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#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Satanic Anime Edition Anonymous 10/29/2022 (Sat) 07:35:15 Id: daf027 No. 241510
ONGOING DISCUSSIONS: >IGN Journalist who reviewed The Last of Us Part 2 joins Naughty Dog as Editorial Content Manager https://archive.ph/eTmtu https://pastebin.com/GGG5Kwdr >Arc System Works confirms that Bridget is trans https://archive.ph/lkbiL >Cloudflare bans Kiwifarms https://archive.ph/5ziDX >IMDB deletes every user review for The Rings of Power which rated it 5 or less https://archive.ph/Zg95c >Ben Kuchera claims he was fired by Vox Media for taking time off to deal with his children being sexually abused https://archive.ph/nB79z >Arc System Works changes Guilty Gear Lore to appease Twitter https://yewtu.be/watch?v=sYDYXfdzGN8 >Wiki is up again! https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php/Main_Page CURRENT TASKS: 1. OPERATION MAX REVIVE Rebuild the board's userbase and activity through simple, but effective methods 1. Post across the entire board Activity creates activity. Use threads you like, make new ones if topics don't exist. Easy examples are Drawthreads and Friday Night threads, go request or draw something right now. 2. Recruit and recover lost or potential anons Use this site's OC and features to entice anons if necessary when recruiting, just inform that we are alive. Here's some sites and links with at least some confirmed anons that can be recruited again: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chotwheels https://steamcommunity.com/groups/SSAVCH https://steamcommunity.com/groups/video_games https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chmohun https://steamcommunity.com/groups/8chan_monster https://steamcommunity.com/groups/GoodLuckEbolaChan https://steamcommunity.com/search/groups/#text=8ch.net https://steamcommunity.com/search/groups/#text=8chan Other sites that might yield fruitful results and have anons (art sites use an account so you can see 18+ content): https://www.deviantart.com/search?q=Vivian+James https://www.newgrounds.com/search/summary?suitabilities=etm&terms=Vivian%20James https://twitter.com/search?q=Vivian%20James&src=typed_query&f=image https://rpgcodex.net/ https://old.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/ Somewhere on Telegram Just searching up GG or 8chan-related terms on certain places/sites can get you possible results. 3. Make your own OC/Memes/Content Doesn't matter what it is even if its just simple edits or full-on drawings or webms, just make it and have fun. Ask in thread for software recs if necessary. 4. Encourage or create fun events, activities, projects, etc. Think things like 8chanmania, weekly streams, re-translation projects, demo days, or zzz's gaming magazine for example. If you want to do something, try making or reviving it, it can't hurt and these things are great for the board. 5. Use other boards All it takes for a board to grow is at least 2 dedicated anons using it. Don't be afraid to make a post, check places periodically, shill, or what have you. Don't force discussions to boards, just encourage the usage of them.
[Expand Post]2. OPERATION TRAJAN: Collect and catalog all of the various localization and censorship accounts of past video games into a single repository from these sources: romhacking.net The_Cutting_Room_Floor/tcrf.net Segaretro.org https://redirect.invidious.io/channel/UCFItIX8SIs4zqhJCHpbeV1A Examples: http://archive.vn/XQOHW Sony's policies forces censorship; JP devs allegedly have to go through ENG approval process: https://archive.fo/awzFF - Japanese blog post about it: https://archive.fo/bF9bE Sony Japan President Says PS4 Censorship Policy Is To Match Global Standards And Protect Kids: https://archive.fo/U3GLa - Confirms censorship was deliberate: https://archive.fo/XgAgP - No rules for censorship policies, games judged case-by-case: https://archive.fo/37DhK - Marvelous partner starts petition against policy: https://archive.fo/rxQtf https://archive.fo/84UHo • Twitterfags: Tweet with Sony's stock code $SNE so that investors see your tweets and know you're pissed. • Consider spreading OP Timber materials to targets as well: http://archive.vn/URjtu ONGOING TASKS: A. Operation Download And Conquer: Loosen the death-grip of Google that has taken hold of the internet's audio and video services >>>/t/5546 B. Support archive.fo! Accountability needs proof: https://liberapay.com/archiveis/donate C. OP DisNod: Contact the FTC and advertisers about violations and unethical practices http://archive.vn/9bylT D. Internet Censorship happenings: Spread the word about the dangers of FOSTA/CLOUD act/Article 13, etc. https://www.eff.org/de/deeplinks/2020/03/earn-it-act-violates-constitution E. OP End the Era: Dig into resetera and their connections to journos, devs, etc. http://archive.vn/JfuSb Reminders (important, READ THESE!): • Use https://archive.today to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve pages in case they are deleted later • Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags • Do not accept requests for any goal, demand lists or personal army requests: https://pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5 • Beware COINTELPRO: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies: https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htmSTOP REPLYING TO BAITS AND OBVIOUS DERAILMENT ATTEMPTS, JUST REPORT AND FILTER Resources >Summaries of #GamerGate:https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics • https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=5fnRSL3d_xU - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds • https://archive.fo/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address >Background and Evidence for #GamerGate: • The #GamerGate Dossier: https://archive.fo/nv1Fb • #GamerGate Wiki: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Main_Page • History of #GamerGate: https://www.historyofgamergate.com/ • View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section! >Lists: • GG Steam Support & Boycott List: https://v.gd/vzRsRb • Key GamerGate Hubs: https://v.gd/LNJbat >Thread Repository: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/blob/master/ThreadRepository.md https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=Thread_Repository >Full OP Text: • Current: https://ggwiki.deepfreeze.it/index.php?title=The_GamerGate_OP >How Can I Help? >>>/gamergatehq/ • All OPs: https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations • OP Vulcan: Learn logical debating: https://v.gd/Kbzw0L • An Anon's Guide to Twitter; basics: https://v.gd/nwrbYF >Want to Contribute to GitGud or Wiki? https://gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/How-to-Contribute
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plain slut
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To be fair, PS4-tan is a pretty evil and nasty bitch
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Looks like Mark isn't the only guy who likes to wear cum-stained jackets, huh? All kidding aside, Kanye's earned my respect. Someone as big as him putting his own career on the line to help spread the truth is incredible. This is like JonTron times a thousand. Right now I'm worried (((they))) might have Ye assassinated for this.
gondola benis

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>>241513 >>241514 Whatever gave you those ideas?
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Archive of previous bread https://archive.ph/oeR3O
>>241514 Kanye is getting cancelled and losing money because of outrage bullshit by (((Them))) while Zuck the Cuck went from 148 Billion to 38 Billion because Metaverse is a fucking worthless pile of shit.
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>>241519 Speaking of Zuck
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>>241520 Forgot to archive for a minute there, fixed.
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>>241521 >you used to be my nigga
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>>241514 Fuck, it's crazy how much Kanye looks like a guy I knew. He was this Mexican Moorish type, now I think he was part nigger he was addicted to methamphetamines He would snort them like pop rocks
>>722459 DIsgusting
>>722459 Sauce?
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Saw in a previous thread that there was butthurt over Bayonetta 3, so wanted to read up on the first articles that dropped during that time https://archive.ph/QKL8u Bayonetta 3’s biggest sin is its unwillingness to commit to the bit >The game’s ending is dominated by a bad guy whose motivations and grievances remain unclear before he’s chucked aside for an equally incomprehensible final boss that simultaneously sets up spin-offs while completely undermining a character that I have loved since 2009. There are some incredible leaps of character development that we’re supposed to just take on faith while the game abandons two whole games’ worth of established motivations and relationships all in service to the game’s true villain: compulsory heterosexuality. >When Bayonetta first came out, everything about her — her extreme sexuality, the way she dressed, her exaggerated movements — became this incisive parody about female video game characters. Bayonetta leaned so hard into those old stereotypes of the male-gaze-defined video game heroine that they became her strength. Her sexiness makes her powerful. It’s right there in the text, because the harder she fights, the more naked she becomes. She delighted in this empowerment and so delighted me for a whole decade before the last 30 minutes of Bayonetta 3 erased all of that to fit her into the box she once stomped on in four-inch, gun-strapped heels back in 2009. https://archive.ph/xZoAM Bayonetta 3 broke my heart >Like Viola at the game’s outset, I found myself haunted by the implications of the multiverse — the idea that, with all these different versions of Bayonetta overlaid on top of each other, the truth about her would finally become clear. The end of the game hammered that truth home, and it was ugly: Turns out, the fantasy of Bayonetta was never meant for me. Instead, Bayonetta’s true destiny is not a female power fantasy at all. >Since the review embargo prevents me from going into detail, I’ll instead describe what I loved about Bayonetta in the first two games, in hopes that a clever reader will understand what may or may not happen in Bayonetta 3. In the first two games, Bayonetta has no romantic arc or relationship, and since she’s presented as a dominatrix, the extent of her sexual expression is oriented around self-pleasure. I always liked the idea of Bayonetta as eternally single, although my runner-up choice for her one true love would be Jeanne — plus, official game art and social media posts from the game’s creators have suggested that Bayonetta and Jeanne are in a queer relationship. In any case, the Bayonetta I know and love doesn’t tie herself down to a man, and she certainly wouldn’t need to be rescued by one. .... >So then why, upon completing this game, did I immediately uninstall it? >Well, reader, as I’ve said before, I can’t reveal all the details of why. All I can do is tell you how much Bayonetta has meant to me, over the years, particularly when I first started out as a games critic back in 2007 — one of the few women in the field at the time. When I first saw ads for Bayonetta back then, I assumed she’d be just another sexpot designed with straight male gamers in mind — like Lara Croft, or Samus Aran in a bikini that gets smaller and smaller depending on the player’s efficiency and skill. These were female characters that I related to despite the fact that their bodies were presented as sexualized rewards. And in the first Bayonetta, too, I noticed the way the camera panned lovingly over the heroine’s breasts and butt during cutscenes, assuming you were there purely to lust after her rather than to imagine yourself wearing those high-heeled gun stilettos yourself. >And yet Bayonetta — much like Lara Croft and Samus Aran before her — got reclaimed and reinterpreted by many, including yours truly, as an empowering fantasy. In Bayonetta’s case, the fantasy also involved in-your-face femininity plus dominatrix trappings; as the witch dodged her foes, she’d condescendingly croon, “So close!” Her powers were undeniably, unavoidably sexual; her skin-tight black suit is actually made out of her own hair, which she can fashion into fists that beat back her enemies, leaving her body naked in the process. The stronger the attack, the more naked she becomes. >Could something like that ever be empowering, critics wondered? Was this not the ultimate expression of straight male desire and the sexual objectification of women? At the time, I countered that Bayonetta had also fulfilled a fantasy for those players who craved the chance to inhabit an unapologetically feminine protagonist. The ponytail, the lollipops, the lipstick, and the stilettos were worlds away from the gruff Marcus Fenixes and Master Chiefs of the era, and the further decision to make Bayonetta a dominatrix added a new layer to the fetishization in play here. Sure, this witch was somebody’s fantasy, but she was not exactly a normative one. ... >And yet I understood, all that time, why some of my friends didn’t vibe with Bayonetta — yes, even my queer and female friends. There was just something that seemed… off. Something deep down that suggested that this heroine wasn’t meant for us. That’s because it turns out that Bayonetta was made with Luka in mind. >Who the fuck is Luka, you might be asking? Well, I can’t blame you, because he isn’t exactly an important part of Bayonetta and Bayonetta 2. He’s a side character best characterized as a simp, although that slang term didn’t get popular until years after Bayonetta 2’s release. Better yet, I’ll quote this description of Luka said by Loki in Bayonetta 2: “Hey, you’re the pervert staring at Bayonetta’s tits all the time. You really need to learn how to talk to a lady!” ... >I don’t see myself as anything like Luka. I see myself as… well, Bayonetta. It’s a fantasy, OK? Let me have this one! Except, of course, Bayonetta 3 doesn’t let me have this one. Not the way that Bayonetta and Bayonetta 2 let me have it, anyway. In those games, Bayonetta was always the coolest person in the room, and mere mortals like Luka should count themselves lucky to breathe the same air. Yet inexplicably, in Bayonetta 3, Luka gains completely unearned power and importance. Why he’s suddenly such a big deal, when previously he was little more than comic relief, amounts to a big heteronormative shrug. >I don’t know what to tell longtime Bayonetta fans about this game, let alone the newcomers hoping to come aboard with this installment. If all you care about is button-ramming combat that’s similar to Devil May Cry, you’ll have a ball. But if you ever wanted to believe that there was something deeper to Bayonetta’s story — some grander statement about femininity and sexuality and power dynamics — you’ll find the truth to be quite a disappointment. Viola did tell me at the very beginning of this game that it would reveal this fundamental truth to me. I only wish I could have lived in ignorance for a little while longer. It's funny, because I actually do think the ending for Bayonetta 3 is stupid garbage (God I hate multiverses. I hate the passing of the torch. I hate just randomly killing off your entire cast just because). However their biggest take away instead is just the heterosexuality didn't align with their headcanon.
>>241526 I do like multiverses but i dislike most of the time because of how they do,just an extremely lazy shit,that doesn't even try it cool ,also "passing the torch" is just screaming they don't have creativity so they use it to keep milking the franchise
>>241527 >I do like multiverse Fuckoff and die
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https://archive.ph/nLMLr https://archive.ph/cQ9FR https://archive.ph/BtAxC https://archive.ph/UdRX7 https://archive.ph/qXktx https://archive.ph/KDwQn <‘Bayonetta 3’ Discourse Over Titular Protagonist’s Sexy Appearance Exposes Just How Insecure Video Game Journalists Truly Are https://archive.ph/zkSg9 <Bob Chapek Denies Disney Has Become ‘Too Woke’: “The Company Survived For A Hundred Years By Catering To Its Audience, And It’s Going To Thrive The Next Hundred By Doing The Same” https://archive.ph/S9ruk
>>241526 The entire coverage of bayonetta 3 shows that gaming media has been completely outpaced by other means. The 1st reveal happens, the naive angel mode got no sway from media to actual streamers. The VA debacle happens, people got the news from twitter first, they themselves decided whether to believe the story or not (several "personalities" were cautious about it). It was Schreier who revealed some counterpoints to the initial claims (more due to his connections and that others approached him), and people reacted exactly how they should. And now any article or video trying to attach politics to bayonetta is getting zero traction/not even clickbaited.
>>241531 > the naive angel mode got no sway from media to actual streamers Is that right? Given how spineless streamers are when it comes to the risk of losing their precious Jewtube/Twitch shekels, I'm dubious to believe they aren't using the mode.
>>241532 From what I've seen they haven't.
Why am I not surprised that Jewsh is a procrastinator.
>>241530 >GamerGate is responsible for Paul Pelosi getting brain surgery
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>>241531 >>241526 (checked) I'm more pissed off at how two-faced they are about this since years ago these same assholes were bitching about Bayonetta being sexist and now out of nowhere they're claiming she's a "Queer" icon for some fucking reason what I can assume is that she's flamboyant. Given their lot it's likely the case since they always promote stereotypes they claim to fight against.
>>241537 I'm more surprised that they haven't weaponized Viola considering how she looks. Maybe it has to do with how incompetent she is.
>>241536 I hate you.
>>241538 (Checked) If I had to guess it's likely because not even the fans of the game care about Viola compared to the titular character. SJW's don't care much about media beyond surface level knowledge and whatever can be used to push their shitty views on everyone.
>>241534 I still hold out hope that this ends in mutual suicides for both sides of that cancerfest. >>241530 >And It’s Going To Thrive The Next Hundred By Doing The Same I mean it can survive off ESG funds and stockpiled cash for decades, but again I would use the word survive not thrive. They are severely damaging their brand more and more each year.
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>Paul Pelosi's attacker: >Registered Green Party member >Lived in a San fransisco hippy commune >Was the '3rd partner' to a married hippy nudist couple >Pride flag outside home >Black Lives Matter sign in window >Police found him in his underwear with Paul Pelosi after call of domestic disturbance >After police arrived, he snatched the hammer from Pauls' hand, attacked him, then tackled by police. >CONFIRMED QANON GAMERGATER >From his blog: "How did this all start? Gamer Gate. It was Gamer Gate." The wild ride continues
>>241542 Nice archives, queer.
>>241543 Oh yeah, he definitely just used Stable Diffusion to generate that image and then made up the rest.
>>241542 >>241544 If it's news worth posting then it needs to be archived.
>>241537 >years ago these same assholes were bitching about Bayonetta being sexist and now out of nowhere they're claiming she's a "Queer" icon for some fucking reason It's possible they concluded that since they cannot browbeat people for liking it, instead they decided to appropriate it and displace the original fans by claiming to be the "true fans". >>241544 Photoshop existed since the 90's.
>>241545 I agree, but still. >>241546 >Photoshop existed since the 90's. Was that the excuse given when the pictures of Hunter Biden getting serviced by children were released?
>>241546 I'll admit that's clever of them but they're not all that subtle since they know jack shit and make themselves obvious during major events as opposed to gradual change over time. Not helped by the amount of drama and controversy they start on social media.
>>241534 Jizzsh needs to grift as hard as keffals, the only time I remember him grifting was during Infinity next, anyways good to see him implementing acids plan >>241542 He has the body of a femboy, what the fuck Imagine putting a paper bag over a gooney beard mans head and going to town on his asshole as you make him wear a skirt
>>722525 >>722527 >>241549 Anon you having some trouble?
>>722525 >>722527 >>241549 >Different IDs lol. You forget to change nodes before that first post?
