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Official Anonymous 05/23/2020 (Sat) 10:05:02 Id: acff34 No. 1014 >>1019 >>1069 >>18799 >>27577 >>40424
Bringing this back cos it's one of my favorite threads Post official pantsu/nudity of girls from western comics/cartoons
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from the webcomic Twice The Triplets
(689.90 KB 1230x795 RCO009_1469630067.jpg)

(317.50 KB 1242x800 RCO010_1469630067.jpg)

>>1014 (OP) Source?
>>1069 From the comic Elma (Europe Comics)
(66.77 KB 955x712 cindy139.jpg)

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(651.43 KB 954x715 pantslessannoyedcindy.JPG)

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(435.69 KB 1024x768 dragonpantsu2.jpg)

I think everyone in these panels is supposed to be a minor.
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(187.63 KB 278x311 growupundershirt.png)

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>>2472 what is this from?
>>2475 The Crayon Factory, it's for the CD-I and PC
(487.54 KB 1280x1600 bacteria.jpg)

(337.99 KB 537x401 bacteria2.PNG)

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My Best Friend is a Germ (Europe Comics)
(170.81 KB 800x700 0_89c5b_f6fdaca5_XL.jpg)

(31.30 KB 549x383 130605021153.jpg)

(586.75 KB 1200x1600 books 005.JPG)

Some stuff from the books about a girl named Martine (called Debbie in the US) illustrated by Marcel Marlier.
cute, what show is this from?
>>4393 A Brazilian show titled "Taina and the amazon guardians"
>>4400 Thanks, looks like it's based on the old live action Taina movies. Ngl she looks like a tribal Dora the explorer (but she's got the better outfit)
>>4505 And don't ask to the public for help.
>>2644 That girl is like a female version of Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes or Hammie from Baby Blues
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(617.02 KB 992x366 Sin título.png)

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(30.10 KB 544x400 524389 - Nadia Titeuf.jpg)

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From Kinderland, Europe Comics
(85.30 KB 502x710 untitled13.JPG)

(427.33 KB 1219x1600 alas.jpg)

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(521.59 KB 1219x1600 alas3.jpg)

(454.68 KB 1219x1600 alas2.jpg)

>>7042 who mad this and is there more?
>>7043 Title of the comic is Alas published by Europe Comics. Unfortunately last I checked it's just a one shot story and the girl gets 'domesticated' and clothed by the first half
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>>7075 Sorry about the double post--just go ahead and delete this one and the post here saying to delete it.
>>7076 I'm just glad to see activity on here to be honest.
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Not an actual upskirt or anything, just I found this book cover to be kind of funny, considering what board this is.
>>7091 Where are these screenshots from it looks like a commercial or a 90s movie?
(797.53 KB 1575x813 paper bag princess.png)

This is kinda interesting
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This entire comic
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(570.78 KB 1076x932 Ugly Americans.png)

(275.65 KB 357x368 ARTHUR’S PET BUSINESS.png)

>>8487 Willow from The Owl House reminded me of the main character from that Graphic Novel
(566.01 KB 1215x1600 Lucky 3.jpg)

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(529.29 KB 1214x1600 Lucky Luke.jpg)

(1.65 MB 1185x738 Lucky Luke 69.png)

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>>8569 Damn, they really softened and cutified the designs of these characters in the animated show. Hard to believe these are the same characters.
>>8655 I think they look adorable. Now I wanna see them partially undressed even more. It’s like when there was that 1% doubt that the Animaniacs revival on Hulu *wouldn’t* have the dirty risqué humour—it’s just part of their identity.
(3.67 MB 4480x880 Dream Girl.png)

>>8676 A that looks like a girl version of the Disney Cartoon Wynken, Blynken, and Nod
(1.94 MB 1107x1281 The Boys 38.png)

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(2.56 MB 1044x1804 Authority.png)

(348.30 KB 523x487 leg lift.png)

>>8673 Well I skimmed through the series and this is the closest it gets to having a girl in a lewd position.
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>>8682 Name and source of this comic, please. Is this the only shot with/of nude in it? >>8685 And can I get the name and source of this comics at well too please, might actually go and read it. Look nice.
(838.18 KB 1680x2166 Minou Kinis.jpg)

>>8690 Names in the file name.
(492.58 KB 302x235 Animation.gif)

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(375.75 KB 1003x1600 Toys.jpg)

(401.14 KB 962x1517 Children's Crusade 4.jpg)

(436.96 KB 967x1524 Children's Crusade 3.jpg)

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(1.29 MB 558x911 Children's Crusade.png)

>>8773 is there more from this "j. jones"?
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>>9701 Damn Maggie do be thicc tho
(712.51 KB 980x1386 20211017_baby-bath.png)

latest page of Twice The Triplets webcomic
>>10010 Why do I think/feel that someone who work on this just wanted to get sick fetishes out there?
>>8486 Is this the precursor to Brave?
Old ass pages of Twice the Triplets. The two shorter pages are from the Bonus Comics section. >>10011 Doesn’t every comic artist do that?
>>8487 >wearing a bra when you don't need to Cringe.
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Inhumans from Europe Comics
in the episode of no bus no fus. when lincoln and his friends were bullied. you can see stella's panties.
>>10113 I think they tied her shirt to their underwear as she wears a white shirt
>>10120 nop, she always wear a black skirt
this is another capture of the episode no bus no fuss that we already saw other qts in their panties. one the qt pink and blue the panties is white and hot pink and the other light pink and pink.
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Glorious Summers (Europe Comics)
>>10413 sooooo... the panties born of the hair XD?
>>10460 sauce anon ?
>>11012 It's a comic book titled Glorious Summers by Jordi Lafebre and published by Europe Comics
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I don't know if you remember an anime called Ro kyu bu, but man, this is real artwork...
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>>11075 I accidentally removed a file from this post while viewing it on the Latest postings page. I apologize for my mistake, and request the original poster to reupload the deleted image (since I can't find a way to restore the file from the settings).
(623.98 KB 1430x2123 RCO010_1557796959.png)

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Elfquest....Wendy and Richard Piny were strange people and they did hire a Canadian pedophile (Barry Blair) who burns in hell.
>>11074 Ro-Kyu-bu! is my favorite anime of all time, must have rewatched it a billion times over by now. It has some really great lolis, it's just a shame though that it never got brought over to the west, I can't get any dvds of it unless I import from japan which sounds way too expensive.
(61.57 KB 589x405 1613434638643.jpg)

