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Hey. This is the furry board. We'll see how this goes, alright? Sister-Wives of /fur/: 【Comfy】|【Vidya B】|【Fast】|【404- RIP】

Pokémon Toshiaki 02/18/2021 (Thu) 23:20:07 No. 2130
A thread for everyone's favorite Pocket Monsters.
Gotta catch'em all
(2.85 MB 867x597 Hamburger Biscuit.webm)

God I love dagasi's eeveelutions
(541.97 KB 1000x750 2.png)

(519.50 KB 750x1000 3.png)

(417.07 KB 1000x750 4.png)

(533.26 KB 1000x750 5.png)

(498.59 KB 1000x750 9.png)

(3.75 MB 1892x2376 ClipboardImage.png)

I'm posting a boy.
(83.55 KB 800x677 2.jpg)

(76.08 KB 800x677 3.jpg)

(111.28 KB 800x945 4.jpg)

(100.59 KB 800x945 5.jpg)

(87.88 KB 800x677 1.jpg)

>>2398 Fuckin' gay.
>>2409 I'm glad you agree anon
(1.64 MB 3825x1600 3850725_Oob_riolu0.png)

(332.37 KB 2316x403 3850724_Oob_riolu0-paws.png)

(8.62 MB 3888x3574 rimming no text.png)

serious lack of absol
>>4568 You don't need to spam this link on every thread you know. One thread would have been good enough.
(1.78 MB 1250x1750 3941789_DAGASI_1265.5.png)

(522.01 KB 1510x1373 3aa32b1bd8fffea7.png)

(551.42 KB 1313x1500 c21aeb9eef40db48.png)

(714.04 KB 1263x1300 f5c60826e353f57c.png)

(441.54 KB 1152x1500 38835506dd2c1d6b.png)

(726.74 KB 1211x1500 0b525a675d2db259.png)

(501.62 KB 1089x1500 1f317f19348be794.png)

(806.32 KB 1167x1300 552c69bca3edbfd1.png)

(906.93 KB 1246x1300 20c75ac8664bb158.png)

(804.25 KB 1415x1300 44eefa0dfef32d08.png)

(671.68 KB 1212x1300 34f1dbeb1fccb284.png)

(502.07 KB 1107x1100 4bd19ca88f690994.png)

(986.72 KB 1172x1100 faaf518c442353f4.png)

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(338.24 KB 850x1400 92337998_p0.jpg)

(1.62 MB 2048x1784 92591178_p0.jpg)

(1.03 MB 1348x1763 93295941_p2.jpg)

This thread needs more Mawile.
(939.34 KB 1337x1868 93295941_p0.jpg)

(830.27 KB 1337x1868 93295941_p1.jpg)

(1.07 MB 2077x1547 94397633_p0.jpg)

(856.40 KB 1473x1065 95309786_p0.jpg)

(724.16 KB 1429x1005 95309786_p1.jpg)

(733.02 KB 1403x1043 95353269_p0.jpg)

(803.42 KB 1473x1065 95309786_p2.jpg)

(1.05 MB 2077x1547 94415035_p0.jpg)

(846.54 KB 1471x2111 95738215_p0.jpg)

>>4668 >needs more Mawile. Please do. She's my favorite.
(39.84 KB 572x572 ASOUL LICK.jpeg)

Hentai of the pokemon
>Pokemon porn comes mostly from anthro and animal-like pokemons <Pokemon artists slap them with human dicks and pussies
(414.50 KB 1000x1000 60036367_p0.png)

(261.03 KB 800x855 60036367_p1.png)

>>4722 tale as old as time
(932.83 KB 1440x1440 01ee6599184ac09d.png)

(260.03 KB 946x954 3958901_yoshitura_scorpaw.png)

(554.79 KB 1201x1674 3957552_yoshitura_scorbnys.png)

>>4940 >foot cheese >peeling it off with a hand >cheese has holes but only in one panel
>>4944 serb ate my pic
>>4944 I think those are suppose to be bubbles in the cheese instead of holes.
>>4948 Maybe, but that doesn't make the foot cheese dispenser any less weird.
(512.26 KB 1232x982 3995088_yoshitura_sbys.png)

I think yoshitura might be gay for scorbunny feet.
(642.88 KB 1172x1139 3997459_yoshitura_scorset.png)

Is /fur/ gay for scorbunny feet too?
(1.04 MB 1650x2307 4000051_yoshitura_scorss.png)

Here's ye some pokeymans.
>male Ralts I had never even considered that such a thing could exist.
(106.02 KB 842x1856 media_FaZFFRVWQAE19Vl.jpg)

(362.05 KB 2160x1560 media_FaAWOLIXEAISq0b.jpg)

(429.38 KB 2036x2160 media_FaapQl7XwAAIjSJ.jpg)

(470.48 KB 3498x3881 media_Fag6rBuaUAAv20E.jpg)

