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Request/Share Thread Anonymous 02/26/2021 (Fri) 19:50:51 No. 1442 >>1443 >>3716 >>4191 >>4965
I didn't see a stickied request thread so I hope that this is all right. (this is now the request/share thread :D) Request and deliver sources and download links of loli content in this thread to keep everything organized in a single place. For art/drawing requests you can use /delicious/ draw thread or create one here. This thread will also double as a share thread similar to /co/'s where you can share loli-related material with other anons. Note for requesters: Use search engines like SauceNAO and Yandex or search the title in exhentai before making a request. There's a high chance to find what you want with them. Note for sharers: Due to the small size of the board, direct download links are preferable to torrents since torrents are less seeded. Is recommended to use services like MEGA or Catbox to share your content. … Every torrent or direct download on the internet of Uchiyama Aki's "Tsukasa Mook" book is dead or deleted. Could someone upload it here? I can find the cover and thumbnails, but nothing bigger than 200px.
Edited last time by shotakot on 02/26/2021 (Fri) 23:04:34.
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I remember the old /loli/ board had a link to an excellent repository of material to make your own contributions to the board, we're talking drawing book (yes of course it had Loomis you morons), artbooks of /loli/-related shows, and lots of tips to start your career as a lolicon artist. My question is, did anyone save it? And if so, could you please link it here?
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>>1442 (OP) This one? It's on sadpanda and other hentai sites like nhentai: https://exhentai.org/g/604425/fa29a762b7/ https://nhentai.net/g/94034/ You can use TachiyomiEH (an Android app) to download it from sadpanda if you don't have enough credits, or JDownloader to save it from nhentai (TachiyomiEH works too).
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>>1443 Thank you!
>>1444 No problem, but now that you mentioned it, a pinned request thread would be of use. I hope you don't mind if I turn your request thread into a general one.
>>186 (Request thread merged with this one to increase its visibility)
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>>1445 It would be an honour. Twenty years on the interwebs and I've never had a thread stickied until today.
>>186 Seconding this request
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>>186 >>1574 >>186 >>1574 I tried searching 8ch.net/loli/ in archive.is and archive.org, but both sites blacklisted the URL over fake DMCA complaints. I tried searching /l/ too, but I couldn't find anything of use aside from its custom theme and background images (pics and zip file related).
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Anyone know where this is from?
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/v/'s list of games where you can play as a loli.
>>2043 >Don't starve >little misfortune >little nightmares Are those even really loli? >Dragon's Dogma What?
>>2113 >Don't starve Some of the protagonists are little girls. >little misfortune According to Wikipedia she's 8 years old. >little nightmares Looks loli to me. All cases are a matter of art styles more than anything. >Dragon's Dogma <What? You can customize the avatar and follower to be lolis (or shotas). I had a screencap with a really good looking loli follower, but I can't find it.
>>186 Thirding the request. Would love additional pointers & resources.