>>11143 im like 80% sure this is a edit. this was a bold ep to do but i doubt that they would miss this in the editing room
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>>11171 Young girls bottoms must have been a big thing back then. And still is.
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>>2684 Glad to see someone already posted some Martine. Here's some more.
Check out the picture book la tribu qui pue. There are plenty of images online, though I have yet to find the entire thing. If anyone has it could you please post the images.
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>>11167 It's not. This particular frame managed to went pass the editors. People only found out about it after Rugrats have been distributed digitally. >>11188 These are terrifying
>>11188 Seems like something mad magazine would do if censorship did not exist, pretty ugly shit.
(397.59 KB 1305x898 RCO018_1567817126 (1).jpg)

(373.30 KB 474x691 Perks of a big ass.png)

Art doesn't have to be appealing.
>>11216 R Crumb a real OG KEEP ON TRUCKIN
>>11216 Wish I had more. Quality art right here.
(611.98 KB 620x588 Elm.png)

(935.25 KB 1085x721 Cooties.png)

(1.05 MB 881x737 Elm 2.png)

>>7631 They are from an Argentine tv show called "Dibu"
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(3.20 MB 1505x897 Wolfcup.png)

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(6.75 MB 4660x644 Wolfcup2.png)

>>11216 I believe I have this issue of Mr Natural in my milk crate of comics.
(737.56 KB 1920x1005 nude marie 1.png)

got this from nadia and the secret of blue water
(41.04 KB 432x192 nadia.gif)

>>11928 Speaking of which.
(1.46 MB 1009x1005 Red's planet.png)

(1.53 MB 1585x1080 MorrisMoose.png)

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(1.00 MB 796x1071 MorrisMoose3.png)

Anyone else got pantyshots from childrens books?
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(239.86 KB 1232x1200 Stor,_stoerre_voksen_-_Page_13.jpg)

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>>12017 Yessss. Sex ed illustrations are my bane. Thank you for sharing
>>12018 Do you have a source of those drawings
>>12035 Not exactly. I've assumed that the file name is what it's from.

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(960.07 KB 1198x604 lily.png)

(1.06 MB 1386x594 lily 2.png)

Poo poo
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(157.11 KB 857x429 Florence.jpg)

any other pantyshot screenshots of Florence from ''The Magic Roundabout"?
>>12288 May I ask were this is from? I like it. Look cute.

(6.17 MB 3100x748 Jingle.png)

(238.32 KB 1280x462 ion.jpg)

>>12409 >Jingle.png Looks wholesome and whimsical. What is it?
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>>12424 Jingle Jangle Comics
>>11089 I hate Muslims.
>>12425 god, i love french people so much
>>11089 can we get rid of this?
>>12435 Seconded.
>>12425 >That MASSIVE forehead.

(112.96 KB 1024x1024 1448942290019.jpg)

Not nudity at all, but a reminder that are some lassies like her, with that atribute from her mother, also to say that the show she's originated is now on Disney+
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>>13076 Is is actually good as a comic? Looks kinda fun, gotta admit.
>>12409 Name of the French comic?
>>13125 This is actually the original comic version of W.I.T.C.H. (aka Winx Club for cool kids), which is actually Italian; same with Winx.
>>13130 From what I understand, it’s actually a lot better than the show everyone remembers [AN: if one of the mods could please cut and paste this into the prior post]
>>13126 Natacha
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(1.81 MB 900x1291 ClipboardImage.png)

>>13078 Better scans
>>13161 Can I just acknowledge for, like, a minute that Will is lowkey adora-sexy?
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this is official we already see lincoln's sisters taking a bath but she looks very almost naked. and including my waifus lynn and luan loud. but seriously. i have already seen lynn in the shower and bath in a previous episode in the complete picture of the second season and also in some pics of r34. and luan loud in some pics of r34.
>>12289 I'm sorry for sounding like an uncultured swine, but where is the clip from?
(181.11 KB 800x1019 Lina 0.jpg)

(108.20 KB 1160x653 Lina 1.jpeg)

(162.98 KB 1200x1600 Lina 2.jpg)

(540.87 KB 642x502 Lina 3.png)

(744.72 KB 942x1080 Lina 4.png)

A new kids book: Lina, die Entdeckerin (Lina the Explorer) helps girls explore their own vulvas.
(34.55 KB 616x347 Lina 5.jpg)

(1.22 MB 998x722 Lina 8.png)

(2.43 MB 1366x1292 Lina 7.png)

(1.20 MB 1064x678 Lina 6.png)

More of Lina.
(155.36 KB 532x678 Lina 9.png)

(72.34 KB 1280x658 Lina 10.jpg)

We need someone in Germany to scan this whole book.
>>13260 Dot goes to Hollywood
>>13261 >>13263 >>13264 What the absolute fuck?
>>13261 >>13263 >>13264 I can't wait till the videogame adaptation.
(5.27 MB 1600x2176 393237.png)

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>>13268 Thank you
(776.17 KB 1187x1600 Untitled-01.jpg)

