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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3639: Hohols and Moskals Edition Anonymous 02/13/2022 (Sun) 18:38:49 Id: c2674b No. 202622 >>202624
Ukraine crisis: Imminent incursion by Russia 'entirely possible' - as defence sec says complacency from some has 'whiff of Munich' https://news.sky.com/story/ukraine-crisis-nato-will-not-tolerate-bullying-by-russia-but-still-seeks-a-diplomatic-solution-amid-rising-tensions-cabinet-minister-says-12540888 Steve Barclay: PM's new chief of staff pledges smaller state https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-60366086 Humza Yousaf: Scotland should not be forced into Covid easing https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-60366858
>>202622 (OP) good lad
this wouldnt happen in the south
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This is on later, lads
>>202626 Nice, I want him to a docu on auditors or nonce hunting gangs.
>poo scent follows me everywhere >it's my stache
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unironically like the song tbh
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All those ukranian refugees
>>202634 that feel when they vanish into the huge vat of incels.
>>202633 thanks washed up comedian who lives in a grotty shoe box, i'm glad you're here to give such valuable life advice
>when you haven't bothered with Russian in seven months out of laziness and depression
>>202638 wish you didn't bother us with your posts either
i just told mummy that it's pancake day on 1st March. do not forget.
>>202642 just buy yourself a few boxes of chocolates and eat them all by yourself
>>202642 smh aggressively prowl the streets shouting that you need a woman to love lad
>>202644 probably will get something tbh just don't like being crushingly lonely and seeing couples around
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>>202646 you ever tried getting a gf lad?
>>202646 you're a fat NEET living in a pigsty. Even then some woman might love you, but you're not pursuing women either, so why do you live like this if you want something else?
>>202646 you do literally nothing to improve your low chances lad.
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morning lads
>>202652 mmmmm they look so fuckable
>>202654 lad they're only 17 years 364 days old
>>202649 actually mummy helped me tidy up, so there and because the kind of female I'd enjoy being around are also locked up inside their parents homes or in single occupant flats and are not on social media or dating sites and don't go outside or do anything and can't be encountered in any way on or offline
>>202655 noooo i'm gonna groooooooooooooom
>>202656 >woe is me I cant breed because my standards are just too high
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>He took the Persian Pill
>>202656 there must be some way to get at them lad, try group therapy
>>202656 >and because the kind of female I'd enjoy being around are also locked up inside their parents home smh so you're just another 22st
>>202659 I want to see her without makeup and without shaving her eyebrows
Blind leading the fucking blind in here, pathetic incels LMAO
>>202663 in the kingdom of the blind, the man with the biggest tits is king as a wise man once said yet 22st is not the king explain then how we are blind
yeah I'm an incel what of it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrOemQaEJGU
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>cunt calls us blind how would we even be able to read then you fucking fool
>>202667 keeeeeeek goddamn it >>202664 Wessex has the biggest tits, followed by Pembs and then 22st
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>42e1b1 you are a dead man walking >HURR IM SITTING dead
>>202668 waifuposter might still be the king tbh not sure how well the gyno lop went
>>202659 >charlscucks the babies look swarthy smh
>>202671 maybe, but he's at least slimmed down and gotten more fit
Charls looks kind of dead inside tbh but I guess maybe he always had that look
>>202656 So what are your plans going forward?
yeah seems like russia is invading ukraine on wednesday. screencap this post
>>202675 hate that term tbh it's awful officefoid corpospeak current goals are to maintain and improve my coombox and general health and get a bit of toil, not much, just enough to make me value NEETing hours and actually start doing something useful like writing a dafty book >>202676 I doubt that
>>202677 What about diet and exercise?
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>valentines day tomorrow It doesn't have a bank holiday so isn't worth celebrating, even if I did have a gf https://youtu.be/XNc9phYujWY
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>>202679 oh wow
>>202679 she cute
>>202678 part of general health started actually cooking food and not processed slop again getting some toil means exercise from that as well as the commute
does charls even still do his twitch cult thing tbh
>>202684 Lad the sooner you lose weight the better. Please count calories and go for a walk that isn't to the shop smh
>>202686 *walks circles around the local park scaring the mummies
>terryposting in the last thread
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>>202659 Maybe I should grow my hair long like Charls
>>202687 Well yeah, all public spaces are yours as much as theirs. Are you really going to let yourself be controlled by what women you don't even want think of you?
best kind of bitches are dark-white Caucasians with brachycephalic skulls
>>202691 Dark-white...
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Persian Women are the White Latinas of the Islamic world.
>>202690 wasn't meant to convey that I felt that way tbh don't care about the pooblic, my general demeanour is just permanently downtrodden from le chronic spergoloid depressions or whatever that I can't ever tell are based NHS about in case they try out the new de-racistifiers/electro-lobotomy machines
reminder the spic kino is on at 9pm https://poast.tv/w/vtrHszxowDfNUm4gqcKDWm
>>202695 Maybe you can go swimming in a canal https://youtu.be/Ko_6-YNoOtY
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I have never met an Indonesian yet I enjoy bullying them online. Every chance I get I insult them, insult their religion and prophet. The same goes for Indians as well. I just enjoy bullying them and watching them squirm for no particular reason. Racism in its purest sense.
>>202699 Classic Sargon
>>202689 smh what happened to your spike?
>>202701 I don't know where it went
>the nonce is the passive agressive fag. shocker
>>202703 always has been
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going to bed at 8pm to hug a hot water bottle and fantasise tbh visiting the boomers for valentines day hope they don't ask me why I don't have a wife or children because they did at the age of 22
>>202706 the answer is you do everything to avoid women and improve yourself, ok thank you.
