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Sonic Time Corruption - A Classic Sonic fan game Anonymous 03/13/2019 (Wed) 19:08:25 No. 13857
Hello /fast/, The name's MrLevRocks, Lev for short, and I want to present you with a fan game that a few guys and me have been working on. I missed the mark making it the first fan game presented here, some anon got that honour, but alas… Anyways, you might be wondering what Sonic Time Corruption (logo send) is and why I chose to present it here. For starters, it's just a plain classic-flavour Sonic fan game lead by me. As you can tell from the title, it's got something to do with time and indeed that is the main concept of it. It's similar to Sonic CD in structure, but has some differences in how it plays out. Story-wise, I can't add much more either, Robotnik stole the Master Emerald, went to a new island of the week called Northwood Island where the Time Stones are, hijinks ensue. Now as to why I chose to post about it here. You may have noticed, I have yet to mention what actually is done. Don't worry, I'm not coming in empty handed, that'd be rude, but the small team and I lack the capacity to make something of scale. I'm personally an artist myself and what we, what I, am looking for is a programmer that is familiar with the GameMaker Language used in GameMaker Studio (1.4, in our case). I'm looking more for reliability and availability myself, rather than raw skill, but I'll tell you the reason for that next post. As for myself, you can look up my online handle above and easily find accounts of mine, proving that I'm not just bluffing, I too do my part in bringing my vision (technically not mine, but that's a story I don't want to have to type out now, ask if you're interested) to life. If you're interested, do post here, I'll share my email once I found someone so the private stuff can be discussed in private.
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Another series of images have been completed and shared since, thought you might enjoy these too. This is an earlier stage than the airship from a while back, the obligatory theme park stage, with hints of Stardust Speedway, my personally favourite stage of the series.
>>19745 Looks pretty sick!
>>18799 >>19745 Holy shit these colors looks sexy, I love them. I've seen this thread like a year ago and remembered about it to see you're still at it is great. Godspeed and good luck with your game anon
>>19745 Looks actually nice, I dig. Upper right one looks a bit empty though.
>>19865 > I've seen this thread like a year ago Looking at the dates, it really has been 2 weeks shy a year since I first shared things here. At least we can shut up all those feel-good gurus that claim a lot can change within a year. Thanks everyone for your support. It's minor, but even kind words drive one forward.
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Hey anons. OP here. After posting on 8kun I was pointed here, so I'll copy-paste what I last send there here. Has it really been over half a year since the last post here? Times flies by when you're standing still. As many may be able to point out, Sonic Time Corruption wasn't at SAGE this year. Roadblocks got in the way, team members were busy with their own (and more successful) projects etc. so I couldn't get anything done myself. However, now that things are returning to normal, I too am back in development. Here's a direct comparison shot of all 3 time variants of Tropical Trouble, the archetypal opening stage of every Sonic game. 2 are very similar, yet subtly different, and for a reason.
>>23019 Hey anon, happy to see you made it here. I'm wondering why we see the same island in the first and last image but there are more in the middle one. Are we going to have to wait until next year's SAGE for a build?
>>23021 >Are we going to have to wait until next year's SAGE for a build? That's a question I don't think even I can answer. Still having programmer woes (some things never change, do they?), but starting November, not making any promises, someone might have some time so development can continue. How long it takes until a build (and the question whether a 1-stage build like all failed fan games is such a good idea), who knows?
>>23019 This pixel art is gorgeous! How long have you been doing sprite work?
>>23026 Obviously I can't date when the first time I used MSPaint was, but proper in-game art for Sonic (fan) games I must've started on in mid-2013, so not that long ago. You're barking up the wrong tree, though, as much as I enjoy my horn being blown, the bulk of the artistic effort was made by a good friend and team member: WizToad. https://twitter.com/WizToad The trees, plants, flowers, the Sonic sprite, anything complex was his work, whereas I did the tiles (but not the grass, that was someone else), most of the bridges, the badnik (with yet another collaborator) and backgrounds, though the latter are mostly edits, rather than original work.
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Unannounced double post. Similar to >>16623 one year ago, I made a new badnik animation using the assets of the recently completed image set. This time set in another time zone for local colour. No name for it yet.
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>>23047 How much for a ticket there?
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This has been long overdue. Progress was, as expected, slow throughout the holidays, but despite that, I've managed to work on this board's favorite vaporware a bit. This stage is ancient, much older than this already almost 2 year old topic, so I decided to give it a redo. The entire foreground was done ground-up and the background was changed slightly to fit in-style with the player sprites and other stages. Thought the best way to show this was to take all the variations of this I have and layer them on top of each other, shows the progression through time nicely.
>>23630 I can't believe it's been 2 years already. Do you believe you'll be able to eventually finish it up instead of it just becoming yet another abandoned Sonic project?