Isn't there plenty of Mampato material for this thread? I know we saw plenty of Rena's panties, but I think we saw her nipples too. Right? Maybe I'm misremembering. And I know the little cave girls were always nude, full frontal included. The Rapa girls, too-
>>13263 >>13264 I remember the days when genitalia would be explained by the parents (provided they aren't evangelical). Now, you need a special book. Also >you can draw naked kids, genitals and all, as long as it's "artistic" and "educational"
>>13307 It's a bit difficult to explain body parts without hands-on. This allows children to learn how their genitals work without requiring parents to fondle them. Granted, there is nothing inherently wrong with this (indeed, before a certain age parents must touch their children's genitals to clean them), but it's understandable that if the child is old enough the parents might be a little creeped out by the idea. Also, they might get in trouble if the kid goes telling other people that mommy touched her naughty place last night. >you can draw naked kids, genitals and all, as long as it's "artistic" and "educational" There are National Geographic issues floating around that have actual photos of actual naked children in them. Turns out it was NEVER about the children, just about pornography. Which means it's prudishness and Puritanism, nothing more.
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>>8487 >>13263 Does anyone else have any official stuff with western Loli and Shota characters sitting on toilets as these type of scenes (pictures) in books, cartoons and comics/graphic novels is where my fetish actually comes from?
>>8487 Wait, why are these kids taking shits in sight of each other? Are American camps actually like this? Are American camps just jail, or Shaolin monasteries? >>13337 Hey, cavewomen are fine!
>>13307 I say it's a good thing since it gives us good content
One of the few instances where our favorite chilean cake was naked
because the mayority of times, where her pantyshots
>>13512 >Cimento What?
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>>13516 his uncle is a fucking lolicon? lmao. he reminds me of that scoutmaster from hamster jovial
>>13523 "Fresh cement" in Portuguese. >>13524 No, he just was surprised at the kid's answers. Here's a translation of the strip: it was good to go to the club's pool, man. >Did you like it? <Yeah, because all us guys swam without swimsuits! >Wha... what? >And the girls? <No, not them! <They only took it off to sunbathe!
That "tio" was literal, so the first line actually is: "It was good to go to the club's pool, uncle."
>>13516 the world used to be this innocent
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>>13593 >human penis >no knot boo
Not a nudity cap but we can't forget the "tushy clentched" scene, for God's sake, how that was accepted by Nick?
>>13630 (((How))) indeed.
>>13630 Probably the single scene that made me a Lolafag
>>13630 Because it’s the same network that allowed this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=-Tgt3pn37qo
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>>14146 i bet fang would fuck like an animal
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>>14543 >she wants my pooper to be clean Wait what?
>>14543 What's this from?
>>14859 >second pic >Culotte *laughs in Spanish*
>>8488 anyone know what ep of ugly americans?
>>14861 Means "panties" in French
>>14882 But in Spanish means "big ass" with an extra T
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I'll just leave this here...
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Surprised this was in the ppg 2016 reboot
>>15261 PPG reboot is creep central.
>>15262 The PPG reboot was just awful start to finish, mired in controversy and hatred, hemorrhaging even their new viewers...and yet inexplicably lasted 3 seasons too long. The Ben 10 reboot, while it had a rickety start, and certainly isn’t going to go down as the best reboot of the decade or anything (let alone the best iteration of Ben 10 after the classic series), but it at least took risks and tried. It took the pieces that made it successful, expanded the mythology, and managed to go out—maybe not with a bang—but leave with dignity. Granted, they kinda ended things on what I call a “Pseudo-Season” (where instead of actually building out a bunch of new episodes they just made a couple movies and split those into 4-part episodes, like Futurama did) but that’s still better than watching Powerpuff dragging its mangled, bloody corpse while pleading for a mercy killing.
>>15267 This anon fucks.
>>15267 Too long indeed. Just awful and lazy and uneeded creepiness to go along with it. What the hell were they thinking with those self-inserts of the writer being Blossom's obsessive crush and the infamous twerking scenes? Yes, they had them twerk not once, but twice. I can't help but feel horrible for the og creator.
>>15272 Technically, that Jared thing should be clarified. Yes, Jared is a horribly written character and literally the only person (even in-universe, not counting Blossom) who has anything nice to say about him is the writer who introduced him. Seriously, Powerpuff 2016 had so many of these obnoxious, awful characters like Sapna, or Donnie the Unicorn, or even the Professor who got done *BEYOND* DIRTY here, but that's not the point. Jared Shapiro was modeled after the writer Jake Goldman (who also voiced Jared), but that was mostly as a gag and not because of a self-insert thing. Still, it takes work to give a character less personality than Alex from The Emoji Movie.
(48.52 KB 1280x720 dat ass.jpg)

Let's not forget that time when Blossom and Bubbles twerked with an evil panda while being high: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fYBXJp-9gs&t=3m15s
>>15267 Nu-Ben 10 gave me the most adorable Gwen and a loli Frightwig, and because of them it's ranked higher than Omniverse in my tier list.
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These are from an actual Labuntina signalong video (Bath Time)
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>>15308 I concur. No idea why Frightwig specifically was made into a kid (or possibly tween, no clue) but I definitely love how much sexier Gwen is.
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From "Raya and the Last Dragon"
>>15447 clip for this scene?
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Aurora from the dark fairy tale comic Beautiful Darkness taking a bath. Unfortunately it's the only nudity in the entire book so I'll throw in a couple of fanart images I found on sadpanda as well.
(1.04 MB 602x338 EWWstrong.mp4)

Not exactly nudity but if taken out of context...
>>14903 Source?
So the Baldur's Gate 3 patch accidentally removed (or broke the model and made him default to nothing) the clothes of one of the child characters and shows there's actually a "naked" (underwear) model for them, and it's not just an EA style scaled down adult. Unfortunately the character effected is a male. Anyone capable of modding and seeing if the girls have such a model in the game files?
>>17891 A cartoon that's made by (or from) the country that has animated every other cartoon in the last 30- 35 years
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I'll Just Leave This Here...
>>18277 I have Conni's rear and vagina.
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These are from a 50s nudist magazine.
>>15447 glorious tot ass
>>18612 >second image, bottom right panel holy shit, she broke the little girl's neck
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>>15308 >>15370 i think this is the only time i've read that anyone prefers that new gwen look compared to classic gwen.
>>18637 It’s how people’s interests fall on the scale of Cute vs. Sexy. New Gwen is cuter, but classic Gwen is hotter (and Omniverse Gwen with the freckles; goddamn!)
>>18612 >>18636 Flawless Victory FATALITY
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>>18654 >>18655 This is just Titeuf, but with an older French comic character.
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>>18655 They sometimes included nudes of the additional kids, including the girls. I think this is the only time Suzette and whats-her-name were shown full frontal.
>>13397 Not that there's anything wrong with communal bafroom have (aside from the smell), but this comic's from Russia or one of those Russianoid countries.
>>15005 source?
>>18746 >>13397 that picture with the communal camp bathroom you've just saw inspired me many months ago to do a drawthread request (which suddenly got rejected/deleted) featuring 2 of the Fireside Girls from Phineas and Ferb in a camp bathroom/toilet just like that also Willow from The Owl House reminded of the main girl from that Russianoid comic
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>>18778 Wish I could read French
I have Peau Neuve, but will have to slowly hand copy the whole thing to get a download. Before I spend the next maybe three months doing that, does anyone already have a download of the whole thing so I don't have to?
>>18752 It's a good concept. I feel like Craig of the Creek would have been a better fit.
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Thorgal: Kriss of Valnor
How’s this? I apologize for the less-than-ideal video quality
>>18879 >I have nothing save my knife and my tunic We can clearly see you don't even have those!
>>18778 The girl has no genitals
>>18885 What episodes are these from?
>>19037 I know episode 1 (Zipper’s Millions) has at least 8 panty shots (I counted; for some reason, it wouldn’t let me post those screenshots off my phone). I’m having trouble finding where the first one came from, but I have to assume within the first 5 episodes and the second one in the post is episode 3 (The Get Along Detectives). The original Nelvana special also has a lot of upskirt shots, but the designs aren’t as clean.
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the first and last time we will see lisa naked
>>19125 She was actually seen naked a few times in the comics and in the Simpsons own baby photos
>>19133 >>19153 Agreed, anything to wall out the furfags and the fattyfags.