>>202707 simple as
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The DC clique just basically admitted to shit stirring.
>>202710 spiteful satanic creatures.
last time I had a go-getter improover phase I started uni and a hobby then left uni with loan debt and tanked the hobby by not toeing the normie line 100% and never expressing my honest opinions to anyone and then became a dafty and was persecuted by the state >>202710 anything they put out in the media is intended for westoid retard consumption I guess they are still pushing the "russian hackers hacked the election" shit there
>>202713 smh lad health is wealth. You shouldn't be doing anything besides working on living longer with your condition. Try Yoga, cut out seed oils, go vegan and exercise.
>go vegan
>>202714 Are you a... woman?
>>202716 There is a woman here according to the discord cabalists.
>cut out seed oils and >go vegan
>>202717 none of the bongo women I am aware of posts in the thread
Think this has great potential for seethe
>>202720 >suddenly nigger >then brown
That bish Peter
>reprice the menu, wagies
>>202718 tbh is there any vegan food that isn't filled with seedoil shite
>>202725 The only safe oils for vegans is avocado and coconut.
You ain't going to find that stuff in processed food.
Fucking cunt sister trying to get me kicked out of this house and made homeless because shes being an utter cunt here for no reason instead of fucking off back home, situation is very precarious, can't fucking neet in peace AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH I've done fucking nothing wrong and all the women are teaming up to destroy me, will need to quickly get a wagie job and a coomcube to avoid homelessness at this rate all because some barbie princess wants complete control and the entire family revolves around her and I'm on the lowest rung as a male and they treat me like utter shite.
ever since dorset posted that cute norf trainspotter lass I get upset when I see shitskins wandering around in her videos. all shitskins should be thrown in the english channel
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>the one american loyalist officer in the sharpes books and they just make fun of his accent the whole time god I wish that was me, if only benedict arnold won then there wouldn't be any spic fuentes subhumans larping as americans in shartica
>>202725 Literally everything. 99% of vegan recipes online are oil free.
>>202732 so you are a woman
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just remembered dorshit admitted to being a homo again last night
which channels the fuentes doco on?
women can literally ruin your life just because they feel like it, fucking worthless bitch along with the rest of the family are constantly trying to clip my wings for no reason, already been kicked out once before when I was well into a self improoover phase which got ruined for a year now they are doing it again, just non stop, all the resources put towards the women in the family just so they can act as a cumdump for 20 years before "settling down".They were even insulting my lack of "life skills", fucking corpospeak I asked them what they even meant and they couldn't explain, just vague office toil foid matrix shite to insult non conforming men who reject the nigger matrix control system.
>POV: you are giving a (you) to martin while bins watches from their bongo containment cell
>>202738 >your public ip will be sent to others yeah no
>>202736 so glad I don't have any female siblings i would probably kill them ngl. my cousin inherited all the family furnature and she then claimed to my mummy after my mummy showed her some family genology documents taht "she didn't care about family history" lmao they are like totally morally vacant husks with the morality of a microbe in a petri dish absorbing all the other flosam in droplet of water for themselves
>>202737 >you can tell he's kind of scared of martin
"life skills" for a woman means having a linked in profile pic of them in a man's suit coat with makeup on standing in front of autumn trees. "life skills" means having a resume padded with do nothing lisa simpson uni memes >>202741 he should be, if he got to close he would be immediately groomed
>>202738 >chat full of groypers
>stepniece just turned 16 and gets fucked every night and my brother and his gf can't do anyting about it can't wait to have a daughter of my own, then again it's not like they ever did anything that would prepare her for the groomer-ran world. >>202743 It was linked on 4chan
>>202740 we got into an actual fight and she had been acting tough all day saying she was stronger than me because shes a gym thot and shes hopped up on female empowerment bullshit so she attacked me and I dealt a few body blows to get her to fuck off in self defence and she had a shocked look on her face like she expected it to be like black widow in a marvel film but instead she got a fist full of haven't lifted in 4 months incel seethe strength, stupid bitch has multiple rooms and a bathroom all to herself at home since I got booted out yet she still comes here to monopolise this space and terrorise me, think shes out slagging rn so I have a brief reprieve, this is supposed to be my time off toil too but its been nothing but stress and then being stuck in my room since they've all told me to fuck off to avoid any "conflict" they are the same people who would criticise that same behaviour when I was younger, so sick of trying to fit in with normalniggers.
>>202739 turn it off in the settings
New Louis Kino in 25 mins
>>202747 I have been waiting for this cringe for months
>>202744 >and my brother and his gf can't do anyting about it what you really mean is if your brother tried to do anything his gf would seethe and stop him or worse phone the police
>>202745 keeek women really have gone mad in the anglosphere, you can tell from the US state department propaganda of ukie thots with guns. they really think they are hard.
unironically make sure to turn this shite off
>tfw britchads can just watch it on iplayer
>>202750 well I did raise the issue at the dinner table today and yes the mother tried to shut it down saying she is on pills and it is her choice and coped by saying it is very unlikely she will get pregnant. I guess risking an abortion or an unwanted child at 16 is worth the risk for coom.