Watch out for GamerGate The public enemy of the world #1 It is the main hashtag responsible for… ☑ Accidentally re-starting the French Revolution ☑ Weaponized Gondolas ☑ Hacking German politicians and media ☑ Played "To Catch a Predator" with Randy Pickford ☑ Masterminded the destruction of GDQ via the Catfish of Legend: Namazu ☑ Under the light of the Blood Moon; Self-destructed Western Journalism by having a some kid smirk at a drumming savage ☑ Just wanted to start a conversation with everyone, everywhere, eternally ☑ Watched Gawker die TWICE ☑ Guilty of face crimes ☑ When GameStop tried to sell itself; offered $3.50 in in-store credit ☑ Made telling "journalists" to "learn to code" into a hate crime ☑ Taught the Alt-Right ✅Then harassed said Alt-Right ☑ Started in 2011-2012 when 4chan tried to steal Anita Sarkeesian's SSN# ☑ Created "Boner Culture" which made cis straight male erections the most powerful force on earth ☑ Had a Jewish Mobster 'Take Care' of it ☑ Asked THQ about gaemu which somehow triggered World Wide Web War III ☑ Tricked /cow/ into developing and sharing their fetish for Mark's plump bagel with ResetEra ☑ Triggered GJP3.0 with 57 hitpeices on THQ Nordic's AA ☑ Orchestrated the GaymerGay misogynist review backlash against Marvel's Captain Woman ☑ Taught New Zealand about "White Day" ☑ Radicalized Spyro the Dragon ☑ Turned Pewdiepie into the Osama Bin Ladin of GaymerGays ☑ "The nerds and gamers were joined by the proto-storm troopers of the alt-right in a bond that has never been broken" ☑ Was a trial run for "will the US tolerate fascist behavior" ☑ Exploring new frontiers in sexual harassment via Jelly Bean ☑ Groomed young impressionable politicians into misogynists ☑ Created and trained the alt-right to take over the political landscape on a global scale (And succeeded) ☑ Arranged for Sonic the Hedgehog (movie ver.) to get "fixed" ☑ Remains undefeated for all time ☑ Turned Rage 2 into a Trump-esque attack on game journos ☑ Joined forces with Amazon ☑ Helped Mark impress Resetera ☑ Used Elliot Rodger's martyrdom to unite 4Chan and Breitbart to elect Donald Trump ☑ Will be looked back upon in 50 years as the root cause of the coming Cultural Civil War ☑ Government-sponsored shitposting ☑ Mastered the manipulation of the news cycle to their advantage ☑ Made Anita cry when Feminist Frequency went broke ☑ Destroyer of Worlds ☑ Russian Conspiracies (all of them) ☑ Extended Reanon's death/meme-magic to animation studios (please meme responsibly) ☑ An instrument of American Trumpian Power Worldwide
[Expand Post]☑ Cured alleged "journalist" of dyslexic anxiety ☑ An aberrant, creeping horror ☑ As dangerous as Anti-Vax, ISIS, and Holocaust Denial ☑ Five years of ruining everything ☑ Came to the classroom ☑ Trained Google whistleblowers ☑ Never died and foreshadowed our toxic meme-strewn politics ☑ Blew up the Internet ☑ Made wanting challenge in videogames into supporting White Supremacy ☑ Was secretly fighting WWIII all along ☑ Stochastic Terrorism ☑ Being a national security threat according to the DHS ☑ Helped Mark win the lottery ☑ Gave the money back ☑ Living long enough to see itself become the villain in a TV Show THRICE ☑ Confused the FBI into thinking /v/ is /baphomet/ ☑ Turned Anita Sarkesian into a crazy cat lady ☑ It's #Gamergate Forever ☑ Justifiably felt alienated by the neoliberal fetishization of feminism and the reductionism of politics to identity teams ☑ Was rabidly pro-corporate ☑ Manipulated a SJWeeb into review-bombing a LGBTWTFBBQ-friendly game as a "test" ☑ Non-meat based cam girls ☑ Caused the Corona outbreak which destroyed China to cheer up a depressed CIA glownigger ☑ Digisexuals ☑ Called the cyber police to put a cripple in cyber jail ☑ Weaponizing decency ☑ Made the games industry a nightmare for Women, Colored People, and Ashley Burch ☑ The inevitable ultimate horror of Sega's "toxic" advertising for ChuChu Rocket ☑ Has the highest body count of any COVID-19 disinfo group ☑ Finally got the 8kun administration to get off their ass and answer the damn phone ☑ Searching for a new home (again) ☑ Made some /v/ hotpockets on other imageboards go insane ☑ Burned julay to the ground by doing basically fuck-all except continue to exist (props to a certain bunbunmaru reporter, tho) ☑ Having a high enough IQ to be mentioned on Rick and Morty ☑ Radicalized a grandmother to the point she promotes harassment against alleged games journalists ☑ Is the terrorist group backed by 'The French' who are behind President Trump's exhausting battle against twitter ☑ Protecting FUCKING GAMESTOP from looters ☑ Finally started the Race War by forcing a meth-head on a date with Corona-chan to take a knee to the neck from the police ☑ Confirmed for Baby Hitler ☑ Gave a lot of airtime to Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov ☑ Got on the Atlantic's "free $100" van only to get intervewed ☑ Started a backlash against the French independent film industry because they want to raise pure little girls ☑ And then Russia wanted to shut down 8chan.moe to be ironic ☑ Was clearly a blueprint for Trump's online assault in 2016 ☑ A gravestone marked “Games Journalism; Dead By Suicide,” with the date of death corresponding with the launch of GG ☑ Took over the US capitol ☑ Funded by the GOP ☑ Using Reddit's radicalized nihilism to counter jews shorting FUCKING GAMESTOP ☑ Made Mark the Godfather of Gamergate ☑ Corrected Polygon on Titanfall lore ☑ Accidental meme magic discharge (R.I.P Miura) ☑ Planet-range racism field ☑ Not wanting people to put down the controller and talk about their feelings ☑ Destroyed the logic process of a bot wreaking havoc across multiple imageboards with just one simple trick ☑ Caused Blizzard executives to threaten their employees with rape ☑ Came to Alex Hutchinson's Defense ☑ Made Vivian a feminist symbol ☑ Grew to a geopolitical scale and spilled into real life with devastating consequences ☑ Got their own TV show ☑ Brandon’s First fan ☑ Gave birth to Qanon ☑ Is the precedent for /K/yle Rittenhouse ☑ Ruined people's brains by turning them into corporate bootlickers ☑ Created the concept of "Culture War" ☑ Was the watershed event in the ascendancy of online extremist personalities and tactics ☑ Mars manifest destiny ☑ Was behind Elon Musk's twitter takeover all along ☑ The Ruby Ridge of online violence ☑ Funneled men into far-right politics via witch-hunting ☑ We now live in a gamergateocracy ☑ Resulted in abortions being banned ☑ Accused of being none other than Gamergate ☑ Making mainstream games soft-sell white supremacy ☑ Getting their own theater piece in the Netherlands ☑ Was a rebellion against English class ☑ Conquistato il senato Italiano usando nerd armati ☑ Let the far right borrow it's online moves
>>722538 >>241546 >>241537 The biggest news sources today are yong yea and twitterfags. And they don't (mostly) promote this faggotry. Games media is changed completely.
>>241525 Uh, guy called testered on baraag.
>>241554 >>241556 >Already over Fuck, I was having fun, even if it pulled too many things out of it's ass.
>>ID 0f650b >CONFIRMED QANON GAMERGATER >From his blog: "How did this all start? Gamer Gate. It was Gamer Gate Looks like Cuckchan /tv/ trying to spread fake news here. They been spreading fake news to go after David Zaslav and black Adam of all things.
>>241558 He was quoting the news outlets, you dip.
>>241558 What does cuckchan /tv/ have specifically against throwaway DC capeshit movie #20 this time starring The Boulder?
>>241543 Styxhexenhammer666 did a good job covering the attack free from /tv/ Redditors bullshit. Even though I think he a hypocritical faggot at times. Paul Pelosi Assaulted by David Depape, Nudist and Green Party Member... MAGA Still Blamed https://y.com.sb/watch?v=qulZkWH40M0
>>241560 >What does cuckchan /tv/ have specifically against throwaway DC capeshit movie #20 this time starring The Boulder? Black Adam is the first David Zaslav DC movie and it didn’t flop despite rotten tomatoes critics review bombing for things like having Kayne west music. Same David Zaslav that planning to purge CNN and make them more apolitical for profitability. I think Cuckchan /tv/ bigger faggots than /leftypol/ to be honest. We know nigger pill cross post there after all.
>>241562 But wasn't the movie in development and even filmed long before Zaslav got in charge? In fact, the main reason I didn't watch it is specifically because I bet it's still full of pozz, even if not as much as Batgirl would have had. Isn't this the movie that made Hawkman black because literally "WE WUZ KANGS?"
>>241514 He really showed the red graphic.
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>>241564 >But wasn't the movie in development and even filmed long before Zaslav got in charge? Yes. But /tv/ posters that white knight ESGs don’t tend to be smart. >In fact, the main reason I didn't watch it is specifically because I bet it's still full of poz If it was. David Zaslav removed pozz content before release. Black Adam getting better audience than the recent marvel shit.
>>241565 >Robert Iger seems outdated
>>241568 Yeah it's from 2013
>>241568 It says 2013 right at the very top.
>>241565 He is not wrong. Planned Parenthood is funded to be a eugenics program and Jews of Hollywood worship them. Plus how faggy red letter media. I’m okay with the term red media being negative.
>>241567 >If it was. David Zaslav removed pozz content before release. Black Adam getting better audience than the recent marvel shit. Well sure, but that's a low bar. So many people now have had their standards lowered so much that now they tolerate shit they wouldn't have tolerated only a few years ago. I got tricked into watching Scream 5 recently, because of people promising that it wasn't SJW shit. Holy fuck, I've never hated another movie more in my life. I held off on Scream 4 because I expected it to be SJW shit, but was pleasantly surprised when it wasn't. So I gave 5 a chance, because people promised me it was also good. No, it's the movie 4 was making fun of. I'm still angry about it weeks later.
>>241568 It's even more red now and way less green as the focus is now on banging trannies.
>>241572 >got tricked into watching Scream 5 recently, because of people promising that it wasn't SJW shit. Outside of the first movie I scream has a worse track record with sequels than Halloween. At least the Halloween sequels were fun and didn’t take themselves so seriously. Halloween might be worse than Rob zombie Halloween 2 and resurrection. The rotten tomato critics and (((RLM))) love Halloween ends.
>>241574 Not even normalfags liked Halloween Ends
>>241574 I disagree. I loved Scream 2, 3, and 4. If he first is about the legacy of slasher movies, then the second being about the legacy of the first movie is clever. The third wasn't quite as good since it didn't have the original writer, but being on the movie set was a pretty cool premise, and even if not clever as far as this series goes, it's still more clever than most Slash movies. Scream 4 is basically making fun of every movie sequel that came out after it, all the ones that bring in new characters just to shit on the old ones and say they're better. It predicted all this SJW shit and was about why all that stuff is stupid and bad. Scream 5 is then precisely the movie 4 was saying is stupid. Scream 5 is the first in the series to play itself entirely straight, with the closest it gets to thought just being that it tells you Scream is a stupid movie and you should be watching modern garbage like It Follows (my previous most hated movie) instead. Goddamn I hate Scream 5. Halloween Ends felt like it should have been a completely standalone movie and had nothing to do with Halloween. In fact, the connections to Halloween felt extremely tacked on. It would have been a better movie without those connections, and the series would have been better off without the movie. But I'll give it one thing: it wasn't as SJW as I expected it to be. It was almost just a normal movie, albeit not a Halloween one.
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>>241514 How much will you see more niggers distrusting Jews? >>241552 >☑ Let the far right borrow it's online moves What's this? >>241571 >eugenics I don't understand why eugenics is considered to be a bad thing. Is it wrong to have healthy children that have little to no genetic defects?
>>241577 >I don't understand why eugenics is considered to be a bad thing. Is it wrong to have healthy children that have little to no genetic defects? I said this to my SJW brother recently. He responded with "well why don't you just eliminate all black people, then?" Basically SJWs know blacks are inferior, hence why they treat them as such all the time, so by their own world view, eugenics would get rid of them. And I'm sure it applies not just to blacks, of course, but to everyone else as well.
>>241577 Are you so lacking in humanity that you do not see the problem in killing your own child?
>>241579 Eugenics does not involve killing your own child, it involves preventing people with genetic problems from passing them on. This can be done in many other ways beyond any sort of killing. Hell, it can even be done without sterilization or celibacy now, with various forms of screening. Of course, note that the same people who are usually most vocally against eugenics now are the same people perfectly okay with babykilling so long as the mother is doing it.
>>241562 >Same David Zaslav that planning to purge CNN and make them more apolitical for profitability. CNN hasn't been "apolitical" since Clinton was in office. >>241577 >I don't understand why eugenics is considered to be a bad thing. Because you're killing people based entirely upon a subjective feature that you deem to be "inferior", regardless of whether it's true or not, and regardless of whether or not the person you're killing in the exception. Unless you're talking about selective breeding, then it's just people bitching about how some people prefer to pass their traits on with certain people.
>>241579 That's not what eugenics is, moishe.
>>241578 Everyone that jumps into the conclusion that eugenics is all about killing inferior people is a retard. In wonder if anyone will want to go down with a woman that suffers with severe health issues, both physically or mentally. >>241579 Never implied anything about killing my kids up to this point. >>241581 IIRC, many of the powerful elites like the Rockefellers used to be big on eugenics that they selected people that are the most healthiest of them all.
>>241581 No, there are certain things that are objectively bad and shouldn't be passed on. For example, Hothweels knowingly passed on their Boneitis to him, and they shouldn't have done that, and he knows he shouldn't do that to anyone else. That's eugenics, and it's perfectly reasonable.
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>>241565 Let me show another graphic
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>>241585 It wouldn't be my child I'd be killing, it would be the mixed race mutt atrocity of my proverbial niggerfucking whore wife I'm going to divorce if she doesn't put it down.
>>241583 >Everyone that jumps into the conclusion that eugenics is all about killing inferior people is a retard. As far as people are concerned, that's what eugenics is. They don't consider "selective breeding" as eugenics. >In wonder if anyone will want to go down with a woman that suffers with severe health issues, both physically or mentally. Depends on if those traits are genetic or not. For example, blindness is genetic: https://archive.ph/Q4R2i Would you consider making a baby with a blind girl? Even then, how would you know if the baby inherited the gene or not? In addition, what if they make a vaccine or a pill that renders the gene mute? How about a girl that has disability that's not genetic? For example, she was in a car crash and paralyzed from the waist down. Would you consider having a baby with her? >IIRC, many of the powerful elites like the Rockefellers used to be big on eugenics that they selected people that are the most healthiest of them all. And, then there was WWII. Which was eugenics in practice, as far as those people were concerned, so they shut their mouth on the matter. People always like playing with "interesting" theories, but rarely ever want to put them into practice.
>>241587 >I'm going to divorce if she doesn't put it down. But she already cheated on you. Wouldn't you divorce her anyway?
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>>241589 You could also sue her as infidelity is still illegal in all 50 states.
>>241591 How illegal are we talking?
friendly reminder to use the rest of the board when you can and find/make threads about topics you like, its an easy way to increase activity and will increase the userbase too Saw some edits shared around the board a thread or two ago, nicely done to whichever anons were involved with that here's a fresh viv from someone in the drawthread
>>241577 >I don't understand why eugenics is considered to be a bad thing. Is it wrong to have healthy children that have little to no genetic defects? There's nothing wrong with eugenics. >>241581 >Because you're killing people based entirely upon a subjective feature that you deem to be "inferior", regardless of whether it's true or not, and regardless of whether or not the person you're killing in the exception Eugenics doesn't only encompass abortions, which is what I assume you're referring to when talking about "killing" people. Sperm banks are one of the largest forms of eugenics in western civilization. You're not allowed to donate sperm if you're under 6 feet tall. Eugenics could also encompass things like gene modification, which would involve no murder. Not that I personally care about murdering unborn children, but I understand it's morally contentious. >>241588 >As far as people are concerned, that's what eugenics is. They don't consider "selective breeding" as eugenics. Who the fuck is they? No where in the definition of eugenics does it necessitate killing anyone. You can't just make up your own definition.
>>241593 I recently made an update to the hentai news thread That nobody cares about. A day a go with a rape man distaff counterpart called rape girl. >>>/h/3933
>>241591 What country has 50 states?
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>>241588 >As far as people are concerned, that's what eugenics is. They don't consider "selective breeding" as eugenics. Anon, normalfags are retarded. I think that there's no reason to use their logic as an argument point because we both know that its bullshit. I could make similar arguments that stuff like CRISPR is part of eugenics because it also falls into the category of "improving the human race". >Depends on if those traits are genetic or not. For example, blindness is genetic. Would you consider making a baby with a blind girl? Even then, how would you know if the baby inherited the gene or not? In addition, what if they make a vaccine or a pill that renders the gene mute? I don't disagree about this completely, but like >>241584 said with his example of Hotwheels, there are certain things that aren't worth being passed onto future generations. >How about a girl that has disability that's not genetic? For example, she was in a car crash and paralyzed from the waist down. Would you consider having a baby with her? I'm not into wheelies.
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>>241593 Nah, I'll keep using the /gg/ thread as a catchall for posting things I like or dont like. Thanks for the offer tho.
>>241598 Cute bulldog.
>>241593 That isn't going to increase activity. It would just fragment it and lower activity. If you want more activity advertise and bring in more users.
>>241587 >my proverbial niggerfucking whore wife I'm going to divorce if >if cuck
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>>241599 There's a bulldog, but is there a cuckdog?
>>241600 Anon, posting in the GG thread is not mutually exclusive with using the rest of the board. You have multiple tabs you can use for a reason. I never said anything about not using the GG thread. Also: activity creates activity and brings in users. Its just a simple fact of boards. >advertise You can do that too if you want, go and recruit anons directly from the links in the OP if you have an account on any of those sites.
>>241595 keep it up anon, even something small is always better than nothing
>>241598 That kitten's on steroids.
>>241576 >But I'll give it one thing: it wasn't as SJW as I expected it to be. It was almost just a normal movie, albeit not a Halloween one. According to a promotional interview, Halloween ends suppose to be about covid 19 somehow. Then again Halloween kills suppose to be about January 6 and BLM. >>241575 >Not even normalfags liked Halloween Ends One of the reasons I am beginning to respect Doug Walker and non-AVGN James Rolfe movie reviews over red letter media. RLM Halloween ends review is them damage controlling the film and calling anyone who doesn’t like it stupid.
>>241607 >According to a promotional interview, Halloween ends suppose to be about covid 19 somehow. It's about people becoming paranoid and thus turning on each other. So if it is about the coronoavirus, then it's pretty based. But no, it's not about that.
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>>241609 Why does black Tewi need money?
>>241610 It's just an excuse to suck dick
>>241611 Why does black Tewi need an excuse to be a slut?
>>241612 Bitches get riches
>>241613 The loops back around to my original question?
>>241603 >Also: activity creates activity and brings in users. Its just a simple fact of boards. Yes, but that can only be the case if there are users in the first place. I can generate as much OC as I want on a niche board and with no one interested in using it it's meaningless. This sites issue is a lack of users, not a lack of activity.
