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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]:Chunnibyou Nostalgia Edition. Anonymous 09/13/2022 (Tue) 19:30:52 Id: 15778f No. 220236
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >Cloudflare bans Kiwifarms https://archive.ph/5ziDX >IMDB deletes every user review for The Rings of Power which rated it 5 or less https://archive.ph/Zg95c >Ben Kuchera claims he was fired by Vox Media for taking time off to deal with his children being sexually abused https://archive.ph/nB79z >Arc System Works changes Guilty Gear Lore to appease Twitter https://yewtu.be/watch?v=sYDYXfdzGN8 >Wiki is up again! https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php/Main_Page CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF - Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids: https://archive.fo/U3GLa - Confirms censorship was deliberate: https://archive.fo/XgAgP - No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case: https://archive.fo/37DhK - Marvelous partner starts petition against policy: https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo • Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. • Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well: http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546 B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): • Use https://archive.today to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags • Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 • Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htmSTOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER
[Expand Post] Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics • https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds • https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: • The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb • #GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page • History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ • View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: • GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb • Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: • Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? >>>/gamergatehq/ • All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations • OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L • An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
Wheres muh madness and korn? YOU HAD ONE JOB!!!
>>220238 That's not chuuni. Warhammer fags are just like that.
What is Jeff the killer? I kept hearing about it for a while and I never got it.
>>220240 Its a rip off of johnny the homicidal maniac. only shit. It has shotas though so anons still like it.
>>220241 Thats so fucking gay in so many ways.
>>220240 One of the original creepypastas. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=i520aRuZXLo
>>220238 Funny enough I was considering adding xionic madness but I couldn't find enough art of "decent" quality since early deviantart fanart doesn't look all that well by today's standards. >>220241 An edgy B-tier horror villain from a not so well made creepypasta that got booted from the wiki because of the amount of spin-offs, derivatives, and fangirls it attracted. His female counterpart part Jane the Killer (pic related) isn't all that much better.
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>>689101 >>689118 Shit, I didn't notice there was a new thread until I made my post.
HOLY! Decided to look up Anon's claims about Japan banning or regulating "modified" vehicles, and it is a real thing: https://infogalactic.com/info/Motor-vehicle_inspection_(Japan) However, Japan doesn't do this because of "biker gangs" or "illegal racing", both of which are dying cultures in Japan: https://archive.ph/SX04l https://archive.ph/YVPQE NOPE, the reason why the vehicles cannot be modified is that it's effectively a sin-tax because YOU are not buying a new vehicle whenever your current one needs to be repaired: https://archive.ph/VaH75 <In reality a major driving force behind the inspection system is to encourage the purchase of new automobiles, as the system effectively represents an additional tax on used car ownership. Even owners of a perfectly maintained vehicle can expect to pay 100,000 yen (US $899) for a two-year inspection, and requirements are even stricter for vehicles over 10 years old leading to an extremely high effective tax rate. This is in contrast to vehicle tax regimes in other developed countries, where the tax or registration fee is based on the current market value of the vehicle, meaning older vehicles have a lower tax burden. The Japanese automobile industry has been a long-time supporter of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party coalition and it is highly unlikely the policy will be revisited in the near future.
>>220246 This is fucked, Japan has a large motorbike/scooter community there. What are they thinking with this shit, encourage retard consumers?
>>688979 >>689506 Partially true. The excuse given by the government is that the law is to take down gangs. The actual reason is because the whole Japanese urban society is moving away from consumerism, and in case of vehicles, they are going back to the practices of not buying, but modifying instead. They are repurposing old spare parts from old vehicles and modifying their new ones so they don't have to buy the new ones. And corporations that produce vehicles are panicking from that, because the mindset is already in full motion: don't buy new. Modify the old instead, to save money. Companies hate that, and lobbied the government to enact that retarded law. It is the same panic from companies trying (and failing) to fight piracy: they want to force the Japanese urban society to keep being consumerists. But the population saw the end results of consumerism, and after the economical crisis from the fake virus, are now reverting to their smarter practices of "save, don't buy, and modify instead from before.
>>220248 Why can't they just sell parts to people at a lower price to keep people buying shit to take advantage of the trend of modification?
>>220246 >having to pay 900$ just to keep your own property Fucking christ I hate bureaucrats.
>>220249 Because corporation. The numbers must always go up. Until they can't, and everything crumbles. Tell to a investor "we are going to lower prices" and see the investor take away all his money and sell the stocks.
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>>220245 That's better. >>220246 >>220248 Oh wow that's even worse than what I thought. Companies should never have this kind of power to influence the government just so people are FORCED to buy new shit.
>>220249 See: >>220246 Also, that's leaving out new laws that result in entire vehicle model lines getting axed to meeting emission regulations: https://archive.ph/FwH2m >Japan’s new emissions standards are modeled after the Euro 5 laws in effect across the European Union and have applied to all new models from the end of 2020 and will impact all existing models in November. Complying with the new regulations will necessitate bike manufacturers installing upgraded catalytic converters or redesigning engines. The costs involved in making some models comply are simply too high to justify for Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, and Kawasaki.
>>220250 Now look up taxes on land. Even in the USA. If you want to keep your property. You have to pay for it.
>>220246 I mean japan is also a country that also doesn't want you to mod your game consoles & handhelds.
>>688991 >CGI being too expensive for a specific form's super attack isn't a plot hole either though. Just internal complications. But those internal complications do create a plot hole of a form and power not being used anymore out of nowhere, without any explanation. A giant plot hole that I remember vividly and that made me hate the show was in Kabuto. After "resurrecting" Gattack by turning back time and stopping his death with the use of the Hyper Clock Up, he did not do the same to save that one Native Worm guy who got killed by the other Worms. Just in order to make some drama about the death of a character, a whole super power was conveniently forgotten. There are many more instances, but that one is one of the biggest examples of internal affairs (the need to make a dramatic death of a character) creating plot holes due to the super powers created to specific character. >Honestly I don't even know how Geats is going to do upgrade items when it needs to involve two separate parts. My bet is on the power up being allowing Geats to use those items at will, or to use them more than once. Or to even give him the power to choose a combo once per game.
>>220255 Property tax wouldn't be so bad if it was the only tax.
>>220255 >Even in the USA. If you want to keep your property. You have to pay for it. Those I can defend to a reasonable point (Along with a few other taxes) because you are residing in a country's territory and benefiting from the resources of it. However, those taxes should be going towards the state government, NOT the feds.
>>220253 It backfired tremendously though. Lots of companies are reporting even lower sales of vehicles now. Toyota in particular was the one hit the most with boycotts. I don't know if Toyota was the most vocal one about supporting that idiotic law or if something else happened. But for the population, they are seeing what those companies are up to, and are boycotting them. Many workers now changed workplaces to be closer to their homes just so they can go to work by foot, and don't buy vehicles or pay for public transport. The population is quickly becoming anit-government and anti-corporations over there, from what some Japanese friends told me.
>>220246 I don't understand why anyone want to live in Japan because of shit like this, its better to visit the island for tourism.
>>220248 >>220257 I still wouldn't call them plot holes. More just not taking full advantage of the full deck you have on hand. It's only a plot hole if it actively ruins the plot or makes it nonsense. The upgrade will probably be a boost that's not one time use/find per game & magnum might turn into like a missile launcher or something. >>220260 That's good at least.
>>220246 This last month, the Japanese government also passed a law allowing stores to sell alcohol to minors, just to have more tax revenue from the younger population. Those are the signs of a dying economy and a permanent change in a society.
>>220261 Tourism is what kills a country's culture and economy, in the long run.
>>220262 I consider them plot holes because something that could clearly save a character's life wasn't used, without any explanation on why it wasn't used. It was literally "we can't have a dramatic death if we use that super power, so we won't use it".
>>220265 I see where you're coming from. I wouldn't really say not using a power to say like reset everything when you could like in your Kabuto example is really an example of that though. The plot isn't destroyed because Tendou doesn't resurrect one worm.
>>220266 Yes it is.
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>>220263 >the Japanese government also passed a law allowing stores to sell alcohol to minors If animu is any indication Nips are even more paranoid about Alcohol consumption by teenagers than certain burgers, how the fuck did that happen? Are they trying to avoid 1923 Weimaresque revolts by getting everyone too drunk to protest?
>>220246 So they are banning information on how to repair your own devices so people will throw away perfectly functional hardware and consumer new products. Japan is unironically the dystopian nightmare that people pretend like even the most liberal cucked American cities are. These fuckers have no rights and no cultural backbone to protect any of the little rights they have left. It's infuriating seeing how meek they are.
>>220267 I disagree.
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>>220268 >getting everyone too drunk to protest Yeah, that tends to work out well.
>>220270 Okay. You are objectively wrong though. But I will be honest, who gives a rats ass.
>>220271 Futbol hooliganism arent protests, they are drunken riots where plebs kill each other for stupid reasons while the elites laugh.
>>220263 Drunk loli art soon?
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>>220245 >>220253 made some small corrections, mainly in both Sunny and Basil's chest and shorts.
>>220276 Shotas are a vidya staple.
>>220277 Homosexuals arent. Its the difference between thinking link is a cool boy on a magic adventure and wanting to fuck his shota butt.
>>220273 >>220271 I always compared football fan fights on par to gang fights. They're basically gangmembers down right to the color they represent.
>>220278 I wish link was real
>>220278 If they didn't want people to lust for link then they wouldn't make him so attractive!
>>220281 If you werent gay you wouldnt find him attractive.
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>>220281 Anon…
>>220285 You have lust, not admiration. As always, homosexuales are perverts that want to turn any male bonding into the sexual perversion they so crave, in this case you mixing up role models with you being homosexual.
>>220287 Or I'm just fucking with you & in actuality find forced gay retcons shit.
>>220289 It's lu.
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>>220276 >>220278 To be fair, OMORI is "homo/fujobait: the RPGMaker game". The characters were designed with the explicit purpose of making shotacons (like the very creator of the game) wet/cream their pants, and as a result everyone in the game has lowkey yaoi vibes despite being openly heterosexual.
>>220293 I want to fuck Basils femboy ass. No homo.
>>220293 Creator's probably a woman so it makes sense she injects homo erotic undertones while still inserting a female love interest.
>>689519 >Cute, just don't discuss any of your Brenton Tarrant fairy tales anywhere on this site, k there champ? Too afraid to have people taking action for real and doing the right thing?
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>>220246 So they willing to indirectly kill an industry to save an other because for some reason this will help their economy even if this ends up causing more economic problems. There's corruption involved with no doubt.
>>220273 >FOOTBOL and Politics are different Not really, aside from one of them has the ability to tax you and have the authority to fucking kill you don't do what they say. The vast majority of people in political debate don't look any further than the color of the jersey anyhow. Serious political discussion takes place in the halls of power and on obscure internet forums. For the average shithead, it really is just my team right team, backed with the fear of they might fucking kill me once social decorum starts to break down. Also, remember that revolutions are often birthed in the back rooms of pubs over drinks.
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Remember to spread around this image recommending actually good games to the Nips! The point of this chart is to inform the Japanese on what the good games that the West has actually produced over the past few decades are rather than let companies tell them that Westerners "like" Ass Creed, Life is Tumblr, and CoD, and to make their games "like that". If you don't know who to send it to, post it on Japanese vidya discussion boards you know of, Nip e-celebs your enjoy, or even Japanese creators who you think listen to their fans. Also, in case you're curious, here's what the into on the image states: This is a list developed to inform Japanese players of 150 of the best video games that the West has created over the last 30 years. Some of the games listed may conflict with your perception of Western titles. If you live a busy live and cannot analyze the list, here are the games we advise starting with: Archive of the final chart creation thread: https://archive.ph/nZGq8
>>220290 Everyone is a strawman, right?
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>>220294 That's gay, and no amount of "no homo will change it". >>220295 I'm sure OMOCAT (the creator of the game) is female. She's also the author of that gay Pretty Boy comic that used to be posted in LOL threads long ago.
>>220299 Wasn't it posted on 2ch and nips weren't that impressed? How many times can we make an inpression before they consider that image spam? Do we hope someone saves the pic then posts it again when the topic of western games comes up? That's good enough I suppose, at least then it'll get shared every once in a while.
Posting Takizawa-san to reduce the gay levels.
>>220303 Posting this man to neutralize the homosexual pheromones in the air.
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>>220301 >2nd pic
>>220297 The way I see it, it is more like genuine incompetence and lack of understanding. As pointed out here >>220248 it seems that Japanese politicians (and probably corporate/retards too) are deadly afraid of the population changing behavior. And in that desperation, literally enacted laws forbidding the population to change their behavior. Of course it will fail in the long run. But for spoiled rich idiots, "use money and laws to forbid things that I don't like" is the only thing that they can think of, when cornered.
>>220302 >Wasn't it posted on 2ch and nips weren't that impressed? No, that was /librejp/, I got filtered by Futaba's region lock when I tried to post there. >How many times can we make an inpression before they consider that image spam? Don't spam it, just direct it to people that you think would be interested. >Do we hope someone saves the pic then posts it again when the topic of western games comes up? If someone does, that would be great.
>>220305 That would explain why Oak has trouble identifying the sex of people.
>>220300 Oh on, I was singling this totally random, innocent anon >So I will do anything to stop you. That includes paying certain people to poison the food of your children for no damn good reason at all, right?
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>>220307 >I got filtered by Futaba's region lock Don't you need to have windows region setting on JP, or can you simply bypass that with a VPN?
>>220301 That's a good comic.
>>220310 Don't think changing the locale of the OS will grant access to a region blocked site. Remember while back when Alicesoft didn't allow access to foreigners.
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>>220312 Strange, I remember a way around that, but that was 5 to 10 years ago. I'd share if I had the method, sorry.
>>220310 Maybe a VPN will let him post, but changing his OS' language to Japanese won't help at all since his assigned IP would reveal his actual location. >>220311 https://imgur.com/gallery/qlj6k
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>>220314 >assigned IP would reveal his actual location. That's what I'm thinking. Also just checked Alicesoft, looks like they no longer block access.
>>220314 Nice.
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>>220295 Women pretty much just put their traits onto male characters to make the idealized versions of a male in their mind, it's probably why gay guys get along so well with straight women, it's also a paradox with trannies, because they 'want" to be the woman, and not the idealized male of what women seek. In turn becoming neither, a mistake.
>>220314 >Maybe a VPN will let him post Tried it briefly with one VPN, but didn't work. Someone on /animu/ recommended Mullvad, but I haven't signed up yet to try it.
>>220317 >Women pretty much just put their traits onto male characters to make the idealized versions of a male in their mind Don't guys tend to do the same thing for the reverse?
>>220317 You mean FTM troons trying to be the idealized version of a male in their heads and being absolutely destroyed in the dating market or MTF trying to be the epitome of femininity with girly dresses, knitting and traditional stuff and making feminists angry?
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>>220319 >Don't guys tend to do the same thing for the reverse? Tomboys?
>>220319 I do, or at least i think i am doing it. Like I thought up 2 female characters but 1 acts like a man.
Archive of previous bread: https://archive.ph/C0a8Z
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>>220247 the literal first paragraph
>>220319 absolutely, both sides are incredibly guilty of this because they want what's familiar and understandable I'm not saying it isn't attractive but it gets REALLY old when I have to see some porn artist's comic OC'S be nothing but punky/gothy stoner chicks that are down to earth, lax, and modest with giga-tits, you can practically hear them imagining the wedding
>>220319 Yep. Many who play as the opposite sex design their characters to resemble their "ideal man/woman", and some of them even engage in deeper roleplay. Similarly, many of those who play as the same sex add traits they wish to have in real life, and isn't until they get bored of playing as "themselves" that they design more creative characters. >>220321 If a tomboy like Daisy is your ideal female form, then yes.
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Remember to link to alternative video sites and/or attach videos to posts as WEBMs/MP4s Also, remember to contribute towards Operation Download And Conquer: >>>/t/5546
>>220238 >KoЯn Nostalgia aside, "Go!" followed by that heavy riff is still fucking good. https://invidious.snopyta.org/watch?v=jRGrNDV2mKc
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>>220324 I just noticed there are other game templates, nice
>>220261 Still going to move there next year as it's still less fucked as where I live.
