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What is your favorite age /loli/? Anonymous 11/02/2020 (Mon) 18:19:54 No. 530
Mine is 7+1/2 years, right in the middle of the 5-10 year old range. (also this thread is for age progression charts)
7-12, the lolitahs tend to be sweetest at these ages, and they are not yet brainwashed to hate Aryan men typically... which is why they are off-limits for goys nya~
>>532 It's true that they become more tsundere from 11-13, and this is because they become more aware of their sexuality and the impetus to select a dominant male as a mate due to darwinian selection nya~
>>530 (OP) Can we just make it for charts, graphics, and educational/informative/guide/illustrative type material in general?
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Over 40, but look 1-3
I like them between 5 to 9. Mostly prefer 5 and 6.
Between 4-9. Slender bodies are hot.
10-13 specifically 11 More complex dialogue, and the changes that occur during that age add a lot of variety between development, knowledge about sex and innocence. You can have an early developed 11yo loli with big tits, who is very horny, knows that she is horny, but she's very shy and doesn't want to be. A total pervert flat chested who became addicted to masturbation, or any combination of the three characteristics. And all of that would believably be possible at 10-13, which means you can have a great variety of plots. Below it, most of lolis lack knowledge and perversion to enjoy sex unless mind broken. Above it, a 14 year old girl that doesn't know about sex or feels horny and perfectly understands it is ridiculous in this day and age.
4-10 I tend to fantasize about lolis with a similar set of messed up fetishes to my own. Most of the time my fantasies don't involve any kind of penetration or even contact with genitals, so it's slightly less implausible for a 4 year old to have a good time. Then again, the 2D world isn't required to conform to realistic physics or biology.
0-6 I am a toddlerfag.
>>599 You sicko *:^)*
Under 8 is great because there is the "pseudo-boybod" that hardcore lolicons like (no breast buds, pubic hair, a 1:1:1 ratio in B/W/H), but older than 3. Those six years of 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 are the golden years of human development. Too bad that most loli artists draw them like they were nine or older, especially in things like the breast buds they keep including.
>>600 oh stop [/spoiler] :::^^^^^^^^^^^^)) **
>>530 Those body charts are very generous with the how low they place the borderline between loli and toddler. In my experience most jap artists draw anything labelled below 8 with increasingly significant toddlercon traits. By 6 and 5, they're normally full toddlercon proportions. That first chart is especially horrible because 6 and 4 there are just scaled down versions of the 8 on the chart with changes to the expression and hair. In fact, there's several scaled near duplicates on that first chart. Just nuke it from orbit for the artifacting alone. Going by the second body chart my preference for lolis is 4-11. After that they become pseudo-loli at best. But my preference in practice as to what numbers artists label their girls is 8-11. Ideally I'd take any proportions in that range and then have her scaled down until she's at standing blowjob height, because size difference is one big factor in why I like loli.
>>611 >In my experience most jap artists draw anything labelled below 8 with increasingly significant toddlercon traits based
>>612 So it's breast buds and little hips, or toddlers, nothing in between? They simply have to take the lolis they draw normally, and completely flatten the chest and completely narrow the hips so the measurements are approximately 1:1:1. it's not hard to do.
The period between 4-8 is the general time when the human body goes through a process known as adrenarche, the time when the body has begins to ready itself to begin the production of the hormones that will cause secondary sex characteristics to begin development and signal the beginnings of the puberty process, the hormones generally get flooded into the system before the age of 8, but the body's changes take some time to manifest after that.
>>832 Ideally they'd just draw them even more toddlerlike since toddlers are best anyway.
>>530 I haven't put a lot of thought into it before, but being able to impregnate her is a must, while also not having the pubescent near-teen look. So 10-11 for me. That and I prefer a precociously mature personality, like of a noblewoman's upbringing, rather than something childish.
>>530 7-9 and 12-14 nowadays leaning to 7-9
>>530 I can't really put an age on it, because the ages of girls I think about is back in the 90's when they didn't start puberty until 11/12, whereas now it seems they're growing tits in kindergarten, either because of the obesity or the plastic chemicals. Aside from that, there is a lot of individual variation. But generally, it's the same level of development as what I like with boys. Basically as old as they can get before hitting puberty. That last year or so before their bodies start to change is the objective peak of human physical perfection.
If they aren't displaying secondary sexual characteristics then you're fucking weird for being attracted to them, simple as that.
>>1650 Where the fuck do you think you are?
if anyone trying moral high ground by saying these drawn girls have underdeveloped body, call them pedophile for implying it is fine to sexualize jailbait (adult body but actual underage) Board is for loli, not underage teen. Loli body is of girl under 12, not 15. And underage kink is of western origin because SJW created this age of consent bullshit.
Prepubescent girls make my cock rock hard
>>530 8 to 10. 15 is when women start to look ugly.
>>2642 Same
Full aoa is 4-11, if I had to pick a specific favorite it'd be 5
>>530 My AOA is roughly 14-34. Tbh some of the drawings of 12 and 13 year olds look kinda nice.
>>2653 None of those ages are loli
>>530 0-12
3 - 14
>>530 7-14
Anything higher than 3 is fine by me. Favorite tends to be 8, it's right at the sweet spot of childish naivete and developed enough to be playful and thoughtful
>>530 Why do people put text on porn? I don't think I've ever not cringed from the faggotry they always write.
>>4287 its called reading, you should try it
i am stilll here
>>530 >>6yasumi
>>532 >nya~ Kill yourself
>>530 I like the height/flatness of 11-13s with the developed hips of 13-16, basically I like something virtually non-existent. Maybe some dwarf women have those proportions? Too bad dwarf women tend to also have retarded Down syndrome faces. Around 150cm is the ideal height for a manlet like me because I could kiss the top of their head without having to bend down or get on my tippy toes. Yes, this is very important.
4-5 old enough for deepthroat and vaginal as long as you take your time.
Give me a 5 yr old ideally, but I'll go as low as three and as old as seven.
9-12 Old enough to understand, and even enjoy it.
>>530 5 is peak but females under 70
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>>530 3-10 i cant masturbate to anything else or even get hard unless its within the range.
>>6411 its worse because they do dumb stuff like give lolis breasts like a 20 year old
>>6411 this is a vibe, 2-7 for me

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