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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Year of the Linux Desktop Edition Anonymous 05/18/2022 (Wed) 20:39:55 Id: 0c7d28 No. 177914
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >Gamebanana forced to take down nazi Whip skin by SJWs https://archive.ph/nKiQ3 >Shooter Payton Gerndon links 8chan.moe, among other sites, in his manifesto. Site Administrator Acid Man denies the shooter having any posts and/or affiliation with the site. (Everyone on site is getting v& regardless, RIP again.) https://archive.is/26ng7 >Embracer (Formerly THQ Nordic) buys multiple IPs from Square Enix for $300 Million https://archive.ph/wGTUC >Elon Musk Buys Twitter:https://archive.ph/pweWJ https://archive.ph/5cyDH >Disney employees create open letter and are asking people to sign a petition for political neutrality https://archive.ph/9ES8d >BuzzFeed shareholders urge CEO Jonah Peretti to shut down the ENTIRE news operation which has '100 staff and loses $10MILLION a year': Staff bombard execs with questions in leaked audio of tense meeting about the news https://archive.is/8viWf >Former Gawker Media properties G/O Media of staff from Kotaku, Gizmodo, Jalopnik, Jezebel, Lifehacker and The Root went on strike. https://archive.ph/pyYJg >MS buys Actiblizz https://archive.ph/Lc4Em >Sony buys Bungie for $3.6 Billion https://archive.fo/7BE4T >Sony Vice President of Playstation Network George Cacioppo exposed for trying to have sex with a 15 year old minors through Grindr App via chatlogs from "People Vs Predators" Group: https://archive.md/SlG30 >Archives Prove IGN Executive Review Editor Dan Stapleton Lied When Claiming Outlet Would Not Report On Sony Exec Pedophile Allegations Because They Don’t Cover “General Crime”: https://boundingintocomics.com/2021/12/07/archives-prove-ign-executive-review-editor-lied-when-claiming-outlet-would-not-report-on-sony-exec-pedophile-allegations-because-they-dont-cover-general-crime/ - https://archive.md/uuDNE https://archive.md/O7wma >Aforementioned People Vs Preds Groups also caught Senior Account Manager for Nvidia Todd Wiseman for allegedly trying to meet with a 15 year old boy for sex. https://archive.md/xMz2f >Nathan Grayson leaves Kotaku to join the Washington Post's "Launcher" section https://archive.is/9hqq0 >Five Nights at Freddy's developer Scott Cawthon retires after SJWs and game journalists attack him for donating to Republican politicians https://archive.fo/wCpMC https://archive.fo/Fe8Ey >Quinton Flynn Replaced as Kael’thas Voice Actor in WoW; Despite Judge Ruling Sexual Misconduct Allegations Came from Obsessive Stalker https://nichegamer.com/2021/04/19/quinton-flynn-replaced-as-kaelthas-voice-actor-in-wow-despite-judge-ruling-sexual-misconduct-allegations-came-from-obsessive-stalker/ - https://archive.is/Dj5a5 >A petition to deplatform once cancelled game "Six Days In Fallujah" started by Hala Alsalman receives game industry developer and figure support; gets stealthily updated https://archive.is/h6Da1 https://archive.is/eSpno CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF - Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids: https://archive.fo/U3GLa - Confirms censorship was deliberate: https://archive.fo/XgAgP - No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case: https://archive.fo/37DhK - Marvelous partner starts petition against policy: https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo • Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed.
[Expand Post]• Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well: http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546 B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): • Use https://archive.today to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags • Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 • Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htmSTOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics • https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds • https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: • The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb • #GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page • History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ • View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: • GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb • Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: • Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OPCurrently offline; use the .txt. file of the GG OP to be provided near the beginning of every new thread instead >How Can I Help? >>>/gamergatehq/ • All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations • OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L • An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
I would make the switch to Linux for good but the illustration software I use doesn't run properly under Wine and Krita sucks ass.
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NEW COMIC A closed door leads to another open one... or something, I dunno.
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>>177919 I don't think that I could do something like that on my Thinkpad.
ARCHIVE OF PREVIOUS THREAD: https://archive.is/42kCg OLDER ARCHIVE OF PREVIOUS THREAD: https://archive.is/S5E4d
Chijo's (former) friend, if you're reading this, are you still here? You said you would post your story shortly after the new thread was made
glock harder spock
>>177917 GLOW HARDER SPOOK >>177916 Just dual boot, bro. You will see yourself using Windows less and less when you realize it's not worth to turn it on for one program. Then you will delete it completely.
>>177926 bada bing, bada boom scotty
>>177917 GLOW HARDER SPOOK I like that the OP's Current Discussions were updated. Was about to ask about that.
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7 year olds look like this now?
>>177932 It's called malign tumors.
>>177925 >Chijo Who's that?
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>>177917 The alphabet soup dog of fedposting may not be the only one paying a visit to the site soon. https://archive.is/vkiyF
>>177935 oh noes not a NYAGer thats the last thing we need
>>177935 Hey, nigger bitch from New York. Nobody cares about your shit state. Watching it get nuked into an irradiated series of craters would actually be morale boosting to the rest of the nation. Maybe look at the fact that the neighborhood was filled with kikes and niggers bent on hating each other and realize that the shooter himself was jewish. You might realize something then. But then again, you're one of those retarded coons who can't do anything but think jews = white so maybe you deserve to be played like a fiddle.
>>177936 >NYAGer
>>177935 This is the gorilla trying to shut the site down
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>>177935 >Niggers fire into groups of niggers every day >Niggers assault Jews and Asians on a daily basis >Blame white people >Accelerationist makes a meme shooting to start a race war >WE NEED TO FIGHT WHITE SUPREMACY >It's a HAAAAAAATE CRIME Hey Russia, if you have any plans to use nukes in Ukraine, send a few over to New York, Seattle, and San Francisco while you're at it. Thanks buddy.
>>177935 Here's some insight on this person NY AG Letitia James called the NRA a 'terrorist organization.' https://archive.ph/bH15H Attorney General James Vows to Defend New York’s Gun Control Laws https://archive.ph/7wKuG Attorney General James Wins Lawsuit Against Former Ice Cream Shop Owner For Filing False, Race-Based Police Report and Use of Racist Intimidation Tactics and Violent Threats <Former Owner of Bumpy’s Polar Freeze Forced to Pay Peaceful BLM Protesters He Harassed, Threatened, and Pulled Weapons On https://archive.ph/3NjjT This just might be about gun control guise, I dunno.
>>177941 >sparing los angeles and portland

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>>177942 >This just might be about gun control guise, I dunno. Never let a good crisis go to waste. On the plus side, you can thank lefties and BLM for one of the largest proliferation of guns and a growing support for gun ownership in the last 30 years. >>177943 You're right, Russia can afford to part with a few more nukes. They probably won't need them in Ukraine at all, as I'm sure the CIA will do the job and blame them for it eventually anyhow.
>>177942 >Third article That reminds me, I recall that incident starting when it was leaked that the ice cream shop owner stated at some point that he didn't hire black people, so BLM-related organizations offered financial compensation packages for black employees to quit working there. You know, the same employees that the guy apparently didn't hire because black.
>>177944 Russia doesn't even need to nuke Ukraine. They're using the tried and true method of attrition at this point.
>>177942 >this nappy-headed bitch thinks she can control nigger riots when they're going to be killing her and turning her into fucking meat paste the second they realize she has any level of authority Can't wait for all that shit to backfire.
>>177947 >Thinking she's going to attempt to even control said riots, and not just outright defend them happening Hyuk hyuk hyuk

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>>177942 >Mark and someone else retweeted sending our sheboon Attorney General the picture of Acid Man's BLACKED Asuka damage control and twitter feed Well, I think maybe the cuteboy content in it ought to make them think twice about investigating the site further, eh? Was tempted to screencap and send this post to her >>177937
>>177935 where were you when 8chan became a social media company? Damn, that sounds important. This person doesn't seem to know much about 8chan. I made a thread to correct this. >>>/b/413600
so for a few day's i've known about this WHO pandemic treaty https://nitter.pussthecat.org/CriticalSway/status/1526464386386345984 , and just now i see on cuck/pol/ about some "monkeypox" outbreak, these two are connected aren't they?
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>>177952 Why do these people post like Luciano?
>>177953 Because they're feds, just like Luciano.
>>177935 Told you Acid Told you to make 8ch.moe redirect to 8kun
>>177917 GLOW HARDER SPOOK >>177918 I guess dreams really don't come true.
>>177917 GLOW HARDER SPOOK >>177935 When will the authorities start investigating non-white attackers like the NYC subway shooter, huh?
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https://www.ca5.uscourts.gov/opinions/pub/20/20-61007-CV0.pdf >Pic >frantically unbuckling my pants and breathing heavily Keep talking dirty to me baby, I'm almost there.
>>177958 What's this about?
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And in happier news, Melvin Capital LP, the hedge fund that tried to short GameStock (GME) but lost miserably to Reeeddit and /biz/rael of all groups, is shutting down. Plotkin’s Melvin Capital to Liquidate Funds After Losses >Gabe Plotkin plans to wind down Melvin Capital Management after suffering billions of dollars of losses and angering investors with a botched plan to reboot the firm. >The once high-flying hedge fund told clients it would liquidate the funds and return cash to investors. The New York-based firm managed $7.8 billion at the end of April. >[...] >Plotkin became the target of a retail trading army in 2021 that used Reddit to bid up stocks, specifically GameStop, a struggling bricks-and-mortar retailer, which was one of Melvin’s bearish bets. >When the stock took off-- along with other shares Melvin was shorting -- it erased about $7 billion of the hedge fund’s capital in January 2021, a path it never recovered from. Source: https://archive.is/ORc4S
>>177960 I guess they can finally stop holding now and let Gamestop die the way it was meant to. Mission accomplished, right?
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>>177959 Extremely abridged story. >George R. Jarkesy, Jr.; Patriot28, L.L.C., versus Securities and Exchange Commission >SEC decides to go after Jarkesy (A hedgefund manager) and used judges internal to the SEC for both conviction and punishment of him (much like how the ATF and other three letter agencies operate) >he sues them, the legal argument being "Hey man, I never got a jury trial, the constitution never gave you those powers, and what I did doesn't even violate a law. Just a 'regulation' from some bureaucrat" >the 5th circuit courts (pic related) said he's correct. It's goes against the constitution. If you want to punish people you need to pass laws and then try them by jury If other courts follow this judgement that means so many regulation that these agencies make, that are not against the law, like most of the shit the ATF prohibits, would be effectively legal because it means that they have ZERO authority to go punish people. It makes all their rules more like like recommendations for laws than anything. tl;dr unaccountable, unelected bureaucrats lose nearly all their power in the longterm if this continues.
>>177964 That sounds like a recipe for several assassinations suicides and backstage threatening by the 3-letter traitors who have been accustomed to bullying average citizens for generations.
Indie game developer calls out Kotaku for article involving him trying to make it about race https://archive.ph/t97ar >Kotaku: Black Dev Says It’s ‘Highly Probable’ Doctor Strange Sequel Fight Scene Copied His Game https://archive.ph/Z0YOY
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>>177935 > The alphabet soup dog of fedposting may not be the only one paying a visit to the site soon. To all bored feds who have been ordered to watch this board 1. go out for coffee on your lunch break 2. sign up for one of the free email services like protonmail or whatevertf else people recommend 3. plug your new email here, ask for digs 4. anons will send you a truckload of information about bigger problems than us n33ts who just fap to anime all day, like this https://archive.is/XmiNo 5. work on the cases from home because some of these fuckers wrote your case management software, everything is backdoored, and they kill people
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Happy 7th birthday to the Deeepfreeze twins https://archive.ph/PllVT https://archive.ph/9VM63
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>>177969 Nice.
>>177934 Insane tranny that used to shitpost on /b/.
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>>177935 >sends high level investigators to 8chan >spends 3 months and hundreds of hours looking at images of gay pornography, mark autism, and steam deck faggotry
>>177972 That's not including the faggots that they'll try to go undercover here. >what the fuck does all this shit mean it's like a different language >what the fuck is a glownigger >who's these two big tittied women and why are they important >WHY DO YOU WANT TO HUFF VIVIAN'S BUSH
>>177940 A literal gorilla is the AG of NY? No wonder the nigger madness is out of control.
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>>177973 Wait... has every tor poster for the past few months been an undercover NY agent?
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>>177944 Exploitable!
>>177976 Our tax dollars at work.
>>177972 >>177973 >the worst crime is the people streaming movies
>>177979 You mean like this?
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>>177973 Imagine all the fetishes they will develop after being forced to lurk the boards in the top bar for weeks or months. >inb4 they all flock to /interracial/ and /2dblacked/
>>177981 I'd prefer it if they became aligned with our new fluffy-tail overlords. China would finally fall.
>>177972 >>177973 not only that but our /pol/ will receive more activity, all of it being glowniggers interacting with other glowniggers
>>177972 I wonder what they'll think of Luciano and Niggerpill. >>177973 I remember that one time where CIANiggers where caught on /pol/ due to the way they write back in 8kun.
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>>177973 >What the fuck is an Ara? >WHAT THE FUCK DOES WPWYF MEAN
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>>177985 >tfw you start hearing your female coworker say "ara ara" every time she receives a message from her kids
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>>177978 <fed posters have been attempting to derail threads for the past few months >Their posts get derailed by shotafags >comment gets deleted accidentally by Mark >only replies are dubs <Sir, we can't seem to get through to them, they're onto us It may cost us in tax money, but this shit is priceless
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>>177973 >find one anon that can't stop ranting about niggers <"We've got one." >send agents to asses and question >it's actually a black anon that can't stand niggers
>>177983 >8chan causes a war between alphabet soup agencies
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If you instantly know who this is, you're an oldfag.
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>>177964 Really looks like Donald Trumps promise of draining the swamp may be coming to pass. No thanks to him just getting manhandled by the swamp his entire presidency while he shitposted on Twitter all day. But the way the deep state rose up against him, and the left hitting the turbo button on authoritarian crazy in response seems to have caused a reaction among some very rich and well connected people who are wanting to jam on the brakes. I mean, when you get ultra wealthy, most people tend to set aside accumulation of wealth as a priority and turn to consolidating power and using that to push forward pet projects. For years it was diversity, fighting diseases, and ecological issues, but those goals have been corrupted or have lead to greater crackdowns on freedoms for the sake of global compliance. Are we starting to see a new kind of philanthropy crop up to push back against the deep state and the commie clown world? Or is this just bait to consolidate public sentiment around their ideals, so they can take the crown for themselves after beheading the serpent?
@603431 This user is a tvch/cow/fag, do not respond to him.
>>177935 She must mean 8kun, or some other 8chan not 8chan.moe right?
>>177996 They don't mean anything. They say words that they think should be said. The intent behind them is irrelevant. There could be no 8chan domain in existence and they will still be "investigating" the site because it's what they think they're supposed to be doing.
>>177996 Well Mr trips, normally I'd say yes but the manifesto name dropped 8ch.moe specifically. Makes me wonder how much they really know of this and what it'd be like if another name was chosen like the rest of the webring sites.
>>177994 They're trying to stop him, they are at it again. Except this time there will be calls for Maricopa-style audits immediately... https://archive.ph/vo6IZ
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>>177989 >it's actually a black anon that can't stand niggers Even better, he's Canadian.
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>>177988 >>Their posts get derailed by shotafags I'm glad to be of help. >>177996 Checked and nope. The manifesto explicitly mentioned 8chan.moe. However, it's only mentioned once in the entire document in the page 59.
Was he actually jewish? I already thought he looked like a mutt but pic related is only speculation.
>>178003 He didn't even post here did he?
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>>177969 Happy Birthday! >>177978 >Our tax dollars at work. Fed#1: 'Which one's Freya?' Fed#2: 'The blonde one.'
>>178003 Oh fuck. I was hoping they meant the pile of rubble that's left of 8kun.
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>>178005 No according to the admins: >>>/site/5458 >>>/site/5528 >>178007 Don't worry. The moronic journos will blame Jim for this either way because they know nothing about imageboards. Some of them already are doing it: https://archive.is/aSxtv
>>178008 Is it too late to blame this all on SomethingAwful?
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>>178008 >tfw Jim gets blamed
>>178005 Nope. And seemingly not on 4chan either. She seems to think he did, so she's announcing investigations based on where he said he was planning to post without having checked that he actually did.
>>178009 >SomethingAwful Nah, I'm pretty sure Ebaumsworld is behind all this.
>>178012 >implying implications We all know YTMND is behind this nefarious deed.
>>177914 I hate wine. Linux just works but not wine. Fuck wine. Native linux games or bust.
>>178003 >The manifesto explicitly mentioned 8chan.moe. How did he knew of 8chan.moe since he never visited it in the first place?
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>>177973 >Why do they keep talking about bread and pasta and salt? >...and cake? <Are they food obsessed?
>>178013 YTMND? The birthplace of infamous White Supremacist rapper Moon Man?
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>>178015 He either learned about it from cuckchan (https://archive.4plebs.org/_/search/text/8%20chan%20moe/) or from one of these lists of imageboards (pic related), or maybe Acid was right in believing that feds/bad actors are behind him and the site.
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>>178004 I was wondering what his face reminded me of and then I realized he reminds me of Simon Roper who is a youtuber that focuses on old English linguistics. His eyes look beadier though.
>>178013 Obviously it was MySpace. It's time to shut that place down.
>>178014 I hate beer.
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>>178019 >or maybe Acid was right in believing that feds/bad actors are behind him and the site No, we figured it out. It was Consumption Junction this whole time, feigning being dead while pulling the strings behind the scenes in order to goad the feds to take out the competition so that they can relaunch and claim the monopoly on funny pictures and gore videos.
>>178021 I'm pretty sure Prodigy is the one to pin this on.
>>178022 Some beer is good.
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>>178022 i hate small towns
>>178024 It can't be Prodigy, Buffalo NY is long distance.
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Utoya, Christchurch, and this latest asshole all share a similar pattern, as if they were run by the same team.
>>178025 You lie. Some beer has undercurrents of good flavors, yes, but it still primarily tastes like piss. You can get used to drinking flavored piss all you want, you can even develop a taste for the various hints of flavor, but it's still piss.
>>178028 >the knights templar doesn't exist and no members have ever been found. Did they try opening a history book? Or asking the pope?
>>178029 How do you know what urine tastes like?
>year of the linux desktop its literally never going to happen.
>>178025 If you're not double fisting monkey booze then yer a faggot.
>>178008 >4chan and 8chan, two sites known for a lack of moderation. Can't wait 'til they experience Mark's moderation skills.
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https://archive.ph/weGCt https://archive.ph/3UjID Brendan Blaber, AKA JelloAppocalypse
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>>178031 >How do you know what urine tastes like?
>>178033 >sometimes monkeys hide fruits in the hollows of trees, with luck sometimes dew collects in these same hollows and ferments. You know I would try that.
>>178031 I drank my own.
>>178036 >>178038 Fair enough.
>>178035 Oh yeah, that faggot, Mr. "Fifteen minutes of fame because he made a video making fun of Tumblr at the height of the sjw backlash in 2014"
>>178035 >furfags trying to fuck with anime/manga Fucking cancerous faggots really can not help themselves.
Killing niggers is bad!
>>178035 Why do twitter people type like this?
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>>178035 >Yor >Teenager Also god forbid people masturbate to a fiction charcater.
>>178035 >Seeing people salivating over cartoon teenagers every day is so fucking exhausting No it isn't.