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>>186 >>1574 >>1575 >>2319 Hello, I am a (mildly popular?) loli artist (pics related, and some of my other pics are scattered throughout this board). I found this place through the /loomis/ drawpile server. While I do not have any resources related to drawing loli specifically, I do have some general advice: - Resources: The drawing resources you get from other places like the /loomis/ board still apply. Put those together with reference pics from your other favorite loli artists and you should be able to extrapolate well enough. I personally like books with lots of pictures, like the Morpho series and Anatomy for Sculptors. I sometimes use 3D tools like Design Doll, Blender, Handy Art Tool (mobile app, hands/feet/heads with nice models) to help with troublesome perspective and posing problems. - Action: Draw a LOT of pictures (of stuff you want to draw, e.g. lolis) and try to get feedback from more experienced peers (or eventually even your idol/sensei if you get lucky). Ask for feedback on stuff you specifically are having difficulty with or feel doesn't look right (requires some critical self-analysis), that will make it easier for your peers to help you. After getting feedback, try not to fix pieces to death (put a time limit on this process). Fix what you can and just move on to the next piece, and hope that you can carry on what you had learned (it will probably take many tries before some difficult things click). Try to make finished pieces though (with color, light/shadow, scenarios, backgrounds, etc., optionally with men as well, since the lolis may want someone to make love to). The more you finish stuff, the better and faster you get at actually finishing stuff (go figure). You will basically develop the shortcuts that work for you to optimize drawing and painting. - Sensei: General advice from my own sensei (who also has pics on this board, you can probably figure out who it is since our styles are kind of similar) is basically always try to find references (even if they are not exactly what you want) and try to deconstruct and find error in what other artists do (who you think are better than yourself). That helps build your perception for creating the ideal beauty you want to achieve (in your own eyes). Basically steal things that you like from other artists and hammer/mutate it into your own ideal over time. - Career: I don't have any definite career advice though.. I only do this as a hobby (for now). I hardly make any money on Fanbox, but for my sensei it's like a full time job. My educated guess is that if you get 100k+ followers on Pixiv and can consistently hit high R-18 daily rank (like top 10 or 20), you could probably then make a good amount of cash off of Fanbox by paywalling some of your art (variants, drawing polls, PSD files, etc.) around the average payer's price (¥300 to ¥500). Paywalling forces people's hands.. It's annoying but they seem to rarely cough up cash otherwise. Different niches may pay better for less effort (furry). I also find that loli artists have amazing potential to gain art skill quickly because of their inherent obsession with the topic and desire to create the ultimate cute and funny form (otaku power, perhaps?). Ultimately, have fun and get horny while drawing, and I think you will end up doing pretty well no matter how you approach it.
>>2470 >sex in tights Oh yess.
Here's a little translation that I did, if anyone has any small requests, i'm here.
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>>2611 Nice try glownigger
Is there any japanese hentai magazine containing mostly JC aged (ages 12-15) characters scans or physical copies, doesn't matter. Like between the age ranges of Comic LO and Comic KOH. I know LO occasionally has some JC content but it's too rare, and oppai loli I'm not interested in. t. heretic
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>>2623 It unfortunately only had 17 issues, but Juicy is what you're looking for. A LO-brand spinoff 100% focused on JC stories. https://exhentai.org/?f_cats=761&f_search=juicy+anthology
I'm looking for a doujin where a group of kids(I think it's 2 boys and 1 girl) visit another girl's house to give something like a present. For whatever reason they end up hiding in her closet until she gets home, where she masturbates on her bed calling out the name of one of the boys. So the kids decide to wrap a ribbon around his dick and push him out of the closet as her present and he fucks her. I hope this is a good description, I've tried searching every term I could think and haven't been able to find it again.
anyone know where to find fisticuffs content with sound?
have you ever read Unmoral Kids? I'm looking for the manga, it looks like they've removed from the surface
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Where does a turbo closeted idiot like myself go for 3DCG, ever since lolibooru banned it last year Iv been at a loss.
>>3295 Pixiv, baraag, ATF's forums and /delicious/ 3DCG thread.
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Does anyone know how to rip images from DLsite's special viewer thing? I recently bought this from Hoshino Fuuta/Puchiya but I can't figure out how to rip the images aside from just doing screenshots and having to edit the images which is a giant pain. I tried following a guide from some old ripper but it seems DLsite has updated their viewer so the old ripper doesn't work anymore.
>>2860 >it looks like they've removed from the surface of the Earth? Are you drunk? It's in English, both on Sadpanda, and Nhentai, the two most popular hentai manga and doujinshi sites around these parts. Also, there's a pinned share and request thread. Again, are you drunk?
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Does anyone have these images in the original quality? These are part of an Age Regression sequence made by Palcomix, otherwise called bbmmbf. I know the subject of this board is just loli, but I need to get some kind of closure on this. I've AI-upscaled these to make them easier to recognize.
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It's this pic except they're holding the attraction of age statistics, couldn't find it anywhere. Edit:merged to request thread.
