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Anonymous 10/24/2021 (Sun) 03:17:10 No. 4771
Heyaaa I'm trying to get more into anatomy because I wanna draw cute esoteric anime girls, I mostly wanna emulate that MDE/World Happy Daddy Sam Hyde aesthetic, I made this design and some other stuff I'm gonna attach. If any of you have criticism/recommendations/things you want me to do go ahead and say it, sorry if I sound self important, I mostly lurk.
Lurking is fine. Sorry about the board looking ridiculous, I'm hoping the 8chan admins change it soon, I can't see shit. I wish they would think of a more subtle way to announce this site's birthday than completely destroying the usability of our board but it is what it is for now. >criticism You are a very early beginner, you have too much work to do for individual criticism of these pieces of drawing and photo editing to be of any value to you. You need to work on the basics and build complexity from there, but I don't want to discourage you from playing around and doing personal work either.
If you want to learn more about anatomy specifically, see the practice thread and look into some of the resources there. There are some good 3D models and some books on anatomy and figure drawing in the sticky that may be applicable.
>>4771 if you actually tried to show more of the body of you characters, people could critque what you've drawn. Proko - JewTube channel watch his anatomy playlist and study after watching a video. That should kwept you busy for a few months, after which your atuff should look significantly more realistic. You don't need to draw muscle men for anatomy to be really useful, because it still has a great deal of impact on the outline and contours of soft body types. sage for creating a thread that could've been avoided using the QTDDTOT-thread.

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