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>>178045 Asshole spokes
>>177981 Those boards are only on the top bar because they have more than zero posters
>>178035 >Brendan Blaber, AKA JelloAppocalypse Anyone noticing fart and scat fetishism popular among male feminist and white BLM supporters?
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>>178035 This faggot has been an ironic SJWeeb for years. His "So this is basically" videos (the only thing of his people watched) were always full of jabs at weebs and fanservice, despite that seemingly being his supposed audience. It's trojan horse'd as "self deprecating humor' but was very obviously malicious deep down. I remember him bitching about Kawakami and Futaba in the Persona 5 one. Anyway, he apparently decided to stop doing those recently to "focus on his voice acting career" so hopefully being an antagonistic retarded asshole on twitter tanks that.
New Call Of Duty: Warzone 2 And Modern Warfare 2 Leaks Surface >More potential leaks surface for Modern Warfare 2 And Warzone 2, claiming to reveal details about the rumored DMZ mode and battle royale. >Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is confirmed to be arriving later this year, and with a reveal date likely approaching, more leaks and rumors are surfacing on Infinity Ward's upcoming release. >A recent report suggests that Activision's official reveal for Modern Warfare 2 is set for June, while a multiplayer beta could potentially arrive in August. However, this doesn't stop leakers from revealing some of those details early. >On May 18, notable Call of Duty leaker TheMW2Ghost tweeted a claim that they've seen the upcoming map that they believe will be used for both Warzone 2 and the rumored DMZ mode coming to Modern Warfare 2, which leakers suggest is an Escape from Tarkov-inspired survival mode. >TheMW2Ghost shared a simplistic map layout on Twitter, which they say is drawn as a remake based off of the actual map image. >The leaker's drawn image doesn't really provide much detail, but it reveals a large river running down the length of the map with a lake to the east. There are a few padlock and weapon icons marked on the map, but it's unknown what they'll specifically represent for this new title. >On May 17, YouTuber NerosCinema leaked potential information about Warzone 2 on his YouTube channel, claiming there will be a change to how loadout drops will work for the battle royale's sequel. >While loadouts are expected to remain in Warzone 2, NerosCinema believes the method of securing one will change with the introduction of a new feature called Strongholds. >According to this leak, loadout drops will be locked behind a Stronghold feature, and players must complete a set of tasks or objectives to access their loadout. >Normal ground loot will still be available, but the leak suggests Strongholds will offer the only way for players to obtain their custom loadouts in this Warzone sequel. >So, it's possible the padlocks on map image drawn by TheMW2Ghost are going to be marking Warzone's potential Stronghold locations. NerosCinemas leaks have also been corroborated by journalist and leaker Tom Henderson. >"I'm not going to beat around the bush, but a lot of this is true," Henderson said on Twitter. "I'm assuming there are some discrepancies because the source can't remember exact details... >But yeah, leak overload inbound, it seems." Additional leaks from NerosCinemas suggest that the battle royale sequel will be more like Black Ops 4's Blackout than Modern Warfare 2019's Warzone. >Armor plating will still be available, but the YouTuber's source says that players will need to find a satchel to carry them, which leans more towards Blackout's armor system. >Also like Blackout, it's suggested that players will have a gear bag with limited inventory space. NerosCinemas suggests extra guns can also be stored in the bag, but would take up more inventory space than other items, leaning to a more traditional battle royale experience of inventory management. >It's possible that Warzone 2 is being developed as more of a hybrid between Blackout and Warzone, but as always, rumors should be taken with a grain of salt and details can always change before launch. >Here we break down all the Modern Warfare 2 details, and this highlights everything we know so far about Warzone 2. https://archive.ph/bAmoT DICE is removing Battlefield 2042's 128-player Breakthrough playlist, says 64 players is 'more tactical' >After the next Battlefield 2042 update drops on Thursday morning, players will no longer be able to queue for 128-player Breakthrough matches. >There'll still be a 128-player Conquest playlist (the 'main' Battlefield mode, in that it's the original), but developer DICE has decided that Breakthrough is more fun without Battlefield 2042's doubled player count. >The chaos of 128-player maps was one of many criticisms players leveled at Battlefield 2042 when it launched. DICE says that, after giving it some thought, it agrees that the importance of individual squads and players is "reduced due to the increased intensity and chaos of the combat" in 128-player Breakthrough. >Breakthrough is an attack-and-defend mode in which one team must capture a series of sectors in order, creating a somewhat defined frontline. >Conquest, on the other hand, puts all of a map's capture points up for grabs at the same time, and is characterized by many independent skirmishes going on at once. >When reviewing Breakthrough, we noted that the 64 player version represented a more tactical experience," wrote DICE. >"Reducing our player count here helps to remove some of the chaos from the experience, and in combination with the reductions that we have made to the number of available combat vehicles, it means players are better able to hold frontlines more effectively. >Players will also find more space to work together and fulfill their individual roles." The decision was likely also motivated by difficulties filling 128-player Breakthrough matches in the first place. >I sat on a 'waiting for players to join' screen for over eight minutes just now before giving up. I was able to join a full 128-player Conquest server without any wait, however. >64-player Conquest and Breakthrough playlists have already been available for players who prefer them to the 128-player versions. >After Thursday's update, Breakthrough will be 64-player only, as it's not a mode supported in Battlefield 2042's custom server tool, Portal, where team sizes can be adjusted at will. >Update 4.1 also makes some balance adjustments. Angel's ability to call in a loadout station and hand out armor to allies has always felt like a bit much to me, so I've been expecting this one: "Angel can no longer provide Armor Plates via his Supply Bag." Boris's SG-36 Sentry Gun has also been nerfed. >You can read the full patch notes here. The update will go live at 1 am Pacific, 4 am Eastern, and 9 am in the UK on Thursday. There'll be a download, but no server downtime. >The next big thing for Battlefield 2042 is the launch of its first season, which was delayed so that DICE could focus on player feedback. >That'll happen in early June, DICE said in these update notes, and will introduce a new map, specialist, and the first battle pass. >As far as the player feedback goes, DICE has thus far redesigned Battlefield 2042's scoreboard, added VOIP, made hundreds of balance changes and bug fixes, and outlined plans to redesign aspects of its maps. >Some of those changes will come during the first season, but DICE cautioned us not to expect every map to be overhauled at once. https://archive.ph/qCPqA
>>178035 ....cartoon?
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>>177935 >>177942 Yet another reason Oil Drillers should be shamed out of these threads on sight.
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>>178035 So he finally went full sjweeb.
>>178010 Did the Vietnam setting video games become trendy again? I keep seeing videos talking about Viet Cong and shellshock Nam 67 pop up on YouTube recently. For a short while it seem like Vietnam war going to be the new WW2. Than call of duty 4 modern warfare happened.
>>178054 Sadly no, but I can dream anon.
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Reminder to never support Sega, GOG/CDPR, Soyny or Insomniac. https://archive.ph/ZFIH7 https://archive.ph/a7KbV https://archive.ph/fA90Z https://archive.is/jIVA4
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>>178052 Yes, it's truly a mystery why anons lust for negro women on occasions. Definitely not the ones that rather run the fuck away from all this ghetto shit and come off as discount whites.
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>>178057 The amount of makeup on her face is ridiculous. Completely killing it for me.
Layoffs At EA Austin Following Split With FIFA >Electronic Arts is laying off a ton of customer service staff at its Austin office, according to internal emails viewed by Kotaku. >One source familiar with the decision told Kotaku that as many as 100 employees could be affected, many of whom supported live operations on FIFA 22. >Going forward, EA will instead seemingly outsource that work, a move that would come after the video game publisher recently announced it’s ditching the FIFA license and rebranding its popular soccer series EA Sports FC starting in 2023. >We continuously evolve to deliver better experiences for our fans and are improving our support model,” Joel Knutson, VP of customer experience at EA, wrote in an email to staff viewed by Kotaku. >In order to reduce complexity and increase our efficiency, flexibility and scalability,” the executive said roles would be eliminated in Austin, and that he would also be “proposing redundancy” for similar roles in EA’s Galway, Ireland office which provides customer service support for European players. >This work, which a source tells Kotaku mainly consists of email, chat, and phone support for players experiencing issues in games like FIFA 22, such as having trouble with microtransactions, will instead be outsourced. >The source said this decision came after repeated complaints by EA Austin and Galway staff of insufficient annual raises consisting of as little as $0.10 hourly. >EA reported another profitable quarter last week, thanks in large part to live services like FIFA and other sports games. >The changes in our customer support function are not tied to any one gaming franchise, nor are they connected to our EA SPORTS FC announcement last week,” an EA rep told Kotaku in an email. >The customer support function support a wide range of player questions pertaining to our gaming titles, technology, including Origin or our EA Play subscription service.” >10 new jobs for customer service support on mobile games are being created, according to the email, which laid-off employees can apply for. >When asked for comment on the reason behind the apparent cost-cutting measure, EA spokesperson Charlie Fortescue provided the following statement: >We’re always thinking about how we improve our player experience, and this includes reviewing how we can best provide the support they may need to enjoy them fully. >With this in mind we have proposed some changes in our customer support function to give more flexibility and allow us to help players when they need it most. >As part of this process we are considering changing a number of roles within the team, closing some roles and also creating new ones. We are working closely with our people throughout this process and are providing support to anyone whose role is impacted. https://archive.ph/S3Ekz Take-Two boss remains coy on potential FIFA deal following EA split <“FIFA HAS A GREAT BRAND AND INCREDIBLE CLOUT, BUT WE HAVE NO CURRENT PLANS TO DISCUSS” >Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick has talked up the FIFA brand while refusing to be drawn on whether the publisher is interested in partnering with football’s world governing body following its split from EA. >FIFA and EA revealed last week that they would be ending their near 30-year partnership following the release of their final game together later this year. €EA will introduce the EA Sports FC series in 2023. And according to FIFA, discussions are currently ongoing with “leading game publishers, media companies and investors” >in regard to the development of a new FIFA simulation football game for 2024, which would directly compete with EA’s new series. >Take-Two publishing label 2K currently has NBA, WWE, NFL and PGA partnerships, and boss Zelnick was asked by IGN if he’d be keen to add the FIFA licence to its roster of sports games. >We’re definitely interested in expanding our opportunities in sports, and FIFA has a great brand and incredible clout, but we have no current plans to discuss,” he said. >Asked the same question during Take-Two’s earnings call on Monday, Zelnick said: “Well, we noticed [that the FIFA licence is up for grabs] and we tend to be thoughtful about our business at all times. >“We’re excited about building out our sports business and we don’t have much else to say at the moment.” FIFA president Gianni Infantino said in a strongly worded statement last week: >“I can assure you that the only authentic, real game that has the FIFA name will be the best one available for gamers and football fans. >The FIFA name is the only global, original title. FIFA 23, FIFA 24, FIFA 25 and FIFA 26, and so on – the constant is the FIFA name and it will remain forever and remain THE BEST.” https://archive.ph/a5CAI
>>178056 Yeah but do they mean tranny "menstruation" or just women. I guess it doesn't matter since either should be fired instead of paid for it anyway.
>>178057 I will send your nigger loving ass to the shadow realm
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>>178019 I blame crossposters that came from cuckchan. >>178056 How long are you going to keep posting the same thing? >>178035 Who was this faggot again?
>>178064 >Who was this faggot again? Someone who got famous making content similar to Spazkid
>>178049 >"So this is basically" I only remember his "Welcome to (X website)" videos.
>>178066 It's the same thing just for game/anime series.
>>178065 (Spazkid is a cool guy though)
>>178068 But he has all-the-way-through holes in his brain.
>>178043 >people
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Some nipponese lad made a marisa-themed invidious instance kinda ugly in terms of color scheme if you want to see what a random JP's sub box looks like https://youtube.076.ne.jp
>>178071 That instance has been around long time.
>>178071 >marisa That's Suwako.
>>178071 I have been using this one for months.
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Software and sites to give attention to! Operating systems >AROS: http://aros.sourceforge.net/ >BSD <Net: https://www.netbsd.org/ <Open: https://www.openbsd.org/ <DragonFly: https://www.dragonflybsd.org/ >GrapheneOS: https://grapheneos.org/ >Linux <Artix Linux: https://artixlinux.org/ <CLIP OS: https://clip-os.org/ <Devuan: https://www.devuan.org/ <EndeavourOS: https://endeavouros.com/ <Rocky Linux: https://rockylinux.org/ >ToaruOS: https://toaruos.org/ Archival >ArchiveBox: https://archivebox.io/ Chatrooms: >Session: https://getsession.org/ >Tox: https://tox.chat/ Database >Based Cooking: https://based.cooking/ >BigchainDB: https://www.bigchaindb.com/ >Gelbooru: https://gelbooru.com/ >Gun: https://gun.eco/ >Hydrus ( >>>/t/6469 ): https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/ >Library Genesis: http://libgen.rs/ >ourobooru: https://ourobooru.booru.org/ >Sci-Hub: https://sci-hub.hkvisa.net/ Donation and payment services: >AlignPay: https://www.alignpay.com/ >Fanbox: https://www.pixiv.net/fanbox >Fantia: http://fantia.jp/ >Librepay: https://liberapay.com/ Email clients >Claws Mail: https://www.claws-mail.org/ >The Mutt: http://www.mutt.org/ Email hosting >Create your own: https://archive.fo/okVq4 >Cock.li: https://cock.li/ Encyclopedias >Infogalactic: https://infogalactic.com/info/Main_Page File sharing and storage >anonfile: https://anonfile.com/ >BitTorrent: https://infogalactic.com/info/BitTorrent >CacheP2P: https://github.com/guerrerocarlos/CacheP2P >Catbox: https://catbox.moe/ >Cryptosphere: https://github.com/cryptosphere/cryptosphere
[Expand Post]>Dat Project: https://datproject.org/ >Filecoin: https://filecoin.io/ >Holochain: https://github.com/holochain/holochain-proto >Instant.io: https://instant.io/ >IPFS: https://ipfs.io/ >Kek.gg https://kek.gg/ >Onion Share: https://onionshare.org/ >ORC: https://orc.apache.org/ >Peergos: https://peergos.org/ >Perkeep: https://perkeep.org/ >Pomf: https://github.com/pomf/pomf >QBittorrent: https://www.qbittorrent.org/ >Sia: https://sia.tech/ >Storj: https://storj.io/ >Swarm: https://github.com/ethersphere/swarm >Tahoe-LAFS: https://www.tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs >Uguu: https://uguu.se/ >WebTorrent: https://webtorrent.io/ >Other sites: https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Pomf.se/Clones Galleries and image hosting >ArtStation (SFW only): https://www.artstation.com/ >HicceArs: https://www.hiccears.com/ >Wysp: https://www.wysp.ws/ Internet and browsers >BadWolf: https://hacktivis.me/projects/badwolf >Basilisk: https://www.basilisk-browser.org/ >Beaker: https://beakerbrowser.com/ >Bromite: https://www.bromite.org/ >Falkon: https://www.falkon.org/ >GNU IceCat: https://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/ >Handshake: https://handshake.org/ >I2P: https://geti2p.net/ >InterPlanetary Wayback: https://github.com/oduwsdl/ipwb >Iridium Browser (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/iridium.html ): https://iridiumbrowser.de/ >LibreWolf: https://librewolf-community.gitlab.io/ >MaidSafe: https://maidsafe.net >Mysterium Network: https://mysterium.network/ >Namecoin: https://namecoin.org/ >NetSurf (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/netsurf.html ): https://www.netsurf-browser.org/ >Otter Browser: https://otter-browser.org/ >Qutebrowser: https://qutebrowser.org/ >Sphere Browser (WARNING: https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/sphere.html ): https://sphere.tenebris.cc/ >Surf: http://surf.suckless.org/ >Tor: https://www.torproject.org/ >Ungoogled-Chromium: https://ungoogled-software.github.io/ungoogled-chromium-binaries/ >Web Browser: https://git.nuegia.net/webbrowser.git/ >Yggdrasil Network: https://yggdrasil-network.github.io/ >ZeroNet: https://zeronet.io/ Marketplace >DLsite: https://www.dlsite.com/eng/ >DMM Games: https://games.dmm.com/ >Fruitbat Factory: https://sites.fastspring.com/fruitbatfactory/product/buy >ğchange: https://www.gchange.fr >JAST: https://jastusa.com/ >NekoNyan: https://nekonyansoft.com/shop >Play-Asia: https://www.play-asia.com/ >Top Hat Store: https://shop.tophat.studio >Zoom Platform: https://www.zoom-platform.com/ Pastebins >Paste: https://github.com/jordansamuel/PASTE >PrivateBin: https://privatebin.info/ Search engines >ActiveSearchResults: https://www.activesearchresults.com/ >ExactSeek: https://www.exactseek.com/ >Gigablast: https://www.gigablast.com/ >Marginalia : https://search.marginalia.nu/ >Mojeek: https://www.mojeek.com/ >Wiby: https://wiby.me/ >YaCy: https://yacy.net/ Social media >anime website: https://anime.website/ >Baest: https://bae.st/ >baraag.net: https://baraag.net/ >Free Speech Extremist: https://freespeechextremist.com/ >GNU Social: https://gnu.io/social/ >Hubzilla: https://zotlabs.org/page/hubzilla/hubzilla-project >Mediachain: http://www.mediachain.io/ >Pawoo: https://pawoo.net/ >Pleroma: https://pleroma.social/ >Plurk: https://www.plurk.com/ >Poast: https://poa.st/ >Shitposter Club: https://shitposter.club/ >Steemit: https://steemit.com/ Streaming >8chanTV ( >>>/site/1519 ): https://watch.8ch.moe/ Video and audio platforms >AVideo: https://github.com/WWBN/AVideo >BitTube: https://bittube.tv/ >D.tube: https://d.tube/ >MediaGoblin: https://mediagoblin.org/ >Veoh: https://www.veoh.com/ >VidLii: https://www.vidlii.com/ Video downloaders and converters >boram: https://github.com/Kagami/boram >ffmpeg: https://ffmpeg.org/download.html >NewPipe: https://newpipe.net/ >WebMConverter: https://gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter >webm.py: https://github.com/Kagami/webm.py >wybm: https://github.com/Kagami/wybm >youtube-dl (Also download ffmpeg for best compatability; guide: >>>/t/5546): https://youtube-dl.org/ Web hosts >Create your own: https://archive.vn/BtM69 >IONOS: https://www.ionos.com/ >KolymaNET: https://www.kolyma.org/ >Neocities: https://neocities.org/ Other >AdNauseam: https://adnauseam.io/ >Amateur Game Development General: >>>/agdg/ >ChannelChanger: >>>/t/1257 >Crescent Isle: >>>/site/532 >Kdenlive: https://kdenlive.org/ >LINE Sticker Downloader: https://goonlinetools.com/line-sticker-download/ >Magic Wormhole: https://github.com/warner/magic-wormhole >OpenTimestamps: https://opentimestamps.org/ >Privacy Possum: https://github.com/cowlicks/privacypossum >QEMU: https://www.qemu.org/ >The Wick Editor: https://www.wickeditor.com/ >VirtualBox: https://www.virtualbox.org/ Suggestions are always welcome! Revision Updates: 4/15/22: https://archive.ph/1FPcI
>>178073 woops
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>>178071 That's not Marisa. This is Marisa.
