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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3638: Nothing To See Here Edition Anonymous 02/12/2022 (Sat) 17:02:44 Id: da70e3 No. 201882
London protests today as thousands to take to streets across UK in fury at Boris Johnson https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1564963/London-protests-today-latest-boris-johnson-cost-of-living-people-s-assembly-UK-march UK Covid deaths fall by 25% in one week as another 58,899 cases recorded https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/breaking-uk-covid-deaths-fall-26213466 Police begin clearing Canada trucker blockade https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-60361533 Police launch urgent manhunt after woman scalped and punched in London attack https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1565010/London-news-woman-attacked-scalped-man-police-search-victim-injured-East-Croydon-Station Met Police's first gay black officer reveals colleagues plastered his face with white boot polish and told him 'now you fit in' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10505271/Met-Polices-gay-black-officer-says-new-commissioner-tackle-canteen-culture.html
I hate women
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>>201871 How can you still be an incel when she's all around you
first for JenCon
I hate being conscious. Maybe wogs are blessed with only being semi conscious.
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shut up incels
>>201882 >woman scalped and punched in London attack smh are they importing chugs now?
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>>201881 I hate them so fucking much, this one jewess lass used to bully me about my uni toil job and how much I made when she was a literal preschool teacher and her parents bought her a house. its like people playing the game of life on tutorial mode trying to lecture somebody playing a realism mod on hardcore about how to beat the first boss
>>201893 Could have just been Steiner avenging his ancestors
>>201893 Na Pakis Afghans any assortment of shitskins is given to that sort of barbarism
>>201893 I wish that amerishart collapsed and we just gave all the land back to the chugs I would rather there be comfy stone age chug societies here than creatura/nigger cesspits
>>201893 >read it as chuds
>>201898 Wish Ulster-Scots still did it.
>>201898 tbh dont the nigs scalp albinos in wogland
>>201894 why do hol hols change the name of kiev and kharkov to more autism looking ones in latin script? also he is literally posting COD 4 images do the hol hols even have abrams?
>>201902 They're magic so any part of the corpse you can cut off you can take to your local witch doctor for special powers through blessed consumption.
>>201903 That's battlefield 3
>>201903 Battlefield is what they use to train their recruits lad.
>>201903 It's massive cope cos Kiev is the Russian spelling
>>201904 the magic is concentrated in the scalp and ears though
>>201899 sorry lad neet hunters aren't very good for business
crazy to think how barbaric sharica used to be only a few lifetimes ago. one thing that is funny about mentira is that it became obvious to me that without the boomer maintained infastructure life in the new world would return to being very challenging with all the tornados, harsh winters, and vast woodlands
a challenger 2 tank just flew over my house
>>201908 ayo mix da blood wiv da magic powdah drink it b bulletproof
>>201911 Heading for Ukraine?
heading for ur mum hahahahahha
>wiki soys changed it to Kyiv TAKE THAT PUTIN!!
>>201910 I don't think any other country went from straight barbarism to complete decadence that quickly ever.
>>201914 Sweet I'll have a new tank soon then.
keeeeeek i accidentally forgot to (you) him savaaaaaaaaaaage >>201917 good lad *kisses your gentle cheek*
are there any city logos that aren't gay
>>201920 Not under the banner of globohomo.
>>201921 even the flag is slapped together in paint keeeek
>>201923 Just another mason common purpose adherent to be installed.
Umm… lads?
22st's family probably bully him for having nothing but British mates whom he talks to on the interwebs
>>201926 I'd bully him for that as well.
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>the Boomer-Kike complex
looks like the cops are getting ready to take the bridge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9eFEfohNeA
>>201928 wew the jews are being very open these days
>>201928 Honestly tired of yanks and globo homo trying to meme this war into reality while Russia does sweet fuck all
>>201932 tbh, Europe should rise against the Yanks rather than ol' poo tin
>>201932 I just want it to open with Russia flattening every tranny packed support company of the united sharts with cruise missiles.
>>201928 based zoomers
>>201934 tbh >>201932 has poo tin actually done anything other than mobilising after weimart seething
>>201936 he keeps telling them he feels uncomfortable having a nuclear noose tightened around his neck . . . the bastard! >:(
>>201926 Nobody knows about you
>>201936 Diplomatically made the UK look like retards.
>look like
>>201939 smh why not lad? they may think you're a cool lad for knowing foreign cunts >how can I be raysis if me mates are all bri'ish?
>>201943 I am a private lad
>>201945 smh the swallows swarm and midshite
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I think we should all get to know Martin's family better
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>Portuguese TV for less than second NOT EVEN ONCE
>>201948 why are you watching portuguese tv
he is unhinged keeeeeeeeeeeek getting exposed as a faggot tranny lover really did a number on him
>>201950 Bored
>>201951 I'd've stopped bringing it up had just decided to stop sperging keeeek >>201952 fair enough
>During the early part of the pandemic, in 2020, there were four unemployed people for every vacancy in the UK. Now the ratio is one for one. “There aren’t many candidates out there”, Boys says. >Economists say the explanation for the current strength of the labour market is simple: demand for workers has been going up at a time when their supply has been limited. On the demand side, the reopening of the economy as the pandemic loosens its grip has meant stronger competition for staff. On the supply side, a combination of factors means the labour force is smaller than it was expected to be pre-Covid. >The biggest cause of the drop, however, is older workers – those aged 50 and over – leaving the workforce altogether. Support for this group – to encourage them to continue looking for work – has not been good enough, Evans says. >The biggest cause of the drop, however, is older workers – those aged 50 and over – leaving the workforce altogether. Support for this group – to encourage them to continue looking for work – has not been good enough, Evans says. inb4 they use it to import more nigs
>>201956 they will
>>201953 Oh no wages will have to go up.
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>>201964 French riot police are and always have been violent thugs in uniform.
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>>201964 SA, would you please unperma me? Here is the ban ID in this screencap. It seems you agree with me that we should not die for the EU in Ukraine. So I will assume that me being banned for saying it was a mistake of another mod.
stop seething for a week and I'll consider it
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>White Latinas
>>201967 But you are the one that's been seething? And you should do the right thing first. I already said I'd take some time away of my own accord if I knew I could post again when I return.
stop seething for a week and I'll consider it
>>201969 >just gassing restaurants keeeeeeek why what were they doing
>>201928 >65+ are the only majority who support a foreign war der ewige boomer tbh
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>>201968 sick of this mene
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>>201974 I'm not.
when the first drop of blood lands on the wooden idol the cupcake sea raiders will wake
Should I buy beer today lads?
