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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #4009 - Millenniyule X - Part II Edition Anonymous 12/22/2024 (Sun) 19:59:32 Id: 2e12ba No. 489752 >>489757
https://odysee.com/@millennialwoes:4 Liverpool put six past Spurs to go four points clear https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/live/crmn480mx09t Elon Musk's curious fixation with Britain https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cy7kpvndyyxo Master Chief Is Finally Returning to Fortnite (And Here’s When) https://comicbook.com/gaming/news/fortnite-item-shop-master-chief-release/
dune sucks
its yank shite like game of thrones
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>>489752 (OP) >christmas thread mocking wews lad this is his busiest time of year!
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>magical mind reading women that are tough and super special woman military that is super tough
>>489756 good lad
wews should make this his final millenniyule
>>489758 And yet their main purpose is to create a male superbeing, and they are undone by their own stupidity.
>>489760 he needs to pass the torch to somebody with more energy and charisma. but most of all, somebody less fat.
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>>489758 >magical mind reading women the bene gesserit are basically manipulative bitches that trade in secrets (gossip) and try to control who fugs who - just like mean girls irl
>>489760 he should lose weight, start lifting, and stop being a fucking embarrassement grifting off his previous fame then start making videos again, providing decent commentary on world events with a view to shifting the overton window in favour of the white race
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>Farnhams freehold
only PKD is based and he was probably a CIAnigger doing psyops most "scifi" fags in the USA should have been executed. russell kirk rightly pointed out that they just existed to create athiests and act as a womb for the typical reddit faggot of our period
>>489762 >>489765 he would ban us for giving this sound advice
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>>489767 >only PKD is based wasn't he off his head on drugs most of the time? when he found out the CIA was spying on him he was actually relieved, because he already thought they were and that meant he wasn't *totally* schizo as he feared
pdk was a schizo
he got coopted by reddit drugfags
I remember after playing new vegas thinking that farhnams freehold would be kino but then I read it and then immediately burned all my heinlein books and never read sci fi ever again. only /bigguy/
>>489765 Tbh, he needs a character change and a new look. he's stale and bland. he should get toned up and come out every video shirtless in a robe smoking a cigar a heavy synth track plays.
>>489774 May I add a purple robe at that.
/Brit/ btfo
woes needs a new arc like move to russia or rural america and have some compound with some slag
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"excuse me, but if you actually *knew* a fraction of how much work goes in to putting on millenniyule every year you *would* fuck off, just fuck off"
>>489776 tbf, nothing ever happens if you're a shut in
>>489778 A hearty sleek.
Might watch The Nightmare Before Christmas. Just need a fat goth lass sitting on my cock.
>>489782 > Just need a fat goth lass sitting on my cock. tbh smh ack
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>>489784 its insane how wogs are colonizing even wignatism
>>489784 indians revolt against the modern world by refusing to use toilets
>>489787 going after the zogtard blood worshipprers is scambo's best sharting in years tbh
>>489786 keeeeeeeeek
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why did normies all go mad for sourdough bread in recent years? Made some toast and it's like I've spread jam on an amazon parcel
>>489787 >>489788 think sam has been sharting on guntuber faggots too
>>489790 >why did normies all go mad for sourdough bread in recent years? Made some toast and it's like I've spread jam on an amazon parcel no idea, it was always a cheap inferior form of bread smh
Magdeburg - Remigration is Inevitable https://youtu.be/2xz3FJ_l4Jg
does steiner do anything but whinge these days, he's like an old yenta.
>>489795 getting a gf will do that to you tbh
>>489796 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEK yeah, gets a gf then becomes a total fag.
>>489797 not heard of this guy before
nowicki created the alt shite memi like 15 years ago
he was a prof that taught kierkagaard but got antifa'd and now he is a NEETchad
Anyone have some of the "controversial" recordings of Nixon?
>>489802 Funny how all the scummy things he did pale in comparrison to every president from Bush jr to now.
>>489805 based, thanks lad
I miss him
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek back in the 70s it was still le 5 million and love how CBS casually forgets to mention that and preface it
god he was the last non mong
rediscovered a classic spic
>>489805 the stuff he has to say about Israel ought to be common sense for every American President
>Bashar al-Assad's wife files for divorce, seeks to move to UK - report
>>489805 There are more things he said that are more based than the CBS clip go in to
>>489805 keeeeeeeeeek BLEACHED
>>489810 >I shined a light into my eye and saw past the clouds of melanin... reads like poetry tbh
>>489815 does have something of a Clark Ashton Smith ring to it
>>489802 The Nixon and Billy Graham tapes were probably the most 'controversial'. Because they talked about how the jews had/were taking over. Of course it didn't stop Graham having a hard-on for Israel, and he's a big part of why so many of his ilk fawn over it to this day.
>>489810 A mentally ill individual that I want nothing to do with.
>>489820 footy mongs are worse than shitskins
>>489820 terminal niggersluttery
>>489820 tbh part of me cant wait until the west collapses because so much of whats left is just this goyslop idiocracy decadent shite especially in shartica
to be fair krauts are kings of public virtue signal. all the cowards probably went home and typed nigger in some online forum and said how they were only pretending to be a leftist to keep their jobs
>>489787 i've needed this video for years. based sam
>>489820 how is this even possible every single one of them that said "no to Nazis" deserves to be raped to death by shitskins
>>489820 Der ewige football fan.
Blumpf has now talked about: >the US annexing Canada >the US annexing the Panama Canal >the US annexing Greenland within the space of a week what is this guy's problem?
>>489833 Smorbin lad.
HEY STEINER Boomertoil tools edition.
>>489831 Desperate for a big win so he doesnt have to fix any of the US' internal issues
>>489833 smorbius lad
>Jonesin' for your fix of that Limp Bizkit mix www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=qex0OjXolzc&t
>>489835 smh they don't make em like they used to
>last full day of toil before Crimbo
>>489841 hang in there lad almost out the other side
>>489844 nobody has posted about this yet you stupid cunt SAM MELIA HOME FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!!
>some bald faggot is going home for Christmas riveting stuff
>>489847 Yeah just an international free speech issue that's all who cares eh? fucking twat
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>an international free speech issue
>>489841 don't die at work lad
>>489850 yeah it was talked about all over the world dick head
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>it was talked about all over the world
>>489853 yes, because the court ascribed a motive to his posts - which they agreed were legal - and convicted him based on that they decided what he was going was "stirring up racial hatred" and gave him two years in prison first case of its kind in the Western world
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Sam being let out is a White Christmas Pill for us all
>>489843 tbh huwhitepill that although this has been poosted before absolute joke that he was ever behind bars at all smdh
>>489859 >although this has been poosted before where? I scrolled back this whole thread and it's not been posted I also checked the last one
>>489861 can't remember lad smh just remember it already being poosted at some point
a huwhitepill nonetheless
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>>489862 should have been put in the first post of this thread since it's a whitepilling christmas story
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Also, all David Davis posters should resign (be banned) As well as all blackpillers
Sam Melia is much loved by his peers. he's a certified good lad.
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I'm home for Christmas :)
Iceland is now under total vaginal occupation
their first move? to surrender national sovereignty to a globalist genocide machine
>>489871 foids gonna foid have to wonder what's goin through these lasses' heads when they go through all that effort to seek power and as soon as they get it their first move is to surrender it to someone else to finally be free of the burden of autonomy trick question there is nothing going on behind those eyes
I think this is a permanent fixture too. not sure for how long. ack.