>>177914 Happy birthday Tux! And for your birthday you'll be getting open source Nvidia drivers! >>177942 >NY AG Letitia James called the NRA a 'terrorist organization. Well given a vast majority of our unconstitutional gun laws we have are ones ironically that the so called Pro 2A organization the NRA has lobbied for and supported so I certainly do feel terrorized and am therefore inclined to agree BUT obviously for different reasons. >>177944 >DEFUND THE POLICE Start with the bloated federal branches like the ATF and DEA and I'll be able to find some common ground with those leftists faggots.
There was an anon here who had a sonic lore channel, are you still there? Does anyone remember what I'm talking about?
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide
[Expand Post]☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial ☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore ☑ Accidental meme magic discharge (R.I.P Miura) ☑ Planet-range racism field ☑ Not wanting people to put down the controller and talk about their feelings ☑ Destroyed the logic process of a bot wreaking havoc across multiple imageboards with just one simple trick ☑ Caused Blizzard executives to threaten their employees with rape ☑ Came to Alex Hutchinson's Defense ☑ Made Vivian a feminist symbol ☑ Grew to a geopolitical scale and spilled into real life with devastating consequences ☑ Got their own TV show ☑ Brandon’s First fan ☑ Gave birth to Qanon ☑ Is the precedent for /K/yle Rittenhouse ☑ Ruined people's brains by turning them into corporate bootlickers ☑ Created the concept of "Culture War" ☑ Was the watershed event in the ascendancy of online extremist personalities and tactics ☑ Mars manifest destiny ☑ Was behind Elon Musk's twitter takeover all along ☑ The Ruby Ridge of online violence
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>>178050 >DICE is removing Battlefield 2042's 128-player Breakthrough playlist, says 64 players is 'more tactical' Meanwhile War of Rights is pushing their player limit to 300 per map. About as many people who still play They're also looking to bump the player limit up to 500 and expanding the maps to better accommodate cavalry.
>>178079 No, you'll have to take up the reins and keep the sonic autism burning.
>>178079 Yes but I can't recall the name at the moment
>>177958 All of those agencies are nothing but paper tigers.
>>177935 Actually, now that I think about it, this bitch is claiming this 'social media platform' was used to amplify, plan, promote, or stream the attack. Acid should sue for damages because that was clearly not the case.
>>178075 >ZOOM’s mission is to design, create, and publish traditional and interactive entertainment with a Generation X trans-media appeal
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>>177969 I love Danielle and Freya.
>>177935 >The Jew York AG who couldn't even indict Trump is now trying to the tune of 10k per day in trying to get documents that she wants to find for "other crimes" going beyond the scope of her judicial reach. Wew, I want to she the Gorilla go after the austere Pig Farmer.

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Posting these since it's a linux thread
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>>178093 >Posting these since it's a linux thread
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Shout out to Mark
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>>178090 Who doesn't?
>>178023 >>177917 Glow harder spook
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Been holding onto this image for almost 15 years.
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>>178057 2P did not have engorged lips. >>178075 KolymaNET is closed due to sanctions: >Из-за санкций мы временно закрыты. >Because of sanctions we are closed temporarily .
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>>178099 >webp
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>>178100 Have some more.
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>>178058 Why is Sega such a great company?
>>178101 Thanks, I still hate it.
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>>178104 Every day until you like it.
>>178104 Is this from Wrong Magical Girl? Shame a Mexican got it and mistranslated the ever loving fuck out of it. >>178071 I use that instance all the time and something I was wondering is how does an invidio instance determine what to show on their home page? Some website shows news content only, some other only linux ones, others just what's most popular. Do they do preliminary searches? >>178035 Anime was a mistake, we were all happy in our little corner reading the manga and now these faggots jumped onto an otherwise excellent series
>>178105 >>178101 >>178099 Nice try google shill not going to use your shitty proprietery format.
>>178106 >how does an invidio instance determine what to show on their home page This is just speculation but I think it might be youtube's recommendations based on what videos people access through the instance.
>>178026 after seeing so many videos taken down I'm surprised some of these oldies are still up. >>178019 Is that Overchan? The anon running it was pretty friendly I recall.
>>178108 >This is just speculation but I think it might be youtube's recommendations based on what videos people access through the instance. That can't be right, it shouldn't save any information on watched videos
>>178060 >Layoffs At EA Austin Following Split With FIFA Dead company.
>>178110 Well, is there a reason why youtube wouldn't log the IP of the invidious instance and what that server does access? IIRC related videos and searches are simply proxied. I don't think watching videos is counted as views or gives ad revenue, though.
>>178099 >>178101 >>178105 Is there any reason why webp images don't show up when enlarged?
>>178113 Yeah, you're browsing from iPhone.
This is my Manifesto: 8chan's /delicious/ has driven me to realize that I really like children. Don't send your kids to kindergarten tomorrow. :^)
>>178115 Nobody here has kids so you should be fine.
>>178113 The thumbnails are png and your browser doesn't support the piece of shit format.
>>178114 I'm on wangblows >>178117 I can open pngs
>>178116 Im pretty sure there are some anons with kids.
>>178118 You can open pngs, so you can see the thumbnail, but your browser cant open webps.
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>>178121 An understandable sentiment.
>>178056 >Menstrual leave Here's a better idea. Don't let women work if they can't handle it and need so many free days off where you still have to pay them. Also this better not refer also to trannies dilating
>>178065 I don't follow Jewtubers, so telling me faggot X is like faggot Y tells me nothing.
>>178124 Okay? Just use a search engine then.
>>178125 To what? Go watch a bunch of jewtuber faggotry so I can know which particular kind of jewtuber faggotry this jewtuber engaged in? I might as well go watch Death Note (Netflix).
>>178126 So you can figure out who those people are if you are so interested, nobody is here to spoon-feed you.
>>178127 I'm just stating that I'm not going to trudge through eceleb faggotry just to inform myself on ecelebs, and anon is a faggot for talking about ecelebs like everyone follows his talking heads.
>>178128 GG doesn't have much left but laughing at talking heads, or should we all stop talking about irrelevant nobodies like Shitaku saying something stupid for the nth time?
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>>178129 >laughing at talking heads
>>177934 batshit insane homeless tranny, one of aeromatic's "generals", who is responsible for keeping the underage teenagers, some of which come from 4chan's r9k, to keep taking their HRT pills and cut themselves for their entertainment. /cow/ used to have a thread on aero, and chijo started spamming the board/thread, until he got his own thread, where he doxxxed himself, among other things. one of his supposed former friends said he had him and his "girlfriend" over, and promised to tell the full story
>>178129 GG is whatever you want it to be. In times where controversial ideas lose their original meaning faster than a 10 year old at a burning man concert has her cherry popped, you can wish GG to be whatever you want it to be.
>>177940 >LGBT Flags buck broken, as the kids say also, are these supposed to be traditional african markings on their drums and shirts, that they're imitating? lmao, even africans hate american niggers, more than anything else actually
Does any of you have the screencap of the ESA posting a tweet in which it featured Anita Sarkeesian? I might need to use it to share it to people.
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>>178064 He made "Welcome to Tumblr", MASSIVELY popular back in the day for it's accuracy, which he has fully denounced and pretty much became and agreed with everything he made fun of in that video, so his transformation into being an SJW is complete. https://archive.ph/Z0NWh Got infamy when he made a propaganda video during the 2018 midterms to push people to vote blue. EVERYONE shat on him.
>>178004 >all these Q tier conspiracy theories already I am sure at this point it's just the feds posting shit like this. he was retarded for so many other reasons, that you don't need to make a merchant caricature out of him(and I doubt he even was jewish, there are people who will legit claim everyone is a jew, hence my theory it's a fed divide and conquer op)
>>178136 Well his face certainly isn't a conspiracy theory
>>178135 >guy shits on SJWism >suddenly denounces his own work several years later and drinks the kool-aid I know most of the time it's because they only ever said so to grift (IE "alt-right" outlets attempting to scam Trumpfags) but it's sickening how common this keeps happening. It's like no one genuinely says anything non-leftist without cucking out after. Why can't we have more stories of SJWs radicalizing people into RWDS types? Though admittedly, Twatter isn't going to give any examples with how it works (Musk or no).
>>178050 >Additional leaks from NerosCinemas suggest that the battle royale sequel will be more like Black Ops 4's Blackout than Modern Warfare 2019's Warzone. as someone who played both games, that makes me happy. that gives me hope >BF2042 doesn't have enough players for 128 playlists anymore lol >>178060 >layoffs at EA couldn't happen to a better bunch >>178137 people with autism aren't good at distinguishing facial features, hence why to some, everyone looks like a jew
>>178132 This anon might be a pedophile
In regards to the destruction of beauty in the west is it also done in some attempt to prey on pity in the sense of "it's what's on the inside that counts the most"? The inability to self reflect makes them fail to realize they're just as bad and their only good traits are momentary basic behavior for personal gain.
>>178141 *Just as bad on the inside as they are outside
>>178131 >one of his supposed former friends said he had him and his "girlfriend" over, and promised to tell the full story Is that fag going to actually deliver?
>>178141 No, it's just meant to destroy your spirit.
>>178140 Yes, I love lolicon, how could you tell?
>>178140 *Worse, a pedo AND a Fed. A Fedo?
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>>178141 It's jealousy fueled spite.
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https://archive.ph/JqeLM https://twitter.com/Reuters/status/1527162133531619328
>>178148 I sure hope they include his best outfit and performance in this comic, otherwise it couldn't be called a true documentary
Halo is dead. 343 killed it then Paramount raped & butchered the corpse.
>>178147 Nu-larar isnt ugly at all though, i dont get where you take that from given only that she has a more realistic body instead of being a huge bazongas babe. >>178149 Man, thats a way to go from being a clown in national TV from becoming your country's most recognizable president.
>>178151 The fact they took an attractive design & made her "realistic" for one. Then the fact they made a confident badass character & made her a vulnerable novice who has to find herself. 3 times in a row.
>>178106 >>178108 >I was wondering is how does an invidio instance determine what to show on their home page? Some website shows news content only, some other only linux ones, others just what's most popular. https://docs.invidious.io/faq/ >Q: The "popular" feed/page on my instance is empty! <A: The "popular" feed is generated from the videos that are popular amongst the users registered on your instance. If nobody has created an account on your instance (e.g if registration is disabled) the popular feed will be empty. >>178109 >Is that Overchan? bvffalo.land >>178113 Your browser lacks support for .webp files (like Safari) or has it disabled (could be caused by an add-on, script or tweak you added some time ago).
>>178150 literally nobody is watching this shit, paramount released the first few episodes to watch for free on youtube, and it barely has any views. dislikes would likely be off the charts, if those were still around on youtube >>178151 he actually played a president in a comedy skit before, I guess ukrainias are that dumb and thought that qualified him to be a real one
>>178154 There's an extension/add on you can get that restores dislike visibility.
>>178151 >realistic >remove the sex appeal by not showing off legs, ass, wide hips, and tits and reducing the size of all of them Is this cuckchan or just bait? Ugly isn't more or less realistic than pretty, there are plenty of beautiful women in the world. This "realistic" complaint mostly comes from ugly women and that's been common knowledge since 8 years ago when this was first being pushed.
>>178155 it doesn't work for me
>>178156 It is more realistic you fucking spaz, 90's lara was a damn cartoon
>>178156 She isnt ugly you fuck, what kind of standars do you even have where if it isnt a bimbo with baloon tits then its ugly?
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>>178151 >she has a more realistic body Opinion disregarded! What the Hell is "realistic" in a series where you're fighting dinosaurs, wielding Excalibur, and being resurrected from the dead?
>>178156 keep in mind you're on a board full of pedo waifufags who feel required to say that anything 3D is PD in order to virtue signal.
>>178162 >fuck any kind of context, IMMA REDTEXT!!! Read again you moron, im asking that anon why the fuck he claims nu-lara is ugly, she isnt ugly at all.
>>178141 >>178144 >>178147 Modern propaganda is a malicious humiliation ritual. Tell a lie, force people to accept and repeat the lie knowing it isn't true, if they refuse to corrupt themselves and others with the lie then they're targeted for abuse and ostracized. Ugliness is beauty, weakness is strength, war is peace, freedom is slavery, unapproved thought is terrorism, genocide isn't happening but also it is and you deserve it. It's all malice. It's all humiliation. Those with the biggest most well-funded megaphones create the mobs to enforce it. Even if you try to avoid it you're going to hear idiots around you repeating and acting out whatever bullshit is inorganically promoted across media. All you can really do is try to inject some truth from time to time and slowly divorce people from the programming, turn them against it. They can't handle breaking the conditioning all once. It's a slow process. In rare cases they can be shocked out of it by seeing delusions the media fed them violently shattered, but even in those cases they still retain a lot of the programming for a long time. I recall the "gamers are dead" shit happened and so many people turned on the media, yet still believed a lot of previous bullshit they'd been fed by that same media. They still clung to political ideologies that created and nurtured those lies.
>>178159 >all he can bring up are the tits >Lara's old tits are "balloon tits" Nah. >>178158 Nice try fag. >>178163 There are exceptions that are made at times (often for nip girls admittedly but still), this place isn't as autistic as /a/ or anything like that. Good gymnasts, swimmer's, track girls and volleyball girls tend to be top-tier.
>>178166 >>Lara's old tits are "balloon tits" But they fucking were, look at her body, shes as realistic as fucking earthworm jim, nigger what kind of people do you see in the street?
>>178158 >It is more realistic To whom? The hambeasts that can't stop stuffing their mouths and never take a bath; or the women who actually exercise, eat right, and take care of their bodies. Hell, most women who actually do play vidya (Real vidya, NOT adventure and puzzle games in their iPhone) prefer games like classic and Aughts Tomb Raider and Dead or Alive because the female characters are how they want to look.
>>178168 Anon, to everybody. Realistic is realistic, if you saw some woman with the body of old lara in the supermarket, you would find it weird, since thats not how a human body looks.
>>178169 Nigger are you insane? Humans come in all shapes & sizes. An acrobatic explorer is gonna have a tight toned body.
>>178168 >>178166 How is this an argument? Old lara wasn't meant to be realistic, she was an exaggerated cartoon with absurd body proportions, like ryu in street fighter 5. Or is that not the case?
>>178140 go back to reddit, loli is not pedophilia. its a mark to root out redditors like yourself
>>178164 >why the fuck he claims nu-lara is ugly Because she's a fatass in the new trilogy: https://archive.ph/dOYgU https://archive.ph/rnzpV Which is actually rather ironic of a thing to do because, while you're complaining about "Muh realism", the trade-off is that you're giving an archeologists, who happens to be an EXPERT in gymnastics and extreme sports, the body of a soccermom. Where's the realism in that?
>>178170 Again, nu-lara has that. >>178173 No she fucking isnt, nigger what are you smoking?
>>178173 they also turned her into a latina in he shadow of the tomb raider kek
>>178171 >Old lara wasn't meant to be realistic New Lara isn't "realistic" either, so what's the point?
>>178174 >nu-lara has that No, she isn't. I provided you with archives SHOWING that they've turned Lara is a mid-40's mother.
>>178177 No, they havent, thats not how a 40 year old woman looks, at this point youre being an actual fucking sperg.
>>178177 old Lara was meant for horny teenagers, nulara is for 30-something white women, they are the target audience of these new games.
>>178174 She really does now. She doesn't even have muscle definition you would need for all the climbing & arm strength required fighting she does. Bows are incredibly ineffective & need strong arms to pull them.
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>that's not a real woman! This fallacy needs to die along with the feminists and soy tards who promote it. Large breasts and slim waists exist in real life, but you know what? That doesn't even matter. When the goal is to portray an idealized aesthetic realism is not the priority. It's a relatively recent requirement that portrayals of women in fiction can't have big tits or must look like trannies. It's inorganic top-down bullshit motivated by malice towards male heterosexuality.
>>178172 since when is CGI lolicon?
>>178167 >she's unrealistic Is that why there are so many women who cosplayed as her old big tiddy self and easy to find in a simple image search without effort? >>178169 You just conflated realistic with average, when humanity is a bell curve when it comes to attractiveness. Yeah, pretty women are less common than ugly women often because it takes more effort, that doesn't make them unrealistic. That makes them a bit uncommon. Do you know what the word "unrealistic" means? It implies it's outside the realm of possibility, not something you should expect to ever see when that's not true at all. >>178171 >Ryu >exaggerated cartoon He's just a big ripped muscular guy. You do realize plenty of bodybuilders and strong people exist right? You are asking for him to be an average person, not "unrealistic". What you mean to say is "unrealistic for (you)", because you're a faggot. Do you think a bodybuilder looks at Ryu as having some unattainable body? An average person who doesn't care about working out might call it unrealistic because he's a lazy faggot, but the reality is that it's at least possible for most physically capable men (i.e. not handicapped or fucked in some medical way) to achieve very powerful physiques.
>>178180 Id honestly give her more muscle really, or atleast make her more tonned. >>178181 Anon you do realize those are EXTREME exceptions, hence why they get so much attention, right?
>>178178 >thats not how a 40 year old woman looks, If you're so certain, why don't you provides us with links and images of what late-20's early-30's English female gymnasts and extreme sports participants actually look like, and then let's compare that to Lara's design in her most recent game. >>178179 >old Lara was meant for horny teenagers, What's wring with that?
>>178184 >Anon you do realize those are EXTREME exceptions How does that even matter? I want to look at the apex of the human race, not the average
>>178183 >Is that why there are so many women who cosplayed as her old big tiddy self and easy to find in a simple image search without effort? I never said she was bad, stop making shit up to fight imaginary battles, im arguing with that anon that is saying shes ugly.
>>178185 >If you're so certain, why don't you provides us with links and images of what late-20's early-30's English female gymnasts and extreme sports participants actually look like, and then let's compare that to Lara's design in her most recent game. Because that sounds like an extreme hassle to argue with someone that will not give in and still claims that shes ugly.
>>178187 I didn't say she was "bad", I was refuting your claims of "unrealistic". You are getting into hysterics now, I only used your words.
>>178184 >those are EXTREME exceptions <Images of real women are exceptions <Therefore we cannot make games about exceptional people We might as well get rid of media like Die Hard then because you can't make stories about exceptional people doing exceptional things. Hell, even stories like Mall Cop would count as well because Paul Blart is an "exceptional" person in that story.
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>>178188 So are you saying its unrealistic for you to provide evidence anon? :^)
>>178184 >you do realize those are EXTREME exceptions This is funny since tranny groomers use hermaphrodites and abortionists use rape as their arguments when that's a small percentage. Again, irrelevant anyway since I already told you realism is not the priority when striving toward an idealized aesthetic. I'm even underlining it, but you're willfully ignoring it.
>>178188 >that sounds like an extreme hassle So, you're telling us that nuLara is more "realistic" without providing any evidence to backup your claim. Fuck off!
>>178190 >>178193 >its no argument faggot Oh, of course, how silly of me to engage in the first place. >>178192 Why must you always make upbullshit to fight imaginary battles? I never claimed old lara was bad, go back to my first post, im arguing that nu-lara isnt ugly.
>>178161 redneck's neck?
>>178181 >>178183 >instathot whores >"athletic" we know big tits and big muscles exist retard, that doesn't change the fact that old lara and ryu are cartoonish.
Actually, here's a fun idea: Can anyone list off ANY media that's about an average person doing average things and never being anything more than just average throughout the entire story with nothing that is NOT average happening to them?
>>178195 Blue part of the flag in the redneck's cap. >>178197 Yotsuba&!
>>178194 >im arguing that nu-lara isnt ugly. And the rest of us disagree.
>>178199 No, you disagree because youre a gigantic faggot, the others think im screeching over realistic proporsions.
