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(124.33 KB 660x1024 Whitepill.jpg)

(3.15 MB 320x240 There once was a kid.webm)

(1.53 MB 640x640 potential.webm)

Whitepill, building morale and remoralisation Anonymous 04/23/2022 (Sat) 13:46:11 Id: 1b9e69 No. 2160
Collecting, spreading and aggregating information is a wonderful thing, however alone it is meaningless. These are merely informational tools, what is necessary is to have something that drives you, gives you hope and keeps you from straying from the path you have set out. A man without morals is aimless. A man without drive is at best hopelessly passive and at worst paralysed by fear, thus dooming himself to failure regardless of whether or not his fears are justified. The war on your mind is not simply limited to getting you to be brainwashed, very rarely are they ever actually capable of converting people. Their system operates on consent from a small few and striking fear into the rest: fear of being ousted, fear of being vilified, fear of losing their freedom, fear of losing their job and fear of losing their life. Post motivational content and content showing that it is exactly these fears that are keeping themselves from aspiring to something greater and why they should dispel these thoughts from their mind. Post what it is exactly that are fighting for. Niggerpilling is not welcome. What is welcome is strong conviction and a view of a better future, not depression and the illusions of people seeking victims to join their pity party. Content celebrating your people is welcome as well. Not the worship of governments or elected bureaucrats, but the celebration of your own people and your history.
Edited last time by idonothingharm on 04/23/2022 (Sat) 13:57:57.

(127.21 KB 1046x1363 Magdalena.jpg)

(52.74 KB 480x365 Theodore Kaczynski.jpg)

(261.80 KB 530x678 You will be happy.png)

(892.18 KB 220x220 zyzz fistpump.gif)

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(43.51 KB 450x464 Ungovernable.jpg)

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(838.94 KB 661x598 Lord Nate.webm)

(3.71 MB 320x568 Building down.webm)

(12.49 MB 854x480 Good News, White People!.mp4)

(241.23 KB 2718x980 Femanon on Miscegination.png)

(135.71 KB 700x1051 Willpower.jpg)

(186.94 KB 806x806 If youŗe reading this.jpg)

(1.50 MB 1099x1802 Femanon on pol.jpg)

>>2596 >thinks people watch MTV >in 2019 opinions discarded
>>2598 Very insightful contribution.
(3.63 MB 720x576 The Dokument.webm)

(1.73 MB 640x428 Red.webm)

(3.84 MB 394x360 Working women.webm)

(1.17 MB 568x320 MemeFeedBot.webm)

(7.85 MB 720x1280 Don't talk to the police.mp4)

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(1.42 MB 1200x847 Gardening.png)

(2.77 MB 1920x1080 Forklift certified.png)

(557.37 KB 2297x2193 Just bee yourself.png)

(85.36 KB 720x828 Hope this email finds you.jpg)

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(370.31 KB 1080x1080 Choose wisely.jpg)

(290.98 KB 1000x891 Tired of working on myself.jpeg)

(53.58 KB 571x960 You better not miss.jpg)

(2.81 MB 400x224 Lietuvos_mentai.mp4)

(1006.53 KB 1273x733 Actually selling burgers.png)

(1.37 MB 456x480 Train until you can carry.mp4)

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(96.78 KB 745x751 ima_2ed4d9f.jpeg)

(116.41 KB 1280x1173 Epicurus quote.jpg)

(65.12 KB 527x680 Better you than them.jpg)

(1.01 MB 238x426 EXCUSE ME.webm)

(1.90 MB 202x360 Tiktok chinks.mp4)

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(119.16 KB 588x649 You must stand.jpeg)

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(1.53 MB 622x480 You are banned.webm)

(3.91 MB 580x480 Never good enough.webm)

(3.89 MB 360x640 Waffle House.webm)

(2.79 MB 640x1014 Ignoring female police.webm)

(2.47 MB 404x396 Are you dumb.webm)

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(67.83 KB 680x606 How to socialise.jpeg)

(137.48 KB 977x370 Always name the jew.jpeg)

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(2.67 MB 720x1280 What would Jesus do.mp4)

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(5.41 MB 1354x720 where is the line.norm.mp4)

(97.08 KB 630x610 Jihad will win.jpeg)

(47.97 KB 720x720 They're not after money.jpg)

(64.39 KB 720x900 Eco-friendly gunsmith.jpg)

(201.81 KB 2048x1161 Finding a girlfriend.jpg)

(82.18 KB 333x252 The world is beautiful.png)

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lots of reading material . . RIGHT WING BASICS http://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pi20Rr9_BxBbMIfcZUTTGslfZTifEiCm google drive easy to use interface download the whole blob or pick and choose . . INFOBLOB MEGA PACK http://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13gNcyzC7QvfTbXcVSqorj1pZmFb-csP6 google drive easy to use interface
>>2941 What's a supraphysiological penis?

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