>>489873 globohomo doesn't want you to know this but black paint is available at all hardware stores
>>489873 they did it in front of a church on purpose, of course
>>489875 they always do provoke a response so they can cry about being persecuted or better yet smugly but quietly gloat about how they have people so browbeaten that nobody will say or do anything
https://nitter.poast.org/archeohistories/status/1870882949299613756#m >one ancient autistic faggot with a pottery wheel destroys the reputation of an entire civilisation pozstorians gloating of course and blowing it out of proportion just like the alleged greekoid fagvases
So fucking tired of Trump and his supporters already, hope someone kills him this time.
>>489878 tbh hate seeing their mong takes everywhere
they're going to swamp the yanks with hb1 visa jeets. even less jobs for Whites.
Elon/ Vance and Vivek will be happy and more importantly jews have their new subservient class of workers.
>>489880 Hasn't that already begun?
>>489882 It has, but they ain't seen nothing yet.
>>489883 Well at least they can day dream about invading Panama/Canada/Mexico and calling Trump their god emperor while getting ethnically replaced.
listening to animethots singing christmas tunes don't much like being a socially isolated atomised individual tbh lads family do coming up but that's kind of worse had some mega seethe recently after learning what my female cousin does, she's a stereotypical work-from-home zoom meeting email sending spreadsheet jockey and gets paid so much for it that she bought a brand new car and is moving into a big gentrified city area open plan penthouse flat type thing where the living room is bigger than my entire flat mummy really fucked up smh her sister has an upper middle class lifestyle as do her sisters children meanwhile i grew up in a council house to become a physically mentally and socially crippled neet woe, woe is me etc etc
>>489887 STOP doxxing your ancestor smh
>>489888 this is the bit I'm doing now, lad. >calling me out on posting it before. now every time you woespost again, I'm also posting this again.
>>489890 Merry Christmas
>Milleniyule Woes 24 Hour Endurance Stream: Wess' Woes. 24 hours of nonstop pathetic whinging even more insufferable than Robertson himself. Lasting the entire 24 hours and proving it gets you a commemorative "fat retard" sized NA hoodie and skull mask as well as the chance to bid on a NEW, UNIQUE Millenial Woes vector art NFT
KEEEK finally got around to reading what drukpa considers his finest work >Via @NatGeo, Koko not only could understand over 2000 words of spoken English but was able to understand abstract concepts like death, purpose and, allegedly, communism. (She thought it sounded like a great idea according to her keeper, who incidentally was an open communist)
>the same commie KEEEK
>According to @AlJazeera_World at one point before her Koko death flirted with converting to Islam. On several occasional Koko visited leading Imams to learn about the revelation and words of the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) and signed the Shahada. I can only find one source for this
actually a big brain move pinning that tbh gets all the retards to expose themselves
smh poor wessie can't catch a break
>>489899 >20-year-old she looks nearly 40
>>489898 I've also probably read it before and was did by him then too and i just don't remember
>>489896 >he's did me >@peggedByPaglia Lad?
>>489902 he's telling that guy he made everything in the thread up
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>>489896 I didn't realise until recently that this was just a drukpa shit post smh master baiter
>>489905 >big fat pig eating phwoar the audio pickup on that glad I turned my volume all the way up
what kind of za? need to eat vicariously through za enjoyers now smh
>>489907 some cheeze 'za and a detroit style deep dish with some ham onions
>>489908 it lush
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>>489908 'ery noic >>489910 joe ought to be revolving around and around with his face in the camera while revolving around vertically on the wheel too
>>489886 i think this time can be hard for folk who don't have much of a social life. I say this because it applies to me also. i'm probably older than you by the sound of things and i've no great advice other than to just keep pushing forward. also don't focus on your family who are doing better, be happy for them and try and make it inspire you.
whilst there's some mention of sam melia i'd like to encourage you to buy the lasses tea. the loose leaf arrived the other day and i'm very happy with it.
>>489846 They did last thread tbf. Proper good news though.
>>489915 Have you coomethed in your lady, lad? 22 hasn't, thus is still an incel.
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Can the US ever be a right wing nation? The constitution is a liberal document in the vein of Edmund Burke, that has codified a collective vision of America that is intrinsically jewish.
>>489918 Maybe your mummy will get to be a grandmummy like she wanted.
>>489918 Good lad. >>489920 A piglet for 2025 would be another huweeeehite pill.
>that face keeeeeeeek
watched the fellowship extended edition
>>489924 Watched it in the cinema last year.
>>489922 >old >horseface >no hips >gross belly button what the fuck, lad?
grandad dying for christmas poor guy has bowel cancer on top of all the other "lived too long" symptoms hopefully he'll last through the festivities at least, smh i made a bet with him and granny that whoever lived to christmas 2025 would have to do the posthumous busywork of the other odd bit of boomer behaviour from them both- they have specifically requested NOT to do any sort of religious activity or church service. Superstitious fear that being exposed to god will call them away, genuine disdain or perhaps some kind of pseud-atheist snobbery (only setting foot in church for weddings and deaths?) either way another little downer for the much-reduced family gathering
>>489928 smh sorry to hear that lad. at least you got to spend time with him
>>489929 had a keeksmh moment last week when her daughter took granny out shopping and it was just me and him in the house and I got a look at what the stereotypical female-dominated boomer marriage is like (the source of all those "haha i hate my wife" jokes) his greatest act of defiance and individuality was to put on a CD of bolivian guitar and flute music after they'd left because it's something he likes and his wife doesn't so he's only allowed to play it when she's not there
OH LAWD steiny don't you go be puttin on them pig fartin compilations no mo you know I can't STAND that, not while I'm in the house >>489932 in other respects he is a (typically depressing) example of what life is like for an old autist and/or henpecked husband whenever around other people he can never really speak much except for saying "yes dear" I've only ever had two real conversations with him and both were about his hyperfixation (road infrastructure) his big hobby in his twilight years which he was only just allowed/understood enough about to get working recently is a subscription to an industry magazine about same think he's reminiscing about his workhorsing days but it's not so good because everything is pozzed now even basic civilisational functions like transportation inftrastructure, I read an issue of the mag and it was just full of emailsending foid corpo speak and comically dystopian multinational megacorp propaganda about electric cars with digital integration so the spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) can instantly kill dissidents on the roads in the name of public safety and how there are more female engineers than ever but mysteriously somehow planning and building keeps getting worse and more expensive
>>489933 There is a certain type of behaviour from boomers where they basically just pack it in as soon as they reach retirement age and become miserable nihilists who don't care about anything and hate everything and have no life in them except when you cross a pavlovian boundary and the political correctness programming forces them into action to keep you down.
>>489934 yeah this is the mould he's in for sure smh he retired early and has been doing that for over 30 years
and it's the mold i'm in haha that's all folks
>>489934 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>489937 your za is getting cold.
>>489936 I know you don't work but I don't even imagine retiring anymore.
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I already ate it
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fuck boomers
>>489940 Some taig you are.
>>489941 fuck the shite race.
seriously FUCK BOOMERS how could you sit on your hands for this fucking long and not see the forces invading western civilization?
>>489944 fuck the shite race.
gay fucking excuse for an existence.