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Least deranged 8chan admin
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[Expand Post]>Dat Project: https://datproject.org/ >Filecoin: https://filecoin.io/ >Holochain: https://github.com/holochain/holochain-proto >Instant.io: https://instant.io/ >IPFS: https://ipfs.io/ >Kek.gg https://kek.gg/ >Onion Share: https://onionshare.org/ >ORC: https://orc.apache.org/ >Peergos: https://peergos.org/ >Perkeep: https://perkeep.org/ >Pomf: https://github.com/pomf/pomf >QBittorrent: https://www.qbittorrent.org/ >Sia: https://sia.tech/ >Storj: https://storj.io/ >Swarm: https://github.com/ethersphere/swarm >Tahoe-LAFS: https://www.tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs >Uguu: https://uguu.se/ >WebTorrent: https://webtorrent.io/ >Other sites: https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Pomf.se/Clones Galleries and image hosting >ArtStation (SFW only): https://www.artstation.com/ >HicceArs: https://www.hiccears.com/ >Wysp: https://www.wysp.ws/ Internet and browsers >BadWolf: https://hacktivis.me/projects/badwolf >Basilisk: https://www.basilisk-browser.org/ >Beaker: https://beakerbrowser.com/ >Bromite: https://www.bromite.org/ >Falkon: https://www.falkon.org/ >GNU IceCat: https://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/ >Handshake: https://handshake.org/ >I2P: https://geti2p.net/ >InterPlanetary Wayback: https://github.com/oduwsdl/ipwb >Iridium Browser (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/iridium.html ): https://iridiumbrowser.de/ >LibreWolf: https://librewolf-community.gitlab.io/ >MaidSafe: https://maidsafe.net >Mysterium Network: https://mysterium.network/ >Namecoin: https://namecoin.org/ >NetSurf (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/netsurf.html ): https://www.netsurf-browser.org/ >Otter Browser: https://otter-browser.org/ >Qutebrowser: https://qutebrowser.org/ >Sphere Browser (WARNING: https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/sphere.html ): https://sphere.tenebris.cc/ >Surf: http://surf.suckless.org/ >Tor: https://www.torproject.org/ >Ungoogled-Chromium: https://ungoogled-software.github.io/ungoogled-chromium-binaries/ >Web Browser: https://git.nuegia.net/webbrowser.git/ >Yggdrasil Network: https://yggdrasil-network.github.io/ >ZeroNet: https://zeronet.io/ Marketplace >DLsite: https://www.dlsite.com/eng/ >DMM Games: https://games.dmm.com/ >Fruitbat Factory: https://sites.fastspring.com/fruitbatfactory/product/buy >ğchange: https://www.gchange.fr >JAST: https://jastusa.com/ >Play-Asia: https://www.play-asia.com/ >Top Hat Store: https://shop.tophat.studio >Zoom Platform: https://www.zoom-platform.com/ Pastebins >Paste: https://github.com/jordansamuel/PASTE >PrivateBin: https://privatebin.info/ Search engines >ActiveSearchResults: https://www.activesearchresults.com/ >Gigablast: https://www.gigablast.com/ >Marginalia : https://search.marginalia.nu/ >Mojeek: https://www.mojeek.com/ >Wiby: https://wiby.me/ >YaCy: https://yacy.net/ Social media >anime website: https://anime.website/ >Baest: https://bae.st/ >baraag.net: https://baraag.net/ >Free Speech Extremist: https://freespeechextremist.com/ >GNU Social: https://gnu.io/social/ >Hubzilla: https://zotlabs.org/page/hubzilla/hubzilla-project >Mediachain: http://www.mediachain.io/ >Pawoo: https://pawoo.net/ >Pleroma: https://pleroma.social/ >Plurk: https://www.plurk.com/ >Poast: https://poa.st/ >Shitposter Club: https://shitposter.club/ >Steemit: https://steemit.com/ Streaming >8chanTV ( >>>/site/1519 ): https://watch.8ch.moe/ Video and audio platforms >AVideo: https://github.com/WWBN/AVideo >BitTube: https://bittube.tv/ >D.tube: https://d.tube/ >MediaGoblin: https://mediagoblin.org/ >Veoh: https://www.veoh.com/ >VidLii: https://www.vidlii.com/ Video downloaders and converters >boram: https://github.com/Kagami/boram >ffmpeg (Can be paired with Nadeshiko on Linux: https://codeberg.org/deterenkelt/Nadeshiko ): https://ffmpeg.org/download.html >NewPipe: https://newpipe.net/ >WebMConverter: https://gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter >webm.py: https://github.com/Kagami/webm.py >wybm: https://github.com/Kagami/wybm >youtube-dl (Also download ffmpeg for best compatability; guide: >>>/t/5546): https://youtube-dl.org/ Web hosts >Create your own: https://archive.vn/BtM69 >IONOS: https://www.ionos.com/ >KolymaNET: https://www.kolyma.org/ >Neocities: https://neocities.org/ Other >AdNauseam: https://adnauseam.io/ >Amateur Game Development General: >>>/agdg/ >ChannelChanger: >>>/t/1257 >Crescent Isle: >>>/site/532 >Kdenlive: https://kdenlive.org/ >LINE Sticker Downloader: https://goonlinetools.com/line-sticker-download/ >Magic Wormhole: https://github.com/warner/magic-wormhole >OpenTimestamps: https://opentimestamps.org/ >Privacy Possum: https://github.com/cowlicks/privacypossum >QEMU: https://www.qemu.org/ >The Wick Editor: https://www.wickeditor.com/ >VirtualBox: https://www.virtualbox.org/ Suggestions are always welcome! Revision Updates: 8/22/22: https://archive.ph/uIkAI
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>>220336 If I was there, I would probably try to rub Marks tummy and say "Jewcy Jewcy!" maybe I will if HWNDU comes back, and have Mark wear an "I 😭 cunny" shirt too.
>>220315 What games Alicesoft makes that are interesting to play besides Rance and Evenicle?
>>220268 The law just passed last month. Wait until by the end of the year and then next year for anime to suddenly have stories about how children drinking alcohol is super cool and healthy.
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>>220263 Oh shit, I hope this means legalizing cannabis, or at least hemp derived delta 8 in Japan soon.
>>220341 >about how children drinking alcohol is super cool and healthy. Is the anime going to be based in 18th century France, when the water was so toxic that you had to drink liquor in order to stay hydrated?
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Just a heads up, two more games to put on the pozzed list Harvestella and the new Story of Seasons, so far confirmed that Harvestella also has the pozz in the JP version. It's unknown for Story of Seasons, but the blight is infecting the source now.
>>220343 That's still the case in areas of France and Europe and well fucking China.
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>>220344 >It's unknown for Story of Seasons, but the blight is infecting the source now. I'm betting it's going to be another localization change backported to the Japanese version, because of Xseed.
>>220309 Point to where he is wrong though.
>>220344 >Just a heads up, two more games to put on the pozzed list Do we even have a list of confirmed pozzed games or games pozzed by localization that succeeded or failed?
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>>220344 What's non-binary? Is it like spongebob where is asexual?
>>220350 Not as far as I know. Just a list of developers who are pozzed is.
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>>220344 >square enix Not surprising.
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>>220353 >A lot of nonbinary people toss gendered roles onto men and women Isn't it the other way around? Where nonbos are trying to break out of it but can't help being boxed by their biological function, so a true neutral physically cannot exists. I see it as attention whores who make a big fucking stink about not being boxed in and have to try to make it an entire fucking identity out of that abstraction, grasping at straws for validity, seemingly adding redundancy to what nobody has ever had a problem to begin with.
>>220351 It's an umbrella term for those who for some reason don't fall under the binary classification of man-woman. According to this vague definition, trannies, (reverse)traps, hermaphrodites and 99% of the genders listed in Wikipedia fall under the umbrella of "non-binary".
>>220339 Haha. The way mark shouts "Normalfagsths" with a lisp at the end is the icing on the cake.
>>220355 It's literally just straight white women seeing the social capital trannies are getting by existing as a special privileged class and wanting a piece of that pie. So they cut their hair short and declare themselves non-binary. It's the same concept for the men. Wear slightly effeminate clothes and reap the social capital of being some special retard gender instead of just being a feminine dude. Identity isn't even apart of the internal thought process. It's all social capital and nothing else. None of these people care about their expression or internal gender identities, literally not a single one.
Remember, you still owe me a clock.
>>220354 At this point anything SE should be a write off, they've been leaning more at doing localizations internally. The majority of the team when you look them up are exactly as you'd expect, pronouns, LGTBRAAAP, soy face, etc.
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>>220357 Yeah, notice the way marks sexy little squishy tongue juts out of his mouth. He's always had that trait where the tongue is so enlarged it causes a minor speech impediment and rolls his "sss" into "thhhhh"
>>220330 When I read it back, it's in Tong's voice, complete with radio static and the notification noise preceding it. Uh-mazin'.
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>>220324 I'm making a separate thread for these
>>220363 Poorly painting the nipples doesn't make it SFW.
>>220361 I mean you can just TELL by his mouth and tongue position he has a bad lisp. Imagine the only thing you have in common with one of the greatest heavyweight boxers of all time, Mike Tyson, is his speech impediment. Thats basically Mark Mann.
>>220363 Reported
>>220365 Define SFW?
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>>220344 >>220354 Since when did Squeenix ever made a good game?
>>220368 Safe For Work
>>220370 Then the site's definition of SFW as regards what should and should not be spoilered on SFW boards is not Safe For Work, because it only requires that genitals, anuses, and female nipples not be visible.
>>220371 I'd say nudity should go by Japan doujin rules. If it shows the areas of a woman or a man that would normally be censored in an ero doujin, then the image should be spoilered.
>>220371 I don't know if ESL or if you just accidentally your sentence there.
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>>220349 Weather he's wrong or not if you really have to resort to making threats online, you pretty much destroy your own argument.
>>220375 whether*
>>220371 Stop being a nigger anon. If its porn. you spoiler it. This shit aint rocket science.
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>>220375 The post you first replied to was deleted, what is the topic?
>>220344 >2 more new games to not waste time on and instead finish my backlog
>>220378 it was our favourite autist that wants to kill everybody and fedposts all day long, so nothing important
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>>220268 >>220246 >>220263 Japan needs another Nobunaga.
>>220347 Gib Jas loli mod plox.
>>220381 So he can kill a shitton of them again? >>220382 No, penny best grill.
>>220355 He means that they're saying that people who don't fit gender stereotypes are "non-binary". So for example if you're a tomboy with more masculine interests, or a girl who thinks stereotypically girly things like dresses or pink are lame and avoids them, in many areas you now get all your friends and possibly your teachers or parents suggesting this means you're really a boy or non-binary. Like the anon who posted (I think in this thread?) about his nephew whose friends are all pushing him to be trans because he has long hair and isn't masculine enough.
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This AI generation of memes is getting interesting
>>220386 Holy shit that 4th one.
>>220358 The correct word is sex. Masculine sex and feminine sex. Don't use the enemy's made-up terms.
>>220386 I think the fifth one was done with this https://replicate.com/deforum/deforum_stable_diffusion
>>220388 But they didn't invent the word gender, they just created a dumb alternative meaning for it. In common usage gender was and still is a synonym for sex that caught on after sex started being used to mean fucking. https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=gender Also of course he's going to use "gender" when discussing how they view themselves.
>>220364 Wheres the thread anon?
>>220363 I re-edited your image because it looked like shit.
>>220395 >>220363 Atleast post the original one you cunts.
>>220391 >they just created a dumb alternative meaning for it Pedantic, aren't we? Ok, so 'gender' used to have a specialized meaning in linguistics and grammar, particularly to describe inflectional patterns in Indo-European languages which we were either classed as masculine, feminine, or neuter (from the Latin for 'neither'); then some sociologists in the 50s read jews decided to apply that term to pseudo-scientific nonsense that abstracts sexual identity from, well, sex. At no point in the past was 'gender' used as synonyms for sex.
>>220375 Literally not.
>>220393 >>220394 I always find these incredible, how do they always end up on the fucked up fetish boards?
>>220399 you send them where you want them to go.
>>220400 I hate that fetish boards are some of the most used on the site, good thing the hispanic boards are weathering it down.
>>220393 >>220394 What is this?
>>220400 >>220402 I thought it was some kind of human website scraping service, it's actually a front-end testing service called Userbrain where you pay for people to test your website...or in this case a fucked up fetish board.
>>220397 >At no point in the past was 'gender' used as synonyms for sex. The etymology site I linked says you're wrong, and so does my personal experience with how the word is used in real life. https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=gender >The "male-or-female sex" sense is attested in English from early 15c. As sex (n.) took on erotic qualities in 20c., gender came to be the usual English word for "sex of a human being," in which use it was at first regarded as colloquial or humorous. Later often in feminist writing with reference to social attributes as much as biological qualities; this sense first attested 1963. Gender-bender is from 1977, popularized from 1980, with reference to pop star David Bowie. The people you're talking about invented the idea that "sex" and "gender" are different things. Thought a lot of them have partially or fully abandoned this nowadays and will now insist that the sex of anyone who identifies as a woman is female. (Even before abandoning it nobody ever said "Driver's licenses say "SEX: M" so it's fine if they don't match my gender.", the distinction wasn't deployed when inconvenient.) Meanwhile gender is still used synonymously with sex in common usage.
>>220293 >>220295 >>220301 I can confirm two things 1. OMOcat is not a shotacon 2. OMOcat actually denounces any people who enjoy shotacon and lolicon as pedophiles.
>>220386 Huh, so it wasn't my mind playing tricks on me on the first image.
>>220380 So, a strawman?
>>220405 That sounds like bullshit.
>>220388 There is no such thing as a sexual identity as it relates to biological sex. Your sex is what it is. Unless you're trying to tell me people can express their biological sex in different ways somehow?
>>220377 Define porn.
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>>220344 It's weird how of all games Farming games are becoming the Kings of Pozz.
>>220398 Okey dokey, edgy Chuuni. Runs pretty well with the theme of the thread anyway.
>>220397 Also I just realized that you might be implying that that the "male or female sex" usage is derived from the "having sex" usage, but that's wrong. The "male or female sex" usage predates it by 500 years. https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=sex >late 14c., "males or females considered collectively," from Latin sexus "a sex, state of being either male or female, gender," a word of uncertain origin. "Commonly taken with seco as division or 'half' of the race" [Tucker], which would connect it to secare "to divide or cut" (see section (n.)). >The meaning "sexual intercourse" (have sex) is by 1906
>>220413 What a grifting faggot.
>>220412 it always bothered me that penis looks like it's backwards.
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>>220414 Isn't that the type of gaming demographic the most susceptible to pozz anyway? I.E. Casualfags with low investment.
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https://archive.ph/ICwRY https://archive.ph/ixZAD https://archive.ph/lDv3U >SOnY Also the video has more dislikes then likes (if you have the extension): https://yewtu.be/watch?v=2Gv371O2UP8
Hey guys, uhmm... how can i stream in 8ch.tv? I can't find a guide or something so i can set up a test stream.
>>220418 This artist and many tend to draw dicks from the top like they look if you're looking up at one, for some reason.
>>220404 >The etymology site I linked says you're wrong Hmm, alright, it does seem like 'gender' was used elliptically to mean "man-kind" or "woman-kind"; however the grammatical sense still precedes it, and at any rate it's generally proscribed; leftists/SJWs also use equivocation to trap you into admitting there are many genders, in this way: >"there are only two genders!" >"but anon, gender is not sex; gender is a social construct, while sex is biological." >with how the word is used in real life It doesn't matter; now the term is laden with pseudo-scientific baggage, and people are using it incorrectly. It's better to use 'sex' to spare the inconvenience. >>220416 >"male or female sex" usage is derived from the "having sex" usage I never implied that.
>>220423 >"but anon, gender is not sex; gender is a social construct, while sex is biological." To which you link the etymology and say something like: >In common usage, "gender" is a synonym for "sex" that is used because "sex" also means "fucking". The definition where it refers to gender roles was created by feminist writers more recently, and the definition where it refers to "gender identity" was created by trans-activists more recently still. Showing people the actual etymology is going to be more convincing than trying to avoid a common word.
>>220386 Could you do Marks asshole?
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>>220425 Can't, I'm just getting images that other people created. Apparently people are using it to generate porn, fursonas and CP. Furry artists are going to get fucked.
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>>220421 Go here anon: >>>/site/1519
>>220426 AI art apparently generates based on art from all over the internet, and twitter "artists" are getting butthurt about their pictures being taken and transformed without their "consent"
>>220428 >>220426 Gotta love how those who aren't artistically inclined act as if AI generated (complete misuse of the term AI btw) artwork is somehow going to deem real art made by actual people obsolete. Sounds like a cope.
>>220428 I always thought that was what the AI was doing, it's still pretty amazing and if it's transformative it's fair game isn't it? Honestly I didn't think I would see an AI being able to replicate art until I was like 80. >>220429 Still ages off, people want very specific things from their commissions so yea the AI's not gonna be able to do that shit for ages.
>>220424 >Showing people the actual etymology is going to be more convincing than trying to avoid a common word Convincing people that SJW ideology is retarded is a different matter altogether; equivocation in words can be avoided by simply using one that's more suited for what is being denoted, which in this case is not the ambiguous 'gender' (and it was ambiguous even before it was applied by sociologists).