(1.22 MB 1914x1191 rapa nui.gif)

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>>19035 >The girl has no genitaIs That has a name: Uncunny Valley. Most doIIs live there. It's when there is a mound but not a slit. Anyway, Mampato had plenty of nudity, for historical accuracy. Marama was very nakid in the comic, and slightly less nakid in the movie. But Ogú's daughter Guiguá was always fuIIy nude, full frontal, and she certainly didn't live in the Uncunny Valley. Anyone has the comics where she shows up?
Most of these are from Episodes 1 and 2 of The Get Along Gang
>>19085 A western cartoon even showing Loli nipples is surprising
>>19169 >Ogú's daughter Guiguá Who?
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>>19229 Guiguá. The youngest daughter of Ogú and his main wife Tinalín, and little sister of Agú. Agú takes after his mom, has a (relatively) kind face and red flowing hair and wears simple clothes made out of animal skin, but Guiguá wears nothing and takes after her father, so she's a bit more wild-looking and has dark and stiff hair.
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Oh, look. Looking for that info I just posted I came across two pages featuring Guiguá, all nakid and with everything showing. As I said, she was never drawn wearing any clothes.
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>>19169 >Uncunny Valley
>>11931 What is this?
I uploaded it in Spanish since the English version has some censorship https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JopwTHSzdPs
>>19625 what is there to censor? two black dots? its not like we can see her cunt so why even bother?
(396.75 KB 960x1316 PNF000.png)

It's here: PEAU NEUVE, by Elise Griffon, now in a new English translation. Get it soon (before 2022!), and Merry Christmas! https://mega.nz/folder/wG5jAADD#I_NsKwY8E5d7IwGkHitgYA
>>19668 i think the file is broken cause its not working
>>19677 Just tested it, worked fine.
>>19682 is it a video? if it is i dont have the right media player
>>19668 can you story time it?
>>19668 The file wont open for me either. I've downloaded both versions (twice) and the file won't open.
Original French or crappy English?
>>19635 it also made me absurd is censorship
>>19796 ok it still doesn't work. is this a wordpromt? a fanfic? what is this? how do i make it work?
>>19803 It's a .rar file, you need WinRAR to open it.
>>18815 i still think the Fireside Girls from Phineas and Ferb fit my idea as their girl scouts just like most of the characters in Vera Brosgol's Be Prepared but the toilets in the camp the Fireside Girls themselves would attend would probably be a more private and cleaner one than an old style smelly outhouse you often see in summer/scout camp related stuff let alone a communal toilet in the exact same state
>>21967 >>21968 Wonderful! is so cute!!
>>21975 Thank You Enjoy
>>21968 I love this 2D girl. I have several episodes for pure love.
Evilina from the cartoon "Zipi y Zape"
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new comicbook Step By Bloody Step
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Thought these were already here. Probably a previous official thread.
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Does this count? I mean they're in towels.
>>22607 Reminds me of The Survivor from Paul Gillon... if the Survivor was a loli.
>>22607 I'm always paranoid I'm missing out on some indie comics with good loli nudity I'm waiting for someone to really push the envelope
>>22739 I requested a pic of them accidentally losing their towels on the drawthread on here awhile back.
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Violine, first volume
>>24242 Since these are clearly your pics of a physical copy, I take it scans are impossible to find? I'm searching high and low, but nothing's coming up.
You can find it in English on libgen.li in high-quality scan.
>>24268 It appears they only have the fourth and fifth volumes scanlated, found the others in French but they were extremely low-quality.
>>24058 Moar?
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>>24269 I have all of them scanlated. No idea where I got them though, it was years and years ago, but they do exist. Not the best quality but decent enough. Don't give up, keep looking. And, no, I'm too lazy to share them myself.
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at least two cakes here
>>24307 Legendfuckingdary.
(3.28 MB 1896x1440 Ruskunny.webm)

"Academic/educational nudity" can be oddly endearing sometimes, probably since it's teetering on the edge of being pornographic while remaining entirely age-appropriate. Clip's from На Задней Парте (lit. "On the Back Desk"), charming little features even if I can't understand a word of them.
Initial pitch for Despicable Me had some interesting differences from the more sterile film we ended up with, but anyways we got a topless little girl here and that's what matters.
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>>25464 This shouts: EDIT ME!
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Does anyone knows where is this from?
>>12020 Source of the Mermaid comic?
>>25341 That was never going to fly
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>>25552 Any non xh source?
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I finally have the four
>>26365 Hey. that's pretty neat! Have these been translated?
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>>26365 but there are 5 and 1/2 (integrated in 5), so you still have a little to go ^_^
>>2684 Got any more?
>>27441 >>27440 These are great but probably a better fit for the vintage advertising thread.
(312.48 KB 423x411 tjreg.PNG)

Caught a blurry glimpse of some purple panties in Moonbound
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>>1014 (OP) Actually managed to track down some more info on this comic, seems the artist even posted a picture of her setup during production and lookie who has an entire ref sheet! Been trying to see if there's a full scan of it anywhere but so far I've had no luck.
God, I love all those "Your body" type of children's books. Shame that in the last couple of years they don't really illustrate them as realistically as this anymore...
>>27657 That's a good thing
>>27657 Disgusting
>>27657 Who's the artist? I can't imagine that this is their first and only time illustrating this sort of thing.
>>27657 Nowadays they’re ugly and “diverse” and they can’t even explain the difference between boys and girls so they’re basically useless.
>>27657 I'd love the whole thing, source please?
>> 27657 Looks like Gvenet.
>>27699 Sadly I forgot to write down any details about it, even the list of artists. But I can at least say this was the only nude (besides one more that was a shota version of this). Gonna see some more details about the book next time I get a hold of it, but I keep all my childhood books at our countryside house and we don't go there very often.
>>27705 >But I can at least say this was the only nude (besides one more that was a shota version of this). If you get a chance to take a picture of it do post it on >>>/sm/
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>>27705 Yeah, boys, girls, post all that, here or /sm/. We need top quality stuff.
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>>27657 Great art. I enjoy cunny in all shapes and forms so it's not a big deal
>>27722 That sucks, they put the worst artists for avoid children getting horny from their educational books. At least the russian book >>27657 is only one of those few exceptions.
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>>27730 they always underestimate a boy's horniness. when i was a boy, we used to share those "love is" comics like they were the best fap material in the world
When we're young and not allowed to have porn, we all look for creative places and ways to get fap material.
>>26012 Bad the show is no longer in that page.
look at this new blue haired cake, her name is Billie Bang Bang
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"Me, Eloise" is consistently full of panty shots since she's always jumping around and her skirt is so short
>>27805 and she doesn't even wear the usual bloomers. those are actual tight panties. nice
(134.84 KB 1280x720 backdrop-1280x720.jpg)