(501.81 KB 1463x2000 4171471_Oob_leafeon-trunks1.png)

(499.88 KB 1463x2000 4171472_Oob_leafeon-trunks2.png)

(481.68 KB 1535x1987 4171468_Oob_glaceonkick1.png)

(477.76 KB 1535x1987 4171469_Oob_glaceonkick2.png)

(475.30 KB 1535x1987 4171470_Oob_glaceonkick3.png)

(572.20 KB 1960x1634 4171473_Oob_vaporeon-paws.png)

(1.09 MB 2000x3000 88375144 .jpg)

(1.36 MB 1754x2480 86483070_p3.png)

Newfag here. Have you consider separating bipedal Pokemon than the rest? I don't have much pic though
>>6685 >Have you consider separating bipedal Pokemon than the rest? Why though?
>>6690 Because bipedal are normiebait
So /fur/riends, who's your newest official fakemon from the latest reveal?
>>6932 Probably the skeleton dog or the stork. There's a few nice pokemon designs in the dex, a few nice digimon designs, a few nice yokai watch designs, and several designs so awful the creators deserve an ass kicking.
(1.42 MB 1250x1750 4291904_DAGASI_1659.1.png)

(1.39 MB 1250x1750 4291905_DAGASI_1659.10.png)

This thing's real cute.
(202.73 KB 1206x1004 4309944_Ishoka_shepp.png)

(268.25 KB 1208x1064 4309943_Ishoka_shep.png)

(395.44 KB 1015x1250 video games wooloo.png)

I like this lil goatemon.
(1.33 MB 1920x1080 PikachuWon.webm)

>>7551 Is this real?
>>7551 Ash should have gone home back to Kanto instead of disappearing on a search for bullshit reasons.
>>7585 If they're gonna actually have the nuts to retire him sure. But it's %100 an insurance policy for the very likely "incase" the new protags bomb they can hop right back on the ole reliable to carry em. This is much of why "genwun pandaring" is such a thing, with the exception of furbait, the new gen dipshits can't get a single person outside of their gen to give a gnat's shit about their favorite gen's uglyass designs. Meanwhile, most normal people can rattle off the original 151, and have a few they like, even if they didn't pay much attention to the series.
(572.86 KB 512x768 00100-4124691715.png)

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(632.78 KB 512x768 00064-3584292442.png)

We are conquerors of worlds
>>7622 What AI did you use? I have Stable Diffusion and I'm looking for good models for making lewd furry art.
>>7622 MOAR
(557.65 KB 512x768 00101-4124691716.png)

(532.01 KB 512x768 00107-3160703356.png)

(545.15 KB 512x768 00109-3160703358.png)

(534.80 KB 512x768 00121-2596864238.png)

(577.75 KB 512x768 00108-3160703357.png)

>>7623 Yup that's what i use too and for these
(623.12 KB 512x768 00132-1344180335.png)

(602.77 KB 512x768 00134-1344180337.png)

(617.76 KB 512x768 00138-1411899477.png)

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(640.03 KB 512x768 00075-3731699273.png)

(659.02 KB 512x768 00082-3737121971.png)

>>7678 But which model and parameters are you using? >>7681 >>7682 Let me guess; Vaporeon and Nidoran they don't even look remotely like the mons they're based on, guess that's the price to pay for high quality rendering
Got to bang then ALL!
(600.60 KB 1536x1920 fur-24-1_0059e.jpg)

(467.23 KB 1536x1920 fur-24-1_0058e.jpg)

(534.92 KB 1536x1920 fur-24-1_0063e.jpg)

(583.27 KB 1536x1920 fur-24-1_0055e.jpg)

(487.68 KB 1152x1440 fur-24-1_0100e.jpg)

(787.65 KB 4608x2592 PS_Anthro_vappy_1.jpg)

(1.26 MB 4592x3696 PS_Feral_Vappy_1.jpg)

(1.28 MB 6144x3456 PS_Anthro_vappy_2.jpg)

(1.28 MB 6144x3456 PS_Feral_Vappy_3.jpg)

(1.38 MB 6144x3456 PS_Feral_Vappy_2.jpg)

(3.28 MB 1056x1536 00012-2396703033.png)

(3.28 MB 1056x1536 00014-593357599.png)

(3.36 MB 1056x1536 00013-34065800.png)

(3.41 MB 1056x1536 00017-299927991.png)

(1.62 MB 1600x1017 Snapshot_001.png)

(66.06 KB 640x427 Peppa_Pig_1736444c.jpg)

Some of us will be scared shitless to see these foul beasts.
(1.69 MB 1024x1536 5Xkq7scpMuNaNT2P4vBGT.png)

(1.59 MB 1080x1080 01262-2694609732zz.png)

(1.00 MB 768x1152 file.png)

>>9443 I like this more anthro version of vaporeon, it's just a really good design.
(115.34 KB 800x1200 zoroillusion1.jpg)

