo
Speaking of cuck shit, /interracial/ has disappeared from the top banner. Now we just need to get rid of /vore1/, /delicious/, and /zoo/. Unsure what the others are though smh. /delicious/ is classified as Democrat activism in the UK. Don't click on it even by accident.
I've started claiming to be a holocaust survivor online for my own amusement.
>>485026 kek I hope you tell ‘em about the masturbation machines lad
>>485019 let this not dishearten you but hone your noose-tying skills for the day.
>>485008 bad idea. however there may be a website called the american futurist which has 3d printing instructions at the bottom of its library section. And making a slam shotgun might be easy + disposing of evidence might be a breeze. I disavow crimes and looking into 3d printing (don’t make guns with it or anything). Diversity is our strength.
>>484953 total non-white death
>>485025 >oi mate u got a loiscence for those degenerate drawings?
>>485023 good lad
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>>485014 disgusting also that nigger is like 50 percent white
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>>485021 acktually, it's weakly correlated
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>>485032 tbh lad tbh
>>485036 thanks for the free (You) lad
absolute state of walshartian normalfags that still don't realize it's the Jews and fall for Blue v.s. Red kayfabe is really getting on my nerves. how can people still be so stupid after so many years? it's not even complicated >le ged the munny out of bolitic x----DDDD t. leftoids BUT WHOSE MONEY THOUGH?????? WHO IS PUTTING DOWN THE SHEKELS AND TELLING HOW IT'S GONNA BE??? >id's the wite man x---------------DDDD fug razism :DD
>>485044 that image kinda acks my peeb
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I'm thinking I'm back to obscure substacks for my slop.
>>485040 mein subsack.
>>485051 It's cool g I got my woolen coat on.
>bought a welsh bake stone >perfect crispy pidser base wops btfo
>>485053 A dusky hitman team has been dispatched to your location.
didn't realise they did overdrafts
>>485055 have you seen the shite that's on offer.
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>>485056 carbs
pemmican, fruitcake and water is all anyone needs https://www.youtube.com/shorts/T1-XjKG6RWc
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>>485042 I think it is working
>wearing black and red Why hasn’t he been arrested?
The only people they can find is two homeless George Fentanyls
>Hol ‘up! I see an opportunity to make this about jews! Yes! t. Zach Shekelberg - lawyer
>>485057 carbs are based what are you talking about?
first time in a long while i won't be a hungover gremlin at toil. quite looking forward to it tbh
Good morning, lads. Covfefe and a massive shit. Going to watch the Half-Life 2 documentary now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCjNT9qGjh4&t=2s
We have a soft communist government.
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good shmorning!... .....now toil...
Some sneethe with my coffee, would love to batter that bint https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pybTLRO7N0o
>>485073 She screams hard left before she opens her mouth, traitorous slut
Always women and ethnics. These people in tandem destroy the country backed up by some traitorous bureaucrats in Whitehall and local councils and their boot boys smh
>>485075 makes me sick
>>485076 They need matching off the white cliffs by the peasantry with pitchforks at their backs tbh
>b-b-but I drill oil!