>>178198 >Yotsuba&! Exaggerations of normal life and actions to the point of absurdity is now "average"?
>>178196 We are not talking about their sex lives since they are obviously whores, it's just their bodies being compared. Athleticism is irrelevant to the discussion since it was never about their athletic feats, just whether they looked unrealistic.
>>178200 >the others think im screeching over realistic proporsions. >>178151 <she has a more realistic body instead of being a huge bazongas babe. Gee, I wonder why.
>>178203 Yeah sure, cut off the rest of the post you faggot. >Nu-larar isnt ugly at all though, i dont get where you take that from given only
>>178202 It's a no win scenario for him. First off, there's the fact Lara's body is physically possible, even with the giant breasts. However, if he goes to the other end and tries to say that "no real person" with Lara's abilities looks like that, he still loses because nuLara STILL does not look like real women who extreme sports participants nor gymnasts.
>>178204 You're implication is that nuLara is still "pretty" because she looks more "realistic", an argument you have not won.
>>178207 My argument is that she isnt ugly, at all, wich she isnt, but according to you shes an obese 40 year old woman, so please put on your glasses, no argument nigger.
>>178202 Yes bimbos do exist, which is what old cartoony lara was meant to look like >>178205 sure looks more athletic than any of the bimbos posted above.
>>178132 Fucking disgusting. Absolutely appalling. Criminal, even. You sicken me. Kill yourself. Faux wood paneling is the tackiest shit.
>>178208 >according to you shes an obese 40 year old woman Where did I say this? What I remember saying is: >>178173 >the body of a soccermom. And: >>178177 >they've turned Lara is a mid-40's mother. Where "obese" came into the conversation is beyond me.
>>178209 So you're saying that many real, existing women are unrealistic cartoony bimbos now? How fucking embarrassing.
>>178211 >Where did I say this? >>178177 >I provided you with archives SHOWING that they've turned Lara is a mid-40's mother >Where "obese" came into the conversation is beyond me. >>178173 >Because she's a fatass in the new trilogy
>>178209 >sure looks more athletic than any of the bimbos posted above. Then post images of (Pretty much C&P this) what late-20's early-30's English female gymnasts and extreme sports participants actually look like.
>>178213 Hey, fatass, did you know that "fatass" refers to anyone who's overweight and/or showing bulges of fat?
>>178215 Fine, according to you, nu-lara is an overweight 40 year old woman. I reiterate, get you damn glasses, no argument nigger.
>>178212 just like your reading comprehension you embarrasing sperg >>178214 what for?
>>178212 He probably does, and thinks that any women with large breasts are injection addicts like Martina Big, and ignores freaks of nature like Annie Hawkins.
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>>178160 I love this stupid comic even if it's made by a deranged crossdresser. >>178172 Nigger that's CG, not lolicon
>>178216 Why are you implying that I'm blind? I'm looking at those images of nuLara and the first thing that comes to mind is that she has the same body as my mother. >>178217 >what for? To justify your assertion that nuLara is actually athletic in look and build. If you guy's are not going to be posting images to justify your points, you might as well drop the entire conversation.
>>178219 >that's CG, not lolicon whats the difference?
>>178220 >Why are you implying that I'm blind? Because the sheer retardation of your claim. >If you guy's are not going to be posting images to justify your points, you might as well drop the entire conversation. Kill yourself already, every single thread with this shit man, at this moment im just waiting for you to start calling us jewish shills.
>>178221 It's not CG made by a Japanese artist, it doesn't have a even remotely anime artstyle. It's just CG porn, it doesn't follow any of the rules of what would fall under lolicon. Sure, there are loli doujins with a realistic artstyle, but those still follow some rules. Here, can you tell the difference?
>>178218 >huge baketball tits are "realistic" >calls them freaks >>178220 Really? Isn't looking at her model obvious enough? Does she need to look hyper shredded or something?
>>178223 has the definition of lolicon ever required the artist or art style be japanese?
>>178225 Depends on the place really, ive known some boards that straight up ban anything that isnt japanese.
>>178225 I don't know, glancing at most of /delicious/, hardly anything there would be lolicon in my eyes.
>>178222 Well, since you are the one who made the implication that you're a kike, might as well call you one. Nothing wring with that, our glorious BO is a kike. However don't lambast the rest of us for not desiring incest nor NTR with someone's mother (A common fetish among kikes).
>>178228 Youre missing more redtext and CAPS FOR COOL, fag.
>>178224 >Does she need to look hyper shredded or something? We won't know unless YOU post the pictures of real female athletes.
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>>178230 when was that because it certainly doesn't now.
>>178232 >Using (((Merriam-Webster))) or any of its ilk as your source to argue and discuss internet culture Are you legitimately retarded?
>>178233 Considering the direction of their arguments, I think they're here to slide the thread.
>>178232 >tries to argue by using appropriated definitions of a term instead of how it's used by people who actually fucking invented the word.
>>178233 urban dictionary doesn't even have a reference to it being used as a porn genre so what would you have me use? >>178235 the definition I found is pretty much spot on when it comes to how its used by the people who invented it.
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>>178236 I would have trying to lurk more and glow a lil bit less.
>>178237 have you*
>>178222 >every single thread with this shit man, at this moment im just waiting for you to start calling us jewish shills. >us Was just about to tell this fag to go to the Duke thread and tell all the Anons there that Bombshell's new design is "better", but I guess I won't now that THE FAG HIMSELF CONFIRMED THAT WE'RE GETTING RAIDED.
>>178239 >imagine being so retarded Youre arguing with 2 different people, check the IDs you fucking sperg.
>>178201 What's absurd in Yotsuba&!? >>178225 Not really.
>>178240 And there were several anons arguing with both of you who never once said "we" or "us" in reference to a collective opinion.
>>178242 This is not a case of >we, this is a case of 6c90a4 being the usual faggot every single thread.
>>178243 Pretty sure 6c90a4 isn't the no-argument fag though, he's most likely that polish fag who always argues with him.
>>178243 >this is a case of 6c90a4 being the usual faggot every single thread. Do you unironically think I'm the nulistnigger or Lucario?
Okay, why did my IDs switch for the brief minute?
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>>178225 > has the definition of lolicon ever required the artist or art style be japanese? The loli complex is named after a book written by a Russian. The japanese shortened it to lolicon and made it a meme. It's not that it has to be Japanese, it's just that it comes from them and they made it popular. And in most of the West you can get arrested if you draw that stuff, so people just don't do it.
>>178244 Im pretty sure he is, first of all, how he quickly he jumps to being confrontational over anyone disagreeing with him. Seriusly, i just asked him why he claims nu-lara is ugly, look at the ensuing fuckfest. Second, his use of redtext and caps and obsesion with arguments and proof. Third, his inability to notice IDs and thinking hes always arguing with a single person.
>>178247 Is there a word filter shortening the name of Nabokov's book?
>>178249 Yes there is Democrat fundraising filter.
>>178249 Yes. "Lölita" is globally filtered because of the /b/edos. The admins should remove these filters now that the /b/edos are gone.
>>178249 they're sitewide wordfilters to protect the site from dangerous phrases like "pedо in denial"
>>178251 They arent gone, not entirely mind you. They still pop up from time to time to shit the place up or post their shit.
>>178252 >it's this fucking nigger Get a job.
>>178248 >first of all, how he quickly he jumps to being confrontational over anyone disagreeing with him You are the one who disregarded my original question and started the confrontation: >>178162 >What the Hell is "realistic" in a series where you're fighting dinosaurs, wielding Excalibur, and being resurrected from the dead?
>>178255 >shouting opinion discarded in redtext while avoiding any answer
>>178254 jokes on you I'm an alphabet soup that gets paid to shitpost and look at CP all day. bet you wish you had it this good.
>>178256 Why do you STILL refuse to answer the original question I posed: What is "realistic" in a series with dinosaurs, Excalibur, and resurrection? That's also beside the fact that you sidelined that entirely to ask why another Anon interprets nuLara as "ugly": >>178164 >im asking that anon why the fuck he claims nu-lara is ugly, she isnt ugly at all. And, I gave you my interpretation as to why he may think that: >>178173 >Because she's a fatass in the new trilogy And, I provided links to comparison images to show, and you still dodged the question of: >Where's the realism in that? In my summary describing nuLara: > Which is actually rather ironic of a thing to do because, while you're complaining about "Muh realism", the trade-off is that you're giving an archeologists, who happens to be an EXPERT in gymnastics and extreme sports, the body of a soccermom.
>>178258 Formatting like this is a sign of autism.
>>178258 >What is "realistic" in a series with dinosaurs, Excalibur, and resurrection? Because that was never the fucking point, you massive fucking sperg, you bafoon, you absolute moron. You took a single fucking wrod from what i said and started going on with it, completely refusing to fucking READ. I never claimed nu-lara was better, i never claimed old lara was bad, i claimed absolutely nothing like that, i said that i couldnt fucking understand why youd call her ugly when all they did was make her more realistic, thats what triggered you because youre a fucking autist.
>>178260 >Because that was never the fucking point Then, why did YOU bring "realism" into the conversation if that was never the "point" of the conversation. You could have just said you find nuLara attractive, the rest of us would have made fun of you being a chunbychaser, and left it at that.
>>178261 >Then, why did YOU bring "realism" into the conversation if that was never the "point" of the conversation. Read my fucking post.
>>178262 >Read my fucking post. >>178151 <Nu-larar isnt ugly at all though, i dont get where you take that from given only that she has a more realistic body instead of being a huge bazongas babe. If you're stating that NONE of that should be taken as a whole, then you're admitting to having wasted EVERYONE'S time, and should everyone a favor by fellating a shotgun.
>>178263 >then you're admitting to having wasted EVERYONE'S time Kill yourself, no-argument nigger.
>>178260 >i couldnt fucking understand why youd call her ugly when all they did was make her more realistic And, you never, at any point of the conversation prooved that.
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I no longer know what you fucktards are talking about.
>>178266 The same autistic retard having the same autistic tantrum he has every single thread whenever someone disagrees with him.
>>178266 hypnotic
>>603892 I saw that
Damn, fucked that up. >>178264 Okay, if you have NOT wasted everyone's time, answer these three simple questions: <First, can you actually define, for us, what "realism" is in a series where you're fighting dinosaurs, wielding Excalibur, and being resurrected from the dead? <Second, how is previous incarnations of Lara "unrealistic" when you have photos of women who manage to look almost exactly like her? <Third, if nuLara is more "realistic", can you provide us with photos of real women doing the same activities Lara does and and providing examples of how she "should" look?
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>>178260 >realistic There's that weasel word again. You belong on reddit with this kind of bullshit. You conflate "realistic" with "average" ( and "unrealistic" with "uncommonly beautiful" to make the latter seem unreasonable and the former seem the norm. Here's the reality: (fat and ugly) women are pushing this "realistic" bullshit because they are lazy faggots, because to them it is unattainable. Do you think "body acceptance" and "healthy at every size" shit is meant to accept hourglass figures? This bullshit sounds a lot more honest when you use the word "average" instead of "realistic" like they want to push, and it reveals how ugly they are both on the inside and the outside.
>>178266 The argument is about some retard failing to understand why people don't like Lara's design from the new Tomb Raider trilogy. Ignoring all the other reasons why people don't like those games.
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>>178268 Thanks. I made a small correction, so save this version instead.
>>178274 Its a shame the rest of that video doesnt have that much quality.
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>>178274 DESTINATION UNKNOWN >this song was released in 2007
>>178274 can I have it without text, pleeease?
>>178267 Don't reply yo him, then, you autistic stupid dumbfucks, Jesus christ, it's really that hard? I like nu-lara, tho, at least until rise, in shadow she looks really strange >>178276 >Spoiler I want to go back to 2006
>>178278 I hate how they remodelled her for the PS4/XBone version and uglified her face.
>>178277 Here's the original file.
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I'll post the vid too while we're at it.
>>178150 >People behind Nu-Star Trek and shit Halo show going to reboot Stargate >If Amazon don’t reboot them Stargate themselves like the upcoming Woke lord of the rings Paramount plus or Amazon will somehow paint the Goa'uld as victims of SG-1 racism, aren’t they?
>>178283 At this point, I hope all the wokeness raping actual successful franchises with a considerable following like this will actually hurt their profits enough to make them bleed Go woke, Go Broke, Netflix is already bleeding for all the garbage they created
>>178281 Thank you very much
>>178283 Teal'c's about to fuck a Goa'uld at the second episode God help us
https://archive.ph/gY4jW/image https://archive.ph/sa32h A Chinese research team has revealed the molecular mechanism for improving the yield and adaptability of rape >A Chinese research team has revealed the molecular mechanism for improving the yield and adaptability of rape, according to a study published in the journal Nature Genetics. >Improving rape yield plays an important role in ensuring the country's oil supply, said Wu Xiaoming with the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS). >By analyzing the genome of representative rape germplasm resources, researchers from the CAAS identified 628 genetic loci that control 56 important breeding traits of rape and found a batch of candidate genes that regulate the type, yield and quality of rape
>>178288 Is this a comical translation error, or are there actually plants called "rape"?
>>178288 >China state-affiliated media
>>178289 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rapeseed Never heard o rapeseed oil, anon? What are you European?
>>178291 I remember now rapeseed now Still, I think you could write a doujin based off these headlines
>>178291 I am and never heard of it.
>>178288 I don't I've heard anyone shorten it down to just "rape", likely for this very reason.
>>178288 Why would you call a plant that, what the fuck is wrong with you anglos? Rape is deplorable.
It’s time Ubisoft develop The Division 3 >After reading about season nine for The Division 2, I felt nostalgic. The Division 2 isn’t a looter shooter I play often, but when I do I devote an unhealthy number of hours in a short time. >I thought about playing again – even starting a third character – but I remembered most of the tiny number of players remaining were completing endgame activities in New York or Washington D.C., on the two highest difficulties. >If I tried matchmaking for missions, I wouldn’t find anyone, and matchmaking is my favorite part of The Division 2. I realized Ubisoft should make The Division 3. >Anyone who enjoys looter shooters can’t deny it’s a great game now. Some may have an aversion toward the third-person perspective, but the mission design, loot frequency, build possibilities, challenging content, and endgame have come together very nicely. >It doesn’t feel like typical Ubisoft games that include countless, frivolous quests. Most content works together to help you find loot or increase your level. >Some of it feels like a grind — typical of any looter shooter — but the result of farming or min-maxing is worth it. The problem with The Division 2 at this moment is limited matchmaking. >If you’re playing earlier content, people aren’t searching for those missions, so you’ll have to run them by yourself. It’s an adequate way to play, but The Division 2 is, without question, the best at allowing players to play nearly anything together, and it suffers without that possibility. >I miss matchmaking for missions and anticipating what kind of players I’d meet. Sometimes no one completed the mission, other times I helped everyone through, other times I’m carried. >I miss witnessing players assist each other. I remember playing an endgame mission for the first time and two of the three players taught me sequences and mechanics with improvised communication using gunshots, emotes, and whatever else we could think of. >I recall assisting three players through The Summit – a 100 floor skyscraper that’s like a wave-based mode – all the way to the final level. Because matchmaking is almost limitless, there are as many opportunities to create moments with random people. >But these occasions now happen infrequently because players are focused on a few pieces of content and the player count shrank. A new Division would remedy that, and I have a great idea. >Keep everything that’s worked in The Division 2. Don’t change it. Instead, focus on making everything we’re doing now feel original. >Ubisoft can accomplish that by bringing The Division to the west coast. We’ve had two games on the east coast – important locations, for sure – but it’s time to answer the question: How did this pandemic affect the west coast? >Specifically Los Angeles, San Francisco or both. The story could be set parallel to The Division 2. As The Division is working on finding out what’s happening in D.C., and fighting the Black Tusk, devastating situations are happening in L.A. or San Francisco. >We’d have new characters to meet, new locations and landmarks for missions, new dark zones, new weapons, and we wouldn’t have to worry that the Black Tusk were defeated in The Division 2 – or at least severely weakened. >They could remain the ultimate bad guy since they theoretically also operate on the west coast. And with the Series X and PS5, it might be possible to involve both cities like Warlords of New York. >All this may sound like a glorified expansion, and I wouldn’t blame you if you thought that, but we’ve seen many franchises try to reinvent their wheel after finding success. >Ubisoft Massive has spent a lot of time repairing and polishing The Division 2’s formula. With a game so big, it’s never going to be perfect, but it would be better to take what they’ve learned and copy and paste it into a new game; then they can focus on making the PvE and PvP feel fresh with new missions, locations, characters, story beats, and weapons. >The benefit is a large influx of players who’d likely stay because they’re playing successful concepts transferred from The Division 2. >If Ubisoft announced The Division 3, fans and skeptics would pay attention. But if Ubisoft gave the public a preview that feels as polished as The Division 2, they would recover lots of lost players. >I wouldn’t say they would pre-order it, but at least people would be intrigued and look forward to its release. It’s worth a shot. https://archive.ph/Mo4El Red Dead Redemption 1 remake in development at Rockstar claims source >Rockstar allegedly has multiple new Red Dead Redemption projects underway, with a remake of the original supposedly taking precedence. >The second Rockstar Games owner Take-Two said they had eight remasters and/or remakes underway everyone, including us, guessed that one of them must surely be the original Red Dead Redemption from 2010. >Just days later and there are already rumours of exactly that happening, with the suggestion that Rockstar were initially concentrating on a next gen version of Red Dead Redemption 2, before deciding to prioritise the remake instead. >Whether it is actually a full remake or just a remaster is unclear but recreating the original game with the graphics of the second does seem a bit of a no-brainer. >Rockstar’s future plans have been opaque for some time now, with still no clear idea of when Grand Theft Auto 6 will be released, even though it has now officially been announced, and contradictory rumours of whether there’s going to be a sequel to Bully. >The developer often goes years without releasing, or announcing, anything other than GTA 5 DLC but there has already been rumours about a Red Dead mobile game being underway. >Regular Rockstar leaker Chris Klippel doesn’t mention that, but he does claim, via Google Translate, that a next gen port of Red Dead Redemption 2 has been underway for several months’ and was supposed to have been announced long before now. >Why it wasn’t is unclear and Kippel also doesn’t offer any suggestion for when the remake might be revealed. Recently, the main concern for fans of the series has been the declining support for Red Dead Online, which many complain has become increasingly neglected. >If Rockstar don’t first address those issues then any remake or remaster announcements may not go down quite as well as they expect. https://archive.ph/Dh49m
>>178296 I miss Red Dead Revolver when it was fun and it was made by the japanese.
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>>178296 >No rayman 4 >No Rainbow Six game that isn't a soulless competitive online shooter quarantine doesn't count >no new non-open world ghost recon game >no beyond good & evil game >nothing people actually want >let's make Division 3 happen! Reminder that Divison 2 was a dead on arrival garbage and a perfect case as to why Games As A Service DO NOT WORK, ESPECIALLY UNDER UBISOFT There is a youtuber by the name of "21Kilotons" that was obsessed with this game, and ruthlessly documented it's whole life cycle, showing how awful ubisoft really is, and how lazy these developers are, and what the future of the Division 3 is before it's even out the door pic related also did a review on the first game, and why it is such a mixed bag. how on earth something like this deserves 3 titles, but something like Rayman doesn't deserve it's own sequel in that timeframe, makes no sense to me, unless these games are super cheap to make and they stay afloat thanks to whales >Red Dead Redemption remake >Already just more proof that modern rockstar is dead, and can only make shitty remakes of their older titles and online games that kill your soul and your wallet. guarantee you that this will flop, just like the "Enhanced" edition of the GTA trilogy, or whatever that was called >>178297 Same, unfortunately nobody remembers that Red Dead Redemption isn't the first game in the franchise, similarly to how most normalfags don't know that Fallout 3 is not the first Fallout title, DESPITE HAVING 3 IN THE TITLE
>>178295 You've heard how anglos name birds?