>>27805 Well you're right. Here's her pantie in full shot right here. Wonder how this got by censored? Still it's just her pantie it's not like she's expose underneath.
>>27732 Love Is is a weird case, the characters are basically chibi adults, always were. You can read loli into it, of course, but that's just surface impression.
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>>27805 lmao, girl is an actual exhibitionist. But it's weird that she's the only character showing them.
>>27805 If only she had a diaper edit
>>27784 That reminds me, back when I was in middle school I discovered that Corel Draw or Corel Paint or something like that that had line drawing clipart of a boy and a girl. Does anyone have those? Besides that it also had a bunch of landscape and portrait art made in the program included, a think it was part of a contest or something. It would have been 1990-1992. I'd love to have all of that now.
>>27657 >>27705 I wish I could see the Shota one too. This art is good and rare
Siri from "Lastman". Probably a bit hard to see from all the symbiote shit going on, but she's nude in there. And a little bonus at the end, but I think it might be spoiler-ish.
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>>28369 vintage butts are the best
>>28370 Mmm, lovely bubble butt
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>>13311 Which nat geos? Now I have to see this
>>28410 It's mostly boys, you wouldn't be interested.
>>27672 Ah. You suffer from a lack of reality
>>28478 someone has a torrent or mega for this? i need it for my collection, but this show seems so bad no one will pirate it
>>28480 Having hate-watched and riffed my way through the entire series with friends, I can confirm it is AS BAD as the rumors imply. It’s not that the show is bad—a bad series would at least be interesting—but it’s just bland as lukewarm beige and has nothing to offer except wasting 12 episodes. Literally every generic fantasy cliche you’ve ever seen, How to Draw Anime-tier basic characters, and that’s not even touching the awful underlying subtext. I’m probably making it sound like a fun trainwreck but it’s more like watching mold growing on cheese in real time. I’m saving you 4 and a half hours—at least Onyx Equinox (the other show the crew put together; slightly better, but still not above a 5/10) has some more visual flair and an original, albeit botched, Mesoamerican setting.
>>28481 i know all about the shows image and i am not intend to watch it, but as i said i need it for the collection and i can't imagine myself giving crunchyroll money for this shit
>>28478 Oh yeah I forgot the Spice girls are technically cakes.
(184.21 KB 769x1279 FRQqvU5VIAAkdG1.jpg)

From a picture book about the structure of the human body for children
from a series of Argentine comics called "mayor y menor"
>>29151 >tfw no exhibitionist princess childhood friend
From a show named "FriendZspace"
(196.37 KB 647x912 Strangetown2.jpg)

(172.66 KB 683x924 Strangetown1.jpg)

From comic Strangetown, sadly cancelled after 1 issue afaik
>>30596 Well perhaps thats why it got cancelled
(1.29 MB 960x1308 The Apple Pie 01.jpg)

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(1.17 MB 960x1317 The Apple Pie 03.jpg)

(1.32 MB 960x1311 The Apple Pie 04.jpg)

from "La Tarte aux Pommes" (The Apple Pie) by Claudine Conin and Mœbius originally published in Ah! Nana magazine, France, 1976
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Sapiens Imperium
Source: Маша больше не лентяйка / Masha Is Not Lazy Anymore (1978) Маша и волшебное варенье / Masha and Magic Jam (1979) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyO4eS67uug
>>32100 >cameltoe in the 5th piche Yep this artist is into hebes
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I remember a how2puberty book for girls called The Care and Keeping of You. Can't find scans of it anywhere. Wonder if the art was as good as I remember it.
(1.57 MB 1920x1080 lauras stern 2004.mp4)

>>33799 Nice, decent bathing scenes are becoming harder to come by.
(61.17 KB 636x1000 lel.jpg)

>>33180 there are multiple in this series never thought id see the day that rorikons are lusting after my funny childhood book
(858.19 KB 955x1500 61cO2GyoTNL.png)

Not really sure where official merchandise falls under for this board, but I just discovered that Carmen from Let's Go Luna had an official plush made recently.
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>>33862 Unless it's got cameltoe or a removable dress, I don't see why you're posting about it here
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(197.74 KB 639x466 A Kind of Magic.png)

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(110.20 KB 899x658 Tupu - Episode6.png.jpeg)

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>>33885 Sauce for the diving board pic?
>>33897 I take it that you're against pantyshot material then?
>>33915 Not exactly but if we include lisenced plshies soley for pantyshot material, wouldn't we have to include 90% of all lisenced plushies?
>>33913 Les Sisters Saison 2 Épisode 25: Jamais Sans Mes Poux
(79.78 KB 620x464 skippyS02.jpg)

"Skippy Spankerton Presents: Hot Tamale Monster Movie Madness"
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>>34555 Musée des bozarts, Le - Tome 1 and Nathalie - Tome 7: Tout le Monde sur le Pont!
(996.40 KB 269x193 Noel's Fantastic Trip.gif)

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Patty Cake & Friends
(1.56 MB 326x498 my-man-rick-and-morty.gif)

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(958.71 KB 4096x2661 EkTT_GlWsAIjU-H.jfif)

>>19243 >Ogú and his main wife Tinalín >main wife What a player! And she's a cutie, too! Are his other wives hot? Also, more of these cavemen, please. I wanna see more primitive cunnies. So this comic was published and made for children, huh? Was it banned at any point, or altered when reprinted?
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New sex ed manual.
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>>35270 More girl nudity
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>>35271 Have some more!
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So close in little demon
>>35301 I think I remember reading a puberty/Sex Education book when I was in high school that had a similar illustration in it of a girl looking at her Pussy in a mirror along with a boy measuring his penis a few pages earlier
>>19296 Judging by how her gown is drawn, I wonder if she was originally nude
(337.96 KB 630x480 Beetlejuice_90_s_Cartoon.png)