>>201980 good dodge by pigboi
>>201980 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek double kill
>>201980 Didn't know dogs suffer from Agonal breathing due to brain damage. Learn something new every day,
>>201984 nah he was just really mad about getting hit he's fine
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dee-dee da-da-daa
I no longer give der ewige boomer the benefit of being ignorant beneficiaries of the establishment who were along for the ride, as time and again when there has been a choice to change something for the benefit of their offspring, they outright refuse it with violent passion, to save their own skins. The arguments against not turning on our elders because its Hebraic divide and conquer are red herrings, as the boomer is Hebraic in its mindset through and through tbh.
>>201987 thank fuck it is
>>201988 tbh they know what they are doing
>>201990 where are your new rants lad?
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>>201991 should upload some today sorry been trying to deal with shitty tmj
still don't know what tmj means tbh tooth man jones perhaps
>>201994 head ache I think.
>>201948 Is it doughnuts?
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>>201994 joint inflamation from too much soyfacing
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>>201992 Good lad a classic
>>201999 link?
>>201997 ouch poor lad smh
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smh where did it all go wrong
slow cooked lamb chump with onions and root vegetables and mint sauce on trenchers for dinner absolutely no seasoning or spicing or salting or herbing or anything, just those ingredients and water
>>201976 >no-one wanted to be around him >but at least he had sex
>Joe Owens always felt like a whistleblower. As a young boy, he had been scandalized by the secret agents who controlled his community. He had seen the way they monitored the citizens, and he knew that they were doing this in order to spy on their citizens. He knew that they were spying on the citizens of his community, and he was terrified of what they could do to them. Years later, Joe worked for a secret government organization that was responsible for spying on the citizens of his community. He was responsible for monitoring the activities of the secret agents who controlled his community, and he was able to stop them from spying on the citizens. He was able to do this because he had knowledge that they were spying on the citizens of his community, and he was scared of what they could do to them.
>>202010 keeek
>>202010 >attackers sentenced to community service keeeeek very accurate this
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remember the most important thing about sex is feeling good
>>202010 >sentenced to community service too fucking accurate
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>>202010 >is getting beat up by some of his black friends
>>202013 more cringy athiest coomer scum rediscovering common knowledge of christian times
>>201895 Absolute kino post
reminds me of the posh lass who lectured me about white privilege and all i could think of was my great grandfather having his leg amputated with no anaesthetic when he got gangrene
>>202013 I fucking hate coomers
>>202015 keeeeeeeeeek its the nigerian from his dream >>202016 tbh
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>>202020 keeeeeeeek
>>202023 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek GIGAVLAD
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>>202026 keeeeeeeeeek
This things is weirdly accurate
>>202030 >this is post-reduction surgery too smh imagine.;..
>>202030 Ben's going to be a proud father
>>202010 what is this applad
>>202029 >BIG BIG BIG BIG keeeeeeeeek
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>>202031 Stay safe lad
>>202030 its almost too big
>>202038 filtered
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>>202039 how do you even find this shit?
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>>202042 stupid e-drama
>>202043 >signs in english >rainbow masks Totally not yankist stooges
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>>202043 *immediately loses any increment of sympathy for Ukraine*
>>202045 Don't forget tranny and furry.
>>202047 It's quite pernicious how they aim to make a mini USA in Eastern Europe, wogs and all. An outpost of yankist cultural hegemony.
>>202043 >Agent Tran to Langley…come in Langley…think I’ve been spotted by the FSB… should have sent me this sign in Russ…I mean (you)krainian
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Ginnie was a bum who loved to bum a cigarette. She would go to the local convenience store and ask the clerk to give her one. She would then go to the next store and ask the same person. And the next. She would do this for hours. Eventually, she became so good at bumming cigarettes that the clerks started calling her Ginnie the BumBumKing.
croissants, viscounts and milk for supper
>>202058 keeeeeeeeeeeek
>>202061 lets go brandon tier tbh
>>201928 annoying neo-boomercon twitter fuckwit >>201981 it never ends tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJ3EALBzY_4
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based joe doesn't give a fuck it's not his problem
>>201993 I've got tongue-neck syndrome due to neck muscle hypertonicity compressing my C2 nerve. Thought I was going to die the other night tbh. The muscles in my neck also inflame my sinuses, fucking horrible tbh. Want to fucking die, coming off the ibruprofen and codeine because I don't want a fucking blood clot, so the dull pain is going to come back.
>>202066 should've mewed lad
>>202067 Nah this is from an accident, was thinking about mewing tbh, I just let my routine to fix it slide, and it's just got stupidly bad.
>>202069 lad it was for posting tranny porn, we were all there, we watched you do it.
>>202070 No it wasn't. Don't want to argue anyway. Posted the screencaps and proof enough. Just made a memi from that AI link.
>>202071 but you did post tranny porn tho
>>202072 Yeah, once, accidentally. Apologised. Didn't get permad. Other lads posted spoilered gayism deliberately since and haven't even got banned, to my knowledge. It's such a BS excuse. You probably already know this but are playing concern troll. Tiresome.
post the tranny thing he posted
>>202073 >Yeah, once
>>202074 I didn't even post anything but a link, which I accidentally copied from a twitter retweet of b*sexual exgfs bbw onlythots friend. Smh.
Never saved nor posted trannies anywhere at any time in me life.
>>202076 what is it that turns you on about trannies, lad?
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>202078 You are just pretending not to understand. And baiting me to sperg at SA again, because you know it's not even the reason I got permad. Just wanting to slip in and comfy post on this Russian proxy. Smh.
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>>202080 Now this is some top OC, lad.
>>202080 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>202080 keeeeeeeeeek
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https://twitter.com/JamieMcdonnell1/status/1492488380659154947 Keeeeeeeeeek, the fucking replies. They fear the deano
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New Deano just dropped.
>>202085 New Davis Davis just resigned.
