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StegØ's Mindfuck Backupthread StegØ 08/31/2024 (Sat) 06:06:13 Id: c5639f No. 46604 >>48757
welp... many of you already know i kinda have some issues, mild ones, but annoying ones... as for my personal sanity i need to get off the scenery every once in a while, so for many people this is kinda an annoying habbit - trust me, for me too... by starting this thread i wanna create a (not so easily erasable) backup for my loli art... if people like that i would post some sketches and maybe finished ones without censorship and in full res (as baraag allways shrinks down my art) - people are free to repost everything to atf, paheal or any other site you like... no idea if this board can stay up forever, but here it seems the best choice so far... i already applied again for a new baraag account (or the restauration of my old one), but i dunno if or when this will get tru, in any case i post it here... since this delicious board (pun intended) is sorta my goto place for old media, i regulairy keep an eye on here, even when im in "loli-hatred-mode"... so... also, i kinda wanna keep this low, since i met some really bad and annoying people in the scene, who are actually the cause for many of my breakdowns, i'd like to not fully engage with people much... hope you guys can understand... anyways... leave a comment about what you think, maybe this is a silly idea after all and nobody actually want's to see my art at all...
I can’t say I’ve seen your art before but based on that drawing alone it’s quite good and I’d love to see more.
Did you ever finish that cute comic with the black girl and her older redhead friend?
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>>46608 this one:
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sorry, never continued - i sadly hold the record of most unfinished comics ever... -.-
>>46616 >>46617 Yeah, that one is specially good, even if it's unfinished. >i sadly hold the record of most unfinished comics ever... Nah, you're fine. It would be nice to see it finished, but you're by far not the artist with most unfinished stuff. And yes, you should use this place as a backup. Specially if other sites shrink your pics and you need somewhere to keep your art full-size and uncensored. By the way, I love that you're among the few artists to have drawn Mimi Mortin, and rarer yet, Teena characters.
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>>46622 >By the way, I love that you're among the few artists to have drawn Mimi Mortin, and rarer yet, Teena characters. as for now i think i am nearly the only one who covers characters basicly nobody knows...
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a couple more...
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i wonder if anyone even remotely knows those cuties?
>>46623 >i think i am nearly the only one who covers characters basicly nobody knows... Yeah, you remind me of Kazunori HARUYAMA, always drawing characters that nobody remembers, which is extra fun. Speaking of, just curious, do you know these obscure prehistoric cuties?
>>46626 honestly i dont, but i have that anime in my archive, altho im not really into anime anymore...
>>46622 >>46616 FUUUUUCK! That comic is CUTE! Hot but also wholesome, and the girls are adorable. I'd read a SoL comic about them dating even if it wasn't lewd. >Sweet >Cute >Juicy I fully agree.
>>46625 Little Lulu Do Not Get Me STARTED!!
>>46635 Get started.
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another one i probably not gonna finish (i really should, cuz i love the concept of a "girls only love hotel" ;) )
>>46650 Penny=hot
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as for the actual news about baraag and the overall hate of lolis within normies driving people to do really stupid actions im gonna NOT stop drawing loli EVER!, regardless of what people think of it, i will keep lewding them and i post them, and if you gotta problem with that you can write my government... good luck with making loli illegal here °_^
>>46675 >im gonna NOT stop drawing loli EVER!, regardless of what people think of it, i will keep lewding them and i post them, FUCK YEAH! That's the right attitude! No lie, no exaggeration, that's a heroic position.
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time for lilo loli cunny ♥
>>46693 Dont oversell it Acting like drawing is heroic is just as cringe as acting like drawing is illegal
>>46711 >Acting like drawing is heroic is just as cringe as acting like drawing is illegal When the latter actually is illegal the former certainly becomes heroic. Don't be too quick to declare impossible that drawing lolis could become illegal, in any given country.
>>46616 >>46617 Well, "it" has arose after looking at those pages. That just proves your art is cute AND hot (and funny). Great work..... even if there might not be more.