>>178298 >can only make shitty remakes of their older titles Just like movies and tv.
>>178298 At this point i wouldnt be surprised if they kept trying and failing to make teh division a thing like they try with watchdogs.
>>178301 at least watchdogs got me 3 quality videos from another jewtuber, division got me nothing altho 21k's rantings and constant shitting on ubisoft is also entertaining in it's own way I dunno how you could make the complete collapse of a society and anarchic open world D.C gameplay more boring and cookie cutter than what Fallout 3 did, but here we are. All that Division 2 did was remove the snow and add more hipsters(and even worse and more invasive microtransactions into the game), what the fuck could Division 3 even do that would be new?
>>178302 By making it a shitty NUMBERNUMBERSNUMBERS game with weapons with no umph. Dont for get they also had the chance to co-op with capcom and they used it to turn jill into a negress.
>>178289 >or are there actually plants called "rape"? >he doesn't know about the naked broomrape
>>178303 wait, I heaven't heard this one. Please link whatever you're referring to, I know the recent RE TV series turned wesker into a nigger and everyone else into a mutt, but I don't remember ubisoft and capcom siding together, and turning jill into a nigger
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>>178305 Hey capcom has nothing to do with all of that. But here, whitness jill noire! https://yewtu.be/watch?v=8wQvVOrbIns
>>178306 Rebecca is best Resident Evil girl.
>>178165 >All you can really do is kill them all.
>>178182 Since MMD.
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>>178307 Shes the cutest and arguably jill is best girl, but in my heart claire will always be best.
>>178310 Claire is one dumb cunt
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>>178306 I remember that, I thought it was something different. A glorified bundle in a GaaS title doesn't count, otherwise you can say that Call of Duty, of all things, is a kaiju game for having 24 dollar(each) Godzilla and King Kong skins in their game(not to mention Attack on Titan, anime in a WW2 game will never not be funny to me) >>178307 Good taste, anon
>>178194 >Oh, of course, how silly of me to engage in the first place. But he's still right. Those women exist. Them being uncommon is no excuse to say Lara is unrealistic.
>>178311 Why would you say such a rude thing you cunt? >>178312 > A glorified bundle in a GaaS title doesn't count, Yeah, but you have the fucking chance of getting one of the most important game franchises of capcom, and instead of using that opportunity to showcase the characters in your game, you use them to make everyone a nigger for brownie points.
>>178197 Gone Home :^)
>>178314 hi Chris
>>178298 >Red Dead Redemption remake >Already Anon, more time has passed between the original RDR and now than the time that passed between the original Resident Evil and REmake.
>>178232 You are the blackest gorilla nigger, even more than Huecario.
>>178306 Post the fucking webm or from another source than Jewtube!
>>178197 You mean a reflection of the real world?
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>>178314 Anon, they killed Rayman because making a mingame compilation for the wii was supposedly more profitable than making an open world platformer, turned Ghost Recon into a Far Cry clone because...Well, they just did, Turned Rainbow Six into...I don't even know anymore, and killed off Conviction because focus testers didn't like hobo fisher, and instead dug the game up from the grave later to turn it into the most generic third person cover shooter I have ever seen, spitting on the face of those who wanted hobo-fisher by turning early preview areas into glorified shooting galleries. Oh, and they turned a game with an amazing premise, Assassin's creed, into yearly by-the-numbers garbage, like COD or 2k Sports Titles(Not to mention that Prince of Persia is still dead, as to not compete with it). How the fuck did you think this was going to go? Say what you want about other studios, at leas they allow a little bit of imagination and creativity in their games, if it can be profitable to them. I have not seen a company that mass produces such generic grey slop, year after year, like Ubiosft has, it gets much less hate than it deserves This does remind me how dead Half-Life is tho, does anybody remember how FF15(I think) had a half-life bundle you could get if you bought the game on steam? That was the only bit of Half Life you could get at the time since Episode 2, unless you count Hunt Down The Freeman as canon(that was before Alyx BTW) >>178317 Game still holds up, tho, and doesn't need a remake when a sequel was just released, that's a difference. Try playing OG RE and REmake, there is a night and day difference despite most of the game being the exact same thing
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Fucked up the spoilers, Go Men Oh Sigh. >>178227 /delicious/ just has shit taste for bad art. Lots of people call anything western, "western lolicon". I put all the western stuff in a sub-folder of my loli folder.
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>>178322 An yet not a single one of these pictures can grasp the elegance, sexyness and line economy of a simple Lasto-sensei loli Maybe Japanese are just naturally better at it.
>>178319 That isnt youtube you daft cunt. >>178321 >How the fuck did you think this was going to go? Oh anon i never expected anything, i never cared for the division, i just found it hilarius that given that chance, thats what they chose to do. >This does remind me how dead Half-Life is tho Eh, it came back to life with alyx, atleast it caused a flow of content.
>>178251 >Yes. "Lölita" is globally filtered because of the /b/edos. >The admins should remove these filters now that the /b/edos are gone. They clearly aren't all gone, and the filter is there because that's a fed crawler triggering word that will flag this site if used enough, since the term is used by pedos talking about CP very often.
>>178197 It depends on how average you mean but the first thing to come to mind is Clerks where certainly nothing supernatural happens. I'd then go on to mention every soap opera or drama or emotional family show like Family Ties and maybe even dark comedy shit like Withnail & I. The 1981 Arthur movie, The Nanny series, House, NYPD Blue; i'm not sure where else to go on with that but a lot of shit is very down to earth, hell half the stuff on Seinfeld is of Larry David's life experience like accidentally falling in dog shit before a date.
>>178323 Lasto is very good at what he does, but he tends to lack variety in term of body shape. I wholeheartedly agree though, his simplistic style is somehow godly.
>>178328 I wonder if he takes commissions? I could ask him on Fanbox, would love to see Lasto's take on Vivian.
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Sony on suicide watch.
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Have you taken the linus pill yet, mateys? it's a tough pill to swallow! The linus pill was founded in 2008 by Sir Communus De Faggotus, who is presented in the attached image Forget red and blue pills, linus pills are the way of the future. pic related. Please leave your questions, comments, and concerns below about this radical new paradigm of thinking! Swallow the linus pill today! Red pills are for fedora fucking wearing faggots, blue pills are for the ignorant masses. Ignore the other le epin /tech/ maymays, this one is the readl deal.
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>>178331 I like the linus pill every day when I fuck my gook wife
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>>178330 I thought japan was dead and ready to be pozzed? Why aren't they buying and playing games full of niggers and faggots, like niggerpill has been telling me?
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>>178322 >>178323 The biggest problem with western lolicon is that most western animation has been homogenized into low-effort trash. Overly simplistic, noodle arms, bean heads, mandatory shit skins for woke points. I think it's part of that broader agenda to force ugliness into all media. So when you try to make that into something sexually appealing without significant alteration it comes out as the same trash. "Garbage in, Garbage out." Just go on Baraag and see just how much homogenized ugly brown western lolicon you can scroll through before wanting to blow your brains out. It's not like it's impossible to make those characters appealing with a different style and some effort, but the source material is so ridiculously far from that goalpost.
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>>178332 wow i cant believe that third pic got just completely purged off the site i guess hapas ARE superior
>>178330 >people can barely get their hands on a PS5 without having to pay extreme prices to scalpers >Sony keeps pushing harsher regulations on JP games and treats their Japanese audience like shit >shut down Japan Studio that made Ape Escape and Gravity Rush >only interesting games on the system now are ports and a BLACKED remake of a 10 year old game This is well deserved.
>>178321 >Well, they just did, Turned Rainbow Six into...I don't even know anymore, and killed off Conviction because focus testers didn't like hobo fisher, and instead dug the game up from the grave later to turn it into the most generic third person cover shooter I have ever seen, spitting on the face of those who wanted hobo-fisher by turning early preview areas into glorified shooting galleries. The first turned Rainbow Six into a CS:GO clone, then made it an RE:Operation Raccoon City clone. >Oh, and they turned a game with an amazing premise, Assassin's creed, into yearly by-the-numbers garbage, like COD or 2k Sports Titles There wasn't an issue with that, the issue is that they turn the series into propagandized version of history and they took a stealth platformer and turned it into an ARPG. In fact, in the latest games, the entire "stealth" aspect is unironically sold separately as DLC. >Not to mention that Prince of Persia is still dead, as to not compete with it Ubisoft does not own Prince of Persia. Every single time a new one comes out, they have to pay royalties to Jordan Mechner. Assassin's Creed was Ubisoft's attempt to escape that by making their "own" PoP. Similar situation to SquarEnix and Parasite Eve, and why they made 3rd Birthday. >>178321 >Game still holds up, tho So? Tony Hawk's Pro Skater on the PS1 still holds up, yet they still needed to release a remakes of that every console generation. >and doesn't need a remake when a sequel was just released, that's a difference. You mean like how Capcom padded out their Resident Evil schedule with REmake 2 and REmake 3 inbetween releasing RE7 and RE8? Or, Nintendo remaking Luigi's Mansion and Xenoblade Chronicles on the 3DS despite both being perfectly playable and available, and their sequels releasing within the same timeframe? >Try playing OG RE and REmake, there is a night and day difference despite most of the game being the exact same thing That's because they're two different games with two different experiences. And, when you get down to it, REmake is a "bad" remake, in the same way that Doom 3 is a bad remake of Doom. However, people pick and choose what's considered a "good" remake and a "bad" remake. >>178324 >That isnt youtube you daft cunt. ALL Invidious instances still rely upon Jewtube. IOW, you're still giving Goolag traffic.
>>178339 >ALL Invidious instances still rely upon Jewtube. IOW, you're still giving Goolag traffic. Anon, im not going to make a fucking webm for casual conversation, and thats final, i dont care about how much redtext you use.
>>178338 >people can barely get their hands on a PS5 without having to pay extreme prices to scalpers The same issue is with the Xbone as I know few people who own these shitboxes of consoles.
>>178336 At that point just might as well make something wholly new.
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>>178343 Now that you mention pandemics, are you ready for the monkey smallpox?
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>>178340 >im not going to make a fucking webm for casual conversation Why? How is it "so hard" to right click and press "Save Video As...", then attach said video to your post? ALSO, if it's that hard to do, why not just another site in said, here's the RE trailer over on DailyMotion: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8ar45u
>>178342 Exactly. It's sad that western artists haven't reached the conclusion that modern western animation is mostly a lost cause at this point. I guess it's challenging to make it look appealing in fan art. If you want a challenge it has that going for it.
>>178345 >...why not just use another site instead... Typos, I swear to God.
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>>178343 Fixed typo
>>178345 Anon asked me what i was talking about, i showed him. It isnt something i like, it isnt something i want to save, nor is it something i think its worth preserving in any way, so no, im not making a fucking webm for casual conversation.
>>178344 It's just called monkeypox, and it has a mortality rate if 3.6% and a pretty mild vector. Not a particularly effective or scary bioweapon.
>>178349 >i showed him. By giving clicks to a Jewtube front-end. > It isnt something i like, it isnt something i want to save, nor is it something i think its worth preserving in any way Then you could have pulled up the video from another site.
>>178350 >Monkeypox oh, so the NFT guys revenge ?
>>178351 Before that we used individous, but now its haram, and after that the next option will be haram too, and so and so. Anon, i posted that, you have not been forced to watch shit, deal with it already.
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>>178352 No problem, the pandemic can be defused by right clicking the monkeypox viruses & saving them.
EA Still Wants To Put Ads In Games >EA is still looking at putting ads in its games, but it’s taking a more nuanced approach going forward. The Battlefield and former FIFA publisher has flirted with putting ads in games in the past, but hasn’t always experienced success with in-game advertising. >During the company’s fourth-quarter earnings call yesterday, EA CEO Andrew Wilson responded to a question regarding its future plans for in-game advertising following reports of Microsoft and Sony looking into adding ads to its free-to-play >We want to ensure that the player experience is the best possible player experience that we can provide," Wilson said (via Seeking Alpha). >"And that's why you've seen us kind of test various models over the course of time, some have continued and some we have stopped on the basis of really upholding the best possible player experience we can." >EA’s forays into in-game advertising have been met with resignation or outright hostility, depending on the game. For premium games such as UFC 4, players were incensed to suddenly find in-game advertisements interrupting their gameplay. >Worse, EA seemed to activate those in-game ads several weeks after launch so that reviewers wouldn’t comment on them. EA eventually deactivated those ads after an intense backlash from fans. A year later, the company said it had no plans for advertising in future premium titles. >But for other games, particularly mobile titles, Wilson thinks that advertising has its place. "What we've seen generally though in entertainment media and even in games, particularly in mobile games right now, you see that there is a place for advertising when done right. >And there is a portion of the community that when given the choice will participate in advertising where it benefits their gameplay experience." >Elsewhere in the call, Wilson discussed the failure of Battlefield 2042 and also confirmed four unannounced games are expected to arrive before 2023. You can read about both these stories in our previous coverage. https://archive.ph/pAi60 Disturbing video game Huggy Wuggy TikTok video seen by 6 year olds >Parents are being warned about a disturbing TikTok video featuring ‘Huggy Wuggy’ - a terrifying teddy bear character with razor sharp teeth. >The video sings about killing and even has a line saying, “breathe your last breath”. The character comes from the 2021 horror video game, Poppy Playtime, a game where Huggy Wuggy chases players in a toy factory. >Dorset Police initially raised the alarm when they reported Year 1 children had been seen acting out Huggy Wuggy’s actions in the playground. >Police warning over Huggy Wuggy TikTok video and other scary video game characters like five nights at Freddy’s >Chris Conroy, cyber protection officer for Dorset Police, said: “There are videos people have made, songs people have made, and it's popping up all over YouTube and Tik Tok using this quite graphic imagery of this bear-like character with razor sharp teeth. >“It's based around jump scares and things you certainly wouldn't want children exposed to. WARNING: This video is not suitable for children or anyone of a sensitive disposition. >“If you were to use even YouTube kids for example, it may slip through because there is nothing obviously sinister about the name of a video.” >The puzzle game can also be found on YouTube as well as Roblox but has no age rating, meaning content is unfiltered. https://archive.ph/E3Y0G
>>178353 >Before that we used individous, but now its haram It's ALWAYS been "haram", just like previously with Hooktube, because that still leaves people dependent upon Goolag for their media. > and after that the next option will be haram too <What's the point of harming companies when the next company will be just as bad eventually? Fuck off back to Leddit!
>>178310 >The Playstation is upside down so it can read the disk That's a nice touch.
>>178355 what the fuck is huggy wuggy, and why are there 6 year olds watching tik tok
>>178356 Piss off anon.
>>178358 A FNAF style horror game for kids with an NFT store.
>>178358 huggy wuggy is a character from the relatively new FNAF-style game and six year olds are watching tik tok because lol parenting
>>178359 >(42) <Fag is literally 10% of the thread <Telling others to "piss off"
>>178360 Is the game made by any of the big corps? it's unbeliveable how much publicity it's getting.
>>178362 Youre the one screeching at me for showing another anon in a completely different conversation what i was talking about.
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>>178330 I don't think Sony have had any care for the Japanese market for a long time.
>>178360 >>178361 I didn't think FNAF could get any faggier
>>178363 It's made by a "totally organic" indie studio that is already getting film deals and claims to be a grassroots hit.
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>>178338 Also Xbox's Game Pass pissing all over PlayStation's Plus. >>178341 I only have seen this be a problem with the Series X. The Series S are available everywhere, at least in my town. >>178342 New how? A new genre of lolicon, or a new cartoon style/guideline/studio?
>>178365 Unfortunately, this doesn't include the Videogame department of Sony Tokyo, does it?
>>178365 Also, no arkibes.
>>178368 Original characters, brainlet.
>>178368 >Also Xbox's Game Pass pissing all over PlayStation's Plus. Xbonepass is a cancer as it more stream faggotry
>>178365 >go globo-homo >sell off your very first HQ because you desperately need cash >years later, lose your home country's demographic because nobody likes trans of us 2 or nigger spiderman or mutt horizon, and you have nothing else to offer them
>>178373 >>years later, lose your home country's demographic because nobody likes trans of us 2 or nigger spiderman or mutt horizon, and you have nothing else to offer them More Nips are getting Switches or building Rigs I've noticed. Soyny and M$ have zero fucking games people want to buy.
>>178364 >for showing another anon A video from Jewtube instead of either downloading the one-minute MP4 or linking to another site.
>>178375 Yes, i did, now kill yourself out of frustration since it seems to be the only solution at this point.
>>178376 Hey, smartass, if you're going to keep propping up the powers that be, why are you even here?
>>178366 i mean im sure the title character makes the dollfuckers happy so theres that
>>178351 The benefit to youtube of someone watching a youtube video through a third-party front-end without watching ads is minimal at best. There's a good chance it's even slightly negative because of the bandwidth used. They get to increase an internal counter of "third-party embed views" by 1 (while simultaneously slightly reducing the percentage of viewers who see ads) at the cost of paying for the bandwidth. How much is that really worth to them, if anything? Like it or not the nature of videos means it's significantly more work to use a mirror of a youtube video than to use an archive link, it's a lot of hoops to jump through for a dubious benefit. It's more important that people be able to post in a reasonably convenient manner. (Of course for videos that might be censored or something and need to be preserved there should be backups, but that's not the case here.)
>>178377 >propping up Jesus christ man.
>>178358 >what the fuck is huggy wuggy Gen alpha's FNaF (the first FNaF was released in 2014, the 10yo gen Z kids who played it will be considered "adults" this year). >and why are there 6 year olds watching tik tok Because TikTok is gen alpha's Instagram, just like Instagram is gen Z's Twitter and Twitter is gen Y/millenials' Facebook, while Facebook is mostly used by their gen X parents and baby boomer grandparents. >>178371 Oh. >>178372 It is, but normalfags prefer it over Sony's PS Plus because it gives them more """"free"""" games and shit.
>>178342 Some of the really good artists already are. Or they're just making fanart of french cartoons or fanart of classics from the 80s and 90s.
>>178377 There are Invidious links in the OP and have been for many years, don't act like using it here is taboo.
>>178381 >It is, but normalfags prefer it over Sony's PS Plus because it gives them more """"free"""" games and shit. Normalfags are fucking retarded and M$ is just as bad as sony it's just after a near decade of failures M$ realised it needed to be stubble about it's cancer.
>>178384 Yes? I'm not trying to argue that Xbox and its Game Pass are good or even decent, only that at the moment they are more attractive options for normalfags with zero standards than PlayStation and its Plus service.
>>178379 >How much is that really worth to them, if anything? Because, if everything is still flowing through Jewtube's servers, then Goolag still retains all the monopoly power that they have. Therefore, the best course of action is to deny that attention to them entirely and use another site. In addition, that's also beside the fact that, if you absolutely "must" get the video from Jewtube, then what you should be doing as downloading the video and attaching it to your post. Why? Look at the unique IDs in this thread. If even half of those people clicked on the link to the Jewtube video (Despite it going through Invidious), that still gives traffic to Jewtube from 55 users on the net, not to mention how many people just lurk and not post at all who will also end up clicking that link. So, by downloading that video and posting it, only ONE person is sending traffic to Goolag rather than 50. Or not even send traffic their way at all by finding the video available on another site entirely.