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>>202080 keeeeeeeek
keeeek he's arguing with kikes on twitter and not backing down
>>202066 smh poor lad pretty sure my tmj is from goodscreening too much with soyjack neck posture and then too much clenching of jaw. I think my c2 nerve is pinched as well. too much crained neck goodscreen for incels
would have been kino if it zoomed out once more into a smug pepe spying on the spy
>>202080 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_Ay_iDRAbc this song at ~1:45 with this >>202080 webm
>>202091 It's not my OC but it should zoom out into someone watching the webm on brit, then to someone pondering it on the orb, then some grotty pepe.
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>>202094 >zooms out into this keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>202094 >>202095 also needs a mummy watching
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>>202097 don't like the reddit sound effects
>>202096 >that pic jesussssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
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meanwhile the women of our generation
>>202100 hope they went to a good home
muh food btfo
think if i saw that mummy irl i would legit coom in my pants
>>202103 Based straight lad
I'd like a pint of milk with those baps waheeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyy
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Not sure if based sarcastic tranny or unbased literal SJW tranny
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Spotted in Linus Tech Tips' most recent video
Was just reading that Maasai warriors aren't allowed to get married or produce children and are instead forced to only sleep with Democrat supporting girls who cant have kids. Only until they're retired and become elders losing their long hair are they allowed to breed.
>>202109 pre - pubescent is for some reason "Democrat supporting" lmao.
women seem to eat with their mouths open more now its annoying
>>202109 wonder if they end up marrying joe bidens transgender sons
>>202108 was literally just watching this keek >tel aviv smh
>>202109 which tribe is it where they let guests fuck their wives and the husbands have to sleep outside
>>202114 Himba
>brother asks me how my tmj is going after he told me to wear one of those autism mouth guard to help with the headache >mummy instantly interrupts and asks him to instead talk about his work and minimizes my issue smh women even your own mummy put people into status hierarchies and they then minimize peoples problems and only want to share in peoples good stories.
>>202115 Simba?
>>202116 You and your brother big babies who wear nappies, lad?
my diaper is bigger though I microwave it
>>202115 Based
>>202120 Didn't diaperchu die?
there was literally a tv show about a british family living with a himba tribe and all the tribals got pissed off because the dad wouldn't fuck their wives.
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>wanting to fuck disgusting mud caked african tribals
>>201882 The rich should be taxed more, but the standard of living is already too living is already too high causing decadence. Too high standard of living means protests against rising cost of living aren't legitimate. The question is then what should be done with the taxes gained from increased payments by the corrupt rich, and the answer seems fairly obvious (to me a traditionalist). A lot of disgustingly bland architecture has been erected in the last few decades: it should be replaced by better ornamented and more soothing forms (not in the way of increased "creature comforts", like a focus on more cushioned chairs in the library because that would be more decadent). Libraries and schools should have the steel and plastic furniture replaced by more aesthetic and healthier wood. The leaders of the protests are just greedy for themselves though and the rest are just following out of boredom, they aren't ready to do anything really good for society.
>>202124 yes, I promised myself I am going to do sex tourism in namibia one day.
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what will age of consent be in the ethnostate?
>>202130 There won't be one because it implies extra marital sex which will be outlawed.
>>202131 Yes... it was a trick question to lure out the nonces
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>>202130 13, the same as it was until 1885
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>>202132 I had an amusing response but immediately forgot it brvther
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>>202100 should be capital punishment both for the bitch that gets her tits lopped and the "surgeon" that does it >>202130 should be 15 for engagement, 16 for marriage, legality of sex is dependent on marriage, not the woman's "consent" which is a feminist concept
>>202125 Abolish national government. Britain should be an island managed by the will of the people. That means local, decentralised government and police. Minimal taxes in order to maintain one's immediate surroundings only. Every man has a right to defend his land and may kill any wogs encroaching upon the border, in order to protect his town. London can continue to be London, but it will have no power over the rest of the country.
>>202139 cringe
>>202139 there shouldn't be police, just let local vigilantes take care of things
>>202139 nah, we need a strong national government led by Joe Owens
Anybody got that song "i see a race war arriving" a racist parody of "bad moon rising" by credence clearwater revival
>>202139 clubmen reich
>>202144 I think thats by skrewdriver
>>202144 I don't think this is what you're looking for but it's something similar
>>202147 I think this is keeeeeeeeek
>>202147 https://voca.ro/1mYDShTVgi0t keeeeeeeek spot on m'lass thank you grootly
>canadians cucking out in ottawa by stopping honking and now they are just singing songs on the hour fuck boomers
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just collapse already so sick of pretending I care about installing microwaves and oven ranges for boomers
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>>202142 Every small english town needs a local bobby and local priest. Policeman is there to ensure fairness and due process, not mob rule. He'd be elected like a sherriff. accessible and accountable. Seeing as this is a hwhite paradise, the policeman is mainly there to help drunks home on the way from the pub, keep order in the town and prevent the young scamps from disturbing the peace when out playing.
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>>202151 >we're got to install microwave ovens
money for nothing and your holes filled for free
If Trump was still president every black shooting would've resulted in massive nation destabilising riots.
>>202139 But minimal taxes won't punish the rich for their treachery. And yes after independence from the EU, the next natural steps are for even more localised governance. But I don't know if I could work with someone like you, who wants to pardon those who have filled their pockets with filthy lucre and put the future at risk for their own short-term profit.
the origin story for that song makes me seethe because it is a jew taking advantage of a working lad and not giving anything back he should have tracked down the furnituremoverlad and given him royalties smh
>>202158 It's okay lad alot of jewish knee caps will be broken as payment for the debts incurred against the white race.
if I were female, I would already own a home and be financially free due to onlyfans bucks. working is top cuck, the only viable options are to get rich off crypto or just NEET. anything else and you're losing
>>202160 >he's having gender dysphoric fantasies again
>>202157 taxes would be low but the rich wouldn't get off scot free. ultimately it'd be up to which town they live because everything is local, but I wouldn't abolish progressive taxation. By default they'd still pay a much higher amount than the rest of us
>>202161 no, it's just the truth. men have such an insurmountable economic disadvantage that participating in the economy at all as a man is foolish
>>202160 >unironically promoting NEETdom You're either malicious or a retard
>>202164 go ahead and sweat and toil every day for hours and hours, some fat whore's butt pics are worth more than your life's work. at least when you NEET you don't have to do anything
>>202163 >he's becoming indignant, initiate the sissifcation gas
this is how we spend are saturday shites lads
>>202167 this vaxxchud is spending it getting murdered by police in paris https://twitter.com/AnonymeCitoyen/status/1492587911828623372
>>202165 when all of your time is free time, nothing is urgent. You soon lack the will to do anything, because what's the point? There's always tomorrow. From there you become depressed. Value arises from scarcity. A working man knows discipline, knows skill in his work, knows accomplishment and knows the value of his free time, because it is limited. A NEET knows not these things.
