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List of evidence Anonymous 06/18/2023 (Sun) 19:32:41 Id: 253eb9 No. 718
This link contains one of the largest reference materials for the bible for archaeological, literary, etc. evidence I've seen: https://pastelink.net/2w1ne I think ya'll would benefit from it
This is super nice and convenient
>>718 Someone should highlight particular ones of higher note than others. That's a very very long list.
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This is very helpful God bless You brother.
A year or so ago I crawled all those links and wrote a wget command (as far as wget can download bloated webpages in current year) that lets you download locally all those documents, and a second command for yt-dlp to backup all the youtube videos and playlists. It may sound easy but as a codelet like me it isn't. I think I posted it on a thread in anon cafe, anyone have that text saved by chance? It's useful if you're a datahoarder.
>>1045 By the looks of it, you can still find it over there at 24941.html#25026
>>1049 But anon cafe is dead?
>>1050 Dead, yes, but the board itself relocated to zzzchan. So nothing was really lost.

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