>>220428 (Checked) That means artist getting scared about being replaced is technically nothing unless we've somehow reached an artistic singularity. >>220426 I hear that the script can't mimic dynamic poses and it's primarily limited in producing still images and poses at best. >>220429 People still don't seem to understand that A.I. in most sense are just pre-made instructions and that actual A.I. that can think and adapt is still far from humanity's grasp.
>>220426 AI generated CP is probably going to break sites like this because of heavy handed legislation against any porn depicting children. The second normalniggers are forced with the moral problem of how to deal with it their brains will break.
>>220428 Reminder that even if an artist "forbids" the use of his art in AI models, it isn't legally binding and thus is meaningless. At least that's how it is in Japan, which is the only thing that matters.
>>220428 >>220430 >AI art apparently generates based on art from all over the internet Could they make the AI site specific (like this site) instead of scraping from the whole internet? Board/thread specific AI art would be fun too.
>>220433 >their brains will break I mean, excepting jurisdictions where loli is banned, are realistic depictions of child intercourse generally legal so long as it's not based on real children? If so, I don't see the dilemma; it wouldn't count as CP.
>>220429 Fuck off with the cuckchan speak.
>>220438 What did he say that was cuckchan?
>>220439 "cope" specifically. Often paired with "seethe" and "mald".
>>220437 Technically its all federally illegal https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2256 " (8) “Democrat activismography” means any visual depiction, including any photograph, film, video, picture, or computer or computer-generated image or picture, whether made or produced by electronic, mechanical, or other means, of sexually explicit conduct, where— (A) the production of such visual depiction involves the use of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct; (B) such visual depiction is a digital image, computer image, or computer-generated image that is, or is indistinguishable from, that of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct; or (C) such visual depiction has been created, adapted, or modified to appear that an identifiable minor is engaging in sexually explicit conduct. ... (11) the term “indistinguishable” used with respect to a depiction, means virtually indistinguishable, in that the depiction is such that an ordinary person viewing the depiction would conclude that the depiction is of an actual minor engaged in sexually explicit conduct. This definition does not apply to depictions that are drawings, cartoons, sculptures, or paintings depicting minors or adults. "
>>220426 >CP WHAT.
>>220442 >such visual depiction is a digital image, computer image, or computer-generated image that is, or is indistinguishable from, that of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct. Pretty definitive.
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>>220440 Nice promotion there.
>>220437 The current legality is irrelevant. Normalfags aren't exposed to the moral problem enough to care about developing the current laws any further. You show them loli porn and maybe it's disgusting or bothersome but it's ultimately drawings and people just don't care that much. Perhaps even hyper realistic art in general wouldn't even be enough to justify normalfags caring that much too. But what easily can stir shit up is the accessibility and the extreme novelty and requesting a depiction of the exact scenario you want. This piques interest and will generate a massive amount of attention.
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>>220335 >>220347 I always forget the name of this site.
>>220445 ITs the lowercase pedo, he needs to talk about his favourite topic and single conversation theme in life.
>>220448 At least people have mostly learned to stop taking the bait.
>>220442 So the laws governing loli don't apply? It's illegal even if no child is involved? Well, in that case there's no dilemma either; you could just legislate against inputting descriptions that would cause the AI to generate CP, and charge sites that don't comply with restrictions.
>>220430 >>220429 It's good for ballparks, and you'd really only commission an artist if you specifically wanted their take on a piece. "artists" are still salty though, because now it's dipping into their livelyhood, even though these same people make money off of commissions dealing in characters they didn't create. It's kinda funny. >>220432 They are definitely getting scared, there's tons of artists worried about their financial woes in relation to AI >>220435 Artists who don't have any particular copyright on any of their work don't really have any leg to stand on. >>220436 I think it would be funny to see, but then you can obviously just toss an entire artist's catalog from Kemono Party onto the AI and forcibly generate hundreds of renditions of their pieces to put them out of work actually that sounds pretty hilarious. >>220442 the question is what constitutes a cartoon, and how is that different from digital art. Sculptures can also be digitally generated, and the AI pictures are technically just pixel assemblies that are no different from a painting.
>>220450 There are open source AI's that you can run with no restrictions on your own hardware.
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>>220410 >That first pic
>>220446 >This piques interest and will generate a massive amount of attention Probably, but I don't see any dilemma insofar as the law is concerned. If any realistic depiction of children is outlawed, whether involving actual minors or not, that's trivial.
>>220450 correct. >>220451 >indistinguishable if you specify in a cartoon style when genning the image then its probably legal. but if it gens a realistic looking image regardless... >computer-generated image that is, or is indistinguishable from, that of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct.
>>220433 Or the law will just end up giving up on it because it will be unenforceable especially once these AI things end up having fully offline and distributable versions.
>>220428 >>220430 >their pictures being taken and transformed without their "consent" Which is a misrepresentation of how it works, unless you're using something like img2img it's not really a matter of transforming another work. My understanding is that during training it looks at countless images and creates a high-dimensional model of what words look like. High-dimensional meaning instead of directions like "Up" it has a direction like "Muffin", where going in that direction makes something look more like the images labeled "muffin". Another direction might be "Impressionist", another "Trending on Artstation". Once the training is done there's a set of weights which doesn't save all those images it looked at, it just saves that model of correlation between images and words. The way it learns things from the dataset is different from how humans learn things, but it's still closer to artists learning from the images they've seen than modifying someone's work.
>>220456 >but if it gens a realistic looking image regardless... Can a non sapient, non sentient computer algorithm spontaneously break the law, without the intent of either the designer or the user? Answering that in the affirmative is as retarded as making the modification of motorcycles illegal.
>>220457 >the law will just give up That is the most naive statement ever posted here.
>>220459 but of course. The one charged would be whoever owns it. If your cars breaks fail in the night. and it rolls onto a kid and kills them. Would you still be charged with manslaughter? Yes.
>>220452 They could still apprehend devices with illegal material. Feds are connoisseurs of CP.
>>220457 >Or the law will just end up giving up lmfao
>>220409 Anon, you are responding to Luciano.
>>220460 >That is the most naive statement ever posted here. See marijuana legalization. An the re-legalization of alcohol after prohibition. Or fuck see cops just abandoning precints, and police stations even, to BLM and antifa. Or the law abandoning enforcement of theft less than $1000 in Cali. Or enforcement of vagrancy in a lot of cities. The law enforces until they can't and then they start letting things slip. The law doesn't have an infinite amount of money and manpower to enforce everything and both money and manpower look to be on the further downturn in the US for a long time. Maybe permanently until the dissolution of the country. >>220461 >If your cars breaks fail in the night. and it rolls onto a kid and kills them. Would you still be charged with manslaughter? Yes. More like if your Tesla goes rampant one night, starts itself up, and decides to reenact Maximum Overdrive. It would be absurd to charge someone for that.
>>220465 >see weed laws still federally illegal. try smoking a joint in a national park. >or alcohol Still illegal in several counties, and the production and distribution remain heavily legislated. Anon the law never gives up. Because you have money. and they want your money. and if your broke? Slavery is still legal for the goverment.
>>220464 Ah damnit I didn't realize.
>>220465 Absurd? Maybe who knows. But you would still be charged with manslaughter. Such is the law.
>>220466 >>220468 Draw me a clock.
>>220466 <Anon the law never gives up. see >Or fuck see cops just abandoning precints, and police stations even, to BLM and antifa. Or the law abandoning enforcement of theft less than $1000 in Cali. Or enforcement of vagrancy in a lot of cities.
>>220465 >It would be absurd to charge someone for that Anyone retarded enough to own a Tesla should be charged.
>>220441 >>220438 I never browse cuckchan, cope is an actual words that exists you know?
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>>220405 >t. OMO "Shota isn't exclusively erotic" CAT >>220420 Cursed trips.
>>220470 Yeah it still wasnt legal. And comparing a communist take over of the goverment to any kind of policy is asinine. And youd be a fool to think it would last for very long. They never give up. But sometimes our jew run goverment does tie their hands so they cannot act.
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>>220426 >>220433 >>220443 >>220442 >>220459 >>220450 >you could just legislate against inputting descriptions that would cause the AI to generate CP, and charge sites that don't comply with restrictions. >>220452 <There are open source AI's that you can run with no restrictions on your own hardware. >>220462 >Just arrest anyone who generates anything illegal Jesus fucking Christ. This is AIDungeon all over again. You can't contain it without severely gimping the AI, anymore than you can "improve" Tay by preventing her from saying no-no words, or "ban stories about underage characters" on AID by freezing anyone's ability generate text who writes the words "[X] year old" and then snooping in all their private stories. Think about what how what you're saying will work. Of the endless AI images generated constantly by the masses from online services, you have to have someone comb through it all looking for images that could be construed as naked children, sending the cops after whoever generated it to investigate if they decided to keep or delete them, and add any words, combinations of words, sources, et cetera to an endlessly increasing ban list because those things have the potential to generate illegal images. Even if this was a tenable approach, and AID proves it's not, doing so would severely hamper the ability of the AI to generate freely in ways that don't involve illegal pictures of fictional minors. Just as it did with AID whenever someone typed in "8 year old computer" or other similar phrases. And then you say the cops could somehow apprehend people for AI images generated locally? How the fuck would they know? I'm fucking appalled at this draconian stance taken so lightly for something that does not involve real children, just because it's in conflict with current law. Guess what, so is loli, and piracy, but that shit is largely or entirely unenforced because it's unenforceable, just like this will be unless the creators of AI generation decide to shoot themselves in the foot like AIDungeon did. And that can only last so long until it becomes viable for people to make and run the software as freeware.
>>220474 >They never give up. Oh I didn't realize I was responding to niggerpill. You were subtle this time faggot.
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>>220469 Yeah not that anon. But good on you for still trying ti get a clock out of him.
>>220451 >these same people make money off of commissions dealing in characters they didn't create Gee anon, go and tell that to every single comics artist. I didn't knew that everything had to be completely original for someone to profit off it!
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>>220477 No hes a brazilian nigger loving apeman. I am merely describing to you how the real world actually works. Ever heard the saying you cant beat city hall? Well there you go. An individual cop can be a lazy cocksucking useless faggot, and most are, but the law is a beautiful thing. And it never stops.
>>220476 It's like I said the enforcement costs in time, money, and manpower will soon outstrip their ability to enforce it. If thay continue to try after that point they'll drain themselves and won't be able to respond to anything. The only other option is to try and go full 1984 and that will just end up destroying them too. This AI generation stuff is a breakout development. A sort of technological black swan. People are either going to have to accept it and reorder around it or get bowled over by it. >>220474 >Yeah it still wasnt legal. In some states it's not legal for women to wear makeup because it's considered witchcraft. That doesn't mean that it's enforced anymore. Law and government do have a limit. If they didn't then every county on the planet would be running a police state that makes North Korea look like an ancap utopia.
>>220481 >but the law is a beautiful thing. And it never stops This has got to be some new sperg. No organic anon would say something like this.
A lot of what America receives blame for in the world stage, culturally, actually originates from India, including the tenuousness and lack of quality of labor and employment. Do something about the street-shitters and watch how quickly things improve. They rape little boys over there, who the fuck cares if they catch a bomb or two. Leave it on God to have brought over the good ones already.
>>220479 >passive aggressive tone stay angry that twitter art is being ground up and put into AI art that those artists will never profit from.
>>220483 So we agree the law never quits. Excellent im glad you see my point. >bur enforcement often falls short Of course. It depends on human beings. >>220484 No sadly I've been here two years anon. Ask me how many times kazu has banned me.
>>220486 I don't even know why you are bringing Twatter into the equation, must be a sign of brainrot from overexposure to this thread for so many years.
>>220476 >How the fuck would they know? If the AI does what I think it does, namely scraping images off the Internet, then the feds could certainly snoop on the traffic to see who's requesting the auto-generated CP. >I'm fucking appalled at this draconian stance taken so lightly If realistic depictions of children are outlawed, then that's what law enforcement is going to do. What else did you expect me to say? >so is loli Not in all jurisdictions, and not banned federally in the US. >and piracy What does piracy have to do with CP?
>>220489 That specific comment was particularly about the offline local AI. Sorry I didn't quote before it and I wasn't very clear. >not banned federally in the US. 1466A was never entirely struck down. >What does piracy have to do with CP? What does loli? Piracy and loli are both just examples of unenforceability. I'm making no other relation between them and the topic at hand.
>>220487 >So we agree the law never quits. Excellent im glad you see my point. I said the exact opposite of that. And you've done that twice before. I'm on to your game faggot. >>220478 >>220481
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>>220428 >>220429 I don't think that AI will soon replace artist yet because art requires a self-expression that comes from a human. But I wonder if companies will use these AI artists to be hired as concept artists in entertainment. >>220485 >A lot of what America receives blame for in the world stage, culturally, actually originates from India, including the tenuousness and lack of quality of labor and employment. Who the fuck thought that it was a good idea to let pajeets be into higher positions of power in big companies? I know that Nepotism is one thing, but for fuck's sake.
>>220489 >If the AI does what I think it does, namely scraping images off the Internet, then the feds could certainly snoop on the traffic to see who's requesting the auto-generated CP. I very much doubt it's scraping the internet in real time dude. You acquire the datasets to train the AI then the AI can develop new images based on that training and those datasets. It's not looking up images of children because you asked it to right then and there.
>>220493 You have failed.
vai se fuder
>>220492 >I don't think that AI will soon replace artist yet because art requires a self-expression that comes from a human. That's what they said about the photograph. Then suddenly there was a movement away from realism. Technology has been the enemy of art for a century now.
>>220493 >Off by 10 lmao.
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>>220495 >>220498 I shouldn't browse too much when I have a headache. Damn
>>220494 Yeah basically once you have the algorithms to generate a realistic human body you can do so over and over infinity without having to further referencing new material.
It's easy really, just have the AI make adult asian women, short and petite.
Less than 7000 posts to >>696969
>>220502 Nice.
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>>220501 >have the AI make adult asian women, short and petite THY WILL BE DONE
>>220488 I haven't participated in a GG thread in like 5 years my dude.
>>220501 No anon. You can't do that. Many adult Asian women look like western children. You could easily generate something appearing to be a minor! We must ban any Asian women without wrinkles from being used as source material, as well as ban all Asian women from being used as source material in conjunction with non-Asians that lack wrinkles! This will quickly lead to insanity.
>>220485 >A lot of what America receives blame for in the world stage, culturally, actually originates from India, including the tenuousness and lack of quality of labor and employment. Nothing about opium?
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>>220502 >>220501 Dude, NICE
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>>220420 When will gaming companies stop trying to recruit niggers and focus on Mexicans? I want more SNK style games.
>>220507 >This will quickly lead to insanity. Country's going down a crazyhole anyway. Just sit back and enjoy the spectacle and try to avoid falling in yourself or being drug in.
>>220490 >offline local AI Fair. >1466A was never entirely struck down Still legal as far as I know. >What does loli? People who accuse loli of being equivalent to CP and jurisdictions that don't make the distinction. >>220494 You'll still have to access illegal material to perform that at some point, which could be risky. Best case scenario the AI manages to assemble seemingly illegal material from bits & pieces of legal ones.
>>220508 The USA doesnt get blamed for the opium wars, though i really want a boxer rebellion part 2. >>220511 They would have a bigger market if they aimed towards hispanics in the USA alone.
>>220511 Wen Mexicans become politically active enough to rock the boat.
>>220513 >Best case scenario the AI manages to assemble seemingly illegal material from bits & pieces of legal ones. That was always the case being discussed, I thought? Afterall, any pornographic media that uses CP in it's creation is CP. Traces, photoshop, et cetera.
>>220513 >You'll still have to access illegal material to perform that at some point, which could be risky. Best case scenario the AI manages to assemble seemingly illegal material from bits & pieces of legal ones. No you wouldn't? An AI doesn't need to be fed CP to produce CP. Just like an AI doesn't need to be fed images of a woman with horns in place of her eyes to produce it. Children are not radically different enough from adults that an AI couldn't splice the concept of a child and nudity together without needing to be fed data of literal dapper gentlemanren.
>>220517 >dapper gentlemanren n.ude c.hildren
>>220512 That reminds me, is Belisarius canonized as a saint in the Orthodoxy or the narrative about him being a traitor to Justinian I still persists? I know the queen was the reason why he was blinded and stripped all of his ranks and riches while John, the ambitious motherfucker fed the emperor false narratives about him, that's why he got recalled.
>>220517 you'd end up with images of children with roastie vaginas.
>>220517 >dapper gentleman That's a new one.
>>220519 That (thankfully) wasnt the fate of belisarius, justinian pardoned him and he just retired to his estate in constantinople and died either shortly before or shortly after justinian. Buddies forever.
>>220520 Splice in some colored loli cunny that tends toward the anatomical side. Or maybe just images of cameltoes with skin-tone clothing would work?