>>178383 >don't act like using it here is taboo It's ALWAYS been taboo. However, no one has downloaded the videos and uploaded them to another site and replaced the links.
>>178386 >then what you should be doing as downloading the video and attaching it to your post Which is fine if the video is 144p and less than 2 minutes long. More than that and it's going to rapidly reach the post file size limit. >>178387 >It's ALWAYS been taboo. Bullshit.
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>>178372 >>178381 GamePass isn't just streaming, though. The streaming service is hot garbage and still not really out of beta. Most streaming services just aren't there yet to be viable as a delivery platform. It's a big part of why Stadia failed. It's why PSNow's "backwards compatibility via Streaming" service tanked hard, and GamePass ran away with the vast majority of MarketShare... because GamePass, up until this point, has mostly been a service that lets you download the games and play locally. Cloud gaming for GamePass has mostly just been marketed as a mobile solution. Microsoft even produced/contracted phone controller cradles. And nobody expects much in the way of a smooth or enjoyable gaming experience when you're playing on cellphones. PlayStation Now's streaming service, in contrast, is sold as a side-service to the Playstation consoles. The reason why people like GamePass is because Microsoft is currently using it as a loss-leader (it may be profitable, but the margins have got to be slim) and packing it with as many games from as many publishers as they can - and it extends to PC titles in an attempt to boost their failing Microsoft Store. It also includes Xbox Live bundled with the service, whereas last I heard, Sony's PSNow was still a separate billing charge from PS+. Not to mention that PS5 still can't handle native PS3 BC via emulation, and even their PS2 titles aren't really PS2 titles - they're the same shitty updated versions that have been on PS4 for years now. Expect a price-hike for GamePass soon, or a tiered or al-a-carte subscription service that charges you more and more premiums for newer (or the most popular) games - ala Comcast cable. Ultimately, I don't really have a problem with GamePass - provided they don't stop removing games to encourage physical ownership or stand-alone digital copies. Doesn't seem that much different than just renting games at a video store, just cheaper and more convenient. It's when games start getting developed exclusively for GamePass that they're going to have customers over a barrel.
>>178283 >going to reboot Stargate CEASE. >>178389 I assume you need an internet connection at all times to play though right?
>>178390 I cant wait for jack and teal'c to be dumbasses that can solve anythings, samantha to be the one kicking ass and daniel to be actually a woman (in a lesbian relationship with samantha). Oh, also, dont forget, guns are bad so no more military porn.
>>178162 >The presence of fictional elements means you can disregard realism entirely Why is there gravity in the game then? Why is there any kind of logic whatsoever? >you support ugly Lara No, I just don’t appreciate the tired notion that having some fictional elements within your setting automatically means you must throw the baby out with the bath water.
>>178390 >I assume you need an internet connection at all times to play though right? Yeah, but that's the case with all Xbox games isn't it? Wasn't there a big shitshow a few days ago when Xbox's servers went down and people were locked out of all of their digital games (and physical copies too?). I missed that whole fiasco because I haven't turned on my Xbox in months, and before that really only used it for 360 BC. Don Mattrick got his online only console.
>>178388 >Which is fine if the video is 144p and less than 2 minutes long. More than that and it's going to rapidly reach the post file size limit. You do realize that eight minute videos can easily squeeze down to sub 16 MB files at 360p, right? A feature which Invidious and other Jewtube downloaders already do. And, this site has a 32 MB file upload limit. There is ZERO reason to link anything unless it's an hour long and your computer is a toaster so it will take several hours to convert a three minute video.
>>178386 Just as an aside, has anyone made an infograph about Google's data-slurping? >analytics service they provide for any website >fonts and jquery files served from Google domains >advertisements service that pays a small amount to website owners while collecting stats from all viewers >Youtube embeds at any website Yes, most of it is blocked by uBlock Origin by default these days. But still, how many pipes did they build to syphon user stats?
>>178393 that's what you deserve if you abandon all physical hardware, so I don't care
>>178386 How exactly does Google benefit from a handful of people stealing their bandwidth using a third-party site without giving ad views? Like I said, the only benefit is they can update some internal log of views, at the real cost of bandwidth since videos are larger than other forms of content. It's not like they're some videogame site trying to get ad clients by bragging about how many raw hits they get, it's Google. If the actual video creator is a SJW channel we want to avoid giving views that's a stronger argument, but that's not the case here. And you completely ignored the argument that, since the cost in effort for posters is significantly higher, that can easily mean it's not worth it even if the overall effect for Google is slightly beneficial. You could dig corrupt journos or something and it would be a much better use of time than turning every irrelevant video into a webm. Or if people avoided posting videos entirely rather than go to the bother, it could hurt discussion and thus be not worth it overall. >>178387 If it was really taboo it wouldn't have been in the OP for years without people complaining. Sites like invidious have long been considered an acceptable compromise that avoid giving Google ad-views and direct hits even if they still stream the video from Google's servers.
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>>178391 BE SILENT SATAN >>178393 >Xbox's servers went down and people were locked out of all of their digital games (and physical copies too?) That is pretty funny. You get what you pay for I suppose.
>>178392 The gravity in the game is a simple global constant vector, it doesn't follow the planet's surface and doesn't have localized fluctuations. I don't know why you'd call it realistic. Fuck this whole arguing about realism.
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>>178283 I wouldn't mind a Stargate reboot that follows closer to the film continuity instead what the show did. But this is just going to be a travesty no matter what.
>>178395 >has anyone made an infograph about Google's data-slurping? Not as far as I know. >But still, how many pipes did they build to syphon user stats? That's also not accounting for sites that do it all on their end, like Startpage and SearX. >>178397 >How exactly does Google benefit from a handful of people stealing their bandwidth using a third-party site without giving ad views? Because they still control the content people are able to access. > It's not like they're some videogame site trying to get ad clients by bragging about how many raw hits they get, it's Google. Yeah, and they're worse because, as of now, you either exist on Jewtube or you don't exist at all. Which is why the point is to boost up competitors to them. > And you completely ignored the argument that, since the cost in effort for posters is significantly higher, that can easily mean it's not worth it even if the overall effect for Google is slightly beneficial. How is denying Jewtube attention at all "beneficial" for them? > You could dig corrupt journos or something and it would be a much better use of time than turning every irrelevant video into a webm. No, it's not. It's the little things in life that give companies and people power. Look at browser you're using, the operating system the browser is installed on, and the device the OS is operating on. Every single step of that small process is giving someone power over someone else. > Or if people avoided posting videos entirely rather than go to the bother, it could hurt discussion and thus be not worth it overall. Where did I say people shouldn't post videos at all? All I am saying is that you should post the video from another site entirely, or just link it to your post. > If it was really taboo it wouldn't have been in the OP for years without people complaining. Or, it shows the issue that people don't read nor care about the OP. For example, WITHOUT clicking on it right now, do you even know if those video links are still active? When was the last time you clicked on them? For me, I think it was around 2018. > Sites like invidious have long been considered an acceptable compromise that avoid giving Google ad-views No, they haven't. Back when Invidious first gained popularity, and even earlier with Hooktube, Anons did some digging and pointed out that using front-ends did minimal damage to Jewgle, even the part about "denying views" was false. However, a few months later, a Kiwi shot up a mosque, the site was takendown, we were bouncing around different makeshift imageboards for almost a year, then China exported Corona-chan, then the Floyd riots, then the craziness of the 2020 election,...and people never really got a break to breath and worry about the small stuff.
>>178197 All Quiet on the Western Front is about an average soldier, having an average war experience, with a few above average incidents before meeting the average WW1 fate of being killed in battle.
>>178197 Hidamari Sketch.
>>178401 >Because they still control the content people are able to access. Which is why for important videos and videos that might be censored people should ensure they're mirrored and backed up and so on. But when it's just some unrelated unimportant video that logic doesn't apply, and the marginal effect is that some anon spends a notable amount of time to make a mirror to prevent a view counter from going up.
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>tfw we will never get the real Stargate adapted to film
>>178404 >Which is why for important videos and videos that might be censored people should ensure they're mirrored and backed up and so on. And to then link to said backups. > But when it's just some unrelated unimportant video that logic doesn't apply Just today, alone, how many "unimportant videos" did you look up on Jewtube? How many Anons in this thread are doing the same thing? Now, imagine you spent all the time, looking up "unimportant" videos, on another site. Don't you think that would drastically increase the site's Alexa ratings and search interest? And, that's just from your own usage. That's not counting how many times you link to said alternate site. Like I said, it's the small things that matter.
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>>178403 >Hidamari Sketch
>>178332 Hey I think I know the guy on the right laowhy86, makes a lot of chink redpill videos, content's a bit long winded though
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>>178374 >More Nips are getting Switches or building Rigs I've noticed I heard building PCs was too expensive in Japan for a long time so the platform was far behind consoles in market share. I figured it might appeal to their innate hobbyist autism to actually assemble the components though.
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>>178410 They have beefy PCs from 10 years ago.
>>178411 >mpv keeps widening the window Whoa.
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>>178412 What am I watching? A metal box keeps yelling about Gilda.
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>>178413 try these
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>>178412 Sounds like a western pig trying to speak japanese with a very poor accent. I wouldn't trust anything involving a westerner in Japan. Specially a woman.
>>177935 Kill yourself, New York Attorney General James Jiggaboo or whatever the fuck your name is.
>>178416 this faggot literally turned down 100k because mister metokur, his "internet daddy", didn't give him permission to fight, and because he had to stop swearing for a few months while the fight prep and paperwork would process. What a little bitch
>>178416 >>178419 Who is this faggot and why should I care?
>>177965 The trick here, though, is that when citizens kill those feds who come for them, they won't be breaking the law in doing so.
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>>178420 >Who is this faggot and why should I care?
>>178420 new chris chan, after the great autistic one got arrested
>>178423 Was that Ethan who was there when Chris got arrested? Did he take the crown? Is this like Highlander, and there can be only one? Or did Chris entrust the fulfillment of the dimensional merge to him, while the NWO tried to stop him by locking him away for the crime of loving his mother?
>>178414 vtuber autism
>>178420 He's TheRalphRetort, same faggot who started spamming his articles in this general way back in 2015. ralphshill was proto-niggerpill
>>178424 Yes, that was the dimensional merge chris was talking about, the demon switched bodies when it became apparent his original host would be going away, and now ethan is possibly the most discussed lolcow, alongside the manchild that choose to associate with him. It truly is a curse >>178426 to be fair, when you're white trash like him, it's hard not to be niggerpill, just look at the copius amounts of drugs and alcohol he has to take daily to forget he's ethan ralph
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>>178426 I don't remember this guy beyond hearsay, I remember a fat guy called Brian Fagioli though. Was that on /tech/ or whatever?
>>178417 https://youtube.076.ne.jp/watch?v=Z3TYwLyO4WU&t=1h29m27s https://virtualyoutuber.fandom.com/wiki/Omaru_Polka The voice is from a Hololive vtuber, and while the character is from the Japanese branch, the actress may be a hapa/gaijin like some actresses of the English branch.
>>178429 >Hololive into the trash it goes.
>>178429 Webm or post from another source.
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>>178431 Or what? You will throw another tantrum for 20 posts?
>>178432 >Or what? Well, let's go through the options: You can either refuse to Jewtube and can continue to bitch and moan about how terrible of a company Goolag is without issue, OR you can continue to use their services and have everyone dismiss any qualms YOU have with the site as it's been made frequently apparent how Goolag wants Jewtube to operate so all your issues are rendered mute as you (And you alone) are the only one experiencing the issue due to your continued usage of the site and acceptance of Goolags actions in the first place.
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>>178416 (checked) Why is he shouting about GG now?
>>178437 It will be a glorious day when he has that long-overdue heart attack
>>178428 Brian Fagioli was common in /tech/ news threads. He works for betanews, a tech "news outlet" that basically just writes sponsored ads that look like news item. But his name and appearance were humorous. Totally unrelated to Ralph.
>>178437 In case you can't tell, he is extremely off his rocker, you can see that in the second webm. He likely mixed alcohol with xanax again, add to that brain damage he got from getting his ass beat in portugal(no, really), and coming from a show where a woman who mocked his small penis a few day prior reads a superchat about his dead mother, and he has to take extra drugs and alcohol to hide his anger/shame, play it off as him "being a GG(last time he was relevant) OG that just got reactivated" He was actually acting very womanly, and attacking another woman who was also making fun of his small penis the same day(same stream, I think). Here is his very womanly response to the woman who read the superchat, just for reference If anyone here remembers, "Jack Murphy"(((Goldman))) became (in)famous in the exact same way, by overreacting to a superchat, and people digging up info about him afterwards. It gets even funnier when you realize what the contents of the superchat were So yeah, TL;DR alcohol and pills to wash down shame(and forget he has a small penis), him being a "GG OG" was likely the first thing that crossed his pig brain, before he started hollering, and then lost touch with all reality, as seen in the other webm
>>178439 Post the webm or another source
>>178439 >Jarbo the Hutt is still going Good shit. >>178441 >alcohol and pills Some things never change. He really is content to just run himself into an early grave. >Jack Murphy That was the dude who got caught supporting cuckolding or something right? The one who was on timcast all the time? >>178442 It is just music anon, but I'll post it for him anyway.
>>178443 >He got caught support cuckoldry It got much worse than that, his porn tapes, his homosexual fantasies and other nasty shit, as well as him talking about ages of consent(never a good thing) also got exposed. Still, Jack got away with it relatively well, when you consider how Ethan gets into these sort of controversies on literally daily bases now. Hell, a wiki was started recently(10th of may) to document everything gunt related, same as with chris chan's cwcki, otherwise you just can't keep up with him
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https://archive.ph/god3t Reminder that these are the people localizing your games, anime and lecturing you about it.
>>178445 I can tell just by the writing style and avatard that is not a biological woman >Localization "expert" >Doesn't know anything about the medium he is working in It would be funny, if you didn't remember that american public education is some of the worst in the world, and the kids get openly exposed to open marxism while they're there as well. Hence, why this retard is confused why teenagers are attracted to women, as his genders class he took in college didn't teach him this
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>>178223 Isn't CGI loli considered the same as CP literally everywhere? The argument being that it's a sufficiently realistic simulation? Better to err on the side of caution and not bother.
>>178446 I disagree, i think knowing nothing and spouting opinions based on feelings is the very definition of a biocunt; trannys may have adopted it but women originated it.
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>>178444 >It got much worse than that Is it a requirement to be a complete fuck up of a human being in order to be an eceleb? >a wiki was started recently(10th of may) to document everything gunt related Shocked it wasn't made earlier. That fat faggot has imploded and burned so many bridges that it blows my mind how he keeps on going. >>178445 >boobs are bad! <this is great though! Every fucking time. https://archive.ph/wip/cnEav
>>178449 Classic fujo
>>178449 Why do ostensibly straight fujo hate real men, but love fake gay men? Furthermore, it's literally always just re-enacting male/female relationships, not even a gay dynamic. I like Yuri, but I also like real women too. If I hated women, I feel like I would be fairly disinterested in stories exclusively about women.
>>178451 It's a fetish, anon. They either get off on corrupting men to never sex women again, or just can't flick their bean if the man doesn't crave dicks like they do.
>>178381 >>178381 >Because TikTok is gen alpha's Instagram, just like Instagram is gen Z's Twitter and Twitter is gen Y/millenials' Facebook, while Facebook is mostly used by their gen X parents and baby boomer grandparents. I am more disturbed by kids as old as 6 and 8 being allowed on Tik Tok than anything from FNAF and Huggy Wuggy. >>178427 Keeping up with the Chris-Chan letters from prison? Chris now blames raping his mom on Barbara being too sexy and flirty. According to the letters Barbara was a slut during high and college. She only married Chris-Chan's dad because he owned a house and she had 10 boyfriends before Bob. Chris-Chan said his father a bad lover that couldn’t stratified his mother like he can.
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>>178451 Even if you love women, which i have my doubts, you can surely understand the guys that hate women but love anime lesbo shit. If i had to go Freud psychoanalysis with it, i'd say she's a woman with no confidence in herself as a woman and so any woman in a relationship, real or fictional, is doing better than she is, so relationships with no women whatsoever is an ideal one. Maybe if she got some dick in her she'd mellow out, but i also think of Elliot Rodger had a decent, caring girlfriend or two he wouldn't have completely blown his shit; no idea if i'd be right.
>>178451 >why do fucked up people on the internet have fucked up sexual preferences. Jeez anon, I wonder why?
>>177994 >>177999 >Really looks like Donald Trumps promise of draining the swamp may be coming to pass. Go the fuck back to 8kun, dipshits. >>178056 Remember to never fucking buy anything.
>>178442 If you want anons to post vids directly or from other sources, make an image/infograph explaining what to do. It's easier to post that than typing out a post every time. Also remind anons what's in the OP: OP Download And Conquer >>>/t/5546

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>>178449 >The Titan's Bride Wow, this is really gay. Apparently it only takes them 3 episodes to have sex. https://nitter.hu/BlissWallpaper/status/1285756656010362880
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>>178458 Why is Gamagoori a faggot?
>>178458 Video games?
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>>178459 because hes bara and really into BDSM
>>178445 >Pick up a magazine aimed towards underage males >Surprised that the magazine has content aimed towards underage males >Complain about the magazine aimed towards underage males having content aimed towards underage males Wow, what a concept, I never would have thought about this before.
>>178462 She assumed too prematurely that all the underage males had already long had their masculine inclinations purged by globalhomo indoctrination? Since just the mere suggestion that cis-gender-binary-straight males still being allowed to exist in CY+8 is offensive.
>>178322 >retro-actively spoilering the UN loli even though it's not explicit Homosexual moderators, as if there's any other kind.
>>178463 Funny thing is that if she's looking for gay content in a male-theme magazine, then she should pick up some of the Seinen imprints. Battle Club, Family Compo, Maou Kyoudai, Trans Venus, Tsuiteru Kanojo, and Blue Drop all have "gay" elements or aspects of the series that can be construed as being gay. Meanwhile, in shounen imprints, the closest you have is Death Note, Innocents Shounen Juuigun (Which is portrayed negatively), Majo no Kishi: Hexen Ritter, Samurai High School, Shonan Junaigumi! (Only for a brief arc and one gag character), and Wagaya No Oinarisama (The fox spirit is genderless, so it switches it's sex for gags). Although, if she REALLY wanted the gay shit, then she needs to pick up one of the female magazines as even your baseline shoujo comic is gay as Hell.
>>178447 >The argument being that it's a sufficiently realistic simulation? It has to indistinguishable from reality, meaning you can't tell it's not real, which is clearly false for all the 3DCG shit, even the weird looking realistic styled 3DCG shit.
>>178451 >Why do ostensibly straight fujo hate real men, but love fake gay men Why do ostensibly straight otakus hate real women, but love fake gay women? It's simple, anon.