>>489944 dumpf and the qpatriots are gonna fix it all and the poojeet horde will BTFO the evil spic horde
>>489943 tbh, the worst part of being a wokenist whitoid is that you have to see how fucking NPC/niggercattlemindset/bbcslut 99 percent of our shit coward race is where fags will kneel for george floyd like faggots literally kneeling for worthless stupid pea brained niggers wearing childs clown shoes into their 40s fucking stupid nigger animal people who are all gay and gross and smell like old coconut butter and BO all the time. or they are fucking cowards who virtue signal at some soccer game when a white man dares to speak up against the current zeitgeist. remember george zimmerman? he wasn't even a faggot cuckold whitoid but faggot cuckold whitoids still ruined his life because they are all robots who worship niggers
gonna aim for invalid status that'e the best I'll get out of this looting phase
last week at the gym these niglets were destroying the mens lockerroom sinks and all these coward faggot whitoids didn't say a fucking thing except for me and this one based chud looking lad who was a uber driver literally everyone else just looked down like cowards and then they would look up at me with robot "agent smith takeover.exe" eyes for daring to stand up for my community
https://www.youtube.com/@lawmanland/shorts have you lads seen this lolcow
>>489950 very good lad
>>489950 wogs aren't that level of sacred cattle here yet.
>>489954 hope it never is like that, people are literal niggerslaves in this shithole. I hate it here this country is so fucking boring because its literally just "work hard so niggers"
>>489955 It's work hard so we can maintain a hijacked continuity here. So basically the same thing just two degrees adjacent.
>I’m leading victorious life with third stage cancer in the home of brave . I’m fighting for cancer free and simple life in the “ land of free.” Ukraine only the reason of their threats, assignation attempts, talking threats about Ukrainian/Americans.Those snowflakes, drama queens, hooligans with support some local authorities.United States of America is prosecuting Ukrainian Mikhail Flyunt with third stage cancer. Because political, civi and traditional religious life and I am Ukrainian - hard prosecution every day. This the land of free that for decades law abiding citizens is suffer prosecution from Americans! International community, help me. It is hard path to remission after Radiation ( 3 month, 5 days per week ) and chemotherapy ( 700 pills and 5 cycles of different infusions. Please click likes. You help promote truth to more wonderful watchers and readers. Thank you for watching my videos and read my manuscripts my dearest supporters. Truth is matter!
my heckin greentext
remember being an english native is propasitional but being an african english native is not.
good morning saars.
>>489963 velcome sir
by vishnu yaaaaarrrrr
Night lads
https://archive.ph/HMKaH UK’s Ofcom to Enforce Age Verification Using Facial Recognition Under Online “Safety” Act >The move could set a global precedent for facial recognition in online age verification. >The UK’s communications regulator Ofcom will in January come out with requirements that online platforms will have to meet in order to enforce age verification, expected to be “highly accurate.” >Judging by the statements made now by Ofcom’s Online Safety Policy Director Jon Higham, the method will involve some type of facial recognition. >The result could be the blocking of “millions” of minors, while this is happening as a consequence of the country’s controversial online censorship law, the Online Safety Act. >Previously, Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Technology Peter Kyle said that unless tech firms “improve” age verification, the UK could move to ban users younger than 16 from social media. >Higham said in an interview that companies behind the platforms will have to implement technology that is highly accurate and effective and mentioned facial age estimation as being “pretty good” at guessing if a user is a child or an adult. >The report didn’t go into how the planned age checks would work, but firms like Yoti that are selling this kind of service have users take selfies – this can be done in real-time with the company’s own tool or the image can be sent to its API. >From there on, “AI” is used to analyze a face, assess age, and perform a liveness check. This is touted as a better (i.e., less privacy-invasive way) of ascertaining a user’s age than having to present a government-issued ID to social sites. >However, users must trust those performing age estimation based on biometrics not to store the images of their faces and instead delete them immediately. >Tech companies that are found in violation of the Online Safety Act’s rules will pay massive fines – up to 10 percent of global sales revenue, and if those infractions continue, their executives could spend up to two years in prison.
>>489968 wow more restrictions and surveillance in the name of public safety that definitely won't be used exclusively to identify and punish people expressing dissent while not making a dent in the problem it's allegedly being implemented to fix
>>489950 > all these coward faggot whitoids didn't say a fucking thing except for me and this one based chud looking lad
Dorset is our friend again, its a christmas miracle
never been my friend.
>>489968 >will pay massive fines worked so well with all those other mega-corps like Amazon and Thames Water didn't it
>>489982 More like The Official Cringe Server
>>489975 Qweeeek
Dorset, a man infamous for his massive manhood—a gift that drives trannies wild and sparks envy among men. As his legend grows, Dorset plunges into a world of lust and chaos that comes with being so well-endowed.
>489987 lad, it's about 4 inches at best.
>>489991 this says a lot about society
>>489992 wtf i love churchnigger now
https://xcancel.com/joeldavisx >wignat joel turning himself in for the crime of criticising jews it's over
>>489994 Fucking kikes.
>>489990 Better hope there's a wind blowing towards the crowd if you're playing there. fuck me.
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>>489931 do they not know the concept of headphones
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>>489991 wait, isn't it skibidi toilet? are they trying to mandela effect me again lad? also strong 22st hairline vibes
>>489968 >Peter Kyle >English gay politicians >LGBTQ members of the Parliament of the United Kingdom >In September 2020, Kyle was appointed a vice-chair of Labour Friends of Israel. truly one of the goodest of goys. queers are really some of the most subversive and psychopathic people out there
>>489998 I hope Britney is doing well 🙏
>>490005 He's eating koalas in heaven now.
>>490005 good night, sweet prince.
Somebody tell the Jihadists they can't do that. It's bloody Christmas, mate.
>Moderate Beheaders
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>>490005 >The statement concluded: "Visitors from around the globe marvelled at his impressive size and commanding presence, especially at feeding time."
>>489987 His cock is prettier but no bigger than mine, lad.
>>490009 That's what civnats should become.
>>490013 Imagine not being a fashionista and fucking up that bad. Wouldn't be me.
>>489968 CANADA LAD!?
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Christmas Eve film? Fruity Bum Bums 5: Humbuggered.
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>>490016 wew this is like 10000 times worse than idiocracy
the transformation of shartica into a nonwhite shithole is going happen exponentially almost an "overnight" shift will occur as boomers age out and their lisa simpson drone daughters inheret the broken late 20th century dynamic and they have no ability or sense of how to maintain a broken dynamic. meanwhile the kikes have had their steady drip of nigger memes to cultivate a white niggercattle mentality
its why I am completely blackpilled on any kind of "revival" in shartica because the faggots "reviving" america have a nigger mentality that is fundamentally divorced from the original america and is cultivated through the lense of jewish television ww2 good guy niggercattle mentality main character syndrome shite
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>be steinzog >steinzog and brother both avoid family extended christmas meetup because it has been usurped from the boomers by millennial lisa simpsons who aren't even the family name when it should be me and my brother as the "chief of the name" tradition shite >see picture of the event >cousins invited literal shitskin migrants to their holiday shite "to be diverse" >my boomer dad just laughed and openly shitposted at them through mummies faceberg saying it looked like they brought their boyfriends along to the holiday keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
DOUBLE NIGGER ALARM clean it up jannie >>490022 ACK but also keek tbh
>>489873 >too much of a cool lad to tell you where >>489886 Cluster C Category C: Avoidant Personality Disorder Please get over it because I want your conpany and not your "fun outgoing" sister's/cousin's/whatever it is
>>490024 probably true tbh
>>490025 He just needs a cluster B gf.