>>220513 >You'll still have to access illegal material to perform that at some point It wouldn't have to be illegal. There's plenty of medical, anthropological, and even artistic images of nude humans of all ages. >Best case scenario the AI manages to assemble seemingly illegal material from bits & pieces of legal ones. You're under the wrong impression that the AI is merely just photoshopping things together. That's not what these things are doing. They are understanding things like the appearance of human skin and hair and the proportions of humans and perspectives and how human limbs are arranged and what is the possible range of movement for humans. It's basically just "learning" how to draw much the way a person learns how to draw. If you want to make that illegal at that point then you're going to have to go full Taliban and make drawing in general illegal and even the depiction of the human form. It's like the whole "ghost gun" bullshit. It's doomed to fail unless they plan on making shit like 3D printers and CNC machines illegal too. They might WANT to but they'll fail ultimately. The only way they could "succeed" for even a period of time is to find some justification for martian law and then just never end the lockdown. And even that eventually ends in general rebellion or just plain bedlam after a while.
>>220524 >find some justification for martian law and then just never end the lockdown lol covid
>>220485 >They rape little boys over there, who the fuck cares if they catch a bomb or two. You must be thinking of Pakistanis.
>>220525 Yeah basically only what ever it is it'll have to be scary enough to stop people from rebelling in the all important initial stages or they'll never get the lockdow off the ground.
>>220511 When niggers stop being jewish playthings, but don't count on that happening the average nigger is dumb as a brick and will always be used like they're meant to be. Like the curse of Caanan, "... servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren." Being the slaves of slaves.
>>220527 Although frankly if the US ever does try a truly hard lockdown it's probably best for all anons to take themselves and their families out of the nuclear first strike zones because at that point the Elites would basically know that the jig would be up and the lockdown is nothing more that them trying to buy time to get to their bunkers of flee to the southern hemisphere before they press the button.
NEW COMIC The only thing that got my attention was the HnK rhythm game thing.
>>220530 >not tom nook's book and cook ive said this before but i really dont think you know how jokes work
>>220421 >how can i stream in 8ch.tv? See: >>>/v/674144
>>220531 I don't remember any animal crossing for the direct.
>>220236 I thought the next theme would be (((Disney))) Nigger mermaid.
>>220445 Anyone else loving the new Kamen rider show?
>>220535 Geats hasn't hooked me like Revice or Zero-One did. Mostly because I don't like Ace being an actual jerk MC or Keiwa being a boring POV character. I don't like secondary POV characters in Kamen Rider to begin with.
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>decide to try Reddit for Professional Faggots (aka Hacker News) because I have an office job and some people at the office read it and talk about it a lot >it sucks, it's all clout chasing faggots, silicon valley problem haired cunts, autists posting textbooks on configuring kubernetes, Windows hating neckbeard autists, American politics and other shit >they gate features like downvotes behind high upvote quotas (500) >hit quota in a few days by making pithy comments everyone agrees with, it's immediately apparently it's just reddit in a suit, controversial or spicy opinions are downvoted into oblivion very quickly, only water-cooler humor is allowed >site administrator bans someone for pointing out that prince andrew is a pedophile and remarks that there is no evidence for that >comment on this >he snarks back, searches through my post history, deletes a bunch of posts he doesn't like (this is literally useless as any post older than a day will never be looked at again by anyone) and hellbans my account I'm not sure what I expected, but man, I sure didn't miss shitty cliquey websites and their admins from the mid 00's. It's so nice to be able to say what you want here.
>>220537 It is worse now since before they at least had to manually look for something to smack you with. Now they have automated tools to find the "offending" posts and ban you in the laziest way possible. Hell on reddit they can just edit your posts to whatever ban worthy thing they want if they really want you gone. I wish more people saw the value in anonymous posting, since it at least protects a bit more from assholes abusing their positions.
>>220536 Is it just me or Geats full of male crotch shots compared to other Kamen rider shows?
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>>220543 It's just you. Crotches front n center are a staple.
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>>220530 Do it.
>>220544 >Crotches front n center are a staple. That's kinda gay. Any female Super Sentai series with lots of crotch shots? I'd be surprised if that doesn't exist.
>>220541 Do I dare ask why my post was deleted this time? It was a reply to >>220537 , and didn't seem worthy of deletion. >>220535 >>220546 (checked) Honestly I have never watched either. Are they actually worth checking out?
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>>220547 because dog decided to use a shotgun on niggerpill and you got dick cheney'd from it
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>>220546 I don't watch much sentai because most are unsubbed, have bad subs, or have horrific localization fansubs. Should tell you right now though that most suit actors are men. Female suit actors do exist though & have become more prevalent in recent years but they aren't common.
>>220548 As is tradition I suppose.
>>220547 >Honestly I have never watched either. Are they actually worth checking out? I recommend starting with Kamen rider zero one, Kamen Rider Ryuki or OG's's first Kamen rider series. They are easy to find with English subs.
>Go to local vidya fight night >Encounter a newcomer there looking for people who play shooters instead of exclusively fighters >Ask him what kind of shooters he plays >Paladins >He doesn't play any other shooters >Wants to play Apex as well but his laptop isn't powerful enough >Inform him that there are loads of other shooters he can still play >Asks me what shooters I play >List of F.E.A.R., Red Steel, Singularity, Crysis, Medal of Honor, Ashes just to name a few >He hasn't heard of any of them >He think's F.E.A.R. is a Doom clone >Asks me if I've played Fallout >Inform him that I have played the first, but only for a few hours >Thinks I'm talking about Fallout 3 >Have to tell him that I'm talking about the original >That came out in '97 >The guy appears to be older than me >I'm 27 <My mind while I'm talking with this guy and he doesn't have a clue what's out there Forget this image: >>220299 We need to lead a campaign to get Western players to know about some of the vidya that exists.
>>220428 The term "AI" is a misnomer IMO, it's more like advance stitching. I would think it fall in the copyright area since it's basically taking parts from the same artist or similar artists, using filter/effect to adjust perspective/lighting/else so that stitched parts are smoothed out. Sure it's a "new" picture, but it's cobbled up from existing pictures that artist can forbid any reuse without consent if they want since it's their property. After that can this be enforced? I think borderline yes since it's reusing parts of existing art and the added value is in the adjustment of those different parts
>>220549 >Female suit actors do exist though & have become more prevalent in recent years but they aren't common. >tfw no sentai gf
>>220428 There's definitely an issue here as some are reproducing chunks of artwork as-is. Unlike sampling in music, sampling in art is not as clearly defined and normalized. We've already seen some fraud "win" a contest by using a Dalle output that he """edited""" (and forgot to disclose any of this to judges before he won, and when he was called out for it he said he edited it and said it was all a social experiment). If we pretend he asked a friend to paint that picture, the friend ought to have won the prize, for example. I think the decision to choose that the AI owners aren't the copyright owners of what the AI generates is not correct. As long as we're throwing art into black boxes for them to grind up and make a mosaic out of them, I can't see any other way to guarantee accountability to artists. Also, and worse, it's frustrating that shit like DALL-E is a priority given it's just a play to eat Shutterstock's $500 million annual profits, and taking attention away from problems that AI could actually help with.
>>220496 before the final blow was struck and will never stop GamerGate.
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I've been listening to a mp3 from a video named "What is an SJW" that I downloaded from youtube back in march 2021. The video doesn't exist anymore (removed or banned) and I wanted to recreate it into a shareable image. Why? Because people are lazy. they are mostly in social media when they go in Internet, and they prefer to digest info from a pic than from a video of 5 minutes and 54 seconds. It's basically a summary of 4 common traits that SJWs and wokies share with each other. It has a few visual aids and short descriptions, but even I can see that it's not universally appealing (it looks like a lame powerpoint presentation), but I don't know how could I improve it. I think more heads think better than one head. Yes, I am requesting feedback here because I don't know where else I could go and at the same time I'm sure this could use improvements.
>>220558 I can share the psd file if you want, Sorry for the double post.
>>220558 This preaching to the choir. Does anyone get their opinions from impact infographics anymore?
>>220552 Could be worse, you could meet relatives, especially children who asks if that Warcraft 3 poster is a Mobile Legends character or if you have fucking Roblox. While ignoring all the neat games in your shelf. Fucking Jewtubers brainwashed these kids to have One Gamenitis and this generation of gamers are truly easily influenced by these "Influencers" to have no curiosity or interest in anything else.
>>220561 I bought my little cousin a Metal Gear Solid collection and he basically chucked it in a corner to go back to Call of Duty.
>>220558 >>220560 It's too much wordswordswords, really harsh to read with solid black on white colors, and agree with other anon the ones most likely reading it already know the basics. Infographics aren't the "popular" things now. What they don't know is specific examples of these behaviours, so if you can show examples of sjws doing these things it would be more useful. If you want to spread it you can use some meme templates to get to the zoomer crowd. Can you post what was the vid about? I might have saved it years ago
>>220558 I'm interested in the mp3, perhaps I could get some ideas. As far as the infograph, why not just make a animated gif out of the points and reduce the image size that way?
>>220562 >The kid could see that Hideo Kojima's a hack Onya, bucko.
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>>220565 So we went past the point of not liking kojima to straight up just shit on metal gear now, huh?
>>220567 Well, Metal Gear was almost entirely Kojima's thing, and the best game (Metal Gear Rising) didn't have his studio's involvement. The less said about Metal Gear Survive, the better. You could just watch an American espionage or military flick (unless there's a film that mends the two) and get the same feeling as playing a Metal Gear game.
>>220568 Snake Eater is a legitimately good game, anon, sorry.
>>220568 >no fun allowed At the very least the first 3 MGS games are actually good vidya and thats a fact.
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide
[Expand Post]☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial ☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore ☑ Accidental meme magic discharge (R.I.P Miura) ☑ Planet-range racism field ☑ Not wanting people to put down the controller and talk about their feelings ☑ Destroyed the logic process of a bot wreaking havoc across multiple imageboards with just one simple trick ☑ Caused Blizzard executives to threaten their employees with rape ☑ Came to Alex Hutchinson's Defense ☑ Made Vivian a feminist symbol ☑ Grew to a geopolitical scale and spilled into real life with devastating consequences ☑ Got their own TV show ☑ Brandon’s First fan ☑ Gave birth to Qanon ☑ Is the precedent for /K/yle Rittenhouse ☑ Ruined people's brains by turning them into corporate bootlickers ☑ Created the concept of "Culture War" ☑ Was the watershed event in the ascendancy of online extremist personalities and tactics ☑ Mars manifest destiny ☑ Was behind Elon Musk's twitter takeover all along ☑ The Ruby Ridge of online violence ☑ Funneled men into far-right politics via witch-hunting ☑ We now live in a gamergateocracy ☑ Resulted in abortions being banned ☑ Accused of being none other than Gamergate ☑ Making mainstream games soft-sell white supremacy ☑ Getting their own theater piece in the Netherlands ☑ Was a rebellion against English class
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>>220568 MGS is actually good say what you will about Kojima but MGS is good.
>>220563 >>220564 Here is the mp3.
>>220386 Is this done with Stable Diffusion? Will anyone backup their model before they shut it down?
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>>220573 Just finished listening to it. You might get traction with it if you provide examples of behaviors mentioned with archives. A video could also work fine but I wouldn't make it longer than 2 minutes. It could be made like a commercial that would be seen on television, where it only has 30 seconds, a minute, or 90 seconds to try to get their ideas & products to your head before you go back to what you're doing. Picture this and use the end of the audio as reference >if you want to know what is an SJW >hate filled <video footage of SJW spewing their venom >high emotion low intelligence <trigglypuff screaming? >a desire to control <there's probably a college or something that talks about what must be done to stop whitey >and insecure narcissists <I recall a woman that asked John Carmack about wage gap & VR, where he said something about not caring what they look like <faintly recall another gal who I don't remember where it happened but I think it had a beta nodder & there was a parody that featured her as a pokemon to battle
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>>220572 >>220570 Regardless of what came after, MGS 1-3 really were great games. They were fairly linear, but the way they told their stories could only be done in a video game. They pushed the limits of the hardware. The writing was infinitely more complex than other games of the time. And while there were some long cutscenes, a lot of stuff was communicated entirely through gameplay. Kojima isn't without his faults. Some of his stuff can be gimmicky. His plots can get out of hand without an editor. His themes can be a bit out there. And then there's whatever the hell MGS4 and the story for MGSV were. But the guy is a creative powerhouse and he was firing on all cylinders for the first three games. He should have just let the series end there. Would have been a perfect run. Even MGS2 has been praised now that everyone is over the Raiden bait & switch. Death Stranding was also fine
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>>220577 Not even Yakuza is free of today's faggotry.
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It's been a long time since I posted on /v/ let lone the GamerGate threads. If anyone remembers the "That kid thread" I posted about how I met a girl from middle school who took revenge and then met her years later in uni and considered asking her out. I'm happy to say it worked out and I'm father of three and happily married so good luck to you anons and hopefully you can clear those backlogs.
>>220579 >father of 3 >in 6 years Tell me you aren't raising your wife's sons.
>>220579 pics or it didn't happen
>>220579 *you lucky bastard*
>>220578 Didn't they remove a tranny mission in a remaster of a previous game?
>>220579 >>220583 Fuck me I'm a RETARD
>>220580 I had twins and my newest child was born last fall. I barely have time to play Vidya which kinda blows as I'd love to autism UnderRail and Elden Ring but being a father has made me the happiest I've ever been.
>>220558 >jpg Those traits fit a lot of groups, and that image is wordswordswords. Cut it down and make the traits more SJW specific.
>>220586 Congrats, anon! You'll get some time to share games with them soon enough. Some day you'll have plenty of time to go full autism on your backlog, but you'll wish for more time with them.
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>There are anons who manged to breed and be happy
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>>220586 good luck with fatherhood anon. this is what splitscreen is for. one of my coworkers used to play starcraft with his daughter sitting on his lap, one of the cutest things I've ever seen
>>220586 Whatever you do, stay involved with your kids' internet activities. Don't let it or (((television))) be your nanny.
I've seen the new Cyberpunk anime and it's good. Not sure what's everyone's problem with Trigger besides being popular.
>>220592 KLK reused too much of TTGL, and the omae wa bakemono shit was stupid. Ever since then, I've seen dislike of Trigger.
>>220591 I'd happily babysit them for free. Need an A/S/L though. :^)
>>220593 That's a fair critizism. Everything they make is pretty much TTGL except a few exceptions. Still, I like it. The animation style is much more fluid than most anima studios today. I just wonder how expensive are they as even the skull girls people hired them for some animations for their indivisible game or however it's called.
>>220592 This group on /a/ called Foolz did a psych op to push a major hate of anything Trigger, even if I have criticisms of Trigger Foolz and others like them made it hard to talk even neutrally about Trigger. >>220593 >KLK reused too much of TTGL Was that really a bad thing? I feel like Trigger is best when they do shit like LWA, BNA and Panty and Stocking.
>>220552 >start work at local storage >talk to some of the other dudes there >one guy doesn't play videogames at all >other guy pretty much exclusively plays online games >has never heard of Team fortress 2 >has never heard of final fantasy >When I showed him meet the spy he asked me "is this a mobile game?" He also had never heard of F.E.A.R but I can excuse that since he was like 2 years old when that game came out.
>>220537 Classical forum-style sites with user identities are ultimately cancer. It always boils down to brown-nosing the older members and censoring yourself.
>>220595 >indivisible They seemed to pin so much hope on that game as the one to let them take back their self-reliance as a game studio given their old flagship series was in legal quagmire due to getting jewed by Autumn Games. Then it bombed so hard they had to come crawling back to Skullgirls to make ends meet.
>>220599 >Since we are on the topic of that shitheap It was a game that had no idea what it wanted to be and suffered heavily because of it. >Did it want to be a platformer Metroidvania with RPG elements? >Did it want to be a turn based RPG? >Did it want to be a character focused skill game? The game was also poorly mismanaged financially due to Lab Zero insisting they'd be in (((San Francisco))) which drained them, changing the scope of the game multiple times and wasting money on shit like Trigger (I have to admit the opening was pretty cool.)
>>220579 So you filled her fertile womb with your potent seed then?
You sons of bitches made me listen to Lay Your Hands On Me again.
two words: gay terrorism
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>>220603 chortle
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>>220603 Thats boring, when are we getting horny girls eroterrorism?
>The day will come when Eltonel posts glorious OC, and everyone will be like: >Nah, thanks anyway >We just input our requests into an AI >It spits out amazing lewds on demand >It even knows your artstyle! Weep for Eltonel >Lewd art generated by AI >Clickbait articles generated by AI >Twitter bots boost trends by AI >Welcome to the future >Who needs you?
>>220606 Our boy eltonel is precius and cannot be displaced by a filthy AI, honestly i like all of our drawfags because they arent actual fags like some in the past. >japan weekend bilbao Wew eltonel euskalduna da, ez nuen espero.