>my best friend is black >my wife is black clap.clap
>>485071 >last ten mins promoting ‘good books’ by >Anne Applebaum ( jewish ) >Timothy Snyder ( jewish ) >Neil Gaiman ( jewish Scientologist ) etc etc Stfu with this shit Lootisers
>>485078 >A vision of the future is brownoids and civnats engaging in victim narratives forever just
>NHS waiting lists have destroyed my bollocks hernia is in my fucking scrote
>>485083 it really fucking is
>spicolas makes a cameo appearance in Golden Kamuy
>>485085 keeeeeeeeeek
>FURRINERS complain about state housing >FURRINERS sent to fix state housing Barrio tier in 3,2,1 https://nitter.poast.org/SkyNews/status/1858407280221327803
wow pointless seethebait from some random shit-coloured retard thanks
>>485078 >marrying a wog to own the libs unfathomably based
keeeeeek kenny looking like a bald troon and they think that's a good memi to photoshop
>>485091 if kennny wasn't a fed, he'd know to keep his ugly face off any promotional material for Homeland
>>485092 I think that despite the protestations of not wanting to be a cult figure he is just as egomaniacal as other rightoid celebs don't think it's likely he is a government plant himself but the party is definitely being allowed to stay unmolested for now to gather up the maximum amount of dissenters for future gulagging although PooAye is probably allowed to exist under the same circumstances but they've not been shoahed in how long now, 5 years? compare that to the two or so it took for NA to get btfo
fresh gunsoykino think this lad is the only guy left from the weapontuberspehere I watch The early 16th century snap matchlock or tinder lock arquebus and its tinder sticks - Part I. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJKDyGW1lz0
>casually carrying a firearm out on the woods just because he can >using a big fixed blade knife outside to cut mushroom just because he can zogfagjewkay govt is so fucking gay and shit ACK
>>485096 didn't know farmers have multiple launch rocket systems to hand tbh or that sky news presenters were deano mongs suffering speccy twink death
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>>485096 did they actually show this? god I wish Farmers would launch missiles at Parliament ngl
>>485098 morbin'
THE FARMERS ARE RISING UP! https://youtu.be/Td2huLsDr7Q
>>485089 Why seethe? Just choose to laugh at the retardedness of his troll instead
>>485099 Wish they’d spray silage on gov’t buildings like the frogs
>>485101 >reposting something posted literally 30 posts ago There’s not that much to scroll through binman >>485071
>>485105 >>reposting something posted literally 30 posts ago no it wasn't
>>485106 Even gave you the link to the post >didn’t click on it Why?
>>485107 check again lad
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>expecting smee to scrolll up lol
>executes bins for witchcraft https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkP_YtjbetY
>>485110 did you click the link I posted?
>not one white face in Bame Block 1, Walthamstow Laughing at all the cucks who have turned replies off under their tweets because they don’t like that 99% of replies are from the extremely right righter than right and even further right than that right. Yes. YOU Mrs Jones. Bigot https://news.sky.com/story/leaks-mould-and-faulty-lifts-life-inside-a-council-tower-block-where-residents-say-theyve-been-abandoned-13255859
>>485113 lad, these are some of the most disadvantaged people in society which is why we have to import millions more of them every year so they can be disadvantaged
>485112 Expecting me to click on a link lmfao
The same link at that
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>>485116 it's not the same when I linked it it has more views so not the same you never step in the same river twice
>>485119 Nice arse, truly despicable music.
>>485123 And they still haven't charged those muslims who punched police women at the airport https://youtu.be/IIp4j21NTig
recently been coping to myself about the inevitability of evolutionary processes in a social context and how in some way things will work out in the end (even if it means near total extinction of the shite race) or something desperately trying to take the niggercattlepill and find bliss in ignorance >>485125 well maybe he shouldn't have listened to music during prayer time then smh what a retard
>>485126 I doubt the Jew is telling the truth.
>>485127 yeah that pic is of jihadi john the ten ton terror of tel aviv or whatever he was called and I'm pretty sure he was executing a faggot/nonce
back in the era where zoggies unironically did the "WE MUST FIGHT TO THE LAST DROP OF GOY BLOOD TO DEFEND HOMOSEXUALITY IN ARABIA" shite
>>485119 >nice arse Misshapen cellulite Are you a fucking zoomer nigger?
>>485122 >Sig Sauer >MADE IN THE U.S.A. by Mexicoons Fuck off America and no we don’t NEED you Utter buffoons
>>485123 Typical midwit zoggie No reason to say anything to plod not even name rank number most policing by consent they’d get from me is ‘fuck off’ and a Charles Bronson tier grin.