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im finna triple zat this weak ass bitch
what if there was a goa'uld system lord that assumed the identity of father christmas
>>490024 >>too much of a cool lad to tell you where Iceland, lad. Relevant to the posts above it.
>>490031 makes sense. even their foreheads have da bling bling.
>>489870 bit of a David Davis tbh they've been the biggest pussywhipped faggots on earth since the mid 1970s
nords are fucked tbh IMHO only imperials and bretons have a chance to kick out all the redguards and argonians
>>490026 for that push&pull
>>490036 Khajiits are literally my spirit race from Elder Scrolls. And what of them?
wish alegs jones was in shartgate
found a certified steiner classic in my stargate folder
>>490042 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>490043 before I click is this guy le based?
>>490045 he is going after kikewood for their interpretation of the war in katanga
>>490046 and has gondolas on his community page marking as potentially based
>>490042 care to translate this for a huwhite person?
vgh I love me stargate
>that time Father Christmas poisoned me cats and stole me telly
>>490048 >has to have the joke explained to him >>490050 there's some pretty good fanslop to read called XSGCOM where originally 1998 xcom is merged with stargate and they btfo the goauld with the power of america military industrial complex
On the twelfth day of Daftmas Moseley sent to me Twelve race wars winning Eleven pajeets popping Ten posters keeking Nine bastards raping Eight troons a roping Seven boats a sinking Six chuds a slaying Five based lads Four trains derailed Three pipe bombs Two dead wogs And an M.P. hung upon a tree
>>490053 >my Mosley card still exists 8 years on WEW merry Daftmas lad
gn hope ol claus puts a gf at the foot of my bed
>>490056 Goodnight lad. May Father Daftmas send some Jews up your chimley.
>>490056 >gn >hope ol claus puts a gf at the foot of my bed best he can do is madlad in a kilt.
Can't even make getting a gf the new year resolution since the 2 main characters have already acquired those
sing! SING! https://youtu.be/Ld5ShO2NyRE
Presented with Whiskey and Sweeties and Pyjamas by mummy for Christmas Eve https://youtu.be/KNVj8A07F4A
Happy Christmas to Dorset
>>490063 HE'S SPINNING!
>>490067 I wonder if that bowtie he's wearing protected him a bit.
>>490064 >HE'S SPINNING! yeah, meatspinning
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>>490036 redguard = arab orc = nigger khajiit = pajeet/gypsy wood elf = mainly gook high elf = jap dark elf = indonesian etc. argonian = abo gotta get it right
>>490072 Loretist here: you are wrong.
>>490075 how so? >inb4 redguards are le niggers even though they are obviously Arab-inspired
>>490076 They're superficially arab. Dunmer are arguably more arab. TES orcs are yanks who just wanted to grill. Argonians real world parralel is ayyliums. Khajeet are jeets. Nords are more celt britoid than nords (lel). Imperials are wops. High elves are jews. Wood elves are from papua new guinne.
>>490077 if it weren't Christmas Eve, I would post a dumb wojak. but it is, so you get a pass...
>>490018 Na it's idiocracy with a black coat of paint.
merry christmas lads beers by the pool for smee step-sister showed up briefly with her huwhite blue eyed blonde haired bab that she had this year (although the dad panicked during gregnancy and ran off like a nigger) he's a cute kid though >>490005 smdh rip in pepperoni >>490022 absolutely grim smh lad rip
Woes looking like fat Russell Crowe
>>490049 It's so good. The video that saved evropa
https://amp.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2024/dec/24/sharp-rise-young-people-spending-christmas-day-alone-uk-study-finds The lucky ones How are the boyfriends of Brit/ spending Christmas? Steiner? Martin?
>>490086 did the breed deathgrip on her arms because I don't know how to pose for photos
>>490087 Keek lad she's your doll
Even if you don't go to church, even if you don't believe, I recommend that you attend a carol service at your local church if you haven't already. It's an enjoyable British tradition.
>>490087 I bet 22's mummy is proud at her breeder son
>>490087 Relatively wholesome.
>>490078 I accept your surrender.
had a wholesome chungus dream about having friends and not being a neet that was especially vivid gratz to 22st and steinhog and all the lads merry chrhombus everyonje
>>490099 it's allright lad, some ways being a no friends neet gamer is actually more sedate.
>>490100 i'm so sedate i'm practically unconcious smh got some family around this year still at least boiled pork for dinner today
>>490099 Join a club, lad. Carving, wood turning, blacksmithing, sewing, poetry, swinging. Whatever you're into. They'll be full of boomers but they'll be friendly to someone with the same autistic hobby and/or a big NEET cock. Clubs are the way to go.
my favourite carol tbhn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lwqdyVJuYA
>>490102 best i can do around here is a local history group for ancient autistic men to debate about where the greengrocers used to be 100 years aago
>>490103 You should go with a folder full of crime stats from 1890 to now.
rhodieboomer's christmas message he got btfo by globalism and is in hospital again smh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WD7ysgPV9hM
>>490104 keeeeeeek
KEEEEEEEK for christmas day I got a bill for the internet and phone line
>>490106 merry crimbo lad
>>490108 it's gone up in price too near £30 for a d/l rate that struggles to hit 1.4mb/s
>>490109 time to switch to community fibre
>go to make a post >forget what I was going to post merry umm err holiday thingie
Merry Christmas, lads
I don't enjoy Christmas lads, it feels like a day off but not allowed to be alone
>>490099 Merry Christmas lad-o Thank you for holding up brit and consistently reposting my oc.
>>490115 Based.
Merry Christmas lads, god is being with my family stressful.
merry christmas lads stopped coming to /brit/ so much not really sure why i guess it's just because it seems like a waste of time compared to what i imagine living is like i decided to start trying to live a bit but it doesn't really feel like it's started yet wish it would start soon because i'm becoming an old man not looking forward to new year's eve it'll be another one with just me mum and dad 2025 could be my year wish me luck lads and i hope you all make it too
>>490119 Who the fug are you? Good luck if you're not a spy, leftoid, troon, etc.
>>490119 gl lad
Fuck the kiked king tbh
Any last words before I vore you, Steiner?
imagine if a truck of peace hit her lads
>>490126 >some brown in a desert driving nordic trucks keeeek
Christmas speech out lads, I missed it
>>490128 Yeah, as I said fuck the kiked king. We need Cromwell back.
Has she still not been bred?
>>490130 Civic cunt. Wouldn't even.
>>490128 In my family, we used to watch the Queen's speech every year without fail. Nobody respects Charles enough to care about the King's speech.
>>490132 Normongs. Respecting Liz but not Charles is like loving Blair but hating Corbyn.
>a 94 minute long Normie & Stacey
>>490133 Charles: >Adulterer >Divorcee >Environmentalist maniac >Defender of faith, but not THE faith Elizabeth was just better
>papists ITT
>bazza already jeeted to death again
>>490135 yeah didn't watch it either
is there a single good version of silent night?