>>202169 >the sweat pledge
might try cigars lads
>>202169 If you're so boring your only goal in life is to work then you deserve toil.
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>>202173 nice strawman tranny
>>202162 The rich of today are the ones who can be pointed to as wrong-doers. Who knows who the rich of the ideal future might be? Probably people with a very different character if there's to be any speculation
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>>202174 >far right one
all I want to be is average, couldn't I have been average. Why smee
nah I want to be based
Taxes are irrelevant tbh, if they do something you don't like just romp in there & kill them.
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek He’s got them proper seething. They’re going to create another 100 plus anti semites like this https://www.twitter.com/SamJKatz
stick a potato up yer arse and it will grow in to many stick a potato in the grass and . . . it will grow in to many versatile things potatoes HAHAHAHA what am i fucking like
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>>202181 >vaxxed antifa fag jew >"stands with" the head of state of Canada wow it's almost as if
>>202185 I refuse to kneel when proposing
>>202180 If certain people are taxed so much that their standard of living substantially decreases, they can be used as examples of what not to do for decades to come. Lots of people, for example cocaine addicts in the business world, are less concerned with a sudden death than guaranteed low income for many years. Make them want to kill themselves, that's more serious justice
>>202184 The Queen is the Canadian head of state
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*practices le tax evasion*
This DEI Consultancy Is So Flush with Cash It's Taking Black History Month Off to Rest >Ms. Broussard runs a diversity, equity and inclusion organization, in New Orleans, called Beloved Community. Starting last year, she has insisted her staff take February as a paid month off. As Beloved has been inundated with work, Ms. Broussard has been focused on giving her own team the time to rest. >Like so many diversity, equity and inclusion organizations — whose activities might include teaching workshops, writing corporate communications and rethinking hiring strategies — Beloved received an outpouring of client requests in the summer of 2020, after the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis and the wave of Black Lives Matter protests that followed it nationwide. >Beloved’s consulting arm advises organizations on equity strategy — for example, how to recruit a more diverse work force and close pay gaps — and conducts “audits” that help clients understand how prepared they are to lead their own diversity trainings. Its education arm facilitates programming in schools and workplaces, covering topics like the psychology of bias and recognizing personal privilege. Its research arm publishes reports on its impact. >Her team’s breaking point came when a grocery store group in New Orleans facing charges of racial discrimination called on Beloved for its services. >“That is what actually forced us to sit down and say, ‘Are we going to start responding to these performative cries for help?’” Ms. Broussard recalled. “Our answer was literally ‘keep Beloved’s name out of your mouth.’” >Hiring for most D.E.I.-related roles grew more in 2020 than it had in the previous five years combined, according to the labor analytics firm Emsi Burning Glass. >The organization used to generate all of its funds from clients, who heard about Beloved mostly through word of mouth, but since 2020 its budget has shifted to about two-thirds philanthropic contributions and one-third client revenue. That has allowed the group to remain strategic in choosing its clients, with a list that includes groups in hospitality, retail and entertainment. >Beloved, which was on that list, expanded rapidly, but on its own terms: The staff went from half a dozen people to over 20, and their client count rose to 223 last year from 65 in 2020. The budget is projected to climb this year to $5 million from just over $3.3 million. >Amid that growth, Ms. Broussard decided last year that her employees would get February off. That period in which D.E.I. firms are ordinarily flooded instead became a reminder, for clients, that their drive should persist throughout the year. >This month Ms. Broussard is taking midday Brazilian dance classes and cooking gumbo. Carla Melaco, the research coordinator, is flying to Cancun with her mom. Nicole Caridad Ralston, the head of education and programming, is waking each morning and asking herself: What does she need from the day? Sometimes the answer is to paint, or pay taxes. Other times she climbs into the bathtub to drink champagne. https://www.unz.com/isteve/nyt-dei-consultancies-are-so-flush-with-cash-they-are-taking-black-history-month-off-to-rest/ why work when you can just grift?
i've never bean to ireland
>>202185 Boomers with baubles are partly responsible
Lindy Beige!
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https://youtu.be/tye1rNncDNs >when you're an incel and e-celebs streaming their marriage comes up in your feed
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>>202187 Yes, but you forget that the large businesses that cause the real damage are also the ones most adept at tax evasion, which is why taxation doesn't keep them down in the first place.
>>202190 How do you know so much about that hmm?
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>not a tourist place ?
>>202204 >my ancestors
>>202202 Raking about on YouTube tbh.
sick of not having mates anymore tbh lads
G’wan Ngubu!
>>202208 we're all mates here
>>202210 i mean lads i can meet up and daunce with into the night tbh, a boogie gang if thou wilt
>>202181 tbh i would literally think it's a troll account if he wasnt trying to get the lad stitched up so badly
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>>202208 What about the Bongo lads?
>think I may have discovered Wes Ngubu
>>202201 That taxes aren't high enough right now to be dissuasive has been my point since the beginning. The part about what to do with the money gained is because it's probably too difficult to make money disappear. Your last statement is sophistry!
>>202214 I think we discovered your gay porn collection tbh
>arguing about taxes on a sunday morning
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>>202208 Put on a name or trip until you get tired of the attention. Even a flag (dunno how to do that myself but somebody must)
Of this is still "just" the internet at the end of the day
>>202219 i'm already an infamous trip faggot m'lord
>>202213 me back right
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>24 months in March
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>>202223 She got fat
Where do you lads find streaming links for UFC and boxing matches?
>>202222 checked
https://youtu.be/rOC9d17vASc consumerism and a bag of aids
>>202217 Sorry, it was the London protests yesterday that was the inspiration. >>202192 New Orleans and the rest of the American South has been so cancerous since the 60s. The cities there were a warning to all of the Western world. You know there are some Southerners who resent Lee and wish Jackson had gone on fighting (60s of the previous century). After all the guerilla 1st generation KKK kind of had to do that to clean up Reconstruction.
>>202231 assume you want to watch the ufc lad. did you watch the boxing earlier?
