/fast/ - Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic the Hedgehog discussion

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Anonymous 05/16/2018 (Wed) 05:01:48 No. 1898
Post general stuff that doesn't merit a thread of its own here. >>828 Last one hit the limit
>>2199 I haven't, though there aren't any Sonic conventions in my country. Would you go to a Sonic convention if you could, /fast/? There's an incipient Sonic community here that gets stands in cons and makes events and stuff and I feel I should support them but no way.
>>2200 If I could, sure.
This week has been really slow
>>2217 I hate how stop and go it's gotten.
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>>2219 Yeah, do you think it's because of my constant posting of meaningless news on merchandise & etcetera?
>>2222 No, on the contrary, that brings pretty much the only movement we have.
>>2223 I meant that it might be putting people off, because people want actual news about games and shows instead of toys.
>>2225 >actual news about games and shows There are none. I don't think there's anything wrong about toy news (I fucking love merch), it's just that we're like 3 people maybe.
>>2226 >we're like 3 people maybe. Let's test that https://www.strawpoll.me/15873351/r P.S. I voted
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>>2227 There, voted. Reminds me of when I used to do these on /sthg/ when the general was but a couple of days old. Good times.
>>2227 >tfw we actually are just 3 guys
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What other boards on 8ch does fast go on. Personally I dont go anywhere other than this board.
>>2239 >=( Faggot >>2240 /v/. I lurked /tech/ for a while too because why not. I sometimes go on another board as well but I won't name it.
>>2240 I sometimes check /vg/ to look at the /sthg/ on there. >>2241 Rude
Delete spam already pls.
Hey that one thread is gone
>>2255 The magic of hotpockets.
>>2240 I check this place and /v/. I'd post more if I was able to post on my ipad, but it never posts when I try.
>>2266 Do you use the everychan app?
>>2267 Everychan app?
>>2266 I was having trouble posting from my Android phone too (I'd solve the captcha and the page would ask me to fill another one endlessly), but lately it's been working well.
>>2266 What issue do you have?
>>2075 Well, shill the board on /v/, at least. I saw about 5 or 6 Sonic threads there when the new game was announced. Though, I don't know if anyone will stick around here without bat tats. t. /v/
>>2272 What, this chan's /v/? I suppose someone could do it, but I'm not sure how long people will stick around.
>>2272 I was thinking of suggesting to participate in the attention hungry games, not sure if that's still a thing.
>>2267 Haven't heard of it. Quick search seems to just be Android only unless I missed something. >>2269 >>2271 When I hit the New Reply button, it it shows a percentage (usually something like 37%) and just stays there and never actually posts it. I've tried using other iOS browsers and filling out CAPTCHA beforehand, but nothing works so far.
>>2275 Well that's fucking bullshit. I hate when 8chan shits itself like that for no apparent reason.
I've been off of/fast/ for a while, sorry for the lack of news Delivery
>>2281 Everyone needs a little vacation sometimes. News have been all kinds of awful anyway lately.
>>2282 well that sucks
We were so close
>>1923 Hi, I'm new to this site. My apologies. Does anyone know who drew this Chibi-ish Sonamy drawing with the Red heart around them? Thank you.
>>17507 After some searching, the source seems to be: https://twitter.com/posojo123/status/996981448795013120/photo/1
>>19073 This is rad but you can embed videos here.

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