>>241591 >implying you would ever win that case
<<722743 >Phil Spencer dunks on the metaverse Neat >teases 'Call of Duty' on Switch Reported for spam.
>>241616 >Yes, but that can only be the case if there are users in the first place. I can generate as much OC as I want on a niche board and with no one interested in using it it's meaningless. This sites issue is a lack of users, not a lack of activity. No, because many users are lurkers, and thus you don't notice them, but good activity encourages lurkers to become active. That's how growth works.
>>241616 See >>241619 Also, what a niche board needs, at minimum for growth, is at least 2 dedicated users who will post consistently. I used to own a niche board on 8chan prime, and I'm talking niche, and I only rarely advertised it. But there were times when I posted a lot on the board, people would randomly show up who were clearly not from the board or been there before, and they started posting. Unfortunately I did not have the autism to keep posting every day since my style was more just "do a bunch of posts occasionally", but if I had, I'm sure the board would be a lot bigger. If people notice a board with a lot of OC, it will draw in people. If the board is quality, then just make sure its active and people will come, and if you want to make efforts to advertise, go ahead. I've tried generally advertising my board on other sites back in the past, but the success compared to actually posting on the board consistently was clearly showing that the board's activity was more important than advertising. However, I rarely tried direct recruiting like the OP offers with those actually confirmed anons.
Ubisoft wants to give Rainbow Six and The Division the infinite Assassin's Creed treatment >Ubisoft says it's seen a big response to its new strategy for Assassin's Creed, and the publisher plans to bring the same sort of template to >We revealed our most ambitious roadmap ever for the Assassin’s Creed brand which received an incredibly enthusiastic response from fans," CEO Yves Guillemot says. "Our objective is to bring the brand to new heights by reaching a significantly wider audience with more platforms and business models. We are replicating this strategic template with our other major brands, starting with Rainbow Six and The Division in the near future." >The quote comes as part of Ubisoft's latest financial report, in which Guillemot says the company intends to reach a combined €2 billion annual net booking from its three biggest franchises - Assassin's Creed, Rainbow Six, and The Division - over the next five years. >The strategy for upcoming Assassin's Creed games was laid out in a September broadcast. In short, it consists of a bit of everything. You'll have traditional titles like Assassin's Creed Mirage, mobile projects like Codename Jade, and other spin-offs for platforms like Netflix. >The franchise will be anchored by Assassin's Creed Infinity, a central hub from which you'll seemingly play the big new RPGs as well as the multiplayer project Invictus, which will be overseen by For Honor vets. >In other words, it's a bunch of different games on different platforms likely to use different business models, and many of them are set to be connected through some sort of central hub. >It's effectively the same strategy Activision Blizzard is using with Call of Duty Mobile, Warzone, and the traditional series entries, and it's a strategy more big triple-A franchises are likely to adopt. >While we're not yet at the point of needing (or seeing) a Rainbow Six Infinity or The Division Infinity to collect all the disparate games, both franchises are starting to crowd up with new types of entries. >The venerable multiplayer hit Rainbow Six Siege has recently been joined by the co-op PvE of Extraction, and Rainbow Six Mobile is on the way, too. The Division series is similarly getting a free-to-play spin-off called Heartland as well as a mobile edition called Resurgence. https://archive.ph/oUjDR
>>241620 more important than advertising when it came to actually drawing in new people*
>>722750 Why didn't you make this into a thread?
>Nigger pill doesn’t think people will know it was him if he doesn’t IP hoop You been spamming 4chan /co/ all day faggot. https://archive.ph/ggitX
>>722750 >"Well, that doesn’t bode well," redditor AceRojo wrote i wanto stranggle whoever made this article
>>241594 >Eugenics doesn't only encompass abortions, which is what I assume you're referring to when talking about "killing" people. No, it's in reference to using people with specific traits as nothing more than cannon fodder. >No where in the definition of eugenics does it necessitate killing anyone. Let me look that up to verify this: https://archive.ph/w5msG <the practice or advocacy of controlled selective breeding of human populations (as by sterilization) to improve the population's genetic composition Imagine that, I was wrong. >>241596 Burgerland >>241607 >Halloween ends suppose to be about covid 19 somehow. Then again Halloween kills suppose to be about January 6 and BLM. Why do people keep using films about serial killers as political statements? >>241608 Could also be about how they need to battle "Corona-chan misinformation". >>722731 The what Effect? >>241623 It's the pajeet obsessed with Huggy Wuggy and Pokemon cards who keeps spamming weeks old news and refuses to leave.
>>241626 I don't think so, that posting format for news articles here is pretty generic, he would've posted that pokemon shit by now if he was I think
>>241624 Has /tv/ accomplished ANYTHING positive in the last 10 years?
>>241626 >Why do people keep using films about serial killers as political statements? Halloween from 2018 is more political than its two sequels. Halloween Kills, for as much as Curtis tried to claim it was some sort of political bullshit, is about the town getting together to kill Michael Meyers,then killing an innocent guy instead, only for Meyers, who remember, is "The Boogeyman," to massacre like 40 people with his bare hands. Whatever metaphor they were trying to go for is confused at best. The 2018 movie is more political just by virtue of everyone hating the dad for no reason and not giving a shit when he gets killed, and for having a character who gets friendzoned and is treated like the bad guy for daring to ask out a girl who was pretending to be nice to him.
>>241619 You're just repeating what I said except ignoring the fact this site doesn't have lurkers to become active posters. >>241620 >Also, what a niche board needs, at minimum for growth, is at least 2 dedicated users who will post consistently. Growth requires people to know this site exists. You can not grow from a community of 2 people. This isn't a standard social media site with millions of users where enough activity will feed some algorythm and get your posts pushed in front of people. Unless people know this site exists your effort and activity is fucking meaningless. You're shouting into the void.
>>241628 >Has /tv/ accomplished ANYTHING positive in the last 10 years? The Simpsons sneed meme? >>241623 Why are you getting upset over people actually talking about video games on /gg/ ?
>>241630 >this site doesn't have lurkers to become active posters. Not only can you not prove that, but it's an absurd claim. Every site has more lurkers than posters, and practically everyone lurks before posting. At least the good posters do. But many lurk and never post because they never end up feeling incentivized to do so. >Unless people know this site exists your effort and activity is fucking meaningless. You're shouting into the void. Sometimes people end up stumbling onto the place. And those are the types of people who you'd be more likely to want to stick around.
>>241626 > Halloween ends suppose to be about covid 19 somehow. Then again Halloween kills suppose to be about January 6 and BLM. >Why do people keep using films about serial killers as political statements? Netflix made a show about the faggot cannibal and made it about racism and why defunding police good.
>>241629 >Halloween Kills, for as much as Curtis tried to claim it was some sort of political bullshit, is about the town getting together to kill Michael Meyers,then killing an innocent guy instead WHY?! >ands. Whatever metaphor they were trying to go for is confused at best. The 2018 movie is more political just by virtue of everyone hating the dad for no reason and not giving a shit when he gets killed, and for having a character who gets friendzoned and is treated like the bad guy for daring to ask out a girl who was pretending to be nice to him. Yeah, that makes sense, because feminist are all about how men need to be "afraid" of women altogether. >>241633 >Netflix made a show about the faggot cannibal and made it about racism and why defunding police good. Isn't Chucky also about how he's "not evil enough" to kill a fag?
>>241626 >Halloween from 2018 is more political than its two sequels. I think Halloween 2018 suppose to be wife beating metaphor. But was accidentally one of the most pro-second amendment and victim rights movie in the last 10 years.
>>241630 If there are people around to see posting (and they like the posts/topic), they will post too. Why do you think some threads get more attention than others, even right from the start? We at least have a rough idea of the number of IPs currently browsing the board, and right now it looks like its around ~1000, with around 230 browsing /v/. I'm just telling you my experience here anon, you can argue with it if you'd like, but that doesn't change the facts. When I post on my board, somehow people will turn up to it, despite me not having advertised my board in over a year now and even though its PPH is 0 most of the time.
>>241632 >Sometimes people end up stumbling onto the place. And those are the types of people who you'd be more likely to want to stick around. Plus if people like a place and what's happening there, they have a tendency to tell others about it too. Somehow people have turned up here from cuckchan to contribute, despite next to no real advertising for here, and a fake site (8kunt) that they're more likely to stumble upon. There is very little explanation for that, but we are still getting newfags here somehow.
>>241634 >Isn't Chucky also about how he's "not evil enough" to kill a fag? Chucky is about him trying to get some gay kid to become a serial killer. The first half of Season 1, Chucky is barely in it, and it's all just about this gay kid and his gay friends and the straight girl that bullies him. But then once they find out about Chucky, we're supposed to believe she's a good guy now, because no women are truly evil. Then suddenly the second half of the season is about deep lore shit from all the movies, with multiple characters showing up, including some who are copies of Chucky in other bodies, and Jennifer Tilly plays herself possessed by Tiffany, and none of this is really explained, because it's expected you saw the movies. But anyone who did like the movies would hate the show by this point, because the first half of the season was nothing but homosexual bullshit, and anyone who did like the first half wouldn't understand the second half because anyone who did like the first half wouldn't like the movies and bother to watch all seven of them, which is required to understand shit. And I understand there's a season 2 now, but I won't be watching it. I feel guilty for watching Season 1, but wanted to see the deep lore shit I heard was in the second half of the season. And it was there. But it's not enough to keep me watching.
>>241632 > but it's an absurd claim It's not more absurd than your claim that as long as you shout into the void long enough it will beget activity. I don't know why you're pretending that this site doesn't need more eyes on it. This is something that is abundantly clear to everyone. >Sometimes people end up stumbling onto the place This site doesn't even appear on search engines. No one stumbles into it, dude. Get a grip. >>241636 >If there are people around to see posting There isn't. >I'm just telling you my experience here anon What I'm arguing about is the descriptive reality of this site not having enough "lurkers" to prop up niche boards. This is indisputable. I'm not arguing that activity doesn't beget activity, I'm arguing that the fundamental condition that allows for that in the first place is not met on this site. You might get a few posters interested in your board if you desperately effort post into the void on it, but they will rapidly disappear as fast as they came. Not only does this site not have enough eyes on it to sustain activity on niche boards, but the software front-end itself is fucking terrible for thread discovery. You go to the overboard and all you see is fucking spic shit because the overboard hasn't been worked on at all an basic filters still don't exist. Even if I wanted to know when people are posting on niche boards I have to bend over backwards to see when it's happening. At every corner this site is setup to resist organic activity. So when people tell me I just need to slave away talking to myself to generate activity I want to put my fucking fist through their skull because it's so fucking stupid.
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>>241628 They crashed a plane.
>>722783 Post your home address or commit suicide, you worthless fucking piece of shit.
>>241631 >Why are you getting upset over people actually talking about video games on /gg/ ? See >>241626 <It's the pajeet obsessed with Huggy Wuggy and Pokemon cards who keeps spamming weeks old news and refuses to leave.
>>241628 They gave lolicons a meme word to steal.
>>241628 Bane posting and racist Sam Raimi spider-man?
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>>241639 >It's not more absurd than your claim that as long as you shout into the void long enough it will beget activity. That's not the claim. The claim is that lurkers won't just suddenly start posting if they have nothing good to reply to. Of course lurkers exist. On every website. Posting takes more effort than reading, and you have to read before you post, and you'll end up reading a lot before you see a post you actually care enough to reply to. >I don't know why you're pretending that this site doesn't need more eyes on it. That has nothing to do with anything I said. >This site doesn't even appear on search engines. No one stumbles into it, dude. Get a grip. It doesn't need to be on a search engine. People hear about it from other people, despite the fact that you shouldn't talk about this place outside anyway. "Never talk about /b/" is a good rule and should apply to every board. Because you shouldn't want just anybody coming here, and the few people who care enough to follow the few bits of info that do leak out are more likely to be the people you'd want. >but the software front-end itself is fucking terrible for thread discovery. It's better than 4chan's was when 4chan was still good. Perhaps "better thread discovery" isn't the same as something that is actually better for the overall quality of the site. I'd much rather quality over quantity. >>241645 Baneposting is technically more than 10 years old now.
>>241639 >there is no one here okay anon, then go recruit some people. I do agree this place needs more people, and there are ways to recruit, but that doesn't mean there is no one here. We literally have over 200 anons here on this board right now and its usually in the 180-240 range consistently, a small amount compared to what we used to have, but that's still an amount enough to grow and use. >few posters interested in your board Few? I thought it was zero, you need to make up your mind. Where did those "few" come from? I thought it was nobody? >desperately effortpost You don't get it, all I said is "consistent" posting. It doesn't have to be some insane effortpost, just regular posting will bring in people naturally. Effortposting is good when you can do it obviously, but just a normal post is fine. >talking to myself How many times have you posted in general and gotten zero (you)s? >disappear as quickly as they came That's what the "consistently" part is for. >site functionality I'm not gonna disagree necessarily, but make suggestions for site improvement to the administration if you feel it can be improved, since that's not something I paid much attention to. >So when people tell me I just need to slave away talking to myself to generate activity I want to put my fucking fist through their skull because it's so fucking stupid. Sounds more like a personal problem, there are literally other ways you can do increase board activity. Go recruit anons, I have never said anything against that and in fact encourage it completely. Being against activity is just something pointless though, you're ultimately angry at something a person can do, but nobody has to do it, its just better if you do obviously since a healthy board is good for everyone, obviously. Recruiting is a good idea, so yeah, go ahead. Saying its the "only" way is not true at all though, that's the only part I disagree with, and getting angry over that is pointless since you literally have other options if you prefer, or can do all of them in conjunction since I don't know why you would want to advertise a literally dead board to anyone, at least by your logic.
>>241645 >>241641 That exceeds the 10 year limit doesn't it? Also kill yourself niggy wiggy pokemon card spammer. >>241631 Nah >>241644 That wasn't /tv/, but /tv/ got it from pedo tumblr blogs and predditors.
>>241648 >That exceeds the 10 year limit doesn't it? Baneposting exceeds the 10 year limit, but the Banecrash doesn't.
>>241648 >That wasn't /tv/, but /tv/ got it from pedo tumblr blogs and predditors Is there a difference? All 3 communities seem the same at this point.
>>722797 >The popular children's toys 'Huggy Wuggy' and 'Huggy Wuggy Baby Long Legs' have been seized from Hull Fair over concerns it could lead to suffocation and injury Could lead? Pretty sure all stuff animals are dangerous.
>>241646 The claim is that lurkers won't just suddenly start posting if they have nothing good to reply to. Of course lurkers exist Cool, the point I'm making is that you need more lurkers to be enticed by activity. Not that activity doesn't beget activity. >People hear about it from other people Only if people start advertising, which they don't. >"Never talk about /b/" is a good rule and should apply to every board. Discussing imageboards and imageboard culture outside of imageboards shouldn't be done. That doesn't mean you shouldn't link people to imageboards and niche communities that might interest them. People need to know about this site in order to use it, and literally no one knows it exists. >It's better than 4chan's was when 4chan was still good 4chan never needed a good system for discovering dead niche threads and when they get posts because 4chan was never a dead niche site. >Perhaps "better thread discovery" isn't the same as something that is actually better for the overall quality of the site Wrong. If you want me to know when you're posting on your dead niche threads give me a way to see when that is happening. If an active effort poster is struggling to keep up with when people are using dead boards then brain dead lurkers most certainly aren't doing anything but opening this thread and calling it a day. Now you're just being contrarian because I was abrasive. Stop being fucking stupid. >>241647 >I'm not gonna disagree necessarily, but make suggestions for site improvement to the administration if you feel it can be improved, since that's not something I paid much attention to. I already made those suggestions 2 years ago. At least the overboard was kind of usable right up until the spics migrated here. Now it's useless.
>>241651 >>722797 Sounds like those plush-stuffers hadn't paid for their toy loicense.
>>722797 I swear to god this retard is a chinese AI bot designed to adapt to forums and flood them with inane bullshit.
>>241643 >It's the pajeet obsessed with Huggy Wuggy and Pokemon cards who keeps spamming weeks-old news and refuses to leave. A lot of the Pokémon news links are from the UK. I have a feeling he British pajeet. Half of London Britpoos.
>>241652 >Only if people start advertising, which they don't. Or they could just hear about it from other people who use it occasionally mentioning it. Again, I don't recall 4chan advertising back when it was still good. Rules 1 and 2 were the exact opposite of that. >Discussing imageboards and imageboard culture outside of imageboards shouldn't be done. That doesn't mean you shouldn't link people to imageboards and niche communities that might interest them. Linking to specific people you know who you know would be interested in a particular thread or something is very different from "advertising." Even then, I would hesitate greatly before doing that. >4chan never needed a good system for discovering dead niche threads and when they get posts because 4chan was never a dead niche site. You think 4chan just immediately got big out of nowhere? The amount of activity we have on this board is not dissimilar to the amount of activity many of the second-string boards on 4chan would get when the site was at its peak quality. That's fine with me. I understand you want other boards to be better, but you must give it time, or you'll only make things worse. >Wrong. If you want me to know when you're posting on your dead niche threads give me a way to see when that is happening. You can hear about it from someone linking it to you because they know you might be interested. That's very different from "advertising."
>>241652 >advertising is the only way to build the board up Not if the board doesn't have activity to begin with. Advertising a dead board isn't going to be successful, and in fact you're so upset about the low user count that you fail to realize that the low user count is part of the reason why it would be hard to advertise without encouraging activity in conjunction with it. We have lurkers already, recruiting more anons isn't to get more lurkers, its to get anons who will actually use the board. Advertising/recruiting is fine and a good idea, but you need something worth advertising to begin with, and that's where activity comes in. Why is that so hard for you to comprehend? >At least the overboard was kind of usable right up until the spics migrated here. Now it's useless. Maybe ask for the option to filter boards from it or something, or an EN-language only overboard.