>>202754 its a lost cause, don't even bother tbh
>>202755 well yeah she's already getting stuck like a pig every night smh
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Louis the trainspotter
>>202754 don't even acknowledge thots lad, just treat them like they are an animal
>>202759 but she's mother to my sweet niece and nephew as well smh
>>202752 oh ok
Guess it'd be better to help raise the kids than change the mother tbh, she keeps making mistakes, like the recent cat-in-the-washing-machine. >>202761 Err they're my blood-relatives, lad. No bullying
oh its the norseman that explains the sex degeneracy
>discussing in depth the sex habits of 16 year olds at the dinner table just scandi things
>>202767 It's my pseudo-autism
just gonna ignore what mutts are saying about the doco and just watch it smeeself on iplayer in peace
>>202738 prefer a /brit/ stream tbh, non-bongo affiliated of course
mini egg choccy bar and milk for supper
>>202771 Bins runs the streams but as he's been kicked out from all the bongos except his own I guess he is neutral. Do you have the stream you anglos watch, I am sure he can use that in kosmi?
>tfw successfully mentally beaten myself into viewing all sex outside of marriage for the sole purpose of procreation as degenerate don't even desire foids anymore
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>>202769 I love her, lads
>>202774 good lad I am pretty much that way as well.
>>202774 wow you're literally me
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>>202769 >>202775 One of the very few timeless women.
>202777 fuck off you passive aggressive faggot foreigner
>Bins doesn't have a licence >>202779 You're reading into it what you want, lad
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>>202781 Based
>>202780 >Bins doesn't have a licence for what? poofery
Link me the jewy theroux doc
>>202783 le bbc
>>202785 would hope no one here does
>>202784 watch it on Iplayer
>>202785 paying for it is literally an npc test like the vaccine
You literally just tick the box saying you have a license
>>202789 smh Bins is too honest
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>>202790 did you watch the Ted documentary yet?
SHHHH IT'S STARTING >>202792 Don't think so
keeeeek good start
>racism warning uh oh
>le dramatic music over jokes keeek
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>cville references already
keeeeeek didnt realise BA was at charlottesville
I hope that louis beats up beardson
>>202799 Really? He got peppersprayed or something
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god I hate nick so much lads he is everything I hate about shartica
*ominous music*
>>202805 tbh *roots for him because he's the racist hero and louis is the baddie*
>>202806 use a VPN lad
Alt Hoplite on screen
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>>202809 had to swap vpn like 10 times
nick is so obviously a spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine)
keeeeeeeeeeeeeek hoplite on screen
ok I hate him again
yeah he is just a bad jacketing faggot trying to make wignats look shit when he stole everything from wignats
has spic fuentes movement imploded yet
so far so good my catbruders
nick needs to lift weights
his mannerisms are so bent
lmao why did nick let theroux interview his sperg fans?
wew he is a fucking autist with zero charisma this is worse than matt heimbach
keeeeeeeek nick cultists are Q tier
like why wouldn't he blur all attendees faces? nigga finna get doxxed from this
jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeej theyre interviewing his autistic fans
smh unifags thinking this edgelord shit is gonna do anything for them other than end them up as neets or boomer toiling
>beardly why didn't Louis just kill him?
>steiner just utterly seething
the fortnite to hitler doom wad pipeline
>>202838 keeeek
keeeek out of touch boomer midwestern congressman just doing the 'them kids' grift
>white people built america *ominous music*
good lord I never knew how cringy nick was IRL I thought he was a bit more masculine
inb4 they start chanting GROYPER
they've edited this so it looks like American history X or Imperium
*stands between Nick and Steiner*
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hey pembs
ok this is going to be cringe lmfao.
nuke america
>Louis acting liek Baked Alaska is scary keeeeeeeek
i cannot stop keeking he's taking baked alaska seriously keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
keeeeek it's like danny dyers deadliest men
>political enemies of Baked alaska, a grifter keeeeeeek
keeeke he is intimidated by that fat greek manlet retard
jesus christ all of baked alaskas mates are stereotypical mutts
>you're a libtard ... .. .. .. >and how does that make you feel
>>202861 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>202861 keeeeeeeeeek
baked alaska is like a 17 year old 40 year old
>>202861 keeeeeeeek
hate those stupid wigger shades
>America was founded with like 75% or 80% whites keek
Based 80%er
baked coming in strong here louis bros...
good lord this is some serious cringe
>baked starts rapping HELL YEAH
smh he actually turned based for a minute there
this is so cringe
>Louis is a critical race theory shill
>talks sense >proceeds to start rapping like a retard bravo
>playing at being racist while also being racist
I wish matt heimbach would walk in and liquidate these faggots with a suppressed pistol and then stone cold stunner Thoreax through the couch
>>202878 just spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) things lad, associate nativism with autismal chud retards
KEEEEEEEEEEEK god I want that clipped
Oh noooo don't put your race above everything
>the way nick says "YEAHH"
nick is such a typical suburban chicago middle classoid retard
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>>202888 keeeeeeeek good lad
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>mixed nick saying interracial relationships are bad
>>202888 Can you clip what Louis said at the end of the Baked meeting? He couldn't grasp how you can be racist and ironic or something
>>202892 Ah I didn't see it because I rewound to clip that
>nick saying he hates gays and is a catholic yeah nobody believes you nickker
"that is the most prohibited part of your belief", wow Louis admitted that
alleged jewish power
>>202894 tbh it's the gay face club international.
