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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Historic Empire Edition Anonymous 09/15/2022 (Thu) 17:06:15 Id: 4cb839 No. 223767
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >Cloudflare bans Kiwifarms https://archive.ph/5ziDX >IMDB deletes every user review for The Rings of Power which rated it 5 or less https://archive.ph/Zg95c >Ben Kuchera claims he was fired by Vox Media for taking time off to deal with his children being sexually abused https://archive.ph/nB79z >Arc System Works changes Guilty Gear Lore to appease Twitter https://yewtu.be/watch?v=sYDYXfdzGN8 >Wiki is up again! https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php/Main_Page CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF - Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids: https://archive.fo/U3GLa - Confirms censorship was deliberate: https://archive.fo/XgAgP - No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case: https://archive.fo/37DhK - Marvelous partner starts petition against policy: https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo • Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. • Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well: http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546 B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): • Use https://archive.today to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags • Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 • Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm
[Expand Post]• STOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics • https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds • https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: • The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb • #GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page • History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ • View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: • GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb • Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: • Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? >>>/gamergatehq/ • All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations • OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L • An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
First for the glory of rome!
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>>223767 >romaboos LOL
>>223768 Not Benis but i cant sage Rome >>223769 i considered but that would be too much Rome
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>>223770 >They are able to endure hunger, cold, or any kind of hardship by plunging into the swamps, where they exist for many days with only their heads above water I have no idea why, but every time I read this it makes me laugh. It just sounds so stupid.
>>223773 return to monke has got nothing with return to swamp
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Archive of previous bread https://archive.ph/RT7Xf
>>223774 Return to the primordial soup.
>>223773 >>223770 it was probably guerrilla tactics exaggerated to ludicrous levels >>691530 See vid https://yewtu.be/watch?v=oomJG8uVLMs
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>>691497 >their kids were rebelling by being alt-right Care to pull up examples?
>>223779 Being edgy is now considered right wing humour cause you know kids making fun of oversensitive retards (like most kids do) is fucking alt right.
>>223777 >it was probably guerrilla tactics exaggerated to ludicrous levels Anon, if you read some of the inventive ways that ancient societies kept themselves entertained, I'd think you would disagree.
>>691553 Mark is a fucking retarded for talking to him.
>>223779 If I remember right it was mostly jokes about Nigger word passes or brining up crime statistic.
>>691553 >commie tranny anarchist I see fred is still the same old grifting retard. Kill yourself for still being on good terms with this rat fuck, Mark.
>>691533 >Cloudflare bans Kiwifarms >So is Josh getting his site back on the clearnet or is he doomed to be trapped on the darknet with the pedoniggers Beginning to think Josh sucks at programming the same way 8Kun runs so shitty people now think the site has been deplatform despite going offline for days is the norm for the site.
>>691533 It's up at kiwifarms.st, you can check the Telegram for updates. https://t.me/s/kiwifarms
>>223786 >(((telegram))) You'd think people who's entire lives revolve around doxxing would have some basic opsec themselves.
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Anyone else tired of the "all authoritarianism is fascism" retardation that plagues all social media? Reading tweets calling the Biden regime fascist feels like the death of brain cells.
>>223780 Kiwi farms have tranny mods and have threads obsessed with making fun of people who question CNN and Joe Biden. Kiwi farms is Reddit that allows the N word. I bet they are pissed only people on anti-SJW that defended their right exist were razorfist and The quartering. Which I find hilarious because they hate those two for all the wrong reasons. All the stupid shit razorfist said kiwi farms niggers hate him because he defends Christianity while being an conservative agnostic on Twitter by saying the bad bang theory was invented by a catholic priest.
>>223789 They don't know of any other form of authoritarianism. Or, they do, but they don't want a negative image attached to it. The truth of the matter is that there's nothing wrong with authoritarianism (And it's various forms), but it all depends upon the situation, the structure, and the people in charge of it.
>>223791 It's very simple really, remove "people" from the equation, have a machine do it.
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>>223789 Biden's shit actually does have some traits of fascism ironically which the dems will never admit. >>223791 >The truth of the matter is that there's nothing wrong with authoritarianism
>>223789 Fascism has lost all meaning just like the word nazi. Fascist just means anyone I don't like. Ask 10 people the definition of fascist and you'll get 10 different definitions.
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>>223767 Even the glowies are against ArcSys lol.
>>223789 Fascism is an economic system. And as far as I'm concerned, anyone that uses it as a synonym for: a) general authoritarianism or b) someone that they don't agree with Is not worth listening to and deserves scorn and mockery.
>>223793 not enough traits to truly be facist but definitely generic enough it can be authoritarian >>223792 people think the AI would kill us all, i welcome it.
>>223795 Seems like the opposite to me, those are some fine american values.
>>223793 >>223796 >>223797 Fascism is, by all intents and purposes, the most extreme version of Socialism. Unlike Nazism (Where people still have autonomy over their household) and Marxism (Where a person only has autonomy over themselves), Fascism operates on the assumption that the people have no autonomy as they are the commodity and goods of their nation and that the government can use to them to it's hearts content because they are the property of the government. Another big difference between it and the other two forms of Socialism is that the one time in history is was enacted (In Italy), the people voted the government out of power almost unanimously.
>>223796 I'm not a fan of faggots ruining words like this. They use them incorrectly so frequently that the original impact and meaning get obscured by the false one they keep repeating.
>>223799 That was after Italy was occupied by the (((allies))) And Mussolini was lynched by communist agents.
>>223780 >>223787 >>223786 Telegram is a giant honeypot full of fans of Netflix cuties and furries. Does anyone here remember Kik? Telegram has a similar community to Kik but probably a little worse.
>>223801 Anon italians where sick of his shit ever since systematic corruption caused them to lose terribly to greece.
>>691553 I’m convinced the real reason why cripple wheels want kiwi farms gone is that he is a kid toucher that afraid people will take screenshots of an old post. Might explain why he was forced to leave the Philippines.
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>>223795 The originator of this rumor admits he created it by googling "cia analyst" and claiming a picture was the same person. Turns out a greyscale picture of a woman with her face half-covered looks similar to other women. Or at least similar enough for SJWs and others who want to believe it. https://archive.ph/fatEf https://archive.ph/ANphy
>>223770 I wonder since when did ancient Europeans started to shame people for being naked in public. >>223789 I have a feeling that the US will go to a more authoritarian regime or a dictatorship just like what happened to Rome.
>>223804 It seems anyone against kiwifarms is simply wanting to get rid of evidence of the bad things they have done, everyone else is simply afainst it because they fear to have a thread about them, because of some users crusading against a AtF or simply because some of the older users is your average leftist goon. They will glady let the site be censored for petty personal reasons, long term consequences be damned
>>223804 >>223808 This whole situation is two terrible parties at each other it's just KF is the lesser of two evils. >>691608 Regardless of what we think ( I think very low of them) it's clear quite a few troons and sex pest want the info they have on them gone.
>>691608 >Personal army More like an online tabloid, a more regulated encyclopedia dramatica
>>691608 >private army It's a fucking archive.
>>691608 >capcode Embarrassing. Also his post didn't herald kiwifarms as anything like that you fucking retard.
>>223806 >SJWs 4k lumens.
>>691608 >Board volunteer
>>223808 >It seems anyone against kiwifarms is simply wanting to get rid of evidence of the bad things they have done The community were not friends of gamer gate and went after anti-SJW for making fun of corporations who do woke pandering in the past. Josh a victim of get woke go broke. Same will happen to get cripple wheels. >>223810 >This whole situation is two terrible parties at each other it's just KF is the lesser of two evils. Lesser of two evils is still evil. Be careful with that logic.
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>>223816 >Lesser of two evils is still evil. Be careful with that logic. I'm not saying to like them but this image comes to mind as regardless of what we think
>>223816 They're a bunch of faggots but the reasons why they're getting deplatformed are bullshit and the trannies are using the same scumbag tactics they used against us.
>>223818 >They're a bunch of faggots but the reasons why they're getting deplatformed are bullshit True. Not saying it is. >and the trannies are using the same scumbag tactics they used against us. Josh put literal trannies on Kiwi farms moderation team and kiwi farms community do get pissy over people saying there only two genders. There kiwi farms users that donated money to the Tranny deplatforming them. Being tranny friendly blow up on them.
>>223819 I feel no sorrow for them despite being against their deplatforming.
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>>691629 Pretty hot Post more
>>223819 Who are these trannymods? I remember way back when the site was younger, they had a programmersocks mod but he retired in 2016
>>223817 im so damn tired defending scoundrels. Theyre so fucking retarded its always an uphill battle, only thing more retarded then them is the ones who want oppressive laws because they think it wont effect them
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blink and you'll miss the DIG >>223809 connects the SJWs to a Putin spymaster download those files and save them offline and send emails
>>223823 It's a sad thing but we have no other option as it'll fuck everyone over. >>223824 I'll spread them around to see what's going on.
>>223824 > >>223809 connects the SJWs to a Putin spymaster This sounds like a /pol/-specific dig, how does it relate to GG?
>>223826 Who do you think is doing all the shit that GG is trying to stop?
>>223827 The IGDA, the ESA, the CESA, the ISFE, GameJournosPro, the Guillemot family, The Crash Override and Feminist Frequency alumni, the Canadian government, and the CCP. Anyone outside of those groups is indirectly related (Such as Jack Ma and Paul Allen) due to the nature of their organization's existence, rather than having an actual direct involvement.
So I'm like 99% sure the subs for the Cyberpunk anime are just dubtitles. So at that point do I watch it subbed with the disconnect of the audio & subs or just watch it dubbed?
>>223829 how about not watching netflix shit at all, especially based off such a shit IP that's clearly designed to desperately try and wheedle back into people's good graces. >>223812 Just like /cow/ is, right? Don't be naive or disingenuous.
>>223829 Wait for the fansubs or learn Japanese.
>>223829 Just watch subbed from start, faggot.
>>223832 Again, they're dubtitles.
>>223833 Nevermind then.
>>223785 >Beginning We're you not aware of Infinity Next? Nigger ran off with like 17K after delivering a poorly coded piece of shit replacement at the behest of Kikewheels in 2015. I remember some poor anon dropping thousands of dollars on Thursday on it too. Also almost every board refused to migrate to that hated incarnation with only Mark and/or Acid giving him the benefit of the doubt because he had the cripple's seal of approval, initially, iirc
What happened this week that's causing Niggerpill to go all out?
>>223836 Armenia vs Azerbaijan? Kosovo vs Serbia?
>>691691 But Strive has been shit since launch. It's had a shit interface, shit gameplay, they've censored the story to appease the Chinese, they already pozzed Testament, what does one more blow to the game change?
>>691696 Guilty Gear Strive is shitshow of game.
>>223838 Pretty big blow considering Bridget is a fan favorite trap who hadn't been in a game for years. Now retconned into a tranny purely to appeal to western audiences. https://archive.ph/kPIpe
>>223836 If it's any consolation, Sweden's right wing party (by Sweden standards) made large enough gains that it made their femoid Prime Minister quit
>>223841 she already quit like 7 hours after being elected.
>>223841 Speaking of PMs on their period, what's the story behind Uncle Boris' replacement?
Speak of the wolf, and you see its tail. >>223840 I'm not surprised about this. Game was a dissapointment, most of the western sales might come from newcomers or tranny enablers who possibly never played a GG. Can't find the manga or the tweet for archive, sorry about that.
>>223843 Something about doing/having party, when Queen husband died from what I remember. He probably made planned to do it a few months ago, but he didn't cancel it after her husband died.
Funny thing about that Nagatoro headline niggerpill is posting, Japan HATES Russia, far more so than any other country. In fact, they've despised Russia for well over a century and look for any excuse to anger them: https://infogalactic.com/info/Japan%E2%80%93Russia_relations >According to a 2012 Pew Global Attitudes Project survey, 72% of Japanese people view Russia unfavorably, compared with 22% who viewed it favorably, making Japan the country with the most anti-Russian sentiment surveyed. >>223845 Wait, what? Can you expand upon that because that feels far too brief. All I know is that he was replaced, and his replacement is suppose to be far more conservative than he is.
>>223842 That's the funniest part.
hullo chips just been appraised as to the existence of frenschan (dot org) anyone know what they're about, how it came about? there's a GG thread up there already and at least one crossposter
>>223846 Unfortunately, I don't remember exactly what actually happened due my tendency to forget about any drama very quickly.
>>223846 >72% of Japanese people >most hated I wonder how it is now? seeing as both Sweden and Poland has a lower opinion on russia now after the war broke out.
>>691714 Politics takes time dude. he was elected not too long ago.
>>223851 Yeah there's lots of redtape for everything.
>>223850 >2012 My guess it has something to do with the islands Russia took from japan Kuril island dispute
>>223838 >>223840 >they've censored the story to appease the Chinese How are they going to explain Bridget to the chinks, China hates trannies.
>>223854 I said western audiences. Not the chinese.
>>223844 Are there any mangaka that are vocal on censorship?
>>223853 Those islands have been an ongoing dispute since 1811: https://infogalactic.com/info/Kuril_Islands#Human_settlement_history >>223856 Ken Akamatsu (Love Hina) is the first to come to mind.
I rechecked and here's tl;dr. >The Chris Pincher affair <MP Fag at that time, drunk too much and had bad case of gay and groped two men. >Partygate <Doing party during Covid lockdown >The cost of living crisis - and a tax rise <It happened during April this year and current inflation for 2022 year is 9,1% >Owen Paterson row <Fag broke anti-lobbying rules, Boris wanted to suspend him but cuckservatives blocked it. He resigned later due media butthurt. >Lack of focus and ideas <He was winging on Brexit momentum. I can call that cascade failure.
>>223848 Would have brought attention to them earlier had I not been forced to mobile internet (again) but from what I've seen and heard from them, they're banned halfchan /pol/acks that have had it with their jannies. Might be some others displaced from elsewhere.
>>223856 The Fireforce guy.
>>223857 Also, any mangaka that vocally supported Akamatsu (which was most I saw congratulating him or supporting him in some way)
>>223848 >anyone know what they're about, how it came about? It's a 4/pol/ spin-off with a Pepe/Apu theme.
>>223789 >>223796 >>223794 A fun bit of trivia for you, facist comes from latin, fasces, into italian derivatives. It was a party that came about in italy in 1915, and the term gained popularity around the world, although by 1980 it had spun so far that no one could agree what exactly facism actually is beyond being a pejorative for "government I don't like," to the point scholars were having arguments about what it actually meant, using it to describe the tenants of socialism, communism, and dictatorships, amidst counter points that these styles of government are more dissimilar to each other than anything they have in common. The term itself is as pointless as using "gender" to define people, since there is no meaningful difference from using the word when you could just as well say "people" and be similarly vague in your assessment, much in the same way that using the word "facist" does nothing meaningful to tell you about the style of government, how it is run, or what if anything it has to do with it's policies and people.
>>223859 >>223862 seems pretty active but not quite as good as far as UI goes a slight Qtard infestation but otherwise a good spread of boards and topics, was surprised to find some people from the original 8chan like looking into a stasis chamber to nearly a decade ago
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>>223864 Why did you crop it?
>>223857 i support the ainu
>>223848 >raiding other sites is allowed >shilling for them isn't >loli/shota ban lmoa
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>>223867 >loli/shota ban
>>223867 The pepe/apu theme turns me off more than that, as an aside they might not be too cancerous, relatively
>>223789 >social media Cancer that only idiots use.
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>>223869 Guess you aren't the target audience then :^)
>>223867 >loli ban Literally what's the point? Also why didn't they go to this sites /pol/?
>>223872 I imagine they got tired of being rulecucked and don't care enough about loli rights. Anime is also banned outside of /tv/, so I guess they don't even have a dedicated anime board.
>>223872 may not have realised 8chan.moe exists if they are current year 4chan refugees
>>691748 They're nazis in the eyes of the world. They're already deplatformed.
>>223872 >why didn't they go to this sites /pol/? because they all got banned for being alphabet soup agents as per cuckflares demands.
>>223872 How big do you think site is compared to 8chan at its peak? I wager almost no one outside of the webring even knows this place exists until that shooting in May and even then, anyone who's ever heard of 8chan thinks it's 8kun now, in other words, dead and gone.