Edited last time by xXxHeadxXx on 10/19/2024 (Sat) 23:07:45.
Here you go faggit
>>3296 Those sites DEMAND you to log in Not privacy oriented at all! Any onionland, free to access alternative?
>>3296 ATF forums require a login and bans TOR accounts for spam IPs. The booru doesn't need a login but 3dcg (idk if photorealistic) can be found.
>>3295 Pixiv does not allow you to connect from a tor exit node, the best I'd have is chans on their onion and lurking.
Edited last time by xXxHeadxXx on 10/30/2024 (Wed) 11:41:30.
>>3295 Lmao, are things in America that bad that y'all need a VPN to watch 3DCG? Lol, been a ThirdWorlder have it's advantages I suppose.
Edited last time by xXxHeadxXx on 10/30/2024 (Wed) 11:41:37.
I’m looking for that one animation of Tifa and Aerith getting eaten out by their loli selves. Pretty much given up looking at this point.
That’s the one! Appreciate it!
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Anyone have the sauce for this please ? Or at least the name of the loli
>>4142 This is the artist: https://twitter.com/sumitomo0609/status/1487718899239899140 It seems that it's a Skeb commission, so you'll have to search it on the artist's Skeb page: https://skeb.jp/@9RVCLK5P There's a fanbox page too: http://sumitomo.fanbox.cc/
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>>1442 (OP) i find this and would like to read it, anyone know the name or the artist
>>4191 You are in for a treat, it's one of my favorites. It's a 2 part series. QUZILAX - GEIGER COUNTER 1 + 2 nhentai net/g/103366/ nhentai net/g/103365/
>>4192 thanks bro i know Quzilax from the Van Rapist One, but haven't read new stuff from him
>>3295 Same boat as OP. Surely there must be hidden services for this kind of thing even if just to accommodate the material deemed too realistic for ATF/here etc
Edited last time by xXxHeadxXx on 10/30/2024 (Wed) 11:41:41.
Edited last time by xXxHeadxXx on 10/30/2024 (Wed) 11:41:49.
Kind of a shot in the dark given how slow this board is, but does anyone have any scans for the "School Mizugi Analyze" series of art books? Ex doesn't have them, and a couple hours of googling has only led me to melonbooks et al links, most of which are out of stock so I can't even purchase them if I wanted to. Translation doesn't matter. Even a pointer in the right direction would be helpful.
>>186 nice
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May I request the sauce for this? Saucenao couldn't give an answer.
>>4566 [Kereno Teikoku (Kereno)] Shougakusei to Ecchi Shite mo Ii yo!! https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/detail/detail.php?product_id=1023665
There is this doujin that's been on the back of my mind for a while, but I have no clue about the name and I lost the images years ago, it was Mesugaki Prostitution and the story seemed to be about the loli not wanting to extort the man out of more money, it cuts from ero content to her and a group of girls arguing with her, probably a mesugaki gang, the dude tries to stop the main girls advances but has horrible self control and when she escalates charging him more money to do more stuff he immediately breaks and gives her the money only to regret it right after, the last panel are them hugging after cow girl sex and she kisses him in the head, sound familiar to anyone?
>>1728 Link is down. What is the name?
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>>4814 >he can't get passed the sad panda The link is fine.
>>4814 >>4820 Fuck those elitist asshole pieces of shit at exhentai to [Ogu] Onii-chan, Outou Suru! | Onii-chan, respond! (Shoujo Shiki Fuzoku Ogu Hinyoukika) [English] [ATF]
>>1442 (OP) >torrents are less seeded I don't get this seed/magnet nonsense. Can someone explain in simple English? Also that's why I don't like torrenting/torrenting is hard.
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>>4964 >Muh elitism Where do you think you are? >>4965 You have to be 18 to post here. It's really, really simple. Just look it up.
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Have any of the entries in the Cybele series been translated? I'm very curious about these pages and if the idea of a loli being its own thing was in the first popular works.