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>jewish power in air quotes
Nicks fucking winning louis bros...
keeek he still does it at mummies house even after all that grifter money, maybe don't buy a mustang retard. william pierce drove a 40 year old volkwagen until the day he died
>>202899 Baked won it's over
I.N.C.E.L death squads
Honestly when i watch stuff like this i can see where opticsfags are coming from. "The basement in his parents house, where he conducts his show...." Will override anything else for normies but of course this is is a hatchet job no matter how much Theroux tries to claim he's neutral
>beardson nazi saluting in public >an anonymous source sent me this
keeeeek angln cucks for spic so much it's nauseating
beardson will bring it all down
>Beardly Kill him in self defense, Louis
>>202906 yeah its pathetic
i hate ecelebs
I want to put beardson in the steiner recliner until he spine breaks
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>getting mogged so hard by the gaint anglo man
>>202911 I'll defend Nick but you can kill Beardson, Steiner >optics >that pudgy body
I hope louis destroys beardson
Beardson isn't even political, for or against anything, he's just a troll. This is so cringe
>beardson is older than me
Beardson is basically metokur when it comes to politics
Is he going to interview the lad who drsses up like a girl and sucks dildos?
wow beardson fucking sucks
Hate this gay cope they do by saying it was a Roman salute when you're obviously going to be called a Nazi anyway
I hope Putin just nukes them
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek louis blowing the fuck out of manlet boy
keeeeeeeeeeeeeek optics cucks btfo
that isn't a roman
>>202926 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek he got fucked
wow beardson is legitimately a complete fucking retard lmao
>a surprisingly thin skinned troll keeeeeeeeeeeek
Hilarious because Louis got him doing exactly what Nick tells people not to do >>202933 keeeeeeek
Brittany Venti: ENTER
beardson is such a pathetic loser
Fucking hell they've got her on as well
>Brittany Venti KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK he actually got her on
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>beardson literally ran inside and then bullied him online after louis literally drove to his house and called him out holy shit mutts blown the fuck out
>>202941 good lad
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek BWC only octoroon spotted
Based chud torch chads
venti is like 30 now
>>202941 >*"you should get the fuck out of my house"* >"I'm not in your house" holy shit
ahhhhhhhh the cat fur everywhere
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smh she bogged to look more white
>he's nicer just because she's a woman DON'T SHOW THE CATPISS AND POO ON THE FLOOR
>venti betrays the movement and vvhite race its fucking OVER
gross race mongrel
>heating the drink in the microwave
>>202956 post the "british tea" ticktack video
>shows beardson 5 minute long rape threat to Venti nick bros....
she actually put on a bra for him
why are all these people so articulate infront of a camera but breakdown infront of Theroux
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she looks like a different race than usual
wow imagine that, mutts are butthurt about mixing
>>202962 bogged
>>202962 Angles and that, but I think she actually looks good in this documentary to how she usually looks
smh I would strangle beardson if he touched the yellow rose
beardson single handedly destroyed everything fuentes worked for lmfao
she could probably knock him out tbh
they might as well pull up a grotty post from /brit/ Fuck Venti tbh
smh beardson broke the golden rule, don't hit the house niggers
why the fuck do these loons even agree to be interviewed by theroux in the fucking first place
>another dose of... keeeeeeeeeek what the fuck
>>202972 they were going to btfo him epic style
gross sweaty southern wiggers, god I hate this country
>>202972 narcissism
if Nick had just barred fuentes and beardson from this it would've been fine.
>that donation Keeeeeeeeeek
>>202972 contractual obligations with their handlers and/or intel agencies
>low key racist fuck off goblin
Wish Theroux would speak to Dickie
wew this is so bad for nick holy shit
>>202983 Half of it would just be Charlottesville and they'll play the "ritualistically humiliate them" clip as a bonus
livestreaming is the biggest bin fire on the internet. talking about optics and ever associating it with your movement is the dumbest shit ever.
don't worry lads in the race war all these faggots are gonna be greenlit
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keeeek we actually watched this clip when it happened
>Louis now trying to splinter THE MOVEMENT
all louis has done throughout this entire thing is go "you're a white nationalist" it's literally his entire thing
>>202991 >>202992 what the actual fuck is wrong with them
>Louis BTFO
optics matter
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>>202974 >>202976 >>202981 I don't get how they still don't realise that Theroux is going to drag them through the dirt like he does with everyone The only winning move with Louis is not to play
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Man Louis more anti-white than I thought, I thought he'd at least try to be more neutral
that was gay
The only way they could have made that look worse is if they got knightmarez and that woman who claimed to be a fourth generation holocaust survivor on
the WN1.0 lads came off better than nicky
it's simple really, shut down the internet
it wasn't as bad as i expected
>>203003 Have you seen his docs on proper White Nationalist stuff from the early 2000s?
>>203009 It was exactly as bad as I expected.
Louis' framing of this as censoring and white genocide being good smh >>203010 Yeah but it's been years since I saw that.Rememebr that family with the twin girls. He wasn't as anti-white with them was he? He's so aggressive here because he feels they have reach
All normal people are going to see is a 22 year old manlet streamer in his mum's basement, a thin skinned soyboy, Muttventi with cat shit all over her floor. And Baked Alaska who genuinely has down syndrome.
why can't any of us just be normal
baked alaska is like a human golden retriever
>>203014 You're a vegan freak, lass
>>203013 looks like it's a win then, zoomers will identify with them
>>203017 tbh, and based 30 year olds who also live at home
>>203012 It's the Zeitgeist.
wignats won this one, opticsfags look worse than matt heimbach and his boys slugging it out with antifa
>>203014 I'm reasonably normal
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now this is kino
>>203019 What is a zeigeist?