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>>220603 Yes, that's bio-terrorism, also called being a pozpig.
>>220299 >The point of this chart is to inform the Japanese on what the good games that the West has actually produced over the past few decades >This is a list developed to inform Japanese players of 150 of the best video games that the West has created over the last 30 years <list has tons of shit and mediocre games in it You had one job. >>220579 >>220586 I'm happy to hear things worked out for you, I wish you the best of luck in the future, anon. >>220589 Let's just hope they don't fap to their kids in Honey Select. >>220592 I haven't seen any of Trigger's newer stuff but I heard Promare was gay propaganda.
>>220609 >Let's just hope they don't fap to their kids in Honey Select Where do you think we are? :^)
>>220609 It was pretty gay, but not gay propaganda.
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https://www.guiltygear.com/ggst/jp/news/post-2584/ https://archive.ph/rMyEF >ブリジットの性別について多くお問い合わせ頂いているのですが、アーケードモードのブリジットストーリーを経て、ブリジットは自分を女性と自認するようになりました。 なので『彼』と『彼女』のどちらの代名詞が正しいかと聞かれたら、ブリジットは『彼女』にあてはまります。 >前述のキャラクター説明にもあります通り、双子の弟として生まれたブリジットは、村の迷信から守るために両親が性別を隠して女の子として育てています。 しかしブリジットの両親は、迷信から守るためとはいえブリジットに生き方を強制させていると感じ、心を痛めます。 その事にブリジットは気づき、男として振る舞いつつ己の活躍で村を豊かにする、つまり迷信をくつがえすことで、彼女の両親が抱くブリジットに生き方を強いているという罪悪感から解放しようとしました。 結果として村から迷信は消え、両親も彼女も生き方に縛られる必要が無くなりました。 >その後、ブリジットは男として過ごそうとして違和感を感じます。 アーケードモードのストーリーはここから始まります。ブリジットはゴールドルイスやカイとの交流を経たうえで、これまで敢えて目を背けてきた彼女自身と向き合い、彼女にとっての大きな決断をすることにしました。 彼女が勇気を出して、自分自身の気持ちに噓偽りなく選択したその道を、皆さんに見守っていただければ幸いです。 Japanese text confirms it without any other room for interpretation, Bridget is a tranny now.
>>220613 im good with whatever
>>220614 I'd prefer it without the context ala alternate universes or whatever, but at least artists might start doing more of your pic related.
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>>220613 Fucking sickening. One of the most beloved traps in old internet meme history defiled by a death cult of eunichs that won't leave me the fuck alone. Fuck Daisuke for bringing this shit into Nippon too and I hope Arcsys burns in hell.
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>>220613 Mark is a tranny too, no way a man can be as squishy, unmasculine and estrogen filled as our FtM BO. If Mark had a vagina, would you fuck it?
>>220613 Daisuke Ishiwatari cucked, Guilty Gear got fucked.
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>>220613 Now we just need astolfo and felix to be trannies and we'll have the trifecta of twitterdom
>>220611 is this loss
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>>220603 LGBT is just a re-branding of Child Abuse. No one starts being a faggot or tranny in later life, only when young are they "recruited". Many platforms facilitate groomers and won't remove explicit content of minors unless contacted by law enforcement. Here's an example for Patreon and you know damn well Discord is like this too.
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>>220612 I haven't seen the movie yet myself, I've just seen a lot of people say that the movie is full of analogies to coming out and fag persecution, like how the flaming homosexuals wear pink triangles which might be a reference to the holocaust. >>220613 I hope killing Guilty Gear for normalfag money and tranny brownie points was worth it, Daisuke.
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>>220586 Congratulations, Anon. May God guide and bless your family and protect it from degeneracy.
>>220622 >>220624 It's like everybody is using the character except for the retards it was actually made for.
>the two judgement games are out for pc WEEEE
>>220627 >>220628 Guess the whole actor model thing stopped being a problem.
>>220613 >Blazblue wins in the end
>>220627 >>220628 Wasn't that another PS exclusive? Did they just lose 2 exclusives, back to back, after Everybody's golf?
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>>220613 What a waste. Bridget was genuinely an interesting character.
>>220613 Hope none of you paid for this shit.
>>220613 >The least loved entry in the series ruins one of the character's major plot points It's like they want the angry audience to get angrier.
>>220614 It's so fucked and hamfisted even if you're purely considering it from a writing perspective, and shows a total disrespect for his journey up until that point. I mean really? >アーケードモードのストーリーはここから始まります。ブリジットはゴールドルイスやカイとの交流を経たうえで、これまで敢えて目を背けてきた彼女自身と向き合い、彼女にとっての大きな決断をすることにしました。 Just tacked on nonsense that could've been scribbled down in the corner of a notebook by some retarded tranny.
>>220577 >>220578 >>220584 Remember, they removed a tranny mission from 3 & mentions of rape. SEGA of America also supports abortion.
>>220623 Obvious parallels to real life persecution is a given but it isn't heavy handed ACAB BLM shit. The burnish that actual cause problems are still seen as criminals that need to be dealt with. Lio & Galo literally have a fist fight debating their ideals. >>220613 I can't read this.
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>>220613 who cares anymore. I'm tired of seeing the argument that its femboy erasure or its transphobia. Literally caught in the middle of the gayest crossfire.
>>220616 >Westoids get mad at Japanese for making characters that don't fit westoid gender rules. >Japanese companies censor western releases of media they export to enjoy art without offending westoids. >ArcSys decides not to do that this time since introducing Testament without westwashing was a success. >Fuck Daisuke for bringing this shit into Nippon too and I hope Arcsys burns in hell. Burgers, man.
So I just noticed that there is a new Rick and Morty season. I guess I should be happy it felt so hard into irrelevancy.
>>220634 Who pays for games anymore?
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>>220613 >be raised from infancy as a girl or you will face death/exile >have to do this throughout all your most important developing years, it's all you know going forward >try to put up a "front" but your parents aren't buying it and feel bad >goes out to prove the dumb superstition wrong since he's a boy and thus a twin boy doesn't cause misfortune >clearly a story against rigid gender roles >he never had any identity issues of who he was, always clearly a boy that was raised a girl due to dumb circumstances and he never stuttered on this >proved the superstition wrong since a boy brought good fortune to the town >This ENTIRE backstory is incredibly underdeveloped >we have no meaningful insight on how this town runs, why it had this stupid superstition or the citizens insight >we also never really see the parents in any meaningful way >everything is setup to clearly poorly justify why a guy crossdresses as a girl >Daisuke clearly say in an interview that He's a boy >Daisuke clearly says at a Q&A panel that he's a boy >regardless, monkey paw curls because he is Japan's most wanted character, they bring him back in Strive, but it's 2022 and Guilty Gear has become way more for the western audience (Strive sold like shit in Japan) >despite how poorly developed his backstory really is, they add in new shit that clearly wasn't there before >now he all of a sudden has gender identity issues despite never having them before >it doesn't make sense for there to be any sort of conflicting of being a girl since that what he has already been doing throughout his entire life, and everyone else already assumes he's a girl anyway, the Guilty Gear setting would not give a fuck >he completely regresses as a character, gives up gaining acceptance to what he knows he is, falls completely in line with the identity he had to adopt due to threat of death, makes his entire journey almost pointless (not completely since he still dispelled the superstition and got rich) and even retroactively makes the superstition somewhat correct in a bizarre way, as one could argue that the reason good fortune was brought was because he wasn't really ever a man at all. >It's a horrible moral to try to paint as going to back to the situation you were in due to threat of death all of a sudden can become a "choice" just because you dispelled the superstition. You were still forced to play a role without consent for most of your life, that indoctrination from outside parties doesn't all of a sudden wear off. That is Stockholm syndrome-tier rationalization to think Bridget doing this is some personal "choice" NOT influenced by living most of his life on fear of death and how every person he meets thinks and claims he's a girl despite correction. His entire story progression throughout the series with that backstory pretty much makes no sense now, but as common with a lot of modern LGBT attachment of existing characters they had to add nonsensical shit to try to justify it for pats on the back. Well looks like this is their win. John Money-tier gaslighting is CANON in Guilty Gear!
>>220638 >they removed a tranny mission from 3 & mentions of rape. Looking at the original western release. >Keep the Michiru substory which is a crossdresser chasing Kiryu >Remove another substory about an actual mtf tranny with Kiryu giving the usual be yourself romantic advice I just find it funny, also about damn time https://yewtu.be/watch?v=Fxkn-dcy01k
I understand why Japanese net users are so fucking hostile to us and I can't blame them.
>>220613 That sucks, he should've made a new character for that kinda thing. Bridget should've remained a femboy.
>>220644 Google Translate completely mauls that last tweet.
>>220650 >source: dude trust me
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A game director cucks out & immediately niggerpill wakes from her slumber to beg for gaymer cock.
>>220613 >Series was inspired by hard rock and heavy metal I supposed we can add groom metal to the list now.
>>220253 >>220257 Someone should create a Tokusatsu board. I think that there are enough anons to discuss the many shows.
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>>220656 >>220656 I'm convinced niggerpill lurks 24/7 and only posts when his shitposts can net the most (You)'s
>>220659 We had an /m/ on original 8chan but it died & everyone was scattered after the site was killed. Then the 8kun exodus happened & made it worse.
>>220659 I dont think thats going to work. I think it would be better if you just had a tokusatsu general on /a/ or /jp/ or something.
>>220622 Well, fuck, now I HAVE to buy FP2.
>>220650 Use DeepL.
Ey, is Stargate Anon arround? I have bad news for him but I have no archives.
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>>220622 Holy fuck, devs weren't kidding when they said Freedom in the title
>>220667 >badnews >stargate I'm afraid to ask.
>>220669 Yeah, give him that (You) you slut
>>220671 I was just saying twitter bots, I'm just being redundant though.
>>220667 We lost a lot of people, Gate, Reanon, Gook, and so on. Though some of them just went back to Cuckchan, the traitors.
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>>220673 Please tell me gook didnt betray us for 4chan, i liked that little guy.
>>220674 The only guy I know of, for certain, is the guy who posted Chinese 2hu images.
>>220673 While it is a bit disgusting and I myself never went back, if they were not aware of the existence of the bunkers I can't really blame them since there wasn't many places left to go to, period, cuckchan was the closest place to 8chan for most anons KiA is a poor substitute for imageboards and Twitter is okay for artists but shit for regular anons who need a community to stay with for a while Things were really bad.
>>220677 The smart ones knew that /a/ had smug still up and running ever since Josh fucked up (((Infinity Next)))
>>220622 Freedom Planet 2 is vaporware.
>>220677 I can understand that, the only reason I managed to survive all the drama was that I was one of the few who bothered setting up the 08chan bunker months before the site got nuked.
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>>220681 w-why, I wanted to be smug about this game never releasing
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>>220685 What kind of retardation is this? You're saying "art bad" on A FUCKING VIDEO GAME BOARD! If the definition of art is to create media then video games fall under that category. Even if not, concept, digital, & character design art are all things that go into making video games.
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>>220688 IT'S LUCIANO!
>>220688 Don't reply to the schizo, just report.
>>220613 Is a child being groomed into becoming a tranny supposed to be a win or a lose for trannies?
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>>220689 >>220690 Forgive my foolishness.
>>220670 You can imagine.
>>220644 >>220616 >>220613 Japan didn’t even tolerate them using sailor moon characters to sell condoms. The backlash against woke pandering worse in Asia than the west. Even the Chinese programmers trying to develop an A.I to make the little mermaid white again.
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>>220692 sauce?
>>220700 What, they're rebooting it?
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>>220706 They are Amazoning it as they are the new owners of the property.
>>220660 given the amount of copypaste replies he has given you, id say that you have him pegged
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>>220710 This is gonna suck harder than the neighbor's wife, as always.
>>220704 >All the journalists, Stephen Colbert, Reddit and Cuckchan /tv/ shilling in the world couldn’t save Amazon rings of power from flopping >World overwhelmingly unified against stupid race pandering shit outside >Especially with Disney live action little mermaid remake >Same Reddit and journalists now trying to shill for Disney Nigger mermaid >They are now freaking out over AI Deepfake art program in China being able to make Ariel white again >People now unironically calling all Asians who hate the live-action remake Chinese white supremacists https://invidious.namazso.eu/watch?v=Hf80f7w6LU4 https://archive.ph/8xmi4 How soon until AI art programs get banned? American comics book industry and twitter already calling for bans.
>>220711 How about i peg you femboy?
>>220715 Is this AI stuff real and not just a simple photoshop? I keep seeing the same image over and over. Is there a webm of the result?
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>>220710 Fuck, I had no idea bald bazos bought it.
>>220721 Why not?
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>>220721 >It's gay shit Dissapointing
Is kiwifarms still ded? 8kun seems to be working now.
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>>220723 >Why not? >Promoting traffic to a shit site moderated by pozz enabled by the community. >Site doesn't allow you to acess 18+ content without an account. >Linking anyone to the biggest shithole on the internet in general next to reddit, imgur, and cuckchan.
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>>220723 Go fuck yourself that's why.
>>220728 It's not reddit though. >>220729 Okay that's fair.
>>220730 I have to use nitter to keep updated on some h-game devs because even their posts not containing any images get slapped with the "PLEASE LOG IN TO SEE 18+ CONTENT!" shit.
>>220719 >Is this AI stuff real and not just a simple photoshop? I don’t personally know much about art AI myself. But it making art colleges, BLM, and Twitter sjweeb artists mad. That’s make Me Happy.
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>>220731 You have to use Nitter if you want to see more than 4 replies or even a few tweets form a single account before you get a "log on to see what's going on" message. It prevents you from even looking in SFW pages without an account.
>>220731 I just use twitter because I have no social life or real job outside it's a way to keep up with the world.
>>220630 Blazblue's character designs are shit though and appeal mainly to gay people who like sleek fashion Source: had a friend who eventually became gay and a leftist, he used to browse 8ch.net gift me BB centralfiction many years ago, I did not like most of the character designs at all.
>>220719 Presumably fake, AI can't really do consistent videos yet, and can't even really do that level of quality for single images consistently enough >>220727 You can keep an eye on the Telegram account for updates: https://t.me/s/kiwifarms Their TOR address is up, and .st is supposed to be up but it doesn't work for me.
Fantastic how infuriated it became by that single anon accurately reporting on what it does.
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>>220751 >the niggerpill cries out as he strike you
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>>220502 checked
>>220716 sauce?
>>220741 >I did not like most of the character designs at all. <Not wanting to fudge Noel or Makoto What are you? Gay?
>>220760 I said "most" those 2 are fine
>>220715 The chinos won't fucking care, only (((You))) retards would get fucked, while the rest of the world enjoy the AI
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https://nitter.net/Hideki_Naganuma/status/1569411206821322753 Hideki Naganuma on suicide watch. Its been quite the year for him/her.
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>>220764 Wasn't that shit a joke?
>>220767 with this guy, who knows
>>220764 That nigger only uses his Twitter to shitpost
>>220767 Unfortunately no He was starved for attention and trannies manipulated him now he's just straight up fucked
>ID 68ec7b >Single IP post >The chinos won't fucking care Chinese most popular face swapped app using Disney politically correct little mermaid remake to get investments for deep fake technology. China and the rest Asia hates little mermaid remake more than /pol/. >only (((You))) retards would get fucked, while the rest of the world enjoy the AI This reads like (((Niggerpill))) upset people working on deepfake technology to un-blackwash movies.
>>220773 ESL poo please, improve your grammar.
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>the faggot set up a bot to keep spamming that same "MUH MARK" post >doesn't understand how fucking autistic and retarded it makes his lack of an argument appear
Edited last time by Felbot on 09/14/2022 (Wed) 18:30:57.
>>220613 It's sad to see how much damage their new california localization team did in such a short amount of time, I don't see the nip side of the fanbase taking this too well and I only imagine that the western side is a shitfligging battlefield.
>>220762 It’s not just Chineses that are pissed. South Korea, Vietnam, and japan commenters are the pissed. Let the Asians battle Hollywood woke shit with AI flitters you cunt.
>>220762 >>220778 >It's sad to see how much damage their new california localization team did in such a short amount of time, I don't see the nip side of the fanbase taking this too well and I only imagine that the western side is a shitfligging battlefield. Sony PlayStation doing the most damage. Oddly Sony picture outright marketing to anti-woke folks like top gun maverick. Just to show how fake Hollywood woke shit is.