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>Kiwi farms is back lmao
>>223878 Big enough that people keep coming here as a refuge, look at the hispachan anons and now the indians.
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>>223878 It's good that this site is relatively hidden, big masses of newfags destroy board culture. We are slowly gaining in numbers, and that's all we need.
Software and sites to give attention to! Operating systems >AROS: http://aros.sourceforge.net/ >BSD <Net: https://www.netbsd.org/ <Open: https://www.openbsd.org/ <DragonFly: https://www.dragonflybsd.org/ >GrapheneOS: https://grapheneos.org/ >Linux <Artix Linux: https://artixlinux.org/ <CLIP OS: https://clip-os.org/ <Devuan: https://www.devuan.org/ <EndeavourOS: https://endeavouros.com/ <Rocky Linux: https://rockylinux.org/ >ToaruOS: https://toaruos.org/ Archival >ArchiveBox: https://archivebox.io/ Chatrooms: >Session: https://getsession.org/ >Tox: https://tox.chat/ Database >Based Cooking: https://based.cooking/ >BigchainDB: https://www.bigchaindb.com/ >Gelbooru: https://gelbooru.com/ >Gun: https://gun.eco/ >Hydrus ( >>>/t/6469 ): https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/ >Library Genesis: http://libgen.rs/ >ourobooru: https://ourobooru.booru.org/ >Sci-Hub: https://sci-hub.hkvisa.net/ Donation and payment services: >AlignPay: https://www.alignpay.com/ >Fanbox: https://www.pixiv.net/fanbox >Fantia: http://fantia.jp/ >Librepay: https://liberapay.com/ Email clients >Claws Mail: https://www.claws-mail.org/ >The Mutt: http://www.mutt.org/ Email hosting >Create your own: https://archive.fo/okVq4 >Cock.li (Invite link required): https://cock.li/ Encyclopedias >Infogalactic: https://infogalactic.com/info/Main_Page File sharing and storage >anonfile: https://anonfile.com/ >BitTorrent: https://infogalactic.com/info/BitTorrent >CacheP2P: https://github.com/guerrerocarlos/CacheP2P >Catbox: https://catbox.moe/ >Cryptosphere: https://github.com/cryptosphere/cryptosphere
[Expand Post]>Dat Project: https://datproject.org/ >Filecoin: https://filecoin.io/ >Holochain: https://github.com/holochain/holochain-proto >Instant.io: https://instant.io/ >IPFS: https://ipfs.io/ >Kek.gg https://kek.gg/ >Onion Share: https://onionshare.org/ >ORC: https://orc.apache.org/ >Peergos: https://peergos.org/ >Perkeep: https://perkeep.org/ >Pomf: https://github.com/pomf/pomf >QBittorrent: https://www.qbittorrent.org/ >Sia: https://sia.tech/ >Storj: https://storj.io/ >Swarm: https://github.com/ethersphere/swarm >Tahoe-LAFS: https://www.tahoe-lafs.org/trac/tahoe-lafs >Uguu: https://uguu.se/ >WebTorrent: https://webtorrent.io/ >Other sites: https://www.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Pomf.se/Clones Galleries and image hosting >ArtStation (SFW only): https://www.artstation.com/ >HicceArs: https://www.hiccears.com/ >Wysp: https://www.wysp.ws/ Internet and browsers >BadWolf: https://hacktivis.me/projects/badwolf >Basilisk: https://www.basilisk-browser.org/ >Beaker: https://beakerbrowser.com/ >Bromite: https://www.bromite.org/ >Falkon: https://www.falkon.org/ >GNU IceCat: https://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/ >Handshake: https://handshake.org/ >I2P: https://geti2p.net/ >InterPlanetary Wayback: https://github.com/oduwsdl/ipwb >Iridium Browser (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/iridium.html ): https://iridiumbrowser.de/ >LibreWolf: https://librewolf-community.gitlab.io/ >MaidSafe: https://maidsafe.net >Mysterium Network: https://mysterium.network/ >Namecoin: https://namecoin.org/ >NetSurf (Guide to remove spyware: https://spyware.neocities.org/guides/netsurf.html ): https://www.netsurf-browser.org/ >Otter Browser: https://otter-browser.org/ >Qutebrowser: https://qutebrowser.org/ >Sphere Browser (WARNING: https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/sphere.html ): https://sphere.tenebris.cc/ >Surf: http://surf.suckless.org/ >Tor: https://www.torproject.org/ >Ungoogled-Chromium: https://ungoogled-software.github.io/ungoogled-chromium-binaries/ >Web Browser: https://git.nuegia.net/webbrowser.git/ >Yggdrasil Network: https://yggdrasil-network.github.io/ >ZeroNet: https://zeronet.io/ Marketplace >DLsite: https://www.dlsite.com/eng/ >DMM Games: https://games.dmm.com/ >Fruitbat Factory: https://sites.fastspring.com/fruitbatfactory/product/buy >ğchange: https://www.gchange.fr >JAST: https://jastusa.com/ >Play-Asia: https://www.play-asia.com/ >Top Hat Store: https://shop.tophat.studio >Zoom Platform: https://www.zoom-platform.com/ Pastebins >Paste: https://github.com/jordansamuel/PASTE >PrivateBin: https://privatebin.info/ Search engines >ActiveSearchResults: https://www.activesearchresults.com/ >Gigablast: https://www.gigablast.com/ >Marginalia : https://search.marginalia.nu/ >Mojeek: https://www.mojeek.com/ >Wiby: https://wiby.me/ >YaCy: https://yacy.net/ Social media >anime website: https://anime.website/ >Baest: https://bae.st/ >baraag.net: https://baraag.net/ >Free Speech Extremist: https://freespeechextremist.com/ >GNU Social: https://gnu.io/social/ >Hubzilla: https://zotlabs.org/page/hubzilla/hubzilla-project >Mediachain: http://www.mediachain.io/ >Pawoo: https://pawoo.net/ >Pleroma: https://pleroma.social/ >Plurk: https://www.plurk.com/ >Poast: https://poa.st/ >Shitposter Club: https://shitposter.club/ >Steemit: https://steemit.com/ Streaming >8chanTV ( >>>/site/1519 ): https://watch.8ch.moe/ Video and audio platforms >AVideo: https://github.com/WWBN/AVideo >BitTube: https://bittube.tv/ >D.tube: https://d.tube/ >MediaGoblin: https://mediagoblin.org/ >Veoh: https://www.veoh.com/ >VidLii: https://www.vidlii.com/ Video downloaders and converters >boram: https://github.com/Kagami/boram >ffmpeg (Can be paired with Nadeshiko on Linux: https://codeberg.org/deterenkelt/Nadeshiko ): https://ffmpeg.org/download.html >NewPipe: https://newpipe.net/ >WebMConverter: https://gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter >webm.py: https://github.com/Kagami/webm.py >wybm: https://github.com/Kagami/wybm >youtube-dl (Also download ffmpeg for best compatability; guide: >>>/t/5546): https://youtube-dl.org/ Web hosts >Create your own: https://archive.vn/BtM69 >IONOS: https://www.ionos.com/ >KolymaNET: https://www.kolyma.org/ >Neocities: https://neocities.org/ Other >AdNauseam: https://adnauseam.io/ >Amateur Game Development General: >>>/agdg/ >ChannelChanger: >>>/t/1257 >Crescent Isle: >>>/site/532 >Kdenlive: https://kdenlive.org/ >LINE Sticker Downloader: https://goonlinetools.com/line-sticker-download/ >Magic Wormhole: https://github.com/warner/magic-wormhole >OpenTimestamps: https://opentimestamps.org/ >Privacy Possum: https://github.com/cowlicks/privacypossum >QEMU: https://www.qemu.org/ >The Wick Editor: https://www.wickeditor.com/ >VirtualBox: https://www.virtualbox.org/ Suggestions are always welcome! Revision Updates: 8/22/22: https://archive.ph/uIkAI
>>223795 She is protesting the Japanese reaction.
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>>691760 big khazar milkers
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Remember to link to alternative video sites and/or attach videos to posts as WEBMs/MP4s Also, remember to contribute towards Operation Download And Conquer: >>>/t/5546
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>>223881 Maybe but the site's been kinda slower than usual lately. Unless you can speak spanish.
>>223789 Also, red guy on the far left. Everything from the neck down.
>>223887 Actually not really, /v/ is slower but other boards have more activity, wich is honestly what we should all do, post atleast once a day in other boards to engage discussion.
>>223884 I seen far too many pictures of tits on the internet to excuse the fact that they're both missing their fucking nipples and areolas. The artist can try to hide it but thats going way too far to get away with. >>223878 I'm always on twitter and whenever I see people talk about their dismay for cuckchan and potential places they can migrate to I stay the fuck quiet. I have been a loyal xenophobic isolationist like the nips of old, can I get a cookie now? Or a fat pair of anime titties with anatomically correct nipples?
G4TV Hit With Major Layoffs Less Than A Year After Coming Back >At least somewhere between 20-30 staff members were laid off at G4TV today, according to three sources familiar with the business. The video game talk show network from the 2000s was resurrected last fall on streaming platforms like Twitch as well as cable TV, but now faces major upheaval less than a year later. “I truly can not imagine the company continuing to produce our slate of content without the people we lost today,” said one employee. >The timing and severity of the cuts took staff by surprise, with talent showing up on set today ready to film only to have programming cancelled as HR reps met individually with employees. While it’s not clear what the extent of the layoffs will be, one source said those affected were told they would receive anywhere between 16 weeks and six months of severance based on their tenure with Comcast, G4's parent company. >Three sources tell Kotaku that G4's finances have been in bad shape for some time, and managers were tasked with looking for cost savings wherever possible. >Things apparently came to a head during an all-hands meeting a couple of months ago when then-G4 president Russell Arons discussed the troubles the business was facing and proposed unrealistic revenue goals for the year ahead. Staff felt blindsided, one source said, due to a lack of clear goals for measuring success against up to that point. >Arons left shortly after and was replaced by Comcast Spectacor executive Joe Marsh who sources say was only interested in finding ways to slash the budget. The suddenness and severity of today’s layoffs were unexpected, however, and call into question what the future of the new G4 will be. >The network just recently announced a slate of new content, including a satirical Xplay show called God of Work, a play on Sony’s hit God of War series. >Originally launched in 2002 by Comcast, G4 was the only outlet for gaming news, reviews, and discussions on TV at the time. Its main shows were Xplay, hosted by Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb, and Attack of the Show!, hosted by Olivia Munn and Kevin Pereira. >Those shows were eventually cancelled in 2012, and the network closed down a few years later as gaming video content migrated online. >The network then relaunched in November 2021 with a mix of old and new talent, as well as plans to stream daily content on Twitch and other platforms in addition to being hosted on cable. In addition to Sessler and Pereira returning, new hosts included pro wrestler Austin “Xavier Woods” Watson, Indiana “Froskurinn” Black, Jirard “The Completionist” Khaliland, Fiona Nova, and many others. >The relaunch was reportedly the brain child of Tucker Roberts, the son of Comcast CEO Brian Roberts. Tucker led the cable and internet company’s move into esports and is currently the president of the competitive Overwatch team, Philadelphia Fusion. According to one source, however, Tucker stepped away from G4 operations back in March. >What I will say is yeah, we lost some really talented and amazing people, people that honestly are family to us,” Nova said. “We were all crying, we were all devastated, which is why we could not do a show yesterday. Emotions were high and it was the right call to cancel it.” >She was referring to the latest episode of Attack of the Show! which would have normally aired on Wednesday. She stressed that the scheduling change had nothing to do with lacking the necessary staff to keep producing it. >At the end of the day, nothing has changed, we are literally going to be doing the same amount of content we’ve been doing since last November,” Nova said. “We’re growing and this is what growth looks like, it has its ups and downs.” https://archive.ph/xvcIz Congratulations kiwi farms. Looks like you foxdicks farmers will outlive G4 relaunch.
>>223889 No one else is posting on /co/ though.
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>>223892 I post there though, i was the one that posted the leaked screenshots of the x-men sequel.
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>>223893 Post there more.
>>223894 I havent read a comic in ages.
>>223895 Neither have I. There's always something to complain about though.
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>>691760 Ben Shapiro's hot sister
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>>223891 Nice to see some good news today. Sadly, I bet that SJW cunt that caused the initial shitstorm isn't one of the ones canned.
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>>223900 Just remember, if you breed a jew, you could end up with a Mark.
>>223898 Actually, she and Sessler were only people not fired.
>>223900 I'm pretty sure that's not her, just some other jewess that really looks like her
>>223900 Not her
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>>223901 And you curse your child to be jew in blood since the mother has to be a jew to be part of the tribe. >>223904 >>223903 I was hopeful
>>223900 delete this im trying to not fap for the remainder of the year
>>223890 If there are any from old 8chan out there that have been displaced, they ought to be made aware. Found a few people that way and wish I could find more so that the other boards could be more lively again outside the non English site users.
>>223907 The influx of hispachan combined with the annihilation of /b/ was the beginning of the end for this website.
>>223908 Literally only a herdnigger would say that, since neither have the spics been a problem nor where the pedos of /b/ wanted.
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>>223902 >Actually, she and Sessler were only people not fired. The two who deserved it the most. That and the fat spic who said "TALK TO 'EM, FROSK" in the hopes of getting a handjob from Pooptooth.
>>223889 >post at least once a day in other boards to engage discussion. Some boards used to have threads for that too - 'Post ITT every time you visit [board]'. >>223907 >any from old 8chan out there that have been displaced I still wonder why, as imageboard users, they didn't have the mindset to seek out bunkers etc.
>>223909 Regardless of anyones opinion of old /b/, if an imageboard's /b/ is inactive/slow like right now, then the imageboard is not successful. Especially when there's 3 exclusively spanish speaking boards which have higher activity than /b/.
>>223912 It's hard for this /b/ to be successful after that pest infestation. I don't want to even touch it anymore.

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>>223900 Nice knockers, but I have a thing against fudging internet whores.
>>223913 No reason not to use /b/ now that those fags are gone. I ought to learn how to set up those Hunger Games simulators, I miss those threads.
>>223912 >>223910 >fat spic who said "TALK TO 'EM, FROSK" in the hopes of getting a handjob from Pooptooth. I thought he was something retarded like an Hindu atheist Indian. But I might be getting him confused by another youtube poo. Mexicans tend to not have beards.
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>>223897 >>223900 My lord and savior Jesus Christ my heavenly father I thank you every day for the wonderful blessing that you have given us which is the wonderful gift of fat juicy khazar milkers. May your grace never dull and the mountainous flowing mommy milkies never dry up.
>>223891 The personnel that laid off should sue this bitch for ruining their careers.
>>223918 That is the promissed land of milk and honey.
>>223919 It's too bad this aloof retarded attention-seeking bitch probably thinks she isn't at fault at all for the current state of G4
I wonder if Alexander was redpilled on the JQ
>>223794 >Fascism has lost all meaning just like the word nazi. Fascist just means anyone I don't like. People are trying to do the same thing with the word Nigger. It originally was only used to refer to negroes. Then modern retards decided White people can be niggers too, or as you put it, "nigger just means anyone they don't like"
>>223922 At that point they werent a problem because they were all in judea, it was hadrian kicking them off that spread them through the world.
>>223924 >it was hadrian kicking them off that spread them through the world. Quick search tells me the Exodus took place in 1446 BC whereas Alexander wasnt born until 356 BC. If you believe in the fairytales, that is
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Well here's something for GG to actually to dig into for once. >>691872 To quote anon: >People should be digging into who this nigger is. How long has he been there? Where did he study? He's literally wearing Klaus Schwab's symbol. This is how digs start.
>>691874 Marky boy looks so sexy with his Tom Ford glasses 🥵🥵
>>223926 >He's literally wearing Klaus Schwab's symbol. Why do public figures incriminate themselves like that? Reminds me of Tucker Carlson wearing his Kabbalah bracelet
>>223928 Symbolism is pretty strong and cults use it to show power.
>>223926 Y'know, it's shit like this that gets me hoping for WW3 that ends up fucking EVERYTHING up for these pricks.
>>223926 Is Tom Lee still at the company?
>>223926 We had lots of digging to do on other things as well. We should not hold back anymore, enough with the normalfags on Twitter trying to filter on what we should do.