(144.44 KB 800x1200 zoroillusion2.jpg)

(150.14 KB 800x1200 zoroillusion3.jpg)

(140.56 KB 800x1200 zoroillusion4.jpg)

(110.87 KB 800x1200 zoroillusion5.jpg)

(113.59 KB 800x1200 zoroillusion6.jpg)

(123.08 KB 800x1200 zoroillusion7.jpg)

(148.47 KB 800x1200 zoroillusion8.jpg)

posting some tontaro
(221.08 KB 1600x1600 franschesco-kim-untitled-111.jpg)

(227.61 KB 1600x1600 franschesco-kim-untitled-1.jpg)

(165.21 KB 2150x942 1701411304389-0.jpg)

(328.95 KB 2048x1197 1701411304389-1.jpg)

(35.89 KB 694x1000 FB_IMG_1717490288501.jpg)

(761.87 KB 2200x2824 ComfyUI_02321_.jpg)

(2.62 MB 2197x1677 1718286266520.png)

>>9838 >>9839 >>9840 ...Pokemon?
(1.68 MB 1344x1728 00012-2822324801.png)

(1.72 MB 1728x1344 00025-4100481272.png)

(2.71 MB 1792x2304 glaceon-ride-final.png)

(1.42 MB 1600x1200 vaporeon sl (1).png)

(1.46 MB 1600x1200 vaporeon sl (2).png)

(978.55 KB 2303x3036 83778042_p16.png)

(189.78 KB 990x1300 91953282_p24.jpg)

(274.40 KB 832x910 F5qsRkXasAA5lOZ.jpg)

(955.83 KB 1200x1200 0c70f2943e08aef007f37215237e3b91.png)

(2.35 MB 2388x1668 esoteric pokemon lore.png)

(1.70 MB 631x2176 Typhlosions are really.png)

(248.56 KB 500x500 typh hype.png)

Wake the fuck up new Pokemon lore just dropped!
(204.74 KB 1896x1264 00011-3118232213.jpg)

(186.32 KB 1896x1264 00017-1335592586.jpg)

(178.64 KB 1264x1896 00028-3490087641.jpg)

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(268.52 KB 1792x2304 271947459.jpg)

(167.79 KB 896x1080 photo_2024-08-30_10-02-12.jpg)

(157.54 KB 896x1080 photo_2024-08-30_10-02-12_2.jpg)

(162.13 KB 896x1080 photo_2024-08-30_10-02-13.jpg)

(868.12 KB 4096x4096 1000203197.jpg)

(2.97 MB 960x540 eat all the eggu.webm)

Someone needs to make a typhlosion version of this webm.
(262.73 KB 2479x1756 9f32987ae9d2af870adaf142a2571582.jpg)

(313.69 KB 1266x1362 5d329d1911551ad85954cfc09d40b2c9.jpg)

(372.02 KB 2349x1157 Typhlosion Simpsons pt2.jpg)

(88.96 KB 2197x1647 Typhlosion Simpsons pt1.png)

Anyone have the one of typholsion and the female trainer in the sleeping bag?
(575.27 KB 1066x744 7befd2a426746f3e.mp4)

(744.21 KB 3000x2000 thiccgrass1.jpg)

(746.55 KB 3000x2000 thiccgrass2.jpg)

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(731.25 KB 3000x2000 thiccgrass7.jpg)

(732.86 KB 3000x2000 thiccgrass8.jpg)

(3.57 MB 1523x1561 43fc1116ef1b17ed.png)

(3.52 MB 1523x1561 d7dd0af1ee407d1c.png)

(3.51 MB 1523x1561 774c22f84137eb83.png)

(3.53 MB 1523x1561 5f2f687eb4a87792.png)

(64.05 KB 900x1080 D7XGghxXoAc2Lbi.jpg)

(124.63 KB 720x1280 59590.picsmall.jpg)

(723.57 KB 4096x2160 b435cc25ffbed3705a9ba3a6137f58e5.jpg)

(282.02 KB 1576x2048 60e177d14dcd0302d4ab8f8a39662ee2.jpg)

(511.29 KB 3352x4000 vaporeon butt 4k cock no text.jpg)

(494.36 KB 3352x4000 vaporeon butt nude 4k.jpg)

(793.87 KB 1536x1536 1724968848948.png)

(972.86 KB 3072x3072 1724605743579.jpg)

(1.29 MB 1200x1024 masterrr.png)

>>11282 >Last image >Cuck shit
(233.54 KB 1536x1536 T8T7Q55CASNYTVW9Q29VQZY0E0.jpg)

(193.70 KB 1536x1536 15J37H7R4B2GTHECJ1CW9GBHR0.jpg)

(751.05 KB 4096x4096 1000218669.jpg)

(84.43 KB 896x1152 00001-4072613647.jpg)

(142.77 KB 1024x1024 charizard.jpg)

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