>>46713 Must suck to live in Britain/France/Italy/Norway/Denmark/Canada/Russia/New Zealand/Australia as a loli
ok, so i got some news for you who is interrested of... first i need to appologize to anyone who hate me changing names, yes i did it again... the short explanation is: "i don' like stego" the long explanation is somewhat more difficult; i do have been going very long with that name, tho i still probably gonna use it for some other stuff, i do want to separate my art-life from my daily life... the name "stego" is something i was put onto, i did not came up with it myself as it was given it to me by others, i just stuck with it cuz i never felt wrong with it... for a couple of years now, basicly since i begun to draw explicite loli porn it felt more and more problematic to maintain my regular life and my porn art under the same name... (you noticed it broke me several times), a once a good friend told me just to change names and i did, but i didnt knew what name i wanted, so i just took the first best i could think of... it was a dissaster, not just cuz many of my former so called "friends" disagreed, but some of them simply abandoned me... i felt insecure again and changed again, and again... the past few years i found myself leaving and coming back to the scene never really happy and sometimes strongly disgusted by some folks... i know im not easy to handle, even in real life; but some shit is just too much for me... i will make this clear now; i don't wanna be "friends" with anyone new anymore again, i have distilled my actual friends (which is just a handfull), but i dont wanna get in contact with anyone deeper than a "hello" or "nice work" anymore... don't tell me about your family, your issues, your mental illness, nor your sexually preferences - i simply DONT wanna know that! - it drives me crazy! for my art i decided to "just go with the flow" from now on... basicly like what i did before the damn covid hit - my whole mental conflict started with this, when everyone started to get online most of their life (including me i admit) and flooding the internet with unnecessairy infos about peoples private life or any other stupid ideas... i go back to my old workpace and just draw what and when i like to... - this could mean i draw 10 pieces in a row, or i draw nothing for 3 months... deal with it, but don't ask me for "more art" - stop that!, it's not your right to ask more of an artist!!! (i do not call myself an artist btw. i just draw stuff - thats all) for that i asked koi to give me another chance at baraag, which i will try to utilize... i created a new name which i deeply chosed out of personal affiliation. as for this i will only post art i love to draw, but i will not repost anything... if you want to download any of my old art, i will someday put a link to an (mostly) full archive here once i have set it up - "mostly" cuz some of the art i did during the years just got lost during data loss, so unless anyone else has it, it's lost... my art will not change much here, since i just continue drawing like i did, but the medium i draw on will be more versatile in the future, since i do plan to use real paper more... for the ones who like my art (i know im not that big of an artist, but i appreciate anyone who does :), my new baraag will do have a time limit, as i set it to automated deletion - this prevents me from having "too much" exposure (since, you know how it is - once you become too big, you attract the wrong people), but i also dont wanna "not post" my art... the time limit will be set to 1 week - maybe i increase this later, but for now i dont think anyone bothers with posts older than one week anyway... (have you ever tried to scroll down the timeline more than a few hours?) another reason for the name change is; my longtime web provider got swallowed by a bigger company and offers me to transfer my domain there, but that would increase my monthly cost by a decent amount, so since my domain expires in a couple weeks anyway, i decided "to let it go..." this will end a more than 25 years span of the same name... wherever my art has posted or not, i cannot do anything against, so the name stego will do float around anyway, but at least its a name you cannot find anything on google so easily - type in stego, and all you get are dinosaurs anyway ;) so, without further ado, like one of my beloved youtubers says: let's get right to it! here is my new baraag: https://baraag.net/@murawa "Murawa" is NOT a japanese name, don't confuse that, it is a prehistoric, well, lets say pre-christian word from an old celtic tribe in my home area... it has some deep connection with my believes and my addiction to nature... also it is the name my ancestors had for "nightmarespirit"... for those who fear of any change of topics in my art, rest assure, i do like drawing loli, as much as i like drawing milfs and landscapes, there will be no changes in that at least... also, as for future name changes... like everything in life you cannot guarantee anything, but since i already have mentally killed stego in his atelier, he won't come back that easily... the name murawa might stay a while for sure... - let's see how long that will be... thank's for reading and if you are here for the art and not for the drama, this should be irrelevant to you anyway...
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finished the op picture ^^ - also, yes it is marker on real paper !
>>46604 (OP) Where's the older art you posted on your previous baraag account?
>>47201 Lovely!

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