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Well that was painful Night lads, have a good week
>>203022 keeeek I miss those lads they were so hardcore covenant sword arm of the lord guys, they found the spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) in their mids and shot him. elohim city was crawling with spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine)
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It's like I'm travelling back in time
Next week we'll be exploring asteroid mining with YouTuber and former millenyule guest "knightmarez"
>>203023 >kein nicht Deutche lasen
>>203027 >that time i typed "gay rapey" in his chat and he perma-banned me Frogs, never trust 'em
Bowden was right, we don't need e-celebs and people who haven't got an education spotuing useless talking points online. We need sensible who cna articulate themselves, when asked if your a white nationalist to actually just say Yes and give your reasons.
>kann nicht Deutche lasen* smh
>>203031 >asked if your a white nationalist to actually just say Yes and give your reasons. no do not do that lmao
>>203022 keeeeeeeek
>>203031 I agree but even if they had Jared Taylor on they would still take his words out of context and play spooky x files music in the background tbh
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>>203031 so.... optics
>>203030 yeah he was always very harsh on that >>203031 We should make a white nationalist party, call ourselves the whites party or something
>>203036 That's it, thanks, love keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>203038 We should call ourselved the holy order of the green men of the wood and dance around the new forest at night in scary costumes.
>>203038 I hadn't known how to pronounce his name for the longest time, and thought it an obvious joke. The guy is just obsessed with cow towing to the gay mafia, as a libertarian
>>203040 Wessex would read this and be like "yeah that makes sense"
>>203041 >The guy is just obsessed with cow towing to the gay mafia It's that but he also don't want any negativity in his chat. Not watched him in forever. Smh I miss e-celebs, the sphere of all of them battling it out in debates, drama. Now most of the times it's just news reporting, really, people doing daily streams without any main topic
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cant get over what a total unending retard beardson is, he has literally done everything he can to ruin nicks movement. he actively sabotages his friendships with other decent people to keep it about being incel gamers. there's more than enough in one of his streams to sink any movement that associates with him. the worst part is it isn't cool like some wignat being honest it's creepy rape threats from a midget loser.
>>203044 >>203045 NOOOOOOOOOOOOO HE'S COOL >they're going to call him an incel despite him being married >based lads will be associated with him
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>>202642 It's Dresdencaust day tbh. Also it was Christmas dinner day for smee because we all missed it because of the coof bullshit and grandmummy wanted to make me chicken dinner.
>>203040 Don't really see how a simple and pithy gag of a joke can rightly be considered "negativity". Has the gay mafia also gotten to you?
>>203049 Is that really Nick's dad?
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>>203053 tbh Beardson gave me chills
what did he mean by this, he just showed how powerless they are
>>203053 when baked said "yoba" my blood ran cold
>>203056 oh right we're going to get 100s of articles talking about this keek. fuck's sake. Footage is like a year old
>>203056 They know spics are going to ruin everything they have working on since 1945.
i like how the chudhunter fbpe niggas pretend to be utterly traumatised by the doc keeeeeeeek
>>203059 Replace spics with the internet for the correct answer
>>203050 It can be a joke but it can also be said by bullies. I am not defending him doing it, just saying why he does it
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>training with mock at memorial from thos who died mining against ebal natzis Real fucking subtle.
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>>202634 Here's your Ukrainian refugee
>>203064 >Women >Women >Women>Women>Women>Women>Women >Women >Women >Women>Women>Women>Women >Women >Women>Women
>>203064 >implying they won't surrender en masse as soon as they hear of Russians near their city
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ignore the burning cities
>>203067 tbh those Ukie cosmo LARPer are not going to hang around to "patrol and gaurd infrastructure" when shit hits
>>203066 azov would scare the libtards
>all these completely substance free anti nick posts just cringe at this point >>203068 the meme that just won't die >>203064 so fucking sick of all this foid larp, they have never and will never do anything substantive
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keeeeeeeeeeek that's are word, goy don't look at the date
>>203072 here's a substance *braaaps in your face*
pookraine has resorted to using child african soldiers in their genocidal campaign against russia
>>203077 whos even making these, fucking pathetic
>>203072 The pattern in my posts is anti-papist, thank-you-very-much Mr Anti-Christ supporter
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>>203053 Ah yes very disturbing, I'm sure he was literally shaking writing the music for the documentary.
>steiner spends have his time here talking about hating women and rejecting advances from them over the years >when nick does the same its gay couldn't be more obvious that anti nick posts are driven by nothing but envious seethe
>>203054 >>203057 >>203082 tbh that's one of the funniest bits, they find these fucking clowns terrifying
>>203083 yeah I think steiner might b closet gay too
>>203083 when did steiner hang out with faggots though
>>203086 literally every day
>>203087 keeeeek
>>203087 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>203087 keeeeeeeeek
>>203087 keeeeeeeeeeek
>>203077 Spic was close friends with a Cat Boy cosplayer.
Ukraine-Russia is about Vatican City vs. Eastern Orthodoxy BTW https://youtu.be/vCnUTnf1oec
Paisely teaches on Jesuits
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It's Paisley. Sorry for the dyslexia
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>>203068 keeeeek
>>203086 when did nick?
>>203093 fuck off back to the discord you cringe faggot larper
>>203099 Sorry to have upset you Mr Anon
>>203098 Multiple interviews with Milo "the Greek Papist" Yiannopolis
>>203101 so anybody thats done an interview with milo is gay? kek you fucking retard, you know you are lying, I know that you are lying, you know that I know that you're lying, so just drop the act.
>he keeps hopping ips to defend the spic
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>>203093 Actually it's about the Greek Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch being bought offf by the CIA to support the Vatican (being bought off itself by the CIA in the 60s) to fight against the Moscow Patriarchate. This was done though the EP creating a Ukrainian Orthodox church that is globohomo despite Ukraine being in Moscow's Patriarchy.