>>691874 >won't the tight pants impede them in combat? No, because they don't actually go into combat. Women can't fight worth shit, unfortunately.
>>223929 >cults use it to show power. Who are they showing? Normie dipshits won't notice the pattern, and for autists like me who DO notice... well, all the cults are accomplishing is getting put on my list of people to hug and kiss in Minecraft
>>223925 I said they were all in judea didnt i? They werent spread through the world.
>>223926 do you have the full symbol in detail with what is says?
>>223848 >has /x/ Noice. Was asking in recent bread if there was an /x/ anywhere.
>>223935 Sorry if I came off as contrarian, I think I have aspergers. I'm doing some more research on the ancient jewish diaspora and will get back to you
>>223918 Rejoice Is it sin to want her to call me a good goi while I drink from her khazar milkers and she milks me?
>>223928 >incriminate What are you talking about? Nothing they're doing is illegal. They literally make the laws. They're not threatened by anyone.
>>223935 Yep looks like you were pretty much correct, all the empires they were kicked out of were actually just the same physical location over many centuries. Babylon, Phoenicia, Judea/Rome, etc. So I guess they just hung around the outskirts of the Levant region until Hadrian, then they decided to go further away
>>223940 >What are you talking about?
>>223941 no by the time of hadrian (and alexander), they were settled as tribes in cities in the kingdom of judea (israel was a smaller kingdom that got annexed), like, they were very much a nation, hadrian progromed them because they kept rebelling until he was grieving the death of his boytoy, the jews rebelled again and that was the last straw.
>>223943 So the faggots fucked us again.
>>223941 Imagine being so unlikable you are kicked out of the SAME PLACE gazillion times.
>>223943 >no What are you saying no to? Did any major number of jews live outside the Levant before Hadrian shoahed them? pic related
>>223943 Or are you saying no, as in they werent kicked out by Hadrian, they were just oppressed?..
>>223946 >>223947 >What are you saying no to? To them living on the outskirts of the levant, they were settled there since the bronze age, but like you said, they kept getting anexed and kicked out, then let back in, then rebelling and becoming independent when the empires grew weak, then someone else annexed them, until hadrian, because the romans were very fucking good at removing people.
>>223884 Where's her Jew nose? >>223926 What do the Japanese think about this?
>>223942 Anon, objective morality doesn't exist for these "people." They can't do wrong. What they do is right by virtue of them doing it. That's how these things work now.
>>223948 >they kept getting anexed and kicked out, then let back in I'm interested to know where they lived in the interim
>>223934 >Who are they showing? The autists that notice. They know that normalfags, in addition to not caring, would also go "haha what are you a conspiracy theorist?" if you were to bring this up. And that's part of the message they're conveying. It's a way of taunting you. It kind of reminds me of the 2016 election where the media came out of nowhere claiming Pepe was a racist symbol, just because it's a meme on imageboards. I think part of that media blitz was to signal to us "we can make the people believe whatever crazy bullshit we want them to, and you can't stop us."
>>223953 >It's a way of taunting you. How do they benefit from that?
watch out for the next 29th of elul
>>223949 well fuck, thanks
>>223955 Keep the Q-LARP shit where it belongs, please, even "meta-ironically."
>>223946 Seleucid Empire is one of the civs in 0A.D. btw
>>223954 agitprop
>>223955 >Jews crashing the global economy. I wish a nigga would. But I'll believe it when I see it and not before.
>>223959 >agitprop Had to look that up. If you mean "spreading an idea" then the only idea they are giving me is the pic I just posted
>>223962 go back
>>223939 (checked) Anon are walking contradictions when it comes to fetishizing groups they hate. That being said I somehow find it less revolting when you guys don't mind miscegenation (to an extent) compared to normalfags for some reason. Probably because you guys are aware of issues and flaws between races but still have enough cognitive awareness to navigate through the issues.
>>691951 missing ebaums world
>>223962 >>691951 here i fixed it
>>223881 >big masses of newfags destroy board culture. You mean like how 8chan became popular in the first place? :^)
>>223926 Where is the archive for all of those images so I know that they are not photoshopped?
>>223893 >JagoDibuja still exists
>>223966 >Still keeping the fucking wojack. >>223967 A bunch of oldfags migrated after moot backstabbed anons talking about gamergate/Quinnspiracy at the time.
>>223966 I dunno how but you somehow managed to make it worse I was hoping you at least did a loss edit but apparently not
>>223881 Lack of users kills boards, period. We don't have a newfag problem.
>>223972 Is that an edit?
>>223974 No it's a real Marvel comic. Yes it's an edit!
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>>223970 >Still keeping the fucking wojack. here you go, i fixed it
>>223973 I find cuckchan to be virtually unusable, I think the optimal amount of users might be about 2-3x our current userbase.
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>>223974 >Is that an edit? yes, heres the original uncensored version
>>223977 We had at least 3,000 recorded IPs at our peak with the GG boards being 2-2500 until it halved a few years later before /ggrevolt/ and /gghq/ dwindled down to next to nothing in the old site's final days. Think about 5,000 were had right on election night on /pol/ which would be the all time highest count until the Q frenzy reached it's apex.
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https://twitter.com/maturepicbot/status/1570238892175130624 https://archive.ph/QBdAz https://fannohitori.fanbox.cc/posts/4443134 https://archive.ph/6xRPk FANBOX, Pixiv's equivalent to Patreon, considers it a violation to use the terms "JK" (I have no idea what JK means in the context of hentai), "Slave" and "Loli" in thumbnails or titles (screencaps use Google Translate). This may be due to credit card companies. Japanese artists have complained a long time about Pixiv's arbitrary rules so this may just be an extension of that.
>>223981 it usually means something like junior kouhai, but it refers to high schoollers, usually girls.
Also does this mean shotafags stay winning?
>>223981 JK means highschool girl.
>>223977 I hated how busy 4chan started getting around 2013/2014, threads going by so fast it felt nearly unusable. Then 8chan started getting close to that point too. Now that I'm so older and busier I don't know if I'd even like it getting back to that point.
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>>223983 Always.
>>223981 God forbid we don't respect the rights of drawings!
>>691981 I've seen artists censor out names of characters by taking off the vowels or using a circle instead. So for those tags it might work as well.
>>223926 And on tranny options in character creators, complain about Capcom including them in Street Fighter 5's. Companies only do these surveys if they care. https://www.enqform.capcom .com/form/pub/form1/tgs2022_en
>>223964 >That being said I somehow find it less revolting when you guys don't mind miscegenation You're not asking this of traditionalists, anon. This is a gaming website. You're going to find all sorts of retards here. Traditionalists have zero tolerance for it. >>223972 These representations, for example, are literally just communist propaganda.
>>691987 Not to mention most people probably dont even read the title, just using search tags.
>>223981 But Pixiv literally allows accounts to upload real CP as long as it has a photoshop filter over it.
>>691992 >link to something that will get you banned from here! Does this work on other people? It doesn't work on me.
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>>223975 I never assumed it was a real Marvel comic. I thought it might have been racial fetish porn.
>>691994 Search the appropriate tags on Pixiv yourself, sub-80 IQ retard.
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>>223994 Fair enough. I'm sorry for snapping at you, anon. I love you.
>>223981 JK, JS, and JC mean Joshi Kousei, Joshi Chugakusei, Joshi Shougakusei, which in English, is highschooler, middlerschooler, and elementary schooler. Generally in regards to hentai, these terms refer specifically to girls, though I don't know if fujos might use them for boys.
>>223996 Please go be faggots somewhere else, you homos.
>>223997 >JK, JS, and JC mean Joshy Konroy. Joshy Schuggakonroy, and Joshy Chuggakonroy oh man, I didn't know japan was so based.
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>>223992 >If it hasn't been reported yet, it's allowed >If a criminal hasn't been caught, his crime is legal You are retarded. >>223997 Also, an example of hentai using such terms. JS and JC are also often translated as just "grade schooler", but that's inaccurate when the terms refer to something more specific. It's very odd that they'd ban just JK, but not JC or JS? Perhaps the latter two were already banned, and they've extended the no-no terms upwards to JK?
>>692001 Those dont post here though.
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide
[Expand Post]☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial ☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore ☑ Accidental meme magic discharge (R.I.P Miura) ☑ Planet-range racism field ☑ Not wanting people to put down the controller and talk about their feelings ☑ Destroyed the logic process of a bot wreaking havoc across multiple imageboards with just one simple trick ☑ Caused Blizzard executives to threaten their employees with rape ☑ Came to Alex Hutchinson's Defense ☑ Made Vivian a feminist symbol ☑ Grew to a geopolitical scale and spilled into real life with devastating consequences ☑ Got their own TV show ☑ Brandon’s First fan ☑ Gave birth to Qanon ☑ Is the precedent for /K/yle Rittenhouse ☑ Ruined people's brains by turning them into corporate bootlickers ☑ Created the concept of "Culture War" ☑ Was the watershed event in the ascendancy of online extremist personalities and tactics ☑ Mars manifest destiny ☑ Was behind Elon Musk's twitter takeover all along ☑ The Ruby Ridge of online violence ☑ Funneled men into far-right politics via witch-hunting ☑ We now live in a gamergateocracy ☑ Resulted in abortions being banned ☑ Accused of being none other than Gamergate ☑ Making mainstream games soft-sell white supremacy ☑ Getting their own theater piece in the Netherlands ☑ Was a rebellion against English class
>>223981 Does NewGrounds allow loli art in their site? >>223992 vid related
>>224003 I sincerely doubt it, even after the porn artist influx.
>>224003 >Does NewGrounds allow loli art in their site? No.
>>692008 ロリコン
>>223992 It's just moderation being incompetent, you can get it deleted if you get enough people to report it but they'll just make several more acouunts. It's what happened with the hilken guy that was posted about in this thread once..
>>223981 This shit came not even a week after their English branch virtues signaled about Bridget, surely not a coincidence
>>223981 For the record, following the twitter thread about this, I'm seeing very inconsistant reports about this. Pixiv itself also is still fully allowing those tags. I would look into this a bit more before saying the sky is falling just yet.
>>224009 The Fanbox side of Pixiv might be on the warpath because they allow a lot more payment methods like Paypal for example and those will definitely frown on anything like that. I'd also take a long look towards Ci-en / Fantia because if Fanbox is getting hit those will follow.
>>224010 Also as far as I know this one nip is the only one reporting this so far. I'm not saying ignore this, but we need to find more cases first to show this is actually happening.
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>>223981 >I have no idea what JK means in the context of hentai JK = high school girl JC = middle school girl JS = elementary school girl JY = preschool girl No idea what are the male equivalents. >>223983 >>223986 Being part of the disposable sex is both a curse and a blessing. >>223999 I prefer Azuma's classification. Too bad it didn't become popular.
>>224013 Yeah what happened to it? That's really weird.
So in what might set a world Cucking Speed record, the brand new DDoS mitigator helping Kiwifarms get back on line caved to trannies after barely 2 and a half hours. Josh was up, Keffals and the troon squad tracked down the CEO of the company and went after him on Twitter, and in less than 2 hours Kiwifarms was down again. https://www.diamwall.com/blog/service-continuation-of-kiwi-farms https://archive.ph/NsVkI
>>224013 take the post number and check the logs; i only see one thread deletion and it was some kind of niggerpill thread, theres a couple of thread merges, though
>>224014 Ain't just kooky Jimbo how someone brings up that thing about the WEF infiltrating Japanese games and suddenly that thread gets deleted multiple time?
>>224013 Please refer to >>692025
>>224017 Apparently the OP himself kept deleting it. No idea why.
>>224019 Yeah it's really weird.
>>224019 Probably a new herdnigger strategy. Make a genuine popular thread and delete it when it gets activity.
>>224021 If it happens again to another thread then Mark might have to turn off the ability for anons to self delete thread OPs.
>>223973 A large number of users spamming useless threads about their personal retardation is worse.
>>224015 >So in what might set a world Cucking Speed record, the brand new DDoS mitigator helping Kiwifarms get back on line caved to trannies after barely 2 and a half hours. If Nu-/pol/ wasn’t so obsessed with worshipping Trump. They could’ve easily took over BLM twitter overnight and used trannies to shutdown places like reset era and reddit.
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>>224012 I believe the equivalent is prefix D for Danshi. DK, DC etc...
>>224012 I always preferred it too.
>>692083 Why is that any reason to be thankful?
>>224029 Looking at the posts on his ID I'm beginning to suspect I know who he is.
>>224025 >>224026 >Posting link to a BLM damage control site We know it’s you nigger pill. Even if you IP hopping less.
>>224015 >>223989 >>223949 >>223926 In the subject of world economic form. I am noticing CIA niggers on Cuckchan /k/ trying to co-op white nationalism to be a pro Israel and pro NATO movement. Reddit NATO wave memes also used world economic form symbolism. Anyone who speaks out against global homo and trannies hate white western culture. https://archive.ph/9T0l0
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>>223848 >frenschan isn't that the board the group of discorders that pushed that guy to do a shooting and make a manifesto basically saying that 4chan made him do it where shilling?
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I'm hearing rumbles that Josh sold out today after this last deplatforming. To the pig farmer no less. Bone Goblin is talking about it. Video related, he says it out loud at the :55 mark. This would track since this was from 6 hours ago and the deplatforming was about 12 hours ago, and Josh has made no public statements of any kind since KF.net died and he's usually rushing out responses. Supposedly he gave Jewsh the "Hotwheels Deal" i.e. "I'll buy the site for peanuts and you run it but no longer have to pay for it yourself."
>>224035 >Qwifarms wew
>>224035 >Run away from Humble Pig Farmer because he'll hogtie you to be Pigfood after fucking up 8chan Infinity >Come back and sell your site for one pesos after thinking you were untouchable even after what happened to DailyStormer and Vanilla 8chan We have come fill circle.
>>224035 I don't understand why jewsh and the kiwi's dont just make a case against keffals and go all over the fucking internet posting proof about the shit shit they claim keffals does I.E being a pedo and giving prescribed drugs to kids and the other dirt they gathered since that's what kiwifarm does right? archive evidence and shit about the people they laugh at right?
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>>224038 Remember: (((the legal system))) costs a fuckton of money, and having the truth doesn't mean shit if your lawyer is incompetent. Ask Vic Mignogna, defeated because his idiot lawyer Ty Beard didn't know how the paperwork was done in his own goddamn state.
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>>223828 >Paul Allen Hey Paul! Microsoft's Paul Allen?
>>223817 This is correct. As it was once said, the right to free speech isn't necessary if you're only saying what is socially acceptable. It is precisely the inflammatory, the vulgar, the absurd speech that must be protected. If we only have free speech within the Overton Window, we don't have free speech at all.
>>224031 I'm not niggerpill, you dumbass.
>>224040 Vic was fucked over by a Judge
>>692171 Ok then go kill yourself.
Like clockwork.
The op for the tgs thread had a meltdown it seems.
>>224047 We still don't know about what. I'm curious what it was.
>>224048 He seemed to have wigged out because muh "political talk" and got pissed people called him niggerpill (to be fair not everyone who is pessimistic is him) when he went on a blackpilled fueled rant. He and the more overzealous anons both made asses out of themselves.
>>224022 Didnt that happened to another thread at some point and it caused quite a ruckus becaue the op kept deleting it?