>>241656 >Again, I don't recall 4chan advertising back when it was still good. This is completely fucking irrelevant. The internet in 2003 is not comparable to the internet today. How a site gained notoriety 20 fucking years ago means absolutely nothing. >Linking to specific people you know who you know would be interested in a particular thread or something is very different from "advertising." You can do targeted advertising on forums and areas of the internet that have a very high likelihood of falling in line with the sites culture. But sure, they are different. And it should be done cautiously. >You can hear about it from someone linking it to you because they know you might be interested. That's very different from "advertising." I'm talking about fixing the overboard. I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. >>241657 >Not if the board doesn't have activity to begin with. Wrong. >Advertising a dead board isn't going to be successful Wrong. >Advertising/recruiting is fine and a good idea, but you need something worth advertising to begin with, and that's where activity comes in. Wrong. The spics knew about this site, migrated here, and instantly had very high activity. The point of making the site known is not just to bring in random users. It's to bring in entire communities of posters that would create their own niche boards. >Maybe ask for the option to filter boards from it or something, or an EN-language only overboard. Asking doesn't matter. Codexx already knows what needs to be done, the development for the site just moves at a glacial pace. I already gave him the blueprint to a functional overboard over 2 years ago.
>>241658 >the spics knew about this site, migrated here, and instantly had very high activity Anon... you realize that was because it was literally an exodus for them, right? That wasn't advertising, it was literally this place becoming a replacement board for them after their old one was fucked. Are you seriously hoping for some kind of mass exodus like the spics had? You realize that only happens once in a blue moon and usually only happens once per dead/fucked board, right?
>>722731 >>241615 Now this is fucking old. Were you feeling nostalgic?
>>241659 >Anon... you realize that was because it was literally an exodus for them, right? Yes. >That wasn't advertising, it was literally this place becoming a replacement board for them after their old one was fucked. I didn't say it was. I was just outlining that making people aware of the site was more than just bringing random individual users here. This is an open platform where each new person you introduce to it could potentially lead to an entirely new board being created. And that results in new users having a lot of value over generating activity out of lurkers. >Are you seriously hoping for some kind of mass exodus like the spics had? No.
>>241658 >The spics knew about this site, migrated here, and instantly had very high activity. Gee, I wonder why.
>>241659 Imagine if alogs.space goes under and /cow/ migrates here, what a shitstorm that would be
>>241661 >This is an open platform where each new person you introduce to it could potentially lead to an entirely new board being created. Everyone who knows about 8chan already knew this, but boards literally need activity if you want people to use them, sans a migration. The real issue is that you want more users without activity being involved somehow but your only example is one where all the activity and the users was just moved from a recently fucked board to here. It doesn't matter if you make a board but nobody, including yourself, doesn't use it. If you want growth/recovery, there's no easy way around it. You can't hope for shortcuts. What happened with the spic boards was not growth, it was a straight up transfusion and migration. >random individual users Those individual users in the OP links are basically confirmed anons of the past, and recruiting them will have a positive impact over time on the board. >And that results in new users having a lot of value over generating activity out of lurkers. Wat. You need activity to generate lurker interest. If people aren't posting, why the fuck would the lurkers post to begin with? In fact, why would they lurk if nobody's posting? After a while they'd just fuck off if its dead. Are you just hoping for massive shortcuts or something? The damage has already been done. You can hope for a fortunate event in the future, but good things generally come to those who are willing to work hard for it, rather than those who want to hope for a winning lottery ticket. >>241663 They're already mostly dead and I hope Acid wouldn't be retarded enough to accept them since they literally are the same people who tried doxxing him and shit iirc, but who knows.
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8chan at the beginning had two very big and enticing pluses >better moderation than 4chan >freedom from censorship regarding news and politically incorrect topics The first one was kind of hit or miss depending on the board owner. The second one still stands, but is it still desirable today?
>>241663 I mean they already tanked julay didn't they? The /cow/faggots can't seem to keep anything these days. >>241665 Also bigger file limits, sound webms, multi-file posting, more customization and a smaller population for a more comfortable atmosphere.
>>241665 Main reason I don't want to make a board is having to moderate the feds, spergs, shitlibs, cows, etc away.
>>241666 True, our user experience is miles ahead from halfchan, the only big thing that's lacking is moderator tools to ban using post filters. >>241667 I think everyone feels exactly the same, moderation is the main hurdle to overcome when making a new board. Not everyone has the time or patience.
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>>241663 >>241667 Like it or not, isn't this place already the farm's bunker?
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>>241666 >I mean they already tanked julay didn't they?
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>>241670 What the fuck was his problem? Is this why herdniggers (what's left of em) are so angry instead of smug now? Was hangingflesh secretly /ourguy/ by nuking their board?
>>241671 >Was hangingflesh secretly /ourguy/ by nuking their board? No, the ferret was the autist who lost his mind. The TENGU is the one who destroyed Julay/v/ (By nuking it twice), and revealed that the site was being controlled by the Triangles/Revoltards.
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>>241672 >Triangles Reminder.
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>>241665 It also has significantly better posting quality, cuckchan has degraded since the migration (since most of the quality anons left in the exodii) and is now mostly shitposting on most boards. We also have OC, though at a diminished rate than before, but its good quality OC, as any look in the drawthread will show. The second, comparatively, yes, we still do. One of the threads in the catalog (lewd sprites thread) was by a drawfag who was banned on cuckchan for no real reason months ago, and he has contributed a shit-ton since then without issues. As bad as the moderation might feel at times, it still somehow is leagues better than cuckchan even after all this time.
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>A Plague Tale: Requiem Is A Hopeless Allegory For Climate Change https://archive.ph/shrks <"Bayonetta 3 Erases Years of Women-Empowering Character Development and LGBTQIA+ Representation" https://archive.ph/j8LQY <"Ex-Bayonetta Actress Asks Fans To Donate Boycott Money To Anti-Abortion Group" https://archive.ph/lfhBT
>>241669 I have never once seen them talk about this place as a bunker
>>241676 >"Bayonetta 3 Erases Years of Women-Empowering Character Development and LGBTQIA+ Representation" What the fuck?
>>241664 >Everyone who knows about 8chan already knew this Definitely not. >Are you just hoping for massive shortcuts or something? No you're just retarded. Nothing I said is "hoping" for a mass migration here. That is the last thing I want. You just lack basic reading comprehension.
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>>241677 I know. They all publicly go "I'm totally too cool for cakechan" but they all seem to end up here anyways when the farms is down.
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>>241673 >>241672 Can either of you dump the full lore? I was missing for all for 21 and 22, so I'm a newfag when it comes to the webring/post-jim saga
>>241665 >The second one still stands, but is it still desirable today? Yes but doesn't all news about Kiwi Farms get deleted on sight for some reason?
>>241681 The lore for this goes deep. Has it really been 8 fucking years?
>>241683 I'm familiar with the expulsion of 8kun and anything before that, so I just need to be caught up with the rest of it
>>241679 >Definitely not What. You realize that 8ch.net had over 17,000 boards, right? And we have almost 400 boards here. You also brought up an argument for your side, but now you're saying you don't want something like that to happen? You literally said you want to bring in "entire communities", do you realize how naive you sound? You are basically hoping for hispanachan-type exoduses to happen, because entire communities aren't going to come here unless their own places get fucked. People don't magically up and leave for hobby communities just because they feel like it. At most for other places, they might take a small interest in it without an exodus, and if it gets activity, they might take more and more interest. If it lacks activity, they will lurk until its not worth it or fuck off entirely, The original exodus was >us leaving because >we did not have a choice, other than to accept Moot's cock. Other communities on 8chan prime got their users by extension of just the swath of mixed anons who joined through the exodus and happened to share hobbies (i.e. board crossposting or just migration anons), and otherwise got growth through the methods I describe of posting on their boards until people noticed and helped populate them.
>>241678 Twitterfags thought Bayonetta and Jeanne were a couple but it turns out not only is Bayonetta destined to be with Luka, the Bayonetta and Luka from another universe have a daughter named Viola.
>>241685 oh, and advertising for their niche communities I suppose, depending on the type of board*
>>241678 >>241686 Luka also rescues Bayonetta at one point which just makes me smile.
>>241681 It's basically another revolt like group where people like say Teridax try and destroy the community. >>241685 I'd like to see more boards pop up, but we need to both figure out a way to promote these smaller communities in our ranks while also growing the existing ones like say /v/ and /co/. The problem in addition to board promotion is that no one knows how to set up a team to manage these boards, nor are we competing with other boards to try and step up our game. I know with /v/ it's a bit different since we have zzz but what does say /co/ have? cuckchan? Either way I'd say 8moe is going strong considering all the shit we went through. Most sites would cut their losses and shut down, I'm thankful we were able to get on a site and slowly gain most of the userbase back.
>>241686 >Twitterfags thought Bayonetta and Jeanne were a couple Why do these fags think that every friendship is gay? Do they not have friends? a rhetorical question
>>241689 I think the main problem is "oh I like x so I'll visit the x board" doesn't have any correlation to liking to talk about x. The inverse can also be true as well.
>>241690 It also seems like they can't emphasize with others as well. It's less that they don't have friends but can't fathom the idea of friends in general.
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>>241689 >another revolt group So the current /cow/ is not the original /cow/?
>>241685 >You also brought up an argument for your side, but now you're saying you don't want something like that to happen? The argument wasn't that it's always a good thing to have mass migrations. The argument was that you don't need activity to generate activity. I don't know why I have to hold your hand through a basic conversation. >You literally said you want to bring in "entire communities", do you realize how naive you sound? No. >You are basically hoping for hispanachan-type exoduses to happen No I'm not. >because entire communities aren't going to come here unless their own places get fucked. Wrong. There is plenty of reasons for entire communities to come here because the site has more relaxed rules on the kind of content that can be posted, like loli porn. >The original exodus was >us leaving because >we did not have a choice, other than to accept Moot's cock. I don't care about an exodus. You are the only one fixated on that.
>>241692 Seems like it. >>241691 perhaps, either way I'd like to see if there could be a way to have board promotion without resorting to site wide advertisements. >>241693 either way it doesn't matter who they are, what matters is that they're actively plotting against the community.
>>241695 >they All 3 or 4 of them
>>241697 >no foreign influence ops The entirety of a person's knowledge is considered foreign influence, you'd have to make a closed loop in the matrix pods starting at 60000AD to not have outside influence.
>>241689 I already suggested this a while ago, that Acid could try the hunger games type shit we had on prime to promote smaller boards. The top boards on the top of the site work well enough otherwise, and having overboard options that allow users to see boards pop up they might be interested in is good. You can also suggest the existence of this board to interested people if you want, that's a fine idea as well. However, again, the biggest and best thing you can do if you want niche boards to do well is to post consistently in them (if you care enough to do so). Once a board has at least 2 dedicated, consistent users, it has a chance to grow further, but many don't have even that. The existing ones can grow through recruitment/advertisement, increasing activity and OC. Look at the OP for places you can go to, there's literally anons there you can recruit. >most of the userbase back We definitely don't have most back by a longshot, we have maybe 10%, and that's only for /v/, but we do have places we can recover anons from. >competing with other boards unnecessary, I don't see how other boards are relevant outside of if you want to shill there. >what does /co/ have Ask them, since I'm not as familiar with /co/, but also, getting back anons for /v/ will also spill over to other boards if they have any interest in them. >>241694 >I don't care about an exodus >I want entire communities to post here These are basically mutually exclusive, unless this is the only place for such a thing. This place would be a bunker (aka a place with minimal activity unless something dies) for most places without activity on those boards. You brought up a literal exception to the rule, but then try to make up random bullshit without the exception, try sticking to your own argument. Don't bring something up if it has no relevance, you want to have your cake and eat it too, but we're not all Mark here. If you want niche boards to have users, they need activity, which creates growth and incentive to post and join. Outside of a migration, the way I describe, which is just posting on the board, is the way to do it. Try thinking about why you use a board and applying that to other people, instead of just saying things without thinking about it.
>>241697 >archive is not working Anyways, what's this supposed to be?
>>241672 Why did tengu destroy julay? What ever happened to ferret?
>>241700 probably nu-vrchat second life metaverse
>>241697 Yikes. Pretty Islamo/Slavo/Sinophobic.
>>241703 What about chinkphobic?
>>241704 You might want to look up the words he used.
>>241701 Julay gvols and admins (aka /revolt/ retards) got asshurt about GG, loli, and people making fun of TLoU2 and fucked up the board, leading to tengu nuking them from orbit and fucking them up and everyone fucking off
>>241697 They're not gonna overthrow twitter. Even the lefty trannies on twitter have dopamine from the amount of followers they have and they're not gonna just abandon them and start all over.
>>241707 Being able to dunk on people you disagree with is also part of what they like about twitter. They need their boogiemen or else they'll bitch to eachother.
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>>241706 Wait, so revoltards got angry that TLOU2 got roasted? What the fuck, now my head hurts, why would a board dedicated to harassment get angry if some bugmans project was getting made fun of? Sorry if I come off as ignorant, but weren't revoltards the onez who tried to make GG a legitimate harassment campaign? Why would they be defensive about a shitty game, I thought they'd be first in line to insult Druckmann's work
>>241709 Who knows honestly, I think there's some crypto-leftist/tranny retardation or something in their ranks despite trying to come across as edgy /pol/acks, but that's somehow what happened I think its just >people don't like SJW pozz in game >that's GG-related, which is bad because we hate GG for everything ever because they didn't do things our way >fucking ni/GG/ers stop it
>>241697 Archive link doesn't work. What is this anyway?
>>241709 Revolt is lefty gamergate, tlou2 was their favorite game.
>>241699 >These are basically mutually exclusive, unless this is the only place for such a thing. No they aren't. You're using the term exodus which is loaded. Every new community that starts using this site doesn't necessarily have to be apart of some mass exodus. God you're fucking retarded dude. >You brought up a literal exception to the rule, but then try to make up random bullshit without the exception, try sticking to your own argument. No I didn't. Try not making random shit up. >If you want niche boards to have users, they need activity, which creates growth and incentive to post and join. If you want people to be incentivized to post they need to know your site exists. >Try thinking about why you use a board and applying that to other people, instead of just saying things without thinking about it. How hilariously ironic. Kill yourself my man.
>>241708 They lose either way which is hilarious >stay on a platform owned by someone you despise and you can no longer easily get accounts you don't like banned by mass reporting or >move to another platform that acts as an echo chamber but you have no one to dunk on and everyone apart of the same ideology is infighting
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>>241709 TLoU2 not being able to be mocked was pretty much the final reason that sealed julays /v/ fate. It became /sp/ tier with countless people making threads just to spite the faggot mods.
>>241710 You might be onto something there, imagine being such a contrarian you end up sabotaging your entire website along with your counter-movement and going scorched earth because a few goobers slipped through the cracks. Only a leftist would go full tranny and ruin everything, do you think I'd get banned from /cow/ if I posted that purging webm and asked for their take? Who brought the current iteration of julay back? >>241712 Wasn't gamergate already lefty as opposed to the accusations of being far right? Did "revolt" try and keep the status quo of corrupt journos and hack devs, that doesn't sound like a revolt at all, what the fuck!! Please give me archived threads you've happened to have in your bookmarks, I want to see it for myself.
>>241716 Gamergate didn't have any political affiliation until /pol/ thought it would be a good idea to use it to redpill people. Add to that the eceleb poison and you had a recipe for disaster.
>>241713 >Only example brought up is a literal site exodus <you're using a loaded term No, I'm using your own point, but you can't seem to think past your own nose here and realize what you're saying, since again, you want to have your cake and eat it too. A new community without an exodus would be very small, if not dead, without activity. I don't think it takes a genius to comprehend this. Give an example of a community which grew that fits your example then, instead of bitching at me for talking about what you brought up. I think you're just getting uncomfortable because you know you don't have anything to say, because you want to defend a ridiculous position that people will come to a dead place outside of a migration or an already existing community (which we have here and can utilize). Again, there is nothing wrong with recruiting and advertising (if done well), but saying you can recruit or advertise people to a dead board to magically make it alive is retarded. I don't think that's hard to comprehend, don't get so asshurt at me just for talking about the things you brought up.
>>241697 >we ban all the countries the ZOG narrative tells us to ban >no this isn't racist because nation--a word derived literally from the Latin from "that which is born" and "from the womb"--totally doesn't mean 'race' >also we're not nationalists even though we're banning entire nations because we support multiculturalism and white genocide >lol we're funded by the government but we're totally not violating the constitution because we say so >le fanny monty python reference we're so hip lol, it'll be shut down within a year.
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>>241717 Makes sense, I remember there being surveys asking people during the first GG wave what their beliefs were and a lot of them put in liberal, also I found this image, how accurate is it?
>>241720 >survey >a lot of them put in liberal That wasn't 8chan, that was the other GG hubs (KiA, and possibly twitter), but there were a good chunk of leftists who got pink/redpilled by GG among anons, yes.
>>241718 >A new community without an exodus would be very small, if not dead, without activity. These are all relative terms. This board is small relative to old /v/. Unless you actually quantify anything you're saying you're just spouting drivel. >Give an example of a community which grew that fits your example then, instead of bitching at me for talking about what you brought up. There are multiple communities on cuckchan's /trash/ board that are hidden away from the rest of the site because it's a hidden board. They are small and niche and still get consistent activity. They would also benefit from the more relaxed rules of this site. They are not large enough for anyone to consider it a fucking "exodus" if they moved here or at the very least pointed towards here in their threads. These are already completely ostracized communities. >I think you're just getting uncomfortable I think you're completely brain dead and resorting to smug posting because you legitimately don't have the faculties to comprehend half the shit I'm saying. I'm glad we could exchange psychoanalysis with each other. >Again, there is nothing wrong with recruiting and advertising (if done well), but saying you can recruit or advertise people to a dead board to magically make it alive is retarded. Wrong. >I don't think that's hard to comprehend, don't get so asshurt at me just for talking about the things you brought up. I comprehend every word you're saying. The question is do you comprehend that someone can fully comprehend your entire world view and still think you're a fucking idiot? Comprehension is definitely the issue here, it just isn't on my end. Try a little harder.