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worried about ayys again
>>202227 https://totalsportek.to/ufcstreams-fhd AS WEll as what the other lad posted. Unironically reminds when the third Fury Wilder fight was on and I watched it live with my normie mate. I got the stream link off /sp/ and the entire live chat was swazi asci's etc etc, luckily my mate is based and we both had a good chuckle.
i might take up dancing lads
>>202237 do it lad, loads of middle aged gash around who like a lad who dances. i did ceroc for a while.
>>202238 tbh, might build my legend irl instead of just online as the dauncing kang
>>202234 Don't worry lad, they have very soft heads.
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Adeysana Lewis Cannonier Moicano and Bobby Green. Saucy little acca
>>202221 Are there too many lockdowns keeping you away from recreation?
>>202242 hope lewis tui is a bangfest bet that fucks your coupon
>>202243 my mates were all arrested for being in NA lass I'm le bum bum roy
>>202245 prove it
ones who weren't sent down are being watched i was saved by severe and crippling illness from being at the drinking sesh they got took down for
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>is the fite between SA and Mancs over?
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>>202246 dw i'n y tin tin brinin i fod yn onest
>>202248 toughest men in poland
>>202249 is this you? >>202218
>>202252 in essence? yes. looks like the offy i got robbed of this rum from tbh paki cunts
>BO of /delicious/ (noncery) arrested >He is British >Peelers scouring .moe
avaunces au ./delicious/ fucking yikes
speak a real language please
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>KuneKune Rude tbh
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>>202254 based
>>202258 want to give priti some arabian goggles
thsi is so fucking hilariosu to wahtch whena eyroure pissed out yer oahe head
had a cheeky ittle dance and smoke an all a t he pub eh hhehehe
should I get a kebab or fried chicken lads?
>>202263 good lad, when are you gonna meat up with uncle bum bum and aunti agg nonce for ome banter?
>>202262 >>202262 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcsZAIHLoDE I want to hear a vocaroo of you singing this
>>202265 girl asked me if i was gay i said "no, im bi" she then gtfo of there lmaO
>>202266 gary glitter is literally less than 1mile away from me right now he's locked up in portland prison
https://youtu.be/fpYNZC6HaK0 was literally listening to this as he posted keek
>>202268 see if you can break him out
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>>202271 no i'll... break him in...
>>202254 >>202255 how do you know?
I'm the leader of the race
>>202272 unfathomably based
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>this thread
>>202267 why would you say that? women are disgusted by fags
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>>202278 but i'm bi, not a fag?
look, i like to sample the unique delights of a ladyman now and again, alright? just fuck off, alright?
>>202280 One means the other, lad
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>>202282 a big black lady loo with her dirty anuses askew lad?
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>>202284 uhhhh
Gonna wear corduroy like a uni boi henceforth what of it https://youtu.be/l8KevH0fZS0
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>>202250 >>202248 You laugh, but shit is real.
so many lasses wearing tight red dresses at the pub tonight like wtf woof
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>this thread
>>202286 wear tweed like me
https://voca.ro/11fgSP9APQ3D >>202290 basado lad, it's tweed or sneed in this crazy world
>>202291 keeeeek based im listening to SNEED berry right now
>>202292 keeek hope your little dingaling isn't out i fod yn onest
>>202254 >>202255 could you mongs actually post where this is confirmed?
>>202293 it was earlier
>>202294 I wasn't party to this knowledge but I believe it seeing as drawn porn of kids is illegal in the good boi zone of england
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might make a bongo and unironically meat some lads from hear
>>202299 meetup at Albert Dock?
>>202301 Yeah at pan am we can gangbang gin gins dead corpse while i willy wank to the beauty of the blonde female in this cringe fest https://youtu.be/PhAdxeeBGsU
lads, i wanna draw a massive cock snaking around merseyside olice hq. but i must assemble a team
oh she's brunette
all homos fuck off back to your containment bongo
reminder that dorset is joe bidens transgender daughter who is gangstalking wessex who is the last king of scotland
>>202307 keeek tbh get him arrested https://voca.ro/1LIEaL1Klp1J
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is dorsie really a gayist?
i'm several ghosts
do gays smell their willies after bumming?
>>202311 dunno, i stick mine in me ears so i don't have to hear the bitches talking about their fealings
>>202312 I fucked your mom who is joe biden (a woman)
>>202313 joe biden joe biden what is she ridin the gaint anal bum plug she be hidin'
tbh if I were Joe I'd be sniffing all the cun in existence
jill biden is actually the method actor dennis hopper
>>202316 is jilly biden jill stein?
>>202317 jill stein? i know her sister philis
chuds... rising...
>>202320 is 11'0" the limit?
>>202320 Obviously fake but you love to see it anyway.
>>202322 why is it "obviously fake"?
>>202323 they aren't overweight
I was at cilla blacks funeral aks me anything
>>202323 You're right, I'm sure the government would just hate for the protest to be associated with white nationalists, they haven't already been caught doing that already after all.
>>202326 these arent trucker aligned you mon
>telegraph shilling for igger warnings https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p009mdck
moi moind iz moid ap!oi shall be lurning ee daunz ! wiv loideez!
https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/322071 >German extremist and Holocaust denier sheltering in Brazil >Nikolai Nerling, a prominent German Holocaust denier is escaping arrest by hiding in Brazil.
>>202331 based lad
i'm rapidly becoming an alcoholic
i've had six cans of coke this even
How's the Mech Suit coming along BBK?
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>got bored >got my laptop out and started toiling >toiled for an hour >realised what i was doing and stopped
>>202335 i've killedseveral niggers, need to tweek th quanton sychodemeliac intrcourser system in preparation for the daunce lessons i intend to undertake in my mechanised clobberoo
>>202333 way ahead of you but i've had to stop this year because i have too much shit to do. looking forward to throwing myself of the wagon at speed in a month or 2. only thing is i've become way healthier and skinnier which i'll miss, but hey you can't really look good and cope at the same time
>>202338 good lad, our minds will break for heavens sake coe out of your room . . . louie . . .
toilman sweatin in the dark of night while bossman's a-snorin' sleepin' tight wide awake til the mornin sun but he'll be so tired when monday comes
>>202340 based
another one of those 3:30 AMs tbh
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>>202340 why do i do this to myself
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i have never put overtime toil on my timesheet despite occasionally doing a few hours extra
>>202345 u nignogs need to get some passive income going and cease this constant loosh harvest. toil destroys the body and ages a man through sleep deprivation
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who do we think the mystery speakers are gonna be? last year was Paul Gosar (Arizona Rep.) and Steve King (former Iowa Rep.) I assume one will be Gosar 'cause he's a sitting congressman, maybe the other will be Alex Jones?
just do credit card fraud
>>202348 this is for AFPAC III on the 25th in Florida
>>202349 how do you do this lad?