>>220711  >>220743  >>220744  >>220746  >>220748  >>220753  >>220754  >>220755  >>220756  >>220758  >>220763  >>220766  >>220769  >>220772 Okay let's clear some things because I'm fucking sick and tired of you insulting MY Jewcy Boy husbando. >the term niggerpill may be nothing more than the schizophrenic boogieman It's both, niggerpill exists, but marks persecution complex sees antagonistic forces more frequently than other people, this is normal for Jews because of how often said forces manifest, some false alarms yes but he is always on patrol and on guard for his safety. >autistic ugly Autistic? Yes. Ugly? No. He is Jewcy, and I refuse to let you insult his looks, I want mark to gain weight so I can rub his BIG BELLY. I want him to get HUUUGE, like bigger than nikocado. >revolting fat ass You and I live in completely different planets my friend, his ass is not revolting, it is sephardelicious. I'm going to met up with Mark, pop his hasidic hymen and breed the fuck out of his hole. This is a fact, and it will happen. >goes out in public with cum stained clothes He has a very arousing lifestyle, he can't always be primmed after a very intense masturbation session, you're just jealous he can cum hard enough to glaze his entire JEWCY body. >cant handle the smallest criticism He's sensitive, just like his penis and tiny tight hebrew hole. God I'm getting horny just typing this, I'm in such fucking heat >needs to childishly name call every criticism What criticisms? You haven't given any, spam doesn't count, all it does is clog up the thread. Besides, it's good to categorize complaints, how will we know if those complaints are productive if we never organize and label them? >clinically retarded man child Boy, you haven't seen him when he's about to cum. That is when he makes his ahegao face. >0/20 vision he is This is important, because he'll never know when I'll glomp him and start dryhumping him from where he stands. So far you've not given me much substance to work here, maybe if you were a little nicer you could have mark submit to you every once in a while and inject your hot loads inside his hasidic heiny, so far you've shown envy, hostility, jealousy, frustration, anger and general tsundereness. I'll let you in on a secret, if you offer Marky goy some cake, he will let you go to down on his hole, I'm going to get him the most delicious cake I can so I am able to fuck him for hours in a bout of sexy fun times. This was supposed to be ironic but I think I've conditioned myself to find Mark sexually arousing throughout all of these years, help.
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>>220782 >I've conditioned myself to find Mark sexually arousing throughout all of these years, help. There is no help for you. you can no longer be saved.
Amazon's $1 billion LOTR 'Rings of Power' is losing the ratings and viewer battle to HBO's 'House of the Dragon' begging to worry Wall Street >Amazon's $1 billion bet on its new "Lord of the Rings" streaming TV series is falling flat with initial audiences, posing risks for Amazon Studios and the company's Prime membership program. >Though critics have praised the series' scope and ambition, "The Rings of Power" has rankled with audiences, who gave the show a 39% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. (By contrast, Peter Jackson's early 2000s Lord of the Rings trilogy earned audience scores of between 86-95% on Rotten Tomatoes.) >Even on Amazon-owned IMDb, audiences rated "The Rings of Power" an anemic 6.8/10. HBO's "House of the Dragon," released last month, is performing much better. >It has an 8.8/10 rating in IMDb and an 84% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes. For each show's three-day post-debut window, "House of the Dragon" attracted 51% more viewers than "Rings of Power," according to Whip Media data reported by TheWrap. >The publication also looked at data from Samba TV, which tracks viewership through connected TVs in the US. That told a similar story: 3.1 million households watched the first two episodes of "Rings of Fire" in the first three days, while 4.8 million watched the HBO premier in the same window. >Counterintuitively, The Lord of the Rings' rabid fan base, including those obsessed with J.R.R. Tolkien's original books, may be to blame for Amazon's challenges. >It will be impossible for Amazon to please the millions of Tolkien fans, despite the enormous budget for the series," Tom Forte, an analyst for investment firm D.A. Davidson wrote in a recent note titled "Jar Jar Binks Ruined My Adulthood" that drew comparisons between "The Rings of Power" and "Star Wars" fans' outrage over the 1999 movie "The Phantom Menace." >There is bound to be a character, plot, subplot, line etc. in the series that will upset/disappoint many passionate fans and there is, even, a risk that the series itself will prove disappointing," Forte continued. >Low ratings from viewers signals a "greater than zero" risk that some Prime members could cancel their subscriptions, Forte said in an interview Tuesday. >Part of Amazon's strategy with big budget streaming video content is to entice more people to subscribe to Prime because they often end up buying many other products and services from the company. On its own Prime Video platform, Amazon disabled viewers' ability to review "The Rings of Power," to protect the series from an onslaught of incendiary reviews, including some castigating Amazon's decision to cast actors of color in the fantasy series. >Even if it was well-meaning, turning off reviews was a bad look," Forte said. "That's only going to make things appear worse." >By September 9, Amazon finally allowed reviews, presumably after weeding out racist trolls and bots. The ratings averaged 3.5 stars out of 5, with more than 1,000 reviews as of late Friday evening. >On other review sites, people leaving negative reviews said "The Rings of Power" was a break from the spirit of Tolkien's work. >Cover your eyes, lest this morgul filth of a show taint your love of Tolkien," one Rotten Tomatoes reviewer, who gave the series half a star, wrote. "The story is NOT TOLKIEN - If you are a Tolkien Fan - you will not like this," another half-star reviewer wrote. >One hardcore Tolkien fan echoed those comments on Twitter: "Tolkien is turning in his grave," Tesla CEO Elon Musk wrote. >Amazon has said the release of "The Rings of Power" last week was the company's "biggest premiere ever." More than 25 million people watched the series the day it dropped, Amazon said in a press release last week, compared to 10.2 million people who watched HBO's "Game of Thrones" spinoff, "House of the Dragon." >The series' viewership looks smaller, though, compared to the 200 million Prime members who stream videos and TV shows. >That raises questions about how worthwhile the series is for the nearly 88% of Amazon Prime members who didn't watch the premiere – but who are paying an extra $20 a year in part to recoup the huge cost of making the series, as well as an annual $1 billion price tag for the streaming rights to Thursday Night Football. >Amazon executives will be closely watching what percentage of all Prime Video streams the project represents and how many inactive Prime accounts logged on to watch "The Rings of Power," Insider previously reported. >An Amazon spokesperson did not respond to questions about how many Prime subscribers have watched "The Rings of Power" since its release last week. >Amazon insiders, meanwhile, have said the future of Amazon Studios hinges on "The Rings of Power" being a success. >If it doesn't succeed, there's going to be a big question from Andy Jassy and the board," one former senior Amazon Studios exec previously told Insider. "If we can't take this piece of IP and make it successful, why is Amazon Studios even here?" https://archive.ph/llkp2 Amazon rings of power flopped so hard Wall Street Jews worry about a economic collapse. The Rings of Power reviews banned on Amazon Prime for 72 hours to ‘weed out trolls’ >While there may be elves and harfoots in The Rings of Power, it appears trolls are not welcome in The Lord of the Rings universe. >The prequel, which is set thousands of years before Peter Jackson’s film trilogy, in the Second Age, is based on the appendices of JRR Tolkien’s The Lords of the Rings novels, as well as The Silmarillion, Tolkien’s Unfinished Tales, and The History of Middle-Earth. >As well as introducing us to the lush, expansive scenery of Middle Earth, which presumably cost a hefty chunk of the fantasy drama’s reported $1billion (£868 million) price tag for five seasons, the first two episodes see Galadriel (Morfydd Clark) vow to avenge her brother’s death, among other storylines. >Given the ambition and scale of the series, showrunners Patrick McKay and JD Payne must have let out a sigh of relief when the first reviews landed. >Critics heaped praise on The Rings of Power, with the Metro awarding the first two episodes four out of five stars. Reviewer Josh Stephenson wrote: ‘This is a big, beautiful TV show in a scale and scope unseen in the medium so far that you can scarcely believe isn’t a blockbuster film.’ >But while the pros have been sharing their thoughts on the prequel, which also stars national treasure Sir Lenny Henry, Amazon Prime users have been suspended from penning reviews. >On Amazon Prime, at the time of writing, The Rings of Power currently has no star ratings and no reviews, which would be highly unlikely given the hype around the drama. >According to The Hollywood Reporter, the online shopping and video platform, founded by Jeff Bezos, has suspended reviews for 72 hours to ‘help weed out trolls and to ensure each review is legitimate.’ >Sometimes orcs can be like video game characters when they’re just suddenly get killed en mass. We thought if it’s this difficult to kill one orc how difficult is it going to be to kill a lot of orcs? https://archive.ph/2eVF6 Calling now. Giving corporations bad reviews will be illegal in most of the west in the few years.
Ex-Call of Duty boss Jason Blundell leaves PlayStation-exclusive developer Deviation Games >Former Call of Duty director and Treyarch co-head Jason Blundell has departed Deviation Games, the studio he co-founded with fellow Call of Duty alumni Dave Anthony - and which is currently working on its first, PlayStation-exclusive project. >Deviation Games' partnership with Sony was made public in June 2021, with the announcement only going as far as to say the 100-person studio was currently working on a "brand-new original IP", said to have already been in development for a year at the time. >Blundell's departure from Deviation - which comes even before the studio's first title has been officially revealed - was announced in a statement shared on Twitter. >It did not elaborate further on Blundell's leaving, only saying," We appreciate the contributions Jason has made and we wish him the best in his future endeavours". >Deviation Games' other co-founder, Dave Anthony, will stay on as CEO following Blundell's departure, with the studio noting Anthony has also "assumed the role of game director this past year and remains a guiding force as we look ahead". >Elsewhere in its statement, Deviation highlights a number of industry veterans who've recently taken roles on the team, including Call of Duty game designer Tony Flame, and God of War franchise alumni Dean Rymer and Jonathan Hawkins. >Additionally, Louis Castle - co-founder of the legendary Westwood Studios - has joined as senior vice president of development. >This plethora of talent makes Deviation uniquely equipped to continue leading the ever-evolving games industry into the future," the statement concludes, "including with the continued development of our previously announced, groundbreaking AAA original IP". >Deviation's PlayStation-exclusive project is believed to be one of more than 10 new live-service games Sony is planning to release over the next four years. https://archive.ph/vtdsC Pay to win? Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’s $100 Vault Edition-exclusive bonus instantly unlocks all attachments for a gun >The Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 hype has reached an all-time high ahead of the Call of Duty: Next live stream reveal tomorrow, but a new video posted to social media is causing some concern among the player base. >The video posted this afternoon teases the FJX Cinder Weapon Vault, a pre-order bonus for the $100 Vault Edition. Players who pre-order will also be able to use the Weapon Vault in the beta over the next few weekends. >Activision has been somewhat tight-lipped about just what a Weapon Vault really is, but this video sheds some details on what it might mean. >The video says it will allow you to “instantly unlock all 50-plus attachments,” cutting out the time it normally takes to level up a gun and earn them naturally. >This is an immediate cause for concern for some players. Normally, players begin at a level playing field with weapons having to be leveled from the ground up. >Blueprint weapons are similar, but those include specific attachments that cannot be swapped out until other attachments are unlocked. >This simply means that players who order the Vault Edition and immediately unlock all attachments for the FJX Cinder will be at an immediate advantage over other players not willing to fork over the additional $30 for the Vault Edition. >Stay tuned for details on the FJX Cinder Weapon Vault and the new Gunsmith closer to Modern Warfare II’s launch,” Activision teased in an update about MW2’s editions and benefits a couple of weeks ago. >The cause for serious concern is the question of what this might mean for future Weapon Vaults. Will players simply be able to instantly unlock all attachments for every weapon that is subsequently released in future content drops? Previous CoD microtransactions have been mostly cosmetic. This is quite a different beast. https://archive.ph/QVTPc
>>220789 >Amazon rings of power flopped so hard Wall Street Jews worry about a economic collapse. What a shitty world full of Deus Ex Machina situations. Still is amusing they literally killed themselves and the economy for being retarded. >Calling now. Giving corporations bad reviews will be illegal in most of the west in the few years. It depends on what happens the next ellections in different countries, because they sure tried hard to fuck over the other side and the other side is winning a lot of momentum. Civil wars everywhere.
>>220791 >Former Call of Duty director and Treyarch co-head Jason Blundell has departed Deviation Games, the studio he co-founded with fellow Call of Duty alumni Dave Anthony - and which is currently working on its first, PlayStation-exclusive project. Is Sony freaking out over call of duty becoming an Xbox exclusive they become desperate enough to reboot Killzone or resistance fall of man? What would a woke SJW pandering Resistance or Killzone even look like?
>>220794 >woke killzone Were never getting a game where we play as the helghan are we?
>>220796 >Were never getting a game where we play as the helghan are we? I fucking wish, the whole Killzone lore can be (very roughly) summed up to "Helghan declared independance once, so they get fucked constantly". It's about time they get some justice.
>>220796 >Were never getting a game where we play as the helghan are we? Microsoft somehow made gears of war 4 and gears 5 about sexism and humans racist for the genocide of the locusts. Can’t imagine how bad Killzone reboot will be. How many people here even remember Gears 5 and Gears tactics came out?
>>220799 I remember Gears 5's announcement with the mystery meat womxn making diarrhea faces in front of the camera, but I didn't even know there was a Gears Tactics.
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>>220789 I don't care about either show, but I heard that the showrunner for house of the dragon was originally in charge of amazons lotr show, but he got me too'd and was subsequently fired. If true, that's good shit.
>>220579 God damn anon congrats I need to pick up the pace and spread my seed myself!
>>220567 People are just realizing that Metal Gear was never good. It is a common thing of growing up and becoming more intelligent: to notice that some of the things that we "like" in the past were pure garbage.
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>>220579 congrats you glorious bastard
>>220807 Nope, good games, mr (1).
>>220579 needs and animu adaptation
>>220789 don't get your hopes up, anything related to the stock market will not be affected by this. Amazon might be affected - barely. The only thing that could potentially happen is cost-cutting or other methods to recover losses from a business perspective (or maybe less aggressive Prime Video licensing/movies/series). Anything else would be unlikely.
>>220801 >but I didn't even know there was a Gears Tactics. What’s sad is Gears tactics is probably the best recent Xbox exclusive. It got no attention compared to crackdown 3 and sea of thieves. Gears tactics just xcom with more gore and swearing. I literally can’t recall if Xbox series X had any launch titles. I can at least remember PS5 had the awful western devs made demon souls remake that missed the point of demon souls and spider-nigger at launch.
>>220576 >Death Stranding was also fine No. >Kojima isn't without his faults. But everything bad is his fault. The games that were good, were so despite Kojimbo. Not because of him.
>>220813 >Amazon might be affected - barely. They already getting desperate with shutting down fan backlash and canceling expansive shows to recoup rings of power losing money. Amazon already canceled paper girls. A show that was meant to be Amazon's answer to stranger things. Paper girls was suppose to be huge.
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>>220567 >>220568 MGS 1-3 where the best mainline MGS games. 4 and 5 where the decline of quality and people realized that Kojima is a narcissistic asshole. >>220613 I'm not that much into fighting games and Guilty Gear, can anyone give me some information how much of a faggot Daisuke Ishiwatari is? Its honestly disappointing that Japs think that almost all Americans (including countries in Europe and Canada) like pozz, while not knowing what the actual fuck is going on here.
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>>220827 Dude he's been doing it for two hours.
Queer Joker Film The People's Joker Pulled From TIFF Over 'Rights Issues' >a Drew that utilizes the most famous Batman villain, in has been pulled from the Toronto Film Festival lineup over “rights issues.” >Drew herself stars in the film as a struggling clown who is grappling with her gender identity while living in Gotham. The Los Angeles-based director and actress is also behind TV series including On Cinema, Scum, Our Bodies, and I Love David. >According to her TIFF bio, The People’s Joker is her feature directorial debut. I have no clue how today goes and my team wants me to say nothing of course so I’ll stay vague,” Drew tweeted on Tuesday. “L >But whatever happens in the next few hours, I want you to know… if you’ve been waiting and aching to watch our movie, ur going to get to soon. Stay tuned and stay with me. Need ur help.” >The official TIFF synopsis describes The People’s Joker like this: “With comedy criminalized in Gotham City, the show is the only government-sanctioned space for funny people, but only those who will toe the party line. >Disillusioned by a botched audition, Vera partners with a birdlike slacker to found their own alternative comedy troupe, attracting not only a rogues’ gallery of would-be comics, but also the ire of a fascistic caped crusader.” >But the film will no longer be shown at the festival as planned. A statement on the TIFF website reads that the “filmmaker has withdrawn this film due to rights issues. We apologize for any inconvenience.” >According to Variety, the rights issue may be coming from Warner Bros. Discovery, which owns DC Comics and holds the rights to the Batman universe. >A rep from Warner Bros. did not immediately respond to MovieMaker‘s request for comment on Wednesday as to whether the company is preventing The People’s Joker from being shown. >MovieMaker has also reached out to UTA, which is selling the film, for comment. >One fan who did get to see The People’s Joker called it “the best film at TIFF” and vowed that “the film will live on in the hearts of those who were in the audience.” https://archive.ph/76wIL Kek David Zaslav had a tranny joker fan film shutdown by legal threats. >Oh boy, big news >The Chinese are working on technology to Unblack Hollywood movies >Turning progress back in an era when they suppose to be uplifted as kings >Retweet to stop Chinese white supremacist Chinese from what rightfully belongs to blacks! https://archive.ph/uBR52 Nigger twitter freaking out over this. Nigger mermaid the gift that just keep giving.