Does someone have 3d loli blender models?
>>5246 Go fuck yourself disgusting 3d/cgi faggot. You shouldnt be here go back to your furry/gayporn/attack helicopter porn forum
Edited last time by xXxHeadxXx on 10/25/2024 (Fri) 23:01:17.
Can I request stuff like bdsm or cuckold? I would post with an example image but I honestly dont have one.
>>3704 Just gonna hop on here to say that the stats in this graph are fake. The study is real and while a significant chunk of the participating men admitted to pedophilic attraction the study has no data that matches this graph. https://sci-hub.se/10.1016/S0005-7894(05)80039-5
If anyone can help me find this doujin, I've been looking for years. It's a loli that comes visit a man who looks to be in his 20s, and he's terrified of her. Says at one point he moved just so he could avoid her. She boops his nose and says "weird, the money isn't coming out of the money machine". They obviously have some arrangement. He says won't do it anymore, and that he's not even sure she's still a virgin. In the next frame, he has his face one inch from her exposed pussy, spread eagle, going absolutely nuts. She says this time she'll suck his cock for an outrageous amount of money. He reluctantly agrees. After she's done, the vibe goes way down, and he says with a depressed face that she can go now, and he'll find a way to get the money. But turns out, the loli was actually in love with him, and missed him while he moved without telling her. She confesses that she doesn't want the money, and would like to lose her virginity to him. He goes bonkers of course, and they do it. As additional details, I remember that she had big boots, and the whole thing occurred in a typical Japanese apartment complex.
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Hey I'm trying to find a MMD style hentai movie It's about a blonde small teen hero fighting "bad guys" or orc type people by fucking them K.O. in the background there is a hard beat its in a similar type of style like pic related please help me
Edited last time by xXxHeadxXx on 10/25/2024 (Fri) 23:01:24.
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>>5246 You can make teh loli in koikatsu, screencap her from multiple angles, than import the images as a 3D photogrammetry scan and have it build her out of polygons. Remove the environment, slice her in half, mirror, retopo, fix, unwrap, texture, rig, then animate. Should take about and hour.
Edited last time by xXxHeadxXx on 10/25/2024 (Fri) 23:01:32.
https://www.iwara.tv/profile/stevenpurgatory This is the artist who made the video I believe you are talking about. There are a couple more to the series, and they all are great (and futa if that matter)
That link may not work, but the artist name is Steven Purgatory, and the video series is "Ressurection"
>>6197 >>6198 >>6151 Why you using the name field like a subject field, or using either in regular posts?
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I help people to find the names of doujins and mangas. The source. But this time I need your help. Can someone tell me the name of that manga please ?
>>6207 I dug around on the boorus and twttters and found that in every instance the image was posted, someone asked for sauce but got none. It's complicated with manga panels. For all anyone knows, this might not even be a conventionally published thing and could have just been an illustration used on some packaging for a can of sardines of something. Even scraping a booru for tags related to her outfit (such as gothic_loli and hair_ribbon) could be useless if that's just something she wore in this one chapter. Translate your post in to runes and ask a Japanese IB, that's your best bet. Proxy up too, the mods on those sites hate when filthy gaijin fake moon for sauce.
Ayo does anyone have videos or images of Kanna Kamui, found a couple of vids but lost them.
Can anyone help me find this doujin? I know it's like looking for a needle in a haystack but here goes It was a mind control/hypnosis loli one-shot, probably a mobage/idol anime doujin? It was translated and took place entirely in one room. The girl wakes up in bed next to the guy and is aware that he tried to hypnotize her but scoffs at the idea, only to knowingly and gladly have lovey-dovey sex with him afterwards. I think there was some kind of endurance test for her involved as well. In the end as she wakes up in bed once again it's revealed she's been stuck there in this hypnosis loop for some time already, as he erases her memories at the end of every sesssion.
>>6236 i do. i have over 9000
Edited last time by xXxHeadxXx on 10/25/2024 (Fri) 19:08:28.
someone knows the sauce?
