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Anonymous 08/12/2023 (Sat) 21:23:13 No. 71687
Is it legal to have a vvtuber as a waifu? Or is that bordering into the realm of 3D too much. Personally I consider them in the in-between of 2D and 3D, 2.5D you could say.
>>71687 I meant to say vtuber, not vvtuber. Apologies.
a waifuist can interact with and directly influence the vtuber through comments/superchats and shit, it is theoretically possible to confess to and then date a vtuber 'in canon' and 'in real life'. not being a real person is important to the concept of a waifu, so no
>picless OP I hate this board
>>71687 I don't think a Vtuber is a waifu. They are a thinly-veiled real person with an avatar. Love who you love, but a Vtuber isn't a waifu.
>>71694 Pretty much. Unless of course you are not afraid of mangling the term the way your typical tourist would
>Picless thread Why >>71687 >Is it legal Yes, unless the vtuber is a loli and you live in Australia or something. And even then, the person behind the avatar is probably not a minor, so who cares. >is that bordering into the realm of 3D too much A vtuber is just a jpg a streamer uses. The streamer is a real person. A waifu is fictional. Vtubers are not fictional. I swear to god the first person to bring up "But anime characters have voice actors too" gets shot
>>71706 What if you're a secondary and never watch their content. Or if it's a retired or dead vtuber. Then all that remains is the character the created.
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>>71713 >I never watch this Vtuber but she's like, totally my waifu
>>71714 Stranger things have happened!
No, it's prohibited by international law and I'm calling the police.
16crystals has stated that v-tubers are not waifs if you have a v-tuber waifu you will be banned from the thread this happened to both "Nyanners fag" and "Snuffy fag"

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