/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

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Micro/macrophilia tickling thread Anonymous 10/30/2021 (Sat) 09:34:29 Id: f89cd9 No. 5410 >>41468
Micro/macrophilia tickling thread. Post your ticklish fairies, minigirls, giants and shrunk/enlarged people.
Edited last time by Flatty on 04/05/2024 (Fri) 03:45:04.
>>14542 Also I'll probably use >>13058 s idea of micros being "sacrificially" tied and tickled to the giantess' soles. I want to do something Nordic inspired, I'll add horns and barbaric jewelry to the giantess later
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>>6704 if its a giantess they aren't micros now are they, they're regular sized
I Like to see someone do something with these giant ladies? (pic related)
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>>14542 Done ! >>14585 Sneed
>>16533 A perfect blend of sexiness and cuteness. Good stuff fren
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>>16550 Thanks ! It's nice to hear that because it's exactly what I'm trying to do with my tickle art, cartoonish enough to be cute and realistic enough to be appealing to others than lolicon aheago fags Also here's an OC as a teaser, since I'm probably going to start a DA and maybe a Pixiv soon to post all the tickle shit I have piled in my drawers in the last years
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(4.43 MB 2895x4092 KS Chron 1 (1).png)

(3.98 MB 2895x4092 KS Chron 1 (3).png)

Here's an introductory piece I've been working on for my next project: Kingseed Chronicles! There's going to be a reoccurring giantess character so this thread seemed like an appropriate one to post in! Much more tickling mayhem to come, let me know what you think!
>>17735 Awesome stuff Rib, looking forward to giantess content! Bigger feet, bigger laugh
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>>25796 Uncensored version
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>tfw enjoy micro lees but find macro lees gross
>>5410 (OP) i wish i had a fairy girlfriend i'd never ra[e her honest
>>41468 Suuuuuure you wouldn’t
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>>76815 Artist?
>>76827 BoundBandit. They are one of the greatest tickle artists of a generation. https://x.com/bound_bandit
>>76815 Who is she tickling?
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>>76839 I think it might be Tiger Lily?

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