>got chatgbt that the great replacement theory is likely true Kinda enjoy ai tbh
>>490140 It's great replacement fact.
the damn mummer bought Chinky on Christmas again. I need to explain to her that Christmas is the one day of the year that Chinky is absolutely VERBOTEN. why? because filthy, disgusting JEWS always eat Chinky on Christmas as a rebellion against European Christian society. since Jews feel like the black sheep on Christmas- all the white people are celebrating Jesus' birthday, something which the Jews most certainly do not celebrate- they always eat Chinese food because it's something foreign. it's an escape from the white people around them that they hate so much. they will say "because it's open" as an excuse, and sure that's another factor, but the real reason is that they want to eat something exotic and non-European on the day when their hatred of white people reaches its annual zenith. so as white people, on Christmas, we should NOT be eating Chinky and we should be eating regualar European food like a Christmas ham or something. I will be explaining this to her
why are boomers so fucking stupid
on a positive note, I did not have significant nocturnal bruxism last night. that's a relief
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>>490143 they are on a mission to finish off the shite race
>>490142 My mummy's ded lad, cook your own baby jesus blessing ok champ >>490143 Mine fed me turkee birb tho so OK renter lol P&O cruise winter chill BTFO >>490144 same lad who can't cook? Look if you learn to make nettle palatable it should help neuro function and be anti oestrogenic meaning that you'll either stop biting miliband's helmet or you'll take to biting even harder like a chad
Cooking no thanks. Got enough nibbles a d choco
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tfw reading about kino and I get a TTPW reference
>>490149 Keeeeek that's fucking cruel smdh.
>>489886 Your council estate mummy just like thousands of other British and Irish women had lots of kids and kept the white birthrate afloat, meanwhile in Europe even the poor only had maybe one kid. If your delusions of grandeur have not happened yet and you gave up please knock up slag and do your part.
>>490154 my delusion of grandeur IS a partner and kids THOUGH (also a job to support them and a council house)
>>490156 You need to scrape some mold off your walls and plant it in a pretty young woman's house. They will ensure a wessoid-moldling hybred is created.
"person of a brother"
>>490158 Fucking hell, there's 2 of them.
>>490160 3 lad. a younger brother is mentioned
Just met and held my baby niece. A happy feeling.
>>490155 Hullo, lad. Merry Christmas.
>>490150 le splitz wang mang
I have significant nocturnal priapism. Satanic goat-rapist stauners. Every night. Beat that spic.
>That youtube lad who shagged a seventeen year old lass and sent the trannies in a tizzy came back and the trannies are "wilding" Yeah, it's seething time
i come to america to call people niggers . . . is my dream https://voca.ro/139HIPOUgF1W
found my wife's dildo . . . it's black!
a fucking huge shit . . . permeated with black seeds (sunflower?) which testicletron had devoured the night before.
is it foggy where you lads are!? let me know in the comments sections below!
>>490174 I JUST ATE PROK RIBS OMG THAT'S SOOOO RANDOMIUS! https://youtu.be/TwGMF58xriI
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ayy sassanigga
>>490176 >these young girls are just sixteen y/o in year 11 you can't marry them they're literal children! >the girls:
slavic edgelord memis need to fuck off from english speaking world. sick of ESL filth invading our spaces
>>490158 What a terrible brother (the one making the post). Smh.
the only blood I care about is British blood
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>>490165 >historically low membership Toreees outshined ever so slightly by Torie lite civic boomongs that are already cucking to islamists and disavowing people to the left of them for being far right
>>490180 Steiner (prepping bull) on suicide watch!
>>490183 >prepping bull KEEEEEEEEK.
>watching Elon stab the miggers in the back with a poo stained katar
>>490176 Wha tha ye sae laddy? Och the sassenachs are at it agin the noo
>>490188 ayy my sassanigga toc fade ar la know what im sayin
we wuz firbolgs
Muintir Nemid my nigga, we wuz opressed for 2000 years by those light skinned ass nigga tuatha de dannan and shite and then those sassaniggas came over and took over and oppressed us
Rewatching GoT and I have realised: it is kino. Fuck /brit/. Facts don't care about your feelings, cupflakes.
>>490192 btech
>>490192 My cousin tried to trick me with this. They failed and were smashed upon the ground tl;dr they drank too much
Made me some boxxy day ham and I can't stop the crackling being done before the rest of the joint and so I blame the piggy
>>490192 What exactly is kino about it? I'm interested in seeing how the mentally disabled see things differently to us normals.
Some reading with the breedee
>>490198 qeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeq
>>490198 those are boyish looking hands tbh
>>490200 Poombs 2
>>490197 Okay skip the early Danny scenes, most of season 5 and 6, and it's a tale of men putting in work to protect family and brvthers in arms and ultimately btfo necromancers and the very end is Jon Snow's redemption for his wildling common asylum policy, when he murders Danny (the aunt he's been fugging) because no pms Mary Sue schizos should rule. Okay thank you.
>>490202 >well you see, it has a pretty generic plot! it's a perversion of British history and culture with coomer shite thrown in for low IQ tards such as yourself
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>when they show Crodocile Dundee on telly now they have to cut out "this is a knife"
>>490204 >the way the bbc shrivels before the (Anglo-)Saxon
>skeksis effortposting against Musk on shitter keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Spic after doing leg surgery
why's the orange nigger wanting to annex canada now
>>490210 because he's a retard baiting other retards
>>490207 I literally don't care any more. Funny that auld beaky chops is livid though.
>>490210 He's just trying to trick other countries into increasing their defence budgets
>>490207 >@elonmusk, who is not maga and never has been just like trump then
>>490214 remember when they used to put dildos in tinnies like prizes in cereal and you accidentally swallowed one when drinking a tinny and nearly died and was briefly gay?
>tfw don't remember that
>>490217 >chink at work announces himself as buddhist and goes on about reincarnation >won't kill slugs because they used to be people >but eats meat, a higher form of animal If you come back as a slug you were a nonce, simple as. Yet this cunt is eating other mammals? Buddhism is bullshit tbh
The chink tries so hard to be the nerd emoji but is literally always wrong about everything keek
hope you lads boxed a lot of wogs this boxing day
>>490218 he just wanted to impress you with his mysterious and foreign religion
>this boomer saying how the idea of democracy came from the jews >tell him its a grecian word >"yeah but english/american democracy" >tell him the amerishart FF were obsessed with anglo saxon electoral kingship and the idea of "freeman" right to bear arms is from anglo saxon england KNOW YOUR PLACE KIKE
>>490223 based fuk juws and shabboes see th chudmaskino >>490220
>dissident artist banned from youtube and only extant on shitter because musk hasn't noticed him yet >uses jewgle docs to write his antisemetic hate speech choon keeeeeeek
three tubs of leftover dindins and three of cake
this steam sale has been so shite, they don't even give you cards for viewing the queue anymore just worthless stickers since apparently pajeet bots kept spamming it to farm the cards.
*dips the leftover mini pork pies in the leftover gravy*
I'll go hunting for matcha cookies on the morrow.
>>490228 any gooms worth buying?
>>490231 most of the good stuff I've already got but theres a few things I'm eyeing, also epic games have been giving away a free game every day for chrimbo so I'm waiting until late in the steam sale so I don't buy a game that ends up being given away for free on EGS
>>490231 only thing i bought recently was abiotic factor and i probably shouldn'#t since i barely play survivalslop
>>490231 Depends what you already own. There were some good deals. I purchased Helldivers 2, it's ok apart from all of the npcs on your ship being brown.
Or perhaps I'll cook. Fresh veal parm sandwich and matcha cookies. Luxurious.
This sale is bad though, I think a lot of publishers/studios are deliberately not doing good deals on steam anymore during the big sales for some reason, a few weeks ago a lot of the games that were 75-80% off are now between 40% and 60% off, I assume some new algo informed them that they can maximise profits by doing this.
>>490236 On one hand, you can buy games for less through cd key stores. On the other hand, if you buy directly on steam, you can play for up to 2 hours and get a refund if you don't think the game is your thing.