>>241646 >2011 was over 10 years ago
>>241722 >relative terms So you have nothing to say, got it. >multiple communities on cuckchan's /trash/ board <pointing to already existing communities without anything for how they grew in the first place bravo, you brought up that there are niche communities which exist elsewhere (and probably grew over time with people who consistently posted there if I had to guess), but again, even if you advertise to them about here, they aren't going to magically come unless there are severe problems with their own place, prompting an exodus or large migration of sorts. The amount of people who would use this place are small, and guess what? If there's nobody using the boards here, they aren't going to stay, they will fuck off. That's why the board needs activity to have people stay here. Without an exodus, you need activity to make the place worth using in the first place. You would need to either convince one of them to make their own board here, or make the board for them, and that still doesn't guarantee anyone coming here, even less so if there isn't activity. Want proof? Go advertise there right now and see what happens. I advertised my board back on cuckchan in the old days (and specifically on a board where threads dedicated to the topic existed, where lolis were banned), even using the loli bans there as an incentive for people, and it only sometimes got a few people to come, but they didn't stay if the board wasn't active. Meanwhile when I posted on my board consistently or make alot of posts, I'd usually get more activity than if I advertised there. Anon, you're acting like the Bayonetta VA here. You think that just because users exist elsewhere that you're entitled to them, just like she thinks that Platinum has revenue and therefore she deserves some of it. People aren't going to come here without a good reason, and activity is a good reason. Why can't you see that? You think you can recruit people to grow a garden for you without anyone watering the plants. The hispanachan migration is them transplanting a fully-grown tree, already having the ability to spread it seeds, and can survive with the regular rainwater and sunlight it gets from its sheer size alone. Growing niche communities on the other hand, is a lot like growing from a seed. Much like how a seed needs water, sunlight, general care and attention and protection from elements to grow, a board at least needs activity and users (at least 2) to grow, and other things can help it grow more. You can't expect people to just bring in these fully-grown plants to your garden randomly. You have to do some work yourself, and just telling people that a lot exists in your place isn't enough for them to fuck off from where they are unless its already so shitty that its worth trying a new place for them.
>>241720 I forgot that they tried to "Relaunch" the site.
>>241726 who is this cute semen demen gf?
>>241724 > prompting an exodus or large migration of sorts There you go again ham fisting words like "large" and "exodus". I'm just going to stop reading here because it's become very clear you're engaging in bad faith. Sorry you wrote all that shit for nothing, anon.
>>241727 I forget her name, from monogatari season 2
>>241728 >bad faith <you used the term for the example I brought up Well, thanks for admitting that you didn't have anything to actually say besides >people will magically do what I want, trust me bro
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>>241720 100% accurate Whole board is ghost town now, the comfy posters all left and all you got are the Discord drama mentally ill retards and the FoxDickFarms crossposters, not crossposters any longer, but still Josh acolytes. Julay went from being a comfy less cancerous /cwc/ to discount Kiwifarms with less namefags.
>>241731 I assume they still have a discord or irc of some sort, places like that don't die without the cancer living in on some form
>>241730 I gave you specific examples of small niche communities and your autism compelled you to call threads with a few dozen retards in them a "large exodus" of users. Like I said, it's clear you are fixated on engaging in bad faith because you're really upset. That's fine, I just won't be reading your post.
>>241733 >I gave you examples that people exist <that means they will come here, trust me bro
>>241734 Who are you quoting?
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>>241732 Discord, plenty of fags also moved to tvch because the Ogre wanted to be a fucking lolcow himself as he is starved for attention.
>>241735 >he thinks greentext is exclusively for quoting I'd say take a guess, but you'll probably guess wrongly as you have done so far
>>241737 If you aren't quoting anyone then you are either stating yourself that you believe they will come here because "trust me bro", or you're strawmaning. So which one is it?
>>241738 Who are you quoting?
>>241739 who knows, I think he's crazy next he'll be asking to be paid for his advertising strategy
>>241739 The pink text in this post here >>241734
>>241741 naruhodo
>>241692 A lack of empathy seems to be one of the defining characteristics of the NPC, and is part of the reason why they advocate for "representation" constantly (beside the surface level hatred of white people). They can't or don't want to put themselves in another's shoes. They want their player character to be themselves, they want the story and setting to reflect their own modern existence. If the cast isn't a diverse rainbow brigade of people of talk like they're on Twitter, that's a problem to them. >>241720 I remember those surveys and participated in a few. At the time I would have been one of the people that considered themselves apolitical/centrist/"liberal" simply because I didn't have strong political knowledge at the time. Over the course of GG though I got redpilled hard after experiencing firsthand how the mainstream media would lie cheat and steal to craft their propaganda. These journalists (both within gaming and the wider newsmedia landscape) were supposed to be the arbiters of truth, but here they were spreading falsehoods in order to advance their own agenda. It made me realize they were probably lying about mostly everything else too. Everything that has happened since has simply reaffirmed my distrust for government and corporate institutions. I expect many other participants in GG went through a similar transformation.
>>241744 Keep in mind many autists are known to lack empathy as well
>>241744 >A lack of empathy seems to be one of the defining characteristics of the NPC I mean this is literal psychotic or low IQ behavior, if you ask a criminal how the victim's mother must feel or some simple recursion (write a sentence describing bob talking to alice, now write a sentence about doug describing that exchange) he will say "I don't know."
>>241697 >If you don't let a person speak in the first place, it's not censorship Some people need to suffer under their own rules
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>>241743 A classic
>>241747 Why is Garfield sticking his ass out of Lois' hair?
>>241690 >>241689 Blame Helena taylonr,another retard VA that said that bayonneta liked jeanne despite having no say on the actual story
>>241749 Why? You want some of that lasaga ass?
>>241736 Does Mark and Gahoole still talk to each other? >>241744 >Over the course of GG though I got redpilled hard after experiencing firsthand how the mainstream media would lie cheat and steal to craft their propaganda. GG also redpilled me how scummy the media can be. Then, it led me to the rabbit hole of bullshit of so many controversial topics like the Jewish Question, immigration, race, etc. I'm still not sure how it led me to the Jews, I think it was a video about Jim Trafficant.
>>241673 wtf i hate sega dreamcast now
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>>241753 >Does Mark and Gahoole still talk to each other? Marks been on a stream or two if his
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>>241752 He just looks like he's about to take a shit on lois
>>241754 >000 Trips of truth, I guess sega is the anti-christ now.
>>241697 >Uh, this isn't xenophobic, sweaty, but implying the Chinese government had anything to do with Corona is totally racist! lol >Pic related <Just shut them up before they can start talking. Were not censoring their words if we never let them say any! Neener neener neener! So, it's not censorship if you burn a book before it's published? Lmao. >Ends with lolsorandumb factoid Absolute cancer on every level imaginable.
>>241676 >Bayonetta confirm straight >Bayonetta original voice actress pro life Based and double based!

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>>241755 You made that? Noticed UT2k4 isn't in the eyes.
>>241760 that's not a good thing anon, the original bayo actress was just outed as a greedy liar
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>>241761 Thank you, i'm also making one about New world order stuff in video games.
>>241762 She lied about only being paid 4k?
>>241764 Yeah, she was offered 10K, which Kamiya bumped up to 15K after she asked for more, the 4k offer was only many months after she rejected the 15K offer and came crawling back, then did all this bullshit
>>241765 Western VAs. Not even once.
>>241766 there's some decent ones here and there like Vic Mignogna and the ones who handled games like MGR, but they're mainly males
Foxdickfarms is probably coming back tomorrow. t.me/s/kiwifarms
>>241768 I still like how Jim Watkins got scammed and nobody cared
I've been playing lego Bricktales and Lego girls are so cute.
>>241763 There's also the eye of Perfect Chaos from Sonic Adventure that pops up in the intro a few times A few Resident Evil games also makes use of the eye
>>241771 Resident Evil: Finalhazard
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>>241700 >>241711 Twitter alternative/clone with a bit of VRchat that was made around the time the talks about Musk buying Twitter started. As you can see in their FAQ and ToS they are completely pozzed.
>>241768 >Foxdickfarms is probably coming back tomorrow. You think they learned not to trust troons by now.
>>241771 Noticed it's always the left eye too, in all entertainment.
>>241716 > Wasn't gamergate already lefty as opposed to the accusations of being far right? Yeah, but anti-GG turned out to be the literal KGB https://archive.ph/TsaRL Alfa Group https://archive.ph/KKaJ3 and South African Communist Party https://archive.ph/mtZAL and funded by the Russian state bank https://archive.ph/YgKSe so we weren't pure enough communists for them. A shitload of the fuckers were also literally ISIS https://archive.ph/8ahQE larping as communists because that's what they were getting paid/directed to do. The communists align with the islamists on supporting the Palestinians since that was a Soviet directive back in the '70s. And /pol/ was right about (((who))) was giving the orders https://archive.ph/jFuOt https://archive.ph/2Yj90
>>723036 >>241775 That's the right eye in all the resident Evil pics you fucking dingus. Look at the canthus.
>>241773 >A alt social media that just barely got started >63M visitors a month I bet even that relatively small number is already mostly bots.

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>>241763 Found more eye covers, even Tony Hawk joined in. If you plan on adding checker tiles, Super Monkey Ball's floors has them
>>241780 >gets cucked out of his own cuck joke there's something really tickling about this
>>241763 Cuphead's cheating. The game is literally about Cuphead & Mugman having to do the devil's dirty work by collecting his hit list of souls. Of course the game is gonna have occultist imagery.
>>241780 LAFFO
>>241689 >I'd like to see more boards pop up, but we need to both figure out a way to promote these smaller communities The 'Software and Sites to give attention to' list that gets posted used to be followed by another list that was 'Boards to give attention to' - with a load of smaller boards linked. Think that was on original 8ch or early 8kun - can't remember. You could start up a list like that here again. Maybe not every thread, but maybe once a week or something. >>241691 >oh I like x so I'll visit the x board There's an /x/ here???? :^)
>>241785 You don't want to go on the /x/ board.
>>241552 ☑ It is many things and their are many different aspects... see pic/archives >>241530 *Yes 'their' is spelt wrong - it's like that in the image. Or: Something like this >>241535 >>241786 ok
>>241663 Eh it worked on the old 8chan, it can work again here if need be. >>241780 (checked) >2nd one >is told to play the game <not my kind of game and I have only seen clips BUT here is my opinion about it that I am going to argue with you anyway Fucking hell these people.
>>241778 Well shit.
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https://yewtu.be/watch?v=VFyVFLGOBL0 Leaf here and I'm going to say and this what happens when you ignore politics you might not care about politics but it sadly cares about you and everything around you. I really don't like politics and the tribalism it causes whether it's of the left wing, Right wing and centrist variety but this whole trend of ignoring the problem is just as bad as constantly letting politics rule you, the issues don't just leave but fester like an infected wound. Us in Canada enabled this by sheer inaction and wanting to fix this as we refused to ever acknowledge our flaws but point at the Americans for their's or chose to welcome this because of sheer ignorance. Canada is full the most apathetic idiots you'll ever fucking meet and things will never get better here because no one actually wants to fix the problems or when they do the rest of Canada spergs at them, to any leaf anon here fucking move out of this hellhole I'm trying to leave in the next two years so I can have money to start a business and family.
Every large company is full of sex pests, no exceptions
>>241790 Ignoring your problems is how they grow, that's exactly why tribes were formed and turned into small towns. Once they expand beyond that, nobody knows anybody so you trust governments to administer justice.
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>>241780 the amalgamation needs to be updated
>>241790 That faggot is from Canada? Yeah, I probably do need to get further away from him. I don't even know what that video is about, but I can take a guess that it's hypocritical, given that I'm constantly recommended videos from him with titles like "Youtube needs to remove this channel." >>241791 Or full of women, AKA liars.
>>241789 Furthermore. >>241781
>>241790 Are there actually any metrics on how how content algorithms affect channels? I see many people complaining but little affect.
>>241794 It seems to be something about canucktubers forced to be political under early 1990s broadcasting law revised by legacy tv to apply to the internet.
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>>241790 FUCK CANADA
>>241797 Tell that guy that conservatives are against him drinking bleach.
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>>241790 Why is Canada so fucking shit? >>241791 >no archives
>>241799 The guy in the video was talking about how that tweet's logic makes him want to gouge his eyes out, but I'll pass it on to the original tweeter yeah.
>>241790 I hate people that have audible mouth ticks such as >smacks lips >watery saliva sound when talking >sucking air with teeth closed >tsk Am I an autistic fuck or is this normal? I just focus on the ticks and can't even try to understand them anymore. I actively try not to do any of these things when talking, WHY CAN'T THEY? FUCK STOP TSKING YOU MOTHER FUCKER
>>241798 Why all the color changes?
>>241802 I hate hearing loud food chewing and smacking
>>241804 That also irritates me to no end
>>241720 >>241721 People on this board are legitimately much more liberal than SJWs. SJWs are the ones actually fighting for things like bringing back racial segregation laws. You think you're conservative for saying women should do the dishes? SJWs are so conservative that they say if you do the dishes, you must necessarily be a woman. You think niggers are inferior? They think niggers are so inferior that they shouldn't even be convicted of crimes, because they lack the sapience required to be held criminally responsible. Or for a more obvious example, "liberal" derives from liberty, which SJWs hate. We here are mostly liberal, and we, and they, take liberalism for granted, to the degree that they, and many of us, call it conservative. But that's not what the terms actually mean. >This is completely fucking irrelevant. The internet in 2003 is not comparable to the internet today. How a site gained notoriety 20 fucking years ago means absolutely nothing. The internet has gone to shit since then, and I'd rather do things the way they were done then. Old 4chan being relatively difficult for newfags to figure out, and retards like you constantly being reminded to not advertise it, were not bugs, they were features.
>>241806 Your understanding is hampered by trying to fit the world into the communists' false definitions of 'liberal' and 'conservative.'
>>241807 Liberal means to be free with things. Conservative means to conserve things. Everything is relative, and some things can depend on how you interpret them, but I stand by what I said. It's their newspeak that is trying to convince you that being free with speech is conservative. They do this because they think conservative is a bad word. Which of course it's not. It doesn't matter if something is liberal or conservative. But I'm sick and tired of their bastardization of language. It's very much deliberate, it's at the core of their ideology, and people should not play along with it.
>>241806 Language shifts overtime, what might be considered :"liberal" 50 years ago isn't "liberal" today. As an example even as far back as 20 years ago, /v/ may have been seen as a left wing group rather than a right wing one. The issue is that the modern left has gone so far left wing, that they're basically advocating for socialism and the death of traditional American values. I would call myself a "modern libertarian" in the sense that my politics are that government has gotten to big and needs to shrink down in order to fuck off, however a problem arises where without a strong government a different nation OR a giant corporation can try and take over your government either through infiltration or brute force. Obviously forces have gone for the former since it's much more effective to control people by making them believe they're doing your bidding of their own free will rather than making them believe they're working against themselves.
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>>241806 >>241808 >>241807 No one should ever try to play word games with communists, their whole gameplan revolves around motte and bailey tactics and definitions tailored to work on behalf of their goals. Their religion's main belief is that if you change the meaning of a word, you change the real object that defines the word.
>>241811 Precisely. And that's why you shouldn't play along with their shit and accept their newspeak. Point out when they're trying to do it, and do not use their terms. >>241809 Left and right are not synonymous with liberal and conservative. Liberal and conservative are broad philosophies. Left and right are just teams, descended from the French revolution. The teams' goals can change. The definitions of philosophies do not. Freedom is not slavery and ignorance is not strength.
>>241809 >The issue is that the modern left has gone so far left wing, that they're basically advocating for socialism and the death of traditional American values. Well, since the '30s. > I would call myself a "modern libertarian" in the sense that my politics are that government has gotten to big and needs to shrink down in order to fuck off That, of course, makes you a fascist. Because you don't worship what the communist ruling class tells you to believe. >>241811 Exactly. Communism is relativism. Words mean to them whatever they rape them into meaning. The only recourse with communists is [USER WAS BANNED FOR SAYING SOMETHING LUCIANO/NIGGERPILL WOULD SAY EVEN THOUGH IT'S OBJECTIVELY CORRECT].
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>>241768 Josh's stream was completely blackpilling and doomposting. For all intents and purposes Josh fully admits that if they are able to censor this final plan then it's over, he will give up: https://odysee.com/@mati:c/mad-at-the-internet-2022-10-28:c We're now in a future where merely linking to a Wikipedia article, which can be edited by anyone and doesn't use primary sources, will get Tier 1 ISPs to drop you without any violation. Even if Kiwifarms can manage to stay up, trannies can continually harass the hosters to eventually giving in, making their website never stable and always at risk. Basically with how far things have gone now I don't think Kiwifarms has a future, even if they are able to stay up momentarily. I don't use Kiwifarms but God I hate this. The internet has gotten completely fucked, all because pedophiles in dresses didn't like their shit exposed. Regardless how you feel about the site (I think it's full of faggots and I hate Josh) I don't think people understand how bad things have gotten.
There was an anon here a long time ago asking what is wrong with capitalism and that no leftist shows him an answer, well here is a good answer https://yewtu.be/watch?v=5-jIV3R2v5I It's a fitness business that makes more money selling gym memberships while keeping people out of the gym. I'm not a leftist but i think there are some problems with capitalism.
>>241794 Pretty sure that video was about a channel of some guy claiming he was god talking about how he's had multiple romantic relationships with young children as an adult man. >>241797 >the conservatives are against a hyper corpo-nationalist bill so I'll support If you read out what half of the retarded shit our government does to some American leftist they would be convinced it was some republican "Nazi" shit right up until the moment you told them it Canada that was doing it. The government and corporations collude abusing Canadians compulsive desire to not be seen as Americans to fuck over Canadians that are too fucking brain dead to realize what's going on. This country needs to be annexed to save it from itself.
>>241815 Why is people spending money on things you don't want them to a problem?
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>>241814 They asked for this, they can lie in the shit they made for themselves.
>>241817 Because they're supporting scams which will bring more scams industries.
>>241797 >>241816 >This country needs to be annexed to save it from itself. Do you really want our retardation to make you guys even worse?
>>241813 >The only recourse with communists is [USER WAS BANNED] Or you can turn them into abyssal fleet to lobotomize them.
>>241821 I don't think anime is real.
>>241813 You could always try to not use his stupid terminology. There's easy ways to not sound like him if you're not retarded.
>>241819 Where's the scam? They are paying for the service and get the service. If it was a fraudulent service then you could sue them. People buy into retarded clubs all the time as a reason to get out of the house and be around other people. A mediocre gym with silly fast food is hardly a good example of capitalism failing. The fact people are running on treadmills is retarded. Literally just run on the side of the road. Is the fact treadmills exist and people spend thousands on them a failure of capitalism? People make shit and stupid people buy it, that's life. You would have all the same stupid shit under any other system but you wouldn't have the opportunity to not participate in it. That's the benefit to capitalism. It gives you the opportunity to not be retarded. 99% of people will still be retarded, but at least you can ascend beyond the cattle in that system.