>>485125 >that Pic Reminder that the usa did that saddam had a secular stable country and the US zioniggers blew it all up
>>485122 I love andy
>>485124 So he’s got the lad on the right to twist the arms of the police and cps Let’s see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOySyfW8WOY
>>485130 >legitimately standard big arse on a fit lass >barely any cellulite, perhaps a micro dimple >random has to signal hard against a healthy looking attractive bird because he's a dysgenic freak >I must like her because I'm nigger and zoomer >not because of her slim-thicc great proportions My apologies, I forgot I was on the repressed cryptofag board. I wont act hetero anymore. I'll pretend every fit lass is icky, and the only acceptable birds are autistic scandoids who have no bum, hips, or tits. >>485136 same tbh
>>485138 >one extreme to the next Check back with this deformed social media like obsessed mutt harlot in a couple of years
apparently it's quite common now for ultrathots to get double or more breast/butt lifts, to have their fat lipo'd out and put back in to make arse and tits bigger, and have integrated support structures for them installed (like under-skin bras and other freaky shit) cyberpoon dystopia tbh the quest for ever larger bonobo masturbatory aids continues...
>>485141 It’s all nigger cultcha now See it oop narf all the time butt lifted birds in yogapants and other nigger attire with their hair slicked down like they’re coons with a half breeds in tow or in a pram Would remigrate them as well so they can continue the bleaching in Africa before getting murdered by a random nog
>>485140 Her body isn't extreme, her clothing is. You're gay.
>>485142 on the one hand, fuck trainbastids and their bastid union and privatised bastidry on the other hand that nigger ought to be beaten to a pulp and thrown onto the tracks in the path of oncoming freight
>>485130 He cute.
>>485082 Whadafug? :o >>485095 Tbh. Have that anglo word for muh freedoms.
Oh it's cthulean; hiraeth.
>>485148 I love SEA Britain.
>>485031 Unironically interested in how to make guns from 3D printing but not for terror purposes and shit smh Too scared to google in case they come for me and put me on . . . THE DATABASE
>>485140 Good on her for having fun tbh
>>485155 I think everyone has a low resistence to molotovcocktails. Incidently do you think he knows how to make one?
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>>485155 I'm glad they noticed.
>>485156 With petrol and styrophome/soap shavings? Who knows. Ironic given the Finns fucked up the commies with molotovs keek
>>485158 The whole term was a finnish joke at the expense of molotov's radio broadcasts about the ongoing situation during the winter war.
>>485158 Also styrophome works best as a thickening agent.
>>485159 >>485160 Imagine lighting one and cracking it over the head of your local MP! hahahaha
>>485148 >it's real unfathomably based hope the guy saying it is a big well known and reputable name >>485152 tbh lad, tbh >>485160 >>485158 easy on the daftposting lads it's not true any more either I think the styrofoam packing formula was changed specifically because of this risk just like pipe sof certain diameters were banned
>>485162 I'm simply sharing my love of chemistry lad.
Musk cant go a few days without proclaiming his love for the idea of flooding America with gooks and jeets. Getting real sick of it I am
>>485164 Why is it some people just don't understand what citizenship is for? It being a long process is good. It's not punishing anyone by 'unfairly' making them wait. Citizenship to any serious country should be a recognition of someone actually throwing their lot in with the nation and it's future. Building a life while fully assimilating. Fucking absurd that almost any cunt can arrive, be quite openly keeping their options open, not intending to put down roots, and become a citizen in 5 years. It should be 25 years minimum. And of course only for white NW European stock.
>>485167 smh. Beetlejuice 2 was an alright movie tbh
>>485168 yeh i was pleasantly surprised bins sneeds to put on the full burton filmography already
>>485164 based LEGAL replacement
>>485164 Musk is literally an immigrant tbh.
>You can just refuse to pay Based
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the Spaka Haka
>>485173 hakas are so gay, I would deport the Maori to Papua New Guinea
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>>485174 but are they, in fact, based?