>>23632 Invoke the sunk cost fallacy if you'd like, but I wouldn't halt production even if hell froze over and all my friends and team members died. It'd just take me longer to complete. We're stuck somewhere between determination and desperation with the game. Honestly, breaking façade for a moment, progress isn't doing too well, especially for something with no public demo as of yet. With only one active programmer in the team and setbacks by the hour, I don't know when even one act might be available but maybe that's for the better. A set date just stresses the team, sets expectations in the people and leads to less than as good as possible results.
>>23636 >I wouldn't halt production even if hell froze over and all my friends and team members died. It'd just take me longer to complete That's good to know, after 2 years of teasing us you'd better, at some point, deliver something! No pressure
I saw a mention of this other Sonic Time Twisted game and I thought for a second this actually had been released.
Man all this looks really exceptional wish I could help more than appreciating how good of an idea this is :\. If it helps maybe I can talk whit someone whiling to help but thats all i could do. Also sorry if i made any mistakes not exactly a master neither native speaker of english.
>>24230 I'm not part of this project or anything but more sprite artists is always a good thing for a project
>>24230 Heyo, OP here. If you know a guy, hook 'em up with us, if their art fits I'd be glad to be helped. Currently not looking for artists, but there's always something left to be done. Name's in the original post, so they can use that to find me on Twitter or something and get in touch.
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Do I have a treat for you. For the first time, proper gameplay footage. It's a very basic level layout, just the fast top-most path of it because it's the most done. Lacks most gimmicks, only has one badnik so far, but it's there. Consider it also a showcase of player sprites, tiles and the stage background in motion. I'm not very good at this layout designing stuff, so if anyone has any feedback to give, no matter how little, it's welcome.
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>>24643 Looking good! Thanks for the update, it's good to see this is still being worked on! It looks like a pretty simple section but I like the details, specially the shallow water section. Can you do the running on water trick on it? It's really empty so far though, I'm guessing you're going to add more stuff to it later? The only gripe I have is with Sonic's running sprite, the white from the socks and shoe sticks out too much and makes it look like he's missing the sprites for the fastest speed or something.
>>24643 Nice to see this is still going. Again, this pixel art is wonderful. >layout feedback From my view, everything looks good. Anything I mention would be more in the matter of personal preference rather than critique on something that could be done better.
>>24648 >Can you do the running on water trick on it? I don't think that's possible. The pools, part of another gimmick, aren't implemented as a water object, but something that uses water physics, as to not make the player drown in knee-deep water. >It's really empty so far though Yes, objects and badniks are in the design already, just not in the game. Still, I could tighten the layout, I heard that it's empty before. >>24651 >more in the matter of personal preference Doesn't mean I wouldn't like to hear it. Glad you're enjoying the layout so far.
>>24653 >Doesn't mean I wouldn't like to hear it Well... at the 0:05 mark of the video, I think there should be a hill instead of a ramp to let the player choose to jump and reach the upper path using the physics.
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While I was working on the layout, I was in the mood to assemble some assets again and had to get it out of my system. Welcome to Shivering Summit Zone, a ruined castle found and reinforced into a mighty mountaintop fortress by Eggman. A convenient excuse for Casltevania and Wolfenstein references. Unlike usually, I thought it'd be fun to make an animated mock-up to show the various parts, but considering the effort, I'm not sure if I'll do this again.
>>24713 I dig it. I love the sober atmosphere it has and the color palette. >Wolfenstein references Excellent taste. I hope you include some nice secrets in it!
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You guys seen this yet? I think it's about this fangame.
>>25212 I haven't >filename So they have a Twitter account? That's pretty cool. I hope they find someone soon that can help them with the project
>>25212 >You guys seen this yet? No. I wonder how difficult it could possibly be to learn that language. They've been struggling with this for years at this point. >I think it's about this fangame. No shit. It'd be fun to make something together with some other h8channers. >>25213 No, it seems it was posted on OP's twatter. They probably should have a project account though.
>>25215 >make something together with some other h8channers. Did you have something particular in mind?
>>25217 A game or hack I guess, but nothing concrete, no. The output would probably be shit but getting it done might be autistic and fun. Not enough people on the site to do anything anyway.
How long has it been since I've been here? We're sort-of making progress, chipping away at coding and level design and there's pretty much enough to make a stage with now. Here's the bottom path of the first stage, showing off different stage gimmicks and enemies.
>>25439 Hey fag, long time no see. It's cool to see some of the stuff you've teased before coming together. You managed to get the people you needed then? Any news on the Wolfenstein stage? That was looking awesome.
>>25446 Well, no. That's why it took so long, trying to scrable together the folks I have. Still, it's coming together. >Any news on the Wolfenstein stage? That was looking awesome. No, since we've been focussing on implementing the first stage, the later ones fell to the side. Might be a while before we come back to that one I'm afraid.
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>>25447 Oh well, that's fair. I wasn't really expecting much progress on it given how slow it's going but I thought I'd ask regardless. It's been a few years so I can be patient. You're contributing to Sonic Galactic too right? Everything I come across from it looks wonderful.

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