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>>223926 That faggot from Team Ninja wearing the klaus schwab badge is Fumihiko Yasuda (安田 文彦), I remember making a comparison pic of him & Tomonobu Itagaki together over what they said about the difficulty of Ninja Gaiden games. Most anons should remember Itagaki's quote about making the game harder when the playtesters complained about the difficulty. Meanwhile, Yasuda looks more like a pussy because he wants the games to be easier so that more players could enjoy them & the story. His directorial debut is Ninja Gaiden 3. Ninja Gaiden 3's 'Hero Mode' allows more players to experience the story https://archive.ph/ttKIH >"We really wanted to flesh out the story this time around," Yasuda said, "so we wanted people to enjoy that story and get used to the game as it is. In the past the games were really hardcore and we couldn't get players to stay with us and complete the game." Team Ninja is "redefining" Hayabusa's image, and wants people to experience that whole story without dying over and over again or throwing the game into the disposal in frustration. >Team Ninja is working to make a more relatable Ryu in this game, despite his distinctly unrelatable ability to jump off a building and land sword-first on an unsuspecting mercenary. "When he has that mask on, he's a ninja," he said. "When you take that mask off, he's not a ninja anymore. He's a human like all of us. To leave that aspect out doesn't make sense. We wanted to show that human under the mask. Who is this guy, why he does things." Ninja Gaiden: Master Collection Interview with Fumihiko Yasuda https://archive.ph/AWC4h <Niche Gamer: What does your team think has been an overall inspiration when developing and expanding the Ninja Gaiden series? >Fumihiko Yasuda: The incredibly responsive controls and the unrelenting enemy AI are some of the things we’ve adopted over the years. >But at the same time, simply making games difficult isn’t our primary goal as it is to create an immersive game that players can enjoy navigating and overcoming. I think this core philosophy was carried over to other Team NINJA titles including the Nioh series. With that out of the way, that pic is not a photoshop! It's legit. The Japanese web site, Game Watch confirms the badge. https://archive.ph/K6hzX >Yasuda shows up at 0:08 If you're still not convinced, watch the webm I attached from the Tokyo Game Show 2022 Xbox Stream, made as a archive in case it gets removed. Webm source is https://yewtu.be/watch?v=OZI6F1Dwdrs Considering what has been digged in the past with regard to DiGRA & its ilk in their agenda to subvert vidya with marxism, poltical correctness, diversity, making games so piss easy they're either walking sims, movies, etc. made for casual scum, calling all gamers dead, redefining their identities as sycophants to modern woke vidya, & the concept of gamification especially in the field of education where vidya is used as propaganda, I find it not surprising that Yasuda wears the badge. I hope to have enlightened anons on Yasuda. Now I want to add more meme lore to the battle of WEF Pirate Guy vs. klaus schwab. Klaus Schwab is a filthy secondary causal who sucks at Ninja Gaiden, likes to cosplay as shao khan from mortal kombat even though he sucks at fightans, hates the beautiful women from Itagaki's Dead or Alive & won't git gud at vidya, while WEF Guy got gud at Ninja Gaiden at master difficulty and takes Itagaki's quote to heart.
>>224050 Because the OP lost it because /v/ was being /v/ and making fun of sjws along with the show itself being a let down. It ended up going full meta and other gay shit.
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>>224051 Here's his credits on past vidya titles. Wiki says that Yasuda took over as president of Team Ninja this year succeeding the former Yosuke Hayashi. He directed the DS Ninja Gaiden game & Metroid Other M.
>Rosario Dawson dies between movies while pregnant >Randal has an heart attack and decides to film the first clerks movie in universe >Dante finally dies at the end >literal actual ghosts are a key plot element >Clerks trilogy ends with a pro last Jedi message Clerks 3 might be the worse thing Kevin Smith wrote. This is the vegan faggot that retcon Black cat to have a rape origin story in spider-man and retcon Batman pissing himself in year one.
>>224051 >>224053 So you're telling me this nigger is responsible for every flop and horribly decision Team Ninja has made for the last ten years?
>>224042 Here's the thing. There are different social circles, all with their own biases and hypocrisies, which ban certain speech that goes against their established beliefs. If you've been in a /gg/ thread for more than a day it should be clear that this notion includes this site as well.
>>224056 While Mark and co do fuckery a good half of the time it's actual spam and legit sperg outs.
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>>224035 https://t.me/kiwifarms/47 The only thing Hotwheels was ever right about is Jim being senile, I don't know why you would listen to him.
>>224058 Wait are these niggers using telegram?
>>224058 Jim the Qboomer knows how to Bitcoin?
>>692288 Everyone involved this whole mess are people who are just unlikable cunts.
>>692294 Post more ebin pictures of the rapist poland.
>>692294 Oh I think this is all hilarious.
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>>224058 Jesus, you'd think one would be smart enough to ask for identification proof ( and a lot more just to be sure ) before buying something with bitcoin. Well, get fucked pig farmer.
>>224058 I don't understand anything nor I care. So now the coming spams are going to be funded by Pigfarmer then?
>>224065 Ah, misunderstood. He was scammed.
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>>224062 I'm not a connoiseur of polandball, but I have this one
>>224064 Fuck, I know it's a shitty copy of another video, but can't help but watch it over and over and love it.
>>224068 I find them extremely hilarius.
>>224068 >didnt even remove the E in slave come ON
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https://archive.ph/K8IZc https://archive.ph/ucsqY G4TV has laid off 25 of it's 200 person staff. There is a claim that there has been no communication about this. In fact, the G4TV Twitter cancelled all streams for that day due to "unforeseen circumstances"
Oh shit I'm a slowpoke, this news has already been posted. Oh well I guess more visibility
>>224072 Im not American, whats G4TV?
>>224074 Canadians are still Americans, just lesser Americans
>>224075 Im British :)
>>224074 A videogames tv network that was popular in the 2000's, but soon became a hive of SJWs and coke addicts.But I'm not a canadian so I'm not sure if I got that right.
>>224076 How does it feel to have a king cuck?
>>224077 >>224072 Also it felt into oblivion the first time it tried to reboot in youtube because they allowed a crack addict whore talk shit about their audience and clap
>>224078 Feels good, I wish he actually had complete power like an absolute monarchy.
>>224079 In the age of 2022, they're already set up for failure since most people in the gaming sphere already watch individual streamers or youtubers for the same sort of content, so why would someone pick G4TV over the million other gaming content commentators.
>>224067 I guess this must mean the (((WG))) owns Uranus.
>>224047 >>224048 >>224049 Sounds like the OP is a newfag. >>224051 >>224053 Doing God's work, Anon!
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>>223926 >>224051 FOCUS ANONS most impotant post in this thread
>>224058 Jim is a senile boomer and deserves everything coming to him. >>224083 >>224084 Sure would be nice if more people did some investigative work into finding this kind of stuff out. What would be the best way of exposing info like this to the public, though?Meme formats or maybe copypastas? And what kind of an audience would be interested in learning this information, or be interested in acting on it? Japanese game communities, fanbases, maybe artists and notable enthusiasts (independent vidya news reporters perhaps)?
>>224085 Simply make memes giving a brief explanation of what the Great Reset agenda really is alongside the pictures of the guy & others who support it.
>>224085 >Sure would be nice if more people did some investigative work >What would be the best way first of all, anons pay attention to it, as it alredy happening. Hope that the right anons see it and act upon it. No boots on the ground, let it natural develope into the space of normalfags. The only thing left, is of course the memes. Make it simple, since they are trained to play simple games, and hope they continue to dig into it.
>>224085 >And what kind of an audience would be interested in learning this information, or be interested in acting on it? Japanese game communities, fanbases, maybe artists and notable enthusiasts (independent vidya news reporters perhaps)? Yes. In fact, that was why this image up here was made: >>223772 Because, as far as the Nips are concerned, Western players like Ass Creed with it's revisionist history, Life is Tumblr because of dykes, and CoD because of Michael Bay.
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>>224085 >>224089 >What would be the best way of exposing info before exposing, archive everything, keep it in one image, spread it.
It really makes fucking sense, just wtf. Vidya became so piss easy because of WEF faggotry. Just look at current Final Fantasy one button battle mechanics, its basiclley a WEF fuction.
>>224086 I mean you could, but if it's just a photo and text it's going to look like a boomer infographic. Making a comic or drawing something funny will resonate with a much larger audience, outside of people looking to just read the facts. >>224091 I mean it makes sense, keeping people entertained with a simple skinner box with no difficulty versus offering a challenge that requires someone to practice, focus, and use critical thinking skills to overcome.
>>224091 >Just look at current Final Fantasy one button battle mechanics, its basiclley a WEF fuction. FF15 was 2016. Even then, I wouldn't attribute the problem with JRPGs to the WEF. Firstly because Tales of Symphonia, way back in 2003, already "auto battle" systems for it's ARPG gameplay. Even more, one of the things that bothered me about Wild Arms 2, a traditional JRPG from a few years earlier in 2000, was that the game ALSO had an auto-battle function, which has been in almost every JRPG I have ever looked at (Except for Pokemon).
Slept in today, huh? I guess shitposting is hard work for a monkey.
>>224093 the auto battle system in those games from befor 2007, tales of and what not wild arms, where not forced on the player. I mostly used them when my party was OP and i went farming gold. In FF15, or FF7R, it is the only system. There is clearly a difference in todays video games.
>>224092 An info graphic is pretty important, I'd say, for something like the great reset. It's not something people would easily know about.
>>224092 >much larger audience now, here is one thing to consider. This information has to go to an auddience that is highly under the spell of the WEF faggotry. Of course it has to be simple
Projecting much? :^)
>>224089 you know you can just buy the pins, right? https://shop.undp.org/products/sdg-lapel-pins
>>224090 https://arch.b4k.co/v/thread/612205131/#q612219848 >Deleted Hmmm, how long before the rest of the internet notices?
>>223926 >>223928 >>223929 >>223932 >>223936 >>223949 >>223950 >>224051 >>224084 >>224053 >>224083 >>224085 A FUCKING NOTHINGBURGER LMAO >>224099 It's no different than the E3 presenters wearing their gay little fag buttons. The only thing of note revealed by the pin is that the guy wearing it is pozzed and will taint everything he touches with terrible decisions and pozz propaganda, as in >>224055 >>224051 >>224053
>>224099 aaaaaaand now gg threads are back to their regularly scheduled shitposting
>>224101 Well that seems like a pretty important thing to let people who are fans of the series know too.
>>224103 Yeah sure, but I remember seeing that guy being a fag for a long time I think.
>>224104 being a fag =/= supporting the great reset and basically vowing to make everything you're involved in to be pozzed
>>224035 holy fucking kek I wonder if this is how the 8chan tookover looked like from the outside by him, what a strange feeling. I do remember so many warnings about Jim, but unfortunately there wasn't really much choice I don't like Jewsh but this almost makes me feel pity for him,
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>>224106 Read the thread
>>224004 I think that Japs need to fuck off to a better art site that is at least less cancerous than Pixiv. Their Premium shit is fucking retarded that makes some artist's work not visible to see. I'm not sure if NewGrounds or DeviantArt are good ideas, but using Twitter is incredibly stupid to me because we all know that place is cancer. >>224059 Is there something off with Telegram?
>>224105 That's a given with fags, and this dude has been trying to ruin Ninja Gaiden for years
>>224108 Deviantart is hilariously censorious, definitely not worth it Newgrounds is a weird place and kinda only "alive" rather than growing (mainly the Tumblr NSFW exodus kept them afloat iirc), dunno how much censorship they have nowadays though
>>224105 Okay, but he's still a fag who ruins games. That's an important fact to let people know about. It just so happens that he bought a pin to wear and show off that represents the great reset. I'm sure that's just a coincidence.
>>224108 I think the whole reason they use pixiv premium is for money though, so you'd be better off suggesting patreon alternatives. Telegram is not truly open source (client lags behind official releases and no server code to run your own instance), it's not end to end encrypted in the right way, and its a newfangled home-grown barely-audited encryption algorithm from you to their server to other chat members, so that they can monitor wrongthink for those who glow.
>>224107 Those three lines were probably the most hurtful that mark has ever heard in his life, yet he still became Jims pig
>>224113 He literally left 8Kun and Jim after that though
>>224101 Of the "17 Sustainable Development Goals" the only ones really realated to identity-politics are "Gender Equality" and "Reduced Inequality", a lot are stuff like "No Poverty", "Clean Water", etc. https://sdgs.un.org/goals So I'd say it tells us less about his views than a rainbow flag would. Is the deal with the pin that it's a UN symbol for an non-profit-organization/cause so incredibly generic and broad that it hasn't caught on? Like UNICEF but so broad as to be meaningless? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sustainable_Development_Goals Maybe the fact it's UN-endorsed means organizations like companies feel more comfortable endorsing it, like how my public school encouraged us to do UNICEF fundraising for Halloween, and because it's so uninspiring the only people who end up actually wearing the symbol are corporate executives. who asked for some mainstream/uncontroversial cause meaning "I'm for good things and against bad things"? Unless they really both care about global "sustainable development" and think a UN non-profit is somehow a good way to help this instead of a more specific international charity like the Against Malaria Foundation? It looks like they do solicit donations, maybe they hand out the pins in connection with that? https://donate.jointsdgfund.org/
>>224110 NG is like every single other art site that props itself up as an alternative, or really every website in general these days, spineless and full of shit. The moment anyone complains enough about anything they'll fold, especially because of previous purges/exodus now their main artist user base is made up of the exact same type of whiny censorous pieces of shit that caused these problems in the first place. And people like that never learn their lesson, as it requires one too have a brain and the ability to self-reflect.
>>224115 you can just buy a pin, don't even have to donate: >>224099
>>224115 >So I'd say it tells us less about his views than a rainbow flag would If you only wanted to champion 1 or 2 causes, you'd only wear those causes' badges, not a rainbow badge 17 different things. Saying a fag flag tells you more than this badge does, is like saying a fag flag tells you more about someone than the updated fag flag for the fully extended LGBTQBQQPFR++ does. It makes no sense.
>>224117 But what reason would some have to just buy a pin for a literal NWO?
>>224119 Because the NWO is pozzed, and this fag is pozzed. It's as simple as that.
toppes kekkus, see all those (((anons))) try hard to stop anyone continuing digging/meme'ing into the WEF shit simplification of ninja gaiden fuckery?
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I come to you dear gamergays to yet again remind you to give /polarchive/ a visit.
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reminder, they are not just lurking
>>224115 >No poverty <Because povertry doesn't exist when everyone is suffering from poverty >Zero hunger <By forcing entire countries to starve, thereby reducing the population demanding food >Good health and well-being <By destroying people's ability to reporoduce >Quality education <That teaches how the "white man" is responsible for everything wrong with the world >Gender equality <Unless it's a Muslim country >Clean water and sanitation <By pumping the water full of chlorine and flouride, that ends up destroying the local farms >Affordable and clean energy <The relies upon mining extremely toxic rare-Earth minerals and killing the local wild life once those turbine farms are built >Decent work and economic growth <Because people choosing for themselves the kind of work they want to do is "too tough" for their simple bhrains >Industry, innovation, and infrasucture <Because you don't rely upon the government enough already >Reduced inequalities <By reducing people's quality of life so that everyone is living in a slum >Sustainable cities and communities <By having the government control people's lives and reducing the population >Responsible consumption and reproduction <So, you will eat the bugs, and sterilize yourself >Climate action <So you will displace yourself to create a nature preserve that results in pests running wild >Life below water <Unless your Chinese >Life on land <Because everyone needs to allow some endangered mice species to run wild because it "could" become extinct >Peace, justice, and strong institutions <By leading bloody revolts against anyone who questions "the science" >Partnerships for the goals <Because anyone who opposes these ideals is literally Hitler, and you're not Hitler because you're a good person, right?
>>224124 >No poverty >Zero hunger >Good health and well-being >Quality education >Gender equality >Clean water and sanitation >Affordable and clean energy >Decent work and economic growth >Industry, innovation, and infrasucture >Reduced inequalities Take a close look vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv >Responsible consumption and reproduction r e s p o n s i b i l i t y to consum and produce, reproduce. and guess who's moral concept one has to follow to be a good RESPONSIBLE person for their economy?
>>224124 Seems about right. Empty phrases are the worst.
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>>224124 its crazy if you think about it, this one sentence: >Responsible consumption and reproduction gives each point of this shit agenda a whole different meaning since we have to obey the thinktank schwab and his viewpoint of what is responible.
>>224112 >I think the whole reason they use pixiv premium is for money though, so you'd be better off suggesting patreon alternatives. I get that, but my other issue is that even lewd works are not displayed as well in the artist's webpage because of the Premium shit. The only best way to look at them is through their Twitter accounts. >>224124 >Affordable and clean energy <The relies upon mining extremely toxic rare-Earth minerals and killing the local wild life once those turbine farms are built Its retarded that they never went on board with nuclear energy, knowing that its more cleaner than fossil fuel and its proven that uranium can be recycled.