>>202348 the Fuentes doco is out tomorrow
any UFC chads in the chat tonight? >>202351 I wouldn't know. Nor would I tell you even if I did know ;)
>>202353 yeah hope this faggot hernandez gets brain damage
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BRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAZILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL HUE HUE HUE HUE one down on the acca, finna be making bank tonight
>>202355 tuivasa's gonna fuck you lad the black beast has been up all night smoking crack
quite a neurotypical /brit/ this, don't mind it
>>202356 I'll back Lewis lad, he's unironically heckin' wholesome and genuinely funny. It's good seeing how he went from just being some fat hoodlum who went into fight swaying praying to a now relatively patient power puncher. I'm more concerned about the Cannonier/Brunson fight tbh. >>202357 Don't worry lad I'm just a normie skinwalker
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being a connoisseur of Mandigo fighting is essentially /britcore/ tbh
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I wish I had been born in the 19th century even if I was still an perma virgin no friends faggot
fucks sake
>>202361 thought you had cannonier?
tbh I like the sharpe's novels lads really connecting with sharpes seethe against richfags. that was my daily experience as a unitoiler at umich.
>>202362 I changed it last minute because everyone was saying blonde brunson was undefeated
>>202363 It's so repetitive though lad. Every single Sharpe book is just >Sharpe meets a malicious posho >Sharpe performs a good act and isn't recognised for it >A benevolent posho then helps Sharpe I'ts the same with the other books as well, with Grail Quest and the Last Kingdom. Solider vs Nobles, and Pagan vs Christians.
a3201d, I kneel,
>>202365 isn't that just the story of life for lower classoids?
>>202368 Maybe. It just seems to be the only narrative Cornwell is capable of.
>>202369 keeek he got bullied by williams at school
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fort detroit
leaf truckers should take it over
>>202371 star forts are kino.
its abandoned, an abandoned fort the niggers think is haunted. just waiting for someone to capture it
>>202374 It's not a museum?
>>202375 no that failed in the 1970s it was ruined by niggers
>>202376 Yeah it'd be the perfect place to fortify with air horns and the canadian flag.
looks like abandoned tanks in there keeeek smh that is a good place to take in the collapse
>>202379 Yeah fortified, proximity to the lakes and the Canadian border.
>>202380 they need more money for dem programs keeeeeeeeeeek
Oh and the fort holds a river choke point.
>>202383 yeah if the leafs get serious they would be smart to take that it would change n. american politics overnight
>literally an abandoned sherman and dual bofors m-60 variant just sitting there
>>202384 I just sort of imagine the NG turning up and accidentally killing a lot of people that or the private mercs you keep talking about purposefully killing a lot of people..
>>202385 They're just shells probably sent as museum pieces, it reminds me of how every village in Russia has it's own T-34 hulk rotting on a concrete plinth.
>>202386 keeeeeeeeek yeah its way to daft for anyone other than larpers
>>202387 it was based when the ukies got one working again during maidan
>>202389 They probably still use the same diesel engine in their tractors now.
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thought up the funniest idea for some oc at toil but then i forgot it smdh got a nagging feeling that i came up with the exact same idea last week too but forgot it then as well >>202389 was pvre kino tbh seeing that old thing start running again
keeeek this is Ukrainian military training new recruits
>>202393 keeeeeeeeeek they're going to get steamrolled
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>>202395 keeeeeeeek
lads apparently futurama is getting brought back yet again for another season but john dimaggio (bender) isn't going to be a part of it still haven't gotten around to watching the old new episodes tbh just a simple seasons 1-4 enjoyer me got the dvd box set
>>202397 all available on Disney+ now. Some of S7 was pretty disappointing, and what with the dire state of Simpsons, would rather Futurama just be left alone. I don't really want trannies and Trump jokes in Futurama.
want CCP spy gf. also why do all contemporary asian women wear exactly the same glasses?
>>202401 Round eye illusion and delusion
PETER HITCHENS: When Nato has its own Office of the Gender Advisor, you know wokery has won https://hitchensblog.mailonsunday.co.uk/2022/02/peter-hitchens-when-nato-has-its-own-office-of-the-gender-advisor-you-know-wokery-has-won.html Liz Truss really did look clueless larping with her hat. Hilarious bit: >Lavrov said the troops had a perfect right to be there, then (perhaps sarcastically) asked: 'Do you recognise the sovereignty of Russia over the Rostov and Voronezh regions?' Both areas are firmly inside Russia. But Ms Truss retorted: 'Great Britain will never recognise Russian sovereignty over these regions.' British Ambassador Deborah Bronnert then had to 'tactfully explain' to Ms Truss that they were Russian territory.
>>202402 wew just beat me to it
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>>202398 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek we've reached the point in clown world where people protest demanding that the government be harsher and less forgiving >>202399 >all available on Disney+ now all available on the internet since forever ago smh don't give these companies money lad >would rather Futurama just be left alone. I don't really want trannies and Trump jokes in Futurama. yeah tbh let it stay pvre in my memories >>202401 at a guess i'd say that like most countries that industrialised very rapidly round frame glasses were the default (and often only) option so the style evolved from there with less deviation than what happened in the west probably something about having an air of forward-thinking global learnedness too idk
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>Wake up >Ukies are making hate crime laws How can anyone doubt that globohomo isn't EU/US imperialism at this point.
>>202402 >global warming is real such a faggot. maybe it was just cold when you went?
>says Let’s Go Jewis
>>202407 weeeeew literally banning the bible and imprisoning people for eight years and fining them nine grand for saying they don't like gayists just fucking nuke them putin
>>202404 I fucking hate peter hitchens he is always looking for every excuse to black pill, demoralise, and make people give up
Also the US Fed are going to stress test the US economy by simulating a 10% jump in unemployment, a 40% drop in commercial real estate, a market crash with insane volatility.