>>490203 Nothing wrong with creating a fantasy world using historical events as influence. >muh degeneracy Product of it's time skip those scenes too tbf. What you call generic I say is good story archetypes. The score is good. It's often visually stunning. Seethe and cope Peter. You were gay enough to read the books.
I read some of the books up to the third or fourth, but I didn't really enjoy what I read. Repeated digressions on minor branches of Houses and their history, the wars they've fought etc, with a near endless supply of interchangeable named characters of little consequence. Baffling.
The TV show was enjoyable until Jon Snow was resurrected.
>>490240 watched it until ned stark died then lost interest tbh
>>490241 lad thats literally the final scene of season 1
>>490242 yeah it didn't really grab my interest and then i felt no need to go back for more could tell the entire plot was just going to be nothing but morally grey people being dicks to each other (so mature) as if that isn't a hundred percent of the slop that gets made these days
>>490243 >these days s1 was 2011
want to keep eating sweeties but tummy pain keeps preventing it
>>490244 tv hasn't exactly gotten better since then >>490245 smh just reminded me that i left my choccy orange in the fridge at my dad's house sneed to go get it
sunburn doing a number rn
>>490247 you need one of those big aussie cowboy hats
>>490248 had one as a young lad tbh but now it's too small for my head
>>490251 not sure what this is about tbh got a medical condition where i temporarily go ninety percent deaf as soon as i hear a woman nagging all i heard is drug addict which considering he is a """former""" homosexual it checks out also i got bored and didn't watch it the whole way through because catty drama is boring not sure who she is or who the zesty buck with the frilled cuffs is
>>490251 >6 minutes and 54 seconds nigga I ain't watching that >>490251 >former I thought he married a BBC?
>Musk had a tantrum and outed his sockpuppet account by going on audio with a load of the maga faggots that have turned on him keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>490255 keeeeeeek there's no coming back from that
smorfternoon las fresh nixonian kino
oops wrong one
new cargo cult just dropped
>>490259 keeeeeeeeeek that's the USA's new chief of staff lad
>>490259 that drip is the bomb fr
>>490262 though musk would be able to keep the charade going for longer tbh guess our enemies really are all egotists succeeding via organised cronyism rather than intelligence
>>490247 don't underestimate how quickly the sun will destroy your white skin. wear a thick layer of SPF 50+ sunscreen, a sun hat, and polarized sunglasses. get some kind of UV protection for your car windows. 10% of Australians get some form of skin cancer at some point
>toil soon
>>490262 the right split into two factions there's the "we should totally bring a slave class into are nation because obviously things will stay that way forever" faction and there's the "are you fucking retarded look how that turned out last time" faction
>>490263 are guys don't know what's going on their guys don't know what's going on nobody with a brain is allowed anywhere near the levers of power >>490264 yeah tbh slip slop slap seek and slide and you'll survive
Edited last time by auslad on 12/27/2024 (Fri) 13:23:19.
big thanks to enoch are silent hero keeping /brit/ safe from the qoomer hordes just checked the logs and wew he's been busy very good lad
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ow I just sneezed and bit my tongue >>490267
>>490269 only ever go full sun once per year tbh so i'm golden tbh skinwise although i really should get in the habit of using sunscreen because that doesn't last forever
>>490270 Australia has some of the strongest UV radiation in the world. if you're going outside at daytime you should put it on, it only takes a minute after you shower to pat dry your face with a clear towel, apply sunscreen, and wash your hands
>>490271 took my shirt off to get into the pool this crimbo and was immediatly greeted with flashbang responses smh none of it will stick anyway smh nine tenths will peel off and the rest will fade after a month or two
>>490268 Glad to be of assistance
Pajeets produce trash Cows consume trash Cows produce dung Pajeets consume dung this is Samsara, the circle of life
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>My sister has to write an essay on history for university(imperial), out of these 6 chosen topics: 1. Compare European and Chinese/Islamic science between 700-1200 2. Was the Renaissance progressive or regressive? 3. Some shit how western science was in by influenced the regions it spread to 4. Why is the idea of a lone inventor/genius so prevalent? 5. How convincing do you find the concept of the "industrial revolution"? 6. How was science, technological and industrial progress put to the task of imperial rule and domination? Notice anything?
>>490275 Glad I'm not a historian today, seems like all it's used for is shitting on whitiods.
>>490276 Funny thing is she's doing a STEM subject.
I just sit back and laugh at anybody that got excited by Trump his oligarchs.
>>490279 going to be kino watching him shart all over the qoomers
>>490280 >>490279 Trust the plan goys! I'm shitposting on 4cuck pretending to be a hardcore Trump supporter saying legal immigration is based.
>>490281 >I'm shitposting on 4cuck pretending to be a hardcore Trump supporter saying legal immigration is based keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek nothing wrong with a bit of seethium farming
>>490275 I'll take point 6 Every Indian should drop to their feet and worship you as closer to God, or their pantheons thereof, for being provided with the abstract thought of "Medical Professionalism" so their children survive to adults and their women survive to birth them, and for the "Abolition of Slavery as State Enterprise" to which they are no longer kept under physical chain or traded in the way of chattel commodity. Thank heavens for that white man every day. If you claim however that Indians would have arrived at these developments in their own way and in their own time, then note that it was a particular form of autism unique to the anglos that accomplished these things in spite of the world's tendency to oppose individual liberty and class mobility as a potential threat to the social ranking of aristocracy. But instead the Indians claim their aggrievement at being dispossessed of their gold, silver, jewels and grains with which they would have attained their true status as Brahmin and every one of them the social strength and status of multi-millionaires. "If only the white man hadn't robbed us 250 years ago" they all cry instead of being thankful for their lives
there's at least one mongoloid who intentionally searched through the catalogue and posted in an old thread jannies sneed to go back to locking them after we move to a new one
>>490285 Good point. I've locked and anchored the last few threads now.
Just realised there's no point in anchoring a locked thread. Unless you plan on unlocking it. Or you like looking at anchors.
Ordered some matcha powder online seeing as even a specialty Japan store didn't seem to have what I was looking for. Will use it to bake some cookies on Sunday or Monday.
Edited last time by Enoch on 12/27/2024 (Fri) 21:30:47.
Did anything happen over Christmas, lads?
>>490289 Yes, Santa saved the white race whilst you were sleeping because you were a good boy this year.
wew been this thread for a week now
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board seems a bit cooked rn
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>>490295 We've lost are weigh
state of these glorified lolbergs.
>>490295 Kinda ack’d inna peeb tbh
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How do we bring life to the bored again? OC quotas?
nothing lasts forever. we had a good run.
Let's start a band lads, we can use it as a cover for domestic terrorism
>>490302 I’m down for that
>>490302 slaps this
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Another week of toil over with
>>490305 Haha beer classic bruv
>>490306 u don't like beer?
drinking smokey whiskey mummy got me for quismois https://youtu.be/wM0Q__hBauk
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>all those 2025 high school lip dubz acoming
>>490310 This but everyone is a chud
I've been thinking up jokes for fun What do you call it when a Japanese tourist tells a joke in China? The Jape of Nanking
Edited last time by Enoch on 12/27/2024 (Fri) 23:43:12.
>>490312 jakeek!