>>485175 idk about that. they don't have tons of money to buy politicians, so they don't have any real power of their own. they're just being used as a cudgel to beat whites with, I'd think New Zealand seems like the designated retirement place for the elite, that they aren't going to turn into 'machetes chopping heads off' land. that doesn't mean they're going to let it be white though
>>485175 what a load of shite
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>>485148 >jews rule america instead of japanese
so sick of all these normalfags crying about kike tyson (a convicted rapist nigger) losing in the fake and gay kayfabe match that was botched harder than steiner versus christian cage
>>485180 He looks like one of those 50yo actual chimps. Maybe the other guy just won. Didn't watch though.
>>485175 >Lollipop Haka >steals and licks your lollipop >sticks tongue out at Māori lollipop snatcher
Nigger could have rekt him Paul is a fat lump with a fat mouth Also they can both fuck off Tbh
national ACTION national ACTION
It’s official! jews have claws!
>>485188 Shocking behaviour
Fucking boomers. Totally taken in by a shit poem written by a jew that placed at the feet of the Trojan horse Statue of Liberty that should have been sent back to France and every propaganda line since
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>>485190 >Incan janissaries
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >elected by people to do what they voted you in to do >go to Brussels and get told to import millions of niggers and jeets into your country and do it >people give you what for on twitter >run away like a faggot because democracy is not for commie traitors like yourself Keeeeeeeeeek why are they like this?
>trust me bro I’m an Israeli government propaganda jew I met Khameni last night and he personally told me how sad he was ‘yahu hadn’t bombed Iran into the stone ages
>>485194 The lengths Wessie has to go to to get seen by Dr. Ranjeet Sickadogonhisbollocksandsingh for a hernia op to have his gonads mistakenly removed
she cute
>>485180 they could've made it more exciting if it was completely scripted. that jake paul has a lot of respect for tyson and let him maintain some dignity and see the fight out instead of teeing off on an old man. Tyson was retired 20 years ago by a journeyman that is now a tree surgeon. he was finished so long ago and now he's nearly 60 and his legs have completely gone, then he also had a health scare which is why the fight was delayed. He looked better than Evander Holyfield who fought the other year and get finished in a minute. A man who had Tyson's number twice years ago.
>>485209 this good lad. so sick of the gen xoids having vaxx induced dementia thinking that kike tyson is the GOAT of boxing when he has been a shit boxer ever since he got out of prison for rape. just like floyd "run away while throwing low jab" fairweather, kike tyson is the pinnacle of jew/nigger athlete psyops. it was evident when the cold war ended that the entire american boxing scene particularly heavyweight was scipted jew bullshit because the slavs were not in the "white hope" paradigm that the kikes created, the absolute ultimate loser in the whole debacle is the HEMA aspect of queensbury boxing as a british martial art, where all gentlemenly aspects of the sport are dead and buried under a pile of nigger worshipping boomer faggots
kike tyson never fought dave tua or tommy morrison both of which were his equal or more
I want more pig videos.
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>>485213 >>485213 https://www.youtube.com/shorts/97sy985-9-Q https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ZNABw7y5wUI >second video >the pig race all working together to lift the bar white race bros...
the poo was....brown......
>>485218 what colour were you hoping for?
>>485219 white smh
>>485220 >white smh what are you a bird, lad?
i'm not fucking sleeping
>>485223 The chinky lass looks nice
>>485227 good lad
>>485228 Quite wholesome looking tbh. Possibly capable of empathy.
FRESH LOOT Is it Reform UK or Submit UK? >inb4 bins reposts the same link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtQ43GIZUCo
always thought lotus eater meant somebody that liked to indulge in a bit of cunnilingus.
>semites arguing over the future of the west
>>485233 it's alright, we don't get a say in it anyway.
>>485234 It's perhaps best that way tbh.
>>485185 >civics gatekeep against ethnics >ethnics don't properly gatekeep against civics >civics don't even try to gatekeep against leftists >leftists gatekeep against civics
Never poo
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>>485231 I didn't realise Sarcuck was still going? Is he doing that liberalist meme still?