>>203104 keeeeeeeeeeeek
>vpn...le bad
>>203101 Milo is, unfortunately, a popular figure in the autist right. And he's LARPing as reformed now. Still don't even know or care who spic fuentes is tbh. All of /brit/'s criticism of him just comes across as weak.
>>203109 kami is married to a foid which is the sole reason he went to america, that channel is called "the trans files" and this meme was invented 2 weeks after that stream by vaush, KEEEEEEEEEK literally parroting low IQ slander from some fat cia funded communist, mong. Whenever nick comes up on here it makes me doubt the IQ level of posters.
>he keeps hopping IP again
>vpn...le bad
>still hopping
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>>203110 What meme, that it's pretty gay to dress up as a catboy and act gay?
>still hopping
>>203110 >faggots can't be married >calls himself catboy that's all i need to know tbh
>>203104 what did she ask him?
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>>203115 and "ironically" suck a dildo
>>203117 >he hasn't heard of ironic gayism
How can anybody watch kamis omegle streams and think hes gay lmao just believing vaush lies its pathetic but you just repeat it over and over while ignoring any retort, completely dishonest.
>>203119 I think she asked him to "Take his drinks into town" but I dunno.
>>203122 bins literally has sex with men unironically
>>203117 so you think hes overtly acting gay in a post ironic way while also being married and having sex with women?
>>203119 move out the way for someone to take a photo
>>203123 if he isnt gay then sucking a dildo on camera while dressed like a schoolgirl was, arguably, a bad decision correct?
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Lads I just watched the Louis Theroux documentary
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>this thread
>>203125 yeah but he's straight now
it's always funny that whenever spic is mentioned the same seether pops up and hops around constantly
>>203115 ok and whats your point, we've went from nick being called gay to now its kami, and we've already established that kami is married to a woman and is a well known man whore shagging women from tinder, you're just making shit up at this point.
>>203130 >this post
>>203132 It's Madlad, but he is right
>>203123 Never watched these alt right streams tbh >>203122 Ah yes, the "ironic" /newbrit/ gayism. How many victims has it claimed by now? How many penises have been lopped off?
>>203132 its just you and the other aging failures seething at nick with the same boring shite, this kami shit has been posted her a thousand times, you are an unfunny mong.
>>203126 i think he's a faggot for calling himself catboy and wearing cat ears
>>203110 Tbh. My physiognomy detector didn't scream gayist at the lad in the vid, who is presumably 'kami'. Seems like a super straight zoomer chad being a bit deano tier.
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>>203133 >is a well known man whore Gayism confirmed
also that mong from earlier saying streaming is retarded, yeah lets go back to leafleting like its the 90s grandpa instead of streaming ideology to 10 thousand young men every night, so many utter mongs on here honestly.
>>203136 1 confirmed, 1 likely, 1 shrinking because of hormones. I think that's it.
>>203141 I said livestreaming was retarded lad.
tfw feel bloated... so I eat more
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Steiner is honestly a giga coper, says he loves alex but when you mention that alex is a close ally of nick and streams on his site now he just ignores you, pathetic man baby honestly, nick could takeover the country and steiner would be sitting in his basement calling him le spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) with zero evidence.
>>203122 it was always unironic
Yeah hes ironically marrying women and having sex with them hes actually a mega gay trust me bro
>>203143 Somebody acting a bit poofey doesn't mean they have gone the full way to eating da poopoo. (You) and your sexual attraction to femboys, for example. I jest, but as you are a cringecel alcoholic mong, you probably haven't lost your 'gay virginity' yet. It's not difficult to understand. You are playing a deliberately smug retard and it is tiresome. Okay, thank you.
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>>203147 >nick could takeover the country no he couldn't
>>203153 disingenuous faggot it was a hypothetical to demonstrate steiners intransigence, in any case name a single person on the dissident right as successful as him.
>>203150 tranny lover detected keeek of course you defend these queers
>>203154 yeah steiners dumb and fuentes is useless. debate settled.
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>zero evidence >has not been imprisoned after 6th January "insurrection"
>>203156 > fuentes is useless how?
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>>203157 he was never in the building, hes on the no fly list and has had half his money seized, utter mong.
>>203155 >I'm not a tranny lover >but he's a confirmed "femboy" lover >parroting his projection this hard
>>203158 he made his movement untouchable by associating with politically toxic people for no benefit. fuentes has no path to access to power, he is just an internet entertainer who actively encourages his fans to call themselves incels.
SA literally grooms young boys in a discord server and has members of that clique inserted into positions of power on this board yet he has the gall to post here, get fucked you utter faggot drunkard failed deano mong.
an englishman running damage control for a spic grifter...