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>>224124 Fuckers are trying to set up the arrival of the jewish messiah and they want their 600 or so slaves each they got promised in the talmund
>>224115 >no poverty Impossible. Basic human interactions and ability distributions defy this. >zero hunger See poverty. The only thing it would do is inflame extra births amongst the poor. >Good health and well-being Equally impossible. No matter how much of an idealist you are for the sake of Asclepius' Rod, you will inevitably hit that impossible level of "you can't go any farther" and with modern doctors being the utterly useless and irritating faggots they are, I'd rather just die alone, thanks. >Gender equality Considering the unequal nature of the two genders and all the retardation that has since flowed with attempted "equality" this is yet another impossibility >Clean water and sanitation This requires people just not being fucking stupid and being willing to invest in water purification and desalination plants. Which we can't do because it requires power. Which is evil unless we do stupid mining that requires diesel, which is super evil because it's "fossil fuels". >Affordable and clean energy even the "best" idea these assholes have do literally nothing but displace wildlife and require insane quantities of otherwise poisonous metals, all of which will undoubtedly be built in China which fucks things up even further. >Decent work and economic growth As long as the service industry still exists, this is an impossibility. Nobody respects them and everyone looks down on them. >Industry, innovation and infrastructure Also known as ultra-high pollution creation, massive mining operations and maintenance that nobody's willing to do because MUH ENVIRONMENT. >Reduced Inequalities Individual people will always go to people that they like best which means they will always like or dislike someone else more. The inevitable conclusion is the development of cliques and clans that will always hate each other. All society is built upon this precept. >Sustainable cities and communities Only way to do that is to murder all the city dwellers because all they do is CONSOOM and act retarded. >Responsible consumption and production When are you assholes going to realize that we are fundamentally stuck within the confines of chemistry? Even if we manage to use nuclear power to create bizarre, nonsensical hyper radioactive isotopes, not only will they be extremely short-lived but it doesn't change the fact that this world has limited numbers of each individual element. We are literally stuck within the confines of that space until we manage to connect to another planet on a more permanent level. Terra during the Age of Strife would be an excellent example of overproduction to the point where there's not even water and the world is sandblasted hell. And EVEN THEN PEOPLE KEPT FIGHTING. >Climate action Quit trying to act like you've somehow subverted God. You haven't. We haven't. Our individual contributions are at best a drop in a bucket. This is straight up snake oil salesman bullshit. >Life below water Still exists. >Life on land Still exists. >Peace, justice and strong institutions By trampling individual rights, by annihilating their champions, by turning every single court battle into a circus, and forcibly revoking any naysayers from any power because HOW DARE YOU IGNORE MY GREAT GRAND IDEAS THAT EVERYONE MUST COMMIT TO. >Partnerships for the goals You mean the fact that at this point it's a loose confederation (if that) of random people versus a unified group of megaconglomerates with enough financial, political, and military might to do whatever the fuck they feel like? Fuck these people and everything affiliated with them.
>>224128 The problem then with nuclear was the sheer specialization necessity, greedy faggots cutting corners with shoddy workmanship or improper waste disposal, and the publics only real knowledge of it either being tantamount to "magic" or the most destructive weapon known to man. All three of those things made it easy for lobbyists and special interest groups to fearmonger and push people away from further nuclear development which if continued at a standard rate would've led to far better safety standards, function, and commonality. Problem was/is that nuclear is also inherently a direct threat to older energy tech like coal and oil/gas because if done properly it essentially infinite (although that still doesn't stop nuclear from falling into the same problem of becoming corrupt, indomitable, and insulated by lobbyists and SIGs in the future) Like most things is best to assume that if its not currently being pushed, that just means the powers that be either haven't bought it out yet or they don't have enough claws dug into its flesh
>>224131 >>224130 >>224124 >>224125 it's almost as if the best course for this world is to nuke it from orbit, without warning.
>>224130 >See poverty. The only thing it would do is inflame extra births amongst the poor. Another thing about the "zero hunger" is that the best fertilizers are the artificial kinds that we get from processing oil, but you already listed off the reasons why that is "evil".
>>224112 >Patreon alternatives problem is that they all have their flaws Fantia is more jewish than Patreon (less censorhsip though iirc), they literally have the option to paywall individual older pics so you basically have to pay extra to see each of them Subscribestar's audience is laughably small compared to the larger audiences, guaranteeing a massive loss of income if used exclusively Patreon censors, obviously Ironically I haven't heard as many bad things about Pixiv Fanbox though >>224115 The UN and the great reset is a far bigger fish than mere LGBT shit, which is just one of their weapons/tools that will get used and thrown away if it ever stops being useful
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Gee, it sure is funny how some "anons" seem so violently opposed to digging into Team Ninja and WEF connection. Really activates the old almonds.
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Speaking of the WEF, maybe some of you may like to take a glance at the corona/great reset thread on /polarchive/? First thread is at 4705 files, whereas the second thread currently stands at 361. Would greatly appreciate more people contributing.
>>224136 Oh yeah baby! UNABOMBER 2 LETS GO!
>>224135 Its probably a good old 50/50 split with one side being 100% disinfo agents and the other side being composed of those that already knew/have known this and see no point in digging up evidence because they don't need to convince themselves. That's always the problem because we can dig up all the information and connections in the world, but the only point would be to convince the "average" person and most "average" people are hellbent on pretending like things are just fine and everyone else is crazy.
>>224139 You still should keep trying to show people the horrors of reality.
>>224136 Probably another fake and gay false flag
>>692537 >competent and intelligent people <leftists In what universe?
>>224144 It's niggerpill.
>>224145 Or another one and done.
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>>224147 Fucking jontron just drops them in plain sight nowadays, hes way past giving a fuck.
>>224147 Now I'm hungry for KFC :/
>>224148 He's called Jon "Aryan" Jafari for a reason.
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4 min and 44 seconds about the truth of wikipedia that everyone has to watch.
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>>224155 ah shit, wrong video this is the correct one.
>>224156 Nothing new, but thanks anyway.
>>224064 I miss the days when I see someone say Jim they were talking about Internet aristocrat.
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>>224155 That webm reminded me of this.
>>224159 Most passive-aggressive I've ever seen him, woman-tier
>>224156 Wikipedia editors aren't really supposed to be professionals in anything. They curate and source information and write it in a particularly autistic way. When professionals even attempt to editor or write articles they basically get filtered by the autistic standards required by Wikipedia. There are good criticisms against Wikipedia but the fact that trannies are the people curating information about trannies is kind of benign. Professionals write science articles not Wikipedia entries. Those articles are then curated and cited by Wikipedia autists. To imply that doctors should be writing Wikipedia articles on medicine kind of goes against the entire structure of the site.
>>224159 I'm so fucking glad i never bothered with ecelebs or watched youtube during those days. I knew the faggot left but never saw this vid. They never deserved a goddamned thing from us, never.
>>692958 No you ain't.
>>224159 And this hissy fit was over people wondering why the fuck he fingered his gf over a livestream right?
>>224162 >There are good criticisms against Wikipedia but the fact that trannies are the people curating information about trannies is kind of benign But they're not. They're curating all the other articles, too. That's the point of the discussion. All articles on all topics are run by these mental basket cases who are tranny or communist. Any edits they don't like are simply removed. Moreover, you ignored the entire beginning of the video. It's not benign. >Those articles are then curated and cited by Wikipedia autists. Translation: Anything that goes against their personal beliefs is forbidden, anything that bolsters it is allowed as a citation. >To imply that doctors should be writing Wikipedia articles on medicine kind of goes against the entire structure of the site. Is the "structure of the site" supposed to be "retarded subhumans who don't know anything are in charge of everything," then?
The uncanniness of the coversation really does make it look like someone's using a bot to post. >>692967 >>692968 And, there's the slipup.
>>224167 lol, I was literally reporting them for being bots. That's obviously what it is. Hops an IP, posts an AI generated statement, rinse and repeat.
>>224166 Those are valid criticisms. The issue is with the notion that doctors should be managing Wikipedia articles. But Wikipedia's standards don't really allow for that kind of writing because they are incredibly autistic about the style of writing which doesn't lend itself to academic writing that can effectively be parsed by the average person. Wikipedia is shit, but relatively consistent in how it functions. Sometimes that's a good thing, sometimes it's a bad thing. I don't think any academics are going to agree on how to present basically anything in their field on a wiki page. The point is the Wikipedia is essentially a lost cause. You can use it for some quick and easy sources and not much else.
>>224169 >The point is the Wikipedia is essentially a lost cause. You can use it for some quick and easy sources and not much else. What about the fact that you have companies like Goolag, Kikebook, and Twatter using Kikepedia as a source to disprove "misinformation"?
>>224170 >kikes do stupid shit What about it?
>>224171 I'll repeat since you didn't read it the first time: What about the fact that you have companies like Goolag, Kikebook, and Twatter (All of which control the major utilities and services of the internet that people use) using Kikepedia as a source to disprove "misinformation" (To the point that they make sure it is the first response you read to any post tht questions the narrative)?
>>224172 I don't understand what that has to do with me calling Wikipedia useless for establishing a meaningful understanding of a given topic beyond the surface level. Did you respond to the wrong post?
What stops this from happening to Infogalactic or any other alternative?
>>224169 >But Wikipedia's standards don't really allow for that kind of writing because they are incredibly autistic about the style of writing which doesn't lend itself to academic writing that can effectively be parsed by the average person. Wikipedia prevents the use of primary sources from their own retarded standards. Even if it wasn't moderated by furfags, commies and homosexuals, this alone makes it shit-tier. Think about it. You are discouraged from using a direct source, you are pushed to having it filtered and regurgitated by some fag journalist by any means necessary. Doesn't matter that the primary source is sufficient as it contains the actual information itself, it needs to be from a "trustworthy" commentator. Ability to comprehend plays little to no role here in contrast to what you said about "that kind of writing", it is a result of their retarded standards and standard practice as readability is not any criteria by which articles are moderated.
>>224173 >what that has to do with me calling Wikipedia useless for establishing a meaningful understanding of a given topic beyond the surface level Except the services that people use on the internet are demanding that they focus the extent of their knowledge upon what is detailed on Kikepedia, which is the issue.
>>224175 Yes, it means Wikipedia just regurgitates whatever journalists write, which also means you can find whatever trash you wanted from Wikipedia with a google search. I used to think people wouldn't value it much but I underestimated how incapable normalfags are when information isn't spoonfed to them.
>>224176 I don't disagree?
>>224176 Go shut it down then, you keep acting as if anons have any say over it or power to stop it.
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>>224177 >normalfags are when information isn't spoonfed to them Time is the only truly valuable commodity, and as the masses flooded onto the internet, we're seeing the same thing happen to the information economy as we saw happen to manufacturing. Sites like kikepedia dish out information that is the equivalent to cheap chinese garbage. The masses don't have the time to sort through data, read comprehensive breakdowns of facts, and can't trust their own cognitive faculties to pick out errors in what they're reading. What you end up with "I was right.com", one stop shop for all your easily digestible and "authority approved" information. And what we're seeing with examples such as >>224156 , is the lead in the baby formula, or pink slime instead of beef.
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>>224156 I know that guy, he makes videos about politics, normalfags, and the Left being fucking insane. He always makes that face and I wonder if he does it on purpose, or he's incredibly tired of the gay shit going on.
>>224180 Isn't pink slime out of commission from a long time ago because they were exposed?
>>224183 I doubt it.
>>224184 At least is legaly prohibited in Europe.
>>224184 They supposedly switched to actual beef patties in the US, which is why they began to taste different due to the fact those motherfuckers do not season shit.
>>224185 Fair enough. >>224186 Muh profit margins, I guess.
>>224180 >>224183 I was under the impression of the pink slime being all the parts of the chicken one doesn't normally eat and smashed together into an edible paste because companies want to use the entire chicken instead of sending unedible parts to dog food factories like most butchers and vets do with the animals they put down and dont want to toss into the trash.
>>224188 Vets don't do that. That's crazy.
>>224186 That's really weird, I don't think they've ever used the pink slime in my country. They also always season it.
>>224170 >>224172 I’m not really following any of your conversation here, but why do you go out of the way to talk like a fag and then further emphasize you’re talking like a fag? It’s not even that I disagree, because I don’t.
>>224190 The "pink slime" was also the nuggets not the burgers, the burger patties weren't completely beef and had filler material, they also came pre-seasoned which is why they often forget they have to actually season the burgers now.
>>224192 I dont think anyone should expect good tasting meat from a McDonalds burger, after all its the lowest of the low since theres over a million places to get better burgers. Especially in 2022.
>>224193 The only good thing about mcdonalds is the ice cream and the machine its always broken.
>>224189 Actually, there was articles a while back about certain brands of dog food containing the chemicals used in euthanasia that vets do because they would send euthanized pets to processing plants to create dog food. https://archive.ph/DXFbg There are far more articles if you search "dog food recall euthanasia"
>>224194 Indeed.
>>224191 I've seen this specific faggot on /animu/, down to the "redtext means you must hear me now!" retardation. Absolute faggot.
>>224195 That's fucked. Doesn't mean it's actual common practice.
>>224199 It's actually so uncommon the article he cited stated only food from a single supplier contained the trace amounts of the drug.
>>224200 That's good at least.
>>693037 Moderation has been very very questionable as of late, and that's being nice about it. Dunno what's going on but it's very unpleasant to deal with.
>>224202 The anon you're replying to is either niggerpill or a retard who doesn't read the thread.
>>224199 >>224200 https://www.dogfoodadvisor.com/dog-food-industry-exposed/euthanized-pets-dog-food/ >According to the pet food industry, meat can come from virtually any mammal. >So, generic meat meal can be legally made from road kill, dead, diseased or dying farm animals — even euthanized cats and dogs. They don't have to clarify but it can contain euthanized animals.
>>224204 Anon this is pretty disturbing.
>>224205 No wonder so many pets contract diseases and cancer from buying this food. They are eating their own.
>>224205 I mean look at the shit that's in our processed foods and what the WEF will try to feed us, you think (((they))) would treat animals/pets any different?
>>224206 >>224204 >>224207 It says generic meat meal so does that just mean canned meat dog food?
>>223829 (checked) While it's good that studio trigger didn't cave into censoring this character I wonder how in the hell is she even a loli at all? She's flat but that's about all I get from her.
>>223840 >>224008 I don't think the Japan branch understands that 1) A major ongoing contreversy in the West is that school teachers are actively grooming kids to be trans, to the point normalfags are noticing and parents are getting political and taking seats in school boards to stop it 2) By taking this stance that Bridget is trans, it's like they are saying grooming is fine 3) A lot of the people who are happy over this have not bought Strive, and never will buy a ARC Systemworks game 4) A lot of people who DID buy the game (or are part of their core audience) are now considering not buying their products anymore
>>224209 She's also tiny.
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>>224188 >I was under the impression of the pink slime being all the parts of the chicken one doesn't normally eat and smashed together into an edible paste because companies want to use the entire chicken instead of sending unedible parts to dog food factories like most butchers and vets do with the animals they put down and dont want to toss into the trash. Having worked in a meat processing plant for a while that made a meat paste similar to pink slime, I can tell you that our mixture was 50% Soy, 30% Fat and Skin, and 20% Meat. Also, vets sending euthanized dogs to dog food companies? Dunno about that. I can tell you that when we cooked ducks, at the end of the bake I would dump the fat vats on the bottom of the rack down a centerfuge so that the steroids could be extracted and fed back to the next generation of ducklings. Anything we couldn't sell to the Chinese (they bought the heads, eyeballs, necks, feet, and some of the glands), got sent to pet food companies. I assume the Chinese were using them for human consumption, because they'd have to be prepared, boxed, and frozen - while anything that went to pet food was thrown in large yellow unsanitized barrels.
>>224208 If it says "Meat Meal" instead of like "Chicken Meal" then I would guess it would have some mammals in it. But like that dogfoodadvisor thing says, best to avoid if it says "Meat Meal"
>>224213 Probably a good idea.
>>223829 >Overly-designed augmented characters >main character has a 'zoomer' western haircut >Jarring vomit-inducing color schemes >A (((Netflix))) Original Series >Studio Trigger (who made Promare and helped with Steven Universe) way past it's prime This is like a perfect concoction of everything I find most displeasing about surface-level western weeb culture, westernization and subversion of formerly acceptable studios. Now, I know for a fact that Trigger has been pandering to and appealing to westerners to a lesser or larger degree pretty much since its inception, they are the hellspawn of Gainax which is peak normalfag anime and deeply tied to Adult Swim post Eva. But this still manages to piss me off, I shriek and turn in disgust looking at it. Western creations getting anime adaptations is not new at all, hell even Wizardry got an OVA and so did Highlander but this just reeks of ESG pozz creeping in.
