I kinda liked his "Anything" theme better, to be honest. Certainly didn't sound as grandeur as the one he had when he debuted, though.
>Future Bo Dallas angles
He should retire the Undertaker.
>Why Bo Dallas deserves to be the current champ
He's the smiling good guy we can all get behind, seriously think about it, he's managed to get so many bitter virgins from /wooo/ to actually like a good guy for once in just a matter of days, Ramen ain't got shit on Bo-man
>Bo Dallas' amazing smile
I'm not gay but if I was I'd let him fuck me.
screw it, he can do it regardless
>What makes Bo Dallas the man he is
Bo Dallas doesn't Bolieve, he Bolives.
>Why vince is a gay for not handing Bo Dallas the belt right away
Vince is alright, he's just a bit senile and doesn't know we all want Bo. We're just lucky Haitch didn't put the strap on that sniveling little thief Mighty Mouse no the Cruiserweight title isn't a title little man or the ginger muslim instead.
>WWE Divas Bo Dallas has dicked
a l l
o f
t h e m
>Bo Dallas and his wrestlemania 40 main event with his less talented brother
Even an immensely talented guy like Bo will struggle with putting his fatty fat fatty of a brother through a good compelling match but he's done harder things before, like dealing with rude smarks.
>Bo Dallas single-handedly saving Professional Wrestling
At last, it'll be cool again to cheer for the good guy.
>Bo Dallas potentially leaving for NJPW or TNA
He'd be a 3x World champ in TNA if he went there.
>Why Bo Dallas is your favorite wrestler
He's genuinely funny, knows how to get people over, got great hair even when drenched in water, gives people hope, was the only guy that had the balls to confront Brock, unlike the Undertaker he took multiple F5s and wasn't away from TV for nearly a year and he also has the greatest catchphrase of all time.
>Who Bo Dallas is going to squash next
Bo and Bork have some things to settle, expect our lord and saviour to challenge the big dumb brute post-WW33 for the title.
>What year will Bo Dallas go into the hall of fame