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NON-CAPESHIT comics Anonymous 09/30/2022 (Fri) 18:48:46 No. 29352 >>34253
Since the retard on /v/ refuses to take any advise, I guess I'll actually follow through on what he can't. Would people mind enlightening me of some of the American comics that are coming out that are NOT and have NOTHING to do with capeshit and superheroes? Could you give me the premise, or even story-time the shorter ones? What are some that you recommend people read?
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>>33141 >The animals consent never even crossed my mind when considering why beastiality is wrong. Unfortunately, I had watched an exposé on a zoophile podcaster recently and I'm afraid it colored my language a smidge. The good news is that he died from cancer. The bad news is that his partner is still out there, somewhere. >>33075 >A human penis can easily fit in a wolf dog mutts cookie. mfw
>>29352 (OP) Something Is Killing the Children >Premise: Think John Wick meets The Witcher Kill Six Billion Demons >Premise: The Elder Scrolls, and Dark Souls meets Kung-Fu films. Both are very good reads. WARNING: Both of these comics contain homosexuality/lesbianism and some transsexualism. So if you are tired or easily triggered by these themes don't bother reading them. HOWEVER, these things are only briefly mentioned through dialogue and not depicted through the art and doesn't really affect the story or characters in a meaningful way, so I still recommend reading them.
>>34253 Gays in media is so overdone at this point that it's not controversial anymore unless it's a children's cartoon. What's annoying is shoving trannies into anything. It's a minority of a minority. Unless it's something dealing directly with demons, it doesn't work in a horror setting. It's just forced.
>>33150 Why is an animal outliving its rapist bad news?
>>34255 Not even gays or trannies, its always lesbians, gay men are a background character at best
>>34258 Gay men in comics or animation are pretty rare yeah. It's always lesbians but trannies or other such gender nonsense aren't uncommon. I'd say it's the fault of women but most comic writers are still men.
>>34259 Lesbians still outnumbered trannies
>>34260 Yes I agree.
>>34255 >Gays in media is so overdone at this point that it's not controversial anymore Only just a few months ago people were pissing themselves in anger over the gay male couple in The Last of US TV show.
>>34268 No people were annoyed the showrunners intentionally made the gay relationship more explicit to "gross out straight dudes" with a gay sex scene.
>>34273 The showrunners expanded on a lot of the story that wasn't show in the game. I recently watched another stream / play through of the game and the game is pretty bare bones on story compared to the show. They were right to show Bill's story, and it wasn't to gross people out. It was for the reason of telling a complete story. The game only hinted at Bill being gay, the show would be failing in its job if it also only hinted at Bill being gay instead of showing us, just as it showed us more about all of the characters from the game.
>>34274 Yes, a medium that is only about telling stories has more narrative material in it than a more complex medium that is designed to be played by the audience rather than for the audience. Bill's story was not well served by the inclusion of a sex scene. Indeed, sex scenes typically are completely unable to advance narrative since they do not involve appreciable dialogue, at most displaying through body language what appear to be the underlying traits of the characters involved. A director could include internal monologues from the characters involved, though in that case we only really need a single shot to "set the scene" and it might even be better to not have that shot in the sequence if the context of those internal monologues would change with the revelation they occurred during a moment of intimacy. The scene you mention does none of these things. While the characters talk, they could have had the same conversation outside of bed clothed. In fact, if Bill's partner had said the same things then retired to a nearby bedroom, disrobing as he goes only to have Bill follow suit moments later it would have been a much more powerful scene (Yes, he wants him to stay "a few more days") rather than it more seeming that socially awkward Bill is getting taken advantage of. Additionally, an entry in a different medium cannot have "showed us more about all of the characters from the game" since the characters in the game were, by the nature of the medium, partially expressions of the individual players' traits. Your belief that a sex scene was needed to "show" that Bill is gay, and that not doing so would be a "failing", reveals your complete inability to correctly interpret narrative themes which makes your condescending diatribe especially moronic; what matters is that Bill fell in love after an extended period of interminable loneliness and it made him feel, amongst other things, vulnerable. He could have fallen in love with a woman, an alien from Mars, basically any sentient being and the story would not be intrinsically changed, likewise if he mentioned that last time long ago was with a woman it would not have changed anything. You appear to be a leftist, and thus I imagine this plea will fall on deaf ears, but please examine your thought processes and critically ask yourself if the things you assume to be true are in fact actually based on objective truth and logic. In closing, Sage for not talking about Comics & Cartoons on /co/ and reported for making me have to watch this faggoty schlock to point out the fallacies of your assumptions.