>>220825 Isn't he also a huge westaboo like Kojima?
>>220830 Don't they have enouth turning an enjoyable copy of a much better movie into a shitty musical with Lady Gaga?
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>>220829 Actually, he's been doing it for almost five hours now.
FNAF Security Breach DLC's Plot Potentially Revealed Through Novels >MatPat believes the Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach DLC will see the true end of William Afton, thanks to clues left in the FNAF novel series. >In the upcoming DLC, titled Ruin, players will assume the role of a new protagonist instead of Gregory. >Not much else is known yet, but a popular theory is that DLC's story takes place after the "Burntrap Ending" of Security Breach. >The announcement for Ruin dropped earlier this year back in May, along with a poster that dedicated fans have been examining in great detail since. >In the poster there are several television monitors displaying the protagonist from the base game, Gregory, running around the pizzaplex along with the words "Help me." >Hidden in the shadows is a terrifying Glamrock Chica, still standing beside a large pile of scrap that looked to be made out of Golden Freddy. >However, perhaps the most curious detail is the little girl in the center of the composition. She is presumably the protagonist of Ruin, but there has yet to be any solid confirmation on who she is. But of course, there are fans, such as MatPat, who have their theories. >The Game Theorists are back with more of their ongoing series of Five Nights at Freddy's theories. A new series of novels set in the world of Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach, called Tales from the Pizzaplex, released its first book, with three more on their way. >The first book is called Lally's Game, and so far it seems to have given more credibility to MatPat's previous theories regarding children characters like Gregory actually being robots. >So that brings up questions about the little girl seen on the poster for the Security Breach DLC and who and what she is. With the ghosts of Afton's murder victims being laid to rest there don't seem to be many possibilities. >However, MatPat noticed a detail in the poster that stands out. The girl is black and white, save for the purple and red lights on her shoes. >MatPat believes that this indicates she is not an ordinary little girl, as the hints of color match the design of Elizabeth Afton, William's daughter. >As MatPat noted, "color has always been hugely important to the franchise," and the use of the color purple in the poster may be a big clue. When Bonnie isn't around, the color purple is always associated with the Aftons. >Therefore, the fact that the word Ruin itself is purple implies that the DLC's story will have a lot to do with the Aftons. Previously, Game Theory explained the Blob, a large entity made of wires and pieces of other animatronics. >In the video, MatPat theorized that William will take control of the Blob and become a bigger threat than ever, which the little girl must then stop. >If MatPat is right about her being Elizabeth, then she may be the only person who can lay William Afton to rest. The death of his daughter was a sudden and unexpected tragedy that happened due to her love for her father's creations. >The novel and poster point out possibilities of her being a robot or a figment of William's imagination, as her death may be one of few he truly feels any guilt over. MatPat's theory may be put to the test soon as more novels come out. Of course, the biggest test of all will be in Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach when the DLC finally drops. https://archive.ph/f85JX EA Opens New Studio, Ridgeline Games, To Develop ‘Narrative Campaign’ Set In Battlefield Universe >Following the rocky and bug-filled launch of Battlefield 2042 last year, EA announced that Respawn’s Vince Zampella was named as the head of the Battlefield franchise amidst wider franchise changes that include the creation of a Battlefield universe. >Then, a few months later, EA announced that its next Battlefield game had entered pre-production using “valuable lessons” learned from Battlefield 2042. >While exactly what the next Battlefield game is remains confirmed, a new Battlefield-centric blog post from chief experience officer of EA Byron Beede and the Battlefield team sheds new light on a possibility. >The next game might be a narrative-focused one set in the Battlefield universe. Many of you know that Marcus Lehto joined the team earlier this year,” the blog post reads. >Today, we announced the name of his new Seattle-based studio, Ridgeline Games. Marcus will bring his long legacy of creating fascinating worlds and gripping narratives to Battlefield. >Backed by a world-class team, he’ll be leading the charge to develop a narrative campaign set in the Battlefield universe that will engage fans in new and exciting ways while remaining true to the classic elements of the series.” >As you can see, the blog post doesn’t indicate that Lehto’s narrative game is the next Battlefield, but it’s a possibility, as is a new multiplayer-focused project like Battlefield 2042. Only time will tell. >There’s a lot more in the blog post, including the announcement that creative director Lars Gustavsson, who has been with the franchise since its start more than two decades ago, is leaving EA, so be sure to head there to get the full rundown. https://archive.ph/4FOCk Bad company 3 or rumors of a battlefield 3 remake or direct sequel that ignores battlefield 4 are true?
>>220833 Rumors that joker 2 rumored to be be a musical with a clockwork orange style rape scene sounds entertaining. Not going to lie.
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>>220579 I'm happy for you. You live my dream.
>>220833 >>220825 >Its honestly disappointing that Japs think that almost all Americans (including countries in Europe and Canada) like pozz Remember the old Capcom leaks of insiders trying to push Capcom to go woke? I assuming that was shot down because resident evil 8 was had fan service.
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>>220840 Id say re8 sold extre well precisely because of all the sexy ladies, because the game is extremely mediocre apart from graphics.
>>220836 >rumors of a battlefield 3 remake or direct sequel that ignores battlefield 4 are true? Why is YouTube so Nostalgic over battlefield 3 campaign recently? I remember battlefield 3 campaign becoming the poster child of bad modern military FPS storylines. Now I am seeing Fortnite audiences calling battlefield 3 the last good battlefield campaign. Are the plots and characters of the new call of duty that bad that kids think battlefield 3 plot and characters were good? I comprehend people being Nostalgic over Medal of Honor 2010 over battlefield 3.
>>220842 But the women weren't sexy. Just ugly as fuck.
>>220844 As always, thats a (you) opinion most people dont share, you need to deal with that already.
Can Mark just turn on captchas already so the boy will shut up?
>>220843 >Why is YouTube so Nostalgic over battlefield 3 campaign recently? Games are so shit now that a shitty game from the 2010s doesn't smell as bad as the trash they put out
>>220842 >Id say re8 sold extre well precisely because of all the sexy ladies Capcom can redeem themselves for Resident evil 4 VR censorship by upping Ashley Graham sex appeal like destroy all humans 2 remake did for all the female characters in the RE4 remake.
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>>220850 But theres a thing though, RE4VR was made as a facebook contract, censorship was something they demanded. For the moment, ashley is looking really great in the remake of 4.
Imagine being this terminally ass-ravaged over Mark.
>>220855 What gets me isn't the butthurt, it's that he comes back here every single day and the moment he gets triggered he goes off like this.
>>220860 It's paid to post. It's not a psychological thing. It's nothing to do with who it is. It's literally given a salary to spam this website forever. You don't need to read any more into it than that.
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>>220846 Gaming culture sure has lowered their standars.
>>220236 Amazon's advertising their shitty Rings of Power show on their fucking packages LOL I ordered online for some hard to find computer parts in my area and these fuckers can't accept the L LOL even the fucking normalfag cumsoomers fucking hate it it's fucking priceless
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>>220579 You lucky fuckin' bastard, your kids are gonna cure cancer my guy.
>>220874 Far from priceless. It's millions wasted.
>>220878 >one is an uncanny and artificial >the other is a nigger.
>>220831 How should I know? Except its known for a fact that Kojima loves (((Hollywood))). >>220878 I'm still dumbfounded that some Leftists called chinks "White" supremacists.
>>220880 It's still improvement.
>>220880 I'd fuck the first one. And frankly aren't mermaids supposed to be uncanny in their beauty, according to myth?
>>220878 She's a bit walleyed, but she's a fish so it's okay.
Man the bots be on the offensive today. Bit pathetic, aint it?
>>220736 you can click in signup and close to continue browsing
>>220902 Fuck that.
>>220902 Some adblockers also let you block the screen elements
>>220880 It's got that same problem as the meat puppets from that star wars prequel, which they seem to have managed to fix in all their latest deep fake meat puppets, so I imagine with more time you could actually get it to not look so uncanny valley.
>>220612 From what was shown on /vhs/ movie night it totally was faggot shit.
>>220908 Literally only a single kiss that was for the sake of saving Lio's life.
>>220878 Aren't Disney massive cocksuckers towards china and their massive market over there? They went full retard by continuing the trend of replacing gingers with black people, but not even with a decent looking black woman this time around, but with Sid the sloth with a brown fucking mop on his head. Now nobody in china will watch their shitty movie and everyone without shit taste or no one who doesn't want to watch an ugly woman be ugly for an hour in america will watch it. >>220909 An anon earlier in this thread got a decent job, married his middle school crush and started a family with three kids with her, meanwhile you're doing this with your life. Is this your purpose in life? Nothing more and nothing more meaningful than this? Anon, are you happy? Do you feel fulfilled right now?
>>220913 >Anon, are you happy? Do you feel fulfilled right now? The mods would probably be a lot more fulfilled if blocking posts based on filters was added to the mod tooling.
>>220915 If it's just a bot then it'd be a problem solved by just turning on the captchas.
>>220915 Yeah they should get to that.
>>220912 >it's okay if there's only a little Die, queer.
>>220919 It's okay because Lio is cute.
>>220923 I don't care about the VA, that's a woman.
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>>220925 Nah. He's a dude.
HOURS of this shit.
>>220912 >>220923 >>220927 Straight men don't want to see other men kissing one another.
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>>220933 Anyone who unironically use Twitter should get the boot, because of shit like this.
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>>220934 What's wrong? not a fan of the thicc ebony vore goddess?
>>220642 DUDE DIE HARD, LMAO >>220923 No it is not you boy molesting fruit
>>220913 >Aren't Disney massive cocksuckers towards china and their massive market over there? They tend to alternate their movies or at least selectively choose the movies they want to succeed over there, so basically they get to have a bunch of pet nigger movies and then a shitty mediocre billion dollar movie. Of course they probably get a bunch of money as well from black rock to offset the costs of the flops as well, while pushing the message.
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>>220938 Lio's a full grown man.
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>>220943 I will show you a full-grown man if you don't stop being a faggot.
>>220946 Not in public, anon.
>>220929 What bought it on this time?
>>220579 >happy >married You can only be one of those.
>>220579 Am I supposed to congratulate you on being a raging normalfaggot?
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Great, FBI-kun is back spamming the same shit over and over. I feel bad for you to monitor this thread 24/7.
>>220954 I think he does it for free.
>>220878 Twitter now banning Chinese accounts from sharing the technology with the western world. Communism loving BLM now hates China and crying white man save us. https://invidious.namazso.eu/watch?v=-Tvn23t73fM
>>220958 You realize yuri has been a popular genre in Japan for decades right?
>>220948 Being paid to do it. >>220949 Pathetic lonely wretch detected. >>220957 Do they think torrents don't exist?
>>220960 >Being paid to do it. But it never lasted this long. What sort of news was shared here that triggered his handler(s), is what I'm asking.
>>220964 I dunno. I consider "spam every single day literally for years" to be "this long," myself. Individual days' shifts aren't relevant within the viewpoint of that. We used to have similar paid shills back on 8/pol/ (real 8chan, that is, years and years ago) that would go for hours at a time… How it flies.
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>>220972 Desperate.
>>220579 Nice job anon I'm still waiting for my chance to make it
>>220662 That works too. It would be nice as a start to discuss the new Kamen Rider, and expand from there.
>>220981 We do have our /a/ here but I dunno if the BO, if he's active, would allow tokusatsu posting since it's live action.
>>220982 I'm the only active vol there and I can assure you, it's allowed. All Japanese media is.
>>220987 Okay good!
>>220579 I'm happy for you anon, people need more good endings like that. Boldness and courage allows (you) to seize your destiny. >>220586 Incredible, I'm sure more happy days are soon to follow. It sounds like you're already doing a good job as a father, so keep it up and do your best.
Made a toku general thread on /a/. Anyone wanna talk about Kamen Rider or other franchises, feel free to come over. >>>/a/1015
>>220998 >less spam if mods weren't a bunch of censorious faggots with fragile egos <Less spam would exist if vols didn't do their job What?
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>>220852 Speaking of which I think I may have found the oldest 'no way fag'.
>>220998 >There would be way less spam, if certain fags weren't a bunch of butthurt faggots with fragile egos. FTFY
>>221002 That wouldn't work at all, he kept spamming even when i wasn't here to delete it all and then I had to delete the same post 5 times.
>>221002 Shadowbans are the most cancerous thing you could possibly do. There are multiple ways including tools that this site already has to prevent spam. The PoW bypass just isn't utilized properly as well as the filter abilities on the BO end being absolutely useless.
>>221002 Shadowbanning is one of the most malicious features contrived by social media, nobody deserves that shit, and its also hilariously easy to abuse. Use your brain for 2 seconds, all you'd need to do is piss off some random mod with a hot take and suddenly your opinions literally do not matter anymore. Hell all I'd need to do now is report you for niggerpill/luciano and have that very effect done to you relatively easily.
>>220936 I didn't know Rustle did big tiddy too.
>>221000 Their job is censorship then? Calling companies to be boycotted is reason for post deletion?
>>221002 >if he thinks it hasn't been deleted, he wouldn't spam anymore I somehow doubt that.
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>>221001 Glorius, trully shitposting is eternal.
Nvm got sauce from >>221008 Thank you bro, appreciate it!
>>220997 Nice initiative. I already started commenting there. See you and other fans of tokusatsu there.
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>>220613 I'm so fucking tired of this shit.
>>221003 >if certain fags weren't a bunch of butthurt faggots with fragile egos. Like all the mods. Exactly.
>>220641 >Burgers, man. I honestly believe that America is Babylon the Great.
>>221007 >Shadowbanning is one of the most malicious features contrived by social media, nobody deserves that shit Desperate fucking measures, anon. I keep hearing this as an argument against shadowbanning and it gets weaker every time.
>>221022 need anon-distributed killfile filter
>>221022 If you think what you're experiencing now requires "desperate" measures you are completely and utterly removed from reality.
>>221018 and certain anons.
>>221007 Anon, that is either niggerpill or Luciano, asking for shadowbanning.
>>221032 I agree
>>220874 Get woke, go broke.
>>221032 Yes very true anon, I agree 100%.
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>>220933 /vore1/ is a goddamned cesspool of furries and fat fetishists. Mostly rejects from Eka's and DeviantArt who are mad that 4chan /d/ won't let them post disgusting mspaint tier shit and fat niggers. There's still a few gems to find here and there, but the threads move at a glacial pace and it's mostly just reposts of shit you can find much easier elsewhere. The only thing I'll give them credit for is telling BigBig to eat a BigBig dick when he got butthurt over people pirating his borderline body horror fetish shit.
Disney wants an "ALIEN" movie every 2 years >Disney first approached Alien, Prometheus and Alien: Covenant director Ridley Scott. The iconic filmmaker apparently turned in a script that was “convoluted and incoherent,” so they ditched that and went with a team of new writers. >Disney is said to be impressed by what they produced and envisages it being the seed for a rebirth of the franchise with a new entry planned to hit theaters every 1-2 years. >Reports are that this project doesn’t feature Ellen Ripley or David and isn’t directly connected to any previous movie, but also isn’t a complete reboot. >According to the leak, the story centers on a group of colonists trying to find a planet on which they can establish independence from governments and companies. >They chance upon one that appears hospitable and seems to be free of life, but it won’t surprise you that this isn’t strictly true. >The hero will be a “Mary Elizabeth Winstead type” named Fiona, a science officer that begins to realize there’s more to her new home than meets the eye. >Cue the eggs, the Facehuggers and the running and the screaming. But there’s a twist, as Fiona manages to successfully grow an alien in her laboratory and train it not to kill her. >This ‘friendly’ Xenomorph will then be sent out into battle to defend the colonists, eventually dying while killing its nemesis. The script apparently ends on a sequel hook, with eggs aboard Fiona’s ship as she leaves the planet. >If true, it’s an interesting direction and seems to take cues from various 1990s Dark Horse comics that explored the possibility of taming the Xenomorph. I have my doubts about whether a pet alien is a good idea, but it sounds like they’re taking some inspiration from the trained raptors in Jurassic World, which could be exciting. https://archive.ph/SYM1B
>>221039 Another IP pounded into ground soon.
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>>221039 Anyone has noticed that Disney are like parasites extracting the lifeforce of every franchise?
>>220844 Again, that is Luciano you are arguing with, anon. See the pattern.
>>221041 What's the worse fate? Having a series with a lot of potential die prematurely or having a series with some potential be pounded into the ground year after year until it is pure normalfag territory?