>>224212 Sounds pretty fucked up, my friend.
>>224215 Promare is a running joke among anyone that frequents /vhs/ and it's exactly because of the pandering and ESG pozz you're talking about. Shame Trigger is going down that road.
>>224215 >>224217 What Pozz and pandering?
>>224217 >Shame Trigger is going down that road. Turns out all that artistic zeal they had in running away from Gaynax all those years ago doesn't mean shit when they had the exact same financial competence as the old company (but without Eva to print infinite yen), and ended up having to do commission work to pay the bills.
>>224215 >deeply tied to Adult Swim what? First off, you must mean Toonami, which was a different thing from Adult Swim. Gainax had almost nothing on Toonami during its heyday, and what little they did have, was aired very few times (FLCL and TTGL) most anime on Toonami was Studio Pierrot (Naruto, Bleach, Bobobo, One Piece), Sunrise (Cowboy Bebop, Code Geass (can't remember if they were still alive but I feel like they were) Inuyasha (though technically this was just early morning shit, not Adult Swim or Toonami), Toei (DBZ, Bobobo, Zatch Bell, possibly One Piece (can't remember if 4kids held it during that time)) Those listed were long-running and consistently shown shows on Toonami. Then for a while Toonami was dead and they did not air much anime, using Adult Swim, then it was resurrected many years later, and now I'm pretty sure its dead again and just using Adult Swim now for this shit.
>>224218 Promare is a film about a homo couple where the bad boy (male) villain gets paired up with the goodie two shoes protag (male). It's specially laid on thick because there is a red herring love interest for the protag that happens to be your typical woman/fujoshit self insert heroine, but she gets cucked eternally by the villain dick. Moreover, the villain is a flamer (quite literally) and the whole film is very outspoken against racial/sexual segregation. TL;DR watch the fucking film and instantly regret wasting your time on that trash.
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>>224221 >Promare is a film about a homo couple I've watch the movie and what the hell are you talking about?
>>224221 They're not a couple. They're enemies for most of the movie. The only "romance" is Galo kissing Lio to give him back his flame to save his life. It's about racial divide yes but a vague us vs. them universal narrative. The burnish can represent any oppressed group of people. That's the point.
>>224215 >hell even Wizardry got an OVA Wizardry is an exception because the Nips appropriated it like they did KFChristmas. A better example is the Ultraviolet and Witchblade.
This another seeing pozz at every corner thing?
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>>224224 I merely used it as an example of just how long western properties have been getting adaptations and I clearly made a distinction between it and this Cyberpunk shit which is just commission work. Thanks for proving absolutely nothing.
>>224222 >>224223 I ain't getting into this argument again. You are both free to interpret the film as you see fit, but it is very clearly homoerotic, down to the choice of color palettes (lgbt flag for flamers) and the flame/heart symbolism used liberally through the whole film. Trying to make light of the CPR scene is disingenious since the kiss literally light a massive fucking flaming heart that consumed both of them. Not conceding on the homoeroticism of the film denotes a superficial understanding of the vocabulary used by the production staff--a strictly literal interpretation of the film much in the same way one would read the little red riding hood and think there's nothing about rape and sexuality in it, just a wholesome story about a little girl, her grandma and a wolf.
>>224228 Homoerotic yes but it's not up for debate that they're literally not a romantic couple in any official sense. You're literally just overblowing the very basic story of the movie.
>>224229 It's beyond tangentially homoerotic.
>>224230 Homoerotic does not equal homo. There's undertones then there's actual full on homo boy love.
>>224228 >I ain't getting into this argument again But you brought it up.
>>224231 Anon, there are two males kissing.
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>>224233 Yes. In a homoerotic manner to tantalize the audience way. Not in a "these are two very gay men passionately making out" way.
>>224015 >>224015 >Kekffals and the troon squad tracked down the CEO of the company and went after him on Twitter, and in less than 2 hours Kiwifarms was down again. Twatter was a mistake, how much longer do we have to wait till it's dead for good and Mastodon becomes the new E-celeb circle jerk center of the world? >>224024 Fucking around with Shia's art project (HWNDU) was the last time as far as I'm aware of that /pol/ was truly a great bored. Imagine going from driving LOLcows to insanity and aiding foreign military's to bomb ISIS in Syria to basically becoming a Orangejew circle jerk board. Trump derangement syndrome goes both ways on the political spectrum. >>224032 I miss 4/k/ before the Russo-Ukraine war, I mean sure in the past you still had a lot of pro Western posters but those were organic. Now it's just fucking obvious Glowniggers and Chicoms lurk the place.
>>224085 >What would be the best way of exposing info like this to the public, though? A properly sourced meme format would be a quicker & more penetrative way of sending info. A copypasta could be done, but the message will be ruined if the sites start copying the phrases to their AI filters to ban it & more time will be needed in coming up with alternatives before they let the AI know again. A video could also be made but I would not make it longer than two minutes. >And what kind of an audience would be interested in learning this information, or be interested in acting on it? The Japanese side would be good since it's on their home turf, but westerners who enjoy playing challenging games or have interest in anything Japanese would also benefit from this. My advice regarding this discussion if any anons bring it with anywhere >past discussions of Team Ninja are likely have the spotlight on Itagaki as far as him being the creator of Dead or Alive, reviving Ninja Gaiden, & founding the company. That being said, it's NOT all about him since he's no longer there due to resigning back in 2008 because of the bonus being withheld by Tecmo at the time. on a minor note it's interesting to note that he had a sexual harassment claim thrown at him back in 2006 by a 31 year old female employee at Tecmo, predating ME TOO: https://archive.ph/9pSD4 >the main discussion should be in the differing philosophies of vidya from then and now: Notice how in Ninja Gaiden Black you are offered Ninja Dog difficulty if you die too many times. If you say Yes in abandoning your journey as ninja, you will get a cutscene where Ayane will belittle you as being a young ninja instead of a master, but in pittance she will give you items to help. Meanwhile, Ninja Gaiden 3 won't poke fun at you for picking the easiest difficulty. **You can also see this difficulty reduction at the expense of the game taunting you for being shit in the older God of War games (If you think about it, GoW followed a similar pattern to Ninja Gaiden)* I have made a quick pic of the stark contrast between the leaders of Team Ninja, feel free to give input or suggestions.
>>224235 >Twatter was a mistake, how much longer do we have to wait till it's dead for good and Mastodon becomes the new E-celeb circle jerk center of the world? Waiting for Musk to actually go on and buy it. He'll rulecuck out in the end but if he does end buying it, I will go on a brigade and spam every terrible thing that crosses my mind for retribution. > Imagine going from driving LOLcows to insanity and aiding foreign military's to bomb ISIS in Syria to basically becoming a Orangejew circle jerk board. Trump derangement syndrome goes both ways on the political spectrum. The election really ruined things because it brought on an even larger mass of redditors and qboomers to 4chan. All the old /pol/anons went to 8chan, but ever since that was destroyed they scattered.
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>>224234 Sounds like Fujoshi bread and butter, which is a sin in and of itself. Also >videogames?
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>>224238 Exactly.
>>224235 Kiwiniggers started siding with twitter trannies and doxing poast loli enjoyers, so probably never.
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>>224234 I didn't care when they did yuri pandering in Kill la Kill or Little Witch Academia, but anything with two men is gross. Psychological studies have shown people have a much more immediate disgust reaction (the same as seeing maggots) to seeing two men kiss compared to women. Why do you think it is that fuojoshits work so hard to make their "male" characters look so much like women? It's almost as if the bast majority of the population hates the idea of two dudes together. And even the ones that say they like it only like a idealized version of it where the men barely look like men.
>>224241 And you're perfectly fine with not being attracted to it. I personally don't like yuri.
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>>224236 There is also an interview Itagaki did with Game Informer back in December 2004 in their magazine. Reposting it for prosperity & because the wikis use it as their source. Todd Howard also appears in the issue talking about the next generation of vidya (Wii, Xbox 360, & PS3 at the time).
>>224231 >Homoerotic does not equal homo Yes, it does. Watch Genesis of Aquarion and NOT tell me that the writer is a fujishit.
>>224236 Is that an image for ants?
>>224244 It does not. Undertones are not yaoi.
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>>224242 Yuri is less offensive because from a societal perspective most people don't consider sex serious unless a penis is involved. Lesbians are, outside of the crazy alphabet people, mostly viewed a girls playing around a bit before finding an actual man (because this is statistically true). Most otaku are fine with yuri because they don't consider a girl despoiled unless she's been with a man. In some cases they'd view yuri as a potential "two for one" situation.
>>224246 >Undertones are not yaoi. Just because they don't actually show the mushroom going up the poop chute, that doesn't mean you DON'T actually know what's going on behind closed doors.
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>>224248 Despite what you clearly hoped, there was no time for "closed doors" actions.
>>224234 Stop being gay.
>>224249 >there was no time for "closed doors" actions Believe me, they find a way.
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>>224251 They saved the world & the movie ended there with a fist bump. Your fanfictions are not canon.
>>224252 >the movie ended there with a fist bump There it is!
>>224253 Fist bump! Not fisting!
>>224243 >You take audio and video and jam 'em together 'til they rock Women were always useless pieces of shit
>>224252 >They saved the world & the movie ended there with a fist bump. Does someone need to post the Korra ending again? That's canon and all they did was hold hands.
>literal faggot dismissing gay shit because "they didn't put the penis in the butthole on-screen" Yes, it wasn't a literal gay porno, instead it was a just a fag movie for fags and fujos, bravo.
>>224255 Fuck, I remember this mag cover being shared around on the internet circa 2004.
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>>224256 Yes but unlike Korra, Promare doesn't have an after movie manga where they declare their gay love for each other.
>>224256 You're leaving out the part where they had to make a tumblr post after the episode to tell people they were gay because a lot of people didn't get it. And like >>224259 said, Korra has a whole comic set after the ending about how gay they were.
>>224259 But Korra is hot
>>224261 That's besides the point.
>>224259 I thought the blue-haired character was a girl. Was that ALL rule 63 art?
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>>224263 You mean green right? Because there's no way you could think Galo was a woman.
>>224263 How the fuck did you think that was a girl.
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>>224265 That's what programming does to young people's brains, anon
>>224265 Because I kept seeing art of the character as a girl. Was always wondering the anime it was from.
>>224265 >>224267 >>224264 Is in the pics still had the same gigantic blue hair, but with gigantic breasts. That's my first seeing of the character.
>>224268 That's incredibly weird.
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>>224198 I wonder if its the same faggot that got banned for being an annoying, know-it-all asshole that loved to redtext and redditspace a lot. >>224209 I kinda liked Rebecca, too bad that she was killed. >>224215 >Now, I know for a fact that Trigger has been pandering to and appealing to westerners to a lesser or larger degree pretty much since its inception, they are the hellspawn of Gainax which is peak normalfag anime and deeply tied to Adult Swim post Eva. Do Japanese people still watch a lot of anime these days? I wonder if they pulled this shit to gain more attention for Westerners just like ArcSystemWorks is doing it with Guilty Gear. Trying to gain attention from overseas is one thing, but putting pozz crap to please SJWs is another.
>>224270 >Do Japanese people still watch a lot of anime these days? I Most Japanese people do, yes since anime is an overarching media form that appeals to everyone. But Japan is not only anime, there are plenty of 'normalfags' in Japan who don't watch anime and/or people who would rather watch J-Drama or tokusatsu instead.
>>223829 I loved reading retards say "I wub the anime! Gonna go play Soyberpunk'd and get the Edge runners DLC!" Same with with Bladerunner Black Lotus and fucking Bladerunner 2049
>>224272 Anon that's an incredibly small amount of art compared to all the normal Galo art. You'd have to really live under a rock to avoid this reality.
>>224273 But bladerunner 2049 its good.
>>224272 >not even enough to fill out a single page's worth Anon I dunno where you hung out at.
>>224276 Here and PLW.
>>224215 Well, Trigger has been going on a "Anime Studio Whore for Hire" for years now. Was amazed they got Jew money from Lab Zero to make the opening for that shit game Indivisible. >>224275 Yeah, so good the perpetual discussion about that flick is memes.
>>224278 Don't forget about the opening for Shantae and the Seven something whatever.
>>224278 >Yeah, so good the perpetual discussion about that flick is memes. Lots of good movies are mostly remembered though memes, how is that an argument?
>>224278 Their fault for casting Ryan Gosling & Jared Leto.
>>224278 >Yeah, so good the perpetual discussion about that flick is memes. Anon, are you stupid? Countless classic movies have lots of memes about them.
>>224282 >Countless classic movies have lots of memes about them. Where's the memes for The Front Page, The Hustler, and The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes?
McGruff's Guide To Personal Safety (1988 VHS) https://y.com.sb/watch?v=p3hu_wvgd1Y (1986) McGruff's SMART KIDS Album [Cassette Rip] https://y.com.sb/watch?v=y4P4plYXKFE Did PSA games exist anywhere? Rewatching old McGruff the crime dog stuff I grow up with. There are McGruff the crime dog cassette tapes singing up drugs, cartoons, and comics. Sadly no McGruff the crime dog game on NES or MSDOS. Kinda sad kids won’t grow up with McGruff the crime dog thanks to BLM and teaching unions. Police speaking to students been ban here by the school district.
>>224279 And a segment in Star Wars Visions, which makes a bit sense, neither of their works connect to either Cyberpunk or Star Wars, just Studio Trigger being Studio Trigger with the sitting. >>224280 >Lots of good movies are mostly remembered through memes, how' is that an argument? Only memes and not actual ticket sales or post movie Blu-Ray sales? That's not a good indicator of a good film no one watches or buys. Denis the Menace's rape of Bladerunner and trying to make Jared Leto a thing or Batista an actor. Even in Dune he manages to fuck up. >>224281 Denis the Menace struck gold with that meme. Except Jared, no one gave a shit about his character. >>224282 Are you putting fucking words in my mouth? Or are you also ignorant of how that movie fucks the first one and where fucking Hipster shills declare it superior to the first one after their bullshit pretentious movie analysis, and using "Muh autistic Ryan Gosling and Virtual GF" memes as a fucking selling point and barely talking about Deckard. That's the shit movie you're defending, because memes.
>>224284 I know they exists for drugs: https://y.com.sb/watch?v=iYk1Obt9UGQ
>>224285 >trying to make Jared Leto a thing Every time he stars in a movie people make fun of him, I would have cut my losses and kept with Thirty Seconds to Mars if I were him.
>>224285 >Denis the Menace struck gold with that meme. Except Jared, no one gave a shit about his character. Isn't the scene also stolen from the first episode of The Irresponsible Captain Tylor?
>>224243 This will stray from the topic Itagaki & Yasuda, but it's worth pointing out that the ESRB had their crosshair on DoA few times. They described the PSP game DoA Paradise as having 'creepy voyeurism' which they later apologized for. Dead or Alive Paradise Has “Creepy Voyeurism”, Says The ESRB https://archive.ph/AbpTO And they wanted Kasumi's thigh covered up on the box art of DoA Dimensions. ESRB censors thigh from Dead or Alive Dimensions box art https://archive.ph/wKHNn Is it also just me or has DoA as a franchise always been a target of corruption & subversion? I feel like years ago on the internet there's been fags screeching because of the bouncing tits & women showing cleavage. I remember when DoAX3 originally wasn't getting a USA release & cucktaco wrote about it. Dead Or Alive Xtreme 3 Isn't Worth All The Drama https://archive.ph/77bXO
>>224284 Well yeah, a lot of anti-crime tapes from the old days spread politically uncomfortable truths, like all those tapes from the 60's that directly call out faggots as the main contributor to child rape.
>>224285 >Only memes and not actual ticket sales or post movie Blu-Ray sales? Anon, again, lots of good movies were complete bombs at the box office, or are you gonna shit on tora tora tora?