>>203164 why does he do it smh
>>203162 >associating with politically toxic people for no benefit. who? its impossible to be pro white without being smeared so you are just playing the medias game, hes literally having conferences with sitting US congressman wtf are the mongs of tds doing? another 4 hour stream on the holocaust, there is nobody doing as good a job as nick
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>>203166 >its impossible to be pro white without being smeared farage and drumpf (kinda) tbh
>>203164 >I don't know or care who he is >yeah but he's super gay please believe >nah sometimes deanos are being ironic not actually bumming each other off camera >noooo he must eat da poopoo, or even if he doesn't and has a wife he has sex with, it still makes him a fag
>>203168 >farage and drumpf (kinda) tbh good one westie, and even if that were true nigger elf has done fuck all except brexit which is a meme at this point in way and blumpf is just a yid puppet
>>203105 As far as the 60s in the American context goes, those was a time of victory for the papist movement. The immigration act sponsored by Jesuit-trained Hart, and of course the Kennedys, to open the borders to different ethnicities (read Hispanic Catholic). You'd have people wrongly believe that the 60s were a time of CIA dominance of the papacy though. >>203102 Never said he was, but you didn't like the answer to your question, what does that say about you? >>203103 Seriously. Non-white, papist, and immigrant; it's an easy call to make. >>203108 Some of us don't have to look past the ethnicity to see that he's not the right type
>>203166 Beardson beardly, a midget who publicly threatens to rape women and acts like a teenager well into his thirties. Baked Alaska, a man who films himself getting into confrontations with random street scum and macing them. If the media is going to demonise you don't make their job easier. The media called Trump Hitler for a year and he still got elected, because shockingly people dont trust the media. If Trump had done nazi salutes and said pro-Hitler things then people would've believed the media and not voted for him. Yes TDS are also retarded. My politics aren't defined by which internet entertainer clique I support.
>he actually believes spic will change the world >he's actively defending him on a board with a dozen people who don't give a shit about him
>203171 filtered, completely ignoring the points I've made and sperging about papism like anybody cares you boring unfunny fat faggot
>>203173 >he actually believes spic will change the world strawman >>203173 >who don't give a shit about him yet you've done nothing but post about him all night, yet when I do the same suddenly you retreat into tactical "lol I don't even care" shite like the mong you are
>talking about the documentary with the spic in it >"NOOO WHY ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT HIM"
>>203172 >If Trump had done nazi salutes and said pro-Hitler things then people would've believed the media and not voted for him. don't think nicks done any of that but in any case hes not trump and has never claimed to be, you seem to completely ignore all the good hes doing while still doing the nihilist shite, just concern trolling tbh.
>>203171 The Prots are the worst though.
>203177 kek hes lost so many braincells he can't even make coherent points anymore, fuck off to the discord you worthless shit
dont worry lad mummy will move out of the way soon and you'll be able to go get a drink
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Hola Steiner. I heard your gf can't come over tonight. That sucks. Maybe I could be your gf for the night. It's not weird, I'm only your stepsister.
>>203178 what are the good things he's done? It's not nihilism it's an honest understanding of the mechanics of political power. you don't gain power by publicly saying things 90% of the public find abhorrent or embarrassing, like calling yourself an incel or associating with people who threaten to rape women online. the problem with madlad is he is very mad all the time which leads him to desperately find hope in anyplace he can find it like online e-celebs. when he could just chill the fuck out and broaden his informed worldview. there is no internet entertainer who is going to give him the outcomes he wants.
>>203105 Wild Bill Donovan, Father of the CIA Receives Catholic Knighthood by Pius XII https://www.motherjones.com/politics/1983/07/their-will-be-done/
Made a cheesecake, anyone want a piece?
>>203186 I'll have a slice lad
>>203186 high or low carb?
>>203183 >what are the good things he's done? redpilling 10s of thousands of young white men and creating his own censorship proof platform and network with those of likemind as well as the America first pac which aims to influence politics in washington, plus the conferences hes done with the upcoming one being the biggest by far just look at the lineup including the 2 mystery guests who will most likely be sitting congressmen, keep in mind hes only 23. meanwhile you are just a whinging faggot subversive concern troll with nothing substantive to add, just picking at the edges. You gain power by gaining power, what you say is basically irrelevant and always will be when the media will just make shit up, thats the whole point of getting access to online platforms where you create you own narratives, nobody gave a shite what the media was saying about refugees in 2015 because we all knew it was lies because the internet was uncensored, stop doing this retarded "what about the normies" shite like anybody cares, the public used to find faggot repulsive too and look at them now.
>>203185 Keeeek. Ecelebs btfo.
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>>203191 >>203192 >provoke him to effort post >lol didn't read Ebin.
>>203193 >word salad >effort
>he believes his spic jew bf will save the white race
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>>203189 >meanwhile you are just a whinging faggot subversive concern troll seething already I see. >You gain power by gaining power and what is nicks path to power? his last sitting congressman steve king lost as a result of conservatives and democrats joining to get this evil racist out of power. it's difficult to be a political guerrilla, its infinitely more difficult to hold seats of power once you get them. you need elite support, you need a massive amount of funding, you need officiated news sources people trust. Nick's website isn't an officiated news source, whatever is published there is just taken as his opinion. Actually contrary alternative media is essential, but Nick does not have it and hasn't attempted to establish it. The closest he has is the daily stormer (which he proudly endorses on his streams). if "normies" dont matter, why try to "redpill thousands" are you saying we need only people in power? If so why do things that intentionally get your own supporter base barred from power by advocating being an incel and threatening rape online.
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>Latina Hapas
>>203200 good effortpost lad
>>203179 Protestants are so much better that the papacy's counter Reformation had to encourage Freemasonry to corrupt the ethics of the new Protestant nations. https://youtu.be/i0BTB8jaM0Q
Especially the beginning of that video shows how the different positions in a Freemason group were derived from Roman Catholic monasteries
lmao, antifa punk bitch in poland made to cut off his lefty symbols with his own knife https://twitter.com/teaktreeturmoil/status/1492937519012499463
>>203200 > his last sitting congressman steve king utter mong the sitting congressman is nick gosar steve king is the ex one who was also there, if you can't even get basic facts right how can you be taken seriously. > Actually contrary alternative media is essential, but Nick does not have it he has an entire streaming platform, all this shit you are talking about takes time and as I said he is 23, hes obviously working towards all that,you also completely ignored the AFPAC he creatred, its sole purpose it to influence politics and keep people like steve king in power.