>>221042 Just like jews.
>>221039 Did they not learn a damn thing from Star Wars? Even their precious MCU is facing burnout.
Stalker 2 dev insists the game has not been delayed again despite Xbox pre-order refunds >Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl developer GSC Game World has refuted claims that its game has been further delayed after Xbox began issuing refunds for pre-orders. >Earlier this week, those who pre-ordered Stalker 2 began receiving messages informing them that their orders had been cancelled due to the fact that Stalker 2's release date has been pushed back to an "unconfirmed date in the future". At the same time, the pre-order option on the Xbox store was disabled. >Following Putin's illegal and barbaric invasion of Ukraine, the studio's home, GSC Game World initially put Stalker 2's development on hold, picking it up again once the studio was later relocated to Prague. Though originally slated to release in April this year, it was pushed to the first half of 2023 and the fact there's no solid date is reportedly why Xbox is offering refunds. >We had to postpone the game to 2023 with no exact release date for now," a GSC spokesperson told PC Gamer. "We made the announcement at E3 Microsoft Extended show, alongside the Dev Diary and intro cutscene. >Microsoft refunds pre-orders for the games with no exact release date. When we announce the exact release date later on, the pre-orders will go live again for Xbox. Pre-orders on PC (Steam, EGS, GOG) are not affected by this." https://archive.ph/wUEwj I have a feeling STALKER 2 fucked. Even without even with Russia invading Ukraine. The canceled NFTs and Microsoft deal are red flags.
>>221044 >>Disney first approached Alien, Prometheus and Alien: Covenant director Ridley Scott. The iconic filmmaker apparently turned in a script that was “convoluted and incoherent,” so they ditched that and went with a team of new writers. <>Disney first approached Alien, Prometheus and Alien: Covenant director Ridley Scott. The iconic filmmaker apparently turned in a script that was “convoluted and incoherent,” so they ditched that and went with a team of new writers. This part pissed me off the most, the sheer nerve of these kikes to think they know what's best for a franchise, to think they know better than the guy who created it.
>>221048 “Convoluted and incoherent” are codes for "doesn't have marxism".
>>221042 Yes. >>221044 I would say latter is way worse. Former would usually stay poz free, which is best thing right now.
>>220236 >>221036 Is that the cunt on YouTube obsessed with sexualizing Rugrats characters?
>>221052 >sexualizing Rugrats characters Oh geez, this reminds me of some fucked animation I saw of Santa Claus raping Angelica Pickles.
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>>220577 >back-end localization engineering <if I make it sound technical, people will think I'm not just some hack translator!
>>221048 To be honest, prometheus and covenant are shit and a mess from a storytelling point of view.
TOKYO GAME SHOW STREAM IN LESS THAN 30 MINS, JOIN US HERE https://cytu.be/r/TokyoGameShow2022
>>221041 >>221042 I just want these fucks to die already, because they're turning everything to shit. Where's the fucking meteor? >>221036 Nigger, spoiler that shit next time.
>>221052 >Is that the cunt on YouTube obsessed with sexualizing Rugrats characters? I have no idea. It was just disgusting and weird as fuck, so I downloaded it.
>>221041 it's already in there. Prometheus and alien covenant are garbage and it's not going to get any better. >>221048 They were fucking right though, Ridley scott is a giant hack, whether it's old age or whatever he's proven he can't do anything good anymore.
>>221052 >Is that the cunt on YouTube obsessed with sexualizing Rugrats characters? Veronica Marie? Angelica pickles did not wear panties https://invidious.namazso.eu/watch?v=Jr9ENrwOylk Rugrats poop scenes discussion https://invidious.namazso.eu/watch?v=yZNy8lC7scE >>221053 Remember that creepy Rugrats storyboard of Stu hitting on Angelica? The guy who draws it is now a sex offender. Kiwi farms and /cow/ obsessed with sonicfags but I feel the Rugrats fandom might be more creepy. Even without bringing up nickelodeon's groomimg and pedo history.
I'm going to have to sue luciano's handlers for licensing fees at this rate
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>>221063 Japan needs to return to their isolationist policies and kick all westerners out of Japan. Re-establish Dejima to house a few quarantined individuals tasked with coordinating the import and export of goods with western countries, but behead the fuckers with a sword if they step foot on the mainland.
>>221047 >Earlier this week, those who pre-ordered Stalker 2 began receiving messages informing them that their orders had been canceled Stalker 2's release date has been pushed back to an "unconfirmed date in the future". At the same time, the pre-order option on the Xbox store was disabled. So development fucked and probably being rushed long before Russia Ukraine war happen? My money on them bringing back NFTs in the future. >Following Putin's illegal and barbaric invasion of Ukraine, the studio's home, GSC Game World initially put Stalker 2's development on hold, picking it up again once the studio was later relocated to Prague. Though originally slated to release in April this year, it was pushed to the first half of 2023 and the fact there's no solid date is reportedly why Xbox is offering refunds. Journalists going to give GSC world a free pass for any anti-consumer practiced because of the war. P.S fuck Warlockracy the privilege breadtubers too young to remember real communism cunt for comparing Putin invading ukraine to Gamergate. Reddit fucking up the stalker fandom.
>>221066 Banning ESG stocks is a start.
>>221070 Banning and making companies pay for implementing ESG to ruin would be even better.
>>220677 >if they were not aware of the existence of the bunkers I've never really understood this. >use imageboards >your regular IB gets nuked >not being aware of other IBs so return to the only one even normalfags have heard of How is it that the board users don't think: 'I'll go look round some smaller IBs to see where the other users ended up.' If they were on 8ch, surely they would have heard of bunkers and other boards. It's not like those things were never mentioned.
>>221072 Yeah, I remember endchan was constantly shilled as a bunker.
>>220676 Honestly I'm pretty sure he just got lost and never found his way back. Either that or he actually is a snake. Damn shame in that case.
>>221002 why not just word filter the entire sentence?
>>221080 God knows why at this rate. Not impossible, as it worked when someone else tried to go on this stint but didn't last the hour. Pretty funny too.
>>221074 >endchan You mean the home of GGrevolt, /intl/, pedophiles, and otherwise literally nobody else? Might as well ask why anons didn't go to fucking 9chan or something
>>221030 Possibly, but all it would take is some naive retards to push the idea if it's not spoken up against.
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>>221002 It's far easier to self moderate and ignore. >>221042 I've been seeing a lot of normalfags in faceberg getting tired of their shit too. >>221042
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Is the spam finally done?
>>221088 With captcha on he has to manually do it and even though he still did it for an hour that has to get boring.
>>220606 >Ifunny.co >via 9gag.com >>221002 You should unfacetiously kill yourself.
>>221090 >With captcha on he has to manually do it This has been discussed here for years. Even with per post captcha, before PoW was implemented, spam posts have occurred that were faster than humanly possible. This site has a really basic captcha that is easily cracked. PoW is the only real solution, and I'd really fucking appreciate if per post captcha was turned off when PoW was turned on. If you have to resort to PoW, then per post catpcha is already ineffective against current spam and only serves to be an annoyance towards regular anons.
>>221092 Until PoW is something each individual BO can control and operate by tweaking it themselves it's pretty much useless. It works as a blanket shitty solution when an admin happens to get around to enabling it, but threads will get spammed for multiple hours or even a day before it gets enabled and by then they've already fucked off anyways. The tech is good, the implementation of it is fucking awful.
>>220759 only because I'm feeling nice - [BLACKRAINBOW] Saiminjutsu 2 Story's basically some kid gets bullied and the protagonist from the first game shows up and teaches him hypnosis, so he then fucks his single mother, his aunt and cousin, and a bunch of other people. If at any time in the game you show even the slightest hesitation using your abilities you'll get NTR'd by the previous game's protag. The picture's from one of the bad ends where his mom's pegging him. Another version of that bad end is his mom pegging him while the first game's MC is behind her smiling with an erection. You're fucking welcome.
>>221094 That's pretty fucking funny.
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>>221052 Nope, it's just some anonymous animator that draws John Vasquez styled Ryona if you mean the other it's just another old youtube animator that produces gothic styled animation for younglings.
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>chuuni thread >no chuuni in sight
>>221097 What could be more chuuni than pretending to not be chuuni?
>>221048 Did you watch Prometheus?
>>220644 Bridget is essentially someone who was groomed from childhood to be sexuallized and effeminate, at threat of death, and in the end returns to it. It sounds like the backstory of a person who was repeatedly raped as a child and goes back to the abuser out of fear or because that's "home" in their fucked up mind.
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>>221100 Unironically it's backtracking on his whole story & retconning what's in game as the true ending wherein he accepts himself no matter how others perceive him. All because western faggots on twitter couldn't shut the fuck up about it.
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>>221039 >>221041 >>221060 Alien was already pounded into the ground after the first two movies. Everything after that was a mistake. >>221046 No they don't learn because they think everyone is permanently addicted to IPs and will never get tired of them or abandon them no matter how bad the plots get or how much leftist propaganda is injected in. They literally cannot conceive of people just abandoning things wen they become too shit. The rot from progressivisim goes both ways; Both outward and inward.
>>221053 >some fucked animation I saw of Santa Claus raping Angelica Pickles this one?
>>221002 >8Chan dot Moe needs to become more like Twatter and Jewoogle because Niggerpill/Lucanio posting annoys me Or you could just fucking ignore it like the rest of us instead of being a whiny faggot? >>221100 >>221101 Give Americunt Troons and inch and they'll take a mile. Of course not all trannies are insufferable E-celeb attention whores who feel the need to inject themselves into literally everything. Take the ones from Iran for example, you don't see them spreading their nonsense like a cyber cancer now do you. Personally I think it's just an American thing, we're really good at creating adornment cultural phenomenons. But that's just your brain on the drug known as AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM.
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>>220888 >And frankly aren't mermaids supposed to be uncanny in their beauty, according to myth? They're more known for luring sailors to their doom via Siren Song but the older illustrations may as well imply that they are. Pics are from the hans christian anderson book
>>221107 >(((how do you do fellow americans))) >let me bitch like a euroslave who thinks his shit doesn't stink >(((but I'm totally one of you)))
>>221109 That loli mermaid in the second pic is pretty cute.
>>221107 >AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM >Somehow the reason there's woke in the country and supposedly nowhere else You do know that this shit came from Europe's universities right? Karl Marx isn't an american figure. Neither is Horsefucker Mc Mrhands German Guy. You niggers just don't make notable media.
>>220741 >had a friend who eventually became gay and a leftist, he used to browse 8ch.net Unless your friend was a leftypoltard I find that hard to believe. >>221103 That's a hell of a lot tamer than the other anon made it out to be.
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>>221107 >>221111 >>221112 Don't make me rape you too. Keep your /int/ternational retardation out of this thread. >>221113 Some people are more sensitive to rough porn than others. Or maybe he saw a different image set.
>>221113 Art styles make all the difference. If it was say, Kawady Max it'd be a different story. Whatever happened to that guy?
And now everything's quiet. Is everyone watching TGS or something?
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>>221116 that and we're off page 1 so all the surface-level niggers dont see our spicy hot replies, also i guess its getting on to bedtime for normalfag burgers thats probably part of it
>>221116 Watching an anon play Carby on the 8ch stream site while reading anime and playing a time-waster. Why?

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>>221114 Are you implying that the loli mermaid isn't cute? Really the only one of that anon's pics that veered into uncanny was the jew mermaid. Listen if you want to post horror mermaids then post horror mermaids.
>>221117 More /hyper/ please
>>220613 Bigger question is, what is the current Japanese reaction to this and what do sales numbers look like?
>>221120 i mean i wouldnt even call that hyper but yeah sure why not nobodys gonna fucking complain all the whiny faggots cruise page 1
Can we have a conversation about how virtually every race in America can agree there's something fucking wrong with American blacks but you're still not allowed to say that? But you can say all the shit about white people that you want.
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>>221120 I'll indulge you this once, then ask you to go to /hyper/ because, as much as I like muscle girls and large breasts, this thread should not turn into /hyper/ spam.
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>>220878 >>221109 >>221119 I'm going to tit fuck a Mermaid and then fertilize her eggs and your fairmongering won't stop me. Unless Mermaids are actually part dolphin then in that case I'd just fuck their Merpussy. >>221110 >offers fair criticism <AAAAAHHHHGGGG!!!! Yur a Eurofag!!!!!! No, I'm the local Pennsylvanian on this board and I'm objectivity right.
>>221126 as the local new jersian on this board, you're an amish faggot or worse yet a nigger
>>221126 >fair criticism >using dead and overextended talking points with extremely predictable and I use this term very generously "wordplay" while flaunting how much of a raging faggot you are >(1) and done Only faggot here is you nigger. Keep using the same low-tier methodology of writing and you'll keep getting called out on it for being the useless, brain dead automaton you really are.
>>221107 This, people forget what dubs spam was like. It was relentless, at one point.
gas all of the jews.
>>221137 >>221133 No, because Guilty Gear is a niche IP and Zombie Land Saga will like to have a word with you. It's only where Sazae-San does a trans character is when we need to start worrying.
So fapping to Bridget isn't gay now?
>>221149 Septate canon.
>>221151 Sazae-San hasn't put in a LGB character in the show, they won't put in a trans character in the show. Heck Sailor Moon had lesbian cousins from Alabama in it and nobody bitched about it.
>>221156 South Korea is the one who cucked Japan (see the Unification Church who Nippon Kaigi is a puppet to since Abe took office), not the Jews.
>>220613 (checked) Two bombs obviously wasn't enough >>220613
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>>221163 Niggerpill. He's literally everyone one of these posts.
I am very well convinced that all these posts are being made by different people.
>>221165 Thanks.
He needs rape correction.
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Reminder he is doing this all manually
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Guilty gear, more like guilty queer.
>>221123 Non American blacks hate black people in America.
>>221178 Don't they consider them the lowest of the low? To be fair, the african niggers are the niggers that managed not to be enslaved and instead were the ones doing the slaving.
>>221178 Can confirm, at least kinda. It's a bit of a mixed bag honestly.
>>221119 Those are pretty cool, although the one giving birth t octhulhu is oddly sexualized instead of horror. >>221126 You fool she will eat your spleen.
>>220386 >>220426 It occurs to me that such generators could be used to make an animation in which each panel looks like a painting.
>>221179 >>221180 It was a mixed bag for years but 2019-2022 really made non American blacks really hate North American and UK/French nogs with a fucking passion.
>>221123 >there's something fucking wrong with American blacks The same thing wrong with everyone else -- (((indoctrination))) for generations has broken the human mind. It's just that, niggers being niggers, their state of "being niggercattle" is more violent than white niggercattle.
>>221123 >Can we have a conversation about how virtually every race in America can agree there's something fucking wrong with American blacks but you're still not allowed to say that? I think the most red pilled people on American blacks is Africans and south American blacks. Ironic as that is.
>>221158 Wouldn’t be shocked if North Korea will unify Korea after 30 years of feminist rule of the south. South Korea already has a problem with violent feminist cults.
>>221186 North korea cant fucking feed its population, much less can it wage an effective war against the second most powerfull military in asia.
>>221186 Best Korea is starved and weak, worst Korea might be a nightmare but they have a better military despite that.
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>>221094 >Have that pic for years thinking it was just femdom >Its actually from a NTR comic. Sometimes I hate the japanese.
>>221189 Emasculation is already as bad as NTR, specially when its emasculation of young kids, you lala-homo.
>>221190 How could you say you love her if you can't let her remodel your shithole?
>>221189 >comic No, game. It's from a game. Re-read my post.
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>>221190 Feminization is peak homo fetish. Turning a guy into a cocksucking slut is immensely satisfying.
>>221194 For a homo.
>>221196 Red kid on the left
>>221196 this pic needs a gondola
>>221196 I wonder how many people genuinely believe this, especially since almost the entirety of Twatter can be written off as bots.
>>221199 I remember back in 2017 seeing parents being concerned that their kids were rebelling by being alt-right instead of rebelling the "right way" by smoking weed and having tattoos.
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>>221094 >>221191 >>220716 Here i thought i was the only one that appreciated that game. Still love the ending where the MC Realizes he's a piece of shit and frees everyone then wipes his existence from their mind before stopped by the Tomboy and both living happily ever after pic related is his future
>>221113 No, he was a /britpol/ fag and was as uncucked as most normal anons, made Farage memes and supported UKIP/Brexit, and was aware of jews, made racial jokes as much as I did and he thought I was black for the longest time, kek And then he just changed over time, I guess due to culture and people around him, he conflated leftist viewpoints with maturity imo and came to regret everything
>>221203 So he became a retard leftist who thinks being braindead is mature?
>>221204 Leftits like to shame people by pretending mature amd that their ideology is "grown up"
>>221205 Being a leftist is extremely immature as you have views that are like a 12 year old.

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