>>177990 >8chan causes a war between alphabet soup agencies by doing absolutely nothing >FBI stakes claim to /v/, /co/ and /pol/ because they have been watching them for a while. Hi FBI >NSA stakes claim to /interracial/ and /xxx/ because they think they can get more naked pictures of people to swap with other agents. NSA starts posting their own collection due to zero low post rates. >DIA stakes claim to /fur/ and /zoo/ because one of their "tech guys" mentioned it once. DIA starts to conduct an inter-department search of assets believing they've found exploitable new species of life that can utilize their species' skill to infiltrate locations. >ATF choose /vore1/ and /rule34/ because they must be drunk to think of such names. ATF agents monitoring those thread start to develop nervous ticks when watching their kids' cartoons. >DEA chooses /delicious/ because there must be drugs in that cake as well as choosing /tkr/. DEA agents first go "WTF is going on" followed by "why am I getting this erection". >CIA chooses /2dblacked/ and /sm/ because they're into that kind of thing. Agents monitoring those boards go missing days at a time and come back broken empty husks. Board wars when? >>178028 (checked) reallymakesyouthink.jpg >>178138 >Why can't we have more stories of SJWs radicalizing people into RWDS types? Because white guilt. >>178147 pic 1 >>178151 >she has a more realistic body instead of being a huge bazongas babe. Huge bazongas babes don't exist? You sound like pic 2.
>>178468 >DIA claims /zoo/ Honestly they can have it.
>>178468 >CIA chooses /2dblacked/ and /sm/ Fuck you and your whole ancestry for comparing /sm/ with niggershit. >Agents monitoring those boards go missing days at a time and come back broken empty husks. Fuck you and your non-existent descendants for implying that /sm/ is an "ugly" board.
>>178470 > comparing /sm/ with niggershit. Who said anything about the to boards being compared to anything what so ever? >implying that /sm/ is an "ugly" board. Who said anything about /sm/ being ugly? If you are going to jump to unfounded conclusions, please calm your tits before posting.
>>178151 >>178468 >bazongas
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>>178458 The show would have been miles better if the giant was a woman.
>>178427 I’m calling it now. We are going to find out Chris-Chan dad was kicked out of the KKK for being a faggot and molested Chris. Especially what he said about his mom are true in the recent letters.
>>178473 but then it wouldnt draw in its primary audience, fags and fag-hags
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>>178010 Its kinda going that way. If you read the articles coming out they make references to Christchurch and "hosted in the Philippines." >>178015 We don't know, its part of the mystery. Best guess is he heard about us somewhere and assumed we were the same site. So far we've been contacted by Kotaku and CNN. Right after news of the shooting broke the globals scoured the site for any posts that looked like they might have been from this guy and there was nothing. Then Codexx checked the IPs in the database for the one he was known to have and there were no matches. Somebody thought a schizo looking post on /pol/ might have been him but the ASN was from the wrong state. He's literally never posted here. So that leaves us wondering why he singled us out, since the only expected outcome would be us getting shit on for no reason (and he supposedly "likes" us - I call bullshit on that one). If you want my conspiracy theory, I think he was a little Antifa fucker taking one for the team to pull the mother of all false flags. >Said he was a proud commie since he was 12 >Into all sort of leftist environmentalist shit >Just magically becomes "radicalized" a year ago by hanging out on cuckchan >Commits a race shooting with a manifesto custom tailored as a wishlist of shit the Dem administration wants reason to attack and get rid of, down to naming off brands of gear he didn't even wear and websites he didn't even use. My only solace is that they got him alive. Hopefully a few nights with Tyrone will get him to "loosen up" about why he did this this way, because the current version of the story stinks to high heaven.
Sony doesn’t want you to know that it’s donating $100K for reproductive rights >Insomniac Games, which is part of Sony’s PlayStation Studios, plans to donate $50,000 to the Women’s Reproductive Rights Assistance Project (WRRAP), according to an internal email sent on May 13th by its CEO Ted Price, as reported by The Washington Post. Sony itself plans to match the donation for a total of $100,000, and employees of Insomniac can make donations through Sony’s PlayStation Cares program. >Additionally, The Washington Post reports that Sony is working on plans to provide financial assistance to employees who may have to travel to other states to receive abortions and other reproductive care. >There’s a major wrinkle to this news, though. The Washington Post reports that neither Insomniac Games nor Sony plans to publicize its donations, likely to avoid seeming like they’re taking a stance publicly. >What’s more, the Post writes that “Insomniac employees have been forbidden from explicitly mentioning Insomniac or Sony should they decide to retweet any announcements the WRRAP might make.” >These donations come a week after PlayStation CEO Jim Ryan sent an infuriatingly tone-deaf email to staff in response to the recent news that the Roe v. Wade case may be overturned. In the email, which was originally reported on by Bloomberg, he stated that employees should “respect differences of opinion” and then proceeded to talk about his cats’ birthdays and why he enjoys dogs. >Understandably, for employees who wanted the company to take a pro-choice stance (as the soon-to-be-Sony-owned Bungie did), this email did the opposite of providing assurance during an especially turbulent time. >Standing up for reproductive choice and liberty is not a difficult decision to make, and Bungie remains dedicated to Bungie (@Bungie) May 4, 2022 >While the news of the donation is good, it’s likely that the large amount of red tape being wound around the topic of reproductive rights isn’t sitting well with some employees. >Insomniac Games CEO Ted Price wrote in an email to staff that Sony “will not approve ANY statements from any studio on the topic of reproductive rights. We fought hard for this and we did not win.” >When asked what would happen if Insomniac employees choose to tweet about its donation, Price wrote that “There would be material repercussions for us as a wholly owned subsidiary” and that the company would “probably be severely restricted from doing important public-facing work in the future.” >Microsoft and partners may be compensated if you purchase something through recommended links in this article. https://archive.ph/9Hfh5 Sony PlayStation Staff Outraged Over CEO’s Abortion Rights Stance In Email About Cats >The CEO of PlayStation is under fire. Employees at Sony Group Corporation say they are outraged over an email that the head of PlayStation sent days after a leaked draft indicated that the Supreme Court is poised to overturn Roe v. Wade, Bloomberg first reported. >PlayStation CEO Jim Ryan sent an email to employees on Thursday in which he remained neutral about his stance on abortion rights and encouraged others to “respect differences of opinion” — before launching into five ill-timed paragraphs about his two cat celebrating their birthdays. >“We owe it to each other and to PlayStation’s millions of users to respect differences of opinion among everyone in our internal and external communities,” he wrote. >Respect does not equal agreement. But it is fundamental to who we are as a company and as a valued global brand.” >Ryan then suddenly switched topics, diving into a story about his two cats celebrating their first birthdays and telling his employees he “would like to share something lighthearted to help inspire everyone to be mindful of having balance that can help ease the stress of uncertain world events.” >Gushing over his furry friends, Ryan boasted about getting birthday cakes for his cats, talked about their habits and revealed his dreams of owning a dog one day. >Employees at multiple PlayStation studios expressed being put off by the tone of the email, according to internal company discussions viewed and reported on by Bloomberg. >Some female employees said they felt disrespected by the message. One employee said they’d “never been so mad about a cat birthday before.” >One employee tweeted that he had responded to Ryan’s email to say the company “could be doing a better job.” >Though PlayStation hasn’t taken public a stance on abortion rights, other companies in the video game industry have. >Notably, Bungie Inc., the developer of the Destiny game and a company that Sony agreed to buy earlier this year for $3.6 billion, blasted the leaked Supreme Court draft as “a direct attack on human rights” in a blog post last week. “Standing up for reproductive choice and liberty is not a difficult decision to make,” Bungie said in the post. >Majority of public on twitter have praised Bungie’s concrete stance on abortion rights. Because that’s the right side of history. https://archive.ph/cPeka
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>>178468 Been a while since I've seen Cidney! Refined the OC to look like a dictionary page.
>>178472 I know there's gazongas, but I never heard of bazongas before.
>>178475 Good, I care about my dick, not these hoes.
Why Are There So Many Actual Fascists in the Warhammer 40K Fandom? >after I wrote a particularly divisive article for TMS back in January, I started getting exposed to the less friendly elements of Warhammer 40k’s fanbase and it started to get stuck in my brain. And then I remembered how, back when GamerGate was still a thing that people took seriously, how they would often use repurposed images from Warhammer 40k as propaganda. >And some dots started connecting in the back of my brain. That’s ridiculous, I told myself. There’s absolutely no way they could be genuinely identifying with the Imperium of Man or its fascist power structure. >After all, the Imperium of Man is a parody of fascism, and not a particularly subtle one at that, since the game constantly talks about how much life sucks and how the authoritarianism causes more problems than it solves. They’d have to be blind to not see that Warhammer 40k >is… kid…ding. Oh. Oh no. Let’s stop for a moment and talk about satire, because I like hard shifts like that. >The problem with satire (or, more directly, the problem with writing satire) is that it has a goal, beyond simply being funny. >Satire is pointed, it has a purpose, it is, to use a phrase I often dislike, saying something. More specifically, satire is saying something by taking something it wishes to criticize and blowing it up to absurd proportions. >And therein lies the problem: Satire is always walking the razor’s edge. By using the words and concepts of the thing you are satirizing, you are often giving voice to those words and concepts, and someone out there is going to agree with those words, not the actual point of your satire. >That’s the basis of Poe’s Law: Without a blatant display of comedy, it is impossible to create a parody of extremism or fundamentalism that someone won’t mistake for the real thing. >This is a rabbit hole all its own that I could literally spend hours talking about, but that would be counterproductive. >Dan Olson has a great video on this (and how it relates to The Simpsons, specifically) and another on how claiming something is satire has become an automatic response when something you do or say gets criticized, but even that is merely scratching the surface of how satire and culture interact. >I just need you to have a working understanding of satire. So, that brings us back around to 40k. >The humans of Warhammer 40k (those of them who haven’t fallen to the heretical Chaos) live in a fascist political system. >The government has unrestricted power, the citizens next to no rights, military service is near-universal and compulsory, and multiple branches of government and military have no accountability. >The state-sponsored religion is mandatory and repressive, and the government is built around xenophobia both figuratively and literally (hatred of any human outside accepted norms is written into state policy, as is hatred of aliens). >On any level, the Warhammer universe is not the sort of place you’d want to live. It has been repeatedly established within canon that life for the average citizen is, to put it nicely, absolute garbage. >The system is inefficient to an almost comical degree, with starvation rampant and planets occasionally left abandoned to their horrifying fates because no one was aware they were in trouble. >The unrestrained military spends most of its time squabbling with other elements of the military, often to the point of violence. It functions better as a dark parody of fascism than any sort of endorsement of it. Which begs the question: Why would the actual fascists of /pol/ gravitate towards it? >First is the problem that all satire will eventually run into—that Poe’s Law issue. In order to properly approach satire, you have to be very much aware of how much it’s kidding, and therein lies the issue: I don’t think even Warhammer 40k knows how much Warhammer 40k is kidding. >The setting is absurd yes (I mean, the Primarch of the Raven Guard is literally named Corvus Corax, that’s a thing, and yes, that’s still one of my favorite Chapters) but it occasionally seems to take itself very seriously. >The setting used to be more overtly comedic, with characters like Obiwan Sherlock Clousseau running around (no really, that’s a real character), but the more obviously comedic elements have been increasingly downplayed in recent years, which just leaves the dark things it was satirizing to consume the setting. >There’s a reason why “grimdark,” the widely accepted internet term for something be absurdly (and unnecessarily) gritty, takes its name from the Warhammer 40k tagline. >Without the element of dark parody in the universe, all that’s left is the “Grim Darkness of the Far Future.” But there has to be more than that. >Even without the comedic aspects, the setting still brutally mocks fascism simply by showing the results of authoritarianism as being destructive. >The more heroic characters and factions are universally those who buck the trend of being repressive fascists, from Space Marine Chapters like the Ultramarines and Salamanders to Black Library figures like Ciaphias Cane, HERO OF THE IMPERIUM! >Anyone lending even the smallest amount of critical thinking to Warhammer 40k would have to figure out they’re kidding. >Ah Critical thinking. That might be the issue. >So let’s talk about the other /pol/ raid that often used images from Warhammer 40k as propaganda: GamerGate. >There’s a lot of contributing factors to GamerGate, almost all of them revolving around hatred of women, people of color, queer and trans folk, and pushing back against their increased visibility in culture and media. >But while the “ethics in games journalism” thing was only ever a smoke screen to hide their repulsive behavior, there is something interesting about how they chose to communicate that smokescreen. >The most common thing I saw directed at game critics (aside from general harassment) was a bizarre plea to not bring politics into their reviews. >Now that’s an absurd request on the face of it; all media is unavoidably political, by dint of it being created and consumed in a political context, so asking someone to review something completely apolitically would more often than not result in something akin to Jim Sterling’s 100 Percent Objective Review of FF13. And why would they even want that? >Because then they don’t have to think about it. This seems to be at the root of a lot of harassment campaigns—perhaps not as much as hatred of women or minorities, but still deep inside: the desire to stick their fingers in their ears and pretend political issues don’t exist. >It’s why some people have felt the need to spend the last 7 years harassing Anita Sarkeesian—not because she’s trying to take their games away, but because she’s demanding that they think critically about those games. >To use an example from this specific fandom, after my January 40k article, I had people coming out of the woodwork to tell me all about the reasons women can’t be Space Marines or just calling me a mangina, completely unwilling to think critically about the game we both supposedly love and ignoring my broader point (or the fact that I had already addressed their points in the article itself). >When you completely disengage your critical thinking, it becomes very easy to embrace Warhammer 40k’s fascist architecture. Of course fascism is good: the humans in 40k are fascists, and they’re the good guys because they’re humans—ergo, their fascism must be good. >It never crosses their minds that the humans aren’t necessarily the good guys. (I’ve actually argued in the past that the Craftworld Eldar are the clearest examples of heroes in the 40k universe, and that the Tau Empire represents the best hope for saving the place.) https://archive.ph/SFPWP
>>178481 this is old as fuck news, nearly 6 years old
>>178478 Envious >what? Envy. Not Jealousy. Envy: Wanting what someone else has, in this case looks. Jealousy: Protecting what you have, sometimes too far ("John doesn't like his wife going out to parties. He's a jealous man"). Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
Netflix Announces More Layoffs, This Time to BIPOC, LGBTQ+ Verticals [UPDATED] >Netflix has now responded to the recent news of mass layoffs. In an official statement sent to The Root, a Netflix spokesperson explained: >We are making changes to how we support our publishing efforts, including bringing some of this important work in-house. >Our social channels continue to grow and innovate, and we are investing heavily in them.” Additionally, they further clarified that the some changes the popular streamer is making are centered around how it runs all of their social/publishing efforts >which includes all of its verticals like Netflix Geek, Netflix Film, and Netflix is a Joke in addition to Strong Black Lead, Golden, Most, and Con Todo. >It was also noted that all of those aforementioned channels were always “run in-house,” but were “supported by agency contractors,” and they wanted to “bring some of the important work in-house.” >But they assured that those verticals “always have and will still be run in-house” and by people from those communities. >It was also noted that the layoffs only represented 2% of Netflix’s employee base and impacted several different teams. > Nearly three weeks after Netflix laid off, and essentially shut down, their branded content arm, Tudum—which was comprised of predominately Black women and women of color staffers and contractors—it appears more folks working under several other divisions dedicated to promoting and highlighting diverse content have also been affected in this latest round of mass layoffs. >According to the L.A. Times, on Tuesday, the popular streamer announced it would be letting go of 150 full-time employees “amid a slowdown in revenue and a decline in subscribers.” >In a statement announcing the layoffs, a Netflix spokesperson explained that the reasoning behind the decision was “primarily driven by business needs rather than individual performance.” >(Yeah, OK. Sure, Jan. “Business needs” or not, like in any other situation where people are let go, individual lives and livelihoods were still negatively impacted IN THE MIDDLE OF A WHOLE PANDEMIC AND RECESSION AND SNOOP DOGG-LEVEL HIGH INFLATION NO LESS. But I digress.) >As the news began to spread online, and several Netflix employees and/or contractors began sharing that they had been affected by the layoffs, an unfortunate trend began emerging—a trend that was eerily reminiscent of what had previously transpired just three weeks ago. >Most of the immensely talented folks who had been let go were BIPOC and/or members of the LGBTQ+ community who worked under several of the streamer’s popular arms dedicated to highlighting and promoting diverse content, like the African-American-centric Strong Black Lead (one of my personal favorites); the LGBTQ+ driven team, Most; the LatinX-centric arm, Con Todo; and the Asian-focused team, Golden. >In addition to that, per Variety, Netflix is also expected to cut “70 part-time jobs at the animation studio related to projects that aren’t moving ahead” and an “unspecified number of freelance jobs in its social media and publishing group.” >Some of those animated projects include (((Ava DuVernay)))’s (((Wings of Fire))), ;(((Antiracist Baby))) with (((Dr. Ibram X))). Kendi, and the hybrid documentary Stamped: Racism, Antiracism and You. >Insiders at Netflix attribute those cuts to creative issues and not cost issues, but honestly, I’m not sure if that explanation is any better. >At this point, there probably isn’t any explanation that can be given when it comes to Black, Brown, Indigenous, AAPI and LGBTQ+ folks losing their livelihoods—especially when most of them were recruited for their expertise, experience and talents in the first place. >We’ve long known that companies—media and digital media companies in particular—aren’t loyal when it comes to their workers, but damn. >Seeing news like this in the midst of everything else going on is beyond messed up and as someone who also works in media, it’s unsettling and sobering to realize that at any point the bottom could also drop over in our neck of the woods, too. >Here’s hoping that all those affected find a home better suited for their talents soon. Keep fightin’ the good fight y’all, you got this. https://archive.ph/Y2QYe Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Star Austin St. John Charged With Fraud >The Department of Justice has named 18 people in a federal indictment, charging them with violations of conspiracy to commit wire fraud in the Eastern District of Texas, and the group of 18 defendants includes Mighty Morphin Power Rangers star Austin St. John. St. John, >whose real name is Jason Lawrence Geiger, is the show's original Red Ranger, and while we are still waiting for more details on the charges, the release from U.S. >Attorney Brit Featherston says that the 18 defendants have either been arrested or summoned for appearance before a federal magistrate judge. If convicted, the 18 charged could be facing up to 20 years in prison. >According to the indictment, Geiger is alleged to have been a part of a scheme to defraud lenders and the Small Business Administration's Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). >Michael Hill is alleged to have recruited others to use an existing business or create a business to submit applications to obtain PPP funding, and on the applications, the defendants are alleged to have misrepresented material information. <You can read the excerpt from the official release by the Department of Justice and the list of defendants below. <Michael Lewayne Hill, a/k/a Tank, 47, of Mineral Wells; Andrew Charles Moran, 43, of Lewisville; <Peter Keovongphet, a/k/a Lil' Pete, 34, of Ft. Lauderdale, FL; <Ty Alan Burkhart, 34, of Frisco; <Jason Lawrence Geiger, a/k/a Austin St. John a/k/a the Red Power Ranger, 47, of McKinney; and <Jonathon James Spencer, a/k/a Spence, 33, of Rowlett. >The release from the Department of Justice reads According to the indictment, the defendants, led by Michael Hill and Andrew Moran, are alleged to have executed a scheme to defraud lenders and the Small Business Administration's (SBA's) Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). >Hill is alleged to have recruited co-conspirators to use an existing business or create a business to submit applications to obtain PPP funding. >Once enlisted, Moran is alleged to have assisted his co-conspirators with the application paperwork, including fabricating supporting documentation and submitting the application through the online portals. >On the applications, the defendants are alleged to have misrepresented material information such as the true nature of their business, the number of employees, and the amount of payroll. >Based on these material misrepresentations, the SBA and other financial institutions approved and issued loans to the defendants. >Once in receipt of the fraudulently obtained funds, the defendants did not use the money as intended, such as to pay employee salaries, cover fixed debt or utility payments, or continue health care benefits for employees. Instead, the defendants typically paid Hill and Moran, transferred money to their personal accounts, and spent the funds on various personal purchases. >In other instances, the defendants sent the fraudulently obtained funds to Jonathon Spencer for purported investment in foreign exchange markets. >In total, the defendants are alleged to have fraudulently obtained at least 16 loans and at least $3.5 million. If convicted, the defendants each face up to 20 years in federal prison." https://archive.ph/nkNix
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I expect more glowies will be posting. https://archive.ph/kBSnF https://twitter.com/ggreenwald/status/1527421440340926464
>>178482 Please be patient, the pokemon card newsposter has autism
>>178485 hey guys, i'm planning to commit mass shootings in every major city in the united states. i sure hope federal agents in all those cities don't allocate a very large amount of their manpower and resources to investigating the attacks that i am legitimately planning to commit, that would ruin said plans.