>>224278 They don't like doing adaptations, but it makes sense money is money though ironically their "original" shit nowadays seems closer to pozz. Promare is obvious fagshit, but I heard BNA was pretty bad too with the pozz shit unfortunately I didn't save the posts explaining, I think I saw them somewhere on /animu/ 1-3 months ago
>>224289 >Is it also just me or has DoA as a franchise always been a target of corruption & subversion? Yes, as it was one of the few franchises that sold itself on it's bread and butter alone, and managed to create a following as the games were good enough all on their own.
>>224231 >Homoerotic >Not homo
Wait, never mind, I found it, spoilers obviously.
>>224285 He's a meme in that he's a shit actor with an undeserved ego.
>>224283 How about >Star Wars >American Psycho >The Good, The Bad and The Ugly >Taxi Driver >Indiana Jones >The Godfather Instead of movies nobody has ever heard of? >>224285 Stop being angry and I might take you seriously.
>>224286 I almost forgot about wally bear and the no gang. I rented it around 1992 to 1993. I remember liking it more than Castlevania 2 Simon quest. >>224290 >anti-crime tapes from the old days spread politically uncomfortable truths, like all those tapes from the 60s that directly call out faggots as the main contributor to child rape. Fun fact. John water based his look on a child predator from boys beware PSA. John water did the most to help normalized faggots and trannies in Hollywood. Even Jews didn’t want anything to do with homosexuality costing them money back then before John water and hippie leftists of the 60s during the 70s.
>>224298 > wally bear and the no gang That game was shit.
>>224297 >Instead of movies nobody has ever heard of? HOW THE FUCK HAVE YOU NOT HEARD OF The Hustler?! It, and it's sequel (The Color of Money), are considered to be THE greatest sports dramas ever made in American film, and is the biggest why pool still exists in the mainstream. Hell, you should have also heard about The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes as it's one of the films that gave Kurt Russel his start.
>>224300 They're an absolute mystery to me too. Never heard of them.
>>693219 What you're saying is, you look at Mapplethorpe flowers in your spare time. When I say "homo", I mean it's pandering to homosexuals (and potentially women). Here's my reasoning: men react more strongly to erotic imagery fitting their sexual orientation than women (here's a study, but this has been shown before: https://archive.ph/PzNoc). That is to say, if a man - homosexual or not - sees two men subtly flirting, they're going to call that shit gay. Women will likely be cool with it, regardless if it's two men or two women. Men are clearly homosexual or they're not. Bottom line, homoeroticism is gay and if it involves two men, it's pandering to gays and women.
>>693237 Nope. All greek to me.
>>224301 Then I take it that you also haven't heard of classics like Mister Roberts, The Thin Man series, The Caine Mutiny, Village of the Damned, Captain Blood, The Long Voyage Home, Flying Leathernecks, Angels in the Outfield, On The Town, and My Favorite Year
>>224304 >Angels in the Outfield Only know about that one because Disney would show it on TV. Never watched it but they'd have commercial breaks for it.
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>>224302 >Mapplethorpe flowers Man, i was getting high today and Mapplethorpe came to my mind out of nowhere and though to myself "who the fuck would buy that game on the CDI back then"
>>693236 <The film has nothing to do with football. >>224305 That's the remake.
>>224307 Then no.
>>224302 The problem is that the line between "flirting" and "friendly banter" has been blurred by the people who have to insist that every interaction between men is gay, either fujoshi wishful thinking or via men who are insecure about their own sexuality and are projecting. Basically what CS Lewis warned us about with people viewing every relationship as an extension of eros.
>>224302 > you look at Mapplethorpe flowers in your spare time Flowers is probably the most innocent of Mapplethorpe's entire body of work.
>>224311 Who is Mapplethorpe?
>>224312 Mapplethorpe was an art photographer known mostly for his pictures homo eroticism and S&M bondage themes. Of course that's not all he did. A lot of his stuff was basically just transgressive proto-punk. Some of it was photography in the style of classic Greco-Roman sculpture. 'Flowers' is literally just still life photography of flower arrangements.
Niggerpill's going all out in the tgs thread.
>>224313 Oh fuck, is that the thing that got a Phillips CDI game?
>>224315 Yes. It's based on the original photo set.
>>693229 Take your meds, loser.
>>224115 Ironic that the people pushing these "sustainable development goals" always seem to make things worse. Everything they touch falls apart.
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>>224140 >Klaus planning to talk to everyone via forced mental implant
>>224209 Lots of surgeries and cyberware.
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>>224129 >Fuckers are trying to set up the arrival of the jewish messiah Who will be, of course, the Antichrist, because if there's a way to fuck up, they always find it.
>>223917 Whatever he is, he's a faggot. >>223919 >The personnel that laid off should sue this bitch for ruining their careers. They should beat her within an inch of her life for that fucking "I survived" tweet.
>>224319 That reminds me of that one retard in a Deus Ex thread not too long ago tried to argue why the Apostle Corp ending of Invisible War was good despite it being basically this.
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>>223992 >But Pixiv literally allows accounts to upload real CP as long as it has a photoshop filter over it. Mind explaining this with some factual evidence?
>>224142 Is it just me or is global homo starting to turn on Israel? With how glow niggers use racism to justify NATO proxy wars and bombing brown people on Cuckchan /k/ to protect white culture like LGBT and BLM. Are Jews trying to Co-opt white nationalism to counter woke left shit?
>>224325 They don't allow it. A guy was doing it. He got reported. His account got deleted.
>>224325 nah, its just some pedos posting blatant traced cp with a few loli/toddlercon tags(like other words for child or infant both in nip and english) and invites to some messenger thingy(name eludes me at the moment) to share cp, they tend to be reported and dealt with, but the pedos just make a new account(or hack actual artist pages, i found at least one those) and post the pictures again to try and contact they kind, i reported quite a lot of them back when i browsed pixiv, its just that to certain people the existence of those post is more of a "gotcha!, take that lolicons!!1!" than something to report, if you find one of those go into the post(yes, i know), then go down til you see the tags and the message the user made and click on those three dots on the corner, its should bring up a menu where you can report the post, then if you want you can go to the user's page and there should also be a thee dot thing with which you can report the account, the comment sections of those post tend to be filled with pedophiles, people that genuinely can't discern traced art from drawings(it's disappointing, but these fuckers exist) and people that realize what the fuck is up and say "this is just traced cp, what the hell!?!" but seemingly don't report because... i guess they don't know how, which is why i told you just in case you find yourself in such a situation, have a good day
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>>224325 It was discussed earlier and the guy demanding proof got deleted, but searching for ロリコン on pivix gives some serious worrying results; nothing explicit, but definite cause for concern.
>>224329 welp, just reported the fucker, care to join in the reporting?
So, with the 400 corpses being found, how long until Russia is invaded everywhere because they showed their weakness?
>>224331 alright, ill ask what corpses, but after that answer we go back to vidya for at least a few post, ok?
>>224332 Mass grave found in one of the retaken Ucraine cities. And for videogame news, let me think. Did they actually made Bridgey a tranny like niggerpill kept screaming? Or just out of context tweets?
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>>224331 I have absolutely no idea what is going in the Russia-Ukraine situation at all and haven't for months. Russia hasn't announced taking Kiev and Ukraine hasn't announced Russian retreating so I assumed it was just an eternal stalemate.
>>224334 >an eternal stalemate It was, until this month when Ukraine more or less deleted the north-eastern front, but now Armenia and Azerbaijan is shooting at each other again and Turkey is bitching at Greece about some islands. World War 3 hype.
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>>224334 Pic related happened in a couple of days wich produced a lot of hilarius videos, specifically one of a russian tank going sanic fast, dropping the soldiers it was carrying and finally crashing into a tree.
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>>224333 >mass grave ah, ok >tranny bridget?, yeah, disappointingly they did also this is the uncensored version of a song that going to be in sonic frontiers, go to 1:50 and wait a few seconds for pic related https://yewtu.be/watch?v=NWLvdZ_-eCY god damn it with the fucking pic spoiler
>>224337 >Fuck the pain away >My bed is in ruins Man, as if there wasn't enough bait for the Sonic fan community already.
>>224236 >I have made a quick pic of the stark contrast between the leaders of Team Ninja, feel free to give input or suggestions i can see a chad vs soy meme in this image.
>>224335 >>224336 What we have to remember is that Russia hasn't let lose it's full forces so they aren't out of the fight and the Ukrainians are wining at losses and have been for months despite what the media says.
>>224340 They better hurry and reach their next level of super saiyan then, this is just getting embarrassing.
>>224341 You still believe this war is organic? Don't you think this war is on purpose slow as fuck? What is actual attacked here? Ukraine? or the economy? What was attacked befor ukraine? Economy? how? evergreen? corona? BLM?
>>224341 Not happening. It's becoming pretty apparent at this point that all of the major powers are far more toothless than they want people to think. The US just lost a twenty year long war against the Taliban, Russia can't even beat Ukraine and China doesn't even dare try to start a fight with Taiwan.
I saw a Rad Dude (or similar) comic recently about the Bridget shitstorm, anyone have it?
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>>224342 If you know anything of Russian history you'd know they've always wanted Ukraine and Belarus part of it.
>>224345 >Game Journos >quit They either get fired (and only because of company sizing reasons) or they stay there forever. They know just as well as anyone else they don't have the skills to go anywhere else.
>>693483 I can only imagine the anon reaction to Nipland's 少女ヌード写真集 industry if it was still booming.
anyone mind dropping a link to said video? haven't seen it
>>224336 a video to that sorry. new to this
>>224351 >new to this Lurk for 29 years
>>693502 >Americans They're leftists, FFS.
>>224345 This is hard. On one hand if they quit the industry will at last be free of these cancerous fucks that have no power anymore since everyone just watches streamers try out games, on the other hand we lose clown world articles that make me rage or laugh because of their stupidity.
>>693502 >>693505 You mean Westerners as a whole right? Cause Europeans and Canadians/Aussies/Kiwis do the same shit.
>>224340 Thats not even remotely true though, they already had the 1st tank guard in izyum getting defeated. The russians are sending their best, their best is just completely worthless.
>>224355 Holy shit dude, what are you doing?
>>693505 Conservitarts are just as cenorhappy as leftists, they just cant afford to go all out at the moment because they need support.
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>Letists can't meme >better write an article to promote banning them https://archive.ph/us6HM/ https://www.theatlantic.com/books/archive/2022/09/january-6-insurrection-meme-wars/671397/
>>224359 >banning comedy
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>>224357 >soundless video
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Where the big tiddie lolis at?
>>693569 What virus?
>>224365 I don't understand. Y2K never happened. The death of Flash had a bigger impact on computer systems than that hoax.
>>224359 If democracy isn’t strong enough to survive memes and humor. Maybe democracy isn’t worth saving?
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>>224368 Disgusting!
>>224367 Democracy only works when it's illegal to vote for anything else.
>>693583 I am also a fan of oppai loli.
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>>693583 >>224371 I hate all of you but you two especially.
>>224366 the pandemonium and media circus happened
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>>224374 You people are animals.
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>"Cyberpunk 2077’s DLC Is Yet Another Anti-Consumer Move CDPR Is Getting Away With" https://archive.ph/lXN8t
>>224377 They really need to optimize their fucking game. Not being able to release a DLC on a system it launched for is a huge embarrassment.
>>224377 How about you actually include the part of the article that makes the writer sound like a fucking retard. >Cyberpunk 2077's DLC isn't coming to the consoles it launched on, and we're all supposed to be fine with that. Unfortunately, most people are Retarded faggots who buy consoles get fucked. Who cares.
>>224379 Dude the game isn't good either way.
>>224380 I wouldn't know. I still don't care that old consoles aren't getting patches and DLC. Don't buy games on walled gardens.
>>224381 Most people get consoles as kids and keep getting them out of habit because they don't know about PCs. That's slowly changing as the new generation comes in because the game publishing companies are being clearly seen as the complete piles of shit they are lol Either way, it's a shit game and consoles are also shit. I agree with you.
>>224382 It's good when console consumers get fucked over. It means the PC version is getting the focus it needs and the support from the developers with mods or whatever the fuck. When developers have to hand hold under powered consoles and optimize for them it fucks over non-retarded consumers. Console users getting fucked over is good for console users because it makes them more likely to abandon the platform. Sony fucking over their users with a shitty console has brought multiple "exclusives" to PC already.
>>693630 don't worry you'll have more opportunities to make a fool out of yourself in your total inability to tell whose in a thread with 5 people in it once I get banned again.
>>224383 >It's good when console consumers get fucked over. Nah, it's shit that they get fucked over in the first place, it's good that they LEARN, not that they get fucked over. Don't talk like a 3 dollar suit, you faggot. Aside from that, PC getting good shit is important so the games themselves aren't locked down on plastic bricks with retard DRM. But you're a retard if you think people actually getting scammed is a good thing. Keep your head, you're supporting scammers when you're like that, it makes you a shitty human being who has no fucking use in society. I mean actually worse then trash. Have a goal and keep in mind who the ACTUAL enemy is. Ignorance isn't the enemy, it's the people who enforce ignorance. Groups like corparations who steadily dumb down society so they can make money. You cannot blame the stupid for being fucking retarded, that does nothing. You can, however, fuck over the retarded ass people who think they're hot shit just because they scammed fucking retards. Don't be a fucking retard anon. Don't be a fucking suit.
>>224345 Then fuck off frankly nearly every damn writer is garbage. i can count the number of writers who are genuinely good reviewers on on one one hand. One damn hand. >>224340 No idea what russia is planning at this point i believe >>224343
>>224385 >You cannot blame the stupid for being fucking retarded, that does nothing. Yes I can. They're the ones who ruin everything.
>>224377 >Unfortunately, most people are Yeah, because majority of us didn't spend money on this shit. And, of those that did, most returned it the day of launch. The only people still riding the Cyberpunk train only have themselves to blame. >>224382 >and keep getting them out of habit because they don't know about PCs. I play games mostly on consoles because they provide a different "feel" than when they're launched on PC. >>224383 >It means the PC version is getting the focus it needs and the support from the developers with mods or whatever the fuck. Fuck modders! They're part of the reason why it's acceptable for a broken stunted game to be released on PC.
>>224385 >Nah, it's shit that they get fucked over in the first place, it's good that they LEARN, not that they get fucked over. Don't talk like a 3 dollar suit, you faggot. This is brain dead logic. It's like saying your body shouldn't have pain receptors because feeling pain is bad. There should be consequences to stupid decisions. Saying that we should live in world free of bad things because bad things are bad is fucking stupid. >Don't be a fucking retard anon. Don't be a fucking suit. You're the fucking retard who thinks fire shouldn't burn. Get a grip.
>>224388 >Fuck modders! >They're part of the reason why it's acceptable for a broken stunted game to be released on PC. I don't care. Modders are good, modding is good. If a developer wants to release a set of assets and an empty world with mod tools to finish their product then so be it. If the free market allows for that behavior and I can put together a good game with the work of modders that's fine with me. I don't care how I get good games. Just that I get them. The process is irrelevant to me. I simply don't play games until years after they've been out.
>>224388 A game i was sure was going to be on PC is now a PS5 exclusive Fucking Ps5 just except you have no games and stop stealing from pc
>>224391 >A game i was sure was going to be on PC is now a PS5 exclusive
>>224390 >If the free market allows for that behavior and I can put together a good game with the work of modders that's fine with me. Hey, retard, a free market ALSO means that the rest of us don't have to accept that behavior as we can withhold our funds and/or spend our money on something else.
>>224393 That is correct.
>>693642 >>224387 >>224389 People will always be fucking retarded None of you stupid bitches look at history or even talk to people. People have loads of fucking mental blindspots, especially you faggots, because you overestimate your intellegence, a simple sign of retardation. You think you aren't like them but the only thing you fucks know about is video games. Other people don't know that shit! And because you do you think everyone outside the in-group is fucking retarded. Nigger you can find people who are rocket scientists and surgeons who don't play video games Just like you can find trailer trash and gang trash who don't. Knowing about the industry doesn't make you smart. You essentially know trivia. You fucks better not be an FBI demoralization squad plant so fucking help me god. You're a bunch of fucking shitters who haven't really had any world experience otherwise. You stupid bitches need to get out more and pursue some side interests instead of basing your entire personality around one thing. That's kiddie shit. Draw or something.