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>>241823 It's not even that. It's the ideas. Anyone who espouses any of the same ideas, in any way, tends to be banned. The point of the spammer is to create a chilling effect on the board. 1. to make real users think other real users are the spammer, report them, and get their content removed, destroying discourse 2. to make real users think they will be banned for holding certain positions and therefore self-censor and not post them. It's mental illness and it has to be stopped.
>>241815 Controlling what people should want or not want to buy, because you think you know better, is an extremely naive point of view and never works out in small or large scale. If people want to pay for something that's bad, even when exposed to all information about why it's bad, let them. It's their life and they are responsible for it. If it affects you negatively and they're still doing it after you asked them not to? Cut them off your life, don't bother. If people want to go to a shit gym that's trying to make them fatter and they can't notice it? Fuck 'em. They're still going there after everyone told them not to with proof, etc? They're not fit to survive. Let them get diabetes.
>>241819 Back in the day, the first thing you learned about anything related to business was "buyer beware." In other words, do your fucking homework on the person you're thinking about doing business with. In the example of Planet Fitness, fucking everyone and their cousin knows that place is a joke, and there's tons of gyms other than PF, so anyone stupid enough to get a membership there out of ignorance or who doesn't just go to a different gym isn't being scammed. They're paying the price for being a fucking retard. Look up what the phrase personal responsibility means, and you might start understanding capitalism better.
>>241825 Luciano speaks in a very specific way anon. He is a fucking retard. It's why he's so easy to identify. Your post never would have been considered one of his because he's incapable of making a post like yours.
>>241828 You are giving Mark way too much credit
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>>241825 Nigger, going around posting "kill all X, we need to kill every X, killing X is a good thing" is luciano behavior and you deserve to be slapped for it, it's 100% the kind of shit journalists take pictures of to show the world what the "big bad evil 8chains" is up to.
>>241828 >>241830 See. This is exactly why no one can trust that their post won't be reported and deleted.
>>241831 As I said anon, you can say what you want to say and not sound like him. All you have to do is not type like a retarded huenigger. It's very easy.
Here we go, there's that faggot we all know
>>241831 You only have yourself to blame for typing like a clickbait journalist posting "AND THAT'S A GOOD THING" for everything, or being a passive aggressive bitch about getting slapped for posting like a known tourist from the corpse of OAG.
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>>241833 Which one?
>>241814 we offered them help, they fucked themselves over
>>241835 Good thing I didn't do that, then, huh.
>>241836 The one that isn't cute and doesn't have a juicy thick feminine penis, just a microdick.
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>>241838 Your "I want to post this but I can't because they will ban me" post is being a passive aggressive bitch, you fucking woman.
>>241838 Your timing is pretty unfortunate, though, anon.
>>241841 Oh, I dunno. It should be expected at the start of a work day. >>241840 Why not cry harder about it?
>>241842 Actually, that gives me a thought. We should check to see how niggerpill's posting habits change once DST ends. India doesn't observe it, so will it start posting at a different time every single day like clockwork? I wonder.
>>241837 Yes, lolbertarians are well-known for being incapable of cooperating with each other.
>>241845 "Working together as a group?! That sounds like collectivism to me! No thanks, commies! Not for us! I mean, uh..."
>>241839 Please stop. You're making me feel funny, anon-kun!
>>241851 >>241844 >>723152 You really didn't have to post the same image three times.
>>241853 You really didn't have to reply to niggerpill.
NEW COMIC They just don't spook like they used to!
This is turning out to be the scariest halloweeners ever!
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>>241853 Actually I'm glad you brought up that Prince of Egypt image because it's something I've noticed with Luciano and that image is part of it. The fact of the matter is Luciano himself is actually very easily blackpilled. It's why he thinks his tactics work, because they work on him. I noticed this around the time that Cyberpunk anime was getting popular with the normalfags. I noticed him have an absolute meltdown on here about it, doing that thing where he starts raving in red text. Now, no one here really cared much about that anime, but you have to remember that Luciano is terminally online, so he's addicted to twitter and cuckchan. And what he saw was a bunch of normal people in those places talking about a "loli" character positively and seeing a Japanese company defend it, which is both something he personally hates and also tries to pretend doesn't happen anymore. So him seeing that in his usual haunts blackpilled him heavily, and so he came here to rant and rave about it. I have noticed this pattern with a few other things too. That Prince of Egypt image is something he sees as a trophy. He obviously didn't make the post. It's a paragraph and Luciano is barely literate. However, because it was from an anon feeling down one day he capped it and treats it like a trophy because he thinks he did that. It's why he ALWAYS posts it. It's a talisman. Something he clings desperately to so he can tell himself he's actually doing something. It is, in essence, a mirror of Luciano's own pathetic consciousness. And like all things of that nature, it says way more about him than it does about any of us.
>>241784 Obligatory peace of mind.
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>>241857 I dont understand these
>>241862 They're intelligent comics for high IQ individuals such as myself. If you don't get it, don't worry about it.
>>241859 Maybe Luciano should learn to be rad and go with the flow. a chill pill does wonders.
>>241864 He didn't know how to take it easy when he namefagged as Luciano Keklands in OAG's comment section, what makes you think he could learn how now?
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>>241859 I know for a fact he and muttspammer are on 4/pol/ as when I took a look there out of morbid curiosity I saw much of the same shit those two niggers do >Blackpilling of Japan >Mutt memes >Euro isn't fucked stuff >Pagan larp >All women must die >Libertarians are monsters >Russian shilling But 150% worse due to how fucking awful cuckchan is!
>>241865 Everyone changes subtley each day and isn't the same person every time they wake up; Anyone can change the way they are, all it takes is if they're willing to do it.
Isn't it funny how we're suppose to get scared for halloween but all the scary stuff is kids stuff like a black cat or a person with a sheet over them. Dealing with the real world is so much more scary.
>>241868 Insert Tesla quote here
>>241826 Whatever you say prey animal
>>241857 (polite sage for doublepost) Hey Radanon, have you ever played the game "Normality"? I feel it shares some similarities with your comics in a few ways - tone, aesthetic, characters, etc.
>>241871 I should give it a try, I still need to finish Mystery of the Druids and Drowned God.
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>>241868 >you will never be the head of a cannibal clan that lives in a seaside cave and kills people at night to eat them and make tools from their hides
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>>241864 He should just take it easy.
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>>241874 Exactly, this anon gets it.
>>241874 I think he's been taking it too easy.
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>>241872 >I still need to finish Mystery of the Druids Don't forget the sequel.
>>241814 >he will give up Good. Not niggerpill btw, I just really am tired of hearing about pigfood. Nigger should have accepted the help he got offered. >>241862 Then just wait for the usually pretty good edits. >>241868 (checked) I was a bit scared when I saw how many among us costume wearing kids (below age 10) were at a school Halloween party i had to go to. I had a swarm of the little red bastards running around me at one point.
>>241879 > I had a swarm of the little red bastards running around me at one point. That sounds adorable and cheesy.
>>241878 I already got filtered by the strategy guide and manual for the second game, this will take a while
>>241790 Dear god it took him almost 9 minutes to finally get to the point of what the problem actually is. Maybe it's a good thing he might have to leave.
>>241882 dont forget this one
>>241857 where's the druid
>>241868 Most kids nowadays are like adults and use Halloween as an excuse to dress up as whatever, not that all costumes were scary mind you. More and more when I look at kids trick or treating I see a lot of anime characters >>241868 Like I said, a lot of anime characters more than Amogus. At least three middle school girls dressed up as the MC's sister from Demon Slayer and a 4th grader dressed up as Anya from SpyxFamily. Then a lot of boys dressing up as Naruto characters (Jesus Christ, that show ended almost a decade ago, let it die)
>Kamen Rider Black Sun is supposed to be a more "Adult-oriented show" >Fucking inserts Modern Day Politics with Flyman Kaijin monster George Floyd getting knee'd by Japanese Police! >Kaijin are minorities! IGNORE THEIR ABOMINABLE ORIGINS OF BEING HALF-BEAST MONSTERS WHO GO AFTER HUMANS! What the fuck
>>241888 The kaijin in this universe aren't inherently malicious. Also there's a toku thread on our /a/ you can use.
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>>241890 Rad/10 as always
>>241889 That blatant Georgy Floyd shit made me come to heel, like wtf. Waiting for the peaceful but fiery riots that should follow, because the Japanese aren't naive and are redpilled, Should have stick more with the Biomutant stuff and less with the modern day shit.
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>>241814 Josh was a retard. He was dumb enough to give money to CwC. On the brightside most of those trannys will be dead before 40.
>>241892 Police brutality exists & there was no actual parallel to George Floyd. You're jumping at shadows. There's been plenty of white people & teenagers killed because of a trigger happy or panicking cop. It's a story that's meant to say discrimination is bad. Not an allegory specifically for black people.
>>241892 Don't worry, I'm sure the police will thank you for defending their honor when they lock you up for misgendering CWC.
>>241768 How the fuck is kiwifarms 7TB in size? Isn't it some kind of forum? You can't even upload videos to forums, how do you gather 7TB of content just by running one? 8moe doesn't even go up to 1TB. Other than that, the good news is that their suffering will be useful to see what works and what doesn't and how to improve strategies.
>>241790 What the tl:dw on this?
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>>241895 I remember when they made lolcows only look clownish, but not act like ones.
>>241516 Jackson's complaints about losing all his money are his own fault though. The stupidity of going out buying whole stores, exotic animals and many other retarded decisions are his fault, regardless of how much the jews ruined his life.
>>241526 Outrage marketing. I will not buy Bayonetta 3 just because some too-ugly-to-fuck dykes hate it.
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Good morning, faggots. Typhoon Naglae traumatized me after we barely survived the night yesterday after a massive flashflood ravaged our area. It almost reached the 2nd floor and most of our furniture, food and appliances at the 1st floor got ruined. I'm still scared.
>>241565 He named the companies out loud one by one. The balls on this guy. Incredible. >>241890 This may be your first decent comic.
>>241897 It's that retarded law where 'broadcasters' in Canada have to ensure a certain % of their output is 'Canadian' by their government's standards. Ever heard a Leaf complain about the endless Smash Mouth and Nickelback radio songs in the early 00's? That was the radio stations meeting their government-mandated quota of "music made by Canadian artists". Well, now their 'broadcaster' rule wants to encompass all online streaming and videos, no matter how big or small. Any channel not doing 'Canadian content' in a way that satisfies their government would get algorithmically nuked. >>241581 >some people prefer to pass their traits on with certain people Red-hair genes are a good example of this. They're recessive, and always 'skip' one generation, so you actually do need to be selective about your partner if you want a red-headed child. One of my parents is red-haired, so I'm carrying the genes. That's step one. To have a non-zero chance of spawning Vivian IRL, my partner must also come from a ginger mama or papa.
>>241588 >How about a girl that has disability that's not genetic? For example, she was in a car crash and paralyzed from the waist down. Would you consider having a baby with her? No. Regardless of what caused her to be a cripple, she would look grotesque.
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>>241565 IT KEEPS HAPPENING https://archive.ph/bkyTZ https://archive.ph/1AHk3 https://archive.ph/OBMRE https://archive.ph/kfFiq Really, who knew that red graphic in particular would wind up in the hands of Ye? Makes me want to round up oldfag /pol/acks across the internet and make some magic again. Especially now with Elon's Twitter buyout, the time is ripe.
>>241621 Dead company.
>>241910 I think a good move would to create very simply updated graphics/charts/etc with straightforward information and spread it a bit, we could hope they would see and help spread
>>241542 Update: CONFIRMED HOAX. Ther "personal blog" websites supposedly owned by Paul Pelosi's attacker were created two days ago. All mentions of Qanon, gamergate, and far right conmspiracy theories are HOAXES. Note: this has not stopped far left sites like Vice and reddit from continuing to spread the disinformation. Zero retractions, and they are continuing to push the "He was a MAGA Qanon" line. Bonus: looks like Paul Pelosi was having a Grindr hookup, and it went bad. Attacker "somehow" got through armed security, gates, dogs, alarms, and avoided all security cameras to break into the house of the 3rd in line to the presidency, and police arrived to fuind him and Paul Pelosi in their underwear. The attacker has prior arrests for male prostitution. POLICE BODYCAM FOOTAGE MYSTERIOUSLY UNRELEASED.
>>241910 >Niggers will build the fourth Reich When did reality turn into a Blaxploitaion movie?
>>241896 It may include their fedi and matrix.
>>241913 Obviously we crop for convenience, but this reminds me about the strict requirements of screenshots as legal evidence in case archives get scrubbed, like having to show the entire desktop uncompressed.
>>241896 >You can't even upload videos to forums, Actually, I've checked the forum out for updates on the KickVic trial, they actually let you put Webms in your posts.
>>241873 >And then get your ass kick by some scrawny novelist
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https://boundingintocomics.com/2022/10/29/bayonetta-3-discourse-over-titular-protagonists-sexy-appearance-exposes-just-how-insecure-video-game-journalists-truly-are/ https://archive.ph/zkSg9 I don't like to shill, even websites that are on "our side", but I'd say this is a solid piece that shows the hypocrisy of game journos and how they saw Bayonetta. From problematic, to queer icon, back to problematic. I think latching onto the whole "she's queer!" thing was just an attempt for them to rationalize so hard why they liked a blatantly "objectified" sexual character, and had to make it fit within their own political framework >Therein lies the fundamental truth of this phenomena which finds itself exposed once again. >These ideologues don’t actually care about video games. >They don’t earnestly wish to engage with a game’s mechanics, or get a sense of enjoyment out of how it feels, or appreciate the original artistic visions of those who create them. >Instead, like most things in their lives, they’ve only attached themselves to the medium as a means of validating their own existences. >Who cares if a game doesn’t actually play very well? What does it matter if a game improves upon its predecessor or offers more of the same? >To them, it only matters that the game turn specifically to them and applaud their every life choice à la the ending scene of the original Neon Gensis Evangelion anime series. >This is why they try so hard to force a reading of contemporary politics onto every single piece of media. >These types are so insecure over what other people may think of them engaging with something that could even remotely be considered ‘childish’ that they must attempt to justify any attention they give to a given work on the grounds of ‘Good Politics’.
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>>241910 I want to have violently intense sex with demidevil Nikaido.
>>241920 >references Evangelion for no reason >missing the point of the show that hard I'm all for shitting on journos but there was no reason to do that
>>241920 It's still shilling anon, and I don't give a shit to read about some pontificating about what I already know.
>>241925 This is why Bounding Into Comics is going to end up just like Nichegamer.
>>241923 I mean it's a good reference for people to get how absurd it is.
>>241920 >it only matters that the game turn specifically to them and applaud their every life choice à la the ending scene of the original Neon Gensis Evangelion anime series. I will now proceed to ignore this faggot forever.
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>>241872 >drowned god That isn't a game meant for mere mortals. I still think someone should stream it live with /v/ and completing it will become a group effort. Maybe with our combined autism, we can defeat the game.
>>241814 > all because pedophiles in dresses The complete lack of self awareness is astounding.
>>241927 Not really, most people reading never got watched Evangelion completely, it's misrepresenting what actually happened there and trying to turn Shinji's rejection of the loss of self into him doing some tranny-affirming shit witj wveryone applauding, it was tragic irony what happened with "congratulations" since he realized certain things too late.
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>>241901 What do you mean, where did this happen?
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>>241913 >looks like Paul Pelosi was having a Grindr hookup, and it went bad. WHAT.
>>241931 I think the point the author is making is the endless joke about how the baizuo say something "revolutionary" and expect everyone to applaud them for it.
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News from Hueland, it's a shitshow as always.
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>>241936 That Cirno fumo doesn't look right. Brazil tier, almost.
>>241906 Anon, that's an edit
>>241936 What am I looking at?
>>241920 >To them, it only matters that the game turn specifically to them and applaud their every life choice à la the ending scene of the original Neon Gensis Evangelion anime series. This faggot never watched Eva did he? The whole point of fucking Eva is to confront reality and accept that you'll be hurt by it but you'll deal with it instead of running away, which makes it pretty much against the sjw/modern left mentality. >>241931 > it was tragic irony what happened with "congratulations" since he realized certain things too late. Thank you. >>241934 I don't think that's his point.
>>241800 >Why is Canada so fucking shit? They keep their milk in bags. Fucking subhumans.
>>241938 Oh yeah, you're right. I should have double-checked where I was looking.
>>241901 >Hong Kong
>>241939 I assume it's about the election. Bolsonaro is going up against some commie.
>>241939 Some autist photographed himself voting with Cirno. This is a crime by the way, not joking.
>>241945 >This is a crime by the way, not joking. How so? Here in the U.S., the only "illegal" thing that can happen when voting is having someone tell you who to vote for. Outside of that, you can go shouting to High Heaven who you voted for and spam your ballot all across social media.
>>241945 >voting with cirno >not voting FOR cirno
>>241946 It's illegal because you can prove that you voted for someone. Politicians can abuse this by paying for votes.
>>241947 Did not know that. >>241949 >Politicians can abuse this by paying for votes. You mean like some moron is posting on social media that they're in the voting booth and start a bidding war on who they'll vote for?
>>241950 Sure, that's a possibility. But it's easier to just say "I'll pay you X if you bring me a video of you voting for me"
>>241936 huehuehuehuehuehue
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>>241910 I wonder when will other groups like the Hispanics and the Chinese will talk more openly about the Jews. I know that Arabs are more vocal about it. >>241920 BIC is still the better alternative to other news outlets, but I wouldn't be surprised if they went into the same mistakes as OAG and NicheGamer did. The biggest issue that journos fucking have these days is that they don't correct their mistakes and do all of these bullshit excuses to justify their stupidity, which will eventually damage their credibility.
>>241950 Also, a long time ago, in the old republic, when states were ruled by colonels and votes were done in the open, the buying of votes was called "voto de cabresto". In some cases people were forced to vote for someone, and in other cases, they'd give someone one shoe and tell them "vote for me, and I'll give you the other shoe".
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What do you guys think of NFTs? It's wild to see zzziggers praising them and wanting NFT games because their favorite comic artist backed them
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>>241955 A grift for stupid people.
>>241955 Wait what? Are ziggers actually praising NFTs or is it just niggerpill being autistic.
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>>241955 Why are you trying to start retarded board wars, dubsman?
>>241957 It's the same autist trying to start board wars again.