>>34275 >>34275 The "sex scene" had no sex. It showed them in bed briefly kissing and that's it. You were definitely one of those people angry that you were made to see the story of two men falling in love. Your interpretation of Bill as a character is almost completely wrong. People online are so stupid when it comes to anything concerning sex or sexuality. He's an aggressive antisocial prepper, who survived the apocalypse through sheer ingenuity. His sexuality is important because not only does it flip the trope but it also places an emphasis on just how dire the situation is, the world's human population has been culled, there are next to no gay men. Bill was closeted, and had never been in love, and had never been with a man. Frank is his last chance. Lonely, yes. Vulnerable, no. And that's the exact reason why it's important to show the process of them falling in love because Frank is the source of Bill's vulnerability. That's usually the purpose of any form of intimacy within a story. Bill could not have fallen in love with a woman or an alien because Bill is gay. You all refuse to believe that gay people are actually gay. Their relationship provided the impetus for Bill to meet Tess and Joel. Thus it was completely appropriate and important to show us Bill's story, instead of just having us (as players or viewers) find Frank or both, Bill and Frank, dead with next to no explanation.
>>34274 It didn't need to be shown. They literally admit they show the sex scene explicitly to gross out straight men. This isn't rhetoric.
>>34280 Mind sharing the article or tweet of the showrunners or writers saying the scene was "to gross out straight men". I genuinely can't find anything talking about it. And why do you all keep calling it a sex scene? There was no sex. Did you all cover your eyes while watching or fast forwarded past the scene? They literally kiss and that's it.
>>34282 >>34283 These links say nothing about grossing out straight men. The director said he wanted to "trick" the audience into watching a gay love story. It wasn't much of a trick for anyone paying attention and for anyone who had played the game, or even anyone who appreciates methodical story telling. The rest of what the director said lines up with what I typed earlier about Bill and Frank. I hate when people lie. But thanks for the links anyway.
>>34278 >>34284 Gay romance it's simply gross and aesthetically disgusting, nobody wants to see that, that's probably a untold reason of why pretty much every non-straight character is a lesbian, even in hardcore woke shit
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>>34285 Or why fujos have to lie and make yaoi essentially lesbians with cocks.
>>34257 ayylmao
>>34259 It's still the fault of women because when they get into positions of control, as low as assistant editor, they start making sure that only members of their cult ever advance in the industry again. Hell, they don't even need to be part of the industry. They just accuse people of vague nothings and have those people destroyed. >>34284 "Trick." Exactly. People don't like being tricked. That's what they're mad about. He set out to trick them and nobody wants that.
>>34289 Now that's true. Nepotism is really bad in the entertainment industry in general but in particular the animation side always has mostly women getting their friends hired. Sometimes straight from school or just association through sites like tumblr.
A thing that really makes manga better than western comics its their niches, you can find even the most absurdly specific topic meanwhile most western stuff its all about superheroes, zombies and horror, one of Batman's creators say that in a interview.
>>34297 True. Even indie comics have to rely on what sells. Which is superheroes or horror. Even existing properties don't sell if IDW is anything to go by.
>>34298 The Comics Code crippling most genres that weren't superheroes resulted in superheroes being the dominant genre for long enough that nobody who wants something other than superheroes turns to comics for it, so even when those comics are made, the people who would want them aren't looking to comics for them. It's a vicious cycle. Of course, though I don't have the numbers to back this up, I bet webcomics are a whole 'nother ball game, and there are probably some that make mad bank without anyone here even being aware of them, just from assorted autists paying on Patreon or whatever. Also, if it's porn, then I bet this goes double.