>>202412 yeah yeah m8, been hearing it for years
>>202412 what's to test? it's obviously already broken and it's left that way because that's exactly how the establishment likes it >>202413 tbh
>>202411 He's right about most things. Britain as a white ethnostate after 1997 is a pipe dream.
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>>202415 yeah it's never going back to how it used to be internal traitors will always get in the way of any efforts to relocate or kill them even without that the (((international community))) would definitely intervene we're stuck with niggers now until we can secretly develop a virus that only targets certain phenotypes
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>Portugal going after Discord Based.
>>202417 muito baseado
>>202348 Woes? Are Joe? Richard Spencer making peace?
>>202420 >Richard Spencer certainly not
>>202421 They were all equally unlikely smh
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need to buy some arctic silver smh my cpu keeps hitting 100 and going kaput in the middle of gooming sessions smdh everything else stays fine so it's probably not the fans smh would prefer to build a new computer from scratch but i just don't have that kind of cash
>""""asmr"""" >whispers and then ups the volume so it's full of random pops and licking sounds smdh ffs just talk at normal volume and then turn the volume down if you want it to be quiet smh who the fuck thought this was a good idea
>>202427 people making a lot of money off it
>>202428 yeah smh that's not a surprise mostly i'm angry at the consoomer niggercattle for not having higher standards
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>Lt Col >of NATO Gender Advice
>>202426 I have the cash for a gooming PC but I just want to save for my own place, so I make do with a painfully slow laptop. I've already waited long enough that an obsolete PC can probably play all of the pre-2015 games I actually care about maxed out >>202426
>Lt Col. Prudehoe Just noticed KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
surprising how cheap high capacity internal hard drives are now. I suppose it's trendy to focus on SSD now
>>202431 get your own place first lad it's a huge money-sink that that will make you hate being alive but it's still sort of almost worth it >>202432 keeeeeeek
>202415 nice (1) spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine)
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>https://natolibguides.info/women/books >NATO has a Gender Studies reading list
>>202426 Befriend a black man
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>>202438 Based
>>202441 The most anti-Semitic people I've read have been Jewish coverts to Christianity and Russian Orthodox has the most Jewish Converts.
>>202437 nato has by its own volition become a non-entity no longer worth paying attention to in geopolitics it could probably win a war against some irrelevant shithole but it couldn't win a war against a country whose name you actually remember >>202438 don't mistake this for them being based russian jews are very numerous and they've always been at loggerheads with israel vis a vis where the true home of the jews is
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>>202446 this is cancer
>>202447 im already getting metastasis
it's snowing btw
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>>202449 based luv snow me >>202450 hell yeah
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>>202415 >(1) Bollocks, they came here and they can leave. >>202445 smh, yeah definitely not the nuclear noose slowly surrounding Russia
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>>202452 >pembs was gentle and kind and he showed fry how to be himself
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>>202453 >Bollocks, they came here and they can leave. exactly lad
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>>202452 >>202454 smh it's not as wholesome as you think
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>>202454 >pembs was gentle and kind and he showed fry how to be himself
>Nigerian Children
>>202458 >>202459 yes lads i was lamenting his descent into gayism okaythankyou
>>202460 >training children i guess they finally figured out that w*men won't actually do anything
I'm not You are
seething how six packs are the norm and not eight packs sndh
>>202465 bet you have a bloated gut anyway
https://youtu.be/twv9GanWnOk >tfw no nip lass gf
>>202466 tbh but i'm working on it
>>202465 how your abs are separated is genetic. different people have 4/6/8/10, but 6 is most common hence why it's considered the norm. I fear that I have a 4 pack which is unaesthetic and kinda sucks
thought he was talking about tinnies lads
>>202470 you have autism
>>202470 if "6 pack" makes you think of beer.. that's not good, lad
>>202471 *aggressively approaches you in my DBZ pyjamas* oh wait i'm not a nigger autist, why do they love DBZ so much lads? >>202472 smh, unironically thinking of pouring my booze away sick of it tbh
>>202473 Probably because DBZ is what they grew up with tbh. Autists also find it easier to read anime characters who have more obvious expressions and speech I guess. DBZ is very direct and honest, at least in the English version.
>>202469 only family members i ever saw topless are my dad and my brother and they both have kegs tbh my trve potential is a mystery that i will unravel >>202470 i was lad but that's the joke >>202473 tbh
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>>202476 whomst?
>>202476 christ she looks even worse
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this is a groomer thing isn't it
>>202449 Hows it going spig lad yalright
>>202407 It must be a requirement of them getting more money and military equipment.
had a lovely poo
I need to find out why I'm so tired all the time.
>>202487 depression?
>>202488 Or cancer, I'll let you know when I know.
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how do normies not see she is a blatant crisis actor?
>>202491 but she says good things lad
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>>202494 kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiino
>watch youtuber >suddenly says Sargon is a fascist the bar for fascist is pretty low
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>>202494 based
>>202493 what's going on big guy?
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>>202494 I wonder what the cow is thinking?
>>202494 ominous >>202498 >KFC Team Leader Maggot chasing Niggy and Popem out of the building after they stole his nuggies
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Casino (1995) was the least popular film choice ever all the lads left before we were even half way through
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>>202503 I had gooming to do tbh 3000 Miles to Graceland next tbh-
>another 2 minute anti-racist speech before le sport oh no i suppose i best not be wayssis anymore
>>202507 >IF WE KEEP BANGING ON ABOUT IT WE ARE SURE TO GET THROUGH TO THEM T H I S TIME le antiracism in footie has been going on since before I was fucking born and bugger-all has changed
>>202508 tbh, it's hard wired into all living things to be in competition with other subspecies/species you can't unlearn it
>talk with brother and his single mummy gf >about their oldest daughter/step daughter >subject of her having sex comes up >she has it at 16 >dude it's okay she's on the pill i can't deny my daughter from having sex
>>202510 We need violence against cucks and women
Didn't even want them to deny her, but actually talk with her how she can still get pregnant. Do you think there are hundreds of single mums on dating sites because they want to be single mums? smh
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyvQ48V7LAQ who the hell is jacob sartorius?