(479.41 KB 449x522 impression.jpg)

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A lot of polemic last year Mental discharge by Bastien Vivès
>>35597 What's this about?
>>35609 The comic strip recounts the adventures of Michel and Roger, old friends lost sight of. Michel will meet Roger's wife and daughters (aged 10, 15 and 18), and have sex with each of them.
>>35610 Where can I find this online?
>>35495 If I didn't know better, I'd say this guy really likes loli butts
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I had suppressed every memory of this show ever happening. First one is from an H-game that her source material is based on.
(3.81 MB 480x360 1687058936007613.webm)

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And their transformation scenes for each season.
(1.25 MB 1902x1065 RAI SOSSAITH COM EX-BBB.png)

(337.96 KB 630x480 Beetlejuice_90_s_Cartoon.png)

(185.25 KB 1280x717 DeuxPieces1.jpg)

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>>36767 Source? Cannot find any info online.
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>>37482 Thanks
(1.66 MB 1829x1289 Danes.png)

(27.74 KB 202x368 20230921_005217.jpg)

Cute lil round butt in a "the boys" cartoon
looks to be like an animation goof
>>37480 I can't find any trace of this episode. Is this a fake? Weird.
(244.68 KB 872x872 jj1b.png)

(324.55 KB 872x872 jj2b.png)

>>38761 These don't belong here
>>38614 Source?
(462.39 KB 1224x792 2_Frozen_05.jpg)

From the Visual Development of Frozen done by Claire Keane
>>13630 Spanking, groping, and sex anal + vaginal doggy style.
where do you think these came from?
>>39251 Big Mouth
>>39251 Is that even a loli?
>>39251 Marcy from Amphibia?
Looks like we’ve just got another 100 posts until the new thread.
>>13076 these are from W.I.T.H.C comic >>40082
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(1.25 MB 3604x5100 035.jpg)

Les Sœurs de la Brume
>>40164 Where did you find this? I cannot find the source website?
>>40168 it's a book! - ever heard of books? - it's those weird paper thingies with pictures and letters on them... people buy them to read...
>>39251 I believe its a Spanish show called sex symbols. It's online but region locked
>>40169 I mean the scans
>>11094 Source on the first pic? Are there any more?
(1.93 MB 4000x1800 20231129_175243.jpg)

>>1014 (OP) The good things are in the municipal library
>>40424 What are you trying to tell me?
>>40432 I think he's saying that in the municipal library, he can read the physical books where the official naked drawings are present.
>>38614 Which episode?
>>41346 >>38796 That's from Justin Roiland's (co-creatror of Rick & Morty and Solar Opposites) short made for The Boys- Diabolical. [great series; don't watch the Akwafina short "best friends", it's awful]
(4.73 MB 1800x2511 Léo Cassebonbons.png)

(441.46 KB 1162x1600 Marzi - Issue 4 - Page 36.jpg)

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I just realized, her panties are visible, and this is one of the rare instances that they're shown while wearing pants, while the rest happens for wearing her usual skirts
Anyone have a better quality version of this? It's from Gawayn, either episode 41 or 42.
There's some kangaroo cucks on those mythology themed songs by a Spanish band. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xTvwrJmiik
>>41805 Hehe Elspeth Is So Good
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>>8486 P-pp-pretty... >>33956 That is one heck of a smackable butt.
>>42845 Last pic where is her pussy
>>42856 last pic is fanart, and some artists are too scared to show the pussy of a kid...
>>42845 if they did translate this comic they might as well add her wearing an animal skin dress or something which would make her look like Eep from The Croods
>>42864 this book is translated to german and several other european languages, i think, including english - you just have to get a uk-copy, then you probably dont have to worry about american prudeness censorship... >_>
>>42870 But I still think the UK Copy (as I'm British) would still have her wearing an Animal Skin like a cave girl or just a warning on the first few pages that she's is naked throughout the story.
>>42874 Knowing British law that criminalizes drawings, it would definitely have her wearing animal skin.
>>42878 wiki says it is only been published in france, germany and belgium - i mean, ye, no one wanted this, kek
>>42879 Funny how France criminalizes drawings too. Must have been before the law was passed.
>>42881 ye, that book is more than 20 years old, haha ^_^
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>>7534 The deep state is onto (you)
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>>42879 I bought it yesterday
(26.00 KB 400x245 1210725414278.jpg)

>>43366 Quite nice! Is it good? I kinda wanna read more comics that aren't about action. Also, I know this Engrish character isn't lewd, but the thing she's requestion is sexual and also I kinda think she should be memed.
>>43366 nice... have a good read °_°
Just here showing a movie, just watch it because Cleo has some buttcrack shots XD
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>>45976 What is this from?
>>45994 Adosen - Les sentiments, parlons-en
(187.80 KB 310x418 ScreenRecord55erProject92.mp4)

>>36759 That's great
(1.71 MB 1486x986 pg1.png)

(2.34 MB 1328x1435 pg2.png)

>>46409 Huh https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Peasant%27s_Wise_Daughter I had heard this story before but hadn't considered there would be versions where the daughter was a little girl. A searched a bit and managed to find a version that actually had the fishing net be see-through.
>>33900 yeah, this is a running gag, she shows a lot of ass
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>>46409 >>46434 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpMM9ilQ8HA&t=614s
I also took another look at that animation and caught a few more fun shots
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Pantsu enjoyers
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Tan lines
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>>46836 What is this from
>>46854 Comic: back side of one of the Cedric comics, I think. Episodes: see file name, French dub.
>>46434 The majority must be more familiar with the Hungarian Folk Tales version, where the daughter have measures that could make her competition to Jessica Rabbit.
>>46836 So she has not problem with Decris seeing her half nude, but when she wears a sexy nightgow, then there is a problem?
>>46859 It's funny how you can tell some of these fairy tales clearly originate from fetishes. >the peasants daughter goes to the king wearing just a fishing net because... she's really clever and solved the riddle! yeah that's why!
>>46434 >>46436 Does the king marry her in these versions??
>>46761 Semi-nudity with a hint of malice is my cup of tea.
>>46860 I mean, semi-nude is often the norm (or at least common enough) for young girls on European beaches, so thats nothing out of the ordinary.
(1.13 MB 799x1609 ffg.png)

How can little boys even compete?
(1.41 MB 714x1270 eb9rd6y62i091.png)

(728.54 KB 698x532 mwllq12cd7e91.png)

>>46983 More of this horny loli.