Edited last time by xXxHeadxXx on 10/25/2024 (Fri) 19:08:39.
>>6277 That is a scene made in Koikatsu, The artist is ShiShigaJ5 if not the author should be Waxreplica. Problem is that I am not finding that scene in https://db.bepis.moe/ Where I saw this scene and model.
Edited last time by xXxHeadxXx on 10/19/2024 (Sat) 23:09:35.
Could you guys please share any porn stories or doujins that are basically themed on loli and shota friends explore their bodies and find out about sex. Maybe while playing doctor. And theor parents are shocked but join in.
Does anyone have an archive or collection of Mion Orz (みおん_orz) works? Particularly the more recent ones? Kemono is still dead and his page is 2 years out of date. Collections online aren’t much better. If anyone has his fanfic stuff saved and could share it, I would greatly appreciate it. I really don’t want this to be lost to time
Are there any gooning videos like hypno stuff for loli
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I need to find the source You know, for the plot.
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>>6424 >gooning
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Should be these
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Does anyone have fanbox stuff for steve pizza? His mega link got taken down.
>>3704 >women peak at 14 and hit the wall at 18 This is why Presidential terms only last 4 years.
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Can anyone share backstreetgirl's manga "HELP!! My Girlfriend is a Raging Pedo Milf!"? It's suppose to be on their fanbox https://backstreetgirl.fanbox.cc/posts?page=1 (one of the paywalled posts) and sadly hasn't been uploaded to kemono. There's some sketches and previews on their pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/15092046/illustrations/%E6%AF%8D%E5%A8%98 Really love the idea of a mother trying to get her boyfriend to fuck her underaged daughter. I'd also appreciate any recommendations for manga, stories, games or VN with the similar premise (women helping a man have sex with a loli)
>>6631 i've searched "oyakodon loli" in pages as exhentai or nnhentai to read that kind of content.
any img of 1-3 yo girl wanting sex here
Merged to request thread for being low effort, possibly a bot
>>7123 Try adding an image and subject title next time.
got any worthwhile vids??
>>7351 You're gonna have to be more specific. >>674
I'm desperately searching the name of this manga. The A-Team likes Lolis
>>7411 There is a request and share thread, pinned even. Use it.
>>7413 Thanks
i need sum loli collections on my pc but too lazy to find pics myself :P meganz??
>>7472 personal image collections!!!!
>>7472 Merging this to the request/share thread.
There's a specific doujin that had some good frames I've been trying to find; dude is at mcdonalds taking pics of girls when he goes outside to follow and gets tazed and tied up with jumpropes. I remember the main girl who teases the guy was named Irina-chan and the guy had tape stuck to his mouth.
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>>7519 >There's a specific doujin that had some good frames I've been trying to find; author is Senke kagero title is Petit heaven
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I don't know what the hell you namefield is linking to, but I suggest you stop it.
Not sure if this is fine since it's not requesting images but anyone know of some good games with a focus on loli? I don't care if it's gacha, console or PC. Just requesting something where the focus or primary audience is lolicons.
>>7568 Check out the loli games thread. You should really give the catalog a glance first. >>3392 Most recently, Youmaen was finally full translated. Still going through it myself, and I've discussed it in the /v/ eroge thread. >>>/v/1044644 When I'm done I'll summarize my posts in the eroge thread here, since threads last much longer here and I don't want to fill it with tons of uninterrupted posting by one person about one game.
since the rules say no 3D i'm guessing sims 4 isn't allowed so i'm not going to post any images but instead simply ask if anyone knows where to find alt versions of HardcoreSims loli vids that have 404'd on Iwara tv. Any other site i find the videos on just embed or link/sent you back to the iwara ones and therefore don't work. If asking for this (because it's Sims) is also against the rules, then by all means just purge this message.
LF cumflation loli, it looked like dorokuma artstyle, i believe there were nipple piercings~
>>7817 LF?

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