Readers and artists have been tired of super heroes since the late 80s, and probably earlier, I've read an interview or two of artist being excited about the prospect of fantasy and science fiction European comics from that time period becoming more popular in the U.S. because they were tired of drawing super heroes. Ofc they never took off and superman still reigns supreme 40 years later. The thing is that we could get more original stories similar to manga if companies like Marvel would throw a tiny fraction of their billions into advertisement and development of those type of comics. But there's no reason to do that when they can just keep pushing the Avengers and people happily buy the comics, merch, games, and movie tickets about those superheroes.
>>34301 >The thing is that we could get more original stories similar to manga if companies like Marvel would throw a tiny fraction of their billions into advertisement and development of those type of comics. Marvel doesn't have billions, Disney does. The Marvel Comics division is nothing. It's also separate from Marvel Studios. Neither Disney nor Marvel advertises comics, either, except for in other Marvel comics, which defeats the point. >But there's no reason to do that when they can just keep pushing the Avengers and people happily buy the comics, merch, games, and movie tickets about those superheroes. Nobody has bought the comics in years, nay, decades. Everything else is based on the comics back from when they sold well, which is when superheroes dominated. Also there are a few forced adaptations of recent propaganda, but both the original propaganda and the forced adaptations of them fail every time. Propaganda is really a whole different beast. You could tell them to make new comics that aren't superheroes, but they'll still be this propaganda, and since they aren't superheroes, they'll sell even less to the couple of whales who contribute the last few thousand sales a "successful" modern comic might get every month. And you won't even like them either, because they'll still be shit modern Marvel comics.
>>34302 >Nobody has bought the comics in years, nay, decades. Hmmm that's not true. Last year North American comic books sales reached 2 billion USD. As far as Marvel comics go they currently amount to 39% of comic book sales in the US. They have money. It really does just come down to someone at the top deciding on if they're going to try to make and then advertise anything original.
>>34303 And manga?
>>34303 You know those charts count manga in comic book sales right?
>>34303 You can actually look up monthly sales charts. They sell fucking nothing. The audience is absolutely minuscule.
>>34304 >>34305 >>34306 Guys I did not check manga. I specifically looked up the numbers for U.S. or western comic sales and U.S. comic book publishers. With comics sales from the rest of the world included the number bumps up to almost 8 billion. If comics sold nothing then we'd have no comic shops. When was the last time any of you have been to a comic shop? The shops in my city are not filled with manga, they are all western comics. Yeah manga is more popular but that doesn't mean people aren't buying western comics.
>>34306 I'm not seeing what you're seeing. Hundreds of thousands of copies, of various titles, are being ordered and sold each month by shops.
>>34310 The top couple sellers might get into the hundreds of thousands, which is still nothing and enough to get a title cancelled when comics were doing well. The dropoff is steep and you see things that "the industry" pretends are big and successful selling a couple thousand. They're trying to stay profitable by jacking up prices and hiring nobodies that will work for less money, but that's a losing long term strategy that is just costing them more and more readers all the time, and the whales are literally dying off, at least the ones that aren't just getting sick of it and walking away. >>34308 I still go to my local comic shop sometimes, because I used to go weekly. I knew the people who work there, including the owner, and I feel bad that they clearly have fewer people there after people like me and others stopped going because new stuff became so shitty. But I'll go in and buy an old collected edition sometimes. More and more of their store has shifted to Funcopops and statues and things like that, because the comics don't fucking sell. I wish the collected editions were doing better there, because I like many of those, but they've shrunken their shelf space dedicated to that, too.
>>34310 Oh yeah I also forgot to mention that the figures that get released don't say how many are sold each month by shops, they say how many are sold each month TO shops. Upon having this pointed out more often, SJW creators even started bragging about it. As people point out that they are horrible to customers, they start pointing out that readers aren't their customers, shops are. They just need to convince shops to buy them even if they don't sell, which they have been attempting to do by convincing shops to order copies of SJW books just to stick it to regular people who don't buy them, or by saying that if you (the shop owner) don't buy them, you're an istophobe. It works to a degree, many copies definitely sit in shops, never sold to a reader. Of course, again it's only a short term strategy, as hurting your points of sale isn't going to be good for your long term sales.

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