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(1.33 MB 1080x986 jzvyfy32kq9d1.png)

One Big Happy
Sister Susie 1936
>>47334 Im surprised they got away with this
>>12015 Where are the first two from?
>>47291 That's so cute!

(57.60 KB 1017x301 Fi-vitzWIAA4obm.jpg)

>>47548 >>47551 When I saw the strip of her singing in the tub it reminded me of Mafalda, and then the one where the kid is sent to put something on and returns still pantless but with a hat confirmed it to me. This strip is definetely partially inspired by Mafalda.
>>47559 I would say the inspiration comes from Monica's Gang, I remember there is a comic where Magali ends topless, and Monica tells her she shouldn't be ashamed, because she has nothing yet.

(60.31 KB 534x481 ich_du_so.png)

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(22.49 KB 453x376 Quem 2.JPG)

>>13263 Imagine working on that, its gotta be the most awkward shit ever.
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>>47606 What is this
>>47615 A relic from more innocent times.
>>47603 you'dn be surprised what women artists can do ^^ - yes, it's a woman who drew that book, and yes, it's german and yes, i own it, and it's a quite nice read tbh. >>13264 i could do, someday...
>>47633 what anime is it?
>>47363 Totte og Malin, or Totte and Malin. Different names in different countries.
(537.27 KB 1184x391 One Big Happy Ruthie.png)

>>47632 I love Ruthie's topless adventures, but let's cut to the chase!
>>47615 >>47645 Wanpaku Omukashi Kumu Kumu
>>47615 >>47645 NTA, and someone already replied: >>47659 It's Wanpaku Omukashi Kumu Kumu (Mischivious Caveman Boy Kumukumu). A mostly forgotten anime from 1975. It aired in my country in the 80s so my dad and older sister watched it, but I wasn't born yet. Then they aired it again in the late 90s and they were happy to be able to watch it with me. So I watched it once, but they enjoyed it twice. This cute girl with long hair is Chiru Chiru. I even mentioned it before in this board, here: >>46626 (46604) >>47610 >>47611 >>47612 >>47613 I remember this episode! I remember a few, but this one specially. Kum Kum and his cavemen family live in the mountain, and once a year they're visited by the sea people, and trade mountain stuff for sea stuff. So the topless girl met Kum Kum and became friends, and Kum Kum kummed hard for her so he wanted to be allowed to leave the mountain and go to the sea with her. Since they're cavepeople, wearing very basic clothing with short skirts and the kids constantly run around and jump and fall, you see a lot of nudity.
(265.72 KB 2048x1739 cel1.jpg)

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>>47606 >>47611 >>47699 Interesting to see the Chiru Chiru cover her chest when undressed, meanwhile the sea folk girls do not get a top until they are old enough. The video you posted was cut in the English release, what are they saying there?
>>47711 >Interesting to see the Chiru Chiru cover her chest when undressed, meanwhile the sea folk girls do not get a top until they are old enough. Yes. I don't know how much lore they had thought up when they designed the show, but that's interesting world-building anyway, even if they came up with that without much thought. >The video you posted was cut in the English release, what are they saying there? My Italian isn't great, but Chiru Chiru points at the crows and says >They came to rest on that tree Then the crows steal her dress, she falls, and the guy with the emo hair yells at the crows >Stupid birds! I'm pretty sure he says. Then Kum Kum says the dress made of plants is very elegant (I think), and Chiru Chiru yells >Instead of looking (at me) go get my dress. And I included that clip twice, by mistake. And when she gets the dress back, she says something I don't understand.
(422.13 KB 1200x1019 cel3.png)

>>47712 Thank you, translator.
>>47659 This could NEVER be made today
>>41827 Too bad we didn't get to see the bear girl get naked in the video.
(1.96 MB 960x720 Tingly.webm)

I used the superior Italian dub for the video, since the quality is way better than the horrible condition the English dub, and the English audio. Because in this scene, Chiru Chiru sounds extremely cute when she says the warm water is tingly, and then when she's forcibly undressed she sounds very erotic, Also, her voice in general is precious. Anyone knows where to get the Japanese original audio?
>>47769 Try Nyaa.si for old anime
>>47772 Zero seeds. archive.org also has the aforementioned crap quality and English dub so that's a no go too. >>47769 >>47613 >>47612 >>47611 >>47610 >>47609 >>47606 Where exactly did you find them?
There is also the Arabic dub, might even be a bit higher quality than the ITA/JP mux: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLywelqPSH_3Jl-EdbDwgo7iMoWz9h_Hk9 And a French dub, a bit lower quality: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL42kERYFxR43KD4Yxdl4JkA_fC2Mna3Q1 If someone made an ENG mux with the higher quality res that would be nice.
>>47779 it is funny how the new times try to censore all the bath, panty or nude scenes created by Fujio F. Fujiko...
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So each time she takes a bath, she takes her dog (which name is Willie) with her... why she doesn't have more R34?, she's a box of material.
>>47878 Source is demanded!!!
>>11167 That was from the episode “Naked Tommy”. Tommy wants to shed his clothes to be like his dog, Spike, so he tries out naturism. The other Rugrats join in, with the exception of Chuckie; Stu attempts to keep Tommy's clothes on.
>>47953 See filenames for source and episodes.
(3.84 MB 640x359 1.gif)

>>48040 I searched this pic and only found a gif. I still couldn't find what episode it came from, so, what episode is this?
>>48040 >>48071 It's so weird that someone made the decision to add not one but two little girls to this scene where a handful of people get their clothes blown of by a firestorm. I haven't seen the episode but I assume the characters in the scene are of no significance and could just have been only adults.
>>48040 >>48071 It from the Family Guy/Simpsons crossover, The Simpsons Guy. This screen happens during Peter and Homer's Chicken Fight. You can find the full scene online. https://youtu.be/RDqh8Bhovvw?si=D_b08hZ7Yc0BeWcQ
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(2.04 MB 1207x916 suzettepantyshot.PNG)

Comic: Le Petit Spirou
>>48141 >>48154 que putita era la Moro
(206.08 KB 1024x576 198877-1024x576.jpg)

>>48154 That last pic looks like Moro is part of a legend of Hyrule. The text looks pretty much the same.

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Does this count?