>>224395 >the redtext screecher post disregarded
>>224395 >fire will always burn and a retarded child will always get burned by it <therefore we should remove all our nerve endings and retard proof the universe You have brain rot my man. Also I didn't read 80% of that shit because you write like a faggot.
>>224397 Learn to deal with the world instead of trying to warp it to your whims. It's like you're a tranny who wants to be female so you cut off your dick, only to be left with a smelly shit laden hole because you refused reality. Grow the fuck up.
>>224398 You're disassociating from reality right now. Actions having consequences should not be making you this upset. Get a grip.
>>224398 >Learn to deal with the world instead of trying to warp it to your whims. ironically, your deference and utter faggotry is the kind of mentality which led to a character being turned into a tranny
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>>224392 This game. >>224385 >Ignorance isn't the enemy, it's the people who enforce ignorance. While i agree dealing with idiots all the time jades you enough to hate idiots just as much Because at some point its on the idiot to learn and not say have to be spoon fed by everyone else. As this anon said >>223817 we have to defend idiots and scoundrels. But holy shit is it tiring.
>>224395 >surgeons who don't play video games Well, this is from 2006. 15 years ago so I think it's worth a chuckle Super Monkey Ball saves lives https://archive.ph/RC7lV >Some of the surgeons were asked to play Super Monkey Ball for 20 minutes before performing a surgical drill, while others went straight into the operation without a warm up. >Researchers discovered that those who had played the game completed the procedure 11 seconds faster than those who hadn't, on average. And what's more, they made fewer mistakes. >The man behind the study, Dr James "Butch" Rosser, is hoping to develop a simulator to help train surgeons. He wants to clamp down on medical errors, which contribute to an estimated 100,000 deaths a year in the US. "We can't practice on patients," Rosser said reassuringly. >Why he doesn't just make them all play Trauma Center is anyone's guess.
>>224399 >>224400 Listen the fuck up. You're saying that people are retarded and they're always at fault. That's a nebulous complaint that has no resolution. The REAL ISSUE is that people RIGHT NOW in corparations are pushing shitty education on an already historically retarded populace. Common Core and Bill Gates ring a fucking bell? So your nebulous stupid ass can't see the forest for the trees, with the fucking axe murderer you CAN target, the corporations that have actual names behind them instead of the millions of idiots they exploit, are the one who are ultimately actually resistable. You can talk with people to reduce their ignorance and spread idea memes to show what games are good and what aren't and eventually you can hold corparations responsible for their shitty bullshit. But you cannot do that if you scorn the people you need to use to take them down. You faggots have no decorum or wish to make things better, you just want your porn and your complainer forums but you don't actually want to do jack shit. I'm challenging you to discard your lack of productivity to actually be proactive in helping your communities understand. People will always be retarded, but they are retarded because they are constantly misinformed intentionally. Realize that and help, you stupid fucking trash.
>>224401 >This game. It's console exclusive, it will get a PC release within a year or two of release just like every other "console exclusive".
please don't tell me you're the one going around posting that retarded chart too my sides would be in orbit
>>224403 >You're saying that people are retarded and they're always at fault. That's a nebulous complaint that has no resolution. This is a meaningless statement. When you do the wrong thing you are at fault. This is self-evident. No resolution is required in that statement. You are so angry that you are no longer coherent. I'm not reading the rest of your post. Someone getting fucked over on console means they will likely learn not to invest money into that walled garden in the future. Touch fire get burned, don't touch fire again. That is a good thing. Pass that knowledge on and society improves. Stop sperging out you fucking lunatic.
>>224402 Video games do help hand-eye coordination. I've even heard some hospitals prescribe video games in the home as a way for people with significant injury to fine motor skill centers to recover over time. Even slow RPGs help.
>>224404 Thats what i said, now i have to wait 2 years because ps5 shelled out cash for it
>>224406 nah man, you can't get mad at the retard constantly touching the stove you just can't
>>224406 You have no reading comprehension, so let me rephrase it you fuckin retard: So, bitch, what's fightable? 1. A faceless mass of stupid people who number in the billions or 2. Large corparate brands that have public names and faces as well as records and money trails to track them down? You bitches have no idea what operative goals are.
>>224410 I didn't comprehend anything you wrote because I simply didn't read it. Consider not sperging out if you want people to listen to what you have to say. Stop touching fire.
>>224411 Stop touching the fire when you don't even understand it you retard caveman.
>>224410 i will continue to laugh at stovetouchers
>>224413 >>224414 I feel like Luciano is like 90% of the posts in this thread.
>>224412 I don't think understanding fire makes you immune to being burned my brother.
>>224416 You got burned really fucking hard because you don't even read shit and expect to think you can own people you fucking idiot.
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>>224407 >Even slow RPGs help. Slow RPGs? Now I want to see Dr. /v/ give the daily dose to the patient & call them a faggot for playing a shitty game that handholds them
>>224417 I don't feel like I got burned. I also don't care about "owning" anyone. This is an anonymous forum not reddit. I don't get anything out of embarrassing you. My goal in this conversation is to get you to stop freaking the fuck out so you can convey something of value and stop flooding the thread with your obnoxious red text.
>>224377 Its already anti consumer that that piece of shit is rated so high. From both official press and consumers. One of the few things that piece of shit boast are its graphics and they are fucking dogshit and this is coming from someone that can cranck that piece of shit to ultra.
>>224418 Dragon Quest is an example. Turn based, etc. Being able to make the movements with your fingers helps fine motor control if you're brain damaged. It also helps people gain more fine motor control who have never played a video game in their life.
>>224419 Dude you're just fanning flames. You aren't "inspiring conversation", you're intentionally antagonistic. Stop being a faggot.
>>224422 Projection
>>224417 the operative word here being shit, and that ain't worth reading please don't redtext all over the thread again
>>224423 >>224424 See? And you're just brainlessly responding. This isn't a "conversation", either of you, this is just salty insults and not being able to have the last word.
>>224425 You aren't saying anything of substance so now the conversation devolves into banter. If you say something of substance I'll engage with it. Is this your first time on an imageboard dude?
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>>224421 Oh OK that makes sense now. I thought by slow RPGs it was reducing the message speed in the games to be slow since you usually get an option to modify them.
>>693709 probably works like loli or light novels/fanfics that are actual text
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>>693700 it was trending because CDPR wanted the loli removed from the new Cyberpunk anime, but Studio Trigger told them no
>>693613 >would no longer be appealing to furries. Right, so taking something 3DPD and erasing all the obvious traces that made it real by rendering into anime style 2D, should no longer appeal to 3Dfags in the same sense. >a IittIe girl being traced and her face replaced with one that has an anime aesthetic is still appealing to pedophiles. Not necessarily, some may look past it but there are a lot of pedophiles repulsed by the anime aesthetic. There are a lot of porn addicts repulsed by hentai. >those images are just loosely referencing the original You never produced evidence (and could be just lying or retarded) that girl on the ball was traced/shopped or those drawings you posted in the draw thread for that matter, so the same can be said for those cases as well. Especially since it's difficult for most to differentiate between knowing what could be traced and what could just be the artist's regard for attention to detail in his own mind. >drawing an animal with completely different anatomy so its not in any way comparable. Anime aesthetics vary greatly and can be greatly over exaggerated as well to the point where I've heard many state, regardless of the style, that in general they don't even resemble real people in anyway. >maybe if your goal is to morally judge people but that isn't mine Obviously, so there's actually no gravitas nor sincerity to anything you ever say. Not that that needed to be said anyway.
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>>693732 im glad you agree my fine fellow futa aficionado
>>224433 Liking futa doesn't make you gay unless you want to fuck something with a penis in real life. Then you're gay. Liking futa does mean you have shit taste, though, since a girl with a dick is just bad aesthetics.
>>224432 >There are a lot of porn addicts repulsed by hentai. do they have a distinct sexuality compared to a porn addict that loves hentai or are they both heterosexual men that like a good pair of tits and ass? aesthetic preference over facial features is largely irrelevant to someones sexuality whether its in the form of different races or different cartoon art styles. >it's difficult for most to differentiate between knowing what could be traced and what could just be the artist's regard for attention to detail in his own mind. thats because most don't look behind the curtain the see the other side of things and so they have no ability to intuit whats real and whats not let alone prove it. if you want proof so badly you'll have to go looking for it in the same way. >there's actually no gravitas nor sincerity to anything you ever say. because I'm not a moral busybody? fucking americans man.
>>693732 Loli is an aesthetic; it's not limited to age, as lolis may, narratively speaking, be adults. Liking loli is as indicative of attraction to children as liking MILFS is indicative of attraction to old hags.
>>224436 >Liking loli is as indicative of attraction to children as liking MILFS is indicative of attraction to old hags. couldn't have said it better myself.
>>224431 loli does not mean loli. Retards all around over this miscommunicated non-issue. Netflix will never see my money no matter how much Current Year "anime" they put up.
Totally (((organic))) posts from ///legitmate\\\ anons that only "share" the types of traits of known spammers and banned individuals
>>224439 I like the (1) who came in to reply to his own post from well over a day ago myself. He switched to his other persona. It honestly makes me more suspicious of Team Ninja's president that there was such a pushback. Is ///this\\\ for commies? Did I miss slashes becoming a commie symbol?
>>224440 The shitposts are not much of the issue. Just report them and move on. Where the issue exists is that you have VOLS, where it's their job to watch these fags, NEVER do anything unless you annoy them enough to do it, as they will proceed to just close the reports no matter how many times report them.'
> Middle-age she-hulk twerking ratings beating Amazon billion-dollar rings of power >She-hulk bad ratings well documented >the Last episode of rings of power Elven illegal immigration and not trump king wanting to stay isolationists because orcs are not their problems cause they don’t have a reason to war against Dwarfs and men yet >Only region rings of power that aren’t underperforming in India Why do Indians have such shit taste in movies and shows? I think even the Chinese have better taste and they love Micheal bay transformers movies.
>>224441 hey cut them some slack they just lost their top hall monitor kazu the other day because one of the globals banned a user from his board for being underage. the shota posting faggot quit jannying because of that. who could've seen that one coming?
>>224105 >being a fag = supporting the great reset and basically vowing to make everything you're involved in to be pozzed Fixed.
>>224431 trending because CDPR wanted the loli removed from the new Cyberpunk anime, but Studio Trigger told them no I wish they stick to making another season and show like BNA than adapting another western IP.
>>224115 >"Maybe it is nothing!" Said by every trembling agent of the elites whenever there is something there that was found.
>>224442 Only reason the chinese aren't watching is because they hate blacks.
>>224121 Just a few hours, a cuckchanner was having a meltdown on the TGS thread once the WEF digging started.
>>224044 >Vic was fucked over by a Judge It was both actually. Judge Chupp fucked up the original case, and Ty Beard's incompetence fucked up any chance of appeal.
>>224449 It was definitely both. Judge Chupp was a retarded boomer, but Beard's incompetence was legendary. People should have known the moment he tried to make himself a celebrity over it that Vic picked the wrong guy.
>>224449 >>224450 Was Nick Rekieta the one who recommended Ty Beard? If he did, did he ever catch shit for being a grifting faggot? >>69375 Male to female trans is still male so male+mtf is gay, so I assume futa makes it straight as long as it was born a woman, yeah. Still kind of fruity but it's all good if there's no plain male on male going on
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>>224451 >Was Nick Rekieta the one who recommended Ty Beard? If he did, did he ever catch shit for being a grifting faggot? Did he recommend him? He definitely shilled the hell out of him and tried to make him out as some "legal assassin" but I think that might have been after Vic picked him.
>>693587 >/v/ culture Anyone who uses this term is a newfag trying to fit in
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Requesting next bread to be Ninja Gaiden themed. On September 20th, it'll mark 17 years since the release of Ninja Gaiden Black on the OG Xbox
>>224454 September 20th is also the day j00tas Iscariot kicked and banned GG and other board users from cuckchan
>>224431 Why couldn't we have played as a cyborg loli in CP2077?
>>224431 Cool. >>693569 >neck yourself Big tiddy lolis are /v/ culture. >>224372 I prefer DFC, but big tiddy lolits are still /v/ culture, you pleb. >>224453 You're projaculating.
>Street Fighter 6 recasts Ken voice actor Reuben Langdon seemingly over political tweets https://archive.ph/0twxk >“I am sad to no longer be the voice of Ken because he is a character dear to my heart,” Langdon said. “There are many lessons here in this situation. I tried my best to be epithetic to people on all sides but I must be myself no matter what and continue on my own journey.” >Old tweet screencaps from Reuben confirm he appears to have been anti-COVID lockdowns, anti-forced vaccinations, and pro-Republican. He also has defended other personalities deemed “problematic” such as former MMA fighter turned actress Gina Carano of The Mandalorian fame and voice actor Vic Mignogna. If Capcom actually goes though with replacing him in DMC6 or any spinoffs, the company is officially dead to me and I'm not sure I'll bother playing any of their later games, even Dragon's Dogma 2.
>>224456 Because 90% of people have the incorrect kneejerk reaction that loli is pedo.
>>224456 Cyberpunk didn't even let you have large breasts and still had issues with breasts and penises clipping through clothes. Height isn't even customizable, there's no way it could accommodate a short character without everything breaking.
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>>224458 >Dragon's Dogma 2 they're probably going to get rid of the gender selection or change it to style/figure like other japanese games have been doing
>>224458 While this wouldn't be surprising, a lot of the cast were changed, not just Ken. The entire source is some twitterfaggot, and Reuben speculating. So while it's believable it also seems like a poor article to me of nothing but speculation.
>>224395 Do you remember a few threads ago that you got banned in previous threads for being a aggressive asshole every time you engage in an argument that got derailed into spergy fights between anons? Its astounding that you didn't learned from that shit. >>224431 Is Rebecca even a loli, or a midget?
Enough discussion about CD Projekt's abortion! Are there any (Good) lewd cyberpunk games? The closest that I know of is Snatcher and Shadowrun for the Sega CD.
>>224463 >Is Rebecca even a loli, or a midget? Pretty sure she's just short. Though I supposed short and petite is definitionally loli if it's just an aesthetic, according to some ITT.
>>224463 Petite.
>>224463 >Is Rebecca even a loli, or a midget? Neither, she's just a flat-chested broad based off the clips I've seen on >>>/vore1/18888
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>>224458 Considering both are Capcom games I have no hope. But they ever do recast him as Dante shit will go nuclear. People like him.
>>224463 Considering the fact that studio trigger referred to her as such she might as well be despite not looking like one. Funny enough normal niggers on twitter agree with that sentiment considering they liked cyberpunk edgerunner including Rebecca. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=P9v6FHofEsE
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>>224402 >>Why he doesn't just make them all play Trauma Center is anyone's guess. He could always make them suffer through the old Life and Death games, which are more accurate to medical procedure than Trauma Center - but are from the 90's so enjoy having your ribcage split open with a repurposed jaws of life, by a surgeon high on cocaine, in order to give you a double-bypass for a minor blockage - as well as the jigsaw horror stitches across your abdomen.
>>224469 Those twitter reponses are hilarious. >w-well she acts 25 even though she's tiny >n-not all women need to have curves and look old guys They're literally making all the same arguments people make for why loli isn't a big deal but in response to realizing she's considered a loli by the devs.
>>224463 >banned in previous threads *banned in one particular thread >>224468 I can't imagine recasting almost all of the DMC actors. Do the Japanese like Reuben?
>>224219 Same as Bungie for games. Always those idiots "muh my creativity is being pushed away" don't knowing how the world works.
>>224435 There are people who flat-out can't get off to cartoons, no need to complicate it. >because I'm not a moral busybody? Especially given your obvious vitriolic stance here, is it of any benefit to you to have a discussion in good faith? You'd be wasting your time. So it's safe to assume nothing you say is true.
>>224358 >Conservitarts are just as cenor happy as leftists, Nigga, may we remind you who fucking ran the PMC commissions against heavy metal back in the day? It wasn't the fucking Republicans that led the charge it was the Democrats.
>>223943 >>223948 Complete false you faggot. Hadrian massacred them because of the Bar Kohkba revolt that outright murdered every non-jew in judea. Every man was killed, every woman and child was run through. There were reports of even babies with their skulls crushed in their cribs. So when the soldiers got the news and sent it to Hadrian, he responded equally with the destruction of jewdea. There was immense rage that day. >>223947 You're falling for the psyop.

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