>>490312 Dont get it tbh lad
THAT'S ALRIGHT WESSEX https://youtu.be/etu4yzzVGNU
>>490315 Think Wessex is dead again tbh lad
>>490299 wish I had an army of these
shite thread wont auto update either
>>490319 sort it out ausfag
harris team had to pay eminem 1 and a half million dollars to show up for her but rob shinieder showed up to support trump without asking for any money. fact!
smorbius lads >>490319 tbh always think nobody's poosting but then it turns out i was supposed to refresh for the disclaimer and then i miss the brief flurry of activity and everyone goes quiet again
>>490320 probably need to refresh the page to accept the disclaimer smh gets me every time
>>490322 >smorbius lads imagine having your waking hours in sync with spic
Will we get an invitation to 22st's wedding lads?
>>490324 >>490325 keeeeeeeeeeeek
>>490326 yeah lad all of us it's going to be the 2025 /brit/ meetup
watching le youtube documentary about "p diddy" it's so fucking cringe how seriously they take their "culture" of aggressively saying rhyming words
business idea: scuba tank but with built in vape coil so you can vape while you dive. plus your air bubbles will smell like raspberry ice so if you get stuck in a fishing net your rescuers will be able to smell u on the surface
business idea: dead niggers! https://youtu.be/r9ARPa7gQh0
remember that based goom the japanese made about ethnically cleansing hong kong after british handover kek
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>>490334 never should have given it back smh
>>490336 tbh, i think the outer territories were on the 99 year lease but the core of hong kong was leased in perpetuity and could've been kept if the the uk govt had possessed enough balls at the time. i've heard stories of 90s british hk and it sounds like heaven. can you imagine the cunny sailors could get over there, corr.
>>490337 just another thing lost with the planned demolition of the empire
>>490338 wasn't planned just normal decline, don't give the enemies credit for our misery
>>490340 but it didn't have to happen literally at any point someone near the levers of power could have said "actually let's not fade away into irrelevancy" and turned the whole thing around it was a deliberate collapse only made possible by the quiet consent of everybody whose opinion actually mattered at the time
not enough room in the post-war world for two superpowers so the jews told the pollies to pull the plug
Talichads are uniting Greater Pashtunistan
>>490341 yeah but the people near the levers of power, as you describe it, were boomers who literally breathed lead up until about 2000 as it was in the petrol kek
>mfw i breathed leaded pettrol fumes
>>490343 any reason for this or were they just bored of their desk jobs? >>490345 it's good for you lad puts hair on your chest
have a good song to post but it's hard to find because it's dabke and arabic, but it is pure fire i promise
it's the best song ever made and if you bench with it on your earbuds the weights will go through the ceiling and land on mossad hq in israel
>>490347 baste
>>490348 >>490349 smh find it lad
>>490351 trying hold on
>>490351 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BU_gm877cKw
found it, lets fucking go - crank this shit lad *crushes tinnie* that was difficult
feel i did my part here
i mean seriously wtf, make a post
Fresh Christopher Hitchmas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogx7DdXIcIM
hate nato and hope north koreans are ok in eastern europe
>>490337 The reasons for the handover are as follows: >The New Territories formed most of the territory of Hong Kong, and were not easily separable >Hong Kong was reliant on the mainland for energy and water >Peking threatened to take Hong Kong by force if we didn't hand it back. Our navy had diminished to such an extent that we couldn't hope to stop them. The US wouldn't help - they actively wanted us to lose our colonies. Im the past, China was weak and wanted us to continue the colonial administration for the duration of the lease, but even since the 50s there was always the strong possibility it would have to be handed back by the end of the New Territories lease or there would be an armed conflict once China was strong enough. If the democratisation process was started before the Tiananmen Square protests, there's a chance that Hong Kong could've survived with its own entrenched political system separate from Peking. Patten's political reforms were too little too late, they never would've endured.
Edited last time by Enoch on 12/28/2024 (Sat) 09:37:58.
>>490361 yeah not cool
all the best lads
>>490353 decent choon wonder what these lads are talking about tbh hear al-aqsa a lot so it's probably spicy >>490356 sorry lad was gooming been gaining an appreciation for the english electric lightning as of late >>490359 mad how anyone on the wrongthink right ever thought elon was are lad tbh he was always some milquetoast reddit-right do-nothing
"demographic replacement is fine as long as it happens legally" and other hillarious icebreakers you can use to warm up the crowd at your public execution
I love 'jaks so much
keeeeeeeeeek he's still seething
When Hitler spoke of aryans with bright foreheads being the creators of culture, is this whohe had in mind?
>>490367 He's gone Jordan-petersonian in calling people disagreeing trolls and racists
>>490367 This kind of moralising in order to get cheap shit brownoid labour is merchant-tier.
>>490371 Why did they leave him alone with all that shit?
>>490368 Are they related?
>>490372 no idea
>>490372 because then they can exploit his retardism for content
>>490368 Looks like a retarded Lyoto Machida.
>>490371 >when you invite wessie round yer house.
Ooooh I just know that something is good gonna’ happen
>>490376 based >>490378 keeek
>>490302 > a cover for domestic terrorism Would be a good band name.
>>490382 >tfw domestic extremist Extreme views but never leave the house
>>490383 None of my views are extreme tbh. We just live in an extreme far left gay race communist dystopia created by 90s liberals and I want them to one day face a perfectly reasonable public execution. We will go outside for that.
>>490376 giga based he's almost on his way to hating jews more than roman catholics but honestly as a norn iron man we really can't ask him to go further
>thinking about the old days tbh (miss the nrx lads) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a8l1Gw_7JfI
lowered the gearing on t'bike lads, no hills can stop me now
>>490384 >None of my views are extreme tbh. We just live in an extreme far left gay race communist dystopia created by 90s liberals and I want them to one day face a perfectly reasonable public execution. We will go outside for that. Based sensible centrist
>>490387 How? That would mean replacing a sproket and tightening the chain, right?
>>490343 The GLA has invaded Takistan. Baistte
>>490389 Yeah that's about it. Replace the sprocket on the hub with one that has more teeth or replace your chainring with one with less teeth. If you divide the teeth on the chainring by the teeth on the sprocket that gives you your gear ratio. Closer ratio = less revs = more torque. The trade-off is that lowering the gearing also lowers your top speed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkZbmd6cYSI
>>490389 Vomitus.
>>490391 based gear understander
>>490389 SPOILER the romany gypsy mummy pls
>>490366 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>490367 nobody in america ever wanted that boer faggot to come here anyway he is a literal white nigger
>>490396 Whiter than you, Squanto.
Reasons why I'm better than you all: 1. I fucked Grimes 2. I am a billionaire 3. I have bred 4. My best friend is President of the USA
>>490398 >1. I fucked Grimes bit gay tbh
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek it's still going
>>490396 we should have holocausted them when we had the chance
>>490401 Steiner's ancestor should never have race mixed.
>>490400 lel >demi-humans are real
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>490402 >shpic
>490404 You can tell by my posts not being eight paragraphs long that I'm not spic. But yeah, defend the mixling.
my spic filter working perfectly
Steiner is a literal Ojibwe spic.
>>490400 >laura loomer >my country sorry kike your country is israel
>jew >calling someone else subversive
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I want this aesthetic back
>>490399 >>490398 >fucked Grimes yikes
>>490394 That’s Mama JF (deceased)
>>490407 \ yeah keep trying to rizz those slags with your cretacious drip you boomer
>ywn have a bonking stick to go and bonk people who you like and steal them to your tribe for breeding
>>490413 >>490414 >>490415 This is your culture.
howling tbh
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>>490419 >kettleballs
>>490419 Eli Muskowitz needs to know his child trooned because he inherited his superautism. If he was born 20 years later he'd troon too. >this weak mind is the future of space exploration Reddit 2077 ACK.