>>485239 Sargon of Stepdad has never been more powerful
>>485239 New flex Sensible ziocentralismness >>485240 Keek
>>485232 >The Podcast of the Cuntlickers atlastitrulyeugghhh.jpg
>>485236 Who even are SDP nowadays anyway? 60-80 year olds?
>lotus eaters website merch Is Sargon at the 2016 stage right now, or does here merely recognise a grift that's too good to miss?
>toil soon
>>485244 Only thing more embarrassing is the thought of someone actually buying that tat
>>485244 *cringe*
>>485247 Starmer will do exactly what Trump tells him to so it would be prudent for him to stop tweeting this shit it won’t be a good look when he is forced to stab little z in the face next year
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>>485251 finally....
>journalists get paid for this shit
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>>485223 what's the story behind this?
>>485253 >woke fillings wtf are they talking about?
>>485255 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14086091/gen-z-waging-war-sandwiches-ditching-classic-flavours.html >Gen Z Brits are turning their backs on British sandwich classics like ham and mustard and cheese and onion in favour of 'fancy' fillings like avocado, olives and continental cheese. all the stuff that boomers have been stuffing down their throats for decades
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>>485186 they were just too BASED to exist on this fallen timeline smh
>>485140 going for that umpa lumpa chic
>A Newport Beach man has been sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for the anti-LGBTQ and antisemitic hate crime killing of his former classmate, Blaze Bernstein. >“It’s almost seven years that we’ve waited for this day for justice,” said Bernstein’s mother, Jeanne Pepper. “We have a victory for humanity today, an absolute victory.” >Busybodies also found a trove of images and journal entries described as “graphic and chilling” on his personal devices and social media, including images that were racist, homophobic, antisemitic and anti-government. > “They’re f—ing terrified LMAO,” one entry said, as it was read in court by an Orange County detective. >“One even said he was going to report me to the FBI. Go ahead and try pal, this is too much fun,” the entry continued. “They think they’re going to get hate crimed and it scares the s–t out of them. Fucking priceless!” >There were also Nazi images and other images for Atomwaffen, a neo-Nazi extremist group he’s accused of being part of, according to investigators. One of those images was used as his screen saver, authorities noted. >In his online diaries, he discussed how he would “troll” gay men — acting as if he’s interested in them only to turn on them later, authorities said. >The images found on Woodward’s laptop, cell phone and social media posts were described as “graphic and chilling” by O.C. District Attorney Tony Rackauckas when prosecutors first announced the hate crime sentencing enhancement in early August. >“Like our district attorney, Todd Spitzer, said, there is no place for hate in this world, and if you’re someone out there that is resentful of another race or sexual preference, there’s got to be another way for you to be able to find some love, or some way to embrace people who are different than you,” said Gideon Bernstein, Blaze’s father. “Let this tragedy that we have lived through be a lesson that hate is not the answer.” >“Bum love is the answer,” Pepper added onto her husband’s message. “Love your humanity, love other people, do your best to be a person that you are proud of and care about people, because when this breaks down, when we stop caring about each other, that’s when we see things like this happen. And it’s really inexcusable that someone with so much promise should have his life taken from him right on the verge of greatness in a career in grooming” >searches dating app for gay jew and stabs him in the eyeballs 28 times *tink* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FklGo7erq50
>>485253 That’s a nigger
>>485259 Based
>>485254 Just your average Christian household in the United States really. >>485253 >>485256 >fancy fillings like avocado, peppers, chillies and olives I don't see how that's fancy in all honesty. Or woke by any sensible measure.
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*eats a ham and avocado sandwich check mate racists and wokies!
>>485267 >Homeland goblins defend the farmers
>>485251 >CNN Nothing ever happens lugenpresse.
>>485271 It's not happening, it's just high libido frottage.
>>485270 Bilbo Chudings.
>>485223 Which way western man?
Cute nice east Asians lass or caliber tier "eet cums wif greevee" bog trotting niggerslut
>>485275 this lad gets it
take it steiners courting didn't go well since he's back on the yellow fever nonsense
pipping hot lootisings
keeeeeeek you know that lad wanted to call her a paki so fucking bad
>>485280 >that thumbnail
>>485279 >Leaving us in the dust by replacing government departments with Google and Facebook AI and other Zog Valley insertions. >>485274 East tbh. At least for a diversion.