>>241959 ah, go figure
>>241957 https://archive.ph/Bj5ag >>241959 Nah, not that guy, don't be a retard
>>241940 >confront reality well, kinda, but not really, its not that simple
>All the Nostalgia baiting in Nu-modern warfare 2 >Doesn't have the Model 1887 Aka the most iconic shotgun in 2009 modern warfare 2 and call of duty altogether >Despite a chase sequence with armed Mexican cartel members on motorcycles >Original MW2 Model 1887 based on terminator 2 shotgun It blows my mind out of touch Activision is to what CODfags like about the original modern warfare trilogy and black ops. They think CODFAGs want soap to be teased as gay.
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>>241963 yea but you can relive your riot squad meta
>>241963 >Soap >gay No fucking way, did they actually do this shit?
>>241936 >Electronic vote
>>241965 There youtubers that think soap and ghosts were flirting in a mission. I don’t see myself but I have a feeling Actvision will make one of them gay. Probably ghost because reboot ghost wears a mask for vanity reason instead of reminder of past trauma like the original ghost. https://y.com.sb/watch?v=RBE6CWLvh_8
>>241967 >two dudes talking somehow makes them gay
>>241968 >you're being gay right now
>>241968 These are the same mentally ill people who said Soldier 76 was gay because he carried a picture of him and an old buddy from when they they were in the army and then Blizzard turned him gay after that. If these fuckwits watched First Blood today they would claim Rambo was a fag because he talks to Trautman and hugs him after his breakdown.
>>241901 My sympathies. At least you're all okay, that's the most important thing.
>>241970 >Hugs >Mental breakdowns Sounds pretty gay to me.
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>>241973 The solution is simple.
>>241974 What's the joke?
>>241967 Its shocking how realistic the facial graphics have become, but funnily enough it just makes the scenes look like a generic live-action action movie instead of a video game cinematic/cutscene, though they airbrushed many characters' faces to have a strange, college pretty boy/model aesthetic >all this cringey storytelling >the fucking david cage/TWD dialogue style choices I don't get why they had to "remake" MW2 and basically fuck it up There might be gay dialogue options though in this game based on what I'm seeing, I would not be surprised/ Also, they make Soap act a lot more young and childish/immature in this game, its like he's a teenager or something.
>>241976 >I don't get why they had to "remake" MW2 and basically fuck it up For the purposes of "correcting" past media.
>>241976 They should've gone full homo and do a golden kamuy sauna scene What the fuck, it's on xvideos https://www.xvideos.com/video60379005/golden_kamuy_sauna_episode_26_
>>241975 >He doesn't recognise the symbology
>>241975 Viv is into it.
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>>241976 >Its shocking how realistic the facial graphics have become
>>241977 Because they're desperate for money and attention as the franchise has been in decline since Ghosts. They can only do this once, and they already did it twice with Black Ops. Franchise is fucked now
>>241981 Look at the dialogue cutscene at 2 minutes, the guy looks like a live action actor
>>241983 >cutscene
>>241984 >>241983 Show it in motion rather than your blurry screenshot. I bet it looks fake then.
>>241985 >I bet it looks fake Well yeah, its not real, but its getting pretty close is my point >see it in action I gave you the timestamp already, my original reply is to a post with a link, try clicking on things and seeing for yourself
>>241947 >implying I'm going to obey that rule, at any time, for any reason lol, I cannot be stopped from taking pictures.
>>241967 This looks boring, where's the fight to protect Burger Town?
>>241968 >>two dudes talking somehow makes them gay what is American comic books industry in the last 15 years >>241970 >These are the same mentally ill people who said Soldier 76 was gay because he carried a picture of him and an old buddy from when they they were in the army and then Blizzard turned him gay after that. American writing in a nutshell.
>>241981 MW2 and along with original mass effect still blows my mind how good looks on Xbox 360 even without upscaling with the Xbox one or PC. If you update the lighting MW2 would look 7th Gen.
>>241967 All the more reason to outcast youtubers as the two-faced swines they are. >>241975 The 1st panel is the photo /v/ is looking at.
>>241912 Looked up Bob Chapek since he succeeded Robert Iger in Disney. Wikipedia hasn't touched his life too much. Ancestry says Chapek is an americanzed version of Czech Čapek
>>241553 Twitterfags are just as bad. They pushed their tranny shit into Guilty Gear.
>>241992 Would be good having a chart of those big families, you won't find much about the individuals but leeting info about their families...
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Huebro... https://archive.ph/3yceI https://twitter.com/KhalkeionGenos/status/1586785480070275073 https://archive.ph/PGR1l https://twitter.com/FecRip17/status/1586787957679210500 https://archive.ph/e1tml https://www.poder360.com.br/eleicoes/prf-apreende-r-14-milhao-por-suspeita-de-compra-de-votos/
>>241983 >the guy looks like a live action actor You DO remember the Final Fantasy movie and Beowulf, right?
>>241995 that happens literally every election here tbh
>>241998 >ligma >@anothercohen come on anon, you're just shitposting right?
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have a dig into the PR machine
>>241999 Yeah kind of impressed anon fell for that. Elon even retweeted the other earlier guys and laughed at the ligma johnson names they used. >>241968 Male bonding of any kind or just any two men who happen to be close friends = gay according the internet now.
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>>241994 OK, since the chart was made almost a decade ago things have also changed far as buyouts go. For example Disney buying out Fox & the same eventually happening with Warner Media & Discovery. I'm guessing their names will still stay on the chart. With 20th Century Fox, they became 20th Century Studios Is John Lasseter of Pixar really jewish? I can't find anything that points to it
>>242004 >telling someone to go to a dead board
>>242006 Well, it's harder to link to a board from a different imageboard, and we aren't even part of the webring anymore.
>>242008 The webring can go fuck itself, /sp/ can have it I miss /sp/
>>242006 There's still people posting there, but not much.
>>242010 It literally has 1 user, well the one here anyway.
encouraging using other boards is fine, but trying to push people there is faggotry tbh
>>242013 The fact that there are men that willingly decide to get into relationships with women prove that sexuality is a choice.
>>241814 Josh needs to release copies of KF's databases (including media) so his users can create more "farms" and make looney troons suffer trying to take them down one by one. The misgendered gang hate KF not only because the users mock them, but because the site is full of data that compromises their public image. That data is the part of KF what needs to be protected and shared the most. >>241936 >>241966 >Diebold Fun fact: Diebold sold its voting system division Premier Election Solutions to Dominion in 2010. https://web.archive.org/web/20151017193528/http://www.enhancedonlinenews.com/portal/site/eon/permalink/?ndmViewId=news_view&newsId=20100520005593&newsLang=en&permalinkExtra=
>>242016 >Josh needs to release copies of KF's databases so his users can create more "farms" Won't happen since he probably has some complex or another, from what I can see of his exchanges with acid and graf.
>>242018 Sounds like a good argument for gun control tbh.
>>242016 Before Trump both left and right here in Brazil were very distrustful about eletronic voting, computer scientists and security experts were hosted on national tv broadcasts explaining how they were unsecure and could easily be hijacked. After Trump, specifically after Bolsonaro started saying what everyone already suspected about possible voting fraud, mainstream media interviewed millions of POLITICIANS who repeated ad-nauseam how the system is secure. They never brought any security expert or any IT person to talk about it. It's maddening even to try and explain to anyone to the left how eletronic voting is an extremely bad idea, and they NEVER believe me, someone who has experience IT with security. Tribalism fucking sucks ass.
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On the bright side it'll be slightly funnier to see Luciano around if he really is a Brazilian. If you pray hard enough, Lula and his leftist goons will drag his sorry ass and buck break him in jail until he realizes he is the one who is truly impotent in all senses of the word-emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and penis wise.
>>242021 >nigger females
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>>242021 >555 Nice. >>242022 I too support chocolate milk cows.
>>242020 >>241814 Man, josh really did get his shit fucked up
>>242023 >We were born too soon to genetically engineer black cow girls who lactate chocolate milk
>>242022 >>242023 >>242026 Devil's Night & Halloween are a fun combo >>242024 He can always go lower, his suffering more severe. He's not somehow not paying alimony yet, is he? >>242025 You shouldn't expect anything different but as long as the censorship, shadowbanning, and obfuscation of any important information is removed it's not a big loss at all.
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>>242027 Oh god, imagine if Null ends up getting Alex Jonesed
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>>242025 Were you really expecting to be shouting nigger on a normalfag website?
>>242029 You wanna fuck niggers, don't you squidward? :3c
>>242021 Anon Luciano is a leftist. He LOVES leftist politics and will be happy with the results. His "right wing persona" is just an act. A really fucking bad one.
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>>241996 I actually liked The Spirits Within.
>>242034 There is a special place in hell reserved for you.
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>>242031 no, only going for the loli succ
>>242036 I thought it wasn't bad, the ff7 movie felt like it was worse, only the graphics were better.
>>242039 >We are arguing about capitalism having problems that must be purged. Then move to a country where the government solely dictates what it is that people can and cannot spend their money on. I hear there are millions of men in China who are looking for a fucktoy.
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>>242028 The worst (or best) case scenario is that he ends up pulling a Lowtax in the end. (Embarrasing boxing match optional) >>242030 That's what happens when you take leftist retards who conflate disagreement, mass refutation, and politically incorrect humor with digital lynch mobs and RWDS too seriously. >>242032 I've heard he could also be a turk if he's not a mega sperg or fed (or some unholy fusion of the three) and realistically he won't stop until he finally gets bored or forcibly quits, but I love entertaining the hilarious notion that he's a macaco given that April Fool's Day world flag event. >>242033 Expect a /Squid Supremacy/ Edition Thread after Halloween if Lula does win [TL Note: Lula means Squid In Portuguese]
>>242041 He's such a fucking cuck, i bet he was the first that threw Avellone under the bus
>>242030 Yes. >>242042 >Expect a /Squid Supremacy/ Edition Thread after Halloween if Lula does win Lula's the Marxist, correct?
>>242011 Why can't he just crosspost instead? >>242023 >>242029 >>242033 I wonder what Japs think of dark skinned people. And why Jap artists like to draw them.
>>242045 Contrast, mostly.
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>>242044 Aye >>242041 https://archive.ph/Hm0yV It's a little funny that it reminded me of pic related whom is also a Brazilian used in this picture named Valdir Segato
>>241825 It is easily stopped by not allowing mods to censor thought. Notice that mods became as censorious as cuckchan mods, while pretending to be different.
>>242022 >I don't know what a suntan is What's with trannies not understanding "the sun makes your skin dark"?
>>242049 >Pic related >A tan Lmao.
>>242050 My god, you legitimately don't understand how suntans work and I don't think you're "pretending" or anything.
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>>242052 Luh, mao. I bet you think this is merely "okinawan" too.
>>242053 that's pure 100% ainu my nigger
>>242054 Ainu's are just more evolved Abbos
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>>242053 Gals are Japanese niggers and I'm fine with this, but I UNDERSTAND WHAT A FUCKING SUNTAN IS
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>>242046 But also to play on the stereotype of black guys being alpha males compared to any other race. They're seen as crude, rude and naturally dominant - pretty much every NTR fan's dream.
Lula won, pray for macacos.
>>242059 I wonder how can that country still exists, even with all of the corruption and coups they had.
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>>242057 Here's your tan, bro. >>242058 Dark skinned blonde haired チャラ男 are a thing, so it isn't (exclusively) that. Hell, there aren't many doujin artists using actual niggers.
>>242060 Brazilians are masters of jerry-rigging, we always find a way to work things out. Our laws are so fucking messy and complicated that corruption is the only way for anything to get done.
>>241814 Don't feel bad, kiwis would be celebrating if the same thing happened to 8moe. >>242040 I live in the greatest country in the world
>>242061 Yeah, but the チャラオトコarchetype don't tend to behave like niggers, but reskinned white people. Japan has their own dark skinned/tanned population in the south, which fall more into that category than the stereotypical girlfriend snatching giganigger.
>>242025 The fucking guy has been the owner for two days, what the hell did cuckchanners expect? Hell, did they (and you) already forgot he has a stake on PayPal, which just days ago put back the rule that punishes users who publish "misinformation" with a $2500 fine.
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>>242067 It's just a tan, bro.
Just make a designated porn/lewds thread/board, you horny fuckers.
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>>242041 New Vegas he had a team of talented writers and advisors to reign him in. I've never played Pillars of Eternity, but Icewind Dale I & II (narratively) are some of the worst and most bare-bones of the classic D&D games outside of the SSI titles which were a product of their age. Fucking Menzoberranzan had a much better story than either IWDs, and it was just a Drizzt jerkoff from what I remember. Also, Shandra Jerro is best girl. She just wanted to farm in peace.
>>242069 but we already have. In fact you should go over to >>>/bleached/ and post with us.
>>242069 I'm right here.
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>>242071 >3DPD board
>>241827 And those retards are the majority of the population, making scams like PF thrive, which is something that should never be allowed.
>>242059 Lol get fucked Luciano Cucklands. >>242069 Normally I'd agree but it is Devil's Night. With the new OP in place I expect everyone to do their best in taking it to the appropriate boards once November arrives. And the more replies ITT the sooner the Halloween thread can be made before tomorrow night.
>>242075 There might be a plus to Lula winning, Luciano might finally kill himself.
>>242076 You mean communist brazil purges the degenerates.
>>241830 >The right solution must not be told because some irrelevant subhumans will think badly about us You "think" like a woman. No wonder you are a retard.
>>242075 >>242076 >get fucked Luciano Cucklands. He's a leftyfag. I guarantee you he's celebrating. How do you guys not know that Luciano is a tranny loving commie? The dude refuses to use the word "nigger" and always uses tranny's preferred pronouns. Why would he be upset about a commie winning? That's his fucking end goal. He just pretends to be a right winger. He's larping and he's terrible at it.
>>241896 Imageboards delete old threads once they fall off the board. I've never been on Kiwifarms, but if it's like a traditional BBS type forum, old threads never get deleted. So over the course of 20 years I can imagine the hard drive usage would grow quite a bit. Especially if you can attach media to posts. >>241901 Sorry to hear that, anon. I hope things get better for you and your family.
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>AI generated gondolas What a time to be alive.
>>242058 sauce
>>242082 Neck yourself
>>242075 Meh,bolso and lula are both WEF cucks so its irrelevant
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Hey Luciano.
>>241868 Myths (and if you stretch it, entertainment) are for kids. Real life is were the real deal is. Be it conflicts, straight up wars, sabotage, backstabbing, and lives ruined. But also the struggle to win and keep going until you attain a position of power.
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>>242058 I can tell his clit is desperate to get hard in that flat cage
>>241894 Discrimination against niggers and faggots is a good thing.
>>242081 >AI generated gondolas I'm partial to this one personally.
>>242100 Extremely cursed image anon.
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>>242063 >Don't feel bad, kiwis would be celebrating if the same thing happened to 8moe. That's a bitter truth. Josh is on the receiving end of anti-GamerGate censorship tactics and still hasn't figured out that we were the goodguys. Even so, the precedents being set against Kiwifarms are going to make the entire Internet worse.
>>242103 Some people just never learn >the precedents set against kiwifarms make the entire internet worse Ah yes, that didn't happen to 8chan already or anything.
>>242104 >Anime lolis are always ok Not when they're taking nigger dick they aren't. I petition to ban the BLACKED thread from /loli/. And while I'm at it, the brap thread too.
>>242105 Even old 8chan, as bad as that got, didn't have Tier 1 global backbone ISPs taking sides against it. Josh is right that its a huge deal, because it means the physical wires of the Internet are no longer a highway but becoming more like a toll road where the toll is paid in GOODTHINK(tm) and not even in money.
>>242106 I support your cause anon
>>242107 >ISPs I never heard anything about ISPs getting involved in the Kiwifarms debacle.
>>242107 What's the possible countermeasure to Tier 1 ISPs censoring? Decentralization?
>>242110 meshnet
>>242110 Ham radio.
>>242107 So was Net Neutrality protecting josh?
>>242110 Going outside and actually talking to people, you fucking neckbeard.
>>242110 Presumably an onion site should be fine shouldn't it?
>>242109 Thats what killed KF after it came up a week ago. The actual fiber line ISPs who run the backbone basically unplugged him from the datacenter. There's no higher level to appeal to. The companies who own the physical wires that make the internet possible banded together and blocked Josh's IPs. This has never happened before, not even against ISIS or Taliban sites. The backbone companies are so huge and so far removed that they've never touched an individual site before. >>242110 Decentralized meshnet or satellite is the only way left. A wifi meshnet is the more workable way, but it would almost certainly have to be based on mobile phones and would need nearly every person on the planet with a phone running the app. >>242113 No. Only smacking ISPs with "common carrier" restrictions could fix this, but then only in the United States. >>242115 Only if it can keep its IP hidden against every kind of hack and exploit, but yes this is possible. For as long as Tor stays up.
>>242116 I think there are directional wifi antenna pairs that can hit 2 miles in fair weather. I remember pringle cans can get you a bootleg version.
>>242117 Yeah but try squeezing all the traffic of 2000 people through that. That's just one big neighborhood.
>>242110 Also: I just watched the beginning of the video now, it seems like he was more concerned with the DDoS protection service being provided by the ISP, but got fucked up from them in terms of Zayo blocking his shit. But couldn't a VPN ( with a node based in a "safe" country) not get around that without issue even under that ISP? (unless they somehow blocked VPNs in general or something, which I strongly doubt) Let alone the other ISPs shouldn't be having issues. Its also very hard to believe that the ISPs banded together to take down Kiwifarms, I can believe one or two ISPs, but more than that is frankly, unbelievable, especially since he seems to be talking about a UK-based one. >>242116 >every hack and exploit Eh? Tor sites are naturally pretty resistant to DDoS are they not?
>>242118 I was thinking rural, but yeah.
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>>242116 >The companies who own the physical wires that make the internet possible banded together and blocked Josh's IPs [Citation Needed]
>>242121 It's not like it hasn't happened before. I know fuck all about what kiwifarms even is, but you should know that ISPs regularly block shit the ZOG doesn't like.
>>242122 >ISPs regularly block shit that the ZOG doesn't like first time I've heard of an ISP getting involved with a site takedown, the most I've heard from them in terms of preventing average users is usually C&D letters due to DMCA reports and throttling connections for those same reasons (which is why retards really need to learn to use VPNs)
Brazil was fucked the moment they threw the Royal family under the bus. Its fucking sad that that traitorous piece of shit Pedro never got what he deserved and instead his children had to carry his sins to irrelevance. Hopefully Lula carries that God forsaken nation to hell.