>complains about others ignoring his points >ignores 90% of the points
SA you have genuinely never posted anything of value and nobody likes you.
sargon tier tbh
>>203206 you realise PACs exist to direct massive funds to candidates and the media right? how much money is behind AFPAC? Is it enough to make up for the political damage of associating with Nick Fuentes in the first place? Will any republican candidates with potential to win risk it? Stop seething and analyse the situation honestly
>>203200 >The closest he has is the daily stormer (which he proudly endorses on his streams) he's affiliated with alex tbh. he recently joined nicks site as well
>>203208 sortof like spic then huh
>>203212 >Will any republican candidates with potential to win risk it? yes, and I've told you gosar and steve king, and probably some newer ones at this upcoming event, hes fucking 23 these things take time you utter subhuman and yes there is money behind it, once you have viable institutions you can approach money, its well know that were were a few billionaire tier people in richard spencers realm but he was too much of a mong to get money from them, nick is much better at politics than him and will no doubt get funding, stop being such a faggot you are just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks and trying to sow discontent.
>>203215 If Nick's ultimate strategy is to insert himself into mainstream rw politics then we agree that assosciating with people like Baked Alaska, Beardson beardly is harmful to that goal. Spencer could've gotten billionaire support, he chose to do things that drove them away. Nick Fuentes could get billionaire support and yet he is making decisions that will actively make that impossible. Im not devoutly anti-nick im just a guy on a tiny imageboard critiquing him for his stupid actions.
>>202481 (201882) it's a dark chapter tbh, I have no direction, and I don't even have the anime power of friendship anymore 'cause b*ns destroyed nebbit. what about you?
>>203217 So how bad was the Louise Theroux doc? I caught my dad watching bits of i.
>>203216 >yet he is making decisions that will actively make that impossible. objectively wrong
>>203219 glad to see my dad had his brain melted slightly more.
>>203218 no idea what you're talking about lad
Theroux should be forced to no docs on nothing but brap fetishists when we win.
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Baste dafties using Grannies as propaganda for Western media.
>>203224 I'm sure Putin will be shaking in his shoes
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>Spic Fuentes
nice looking thread
>>203228 if he would anglicize his name to "Nick Wells", and if it weren't for the christoid LARP and the token nogs and the rap music, it might be alright
>>203230 You know his dad is Half-Jewish?
>>203228 >Spic Jewentes
>>203231 is he? no such thing as "half-jewish" btw, all jews are mutts
>>203231 That's half as much as his owners then.
When are incels going to become the new bad boys so women finally get attracted to us?
>>203235 In Orthodox Judaism Halakah is very important, but in Reformed Judaism, even being a little bit Jewish is enough to be Jewish. NOTE: Why the fuck does spell checker have esoteric Jewish terms in the the dictionary.
>>203239 deadass he's fibbing. It's funny how people belive something when its put on an inforgraphic or turned into a greentext
>Oy vey! Shut up bitch! >t. Pinchass Pornovitz
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>>203240 fr fr
>>203241 gross mutt looking wog bitch with fake blond hair
>>203241 it's mainly Czechia and Hungary
>>203241 >>203244 >country full of whores is associated with whores
>>203244 Based Icelandic slags.
>>203240 Ayckshually, I heard this straight out of the mouf of a jew chemist once tbh. And most of those fuckers live forever
BREAKING: Ukraine’s ambassador to the UK tells BBC Ukraine might consider abandoning its goal of NATO membership to avert war KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
>>203230 If being Mexican is so good, and he is so talented, then why can't he go south of the border for his political career?
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>might consider
>>203248 so you're telling me my nan just needed to eat some apricots. I'm calling cap
>>203249 free javelin missiles for russia keeeeeeek
Ukraine seeks meeting with Russia within 48 hours to discuss build-up
>>203253 The news broke three hours ago but isn't being ran by the BBC ect.
I'm so dry. hands are covered in dead skin, nose is dry, and I have a humidifier running 24/7. gonna use a neti pot to see if it'll fix the nose at least 'cause I still have that post-cold congestion smell and I'm sick of it
You wanted them m8
>>203231 where are you getting that from?
>>203259 so much seethemongery on display everywhere tonight
>>203259 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek that farage comment
>>203259 ffs why does he have to be a cucktholic zoomer spic from chicongo that listens to negermusik this is the best america has to offer
>>203262 >cucktholic stfu you prod mong catholicism is the only religion that makes sense
>203264 larper
>>203265 christoids are equally guilty of LARPing
>>203256 Smart. Neti pot worked for me a while ago and when I recently caught a cold found myself wishing I still had mine
>203266 >christoids are equally guilty of LARPing if theres one group that SA should actually ban its pagan scum like you, go watch your marvel films you subhuman
>>203263 How do you read the Bible and find Roman Catholicism in there? In the Bible, people don't even pray to a departed Jesus, much less Mary. Smh don't spread heresy
>>203264 Ooh, now do one with a Buddhist wheel, Hindu Om, and Norse Thor's hammer being kicked by someone saying Goodnight, Dharmic side!
>203266 >dying for your beliefs is larping
larping is when you do a thing and you wear clothes
>>203271 nah those religions are based and aryan >>203272 >>203273 post-enlightenment christianity is a LARP
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just make a new thread and shut up about this
>>203276 no lad we MVST have the same pointless arguments over and over
>>202659 where do i take this pill?

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