>>485282 East Liverpool?
>>485283 keek local prostitute from back in the day?
>>485212 They've always tried to push niggers in boxing for 100 years now >>485221 He been eating that ol' dawg foo' >>485263 >Just your average Christian household in the United States really. It isn't though, is it? LARPagan faggot. >>485268 based >>485286 also based
>nothing for dinner lads what can i make with frozen peas, plain flower and eggs?
>>485288 Scrambled eggs and peas.
>>485289 yeah tbh
>>485290 or an omlette
>>485291 He needs onions for that.
>>485291 no cheese ether
>>485293 you can have a pea omlette
(353.28 KB 600x447 frogvom.png)

>omlette >onions >anything >onions
>>485297 I love onions especially when they're pickled.
>>485297 Spagbol needs onions, pretty bland without them. Same for if you're making a broth, or chilli con carne, or lasagne. Lots of things.
>>485300 >my name’s Matthew Collins, I’m Head of Intelligence Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek Get fucked larping lard arse. I credit a brick with more intelligence than you ffs just stick him in a holdall in a bath already MI5 the hand rubbing fuck is just publically embarrassing you at this point tbh Do you reckon HnH and MI5 pay Tweedle Dumb twins in biscuits and lard? Time to put them on Ozempic tbh
>>485288 Eat da poo poo
>Should trannies be allowed in womens toilets? "I've been raped. I am the raped. I have been raped more than any woman has ever been raped. My rapist, whom I still think about, raped me. Rape."
>>485301 My favourite part is when he complained about not being able to ever get a job because the police forced him to register as a terrorist. Even though he's the one who told them everything.
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>>485305 Tbh he’s a complete muppet who’d outlived his usefulness to them People who turncoat thinking the state/feds/establishment will reward them are delusional you’d get a better result just laughingly telling them to fuckoff
What did he say to her?
>>485307 Robbie was bribed and paid over £30,000 a year. He told us he got a new job fixing cameras and that his new boss would take him to strip clubs where he would give the prostitutes £50 notes. He's a retard, but he's a vulnerable retard who was groomed.
>>485305 The police were pretty annoyed because they knew the lads were still meeting but saw no threat. It was when HnH did their cringe shit that they were forced to act smh
>>485310 >Groomed Tbh everyone working at HnH looks like they need a visit from Stinson Hunter
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>>485313 A simpleton claiming he was getting paid £33,k a year for ‘fixing cameras’ in Widnes would have set my alarms off tbh
>>485314 It did but we were of the opinion that someone else who was acting like a massive retard had turned state. I cottoned onto Robbie about two weeks before the lads were all arrested because he tried to entrap me into saying I would have supported Jack Renshaw. It got weird when he started really insisting that I would have gone along with it.
NA was created by the state to entrap mongs. I saw that when they first formed.
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Looks like Robert Jenrick brought his son and handler along to the farmer’s protest
>>485318 Jaguar what? Not the car manufacturer?
>>485318 They think paying enough attention to every detail like painting the sledgehammer yellow makes this composition beautiful. Like a soulless alien's understandin of art. >Hmm human art is visual information with intention, I can mimic this easily!
>>485323 >pigs get slaughtered on jan 6th patroitbros...
>>485321 Fucksake
>>485327 one race lad... one race
>How often do you think nigger?
african niggers seem like dumb animals
>>485328 Yes. We are the same
>>485329 its because they made that shite kike movie where they have that nigger play hannibal barca the Carthaginian lad
>>485331 no joke lad I would have bayonetted that nigger like a wild animal if I was some 18th century lad from britain. even as a yank today I become extremely uncomfortable any time there are more niggers around me than white lads.