>>178487 They will probably give you some funds and weapons to get you started. I think it's part of the same government budget that give free crack pipe and cocaine or something.
Think it comes with a Sam Hyde figure?
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>>178489 >made in Ukraine Well, at least they got something right. would've been more funny if it was made in china
>>178485 I would laugh if Biden does the same thing as Obama and use the NDAA to crackdown on BLM and occupies Wall Street supporters. Biden is a white nigger maybe Black Twitter won't turn a blind eye this time? I bet Democrats will start using ICE to get rid of Latinos now they are backfiring on the left.
>>178453 Jesus, poor bob, now being called a limpdick by his autistic, fat, retard of a son. >>178455 Actually delete that, sylvie has suffered enough. >>178472 >>178479 They are like gazongas but more firm to the touch and with damage potential. >>178476 >So far we've been contacted by Kotaku and CNN. Oh damn, what did you guys tell CNN? >>604349 No that was actually false, the one that was gay (and not a gay porn actor mind you) was the original blue ranger.
>>178493 >Oh damn, what did you guys tell CNN? Nothing that's gonna air on TV, they'll just pull the ol' reliable "instant racial hatred".
>>178494 We should get the big titty lolis ready then.
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>>178483 Fixed thanks for the talk
>>178497 Why are you so crabby?
>>178498 He does this EVERY SINGLE THREAD!
>>178499 Isn't Pokemon videogames though?
>>178500 Pokemon CARDS are not video games though & it's always about people stealing.
>>178501 It's tangentially more videogame-related than most other things here, it's harmless really.
>>178502 My problem with him is that he keeps posting the same shit over and over, uses clickbait, sometimes post shit that has nothing to do with GG even tangentally and posts old shit, like that warhammer = fascism article.
>>178476 >Said he was a proud commie since he was 12 You fucking crazy gunmaniac, you think this means anything? It's literally "Someone said communists are fighting for equality so I guess I'm a communist". Do you think children are born with knowledge of politics and history? Being unable to imagine the mental state and level of knowledge of other people is a sign of autism, have you had your head checked? I wish you all dropped the "he was a commie" bullshit, it makes you look utterly dumb. It makes me suspect that you're the falseflagger in all this shit. I know that's dumb, but I have no other explanation left for seeing stupid ideas repeated infinitely here.
>>178503 >like that warhammer = fascism article. What's the state of smug/tg/ again?
>>178505 What do you mean state? If youre asking about board quality, its the same /tg/ as always, chrow is still head honcho so no bullshit is going on. If you mean activy, then, just as the rest of the webring, it is greatly reduced from the days before 8chan went down.
>>178506 The latter was my point technically. Asking was mostly a stealth check to see whether or not you were familiar with/use /tg/ in case cardfag already posted there. I'd have asked outright, but some tribalist niggers find the acknowledgement that certain board communities such as /tg/ are largely more active outside of this site and largely refuse to come here almost quasi-blasphemous sometimes (as far as I'm concerned, we're the largest video games board with zzz in second and all the rest (/geimu/, sports/v/, smug/v/) are dead, we have the only /co/, smug is the largest /tg/ and anime board with /animu/ a VERY distant second, /pol/ everywhere (this one and zzz) is dead due to that period where it was persona-non-grata on the webring in an attempt to avoid trouble, and so forth)
>Disney paid for a Sonic the hedgehog cameo in the Chip N Dale Disney plus movie reboot >Pre-resigned movie sonic was written to mock paramount for listening to sonic fans >The whole movie has a fuck you fans that grow up with the chip n Dale cartoon in the 80s and 90s >(((Rotten tomatoes))) and (((movie bob))) are eating up the movie >Gadget now canonically had 49 kids with Zipper the fly https://youtu.be/hffiZqZWOq8 This shit makes space jam 2 look like a love letter to fans.
>>178508 >>The whole movie has a fuck you fans that grow up with the chip n Dale cartoon in the 80s and 90s Again in English please.
>>178508 >Pre-redesigned movie sonic was written to mock paramount for listening to sonic fans Are they saying Paramount should have went with the shitty redesign? Why?
>>178508 >This shit makes space jam 2 look like a love letter to fans. Did the actors do any CCP ass kissing as well?
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>musk says he'll stop voting left >sexual assault claims come in despite already being settled with an NDA and money like clockwork
>>178509 I stand behind what I said. The movie is one big fuck the fans. Red letter media predicted nu-chip n dale and space jam 2. That was satire back then. https://youtu.be/FtwYg2X3IKA
>>178511 >Did the actors do any CCP ass kissing as well? NBA wished they kissed as much CCP ass as Disney.
>>178514 Speaking of Disney how many years do we have to wait till the movie Seven Years In Tibet is public domain? Because I'd unironically rent out a theater or car parking lot with a big projector and invite as many people who'd be willing to go as possible just to piss off the CCP, libshits, and anyone who worships Mao.... If it was legal.
>>178511 I was reading about Pol pot recently, it blows my mind that anyone would still support communism.
>>178091 Yes it is, thanks anon.
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>>178343 >>178094 >>178093 Contributing with my OC I made a while back.
>>178516 Funny enough I watched a documentary about him a while ago and if Pol Pot's telling the truth the famines aren't necessary entirely his fault per say because all his little underlings were scared to ever give him bad news he ended up living in a very different world from reality and though there was more rice than what was actually produce. Makes sense that the district governors would save their own skin first at the expense of thousands, even millions.
>>178512 Really makes you think 🤔
>>177917 Glow harder spook.
>>178508 As surprising as that is, there's been worse. Vid related was an official ad for the movie. They're still really salty they had to capitulate on their retarded redesign. Fuck them all. Have a rip of the Chip N Dale video too.
>>178508 >https://youtu.be/hffiZqZWOq8 Webm or another source!
>>178523 Im gonna start using direct youtube links every thread just to piss you off.
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>>178524 So, you're going to spite me by providing hyperlinks to a company who hates your guts, wants to burn you at the stake, and demands the complete erasure that you and your family every existing? Great plan!
>>178525 Yup, i never even link youtube, but you being such an annoying sperg make it worth it.
>>178526 Anon you either aren't very bright or extremely easy to manipulate if someone who justifiably spergs out at cancer like direct-linking YT is what causes you to spite everyone. Might as well go take the vaccine since the anti-vaccine spergs are so annoying, live in a pod because the anti-pod people are fucking annoying.
>>178527 >justifiably Look at the entire thread, he demands people make webms for casual conversations, i have no patience for unlikeable autists.
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>>178526 >I'm going to harm myself just to spite you Oh, no, how will I ever recover?
>>178529 >hurt myself Literally not happening, the other anon you were arguing with already explained it to you, but youre such an autistic fuck you see in hyperbole and demand everyone does the same.
>>178528 It takes 30 seconds you nigger, youtube already provides you the videos in webm format.
>>178530 >the other anon you were arguing with already explained it to you What other Anon? >youre such an autistic fuck you see in hyperbole and demand everyone does the same How is this explanation right here a hyperbole: >>178406 <Just today, alone, how many "unimportant videos" did you look up on Jewtube? How many Anons in this thread are doing the same thing? Now, imagine you spent all the time, looking up "unimportant" videos, on another site. Don't you think that would drastically increase the site's Alexa ratings and search interest? And, that's just from your own usage. That's not counting how many times you link to said alternate site. Like I said, it's the small things that matter.
>>178532 >What other Anon? e6aa0a You really, trully believe that 2 anons talking means that youtube will get 50+ views when you dont even need to fucking do more than watching the thumbnail in the embed and i never even linked youtube in the first place. >>178531 Again, no, and i gave my reasons.
>>178533 >e6aa0a You mean the guy who's repeating the myth that Invidious denies Jewtube control, when it actually doesn't, and we've known that for years: >>178401 <Back when Invidious first gained popularity, and even earlier with Hooktube, Anons did some digging and pointed out that using front-ends did minimal damage to Jewgle, even the part about "denying views" was false. And, pointing out that all of the "small stuff" that you casually search for on Jewtube (Front end or not) is the reason why they have so much power. >i gave my reasons You're reasoning is that you're going to scar yourself just to spite someone else.
>>178534 >You're reasoning is that you're going to scar yourself just to spite someone else. No, my reason is that theres no point doing that for casual conversation between 2 anons, its not something to store, nor something relevant for the thread as a dig would be, its completely useless and would purely be virtual signaling, something i refuse to do no matter how many screeching autists that decided on this one thread to force that as a concesus give me (You)s.
>>178535 >my reason is that theres no point doing that for casual conversation >its not something to store, nor something relevant for the thread as a dig would be, its completely useless <Just today, alone, how many "unimportant videos" did you look up on Jewtube? How many Anons in this thread are doing the same thing? Now, imagine you spent all the time, looking up "unimportant" videos, on another site. Don't you think that would drastically increase the site's Alexa ratings and search interest?
>>178522 Movie sonic is so fucking cute non sexually.
>>178537 I meant the newer one btw.
>>178536 How can you fail to realize your autism? You have no fucking clue wheter or not i use youtube, you grab me linking yewtube to show something to another anon as a reason to yell about people in general using youtube, youre autistic, quit this bullshit this thread before you end up becoming yet another named faggot.
>>178539 >How can you fail to realize your autism? <How can eating one more sweet every day cause my body to become fat? <How can spending an extra dollar at RedBox possibly be the reason why I have no money? >you grab me linking yewtube to show something to another anon as a reason to yell about people in general using youtube Because you're still using Jewtube.
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>>178522 >first webm >lmao get laid losers you're adults Why is the "manchild" argument always the first one these shills go for?
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>>178541 Because adulthood is their only accomplishment.
>>178537 >>178538 I wish redesign movie Sonic had more gay porn.
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>>178457 >If you want anons to post vids directly or from other sources, make an image/infograph explaining what to do. Trying to do this now, and I'm just wondering if I should post a screencap of the OP to the thread since it already says everything. And, if so, which theme should I use for it the image or is there anything that should be added?
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>>178373 >nobody likes trans of us 2 To the point that the hacks who made it had to badmouth Elden Ring just to try stay relevant, since their garbage propaganda softwarte completely failed at that.
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>>178508 /fur/co/ BTFO
>>178548 That Russian gadget cult will try to get nukes after this.
>>178549 Oh fuck, they will be devastated, morale will drop on the frontlines! surely this movie wont show in russia.
>>178549 Can only hope the russian Gadget cultists destroy Disney.
>>178484 >their branded content arm, Tudum—which was comprised of predominately Black women and women of color Hiring pet apes instead of human beings and still wondering why everything was ruined. Get woke, go broke.
>>178544 The following designs work nicely for infograph purposes >Miku >MoeOS8 >Tomorrow >Royal >Warosu >Yotsuba P >Yotsuba B
>>178550 >>178551 I don't go on /co/ nor am I a furry, mind elaborating on the russian gadget cult?
>>178554 It's literally a cult that worships Gadget.
>>178512 I fact I still haven’t seen any memes or jokes about this tells me no one buying this. Johnny Depp destroyed #MEtoo thanks to Amber heard and her legal team was paid for by Disney with Obama connections.
>>178555 why in russia, tho?
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>>178551 They will go full "no russians" in disneyworld.
>>178484 >a scheme to defraud lenders He did nothing wrong then.
>>178557 Russians are quirky.
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>>178554 i know there was a ruskie gadget site at zumki.ru but it doesnt seem to be connecting anymore
>>604311 >Being this delusional
>>178548 So is fly posting not banned here? Pretty sure they banned it on smug /a/.
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>>178541 >Why is the "manchild" argument always the first one these shills go for? >Get laid", "have sex" and "incel" are codes for "You found out that our products are garbage. Stop informing people about it!"
>>178553 >Miku >MoeOS8 >Tomorrow >Royal I'll see about keeping these saved, along with the "Lain" version as I like how it looks, and posting them regularly. Is there anything that should really be added to the images in regards to details, links to the thread, etc.?
>>178567 (You)
>>178567 i cant believe metroid prime 4 is fucking dead
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>>178566 All I can think of is logos for the websites in step 2 since pictures get more attention than wordswordswords Maybe a little graphic that has the YT logo with its cord being cut to give it that similar mindset of people leaving cable TV (Especially since YT is positioning itself as that)
>>178567 I can't believe the next mario kart will look like this
>>178571 You want bicyclists on the road?!
>>178564 >Anders Behring Breivik borderline gay for Jack carver in the original far cry >Invader Zim inspired a wannabe serial killer >Tranny Phantom himself Randy stair shoot up a grocery store to become a girl ghost to scissor Ember from Danny phantom >A Brony killed FedEx workers because they lost his applejack orders >Chris-Chan said sonichu was using him as an avatar when he raped his mom Barbara >Glowniggers used Martha speaks as a brainwashing tool I swear we going to ether hear about a Steven universe or Helluva boss/Hazbin hotel fan killing people one day. The loud house probably going get someone raped though.
>>178567 >Hard Drive Didn't someone from there recently get in legal trouble?
>>178522 >They're still really salty they had to capitulate That's Adult Swim, not the production studio. Ugly Sonic was clearly a ploy to get the movie more attention and was never going to actually be used in the first place.
>>178485 No way it passes the Senate. This is another powergrab from Democrats. Either the bill succeeds and they get to tell their voters they're "helping" or it fails and they say all Republicans are white nationalists. If you mention Republicans will be targeted by this under false pretenses they will just claim you're "admitting Republicans are white nationalists".
>>178576 >No way it passes the Senate Hopefully so. Checking on the content it seems mainly about purging "domestic terrorist" inside federal/state/local law enforcement, just so only leftist remains. https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/117/hr350/text
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Mark don't let the monke flu get you. https://archive.ph/4yWzH
>>178578 >(((Who))) considers taking away every country's medical sovereignty >a (((new virus))) comes out of nowhere, just as corona virus was giving off it's last dying fart This is just going to be come the norm now, canada is the preview of the "perfect" globohomo state and we just all but had an open confrontation over the lockdowns in effect there
>>178542 >Because adulthood is their only accomplishment. So they like to claim, but they also surround themselves with [brand] toys, gossip like highschool girls on social media, and fill out coloring books when their brain can't handle "adulting".
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>>178501 >Pokemon CARDS are not video games though Oh they're not vidya, are they?
>>604705 nice cuckchan and twitter "memes" go back
>>178583 You're replying to niggerpill.
>>178584 I don't give a shit who I am replying to, I saw a wojak and I told him where he belongs
>>178585 The point is that he's a spammer/formula-poster who already gets deleted on sight, so replying is generally a waste of time (since he's deliberately shitting up the thread and won't stop because you tell him to) and just leaves replies to deleted posts littering the thread.
>>178582 Oh a wise guy huh?!
For the purposes of shitposting to fill up the rest of the thread: Has anyone else noticed that, every since governments and companies doubled down hard on "climate change", the weather has been getting worse in an ironic twist of fate? IOW, attempting to fight "climate change" is actually what's causing "climate change".
>>178588 Silly goy, its because we are already past the event horizon on our old climate habits. The only way forward is carbon-negative manufacturing!
>>604705 >I AM SILLY It never changes.
>>178588 >Has anyone else noticed that, every since governments and companies doubled down hard on "climate change", the weather has been getting worse in an ironic twist of fate? IOW, attempting to fight "climate change" is actually what's causing "climate change". Most of the money is going only to pay people to talk about climate change rather than doing anything to fight it. So they're just creating a lot of hot air, which should naturally result in global warming.
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>>178588 Have you ever noticed that most environmental problems the world faces is ultimately because of too many humans, and the quickest way to reduce that number is wanton genocide? Just a thought.
>>178592 Have you ever noticed that the only reason mass genocide occurs is because there's more people in the world than before?
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>>178593 I mean it still happened before, it just usually happened as a side effect of warfare or pillaging.
>>178587 >Oh a wise guy huh?! Nyuk nyuk nyuk
>>178594 >it just usually happened as a side effect of warfare or pillaging. Pillaging (the acquisition of assets as a reward) is a side effect of war. Genocide allows pillaging to occur without retribution. or Does that mean that one can only hope Putin (in a poison fueled spergout) starts a nuclear war to save humanity?
>>178596 i mean i was mostly thinking of vikings who made a lifestyle of killing and looting without direct conquest but im sure muslims did the same
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>>177973 >I keep pressing F when they tell me to but nothing happens. >and what the hell is a 2hu?
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Does anybody want to actually do something in the next thread? Like, get out into irc/discord gaming groups and talk to people, tell them what our diggers have found. Keep track of which ones ban you and report back. Simple.
>>178599 >get out into irc gaming groups Which IRCs still exist? >discord No. >and talk to people, tell them what our diggers have found Regarding...?
>>178600 > Regarding...? This should be a good conversation starter
>>178601 Can you give a 60 second elevator pitch explaining it?
>>178602 > Can you give a 60 second elevator pitch explaining it? gamergate was up against a giant organized crime ring disguised as a British intelligence agency.
>>178599 Where to even start? We also need to make sure to give this operation a cool name otherwise it simply will not stick. mp4 related, even US Congress has debated over such things for hours. It's important.
Where is new bread?
>>604769 Those knees and feet are gross.
>>178603 In that image, I see history of drug trade, money laundering, and ties to "important individuals" around the globe. HOWEVER, I do not see a source backing up anything in that image, all amateur research disproves it (Such as MI6 having nothing to do guiding the development of the OSS/CIG/CIA, the Order of the Garter was established in 1348, and no American has ever been given (Even honorary) knighthood into the group: http://web.archive.org/web/20150728065618/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-3176778/EPHRAIM-HARDCASTLE-Cameron-keen-revive-tradition-honorary-knighthood-President-Obama.html (Archive.today refuses to archive)), and it doesn't explain to any extent how it all ties to a whore sleeping around and her envious boyfriend leaking the entire story.
>>178604 OP Chatter. my $0.02
>>178580 Speaking of monkey. >Godzilla vs Kong crossover event the coolest thing call of duty did in years >Still one big missed opportunity >it teases a Kaijus vs hundreds players game mode that doesn’t exist https://youtu.be/VVInWpYXMec
>>178605 in your heart also please gunsmith cats theme
>>178605 There is no new bread, this is the last gamergate+notyourshield bread ever
>>178611 IT'S OVER
>>178613 there is no more flour, go get some
>>178614 Grocery prices are crazy lately.
>>178615 Just don't break into your reserves yet, keep restocking your pantry until there is absolutely nothing to buy.
>>178567 Actually good. Women driving good is something so impossible that even the flying shells are more believable than that .
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Next bread: >>604801 Next bread: >>604801 Next bread: >>604801 Next bread: >>604801 Next bread: >>604801 Next bread: >>604801 Next bread: >>604801 Next bread: >>604801 Next bread: >>604801 Next bread: >>604801 Next bread: >>604801 Next bread: >>604801

Quick Reply