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>>202510 >16 umm, isn't this a bit hypocritical of you to say, of all people? pic related tbh
>>202514 Only if you're a dunce who can't tell the difference between promiscuous sex and marriage
>no officer it wasn't grooming as I intended to marry her
Fuck the police and the defenders of the law
>>202514 I can only trust myself, but also this is two young people having sex because friction feels good which might result in an unwanted baby, while I'd only have sex with someone I'd want a baby with. >>202515 tbh >>202516 well no officer would be involved as I am only doing what is legal
>>202519 >grooming a minor >legal
>police >defenders of the law this nigga serious?
>>202520 I only call it grooming because it's a funny word and it tickles people on here. And she is 18
>>202521 Yes lad, the law is the issue. The police are enforcers but the law is what determines the majority of things from sentencing right down to whom it is valuable to arrest. The law spits on white Christian men, I spit right back.
>>202522 you were literally grooming a minor
>>202524 Oh right, yeah I was talking with a minor before which is also legal, but this is a new one
>le minor can you be any more of a faggot
>ahaha grooming is just a funny word!!
>just talking with her
>>202527 tbh keeeeeeek
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>>202515 >Only if you're a dunce oh
>>202530 *stands by it*
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>>202519 > might result in an unwanted baby lad, we want as many huwhite babies as possible
https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/17631295/school-bans-meat-vegetarian-packed-lunches/ >While the school claims it has hasn't received any complaints about its meals, Facebook is full of unhappy parents. >Mum Zoe Douglas is so seething at the situation she is even trying to transfer her children to a different school. >Another parent, who wished to remain anonymous, said: "I take it these children will never have a Christmas lunch ever again in school, something that's happened for decades and all of them look forward to." >Some locals are particularly annoyed as the school, rated "good" by Ofsted, is on the outskirts of a rural area with farming at its core. >Livestock buyer Alex Nutter said: "We have absolutely no hope of teaching the younger generation about our food production when primary schools are teaching them to be ‘meat free’."
>>202535 based
>>202533 keeeeeek.God. She'd be the 4th single mummy in a row
Imagine thinking I'm somehow a baddie, being honest and following the law
>>202532 About time.
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>>202530 >Stan Keeeeeeek
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>202522 >funny >QUICK DO A FUNNY, FARTY MARTY >…what you're just gonna stand there awkwardly with a fake smile on your face? >No funny?? That's a cringe and a yikes from me, nønce
>>202540 keeeeeeeeeek
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Saving the white race is a thankless job
What Mr. Incredible meme?
shows how much I pay attention anymore tbh.
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Jordan Peterson is cross!
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>>202548 So green, it burns my eyes.
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>4chan keep spamming about ukranian refugees fuck off. Are these bots or what?
>>202552 Why are you browsing 4cuck?
>>202553 for content
are the niggerinos still kneeling for the footy?
Liz Truss and Gehenna Davidson are truly the future of the Tory party.
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KEEEEEEEEEEEEK redditer steals flag from truckers then immediately breaks his own ankle and starts crying as he's arrested https://youtube.com/watch?v=Imei02XrfT4
>>202407 azov bros... you died for this
https://youtu.be/8ywoZUVKGHA shitagain chud truckers joining leaf truckers blocking one of the lake bridges
>>202562 man that's pretty bad, so bad that you shouldn't have these things at all if you're based in any way
>>202564 tbh owning machine guns is a meme even sometimes I think my mini 14 is overkill but at least it has better utility for self defense than even a shotgun. there is no reason to even own a machine gun because the amount of ammo that MG teams use is not applicable to individual citizens also it will never be used for self defense
>>202564 think mike told his listeners before not to get to into gun stuff in shartica because their government uses it all the time to lock up good lads
>>202565 tbh but that way of thinking ends up with them taking water pistols away from you
>>202567 tbh yeah I mainly own my firearms simply because the act of owning them owns the jews and antiwhite faggots
>>202567 How so?
went and stood at the bus stop for half an hour waiting for it to come and it never did and before being able to get home and phone the boomers to say I couldn't come to snunday sninner the annoying wine aunt waylaid me and me and made me do tech support for her amazon spy device and sit around in her filthy ciggie ash and smoke covered living room while she chain smoked and now I am covered in the smell and I hate it and I hate her >>202562 >podcaster can't lend legitimacy to his party can they smh
and there's no food in the house bar crackers and cheese and I froze my lamb stew because I was expecting snunday sninner and all the non-wog owned takeaways and shops are shut
>>202572 belter
>>202572 >>202573 it's still the fife and drum one for me tbh
at least Mike having legal troubles will give us some e-celeb content I guess
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>>202571 >Made me do tech support You're quite good with computers aren't you? Can you give me a hand with this,it's saying I've got an email from a Nigerian prince and I'm not sure if there's a catch
>>202576 keeeek almost literally still forced me to waste half an hour fucking with manuals and google searches and shit and I couldn't solve the problem because I had no familiarity with any of the devices (shartphone, alexa spy, winsharts 12 or whatever the fuck pad)
>>202572 i miss him
>>202578 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek I miss him so much he needed help
>>202551 new it.
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>>202581 keeeek terry was a genius and he went a little mad but alot of what he was saying was true in that sort of way that crazy people seem to have a direct line with god or something. he wasn't any more racist than the random insane shitskins living in the west like that crazy nigger who knifed that little girl in UK or threw that scottish girl off the cliff. if anything terry was connected to the super soul or something and its telling whitoids to throw the poopies out our lands
>this thread based
soon lads
>>202578 >called out as skinhead >immediately owns it keeeeeeeek
>>202585 god I hope so
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>>202586 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>202586 Smh I never knew him
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>>202595 keeeek the ones where he just went into shart marts and started calling people cia niggers were some of the best
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>>202598 enlightenment DESTROYED
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smh you really can see his health declining when he became homeless >>202595 >4th webm
>>202599 keeeek you can tell that made his day
>that time he met the hooker and banged her in his van
>>202601 Did they kick him out for being a skinhead?
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>>202562 >>202564 >>202570 what makes you say that it's Mike Enoch that got arrested the names mentioned in the article are Joseph Paul Berger and his father, Joseph Raymond Berger
>>202606 I was lying for (You)s
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>>202607 you idiot you are spreading misinformation
>>202605 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>202606 >actually clicking on links
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>>202606 Oh I just assumed that was his real name
ban that lad
>Ukies might be breaking the Minsk Agreement Just shoot at the Russians already.
Goodbye Ukraine.
It's still a nothingburger
morning lads

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