>>485330 They’d eat you if hungry They still haven’t worked out how to not put hands in boiling water and let food cool before trying to eat it
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>>485334 >brandon imported thousands of these animals into ohio this year alone
>>485335 Probably feasting on the remains of a visiting feminist maybe they’ll take care of yours
Doctors scientists and engineers
I don't think wogs are as stupid as leftists and wignats believe they are. They're not our equals but they understand perfectly well what's up, and that they're exploiting us at an historic cultural weakpoint.
>>485338 Arguably not stupid but mostly enabled and dangerous if not controlled
>>485340 cars?
Look both ways before you run across the road to grab teh shekel you heard hit the pavement from inside the shop
>>485344 right here
>>485338 yeah good point
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>tfw (100)chad
>literally made this thread my bitch
>>485349 we're all just tired lad.
>>485338 Some aren't stupid fullstop.
night lads
>>485353 ni la
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>>485356 I'm concerned two electrodes are touching when they shouldn't be.
>>485358 I can no longer surive the jive.
nightchads...i don't feel so good
a frog really thought that this was how evropa would look in the 2000s
>>485358 basedposting
>>485238 i love these so much i wish there were more
>>485238 wish there was a deus ex mod
>>485365 the one with audio is better
>>485367 yes that would be kek and keeno
Arab Israeli lawyer, and politician. Member of Knesset and leader of the Hadash party In the only democracy in the Middle East getting democratised for calling Netanyahu and his allies baby killing mass muderers
>>485355 keeeek the look on the zogguard's face
>>485371 morning, lad.
>>485372 KEEEK morning lad
lel aaa
>>485327 >levels of civilisational darkness not seen since the fall of Mu
>new half life mod team showing off their stuff >narrator hands over to a mapper, saying "here's jane to explain... etc" >clearly male voice >join our discord!! plastered throughout the video, description and comments fucking tranny groomer scum ruining fucking everything ACK
Morning lads.
>>485376 sneed a final solution to the tq tbqh ruining goodscreen almost as badly as the brownoid hordes >>485377 smorbing lad
>>485379 quality is that the architect guy?
>>485381 basded hyperbrinksmanship
>>485380 no clue tbh >>485381 based putler please use clean nuclear weapons to purge our cities and remove the majority of wogs
>>485381 finally some good fucking food
>>485388 keeeeek
looks like jaguar just committed suicide
>>485390 Too on the nose and ugly, no one will like it. Tiny hats losing their touch with marketing
>>485391 >Tiny hats losing their touch with marketing good news for us in the long run tbh just sad that it had to be a nominally british business smh not many of those left on the world stage at this point
>>485392 It's owned by the Germans now.
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>smorbius sneethebait
A lot of words to say "brown faggots"
>>485395 A lot of words full stop Should just rebrand to Weimar Motor Cars
>>485393 tbh but they still trade on the idea of it being british
>>485397 She looks a bit mixed or is she jewish or jeeta?
>>485397 why is she doing an impression of Dr Evil?
>>485399 Think she's jewish tbh
>>485401 People have been booted off twatter for far less tbh I remember are herows. Neva foget https://xcancel.com/Aikokudasai wonder if this is are Bazza
>>485315 >It got weird when he started really insisting that I would have gone along with it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sr40QqCdaMA
>>485404 >it's a boomoid expects you to know something despite never teaching you episode
Ya'll got a license for your child's genitals pardner?
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>943 posts Wew. Did the other thread makers get STARMERED off to Strangeways?
>>485407 I think some lads get anxiety from the idea of making one.
>>485397 >>485400 Pretty lass, good points, insufferable voice smh.
>>485316 Retard.
>>484554 Which is why it's so triflingly easy to ignore the feeble arrows of those who brand white people (men) as 'the most ebul oppressors', we all know if it was ANYONE else who'd colonised the world we'd be in a literal hell as default.
>>484730 clocked that profile pic as AI as soon as I saw it, social media is just an agenda sewer
>>485406 >picture of man leaving the homestead If he doesn't forcibly remove the children from her he is no man.

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