I think there was a minor "own the misogynists" movement when Joel's death got revealed to buy the game to stick it to imaginary #GG boogeymen, even though I call ND's numbers of 10M copies sold bullshit, more like
shipped copies that never sold to consumers. It was very similar to how
Mad Max: Fury Road was promoted as an "own" against Return of Kings disparaging the film as a feminist jerkfest. The Playstation brand was arguably still strong at the time with the Piss5 being targeted by scalpers based off that reputation. It wasn't until
>COVID introduced people to PC gaming for a year plus
>shit like Joel's death kept happening in other media
>people had to live through a corrupt American regime and realized, no shit they get zero benefit from living in the utopia they fought to be in for years and misfortune doesn't just happen to others
>Sony's fuckups got too bad to ignore
that it became more obvious to the public that
(((Druckmann))) was a hack.