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so based!
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I wonder what SA is doing now?
>>490412 Jealous of JF tbh
>>490423 It's past 8 on a Saturday so he's almost certainly being a massive faggot.
>>490422 Noooo Nige, that nigger is an unpersoned antisemite. She doesn't belong in the global civic order.
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>>490425 >he's almost certainly being a massive faggot. Yes... yes...
What is this eye colour? Feel like it is both green, blue, grey with a little golden brown at the edges. All depending on lighting
>>490429 he's here to serve us, lad
>>490422 she is BWC only
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>>490432 even more based
>>490429 jeets are their own type of creatura
>>490424 why's that lad?
>>490435 big brain, big breeder, just kills off breedees when they run out of eggs, etc. living the life
>>490436 oh it's you
>>490437 b_and_b_with_their_tongues_out.jpg
>>490429 before hearing him speak, I would've said he'd came out of Brazil tbh.
>>490438 we're such a couple of pickles
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>>490430 he did already say this during his campaign, but rightoid retards have selective hearing. because they are just the ultimate goofy goyim.
>>490442 >tfw rightoids can't have standards because that's purity spiralling
wonder who's whiter, steiner or a piece of coal..
>>490444 wasted get tbh
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now that I have been forced to confront the Pajeet Question (PQ), I have concluded that they are a form of life lower than bacteria and should be exterminated by some sort of chemical that kills 99.9% of them on contact
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bed ridden
>>490448 red bidden
Always thought this looked like a futuristic Elon Muskrat.
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>>490451 everyone is pissed off with Musk now because he's shown himself to be an agent of the Poo World Order
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Who here /toooldtodieyoung/?
a second subway burning!
>>490453 yeah lad, 27 is the last chance, that's ages ago for me now
>>490455 We'll just have to survive to 100+ now. Smh.
>>490428 kind of similar to mine, except I have a 2-3 flecks of brown in the middle, and overall they're greyer. You'll probably go greyer and more indeterminate as you age, but I'd say they are blue going grey. There is obviously green there but it isn't as dominant.
smorbius lids >>490453 just what time does lad this shouldn't be a surprise never really understood the whole woe is me i'm old now mentality
>>490459 Totally, they're fucking shit and annoying and ruin food (unless it is manky macaroni and cheese from the Co-op).
Alright, I admit it. I somewhat enjoy baseball.
>>490458 >never really understood the whole woe is me i'm old now mentality tbh it's homosexual thinking
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>aurini on smelliniyool
>>490463 we need a lust in the time of heartache II
>>490463 that's still going on?
>>490463 at least that's a name tbh. he's had so many jobbers on there.
bloody hell, he's bloated. needs to lay off the deep-fried Mars bars
>homosexual thinking >watches Wews
>>490469 America really is where all that sweet grift money is. even that weird looking german e-thot has self-inserted herself into that twitter thread.
why does woes still do this shite?
trump is the swamp, he is surrounded with oligarchs and kikes who just liked the prole memis such as the idea of nationalism when in reality all they care about its making money. its why matt heimbach was the last chance for western civilization. nationalism without socialism is just shite oozing from a 'jeets anus right onto the rotting corpse of western civilization while some chudlet tries to suckle some hecking racism from her deflated breast
I keeeeeeeeeeeeek.
>>490471 Mate, it's his biggest stream of income the entire year.
>>490473 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
i like milleniyule i watch it in its entirety every year
>>490474 keeek so many fags just get into the worst life arcs and never claw themselves out.
>>490472 matt heimbach will return to lead the working chuds to victory
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gonna be so comfy voring the trumpoid schadenfreude as they realize yet again they did not elect some pantocrator
>2033 >united nations special task force racist extermination teams U.N.S.T.R.E.T track woes down to his house where he had posting his final millenniyule on the darkweb to the embattered northwest secessionist force cadres engaged in classic heimbach style gorilla warfare
colin robertson "aka millennial woes" took a long drag from his lucky strike >oh yeah heh, yeah I like mars bars as well, im thinking of going on a walk soon the guerilla on the other end of the viewscreen was wearing an optic mask to hide him from the jewish "head louse" hunter killer drones which were the size of a sparrow and more or less analogous to a flying "toe popper" mine of the late 20th century, the other man grizzled looking nodded and then turned off his viewport
>well that wraps up another interview im always so exhausted from these interviews woes looked at the view counter to see that only 1 other perso was watching the stream but then suddenly his moderator whose wife he had impregnated in their rural north dakota farm compound went outside to the sound of dogs barking...
>>490484 >>490485 keeeeeeeeeeeek good poost steiner
wews really thinks he's going to have another decade of millenniyule
We all know wews would go out in the cola riots of 2028. No scotsman can really contend with the concept of losing his sugar water.
>>490483 wish i had a tommy gun tbqh with the fat fuck hundred round drum magazine pvre kino
>>490489 wish I was a tommy gun with a fat fucking hundren round mag.
>ywn be a chicago type writer and kill italian people all day
>>490491 the dago deleter.
>ywn live in the v3 gun bunker and hang out with your bros driving trains underground and bombing the filthy fucking godless mutt criminal shitskin londoners into oblivion every single day
miss this nigga
>>490497 he died?
>>490498 quit youtube
>>490499 good for him tbh he made it then he made it out
off t'bottleo
>>490501 buy cider
>>490486 his woes seen this?
>>490481 >pantocrator what?
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>>490459 I just microwaved some tea which had got a bit cold they can at least do that
>>490505 jesus christ ruler of the universe niggercattle keep expecting blimpf to save them from the exact kind of shit that he's eagerly inflicting on them and they never fucking learn because they're subhumans
Why Anti-White Racism WILL Get WORSE | Amy Gallagher https://youtu.be/3nSc2UAA8Xk
>>490507 went of panto years ago tbh
>>490510 used to always go to the pantomime for crimbo as a young lad haven't been since coming to australia tbh not really a thing here honestly glad i didn't if there's wogs in it now
Farts actually smelling like fish tank or bog water currently. not sure what that's all about?
>people spent decades believing this shit
>>490508 When she was first introduced on Nu Culture Forum as the founder of "Stand Up To Woke" I thought she'd be a female Kisin, but she's a fully based chudette. Envy her husband.
finally some eceleb griftent Hullo, yes, that's right! three hours of BELIEVE ME! 2024 Year In Review - with Various Guests https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/2024Review:b
>>490517 >Mark Collett lad, are you trying to kill us with boredom?
breathed in my own fart juices and now my tongue got that choco stench. i wouldn't mind but i've got to kiss my girlfriend on the lips tonight. mans down bad. hands freakin' up don't shoot.
>>490521 wasn't the last one utterly shit and stupid?
>>490517 phwoar
>>490522 more kino than soywars shite at least
>lads mocking soy content but watch even more of it than soyjaks.
Absolute pottery
anyway, Sonic is probably enjoyed by the target audience. Children.
>>490525 we watch it to harden are resolve to save the huwhite race
>anti-sonikino seethers itt Godess Christian Sonichu Neptunia Chandler will SMITE you down and you will NEVER experience the Dimensional Merge
>>490528 you watch it because it's easy slop and you've never made an inspired film choice in your life.
*drops mic*
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>>490530 lad, actually, you are wrong, so shut up

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