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>>48699 Glasses loli is extremely charming. What is she from?
>>48905 Thank you.
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wrong board... this one is for western comics/cartoons
How did they get away with this?! Source: Mobile Suit Gundam Episode 22
>>49004 well these are the days where censorship wasn't a bitch as today, just look at this lady from another old anime, showing her ass because can't stop weeping her panties
>>49005 What anime is from the gif above?
>>49108 Tentomushi no Uta. See >>>/loli/5510 for more, in light of >>48967
>>49133 Any good places to watch these episodes? Google just gives me websites that lists the episode names and youtube only has 1/5 of the series.
>>49167 You could searched under the italian title "Conccinella" on youtube. Someone uploaded the entire(?) anime on youtube. https://yewtu.be/playlist?list=PL-kNiHUHZL5DEBVsTbdA45U9Pzh5jkNOB
>>49168 Thanks but is there a nyaa.si of it?
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>>47873 To note Conni started wearing a top in further beach episode appearances, only the first time she was without. In the comics it was random swimsuit between one piece, two pieces or bottoms only. Once even depicted removing her top to apply tan lotion: >>46756 >>46834 The little princess actually always wore a full one piece when she went just by herself. But when she went with her parents to swim it was them who didnt pack a swimsuit. >>46843 The girl from this cartoon appeared both in a one piece and in just bottoms in the same episode. >>45977 Didnt Suzette always wear a top to the beach? Interesting the didnt give her one just for this scene.
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>>46860 So the Cedric franchise is an interesting case. In the comics Chen (and any of the other girls for that matter) were always depicted in a one piece swimsuit and very rarely in a two piece, no exception. But when the cartoon was made Chen would be depicted in a one piece only when taking swimming lessons in the stadium. In episodes where she was at the beach she would wear just bottoms, although her nipples never drawn, though the boys' were, even when they were side by side... By the later episodes the animators realised this censorship was unnecessary and started drawing her like the boys too (some other female characters who would be drawn in a one piece or two piece in the comic were also drawn with just bottoms from that point on).
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Some weird French comics...
>>49726 Yes. YES! More Shizuka!
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>>50285 did somebody buy some elsje books? - haha... you should look up the special "elsje op texel" she is so cute in swimsuit
>>50294 Found downloads of the comic on this site https://libgen.li/index.php
(3.58 MB 2448x3264 Elsje 05.jpg)

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(3.74 MB 2448x3264 Elsje 09.jpg)

(3.93 MB 2448x3264 Elsje 10.jpg)

for those who are interrested...
(3.90 MB 2448x3264 Elsje 11.jpg)

(2.96 MB 2448x3264 Elsje 12.jpg)

(3.99 MB 2448x3264 Elsje auf Texel.jpg)

(3.79 MB 2448x3264 Elsje Superscout.jpg)

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>>50298 Thanks!
>>50325 What the fuck. That's dark.
>>50313 Do you actually have those volumes of those comic?
>>50336 yes, why you ask?
>>50337 Been searching everywhere for download scans of "Elsje" but only managed to find only half of the series.
>>50338 ah, i see... but i don't even think i have all of it, there are 2 or 3 books what wheren't available anymore... btw. a good source for books and stuff is amazon, especially if you look for foreign books, you just gotta look for the books directly on their native version (like on google) and then just swap out the amazon top level domain with yours - like i looked for elsje books online and found them on amazon.nl - i swapped the "nl" with my home domain (de) and i could order them without issues - not sure if it works on global level too, but i usually buy books from the states too that way, never had any issues...
>>50313 >>50314 Curious to know are there any noteworthy pages in any of those volumes?
>>50347 i dunno, i havent had time to read them yet (except elsje on texel) - i will flip trough the pages later - if something is worth, i'll post it
>>50325 >how to serve loli
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>>50453 First pic that's straight up porn not official art
>>50464 It's official and was on the comic's website. Eventually removed for obvious reasons.
>>50467 Wow. I'm surprised someone other than a pervert would draw that. I mean unless the guy that drew it was a perv but hey who knows maybe he drew it for innocent reasons like hoe parents sometimes take pics of their kids in the bathtub
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>>50545 The author is female
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Bouhland (2024)
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A Turma Do Barulho 4
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"Carol - Laerte"
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"Turma Do Barulho"
>>50883 Anyone have the pdf or mega files to the full comic? (And for fun heres the translation via google)
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>>50928 We don't have combined changing rooms in America. Both the boys and girls changing rooms are a good width apart
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>>50906 For some reason the ono app version of the comic gave the mummy loli blue hair
>>51370 What the hell is going on?
>>51433 A guy goes to the beach with his girlfriend. He meats a loli who wants to bury him in the sand. The girlfriend is pissed she got called madam (implying she’s old) and goes diving. The loli tells the guy her mother is dead and her father always sends her to the beach because he has to bury bodies. A bad guy pretending to be an ice cream seller tries to kidnap the girl but the guy saves her. Later they all get kidnapped and take to the girl’s dad who’s also been captured. I’m actually intrigued to read the rest of the comic. It’s called Ric Hochet.
>>51434 "Meets", not "meats".
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>>9317 Yes, I recognize the style. J.Jones is Jeff Jones of Idyl. Checkout the Vintage Comics thread.
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(939.21 KB 1415x1920 Zoe et Pataclop T02-44.jpg)

We need a new thread. This is getting kinda ridiculous
>>51934 The only problem I have with the thread being long is the site is really bad at loading a lot of images.
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>>51995 >>51996 >>51997 May I ask where you found these screenshots at? I want to trying search for the shows.
>>52009 What's funny is watching the second one not knowing it's a sex ed video at first. You think it's just the nipple slip only to suddenly get a close up of penis and vagina.
>>52017 And it's "made for kids" which is even more funny
>>51369 Wait isnt Ducobu French? Cant believe they gave her a swimsuit top in each issue just to make that joke, when other comics would have had her topless from the beggining. >>51997 Similar thing here, looks like a LATAM animation.
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>>47699 >>47769 >>47782 Would be great if someone merged the English dub audio over the higher video quality Arab version. No idea how the cut scenes would be dealt with though.
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>>51594 Omg that 2nd one is too cute I cant
Does anyone have a page from the comic strip Meg! by Greg Curfman in were the main character play a tennis match in a skirt and later being embarrassed that she forgot to wear panties.
(46.35 KB 725x371 MAKEMeg.gif)

>>52931 No, but I have this one.
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>>53104 1) Is it really common for girls to wait in a line in nothing but their panties for a medical examination? Or is just a trope created and only seen in Media? 2) looks like they're wearing child size thongs.
>>53113 1.It was a thing they used to do back in the day but don't nowadays with medical examination being much different, Including the students keeping their clothes on during the examination. 2.Yeah they do, guessing the artist was having their own fun with that Ink sketch.
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