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>>242122 You are claiming ISPs have blocked things before. The other anon is saying it's completely unprecedented. Neither of you are providing sources, so I'm honestly extremely confused about what's actually happening.
>>242125 https://archive.ph/awhne Dunno why he'd say that.
THE BLACK MEN ARE WAKING UP, OYYYY!!! https://archive.ph/blCBo >NEW YORK -- Brooklyn Nets guard Kyrie Irving said Saturday night that he does not believe he did anything wrong in promoting an antisemitic film and book on his social media accounts. >Speaking for the first time since he posted about a movie called "Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America," Irving made it clear he was not going to "stand down" on what he believed in despite Nets owner Joe Tsai and the NBA both releasing statements condemning Irving's decision. >"I'm not here to argue over a person or a culture or a religion and what they believe," Irving said after the Nets 125-116 loss to the Indiana Pacers. "Nah, this is what's here. It's on a public platform. Did I do anything illegal? Did I hurt anybody? Did I harm anybody? Am I going out and saying that I hate one specific group of people? So out of all of the judgment that people got for me posting, without talking to me, and then I respect what Joe [Tsai] said, but there has a lot to do with not ego or pride of how proud I am to be [of] African heritage, but also to be living as a free Black man here in America, knowing the historical complexities for me to get here. >"So I'm not going to stand down on anything that I believe in. I'm only going to get stronger because I'm not alone. I have a whole army around me." >As Rolling Stone initially pointed out in its article regarding Irving's social media post, the movie he promoted is "stuffed with antisemitic tropes." Irving posted a tweet Thursday that linked to the film's Amazon page. The movie, which was released in 2018, is based on a 2015 book by the same name. <Irving deleted the initial tweet Sunday. >The veteran point guard also made it clear Saturday night that he is not a supporter of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, despite having posted a video of Jones' last month. Jones recently lost a defamation lawsuit in Connecticut court and was ordered to pay almost $1 billion to families of victims of the 2012 Sandy Hook mass shooting "for falsely claiming they were actors who faked the tragedy," according to Reuters. >"That was a few weeks ago," Irving said. "I do not stand with Alex Jones' position, narrative, court case that he had with Sandy Hook, or any of the kids that felt like they had to relive trauma. Or parents that had to relive trauma. Or to be dismissive to all the lives that were lost during that tragic event. My post was a post from Alex Jones that he did in the early '90s or late '90s about secret societies in America of occults. And it's true. <"So I wasn't identifying with anything of being a [campaigner] for Alex Jones or anything. ... It's actually hilarious because out of all the things I posted that day, that was the one post that everyone chose to see. It just goes back to the way our world is and works. I'm not here to complain about it, I just exist."
>>242127 They're called niggers
>>242126 This seems to be very uncertain, anon. There's a lot of ifs and hypotheticals in this article and not a lot of "this happened." It seems like: some governments made a rule, and no one knows what the ISPs are actually going to do and we haven't seen anything happen yet. At least that's what I got from the article.
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>>242128 They're called ISRAELITES, DASS RITE
>>242129 plus the ruling only came out a few months ago, and only a ruling from a district-level judge no less
>>242127 >first image Nigger, spoiler that shit next time.
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South Korea in mourning after crowd surge kills 153 at Halloween party https://archive.ph/Nwanc >SEOUL, Oct 30 (Reuters) - South Korea's President Yoon Suk-yeol declared a period of national mourning on Sunday after a Halloween crush killed some 153 people in a packed nightlife area in Seoul. >Yoon expressed condolences to the victims, mostly teenagers and people in their 20s, and his wishes for a speedy recovery to the many injured in one of the South Korea's worst disasters and the world's worst stampedes in decades. >"This is truly tragic," he said in a statement. "A tragedy and disaster that should not have happened took place in the heart of Seoul last night." >A huge crowd celebrating in the popularItaewon district surged into an alley on Saturday night, emergency officials said, adding the death toll could rise. >Choi Sung-beom, head of the Yongsan Fire Station, told a briefing at the scene 82 people were injured, 19 of them seriously. The deaths included 22 foreigners, he said. >Families and friends desperately sought word of loved ones at community centres that had become makeshift facilities for missing persons. >As of midday, the Interior Ministry said at least 90% of the victims had been identified, with delays affecting some foreign nationals and teenagers who did not yet have identification cards. >South Korean tech and mobile game firms including Kakao (035720.KS) and NCSOFT (036570.KS) pulled their Halloween promotions after the tragedy, while amusement park Everland cancelled Halloween-themed events. Many regional governments and organisations have cancelled or reduced festivals and other celebrations. >It was the first Halloween event in Seoul in three years to be virtually free of COVID-19 restrictions and social distancing. Many of the partygoers were wearing masks and Halloween costumes. >Twenty-four hours before, there were already warning signs that the festivities were attracting dangerous numbers of people, and victims and their relatives questioned an apparent lack of crowd control. >Early on Sunday costumes and personal belongings mingled with blood spots in the narrow street. Survivors huddled under emergency blankets amid throngs of emergency workers, police, and media. >Many of those killed were near a nightclub, Choi said. Many of the victims were women in their 20s, while the foreigners killed included people from China, Iran, Uzbekistan and Norway, he said. >Witnesses described the crowd becoming increasingly unruly and agitated as the evening deepened. Chaos erupted just before the 10:20 p.m. (1320 GMT) stampede, with police on hand for the event at times struggling to control the crowds, witnesses said. >Moon Ju-young, 21, said there were clear signs of trouble in the alley before the incident. He told Reuters it was more than 10 times as crowded as usual. >Social media footage showed hundreds of people packed in the narrow, sloped alley crushed and immobile as emergency officials and police tried to pull them free. >Choi, the Yongsan district fire chief, said all the deaths were likely from the crush in the alley. <MAKESHIFT MORGUE >Fire officials and witnesses said people continued to pour into the alley after it was already packed wall-to-wall, when those at the top of the slope fell, sending people below them toppling over others. >One woman said her daughter, pulled from the crush of people, survived after being trapped for more than an hour. >A makeshift morgue was set up in a building next to the scene. About four dozen bodies were wheeled out on wheeled stretchers and moved to a government facility to identify the victims, according to a Reuters witness. >The Itaewon district is popular with young South Koreans and expatriates alike, its dozens of bars and restaurants packed on Saturday for Halloween after businesses had suffered a sharp decline over three years of the pandemic. >"You would see big crowds at Christmas and fireworks ... but this was several ten-folds bigger than any of that," Park Jung-hoon, 21, told Reuters from the scene. >International leaders offered condolences, including U.S. President Joe Biden and China's Xi Jinping, who noted that Chinese were among the dead and injured. >With the easing of the COVID pandemic, curfews on bars and restaurants and a limit of 10 people for private gatherings were lifted in April. An outdoor mask mandate was dropped in May. >President Yoon held an emergency meeting with senior aides and ordered a task force be set up to secure resources to treat the injured and launch a thorough investigation into the cause of the disaster. >The disaster is among the country's deadliest since a 2014 ferry sinking that killed 304 people, mainly high school students. >The sinking of the Sewol, and criticism of the official response, sent shockwaves across South Korea, prompting widespread soul-searching over safety measures in the country that are likely to be renewed in the wake of Saturday's crush. I hope Gookanon is okay. This reminds me of the Astroworld travis scott concert
>>242133 Yeah but niggers died in the Travis the Chimp concert, they're a few tiers below gooks. >>242134 Got any videos?
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>>242134 People are such niggercattle this days you are looking for trouble by hanging around crowds that big. After this past 3 years there is no way in fuck i'll trust people or hang around large crowds like this. Gooks got what they deserve. Fuck them all.
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! WARNING ! ! SPOILING FOR CUCKCHAN NEWS ! Drawthread autism over there (/v/ and /aco/ I think) has gotten so bad apparently that some falseflagger went to email the hosters about the vidya art boorus to have them shut down as revenge rip http://vidyart.booru.org/ http://vidyartplus.booru.org/ probably cited they had loli, toddlercon, besitality, etc, just my guess decade or more history of art gone forever I don't really understand why this happened, I'm looking through the archives now to get a clear picture as I don't browse 4chan, but I do occasionally view these boorus to look for new obscure art and was shocked that they were gone. One anon suggested that it was because there's a certain request spammer who people kept citing the boorus as evidence of his spamming, so he took it upon himself to remove them entirely. I guess use this as a PSA to ALWAYS ARCHIVE EVERYTHING
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>>242139 it wasnt the french/spanish mabi faggot was it
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>>242137 >2nd webm It's just like that moshpit in astroworld
>>242141 Kept thinking that screaming bitch was gonna get Tetsuo'ed like that ugly chick from Akira.
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>>242139 Man... I thought vidyabooru was down temporarily... The day i can't torrent any more, i drop my internet service for good. Little by little internet history gets stolen or outright deleted by faggots and niggers with a hardon for censorship and victimhood. I've had internet for the past 23 years and its so palpable how shit it has become. A complete shadow of its former self.
>>242137 I would just start raping people if this ever happened to me
>>242138 Decency on the videogames board, I guess? >>242144 Hope you're slim and have some eye/head protection.
>>242137 Post more
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>>242144 >can't move arms >can't move hands >can barely move fingers >imma rape Very doubtful my mentally stable friend
>>242145 Not the spoilers, fucking ant-mentality gooks thinking Halloween is something voluntarily mass-genociding themselves for.
>>242147 Not to mention you need oxygen to get the blood flowing to your dick
>>242021 >>242022 >>242023 >>242027 >>242029 >>242033 >>242037 >>242049 >>242050 >>242057 >>242061 >>242066 >>242067 Everytime anons lust for nigger women I'm filled with a little more dread cause I realized not all of you are joking about it. Especially since I knew an Australian guy for a fetish for non whites especially black women. I don't know about what how you guys operate but the grass ain't greener on the other side unless she's well adjusted or more gullible in some regards. What I'm more disturbed about is that there's at least one of you guys actually went ahead and succeeded.
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>>242148 Dying for halloween would be kinda metal but they died because some k-pop pretty boy was seen in a street or something extra gay like that.
>>242147 You could probably haphazardly toungue kiss people around you
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>>242152 The human pretzel untangling vid is what wisdom and despair are made of. Puts chest on your hair. That last video was made by a woman and a retarded one at that. You should be ashamed of posting that.
>>242154 I had to take a shit, if anons beg me to scour twitter you get what you get.
>>242150 I'll fuck anything that's hot: white, tan, brown, black, purple, green, yellow, transparent. Don't just limit it to niggers and don't limit it to 3dpd, you sad cunt.
>>242150 >I'm filled with a little more dread cause I realized not all of you are joking about it. As long as those Anon's get jungle fever for a non-American niggeress, they're in the clear.
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>>242155 Have you bought stonetoss's NFT's yet anon? https://www.flurksnft.com/
>>242150 2D != 3D.
>>242140 Don't know. They just call him "botfag". Don't know if he crossposts or anything
>>242139 Wow, that's fucking horrible and horrifying I backed up the ourobooru locally on my last hard drive, but it died before I could transfer that to my external I hope someone backed it up.
>>242163 Someone send this to stonetoss so he can make it an NFT
>>242014 What has that anything to do with what was posted?
>>242020 Tribalism is perfect. You are just doing it wrong. The goal of tribalism is to kill everyone in the other tribes, forcing only your tribe to exist. Not to talk with those from other tribes.
>>242134 >>242137 >>242152 This is why they're called bugmen.
>British YouTube anime reviewer >Less than 5 minutes in start bitching about fan services, attractive women, and problematic anti-LGBT jokes >Unironically start calling the BBC Urusei Yatsura English dub good. I don’t who is worse at reviewing anime Britbongs or white women. I swear only good Anime reviewers on YouTube are Mexicans but they mostly only care about dragon ball z, JoJo and Digimon.
>>242170 Why bother watching anime reviewers at this point? One of the last good ones was a cranky old man.
>>242171 >>242170 >anime reviewers fucking lol Anime fanbases (and by extension anime youtubers) have the absolute worst opinions on everything They either like everything without discerning quality at all, or they hate everything because they're jaded contrarian fucks I've seen a few decent analysis videos when they actually like the work and its not judging its quality as a "review", instead diving on its themes or character depth because its implicitly assumed to be worth watching, but that's about it
>>242139 It all leads back to abusefag.
>>242151 >died chasing some k-pop fag Wow. Not what I was expecting to hear caused the deaths of so many people. I mean I am not shocked when I think about it, just not what I was expecting. >>242170 I watched some random video about twisted metal (as I was happy to still see people talking about it) and the vagina starts bitching about violence against women making him uncomfortable or some similar shit during it. Faggots like that drive me nuts. What the fuck are you doing playing a game like that anyway. It reminds me of the niggers complaining about violence in Mortal Kombat. What the fuck were you expecting from a series that built it's reputation on how over the top the violence got.
>>242170 >anime reviews Die, normalfag.
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>>242170 >I deliberately went to go see something I knew I wouldn't like >I didn't like it It's hard for me to be sympathetic when the wound is self-inflicted.
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>>242179 Good thing we're going back to the thirties.
>Discussion about nigger pussy happens >Real nigger(pill) pussy shows up right on time
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Earlier, I said that this place has effectively become the farms' bunker. Does anyone disagree now?
>>242194 all things considered tvch is most likely the real faggot magnet; we likely get splashback from retards whore tired of shitting in their own kitchen
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>>242190 He was kinda late albeit, better late than never amirite?
>>242194 Doesnt seem that different? niggerpill/luciano iphopping and the streetshitter who keeps posting about call of duty is about par for the course for this thread
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>>242197 >Videogames have no place in this Gamergate thread! It may not have been your intent, but you did make me laugh.
>>242194 Never heard of anyone from the farms using this place, I assume not
>>242194 Where are the numbers to back that up?
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She's going all out.
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Reminder to never interact with niggerpill. Just report, ignore him and continue the discussion as if he was never there.
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Just remembered sean connery died on halloween
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>>242208 Here, have a bad or nostalgic memory: You're the man now dog.
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>>242207 https://archive.ph/XDwK0#selection-17463.3-17469.1 So he outs himself on/animu/. Wasn't expecting to see that today
>>242209 I just watched this before opening the thread, fucking hilarious.
>>242212 >it's just one guy
>>242171 >Why bother watching anime reviewers at this point? Because I need my dragon ball z fix as long there still new dragon ball media or Z-diia.
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>>242217 thats not what makes me happy on halloween tho
>>242139 I told you niggers using the booru project for ourobooru was a bad idea.
>>242150 >Everytime anons lust for nigger women I'm filled with a little more dread cause I realized not all of you are joking about it. You wouldn't say this about loli, cunt. It's fucking toons. They 'ent real!
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>>242139 >use a booru to upload things banned by the TOS >go bawwwing when someone decides to actually report it AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!! Serves those fucks right.
>>242219 I mean, we have time, in theory, to pack it all into a zip file and/or ship it off to another site entirely.
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>>242221 Isn't it more like: >upload stuff that complies with TOS >years later the TOS change >use booru as usual <some faggot gets years of history wiped instantly because he starts a fake moral panic
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>>242223 Nigger, they had more than 10 years to do something about it. There is no sympathy to be had. If you take that long to realize that "oops, some stuff on our site could get us in trouble", then you deserve what's coming to you.
Was Chris Chan Posessed By A Demon? - Chris Chan Demon Theory A spooky video for Halloween. Summary of a /x/ thread talking about a hedgehog demon from Gypsy folklore that influxes artists into destroying themselves and spreading madness. Making runes and jewelry a sign of this demon coven. Not to mention Chris-Chan has a long history of trying to curse people and practicing voodoo. Chris-Chan said sonichu told him to draw porn of him raping Megan. Chris-Chan said sonichu told him to drink his cum as a ritual. https://y.com.sb/watch?v=AFlW1a7RnXE
>>242225 Put bluntly, archival wasn't anyone's concern at all. It was pre-trannies, pre-twatter/cancelling, pre "(((Paypal))) and co hold your livelihood hostage". The internet was just too high trust for anyone to assume it'd come crashing to an end.
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>>242224 or they could have used those fully grown adult women that look like theyre twelve by curious genetics
>>242224 Is this a copypasta from reddit slightly edited to sound more edgy?
>>242224 I don't care.
>>242162 >I backed up the ourobooru locally on my last hard drive, but it died before I could transfer that to my external How do you back up a whole booru, I do have one I need to back up as well before shit goes down.
>>242139 Thats why i always store what i want locally...at very least to the best i can
>>242225 That still doesn't warrant deleting over a decade's worth of OC. Piss off, bootlicker.
>>242139 VidyaArt2 survived the purge, and there's a good chance that TBIB auto-archived posts from the other two you listed. Comments and accounts may be gone, but the content yet persists. Archive it while you can.
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>>242225 I think you're the only nigger here.
>>242133 >Astroworld The difference here being that NIGGER actively encouraged the tragedy while it was happening. What he did was criminal and inhuman.
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>>242234 I'm going to see if i can scrap it
Will the board adopt a Halloween theme? Cirno's song for the 9th birthday is still up >>242240 Arguing about pedophilia, now that's real horror.
Might make the thread early. Haven't slept yet, but I really should.
Happy Halloween! Don't forget your rabbits tomorrow!
>>242243 No way devil rabbit
>>242242 I'm not padding out the replies or anything, ha ha ha!
>>242245 Overnight lulls are the worst. There better be at least one other person on hand to make the new threads in the morning.
>>242246 Yeah, its the middle of the workday in yurop and bedtime/late vidya hours for nips.
I wish I had played more Halloween themed games leading up to this day
So huezilians. Are you happy with your new commie president?
>>242231 Never mind, imgbrd-grabber does the job even if it's extremely frustrating to use.
>>242242 Can I make it cosmic horror themed?
>>242226 Oh boy, new Sonic creepypasta.
>>242250 I'm using it too, it could be better but at least it works
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That's it I'm going to bed and hope I can do some things well on time like Jackbox night. Have a Happy Halloween this year in the NEW THREAD: 723966 723966 723966 723966 723966 723966 723966 723966 723966
>>242255 YOU BLEW IT!
>>241791 Never believe women.
>>242226 >shit pulled out of my ass >tie it to gypsy folklore >???? >profit

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